The Calling v o l u m e
In this issue: How to Write a Resolution - Info on submitting a resolution to the TMA House
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Drs. William Abramovits and Lindsey Haley discuss an iPhone app at the DCMS Networking Social on Feb. 9.
Dallas County Medical Society PO Box 4680, Dallas, TX 75208-0680 Phone: 214-948-3622, FAX: 214-946-5805 Email:
DCMS Communications Committee Roger S. Khetan, MD.............................................. Chair Robert Beard, MD Gene Beisert, MD Suzanne Corrigan, MD Seemal R. Desai, MD Gary Goldsmith, MD Veronica Hegar-Gonzalez, MD Daniel Goodenberger, MD Gordon Green, MD Steven R. Hays, MD C. Turner Lewis, MD David Scott Miller, MD
Pr e s i de nt’s Pa ge The Calling
47 DCMS Board of Directors Richard W. Snyder II, MD.................................. President Cynthia Sherry, MD..................................President-Elect Jeffrey E. Janis, MD..........................Secretary/Treasurer Shelton G. Hopkins, MD.......... Immediate Past President Mark A. Casanova, MD Wendy Chung, MD R. Garret Cynar, MD Sarah L. Helfand, MD Michael R. Hicks, MD Rainer A. Khetan, MD Todd A. Pollock, MD Kim Rice, MD Christian Royer, MD
DCMS Staff
What’s on Your Mi nd? How to Write a Resolution for the
TMA House of Delegates
Congratul ati ons to Nor th T exa s R E C
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Michael J. Darrouzet................... Chief Executive Officer Lauren N. Cowling................................ Managing Editor Mary Katherine Allen........................... Advertising Sales Articles represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the Dallas County Medical Society or the institution with which the author is affiliated. Advertisements do not imply sponsorship by or endorsement of DCMS. ©2012 DCMS
According to Tex. Gov’t. Code Ann. §305.027, all articles in Dallas Medical Journal that mention DCMS’ stance on state legislation are defined as “legislative advertising.” The law requires disclosure of the name and address of the person who contracts with the printer to publish legislative advertising in the DMJ: Michael J. Darrouzet, Executive Vice President/CEO, DCMS, PO Box 4680, Dallas, TX 75208-0680.
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He l p i n Mi s s i on F i e l ds of Da l l as Medical Missions Day on April 21
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T ha nk You! To Physicians Who
Volunteered with Project Access Dallas
Dallas Medical Journal (ISSN 0011-586X) is published monthly by the Dallas County Medical Society, 140 E. 12th St, Dallas, TX 75203.
Subscription rates $12 per year for members; $36, nonmembers; $50, overseas. Periodicals postage paid at Dallas, TX 75260.
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submit letters to the editor to lauren@dallas-cms. org visit us online at • March 2012 •
We relentlessly defend, protect, and reward the practice of good medicine.
President’s Page The Calling I frequently engage in conversation with my colleagues in the doctors’ lounge about various and sundry topics. One recurring subject to which I have taken exception is the claim by some of the older physicians (we’ll refer to them as elder statesmen as opposed to silver-backs) that this generation of doctors coming out of training is somehow different. These elder statesmen assert that this new breed, Generation Y, doesn’t have the right stuff. They insist that the new kids on the block don’t have “The Calling” that the rest of us do. These millennials don’t have the overwhelming drive, determination and desire to serve and sacrifice at the temple of medicine that called the previous generations to enter the profession. To these elder statesmen, The Calling should be a transcendental devotion that supersedes every other priority. As it was during their training — It should be the Be All and End All — the raison d’être. The way some of them describe it, medicine sounds almost like a cult. When I interviewed for medical school, a key selling point of some institutions was their fairly high divorce rate. They spoke about this with pride. One institution boasted a student divorce rate of more than 75 percent. Many lament this loss of the good ol’ days when medical training required medical students and residents to spend superhuman time in the hospital without sleep and then, like zealots, ask for more. (After an all-nighter, perhaps the term “zombie” would be more appropriate.) Laws now prohibit such practice. Students had to perform at a high level even when nearly catatonic from sleep deprivation. They were in the medical trenches of an ongoing war with disease, and the words “exhaustion” or “illness” did not apply. A line from the movie “Patton” comes to mind: “There will be no battle fatigue in my army!” Somehow, we students were magically immune. Training represented almost a medical version of Navy Seal training, but over several years. We were pushed to the limits of our emotional, physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities and then beyond. Thirty-six hours of uninterrupted clinical duties every third night was the norm. I did not have a day off for the first 6 months as an intern. I recall the chairman of medicine at UT Southwestern proclaiming that the main problem with the every-third-night call system was that students missed out on two thirds of the admissions. The thoracic surgery program in Houston required that a med student literally be a “resident” without leaving the immediate confines of the ICU for 2 solid months. My favorite was the advanced surgical training program at Duke under Dr. David Sabiston. It affectionately was known as “a decade with Dave.” This ordeal helped weed out those who were not among the zealous and didn’t have this all-encompassing priority. For the privilege of following The Calling, many will accumulate debt of up to $250,000. All the while, any life outside the hospital is to be sacrificed. That could mean delaying relationships, family or children, or abandoning them altogether. The Calling embodied our medical culture and was the price to be paid to enter the club that is the medical profession. But we as physicians and educators know better. We know intuitively and now scientifically that learning is not effective when the student is sleep deprived and exhausted. We tell our patients to get enough sleep, rest and balance between work and life. It is becoming increasingly apparent that stress and sleep deprivation have profound and complex effects on physical and emotional health. Despite this recognition, the notion of the necessity of The Calling and of a training ordeal is so embedded in the medical establishment that many medical institutions only reluctantly accepted new workhour limits on medical students and residents back in 2003. There is still the perception that physicians must be above it all; our Calling does not allow us the same human weaknesses as our patients. Some believe that this
demanding, regimented training is necessary to prepare the faithful for their professional lives as physicians. It is meant to toughen up the youngsters. When training is completed, these new professionals are expected to assume a lifestyle reflective of their training, far outside the norms of our society or of some other cultures. When I did a neurology rotation in London, the professor looked at me as if I were crazy when I sheepishly asked if I should show up for rounds at what I thought was the excessively comfortable time of 7 a.m. Their norm was 9 a.m., with a 10:45 a.m. break for tea. Throughout their careers, medical professionals must be able to work long hours, and perform at a high level and with fatigue and exhaustion. They must have their priorities in order: their professional life is No. 1; everything else is a distant second. This is an expectation not only of our elder colleagues, but of society in general. Admittedly, professionalism comparisons between the generations are almost a contact sport (“In my day we had to walk to the hospital in 3 feet of snow for 4 miles”). But many believe that Gen Y is different. Part of this difference may be explained by the weekly work-hour limits imposed on residents, but some also have viewed them as unmotivated, lazy and selfish. A friend of mine calls them the “participation trophy generation” because their parents lavished them with praise and rewards, and told them they were special and were winners simply for participating. Many elder statesmen question Gen Y’s professionalism and commitment to The Calling. My colleagues bemoan that these young doctors don’t want to work in the way the previous generation is accustomed. Indeed, younger, nonresident physicians are working 7.4 percent less than their senior partners did at a similar stage in their careers. The elder statesmen cannot grasp why the Gen Y’s don’t enthusiastically want to participate in 50- to 70 hour work weeks, topped off with frequent after-hour, weekend and holiday call. They cannot understand a mind-set where the profession isn’t always the priority. The millennials counter that, for them, work doesn’t come first. They want work-life balance. They prioritize their personal lives more equally with their professional endeavors. Sociologists tell us that the Gen Y’s do not look at an organization to see how they will fit into it, but rather, how that organization will fit into their lives. Two prominent ways one is “compensated” by a career are by money and time. For most occupations these two facets are inversely proportionate. As I’ve heard many times, it is important to make a living, but more important to make a life. Many of the Gen Y’s forgo monetary satisfaction in favor of lifestyle. Time with family is a priority; they have not relegated it to second place as our generation of doctors did. I recently passed 50, and my youngest of five children is in eighth grade. I’m beginning to take stock of all the missed soccer games and recitals, family dinners and Boy Scout meetings that are lost forever. Regret can be powerful. The desire for a more reasonable balance is echoed by many who witnessed the consequences of long work hours at the cost of family time, year after year, by the previous generations. The medical profession is experiencing increasing burnout that prematurely ends careers. We all are aware of the declining professional satisfaction among our colleagues and how a minority of physicians recommend medicine as a career for their children. I am a perfect 0–5 with my genetic progeny who have expressed interest in the medical field. My kids get a double dose of the physician lifestyle because my wife and I both are cardiologists. A greater balance between work and lifestyle for physicians is healthier, would make a career in medicine more attractive, and would extend careers, but also would make physicians more effective healthcare providers. I disagree with my elder statesmen colleagues who assert that this new generation of physicians does not have the The Calling to the profession. They do — they just also have heard The Calling to their spouse, children and family … and, just as importantly, to themselves. And for that they should not have to apologize to anyone! I think the Gen Y’s have it right. My generation of medical professionals can learn from the new kids on the block.
Richard W. Snyder II, MD
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Thanks to DCMS members Sarah Helfand, MD Tya-Mae Julien, MD Brenda Mears, MD for acting as judges during the Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair at Fair Park, on Sat., Feb. 25.
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Legal Services Michael H. Saks*……Wright, Ginsberg, Brusilow, PC 972.788.1600……
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Marketing / Public Relations Barbara Steckler……Concepts in Medical Marketing 972.490.7636…… Medical Malpractice / Commercial Insurance James Patterson, CIC, AAI……Agapé Healthcare Partners Metro 817.329.4200…… OSHA Compliance Jessica James 469.360.1367…… Personnel Recruitment Jan Harris, CPC……J. Harris Co. Personnel Services Inc. 214.369.9545…… Practice Management / Billing / Consulting David Loomis……The Health Group 972.792.5700…… Promotional Products / Wearables / Filing Systems Nance Lindstrom……Safeguard Business Systems & Promotional Products 972.596.8282…… Real Estate (Commercial) M.W. (Hugh) Resnick……Pizel & Assoc. Commercial Real Estate 972.404.0008…… Telecommunications Charlie Hubbard, PMP……HUBCO Communications, Inc. 469.293.3081……
The professionals behind the professionals for over 19 y ears
What’s On Your mind?
Wr it i n g a Re s o lu t io n f o r t h e TM A Hou se of D elega tes Physicians have until March 23 to write a resolution for the TMA House of Delegates to consider at its annual meeting in May in Dallas. The Dallas delegation to the TMA will meet to consider the resolutions on April 26. For assistance in writing a resolution, contact Tracy Casto, DCMS director of public affairs and advocacy, at tracy@ or 214.413.1427. A delegate or alternate delegate can introduce an idea or a change to TMA policy at the DCMS delegation meeting. If the delegation agrees with the recommendations, the delegate or alternate delegate will present them as a resolution from the county society at the May 18-19 TMA House of Delegates meeting. An alternate delegate may present and speak to the resolution at reference committee hearings but cannot speak on the floor of the house unless he or she is credentialed as a delegate. If the resolution sponsor is an alternate delegate and if the caucus decides not to take the resolution to TMA, the alternate delegate must persuade a voting member (delegate or voting ex officio) or a section to submit it. Although resolutions may deal with complex issues, most originate when a TMA member recognizes a problem and offers a solution. Resolutions are structured to express the background of the problem in “whereas” clauses, and to specify a specific position or course of action in one or more “resolved” statement(s). Before you start writing, make sure your proposal offers a new or different idea. Review TMA’s Policy Compendium and AMA’s Policy Compendium, if AMA action is requested, to determine whether policy already exists. Resolutions calling for policy/action similar to what exists stand little chance of adoption. Cite relevant TMA policy to facilitate independent review by delegates of pending resolutions. If the resolution asks for action at the AMA level, relevant AMA policy must be included. To search for relevant TMA policy, go to; it will take you to a search engine for policy. To search for relevant AMA policy, go to and type “policyfinder” in the search box. To ensure that your resolution has the best chance of adoption, consider the following: • Title— Make sure the resolution title reflects the action for which the resolution calls. • Author— Indicate whether you, as an individual voting member, or your county society is submitting the resolution. • Clarity— Make sure the “Whereas” statements in the resolution clearly define the need for the action you are seeking in the “Resolved” statement. The quality of your “Whereas” clauses can determine whether a resolution passes. • C ompleteness— Because the House adopts only the “Resolved” portion of the resolution and only the “resolved” statements become association policy statements or directives, each “Resolved” statement must be a definitive statement that can stand alone. Too many “Resolved” clauses may cause a resolution to be referred or defeated. • Fiscal note— Include a fiscal note when appropriate; TMA staff can help you develop fiscal information. If a resolution requires funds that are not included in the current year’s TMA budget, the TMA staff will add a fiscal note indicating the financial implications of the recommendations in the resolution.
Example of a resolution: Subject: Health Savings Accounts for Medicare Beneficiaries Introduced by: Dallas County Medical Society Referred to: (Speaker and vice speaker will refer to a reference committee) Whereas, Medicare beneficiaries have large deductibles and copayments; and Whereas, Medicare often does not pay for medical expenses for uncovered medications, durable medical equipment or services; and Whereas, Medicare funding likely will be reduced by trillions of dollars over the next two decades; and Whereas, Medicare beneficiaries face large and increasing medical expenses that Medicare will not pay; therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Texas Medical Association adopt as policy that Medicare beneficiaries be permitted to make tax-free contributions to health savings accounts; and be it further RESOLVED, That TMA urges Congress to change federal laws to permit Medicare beneficiaries to make tax-free contributions to health savings accounts; and be it further RESOLVED, That our Texas Delegation to the American Medical Association take this resolution to the AMA House of Delegates for consideration. Relevant TMA Policy: 120.001 Health Care Reform: The Texas Medical Association voted to weigh heavily in its evaluation of healthcare reform proposals the following concepts: • E stablish tax credits for deposits to individual Health Savings Accounts from which individuals would use their own money to pay small medical expenses without penalty; • Allow private insurers to repackage Medicare benefits and establish diverse policies tailored to the different needs of Medicare beneficiaries; • Give the elderly and future elderly and their employers tax incentives to self- insure through Health Savings Accounts. Relevant AMA Policy: H-330.912 Appropriate Medical Coverage for Medicare Beneficiaries: Our AMA will continue to stress that regulations should move in the direction of free market choice of plans. (BOT Rep. 16, A-99; reaffirmed CMS Rep. 5, A-09)
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join the discussion TMA’s new Me and My Doctor blog is a place where you and your patients can have a candid and honest discussion about today’s health care issues.
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TMA’s new Me and My Doctor blog is a place where you and your patients can have a candid TMA’s Premier Educational Showcase and Expo for Texas Physicians and Medical Students and honest discussion about today’s health care Make Bigissues. D your destination May 18-19 for FREE Big in size, Dallas is also big at heart, a city that loves CME, networking with colleagues, and discovering business solutions for your practice in the Expo Hall. Highlights of TexMed 2012 include General Session speaker Dr. Anna Pou, TEXPAC’s 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner, TMA Foundation’s Gala, and a 1 Sign up to receive news book signing with TMA’s 2012 Distinguished Service items from the blog. Award Winner, Dr. Virginia Connally.
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TexMed 3 2012 May 18-19 Dallas
to have fun. You’ll want to plan for a few extra days to stay and see the sights. Bring your family and enjoy dining and shopping in the numerous neighborhoods just a few blocks from the Sheraton Dallas or a quick ride on the DART. Deep Ellum, Galleria, The Arboretum, and a Rangers game are just a few of the options for a fabulous weekend in Big D!
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4 8 • March 2012 • Dallas Medical Journal
2/9/12 12:01 PM
Congratulations to North Texas REC! Congratulations to the North Texas Regional Extension Center for achieving 100 percent of its enrollment goal of 1,498 primary care physicians. All four of the Texas RECs must meet an enrollment milestone to continue their important work of helping physicians with their practice technology needs. North Texas REC is the first Texas REC to meet this important goal. That means the first round of federal grant payments to North Texas REC are now completed. However, the REC can earn additional grant payments for helping physicians implement an electronic medical record system and attain meaningful use. What does that mean for Texas physicians? Physicians in the North Texas REC service area may still enroll to receive the services. The enrollment fee for primary care physicians is now $600 (previously $300). Although specialists are not eligible for the federally subsidized services, they also may enroll in North Texas REC for $600 and get a quote based on their practice needs. Physicians in the service area for the other Texas RECs should quickly enroll before those RECs reach their milestones—and they are getting close! Once a REC reaches its target, enrollment options and pricing may change. In some cases, the increase may be significant because the federal grant funds will have expired. TMA recognizes the value the RECs bring to Texas physicians and encourages enrollment. For eligibility details and contact information, visit For questions related to the RECs and health information technology, call TMA at 880.880.5720 or e-mail
Texans Tops in Meaningful Use Texas has more physicians meeting the federal meaningful use criteria in adopting electronic health records than does any other state, according to an analysis of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services data by the Institute for Health Technology Transformation. The institute said 1,761 Texas physicians had attested to meeting meaningful use criteria in 2011. Ohio was second with 1,653, Illinois third at 1,533, Pennsylvania fourth at 1,450, and Florida fifth at 1,387. The full report is available by calling 720.539.1285 or e-mailing The meaningful use criteria are among 25 measures mandated by the government. Physicians must meet 20 of them to be eligible for EHR incentives paid by either Medicare or Medicaid. The criteria are designed to meet various goals to improve the quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare delivery. Meanwhile, physicians have until March 30 to appeal denial of payments under the meaningful use program. For more information on how to file an appeal, call 855.796.1515 toll free between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday or e-mail
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The Retired Physicians Club
RPC President Nancy Hitzfelder, MD, and speaker Jeffrey Black, MD
Drs. Wayne Gossard, Hodgie Henderson, Charles Tandy, and Leon Lind
Jeffrey Black, MD, presents, “Dyslexia at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children: Past, Present and Future” on Jan. 18
contributes to increased transmission of HIV. People who don’t know about their HIV infection are more likely to transmit it to others. Learn more at
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• March 2012 • Dallas Medical Journal
8/28/11 7:02:05 AM
Drs. Kenny Carter, Victor Gonzalez, Nabeel Farah, Rick Snyder, and Eduardo Sanchez
Drs. Meredith Abbott, Lindsey Haley, Carl Haley, and Geetanjali Srivastava
networking social M or e t h a n 45 D CM S m em bers j oi ned thei r col l eague s a nd DCMS Ci rcl e o f F r ie n ds m e mb ers for a Netw o rki ng S oci al a t C anti na La r e do i n La k ew o o d o n F e b 9. B u sin ess c ard s w ere excha nge d and gr e at conta cts we re m ade.
Nasataran Safdarian, MD, and DCMS Circle of Friends Member Dan Duffee
Drs. Wendy Parnell and Dornechia Carter
Drs. Winfred Parnell and Rick Snyder
Drs. Anil Pinto and Haroon Rasheed
visit us online at • March 2012 •
TMA Insurance Trust Texas Medical Liability Trust
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Help in the mission fields of Dallas
If you’ve considered volunteering but aren’t sure what to expect or what will be expected of you, Medical Missions Day is for you! You’ll get a taste of mission work, without pressure to volunteer beyond the 1-day event. Dallas physicians may be surprised to learn that they can do important medical mission work right here in Dallas County, treating patients who are in dire need of medical attention. Rather than spending time on passports, planning and packing for a weeks-long trip, we ask you to give up just one Saturday morning to work in Dallas’ “mission fields.” The goal of the event is to show physicians the volunteer opportunities available in the community, while making a difference in the lives of patients they see at the clinics. For many patients, a charity medical clinic is the only place they can obtain medical treatment. Physicians can serve a 2- or 4-hour shift at selected charity medical clinics from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 21. We make it easy — just show up at the clinic and see the patients we’ve scheduled for you. Charity medical clinics in the Dallas area see increased numbers of patients each year, but that’s just a fraction of the more than 700,000 uninsured people in Dallas County. The clinics are vital to keeping uninsured patients out of ERs for their routine medical care. While the national debate continues over caring for the uninsured population, more than 40 Metroplex charity medical clinics are working with bare-bones budgets to care for patients who have lost all hope of improving their health. If you’d like to provide basic medical care and can give up a Saturday morning, please complete the form on this page and fax it to 214.941.3351. If you have questions, contact Marilyn Haspany, Project Access Dallas physician network director, at 214.413.1455 or After you have signed up, we’ll contact you or your staff and provide more details. The project is organized by DCMS, working with the North Texas Association of Charitable Clinics.
Yes! I’d like to volunteer at Medical Missions Day! Name Address Phone
Please mark the shift(s) you can work: Sign me up for all 4 hours. 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. 11a.m. – 1 p.m.
Please fax to 214.941.3351
Dennis Abbas, MD Mina Abbassi-Ghanavati, MD Robert Abbate, DO Abier Abdelnaby, MD Ramzi Abdulrahman, MD Shawn Abel, MD Osama Aboul Fettouh, MD Reeni Abraham, MD Muhanned Abu-Hijleh, MD Jose Aceves, MD Ashish Acharya, MD Gary Ackerman, MD Heather Adair, MD Jeffry Adcock, MD Tayo Addo, MD Adebola Adesanya, MD Soumya Adhikari, MD Carl Adkins, MD Nidhi Agarwal, MD Nalini Aggarwal, MD Raymon Aggarwal, MD Mark Agostini, MD Deepak Agrawal, MD Marco Aguirre, MD Vincent Aguirre, MD Ammar Ahmed, MD Tasneem Ahmed, DO Mahmood Akhavi, MD Mahmood Alasmi, MD Ford Albritton IV, MD
Kristine Appel, MD Victor Aquino, MD Farshid Araghizadeh, MD Rebecca Arant, MD Carlos Arauz-Pacheco, MD Arnaldo Arbini, MD Ryan Archie, MD Juan Arenas, MD Keith Argenbright, MD Frank Arko III, MD Susan Arnold, MD Brett Arnoldo, MD Gaurav Arora, MD Yull Arriaga, MD Sami Arslanlar, MD Vijayasree Arvind, MD Jorge Arzac, MD Steven Arze, MD Thaddeus Ashmore, MD Carolyn Ashworth, MD Massimo Asolati, MD Manish Assar, MD Alireza Atef-Zafarmand, MD James Atkins, MD Frederick Atkinson Jr., MD Eric Aubel, MD Richard Auchus, MD, PHD David Auerbach, MD Sherrill Auman Jr., MD Jeffrey Austin, MD
Brad Barth, MD Amy Barton, MD Theresa Barton, MD Renuka Basavaraju, MD Robert Bash Jr., MD Katrina Bassel, MD Paul Bassel, MD Angela Bates, MD Sukhpreet (Pete) Batra, MD Richard Batz Jr., MD Michel Baum, MD Barbara Baxter, MD Swathi Bayya, MD Laura Beard, MD Robert Beard, MD Cynthia Beauchamp, MD Anthony Beaverson, MD Christopher Becker, MD Philip Becker, MD Grant Beckham, MD Marian Bednar, MD Sara Beers, MD Joseph Behan, MD Leonard Behr, MD Peter Beitsch, MD Melody Bellinghausen, DO Nicholaos Bellos, MD Elie Benaim, MD Fernando Benitez, MD Jerry Bennett, MD
Bruce Blome, MD Preston Blomquist, MD Steven Bloom, MD Richard Bluestein, MD Sarah Blumenschein, MD Ruth Boe, MD Tiffany Bogan, MD Michael Bolesta, MD David Boltan, MD Lindsay Boltan, MD David Bond, MD Jeffrey Bong, DO Frederick Bonte, MD David Bookout, MD William Boone Jr., DO Timothy Booth, MD Sita Boppana, MD Muriel Boreham, MD Todd Boren, MD Joseph Borrelli Jr., MD Christina Bourland, MD W. Bourland Jr., MD Cindy Bowens, MD Daniel Bowers, MD C. Bradley Bowman, MD R. Wayne Bowman, MD Jessamy Boyd, MD Katherine Boyd, DO Katrina Bradford, MD Karen Bradshaw, MD
Morris Bryant, MD Richard Buch, MD George Buchanan, MD Robert Bucholz, MD Nitin Budhwar, MD Scott Bundy, MD Liza Bunting, MD Stephen Burgher Sr., MD Wayne Burkhead Jr., MD Sudeep Burman, MD James Burner, MD Karen Burnett, MD A. Jay Burns, MD Debra Burns, MD Dennis Burns, MD Erza Burstein, MD Erik Burton, MD Matthew Bush, MD Nicol Bush, MD Jason Busigo, MD Lawrence Butcher, MD Jeffery Butterfield, MD Stephanie Byerly, MD Samuel Cade Jr., MD Jeffrey Cadeddu, MD Nina Cahan, MD William Caire, MD Ron Calhoun, MD Craig Callewart, MD William Calley, MD
Project Access Dallas thanks our physicians for volunteering their time and their talent to serve the medical needs of the working-poor in Dallas County. Rahel Alemu, MD Drew Alexander, MD James Alexander, MD Preston Alexander, MD Deeba Ali, MD Farida Ali, MD Malik Ali, DO Amina Allaudin, MD Henry Allen, MD Kimulique Allen, MD Marcus Allen, MD Victor Allen, MD Michael Allison, MD Saleh Alqahtani, MD Michael Alvares, MD Rebeca Alvarez, MD Wassila Amari, MD James Amatruda, MD Rajiv Anand, MD John Andersen, MD Robert Andersen, MD Amy Anderson, MD Carol Anderson, MD Larry Anderson, MD Matthew Anderson, MD Paul Anderson, MD Richard Anderson, MD Robert Anderson, MD Ron Anderson, MD J. Valerie Andrews, MD Thomas Andrews, MD Oscar Andujo, MD Mohammad Ansari, MD Thomas Anthony, MD Madeline Aponte Lopez, MD
Raphael Aybar, MD Stephanie Aymond, MD Bilal Aziz, MD Namrata Babaria, MD Robert Bachoo, MD Susan Bacsik, DO Mohamed Badawy, MD John Bagwell, MD Donna Bailey, MD Mark Bailey, MD Ralph Baine, MD Christopher Baird, MD Douglas Baker, MD Jonathan Baker, MD Karen Baker, MD Linda Baker, MD Mark Baker Sr., MD Jyoti Balani, MD Glen Balch, MD Sunil Balgobin, MD David Balis, MD Tom Ballard, OD Carmen Ballestas, MD Pooja Banerjee, MD Rahul Banerjee, MD Subhash Banerjee, MD Matthew Banks, MD Bharati Bansal, MD Catherine Barden, MD Aliessa Barnes, MD Duane Barnett, MD Samuel Barnett, MD Patrick Barr, MD Richard Barrera, MD Deno Barroga, MD
John Benson, DO Arthur Benzick, MD Rafic Berbarie, MD Patricia Bergen, MD Paul Bergstresser, MD Alan Berk, MD Christopher Berry, MD Jarett Berry, MD Joseph Beshay, MD Victor Beshay, MD Eric Beshires, MD Sara Best, MD Brian Bethea, MD Christopher Bettacchi, MD Chester Beyer Jr., MD Kamal Bharucha, MD Shubha Bhat, MD Kavita Bhavan, MD Ravi Bhoja, MD Michael Biavati, MD Ashkan Bidgoli, DO Shaad Bidiwala, MD Samuel Bierner, MD Amby Bindra, MD John Birch, MD J. Andrew Bird, MD Kristen Bishop, MD Christopher Black, MD Michael Black, MD Katherine Blakeley, MD Catherine Blakeney, MD Shannon Blalock, MD April Bleich, MD Sheldon Blend, MD Christopher Blewett, MD
• March 2012 • Dallas Medical Journal
Wesley Brady, MD David Bragg, MD Dan Brajtbord, MD Anne Brancaccio, MD Timothy Brannon, MD Steven Bray, MD Amy Brenski, MD Peter Bressler, MD Cecelia Brewington, MD M. Brickner, MD Emmanouil Brilakis, MD Luc Brion, MD Ronald Bristow, MD Craig Brockman, MD Jenifer Broderick-Thomas, MD A. Compton Broders III, MD Alan Brodsky, MD Greta Brodsky, MD John Brooks, MD Alison Brooks Heinzman, MD Donald Brotherman, MD Herschel Brown, MD Kathryn Brown, MD Kendall Brown, MD Marc Brown, MD Randal Brown, MD Jeffrey Browning, MD Travis Browning, MD Rebecca Broyles, MD Robert Bruce, MD William Bruck, MD Anton Brucks, MD Brian Bruel, MD James Brugarolas, MD David Bryant, DO
Lauri Campagna, MD Rafael Canadas-Zizzias, MD Daniel Canchola, MD Stephen Cannon, MD Carolyn Cannon-Mccullough, MD Myrna Carag-West, MD Ted Carelock, MD Michael Carley, MD Mary Carlile, MD Mary Carlin, MD Kendall Carll, MD Angela Carollo, MD Troy Caron, DO Bruce Carr, MD Kelley Carrick, MD J. Mitchell Carroll, MD Gregory Carter, MD Michela Caruso, MD Paul Cary, MD Mark Casanova, MD Kristen Casenave, MD Brian Casey, MD Lisa Casey, MD Harvey Castro, MD Wanda Castro-Borrero, MD Travis Caudill, MD William Caudill, MD Mary Ellen Cavalier, MD H. Dwight Cavanagh, MD, PHD Dominick Cavuoti, DO Evangeline Cayton, MD Elizabeth Chacko, DO Mandeep Chadha, MD Lina Chalak, MD Julie Champine, MD
Danny Chan, MD Teresa Chan, MD Becky Chandler, MD Preston, Chandler, MD Deborah Chan-Fung, MD Alice Chang, MD Charles Chang, MD Shelly-Ann Chang, MD Nandini Channabasappa, MD Samuel Chao, MD Huntly Chapman, MD James Chapman, MD Tenesha Chappell, MD Nalinda Charnsangavej, MD Jayshri Chasmawala, DO David Chason, MD Shailendra Chavda, MD Don Cheatum, MD Lakshmi Chekuri, MD Clifford Chen, MD Edward Chen, MD Kenneth Chen, MD Richard Chen, MD Weina Chen, MD Jonathan Cheng, MD Matthew Cherno, MD Edson Cheung, MD Cynthia Chi, MD Hsi Chiao, MD Kelly Chin, MD Shilpa Chitnis, MD Hsienchang Chiu, MD Kwok Chiu, MD Henry Choi, MD Benjamin Chong, MD Deborah Chong, MD Tae Chong, MD Ramsey Choucair, MD Sultan Chowdhary, MD Hak Choy, MD Margaret Christensen, MD Wendy Chuang, MD Christopher Chumley, MD Charles Chung, MD Paul Chung, MD Wendy Chung, MD Joel Ciarochi, MD Chris Clark, MD Gregory Clark, MD James Clark III, MD Leslie Cler, MD R. Click Jr., MD Jenny Clifford, MD Clay Cockerell, MD Amy Coffey, MD Stewart Coffman, MD Jack Cohen, DO Steven Cohen, MD Evan Cohn, MD Richard Coker, MD Jayne Coleman, MD Laura Collins, MD Robert Collins Jr., MD Leesa Condry, MD Nicole Conselman, MD Charles Cook, MD H. David Cook, MD Daniel Cooper, MD Sandy Cope-Yokoyama, MD Lawson Copley, MD Marco Coppola, DO Scott Corcoran, MD Cindy Corpier, MD Marlene Corton, MD Robert Coscia, MD Carl Couch, MD Ardith Courtney, DO James Cox, MD Jennifer Cox, MD John Cox, DO Matthew Cox, MD Rody Cox, MD Margaret Craig, MD Laura Craigmiles, DO Shelley Crary, MD Randall Crim, MD Carol Croft, MD Michael Cronholm, MD
Uel Crosby, MD Samuel Crowley, MD Ponciano Cruz Jr., MD Norma Cump, MD Anna Curry, MD George Curry, MD Thomas Curry III, MD Amy Curtis, MD Jennifer Cuthbert, MD R. Garret Cynar, MD Hemant Dand, MD James Daniels, MD Carl Danzig, MD Tuoc Dao, MD David Darrigan, DO Sandeep Das, MD Shounak Das, MD Neeraja Dasari, MD Jodi Dashe, MD Pramesh Dave, MD Owen Davenport, MD Ingemar Davidson, MD Laura Davidson, MD Dan Davis, MD Jeffrey Davis, MD Sarah Davis, MD Michael Day, MD Armando De Fex, MD M. Teresa De La Morena, MD James De Lemos, MD Guillermo De Leon, MD Jean De Leon, MD Oscar De Leon, MD Humberto De Los Santos, MD Brendan De Marco, MD Luciana De Oliveira, MD Ralph Deberardinis, MD Meelie Debroy, MD Roberto Dela Cruz Jr., MD Kathleen Delaney, MD Suzanne Dellaria, MD William Denam, DO John Denman, MD Jeremy Denning, MD Ira Denton, MD Sanjeevani Deolapure, MD Howard Derrick III, MD Dev Desai, MD Seemal Desai, MD Allan Devilleneuve, MD Britton Devillier, MD Richard Dewey Jr., MD Archana Dhar, MD Chrisette Dharma, MD Shashi Dharma, MD Norman Diamond, MD Thomas Diaz, MD Ramon Diaz-Arrastia, MD Bryan Dickson, MD John Dietschy, MD Roderick Diggs Jr., MD Thomas Diliberti, MD Jeanne Dillenbeck, MD John Dimaio, MD Vasiliki Dimas, MD Robert Dimeff, MD Quynh Chi Dinh, MD James Dirting, MD William Dittman, MD Huy Do, MD Alison Dobbie, MD William Dockery III, MD Elizabeth Dolan, MD Bart Dolmatch, MD Stephen Donica, MD Joan Donley, MD Kevin Doody, MD Linda Douning Olivo, MD Jonathan Dowell, MD Michael Dowling, MD, PHD J. Marcus Downs, MD Jessie Deam Doyal, MD Mark Drazner, MD Molly Droge, MD Rosemary Dubiel, DO Philip Duchamp, MD Suzanne Dugopolski, MD Robert Duhaney, MD
Tara Dullye, MD Barbara Durso, MD Peter Dysert II, MD John Early, MD Alexander Eastman, MD Valentine Ebuh, MD Scott Eckert, MD John Edlin, MD Jennifer Edwards, MD Abram Eisenstein, MD Waleed El-Feky, MD Paul Ellenbogen, MD Jeffrey Elliott, MD Teresa Elliott, MD James Ellis, DO Paul Ellis III, MD Bruce Elliston, MD Alison Elmquist, MD Ahmad Elsharydah, MD Jacqueline Emmons, MD Ronya Emory, MD Graham Emslie, MD William Engle, MD Becky Ennis, MD Kathleen Erdman, MD William Erdman, MD Julian Escobar, MD Roberto Estrada, MD Aaron Estrera, MD Kathryn Eubank, MD David Euhus, MD Rebecca Euwer, MD Carolyn Evans, MD Patricia Evans, MD Rebecca Evans, MD W.P. (Phil) Evans III, MD Walter Evans II, MD David Ewalt, MD Gene Ewing, MD Philip Ewing, MD Maynard Ewton Jr., MD Dennis Factor, MD Warren Fagadau, MD Karana Fairley, MD Xinqing Fan, MD Yijun Fan, MD Xiao-En Fang, MD Yisheng Fang, MD Derek Farley, DO Wayne Farley Jr., DO Susan Favour, MD Michael Fawcett, MD Yomi Fayiga, MD Brian Feagins, MD Trudy Fedorko, DO M. Nicholas Feliciano, MD Kim-Ngan Fellman, MD Mary Beth Felty, MD Sing-Yi Feng, MD Andrew Feranchak, MD Caroline Ferris, MD Joshua Fine, MD Robert Fine, MD Ross Finkelman, MD Maureen Finnegan, MD Jason Fisch, MD Anne Fischer, MD Gary Fish, MD John Fitz, MD John Fitzgerald, MD David Fixler, MD Ari Fleishman, MD Sean Fleming, MD Glenn Flores, MD Robert Foglia, MD Ted Fogwell, MD Yolando Fong, MD Michael Fontes, MD Caryn Michelle Forbes, MD Joseph Forbess, MD Lisa Forbess, MD Kenneth Ford III, MD Steve Fordan, MD E. Nelson Forsyth Jr., MD Jeri Foshee, MD Daniel Foster, MD Steven Foster, MD William Foster, MD
Michelle Fowers, MD Raymond Fowler, MD David Francis, MD Jonathan Franklin, MD Danika Franks, MD Dan French, MD Eugene Frenkel, MD Corinne Fribley, MD Thomas Froehlich, MD Elliot Frohman, MD Steve Frost, MD Laura Frye, MD Julie Fuchs, MD Franklin Fuda II, DO Deborah Fuller, MD Dwain Fuller, MD Clifford Fullerton, MD James Fulmer, MD Vincent Gabriel, MD Melisa Gagrica, MD Alexander Gaidarski, MD Amanda Galloway, MD Shari Gamarnik, MD Vanthaya Gan, MD Christine Garcia, MD Jose Enrique Garcia, MD Joseph Garcia, MD Nilda Garcia, MD Abhimanyu Garg, MD Sandeep Garg, MD Patricio Gargollo, MD Leslie Garner, MD Lisa Garner, MD Christopher Garrison, MD Dan Garwood, MD Aimee Garza, MD Shanna Garza, MD Irina Gasanova, MD Stephen Gasper, MD Jyothsna Gattineni, MD Larry Gentilello, MD Robert Genzel, MD Jim George, MD Thomas Geppert, MD Quin Gerard, MD David Gerber, MD Gary Gerlacher, MD Yonas Getachew, MD Seema Ghaffar, MD Kirat Ghosh, MD Candace Gibbin, MD Rima Gidwani, MD Martin Giesecke, MD Steven Gilbert, MD Joshua Gilchrist, MD James Gill, MD Kevin Gill, MD Alexandra Gillespie, MD Jim Gilmore, MD John Gilmore, MD Nora Gimpel, MD Charles Ginsburg, MD Carlos Girod, MD Donald Glass, MD Robert Glatz, MD Craig Glazer, MD Chris Glover, MD David Godat, MD Kenneth Godsey, MD Anuj Goel, MD Brian Gogel, MD Sefik Gokaslan, MD Marc Goldman, MD Robert Goldsteen, DO Jerald Goldstein, MD L. Michael Goldstein, MD Daniel Goodenberger, MD Wendy Goodwin, MD Murray Gordon, MD Lauren Gore, MD Collin Goto, MD Alisa Gotte, MD Frank Gottschalk, MD Sally Goudreau, MD Champa Gowda, MD Tulsiram Gowlikar, MD Alexander Gozman, MD Phillip Graehl, MD
Audrey Graham, MD Lafaine Grant, MD Julia Graves, MD Reese Graves, MD James Gray, MD Larry Gray, MD Vincent Graziano, MD Ashley Green, DO Benjamin Greenberg, MD C. Fish Greenfield, MD Kathryn Greenway, MD Laura Greer, MD Linda Gregory, DO Nancy Greilich, MD Philip Greilich, MD Landis Griffeth, MD James Griffin, MD James Griffin III, MD William Griffith, MD Clarice Grimes, MD Misti Grimson, MD Ellen Grishman, MD Perry Gross, MD Robert Gross, MD, MBA Erik Grossman, MD Stanley Grossman, MD Davinder Grover, MD Rebecca Gruchalla, MD, PHD Thomas Grugle, MD Scott Grundy, MD Ugis Gruntmanis, MD Sarah Gualano, MD Dax Guenther, MD Chad Guetersloh, MD Fatma Gul, MD Kristine Guleserian, MD Tawanda Gumbo, MD Robert Gunby Jr., MD Thomas Gunning III, MD Samir Gupta, MD Sandeep Gupta, MD Shaili Gupta, MD Punkeet Gupta, MD Eve Guth, MD Brandon Guthery, MD Oren Guttman, MD Paul Hackett, MD Samuel Haddock Jr., MD Robert Hagood, MD Stacey Hail, MD Jeffrey Haithcock, MD Linda Halbrook, MD Richard Haldeman, MD Barbara Haley, MD Carlton Haley, MD Clinton Haley, MD John Haley, MD Robert Haley, MD Catherine Hall, MD Christiana Hall, MD Katherine Hall, MD Ronald Haller, MD Ethan Halm, MD Lisa Halvorson, MD Melissa Ham, MD Cherine Hamid, MD Farrukh Hamid, MD John Hamilton, MD Rita Hamilton, DO W. Hamilton, MD Mary Hammack, MD Brenda Hampton, MD Robert Hancock, DO Stacey Hanley, MD Greg Hansen, DO Martha Hardee, MD Stephen Harder, MD Madeline Harford, MD Amy Harker-Murray, MD Paul Harker-Murray, MD Donald Harper, MD John Harrington, MD Michael Harris, MD Clanton Harrison III, MD Emmanuel Harrison, MD Parul Harsora, MD John Hart Jr., MD William Hartman, DO
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William Harvey, MD Said Hashemipour, MD Luann Hassan, MD Kimmo Hatanpaa, MD Leslie Havemann, MD Rashel Haverkorn, MD Lorrie Hayes, MD David Haymes, MD Shane Haynes, MD Steven Hays, MD Yu-Guang He, MD Sandra Heard, MD Colleen Heartsill, MD Saghar Hedayati, MD H.A. Tillmann Hein, MD Lisa Heistein, MD Daragh Heitzman, MD Sarah Helfand, MD David Hemsell, MD Halim Hennes, MD Magda Hennes, MD Desmond Henry, MD R. Stanley Henry, MD Pierre Herding, MD William Herlihy, MD Cathy Hernandez, MD Jennifer Hernandez, MD Emily Herndon, MD John Herndon III, MD John Herring, MD Steven Herzog, MD George Hewell, MD Cynthia Heyne, MD Roy Heyne, MD J. Patrick Hieber, MD D. Michael Highbaugh, MD Francis Hill, MD Gary Hill, MD Joseph Hill, MD, PHD Richard Hinton, MD Joseph Hise, MD Binh Ho, MD Christine Ho, MD Michelle Ho, MD Helen Hobbs, MD W. Gregory Hodges, MD Timea Hodics, MD Barbara Hoffman, MD Steven Hoffman, MD Sandra Hofmann, MD, PHD R. Nick Hogan, MD Joyce Hohn, MD Sarah Holder, DO Alisa Holland, MD Robert Holland, MD Priscilla Hollander, MD Elizabeth Holper, MD
Roxane Holt, MD Shelby Holt, MD Clifton Hooser, MD Andrew Hopkins, MD Shelton Hopkins, MD Claire Horn, MD Robyn Horsager-Boehrer, MD Jay Horton, MD Marilyn Horton, MD Gary Hoss, MD Srikanth Hosur, MD Karen Houpt, MD Wilbur (Dub) Howard, MD Temple Howell-Stampley, MD Ronald Hoxworth, MD Connie Hsia, MD Alice Hsu, MD Randy Hua, OD Chou-Long Huang, MD Craig Huang, MD Theresa Huang, MD Philip Huber Jr., MD Anne Hudak, MD Ashton Hudson, MD Sergio Huerta, MD Angela Huff, MD Sam Huggins, MD Randall Hughes, MD Lawrence Hum, MD John Humphrey, MD John Hunt, MD Michael Hunte, MD Michael Huo, MD Jefferson Hurley, MD George Hurst, MD Jodie Hurwitz, MD Abiha Husain, DO Ziad Husseini, MD Michele Hutchison, MD James Huth, MD John Hyatt Jr., MD Alvin Hyslop, MD Susan Iannaccone, MD Nanette Icho, MD Ahamed Idris, MD Peter Igarashi, MD Catherine Ikemba, MD Benjamin Im, MD Didem Inanoglu, MD Jula Inrig, MD Robert Inzer, MD S. Marshal Isaacs, MD Brandon Isaacson, MD Arsalla Islam, MD Ginger Isom-Batz, MD Robert Israel, MD Kamel Itani, MD
Roy Ivy III, MD Sandhya Iyer, MD Gregory Jackson, MD Linda Jackson, OD Jincy Jacob, MD Heidi Jacobe, MD Ahmed Jafri, MD Naseem Jagani, MD Mamta Jain, MD Sapna Jaiswal, MD Mambarath Jaleel, MD Naznin Jamal, MD Jeffrey Janis, MD William Jernberg, MD Michael Jessen, MD Qing Jia, MD Jose Joglar, MD Jeanne Jogler, MD Theodore Johns, MD Christine Johnson, MD Douglas Johnson, MD Frederick Johnson, DO Jimmie Johnson, DO Kerry Johnson, MD Mark Johnson, MD Raymond Johnson, MD Richisa Johnson, MD Romaine Johnson, MD Steven Johnson, DO Sarah Johnson-Welch, MD Charles Johnston II, MD Walter Johnston, MD Alan Jones, MD Brian Jones, MD Freddie Jones, MD Gregory Jones, MD Jodi Jones, MD R. Ellwood Jones, MD Stephanie Jones, MD William Jones, DO Dakeya Jordan, DO Kirk Jordan, MD Richard Joseph, MD Shelby Joseph, MD Shellie Josephs, MD Girish Joshi, MD Janna Journeycake, MD Tya-Mae Julien, MD Manjula Julka, MD Amy Juraszek, MD Khadija Kabani, DO Wareef Kabbani, MD Kevin Kadesky, MD Jeffrey Kahn, MD Vijay Kalidindi, MD Amy Kalina, DO Amin Kamali, DO
Jennifer Kampas, MD Colin Kane, MD Erin Kane, MD Ghana Kang, MD Sunjun Kang, MD Subhasri Kannan, MD Norman Kaplan, MD Richard Kaplan, MD Nagarajani Kapu, MD Payal Kapur, MD Nitin Karandikar, MD Catherine Karni, MD Lori Karol, MD David Karp, MD Sirisha Karri, MD Melanie Kaspar, MD Beth Kassanoff, MD Galit Kastner Ungar, MD Margaret Kaufmann, MD Alan Kaye, MD Farhana Kazi, MD Felicia Kearney, FNP Rafal Kedzierski, MD Gordon Keehn, MD Gregory Keelen, DO Siobhan Kehoe, MD Michael Kellam, MD Nancy Kelly, MD Jeffrey Kenkel, MD A. Alexander Kennedy, MD Julie Kennedy, MD Irwin Kerber, MD Frank Kern, MD Joshua Kern, MD Elizabeth Kerner, MD Jeffrey Kerr, MD Corey Kershaw, MD Elizabeth Keyes, MD Tarif Khair, MD Shamim Khambati, MD Ahtaram Khan, MD Bilal Khan, MD David Khan, MD Mohammad Khan, MD Muna Khan, MD Rabia Khan, MD Saadat Khan, MD Saleem Khan, MD Arshad Khanani, MD Imran Khawaja, MD Michael Khazzam, MD Amit Khera, MD Talat Kheshgi, MD Anita Khetan, MD Rainer Khetan, MD Roger Khetan, MD Kimberly Kho, MD
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Kevin Kia, MD David Kilgore, MD Kenneth Killen, MD Benjamin Kim, MD Jong Kim, MD Kevin Kim, MD Karen King, DO Linda King, MD Cheryl Kinney, MD Judith Kirby, MD Randall Kirby, MD Stephen Kircher, MD Alexander Kirk, MD Lynne Anne Kirk, MD Haskell (Gill) Kirkpatrick III, MD Melissa Kirkwood, MD Kurt Kitziger, MD Kevin Klein, MD Kurt Kleinschmidt, MD Dawn Klemow, MD Steven Klemow, MD Laura Klesse, MD Margaret Knapp, MD Susan Knapton, MD Sally Knox, MD Joshua Koch, MD Justin Koch, MD Atsuko Kodama, MD Padmavathi Koduri, MD Andrew Koh, MD Kenneth Kollmeyer, MD Jun Kong, MD Bielose Konwe, MD Karanjit Kooner, MD Korgun Koral, MD Robert Kotas, MD Harry Kourlis Jr., MD William Kovacs, MD Karen Kowalske, MD Patricia Krakos, MD Herbert Kresh, MD William Krippner Jr., MD Ruth Krishnan, MD Sumant Krishnan, MD Crystal Kronenberger, MD Theodore Krum, MD Grace Kumar, MD Jai Kumar, MD Mithilesh Kumar, MD Udhay Kumar, MD Elizabeth Kummer, MD Aysha Kunju, MD Y-Chen Kuo, MD Joe Kutz, MD Jeannie Kwon, MD Marc Labat, MD Thomas Lacour, MD
Elizabeth Lagomarsino, MD Wen Lai, MD Alison Laidley, MD Daniel Laidley, MD Tracy Laird, MD W. Pennock Laird, MD William Laird II, MD Susan Lakoski, MD Cyrus Lambert, MD Violetta Lamb-Manukyan, MD Rahele Lameh, MD Jeffrey Lamont, MD Kristen Lampe, MD Michael Landay, MD Michael Landgarten, MD B. Ward Lane, MD Lawrence Lankford, MD John LaNoue Jr., MD Anne Larson, MD Hamid Latifi, MD Karen Latour, MD May Lau, MD Steve Lau, MD Michael Laughlin, MD Yolanda Lawson, MD Binh-Minh Le, MD Lu Le, MD Joseph Leach Jr., MD Steven Leach, MD Patrick Leavey, MD Gayle Lebovic, Andy Lee, MD Dale Lee, MD Jessica Lee, MD Jiwon Lee, MD Kenneth Lee, MD Michael Lee, MD Sandy Lee, MD William Lee, MD Won Lee, MD Jonathan Leffert, MD Ann Leitch, MD Gary Lemack, MD Dorothy Lemecha, DO Yuri Lemeshev, MD Matthew Lemler, MD David Lensch, MD Folashade Lester, MD Randolph Lester, MD Kenneth Leveno, MD Brian Levenson, MD Charles Levin, MD Benjamin Levine, MD Beth Levine, MD Fiona Levy, MD Deri Lewis, MD Hsiao (Jenny) Li, MD Julia Liaci, MD Lawrence Liang, MD Robert Liao, MD Valerie Liao, MD Warren Lichliter, MD Zelig Lieberman, MD James Lilly, MD Johanna Limsenben, MD Chun Lin, MD Fangming Lin, MD David Linguist, MD Peggy Linguist, MD Ildiko Lingvay, MD Jeffrey Link, MD Richard Linsky, MD Eron Linver, MD George Lister, MD Xercerla Littles, MD Yinghui (Carol) Liu, MD Edward Livingston, MD Jessica Lloyd, MD Julie Lo, MD Matthew Lo, MD Daniel Lockard, MD Susanne Lockhart, MD Peter Loeb, MD Charles Loehr, MD Alan London, MD Carl Long III, MD Daniel Long, MD Robert Lonian, MD
Jorge Lopez, MD Yair Lotan, MD Sandra Lozano, MD Christopher Lu, MD Xiaohui Lu, MD James Luby, MD Peter Luckett, MD Percy Luecke Jr., MD Lisa Luke, MD William Lumry, MD Linda Lutz, MD Mark Lyons, MD Naim Maalouf, MD Amy Macaluso, MD Christopher Madden, MD Willis Maddrey, MD Paul Madeley, MD Michael Madigan, MD, PHD Antra Mahaldar, MD Elizabeth Maher, MD Joseph Maher, MD Lynn Mahony, MD Hetendra Makanbhai, MD Marjorie Ann Malbas, MD Jepsin Maliyil, MD Peter Malouf, DO Pradeep Mammen, MD Richard Manes, MD John Mang, MD John Mansour, MD Randy Marcel, MD John Marcucci, MD Peter Marcus, MD Linda Margraf, MD Vitaly Margulis, MD David Markham, MD Medardo Maroto, MD Bradley Marple, MD Otto Marquez-Kerguelen, MD John Marshall, MD Michael Marshall, MD Alan Martin, MD John Martin Jr., MD Dee Martinez, MD Joseph Martinez, MD Lisa Martinez, MD Tanya Martinez-Fernandez, MD Javier Marull, MD Winston Mascarenhas, MD Karen Matevosyan, MD Dana Mathews, MD John Mathews, MD Sina Matin, MD Susan Matulevicius, MD I-Fan Mau, MD Malea Maynard, MD Marlyn Mayo, MD William McCaleb, MD Timothy McCavit, MD John McClay, MD Laura McClendon, MD Hugh McClung IV, MD Ronald McCollum, MD Eddie McCord, MD Medford McCoy, MD George McCracken Jr., MD Robert McCrea, MD Audra McCreight, MD James McCulley, MD Donald McCurnin, MD Jeffrey McDaniel, MD Frank McDonald, MD Halliday McDonald, MD Millicent McDonald, MD Warren McFarland, MD Mary McGarry, MD Tamara McGregor, MD Darren McGuire, MD John McHenry, MD Susan McKinney, MD Gail McLaughlan, MD John McMenamy, MD Adrienne McMillan, MD Kimberly McMillin, MD Lawrence McNally, MD, PA Jennifer McNeill, MD Michael McPhaul, MD Robert Meador Jr., MD
Stephen Megison, MD Amit Mehta, MD Joseph Meier, MD James Meler, MD David Meltzer, MD Dianne Mendelsohn, MD Edward Mendelson, OD Michelle Mendez, MD Nikolas Mendrygal, MD Jin Meng, MD David Mercier, MD Sonya Merrill, MD James Merritt III, MD Jeffery Metzger, MD Thiyagarajan Meyappan, MD Adrian Meyer, MD Dan Meyer, MD Jeffrey Meyer, MD Richard Meyer, MD Lawrence Meyerson, MD Eva Meyrat, MD Kimberly Mezera, MD Bruce Mickey, MD Benton Middleman, MD Angela Mihalic, MD Sara Milchgrub, MD Darryl Miles, MD Michele Miles, MD Marjorie Milici, MD Adam Miller, MD David Miller, MD Jennifer Miller, MD Mark Miller, MD Shane Miller, MD Michael Milner, MD Joseph Minei, MD Robert Minkes, MD David Minna, MD John Minna, MD Joseph Mishkin, MD Jere Mitchell, MD Mack Mitchell Jr., MD Shubhada Mithilesh, MD James Mitlyng, MD Shashi Mittal, MD Vineeta Mittal, MD Mark Mlcak, MD Presley Mock, MD Seema Modi, MD Pradeep Modur, MD Orson Moe, MD Todd Moen, MD Alok Mohan, MD David Moikeha, MD Sam Molai, MD Kyle Molberg, MD Amy Moldrem, MD Kyle Molen, MD Juan Molina, MD Narinder Monga, MD George Moninger, MD James Montgomery, MD Everett Moody, MD Al Moore, MD Catherine Moore, MD Daniel Moore, MD Paul Moore, MD William Moore, MD Sudha Mootha, MD Venkateswara Mootha, MD Ann Mootz, MD Brady Mootz II, MD Pablo Mora Mora, MD Brett Moran, MD Elizabeth Moran, MD Allen Morey, MD Howard Morgan, MD Kevin Morrill, MD Susan Morris, MD Frances Morriss, MD Michael Morriss, MD Frank Morrone, MD Maria Morse, MD Elysia Moschos, MD Jason Moshier, MD Jason Mull, MD Mary Mullican, MD Matthew Mulloy, MD
Kimberly Mulson, MD Jose Muniz, MD Raymond Munoz, MD James Muns, MD Srikanth Muppidi, MD Gerald Murphy Jr., MD Joseph Murphy, MD Susan Murphy, MD Gayle Murray, MD Sunshine Murray, MD John Myers, MD Larry Myers, MD Edgar Nace, MD Richard Naftalis, MD Krishnan Nair, MD Rajasree Nair, MD Daniel Nale, MD Vijaya Nama, MD Swati Namburi, MD Vidya Nandipati, MD Syed Naqvi, MD Roxana Narat, MD Rao Naseem, MD Dawood Nasir, MD Lorien Nassi, MD Sharon Nations, MD Rebekah Naylor, MD Arax Nazarian, DO Shameem Nazeer, MD William Neaville, MD Lucien Nedzi, MD Arvind Neelakantan, MD Francisco Neira, MD Shawna Nesbitt, MD Jo-Ann Nesiama, MD Rebecca Nessel, MD Paul Neubach, MD Mark Newcomer, MD Keith Newman, MD Christopher Newton, MD Dennis Newton III, MD Anh Nguyen, MD Anthony Nguyen, DO Benjamin Nguyen, MD Leigh Nguyen, MD Lynn Nguyen, MD Phuong Nguyen, MD Janice Nhan, DO Donald Nicholas Jr., MD Farhad Niroomand, MD Raymond Nkwantabisa, MD John Noack, MD Carl Noe, MD Paula Noe, MD James Norcross, MD William Norcross, MD Tara Norris, MD James Norwood, MD Pedro Nosnik, MD Roberta Novakovic, MD Alan Nugent, MD Fiemu Nwariaku, MD Teekam Ochani, MD Anthony O’Connell, MD Ellen O’Connell, MD Jon Oden, MD Elizabeth Odstrcil, MD Karen Oehler, MD Babatunde Ogunnaike, MD Scott Oishi, MD Pamela Okada, MD Osehotue Okojie, MD Theresa Olfson, MD Wanderley Oliveira, MD Dwight Oliver, MD Patrick Olomu, MD Nancy Olsen, MD Craig Olson, MD Ben Olsson, DO Anees Omar, MD Hythem Omar, MD Barry O’Neal, MD Nesrin Onur, MD Mildred Opondo, MD Angela Orlino, MD Jeffrey Ortstadt, MD Padraig O’Suilleabhain, MD James Otto, MD
Elesyia Outlaw, MD John Overbeck, MD David Owen, MD Glenn Owen, MD Heather Owen, MD Stuart Owen, MD Robert Owens, MD Orhan Oz, MD Stephen Ozanne, MD Anna Pak, MD Charles Pak, MD James Pak, MD Mythili Paladugu, MD Elizabeth Palmarozzi, DO Biff Palmer, MD David Palmer, MD Geetha Pandian, MD Rajiv Pandit, MD Sandeep Pandove, MD Amit Pandya, MD Mahmood Panjwani, MD Elisavet Paplomata, MD Geeta Paranjape, MD Biren Parikh, MD Andrew Park, MD Joseph Park, DO Ryan Parker, MD Thomas Parker III, MD Robert Parkey, MD Robert Parks Jr., MD Howard Parness, MD Anu Partap, MD Sirous Partovi, MD Juan Pascual, MD Amy Pass, MD Michael Passanante, MD Ankit Patel, MD Ashish Patel, MD Helen Patel, MD Hetal Patel, MD Kalpesh Patel, MD Mahendra Patel, MD Muhammad Patel, MD Nova Patel, MD Parag Patel, MD Reina Patel, DO Satin Patel, MD Vishal Patel, MD Ajay Pathak, MD Brent Patterson, MD Tena Patterson, MD Mary Paulk, MD Paul Payne, MD Margaret Pearle, MD Eric Pearlman, MD Lee Ann Pearse, MD Mary Pearson, MD John Pease, MD Matthias Peltz, MD Rene Pena, MD Michael Pendola, MD Jeffrey Penfield, MD Fangyu Peng, MD Yan Peng, MD Yolande Pengetnze, MD John Pennant, MD Paul Pepe, MD, MPH Beverly Perez, DO Carlos Perez, MD Julio Perez Fontan, MD P. Bryan Perry, MD Ronald Peshock, MD Joel Pessa, MD Brian Peters, MD Mark Peters, MD Katharine Petersen, MD Dolores Peterson, MD Gail Peterson, MD Valerie Peterson, MD William Peterson, MD David Pettett, MD Larry Pettit, DO Andrew Phan, MD Amy Phelan, MD Kay Philips, MD Joseph Phillips Jr., MD Nancy Phillips, MD William Phillips, MD, DDS
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Leslie Pidgeon, DO Marc Pieniek, MD Ava Pierce, MD Chris Pierotti, MD John Pillow, MD Paul Pin, MD James Pinckney II, MD Karen Pinto, MD Bradley Pirtle, DO David Pistenmaa, MD Shawnta Pittman-Hobbs, MD Ronald Plott, MD David Podeszwa, MD Daniel Podolsky, MD Harlan Pollock, MD Todd Pollock, MD Daniel Polter, MD Leslie Porter, MD Matthew Porteus, MD Craig Powell, MD, PHD Jerry Powell Jr., MD Raghavendra Prasad, MD Edward Prejean III, MD John Preskitt, MD Glenn Pride Jr., MD Marcia Pritchard, MD Jeffrey Pruitt, MD Jay Pudupakkam, MD Kit Purdy, MD Phillip Purdy, MD Nancy Puzziferri, MD James Pyron, MD Stephanie Quarles, MD Mary Quiceno, MD Raymond Quigley, MD Charles Quinn, MD Henry Quinones, MD Jennifer Rabaglia, MD Elizabeth Race, MD Manzar Rad, MD Lee Radford, MD Susan Raff, MD Adnan Rafique, MD Dina Rahhal, MD Robert Rahimi, MD Pervaiz Rahman, MD David Rahn, MD Jack Raisanen, MD Ganesh Raj, MD Harikrishna Raja, MD Kalyani Raja, MD Nilum Rajora, MD Claudio Ramaciotti, MD Lakshmi Raman, MD Victor Ramon, MD Shelley Ramos, MD Bruno Ramos Flores, MD Maria Ramos-Roman, MD Michael Ramsay, MD Ryan Randles, MD Kenneth Raney III, MD Roshni Rao, MD Shobha Rao, MD Uma Rao, MD Alan Raphael, MD Peter Rappa, MD Philip Raskin, MD Bridgette Rater, MD Karl Rathjen, MD Maheshika Ratnayake, MD Ahmad Raza, MD Ahmed Raza, MD Roy Rea, MD Don Read, MD Rosalyn Reades, MD Lee Reagor, MD Claire Reddick, MD Suman Reddy, MD Virginia Reddy, MD Jason Reed, MD Melanie Reed, MD Chet Rees, MD Bradford Reeves, MD Robert Rege, MD Diana Reggiardo, MD Robert Reilly Jr., MD Andreas Reimold, MD Sharon Reimold, MD
Charles Reinert, MD Thomas Renard, MD Chanhaeng Rhee, MD Ramona Rhodes, MD Gregg Rice, MD Kim Rice, MD Norman Rice, MD John Richard III, MD Benjamin Richards III, MD Charles Richardson, MD Debra Richardson, MD Kim Rickert, MD William Ring, MD Kathy Rinnert, MD Homero Rivas, MD Antonio Rivera, MD Julio Rivera, MD Wilfredo Rivera, MD Yadira Rivera-Sanchez, MD Shelley Roaten Jr., MD Albert Roberts Jr., MD L. Roberts, MD Richard Roberts, MD Scott Roberts, MD Tana Roberts, MD Kiran Robertson, MD William Robertson, MD Amber Robinson, DO Vivyenne Roche, MD Don Rockey, MD Rosemary Roderick-Roseberry, MD
Adriana Rodriguez, MD Gustavo Rodriguez, MD Norberto Rodriguez-Baez, MD Roberto Rodriguez-Ruesga, MD Martha Rodriguez-Ruiz, DO Claus Roehrborn, MD Joel Roffman, MD Beverly Rogers, MD David Rogers, MD Donza Rogers, MD Dora Rogers, MD Nicole Rogers, MD Thomas Rogers, MD Vanessa Rogers, MD Zora Rogers, MD Anand Rohatgi, MD Rod Rohrich, MD Andress Roig, MD Rebecca Rojas, MD Peter Roland, MD Nancy Rollins, MD Ray Rollins, DO Gary Roloson, MD Enid Romanelli, MD Victor Ron, MD Lynn Roppolo, MD Myron Rosen, MD Robert Rosen, MD Robin Rosen, MD Frances Rosenbaum, MD Roger Rosenberg, MD Randall Rosenblatt, MD Charles Rosenfeld, MD David Rosenstein, MD Julio Rosenstock, MD J. Edward Rosenthal, MD Shayzreen Roshanravan, MD Renee Rossi, MD Brett Roth, MD Michael Rothkopf, MD Karen Roush, MD Shai Rozen, MD Arnold Rubenfield, MD Craig Rubin, MD Howard Rubin, MD David Ruiz Bello, MD Michael Ruk, MD Timothy Rupp, MD Michael Russo, MD Charles Rutherford, MD Cynthia Rutherford, MD John Rutherford, MD Matthew Ryan, MD Joe Saad, MD John Saad, MD James Sackett, MD Hesham Sadek, MD
Jane Sadler, MD Arthur Sagalowsky, MD Rana Said, MD Joseph Sailors, MD Michel Saint-Cyr, MD Khashayar Sakhaee, MD Karen Saland, MD Adrian Salazar, MD Angel Salazar, MD Gilberto Salazar, MD Luis Saldana, MD William Salter, MD Colleen Sam, MD Kamalanathan Sambandam, MD Joseph Sample Jr., MD Duke Samson, MD Robert Samuelson, MD Pablo Sanchez, MD Rinarani Sanghavi, MD William Santangelo, MD Patricia Santiago-Munoz, MD Pamela Santone, DO Ravindra Sarode, MD Venetia Sarode, MD Meghana Sathe, MD Ashoke Sathy, MD Clark Saunders, MD Timothy Saunders, MD Rashmin Savani, MD Daniel Savino, MD Kirti Saxena, MD Ramesh Saxena, MD Pier Scaglioni, MD Joseph Schaffer, MD Joan Schiller, MD David Schindel, MD Tammi Schlichtemeier, MD Allen Schneider, DO Jay Schneider, MD Joseph Schneider, MD Thomas Schott, MD Anna Schroeder, MD Richard Schubert, MD William Schucany, MD Barbara Schultz, MD Tom Schulz, MD Armond Schwartz Jr., MD Barry Schwarz, MD Donald Schwarz, MD Evan Schwarz, MD Margaret Schwarz, MD Roderich Schwarz, MD Daniel Scott, MD Harold Scott, MD Kelly Scott, MD Matthew Scott, MD Susan Scott, MD William Scott, MD Terilyn Scott-Winful, MD Leslie Secrest, MD Marjan Seddighzadeh, MD Richard Seggerman, MD Luis Seguias, MD Lori Seibert, MD Jack Seidel, MD Mouin Seikaly, MD Stephen Sellers, DO Mhammad Semrin, MD Dorothy Sendelbach, MD Dan Sepdham, MD Charles Sessions, MD Anthony Setiawan, MD Stephanie Setliff, MD Shahriar Setoudeh-Maram, MD Shahid Shafi, MD Amit Shah, MD Anjali Shah, MD Dhiren Shah, MD Monal Shah, MD Neela Shah, MD Nisarg Shah, MD Hassan Shahidi, DO Amer Shakil, MD Sadat Shamim, MD Donna Shannon, MD Gabriel Shapiro, MD Nima Sharifi, MD Kapil Sharma, MD
• March 2012 • Dallas Medical Journal
Mahesh Sharma, MD Manisha Sharma, MD Rohit Sharma, MD Shiv Sharma, MD Carey Sharp, MD Jessica Sharry, MD Philip Shaul, MD Mary Shaw, MD Maeve Sheehan, MD Paul Sheeran, MD Eugene Sheffield, MD Jeanne Sheffield, MD Michael Sheffield, MD Yu-Min Shen, MD Cynthia Sherry, MD Dorothy Sherwood, MD Rashmi Shetgiri, MD Chen Shi, MD Sarika Shivnani, MD Stephen Shivvers, MD Pardeep Shori, DO Joyce Shotwell, MD Matthew Shuford, MD Bill Shumate Jr., MD Alison Sibley, MD Zafreen Siddiqui, MD Jane Siegel, MD Mark Siegelman, MD Paul Siemers, MD Sigurdur Sigurdsson, MD Erin Silav, MD Fay Simon, MD Stuart Simon, MD Walter Simon, MD Robert Simonson, DO Gina Sims, MD Michael Sims, MD Robert Sims, MD Gary Sinclair, MD Amit Singal, MD Mike Singer, MD Deepa Sirsi, MD Julide Sisman, MD Kerri Sistrunk, MD Michael Skinner, MD Walter Skinner, MD Gary Skrivanek, MD Charles Slack, MD Robert Slagle, MD David Slater, MD Elizabeth Slaymaker, MD Louis Sloan, MD Matt Sloan Jr., MD Tamra Slone, MD Michael Smerud, MD Allison Smith, MD Demetria Smith, MD Liesl Smith, MD Oluwatosin Smith, MD Randlow Smith Jr., MD Troy Smith Jr., MD Weldon Smith Jr., MD Wesley Smith, MD Warren Snodgrass, MD Wynne Snoots, MD Richard Snyder II, MD William Snyder III, MD Mie Mie Sohn-Mcgowan, MD Paul Sokal, MD Saul Sokol, MD Rodrigo Sotillo, MD Paul Southern Jr., MD Stefanie Spaeth, MD Thomas Spain, MD Ann Spangler, MD Dave Spear, MD John Spieker, MD Joseph Spigel, MD Jack Spitzberg, MD Frank Splann Jr., MD Ramano Sprueil, MD Jayaprakash Sreenarasimhaiah, MD
Pranavi Sreeramoju, MD Karthik Srinivasan, MD Divya Srivastava, MD Geetanjali Srivastava, MD Peter Stack, MD Ronney Stadler, MD
David Stager, MD Charlotte Starghill, MD Adam Starr, MD Peter Stastny, MD A. Jay Staub, MD Eric Steen, MD Martha Stegner, MD Edward Stehel, MD Elizabeth Stehel, MD Joel Steinberg, MD Michel Stephan, MD Jacqueline Stephen, MD Jeff Stephens, MD Jill Stephenson, MD Elizabeth Stevenson-Gargiulo, DO
Carlyle Stewart, MD, MPH Robert Stewart, MD Cristina Stiles, MD Matthew Stoll, MD Stuart Stone, MD Louis Stool, MD Bradley Strout, MD Kristy Stucka, MD Jill Studley, MD Daniel Sucato, MD Daniel Suez, MD Robert Sugerman, MD Sumitha Sukumar, MD Melanie Sulistio, MD Brian Sullivan, MD Paul Sullivan, MD Baran Sumer, MD Kathryn Sumpter, MD Richard Suss, MD Laurie Sutor, MD, MBA Leslie Svoboda, MD Nithya Swamy, MD Mark Swancutt, MD Lisa Swanson, MD Susan Swanson, MD Prabhakar Swaroop, MD Raymond Swienton, MD Thomas Swygert, MD Asif Syed, MD James Syler Jr., MD Maurice Syrquin, MD M. Szuszkiewicz-Garcia, MD Charles Tandy, MD Grace Tannin, MD Rongrong Tao, MD Weike Tao, MD Cristina Tarango, MD Tania Tarjan, MD Laura Tarter, MD Laura Tasa, MD Berge Tasian, MD Chad Tate, MD Joel Taurog, MD Jeff Taylor, MD Myiesha Taylor, MD Robert Taylor, MD Roosevelt Taylor Jr., MD Shane Taylor, DO Walton Taylor, MD Lisa Taylor-Kennedy, MD Prabhav Tella, MD Robert Tenery Jr., MD John Tenny, MD Lulu Tenorio, MD Sumeet Teotia, MD Lance Terada, MD Theresa Terlecki, MD Alexander Tessnow, MD Shirley Tetteh, MD Erwin Thal, MD Bharath Thankavel, MD Anam Tharoo, MD James Theisen, MD Mahesh Thiagarajah, MD Bryan Thibodeau, MD Mark Thieberg, MD Dwain Thiele, MD Maura Thielen, MD Emilia Thomas, MD James Thomas, MD Milton Thomas, MD Robin Thomas, MD Jeffrey Thompson, MD
Jennifer Thompson, DO Mandy Thompson, MD Marita Thompson, MD Mayra Thompson, MD Robert Thompson, MD James Thornton, MD Katherine Thornton, MD Steven Thornton, MD John Thottakara, MD Amitha Thudi, MD Jeffrey Thurston, MD Mark Till, MD Elisabeth Tilleros, MD Glenn Tillery, MD Felicia Tillman, MD Carlos Timaran, MD Robert Timmerman, MD Leslie Tingle, MD Arash Tirandaz, MD Ben Tittle, MD Rachel Tobey, MD John Tong, MD William Tongier, MD Ali Toofanian, MD Seth Toomay, MD Anthony Toppins, MD Fernando Torres, MD Robert Torti II, MD Gabor Toth, MD Robert Toto, MD Hien Tran, MD Maclong Tran, MD Nhu Tran, DO Phuong Tran, MD Sara Tranchina, MD Erika Trapp, MD Don Treichler, MD Jodie Trello-Rishel, MD Clayton Trimmer, DO Jaya Trivedi, MD Kavita Trivedi, DO Ketan Trivedi, MD Craig Troop, MD Matthew Trovato, MD Ann Trowbridge, MD John Truelson, MD Mauricio Trujillo, MD Alan Trumbly, DO Tam Truong, MD Andrew Trussler, MD Sharon Tucker, MD Shannan Tujios, MD Armine Tumyan, MD Gary Tunell, MD Aslan Turer, MD William Turner Jr., MD Diane Twickler, MD Pablo Uceda, MD Rafael Ufret-Vincenty, MD David Uhrbrock, MD Michael Ulissey, MD Seckin Ulualp, MD Ronald Underwood, MD Mercedes Uribe, MD Johan Vaandrager, MD Timothy Valek, MD Rawson Valentine, MD Anthony Vallarino, DO Jeffrey Van Dermark, MD Thomas Van Dinter, MD Marvin Van Hal, MD Paul Van Ness, MD Travis Vandergriff, MD Kathleen Vandiver, MD Javier Varela, MD Vasantha Vasan, MD Joseph Vaughan Jr., MD Miguel Vazquez, MD Anitha Veerasamy, MD Karen Velazquez, MD Larissa Velez, MD Ruben Velez, MD Daniel Veltkamp, MD Jennifer Veltkamp, MD Narasimharao Vemula, MD Roopa Vemulapalli, MD Steven Verity, MD Avesh Verma, MD
Udit Verma, MD Steven Vernino, MD Kim Vernon, MD Belinda Vicioso, MD Valentina Vielma, MD Robert Viere, MD Miguel Villamil, MD Joseph Viroslav, MD Cathy Vo, MD Wanpen Vongpatanasin, MD Gayathri Vontivillu, MD Madhuri Vusirikala, MD Lewis Waber, MD Suzanne Wada, MD Jill Waggoner, MD James Wagner, MD Clifford Wai, MD Michael Wainscott, MD Michael Wait, MD Linda Waki Ho, MD Kathryn Waldrep, MD Brandy Walker, MD Brent Walker, DO Jean Wall, MD Angela Wallace, MD David Waller, MD Richard Wallner, MD Ellen Walraven, MD Deryk Walsh, MD Jennifer Walsh, MD Raymond Walsh, MD Margaret Walter, DO James Walton, DO John Walton, DO Rhonda Walton, MD David Wang, MD Hao Wang, MD Scott Wang, MD Serena Wang, MD Yu-Chi Wang, MD Athol Ware, MD Worthy Warnack Jr., MD John Warner, MD Indulekha Warrier, MD Cheletta Watkins, MD David Watkins, MD Kelli Watkins, MD Mark Watson, MD Denton Watumull, MD Lori Watumull, MD Paul Wax, MD Megan Way, MD Sarah Way, MD David Weakley Jr., MD Devri Weakley, MD Paul Weatherall, MD Denise Weber, MD Winston Webster, MD Arthur Weinberg, MD Debra Weinberger, MD Howard Weiner, MD Gregory Weisbruch, MD Jonathan Weissler, MD Patrick Weix, MD Babu Welch, MD George Wendel Jr., MD Claudia Werner, MD Don West, MD Robert Westerberg, MD Henrik Westergaard, MD John Westkaemper, MD Matthew Westmoreland, MD Lawrence Whaley, MD Robert Whitaker, MD Amanda White, MD Charles White, MD Charles White III, MD Jonathan White, MD Perrin White, MD Wendy White, MD Warren Whitlow, MD Jess Whitson, MD Anthony Whittemore, MD Charles Whitten, MD Louis Whitworth, MD Jonathan Wickiser, MD Joyclyn Wicks, MD Robert Wiebe, MD
Jane Wigginton, MD Cynthia Wilder, MD Courtney Wilemon, MD Lalan Wilfong, MD Jennifer Wilkerson, MD Joan Wilkin, DO Duwayne Willett, MD Jane-Claire Williams, MD Joseph Williams II, MD Terarni Williams, MD James Willson, MD Amy Wilson, MD Ellen Wilson, MD Jean Wilson, MD Kathleen Wilson, MD Philip Wilson, MD Jennifer Wimberly, MD Robert Wimberly, MD Naomi Winick, MD Thomas Winkler, MD Heather Winslow, MD Richard Winslow, MD F. David Winter Jr., MD John Wiprud, MD Scott Wise, MD Michael Witt, MD Leon Wolf, MD Gil Wolfe, MD Joshua Wolovits, MD Laura Wolovits, MD Kyle Womack, MD Kevan Wong, MD Megan Wood, MD Richard Wood, MD T. Stacy Wood, MD Andrea Woodroof, MD Stacey Woodruff, MD Amy Woods, MD Jay Woody, MD Randall Wooley, MD George Wooming, MD Tyler Wooten, MD Larry Word, MD Ruth Word, MD
Kevin Worley, MD Daniel Worrel, MD Tracey Wright, MD Richard Wu, MD Myra Wyckoff, MD Ralph Wynn, MD Christine Wyrick, MD James Wyrick, MD Hong Xiao, MD Matthew Yaeger, MD Mariana Yager, MD Kimberly Yamanouchi, MD Kim Yancey, MD Chien Yang, MD Mary Yang, MD Franklin Yau, MD Susanne Yeagley, MD Tonia Yee, MD Zerrin Yetkin, MD Min Yi, DO Su Yin, MD Kyung Yoo, MD Hooby Yoon, DO Adam Yopp, MD Ahmer Younas, MD Amy Young, MD Gary Young, MD John Young, MD Wengui Yu, MD, PHD Ludmila Zadworna, MD Ali Zamanian Yazdi, MD Michael Zaretsky, MD Nina Zatikyan, MD Shane Zatkalik, MD Kathleen Zeller, MD Thomas Zellers, MD Ilana Zeltser, MD Nestor (Nick) Zenarosa, MD Rachel Zent, MD Alfredo Zevallos, MD Mabel Zevallos, MD Xin (Joseph) Zhou, MD Mark Zibilich, MD Heather Zidow, MD
Jeffrey Zigman, MD Jennifer Zimmer, MD Philippe Zimmern, MD Andrew Zinn, MD William Zinser, MD
Other PAD Providers
Audrey Allen, PA Catherine Casteel, DPM Jill Conway, PA-C Jacqueline Decker Karpel, PA-C James Delaney, PA Maurilia Foster, NP Rebecca Hardesty, PA-C Melissa Hawkins, PA-C Linda Hayes, FNP-C Katherine Henson, FNP-C Brad Hornberger, PA-C Patricia, Kaplan, CCCA AUD Wendy Kniffen, PA-C Jessica Konvicka, PA-C Mary Alexander Landry, PA-C Lawrence Lavery, DPM Robyn Lilly, NP George Liu, DPM Shelley Loomstein, PA Nicole Mangum, PHD Marcelyn Meister, PA-C Carol Neillay, NP Godwin Okojie, PA Elizabeth Pelletier, PA Rebecca Ponder, OD Laura Robinson, PA-C Mary Schenkel, NP Daniel Shaheen, OD Kay Stephenson, NP Terri Suresh, ACNP Lori Tappen, PA-C Charlotte Taylor, OD Tina Thomas, NP Monica Tovar-Herrera, PA Mitchell Williams, DPM Michael Vanpelt, DPM
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Office Overhead Expense Insurance is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, 751 Broad Street, Newark, NJ. This coverage contains certain limitations and exclusions; please see the certificate booklet for full details. If there is a discrepancy between this document and the certificate, the terms in the certificate will prevail. Contract series 83500. 0192427-00002-00
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