22 minute read
than the amount listed on the label.
Miller receives weekly calls from those wanting to purchase her plants and start a CBD business. “What bothers me the most is that not one person has asked how my hemp is grown,” she says. “It all feels like a big grab; the integrity isn’t there.”
Miller continues to decline these requests and spends her days on the farm, where—come harvest time—she, alongside her crew, engages in some visualizations. “We imagine the people suffering who need support and think about how we are growing the plants to help them.”
Julie Marshall is a Colorado-based writer and author of Making Burros Fly: Cleveland Amory, Animal Rescue Pioneer. Connect with her at FlyingBurros@gmail.com.
The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do. ~Kobe Bryant
When we have an inner need that converges with an outside event, it is a meaningful coincidence known as synchronicity, and it happens to us all. It can be simple, like a playful sprite: recurring numbers or dates, all the lights turning green as we race to meet an appointment or a call from a faraway friend just when we want to talk to them. Or it can be profound: a chance meeting with an employer looking for exactly our skills, unexpected money appearing when we’re in a pinch, a timely rescue or our grandmother’s favorite, obscure song coming on the radio or app just as we’re feeling teary-eyed on the anniversary of her death. Whether they are lighthearted or life-changing, synchronicities link us to an underlying order in the universe that is profoundly reassuring. They open us to mystery and delight. They give us a sense of being taken care of. They nudge us to grow in scary, but life-affirming directions. They awaken a sense of awe, which studies have shown to be the emotion most likely to make us reach out generously to others—and that evokes even more synchronicity. And they can make daily life a lark. By its very nature, we can’t create synchronicity, but we can live life in a way that encourages it to show up. The more engaged we are spiritually—whether that means prayer, meditation, walking in nature or loving others deeply—the more likely synchronicity is. Being open, selfhonest, courageous, engaged, grateful and fully present summons it, which is where therapy, yoga and bodywork can be useful. But we don’t have to be saintly or enlightened; synchronicity is there for us all. It is simply the way the Universe works.
The first step is to notice synchronicity when it occurs, and honor it. As with humans, when we give it our attention and say thank you, it makes it more likely to show up in our life again.
At some point as our trust builds, synchronicity becomes simply the way our life works. Things show up as we need them and we are in the right place at the right time. Even when occurrences seemingly go awry, we glimpse an underlying order that gives us strength and purpose. Life becomes a steady stream of meaningfulness and inner and outer exploration. We find ourselves living in flow, attuned to life’s deepest currents and awash in deep gratitude. Meg Lundstrom is the co-author with Charlene Belitz of The Power of Flow: Practical Ways to Transform Your Life with Meaningful Coincidence. Connect at FlowPower.com. LIVING IN SYNCHRONICITY The Power of Meaningful Coincidence by Meg Lundstrom
NOTE: All Calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email CalendarNADC@gmail.com for guidelines and to submit entries. No phone calls or faxes, please.
MONDAY, MARCH 2 Laughte Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info: ArlingtonLaughterYoga@yahoo.com. Traditional Chinese Medicine: Nature and Imagery – 6:30-7:30pm. With Jonathan Gilbert, L.Ac., NCCAOM. Nearly two thousand years ago, a series of Chinese medical classics were written with the idea of treating illness and exploring our meaning in the world. This lecture looks at a few of these ideas and images, and explains how they can be relevant to our lives today. Free. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or SmithCenter.org. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 Outside the Lines – 10:30am-12:30pm. With Kiersten Gallagher and special guest Shanell Kitt, LMSW. This Self-Expression Through Art workshop aims to encourage participants to express themselves by creating colorful fabric sculptures. Group members will leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of healthy coping mechanisms, and the ability to process impactful experiences through art creation. $10 (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or SmithCenter.org. SoulCollage: The Warrior Archetype – 6-7:30pm. With Theresa Walker. Facing health challenges or oth
er demands and its aftermath means summoning your inner resources. Making a SoulCollage can help you find, honor, and expand the archetype, the image that accompanies you on your journey.$20 (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info:202-483-8600 or SmithCenter.org. THURSDAY, MARCH 5 New Year’s Reset: Learn How to Flip the Switch on Metabolism and Shred Fat and Weight –11:45am. Online live webinar introducing our new easy-to-follow online program with personalization. Learn what can shut down the metabolism and what can rev it up to shred fat and weight. Free. Regenasyst Wellness and Health. Link provided with registration. Info: TreatYourselfToHealth.com/ Orientation-Seminar.
THURSDAY, MARCH 12 Stress and Hormones: Personalized Nutrition for the Weight-Loss Resistant – 12pm. Learn how stress shows up in the body as symptoms that you thought were something else. Personalized Nutrition that includes organic fruits and vegetables customized to your needs. Free. Regenasyst Wellness. RSVP: Info@TreatYourselfToHealth.com. Register: TreatYourselfToHealth.com. Death Café – 6-7:30pm. With Anne Kelemen. At a Death Cafe people, strangers often, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death. Our objective isto increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives. Free. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or SmithCenter.org. FRIDAY, MARCH 13 Healing Circle for Young Adults with Metastatic Breast Cancer – 11am-1pm. Monthly on Thursdays or Fridays. With Kimberly Parekh. They are a new demand-driven and patient-led, in-person and online community support group for young women and men (diagnosed between the age of 18-45ish) with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in the D.C., MD and VA area. Peer-led and expert-led information on living with breast cancer. Free. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or SmithCenter.org. SATURDAY, MARCH 14
Neck, Upper Back and Shoulder Focus Workshop Work smarter–not harder. Add new techniques that are guaranteed to wow your clients and keep them coming back. Blended flawlessly into your existing massage routine, these techniques were designed to get results fast. 6 CEUs. Saturday, March 14 • 9am-4pm Lorenne McCormick Massage Therapy The Journey Space 6110 Oberlin Avenue Glen Echo 20812 Info: 301-229-6458 or LMMassage.com. special event
Mother/Daughter Retreat – 9:30am-2:30pm. For girls in grades 5-8. Yoga, meditation, journaling, relaxation, learning about essential oils, self-care and other stress management tools for your life. No yoga experience necessary. Snacks and tea provided but bring your own lunch. $225/couple. Lil Omm, The Journey Space, Glen Echo Park, 6110 Oberlin Ave, Glen Echo, MD. Register: LilOmm.com. MONDAY, MARCH 16 Coming Home to Our Senses Meditation – 6:30- 7:30pm. With Candida DeLuise, LICSW. This workshop presents evidence-based meditation techniques to help us focus and be more fully present. Participants will learn several mindfulness practices to enhance awareness and joy in everyday life. Group practice creates a powerful synergy. $10 (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202- 483-8600 or SmithCenter.org. SUNDAY, MARCH 22
special event
Illuminate Frederick Maryland Local Arts and Wellness Festival The finest local holistic wellness practitioners, products and amazing artisans. Try sample sessions, find crystals, jewelry, essential oils, spa products, gifts and art. Free workshops. $5 online or $6 at the door and free for active/ veteran military, emergency responders and children 16 and under. Sunday, March 22 • 10am-5pm Illuminate Festivals Clarion Inn Frederick Event Center 5400 Holiday Dr, Frederick, MD. Info: 575-519-5883 or Connect@IlluminateFestivals.com
THURSDAY, MARCH 26 Stress and Hormones: Personalized Nutrition for the Weight Loss Resistant – 12pm. See March 12 for details. Free. Regenasyst Wellness, online webinar. RSVP: Info@TreatYourselfTtoHealth. com. Register: TreatYourselfToHealth.com.
MONDAY, MARCH 30 Caregivers Matter! – 6:30-8pm. With Julia Rowland, Ph.D. Come find out why caregivers are so important to our health and if you are currently a caregiver, why caring for you is as important as caring for your loved one or friend. Free. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or SmithCenter.org.
plan ahead
Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info: ArlingtonLaughterYoga@yahoo.com. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8
special event
Autism Awareness Month, How Homeopathy Can Help With Dr. Liss. Join homeopath Michael Liss of Rose Wellness Center for an informative webinar to learn about how he can help you or your children with autism using homeopathy, natural and gentle healing.
Wednesday, April 8 • 7pm Webinar, Rose Wellness, 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA. Info: 571-529-6699 or RoseWellness.com
special event
Microbiome, What Is This New Buzzword All About and Why Is It So Important? With Dr. Leon. Join functional medicine physician, Dr. Alex Leon of Rose Wellness Center for an informative webinar to learn about your microbiome and the functional medicine approach to helping you heal. Plus, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions live. Wednesday, April 8 • 7pm Webinar, Rose Wellness, 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA. Info: 571-529-6699 or RoseWellness.com
Sunday Morning Meditation Class –10:30am12:30pm. With Hugh Byrne. An oasis in a busy week, including 30-minute guided meditations, a 10-minute walking meditation and 30-minute discussion. A mini-retreat. Drop-ins welcome. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org.
Mindfulness in Recovery – 6:30-8pm. This group is open to new meditators and seasoned practitioners alike with a common interest in the intersection of Buddhist teachings and 12 Step recovery. All 12 Steppers are welcome and we ask that participants have at least 90 days of continuous recovery and a working relationship with a home 12 Step recovery group be established before attending your first meeting. This group is not a replacement for our individual 12 Step programs. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org.
Early Morning Meditation –7:30-8:15am. A beautiful way to start your day, with a 30-minute meditation and optional 15-minute discussion following. Drop-ins welcome. A project of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW). The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: LivingMindfully.org.
Early Morning Meditation –7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org.
Early Morning Meditation –7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org.
Early Morning Meditation –7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org.
Early Morning Meditation –7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org.
Coming Next Month Grassroots Climate Crisis Strategies
Plus: Healthy Home
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Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email Stephen@NaturalAwakeningsDC.com to request our media kit.
ACUPUNCTURE HOMA HASHIME, ND, M.AC., L.AC., DIPL. AC Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 • Info@RoseWellness.com RoseWellness.com
Homa Hashime is a licensed acupuncturist and naturopathic doctor. She obtained a master’s degree in acupuncture from Tai Sophia Institute and her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. She is also an A d v a n c e d D e t o x i f i c a t i o n Specialist in auricular acupuncture for addiction and strion. She has experience treating various acute and chronic conditions including stress, depression, anxiety, infertility, eating disorders, PTSK, menstrual problems, migraine headaches, and painful joints and muscular conditions using acupuncture, herbs, nutritional supplements, craniosacral therapy and cupping treatment. See ad, page 9.
SAVVY REST NATURAL BEDROOM 258 Maple Ave East, Vienna, VA and 12242 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 703-255-7040 (VA) or 301-770-7040 (MD) Maddie@SavvyRest.com • SRNB.com
Savvy Rest Natural Bedroom is the premier retailer of Savvy Rest organic mattresses and bedding, a Virginia manufacturer and retailer of fine bedroom furniture. See ad, page 3.
If you are diagnosed with cancer, there are supportive treatments which may enhance the body’s ability to fight cancer and help the traditional cancer treatments work more effectively. Integrative, holistic medicine combines traditional and adjunctive complementary treatments to restore the patient to a better state of health and improve the quality of life. Whereas traditional medicine will focus on treating the tumor, the holistic approach is to focus on the patient and outcome.
CHIROPRACTOR DR. ALLAN TOMSON, DC Neck Back & Beyond Wellness Center 10195 Main St, Ste D, Fairfax, VA 703-865-5690 • NeckBackAndBeyond.com NeckBackAndBeyond@gmail.com
Dr. Allan Tomson, DC, director of Neck Back & Beyond Healing Arts in Fairfax, VA, with a satellite office in Manassas, VA. He is not your ordinary chiropractor with skills and experience in functional medicine, visceral manipulation, craniosacral therapy and Cayce protocols. See ad, page 9.
CLEANING MAID BRIGADE CAPITAL REGION 4813-A Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria, VA 800-515-6243 • MaidBrigade.com Marketing@Maid-Brigade.com
We are Green Clean Certified, so you can have peace of mind that your home will be healthier for you, your pets and the environment. See ad, page 7.
JESSICA CLAIRE HANEY CONSULTING 571-358-8645 • JessicaClaireHaney.com Jessica@MindfulHealthyLife.com
Writing, editing, marketing/ digital media support and strategy consulting for holistic-minded businesses and organizations from experienced local writer, blogger and event organizer Jessica Claire Haney.
MARIANNE SCIPPA Neck Back & Beyond Wellness Center 10195 Main St, Ste D, Fairfax, VA 703-865-5690 • NeckBackAndBeyond.com ScippaAssociates.com
We design interactive sessions for you and your staff to better understand the physical, mental and emotional costs of many common work management habits. Individual or team coaching for ongoing leadership, management and health development support to create the peak performance habits you need. See ad, page 9.
DENTAL EXCELLENCE INTEGRATIVE CENTER Dr. Sheri Salartash, DDS, FAGD, FICOI, FAAP Certified Holistic Mouth Doctor 3116 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, VA 703-745-5496 • DentalExcellenceVA.com
Dr. Salartash offers comprehensive integrative care for the mouth, including general and preventative family dentistry, cosmetic smile design and implants, orthodontics and clear aligners, Chao Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Therapy, mercury-safe removal, TMJ, sleep apnea and snoring treatment. From her green office, using sustainable practices and materials, Dr. Salartash treats both adults and children. See ad, page 3.
PAM SNYDER Neck Back & Beyond Wellness Center 10195 Main St, Ste D, Fairfax, VA NeckBackAndBeyond@gmail.com 703-865-5690 • NeckBackAndBeyond.com Let us help you integrate the healing power of essential oils into your home and personal care routines. We offer free ongoing classes each month. Individual and group consultations are available by appointment. See ad, page 9.
HEALTH COACHING NATIONAL INTEGRATED HEALTH ASSOCIATES 5225 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 402, NW 202-237-7000 NICADC.com/Health-Programs/ Rejuvenation-Detoxification.html
Rejuvenation & Detoxification program provides guidance to restore balance and health with lifestyle tips on diet, hydration, digestion and internal cleansing and detoxification with integrative at-home and spa strategies.
ELIZABETH MCMILLAN, MS, CNS Rose Wellness Center 571-529-6699 • RoseWellness.com
Elizabeth McMillan is a boardcertified clinical nutritionist specializing in functional nutrition. She believes in finding the root cause of aliments and creating a personalized dietary plan to restore optimal wellness. Elizabeth specializes in diabetes, food sensitivities, gastrointestinal health, autoimmunity and metabolic syndrome issues. Call today to see how she can help. See ad, page 9.
MICHAEL LISS Rose Wellness Center 571-529-6699 • RoseWellness.com
Michael Liss is a Doctor of Classical Homeopathy and an integrative health practitioner. He specializes in using homeopathy to help you find relief from various emotional and physical health problems including addictions, substance abuse, anxiety, depression, allergies, asthma, childhood ailments, migraines, hair and skin disorders, immune deficiencies and sinus disorders. See ad, page 9.
FREE YOURSELF HYPNOSIS Michelle DeStefano 301-744-0200 • FreeYourselfHypnosis.com FreeYourselfHypnosis@gmail.com
Life strategies and techniques to rewrite the software of your mind and change the printout of your life—become stress-free, stop smoking, manage pain or lose weight. We work with PSTD, birthing, peak performance, PSYCH-K, Graphology, meditation and qigong. See ad, page 7.
DIANNE RHODES HYPNOTHERAPY AND DREAM INTERPRETER Neck Back & Beyond Wellness Center 10195 Main St, Ste D, Fairfax, VA NeckBackAndBeyond@gmail.com 703-865-5690 • NeckBackAndBeyond.com Dianne Rhodes is a NGH-Certified Hypnotherapy Practitioner and a Certified Projective Dreamworker. For five years, she has been using a client-centered approach to help people make positive behavior changes utilizing the powerful tool of hypnotherapy. She guides people to overcome issues such as: overweight, fears/anxiety, stress, chronic pain, difficulty sleeping, sadness/depression and lack of confidence, fear of public speaking, nail biting, poor academic/sports performance and clutter/hoarding . See ad, page 9.
INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE SUSHMA HIRANI, MD Rose Wellness Center• 571-529-6699 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA Info@RoseWellness.com RoseWellness.com Dr. Sushma Hirani uses an integrative approach to wellness, utilizing conventional medicine and evidencebased complementary therapies. She strives to treat the whole person and emphasizes nutrition, preventive care and lifestyle changes. She specializes in the treatment of chronic issues such as hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, menopause and women’s health issues. Patients love her compassionate care and personalized attention. See ad, page 9.
INDIGO INTEGRATIVE HEALTH CLINIC The Waterfront Center 1010 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 660, NW 202-298-9131 • IndigoHealthClinic.com Facebook.com/IndigoHealthClinic Twitter.com/IzzyIndigo
Are you living with a health problem which you aren’t sure how to handle? Give yourself the opportunity to de scribe your symptoms in detail, how those symptoms make you feel and how having them affects your life. With proper diagnosis and treatment you can be restored to vibrant health.
ALEX LEON, MD Integrative Family Physician Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 • RoseWellness.com
Dr. Alex Leon is a board-certified family physician specializing in integrative functional medicine to help restore and maintain your wellbeing. He has a special interest in men’s health care, chronic pain syndromes including musculoskeletal problems, fibromyalgia, bioidentical hormone replacement for men and women, chronic conditions including hypothyroidism, gastrointestinal disorders and allergic disorders. He treats kids too. See ad, page 9.
NATIONAL INTEGRATED HEALTH ASSOCIATES 5225 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 402, NW 202-237-7000 • NIHADC.com
The professional health team at NIHA is comprised of holistic medical physicians, biological dentists, naturopaths, a chiropractor and health professionals highly skilled in acupuncture, nutrition and other healing therapies.
ROSE WELLNESS CENTER 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 • RoseWellness.com Info@RoseWellness.com
Suffering from chronic pain, fatigue, allergies, stress? Whatever your health challenges, Rose Wellness Center can help you get on the path to real wellness. We help identify hormone, metabolic, digestive, nutritional and food sensitivity issues to get to the root cause of your health problems, where true healing begins. Our services include digestive and women’s health programs, hormone balancing, acupuncture, Lyme treatment, homeopathy and thyroid management. See ad, page 9.
D r. T i m S a l o t t o o f f e r s naturopathic treatment for all your medical conditions, treating the cause and not just the symptoms. See ad, page 7.
ORGANIC PRODUCE - CSA SPIRAL PATH FARM 717-789-4433 • Csa@SpiralPathFarm.com SpiralPathFarm.com
100% USDA-certified organic all grown at our farm in southcentral Pennsylvania. Join for our weekly produce deliveries t hroug h a C ommunity Supported Agriculture (CSA) membership. See ad, page 11.
NECK BACK & BEYOND WELLNESS CENTER Janice M Johnson 10195 Main St, Ste D, Fairfax, VA NeckBackAndBeyond@gmail.com NeckBackAndBeyond.com • 703-865-5690 Allow me to join you in creating your own individualized treatment program, which provides a safe and supportive experience for your healing process, with Polarity Therapy and Swiss Bionic Solutions MRS 2000 (Magnetic Resonance Stimulation) pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF). See ad, page 9.
ROSE WELLNESS CENTER 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 • RoseWellness.com
Rose Wellness Center for Integrative Medicine offers Thermography or Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI). This non-invasive diagnostic technique creates thermal images that are analyzed for abnormalities and early signs of disease. Thermal imaging is painless, non-invasive, does not involve any compression and emits no radiation. Call today to setup your scan. See ad, page 9.
Peace is its own reward. ~Mahatma Gandhi
Scientists recently discovered a way to kill viruses and bacteria. Now thousands of people are using it to stop colds and fl u. Colds start when cold viruses get in your nose. Viruses multiply fast. If you don’t stop them early, they spread and cause misery. In hundreds of studies, EPA and university researchers have confi rmed that viruses and bacteria die almost instantly when touched by copper.
That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about microbes, but now we do.
Scientists say the high conductance of copper disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys the cell in seconds.
Tests by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) show germs die fast on copper. So some hospitals tried copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives.
The strong scientifi c evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. When he felt a cold about to start he fashioned a smooth copper probe and rubbed it gently in his nose for 60 seconds.
“It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold never got going.” It worked again every time. He hasn’t had a single cold for 7 years since.
He asked relatives and friends to try it. They said it worked for them, too, so he patented CopperZap™ and put it on the market.
Soon hundreds of people had tried it and given feedback. Nearly 100% said the copper stops colds if used within 3 hours after the fi rst sign. Even up to 2 days, if they still get the cold it is milder than usual and they feel better.
Users wrote things like, “It stopped my cold right away,” and “Is it supposed to work that fast?”
Pat McAllister, 70, received one for Christmas and called it “one of the best presents ever. This little jewel really works.”
Now thousands of users have simply stopped getting colds.
People often use CopperZap preventively. Frequent fl ier Karen Gauci used to get colds after crowded fl ights. Though skeptical, she tried it several times a day on travel days for 2 months. “Sixteen fl ights and not a sniffl e!” she exclaimed.
Businesswoman Rosaleen says when people are sick around her she uses CopperZap morning and night. “It saved me last holidays,” she said. “The kids had colds going round and round, but not me.”
Some users say it also helps with sinuses. Attorney Donna Blight had a 2-day sinus headache. When her CopperZap arrived, she tried it. “I am shocked!” she said. “My head cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.” Some users say copper stops nighttime stuffi ness if used just before bed. One man said, “Best sleep I’ve had in years.”
Copper can also stop fl u if used early and for several days. Lab technicians placed 25 million live fl u viruses on a CopperZap. No viruses were found alive soon after.
Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the teams confi rming the discovery. He placed millions of disease germs on copper. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched the surface,” he said. People have even used copper on cold sores and say it can completely prevent outbreaks. The handle is curved and fi nely textured to improve contact. It kills germs picked up on fi ngers and hands to protect you and your family. Copper even kills deadly germs that have become resistant to antibiotics. If you are near sick people, a moment of handling it may keep serious infection away. It may even save a life.
The EPA says copper still works even when tarnished. It kills hundreds of diff erent disease germs so it can prevent serious or even fatal illness.
CopperZap is made in America of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. It is $69.95.
Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA18. Go to www.CopperZap.com or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114.
Buy once, use forever. New research: Copper stops colds if used early.
ADVERTORIAL Seven years without a cold? New device stops cold and fl u
Dr. Bill Keevil: Copper quickly kills cold viruses.
202-505-4835 or Stephen@NaturalAwakeningsDC.com
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