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The benefits of sound therapy with newlife

Play is a fantastic way for children and young people to learn in a new way. Utilising sound during play, one charity working with disabled children has launched a connective touch sound kit to facilitate learning and skill building


Transforming the simplicity of human touch into sounds, Newlife, the charity for disabled children, is adding to their Exploring Sounds Play Therapy Pod with Playtronica.

The connective touch sound kit is a di erent way to engage pupils of all ages to learn in a new way.


The Playtronica sound kit – which won product of the year at the International Sound Awards 2020 and is often used in the music industry – can stimulate learning through sound for disabled children, helping to enhance interaction with others as teachers, parents, and carers can share the magical experience of creating sound together.

Making music accessible to all, using skin, water or the touch of an object, the Playtronica can provide pupils with the opportunity to interact with others and provide a new way to communicate.

Using a PC, tablet, or smartphone – alongside the Playtronica device – with conductive surfaces, Newlife’s products are dedicated to supporting children and young people to develop fi ne motor skills, coordination, range of motion and balance as well as problem solving skills.


Continually providing families and carers with the tools and services needed to support disabled young people, Newlife donate specialist disability equipment, spending £3.6 million annually to provide much needed and sought-after services to thousands of children who would previously be denied the chance to reach their full potential.

The Play Therapy Pods, and now Playtronica, can support children aged fi ve and over in your classroom.

“We are constantly evolving our range of Play Therapy Pods,” explains Carrick Brown, head of child and family support at Newlife. “We have worked closely with experts to create a variety of pods to suit the di erent needs of children with disabilities and the whole range of pods have proved extremely successful, not only helping children to develop or maintain skills, but even helping children play for the fi rst time.”


The Play Therapy Pods are a key part in maintaining positive physical and mental health. Through play, children and young people can learn about the world around them.

All Play Therapy Pods come complete with specifi c specialists toys, loaned free of charge for 12-weeks to ensure the right toys and products are provided.

Carrick continues: “After a di cult year for everyone our services are now needed more than ever and we are doing everything possible to provide the services we know are so vital, making it as easy as possible for families to access Newlife’s services. We are still right here when families need us most and will carry on providing and delivering.”

Regardless if you are looking for new products in your classroom or services to signpost to parents, Newlife’s Playtronica or additional Play Therapy Pods are an essential asset.


Discover Newlife’s Play erapy Pod service visit newlifecharity.co.uk/pods or call 01543 462 777.

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