1 minute read

Continued learning

Introduction to Classroom Debating

Various dates throughout 2023 youngspeakersscotland.org.uk


Creativity for Inclusion and Inclusion for Creativity

20, 27 April, 4 May www.strath.ac.uk

The University of Strathclyde’s School of Education has a reputation for producing brilliant teachers, but the university also has a host of CPD courses available. This three-day course teaches participants relevant practical skills and techniques in music and art which can help nurture young people’s natural curiosity and creativity. After completing the course, participants will be able to support children’s voices and their desire for creativity in an inclusive learning space.

This one day course from Young Speakers Scotland introduces teachers to classroom debating, whether they are skilled in the area or complete beginners. It highlights the important role debating can play in getting pupils speaking and listening, while developing confidence and other core communication skills. Throughout the course, participants will learn how to get started; debate formats; involving the whole class; researching and structuring speeches; integrating debating into your teaching and more.

Stepping Stones

Online learning professionallearning.education.gov.scot

Aimed at teachers in their first four years of their career, the Stepping Stones course provides support, challenge and professional learning for postprobationary teachers. The online course aims to give participants a sense of self and improve wellbeing, enabling them to make a positive contribution to the lives of children and young people, and in the wider education system. This programme has been developed as part of a partnership between Education Scotland, Columba 1400 and the General Teaching Council Scotland.

Introduction to Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice

Online learning


The Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit and Dyslexia Scotland provide three linked courses which can be completed individually or you could choose to do all of the modules. This is the first of the three courses and focuses on providing teachers and local authority sta with an awareness of what dyslexia is, its impact and how it can be supported within an inclusive school environment. After completing the module you’ll receive a digital badge and can go on to enrol in the second and third modules: Supporting Dyslexia, Inclusive Practice and Literacy; and Dyslexia: Identification and Support.

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