Inver Hills Foundation 2017 Annual Report

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A Member of Minnesota State



























A message from the College President and the Foundation Board Chair

Dear Inver Hills Community Members, This January marks a time of transition for Inver Hills and

$79,000; spring semester 2018 saw 104 scholarships

the Inver Hills Foundation. We had a wonderful 2016–17

awarded totaling $80,380.

academic year, but this past summer we also received news that Foundation Executive Director Gail Morrison had announced her retirement.

Retention efforts have been bolstered via TuitionMatch-MN, a savings match program for low-income and middleincome students, and WriteNow!, a learning community

For the past 15 years, Gail’s leadership of the foundation

that encourages students to work together to improve

has kept the board of directors both engaged and forward

their reading and writing skills.

thinking. With her retirement in March 2018, the board decided to honor Gail’s legacy with a $50,000 scholarship drive in her name which will support students at Inver Hills that are single parents.

The power and promise of education is only as strong as our ability as a campus community to collaborate with each other and our many partners beyond the college grounds. As you read the stories in this annual report,

Good news about the college comes from a variety of places.

keep in mind that Inver Hills as an institution exists for

In March 2017, the Higher Learning Commission Peer

one reason: meeting and exceeding the academic and

Review Team conducted Comprehensive Quality Review

career needs of our students and graduates. With your

(CQR) at Inver Hills. The CQR resulted in reaffirmation

help, we can continue to make their dreams come true

of the college’s accreditation. This confirms the validity

for decades to come.

of our work with students and allows the college to participate in federal grant programs, including Pell Grants, which are vital for students in need. The peer review team also recognized Inver Hills as a model institution. The Inver Hills Foundation continues striving to make sure financial obstacles do not impede our students in their quest to get a college education. For fall semester 2017, the foundation awarded 96 scholarships totaling







Human Services grad earns MSW and founds first-of-its-kind wellness center YUSSUF SHAFIE: OUTSTANDING ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR

Yussuf Shafie, 28, of Burnsville, Minnesota, is the 2017 Outstanding

While he was attending the U of M, Yussuf and his sister, Ifrah,

Alumnus of the Year at Inver Hills Community College. Originally

opened Tawakal, the first Somali restaurant in Burnsville. Tawakal

from East Africa with roots in Somalia and Kenya, Yussuf immi-

serves Somali, Ethiopian and Kenyan cuisine. Ifrah went on to take

grated with his family to Burnsville in 2000. One of seven children,

a lead management role in the business, giving Yussuf more time

he graduated from Burnsville High School in 2006 and attended

to focus his energies on social work.

Inver Hills from 2007 to 2009.

In 2015, Yussuf founded the Alliance Wellness Center in Bloom-

Yussuf was an active college student beyond the classroom, serv-

ington, the fourth largest city in Minnesota with roughly 86,000

ing as president of the Somali Student Club, vice president of the

residents. The center, the first of its kind in the Twin Cities metro

International Student Club, and treasurer of VIBE, or Volunteering

area, specializes in serving clients with East African backgrounds,

Individuals Brings Empowerment. He graduated with an Associate

offering multicultural care delivered by a multicultural team with

of Science (A.S.) degree in Human Services.

a focus on mental health issues and addiction.

Yussuf continued his education, earning his BSW from Metropol-

Tom Reis, an instructor with 12 years of experience in the Human

itan State University in 2012 and his MSW from the University of

Services program at Inver Hills, remembers Yussuf as one of his top

Minnesota in 2014. He completed an internship with the Commu-

students. “Yussuf has accomplished more than any other student

nity University Health Care Center as an adult rehabilitative mental

that has graduated from our program during my time at Inver,�

health services (ARMHS) practitioner, specializing in social work

Tom said.

triage. Yussuf is also a licensed graduate social worker (LGSW).


Q&A What is your most memorable experience at Inver? In 2008, I went on the Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief Trip to New Orleans. Being there, seeing the high water level and working with people struggling with poverty taught me a lot about human services. Also, my Human Services instructors, Tom Reis and Cheryl Redinger, were amazing. How would describe the Human Services program at Inver? I was able to be part of a learning community when I was in the program and some of us stuck together all the way through graduate school. We are like a family. What do you like best about the human services field? I love having the chance to help others. You meet people where they are. Understanding the whole concept of social work is

Ann Schroder, a librarian at Inver Hills, served as co-advisor for

knowing how to be there for people in need.

the Somali Student Club when Yussuf was president. “Yussuf was the person in the room who could persuade all parties to agree,” Ann said. “He used a reasoned approach, his sense of humor and

What has been your toughest challenge in life?

his infectious smile. His ability to lead with respect is an amazing

Educating people I meet about my land and my culture. Somalia

character trait.”

has gone through a lot and many Somalians are suffering from PTSD. I am looking for people to be less judgemental and more

As a Somali and practicing Muslim, Yussuf continues to serve


as executive director of the Alliance Wellness Center. His other pursuits include work as a direct support professional for Howry

What is the most interesting or amazing thing that’s ever

Residential Services in Eagan, assisting with the daily living needs

happened to you?

of vulnerable adult clients, and as a social worker at Roosevelt High

I am married to my best friend—plus I own my own business

School providing counseling services to troubled students.

and I’m giving back to my community by helping people with

Perhaps Ann Schroder best sums up Yussuf’s remarkable contribu-

chemical dependency and mental health issues.

tions to people most in need in his community. “Yussuf embodies the determination and grit we hope will inspire

What is your greatest accomplishment?

other Inver Hills students,” she said. “He certainly inspires me!”

Educating people about community issues while providing for my family. What person or persons have influenced you the most in life? Muhammad Ali and Nelson Mandela. My parents and brothers and sisters, too.


U.S. Air Force veteran runs own aerospace company STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: DAVE ZELM


Dave Zelm, 36, served in the U.S. Air Force from 2000 to 2006. Dave was working at the Pentagon on 9/11 when al-Qaeda terrorists

Originally from Menomonie, Wisconsin, Dave graduated from

crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the west wall of the

Menomonie High School in 2000. While in the Air Force, he

6.5 million-square-foot building. During the Iraq War, he was

earned certification in Human Resources Management/Personnel

deployed in Kirkuk, a city of 850,000 in oil-rich northeastern Iraq

Administration at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi.

that became an epicenter of inter-ethnic unrest. He also served in Japan and South Korea during his time in the Air Force.

As a student veteran at Inver Hills, Dave is exceptionally active on campus. He serves as president of Student Senate and president

Today, Dave is earning his Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree at Inver

of Club V.A.L.O.R. The latter student organization provides direct

Hills Community College with plans to attend Embry-Riddle

means of communication, camaraderie and support for veterans,

Aeronautical University after he graduates from Inver in 2019.

active-duty servicemembers and their families. The club meets

His goal is to earn a Master of Science (M.S.) in Aeronautics with a

weekly and creates connections between members that help them

minor in Small Unmanned Systems.

overcome the stress and challenges of transitioning from the

Dave has a strong interest in the technology behind unmanned aerial

military to college life. V.A.L.O.R. stands for Veterans And Loved

vehicles, or UAVs, better known as drones. He has several years of

Ones Resources.

flight experience with UAVs and is an FAA commercially licensed

“Club V.A.L.O.R. is a group of some of the brightest individuals I

remote pilot. His expertise with drones and aerial photography

have ever known,” Dave said. “We watch out for each other and are

inspired him to start his own business, Zelm Aerospace, which

allowed to be ourselves when in the company of other veterans that

provides a number of leading-edge services, including precision

share similar experiences. We’re also pretty damn good-looking.”

agricultural analysis and digital elevation mapping. “I started my own business because that was the only way I would have the chance to carry out my goals the way I want to,” Dave said. “Zelm Aerospace primarily does drone services now, but in the next few years I would like to get into satellite construction and aircraft design. 6

Q&A What has been your toughest challenge in life? Learning how to overcome fear of failure and stop making excuses for my failings. What person has influenced you the most in life? There are too many to list, but they’re exclusively people who have made their own way through life, regardless of difficulty. What advice would you give veterans about going to college? When you try to go to college as a veteran, life will continuously pop up and try to pull you off track. Make a decision to put your education first and stick with it. The Pentagon on 9/11


When American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the west wall of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, 189 people lost their

Dave is a recipient of a $2,000 UTC Aerospace Systems Veteran’s

lives—53 passengers, six crew members, five hijackers and

Scholarship. This scholarship is available for veterans or individuals

125 Pentagon workers. More than 100 people were injured on

currently serving in the military. Qualified applicants demonstrate

the ground.

academic achievement, financial need, special life circumstances, honors and awards, and well-defined career goals as well as campus

Estimates place nearly 2,600 Pentagon personnel working near

and community service.

the impact site. Dave Zelm was on duty in a Pentagon ring only

“UTC is providing a fantastic safety net for veterans with this

one section away from the crash. He recalls hearing the shrieking

scholarship,” Dave said. “As veterans, we receive many benefits

whistle of the Boeing 757 jet engines and an extremely loud

from the federal government for education, but sometimes those

explosion. He knew people had been killed. His job over the next

benefits take a while to get going. The UTC Scholarship definitely

few days involved digging through the wreckage and rubble.

helps close that gap.” “Pulling myself out of a ten-year slump after the military wasn’t Dave is a single father with three children, one daughter, Madelyn,

easy,” Dave said. “I was at the Pentagon when the 9/11 attacks

10, and two sons, Jack and Zander, ages 8 and 6. He resides in Inver

happened and shortly after that I was serving in combat

Grove Heights, Minnesota, and when he’s not raising his children,

zones. It took me a long time to recognize I needed some help

studying, running his business or taking part in extracurricular

with survivor’s guilt, but when I got help, it really turned my

activities on campus, he enjoys working with drones, planes,

life around.”

rockets and robots as well as competing in Airsoft and playing the Dark Souls videogame series.


2009 grad earns B.S.N. while building successful modeling career ALUMNA SPOTLIGHT: STEFI GERDA ASANTE-TOTIMEH

Originally from the West African nation of Ghana, Stefanie Gerda

Stefi was raised Catholic in a bustling, cosmopolitan environment

Asante-Totimeh, 31, graduated from Inver Hills Community

with a rich cultural heritage. Her parents made sure she went on

College in 2009 with an Associate of Science (A.S.) in Nursing.

countless learning excursions during her formative years. She also

Stefi grew up alternating between two cities, Accra, Ghana’s capital

traveled extensively outside Africa (she has relatives living in En-

and principal seaport, and Kumasi, a metropolitan cultural center

gland). Her upbringing and natural confidence made for a smooth

two hours inland from Accra by car. Both cities have populations

transition to life in the U.S.

topping two million people.

“I came to the United States with plans to get an education that

After graduating in 2003 from Achimota School, a co-educational

would allow me do something to help people,” Stefi said. “Inver

boarding school in Accra, Stefi decided to move to the U.S. to ad-

Hills gave me the chance to do just that. The campus was so close

vance her education. She stayed with her uncle, who had already

to home that I often walked to school.”

relocated to America and was residing in Inver Grove Heights, only blocks from Inver Hills.


Stefi arrived in Minnesota fluent in two languages, English, Ghana’s

When she started at Inver, Stefi focused on completing her gener-

official language, and Asante Twi, the first or second language

als. She was active in Student Life, serving as a student ambassa-

of more than 9 million ethnic Asante. Renowned as goldsmiths

dor. She soon joined Phi Theta Kappa and the International Stu-

for centuries, the Asante fiercely resisted British colonization.

dent Club.

Today, they flourish as a matrilineal society and as exemplary

“I was single and I loved getting involved in Student Life activities,”

agriculturists, producing the lion’s share of their country’s food

Stefi remembered. “I went on a lot of college-related trips, includ-

supply. The Asante people are also responsible for 96 percent of

ing one trip to a PTK event in Seattle. I met my future husband,

Ghana’s exports.

Tetteh, through my job as a student ambassador.”


MORE ABOUT STEFI… Stefi’s long-range career plans are centered on earning her Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.). Her goal is to combine her nursing skills and business expertise to make a difference in the mental health field. “Mental health has a powerful impact in all areas of health care,” she said. “I would like to go back to Ghana at some point and start a business that helps people dealing with mental health issues.” Stefi and her husband, Tetteh, a registered nurse with a B.S.N. as well, reside in Eagan, Minnesota, with their two children, Kwasi, 5, and Adwoa, 8 months. Stefi and Tetteh were originally married in a courthouse, but they returned to Ghana for a holy matrimony ceremony in 2011. Tetteh is also from Africa; his dad is from Ghana, his mom from Liberia. Stefi’s dad recently traveled from Ghana to Eagan to help out with the family. “My dad is an amazing grandpa,” Stefi said. “He provides awesome support.” Stefi added that her mom had to stay in Ghana to run her own small business, a daycare center called Tickles & Giggles. When she’s not working as a nurse or modeling or being a mom, Stefi likes to read fiction and nonfiction. A couple of her favorite books are The Power of Broke by Daymond John, the founder of a multibillion dollar global lifestyle brand, and Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a Nigerian-born author. Stefi likes to organize parties and events and she loves traveling. She also has a passion for mentoring aspiring nurses and models. She makes a point of going to the gym often to stretch, do aerobics and lift weights, free and machine. “I have guns,” she said with a smile while flexing her right arm.

Stefi discovered her passion for modeling while doing photo shoots

who required two heart surgeries in his first year of life. Kwasi suf-

for Inver Hills publications. She followed that career track and has

fers from Charge syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that can cause

since signed with several modeling and talent agencies, including

congenital deafblindness.

Meredith, Ruggiero, Caryn, Moore and Peak. Her focus is commer-

“Good health insurance is so important,” Stefi said. “Without my

cial modeling.

benefits at Capitol View, we would have gone bankrupt. Kwasi is my

“I like doing work that will be seen by everyday people,” she said. “I

miracle boy.”

want them to be able to imagine themselves wearing the clothes I’m

In 2014, Stefi earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)

modeling. I want them to say, ‘Yeah, I can see myself buying that.’”

from Bemidji State University. She completed her classes online

Stefi had less time for extracurricular activities once she started the

and attended the BSU commencement ceremony in Bemidji.

Nursing program. Nursing clicked with her as the perfect answer to

She has also earned Medical-Surgical, Public Health Nurse, and

her calling to serve people in need. Shortly after graduating from

Minnesota Health Information Training Clinical Systems Specialist

Inver, she passed her NCLEX-RN exam and became a practicing


registered nurse.

Today, she works as a critical care nurse in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at United Hospital in St. Paul. She provides palliative and criti-


cal care while serving as an advocate for patients and their families.

Stefi’s first job as an RN was at Highland Chateau Health Care Cen-

“The patients we see are in really bad shape,” she said. “Our first job

ter in St. Paul. She was responsible for delivering care to 40 elderly

is trying to stabilize their condition. We try to make them as com-

patients. Her next job took her to Capitol View Transitional Care

fortable as possible. You can’t become emotionally involved when

Center located in Regions Hospital. She enjoyed the work and the

working with dying patients. I’ve learned to keep my emotions in

benefits were instrumental in caring for her firstborn son, Kwasi,

check—otherwise I would not be able to do my job.”


U of M Ph.D. student starts own study-abroad company ALUMNUS SPOTLIGHT: DEREK TANO

Derek Tano, 24, of Lakeville, Minnesota, is an Inver Hills Community

U of M. He is currently working on his Ph.D. in Ancient Roman

College alumnus who recently returned to the Inver campus to tell

Archaeology. His dissertation research is focused on the Roman

his story via the fourth installment of the Philosophy department’s

colonization of Britain following the Claudian conquest.

“Rethinking the Paths of Success.” Derek graduated from Inver

Derek’s areas of professional expertise include European and

Hills in 2013 with his Associate of Arts (A.A.) with Emphasis

ancient history, European and Oriental culture, political science

in History.

and international relations. He has worked with some of the

“I originally wanted to go to the University of Minnesota, but was

world’s top historians and archaeologists. On top of English, he is

not accepted,” Derek said. “My dad told me to give Inver Hills a try.

proficient in Spanish and can get by in conversational French and

He’s an Inver Hills alum. He studied meteorology and air traffic

Italian. He can also read Latin and Attic Greek.

control and went on to become a pilot for Delta Air Lines. ” Derek loved his time at Inver Hills. He highly recommends finding


your collegiate footing on a smaller campus where the instructors

Derek might not have the basketball skills of Meadowlark Lemon,

not only know your name, but take the time to work with you one

but he is an ultimate globetrotter. He has visited more than 100

on one.

countries on every continent except Antarctica as well as all 50 states in the U.S. He has lived and worked extensively in Italy—

“The education I received at Inver was as good as—if not better

perhaps his favorite foreign country. He has also spent a great deal

than—the education I received at the University of Minnesota,”

of time in Japan, Great Britain, India, Australia, France and The

Derek said. “Inver is an amazing stepping stone to more advanced


degrees and career success. My advice to Inver Hills students is to

Derek’s dad is a commercial airline pilot and his mom is a flight

care about their education and really value their time at Inver.”

attendant. Derek took his first flight on a jetliner when he was only

After graduating from Inver Hills, Derek transferred to the U of M,

weeks old. He doesn’t claim to have spent more time in the air than

Twin Cities, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in European

both his parents combined, but it seems possible.

History and a B.A. in Classical Archaeology. From there, he earned his Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Secondary Education from the 10



Derek is the founder, president and managing director of World Class Programs, an independently owned and operated company

What has been your toughest challenge in life?

that specializes in creating overseas summer learning experiences

Starting my own business. There are so many unknowns. That

customized to match each student’s personal plans and preferences.

process has also been the most rewarding and fun.

The company’s team of global educators has comprehensive expertise in both secondary education and the travel industry.

What person has influenced you the most in life?

World Class Programs applies a unique experiential method of

My grandfather, Peter Ruzzi. He was the smartest guy I ever

learning based on Kolb’s Psychological Learning Styles. Derek

met. He didn’t have a college degree, but he worked for the U.S.

developed the method while earning his master’s degree; all World

Bureau of Mines as a geologist. He taught himself everything

Class Programs are taught in this manner.

on the job. I used to visit my grandfather and grandmother in

“With this method, we bring the curriculum alive with valuable

Eagan at least four times a week. Losing my grandfather was

experiences and cultural immersion opportunities,” Derek said.

very difficult for me. I promised myself to succeed in my career

“Along with the educational benefits, students will also meet new

and do him proud.

people from around the world, and experience a new way of life different from their own. All of this combines to form the ultimate

What’s your favorite country to live other than the U.S.?

summer experience with World Class Programs.”

Italy. I have an Italian heritage and I’ve spent a lot of time in Italy. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited? For cities, that would be Monaco or Vernazza, Italy. For landscapes, that would be New Zealand or Japan. What’s the most intriguing place you’ve ever visited? Thailand or Sri Lanka What’s the friendliest place you’ve ever visited? Mexico or Finland. I also have some Finnish blood. What do you like best about history as a field?


If presented correctly, history is a story—one that’s part of you

Jaclyn Tano, Derek’s sister, graduated from Inver Hills in May 2017

and actually true. You can see yourself in history.

with her A.A. with Emphasis in Psychology. Jaclyn’s transferring to the U of M to earn her B.A. in English. From there, she’s aiming to

What do you like best about archaeology as a field?

get her M.Ed. in Elementary Education. She has always wanted to

You are discovering the past. If I could time travel, I would

be an elementary school teacher.

definitely reach into the past, not the future.

Jaclyn serves as the Florence program director for World Class Programs and will be in Italy over the summer. She considers Florence

What do you like to do when you’re not studying, traveling

her “home away from home.” Like Derek, she has traveled to more

or working?

than 100 countries worldwide.

Sleep is awesome. I enjoy nerdy things like Dungeons & Dragons 11

and strategy games. I also like walking my dog.

Former Inver Hills EMS director makes donation to college MARTI BREITER LILJA


Marti Breiter Lilja served as director of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) program at Inver Hills Community College from

Marti grew up in Lake Crystal, a city of 2,600 residents (1,800 at the

2000–2006. Marti recently donated $30,000 to the college to

time) in Blue Earth County near Mankato, Minnesota. After high

support the EMS program. Her history as a trailblazer in emergency

school, she earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) from

medical technician (EMT) and paramedic training at Hennepin

the College of Saint Teresa, a Catholic women’s college in Winona

County Medical Center (HCMC), formerly Hennepin County

that operated from 1907–1989.

General Hospital, in the 1970s and 1980s along with her EMS role at Inver Hills inspired her to convey the gift.

The future of EMS…

“Throughout my career, EMS education has been a pillar,” said

Advances in emergency medical care are not slowing down. The skill level of paramedics will continue to increase—and we will always need more and more trained pre-hospital care professionals. The demand is huge. New technology will also have a beneficial impact on the quality of care.

Marti, who started her journey in the health care profession as a registered nurse (RN). “I knew from firsthand experience that the EMS program at Inver Hills is one of the best. The faculty have tremendous energy and expertise. They not only teach, but also have jobs in EMS. They work it; they know it. They give their students a

— Marti Breiter Lilja, Inver Hills EMS Director, 2000–2006

real-life perspective. The program develops very strong, very capable paramedics.” Half of Marti’s $30,000 gift created and endowed the Marti Breiter

“I became a nurse to help people and I loved doing cardiac care nursing,”

Lilja Scholarship. One third of her gift, $10,000, went to the EMS

Marti said. “I accepted the new teaching position when I realized I could

Equipment and Technology Fund; this donation was matched 1:1

do more good by devoting myself to educating many pre-hospital

by the Minnesota State Leveraged Equipment program to establish

people to give good patient care than by my giving care alone.”

a $20,000 fund. One sixth of her gift, $5,000, supports the Health

Marti wrote the curriculum for the new paramedic program and

Care Professional Development and Innovative Learning Fund;

served as the program’s director and EMS instructor for 12 years. In

this donation was matched 1:1 by the Mardag Foundation to estab-

1985, she took on a broader administrative role as the quality assurance

lish a $10,000 fund.

officer for emergency medical services throughout Hennepin County. Although she had retired from Hennepin County, when the oppor12

tunity to become interim EMS program director at Inver Hills arose in 2000, Marti welcomed the challenge. The original plan was for her to serve in that capacity for half a year or so. That first six months turned into six years. “We were starting the program’s national accreditation process when I came on,” Marti recalled. “I stayed on because I loved the academic setting on campus. I admired the EMS faculty’s dedication and innovation, and the effort they made to mentor and find quality mentors for students in their program. Inver Hills is also a fun place to work.”

MORE ABOUT THE GIFT… After receiving an inheritance from her sister, Marti looked for ways to share her good fortune. She settled on the Inver Hills EMS program, knowing how much students needed financial assistance An EMS student practices critical skills needed to respond to emergency medical and trauma calls.

to cover their college expenses. She also knew faculty were continually seeking opportunities for professional development as well as ways to keep their program current with ongoing innovations in emergency care. Providing resources to obtain leading-edge equip-

Tim Keller, a current EMS student, received a $500 scholarship in fall

ment was another way to benefit students who would go on to save

semester 2017. His goal is to become a full-time firefighter-paramedic.

lives as highly trained paramedics.

“I settled on paramedic due to the fast pace and the outdoor nature of the work, two things I enjoy greatly. I’m very excited to finally be Advice for future paramedics…

pursuing a career I can see myself doing for the foreseeable future.”

Get your A.S. degree. That degree is such a good building block and provides a jumping-off point to a range of health care careers. Students in our EMS program get great exposure to patients, paramedics in the field and other health care professionals, including doctors and nurses. That experience is essential.


— Marti Breiter Lilja, Inver Hills EMS Director, 2000–2006









HAL® manikin, thanks to Marti Breiter Lilja’s donation


to the EMS Equipment and Technology Fund. Nicknamed

Rebekah Stai, EMS Traditional Track Paramedic Associate of

“Marty” by EMS faculty and

Science (A.S.) degree in 2017, works as a paramedic at North

students, Pediatric HAL® is a

Memorial Ambulance

patient simulator that remains

“The Marti Breiter Lilja Scholarship came at the perfect time as

fully functional while being

my student loans were piling up and I was nearing the end of my

moved from place to place.

degree,” Rebekah said.


Alumni Association Board of Directors Patricia Buss Buss Law & Mediation, LLC

Cindy Marschel Bird and Cronin

Deb Runge Realtor

Kip Carver Retired Hennepin County Sheriff Office

Bruce Nelson Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union

Deanna Kramer Animal Humane Society

Marie Pearson VA Medical Center

Mark Wackerfuss Emergency Operations Plans, Consultants and Training



Angela Amann Attorney LeVander, Gillen and Miller, PA.

Jim Collins Managing Director CompuCom

Angie Craig Community Volunteer

Cathy DeSutter Community Volunteer

Steve Doody Financial Advisor Edward Jones

Scott Ganje Vice President Bremer Bank

Dick Graham Community Volunteer

Thad Hellman Senior Director Target Corporation

Doug Larson Vice President of Regulatory Services Dakota Electric Association

Larry Margolis Retired Inver Hills Community College

Betsy McAfee Retired State of Minnesota

Susan O’Brien Retired South St. Paul Educational Foundation

Judy Pechacek Assistant Professor University of Minnesota School of Nursing

Kian Sabeti-Carretta Transportation Program Manager WSB & Associates, Inc.

Farid Saed Lab Planning Consultant

Jake Sedlacek Community Relations and Economic Development Manager Xcel Energy

Mark Skarohlid General Manager UTC Aerospace Systems

Diana Smirnova Research and Development Manager Uponor

Scott Swenson Home Federal Market President Eagan office

Dave Bellows Retired, Sheriff Dakota County Sheriff Department

Gail Morrison Executive Director Inver Hills Community College Foundation

Tim Wynes President Inver Hills Community College





NEWS BRIEFS 2017 Janet Lorenzo Receives Veterans’ Voices Award U.S. Navy veteran honored by Minnesota Humanities Center Janet Lorenzo, a graduate of the Human Services program at Inver Hills Community College, received the 2017 Veterans’ Voices Award from the Minnesota Humanities Center. The award recognizes Minnesota veterans and active-duty military personnel who are making significant contributions to their communities through their profession and/or volunteerism.

Alumnus Spotlight: Soden Ka Entrepreneur starts own marketing company Soden Ka, 23, is originally from Battambang, Cambodia, a city founded more than 1,000 years ago by the Khmer Empire. Today Battambang is a prominent tourist destination with just under 200,000 people and a treasure trove of French Colonial architecture, Buddhist shrines and temple ruins.

Inver Hills Foundation Earns CRC Meets Standards® Seal Recognition follows voluntary participation in Charities Review Council’s Accountability Wizard® review process The Inver Hills Community College Foundation recently received Charities Review Council’s Meets Standards® seal, a visual marker on nonprofit strength. Nonprofit organizations such as the Inver Hills Foundation earn the Meets Standards® seal by voluntarily participating in Charities Review Council’s Accountability Wizard® review process.

New Transfer Pathway Degrees Biology, Business and Psychology offer seamless transfer as a junior to all seven Minnesota State universities Inver Hills Community College is delivering three new degrees for fall semester 2017. The new Transfer Pathway degrees offer the opportunity to complete an Associate of Science (A.S.) in Biology, an A.S. in Business, or an Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Psychology. Course credits will transfer directly to designated bachelor’s degree programs at all seven Minnesota State universities.

Staff Spotlight: Pam Fergus Psychology instructor’s “Philando Feeds the Children” crowdfunding raises over $100,000 to pay off school lunch debt The crowdfunding project honors Philando Castile, who was the cafeteria supervisor at J.J. Hill Montessori Magnet School in St. Paul. Castile was shot and killed by a police officer during a traffic stop in July 2016.

Jordy Bush: Agronomist of the Future Former Inver Hills student seeking doctorate in crop and soil science Jordyn Bush, 22, resides in New Market, Minnesota, but she’s hardly ever home. Besides majoring in agronomy—the science of soil management and crop production—at the University of Wisconsin– River Falls, Jordy works four jobs and serves as a Special Olympics certified equestrian coach. She’s also a champion horsewoman, excelling at Western pleasure and show jumping. 16

2016–2017 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Foundation Financials


College Financials




Foundation Grants $352,789

College Programs $152,615

Tuition & Fees $17,905,086

Business and Corporations $240,402

Scholarships $407,313

State Appropriation $14,847,333

Academic Support $4,603,294

Assistance to Individuals $55,395

Institution Support $4,142,542

Individual Giving $79,319 Management and General $47,737 Fundraising Events $49,579

Federal Grants $559,647

Student Services $4,596,330

State Grant $134,029

Physical Plant Operation $3,272,233

Other Income $191,810

Auxiliary Enterprises $3,306,576

Fundraising $18,187

Total Revenue $913,899

Total Expenses $681,247

Instruction $15,245,087

Auxiliary Enterprise $2,558,523 Scholarships/Financial Aid $638,805

2015 Revenue $37,231,537

2016 Revenue $37,841,203

Total Revenue $36,752,671

Personnel $25,700,220 Non-Personnel $9,356,595


Total Expenses $35,056,815


2016–2017 Contributors ORGANIZATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS OVER $100,000 Greater Twin Cities United Way Katherine B. Andersen Fund of the Saint Paul Foundation

By donating to the Inver Hills Foundation, you are opening doors to opportunity for our students. In many cases, your support for a scholarship fund is the only way our students can afford to follow their

$50,000–$99,999 CHS Inc. Otto Bremer Trust Travelers Foundation

college dreams. Your gift to the college can make all the difference

$25,000–$49,999 Dakota Electric Association Kopp Family Foundation Mardag Foundation

in the world. The students you help come from all walks of life, including: • First-generation college students • Low-income, underrepresented students

$10,000–$24,999 Flint Hills Resources Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #1 Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation Lunda Construction Co. Maple Grove Fire Dept* Thomson Reuters Corporation Xcel Energy Foundation

• High school graduates continuing their education • Adult learners working toward career advancement • U.S. Armed Forces veterans • Dislocated workers needing a new career direction Academic excellence is not a distant ideal at Inver. We have to deliver on the power and promise of

$5,000–$9,999 Renaissance Glassworks* Ruth & George Doffing Foundation Scientific Equipment Liquidators*

education every day in all our classrooms and labs. Our students are hard-working, practical and driven by straightforward goals. We are their launching pad for advanced degrees, rewarding

$1,000–$4,999 Bremer Financial Burnsville Breakfast Rotary Club Cargill Salt Consulate of Mexico Eagan Rotary Foundation Fox Advancement Home Federal Isthmus Engineering Lancer Catering Lube Tech North Memorial Ambulance* Platinum Bank Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc., Cathy & Dave DeSutter Rotary Club of Lakeville Foundation Saint Paul Garden Club South St. Paul/Inver Grove Heights Rotary Club SRF Consulting Group, Inc.

careers, professional development and community engagement. We measure our success by their success. And their success depends on scholarships, internships, mentoring, topflight facilities, networking resources and leading-edge programs. You can support the college through 40+ scholarship funds as well as programs and campaigns such as TuitionMatch-MN. You can make donations to the college online at The Inver Hills Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.


* in-kind donation

Syngenta Corporation The Allegro Fund of the Saint Paul Foundation, Gayle & Tim Ober The Saint Paul Foundation UTC Aerospace Systems VFW Post 4452 Waterous Company Xcel Energy $100–$999 3M Foundation AFO Consultants* American Legion Post No. 424 B52 Bar & Grill* Bolton + Menk Inc Canterbury Park* Dakota County Sheriff ’s Department Dakota Jazz Club & Restaurant* Door Services Company Globe University* Hiller Stores, Inc. Ideal Printers* Inver Hills Art Department KLJ Engineering LeVander, Gillen and Miller, PA Lindquist & Vennum LLP Lone Oak Grill* Mall of America - The Park at MOA* Marco, Inc Minnesota Farm Bureau Foundation New Spaces Personal Wealth Partners, LLC (PWP) Pine Bend Paving, Inc. Presbyterian Homes & Services ProTurf, Inc. Republic Services Inc. River Heights Arts Alliance Simley High School* SKB Environmental Society of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Southview Country Club* The Commons on Marice/ The Goodman Group The Urgency Room Total Wine & More* UnitedHealth Group Walt Disney World Co.* Wells Fargo Foundation WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff Zerorez *

ORGANIZATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS (CONTINUED) UP TO $100 Abdallah Candies and Gifts* Alexis Bailly Vineyard, Hastings* AmazonSmile Foundation AMC Theatres* Bibelot Shop* Brave New Workshop Theatre* Breadsmith* Bryant Lake Bowl* Cafe Latte*

Chubb & Son Chuck & Don’s* DeGidio’s Restaurant & Bar* Fantastic Sams* G2 Dental* Gerten’s Greenhouses* Glassings Florist* Grand Casinos* Green Lotus Yoga & Healing* Green MIll*

Inver Wood Golf Course* Jewish Community Center* Minnesota Historical Society* Minnesota Landscape Arboretum* Minnesota Twins* MN State Fair* Nothing Bundt Cakes* Olive Garden* Phil’s Tara Hideaway Restaurant* Red Lobster*

St. Croix Festival Theatre* St. Paul Saints* Stages Theatre Company* Taylors Falls Scenic Boat Tours* Textile Center* Twin Cities Trapeze Center* U.S. Bank Foundation Vertical Endeavors* Zywiec’s Landscape and Garden Center*

INDIVIDUAL DONORS OVER $5,000 Cheryl Redinger Chuck Runyon $1,000–$4,999 Angela Burns Tarryl Clark Janine Dahl Hilary Dahlman Ann Deiman-Thornton Cathy & David DeSutter Pam Fergus John Gessner Thomas Johnson Anne Johnson Angela Kain Vicky Knickerbocker Doug Larson Richard Leibbrand Michael Malone Constance Manos-Andrea Larry & Karin Margolis Brent Olsonawski Dave & Mecca Page Judith Pechacek Wendy Robinson Mary & Ben Stephens Stephen Strom Beth Sullivan Steven Sullivan Gerald Swarsensky Patricia Veale Bill Welp Susan Wolsfeld Tim Wynes

$100–$999 Kelsey Abel Joshua Albers Nick Altendorfer Angela & Pete Amann James Anderson Beth Asmussen Heather Bandeen Regina Barr Steve Baugh Beth Baumann Nicole Bietz Laurel Boerger LaDonna Boyd Reyne Branchaud-Linsk Heather Brient-Johnson Suzanne Brusoe Gail & Paul Busch Loren Bushyhead Joan Carter Sean Casey Don Chapdelaine Jeannine Churchill James Collins Denise Collins Sheila Conneely Anthony Copa Mikailah Corum Joan Costello Stephen Costello Kevin Costley Teri Crosby Barbara Curchack Sally Dahlquist Dillon Dale

Bill Davis Rose Davis Sue Davis Kathleen DeDeyn Ryan DeGrote Greg Deiman Steve Doody Florene Dougherty Lisa DuRose Erin Edlund Thomas Egan Louise Elliott Michele Engdahl Maureen Ervin Jon Fagerson Denise Faust Curtis Finney Sue Flannigan Carrie Flesch Sue Frosch-Erickson Laura Funke Angela Gallant Scott Ganje Mary Giesler Barbara Ginther Gail Glashan Marilynn Gomez Scott Goodfellow Dick Graham Jerry Grant Deanna Green Emily Hanek Barbara Hansmeier Mark Hansmeier Rob Harris


Steve Hartlaub Donald Haugen Michael Haverkamp Alyssa Hayden Jessie Headrick Richard Heilman Thad Hellman Stephanie Heyer Aggie Hoeger Margaret Horsch Lynne Hvidsten Matthew Iung Eleanor Jackson Michelle Jacobs Todd Jagerson Hossein Jalali Richard Jewell DeWaine Johnson Lauren Johnson Scott Johnson Benjamin Kanninen Paula Kaplan Carol Kaszynski Hamid Kazeroony Scott Klaehn Zach Koestler Rob Kolomyski Deanna Kramer Leslie Krona Matthew Kruger Michael Kulhanek Traci Larson Philip Larson Judy LeMire Heather Lesetmoe

James Leslie Lew Linde Thay Lo Jennifer Loeffler William Lucking Terese Lynch Shoua Madland Bradley Manley Larissa Marques Luz Dos Santos Cindy Marschel Maureen Marshall Wendy Marson Rae Marsyla Andrew Martin Shannon Marting Mike Marzinske Joe & Maddie Mauer Betsy McAfee Neil McCoy Barbara McKinney Scott McLane Mary McLaughlin Karen Meslow Sommer Meyer Gregory Miller Robert Miller Lynda Milne Bae Mo Alexandria Moeller Jeff Morgan Gail Morrison Susan Mulvihill Terry Nelson Joan Nichols

LaVonne Nicolai Skip Nienhaus Scott Northard Susan O’Brien Theresa O’Gara Chris Olsen Jennifer Olsen Wendy Olson Andy Olson Marie Pearson James Pechacek Rheana Peter Phanny Phal Pat Powers William Raker Teri Ratzlaff Keith Richter Chris Rico Andrew Rowe Christina Royal Deb Runge Kian Sabeti-Carretta Farid Saed Scott Sandok Karen Schmidberger LeAnne Schmidt Carrie Schneider Ann Schroder Matt Schultz Kevin Schulz Jake Sedlacek Yussuf Shafie Lana Siewert-Olson Charles Siggerud Kayla Simonson Mark Skarohlid Dane Smith Shane Stroup Vicki Stute Zack Sullivan Joan Sullivan W. A. Sullivan,3rd Scott Swenson Mary Ann Thomas Megan Tinucci Anh Tran Matt Traxler Milissa Troen Ralph Van Keulen Brenda Van Vossen Dorothy Vogel

Emily Wack Leslie Watkins Laurel Watt Paul Wegner Mark Weigel Timothy Wessinger Libby Wicklund Maureen Wilke Mary Williams Samantha Wittstruck Keegan Dean Wolf Ida Wrenn Richard Zellmer David Zelm Samuel Zyambo UP TO $100 Anonymous Alison Ahlgrim Chad Anderson Anthony Andrea Linda Barclay Amanda Barklind Anika Bausom Julie Benolken Katie Bergquist Tyler Bergquist Douglas Berg-Williams Brenda Besser Peter Beurskens Laurie Bigaouette Adrienne Birkeland Jan Bohn Michelle Borchardt Nichelle Bottko Arleen Boyd Edward Boyum Ashley Burk Patricia Buss Janelle Carlson Barb Carlson Laina Carlson Donald Cassidy Joanna Cheyka Deborrah Clipson Anthony Collins Debbie Connolly Marjorie Crain Barbara Curchack Greg Dahlstrom

Lance Davis Carol Day Hazel Dicken Kristin Digiulio Cindy Dorn Emily Dowdle James Drewiske Sharon Eddy Dean Eddy Sue Elle Anne Elton Steve Emory Carmen Englert JoAnn Feidt Jordan Feldick Lourn Finander Mary Jo Gardner Meri Golden Vance Grannis Cheryl Halden James Hamilton John Handberg Peter Hansmeier Jennifer Harmening LaVonne Hedin Brittany Heinz Gretchen Helkamp Nat Hemstad Peter Hoch Carey Hoel Chase Hoffius Debra Hunt Gary Huusko Debra Ivons ivette Izea-Martinez Patrick Jacobson-Schulte Constance Jandrich Beth Johnson Laura Johnson Lindsay Johnson Brady Johnson Matt Johnson Donald Johnson Emily Johnson Grace Jones Dionna Jones Elisa Jones Lois Jorstad Jan Junkman Mary Kadrlik


Kari Kalsow Keith Kelley David Kelley Kristi Kelly Marnie Kittelson Kathryn Klopfleisch Sarah Kopp George Krueger Crystal Kubat Brenda Landes Ellen Lansky Kelli Lassig Amanda Lebert Eugene Leifeld Sara Lenertz Tim Leslie Michelle Loredo Alison Luk Kim Mann Joan Marchio Rachel Marzahn Tim McAulay Ann McCaughan Thomas McCluney Victoria McCracken Ellen McCullough Kathleen McGuire J. Gary McIntyre Lynn Mens Rita Mertes Nicole Meulemans Jeanne Michels Peter Milton Margaret Nead Annie Nguyen Quynh Nguyen Rose Niederkorn Jan Ochman Patricia Ohmann Sean Olson LouAnn Oppitz Laura Ott Adina Overbee Ted Packwood Bernadette Pawlenty Mary Petrie M.E. Polga Joyce Purdy Lynn Quam Devon Radtke

Susan Rasmussen Thomas Reis Norm Reznicow Matt Richards Don Roberts Scott Roelke Steve Rosen Ruth Rosseau Charlotte Roth Sandra Rude Bob Rumpza Javier Salinas Vega Melody Sanford Gale Sazma Lori SchaferBerg Anita Schneider James Schneider Ralph Scorpio Arthur Shaffer-Frazier Phil Sieburg Rose Simpson Ann Skoglund Douglas Smith Jane Stephenson Charles Stieg Allison Stivland John Sullivan Carol Swenson Dean Swenson Lindsey Talbot Dennis Tetu Kristin Thoennes Jean Thompson Mary Thompson Heidi Thury Samantha Trainer Nho Tran Ted Trautman Dan Underwood David Ussatis Tom Van Horn Sandra Verbout Joseph Verbout Alexis Violette Daniel Vujovich John Wagner Erica Wood Kaitlyn Worley Rebecca Wynes Randy M Yates

LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Phil & Pat Anderson Rose Ann Anderson Josephine Books LaDonna Boyd Reyne & Deke Branchaud-Linsk Marilyn R. Buckingham Ann B. Carlon Rose & Gary Davis Mary S. Dimick Pam Fergus Cheryl Frank Meg Forney & Jon Fagerson

Lee Ann Joy Gersmeyer Brent Glass Dick Graham & Pat Powers Nathan Hanson John & Madeline Jensvold Richard Jewell Tom J. Klas Don & Sylvia Langworthy Jon H. Larson Jim Leslie Thay Lo William J. Lucking

Larry & Karin Margolis Steve & Jean McGroarty Alan & Sharon Miller Connie Manos-Andrea Julia McGregor Mark V. Mohr Gail Morrison Janice R. O’Keefe Dave P. Page Christopher A. Plount Tia & Mike Radant Susan Rasmussen

Bill & Barbara Read Thomas A. Reis Mary Rogers Matthew W. Simoneau Dane Smith Sharon L. Speich Gerald Swarsensky Dean & Tami Swenson Wayne & Kelly Truscinski Mark Weigel Gloria & Bill Welp Tim & Rebecca Wynes

IN HONOR OF BO JOHNSON Arleen Boyd Dave J. Butina Barb Carlson Tom Cross Suzanne E. Doody-Schwingle Sharon Eddy Lourn Finander Margaret M. Horsch Beth Johnson DeWaine Johnson Donald E. Johnson Laura K. Johnson Lindsay Johnson Matt Johnson George Krueger Richard Leibbrand Don Roberts Phil Sieburg Dennis Tetu Dorothy A. Vogel Mark Weigel Richard Zellmer





IN MEMORY OF DOUG KNAPP Anthony Collins Lisa DuRose Meri Golden James Leslie Shane Stroup Gerald Swarsensky


HONORS & MEMORIALS IN HONOR OF MATT KRUGER AND ANNELI DOERING’S WEDDING Alison Ahlgrim Anika Bausom Debbie & Dennis Connolly Kari Kaslow Alison Luk J. Gary McIntyre Jennifer Olsen Matt Richards Andrew Rowe Ted Trautman Emily Wack IN HONOR OF CHERYL FRANK James Leslie Dorothy A. Vogel IN HONOR OF DOUG DIFFERT Robert Miller IN HONOR OF GORDON SHUMAKER Beth Asmussen Sally Dahlquist Lew Linde Mary McLaughlin

IN MEMORY OF TERRIE KROSHUS Donald Cassidy Gerald Swarsensky IN MEMORY OF ELAINE LUCKING William Lucking IN MEMORY OF DEBI MALICKI Lauren Johnson Mary Kadrlik James Leslie Mike Marzinske Terry Nelson Anita Schneider Milissa Troen

IN MEMORY OF ANNE GESSNER SUMMERS Steve Emory John Gessner Debra Hunt Lois A. Jorstad Paula Kaplan David Kelley Kelli Lassig Theresa O’Gara M.E. Polga Steve Rosen Ralph Scorpio Beth Sullivan John Sullivan W.A. Sullivan, 3rd Ida Wrenn IN MEMORY OF WALTER & ESTER PECHACEK James Pechacek Judith Pechacek & Lisa Hedin

Foundation staff make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the donor listing and apologizes for any error or omission. Please contact or 651-450-3400 with any questions or concerns.


Message from the Executive Director Inver Hills donors have enhanced the futures of hundreds of students in the past year. Thank you! This year, we built on a rich history. Since 2004, Inver Hills donors have provided more than $2 million in scholarships, tuition matching grants and emergency assistance to more than 3,000 students. They’ve also provided nearly $2.5 million to support some 120 programs that benefit the college. In addition, $2 million in endowment funds will provide $60,000 in scholarships annually. With this support, our community is providing educational opportunities for adults seeking new and promising career paths. Just as importantly, employers will be able to hire qualified graduates who want to stay here and raise their families. While every good report includes solid numbers, the stories behind the numbers are what matter most. I’d like to share a few with you: Alyssa Hayden, a recent recipient of the Ellen McGee Scholarship, thanked the Foundation Board of Directors at their December, 2017 meeting. As a young single parent Alyssa found what she needed at Inver to be a successful college student, including small class sizes, affordable tuition, a connection with professors, and student life opportunities. Today Alyssa is president of DECA, vice president of the PTK Honor Society, a student worker and a Traveler’s EDGE Scholar. Jordy Bush attended Inver Hills because of her interest in biology. Jordy became involved with an agriculture program funded by a CHS grant that introduces thousands of local middle school students to the field of agriculture, offers a summer ag academy for high school students and provides scholarships to Inver Hills students interested in ag-related careers. Today, she is an agronomy major at the University of Wisconsin—River Falls. Jean Donald Charles received a scholarship from the Douglas H. Differt STEM Endowed Scholarship. Donald watched his city in Haiti crumble after the devastating 2010 earthquake. He was determined to become a civil engineer and help construct buildings that could withstand earthquake tremors of that magnitude. His sponsors, a missionary couple from Stillwater who are Inver Hills alums, encouraged him to give the college a try. Today, Donald is an engineering major at Inver and an intern at Alliant Engineering. He has plans to earn a B.S. in Civil Engineering. With these and countless other students in mind, I thank the generous individuals, corporations and foundations for giving the Inver Hills Foundation the means to assist students, support the college and ultimately make our community a happier, healthier, more productive place. This is my last year as executive director of the Inver Hills Foundation. As I consider my next chapter in life, I leave with a full heart knowing the lives of both donors and recipients have been changed as a result of our working together. Thank you for all your generous support. Sincerely,

Gail Morrison Executive Director, Inver Hills Foundation 22


Inver Hills Community College is a member of Minnesota State and an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator. This information is available in an alternate format by calling 651-450-3508 or TTY/Minnesota Relay at 1-800-627-3529.

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