Xinwen Zhang
Selected design works from 2021 to 2022 Application for Architectural Design MArch-UCL Application number: 23094133
Selected design works from 2021 to 2022 Application for Architectural Design MArch-UCL Application number: 23094133
TEL: +86 18810596047 Email: 867740147@qq.com
09/2019--06/2023 Beijing Forestry University Environmental Art Design 03/2022--08/2022 Lvliang Architectural Survey and Design Institute
SketchUp Photoshop Rhino AutoCAD InDesign V-ray Enscape Grasshopper
project 1
Year: Type: 2022 Individual work; Academic Design;
project 2
Page 4 Page 24
Year: Type: Role:
2022 Group work; Academic Design Competition; Team Leader; Design, Modeling, Analysis, Rendering;
project 3
Year: Type: Role:
Page 14 Page 34
2021 Group work; Academic Design; Design, Modeling, Analysis, Rendering;
project 4
Year: Type: 2022 Individual work; Academic Research and Design;
project 1
Year: Type: 2022 Individual work; Academic Design;
Intergenerational Education becames a significant phenomenon amount Asian families.
Some young parents, because of their busy work or divorce, put the responsibility for their children's education and life on their grandparents. These grandparents consciously become the "modern parents" who take full care of the third generation. This kind of upbringing and education of the grandchildren by the grandparents is called Intergenerational Education
grandparents parents babysitting
Theproportionofeducation undertakenbygrandparents1
heavywork longdistance parentsdivorced other
Whyparentsdon'ttakeresponsibility foreducating2
[1][2]: Lu Limin "The Research about the advantages and disadvantages of intergenerationaleducation",2014,ShanghaiCollege.
With the formation of the society's aging trend, the phenomenon of intergenerational education is becoming more and more common. The problems it brings are also worth thinking about.
1. Easy to spoil
Grandparents love their grandchildren too much and indulge their children everywhere, which is easy to cause children's capricious, strong dependence and low ability to take care of themselves, even resulting in children's weaknesses that cannot be corrected for a long time.
2. Grandparents and grandchildren have fewer common activities to do
Due to differences in lifestyle and age, the daily activities of grandparents and grandchildren are very different. The grandparents are more inclined to moderate and comfortable social activities such as playing tai chi and cards, while the grandchildren need some vigorous and energetic sports. Usually, they are difficult to reconcile.
3. There are fewer public places for grandparents and grandchildren to play together
In general public activity venues, the children's entertainment area and the elderly activity area are relatively separated, almost no connection, and even contradictory. There is a lack of social space for grandparents and grandchildren to work together.
The relationship between the elderly and farming: The elderly have accumulated many years of farming experience and skills, and their young farming life is also their unique memories. The relationship between children and farming: New age urban children have rare exposure to farming education, and farming is a novel experience for them.
The bonding function of farming: It provides a soil for communication and interaction in the lives of the elderly and children.
Experience provided by farming: 1. Plant and produce with family as unit, and experience the cultivation of different plants.
2. Produce your own food. Processing and eating vegetables and fruits obtained by their own farming.
3. Practical farming education for children and parents.
The site is located in Chaoyang District, a central area of Beijing, surrounded by residential buildings built from the end of last century to the beginning of this century, as well as a large number of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools.
The population density around the site is high, among which children and the elderly account for a large proportion. However, there is a lack of activity venues around the base, with only sporadic small corner parks. The site is now a fenced-in wasteland of no practical use.
The design of the entire site responds to the following questions:
1. Design entrance location according to the distribution of surrounding residential areas and roads; 2. Organize traffic flow lines according to dynamic and static zones, flow loops; 3. Forming the main architectural form according to the planting function; The following is the generation process of the complete spatial functional layout.
Because the south side of the base is the city's main road, the east, north and west are residential areas. Therefore, the main entrance for people and cars is set as the south side, and there is a pedestrian secondary entrance on the east and west sides.
The north side closest to the residents is the daily fitness and walking area, the south side is close to the main entrance, which will be used as a square and sightseeingarea,andthemiddleis the main functional area.
The roads in the park are divided into the main road and the hiking trail, both of which surround the whole site. The road and the main building divide a number of green areasandacentralsquare.
The form of the main building is composed of three oval Spaces. The main entrance is located directly to the south, facing the square. Two secondary inlets are providedatthenorthsideinlets.
According to the architectural form, all the road forms were refined. The main road and the hiking trail were interspersed with each other to form activity areas of different sizes.
The northeast side is a fitness and entertainment area for the elderly and children, the southeast side is public supporting area, and the southwest side is a parking lot and fountain square. Facilities such as flower beds are added to each partofthesite
Thebaseshapeisa semicircle
Push the three sides back
Presstheedges down
Addstairs,walkwaysand other details
Fuction of outside: Familyfarming; Funciton of inside: Farm tools rental, fruit andvegetablesale,foodcooking,dininghall, giftshop,lecturehall;
Fuction: Children'soutdooractivityandentertainment.
User group: Mainlyforchildrenaged3-10.
Feature: This area is Located in the northeast corner of the park, near the elderly's activity area, which is mainly used by the surrounding residents. The location is remote and surrounded by plants, so the noisy sound will not affect the tourists in other areas.
User group: Elderly,parentsandchildren.
Feature: Theplantingareaisanearthenstructurelocatedrightinthe middleofthepark.
The surface of the building is a planting area, and the two sides are divided planting areas claimed by families, and the middle is a public planting and picking area. Visitors can choose to claim their own family planting block or plant in the public planting area at any time. Inside the building, farm tools can be rented, and crops can be sold or cooked in the kitchen. You can also bring your children to attend agricultural science lectures to learn farming knowledge.
Fuction: Fortouriststocarryoutrecreationalactivitiesandrest.
User group: All visitors.
Feature: The square is located to the south of the planting area, in the center of the park. The partially sunken lawn makes the site full of entertainment, allowing visitors to get close to nature while relaxing andentertaining
Fuction: Fortouriststowatchandplaywiththewater.
User group: All visitors.
Feature: The fountain is located in the southwest corner of the park and pedestrians can walk through it. Low pool for children to play in the water to provide safety, so that children can feel comfortable closetothepool
Fuction: Thefirstfloorofthecafesellsgiftsandmakescoffee,and thesecondfloorisadiningarea.
User group: All visitors.
Feature: Thecafeislocatedinthesoutheastcornerofthepark, closetotheroadandthemaingateofthepark,whichisconvenientfor residentsandofficeworkerstorestaround.Theupperlayeris covered withsoilandplantedwithornamentalplants.
2022 Group work; Academic Design Competition; Team Leader; Design, Modeling, Analysis, Rendering;
1. Overpass: “necessary way” + “free market":
Overpasses, scattered in almost every modern cities, is a common structure that connect the transportation across the road. They also Participate in everyone’s daily routine. On many overpasses, there are vendors occupying a large amout of public space. These vendors meets both farmers’ needs for income and urbanites’ needs for convenience. However, they also bring environment and sanitation problems.
2. Vegetable farmers and fruit growers transport their produce from their own farmlands to the city for sales, but the transportation cost is high.
Due to the long transportation distance from the farmland to the city, the vulnerability of fruits and vegetables as well as the fuel costs and taxes, the long-distance transportation of produce costs much.
3. The urban fringe has much “urban new agriculture” employment demand;own farmlands to the city for sales, but the transportation cost is high.
The so-called “urban new agriculture” employment means that in the process of urbanization the former farmers in the urban fringe have demand for the employment mode in which they can still engage in agricultural production while living in the urban area.
In each city, there are many flyovers scattered in different places. They are buildings in modern cities that assist pedestrians to cross roads, and they are necessary ways for a large number of urban residents in their daily activities. Our design, first of all, is a complete flyover. Its size can be adjusted according to the site conditions to meet the normal traffic function, without occupying additional urban land.
Vertically expanding upwards based on the flyover structure, we design the urban produce market. The first floor can be used as a retail area.
The second and third floors are production areas, wherethevendorscanplantseasonalfruitsorcarry out secondary production of their own produce to reduce the transportation cost, so the flyover will provide a place for the vendors to sell their own produce. The fourth floor provides rest and office area for the new urban agricultural employees as well as storage area for seeds, agricultural tools and equipment. The fifth floor and above are remote shared planting unit where the citizens can rentcertainareaforplanting.
Citizens can log in the dedicated app, register, pay rent, claim their own planting unit, watch the planting unit in real time through the screen, or use professional VR equipment to experience remotely the real production process. They can operate remotely and issue instructions, and there will be “new agricultural experts” on the site to help citizensimplementtheseoperations.
In each city, there are many flyovers scattered in different places. They are buildings in modern cities that assist pedestrians to cross roads, and they are necessary ways for a large number of urban residents in their daily activities. Our design, first of all, is a complete flyover. Its size can be adjusted according to the site conditions to meet the normal traffic function, without occupying additional urban land.
Such a remotely shared planting experience offers new life features.
Each planting unit needs to pay a certain rent and can also buy planting materials, fertilizers, special tools, advanced maintenance services, etc. Aftertheharvestoftheplants,youcan: a.directlyobtaintheplants;or b. directly sell them, 60% of the profit retained as your own income and 40% used to pay for the labor cost (urban new agriculture). Rental income + sales commission + value-added income - labor cost=profit,whichwillbeusedtofeedbacktothe society, promoting urban and rural public welfare undertakings.
After preliminary calculation, each “new agricultural expert” is able to take care of 20-30 planting units at the same time, so the planting flyovers in Chaoyang District alone can create at least10,000jobs.
4. Meet the needs of numerous potential customers
RentyourHomeRemote SharedPlantingUnit Paytherent
Thefifthfloorandaboveareremotefamilyshared planting areas with 14 A planting units and 15 B plantingunitsoneachfloor.
The site of planting unit A is 7000mm×2700mm. It’s suitable for growing annual or biannual crops with a height greater than one meter, such as sorghum,corn,oats,apples,etc.
PlantingUnitBisa three-dimensional double-floor plantingunit measuring 2700mm×2700mm withaheight of 1300mm. It is suitable for vegetablesthat yieldthreeor more crops a year such as lettuce, rapeseed,tomato and cucumber.
Multi-anglemonitoringallowsyou toremotelyobservethestatusof yourplantingunit24hoursaday.
Youcanchoosemany operations,suchas soilloosening,sowing, watering,fertilizing, picking,etc.
If you need more value-added content, you can also pay extra, our experts will provide you with more professional assistance. The assistance we can provide includes:
1. Expert assessment to assess the growth status of the crop and the measures that need to be taken.
2. Special maintenance, special care for your crops with more advanced fertilizers and seeds, etc
3. Additional tool storage space tostoreyourtoolsseparately.
After the crop are harvested, therearetwooptions:eithermail it home and enjoy , or take it to the city farm market to sell with 60% of the proceeds going to you.
The first floor can be used for retailbyvendors,andthe second to third floors are productionareas.Traderscangrow seasonal fruits and vegetables here orreproducetheirownproduce.
First, get seeds from the “Seed Warehouse” on the 4th floor and then go to the Home Sharing Planting Unit to plant the seeds.
On the top of the transport core of each floor are two pumps. You can get water pipes from the Tool Room on the 4th floor or the temporary tool space on each floor.
First, get relevant fertilizer from the “Fertilizer Warehouse” on the 4th floor and apply it in the HomeSharingPlantingUnit.
Bathroom area
You can get farm tools from the Farm Tool Room on the 4th floor or the temporary storage space on each floor to do farming operationslikelooseningthesoil.
Picked vegetables can be cleaned and packaged at the Sorting and Packaging place on each floor; Then send them to the 4th floor for uniform storage or express shipment.
Thepickingofmaturevegetables needsthemostprofessional personnelandtechniques toensuretheperfectionof vegetablesafterpicking.
Thepickedvegetablesneedto bepackedinawaythatsuitstheir characteristics and stored in a warehouse.
Theproductsthatthecustomer needsyoutosellinsteadofthem need to be sold in the urban agriculturalmarketonthefirst floor.
Ifthepackagedproductsneed tobetransported,theycanbe directlyloadedandtransported tothedesignatedplacethrough theoverpass.
Thecanopyshapedbeamcolumn structure, innerringbeam, transportringand innerringfloor slab are fixed and representthe coreloadbearing structure of the building.
At the connection pointbetween theouterringfloor slab and the inner ringfloorslabisa circular rail that allows rotation of the entire outer ringfloorslab. The rotation of theouterringfloor slab means that theentirebuilding ispresentedin a variable and organicform.In the future, we hopethatthe rotatingfloorslab cangenerate electricpower tosupplyclean energyforthe building.
The envelope structure adopts a streamlined design with large-sized window holes across the horizontal direction on each layer to ensure lighting and ventilation from different directions.
Theouterringfloorslabiswhere the modularized home sharing planting unit, auxiliary function unit, work area, operation area and packaging area and other functional spaces are distributed. Each floor is basically the same but with variations. They are the core functional area of the entire building.
The outer ring beam directly supports the outer ring floor slab and the outer enclosure structure. The outer ring beam andinnerringbeamarejoined atpartoftheirlengths.
The transport ring is directly mounted on the canopyshapedbeam-columnstructure. On the right and left sides of the ring are symmetric pairs of elevators, ramps and stairs which ensure vertical transport between different floors.
The inner ring beam is an extensionofthecanopy-shaped beam-column structure, which connects the transport ring and the inner ring floor slab. In the stairs part, the inner ring beam retreatstoleavemorespace.
The inner ring floor slab is erectedoneveryfloortoensure ring-shaped barrierless access of humans and goods and the mostbasicring-shapedtransport line.
Adopting a tree canopy shape, the structure spreads outwards from its center. The main beam structureisthemajorverticalloadbearingstructurethatsupportsthe firstringofthefloorslab.
project 3 Year: Type: Role:
2021 Group work; Academic Design; Design, Modeling, Analysis, Rendering;
The site is located on the west side of the old urban area of Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China. It was once a ferry terminal within the area once occupied by Germany. Now it is facing the problem of loss of tourists and low vitality of the site.
Thereareavarietyofbrands,manyold names,andmanynewshoppingand foodcenters.Thebusinessdensityisvery high.Moreover,thereareuniquehistorical buildingsandcityculture.Therefore,asthe ZhongShanroadahistoricalstreetinthenew eraattractsthepeople.Theretentionand developmentoftheseattractiveelements is one of theissues we need to consider.
Storecomprehensive InflunenceLiyuan architecture is a special architectural form of the combination of Chinese and western, which is the reflection of urban culture in the residential area under a certain historical background. It skillfully "takes the initiative" of western architectural style, and integrates the traditional Chinese architectural forms and symbols, forming a unique Qingdao localcourtyardarchitecturalform.
From the perspective of architectural form, it belongs to courtyard type residential yard, and most single buildings are two, three or four story. As the topography of Qingdao fluctuates greatly, the inner courtyard is built along the terrain, with different heights and sizes, and different shapes. There are many shapes such as "mouth, sun, convex, eye, back". The courtyard forms are single courtyard, two courtyard, three courtyard,andsetcourtyard,etc.
Type Example Latout Evolution
Main entrance
Determine the location of the mainentranceaccordingto theanalysisofthetrafficflow around the site.
Children's activity area
Accordingtochildren's scopeofaction,determine the location of children's relatedactivityareaclosest to the entrance of the field landlordaround the site.
Residential area for the elderly
Theelderlyuseareashallbe arrangedontheeastsideof thecentralroadavoidingthe gatheringoftouristsaround the site.
Tourist activity area
Thetouristactivityareais concentrated near the coastlineandtheconnecting road.Occupyalargeareato maximizetheeconomy.
Using the product thinking mode, firstly, according to the ultimate goal -- the follow-up urban development mode, we reverse the entry point, start from meeting the basic living needs, put in the environmental protection mode, and create the community incentive mechanism according to the needs of Marlowe, and finallyadjustitthroughAIandUAVsysteminformation.
toMaslow,humansneedtofeela belongingandacceptanceamong groups,regardlessofwhetherthesegroups orsmall.
Esteempresentsthetypicalhumandesiretobe acceptedandvaluedbyothers.Peopleoften engageinaprofessionorhobbytogainrecognition.
anexplicitmotiveistheobjectiveofareward-basedsystemthatisusedtointrinsicallydrive completionofcertainvaluesorgoals.[3]Individualswhoaremotivatedtopursuethisgoal seekandunderstandhowtheirneeds,relationships,andsenseofselfareexpressedthrough their behavior.
Points will be paidforeach community activity,which can be used toexchange for water and electricity discount.
of business activities in the area and preferential treatment for residents
Record the main activities inside the site to infer the required functional space. According to the activity analysis, mainly record the crowd behavior between 6:00 a.m.and10:00p.m.,andrecordthemorerepresentativebehavioractivitiesthrough charts, so as to facilitate further detailed function placement on the basis of the functionalzoningofthebasiccomplex
According to the activity analysis of local people, the most active groups in the site are office workers, tourists and students; the period with the highest activity is from 10:00 to 12:00 andfrom6:00to10:00intheevening; the average activity of catering and salesareasisthehighest
According to the maincrowdaround the site, determine the location of each main functionalarea;the whole site forms a centripetal layout similar to the layout of the courtyard, with the square as the center, spreading around, and forming a traffic corridor connecting the port and the main street
Take a walk Rest Clean Sale
Having dinner Walk a dog
Physical exercise Buyingvegetables Pick up children Chat with friends Drink tea Watch over children Bask in the sunshine Attend class Begins Read Play Sleep Ride Go to work Cook Ferry ride Swimming Fall in love Visit Photograph Window shopping Get accommodation Rest
Delicious food Cultural perceptior Massage Drink a beer Barbecue Drink milk tea Sing
Relaxation of entertain -ment Dessert Cram school Dance studio Yoga Riding Buy souvenirs Drink coffee Bodybuilding
Play with children Watch exhibition Watch movie
Hotel & Homestay
Entertain -ment
In the first stage, the buildings on the south side of the site and the coastal side near the port will be built first; the high-rise residential area on the south side of the site will provide the main users and vitality for the site interior. In the early stage of construction, the buildings are mainly commercial and hotel buildings, so as to rapidly increase the business income to supplythenextstageofconstruction.
In the second stage, we will continue to develop the commercial space in the coastal area, increase the office space area while facing the development of tourists, improve the mobility of people within the site, and introduce a new group of people - white-collar workers, improve the utilization rate of residential areas within the site, stimulate the vitality of the site, andfurtherexpandthefieldservicescope.
Hotel Shoppingconsumption cooperateinhandlingofficialbusiness FitnessYoga
Apartment Recreation&Entertainment Studio Health care
Homestay Performingfolkart Laboratory Adulttraining
Foodandbeverage Office Children education
Training teaching
78800 58050 67200 15840 1 year
In the final stage of construction, the function of the venue has gradually completed the transformation fromfacingtouriststoservingthecity.Whileborrowing the geographical advantages, the office space and the training and teaching space serving the primary and secondary school students have been increased toexpandthescopeofusers,soastobuildtheinterior of the venue into a state of common prosperity for a varietyofgroups
1. Rapidly expanding cities encroach on farmlands in rural areas.
Theever-growingdemandsoftheurbanpopulationmakeevery industry or trade overburdened. The overwhelming majority of cities around the world are expanding and searching for transition zones between urban and rural areas. This, in turn, not only encroaches on rural areas but also increases the distance between grain-producing areas and urban centers. As such, the production capacity of each piece of arable land is required to be enhanced dramatically. Furthermore, the wild and undeveloped land, which was considered unqualified for farming, is also invaded and occupied. The effect of the ever-increasing garbage, chemical processing, and vanishing habitat is tremendous, thus gradually destroying the ecological environment.
2. It is increasingly difficult for cities to be selfsupporting and self-sufficient.
The statistics, taken from the United Nations, said that two-thirds oftheworld’spopulationwillliveincitiesby2050.Inthecoming years, there will be an increase but no decrease in the urban demand for agricultural products. Also, the self-sufficiency rate ofurbanagriculturalproductswillfallprecipitously.
3. The conventional cost of urban land is extremely high.
In a market-oriented economy, there is a general upward trend in the price of land, thus causing an ever-growing demand for a variety of production buildings and commercial premises. The improvement in the general public's living standard contributes to the increase in residential and commercial properties. The imbalance between the fast-growing demand for urban construction land and the inadequate supply of urban land leadstoanupwardtrendinthepriceofland.
To this end, it is of primary importance to work out a new urban agricultural production program, thereby exploiting the superiority of urban wasteland to the fullest. Predicated on no increase in the land cost, it should coincide with the habits of cultural aesthetics and hide itself in various kinds of public places in a cultural and aesthetic way, thus greatly enhancing production efficiency, bringing more convenience to the people in their daily lives, and improving the urban ecological environment.
Green spaces extensively existing in cities were chosen as the subject of the design.
1. Urban green spaces have the natural advantage of favorablegrowingconditions.
2. Urban green spaces have a sightseeing attribute, whose productionlineandsightseeinglinecanbeintegrated.
3. Extended connections for production can be established betweengreenspacesofdifferentscales.
Natural Advantage of Favorable Growing Conditions
Integration of Production and Farming
Extended Connections
As far as the methods of the design are concerned, traditional Chinese landscape architecture was used to transform urban green spaces.
From the aspect of planar formation, the emphasis of traditional Chinese landscape architecture is placed on porosity, which is interspersed, winding, and interwoven. Multi-dimensional information is overlaid in a limited space. This streamlineorganizationisconducivetosatisfyingtheneedsofbothsightseeingandfarmingsimultaneously.
In three dimensions, traditional Chinese landscape architecture attaches great importance to well-proportioned architecturalelements.Theharmoniousco-existencebetweenlowandloftywalls,aswellasairypavilionsandpagodas, isextremelydifficulttorealize,whichhappenstocoincidewiththerequirementofproductionforspatialcomplexity
The narrativity of the garden tour, manifested mainly in opening, developing, changing, and concluding, can be integrated with the processes of production, including planting, harvesting, airing, and drying, thus meeting the requirementoftheirnarrativelogic.
The architectural composition of the Humble Administrator's Garden is natural and well-spaced. It gives first place to open water, thus unfolding a quiet, clear, well-spaced, and natural scenery. The pond usually sits in the center, around which there are pavilions, terraces, and towers. Between them, ornamental perforatedwindowsandwindingcorridors are interlocked. As a result, a quiet and artistic picture is formed by rocks, ancient trees, green bamboos, and ornamental plants in the garden, which is seen as a typical example of the Ming Dynasty’s landscapearchitecture.
Amongst Suzhou's traditional Chinese gardens, the architectural elements in the Lingering Garden are plentiful and serried. Its architectural composition is well-arranged, exploiting the spatial superiority to the fullest. The characteristics of its architectural elements vary from one to another. On the whole, it presents a continuous and integral appearance without any sense of disorder.
After determining the subject and methods of the design, a suitable urban site was required for the experiment. Firstly, through carrying out a survey on urban green spaces in Beijing, I marked the green spaces of appropriate scales and extracted useful information.
I investigated and surveyed roadside green belts, green spaces at squares, seeded strips, overpasses, parks, gardens, riverfront landscapes, traffic landscapes, and the like, which are extensively scattered around the city and closely interlocked with each other, thus developing a wide net.
Since it was impossible to design and transform all kinds of urban green spaces, the generalization and summarization of their scales was a priority among priorities. On this basis, a design could be conducted around key features of their scales, thus developing a paradigm.
Through investigation, observation, generalization, and summarization, I divided urban green spaces into four categories in accordance with their scales:
1. Whole parks
2. Green spaces at urban squares
3. Belt-like green spaces
4. Dot-like green spaces
Experiment 1
To begin, bus stops and surrounding greenery coverage, extensively existing in urban spaces, were chosen as the experimental subjects to explore the possibility of the design objective.
Common bus stops have little to no greenery and are only used for bus waiting.
A typical recreation area in a Chinese garden, with lofty, low, and ornamental perforated walls,enrichesthespatialexperience.
After transformation, the bus stop now not only allows pedestrians to pass, wait, and park bicyclesbutalsoservesthepurposeofplanting andselling.
Experiment 2
I chose a bustling place with higher traffic complexity in Beijing.
A isasquareinfrontofanofficebuilding.Therefore,passengers’ collectionanddistribution,buswaiting,andothersimilarfunctionsare requiredtoberealized.
B isanoverpass.
C isanopenspacethatisusedasatemporarybusstop.Idesignedit asaparkaccordingtoitsscale.
Selected art works from 2020 to 2022