Keeping Your Program on Target...
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics 25th Annual Bull Sale
Sons of these great sires sell...
March 21, 2020
Lewistown Livestock Auction • Lewistown, MT
Angus • Gelbvieh • Balancer®
– From the Heart of Big Sky Country – Central Montana Gelbvieh & anGus GenetiCs 25th Annual Production Sale h & Ang us G en o n ta n a G el b v ie
n n ua l C en tra l M
e tics B ul l S a le !
an d catt le busi ne ss e th to d te ca di ling bu lls de rs, we are de si ve se t of ye ar e al l sm al le r bree es ar pr e im w is le th hi w ve d st of ti me an ch ye ar. We be lie 25 ye ars is a te fron t of yo u ea in n ca e w st la ble! nica l, (a nd e ve ry be us ge ne tics av ai , an d of te n te ch ng w A ne d wan t to pu t th of an , t ® lo er a h nc it odw Ge lb vieh, Ba la rs, are be ing hi t yi ng any ot he r pr ye bu bu as ll lt bu cu as ffi in cl udes th e be st di u, yo s be come as do no t fe el k produc ers, an d at bu yi ng bu lls ha mewor k! Plea se th s ho We, as se ed st oc em ur se yo It do n. to io ers. have us ing) in fo rm at to fin d yo ur an sw ur money – yo u st yo r be r fo ll ou bu do somet imes co nf st ill be e as k an d we w ai n at th e n wor ld . To ge t th bu lls were fe d ag ve ques tion s, just ll ha ne u uc t in th e moder Da yo e if Th – n. n si io ca arch this in fo rm at Fe ed lo t ne ar Moc yt ime pr io r to M e an ov s Gr on e ti th over w he lmed by ca at lo t e w ill be at th es have be en fe d ou to w n. Th e bu lls is Th e Li nh art bu lls w Le of e id ts em , k A uc tion . Si x R an ch ou re st in any of th is to w n Li ve st oc te w in Le e an th ve to ha Da ne ll Di amon d t ed bu mov de si re an d r to th e sa le , me th ey w ill be de nt ia lit y yo u ew th e bu lls pr io nfi vi co to e 19th at w hich ti ce th h an it ch w a d le r yo u, te nd or ge t st w ill be ha nd e IS a bu ll he re fo re er te th in d ur If yo u ca nn ot at re yo su as at d th ti sf ac tion . Be d mee t w it h h us . Be as su re ! Come ea rl y an ” gu aran te e of sa lls en bu plea se ta lk w it se un er if ht he ig “s or ec k r d/ ec te d by ou ed se t of bu lls . Ch ct s, co w bu lls an ck pe pa os er pr e w ir th at yo u are prot po ds is er th /h lls th at yo u , an d to st ud y e lo ok ing fo r A .I. e im pact th e bu an d gu aran te es th s e m w he th er yo u ar at ra pl og em pr nt r Co ou . ne tics vi si t ab ou t be st in yo ur he rd vieh & Ang us Ge k lb or Ge w na ill w ta ou r fam ilies an d on at M th ll to th e Ce nt ra l s an d fin d th e bu s to come! Lo ok ar ou t th e pe digree ye r fo rd he ve on yo ur bu y to day w ill ha . ATHE R ING a t G se edst oc k ne eds E L A -S . E R P Bu ll Sa le fo r yo ur f or a t in g a t 4 p.m r a t s h t 0 2 P le a s e jo in u s h rc n Fr id ay, M a be even yo ur ne ighb ors!) Se e yo u sa le day!! o k c o t s e v i L w it h us (a nd m ay L e w is t o w n e bu lls an d ch at th e yz al an to e m This is a great ti
25th A Wel come to th e
DNA TESTING: All homozygous black and homozygous polled bulls are guaranteed by birth right or by DNA testing. SEMEN TEST INFO: Scrotal measurements are listed on the inside back cover, if they are done by print date. These bulls were tested by Dr. Gaugler of Hobson and Dr. Carlson of Lewistown.
HEALTH: The bulls have been fertility tested and scrotal measured. Bulls have also been BVD tested and vaccinated with Preg Guard 9 prior to the sale. Calfhood vacinations have been taken care of by local vets. Yearling work has been done by Dr. Gaugler of Hobson and Dr. Carlson of Lewistown.
CMGaG ranChes Danell Diamond Six Ranch Don & Omie Danell 1012 Maiden Road Lewistown, MT 59457 (406) 538-5622 Lots 1-19
Linhart Angus
Doug & Penny Linhart Mike & Mardi Vanek Hobson, MT • Lewistown, MT (406) 366-4668 - Mike (406) 423-5445 - Doug Lots 26-40
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Saturday • March 21, 2020 • 1:00 pm (MST) Lewistown Livestock Auction • Lewistown, Montana
Kyle Shobe....................... Cell...........................(406) 366-0472
• WE DELIVER! – Not only the finest genetics in the Northwest, but we will deliver your purchases FREE in Montana and anywhere in the continental USA for no more than $300/head.
Sale Day Phones:
Volume Discounts:
(406) 535-3535........................... Lewistown Livestock Auction (406) 366-6953................................................. Don Danell Cell (406) 366-1192.............................................. Doug Linhart Cell (406) 366-4668.................................................Mike Vanek Cell (406) 366-4667............................................. Mardi Linhart Cell
• Volume Discount Purchases: 5% on 5-9 bulls 10% on 10 or more bulls
Cash Back:
Sale Location:
• $50 Cash Back per Bull if you haul away on sale day!
Sale will be held in Lewistown, Montana at the Lewistown Livestock Auction Yards, 83 Stockyard Lane off of Highway 191.
Extended Feeding: • Extended feeding arrangements available after Apr. 1.
Sale Location!!
Insurance: Lewistown Livestock Auction
• Insurance will be available sale day.
Terms of Sale: • Bulls will sell under the suggested Terms & Conditions of the American Gelbvieh and American Angus Associations.
Liabilty • All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk. The seller and/or sale management assume no liabilty, legal or otherwise, for any accidents occuring on or about the premises. Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh
t of Expect a lo
est of Time” T e th g in d n “Withsta and we are s e ir s h ie v elb keting Top G al driving seed stock r a m in r a e y o e is our 25th e common g th ( ll u t will move th b a t c th Wow! This fe r m e a p d r e o sire create th the Gelbvieh g the perfect is n s ti a a – e still trying to r r e C s ! lo ) s gc e ourselve t we are gettin u b , k s producers lik ta y s a d is not an e ram – even g o r p y n breed forwar a in es ove themselv oduce the r r p p l il to w g t a in breed! th iv o str ng bulls op s guys are als u g We are creati n we use the T A n e e h Th w . ts s r d o r e ff eir e Angus h tting from th fi e n e the purebred bulls to you. b r e e r c a n e la w a , s B e t y a , nd our bulls – offer gre n n o a c ta d a d n perfect bull a a e c m n a a rm in our progr ng the perfo ts and ratios ti h r o ig e p e w r e Angus sires in th y s ake clarif t than the res, which m n e tu r One thing to s e a p iff d te e a b r a l ep wil 80 ised in two s one pasture in t h this year is 6 ig p e u w o they were ra r e g g a e r n e v o a r 0 fo ing. The ht ratio of 10 639 pounds. ig is e p w seem confus u 5 o r 0 g 2 r e e s oth xample, th any question f 100 for the o h it o ti w a other. For e r ll a t c h ig et the 205-we today’s mark in d e e c pounds and c u s u to help yo We are here e! you may hav OUR BULLS L L A IN T S RE EMEN INTE S ½ IN A T E WE R
EPD’s - Expected Progeny Differences • EPD abbreviations used in this information
CED – Calving Ease Direct BW – Birth Weight WW – Weaning Weight YW – Yearling Weight Milk – Milk TM – Total Maternal CEM – Calving Ease Maternal HP – Heifer pregnancy PG30 – 30-month pregnancy ST – Stayability (cow’s ability to produce a calf after age 6)
DMI - Dry Matter Intake YG – Yield Grade CW – Carcass Weight REA – Ribeye Area MB – Marbling RFI - Residual Feed Intake $Cow – genetic value in dollars of profit of an animal when retained as a replacement female
FPI – Feeder profit index EPI – Efficiency profit index
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh JOB Danell Subzero 12G
Act. BW 81 Adj. 205 697 Ratio 103 Adj. YW 1204 Ratio 97 ADG 3.0 Ratio 91
DOB 2/10/19 • Tattoo 12G • Reg. No. 1446207
Sitz Upward (Connealy Onward)
Barbara of Plattemere 337 (G A R Retail Product)
MCFG The Man 113U (MCFG MCF Bruce Almighty 35PET)
Plattemere Weigh Up K360
JOB Danell Pammy 15Z JOB Danell P.J. 15S (JOB Danell Picasso 18P)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®38 CED BW WW YW Milk 15 -1.3 62 98 24
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 55 8 6.17 1.13 13
Lot 1
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.09 42 0.63 0.36 91.69 77.69 129.45
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black (and solid black) 38% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with a Tenderness score of 9! Subzero was born on a cold night with an 81# birthweight (91 BWRatio) and grew to a 697# 205 weight (103 WWRatio) and 1204# yearling weight (97 YWRatio)! He is wide topped, square hipped, deep sided, good footed, on a moderate frame and with a great disposition! His sire, Plattemere Weigh Up 360, has worked very well in our program. We are calving some of his daughters as first calf heifers this year and their dispositions and udders are exceptional! Subzero’s dam, JOB DANELL Pammy 15Z, is co-owned with Bar IV Livestock (Beth and Barry Racke) of Newport, KY. Pammy has a nursing ratio of 103 on 5 calves – and Subzero is the 4th bull she has produced, 2 still active in purebred herds and 1 active in a commercial herd. This bull should definitely be spotted as another great herdsire prospect! Pammy has good feet and udder with a great disposition and has just given birth to another fine bull calf! Subzero has an incredible set of EPDs across the board – Top 20% for CED & Ribeye, Top 25% for BW & CEM, Top 15% for Milk, and Top 10% for CW! Subzero is very easy on the eye and we may want to collect him for in-herd use before he leaves the ranch. Danell
JOB Danell Bonaparte 13G
DOB 2/10/19 • Tattoo 13G • Reg. No. 1446208
Bolton Pay Day 45C (JOB Danell Joey 7A)
JOB Danell Josephine 33C (DLW New Frontier 33A ET)
PMFG Chief Executive10U1 (RID R Collateral 2R)
JOB Danell Napoleon 01E
JOB Danell Minaj 34B JOB Danell Rhapsody 41X (JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Purebred94 CED BW WW YW Milk 11 0.4 66 94 22
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 54 6 6.20 2.61 16
Act. BW 89 Adj. 205 754 Ratio 111 Adj. YW 1239 Ratio 99 ADG 3.4 Ratio 103
Lot 2
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.23 28 0.56 0.19 112.72 72.24 66.53
JOB Danell Pacer 23G
DOB 2/14/19 • Tattoo 23G • Reg. No. 1446221
BBDM Bolton Pay Day 45C (JOB Danell Joey 7A)
JOB Danell Sal 9C (A A R Ten X 7008 S A)
SDCG X-Factor 202X (TAU Mr Krugerrand 70M)
JOB Danell Lace 5Y (JOB Danell Montana Infusion)
JOB Danell Paygrade 68E JOB Danell Lacey 84B
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®63 CED BW WW YW Milk 12 -1.0 53 75 18
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 44 6 5.72 3.02 15
Lot 3
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.10 18 0.40 0.42 71.26
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black (and solid black) 63% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with a Tenderness score of 7! Pacer had an 86# birthweight (98 BWRatio) and a 694# 205 weight (102 WWRatio). Pacer is a great heifer bull prospect from a mama cow that is beautifully uddered and sound footed! Pacer is big hipped and smooth shouldered and is one of the most eye appealing bulls in the pen and stands on a moderate frame!
Winter 2020 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s
CED 12
BW 0.2
WW 61
YW 87
Milk 20
TM 50
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
HP 6
PG30 1
ST 15
DOC 12
DMI 0.013
YG -0.27
CW 20
RE 0.62
MB 0.23
FAT -0.05
ADG RFI $Cow -0.038 -0.012 106.65
FPI 70.78
EPI 62.73
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Act. BW 86 Adj. 205 694 Ratio 102 Adj. YW 1142 Ratio 92 ADG 3.0 Ratio 91
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black (and solid black) 94% Purebred Gelbvieh bull with a Tenderness score of 6! Bonaparte had an 89# birthweight (101 BWRatio), 754# 205 weight (111 WWRatio), 1239# yearling weight (99 YWRatio), 14-inch ribeye (105 ratio)! He has an exceptional set of EPDS – Top 25% for WW, YW, Milk, & DOC, and Top 15% CW! He is long bodied, big hipped, and good footed! Bonaparte’s young sire, JOB DANELL Napoleon 01E, is proving himself to be a great heifer bull with growth! Napoleon’s dam has a 90 BWRatio and 116 WWRatio on two calves! Napoleon himself has a 99 BWRatio and a 101 WWRatio on 34 calves! Bonaparte’s dam, JOB DANELL Minaj 34B, has a beautiful udder and good feet and a 100 WWRatio on 4 calves! Bonaparte is a herdsire prospect with a good disposition!
Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh Danell
JOB Danell Merlin 28G
Act. BW 82 Adj. 205 684 Ratio 101 Adj. YW 1257 Ratio 101 ADG 3.2 Ratio 97
DOB 2/15/98 • Tattoo 28G • Reg. No. 1446246
MAR Innovation 251 (COnnealy Impression)
Monarch Miss Blackcap T040 (EXAR New Look 2971)
JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET (MLH Goldrush Visa J40)
Monarch Sandy Pride P064 (J D Daigger 901)
o JOB Danell Innovator 04D JOB Danell Sabrina 36Y
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®25 CED BW WW YW Milk 15 -1.0 61 100 18
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 48 11 5.21 0.14 15
YG 0.01
Lot 4
CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 28 0.36 0.72 84.83
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black (with small amount of white) 25% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with a Tenderness score of 10!! Merlin had an 82# birthweight (92 BWRatio), 684# 205 weight (101 WWRatio), 1257# yearling (101 YWRatio), 13.43 ribeye (100 Ratio), and 4.265 IMF (145 Ratio)! Merlin is a great herdsire prospect with exceptional EPDS - CED (Top 20%), CEM (Top 2%), and Marbling Top 3%! He is a big hipped, big topped, eye appealing bull! Merlin’s sire, JOB DANELL Innovator 04D, is a Purebred Angus bull that has proven himself in our program. Innovator has a 98 BWRatio on 51 calves, 101 WWRatio on 48 calves, 101 YWRatio on 27 calves, 105 Ribeye Ratio on 18 calves, and an IMF of 4.205 (108 Ratio on 18 calves)! He stamps his calves with a big hip, wide top, and smooth front shoulders! Merlin’s mama, JOB DANELL Sabrina 36Y, comes from one of our top cow families and has a 103 WWRatio on 6 calves! We may want to collect semen for in herd use before Merlin leaves the ranch. Danell
JOB Danell Orbiter 29G DOB 2/15/19 • Tattoo 29G • Reg. No. 1446247
DLW New Frontier 33A ET (KCF Bennett U271)
JOB Danell Jojo 13Y ET (MLLC M/L Encore)
A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)
JOB Danell John Glenn 22E
Act. BW 89 Adj. 205 807 Ratio 119 Adj. YW 1220 Ratio 98 ADG 3.0 Ratio 91
JOB Danell Sal 9C JOB Danell Sally 23Y (JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET)
Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®75 CED BW WW YW Milk 17 -0.7 66 97 16
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 49 10 5.52 2.41 10
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, Solid Black (red carrier) 75% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with a Tenderness score of 7! Orbiter has an 89# birthweight (101 BWRatio) and an 807# 205 weight (119 WWRatio)! He offers EPDs in CED & CEM in the Top 10% and Marbling & FPI in the Top 15%! He is long, deep, and good footed with a good disposition and on a larger frame. Orbiter’s sire, JOB DANELL John Glenn 22E, is a Purebred Gelbvieh bull with CED and BW EPDs in the Top 10%! Orbiter’s mama, JOB DANELL Sal 9C, has an incredible 119 WWRatio on 3 calves! Orbiter will add pounds to your calves and put replacements in your herd!
JOB Danell Trek 33G
Act. BW 82 Adj. 205 711 Ratio 105 Adj. YW 1148 Ratio 92 ADG 2.9 Ratio 88
DOB 2/17/19 • Tattoo 33G • Reg. No. 1446254
KCF Bennett U271 (KCF Bennett S30)
DLW Ms Matron 802U (DLW Mr Kingston 106P)
MLLC M/L Encore (MLLC M/L Advantage)
DLW New Frontier 33A ET
JOB Danell Jojo 13Y ET JCGR Bar GT Sammy Jo 258H ET (FHG Flying H Extra 150D)
Lot 5
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.17 23 0.60 0.59 84.64
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Purebred94 CED BW WW YW Milk 15 -0.8 58 82 21
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 50 7 3.77 2.50 11
Lot 6
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.26 32 0.75 0.50 85.18 77.83 64.48
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black (with some white) 94% Purebred Gelbvieh bull with an 82# birthweight (94 BWRatio), 711# 205 weight (105 WWRatio), and IMF of 3.266 (111 Ratio)! With EPDs of CED Top 15% and BW Top 25%, this Purebred Gelbvieh bull also offers Carcass EPDs of Top 10% CW, Top 15% CREA, Top 1% Marbling, and Top 10% FPI! He is a full brother to our TOP selling bull in 2019! Trek’s sire, DLW New Frontier 33A ET, is a Purebred Gelbvieh bull that is a breed leader in Marbling and Feed Profit Index (FPI)! Trek’s dam, JOB DANELL Jojo 13Y, is one of our Top females; on 7 calves - she has a 100 WWRatio and an incredible 94 BWRatio! She is the dam of JOB DANELL Joey 7A, the sire of BBDM BOLTON Pay Day 45C – the sire of the 2020 Winner in the National Purebred Bull Futurity! Jojo is good footed with a good udder. CED 13
BW -0.3
WW 63
YW 95
Milk 20
TM 52
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Winter 2020 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s
HP 5
PG30 1
ST 15
DOC 12
DMI 0.027
YG -0.09
CW 27
RE 0.47
MB 0.41
FAT -0.01
ADG 0.004
RFI $Cow -0.010 101.60
FPI 76.83
EPI 97.14
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh JOB Danell Laredo 37G
Act. BW 83 Adj. 205 676 Ratio 106 Adj. YW 1185 Ratio 95 ADG 3.6 Ratio 95
DOB 2/18/19 • Tattoo 37G • Reg. No. 1446258
ELK CK Crazy Horse 138P (GRU ELK Dee Jake 744J)
MCFG TD Mya 210T (JOB Danell Montana Infusion)
JOB Danell TD My Fortune 3B (JOB Danell Fortunate 47Y)
JOB Danell Rosalina 8Z (A A R Ten X 7008 S A)
JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y JOB Danell Rosalita 56D
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Purebred88 CED BW WW YW Milk 15 -0.9 64 91 17
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 49 8 6.80 2.31 14
Lot 7
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.22 21 0.69 0.41 102.29 78.90 81.42
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black (and solid black) 88% Purebred Gelbvieh bull with an 83# birthweight (98 BWRatio), 676# 205 weight (106 WWRatio), and Ultrasound results show he has 14-inch Ribeye (103 ratio)! Laredo is good footed and straight backed on a moderate frame. He has a strong set of EPDs with CED & CEM in the Top 15%, BW Top 20%, WW & CW Top 30%, RFI Top 25%, and Marbling & FPI TOP 5%! Mama is good footed and has a good udder with a 103 WWRatio on 2 calves! Laredo will add pounds to your calves!
JOB Danell Torrid 40G
DOB 2/19/19 • Tattoo 40G • Reg. No. 1446271
JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y (ELK CK Crazy Horse 138P)
Monarch Sandy Pride P064 (J D Daigger 901)
JOB Danell Montana Infusion (MLLC M/L Advantage)
JOB Danell Toro 31A
JOB Danell Moonbeam 20Z JOB Danell Moondancer 24X (JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®63 CED BW WW YW Milk 15 -0.2 64 102 17
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 49 8 4.07 2.90 13
YG 0.04
Act. BW 88 Adj. 205 796 Ratio 117 Adj. YW 1392 Ratio 112 ADG 4.1 Ratio 124
Lot 8
CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 37 0.39 0.58 81.79
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black 63% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with an 88# birthweight (100 BWRatio), 796# 205 weight (117 WWRatio), and 1392# yearling weight (112 YWRatio)! Torrid scored a 9 for Tenderness, backed up by Ultrasound results of 3.197 IMF (109 ratio) and 13.13 Ribeye (98 ratio)! EPDS – Top 20% CED, Top 25% CEM & FPI, and Top 15% CW & Marbling! This bull is thick made, long bodied, and big hipped on a wide base with lots of power – a “MUST SEE” if looking for a Gelbvieh Balancer herdsire! Torrid’s sire, JOB DANELL Toro 31A, is a bull we started using more of in our program because of his excellent calving ease (great on heifers) and the ability of his moderate framed daughters to produce bulls that look like Torrid! Toro produces exceptional Marbling with a 118 Ratio on 4 calves and an Ultrasound result of 4.81 IMF (152 ratio) on his own actual performance! Torrid’s mama, JOB DANELL Moonbeam 20Z, is a beautifully uddered, good footed female that is quite the performer – on 5 calves she rates a 113 BWRatio, 107 YWRatio, 101 Ribeye Ratio, and 102 IMF Ratio! Torrid is a true herdsire prospect on a moderate frame and raising a bull like him is the reason why I love the purebred experience! We all strive to create the great ones! We will be retaining ½ semen interest and will be collecting before he leaves the ranch. INVEST IN THE FUTURE – JOB DANELL Torrid 40G!
Winter 2020 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s
CED 12
BW 0.2
WW 61
YW 87
Milk 20
TM 50
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
HP 6
PG30 1
ST 15
DOC 12
DMI 0.013
YG -0.27
CW 20
RE 0.62
MB 0.23
FAT -0.05
ADG RFI $Cow -0.038 -0.012 106.65
FPI 70.78
EPI 62.73
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh Danell
JOB Danell Nightcap 43G
Act. BW 90 Adj. 205 737 Ratio 108 Adj. YW 1303 Ratio 105 ADG 3.7 Ratio 112
DOB 2/20/19 • Tattoo 43G • Reg. No. 1446265
BBDM Bolton Pay Day 45C (JOB Danell Joey 7A)
JOB Danell Sal 9C (A A R Ten X 7008 S A)
JOB Danell Picasso 18P (XXB Drew 565K)
Monarch Alberda M069 (Alberda Traveler 416)
JOB Danell Paygrade 68E
JOB Danell Moonshadow 30T
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®63 CED BW WW YW Milk 13 -0.1 57 94 21
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 50 7 4.43 4.52 17
Lot 9
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.04 31 0.45 0.44 74.35
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black (and solid black) 63% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with a 90# birthweight, 737# 205 weight (108 WWRatio), 1303 yearling weight (105 YWRatio), 13.26 Ribeye (99 ratio), and 3.209 IMF (109 ratio)! Nightcap is straight backed and well-muscled with a wide top and square hip on a moderate frame! The young sire of Nightcap, JOB DANELL Paygrade 68E has performed as I hoped he would – giving his offspring a lot of muscle and a good hip, and adding ribeye and eye appeal! We will be using him more! Nightcap’s mama, JOB DANELL Moonshadow 30T, is a 13-year-old cow with an outstanding disposition and a perfect udder that gives us a strong healthy calf every year without fail! She has a 100 WW ratio on 11 calves, 100 YW ratio on 9 calves, a 3.89 avg IMF on 9 calves (106 ratio), and a WW ratio of 103 on 23 daughters! She is the perfect example of the consistency you want to see in your herd! This cow bull will make some great replacements for your herd – take him home! Danell
JOB Danell Jackpot 440G DOB 2/20/19 • Tattoo 440G • Reg. No. 1446267
BBDM Bolton Pay Day 45C (JOB Danell Joey 7A)
JOB Danell Sal 9C (A A R Ten X 7008 S A)
JOB Danell Lariat 688A (JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y)
JOB Danell Paygrade 68E
Act. BW 80 Adj. 205 659 Ratio 7 Adj. YW 1280 Ratio 97 ADG 4.1 Ratio 108
JOB Danell Treasure 91D JOB Danell Sandy’s Prize 22X (JOB Danell Resolution 26U ET)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®63 CED BW WW YW Milk 14 -1.6 61 98 19
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 50 8 5.16 2.55 14
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black 63% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with an 80# birthweight (95 BWRatio), 659# 205 weight (97 WWRatio), 1280# yearling weight (103 YWRatio), 15.25 ribeye (114 ratio), 3.041 IMF (103 ratio), and a Tenderness score of 7! Jackpot is another long sided, square hipped, wide topped JOB DANELL Paygrade 68E son! He has great EPDS - CED (Top 30%) & BW (Top 20%), with CEM (Top 25%) – so daughters will also calve easily! He also shows Marbling & FPI in the Top 25%! Jackpot’s sire, JOB DANELL Paygrade 68E, did it again – a great looking bull with a lot of growth! Add pounds and reap the benefits!
JOB Danell Probate 441G
Basin Payweight 1682 (Basin Payweight 006S)
JRI Clementine 254Z8 (JRI Pop A Top 197T83)
JOB Danell Saber 24A (JOB Danell Montana Infusion)
JOB Danell Serendipity 22C JOB Danell Destiny 16W (G A R Predestined)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®50 CED BW WW YW Milk 16 -0.8 68 109 24
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 58 9 7.75 0.58 13
YG 0.09
JRI Probity 254D28 - Sire of Lot 11
Act. BW 85 Adj. 205 691 Ratio 102 Adj. YW 1284 Ratio 103 ADG 3.8 Ratio 100
DOB 2/20/19 • Tattoo 441G • Reg. No. 1 446268
JRI Probity 254D28
Lot 10
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.11 27 0.56 0.53 80.77
CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 32 0.29 0.58 85.85
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black 50% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with an 85# birthweight (98 BWRatio), 691# 205 weight (102 WWRatio), 1284# yearling weight (103 YWRatio), 14.41 Ribeye (107 Ratio), and 3.188 IMF (108 Ratio)! Probate has a strong set of EPDs – CED, YW, Milk, CEM, & Marbling Top 15%, WW Top 25%, and FPI Top 10%! Probate is very long, big hipped, and smooth backed on a little bigger frame! Probate’s dam, JOB DANELL Serendipity 22C, has (on 3 calves) BW ratio of 96, WW ratio of 102, YW ratio of 105, Ribeye Ratio 101, and an IMF of 3.348 (107 Ratio)! Probate’s sire, JRI Probity 254D28, is a son of Basin Payweight 1682. Mother Nature was unkind to Probate at birth and left him with short ears and a short tail, but this strong healthy bull has proven to be a survivor! Thank God for the milder February this year! CED 13
BW -0.3
WW 63
YW 95
Milk 20
TM 52
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Winter 2020 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s
HP 5
PG30 1
ST 15
DOC 12
DMI 0.027
YG -0.09
CW 27
RE 0.47
MB 0.41
FAT -0.01
ADG 0.004
RFI $Cow -0.010 101.60
FPI 76.83
EPI 97.14
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh 12
JOB Danell Final Draft 45G
Act. BW 83 Adj. 205 718 Ratio 106 Adj. YW 1249 Ratio 100 ADG 3.3 Ratio 100
DOB 2/21/19 • Tattoo 45G • Reg. No. 1446269
Basin Payweight 1682 (Basin Payweight 006S)
JRI Clementine 254Z8 (JRI Pop A Top 197T83)
A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)
JRI Probity 254D28
KHR Focus 231Z KHR 474P (KHR 26L)
Homozygous Black Double Polled Balancer ®50 CED BW WW YW Milk 16 -2.1 60 97 28
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 58 10 7.21 -1.01 9
YG 0.04
Lot 12
CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI 32 0.29 0.46 80.20
Double Polled, HOMOZYGOUS BLACK (and solid black) 50% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with an 83# birthweight (94 BWRatio), 718# 205 weight (106 WWRatio), and 1249# yearling weight (100 YWRatio)! Final Draft is long made, smooth fronted, and big hipped with a good disposition and on a sound base! He has a great set of EPDs – CED & BW Top 15%, CEM & DOC Top 10%, including a Milk EPD in the Top 2% of the breed! Final Draft’s sire, JRI Probity 254D28, is a BASIN Payweight 1682 son and was the North American International Livestock Exposition Gelbvieh Bull Futurity winner that I ended up winning and ran in our pastures! We are now calving Probity’s daughters and find they have good udders and quiet dispositions. Final Draft’s dam, KHR Focus 231Z, is another cow that keeps raising the good ones. On 6 calves, she shows a 112 WW ratio and a 107 YW ratio and she shows an avg 3.458 IMF on 4 calves (105 ratio)! Length adds weight – and this bull has plenty of length! Danell
JOB Danell CD Blackie 47G DOB 2/22/19 • Tattoo 47G • Reg. No. 1446287
JOB Danell Resolution 26U ET (JOB Danell Montana Infusion)
JLM Blacklass 6514 (Connealy Lead On)
JOB Danell A. .J. 12A ET (A A R Ten X 7008 S A)
JOB Danell Solvent 34Z
JOB Danell CD Blackbird 70D JOB Danell Raven 22T (JOB Danell Picasso 18P)
Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®50 CED BW WW YW Milk 14 -0.5 60 93 21
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 51 8 3.71 2.72 14
Act. BW 87 Adj. 205 716 Ratio 112 Adj. YW 1193 Ratio 95 ADG 3.2 Ratio 84
JOB Danell Napoleon 01E - Sire of Lot 2
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.07 29 0.37 0.50 78.41
JOB Danell Illuminator 49G
Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 685 Ratio 108 Adj. YW 1231 Ratio 98 ADG 3.6 Ratio 95
DOB 2/26/19 • Tattoo 49G • Reg. No. 1446279
MAR Innovation 251 (Connealy Impression)
Monarch Miss Blackcap T040 (EXAR New Look 2971)
DLW New Frontier 33EA ET (KCF Bennett U271)
JOB Danell Innovator 04D
JOB Danell Star 30E JOB Danell Twinkles 21X (FHG Flying H Exclusive)
CED BW WW YW Milk 14 -0.7 67 104 20
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 53 10 5.24 -0.36 12
JOB Danell Innovator 04D - Sire of Lots 4, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 19
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.08 34 0.56 0.63 85.54
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black (and solid black) 38% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with an 84# birthweight (100 BWRatio), 685# 205 weight (108 WWRatio), and 1231# yearling weight (98 YWRatio)! Illuminator has a great set of EPDs – CED & WW in the Top 30%, YW & CW Top 25%, and CEM, Marbling, & FPI in the Top 10%! I believe Illuminator will make a good heifer bull as well as a cow bull, with calves coming easy and growing well! His dam, JOB DANELL Star 30E, has a good udder, is good footed, and comes from a very strong pedigree!
Winter 2020 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s
CED 12
BW 0.2
WW 61
YW 87
Milk 20
TM 50
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
HP 6
PG30 1
ST 15
DOC 12
DMI 0.013
YG -0.27
CW 20
RE 0.62
MB 0.23
FAT -0.05
ADG RFI $Cow -0.038 -0.012 106.65
FPI 70.78
EPI 62.73
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®38
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, Solid Black (red carrier) 50% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with an 87# birthweight (101 BWRatio), 716# 205 weight (112 WWRatio), 1193# yearling weight (95 YW ratio), and a Tenderness score of 7! EPDS – CEM & DOC Top 25% and CED & Marbling Top 30%! We were so impressed with Blackie as a young calf that we bred his mama, JOB DANELL CD Blackbird 70D, back the same way and she gave us another fine-looking bull calf this year – 68 pounds and named Blackjack! Blackbird is good footed and has a beautiful udder and a calm demeanor!
Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh Danell
JOB Danell Heat Check 57G
Act. BW 85 Adj. 205 723 Ratio 113 Adj. YW 1264 Ratio 101 ADG 3.8 Ratio 100
DOB 3/06/19 • Tattoo 57G • Reg. No. 1446476
MAR Inovation 251 (Connealy Impression)
Monarch Miss Blackcap T040 (EXAR New Look 2971)
JOB Danell Montana Infusion (MLLC M/L Advantage)
JOB Danell Innovator 04D
JOB Danell Hot Chick 10Y JOB Danell Chickie 31W (JBOB Carolina Fortune 2564JET)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®50 CED BW WW YW Milk 16 -1.1 66 105 21
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 54 10 3.35 0.73 16
Lot 15
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.13 29 0.62 0.54 84.32
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black (and solid black) 50% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with an 85# birthweight (96 BWRatio), 723# 205 weight (113 WWRatio), 1264# yearling weight (101 YWRatio), 15.2 Ribeye (111 ratio), and a Tenderness score of 7! Heat Check has a great set of EPDs with CED Top 15%, CEM & DOC Top 10%, YW, Ribeye, & Marbling Top 20%, and Feeder Profit Index Top 15%! Heat Check is a long-made bull – our ultrasound tech tells us when one of our bulls has an extra pair of ribs (more rib steaks!) and Heat Check is one that does! This has been common in calves sired by JOB DANELL Montana Infusion 5R, the sire of Heat Check’s dam. Heat Check is smooth backed and deep bodied with a good hip! Heat Check’s sire, JOB DANELL Innovator 04D, is a calving ease bull with low birthweights, above average weaning and yearling ratios, and great ribeye and marbling! Heat Check’s mama, JOB DANELL Hot Chick 10Y, has a performance record very much like his sire – low birthweights (7 calves at 97 BWRatio), good growth (7 calves at 106 WWRatio and 6 calves at 103 YWRatio), and good carcass (5 calves at 104 Ribeye Ratio and 102 IMF Ratio)! Danell
JOB Danell TD Tundra 59G DOB 3/09/19 • Tattoo 59G • Reg. No. 1446478
MAR Innovation 251 (Connealy Impression)
Monarch Miss Blackcap T040 (EXAR New Look 2971)
JOB Danell Lariat 688A (JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y)
JOB Danell Black Ice 30P (JOB Danell Diamond Six 41L)
JOB Danell Innovator 04D
Act. BW 90 Adj. 205 743 Ratio 109 Adj. YW 1292 Ratio 104 ADG 3.6 Ratio 109
JOB Danell TD Frozen 84D
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®38 CED BW WW YW Milk 14 -0.1 59 96 21
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 51 9 -0.62 0.64 12
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black (with some white) 38% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with a 90# birthweight, 743# 205 weight (109 WWRatio), 1292# yearling weight (104 YWRatio), 14.31 ribeye (107 ratio), and a Tenderness score of 7! EPDS – Top 15% CEM, Top 30% CED & CW, and Top 25% CREA! Tundra is long, straight backed, smooth sided, big hipped, and clean fronted – very easy on the eye! Tundra’s sire, JOB DANELL Innovator 04D, did it again – he makes the good ones and is very consisitent in siring smooth fronted, long bodied, and big hipped bulls! Tundra’s dam, JOB DANELL TD Frozen 84D, is good uddered, good footed, and very promising young female from one of our Top cow families. Frozen’s dam, JOB DANELL Black Ice 30P, is the great granddam of BBDM BOLTON Pay Day 45C! Tundra is a cow bull that will put pounds on your calves and quality replacements in your herd! He will work in a registered or commercial herd, pay attention to him – it will be worth your time! Danell
JOB Danell Arcade 66G
Act. BW 87 Adj. 205 696 Ratio 109 Adj. YW 1330 Ratio 106 ADG 4.5 Ratio 118
DOB 3/26/19 • Tattoo 66G • Reg. No. 1446485
MAR Innovation 251 (Connealy Impression)
Monarch Miss Blackcap T040 (EXAR New Look 2971)
KHR O3Z (A A R Ten X 7008 S A)
JOB Danell Innovator 04D
Lot 16
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.01 33 0.59 0.45 75.79
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®25 CED BW WW YW Milk 13 0.6 72 120 21
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 57 9 5.10 -0.60 11
Lot 17
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.03 49 0.61 0.51 84.45
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black 25% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with an 87# birthweight, 696# 205 weight (109 WWRatio), 1330# yearling weight (106 YWRatio), and a 13.97 ribeye (102 ratio)! EPDs – Top 25% DOC & Marbling, Top 20% CREA, Top 15% WW, CEM, & FPI, Top 4% YW, and TOP 3% for CW! Arcade is an impressive, stout made bull with a big hip! He stands well with bulls that are a month older than him! Arcade’s sire, JOB DANELL Innovator 04D, has again proven himself to be quite the Purebred Angus bull – siring many of our Top calves! As a first calf heifer, JOB DANELL Orcadia 17E, did quite a job raising Arcade! I am always amazed to see such an animal come from a young cow. She will have a nice future in our program! Arcade is a good cow bull with a great set of EPDs and he is one of our Top gainers at 4.5# per day (118 ADG ratio)! CED 13
BW -0.3
WW 63
YW 95
Milk 20
TM 52
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Winter 2020 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s
HP 5
PG30 1
ST 15
DOC 12
DMI 0.027
YG -0.09
CW 27
RE 0.47
MB 0.41
FAT -0.01
ADG 0.004
RFI $Cow -0.010 101.60
FPI 76.83
EPI 97.14
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Danell Diamond Six Gelbvieh JOB Danell Chet 70G
Act. BW 95 Adj. 205 703 Ratio 110 Adj. YW 1282 Ratio 102 ADG 4.1 Ratio 108
DOB 4/05/19 • Tattoo 70G • Reg. No. 1446489
BBDM Bolton Pay Day 45C (JOB Danell Joey 7A)
JOB Danell Sal 9C (A A R Ten X 7008 S A))
JOB Danell Man Up 16B ET (MCFG The Man 113U)
JOB Danell Lavender 22Y (JOB Danell Montana Infusion)
JOB Danell Paygrade 68E JOB Danell Sachet 37D
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®75 CED BW WW YW Milk 10 1.5 70 108 19
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 54 6 6.91 3.08 14
JOB Danell Paygrade 68E - Sire of Lots 3, 9, 10 & 18
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.16 28 0.58 0.38 78.08
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, HOMOZYGOUS Black (and solid black) 75% Gelbvieh bull with a 95# birthweight, 703# 205 weight (110 WWRatio), 1282# yearling weight (102 YWRatio), 13.96 ribeye (102 ratio), and 3.528 IMF (106 ratio)! EPDs – Top 15% WW & YW, Top 25% DOC, and Top 30% FPI! Chet is another bull that is put together right – big hipped, smooth made, and clean fronted with exceptional growth on a moderate frame! His sire, JOB DANELL Paygrade 68E, keeps on proving himself – making calves like Chet! This new sire will be used again! Chet’s young dam, JOB DANELL Sachet 37D, is proving her worth with 107 WWRatio on 2 calves and 102 YWRatio on Chet! Her 1st calf was well on his way to last year’s bull sale, but suffered a fall along our creek bank and broke his back before yearling weights.
JOB Danell Energizer 71G
DOB 4/09/19 • Tattoo 71G • Reg. No. 1446684
MAR Innovation 251 (Connealy Impression)
Monarch Miss Blackcap T040 (EXAR New Look 2971)
JOB Danell Lariat 688A (JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y)
JOB Danell Innovator 04D
JOB Danell Edie 13C JOB Danell Edger 121K (MLLC M/L Advantage)
Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®38 CED BW WW YW Milk 13 0.0 62 101 22
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 52 10 2.81 -0.51 14
Act. BW 91 Adj. 205 687 Ratio 108 Adj. YW 1324 Ratio 106 ADG 4.6 Ratio 121
Lot 19
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.03 35 0.53 0.69 83.41
HOMOZYGOUS Polled, Black (with some white) 38% Gelbvieh Balancer bull with a 91# birthweight, 687# 205 weight (108 WWRatio), 1324# yearling weight (106 YWRatio), big 15.44 ribeye (113 ratio), one of our best IMF scores – 4.198 (127 ratio!), and a Tenderness score of 8! EPDs – Top 10% CEM, Top 30% YW, Top 20% CW, Top 15% FPI, and Top 5% for Marbling! Energizer is long bodied on a little larger frame, clean sheathed and clean fronted – and one heck of a bull! This young bull puts it all together – with performance like this, he is in the top of our program! His dam, JOB DANELL Edie 13C, is good uddered and good footed with a Milk EPD in the Top 25%! Do not miss this young bull, he is our Top gainer on test at 4.6 pounds per day (121 ADG ratio)!
Winter 2020 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s
CED 12
BW 0.2
WW 61
YW 87
Milk 20
TM 50
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
HP 6
PG30 1
ST 15
DOC 12
DMI 0.013
YG -0.27
CW 20
RE 0.62
MB 0.23
FAT -0.05
ADG RFI $Cow -0.038 -0.012 106.65
FPI 70.78
EPI 62.73
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
s u g n A t Linhar
y Linhart 457 Doug & Penn obson, MT 59 • Lake Rd H cell g ou D 92 6270 Ackley 11 • 406.366. 406.423.5445
anek e & Alyssa V , Tanner, Kad 457 di ar 59 M T e, M ik M town, Lane • Lewis ll ce 318 Juniper e ik M 406.366.4668
ank each personally th the time to e k li ld u g o in w of time! We rams and tak nately a test r believing in our prog were not for you! efi d is rs ea y fo here if it Well 25 roducers ave been in ws MUST earn the would not be e of you as p ade but we h co and every onlook at our offering. We sale for just over a dec mbers so therefore our issal. We AI heavily u m is n to is th e r d r in rg ea y s fo la ming ll s e u ch ea e don’t hav n selling b e both term ew up and co We have bee s for nearly 30 years. W ce and rude behavior arut and try some of the n aintaining calving an nes ping o while m the cow busi around. Lack of perform as well as step, Capacity and Muscle n io at n e ay th st th ed hard sires in Grow right to here. We cull ied and true e “cowman’s” bull...... e tr b g to in t h ad g le ri to e earned the ve to raise th bulls. We stri ass. ause they have we have done so. ec b e er h e rc v ar ease and ca e bulls we are offering r offering and we belie sires that we did. I le dimension ou All of th ghtening up we chose a few of the Ad him to add more musclves are stout ti f o es p o h last fall in e some of the reasons ross the U.S. we use worked for us. His ca Below ar ell known ac Man has he is really Resource - W ate frame just a touch. th. This sire made, w ro er g d o s . u m o ce d d an th an ith perform es are smoo se and tremen and packed wgo to bull for calving ea ustry right now. His calv is first daughters in H d . A in Wide Open - name for himself in the growth and performancethem. h it w He adds d about ed making a k ac p d are super excite his calves with muscle. We are an e d ar ie e d w o b d an ig l. b ame as wel phenominal n that packs our herd are lving ease Resource so calves and moderates fr ca is h Response - Aepth and demension to aternal qualis depth and m u o d a ton of d t these calves. en em tr ill add excited abou big growth bull who w le and style A endous musc d growth. r te em et tr g in d None B ad an uscle who is lves. uscle ties to his ca exciting new sire for us kage of calving ease, m is style and m h r ac n p fo A g p n ti eu ce n ci li ex e th an Raindan to an e added . He is to home is to his calves n exciting young sire w rowth and muscle. bulls closer e th g A g s u in e o id av d ts H en u in. em TEF O lves show tr near Moccas town on mass. His ca again by Jeremy Grove work with. will come to look at our ofe, rs t u u to o co at d f re o fe g , e a d n Our bulls wery and his crew have beeytime prior to the sale anAgain thanks for taking m e. an re av at h Je k d o ay an lo m u at gre available to uestions yo Our bulls are 0th. We welcome any q! 2 ay Friday, Marche hope to see you sale d fering and w
Linhart Angus
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Linhart Angus D L Response 9787
DOB 1/26/19 • Tattoo 9787 • Reg. No. Applied for
S A V Resource 1441 (Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075)
Sitz Ellunas Elite 656T (Sitz Upward 307R)
S A V Universal 4038 (S A V International 2020)
Sitz Response 405C
D L Sky Princess 7787 D L Sky Princess 7087 (ICC Precision E161-4377)
Purebred Angus CED 7
BW 0.9
WW 50
YW 95
SC .89
Milk 26
CW 34
Marb .17
RE .67
$W 49
Act. BW 76 Act. WW 760 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1191 Ratio 99 ADG 3.55 Ratio 100
$B 93
A very nice Response son out of a really stylish two year old daughter of Universal. This bull has the growth and thickness, yet the calving ease background to make him a nice all around bull. The Response calves come easy yet explode with growth but still maintain a nice moderate frame size.
M L Response 9709
DOB 2/01/19 • Tattoo 9709 • Reg. No. Applied for S A V Resource 1441 (Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075)
Sitz Ellunas Elite 656T (Sitz Upward 307R)
Soo Line Motive (HF Kodiak 5R)
Sitz Response 405C
M L Zara 7309 M L Zara 3097 (S A V Net Worth 4200)
Purebred Angus CED 9
BW 0.2
WW 50
YW 94
Milk 27
Act. BW 76 Act. WW 775 Ratio 102 Adj. YW 1186 Ratio 99 ADG 3.41 Ratio 96 $B
D L Resource 9627
DOB 2/05/19 • Tattoo 9627 • Reg. No. Applied for
Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 (R R Rito 707)
S A V Blackcap May 4136 (S A V 8180 Traveler 004)
Hilltop Wide Open 4215 (Hilltip Open Range 2279)
S A V Resource 1441
D L Sky Princess 6127 D L Sky Princess 1827 (A A R Tex X 7008 S A)
Purebred Angus BW 2.5
WW 65
YW 126
SC .82
Milk 19
CW 38
Marb .26
RE .77
$W 51
Act. BW 83 Act. WW 765 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1193 Ratio 100 ADG 3.48 Ratio 98
Udder of Dam of Lot 27
Thank you for coming to the sale! We sincerely appreciate each one of your friendships.
$B 104
A thick ended Resource son out of a extremely nice Wide Open three year old. This bull is clean fronted, big ribbed and thick quartered. A nice cow bull that will definately produce some pounds for you. His daughters will be ones to take a look at. This cow family is one of our strongest right now for producing great females.
Lot 27
Spring 2020 American Angus Association Non-Parent Bul Average EPD’s
CED +6
B W +1.3
WW +54
Y W +96
SC +.74
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Doc +16
Milk +25
An excellent heifer bull prospect here! This bull is simply built right.... clean fronted, tight shouldered, smooth made with the birth weight and birth EPD to match. Added to that he is stout! Big topped and big hipped....a bull who will calve easy and still add that weight at the scales in the fall. Call him the complete package because his daughters should be all that as well. His two year old dam is super pretty with the picture perfect udder. Buy with confidence here!
CW +40
Marb +.54
RE +.55
Fat +.011
$W +54
$F +83
$G +46
$B +129
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Linhart Angus Linhart
Act. BW 83 Act. WW 735 Ratio 96 Adj. YW 1123 Ratio 94 ADG 3.19 Ratio 90
D L None Better 9987
DOB 2/08/19 • Tattoo 9987 • Reg. No. Applied for
Connealy Consesnsus 7229 (Connealy Consensus)
CCC Blackbird 9101 (S S Objective T510 0T26)
Connealy Danny Boy (Connealy Timeline)
Riverbend None Better Y095
D L Sky Princess 9787 D L Sky Princess 7087 (ICC Precision E161-4377)
Purebred Angus CED 7
BW 1.4
WW 53
YW 88
SC 1.11
Milk 26
CW 26
Marb .46
RE .36
$W 51
D L None Better 9619 DOB 2/09/19 • Tattoo 9619 • Reg. No. Applied for
Connealy Consesnsus 7229 (Connealy Consensus)
CCC Blackbird 9101 (S S Objective T510 0T26)
ICC Precision E161-4377 (Twin Valley Precision E161)
Riverbend None Better Y095
D L Lass 6119 D L Lass 1919 (K L M New Trend)
Purebred Angus
$B 89
A smooth made son of None Better, this bull has the length of body, depth and dimension that will catch anyone’s eye. He is out of an older cow who has earned her way by bringing in a solid calf every year. The maternal background of this bull is strong as his dam has six maternal sisters/daughters working within our herd.
BW 2.5
WW 47
YW 81
SC 1.05
Milk 23
CW 27
Marb .38
RE .40
$W 45
D L Wide Open 9287 DOB 2/14/19 • Tattoo 9287 • Reg. No. Applied for
Hilltop Open Range 2279 (Sitz Identity 7828)
Hilltop Chloe 214 (Sitz Rainmaker 11127)
D L Bando 0699 7959 (S A V 5175 Bando 0699)
D L Sky Princess 7087 (ICC Precision E161-4377)
Hilltop Wide Open 4215
D L Sky Princess 2787
Purebred Angus CED 5
DOB 2/09/19 • Tattoo 9161 • Reg. No. Applied for
Hilltop Open Range 2279 (Sitz Identity 7828)
Hilltop Chloe 214 (Sitz Rainmaker 11127)
D L Bando 0699 7959 (S A V 5175 Bando 0699)
D L Lass 6119 (ICC Precision E161-4377)
Hilltop Wide Open 4215 D L Lass 1619
Purebred Angus CED 4
BW 0.8
WW 61
YW 118
Milk 17
CW 42
Marb .35
RE .72
WW 60
YW 117
SC .68
Milk 19
CW 37
Marb .46
RE .60
$W 45
$B 116
Act. BW 83 Act. WW 780 Ratio 102 Adj. YW 1288 Ratio 108 ADG 4.06 Ratio 114
D L Wide Open 9161
BW 0.8
Act. BW 80 Act. WW 765 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1185 Ratio 99 ADG 3.45 Ratio 97
This is a bull who stood out all summer with his tremendous thickness and total mass. He is moderate framed, thick topped and big hipped. He will sire some scale tipping calves. His maternal background is no slouch. Many of our top producing cows trace back to this strong maternal cow family.
Lot 30
$B 88
This bull should be the go to bull if your are wanting to keep replacement heifers. He is by None Better who has added rib dimension and volume and out of a cow who is a go to producer of big bodied, good milking females. The maternal qualities in this cross are endless.
Act. BW 83 Act. WW 745 Ratio 98 Adj. YW 1128 Ratio 94 ADG 3.16 Ratio 90
$W 48
$B 122
This bull is simply a meat wagon! A standout since birth, he is a moderate framed Wide Open that will sire those thick topped, big butted calves each fall. This bull has the depth of body and dimension to give you some pretty phenominal replacement heifers. Pair all this with the maternal strength in this cow family and you have a great herd sire prospect.
CED +6
B W +1.3
WW +54
Y W +96
SC +.74
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Spring 2020 American Angus Association Non-Parent Bul Average EPD’s
Doc +16
Milk +25
CW +40
Marb +.54
RE +.55
Fat +.011
$W +54
$F +83
$G +46
$B +129
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Linhart Angus 33
M L Raindance 9072 DOB 2/17/19 • Tattoo 9072 • Reg. No. Applied for
Coleman Charlo 0256 (O C C Paxton 730P)
S A V Raindance 6848
S A V Blackcap May 4136 (S A V 8180 Traveler 004)
D L Bando 0699 7959 (S A V 5175 Bando 0699)
M L Erica 7522 (W C C Special Design L309)
M L Erica 0722
Purebred Angus CED 6
BW 0.9
WW 59
YW 108
SC .94
Milk 27
CW 43
Marb .20
RE .59
Act. BW 74 Act. WW 780 Ratio 102 Adj. YW 1129 Ratio 94 ADG 3.30 Ratio 93
$W 56
$B 103
Another super stylish bull out of one of our strongest bull producing females in our herd. The dam of this bull has only one problem in our herd, she has only given us ONE HEIFER! Her calves are always the heaviest at weaning and continue to finish out well each spring. This bull is by Randance, a new sire for us. He is super clean fronted, smooth shouldered and stylish in his design. This bull is a definate heifer bull candidate with his 74# BW and the way he is made.
D L Rainmaker 9416 DOB 2/17/19 • Tattoo 9072 • Reg. No. Applied for
Diamond Rainmaker 129A (Hilltop Rainmaker 1333)
Hilltop Elsiemere GP 3120 (Bobcat Trax)
A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)
D L Lass 6119 (ICC Precision E161-4377)
D L Lass 4161
Purebred Angus CED 2
BW 2.2
WW 69
YW 123
Milk 14
CW 43
Marb .49
RE .68
Act. BW 83 Act. WW 795 Ratio 104 Adj. YW 1283 Ratio 107 ADG 3.91 Ratio 110
$W 51
Hilltop Rainmaker 6357
Lot 33
$B 148
D L Raindance 9719 DOB 2/18/19 • Tattoo 9719 • Reg. No. Applied for
Coleman Charlo 0256 (O C C Paxton 730P)
S A V Raindance 6848
S A V Blackcap May 4136 (S A V 8180 Traveler 004)
ICC Precision E161-4377 (Twin Valley Precision E161)
D L Lass 7119 D L Lass 1919 (KLM Newton)
Purebred Angus BW 1.0
WW 48
YW 88
SC 1.02
Milk 27
CW 43
Marb .20
RE .59
Act. BW 78 Act. WW 790 Ratio 104 Adj. YW 1263 Ratio 105 ADG 3.84 Ratio 108
$W 56
$B 103
Lot 34
A high growth son of Raindance who is packing the length of body and thickness of top to sire some top calves in the fall. His dam is one of the softest made, easiest keeping cows we own. At 13 years young this spring, she has an impeccable udder and continues to calve at the top of the order each spring. Structural correctness and longevity make this a bull to take a look at.
Spring 20 American Angus Association Non-Parent Bull Average EPD’s
CED BW +6 1.3+
W +54
YW +.74
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Doc +16
This bull was an eye catcher all summer long and wait until you see him in person. His mass, rib and thickness will impress anyone. This is simply a bull that will add pounds to any cow herd. He is huge topped, big ribbed and massive thru his hip. This bull will sire some scale tipping calves and his heifers should be diverted into the replacement pen. A definate standout bull here!
Milk +25 +40
Marb RE +.54 +.5 +.01
Fat +54
$W +83
$F +46
$G +129
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Linhart Angus Linhart
D L Rainmaker 9505 DOB 3/12/19 • Tattoo 9059 • Reg. No. Applied for
Diamond Rainmaker 129A (Hilltop Rainmaker 1333)
Hilltop Elsiemere GP 3120 (Bobcat Trax)
A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)
D L Tiger Lady 0959 (S A V Heritage 6295)
Hilltop Rainmaker 6357
D L Tiger Lady 5059
Purebred Angus CED 2
DOB 2/20/19 • Tattoo 9299 • Reg. No. Applied for
HA Outside 3008 (KG Solution 0018)
T E F Jet Princess 714 (Hilltop Alliance T246)
Sitz Upward 307R (Connealy Onward)
TEF Outside 514
M L Zara 4299 M L Zara 9973 (S A V Net Worth 4200)
Purebred Angus CED 4
BW 2.4
WW 66
YW 118
SC .87
Milk 27
CW 48
Marb .28
RE .76
$W 65
DOB 3/09/19 • Tattoo 9059 • Reg. No. Applied for
Diamond Rainmaker 129A (Hilltop Rainmaker 1333)
Hilltop Elsiemere GP 3120 (Bobcat Trax)
S A V Heritage 6295 (CAR Duke 104)
Hilltop Rainmaker 6357
D L Tiger Lady 0959 D L Tiger Lady 9659 (S A F Fame)
Purebred Angus CED 0
BW 2.8
WW 66
YW 112
SC .26
Milk 9
CW 35
Marb .30
RE .60
$W 48
W +54
YW +.74
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Milk 15
CW 40
Marb .46
$B 111
DOB 3/17/19 • Tattoo 9959 • Reg. No. Applied for
Diamond Rainmaker 129A (Hilltop Rainmaker 1333)
Hilltop Elsiemere GP 3120 (Bobcat Trax)
Riverbend Mile High 3718 (Bon View New Design 1407)
$B 117
BW 2.8
WW 61
YW 101
SC .26
Milk 16
CW 29
Marb .45
RE .61
Act. BW 80 Act. WW 760 Ratio 100 Adj. YW 1210 Ratio 101 ADG 3.66 Ratio 1.03
$W 46
$B 128
A high growth, younger bull by our herd sire. This bull showed the growth and simple pounds at weaning to place him the feedlot. His dam is a solid producer who had replacements within our herd. This bull will sire some excellent carcass oriented calves.
D L Rainmaker 9127 DOB 3/24/19 • Tattoo 9127 • Reg. No. Applied for
Diamond Rainmaker 129A (Hilltop Rainmaker 1333)
Hilltop Elsiemere GP 3120 (Bobcat Trax)
A A R Ten X 7088 S A (Connealy Onward)
Hilltop Rainmaker 6357
D L Sky Princess 1827 D L Sky Princess 8427 (Bon View Bando 598)
Purebred Angus CED 1
$B 123
Milk +25
$W 50
D L Rainmaker 9959
BW 2.6
WW 62
YW 109
SC .16
Milk 14
CW 35
Marb .55
RE .43
Act. BW 74 Act. WW 725 Ratio 95 Adj. YW 1197 Ratio 100 ADG 3.77 Ratio 106
$W 43
$B 110
This super stylish bull is the youngest of our offering. Not only does he have that style but the thickness down his top and is big hipped. He may be a tad lighter but remember his age, this is a bull who has earned his right to be here. He has the growth and thickness to sire some really great calves.
Spring 20 American Angus Association Non-Parent Bull Average EPD’s
Doc +16
RE .63
Purebred Angus
A really nice, smooth made bull out of a solid producer. This bull is deceptive with his tremendous length of body. Look him over, he is thick topped and heavy muscled. A younger bull who will hold his own and give you what you need in the end.....big calves at weaning time.
CED BW +6 1.3+
D L Tiger Lady 9959 D L Tiger Lady 9659 (S A F Fame)
Act. B W 74 Act. WW 735 Ratio 96 Adj. YW 1129 Ratio 94 ADG 3.30 Ratio 93
D L Rainmaker 9059
YW 120
Hilltop Rainmaker 6357
A standout since birth, this bull is a knock out. He is big bodied, thick topped, massive thru his hip and lower quarter and has the growth numbers to produce scale topping calves in the fall. His Upward dam is a showstopper in the pasture. She is big bodied, good uddered and brings in one of heaviest calves every fall. This is a strong maternal cow family so his daughters are definately ones to keep an eye on for replacements.
Act. BW 83 Act. WW 800 Ratio 105 Adj. YW 1333 Ratio 111 ADG 4.24 Ratio 119
M L Outside 9299
WW 68
This is one of our younger bulls by our herd sire. We bought him with hopes of adding depth and dimension of rib and he has not disappointed us at all. This bull is soggy made and when added to the Ten X bloodline, he should sire some high volume calves with added carcass merit.
Lot 36
BW 2.5
Act. BW 76 Act. WW 730 Ratio 96 Adj. YW 1126 Ratio 94 ADG 3.30 Ratio 93
Marb RE +.54 +.5
$F +46
$G +129
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Linhart Angus Gelbvieh
AI Sires used by Linhart Angus...
Sitz Response
SAV Resource 1441
Riverbend None Better Y095
Hilltop Wide Open 4215
SAV Raindance
T E F Outside
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
ultrasound data Lot #
Scan Wt.
Adj. REA
Adj. IMF
Act. SC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1185 1160 1115 1245 1185 1085 1050 1230 1210 1130 1170 1180 1100 1065 1130 1135 1065 1000 1070
11.96 14.10 12.16 13.43 14.26 12.45 14.04 13.13 13.26 15.25 14.41 13.39 11.73 12.79 15.20 14.31 13.97 13.96 15.44
2.835 1.917 2.889 4.265 2.942 3.266 2.736 3.197 3.209 3.041 3.188 2.327 2.865 2.921 3.061 2.459 2.905 3.528 4.198
39.5 40 40 39 41.5 39.5 40.5 37 42 39 39.5 43 36.5 36 39.5 36.5 37 41.5 38.5
Lot #
Scan Wt.
Adj. REA
Adj. IMF
Act. SC
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
First breedinG season Guarantee If any bull, valued at $2000 or more, is disabled (confirmed by a veterinarian) during the first breeding season, it will be guaranteed according to the following schedule: Purchase price - $2000 to $2950 – covered at 50% less 1/2 salvage value Purchase price - $3000 to $3950 – covered at 60% less 1/2 salvage value Purchase price - $4000 or more – covered at 70% less 1/2 salvage value Ex. – loss of $2000 bull would give you $1000 credit, less 1/2 salvage loss of $5000 bull would give you $3500 credit, less 1/2 salvage Bulls kept isolated and used in single sire breeding pasture will be guaranteed at 80% of purchase price less salvage value. Ex. – loss of $2000 bull, single sire pasture – $1600 credit, less salvage loss of $5000 bull, single sire pasture – $4000 credit, less salvage Breeding season is defined as a 60 day period following the first turnout of bulls. The guarantee will be offered as a credit by the breeder on one bull in a future Central Montana Genetics Bull Sale or toward a replacement bull if that breeder has one available. (This will apply only to bulls offered by the same breeder that you purchased the original bull from.) Should the bull you purchase cost more than your credit, you pay the difference. If the cost is less, no further credit is due.
M ortality insuranCe ( ’ ) death loss is the buyer s risk
ble a l i a Av n o i mat Day r o f In Sale
Insurance will be available on sale day.
Videos o will be avaf the sale bulls ilable onlin e... ww
w.billpelto n
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics 1012 Maiden Road Lewistown, MT 59457
ulls b e l a s e h ft ine... l n o Videos o e l b a vail will be a .com
n o t l e p l l i b www.
Offering 40 Yearling Bulls
Lot 1
Lot 8
Lot 16
Lot 27
Lot 34
Lot 36
March 21, 2020 • Lewistown, MT