Keeping Your Program on Target...
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics 22nd Annual Bull Sale
Sons of these great sires sell...
Chico Loco
Top Hand
Black Granite
March 18, 2017
Lewistown Livestock Auction • Lewistown, MT
Gelbvieh • Balancer® • Angus
Central Montana Gelbvieh & anGus GenetiCs 22nd annual ProduCtion sale – FroM the heart oF biG sky Country –
si ve se t of Sa le ! This im pres ll Bu cs ti ne Ge la ble ! us uc ers: us ge ne tics av ai Ge lb vieh & Ang ng A na ta ed br on re M l pu ra Fe llo w Be ef Prod d nt es . an 22nd an nu al Ce vieh Ba la nc er®, any bree di ng is su lb e lv Ge , so eh ly vi ul lb sf Ge es Wel come to th e pu re bred et imes co nn he lp yo u succ cl udes th e be st ch nica l an d som p of ra nche rs ca te ou gr of t is lo th ye ar ling bu lls in a h of it ce w moder n t ee di ng ex pe rien r produc t in th e ye rs, are be ing hi he bu ot ll y bu an as ng u, yi Th e com bi ne d br yo bu ed by as k produc ers, an d fe el over w he lm come as di fficu lt t be no s do ha se lls ea bu Pl We, as se ed st oc ng bu yi to fin d yo ur ur homewor k! io n. It se ems th at e w ill do ou r be st yo u have to do yo w – d ey an on fusi ng in fo rm at rs m de ur ee yo br y one of th e e be st bu ll fo r wor ld . To ge t th tion s, just as k an es qu Da ne ll ve ha u yo n – if ne ll bu lls at th e Da e th d an ta this in fo rm at io R an ch . Th e bu lls d Fe ed lo t in M al Bo lt on Do uble B ou t at th e Ho ul e d th fe an swers. at en d be fe n en w is to w n ai be have ag moved to th e Le Bo lt on bu lls have be e ill Th w n. Th e Li nh art bu lls ey w th to e is m w th at w hich ti ch ou ts ide of Le io r to M arch 16 Di amon d Si x R an pr e em , im yt an s re st in any of th lo cation te e in es th an at ve ha be t ill bu w u de si re an d r to th e sa le , on . nfide nt ia lit y yo ew th e bu lls pr io co vi e to th ce h Li ve st oc k A uc ti it an w ch d a le fo r yo u, nd te nd or ge t ere IS a bu ll he re re st w ill be ha th te d in re ur su If yo u ca nn ot at yo as at Be . th d t w it h tion h us . Be as su re e ea rl y an d mee an te e of sati sf ac m ar Co ! gu lls ” bu en se er if plea se ta lk w it un k he ht se t of bu lls . Ch ec ec te d by ou r “s ig co w bu lls an d/or ed ot s, ck pr ct e pa pe ar er os u w pr yo e po ir at th /h erds ntem pl ate d to st ud y this e lo ok ing fo r A .I. in yo ur he rd . Co st d gu aran te es, an be an k s m or w ra w he th er yo u ar ill og w pr r on ta na th at vi si t ab ou t ou to th e Ce nt ra l M ® or Ang us bu ll er ok nc Lo la e! Ba m , co eh ou r fam ilies an d to vi lb he rd fo r ye ars s an d fin d th at Ge ill have on yo ur w y ou t th e pe digree da to y bu u lls th at yo st oc k ne eds . t th e im pact th e bu le fo r yo ur se ed Sa ll Bu cs ti ne GATHe R InG a Ge e L A -S e R P Ge lb vieh & Ang us a f or g a t 5 pm .
t h s t a r t in 7 1 P le a s e jo in u s h c r a M , y day! ! o n Fr id a k c rs . Se e yo u sa le o de t s ee e br v e i th L h it n lk w L e w is t o w th e bu lls an d ta This is a great ti
me to an al yze
DNA TeSTiNg: All homozygous black and homozygous polled bulls are guaranteed by birth right or by DNA testing. SemeN TeST iNfo: Scrotal measurements are listed on the inside back cover, if they are done by print date. These bulls were tested by Dr. Baxter of Chinook and Dr. Carlson of Lewistown.
HeALTH: The bulls have been fertility tested and scrotal measured. Bulls have also been BVD tested and vaccinated with Preg Guard 9 prior to the sale. Calfhood vacinations have been taken care of by local vets. Yearling work has been done by Dr. Baxter of Chinook and Dr. Carlson of Lewistown.
CMGaG ranChes Danell Diamond Six Ranch Don & Omie Danell 1012 Maiden Road Lewistown, MT 59457 (406) 538-5622 Lots 1-23
Bolton Double B Ranch Barry & Dena Bolton 515 Knapp Rd Hilger, MT 59451 (406) 538-5280 Lots 24-34
Linhart Angus
Doug & Penny Linhart Mike & Mardi Vanek Hobson, MT • Lewistown, MT (406) 423-5445 - Doug (406) 366-4668 - Mike Lots 35-47 Videos available at
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Saturday • March 18, 2017 • 1:00 pm (MST) Lewistown Livestock Auction • Lewistown, Montana
Kyle Shobe....................... Cell...........................(406) 366-0472
• WE DELIVER! – Not only the finest genetics in the Northwest, but we will deliver your purchases FREE in Montana and anywhere in the continental USA for no more than $300/head.
Volume Discounts:
Yogo Inn....................... Headquarters ....................(800) 860-9646 (406) 535-8721 Super 8...............................................................(406) 538-2581 B & B Motel......................................................(877) 538-3563
• Volume Discount Purchases: 5% on 5-9 bulls 10% on 10 or more bulls
Sale Day Phones:
Cash Back:
(406) 535-3535........................... Lewistown Livestock Auction
• $50 Cash Back per Bull if you haul away on sale day!
(406) 366-6953................................................. Don Danell Cell (406) 366-1192.............................................. Doug Linhart Cell (406) 366-4668.................................................Mike Vanek Cell (406) 366-0162...............................................Barry Bolton Cell
Extended Feeding: • Extended feeding arrangements available after Apr. 1.
Sale Location:
Sale will be held in Lewistown, Montana at the Lewistown Livestock Auction Yards, 83 Stockyard Lane off of Highway 191.
• Insurance will be available sale day.
Terms of Sale: Sale Location!!
• Bulls will sell under the suggested Terms & Conditions of the American Gelbvieh and American Angus Associations. Lewistown Livestock Auction
Liabilty • All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk. The seller and/or sale management assume no liabilty, legal or otherwise, for any accidents occuring on or about the premises.
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Bolton Double B Ranch Gelbvieh Balancer®
For those uction Sale. d ro P s ic et le – we Gen new to the sa al Montana se o th r fo nd Annual Centr d n such A the 22 p with you. peration. It is to u o e g r n u in o o h y y tc er d ca ev an to u and Welcome ore about yo look forward t cattle men m e es w w n o fi n e le k th sa to f e o g th now some ou and gettin returning to d getting to k isiting with y an v h to it w d g ar in rw d your look fo industry work life easier an is r u th o y in e e k b a m to have to a blessing , we feel we ty products li m a u ra q g h ro it p . d w I n A u ing bulls viding yo extensive women arou of great-look focus on pro lling and an p u cu to e e ro g u iv n l ss ti fu n re g er co p. The ow h ag We back them u offering, a p to fitable. Wit s r’ a ro p at ea y d re d is o n th m u t so 0% in ou program Ds and ultra e in the top 1 e excited ab P ar ar E g e d in W ce er . ff an at o h %! done just th genomic en bulls in this sitions, and in the top 25 EPDs of our o t k p h n is g d ra ei s d w o D g o P g in E on your rl g with ulls marblin eight and yea gram to work b w 1 ro g 1 p r in g u n in o f ea ed o w 0 re average d crossb r breed. 1 and Balance ur genetics an o h t ie u our v p b el to G y e it n th more about t! n pportu in o ar o e p le th ap to e is d at m ci ’t We appre r bulls won time. .boltondoub and know ou w n w io w at at r stop by any er o p s te o u si ll eb ca w cattle r to u eck out o ase feel free Be sure to ch ffering, and of course ple ch. ouble B Ran our o D d e an th m in ra rt g o pro pp r trust and su Thank you fo day! See you sale ALE. G IN THE S ena IN D L L d E S an S ry L L ar U B RANCH. ALL OUR B LEAVE THE IN Y T E S H E T R E E T R ½ SEMEN IN E OF THE BULLS BEFO WE RETAIN ING SOM E COLLECT WE WILL B
Ranch r, MT B e l b u o D e Bolton 826 • Hilg
59451 m
x e • PO Bo ltondouble n a L p p a 515 Kn 8.5280 • 406.53
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Bolton Double B Ranch Bolton
Bolton Cosmos 50D DOB 2/12/16 • Tattoo 50D • Reg. No. 1346124
S A V Bismarck 5682 (G A R Grid Maker)
Thomas Ruby Erica 8293 (Mytty In Focus)
SDCG X-Factor 202X (TAU Mr Krugerrand 70M 130P)
Thomas Top Hand 0536
JOB Danell Daylily 28Z BRTV Tiger Lilly T21 ET (Partisover Anchor 948)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®
Tenderness 10 Docilty 8
Act. BW 78 Adj. 205 717 Ratio 98 Adj. YW 1219 Ratio 101 ADG 3.35 Ratio 103
CED BW WW YW Milk 20 -3.7 74 125 32
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 69 7 3.40 3.12 2
Lot 24
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.38 39 0.50 0.64 49.65 98.99 127.16
Carcass traits are considered highly heritable and with this bull’s pedigree and EPDs expect him to greatly improve your end product! Here is an opportunity to use a calving ease Thomas Top Hand son with a powerhouse dam who has 3 bull calves all with higher marbeling, tendernous and carcass weights. Cosmos has a 10 (out of 10) for tendernous, 13.86 REA with a 108 ratio, is in the top 10% in the breed in marbling, top 20% YG and CW, and top 3% FPI. With a 78 pound birth weight and 20 CED he also offers calving ease.
Bolton Zais 54D DOB 2/16/16 • Tattoo 54D • Reg. No. 1346125
S A V Bismarck 5682 (G A R Grid Maker)
Thomas Ruby Erica 8293 (Mytty In Focus)
MCFG The Man 113U (MCFG MCF Bruce Almighty 35PET)
Thomas Top Hand 0536
JOB Danell Zappa 41A JOB Danell Moonshadow 30T (JOB Danell Picasso 18P)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®
Tenderness 3 Docilty 8
CED BW WW YW Milk 22 -3.2 99 157 32
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 82 15 1.50 2.60 4
Lot 25
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.35 58 0.59 0.59 62.58 112.30 159.72
Consider Zais when you want it all in - phenotype, EPD package, pedigree and maternal power. He is in the top 1% of the breed in CED, WW, YW, TM, CEM, CW and FPI! If you are looking to build your cow herd with your own bull, he is the bull for you. With both the CED and CEM in the top 1%, BW in the top 5% - you’ll have calving ease, and with nearly all of his growth and maternal EPDs in the top 15% - you’ll want to keep back his heifers.
Bolton Romeo 56D DOB 2/17/16 • Tattoo 56D • Reg. No. 1346121
A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)
Deer Valley Rita 0274 (Sitz Upward 307R)
SDGC X-Factor 202X (TAU Mr Krugerrand 70M 130P)
Deer Valley All In
JOB Danell Cexy 13Z GKT Circle N’s Lady 21S (G A R Integrity)
Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 781 Ratio 107 Adj. YW 1210 Ratio 100 ADG 3.45 Ratio 106
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®
Tenderness 7 Docilty 7
Act. BW 82 Adj. 205 692 Ratio 95 Adj. YW 1179 Ratio 98 ADG 2.94 Ratio 90
CED BW WW YW Milk 18 -3.5 68 117 34
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 68 12 2.08 1.49 2
Lot 26
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.40 34 0.50 0.90 48.65 101.42 119.02
Romeo is a calving ease bull, top 3% CED, top 2 % CEM and top 4% BW with carcass value. He has the top IMF in the herd, 4.99 earning him a 138 ratio! Romeo ranks in the top 2% in the breed in F.P.I. indicating that his progeny will have higher marbling and carcass weight then their contemporaries, performing in the field lot and being sold on grade and yield.
Jan 2017 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s Jan 2017 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s
CED CED 1212
BW BW 0.0 0.0
WW WW 6868
YW YW 102 102
Milk Milk 2626
TMTM 6060
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
PG30 PG30 11
DMI DMI YGYG 0.024 -0.25 -0.25 0.024
CW CW 3030
ADG RFI RFI $Cow $Cow FPI FPI EPI RERE MBMB FTFT ADG EPI 0.45 0.28 0.28 -0.03 -0.03 0.024 0.024 -0.015 -0.015 60.30 60.30 75.70 75.70 119.45 119.45 0.45
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Bolton Double B Ranch 27
Bolton Duke 62D DOB 2/19/16 • Tattoo 62D • Reg. No. 1346118
JOB Danell Turnabout 20W (Riverbend Mile High 3718)
JOB Danell JoJo 13Y ET (MLLC M/L Encore)
A A R Justice 2597 (A A R Justice 7950)
JOB Danell Joey 7A
BBDM Bolton Lady Justice 30B GOTT Miss Blackberry 21Z (Bobcat XFactor W37)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®
Tenderness 4 Docilty 7
Act. BW 93 Adj. 205 743 Ratio 101 Adj. YW 1168 Ratio 97 ADG 2.97 Ratio 91
CED BW WW YW Milk 14 0.9 78 124 25
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 64 8 -0.46 2.15 6
Lot 27
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.38 45 0.43 0.44 63.97 87.99 126.14
If you want bulls that will excel at producing heavy calves at weaning that continue to perform in the feedlot...check out this bull. He is a smaller framed bull, phenotypically correct, wide top, squared hip and sound feet with solid growth numbers. He is in the top 10% in the breed in YW and CW and top 15% WW and FPI.
Bolton Legend 64D DOB 2/22/16 • Tattoo 64D • Reg. No. 1346126
A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)
Deer Valley Rita 0308 (Sitz Upward 307R)
SDGC X-Factor 202X (TAU Mr Krugerrand 70M 130P)
JOB Danell Lorax 42Z GOTT Laurie 26T (A A R Lead On 557)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®
Tenderness 9 Docilty 6
CED BW WW YW Milk 14 -0.1 90 155 38
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 83 9 2.94 1.59 4
Lot 28
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.28 62 0.50 0.76 59.14 106.16 157.68
Sired by VAR Discovery, a rare genetic package with moderate birth, extreme growth and elite carcass traits. His progeny have been highly sought after in sales throughout the US and Legend is measuring up. He ranks in the top 1% YW, CW and FPI and top 3% WW and MB, with a 9 for tendernous. He has a 1293 adjusted yearling weight - 107 ratio, one of the top weights in our herd, and his ADG is in the top 10% in the breed.
Bolton Boulder 66D DOB 2/22/16 • Tattoo 66D • Reg. No. 1346117
A A R Ten X 7008 S A (Mytty In Focus)
Deer Valley Rita 0308 (Sitz Upward 307R)
JOB Danell Fortunate 47Y (JBOB Carolina Fortune 2564JET)
V A R Discovery 2240
BBDM Bolton River 28B JOB Danell Current 6Z (JOB Danell Resolution 26U ET)
Tenderness 6 Docilty 6
Act. BW 89 Adj. 205 743 Ratio 101 Adj. YW 1293 Ratio 107 ADG 3.16 Ratio 97
CED BW WW YW Milk 16 -1.3 85 154 42
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 84 10 5.03 1.75 6
Lot 29
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.37 60 0.82 0.85 81.07 108.70 156.66
Our AI program allows us to build bulls our customers desire. This bull ranks in the top 25% of nearly every measureable EPD. He is the type of bull that allows producers to make herd-changing improvements. His EPDs reflect a genomic profile that puts calving ease, growth, maternal and carcass together in one package. A Definate Herd Bull Prospect!
January 2017 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s
BW 1.2
WW 70
YW 96
Milk 30
TM 65
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
HP 4
PG30 1
ST 8
DMI 0.004
YG -0.34
CW 28
RE 0.44
MB -0.13
FT ADG RFI $Cow -0.06 -0.041 -0.013 80.25
FPI 64.45
EPI 95.50
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Balancer ®
V A R Discovery 2240
Act. BW 88 Adj. 205 740 Ratio 101 Adj. YW 1293 Ratio 107 ADG 3.06 Ratio 94
Bolton Double B Ranch Bolton
Bolton Abe 72D DOB 2/25/16 • Tattoo 72D • Reg. No. 1346136
JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y (Elk CK Crazy Horse 138P)
JOB Danell Twinkles 21X (FHG Flying H Exclusive)
OZZ Ext Governor 3N (FHG Flying H Exclusive)
JOB Danell Choco 53B
JOB Danell Arctic Girl 9Z JOB Danell Stormy 1X ET (JOB Danell Montana Proud ET)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Purebred
Tenderness 7 Docilty 5
Act. BW 88 Adj. 205 802 Ratio 110 Adj. YW 1274 Ratio 106 ADG 3.87 Ratio 119
CED BW WW YW Milk 12 2.4 94 133 31
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 78 11 5.07 2.76 15
Lot 30
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.50 51 0.80 -0.04 120.11 83.45 135.30
I love this bull’s dispostion! He is halter broke with a puppy-dog dispostion. He combines a calving ease, maternal power, high growth and high carcass EPD profile with the look of a true beef bull. Use this bull’s great genetics in herds that need a bump in multiple EPDs without sacrificing phenotype and maternal strength. He weaned off his dam at 876 pounds earning him a 110 ratio, ultrasounded at 1186 pounds - 106 ratio, and all of his index values are in the top 2 to 10% in the breed.
Bolton Chamberlain 76D DOB 2/27/16 • Tattoo 76D • Reg. No. 1346128
JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y (Elk CK Crazy Horse 138P)
JOB Danell Twinkles 21X (FHG Flying H Exclusive)
JOB Danell Montana Infusion (MLLC M/L Advantage)
JOB Danell TD Ice Cream 7X (JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET)
JOB Danell Choco 53B
JOB Danell TD Caramel 4Z
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Purebred
Tenderness 4 Docilty 4
CED BW WW YW Milk 16 0.0 86 124 28
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 71 9 5.76 1.27 13
Lot 31
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.38 42 0.40 -0.02 105.83 82.44 126.14
Use this purebred Gelbvieh sire to rake in the $ when you run his calves across the scales. Just like his sire, Danell Choco 53B, Chamberlain has all the fundamentals for a cow herd to be profitable…excellent calving ease, maternal edge, solid growth and carcass EPDs. He is in the top 2% in the breed for CED, top 3% for FPI, top 5% for YW and top 10% for WW, ST and CW.
Bolton Rommel 80D DOB 2/29/16 • Tattoo 80D • Reg. No. 1346133
JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y (Elk CK Crazy Horse 138P)
JOB Danell Twinkles 21X (FHG Flying H Exclusive)
JOB Danell Fortunate 47Y (JBOB Carolina Fortune 2564JET)
JOB Danell Choco 53B
JOB Danell Rhinestone 63A JOB Danell Gem 33X (JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET)
Act. BW 92 Adj. 205 754 Ratio 103 Adj. YW 1151 Ratio 96 ADG 2.90 Ratio 89
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Purebred
Tenderness 6 Docilty 4
Act. BW 77 Adj. 205 704 Ratio 96 Adj. YW 1110 Ratio 92 ADG 3.10 Ratio 95
CED BW WW YW Milk 15 -0.1 72 99 34
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 70 11 7.22 1.73 14
Lot 32
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.56 28 0.84 -0.01 116.02 75.27 100.71
Rommel is another Danell Choco son offering the complete package, just as his sire and 1/2 brothers but in a smaller frame. He would make an excellent heifer bull and has all the fundamentals for a cow herd to be profitable…..excellent calving ease with both the CED and CEM in the top 3% in the breed, maternal power with every maternal EPD in the top 3 to 25%, and carcass quality with YG and REA in the top 2% and MB in the top 15% Jan 2017 American Gelbvieh Association Balancers® Non-Parent Average EPD’s
CED 12
BW 0.0
WW 68
YW 102
Milk 26
TM 60
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
HP 4
PG30 1
ST 5
DMI 0.024
YG -0.25
CW 30
RE 0.45
MB 0.28
FT -0.03
ADG RFI $Cow 0.024 -0.015 60.30
FPI EPI 75.70 119.45
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Bolton Double B Ranch Bolton Challenger 81D
DOB 3/08/16 • Tattoo 81D • Reg. No. 1346137
JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y (Elk CK Crazy Horse 138P)
JOB Danell Chinook 11T ET (MLLC M/L Encore)
Elk Ck Crazy Horse 138P (GRU ELK Dee Jake 744J)
JOB Danell Monsoon 41B
JOB Danell TD Cupcake 34A JOB Danell TD Ice Cream 7X (JOB Danell Absolute 21U ET)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Purebred
Tenderness 4 Docilty 3
Act. BW 89 Adj. 205 774 Ratio 106 Adj. YW 1306 Ratio 108 ADG 4.35 Ratio 133
CED BW WW YW Milk 13 2.9 88 116 30
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 74 7 8.61 0.23 8
Lot 33
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.40 41 0.36 -0.35 78.62 70.59 118.01
Challenger has the ability to add growth to your program without sacrificing maternal traits, carcass value or phenotype. Use him to add muscle, thickness and power. He is wide topped, thick rumped and sound. He is in the top 5% in the breed for WW, top 15% YW and has the top ultrasound weight in the herd - 1306 pounds at 324 days old! Challenger boasts the top REA in the herd - 14.66 (115 ratio) and is in the top 15% for CW,
Bolton Maxx 82D DOB 3/12/16 • Tattoo 82D • Reg. No. 1346123 JOB Danell TD Chico Loco 28Y (Elk CK Crazy Horse 138P)
JOB Danell Chinook 11T ET (MLLC M/L Encore)
MCFG The Man 113U (MCFG MCF Bruce Almighty 35PET)
JOB Danell Monsoon 41B
JOB Danell Mistress 21Z JOB Danell Milady 12U (Riverbend Mile High 3718)
Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled Purebred
Tenderness 6 Docilty 6
CED BW WW YW Milk 16 -0.7 75 102 33
TM CEM HP PG30 ST 70 12 3.83 1.60 10
Lot 34
YG CW REA MB $Cow FPI EPI -0.45 28 0.51 0.08 88.37 79.59 103.76
Maxx has the EPDs and pedigree to sire daughters with calving ease (top 2% in breed for CED and top 1% for CEM) and strong maternal traits . His 5-year old dam has excellent teat and udder quality,and weaned twin heifer calves at over 600 pounds each last year. Maxx is in the top 10% for PG30 and top 25%ST so look for his daughters to stay in the herd longer and consistently calve. Or if you are looking to sell your calves, Maxx can get you that extra $ on sale day. He has an incredible individual performance that includes a 5.534 Adj IMF, top in the herd with a 153 ratio, he is in the top 20% in the breed for YG and top 10% for MB.
Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 776 Ratio 106 Adj. YW 1288 Ratio 107 ADG 2.94 Ratio 90
January 2017 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s January 2017 American Gelbvieh Association Non-Parent Gelbvieh Average EPD’s
BW BW 1.2 1.2
WW WW 7070
YW YW 9696
Milk Milk 3030
TMTM 6565
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
PG30 PG30 11
DMI DMI YGYG 0.004 -0.34 -0.34 0.004
CW CW 2828
MB ADG RFI RFI $Cow $Cow FPI FPI EPI RERE MB FTFT ADG EPI 0.44 -0.13 -0.13 -0.06 -0.06 -0.041 -0.041-0.013 -0.013 80.25 80.25 64.45 64.45 95.50 95.50 0.44
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
– Notes –
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics
Lot #
Scan Wt.
Adj. ReA
Adj. imf
Adj. SC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1345 1235 1195 995 1110 1265 1290 1215 1255 1320 1165 1180 1160 1280 1130 1130 1205 1040 1180 1271 1180 1195 1135
13.71 13.12 13.87 12.97 12.68 14.10 15.64 13.95 11.55 14.54 12.79 12.71 12.95 15.21 13.17 11.24 11.76 11.70 13.43 13.62 15.86 13.32 15.68
4.570 2.859 2.94 3.090 3.331 2.16 2.506 2.749 4.495 3.355 2.964 3.918 3.482 2.655 2.269 3.449 3.438 4.033 2.933 3.826 2.153 3.789 3.066
41.7 40.0 35.1 38.1 39.1 39.3 39.4 36.3 43.5 42.0 38.1 38.1 41.1 43.1 38.1 36.6 45.2 35.6 39.2 41.0 37.6 40.8 36.9
Lot #
Scan Wt.
Adj. ReA
Adj. imf
Act. SC
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
1175 1163 1121 1055 1202 1132 1186 1079 995 1125 1150
13.86 12.07 12.42 12.68 13.73 12.44 13.83 11.92 11.31 14.66 11.72
3.438 4.844 4.999 3.423 3.85 3.398 2.232 2.23 3.185 3.03 5.534
Available Sale Day
ultrasound data
Lot #
Scan Wt.
Adj. ReA
Adj. imf
Act. SC
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
1140 1180 1064 1276 1084 1318 1209 1182 993 1005 1083 1088 1114
12.9 13.7 11.4 13.6 12.7 13.5 14.2 13.5 12.1 11.7 15.1 14.6 11.8
3.85 3.54 5.36 3.56 5.34 3.62 3.57 4.66 4.23 4.53 3.59 3.97 3.90
37.5 36 39 34 35 42 39 36.5 36 38 38 39 37
First breedinG season Guarantee If any bull, valued at $2000 or more, is disabled (confirmed by a veterinarian) during the first breeding season, it will be guaranteed according to the following schedule: Purchase price - $2000 to $2950 – covered at 50% less 1/2 salvage value Purchase price - $3000 to $3950 – covered at 60% less 1/2 salvage value Purchase price - $4000 or more – covered at 70% less 1/2 salvage value Ex. – loss of $2000 bull would give you $1000 credit, less 1/2 salvage loss of $5000 bull would give you $3500 credit, less 1/2 salvage Bulls kept isolated and used in single sire breeding pasture will be guaranteed at 80% of purchase price less salvage value. Ex. – loss of $2000 bull, single sire pasture – $1600 credit, less salvage loss of $5000 bull, single sire pasture – $4000 credit, less salvage Breeding season is defined as a 60 day period following the first turnout of bulls. The guarantee will be offered as a credit by the breeder on one bull in a future Central Montana Genetics Bull Sale or toward a replacement bull if that breeder has one available. (This will apply only to bulls offered by the same breeder that you purchased the original bull from.) Should the bull you purchase cost more than your credit, you pay the difference. If the cost is less, no further credit is due.
M ortality insuranCe ( ’ ) death loss is the buyer s risk
Insurance will be available on sale day.
Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics 1012 Maiden Road Lewistown, MT 59457
Offering 50 Yearling Bulls & a selection of open heifers
Lot 6
Lot 25
Lot 42
Lot 8
Lot 30
Lot 45
March 18, 2017 • Lewistown, MT