1 minute read
Whether you purchased an animal during the recent sale season, or you are scouring the upcoming sale catalogs on Gelbvieh. org, it is important to know where to find those animals on the AGA Online Registry Service. Before you start your search, you will want to make sure you have the animal(s) registration number, tattoo, or name.
1. Visit Gelbvieh.org. and click Animal Search at the top of the page. This will take you to the AGA Online Registry Service.
2. On the home screen, you’ll find three columns: Ranch Search, EPD Search, and Animal Search. The Animal Search column offers the opportunity to search the AGA inventory for animals by sex, or identification including registration number, tattoo, name, or electronic identification (EID) number.
3. Select the specific parameters of your search by clicking the button underneath each as shown in the screenshot on the left.
4. Type the animal detail in the Search Value text box.
5. Locate and click the “Search for Reg No” at the bottom of the Animal Search column.
6. This button will search the registry even if you prefer to search by tattoo, name or EID.
7. Your search results will appear below the columns. Select the animals registration number to view their detail screen.
If you are an active member of the AGA, animals can be searched using the steps previously provided, or by logging into your account and selecting any of the following options:
• “All”: Lists all active animals (bulls and females) currently listed under your ownership.
• The tabs listed under “Bulls” and “Females” provide lists of your animals sorted by sex and age and status (breeding, yearling, weaned, pre-wean).
• “Legacy”: Lists all animals that have been disposed or transferred that were once in your active inventory.
Once you’ve selected the tab, the quickest way to search your inventory is to hold down the “Ctrl” and “F” buttons on your keyboard. This will generate a search bar on your screen where you can type in the animal’s details. If the data you entered is on the screen, it will appear highlighted. Keep in mind, if you type in “123” all animals with that sequence of numbers will be highlighted so be sure to enter the full registration number or tattoo to specify your search.
If you have any questions about locating a recent purchase of Gelbvieh or Balancer® genetics on the registry, please call the office at 303-465-2333 or email info@gelbvieh.org and we would be more than happy to assist you.