July 2018 Gelbvieh World

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Top 10 States, Cowherd Numbers, Most Used Sires, Genetic Trends, and MORE!


Details on Page 16

Transition to BOLT-Powered EPDs

GET TO KNOW YOUR COWS WITH SMART SELECT SERVICE $1 per head annually Available for any breed of cattle Access to knowledgeable staff

Provides genetic tools and herd reports to make sound breeding and management decisions Compares animals to the international multi-breed genetic evaluation, making the tools more accurate

We do the data management for you. AMERICAN GELBVIEH ASSOCIATION | 303-465-2333 | WWW.GELBVIEH.ORG

Judd Ranch Gives You More

A Judd Ranch first-calf heifer nursing her super heifer calf.

When you see a Judd Ranch female or bull, it’s their eye appeal that draws the first comment. Then, as you study each animal, you notice their functional and convenience traits. And when you read their pedigrees and performance figures, it becomes obvious that Judd Ranch animals give you more—and why Judd Ranch was honored as the No. 1 owner and breeder of AGA Dams of Merit, Dams of Distinction for 19 of the past 20 years, 1998-2017. If you’re needing a strong herdsire, breed-defining females or embryos featuring the top genetics in the breed, give us a call and let’s discuss your needs. Please save these dates: October 13, second Saturday in October, Judd Ranch 28th Annual Cow Power Female Sale, and March 2, first Saturday in March, Judd Ranch 41st Gelbvieh, Balancer® and Red Angus Bull Sale.

Judd Ranch Inc.

Dave & Cindy Judd Nick, Ginger Judd & Family Brent, Ashley Judd & Family 423 Hwy. K-68 • Pomona, KS 66076 785/ 566-8371 or 785/566-3770 Visit our web site: www.juddranch.com

Judd Ranch — Home of the “Complete Package” • Calving Ease • Growth • Carcass • Fertility



















July 2018, Volume 32, Number 9

Scott Starr, AGA President, Pens Letter to Membership Regarding BOLT


16 Gelbvieh and Balancer® Bulls Included in Integrity Beef Alliance Program

Contact Us

18 Gathering the Stats

Events of Interest


Ad Index


Information Exchange

4 11-13

AGA recounts last fiscal year’s membership numbers, active cow numbers, registrations and state rankings.

24 Most Used Sires

See which sires recorded the most progeny in 2017.


32 Join the AGA in Music City!

Northeast Breeders


Southern Breeders


Western Breeders


AGA unveils plans for the 48th Annual AGA National Convention to be held in Nashville.

34 AGA’s Mid-Year Report

Service Center

44 Over the Fence with Dan Major, Prescott, Arizona

Let’s take a trip to the range country of Arizona to hear from a producer who uses Gelbvieh genetics for added fertility. By Angela Vesco

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Lynn Valentine lynnv@gelbvieh.org EDITOR: Rebecca Mettler rebeccam@gelbvieh.org

On the cover: Photo from Davidson Gelbvieh, Pontiex, Saskatchewan, Canada

“GELBVIEH WORLD” (ISSN 1084-5100), is published monthly except for February, June and September for $35 for one year. American Gelbvieh Association 350 Interlocken Blvd., Ste. 200, Broomfield, Colorado 80021-3993. Periodicals postage paid at Broomfield, Colorado and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER send address changes to: Gelbvieh World, 350 Interlocken Blvd., Ste. 200, Broomfield, Colorado 80021

2 | JULY 2018

Upper Midwest Breeders

Advancing Livestock Media Professionals

Midwest Breeders Southeast Breeders

82-83 85 88-89 90

Cattlemen’s Connection Get the Bulls You Want with Just One Phone Call



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GW contents



Serving Your Industry and Your Livelihood

View from the Board by Scott Starr, AGA President

14 Genomic Testing Females is an Investment in Your Genetic Future

Data Bulletin by Tonya Amen, Ph.D., AGA Breed Improvement Consultant

26 Finding Your Mission in the Beef Business

Out in the Field by Tom Strahm

42 The Importance of SMART Goals

Junior Connection by Aubree Beenken

54 Deal or no Deal: Suckling Calf Implants Add Value to Cow-Calf Operation

By Chanda Engel, SDSU Extension Cow-Calf Field Specialist, SDSU Animal Science Department

350 Interlocken Blvd., Ste. 200 • Broomfield, CO 80021 Main phone: 303-465-2333 • Fax: 303-465-2339 www.GELBVIEH.org • info@gelbvieh.org Facebook: American Gelbvieh Association Instagram: americangelbvieh ASSOCIATION STAFF Megan Slater Director of Operations and Public Relations megans@gelbvieh.org (ex. 485)

Lynn Valentine Gelbvieh Media Productions Coordinator/Graphic Design lynnv@gelbvieh.org (ex. 486)

Angela Vesco Director of Breed Growth angelav@gelbvieh.org (ex. 484)

Rebecca Mettler Editorial Content Coordinator rebeccam@gelbvieh.org 940-255-5471

Tom Strahm Commercial Marketing Director tom@gelbvieh.org 785-547-7999 Taylor Buckley Data and Member Services Coordinator taylorb@gelbvieh.org (ex. 479)

Kelsi Christian Mulitmedia Coordinator kelsi@gelbvieh.org (ex. 482) Taylor Evans Member and Youth Programs Coordinator taylor@gelbvieh.org (ex. 481)

56 Tools to Make our Job Easier

Registry Tips ‘N Tricks by Taylor Evans

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Scott Starr, President (2016) Stapleton, NE • 308-530-3900 cedartopranch@gpcom.net John Carrel, Vice President (2017) Columbus, MT • 406-322-5991 lauriecarrel@live.com


Seedstock Plus North Missouri Bull Sale


Seedstock Plus Red Reward Bull and Heifer Sale


Davidson & Lonesome Dove Ranch 29th Annual Bull Sale


Flying H Genetics Roughage ‘N Ready Bull Sale


Seedstock Plus South Missouri Bull Sale


Seedstock Plus Arkansas Bull Sale


Kittle Farms Building a Legacy Spring Bull Sale

Walter Teeter, Treasurer (2017) Mt. Ulla, NC • 704-236-7980 waltert@republicrefrigeration.com

DIRECTORS Dustin Aherin (2018) Phillipsburg, KS • 785-302-1252 dgaherin@vet.k-state.edu

Dan McCarty (2018) Rifle, CO • 970-481-5217 mccartycattle@hotmail.com

Leland Clark (2017) Barnard, KS • 785-792-6244 prcc@twinvalley.net

Andrea Murray (2016) Kingfisher, OK • 405-368-9601 murrayfarm@pldi.net

Dennis Gustin (2016) Mandan, ND • 701-663-7266 gustindd@wildblue.net

Lowell Rogers (2015) Seminary, MS • 601-270-4152 lrdrsmiley@gmail.com

Doug Hughes (2017) Max Meadows, VA • 276-620-4271 lwhf@wiredog.com

Randy Sienknecht (2016) Gladbrook, IA • 319-290-3763 rmsink1209@msn.com

Jeff Loveless (2018) Spanish Fork, UT • 801-623-8308 olranch@aol.com

Jeff Swanson (2016) Oxford, NE • 308-290-3763 swansoncattleco@yahoo.com

Derek Martin (2018) Bucklin, KS • 620-397-6752 dmartin@kinsleyfeeders.com

4 | JULY 2018

Klint Sickler, Secretary (2017) Gladstone, ND • 701-483-5250 klintsickler@hotmail.com

Anissa Family Matriarch | 61Y


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TJB Gelbvieh has focused on identifying the dominant females since our beginning. It is with great pride that we are now working with 5th generation donors from some of our most proven cow families, like the “Anissa� Family. In our life, as well as our cattle business, nothing is more important than family. Utilize TJB Gelbvieh genetics to capitalize on over thirty years of dedicated selection.

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Visit tjbgelbvieh.com for more information.

TODD, ALISA, KELSIE & KATELYN BICKETT 455 Brotherton Lane Chickamauga, GA 30707 | (423) 667-3799, (706) 375-6586 Clay Whitehead, Herdsman (423) 802-8347 todd@bickettgenetics.com | Find TJB Gelbvieh on Facebook!

GW view from the board

Serving your Industry and Your Livelihood By Scott Starr


s I set down to write this article, trying to focus on industry-related issues is a little challenging with all this week’s activities fresh on my mind. Our big branding is Monday with plans on getting 1,600 head done by 2ish. In our “neck of the Plains” we all trade branding help with our neighbors throughout the spring. It is as big of an event socially as it is about accomplishing a task. Our operation’s branding is usually the last big one, so there is a good time had by all after the job is done. Second, we need to work all our yearling heifers; we sort for size for pasture assignments and select heifers to keep as our future genetic advancement animals. Third, we have to deliver the last of the bulls from this spring sales. And finally, my daughter’s wedding is this Saturday. We are cooking the food, plus everything else I am told needs done. The wedding to-do list alone is quite large; my wife tells me that there will be about 500 people there and it’s my wife’s first wedding to plan. Apparently I don’t get as wound up about it as she thinks I should. I just keep telling her I still have a ranch to run. This brings me to a quote, “Marriage is about understanding what irritates your spouse and using it strategically,” which something I will use all summer for all the activities planned. In addition to this wedding, our son is also getting married, my parents are having their 50th wedding anniversary, I will attend the American Gelbvieh Junior Association Junior Classic, and we are hosting a family reunion on my wife’s side. Plus, July is our main AI month, so I hope some of the cows get bred this summer. We are all busy in the summer, but we can never lose sight of the big picture of the beef industry that we are all involved; it is our livelihood and if we do our job, it will be our family’s as well, if they so choose.

Two things I like to look at from time to time are the National Beef Quality Audit (NBQA) and the Beef Industry Long Range Plan. If you were at convention, I talked NBQA and how Gelbvieh and Balancer® fit in extremely well and how our own strategic plans have kept

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us focused to stay relevant in the beef industry. Initially carcass quality and consistency were demanded and we focused on our weakness at the time, which was marbling. Marbling was very important then and today the Choice/ Select spread is just over $22. Now, a major emphasis is on food safety and traceability. Traceability is one management practice we have used on our ranch since the aftermath of the BSE cases in 2003. We implemented third party age and source verification for our ranch. It has now evolved to a Global Animal Partnership (GAP) 4 status for our cattle and we are happy to report premiums for our feeder cattle. GAP is very strict on every level of ranch management and is third-party verified though IMI Global. Once the cattle meet the requirements they can go anywhere in the world. The AGA is continually working to provide programs and services to help market Gelbvieh and Balancer-influenced feeder calves and is currently developing a breed specific tagging program that would help provide producers with more marketing options. The Beef Industry Long Range Plan has four major points: 1. Drive Growth in Beef Exports

2. Protect and Enhance the Business and Political Climate for Beef 3. Grow Consumer Trust in Beef and Beef Production 4. Promote and Strengthen Beef ’s Value Proposition

Every one of these points is very user friendly to us as producers. By this I mean we can all get engaged and help accelerate the progress of this plan. I suggest each producer finds one point and do our best accomplish the goal. These plans are not static; they will constantly move so it will be an ongoing target. Bottom line, get involved at industry events as well as AGA events because both the beef industry and the AGA will excel in parallel. I hope all of you have a successful and enjoyable summer, but taking time to serve our industry will result in the future the fruits of your labor paying great dividends. And one final bit of advice, “Don’t base your decisions on the advice of those who don’t have to deal with the results.” And the law of common sense: “If too many people enjoy the free ride and not enough people help pull, the wagon isn’t going anywhere”. D

GW AGA news AGA Members, I am writing to inform the entire AGA membership of positive changes taking place at the AGA. The AGA is in the midst of a transition to a new system for our national cattle evaluation (NCE). We will be changing both the way that genotypes are incorporated into our database as well as changing the program that is used to carry out the weekly evaluation. The AGA is a part of International Genetic Solutions (IGS), which is a collaboration between 12 beef breed associations. IGS invested in the new BOLT software, which brings with it the single-step genetic evaluation, a new, more streamlined method for incorporating genomic results into expected progeny differences (EPDs). Several years of development, programming for system automation, and multiple test runs have lead up to the widely anticipated BOLT release by the IGS team. If you will remember, AGA members present at the breed improvement and member education joint committee meeting held at the 47th Annual AGA National Convention voted to adopt BOLT technology as soon as it became available. The group took an extraordinary position in relation to the genetic advancement of the breed and this vote of confidence is sure to serve the AGA well in the future. Over the last several months, AGA staff, genetic consultants and third party verification sources have reviewed the results of the multi-breed genetic evaluation powered by BOLT and are confident in its description of Gelbvieh and Balancer® registered cattle. As with any technological advancement, there will be adjustments. In this instance, there will be minimal to moderate changes in animals’ EPDs, depending on the level of accuracy for each EPD. The average change for EPDs for mid-to-high accuracy animals is low, but there are some individuals who will move substantially, especially those in the tails of the bell curve. Just as we would expect based on associated possible change values, low accuracy animals stand the chance to move the most. In general, the correlations between the current EPDs and the new BOLT EPDs are high – but they are not 1.0 – which means there will be some re-ranking. This happens anytime data is added or methodologies are changed, and migration to BOLT will not be an exception. However, it is important to remember that

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this technology provides the best and most accurate method for genetic prediction. Along with the move to a more advanced method of genetic evaluation, accuracy is now being calculated differently. Until now, accuracy of EPDS in the evaluations for all U.S. beef breeds has been approximated; the improvement in computing technology and migration to BOLT software now allows for direct computation of accuracy. This direct calculation of accuracy will better reflect possible change, so there should be fewer instances of animals’ EPDs moving more than their possible change indicated they should. Per the vote by the AGA membership present at the 47th Annual AGA National Convention, an informational video and accessory educational materials can be found on www.Gelbvieh.org. Also, please see the accompanying article on page 10 from Tonya Amen, AGA breed improvement consultant, which was previously published in the April 2018 Gelbvieh World. The AGA anticipates a smooth transition to BOLT, however when questions arise, please don’t hesitate to contact the AGA office at 303-465-2333. Sincerely,

Scott Starr Scott Starr President American Gelbvieh Association Editor’s Note: The July edition of the Gelbvieh World was sent to print on Thursday, June 14, 2018. At that time, the AGA had not fully transitioned to BOLTpowered EPDs. However, with the fast-paced nature of a genetic evaluation transition, it is possible that BOLT EPDs went live in the time between sending the magazine to the printer and when it is scheduled to arrive in readers’ mailboxes. The official notification of the final BOLT transition will be communicated to AGA members through a similar letter sent via the U.S. Postal Service along with a duplicate AGA e-newsletter for faster communication.

The Cow is the Heart of the Herd Some are fancy, some are functional, but all of them are fabulous. If you are looking for Gelbvieh or Balancer females – junior projects or starting a herd – we invite you to check out CJ&L Livestock.

Females available private treaty 5th Annual Bull Sale, December 15, 2018. 2017 Grand Champion Gelbvieh Female

NILE, Billings, Mont. Shown by Maddie Lehrkamp

HERMOSA, SOUTH DAKOTA Schedule your visit to western South Dakota today.

Lori Maude 303-809-3789 Lori.Maude@gmail.com

Julie Maude 605-381-2803

Marvin or Mae Maude 605-255-4448

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Opportunities to purchase genetics Seedstock Plus Showcase Sale Sept 15, 2018, Kingsville, MO Seedstock Plus Fall Bull Sale Oct 20, 2018, Carthage, MO Seedstock Plus Red Reward Fall Sale November 3, 2018, Humansville, MO



GW AGA news

Preparing for Single-Step By Tonya Amen, Ph.D., AGA Breed Improvement Consultant


he hot topic in many breed improvement discussions over the past several years has been genomics and genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs). More recently, these discussions have frequently centered around “single-step”, “one-step”, or “BOLT”, all of which are terms that describe a new, more streamlined method for incorporating genomic results into EPDs. In the very near future, the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) will be joining other International Genetic Solutions (IGS) partners in deploying weekly National Cattle Evaluations using BOLT software technology. Over the last few months, AGA staff and genetic consultants have had the chance to review BOLT results and to compare them to results from the current Cornell software. As we prepare to deploy the BOLT-derived EPDS, I’d like to give you a preview of what to expect. 1. Some re-ranking: In general, the correlations between the current EPDs and the new BOLT EPDs are high – but they are not 1.0 -- which means there will be some re-ranking. This happens anytime you add data or change methodologies in an evaluation, and migration to BOLT will not be an exception. This certainly doesn’t minimize the sting for those impacted, but the goal is to continually strive for more precise genetic evaluations that allow members and their customers to make better selection and mating decisions and moving to the BOLT software is certainly a major step in that direction. The re-ranking will be especially prevalent in carcass EPDs, where major model improvements will be deployed simultaneously to the BOLT software change. 2. Limited-to-moderate change in EPDs: The average change in EPD for mid-to-high accuracy animals is low, but there are some individuals who will move substantially, especially those in the tails of the bell curve. Like in any case where information is added that gives us a picture of an animal’s genetic worth as a parent (performance data, progeny information, or a genomic

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test, for example), low accuracy animals stand the chance to move the most. 3. Accuracy: In general, for growth and calving ease, accuracy values will drop (especially on younger animals). Computationally, calculating accuracy is more difficult than EPD computation, so historically, software used in evaluations had to approximate accuracy. However, modern computing power has increased to the point that programs such as BOLT calculate accuracy directly, and thus more precisely. The good news is that direct calculation of accuracy will better reflect possible change, so there should be fewer instances of animals’ EPDs moving more than their possible change indicated they should. 4. More value for your genomic investment: BOLT uses a method called the Marker Effects Model, which is a fancy way to say that it gets more information out of the genomic markers for animals who have been tested. This is better than other software programs available and is a significant improvement over the “blending” method currently being used in AGA GE-EPDs. Our current “blending” methodology uses an approximation of the marker effects, but BOLT uses all of the data available on animals (pedigree, performance, genomics) simultaneously to look directly at marker effects. 5. Model improvement for carcass EPDs: In addition to migration to the BOLT software, several important improvements and upgrades to the carcass EPDs will be deployed. Currently, carcass EPDs are simply an index of the carcass trait and its corresponding ultrasound trait. Going forward, a true multi-trait evaluation with all carcass and ultrasound traits plus weaning weight and post-weaning gain will be used. Plus, correlations between carcass and ultrasound have been updated, and trend lower than previous estimates. In contrast to the accuracy for growth and calving ease EPDS, these model improvements will lead to a slight increase in accuracy for carcass EPDS. Change can be difficult and often leads to many questions – I hope this preview has helped answer some questions you may have and to prepare you for what to expect when the new NCE system is deployed later this spring. The goal with this change is to provide you and your commercial customers with the best available selection tools to allow you make the best possible decisions to move your operations forward. D Reprint from April 2018 Gelbvieh World.

information exchange GW James “Jim” Charles Dromgoole passed away on March 21, 2018. Jim was born July 7, 1938 in Runge, Texas, to Irene and Holden Dromgoole (deceased). He was a gifted athlete and was able to fund his college career by playing football and baseball on scholarships at University of Texas. Jim obtained a chemical engineering degree and then served in research for the US Army. He was an officer and was stationed in Washington, DC. Upon his Honorable Discharge, Jim worked as vice president of maintenance engineering in Houston, Texas. He married the love of his life, Patricia Ann Dromgoole, in 1989. With her encouragement, Jim started Ft. Bend Services, Inc., a chemical engineering company located in Stafford, Texas. He continued this endeavor until his passing. Jim was passionate about many things, but mostly about his red Gelbvieh cattle. He and Pat built Dromgoole’s Heaven Ranch in Schulenburg Texas. They were active in the national show scene and bred, raised and showed numerous national champions. Many of the JDPD bloodlines are still evident in superior bloodlines, including JDPD Akin 140W and JDPD Astro 407S. He also believed in supporting the youth. He and Pat sponsored numerous junior members in their cattle showing and education. Jim also loved hunting and telling stories with his friends. He had a big and hearty laugh that has been heard and will be remembered by many. He loved his country and God.

George James Rankin, 89, of Sunburst, Montana, passed away on March 27, 2018, at the Marias Care Center of Shelby. George was born to G. W. “Bill” and Julia Grinde Rankin on February 5, 1929, in Great Falls. He attended grade school at the Toole School country school and in Sunburst, where he graduated from High School in 1946. He attended Rocky Mountain College in Billings and Montana State College in Bozeman. He served in the US Army during the Korean War as a cable splicer from 1950 to 1952. George and Jeanette D’Hoey were married on October 11, 1953 in the Lutheran Church of Sunburst. They returned to the ranch east of Sunburst and continued to farm and ranch. Utilizing his military training as a linesman, he installed many miles of telephone across the Hi-Line for Northern Telephone Coop. As a farmer, he embraced conservation practices such as planting tree windbreaks and re-cropping. They also raised chinchillas for many years. Later they started raising registered Gelbvieh cattle. He was one of the first ranchers in the region to use artificial insemination to add superior genetics to their performance tested cattle herd. He continued to ranch and farm his entire life. He was active as a 4-H leader, Sunday School superintendent, and served on the Church Council and the Toole County Conservation District Board of Supervisors. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Jeanette of Sunburst, a sister, Bertha Dean Bucher of Fairbanks, Alaska, children Kathleen (Jim) Bjorkman of Sunburst, Gary (Monica) of Helena, Jeanne Rankin (Mary Hill) of Raynesford and William (Cathy) of Edmonds, Washington. Seven grandchildren: James and Curtis Haas, Anjeanette Carlson, Elissa, Julia, Rowan and Evan Rankin; and several nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the Lutheran Church of Sunburst and Rocky Mountain College of Billings. Condolences may be forwarded to Asper Funeral Home of Shelby: www.asperfh.com/shelby

Jim is survived by his wife Pat Dromgoole, two biological children Danna Harris and Mark Dromgoole and adopted family James and Shannon Worrell, and his godson Jarrett Worrell.



GW information exchange Roderick Clark MacLennan, 95, of Bennett, Colorado, passed away on May 1, 2018, at his home of 58 years surrounded by his loving bride and family. He was born on a very cold morning on January 20th, 1923, in Sheridan, Wyoming, to Alec MacLennan and Myrtle Clark MacLennan. After graduating from Sheridan High School and the attack on Pearl Harbor, Rod enlisted in the Army on November 9, 1942. After surviving the Normandy invasion on Utah Beach, he earned his Purple Heart at the Battle of Cherbourg. He was honorably discharged with numerous other medals on January 21st, 1946. He returned home to attend Colorado A & M University, now CSU, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in animal science. He soon after met the love of his life, Alice Mae Bonds at the state 4-H conference in Ft. Collins, Colorado. At this time, he resided in Hugo, Colorado, where he was employed as the Extension agent. They were wed on September 23rd, 1951 in Durango, Colorado, at the Methodist Church. To this blessed union came five beautiful children, Ginny, Dave, Jeri, Don & Scot. They built the legacy of the Valhalla Ranch between Bennett and Byers, Colorado, from 1960 until the present day. During this time, Rod served on numerous boards including the Eastern Slope Rural Telephone Company for 37 years, served as President of the American Gelbvieh Association for three years and as a director for nine years and was later inducted into the AGA Hall of Fame. He was a charter member of the National Cattlemen’s Association, lifelong member of the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association, instrumental in the development of the Lincoln County Stockman’s Association, and member of the National Western Stock Show Association. Rod was the Adams County livestock

judging team coach for 11 years, of which four of these teams were state champions and participated in the National contest. In 1993, Rod was named the Record Stockman Livestock Man of the Year. His true passion in life was for ranching and the cattle industry. To those who knew him he was a man of vision-someone who could see things that were to come-where there was nothing before. He was never a follower, but one to be followed. A GREAT MAN! Rod was preceded in death by his parents, Alec and Myrtle; his sister, Mary Louise; brother-in-law,-Bruce; his daughter, Virginia Louise MacLennan May; and daughter-in-law, Brenda MacLennan. He is survived by his devoted wife, Alice; children, Dave (Sue), Jeri, Don (Lynn), and Scot (Sherry); 13 grandkids, Russell (Stephanie), Becky (Nate), Brandon (Erica), Dawson (Jenny), Krista (Mark), Lacey (Shane), Logan (Jonie), Lance (Nadelin), Jason (Glenna), Justin, Landree, Jinny, Jonathan; and 15 great-grandkids. Donations in Rod’s name can be sent to: Mt. Tabor Baptist Church, P.O. Box 748 Byers, CO 80103 Mountain View Fellowship, P.O. Box 619 Strasburg, CO 80136

Dam of Merit/Dam of Distinction Data Deadline Calving and weaning data must be entered into the AGA Online Registry Service no later than August 1, 2018, to be eligible for the Dam of Merit and Dam of Distinction honors.

For assistance in marketing or purchasing Gelbvieh, Balancer ® or Southern Balancer ® bulls, females and feeder cattle, contact:

Angela Vesco Director of Breed Growth angelav@gelbvieh.org (775) 421-9894 (C)

12 | JULY 2018

Tom Strahm Commercial Marketing Director tom@gelbvieh.org (785) 547-7999 (C)

information exchange GW Each year, the AGA recognizes cows that meet rigorous selection criteria including early puberty and conception, regular calving interval and above-average weaning weights on at least three calves to be classified as a Dam of Merit winner. The Dam of Distinction award recognizes cows that meet the same high standard, in addition to exhibiting long-term productivity with at least eight calves.

First Ever Gelbvieh and Balancer® Heifer Pen Show Scheduled at NWSS Next January, Gelbvieh and Balancer® breeders will have the opportunity to showcase their females in the Yards at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado, in the inaugural Gelbvieh and Balancer Heifer Pen Show. The Heifer Pen Show will be held in conjunction with the National Gelbvieh and Balancer Bull Pen Show, with heifers showing first. Heifer class breaks will mirror those of the bull classes. For questions, please contact Angela Vesco at the AGA office at 303-465-2333.

AGA Office Closed for Independence Day The AGA office will be closed on Wednesday, July 4, 2018, in celebration of Independence Day. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday!

State Association Advertising Funds Available The AGA is offering the Gelbvieh Regional Advertising Program (GRAP) funds to all regional and state Gelbvieh associations for the upcoming 20182019 fiscal year. The GRAP application and marketing plan for the 2018-19 fiscal year must submitted to the AGA office postmarked by July 20, 2018, or emailed to megans@gelbvieh.org. The GRAP program is a matching funds advertising program for state and regional Gelbvieh associations. The program matches dollar-for-dollar, up to an allotted amount. The reimbursement deadline for the current fiscal year, which runs from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018, must be submitted to the AGA office postmarked by August 1, 2018. Please contact Megan Slater, director of operations and public relations by calling (303)465-2333 or emailing megans@gelbvieh.org with any questions.

Feeder Finder The AGA’s Feeder Finder service assists producers in marketing load lots of Gelbvieh and Balancerinfluenced feeder cattle. Producers with load lots of feeder cattle are encouraged to fill out the form found on www.gelbvieh.org. These cattle are then listed for free on the AGA website and presented to feedyards across the country via email. To sign up to review these emails, please contact the AGA office at 303465-2333 or email info@gelbvieh.org.

New Members The AGA and AGJA would like to welcome the following new members to the Gelbvieh associations in April and May 2018. AGA Members: Sticky Rock Farms, Amherst, Neb. KG Farms, Wirtz, Va. Stinson Farms, Scottville, Ky. Stophlet Ranch, Fayetteville, Ark. Two Bar W Cattle Company, Dunnegan, Mo. DiGiacomo Gelbvieh & Balancers, Falls City, Neb. Boden Cattle Company, Springfield, Ind. Wes-O Farms, Russellville, Ky. D & R Gelbvieh, Shelbyville, Tenn. E Z Gelbvieh Farm, Hector, Ark. Murley Farms, Etoile, Ky. 3J Cattle Company, Hillsboro, Kan. Becraft Farms, Carlisle, Ky. AGJA Members: Georgia Grant, Springfield, Mo. Kasen Neppl, Mooreton, N.D. Chase Burbank, Brookfield, Mo. Kaitlin Taylor, Milton, Tenn. Kyle Dean Chapman, Bluejacket, Okla. Justine Pope, Ravenna, Neb. Evan Erwin, Lockesburg, Ark. Asa Lee, Perkinston, Miss. Levi Beenken, Buckingham, Iowa Jordan Ritz, Walnut Grove, Minn. Bailey McConnell, Balaton, Minn. Reilly McConnell, Balaton, Minn. Baxter Hudson , Haskell, Okla. Laurie Anne Belzer, Mt Ayr, Iowa Destiny Renee Holmes, Manitou, Ky. Brayton Cibula, Clutier, Iowa Jade Lecy, Grand River , Iowa GELBVIEH WORLD |


GW data bulletin

Genomic Testing Females is an Investment in Your Genetic Future By Tonya Amen, Ph.D., AGA Breed Improvement Consultant


f you’ve been breeding cattle long, you are aware of the costs associated with either raising or buying your replacement females. Yet, through the years, we’ve often placed more emphasis on bull selection. This is not without reason, of course, as bulls do contribute heavily to the genetic value of the herd each year. But, over her lifetime, a female can also leave a big mark on the genetics of a herd. The use of genomic tests that are used to generate genomic-enhanced expected progeny difference (GE-EPDs) is used in seedstock for two primary reasons: 1) to improve the accuracy selection through increased accuracy of EPDs, or 2) for marketing purposes. Due to the impact of sires on genetic improvement and because, in seedstock operations, selling bulls is often the main income source, most breeders who decide to invest in genomic technology understandably start with the bulls. However, I’d like to present the case that females are also important candidates for testing. Table 1 shows the progeny equivalents for traits currently evaluated in the American Gelbvieh Association’s National Cattle Evaluation powered by BOLT. Progeny equivalents illustrate the average number of progeny that would have to be measured for a particular trait in order to achieve the Table 1: Progeny Equivalents for GE-EPDs powered by BOLT Trait CED CEM BW WW YW MILK STAY

14 | JULY 2018

Progeny Equivalents 15 3 21 22 24 18 25

level of accuracy delivered on by a genomic test on young, genotyped, non-parents. For example, for a non-parent bull to achieve the level of accuracy delivered by a genomic test for calving ease direct (CED), a breeder would have to submit calving scores on 15 heifers whose calves were sired by him. For yearling weight, a breeder would need to submit 24 yearling weight records on his progeny to achieve the level of accuracy expected by genomic testing. If we were to think about genomic testing heifers instead of the non-parent bulls, it become apparent that for most traits, a genomic test will deliver more EPD accuracy than if you submitted performance data for all the naturalservice calves she has in her lifetime. What a tremendous investment in the genetic future of your herd! Not only will testing your females improve the accuracy of selection when it comes time to make your replacement heifer choices, but it will also help insure that you make the best mating choices when breeding time rolls around. By adding accuracy to her EPDs before the heifer is bred, you’ll get a truer picture of her genetic strengths and weaknesses, which will give you better information when you select the bull to sire her calves. Additionally, the inclusion of parent verification with all high-density (GGP-HD) and low-density (GGP-LD) tests will help avoid inbreeding by ensuring the accuracy of the pedigree. I’d like to direct your attention back to Table 1. You may have noticed that compared to the rest of the traits, calving ease maternal looks low. This is due to lack of genotypes on females – especially 2-year-old females. In fact, the lack of genotypes on females made it impossible to fit the maternal genomic component for calving ease. The majority of the genomic impact you see for CEM actually comes through its relationship with CED. Not only does genotyping females offer real benefits within your herd, but those genotypes are also necessary for the breed to have more accurate selection tools for maternal calving ease. Of course, all of this is not meant to suggest that you should not use all the current tools in your heifer selection tool box (performance data, birth dates, visual appraisal) – all of these remain a very important part of your arsenal in heifer selection and cattle breeding. In fact, collecting performance data is more important than ever, as it is necessary to insure the efficacy of genomic tests as well. As always, though, we should remain vigilant in adding new tools that help add accuracy and efficiency to management decisions to ensure we are raising the best seedstock possible and supplying the best tools for selection and breeding to our commercial customers. D

GW industry news

Gelbvieh and Balancer® Bulls Included in Integrity Beef Alliance Program


he American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) is pleased to announce the acceptance of Gelbvieh and Balancer® bulls for use in the Integrity Beef Alliance program. The Integrity Beef Alliance simplifies cow-calf producer management decisions and increases the marketability of calves through the production of high-quality, uniform, preconditioned cattle. The Gelbvieh and Balancer breed is the latest breed to be accepted as a sire choice for calves

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16 | JULY 2018

entering the terminal calf program and joins five approved bull breeds: Angus, Beefmaster, Charolais, Hereford, and Red Angus. “The Integrity Beef Alliance is looking forward to a successful partnership with the American Gelbvieh Association. It brings progressive genetics that fit well with Alliance goals. The Integrity Beef Alliance will allow Gelbvieh breeders to have a platform where they can be recognized for superior genetics and high quality management,” says Robert Wells, Ph.D., Integrity Beef Alliance executive director and Noble Research Institute livestock consultant. The AGA is proud to begin this new partnership with such a progressive organization as the Integrity Beef Alliance. “We are very excited about the acceptance of Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics to be used in the Integrity Beef Alliance program. The AGA works to increase the use of Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics in responsible and sustainable global beef systems. This goal of the AGA creates a commonality between the two organizations that makes for a synergistic relationship,” says Tom Strahm, AGA commercial marketing director. Gelbvieh and Balancer bulls fit well into the Integrity Beef Alliance program because of their ability to sire calves exceling in growth and performance at weaning time. Gelbvieh and Balancerinfluenced calves carry that performance advantage into the feedlot with increased feed efficiency along with high percent retail yield on the rail. Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics are also well known throughout the industry for their superior mothering ability, which is advantageous for commercial producers who retain their own replacement females. Established in 2000 by the Noble Research Institute (formerly the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation) in Ardmore, Oklahoma, Integrity Beef is a comprehensive beef production system that produces the highest quality calves possible for the next supply chain owner and consumer while improving returns for ranchers through value-added traits and continued sustainability. Integrity Beef emphasizes progressive, sustainable management methods, ranch stewardship and humane care of all livestock. D

Photography by Carl Weese circa 1994, Private Collection

Celebrating 47 Years in the Seedstock Business SEEDSTOCK CONSULTANTS SPECIALIZED SALES

612 W. Franklin St., Ste. 12A, Richmond, VA 23220 Keith Kissee | Cell: 817/821-6263 | Ph: 804/353-2220 | Fax: 804/353-2221 kkseedstock@comcast.net | www.kkseedstock.com

Gathering the Stats The overall health and well-being of an organization can be determined by analyzing the specific numbers and statistics. For the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA), the cowherd, membership tallies, and transfer of ownership can provide insight into the association. Each year the AGA publishes relevant statistics in the Gelbvieh World Herd Reference edition. This information incorporates all data submitted to the AGA during the 2016-2017 fiscal year, which spans October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017.

Top Ten States Active Adult Members

Active Junior Members

1 Missouri


Active Cows

Total Registrations

1 Kansas


1 Kansas


1 Kansas



2 Missouri


2 Kansas


2 Missouri


2 Missouri

3 Kentucky


3 Nebraska


3 Nebraska 4313

3 Nebraska 3661

4 Tennessee


4 Kentucky



South Dakota 3287


South Dakota 2808

5 Nebraska




5 Kentucky 2377


North Dakota 2161

6 Iowa


6 Mississippi



6 Iowa

7 Oklahoma


7 Oklahoma


7 Iowa


7 Kentucky 1680


South Dakota


8 Iowa


8 Colorado 1574

8 Colorado 1579

9 Colorado


9 Minnesota


9 Oklahoma 1291

9 Oklahoma 1115

10 Colorado


10 Tennessee

10 Minnesota

10 North Carolina 34

South Dakota

North Dakota 2279




State-by-State See where your state ranks in terms of membership, registrations and active cowherd numbers. The following AGA state statistics represent data submitted to the AGA office as processed through September 30, 2017, at the end of the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Animal statistics reflect activity from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017.


Active Active Active Total Female Calf Male Calf Total Adults Juniors Cows Registrations Registrations Registrations Transfers

Alabama 12 1 314




Arizona 4 0 458



197 264

Arkansas 25 5 830



230 309

California 4 0 92





Colorado 45 12 1574







6 0 28





Georgia 6 2 195










7 0 75

18 | JULY 2018


Active Active Active Total Female Calf Male Calf Total Adults Juniors Cows Registrations Registrations Registrations Transfers


22 11 627












58 21 1976






98 58 6982



3264 2133

Kentucky 95 30 2377















Maryland 1 0 1





Michigan 2 1 18





Minnesota 25 19 1162





Mississippi 22 27 257





Missouri 149 53 4791



1982 1846

Montana 14 0 859



339 168

Nebraska 58 36 4313



1860 1074

Nevada 1 0 31





New Mexico








New York








North Carolina








North Dakota









21 10 620





Oklahoma 46 22 1291





Oregon 11 2 443



111 113

South Carolina








South Dakota








Tennessee 69 8 1245






24 1 568





















Washington 2

2 248





West Virginia






Wisconsin 8 6 148





Wyoming 3 4 72








1030 394 39894



16984 11483



The AGA Cowherd The number of active Gelbvieh and Balancer® registered cows in the AGA Online Registry Service has been progressing upward over the last three years. Below is a chart that documents AGA cowherd progress. Each point is determined in the fiscal year, which begins on October 1 and ends September 30 each year.

Colorado, Kansas, Montana & Nebraska Breeders

Jim Roelle 38148 CR 49 #7 Peetz, CO 80747 (H): 970-334-2221 • (C): 970-520-1224 jr.plateau@hotmail.com www.plateaugelbvieh.com

Featuring Black, Polled Gelbvieh & Balancer® genetics with balanced trait selection. Next Bull Sale February 28, 2019. Livestock Exchange,LLC., Brush, CO.

Delbert & Marilyn Raile & Sons

“Gelbvieh since 1973”

Kathleen Rankin 406-937-4815 1285 Nine Mile Rd. • Oilmont, MT 59466 krankin@northerntel.net www.kickinghorseranch.com

railegelbvieh.com email: dmraile@railegelbvieh.com

20 | JULY 2018

824 Road 3000 Superior, NE 68978 402-879-4976 mlm68978@yahoo.com www.gelbviehbulls.com

Performance cattle for the real world.

Quality livestock that Work for you Performance + Safety = Profit from Pasture to Plate

St. Francis, KS

785-332-2756 785-332-4347 785-332-2219 785-332-6089

Marlin Meyer

Our Annual Production Sale, March 21, 2019

755 Road U

Delbert cell Cody cell

MLM Gelbvieh


Carcass Quality • Calving Ease • Tenderness • Docility

Quarter Horses

Want to Please • Strong Bone • Intelligent • Athletic 1496 Goose Creek Rd. • Raynesford, MT 59469 Ranch Phone: 406.738.4220 • BarJRGelbvieh@3rivers.net BarJRGelbvieh.com


Rippe Gelbvieh

Duane & Brenda, Dustin & Karla Rippe 6775 Road D • Hubbell, NE 68375 (H) 402-324-4176 Duane (C): 402-200-0096 Dustin (C): 316-323-4874 dustin.rippe@yahoo.com www.rippegelbvieh.com

“To produce superior Gelbvieh and Balancer® seedstock based on economically important traits, which provide more profitability for our customers, and ensure the consumer a very satisfactory eating experience.”

AGA’s Largest Operations The data presented below is a listing of the 50 largest memberships ranked by the total number of Gelbvieh and BalancerŽ cows assessed per American Gelbvieh Association membership account during the 2017 calendar year.

Rank Membership Name & Location

Total Active Cows

Rank Membership Name & Location

Total Active Cows


Judd Ranch Inc, Pomona, Kan.



Grund Gelbvieh Ranch, Sharon Springs, Kan. 242


Lazy TV Ranch, Selby, S.D.



Overmiller Gelbvieh, Smith Center, Kan.



Taubenheim Gelbvieh, Amherst, Neb.



Brandywine Farm, Rushford, Minn.



Warner Beef Genetics, Arapahoe, Neb.



Lone Oak Gelbvieh, Mechanicsville, Iowa



Sandy Knoll Farm, Saint John, Kan.



Stuecken Brothers, Freeburg, Mo.



Diamond D Gelbvieh, Mandan, N.D.



Wheeler & Son Cattle Co, Holton, Kan.



Rippe Gelbvieh, Hubbell, Neb.



Dobson Ranch, Kaw City, Okla.



Flying H Genetics, Arapahoe, Neb.



Praise The Lord Gelbvieh, Reserve, Mont.



Cedar Top Ranch, Stapleton, Neb.



Ronald or Kathryne Rogers, Mendon, Mo.



Bar T Bar Ranch Inc., Winslow, Ariz.



Ridinger Cattle Company, Deer Trail, Colo. 201


Harriman Santa Fe, Montrose, Mo.



Green Hills Gelbvieh, Mount Ulla, N.C.


Hojer Gelbvieh, Lake Preston, S.D.



Larry P & Sunny D Farms, Greensburg, Ky. 193


Mulroy Farms Llc, Mayetta, Kan.



Moe Gelbvieh, Walcott, N.D.



Schafer Farms Inc., Goodhue, Minn.



J&D Kerstiens, Jasper, Ind.



Chimney Butte Ranch, Mandan, N.D.



Lost River Livestock, Clearbrook, Minn.



Post Rock Cattle Co., Barnard, Kan.



Sheridan Gelbvieh Ranch, Almo, Idaho



Bar Arrow Cattle Co., Phillipsburg, Kan.



Raile Gelbvieh/Balancer, Saint Francis, Kan. 183


B/F Cattle Company, Butler, Mo.



Cleland Cattle Company, Arma, Kan.


Holle Gelbvieh, Oberlin, Kan.



Davidson Brothers Gelbvieh, McCune, Kan. 179


Knoll Crest Farms, Red House, Va.



Pearson Cattle Co. Inc., Lake City, S.D.



Charlie/Jordan/Scott Diehl, Bradford, Ohio 266


Loveless Gelbvieh, Spanish Fork, Utah



Hilltop Farms, Asbury, Mo.



Jim & Terri Degeer, Erie, Kan.



Markes Family Farms, Waukomis, Okla.



The 88 Ranch, Orchard, Neb.



Ceroll Gelbvieh, Sisseton, S.D.



Burbank Cattle Company, Brookfield, Mo.



Eagle Pass Ranch, Mansfield, S.D.



Golden Buckle Gelbvieh, Medina, N.D.


22 | JULY 2018



Most Used Sires Ever wonder which sires were the most popular in the Gelbvieh and Balancer® breed last year? Well, we have the answer. Below is a list of the most used sires based on calves recorded to the AGA Online Registry Service during ® the 2017 calendar year. This list represents calves registered to Gelbvieh, Balancer, Southern Balancer , hybrid or percentage Gelbvieh sires.

Rank Prefix & Name

No. Calves


Rank Prefix & Name

No. Calves



VRT Lazy TV Sam U451




CTR Good Night 715T




CCRO Carolina Leverage 3214A 299



JRI Next Step 285X72




VRT Lazy TV Watchman W021 279



GGGE 3G Ez Money 209Z




CTR Sandhills 0065X




TMMW Destination 82Y




HYEK Black Impact 3960N




DBRG Twister 451B




TMGC SB Arnold 225W




BNG Overtime 23Y




CCCJ Mr Impact Z204




CCRO Carolina Exclusive 1230Y 80



EGL Lifeline B101




BTBR Nevada 1170Y




BAG Storm 27C




DCSF Post Rock Highly Focused 151



MTB BCC Pedro 6A




KCF Bennett Y6




SKYS Sam 3187A




DCSF Post Rock Astronaut 157A 147



DCSF Post Rock Power Built 37B8 73



EGL Barrett B050




JKGF Reflex X4 ET

72 PB94


JRI Secret Sensation 140A43




BABR Branded Man 3400A



15 JRI Marshall 214X2




SKF Dunn Optimus 031B




TAU Unanimous 11B ET

126 BA38


LCSG Mr Blk Nevada B433




JRI Secret Instinct 254U83




TAU Outright 162A




BGGR Gravity 803A




BTBR Black Cross Hero 4031




CTR Wide Track 3706A ET 112 PB94


JRI Pop A Top 197T83




FHG Flying H Mr Traction 45B 104



DCSF Post Rock Granite 200P2




DVE Davidson Jackpot 74Z




DCH Hille X102




GGGE 3G Zip Line 266Z




JRI Optimizer 148A24




JRI General Patton 213B97 ET 103 PB94


BNC At Ease A357




DLW Industry 301X



JKGF Ditka C85




DLW Alumni 7513A ET

98 PB88


DDGR Noble Man 79B




TTTT Mighty Hot ET

96 BA50


OZZ EXT Govenor 3N



24 | JULY 2018



Lazy TV Ranch Genetics... Working across the Country




CED: 15 BW: -1.4 WW: 68 YW: 110 Milk: 29 REA: 1.02 MB: .35 Purchased by Bar Arrow Cattle Company, Phillipsburg, KS in 2017



CED: 12 BW: 1.5 WW: 83 YW: 143 Milk: 20 REA: 1.14 MB: 0.88 Purchased by North Fork Gelbvieh, Wilmot, SD in 2016


CED: 10 BW: 0.6 WW: 78 BW: 125 Milk: 39 REA: 0.40 MB: 0.08 Purchased by Lynn Ryan, Ansley, NE in 2017



CED: 13 BW: 01 WW: 83 YW: 126 Milk: 26 REA: 0.66 MB: 0.03 Purchased by Rippe Gelbvieh, Hubbell, NE in 2017



CED: 13 BW: -1.7 WW: 86 YW: 142 Milk: 33 REA: 0.70 Mb: 0.65 Purchased by Post Rock Cattle Co., Barnard, KS, in 2016

Don’t Miss Your Opportunity to put Lazy TV Genetics to work in your breeding program. th






605-649-9927 VWTHOR@SBTC.NET



• Maternal -- #2 herd in nation for Dams of Merit/Distinction in 2017 • Proven -- #1 (Lazy TV Sam U451) and #2 (Lazy TV Watchman) bulls used in the Gelbvieh breed last year were bred and sold by Lazy TV Ranch

GW out in the field

Finding Your Mission in the Beef Business By Tom Strahm

AGA Staff Mission Statement: “We strive to grow as an interdependent team and humbly serve the members of the AGA with integrity. We endeavor to provide accurate tools and reliable services for AGA members to produce relevant and quality Gelbvieh-influenced genetics for the beef industry.”

AGA Staff Vision Statement:


uring summer 2017, the AGA staff worked cohesively to develop and write organizational mission and vision statements. Every staff member participated and contributed to the drafting, reviewing, and approving of the final wording. Writing and refining these statements helped to create direction, unity, and continuity for us. Working together in mutual respect enabled us to create something better than any one individual was likely to do alone.

We invite you to attend our upcoming Production Sales

“Continue to develop as an interdependent team to increase the use of Gelbvieh and Balancer® genetics in responsible and sustainable global beef systems to feed a hungry and growing world.”


ow is the time to be planning and preparing to market calves that were born this spring. Due to increased cow numbers, it looks like there is going to be more calves available for sale than we have seen in recent years.

Recently as we made our presentation for Gelbvieh and Balancer acceptance to Integrity Beef Alliance as a sire choice in their terminal calf program, I began thinking of how our mission and vision is synergistic with the mission of Integrity Beef. We have shared principles, values, and common goals including responsibly and sustainably producing a safe, nutritional, and wholesome product that culminates in the best eating experience for consumers around the world! SEGA Gelbvieh & Friends Fall Female Sale December 1, 2018 Spring Bull Sale • March 2, 2019

Sega Gelbvieh Steve & Gail Fiolkoski 16509 WCR 86 • Pierce, CO 80650 Gail’s Cell: 970/590-4862 • Steve’s Cell: 970/381-0600 Email: gafiolk@aol.com • www.segagelbvieh.com Like us on Facebook @segagelbvieh

26 | JULY 2018

The Integrity Beef program was established in 2000 by the Noble Research Institute and is a comprehensive beef production program that simplifies cow-calf producer management and increases the marketability of calves through the production of high quality, uniform, preconditioned calves, according to Noble Research Institute. I believe that the acceptance of Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics for use in the Integrity Beef Alliance could

out in the field GW be a win/win for everybody in the long run. Please read more about their program on page 16 of this issue of the Gelbvieh World.

Goal Setting and Preperation on the Farm or Ranch Now is the time to be planning and preparing to market calves that were born this spring. Due to increased cow numbers, it looks like there is going to be more calves available for sale than we have seen in recent years. If producers want to sell calves for more than the average price, they are going to have raise a better than average calf. The genetic selection has been done, and a high-quality set of calves is on the ground. What management practices have you implemented already, or have planned to be completed by the time you sell cattle to add additional value to the cattle? Consider what you can do to make your calves attractive and appealing to a greater number of potential buyers.

verifies management and production practices for value-added markets. These programs include source and age verification, NHTC (non-hormone treated cattle), and all-natural. If you haven’t done so already, read the “Over The Fence” article in the May 2018 issue of Gelbvieh World featuring Bobby Hendrickson. He is one of several cattle feeders that I have recently visited with who sees growth and opportunity in value-added markets. Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics are well positioned to work in these value-added programs because of their growth, efficiency, and versatility. As you think about your mission of raising cattle, consider what other people in the production cycle are buying from you, and ultimately what the global consumer is purchasing that originated from your farm or ranch. D

Preconditioning and vaccination should be a priority. Work with your veterinarian to develop a comprehensive health management program. Proper implementation of the program and proper administration of vaccines is critical to achieve a high level of immunity and protection against diseases. Be sure to give booster shots as recommended by the manufacturer to obtain the best results. In addition, castrate properly, and dehorn as needed. If you are weaning the calves, plan ahead so they have been weaned for a sufficient length of time before you ship them. I’m hearing more buyers saying they want calves weaned for a longer time. Between 30 and 45 days used to be the target, but more buyers are preferring to purchase and receive calves after a 45-60 day weaning period. Find out who is buying your calves and follow up with them to learn about the health and performance of your cattle after they have left your place. Taking an interest and genuinely caring about how your calves performed for the next owner may help you build a lasting relationship with a buyer, and may help you learn what you can do to improve. Process verified programs have been around for several years, and this is an area where I think there is growing potential for cow/calf producers to add value, and generate additional revenue. Participation requires third party certification that

Bull Sale • February 28, 2019 Top Quality, High Performing Balancer® and Gelbvieh Bulls sell, backed by a proven program. These bulls are thick muscled, grow fast, and are made for the commercial cattle operation. Jim Roelle 38330 CR 49 Peetz, CO 80747

(C): 970-520-1224 jr.plateau@hotmail.com www.plateaugelbvieh.com

Like us on Facebook at Plateau Gelbvieh



Saturday, September 29, 2018 • 1:00 PM ET Chenault Ag Center • Mt. Sterling, KY

Selling 50% Embryo Interest in these Elite Donors. The final bid may be Doubled for Full Ownership!

Ms Fortune 63X is a homozygous black, homozygous polled donor out of the great Ms Highlight 767T donor. She has always produced top quality offspring with substance and eye appeal. Her flush to Black Impact will be sale features in the spring 2019 Bluegrass Invitational Sale. She is due to calf 11/8/2018 to Godfather 575C.

Ms Highlight 64X is a homozygous black, homozygous polled donor that doesn’t miss. Her mating to Watchman produced the $9,750 Ms S & S Watchman 453B and and her mating to Alumni the $6,000 Ms S & S Alumni 572C. Note her grand dam is the $20,000 Ms Nero 121A donor. She is truly a female to build a program around. She is due to calf 11/6/2018 to Godfather 575C.

Selling spring possession of 3G Bandoleer 458B. Bandoleer 458B has proven to be a tremendous herd sire whose offspring excel in growth, structural correctness, and eye appeal. He is flawless in his makeup and youthful in the pasture.

Selling 20 spring bred heifers. Many AI bred to Godfather 575C.

Sale managed by

Slaughter Sale Management For catalog or information contact:

David Slaughter

162 Hastings Lane Fredonia, KY 42411 Phone: (270) 556-4259 E-mail: hmslghtr@aol.com Like us on Facebook at Slaughter Sale Management

GW staff update

Buckley Joins American Gelbvieh Association


he American Gelbvieh Association is pleased to announce and welcome Taylor Buckley as the new data and member services coordinator.

says Buckley. “I look forward to meeting the members and assisting the association in every aspect that I can.” Buckley grew up in the beef industry in Franktown, Colorado. Throughout her time in high school she was actively involved in 4-H and FFA at the local and state regional levels. Buckley graduated from West Texas A&M University (WTAMU) in May 2018 where she received her bachelor’s degree in agricultural communications as well as a minor in animal science. During her college career, she was the office manager at the Beef Carcass Research Center at WTAMU. Buckley also completed internships at Friona Industries and Superior Livestock Auction.

Buckley will assist AGA members and customers with DNA testing, as well as all aspects of the AGA Online Registry Service. She will also play a role in the AGA’s member education and communications team.

“We are fortunate for the opportunity to add Taylor to the AGA staff. She brings a well-suited set of talents to assist our members and commercial customers and will grow to be an integral part of the AGA’s commitment to serving the modern beef industry,” says Megan Slater, AGA director of operations and public relations.

“I am very excited to begin my career at the AGA; my combined passion for the beef industry and background in agricultural communications falls directly in line with the association’s purpose of serving its members and customers,”

Buckley started at the AGA office on June 4. She can be reached at the AGA office at 303-465-2333 or via email at taylorb@gelbvieh.org. D

DOBSON RANCH Breeding Gelbvieh genetics since 1971 AGA Member #1 Offering bulls for sale year round! Dobson Ranch

Jim Dobson • 405.880.6173 John Dobson • 405.880.6661 Jared Bain • 580.716.4211 12460 E. River Road Kaw City, OK 74641

30 | JULY 2018

BEWARE There is a new OUTLAW in town



Guilty of fertility, calving ease, performance, structural soundness, docility and proven genetics. Look for his influence in upcoming Seedstock Plus sales.

ALSO LOOK FOR INFLUENCE FROM THESE HERDSIRES AS WELL: 3SCC Conversion D34 • A top Red Angus “Redemption” son GGRR Gilly’s Isa C501 • PB GV • Top 1% DMI & RFI • Top 2% YG JRI Positive Influence 53B32 • 75% GV Pop A Top (Balancer®) BKT Warrier Z888 • PB Red Angus • Top 3% Herdbuilder KERN Albert 3K1A • PB Red Angus • Unmatched fleshing ability

Look for our consignments to Seedstock Plus Showcase Sale and bulls in the fall South Missouri Sale. Kenyon Cattle LLC/Little Sioux Gelbvieh Red Angus Jack Welle • Milford, Iowa • Ph: 712-338-2143 • C: 712-251-4641

Your source for AWESOME REDS!

GW convention news

Join the AGA in Music City!


ave the date and make plans to attend the 48 Annual American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, November 28-30, 2018. This year’s event will be held at the Nashville Airport Marriott and is themed “Meeting Modern Industry Demands: Raising the Bar”. th

The AGA encourages all of its members to attend convention where they have the opportunity to learn more about the happenings of the AGA and be involved in shaping the future of the association at various convention events. These events include committee meetings, which all members are invited to attend, and of course the annual meeting where the election of the AGA Board of Directors as well as other important association decisions are made. At convention, members and commercial customers have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of important topics in the beef industry by listening to industry-leading speakers during the Cattlemen’s Profit Roundup. This year’s bull pen session will take place in downtown Nashville and will

be a place where attendees can network and mingle with fellow convention-goers and the speakers of the symposium. Convention rounds out with the awards banquet to celebrate the recipients of the commercial producer of the year and breeder of the year awards as well as honors individuals who have made a lasting impact on the Gelbvieh breed through the AGA Hall of Fame induction ceremony. Last year’s AGA National Convention in Wichita, Kansas, marked a pivotal moment in association history when the membership in attendance voted to transition to BOLT-powered EPDs as soon as they became available. Members will not want to miss this year’s national convention where impactful decisions regarding the AGA’s future are sure to be made. Nashville is a soulful Southern city full of lots of great music, entertainment, restaurants, and nightlife. The list of things and do and see around the city is endless! There is something for everyone in Music City, from the Grand Ole Opry and the Country Music Hall of Fame to the Belle Meade Plantation and the Parthenon. Nashville is located on Interstate 65 and is easily accessible whether you are driving or flying. Make plans to join the AGA in Nashville as we raise the bar at the 48th Annual AGA National Convention. Please check the e-news and www.gelbvieh.org for the latest convention news. Registration opens July 20. See you in Music City! D

Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma & Texas Breeders Martin Cattle Company

“Superior Gelbvieh and Balancer Cattle”

Chris & Jordan Hampton Charles & Sue Hampton 839 Davistown Rd. • Celina, TN 38551

931-243-3213 H • 931-510-3213 C hampton@twlakes.net Registered Bulls & Replacement Females

32 | JULY 2018

David & Rita Martin Oklahoma’s Largest Gelbvieh Breeder Chris Markes 580-554-2307 Chris@MarkesFamilyFarms.com Excellent bulls available. We sell 80 bulls a year all over the country. Come see why! Transportation available.

256 Boyce Road Judsonia, AR 72081 H: 501.728.4950 C: 501.278.7614 www.martincattleco.com

Private Treaty Sales Available Year Round

48TH Annual American Gelbvieh Association November 28-30, 2018

Nashville Airport Marriott Nashville, Tennessee Registration Opens July 20 www.gelbvieh.org

Mid-Year Report Kelsi Christian and Megan Slater


ith many changes happening in the first part of this year, it is good to be reminded of the accomplishments made so far in 2018 and to get a glimpse of what exciting things lie ahead. As always, the focus remains on the American Gelbvieh Association’s (AGA) Meeting Modern Industry Demands long-range strategic plan. Once again this year, the AGA has put together a mid-year report and corresponding video which can be found on www.gelbvieh.org as well the AGA’s YouTube channel as a way to keep the membership and other Gelbvieh and Balancer® stakeholders informed on the happenings of the Gelbvieh and Balancer breed.

National Convention The 48th Annual AGA National Convention will be held in Nashville, Tennessee, November 28-30, 2018. The theme of the convention is “Meeting Modern Industry Demands: Raising the Bar”. The AGA encourages all its members to attend the convention and be more involved through participation in committee meetings and the annual meeting where AGA leadership is elected. Convention events will also include the 4th Annual Cattlemen’s Profit Roundup and the awards banquet, to name a few. Registration opens July 20, 2018. AGA convention updates can be found on www.gelbvieh.org, the Gelbvieh World publication, and the AGA e-news.

AGA Communications The AGA always does its best to communicate with members and keep them up to date on the latest happenings and uses several methods of communication to fit the needs of all members. The most up-to-date AGA information is found in the e-news, which is sent via email every other Friday. The Gelbvieh World publication contains not only several informative and thought-provoking articles, but also valuable information from the AGA. This spring, the AGA initiated a new automated calling service to remind members of critical upcoming deadlines such as herd assessments. The AGA also has a text messaging option that sends forthcoming deadlines and information straight to your cell phone. To sign up to receive text messages from the AGA text “Gelbvieh” to 51660. Because communication with the membership is vital to a healthy organization, the AGA asks all members to keep current contact information on their profile on the AGA Online Registry Service. If you have questions regarding AGA news or communication, please call us at 303-465-2333, and we are happy to assist you.

“The American Rancher” In February 2018 the AGA’s episode of “The American Rancher” broadcasted on RFD-TV, had just over 1 million urban household views, which is more than any other previously aired AGA episode. The AGA is excited to keep this growth coming with the October 1 episode showcasing Gelbvieh and Balancer-influenced cattle from the western half of the United States. Breeders can contact Angela Vesco at the AGA office to purchase a 30-second commercial spot in the next Gelbvieh and Balancer episode of “The American Rancher”.

AGA Social Media With more and more cattlemen and women joining the world of social media, the AGA has begun focusing more efforts on various social media platforms. The AGA has been concentrating on spreading the Gelbvieh and Balancer message to new producers and driving them to the Gelbvieh website as well as making social media more of a resource for current AGA members. The AGA has seen an increase in new users

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who visit Gelbvieh.org, plus a steady rise in followers across all AGA social media platforms.

Gelbvieh Media Productions Gelbvieh Media Productions has seen an increase in bull sale catalog production this year and the expanded member services contributed with an increase in fliers, mailers, and brochures created. If you are interested in Gelbvieh Media Productions services or advertising in any Gelbvieh publication, please contact Lynn Valentine at the AGA office.

AGA encourages producers to go to the website and submit as much information as possible about the cattle. Then a free email is sent to prospective buyers and feedyards across the country. Since the inception of Feeder Finder in October 2015, over 50,000 head of feeder cattle and calves have been listed on this email service.

Profit Picture The Profit Picture mailing list from 2018 represents 10 million head of beef cattle throughout the U.S., which is over one-third of the beef cow numbers in the entire U.S. The AGA purchases a mailing list and customizes it with specific search criteria by selecting concentrated cow-calf areas throughout the United States, or by targeting operations with a specific herd size designation, etc. The goals of every publication sent by the AGA is to provide beef producers with the Gelbvieh and Balancer message as well as relevant information to the beef industry both as seedstock suppliers and commercial producers.

The Profit Picture Circulation

Feeder Finder Feeder Finder is a free email service offered by the AGA to help commercial producers market load lots of Gelbvieh and Balancer sired feeder cattle. The

36 | JULY 2018

Expanded Membership Services Expanded Membership Services is a customizable and comprehensive program for participating members who want to improve their operations and increase their market share. The AGA staff works with participating members to help develop promotional materials and generate a target mailing list to mail material to new potential customers.

Cranview Gelbvieh Join us for our 14th Annual Genetic Progress Sale!

Saturday March 24, 2018

1pm cT • Rugby, ND Rugby LivesTock AucTioN

40+ geLbvieh AND bALANceRTM buLLs AND 20+ RepLAcemeNT FemALes wiLL seLL.

Check out these exciting Cranview Genetic Progress Sale features:

cRAN e53 eT

geLbvieh bALANceR buLL Reg: Amgv1395038 sire: DLw ALumNi 7513A eT Dam: cRAN TiARAmAsu y157 eT

cRAN e10 geLbvieh bALANceR buLL Reg: Amgv1394941 sire: cRAN FiLLmoRe b553 eT Dam: cRAN Z260 eT

cRAN e16 geLbvieh bALANceR buLL Reg: Amgv1401656 sire: DLw sAm eT Dam: cRAN c525

cRAN e15

geLbvieh bALANceR buLL Reg: Amgv1394839 sire: TTTT mighTy hoT eT Dam: cRAN 245c eT

cRAN e54 eT geLbvieh bALANceR buLL Reg: Amgv1395038 sire: gLAg ADkiNs JAckpoT 906w Dam: cRAN pRiNcess A313 eT

cRAN e57 eT

geLbvieh bALANceR buLL Reg: Amgv1395042 sire: gLAg ADkiNs JAckpoT 906w Dam: cRAN pRiNcess A313 eT

please call us to request a sale catalog or visit our website to view the online sale catalog. can’t be with us on sale day? Real time bidding is available! visit DvAuction.com for details.

RobeRT AND biLL ARNoLD • esmoND, ND PH: 701.720.8823 or 701.624.2051 rlagelbvieH@aol.com


American Gelbvieh Junior Association (AGJA) The AGJA is in the middle of a busy summer. From regional shows in Missouri and Kansas to the 2018 AGJA Corn Fed Classic in Waterloo, Iowa, the enthusiasm for the Gelbvieh breed is strong within the AGJA! This year’s summer will round out with The Summit, IGS Youth Leadership Conference, July 19-22, 2018, in Fort Worth, Texas.

BOLT-Powered EPDs The AGA is in the midst of transitioning to the new single-step method of genetic evaluation, called BOLT. With this change, genetic evaluations will now occur on a weekly basis. Evaluations will begin every Tuesday and encompass all data input into the registry at the close of business each Monday. Moving to a weekly evaluation means there is more stability between the release of new numbers each week and thus results in less dramatic changes compared to evaluations that occurred every six months, unless there is genomic data or a large contemporary group of data submitted on a young animal. With that said, members may see some changes in their animals’ EPDs when the initial transition happens. However, is it essential to keep in mind that this new method of genetic evaluation is the best technology for performance prediction currently available. More information about the transition to BOLT-powered EPDs can is found on page 8 and 10 of this edition of Gelbvieh World.

American Gelbvieh Foundation (AGF) The AGF continues to focus its efforts on the three pillars on which the AGF’s mission is based: youth

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development, research and membership education. The AGF continues to support the AJGA through scholarships, which are awarded to members of the AGJA each summer during the junior classic. In addition, the AGF held its third annual AGF Steer Challenge and Scale and Rail Sire-Identified Steer Contest. This year’s third annual contest has over 150 head of cattle participating. The steer challenge was developed as a fundraiser for the AGF as well as a way to collect additional carcass data that can be used for further breed improvement purposes. The program also allows breeders who may not finish their own cattle the opportunity to see how their cattle feed and hang on the rail.

Check us Out !

Mark your calendars for the third weekend in November. November 17 & 18 for our Open House and early Bull selection

Private Treaty Breeding Age Bull and Female Sales year round.

At Triple K, we are building on a solid cow herd with continually improved genetic trends that produce real results in the pasture. Al & Mary Knapp Family Basehor, KS 66007 Al: 913-219-6613 Mary: 816-835-4976 www.triplekgelbvieh.com

Visit our website at www.triplekgelbvieh.com and be sure to like us on Facebook.




EXPANDED MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Members of the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) choose the path to becoming a seedstock supplier for various reasons. Seedstock suppliers also have different expectations, goals, and ambitions for their respective operations. The AGA recognizes that the variations within the membership, due to operation size and the ambitions of each breeder, result in the potential need for varied services the AGA offers to its members. The AGA strives to accommodate the various needs of our members, and in doing so has initiated the “Accelerator” program and the “Amplifier” program. These two new programs are designed for AGA members who would like to intensify their relationship with the AGA and would like additional services on top of what they already receive from the association. The two different program levels are geared for both large and small members with the goal of enhancing their respective operations, through the tools and talent available at the AGA to assist in strategic planning, marketing, and genetic selection. The Accelerator and Amplifier programs are specifically designed for producers that would like to improve operations, their cowherd, and most importantly expand market share. The accentuated interaction with the AGA and staff is intended to increase Gelbvieh and Balancer® presence in the commercial Contact the AGA to get started: marketplace.

303-465-2333 info@gelbvieh.org www.gelbvieh.org

Accelerator The Accelerator program is designed for the larger AGA breeder. • 150 annually assessed cows and larger • Members with less than 150 cows that aim to expand their business The services associated with the Accelerator program include: 1. The Accelerator will begin with AGA staff onsite consultation and include annual onsite visits to the operation and/or attend the producer’s production sale. 2. Quarterly organized calls with the appropriate staff personalized to fit the participants needs, such as: (2-hour time limit per call.)

a. Improvement and growth goals and strategies b. Marketing opportunity and technique c. Website, social media, electronic and traditional promotions d. Analysis of production sale e. Genetic selection 3. Assist in the organization of customer education programs or producer meetings sponsored by the breeder. 4. Market research and marketing strategy in the targeted marketing area. 5. Mailing list access: The marketing strategy will include a packet of the participating breeder’s information sent to 5,000 strategically chosen mailing addresses two times annually. The addresses will be provided by the AGA from the purchased The Profit Picture mailing list. (The parcels will be sent direct from the printer and the participating breeder will pay postage, printing and provide the information to be sent in the packet.)

The Accelerator program will cost each participating member $3,600 annually, in addition to standard AGA membership dues and other AGA fees. The Accelerator program is designed for breeders that intend to grow their market share and improve their seedstock business.

Amplifier The Amplifier program is designed for the moderate to smaller breeder • Less than 150 assessed cows annually • Members with less than 150 have the option to buy up to the Accelerator program • The Amplifier program is only for members with less than 150 registered cows The services included in the Amplifier program include: 1. Biannually organized calls with the appropriate staff personalized to fit the participants needs, such as: (1-hour time limit per call.)

b. Improvement and growth goals and strategies c. Marketing opportunity and technique d. Website, social media, electronic and traditional promotions e. Genetic selection 2. Market research and marketing strategy in the targeted marketing area. 3. Mailing list access: The marketing strategy will include a packet of the participating member’s information sent to 500 strategically chosen mailing addresses from the purchased The Profit Picture mailing list. The personalized mailing list will be made up of producers of similar size and in the same geographic location. (The parcels will be sent direct from the printer and the participating breeder will pay postage, printing and provide the information to be sent in the packet.)

The Amplifier program will cost each participating member $1,800 annually, in addition to standard AGA membership dues and other AGA fees. The Amplifier program is only for members that inventory 150 cows or less.

GW junior connection

The Importance of SMART Goals By Aubree Beenken


ast month I returned from a six-week trip to Europe. While in Europe I had the incredible opportunity to work for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome, Italy. As I reflect upon my time spent in Rome, I think about what led me to this point. I quickly realized it was the goals I had previously set forth: hard work, determination, and the willingness to step beyond my comfort zone. Setting goals may seem tedious at the time and pushing yourself to try something new is both uncomfortable and scary. However, setting goals and pushing yourself may lead to a whole new set of opportunities that you could have never imagined. Setting goals takes time. In school, sports, clubs, and work we are continually told to set goals. Maybe you set goals to earn an A in class, or to win a division at your county fair, or to be a top finalist in your FFA event. No matter how small or large your goal may seem, it matters. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. By setting specific, clearly defined goals you can measure your progress and take pride in your achievements. When writing your goals, it is important to set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that motivate you and write them down to make them feel tangible. Brainstorm and set goals that personally matter to you based on where you see your future self. Think of long-

Taylor Evans Member & Youth Program Coordinator 303-465-2333 • taylor@gelbvieh.org Emily Schilling, Adult Advisor Kendallville, IN • 260-242-1552 ejgriffiths.eg@gmail.com Andrea Murray, Adult Advisor Kingfisher, OK • 405-368-9601 murrayfarm@pldi.net Mike & Toni Shrewsbury, Adult Advisors Lathrop, MO • 816-528-3644 mikeshrews@aol.com

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term and short-term goals. Set shortterm goals to make reaching your long-term goals easier and simpler. For example, maybe there is a state or national leadership position you dream of having; consider what other leadership positions and activities could help you develop your skills and knowledge to better equip you for the larger leadership position. Once you have your SMART goals written, you must consider how you plan to achieve them. Following through with your goals can be even more difficult than writing them, for achieving your goals requires action and challenging yourself. Plan the steps you must take to achieve your goal, and cross off each step off as you work through them. Seeing your goals through is critcal to future success. Our dreams forever remain a dream if we continually fail to reach our goals. A plan of action provides a guideline to help visualize the progress towards achieving your goals. Through the process of goal setting and following through, it is important to remember that goals can change. New opportunities may arise that completely change your current path, so having flexibility within your goals is key. No matter how your goals may change with time, remember to always set SMART goals that motivate you. I had the dream of studying abroad while in college and by setting SMART goals I was able to achieve more than I could have ever imagined. Having the opportunity to live in Rome and work for an international organization was life changing and motivated me to set new career goals focused on international agriculture. Remember, setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. What are your SMART goals and how do you plan to achieve them? D

Callahan Grund, President (2017) Wallace, KS • callhan.gurnd@outook.com Kyle Vehige, Vice President (2016) Bonnots Mill, MO • kyle_vehige@hotmail.com Jesse Henson, V.P. of Leadership (2016) Canton, NC • hensonjlee@gmail.com Grace Vehige, Secretary (2017) Bonnots Mille, MO • g_vehige@hotmail.com Caitlin Griffin, Treasurer (2016) Westminster, SC • caitlingriffin22@yahoo.com

Wyatt Forbes (2017) DeSmet, SD • wyatt.forbes@lakeareatech.edu Grady Hammer (2017) Wallace, KS • gradyhammer@yahoo.com Kallie Mattison (2017) Lamberton, MN • kallieamattison@gmail.com Anna Ring (2017) Oregon, IL • amring121@gmail.com Aubree Beenken, Ex-Officio (2017) Buckingham, IA • abeenken@iastate.edu


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GW over the fence

Over the Fence with Dan Major, Prescott, Arizona By Angela Vesco


ifelong rancher, Dan Major, runs cattle near Prescott, Arizona. Dan ran cows in California for 22 years but in 2005 he moved back to northern Arizona. He runs his cows on rangeland all year long at mile-high elevation. Prescott receives roughly 18 inches of annual rainfall and just like the rest of the Southwest, they rely on those summer monsoon rains to grow grass for cattle to graze. Dan also is a rep for Western Video Market, which takes him back to California every so often.

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What is the most common cowherd makeup in your part of the country? Historically, cattle with Brahman influence have been the most popular choice because of their hardiness and durability. However, the problem with a lot of Brahman cattle is fertility. The big country deters ranchers from preg checking the cows and culling open females so some of those cows would have two calves in three years. That has been one of the biggest issues I have had to deal with since coming back here to this ranch.

How long have you been utilizing Gelbvieh and Balancer® genetics in your herd? I bought five Gelbvieh bulls that first year in 2005. I had bought a lot of Arizona cows to stock the ranch and they didn’t have high fertility. I was only getting about 70 percent bred, so I started preg checking everything and sold the cows that weren’t pregnant. Then I kept the Gelbvieh-sired heifers out of those cows and bred them to Balancer bulls. I have been using Balancer bulls ever since.

What are your selection pressures when you are buying breeding stock? I pay attention to the milk expected progeny difference (EPD); I don’t want anything too high for milk. Feed efficiency data is another big factor that I look at and I also focus on the growth numbers.

over the fence GW I buy yearling bulls for heifers. Those bulls breed the heifers for two years. Then when the heifers are moved into the four-year-old group, those bulls will go with them. And then the older cows will have different bulls. We semen test and perform a trichomoniasis “trich” test on the bulls every year when the bulls come off the cows in the fall. The average age of the bulls is about 6 years old.

The vaccinations and backgrounding are bringing me premiums. Last year, in my area I was gaining $125 per head and it cost me $25 per head to enter into the programs. When I wean the calves, they are in the corral for four or five days with hay. Then they get turned out on dry native pasture with a protein and mineral supplement until we ship them in December.

What has the Gelbvieh female done for your herd?

What is your philosophy for raising cattle?

The biggest issue for me was fertility. Once I got to where I wanted to be with fertility, I started focusing on the pounds of the calves, and the weaning weights have been getting better as time goes along.

I love doing it. I am a third generation rancher. My grandfather was raised on the East Coast and came out West to ranch. My father managed the Double O Ranch in Seligman, Arizona. He was one of the first people in this area to preg check his cows every year. He always said, “If a cow can’t have a calf she isn’t going to stay in this outfit.” I ranched in California for 22 years: it’s in my blood. It’s the love of ranching and the love of the cattle that keeps me doing it.

What programs are you participating in to receive a premium on your calves? From the beginning I have had my calves on a good vaccination program. A VAC-45 program is what I typically do. We have non-hormone treated cattle (NHTC), Global Animal Partnership (GAP), source and age, and verified natural—the whole nine yards. I sort them into size groups to be sold as load lots. The heavier calves usually weigh in the mid sixes and the lighter load will be about 575 lbs. I keep the bigger end of my heifers for replacements and sell the lighter heifers in a load. The lighter heifers will generally end up as replacements in someone else’s herd. Participating in all of these programs gives me more options when it comes to marketing the cattle.

What are your plans for the future of the ranch? The one problem with ranching in Arizona is the location. Arizona cattle have a reputation for getting sick and not performing well. So I have been proving that they can perform. I have typically ran the calves in California on grass as stockers and I have been really pleased with how those calves come off grass. Two years ago, my calves gained 338 pounds on grass from December to May. I knew then that I was doing the right thing. D



AGA Genetic Trends


he graphs below illustrate the genetic trends for the Gelbvieh and Balancer animals based off of the new multi-breed genetic evaluation powered by BOLT.

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While BOLT expected progeny differences (EPDs) were not officially released at the time of print, AGA staff had behind-the-scene views of BOLT-powered EPDs.D


V 90 BRED FALL COWS V These will start calving August 18, 2018

V 100 BRED SPRING COWS V These are being bred right now to calve in February/March 2019




Birth Date



20 months

Sept./Oct. 2016



17 months

Feb./March 2017



10 months

Sept./Oct. 2017



7 months in Sept.

Feb./March 2018


A great selection of Registered Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls We price our cattle to sell quickly!




Birth Date



7 months in Sept.

Feb./March 2018

$1000 to $1200

We are sold out of heifers but will wean these in September. Our 200+ purebred Gelbvieh cows produce an excellent set of cattle that we can offer to you. Our herd is the product of 40 years of careful Gelbvieh breeding and we invite you to come take a look. We price our cattle to sell quickly and we look forward to your phone call.


Whenever you think of Gelbvieh Cattle, think of

Markes Family Farms Oklahoma’s Largest Gelbvieh Breeder

Unparalleled Genetics

FMGF Blue’s Impact 001X AMGV1177161 • Homo Black • Homo Polled Sire of these up and coming herdsires! CED 16 4% ST 10 45%

BW -3.2 3% DMI 0.05 90%

WW 53 90% YG -0.55 30%

YW 74 90% CW 9 95%

MK 31 35% REA 0.35 65%

TM 58 70% MB -0.11 25%

CEM 6 45% $COW 77.51 60%

HP 3.05 60% FPI 65.18 45%

PG30 -1.01 75% EPI 68.26 65%

GHGF Young Gun c310

AMGV1327123 • Homo Black • Homo Polled Owned with Circle S Gelbvieh CED 11 30% ST 7 75%

BW -0.7 20% DMI

WW 60 80% YG -0.57 25%

YW 78 85% CW 14 85%

MK 38 10% REA 0.36 60%

TM 68 25% MB -0.26 65%

CEM 6 45% $COW

HP -0.08 85% FPI 61.58 65%

PG30 -0.73 75% EPI

GHGF Contessa 310T • dam of young gun AMGV1024464 • Highest revenue donor. GHGF Mate 47P x CTR Echo 575E


AMGV1353569 • Black • Homo Polled CED 12 35% ST 12 2-%

BW 0.8 60% DMI 0.01 60%

WW 62 70% YG -0.50 10%

YW 92 70% CW 25 65%

MK 24 60% REA 0.36 60%

TM 55 70% MB 0.10 45%

CEM 3 85% $COW 95.35 35%

HP 3.97 55% FPI 69.30 55%

PG30 1.66 15% EPI 77.26 75%

JCGR BAR GT MS PERRI 536W ET • Dam of Cow Town AMGV1124599 RID R Collateral 2R x Bon View New Design 878


AMGV1353576 • Homo Black • Homo Polled Owned with Ridinger Cattle Co. High selling bull 2017 Boy’s From the South Sale CED 14 10% ST 11 30%

BW -1.6 10% DMI 0.00 50%

WW 58 90% YG -0.50 15%

YW 78 90% CW 13 95%

MK 22 90% REA 0.40 55%

TM 52 95% MB -0.16 45%

CEM 6 40% $COW 84.18 55%

tflk whitney 251w et • Dam of Neon Moon AMGV1122134 • 2011 NWSS National Champion RTRT Solution 137S x JRI Extra Exposure 285L71 ET

HP 1.05 85% FPI 63.07 60%

PG30 0.50 50% EPI 73.61 55%

Your Source for Outcross Purebred Black Genetics GHGF shear force 81a

AMGV1245473 • Double Black • Homo Polled CED 9 70% ST 20 1%

BW 0.0 50% DMI

WW 65 55% YG -0.51 20%

YW 96 55% CW 26 60%

MK 31 20% REA 0.34 60%

TM 64 25% MB -0.02 55%

CEM 5 60% $COW

HP 4.60 35% FPI 68.93 60%

PG30 0.81 35% EPI

GHGF trump train c521

AMGV1327122 • Homo Black • Homo Polled 2017 Breeders Choice Futurity Winner CED 12 20% ST 9 55%

BW -0.3 25% DMI 0.04 90%

WW 61 75% YG -0.52 35%

YW 87 70% CW 21 70%

MK 28 55% REA 0.47 40%

TM 58 70% MB -0.12 30%

CEM 5 55% $COW 77.94 60%

HP 5.43 40% FPI 64.77 50%

PG30 -1.91 90% EPI 103.23 25%

rid r doc holiday 6007d

AMGV1363660 • Homo Black • Homo Polled CED 10 40% ST 9 60%

BW 2.1 75% DMI

WW 98 1% YG -0.47 20%

YW 139 1% CW 54 1%

MK 22 90% REA 0.55 20%

TM 71 15% MB 0.05 10%

EGL Encore e7166

AMGV1396148 • Black • Homo Polled High selling purebred Eagle Pass Ranch Fall Bull Sale CED 12 20% ST 7 85%

BW 1.6 60% DMI 0.00 55%

WW 67 55% YG -0.48 15%

YW 98 45% CW 30 40%

MK 29 45% REA 0.39 60%

TM 62 50% MB -0.06 20%

Save the Date! 2nd Annual Boys from the South Bull Sale Dec. 8, 2018 • Lebanon, TN

CEM 7 30% $COW 72.58 80%

HP 6.84 20% FPI 67.66 35%

PG30 0.21 50% EPI 91.64 35%

Walter & Lee Teeter

1380 French Belk Rd. Mt. Ulla, NC 28125 (704) 664-5784 Lee’s Cell (704) 267-4638 Walter’s Cell (704) 236-7980 Justin’s Cell (704) 267-4074

CEM 5 55% $COW

HP 11.67 2% FPI 86.86 1%

PG30 1.28 25% EPI

A Strategic Approach to the Future By Rebecca Mettler


he Meeting Modern Industry Demands strategic plan was developed as a roadmap to guide the Association through today’s complex beef industry.

As a five-year strategic plan stretching from 2017 to 2021, it is necessary to document the progress of goal completion within the strategic plan. Strategic plan goals were classified as annual goals or goals targeted for specific years in five primary areas of focus: business structure of AGA, AGA finance, stakeholder profitability, growth of the AGA, and Gelbvieh and Balancer® cattle’s competitive position within the beef industry.

Primary Focus Areas Within the primary areas of focus are four primary goals for the strategic plan: restructure the AGA business to build a sustainable model for the future of the AGA, develop a direct marketing avenue for Gelbvieh and Balancer feeder cattle and commercial replacement females through a network of feeders and packers, transfer more bulls to non-member commercial bull customers than AGA competitors, and operate the largest commercial cowherd database in the industry.

Marketing Alliances: Since the plan’s inception, AGA staff has been working hard to create alliances within the beef industry in order to create direct marketing avenues for Gelbvieh and Balance feeder cattle and commercial replacement females. The AGA has begun sponsoring several Superior Livestock Auction, Western Video Market, and Cattle Country Video feeder and replacement female sales along with partnership/sponsorship of feeder and female sales at traditional livestock auctions. The AGA staff has also worked to grow the AGA’s Feeder Finder service which helps to connect sellers of load lots of Gelbvieh and Balancer-influenced feeder cattle with potential buyers.

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Most recently, the Gelbvieh and Balancer breed gained acceptance as a sire breed choice in Integrity Beef Alliance’s terminal calf program. Integrity Beef Alliance is a program of the Noble Research Institute and simplifies cow-calf producer management decisions and increases the marketability of calves through the production of high-quality, uniform, preconditioned cattle.

Animal Transfers: AGA members stepped up to the plate during the 2016-2017 fiscal year with a 3.5 percent increase in total transfers compared to the previous fiscal year. Transfer of ownership to non-member bull customers provides the initial step in the AGA/customer relationship and opens up access to several AGA programs specifically designed for commercial beef producers.

Smart Select Service: Smart Select Service (SSS) is one of the AGA’s commercially focused services. The main goal of SSS is to help manage commercial herds from a genetic standpoint. Cows enrolled in SSS get indexes, FPI and $Cow. Producers also record a birth weight and other phenotypes. These data points help commercial producers make those important keep/cull decisions and find the better producing cows in their herd. Smart Select Service currently has 35 members with over 3,000 head enrolled.

Association Goals: Goals and strategies are further broken down within the association, people of the AGA, genetics and information, and breed growth and marketing. Let’s have a look at what’s been accomplished by the association in the past one and a half years.

The Association: One of the main goals in the Association category slated for completion by 2019 is the reduction of contributions made by herd assessments to equal less than 50 percent of the budget. During the 2016-2017 fiscal year herd assessments were at 62.6 percent of the budget. A member incentives program was released in November 2017 to work on reducing mandatory costs to members. The program will begin to deliver herd

assessment rebates for four data collection points: 1. GGP low-density (GGP-LD) or GGP high-density (GGP-HD) panels on a minimum of 30 percent of each year’s entire male calf crop (starting with 2018-born calves with herd assessment rebates received in 2019). 2. GGP-LD or GGP-HD panels on a minimum of 30 percent of each year’s entire female calf crop (starting with 2018-born calves with herd assessment rebates received in 2019). 3. A $10 credit on membership account for each qualifying feed efficiency record submitted. Eligibility begins with 2017-born bulls and heifers. 4. A $4 membership account credit for each qualifying carcass data record submitted. Eligibility begins with 2017-born animals. Non-traditional AGA services create an additional revenue stream for the association and take pressure off of herd assessment revenue. The addition of expanded member services provides an avenue for members to enhance their relationship with the AGA and receive

additional marketing assistance specific to their operation’s needs. With two programs determined by operation size, the Accelerator program is specifically tailored to those memberships with 150 head of cows assessed annually; the Amplifier program is designed for the moderate to smaller breeder with less than 150 cows assessed annually. Another way to positively impact the bottom line is to decrease total AGA expenditures. The American Gelbvieh Foundation (AGF) contributions toward research and development, membership education, and junior development help reduce association expenditures. The AGF is currently involved in collecting carcass data and raising funds through the AGF Steer Challenge and Scale and Rail Sire-Identified Steer Contest; 2018 marks the third year for the contest. The Steer Challenge portion allows supporters of the AGF to donate a steer in their name. All funds raised through the steer challenge are designated to benefit breed improvement through research projects, updating DNA markers, and EPD and index improvements.

Performance cattle for the real World dedicated to Gelbvieh for 45 Years 50 years of continual whole herd AI Over 35 years of Performance Testing

A nnual Production Sale – March 21, 2019 Western Livestock Auction • Great Falls, MT

For your next herdsire or female purchase, look to Kicking Horse Ranch Kicking Horse Ranch

1285 Nine Mile Road

Olimont, Montana 59466

Jim & Kathy Bjorkman 406-937-4815

www.kickinghorseranch.com krankin@northerntel.net

Jeanette Rankin 406-937-3728



People of the AGA: The success and enhanced professional development of the people involved with the AGA is essential to the wellbeing of the association. Providing avenues for membership education and staff involvement in the industry are two important aspects of association enrichment. One goal that has been met in 2018 is to increase member participation in committees. This year, 10 percent of each committee’s roster is composed of members not having served on that committee the prior year. The AGA staff has continued to enhance their presence at industry events and further their professional development. AGA staff attends National Cattlemen’s Beef Association annual convention, Beef Improvement Federation annual symposium, Agricultural Media Summit, Young Cattlemen’s Conference and GeneSeek’s summer conference, etc., which provides education, networking and the ability for staff to become involved in leadership roles within those organizations. It is the goal of the association for each member to attend at least one AGA organized event annually. While we are still working on that goal, the movement of the AGA national convention to different locations across the country provides members and those interested in the breed an opportunity to catch a convention closer to them compared to when the convention was held in Denver during the National Western Stock Show. The association has seen a doubling in convention attendance since convention has been moved away from Denver in early January and is working to continually grow the event.

Genetics and Information: The Association is committed to providing the most accurate and applicable data in the industry and assisting stakeholders in employing that information to gain a competitive advantage in the market place. One goal that will be achieved ahead of schedule is the ability for EPDs to be comparable across breeds. As the AGA moves to the multi-breed genetic evaluation powered by BOLT, most EPDs will be across-breed comparable within the International Genetic Solutions (IGS) breeds; the exception will be the residual feed

52 | JULY 2018

intake data, which is not part of the BOLT transition as of now. Advancements in the RFI data is expected in the future. Over the past several years, AGA members have embraced DNA testing and have provided an enormous amount of information to the AGA registry, which is used to better predict the genetic merit of registered Gelbvieh and Balancer® cattle.

Breed Growth and Marketing: The AGA is actively working to continue establishing a competitive position in the market place to drive the expansion of the AGA and increase overall Gelbvieh mass. The strategic plan goals combine genetic and management tools with market accessibility to create an environment of increased stakeholder profitability. The Profit Picture publication plays an integral role in the dissemination of the Gelbvieh and Balancer message throughout the industry. The AGA broadened the reach of the publication in 2018 to reach producers representing 10 million cows. Building and retaining a strong non-member bull customer base is critically important to the future of the Association and its members. The membership provides customers with industry-leading genetics and the Association provides them with commercially oriented programs and services. The strategic plan outlines the need to increase both the rate of new customers and the retention rate of non-member bull customers.

Conclusion: While this is just a snapshot of a longer list of goals contained within the AGA’s Meeting Modern Industry Demands strategic plan, know that the Association is working hard for its membership to accomplish these goals. Please visit the Strategic Plan page under the Membership tab at www.gelbvieh.org to view the complete Meeting Modern Industry Demands Strategic Plan brochure.


































Homozygous Polled • Diluter Free • Purebred 94 RWG Traction 7412 x MCCA Ziva Z24 (KALA 0027X) Semen Available – Contact McCarty Cattle Company

Grand Valley Gelbvieh/Balancer 665 Battlement Creek Trail Parachute, CO 81635 • (970) 210-6093

220 CR 334A Rifle, CO 81650 970-481-5217


GW commercial corner post

Deal or no Deal: Suckling Calf Implants Add Value to Cow-Calf Operations By Chanda Engel, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist SDSU Animal Science Department

wean off 13 pounds heavier than their non-implanted counterparts. Since genetics have changed and improved over the years, it is important to note that Bayliff and colleagues (year) recently found similar results when they studied a group of cattle in Oklahoma. In a 130 day pasture period, suckling steers weaned off 17 pounds heavier than their non-implanted counterparts. Additionally, work by Pritchard and colleagues at SDSU in 2015 documented implant technology can increase weaning weights of suckling steers by 22 pounds.

The SDSU study looked at the effects of suckling calf performance from implants based on timing of the implant and age of dam. They implanted calves in May or August and classified dams into two groups: less than or greater than four years of age. Overall ow-calf pairs are moved to green grass and it is steers from mature dams weaned heavier calves than a good feeling to see them out grazing. While younger dams. weaning may be Steers from a ways off, calf mature dams that growth that leads were implanted he amount of added gain potential that to excellent calf in May, weaned implants provide would make one think nearly weaning weights off 40 pounds is a major goal every steer turned out should have one in its ear. heavier than of this phase their nonHowever, according to the 2008 National Animal of the cow-calf implanted Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) survey, the business. If counterparts. someone asked use of implant technology in suckling calves has However, if they you to give them were implanted actually declined from 14 percent to 9.8 percent $1.50 per steer in August they calf at spring over a ten-year period. only added an turn out, in additional 17 return, for every lbs. Conversely, 37 head (your steers from cost is $56), they will give you an additional 550 lb young dams (< 4 years of age) implanted in August steer calf at weaning. Would you take the deal? This weaned off 25 pounds heavier than non-implanted is essentially the return cattleman can expect if they steers. Steers from young dams implanted in May only place a small hormone implant into the ear of each posted a 9 pound increase in weaning weight. Cow suckling steer calf at turn out. age definitely impacts the response that cattlemen In 1997 Selk from the Oklahoma Agricultural can expect from using implant technology. Planning Experiment Station summarized 23 research the implant timing based on the dam’s age will give projects evaluating performance of suckling steer the best possible response in suckling calves. Implant calves implanted between 30 and 90 days of age, earlier in the grazing season for steers suckling older with 36 mg of a product containing the growthdams or later in the grazing season for steers suckling promoting Zeranol. At the end of the experiment they younger dams. documented a 5.3% increase in average daily gain. The amount of added gain potential that implants Over a 130 day pasture period implanted steers would



54 | JULY 2018

commercial corner post GW provide would make one think nearly every steer turned out should have one in its ear. However, according to the 2008 National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) survey, the use of implant technology in suckling calves has actually declined from 14 percent to 9.8 percent over a tenyear period. The reasons for this decline are not fully known or understood. Some of these non-implanted calves are likely being sold into specialty or branded programs that prohibit anabolic implant use. However, another reason cattle managers leave suckling implants out of their tool box is the “stigma� that calves implanted in the suckling phase are discounted at the sale barn. In 2015 Rogers and colleagues published results from studying the effects of growth-promoting implant status on sale price of beef calves sold through livestock video auction services from 2010 to 2013. Over the three years they noted about 28% of the weaned steers marketed had received an implant prior to weaning. They found that implant status of calves

had no effect on the sale price of beef calves. In other words there were no discounts as a result of using implant technology or more over no cattle received premiums for their non-implant status. Another reason suckling calf implant use may have declined is the thought that previously implanted calves do not respond as well to subsequent implants in the growing and finishing phase. Two SDSU studies, one by Pritchard and colleagues (2015) and one by Web and colleagues (2017) further studied the impact of suckling calf implants on post-weaning live animal and carcass performance. Both studies found there were no effects on average daily gain, or feed efficiency in the receiving, backgrounding or finishing phase if a calf was previously implanted during the suckling phase of life. Both studies found there were no negative impacts from suckling implants on subsequent carcass characteristics. So after ruminating on all that—who will take the deal proposed in the first paragraph? D Courtesy of igrow.org



GW registry tips ‘n tricks

Tools to Make Our Job Easier By Taylor Evans


Next, all your active females will be listed below the bull information. Choose all the females you would like to mate the bulls to by checking the box in the column “calculate this cow”. Once you have chosen your females, you will click the button under the table in the center column that’s labeled “Calculate Progeny EPDs based on these bulls”. (image 4)

ver wondered how your calves EPDs will turn out when you choose a particular mating? Ever contemplated breeding an individual female to a bull tailored to her strengths? Of course you have—we all have. There is a tool to help you make those decisions, and it is already at your fingertips. The Progeny Calculator is located on the AGA Online Registry Service. There are two versions (Bull or Female) of this handy tool and each can be tailored to your needs. (Image 1)

Image 1 The Bull option allows you to choose two bulls from any breed, as long as they are in the Gelbvieh registry, and pull up their EPDs side by side. First enter in the bulls registration number in the box at the top of the screen, the click on “retrieve this bull’s information” to see his EPDs. (Image 2 & 3)

Image 4 The resulting progeny will populate along both sides of the selected females under the respective bull. The numbers generated estimate the progeny’s for each trait where data is present. (Image 5) The second version of this calculator is the femalebased version. You will go through the same steps: Enter in the females registration number at the top of the screen; select the bulls you want to mate her to; click on “calculate progeny EPDs based on this cow”, which is right under the females EPDs; view the resulting progeny next to the selected bulls. The results can be interpreted the same way as the bull version stated above. (image 6)

Image 2 & 3

56 | JULY 2018

continued on page 58

Herd sires like these are the FOUNDATION of our program.

JRI Multitool 706A22

AMGV 1266881 • BA63 Homo Black • Homo Polled •

High growth, calving ease son of JRI Marshall 214X2 in a homo black, homo polled package.

Great birth to growth spread. BW 78, WW 821, & YW 1,313

2016 calf crop birth weight ranged from 64 to 84 lbs. Average of 72 lbs.

Top 4% of breed for CED Top 15% of breed for BW CED 19

BW -2.5

WW 60

YW 92

MK 24

TM 57


HP 5.41

PG30 -0.67

ST 12

DMI 0.00

YG -0.29

CW 21

JRI scale buster 164e2

REA 0.00

MB 0.36

$COW 92.94

FPI 79.70

EPI 93.81

AMGV 1386376 • BA50 Homo Black • Homo Polled •

2018 National Champion Balancer Pen of 3 member and Runner-up 2018 People’s Choice Balancer Futurity Bull.

16.6 square inch yearling ribeye/4.4 IMF/ 0.34 RF

Honored Dam of Merit grandam and Dam of Distinction Grandams’

Top 10% of breed for YW & FPI Top 15% of breed for WW, CW & MB CED 13

BW -0.7

WW 51

YW 81

MK 21

TM 46


HP 6.80

PG30 -0.90

ST 7

DMI 0.07

YG -0.38

CW 17

JRI Secret Link 214D98

REA 0.04

MB -0.20

$COW 65.38

FPI 56.71

EPI 65.68

AMGV 1351066 • PB94 Homo Black • Homo Polled •

Calving ease powerhouse homo black, homo polled purebred Secret Instinct son.

Secret Link’s incredible dam, JRI Ms Black Secret 214U88, was honored as a Dam of Merit female and Dam of Distinction. Her first calf is the ever popular calving ease AI sire JRI Marshall 214X2.

Top 15% of breed for CED CED 13

BW -0.7

WW 51

YW 81

MK 21

TM 46


HP 6.80

PG30 -0.90

ST 7

DMI 0.07

YG -0.38

CW 17

REA 0.04

MB -0.20

$COW 65.38

FPI 56.71

We only sell QUALITY two year old bulls Holle Gelbvieh by private treaty. Orrin & Kevin Holle Semen for all bulls available through Oberlin, KS Cattlemen’s Connection • 800-743-0026 785.626.0081 For information and history of our program visit: WWW.KANSASBULLS.COM

EPI 65.68

GW registry tips ‘n tricks continued from page 56

Image 5 If you have any questions regarding this tool and how to use it more efficiently please don’t hesitate to call the AGA office at 303-465-2333. D

Image 6

Iowa Breeders

Neola, Iowa

Gelbvieh-Angus-Balancer Black & Polled Private Treaty Sales Breed-leading Performance from Quality Genetics

Kevin Gunderson: 402-510-8103

58 | JULY 2018

Al Schulz: 402-676-5292

Kenyon Cattle LLC & Little Sioux Gelbvieh/ Red Angus • Bulls for sale at Seedstock Plus Sales • Females for sale Private Treaty Jack Welle 2645 180th Ave. Milford, Iowa 51351 Home: 712-338-2143 • Cell: 712-251-4641

E-mail: jwelle@evertek.net

Martens Gelbvieh

Gary Martens 2126 500th St • Walnut, IA 51577

712.764.5007 (H) • 712.249.5744 (C) martensgl@yahoo.com

Annual Bull and Female sale in March with the Southwest Iowa Gelbvieh Group

Gelbvieh’s State and Regional Presence


Montana Gelbvieh Association www.montanagelbvieh.org Gelbvieh Association In Nebraska North Carolina Gelbvieh Association www.ncgelbvieh.com North Dakota Gelbvieh Association www.ndgelbviehassociation.com

tate and regional associations play an important role in the dissemination of the Gelbvieh and Balancer® message throughout the country. In the U.S. there are 17 state and regional Gelbvieh associations. A state Gelbvieh association is an independent organization and affiliated with the American Gelbvieh Association. Primarily, state associations help increase the demand for Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics and foster relationships among seedstock breeders, commercial producers, and allied industry partners within the state and region. Activities of state associations can include state sponsored Gelbvieh and Balancer sales, field days, tours, meetings, shows and junior events.

Ohio Valley Gelbvieh Association www.ohiogelbvieh.com Oklahoma Gelbvieh Association oklahomagelbvieh.com South Dakota Gelbvieh Association www.southdakotagelbviehassociation.com Tennessee Gelbvieh Association www.cattletoday.com/tngelbvieh Utah/Idaho Gelbvieh Association The Gelbvieh Breeders Of Virginia

Below is the listing of each state and regional association. A full officer list along with contact information can be found on www.gelbvieh.org under the Membership tab. The AGA will also include the state officer list in the Annual AGA Membership Directory, which will be mailed to all members with the August Gelbvieh World.

South Dakota & Minnesota Breeders

Colorado Gelbvieh Association Facebook: Colorado Gelbvieh Association Heart Of America Gelbvieh Association www.heartofamericagelbvieh.com Gelbvieh Breeders Of Iowa www.gelbviehbreedersofiowa.org

ADKINS GELBVIEH Gelbvieh & Balancer Performance Genetics

Bulls and Heifers for sale by private treaty

(605) 354-2428 Cell gerald@adkinsgelvbieh.com www.adkinsgelbvieh.com

Gerald & Sarah Adkins

41606 195th St., Carpenter, SD 57322

Kansas Gelbvieh Association www.kansasgelbvieh.org Facebook: Kansas Gelbvieh Association

SwenSon Gelbvieh

Kentucky Gelbvieh Association Facebook: Kentucky Junior Gelbvieh Association/ Kentucky Gelbvieh Association Mississippi Gelbvieh Association Facebook: Mississippi Gelbvieh Association

Dean Swenson

17513 Hwy 10 Little Falls, MN 56345 swen@centurylink.net (h) 320.632.5848 • (c) 320.630-5536 Keith, Janice, Dustin & Britney

605-852-2131 kvolek@venturecomm.net www.volekranch.com

Polled • Purebred Red • Black



GW industry news

Registration Open for 2018 Stockmanship & Stewardship Regional Tour


tockmanship & Stewardship is a unique two-day educational experience featuring low-stress cattle handling demonstrations, Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) educational sessions, and facility design sessions to best run your operation and industry updates. The program is sponsored by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), Boehringer Ingelheim, and the checkoff-funded National Beef Quality Assurance program.

By attending a Stockmanship & Stewardship event, producers will have the opportunity to become BQA certified, network with fellow producers, partake in hands-on demonstrations from stockmanship experts and learn cutting-edge operation techniques. “These events allow producers to network with one another and learn from industry experts about real world solutions to everyday problems they encounter on their operations,” said Chase DeCoite, the director of Beef Quality Assurance for NCBA. “Beyond animal handling, each of these events incorporates valuable information about animal health, environmental stewardship, and much more.” To learn more and register for an upcoming Stockmanship & Stewardship event, visit www. StockmanshipAndStewardship.org. Registration is open for all programs except for Tulare, Calif. D Source: National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

The tour features stops in Clemson, S.C., from Aug. 24-25, Montrose, Colo., from Sept. 21-22, Stephenville, Texas, from Oct. 5-6, Pasco, Wash., from Oct. 12-13, and Tulare, Calif., from Dec. 12-13, and will be led by stockmanship experts Curt Pate, Ron Gill and Dean Fish. “Improving your stockmanship skills is a very low cost, high return investment of time and money to improve profit and the quality of life for humans and animals,” said stockmanship expert Curt Pate, “and that’s what the Stockmanship & Stewardship programs are all about.”


We are Planning to sell our Ranch and move to a small acreage next Spring – and we are offering all of our Cattle.

They are Daughter’s of Black Impact, Astro, Black Impulse, S A V Travel 004, RWG Traction, Lazy T.V. Watchman, Mr At Ease 510C, Saugahatchee 3000C, DLW Wardon and others. There are some DONOR FEMALES in this group. Come Take Your Pick. All Females that are of breeding age are bred back for Spring 2019 Calving. We will post all Reg. Numbers on our web-page at www.yodersprairieacres.com

For more information call Chester at 330-231-0339 or e-mail chesyoder@yahoo.com

60 | JULY 2018

industry news GW Land Transition Can Lead to Unintended Consequences By Allan Vyhnalek, UNL Extension Educator, Farm/Ranch Succession and Transition


randpa and Grandma farmed. They retired. They had two irrigated quarters. They had two sons who had started farming operations themselves. So, their transition plan was to give a quarter to each of the sons at their passing. Grandpa passed away, followed by the Grandmother about a year or so later. The lawyer handling the estate was not given specific instructions about the transfer of the quarters. He just put number one and number two in a hat, the sons drew a number. Then there were problems. Turns out that one quarter was nearly perfect. Good soil, highly productive, and had a good well. The second quarter was sandy, alkali spots, significantly less productive and had a well that was in trouble, actually sucked air at times. There was a huge argument about being fair. One son felt it was fair that each got a quarter. The son who got quarter two didn’t feel like he was treated equitably at all. I call this the story of unintended consequences. The Grandparents didn’t set this transition up to succeed. They probably made several assumptions that I’ve heard before. 1) “We probably should designate who gets which quarter, but I won’t be here, I really won’t care at that point.” 2)”Those two boys always got along while we were alive, and I’m sure that they will in the future.” 3) “The farmland will always be in the family.” All of these are easy assumptions to make, but simply do not set up the remaining family members for a successful farm/ranch transfer. Of the three assumptions, the first two were the problems in this situation. First, we should not assume anything. Especially about family getting along after one generation is gone. If you have a distribution of assets in place, be sure that information is communicated those involved parties prior to your passing. In this case, if the brothers had known what the distribution plans were, they may have asked the parents to devise a way to make

that transfer more equal or fair. It would have been easy to make this transition more equitable. Many options exist; however, the simplest might be to have the land evaluated by a Certified Ag Land Appraiser. When the difference in value was calculated, the son who got the land that was worth more would compensate the other for ½ of the value difference. For example, if the poorer land was appraised at $250,000, and the good quarter was appraised at $350,000, then the difference is $100,000. The son who received the first quarter would compensate the other son $50,000 – or ½ of the difference in the two quarters. I’d also suggest that the money not be due all at once, but could be paid out in installments over a period of time. For $50,000 you might space payments out over 10 years, or $5,000 per year. If we receive assets, we should feel blessed to have parents who are able to give that farm, for example, worth hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars, to the next generation. But because the assets are worth that large sum of money, we have to be sure to think through the unintended consequences of our actions or inactions. When you visit with Ag Professionals who work with farm families, the number one problem in setting up successful farm/ranch transfers is the lack of communication. Be sure to get good communications started within the generations and across generations. Some of the older generation feel that sharing personal information isn’t appropriate. In the case of asset and business transfer or succession, all those involved should be included in discussions and negotiations when appropriate. For those who don’t have their farm transition or succession plan in place, be sure to get started on that process. To begin with, don’t get caught up in the legal terms of passing assets. For example, don’t worry about the tools like a will, trust, LLC, or corporation. To get your affairs in order, just think about what you’d like to have happen to your assets. Set that vision first. When you know what you’d like to do with your ‘stuff ’, then go see a lawyer who will recommend the right ‘tool’ to use to get the desired result. D Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln



Reach 50,000 Beef Producers... and 10 Million cows by advertising in

The American Gelbvieh Association’s official Commercial Publication.

• Direct mails to more than 50,000 commercial producers and Gelbvieh seedstock producers • Provided as handouts at local, regional and national events • $0.026 per impression for full page – full color ad. • Ad size can be tailored to fit your budget

September Issue Schedule Ad reservation and ad copy due: August 1 Camera ready ads due: August 10 September issue will mail: August 27

To reserve ad space or for assistance with ad development, contact:

Lynn Valentine

Gelbvieh Media Productions Coordinator lynnv@gelbvieh.org 303.465.2333

Coles Bend Cattle Company CCRO Carolina Leverage 3214A Carolina Leverage has made his mark on the Gelbvieh breed. He topped the 2014 C Cross production sale, this combined with semen syndicate packages sold valued him just over $100,000. He has sired sell toppers all across the country for both the 20017 and 2018 sale seasons. His popularity is driven by his ability to sire true performance cattle. Ranking in the top 2% of the breed for weaning and yearling weight. Top 10% for Milk and top 1% Total Maternal and top. The impact of Leverage genetics will be felt in the Gelbvieh breed for years to come.

JKGF New Horizon C51 ET

CED 8 ST 15

BW 0.1 DMI 0.06

WW 95 YG -0.49

YW 143 CW 54

MK 38 REA 0.82

TM 86 MB -0.09

CEM 8 $COW 133.72

HP 14.49 FPI 85

PG30 3.19 EPI 154.36

New Horizon is our most recent purchase. We selected him for his ability to improve carcass quality and performance. He ranks in the top 1% of the breed for MB, top 2% for REA and top 1% for FPI. Making him a unique breeding peace. CED 9 ST 9

BW 2.3 DMI -0.02

WW 86 YG -0.54

YW 129 CW 49

MK 24 REA 0.82

TM 68 MB 0.25

CEM 3 $COW 91.94

HP 7.73 FPI 85.18

PG30 3.01 EPI 126.13

CCRO Carolina Exclusive 1230Y Carolina Exclusive was the high selling bull at the 2012 C Cross sale and has gone in to be a breed changer. Carolina Exclusive adds growth and carcass quality to his offspring. He has exceeded the expectations of many who have used him. His EPDs rank in the top 3% for WW, top 1%YW,top 1% CW & top 10% FPI; the top 2% for top 4%REA,$Cow 15% and EPI 2% CED 6 ST 11

BW 3.8 DMI 0.00

WW 91 YG -0.47

YW 145 CW 61

MK 17 REA 0.76

TM 62 MB -0.16

CEM 4 $COW 106.65

HP 11.99 FPI 74.85

PG30 1.20 EPI 161.75

JKGF Reflex X4 ET Reflex has adds maternal traits and eye appeal to his calves. He ranks in the top 10% of the breed for Milk and the top 4% Total Maternal. Reflex calves have been very competitive in the show ring with a daughter being named the 2013 Breeders Choice Heifer Futurity. CED 10 ST 7

BW 0.6 DMI -0.16

WW 80 YG -0.46

YW 103 CW 31

MK 36 REA 0.86

TM 76 MB -0.55

CEM 4 $COW 68.51

HP 4.40 FPI 63.52

PG30 1.72 EPI 54.13

Coles Bend Cattle Company • Trent Jones • Smith Grove, KY • 270.590.5266

GW industry news

Are the BOLT EPDs More Accurate Than Our Previous Cornell EPDs? By Mahdi Saatchi, Rohan L. Fernando, Lauren Hyde, Jackie Atkins, Steve McGuire, Wade Shafer, Matt L. Spangler, and Bruce Golden, IGS Genetic Evaluation Team and Consultants The ASA and International Genetic Solution (IGS) partners invested in a new and improved genetic evaluation software called BOLT to replace the Cornell EPD evaluation system. Among other benefits, this enables the use of single-step methods for incorporating genomic information into National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) instead of the blending approach. In the BOLT single-step process, the DNA marker genotypes are directly incorporated into the genetic evaluation along with the phenotypes (performance data) and the pedigree. As a result, the genomic data has an impact not only on the genotyped individual, but also on all the relatives of that genotyped individual. This allows for the genomic information to improve the accuracy of non-genotyped relatives.

The BOLT single-step method squeezes more information from the DNA markers by allowing for certain DNA markers to have a larger influence on predicting the genetic merit of an animal than other DNA markers while some DNA markers to have no effects on trait(s) of interest (for progeny equivalents of select traits, see page 22). This model is closer to what we expect based on biology where some parts of an animal’s genome (orgenes) play more important roles than other parts of its genome (or genes). This is unique to the IGS single-step method compared to other organiza- tions where the DNA marker information is used to adjust relationships among the individuals. Many ASA members and IGS partners wonder if the BOLT EPDs are more accurate than the Cornell derived EPDs in the real world? To answer this question, we performed a validation study where we ran a data set (pedigree, performance, genomics) through both genetic evaluation software (BOLT and Cornell) to compare the accu- racies of the EPDs produced. To enable a fair comparison, we removed the performance records of animals born in 2015 and later from the evalua- tion in both systems to be used as progeny performance records for validation purposes. Table 1 shows the correlations between EPDs and progeny performance of non-genotyped sires eval- uated in both systems that have progeny born in 2015 or later with recorded birth, weaning, and yearling weights. As shown, the BOLT EPDs are more accurate than Cornell EPDs as the correla- tions are higher for BOLT EPDs with sires’ progeny performances.

Table 1- The correlations between BOLT vs. Cornell EPDs with progeny performance of non-genotyped sires for birth, weaning and yearling weights.


N of Sires



Birth weight




Weaning weight 21,571



Yearling weight




To have a better sense of improvement in accuracies, we ranked sires based on either BOLT or Cornell EPDs for birth, weaning and yearling weights. Then, we compared the progeny performance of the top 1% vs bottom 1% ranked sires for each trait in each evaluation system. The results are shown in Table 2.

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industry news GW Table 2 – The average progeny performance of non-genotyped sires ranked based on

either BOLT or Cornell EPDs




N of sires



Top 1% Bottom 1% Difference


Top 1% Bottom 1% Difference

Top 1%

BW 29,151








WW 21,571









1111.3 895.6



YW 10,849 1151.5 915.8

As you can see, the BOLT single-step EPDs ranked sires more accurately than EPDs from the Cornell software, where progenies of top 1% ranked sires based on the BOLT EPDs are +3.1, +16.8 and +40.2 lb heavier at birth, weaning and year-ling. These results are exciting, and show that our investment in new technology will lead to more accurate EPDs. D

Rumfelt B Gelbvieh Selling quality Gelbvieh and BalancerÂŽ bulls and females by private treaty year round.

Brad Rumfelt | Phillipsburg, MO | 417-664-6936 | brumfelt7556@gmail.com GELBVIEH WORLD |


Committee Involvement Important for AGA’s Success The following is the list of American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) members who have been nominated to serve on various AGA committees. Committee appointments are effective through April 1, 2019. Thank you in advance to these members for their service on the committees and their dedication to the AGA. Committee members are appointed to serve on committees by the AGA president through expressed interest by members, staff, recommendations and board of directors approval. The AGA annual committee meetings will be held during the 48th Annual National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, November 28-30, 2018, and are

open to all AGA members. Additional committee meetings are held, as needed, via teleconference throughout the year. Any member in attendance at the properly assembled AGA committee meeting my participate in the discussion of the committee and offer motions for approval, even though they are not an official member of the committee. AGA’s current strategic plan calls for an increase in member participation in committees. The goal achieved in 2018 was to have 10 percent of each committee’s roster be composed of members not having served on that committee the prior year.


Member Education

Staff Liaison: Megan Slater, Colorado

Staff Liaison: Megan Slater, Colorado

Chair: Walter Teeter, North Carolina

Staff Liaison: Angela Vesco, Colorado

Co-Chair: John Carrel, Montana

Chair: William McIntosh, Kentucky

Rick Locatelli, Oklahoma

Co-Chair: David Slaughter, Kentucky

Neal Pearson, South Dakota

Steve Fiolkoski, Colo.

Dustin Rippe, Kansas

Brent Overmiller, Kansas

Tyler Keckley, Ohio

Cory Voss, Nebraska Josh Phillips, Missouri

Breed Improvement Staff Liaison: Tonya Amen, Colorado Chair: Dan Warner, Nebraska Co-Chair: Dustin Aherin, Kansas Dan Larson, Minnesota Bob Prosser, Arizona Michael Rea, Colorado Sasha Rittenhouse, Ohio Lowell Rogers, Mississippi Tom Scarponcini, Minnesota

66 | JULY 2018

Nominating Committee Chair: Neal Pearson, South Dakota Co-Chair: Rob Arnold, North Dakota Mark Goes, Nebraska Stuart Jarvis, Kansas Duane Strider, North Carolina

Breed Promotions

National Show

Staff Liaison: Angela Vesco, Colorado

Staff Liaison: Angela Vesco, Colorado

Staff Liaison: Megan Slater, Colorado

Staff Liaison: Taylor Evans, Colorado

Staff Liaison: Tom Strahm, Colorado

Chair: Andrea Murray, Oklahoma

Chair: Emily Griffiths, Indiana

Co-Chair: Justin Taubenheim, Nebraska

Co-Chair: Jeff Swanson, Nebraska

Zack Butler, Tennessee

AGJA Member: Aubree Beenken, Iowa

Samee Charriere, Washington

Sarah Heinrich, North Dakota

Jim Dobson, Oklahoma

Lori Maude, South Dakota

Jason Hightower, Kansas

Dan McCarty, Colorado

AGJA Member: Jesse Henson, North Carolina

Brandon McEndaffer, Colorado

KC Youngblood, Kansas

Lowell Rogers, Mississippi

Justin Covington, Colorado

John Steffensen, Missouri

Sydney Wilkinson, Colorado

Karly Alexander, Oklahoma

Rules & Bylaws National Sale

Staff Liaison: Megan Slater, Colorado

Staff Liaison: Angela Vesco, Colorado

Chair: Leland Clark, Kansas

Staff Liaison: Tom Strahm, Colorado

Co-Chair: Jeff Loveless, Utah

Chair: Doug Hughes, Virginia

Mark Covington, Colorado

Co-Chair: Klint Sickler, North Dakota

Dustin Kittle, Alabama

Tanner Aherin, Kansas

John Shearer, Kansas

Roger Gatz, Kansas

Vaughn Thorstenson, South Dakota

Kyle Helms, Nebraska

Derek Stuecken, Missouri

Brad Ridinger, Coloardo Gina Thorstenson, South Dakota Zack Rupp, Oklahoma Andy LeDoux, South Dakota

Awards Committee Staff Liaison: Megan Slater, Colorado Chair: Dennis Gustin, North Dakota Co-Chair: Randy Sieknecht, Iowa Dave Judd, Kansas Tom Murphy, Nebraska Ronnie Rogers, Missouri

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DNA Testing and Genomic Technology


ver the past several years, AGA members have embraced DNA testing and have provided an enormous amount of information to the AGA registry, which is used to better predict the genetic merit of registered Gelbvieh and BalancerÂŽ cattle. The progress of genomics testing as resulted in high accuracy genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs) for enhanced selection, management and heightened breed improvement. The AGA commends its members for stepping up and embracing the technology to provide their customers with the most reliable genetic data possible.

429% 2014.....................................................................................2017

Parentage testing increased 429% from 2014 to 2017. A whopping 6,162 samples were parentage tested in 2017.

23% In 2017, 450 AGA members took advantage of DNA testing technology. That’s a 23% increase from 2015. High-density (GGP-HD) panel and low-density (GGP-LD) panel genomic tests totaled 5,327 animals in 2017. Each animal tested with either a GGP-HD or GGP-LD test receives genomic-enhanced EPDs.

Members submitted 9,255 DNA samples to GeneSeekÂŽ laboratory in 2017!

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Total genomic testing increased 3.4 percent from 2016 to 2017.


Time Traveler 450X

AMGV 1175265 • BA75 • Sire: RTRM Headline






Covington Gelbvieh Montrose, CO


GW AGA news

Data Collection Incentives Program


he American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) continually strives to provide the most accurate data to describe Gelbvieh and Balancer®-influenced cattle. Increasing the amount of both phenotypic data collected and number of animals with genotypes is essential in further increasing the accuracy of this data. The AGA recognizes that collection of some of this essential data is expensive to collect and therefore the AGA has designed an incentive program for those members who are dedicated to providing such data to the AGA Online Registry Service as well as the accuracy and value of that information. The AGA is offering monetary incentives for members who participate in DNA testing of both bulls and females, gathering feed intake phenotypes and sired-identified carcass data. Each of these incentive programs is described below.

DNA Testing Incentive #1: DNA testing young bulls: AGA members who complete a GGP-Low Density (GGP-LD) or GGP-High Density (GGPHD) panel on a minimum of 30 percent of each year’s entire male calf crop will receive a $2 per head rebate on their entire cowherd’s annual herd assessment in the subsequent calendar year. Only bulls who are under one year of age when tested will be eligible for the incentive program. This incentive program begins with the 2018-born male calf crop and herd assessment rebates will be given starting in 2019. Herd assessment rebates will be given once herd assessments are completed by the member and must be done so by the March 15 herd assessment deadline. Once herd assessments are completed the appropriate rebate will be placed on the member account based on the number of females assessed. Incentive #2: DNA testing replacement females: AGA members that complete a GGP-LD, GGP-HD, or GGP-Ultra Low Density (GGP-uLD) panel test on a minimum of 30 percent of each year’s entire female calf crop will receive a $2 per head

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rebate on their entire cowherd’s annual herd assessment in the subsequent calendar year. Only females who are under one year of age when tested will be eligible for the incentive program. This incentive program begins with the 2018-born female calf crop and herd assessment rebates will be given starting in 2019. Herd assessment rebates will be given once herd assessments are completed by the member and must be done so by the March 15 herd assessment deadline. Once herd assessments are completed the appropriate rebate will be placed on the member account based on the number of females assessed.

Feed Efficiency and Carcass Data Feed Intake Phenotypes: AGA members that report feed intake data that is acceptable to the National Cattle Evaluation (NCE), animals with one known Gelbvieh or Balancer registered parent and are in contemporary groups with two or more head, will receive a $10 credit to their account for each animal record. Feed efficiency data must be collected in an intake system that is acceptable to the Beef Improvement Federation and NCE. Data points that need to be turned in are: • • •

Feed intake Gain on test (start and stop weights) Residual Feed Intake (RFI)

Eligibility for this incentive credit will begin with bulls and heifers born in 2017 or later. Credits will be placed on the members account once data is submitted and has been accepted by the NCE. Carcass Data: AGA members that report actual carcass data of animals with a known pedigree will receive a $4 credit per animal record to their AGA account. Data must be acceptable to the NCE, animals with one known Gelbvieh or Balancer Registered parent and are in contemporary groups with two or more head. Data points that need to be turned in include: • • • • •

Carcass weight Dressing percent Ribeye area Calculated yield grade Marbling score

Eligibility for this incentive credit will begin with cattle born in 2017 or later. Credits will be placed on the members account once data is submitted and has been accepted by the NCE. For questions regarding the AGA member incentives program, please call the AGA office at 303-465-2333. D

GW industry news

Key Performance Indicators for Beefier Ranch Management By Rebecca Mettler


he adage “You can’t manage what you don’t measure,” is more accurate today than ever in the beef industry. Tighter margins and more market volatility should have producers’ attention. Management matters and producers should be continually searching for ways to better manage their operation. Key performance indicators (KPI) are metrics for producers to gauge profitability and efficiency. Utilizing KPIs on a beef cattle operation is less heard of than in other industries, including the dairy industry. Stan Bevers, owner of Ranch KPI, of Vernon, Texas describes a KPI as a key activity or operation on the ranch that can be measured and managed. KPI examples on a cattle operation include weaned calves, cow-calf, retained yearling calves, replacement heifer development, wildlife cells, hay production, crop production, and any other activity on the farm or ranch that contributes to the overall bottom line. “It can be as simple as hay production. The KPI of hay production is knowing what it costs your operation to produce a ton of hay. It’s an important number to know over time.” Bevers, who is a ranch financial consultant for ranches all over the United States first starts at the ranch level with a simple question: did the operation, taking into account all-inclusive activity, make money? He considers this the 30,000-foot-view. After evaluating the whole, he evaluates each piece separately. Then begins the look at specific financial and production records for each activity to determine its productivity and contribution to the operation. “There are a million people in this industry that want to make you more productive; I want to make you more efficient and make you more money,” Bevers said. While changes in cattle management can often cause increases in cattle productivity, increases

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in productivity don’t always equate to added net revenue. KPI targets are determined by individual ranch analysis, beef cattle standard performance analysis (SPA) data, which was initiated by National Cattlemen’s Beef Association as a producer-lead effort to analyze cow-calf costs, and with managerial ranch accounting data. “I’m not talking about maximizing production, I’m talking about maximizing efficiency,” Bevers said. To analyze, Bevers breaks down the ranch into profit centers, cost centers, and support centers. Profit centers are broken down into each ranch activity, as described above and cost centers are the variable costs to each of the activities. Support centers can be thought of as the “fixed costs” of the operation and must be absorbed into activities that sell ranch products. The four support centers are always the same: general and administrative, labor and management, machinery and equipment, and interest. Ranching is a very capitalizing industry with a lot of fixed assets. Fixed costs equate to roughly 65 percent of expenses, which means that for every dollar in revenue, 65 cents goes to pay for the costs under the four support center ratio categories. The other 35 cents goes to pay variable costs, e.g., feed, animal health services, fertilizer, etc. “And oh by the way, who would like some net income,” Bevers stated. The only way to decrease fixed costs in the short run is to increase the number of units applied against the fixed costs. Bevers explains that if a producer can add 100 cows and not add any labor or inputs, e.g., fence, with possibly the addition of a lease, it’s something to consider from a decreasing fixed cost standpoint. The rate of return on assets (ROA), on a cash basis, is a financial KPI to track over time. ROA should be targeted at greater than 2 percent for 2018 and is figured by net ranch income (plus interest paid) divided by the total assets, according to Bevers. Readjustment of the ROA target is needed annually because the net income is going to change every year, too. Market annalists suggest that 2019 profits will be lower. Bevers questioned whether 2019 ROA target should be 1 percent, which is entirely possible.

industry news GW “If you look into a crystal ball, and you know revenue is going to drop, at least you know. If your revenue is going to fall 5 percent from this year to last year, how would you plan for it?” Record market prices can cover up a lot of mistakes and some bad management, according to Bevers. The rate of return on assets trend line looks a lot like the cattle market trend line, which leads to the question of whether cattle producers are at the mercy of the vulgarity of the cattle market? Bevers’ response is an astounding “sometimes, yes.” As far as cow-calf production KPIs, one of the most critical is the number of pounds weaned per cow exposed, which Bevers sets the general target at 460 pounds. While that figure may seem low, Bevers reminds producers that pounds weaned per cow exposed is taking into account the open females and ones that lost their calves before weaning, not just the females that weaned a calf. The calculation is explained as the total pounds weaned divided by all females that were exposed and intended to be bred. “If I’m seeing 400-pound weaning weight average at nine months of age, that really throws up a red flag. In that case, the rancher would benefit from doing something to increase weaning weights.”

Genetics obviously influence weaning weights, however, the weather is the number one influencer of weaning weights, followed by days of age, which points to the benefits of more calves being born at the beginning of the calving season. “Nearly 30 percent of the variation of the pounds weaned per cow exposed is the deviation from the average rainfall.” Bevers also lists out several other general rules of thumb for cow-calf production cost and revenue goals: •

The cost per hundredweight of weaned calf target should be less than $170/cwt

Revenue from breeding females should be greater than $900

The cost per female needs to be less than $861 per female

For the ranching operation to be running like a well-oiled machine, all personnel involved need to be focused on improving the efficiency and profit of the operation. Managing the cowherd like the business that it is, can help ensure the financial sustainability. While the ranching lifestyle is a perk of running cattle, economics is still king. D

breeders corner GW




J & K GELBVIEH FARM, INC. Jerry & Karen Wilson 335 Gelbvieh Lane, Ava, IL 62907 618-521-8620 • jkgf88@frontier.com

3 G Ranch

Gelbvieh Cattle For Sale Carl, Rebecca & Emily Griffiths

1577 N 600 E • Kendallville, IN 46755

260/897-2160 • ggge3g@embarqmail.com



Your call or visit is Always Welcome

Promote Your Operation

Advertise with a State Round-up ad in the the two issues of the Profit Picture and the Herd Reference issue of Gelbvieh World

For information about advertising, call Lynn at the AGA office • 303.465.2333



GW news

Summer Feeder Calf Sales


his summer American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) marketing staff will be traveling the country attending video feeder calf sales. The AGA is once again working with Superior Livestock Auction, Western Video Market, and Cattle Country Video. This year, the AGA will be expanding its feeder calf sale exposure to Northern Livestock Video. At these events the AGA typically sets up a booth with materials regarding the power of Gelbvieh and Balancer influence at the feeder calf level. Throughout the events, the AGA staff has a chance to network with video reps, other industry professionals, and producers who market their cattle on the video. If any producers are in the area of the video sales, please stop by and say hi! Also, don’t hesitate to take advantage of the AGA’s FREE Feeder Finder service to assist in marketing load

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lots of Gelbvieh and Balancer-influenced feeder cattle, including groups selling through these video markets. Producers with load lots of feeder cattle are encouraged to fill out the form found on www.gelbvieh.org. These cattle are then listed for free on the AGA website and presented to feedyards across the country via email. To sign up to review these emails, please contact the AGA office at 303-465-2333 or email info@gelbvieh.org. D Superior Livestock: Big Sky Roundup, Billings, Montana, June 27 and 28 Week in the Rockies, Breckenridge, Colorado, July 9 – 13 Video Royale, Winnemucca, Nevada, August 1 – 3 Big Horn Classic, Sheridan, Wyoming, August 20 – 24 Western Video Market: Reno, Nevada, July 9 – 11 Cheyenne, Wyoming, August 6 - 7 Cattle Country Video: Gering, Nebraska, August 1 - 2 Northern Livestock Video Auction: Billings, MT, July 23 - 25

Seedstock Plus Showcase Sale XIII & 10th Annual Customer Appreciation Sale! September 15, 2018 * 1 p.m. Kingsville Livestock, Kingsville, MO These Elite Gelbvieh & Balancer individuals sold in the 2017 Showcase Sale! More like them will sell!

Fall Bull Sale

October 20, 2018 12 noon Joplin Regional Stockyards, Carthage, MO Selling 200 - 18 month old & yearling Gelbvieh & Balancer bulls! ALL BLACK!

RED REWARD ‘Fall Edition’ Bull & Female Sale

November 3, 2018 1 p.m. United Producers Humansville, MO Selling 40 RED bulls & 100 RED females opens, breds & pairs registered & commercial

• Guaranteed Sight-Unseen Purchases! Let us help you find the bull to fit your program and needs! • Free Trucking on every bull! No fine print! • The best disposition & soundness sort! • Extensive Data & Genomic EPDs! • All Bulls Are Semen & Trich Tested! REQUEST YOUR CATALOGS • 120 RFI tested bulls sell in these sales! TODAY * 877-486-1160 • Videos of sale bulls on website the week john@seedstockplus.com before the sale! www.seedstockplus.com.

GW sales

Seedstock Plus North Missouri Bull Sale Cattle Co. sold to first time buyer Tod Bradley, Texas, for $6,750. This homozygous black/homozygous polled purebred 88 percent Gelbvieh is top 1% for YW and EPI.

February 24, 2018 Kingsville Livestock Market Kingsville, Missouri Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine Reported by John Burbank

Lot 74: GATS Gatson Full Power Dan 616D from Gatson Gelbvieh sold to Jim Cassidy, Illinois, for $6,700. This black/homozygous polled Balancer is a feed efficiency bull in the top 1% for YW and FPI.

Sale Averages 128 BalancerÂŽ Bulls 17 Gelbvieh Bulls 145 Overall Average

$3,947 $4,504 $4,012


he well established Seedstock Plus North Missouri Bull Sale was another successful event with a good crowd of new and repeat customers purchasing an outstanding set of bulls backed by the most comprehensive data and customer service in the industry. Every bull selling had genomic-enhanced EPDs and 50 percent of the sale offering was feed efficiency tested. A total of 145 bulls went through the ring and every bull sold at a rapid pace, posting a $250 per head higher average over last year’s sale. There were 107 registered buyers of which 70 bought from 15 states. Top selling bulls include: Lot 39: TMGC SB Premium Choice 175D ET from Stuecken Brothers sold to Henry Darden, Mississippi for $7,700. This homozygous black/ homozygous polled Balancer has exceptional phenotype and no holes in his EPD profile. Lot 72: RUR Houdini T69D from Rocking U Ranch sold to Russell Johnson in Missouri for $6,950. This homozygous black/homozygous polled Balancer posted a 141 gain ratio and a -1.28 RFI. Lot 120: BVC Mr. Absolute 513D ET from Flint Hills Gelbvieh sold to Jack McGinnis from Missouri, for $6,850. This homozygous black/homozygous polled Balancer is a 17 calving ease and top 25% growth bull along with a -2.78 RFI. Lot 180: TMMW Mr. Montana 164D from Mulroy Farms LLC sold to Bernard Miller, Texas for $6,800. This homozygous black/homozygous polled purebred 94 percent Gelbvieh bull is top 10% for calving ease and top 20% YW EPD. Lot 176: JEB BCC Black Leverage 38D from Burbank

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Lot 52: TMGC SB Aricson 249D from Stuecken Brothers also sold to Jim Cassidy, Illinois for $6,600. This homozygous black/homozygous polled Balancer posted a 125 gain ration and is a top 1% FPI. Lot 7: NORG Tank D126 from Norwood Gelbvieh sold to Robin Childs, Missouri, for $6,500. This homozygous black/homozygous polled Balancer is the top bull in the sale for RFI with a -5.29. Lot 118: DJZ 65D from Zimmerman Farms sold to Dave Evans, Minnesota for $6,250. This homozygous black/homozygous polled Balancer is an 18 calving ease and top 10% WW and YW.

breeders corner GW



Patrick Koehn

Kittle Gelbvieh Farms Q u a l i t y B l a ck & R e d G e l b v i e h C a t t l e


73243 Carter Rd., Goltry, OK 580-541-2633 koehncattlecompany@gmail.com

Gelbvieh Genetics at Work

Dustin Kittle

Jim & Pat Dromgoole

816 Co. Rd. 36 Geraldine, AL 35974 Cell (256) 996-5822 www.kittlefarms.com

4403 Winding River Dr. • Richmond, TX 77469 Home

(281) 341-5686 • Ranch (979) 561-8144

www.dromgoolesheaven.com Show Cattle Managers: James & Shannon Worrell • (325) 258-4656






(870) 426-4469 or (870) 704-9450

15702 Hodges Rd., Omaha, AR 72662 Hodgesranch@live.com

Quality Gelbvieh & Balancer Genetics Available Private Treaty Sales

Martin Cattle Company David & Rita Martin

256 Boyce Road Judsonia, Ar 72081 C: 501.278.7614 www.martincattleco.com

Private Treaty Sales Available Year Round

Duane Miller

Cell: 870-84405664 duane83@centurytel.net www.millergelbvieh.com

OKLAHOMA LeGRAND Ed & Alberta LeGrand

809 S. Redlands Rd. • Stillwater, OK 74074

405-747-6950 • alane@c21global.com

Homo. Black, Homo. Polled • Breeding Stock Available



GW sales

Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Ranch 29th Annual Bull Sale Saturday, March 3, 2018 The Bull Yards, Ponteix, Saskatchewan Canada Auctioneer: Donnie Peacock Reported by Eileen Davidson

very welcome for the large area that anticipated it!

Sale Average:

A BIG thank you to everyone who assisted with the sale, attended, and inquired about the bulls or viewed the sale offering on videos, catalogs, and websites. To our many repeat buyers, we couldn’t get it done without you! To our new buyers, thank you for entrusting us with your new herd bull purchases!

89 Purebred Yearling Gelbvieh Bulls



avidson Gelbvieh, Vernon and Eileen Davidson, and Lonesome Dove Ranch, Ross and Tara, Ash, Cameron, Jaime, and Flynn Davidson, hosted their 29th annual bull sale at their bull yards south of Ponteix, Saskatchewan, Canada, on Saturday, March 3, 2018. Weather and storm warnings for a vast area of the Western Provinces and northern United States brought much needed precipitation over the weekend —perhaps not ideal weather for a bull sale, but the moisture was

Both new buyers and repeat buyers were in the stands, on the phones, and logged on the Internet to bid on and purchase bulls. Many bulls sold locally, within a 60-mile radius, as well as across six provinces and three states.

Plans are underway for the 30th Anniversary Davidson Gelbvieh and Lonesome Dove Ranch Bull Sale, on a NEW DATE, Friday, March 1st, 2019, at the bull yards!

Flying H Genetics Roughage ‘N Ready Bull Sale March 3, 2018 Flying H Sale Site Arapahoe, Nebraska Reported by Dick Helms


crowd of progressive cattlemen from 10 states took home 115 herd bulls at the 38th Annual Nebraska Flying H Genetics bull sale. The red Balancer® bulls topped the sale offering at an average of $5,886 with the top bulls all being ET calves. Sale topper was lot 104, a Bieber Hard Drive out of the Flying H 51P 171Y donor going to longtime customer Jones Ranch in Alabama for $10,250. The four Hard Drive ET brothers averaged $8,700. An outcross red Balancer was produced by two black (red carrier) parents—Flying H Effective 40A and donor dam Flying

80 | JULY 2018

H Sandman 80A. He went home to Beastrom Ranch in South Dakota for $9,500. The Gelbvieh bulls averaged $5,821, topped by four flush Leverage sons out of the great Flying H Ms Ideal 355Z. Herd bulls went to Hillcrest Farms, Iowa for $7,750, and Wilkinson Gelbvieh, Colorado, for $7,500. Topping the black Balancers were ET brothers by Barstow Cash and Flying H Ms Ideal 355Z. Voss Farms, Nebraska, took home their choice of these brothers at $10,000. The four Cash sons averaged $8,125. Volume buyers were from Colorado, Nebraska and Oklahoma. Selling more bulls for a higher average than last year showed the genetic strength and demand for these “BRED 4 PROFIT-BUILT 2 WORK” bulls.

It's time to book your Summer/Fall Sale Dates!

Visit GelbviehAuction.com, BalancerAuction.com, or call Rance Long 918.510.3464 or Jeff Stansberry 615.479.1852 for details.

GW breeders corner ARIZONA The Prosser Family


Barry & Dena Bolton

406.538.5280 H 406.366.0162 C 515 Knapp Lane PO Box 826 Hilger, MT 59451 dena@boltondoublebranch.com www.boltondoublebranch.com

928/289-2619 • 928/380-5149 cell Winslow, AZ


www.bartbar.com • info@bartbar.com

RFI Tested Balancer®, Gelbvieh & Angus Bulls Sell Annually in April at the Ranch

Ridge Top Ranch


Neola, Iowa

Black & Polled Private Treaty Sales

Breed-leading Performance from Quality Genetics

Kevin: 402-510-8103 Al: 402-676-5292

COLORADO Ricky Linquist th Street inquist 1135 190 inquist


Dave & Dawn Bowman

Fonda, IA 50540

arms (712) 288-5349 arms

55784 Holly Rd. • Olathe, CO 81425

(970) 323-6833 www.bowkranch.com

Gelbvieh & Red Angus

Email: rickylin@ncn.net www.linquistfarms.com

Dick & Jean Williams

Jim Roelle 38330 CR 49 Peetz, CO 80747

(C): 970-520-1224 jr.plateau@hotmail.com www.plateaugelbvieh.com

P.O. Box 156 Orovada, NV 89425 775•272•3442

“Pounds Make Profit in Your Pocket” Bulls & Heifers Private Treaty



Eric Ehresman 20963 30th St. Mechanicsville, IA 52306


(319) 489-2275 (319) 480-1564

LEDGERWOOD GELBVIEH Gelbvieh • Red Angus • Balancer® Pete & Samee Charriere


2633 Hwy 12 East • Clarkston, WA 99403

509-566-8805 • LedgerwoodGelbvieh@gmail.com “Seedstock that work for the commercial cattleman

Martens Gelbvieh

Gary Martens 2126 500th St • Walnut, IA 51577 712.764.5007 (H) • 712.249.5744 (C) martensgl@yahoo.com Annual Bull and Female sale in March with the Southwest Iowa Gelbvieh Group

MONTANA Quality livestock that Work for you Gelbvieh Carcass Quality Calving Ease Tenderness Docility

Quarter Horses Want to Please Strong Bone Intelligent Athletic

1496 Goose Creek Rd. • Raynesford, MT 59469 Ranch Phone: 406.738.4220 • BarJRGelbvieh@3rivers.net BarJRGelbvieh.com

82 | JULY 2018

Looking for a sale or event?

Check Places to Be on the website: www.GELBVIEH.org


Triple H Farms Roy & Nancy Holste 3113 260th Street Clarinda, IA 51632

712-303-0263 • 712-303-1947

Bulls and Heifers for sale Private Treaty

breeders corner GW


u Brandywine Farm


Dennis & Sherry Gustin Family Al and Peggy Gustin Mandan, ND • 701/663-7266

Tom Scarponcini

Richie & Sarah Heinrich 701/320-6484 (cell) email: gustindd@wildblue.net www.gustinsdiamondd.com

Thorstenson Gelbvieh

Selby, South Dakota Annual Bull Sale 1st Saturday in March

Brian & Dee Dee 605-649-9927

Vaughn & Wendy 605-649-6262


30474 Brandywine Road Rushford, MN 55971



SFI Schafer Farms, Inc.


37740 240th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027 Brian Schafer Lowell Schafer 1-888-226-9210 651-923-4587 brian@schaferfarm.com www.schaferfarm.com Private Treaty Bull Sale — Last Sat. in February Annually

SwenSon Gelbvieh

Dean Swenson

17513 Hwy 10 Little Falls, MN 56345 swen@centurylink.net (h) 320.632.5848 • (c) 320.630-5536

Polled • Purebred • Red • Black

SOUTH DAKOTA Beastrom Gelbvieh Ranch Registered Gelbvieh & Balancer Cattle Bulls • Heifers • Embryos • Semen

Jim & Barb Beastrom Brandy Ludemann, Brittney Spencer


Hermosa, SD

Annual Bull Sale 3rd Saturday in December.

Chimney Butte RanCh 34261 200th Street, Highmore, SD 57345 AJ Munger 605-521-4468 Commercial Sales Andy LeDoux 785-527-3188 Registered Sales 1-855-303-BULL • www.eaglepassranch.com

Doug & Carol Hille

3320 51st Street, Mandan, ND 58554 701-445-7383 or 701-220-2083 Email: chimneybutteranch@westriv.com Website: chimneybutteranch.com



Ph: 605-224-5789 • 605-280-7589 (Cell) jimbeastrom@mncomm.com • www.beastromranch.com

Lori Maude 303.809.3789 (C) Julie Maude 605.381.2803 (C)


Keith, Janice, Dustin & Britney

We want to Keep up with AGA members. Please send in information to be included in the Gelbvieh World and on our website: • Items for Events of Interest • News for Information Exchange • Dates for upcoming shows and field days. • State Association news Plus, add us to your mailing lists when sending out sale catalogs. Send all items to: Gelbvieh World 350 Interlocken Blvd., Ste. 200 Broomfield, CO 80021 lynnv@gelbvieh.org

Annual Production Sale 1st Friday in March

6700 County Rd. 19 S. Minot, ND 58701 (701) 624-2051 (H) (701) 720-8823 (C)

Rob Arnold

Email: RLAGelbvieh@aol.com

Registered Gelbvieh & Balancers®

Get ready for upcoming sales! Advertise in Gelbvieh World or the Profit Picture



GW sales

Seedstock Plus Arkansas Bull Sale bull sale was solid. Bulls were developed at Rose Bud Feeders, LLC in Rose Bud, Arkansas, and are sold with most comprehensive data and customer service in the industry. All bulls thru the ring sold at a rapid pace to new and repeat customers in the five state area of Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana.

March 3, 2018 Hope Livestock Market Hope, Arkansas Auctioneer: Lakin Oakley Reported by John Burbank

Top selling bulls include:

Sale Averages 19 39 13 71

Angus Bulls Balancer® Bulls Gelbvieh Bulls Overall Average

$2,758 $3,198 $3,146 $3,071


he second annual Seedstock Plus Arkansas Bull Sale was held in conjunction with the Four State Classic Female Sale. The overall market all day had a softer undertone due to local conditions but the

Lot 244: GATS Gatson Full Power Doc 618D ET from Gatson Gelbvieh sold to first time customer Ellis Drager, Arkansas, for $4,750. This homozygous black/ homozygous 50 percent Balancer has exceptional phenotype and is top 2% WW and YW EPD. Lot 257: SFGC Hawk 644D from Sanders Farm sold to long time repeat customer John Harris, Arkansas, for $4,500. This red, homozygous polled purebred 94 percent Gelbvieh posts a 14 CED EPD and is super deep bodied.

Seedstock Plus South Missouri Bull Sale Farms sold to Anne Gregory, Kansas, for $6,900. This homozygous black/homozygous polled purebred 94 percent Gelbvieh posted top 3% CE, 5% YW, 1% EPI and 2% FPI on his EPD profile.

March 24, 2018 Joplin Regional Stockyards Carthage, Missouri Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine Reported by John Burbank Sale Averages 109 Balancer® Bulls 26 Gelbvieh Bulls 135 Overall Average

$3,379 $3,902 $3,480


he well-established Seedstock Plus South Missouri Bull Sale was another successful event with a good crowd of new and repeat customers purchasing an outstanding set of bulls backed by the most comprehensive data and customer service in the industry. Every bull selling had genomicenhanced EPDs and 40 percent of the sale offering was feed efficiency tested. There were 106 registered buyers of which 82 bought from 14 states. Top selling bulls include: Lot 511: SKF Dunn’s Equity 70E1 ET from Sandy Knoll

84 | JULY 2018

Lot 510: SKF Dunn’s Escander 023E from Sandy Knoll Farms sold to Ed Laverentz, Kansas, for $6,300. This homozygous black/polled purebred 94 percent Gelbvieh posted top 1% for CE, MK, TM and FPI and 2% for MB and FPI. Lot 493: TMGC SB Pure Business 259D from Stuecken Brothers sold to Chance Koppenhafer, Iowa, for $6,250. This homozygous black/homozygous polled purebred 94 percent Gelbvieh has exceptional phenotype and balanced EPDs. Lot 422: JJNR Mr. Arnold B20E from Nelson Ranch sold to Jack McGinnis, Missouri for $6,200. This homozygous black/homozygous polled Balancer with excellent depth and thickness is a spread bull calving ease to growth. Lot 447: SKF Dunn’s Ellison 06E from Sandy Knoll Farms sold to Henry Darde, Mississippi for $6,000. This homozygous black/homozygous polled Balancer is a feed efficiency bull with very solid looks and EPDs.

breeders corner GW

SERVICE CENTER All your A.I. needs!!

Bull Barn Genetics 35 Years in business

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Ronn Cunningham AUCTIONEER P.O. Box 146 • Rose, OK 74364 918-629-9382 cellular

Eldon & Kathy Starr

210 Starr Dr • Stapleton, NE 69163 bullbarn@bullbarn.com 800-535-6173 www.bullbarn.com

Dan McCarty • Auctioneer • • Professional Ring Service • 970-481-5217

Cattlemen’s Connection

Specializing in

• Gelbvieh Semen Sales • Consulting • Order Buying (all purchases guaranteed) Roger & Peg Gatz (785) 742-3163 Call Toll-Free:1-800-743-0026

Visit our Web Site: www.cattlemensconnection.com

Are you a livestock photographer, an auctioneer, aspire to be a sale manager or graphic designer? Put your ad in Service Center and promote your services! Place your ad today!


Subscription and Advertising Information SUBSCRIPTION RATES: A one-year subscription to Gelbvieh World may be purchased for $35. Members of the AGA pay $35 of their membership dues to receive a subscription to Gelbvieh World. Gelbvieh World mails on or around the 25th of the month prior to publication date. Canada and Mexico - $60 U.S. for one-year. Other foreign - $85 U.S. for one-year.

Gelbvieh World Advertising Rates

CLOSING DATE: Ad materials and editorial deadline is the 25th of the month two months prior to publication date. (December issue deadline is October 25th). Ads for sale dates prior to the 15th of the month of publication are discouraged.

Full Page $780 1/3 Page $392 Column inch $30

For Feb./Sept. (Commercial Editions) and June/ July (Herd Reference Edition) please call for deadline information.

STANDARD ISSUES: Full Page $717 1/2 Page $454 1/3 Page $347 Column inch $30

2/3 Page 1/2 Page Isand 1/4 Page

$562 $482 $268

Feb./Sept. Commercial Profit Picture 1/2 Page 1/4 Page

Color: Four Color $300 additional One Additional color $150 additional

$504 $309

ADVERTISING CONTENT: The Graphic Designer and/or the Director of Administration reserve the right to reject any or all advertising on any reasonable basis. Gelbvieh World and/or American Gelbvieh Association assumes no responsibility for the advertising content as submitted. Advertisers assume all responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless Gelbvieh World and American Gelbvieh Association for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted.

Call today: 303/465-2333



GW sales

Seedstock Plus Red Reward Bull and Heifer Sale very balanced EPDs with a top 15% MB and a -1.05 RFI.

March 10, 2018 United Producers Livestock Market Humansville, Missouri Auctioneer: Billy Bruce Reported by: John Burbank 46 11 57 18 69

Balancer® Bulls Gelbvieh Bulls Overall Bull Average Registered Open Heifers Commercial Open Heifers

The top selling registered open heifer was Lot 331 KDCM CKC Ms Zues 24E from Circle K Cattle Co. This red homozygous polled Balancer has the phenotype and EPD profile to make a solid cow for buyer Derek Stuecken, Missouri, at the price of $2,100. $4,105 $5,114 $4,300 $1,630 $1,286


he first Seedstock Plus Red Reward Sale was a tremendous success. Giving customers the opportunity to evaluate and buy only red bulls and females was greatly appreciated by the attendees. The sale results are a testament to the enhanced customer service this format provided to buyers of red genetics. There were 117 registered buyers of which 54 bought from eight states. Top selling bulls include: Lot 316: KDCM CKC 101D from Circle K Cattle Co. sold to Daniel Zimmerman, Kansas, for $7,000. This red homozygous polled purebred 94 percent Gelbvieh is top 3% for CE and top 4% for YW. Lot 320: JEB BCC Red Duke 49D from Burbank Cattle Co. sold to Tony Sanders, Missouri for $6,500. This red homozygous polled purebred 88 percent Gelbvieh has excellent phenotype and a solid EPD profile. Lot 274: MTB BCC Red Balance 7D from Burbank Cattle Co. sold to Dave Freeman, Missouri, for $6,500. This red homozygous polled Balancer is top 10% for CE and top 1% for WW, YW, ST, CW, $C and FPI on EPD’s. Lot 318: RFFM Dallas Roscoe 19D from Reinert Family Farm sold to Danny Curl, Missouri, for $6,000. This red homozygous polled purebred 94 percent Gelbvieh has a CE of 15 and is very attractive. Lot 324: WOAK Astroid 07E from White Oak Farms sold to Brian Dunn, Kansas for $6,000. This red homozygous polled purebred 94 percent Gelbvieh has

86 | JULY 2018

Lot 541: SKF Dunn’s Miss Evelyn 7E40 from Sandy Knoll Farms sold to Ken Hicks, Missouri, for $2,050. This red double polled purebred 94 percent Gelbvieh has the eye appeal and growth numbers to work in any herd. Top group of five commercial open heifers were sold by Sandy Knoll Farms and purchased by David Ames, Alabama, for $1,425 per head.

sales GW Kittle Farms Building a Legacy Spring Bull Sale Twisted T Gelbvieh, Saskatchewan, Canada. The Final Frontier selection sold for $8,000 to French Farms, Big Clifty, Kentucky, and the Ditka selection sold for $5,900 to J.T. LeRoy and McMahan Cove Gelbvieh, Stevenson, Alabama.

May 12, 2018 Northeast Alabama Agri-Business Center Rainsville, Alabama Auctioneer: Clint McElmoyl Reported by: Dustin Kittle Sale Averages: 20 Gelbvieh and Balancer Bulls


5 Heifer Picks / Embryo Lots



n May 12, Kittle Farms had more than 400 guests in attendance at the “Building a Legacy” Bull Sale in Rainsville, Alabama. Bulls sold to nine states, including Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, Nebraska, and Kansas, with an embryo flush and heifer pick lot sold to Saskatchewan, Canada. The high selling bull in the sale was lot 2, KTGF Legend E002, who sold to Joshua and Tonya French with French Farms, Big Clifty, Kentucky, for $21,000. Legend is a homozygous black, homozygous polled purebred Gelbvieh Carolina Leverage son who is now the highest selling bull in the history of the Kittle Farms’ program.

Perhaps, the most competitive bidding on the day came in the sale’s final two lots. With Lot 24, French Farms, Big Clifty, Kentucky purchased four embryos from Kittle Farms’ renowned donor female, KCF Miss Fortune U490, and Ditka C85. The embryos sold for a record $10,000 ($2,500 per embryo). In lot 25, Twisted T Gelbvieh, Saskatchewan, Canada, purchased the right to an embryo flush on the dam of any bull in the sale for $20,000. Trevor Burks with Twisted T Gelbvieh, who attended the sale, announced that he intends to flush the dam of JKGF Ditka C85. The “Building a Legacy” sale was dedicated to Johnny Kittle. With that in mind, Kittle Farms is thankful to all those who helped to make this sale a success.

Other top selling purebred Gelbvieh bulls in the sale also included: Lot 1, KTGF Legacy E5 to Kyle Lane and Riverside Farms, Monterey, Tennessee, for $13,500, with Cricket Mason and Do Little Farms in Quebeck, Tennessee acquiring a future possession interest on KTGF Legacy E5; Lot 4, KTGF Iron Gate E91 to Joey Rowe, Vale, North Carolina, for $10,500; Lot 9, KTGF Solid Steel E093 to Wheeler & Son Cattle Co., Holton, Kansas, for $7,500; Lot 19, KTGF Remington E243 to Fricks Farms, Fyffe, Alabama, for $7,000; and Lot 7, KTGF Black Smoke E091 to Southeast Community College, Beatrice, Nebraska, for $5,900. Kittle Farms sold pick of the 2018 spring heifer calves off of its herd sires, including JKGF Chief Justice C205, JKGF Final Frontier C95, and JKGF Ditka C85. The Chief Justice selection was the high selling pick and sold for $15,000 to Trevor Burks and



GW breeders corner KANSAS


Harriman Santa fe

Dave & Cindy Judd Nick, Ginger Judd & Family Brent & Ashley Judd 423 Hwy. K-68 • Pomona, KS 66076 785/ 566-8371

Top of the breed sales (every day)

#1 Active Balancer Sire “B006” Marb & Feeder Profit Index (feedlot performance, carcass merit)

Balancer & SimAngus Bulls & Females

Bar Arrow Cattle Company Stuar t Jar vis

26 E. Limestone Rd. • Phillipsburg, KS 67661

e-mail: bararrow@ruraltel.net • 785/543-5177




LIZ OSWALD 620.662.0862 (h) ANDY OSWALD 620.662.5489 (o) 620.664.4692 (c)


CORY HOFFMAN Herdsman 620.960.1189 (c) oswald.j@sbcglobal.net


“Where workin’ cattle and eye appeal come full circle” John & Carla Shearer 2815 Navajo Rd. • Canton, KS 67428 circle_s@hometelco.net 620.628.4621

620.654.6507 (John Cell) • 620.654.6731 (Johnny Cell)

Annual Production Sale 1st Saturday in April

Timothy Mulroy • 785-640-6401 Mayetta, KS • tim@blackgoldinc.biz


Committed to raising quality seestock Registered Gelbvieh and Balancer® Cattle Elmer, Brenda, Brad & Benny McWilliams Asbury, MO 64832 • 417-842-3225 • 417-529-0081(cell)

POST ROCK CATTLE COMPANY 3041 E. Hwy. 284, Barnard, KS 67418 Bill Clark: 785.792.6244 Leland Clark: 785.792.6208 Fax: 785.792.6250 Email: prcc@twinvalley.net

diamond v gelbvieh


Randy odle

1210 G Rd. Stockton, ks 67669 785.737.3319 diamondv@live.com Building Gelbvieh Genetics since 1989

Bob Harriman (660) 492-2504

Private Treaty Listing www.bhsf.us

Purebred A.I. Seedstock Bulls and Heifers Available. Al & Mary Knapp Cell: (913) 219-6613 18291 158th Street H: (913) 724-4105 Basehor, KS 66007 www.triplekgelbvieh.com e-mail: knappa@swbell.net

Cattle Company Owensville, MO

Registered Gelbvieh & Balancer Cattle

Jared, Caisie, Brooke & Cameron

Gilbert & Debra

573.280.4633 573.646.3477 Bulls marketed through Seedstock Plus Go to seedstockplus.com for sale dates, catalogs & videos


B/F Cattle Company

Specializing in Forage Raised

Balancer® Bulls on K-31

Holle Gelbvieh

Orrin & Kevin Holle Oberlin, KS 785.626.0081


88 | JULY 2018

Culling practices on cows/bulls second to NONE! For information, contact:

Route 1, Box 407 • Butler, MO 64730

660 • 492 • 2808

Promote for Success! Upcoming Advertising Deadlines: September Profit Picture Ad deadline: August 1

Call 303-465-2333 today!

breeders corner GW



Mark & Patty Goes

Polled Fullblood Gelbvieh Cattle

39414 SW 75th Rd. Odell, NE 68415 (402) 766-3627

Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Wehner 22533 Spencer Lane Kirksville, MO 63501 660-665-7502

RogeRs Valley FaRm gelbVieh


Private Treaty Bull & Heifer Sales • Orchard, NE Val Livingston • www.88ranch.com • 402-655-2288

Gelbvieh Bulls Black

Breed for Tomorrow’s Cattle Today!

A Breed Leader in Tenderness & Marbling–

Kyle & Lori Kuker Shubert, NE

Balancer Females Red


402-883-2366 402-245-7512 sqblkfarms.com Facebook.com/sqblkfarms sqblkfarms@gmail.com

www.rogersvfg.com P.O. Box 51 Mendon, MO 64660 (660-375-7266 (C)

Squeakin’ By-LK Farms

J. J. Boehler

Ronald RogeRs email: rogers_valley_farm_feedlot@hotmail.com

70948 L Rd. , Orleans, NE 68966 308-473-7342 • 308-999-0207

Jeff Swanson • 308/991-0727 10908 724 Road • Oxford, NE 68967 www.swansoncattleco.com

Gelbvieh SprinG Flood ranch balancer® Jim & Sherri Michaletz 1397 Spring Flood Rd Goodman, MO 64843 417-364-5297 (O) 479-366-1234 (C) Email: jmichal@netins.net www.springfloodranch.blogspot.com

Cedar Top Ranch

Annual Sale—Last Saturday in February



Scott & Raberta Starr 212 Starr Drive • Stapleton, NE 69163 (H): 308-587-2293 • (C): 308-530-3900 cedartopranch@gpcom.net Eldon Starr: 1-800-535-6173 or Rich Johnson: 402-368-2209

Consistent Genetics Adding Pounds & Profit

Myron & Valerie Bahm 4375 White Oak Rd Fordland, MO 65652

417-753-3578(h) • 417-576-0687(c)

email: whiteoakfarms@live.com

Registered Gelbvieh & Balancer®


Nebraska & Missouri Kyle Helms – NE Cody Helms – NE/MO 308-962-6940 303-842-9071 Missouri Office 417-309-0062

Visit us at– www.flyinghgenetics.com Flying H Genetics

Stay Connected!

Keep up to date with shows, sales and other events by visiting www.GELBVIEH.org

Be sure to Like us on Facebook And look for new videos on our YouTube channel

Bulls For The BeeF Business Gelbvieh F Balancer F Red Angus F Angus F Angus Hybrids Randy & Leslie Lemke 1757 Road 2500, (H) 402-756-7090 Lawrence, NE 68957 (C) 402-469-2284 rllemke@gtmc.net www.lemkecattle.com

We want to Keep up with AGA members. Please send in information to be included in the Gelbvieh World and on our website: • Items for Events of Interest • News for Information Exchange • Dates for upcoming shows and field days. • State Association news Plus, add us to your mailing lists when sending out sale catalogs. Send all items to: Gelbvieh World 350 Interlocken Blvd., Ste. 200 Broomfield, CO 80021 lynnv@gelbvieh.org



GW breeders corner


KENTUCKY Coles Bend Cattle Company

Raising registered Gelbvieh and Balancer® cattle since 2000. Trent Jones Smith Grove, KY • 270.590.5266

TENNESSEE Quality Gelbvieh & Balancer® Cattle

ClinCh Mountain Gelbvieh

John & Liz Loy (865) 687-1968 (865) 235-8869 (C)

7611 Dyer Rd. Luttrell, TN 37779 j.b.loy@att.net

Bulls & Heifers for Sale

Transfer the registration on the bulls you sell and give your customers the tools to become more profitable. • Provides access to value added marketing services for customer’s calves


“Superior Gelbvieh and Balancer Cattle”

Chris & Jordan Hampton • Charles & Sue Hampton

Quality Gelbvieh, Angus & Balancer Cattle

Send his credentials with him...

839 Davistown Rd. Celina, TN 38551 931-243-3213 H 931-510-3213 C hamptoncattlecompany@gmail.com

Registered Bulls & Replacement Females

• Commercial customers receive a free 1-year subscription to Gelbvieh World and the Profit Picture • Allows customers to track pedigree information to manage inbreeding and maximize heterosis


(336) 964-6277

ccrosscattle@yahoo.com • ccrosscattle.com






Private Treaty Sales Available Year Round.

Roger Morris • C.W. Moss 928 Morris Road Appomattox, VA 24522 434.574.6592 Roger Morris C.W. Moss 434.315.4294 434.391.4458

Producing Black, Polled Genetics for Today & Tomorrow.

Walter & Lee Teeter 1380 French Belk Rd. • Mt. Ulla, NC 28125 (704) 664-5784

Promote Your Operation Advertise with a State Round-up ad in the the two issues of the Profit Picture and the Herd Reference issue of Gelbvieh World Call Lynn at the AGA office • 303.465.2333

90 | JULY 2018

www.knollcrestfarm.com knollcrest@knollcrestfarm.com Office (434) 376-3567 Fax (434) 376-7008 James D. Bennett 434/376-7299 Paul S. Bennett 434/941-8245 Jim G. Bennett 434/664-7935 Brian R. Bennett 434/664-8309 Dalton G. Bennett 434/664-7946 PO Box 117 • Red House, VA • 23963 Total Performance Bull Sale • Nov. 30, 2018






Farms Doug & Sue Hughes 6916 Peppers Ferry Road Max Meadows, VA 24360 C 276/620-4271 lwhf@wiredog.com

350 Interlocken Blvd., Ste. 200 Broomfield, CO 80021 303-465-2333 www.gelbvieh.org

GW events of interest July 2018 July 1-6 AGJA Corn Fed Classic, Waterloo, IA July 4 AGA office closed for Independence Day July 19-22 The Summit, IGS Youth Leadership Conference Fort Worth, TX

August 2018 Aug. 30-Sept. 1 Gelbvieh events at Oregon State Fair Aug. 31 AGA office close for Labor Day

September 2018 Sept. 3 Sept. 15 Sept. 29

AGA office closed for Labor Day Seedstock Plus Showcase Sale XIII & 10th Annual Customer Appreciation Sale, Kingsville, MO Bluegrass Gelbvieh Invitational Fall Bull & Female Sale, Mt. Sterling, KY

October 2018 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 20 Oct. 27

Judd Ranch 28th Annual Cow Power Female Sale, Pomona, KS Seedstock Plus Fall Bull Sale, Carthage, MO The Land of Ozz John C. Oswald & Sons Dispersal Sale, Hutchinson, KS Warner Beef Genetics “Genetic Opportunities” Female Production Sale, Arapahoe, NE

November 2018 Nov. 3 TJB Annual Bull Sale, Chickamauga, GA Nov. 3 Seedstock Plus RED REWARD “Fall Edition” Bull & Female Sale, Humansville, MO Nov. 17 Red River Bull Sale, Wichita Falls, TX Nov. 17-18 Triple K Gelbvieh Open House, Basehor, KS Nov. 28-30 48th Annual AGA National Convention, Nashville, TN Nov. 30 Knoll Crest Farm Total Performance Bull Sale, Red House, VA

December 2018 Dec. 1 Dec. 5

SEGA Gelbvieh & Friends Fall Female Sale, Pierce, CO CJ&L Livestock 5th Annual Bull Sale, Hermosa, SD

92 | JULY 2018

Dec. 8

2nd Annual Boys From the South Bull Sale, Lebanon, TN

February 2019 Feb. 4 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 23 Feb. 28

Taubenheim Gelbvieh 29th Annual Production Sale, Amherst, NE Prairie Hills Gelbvieh Annual Bull Sale, Gladstone, ND Overmiller Gelbvieh & Red Angus Annual Production Sale, Smith Center, KS Cedar Top Ranch 41st Annual Maternal Empire Bull Sale, Burwell, NE Swanson Cattle Company 32nd Annual Production Sale, Oxford, NE Post Rock Cattlemen’s Kind Bull & Female Sale, Barnard, KS Seedstock Plus North Missour Bulls Sale Kingsville, MO Plateau Gelbvieh Bull Sale, Brush, CO

March 2019 Mar. 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 5 Mar. 9 Mar. 9 Mar. 12 Mar. 21 Mar. 23 Mar. 24

SEGA Gelbvieh Spring Bull Sale, Pierce, CO Thorstenson Gelbvieh & Angus 38th Annual Production Sale, Selby, SD Judd Ranch 41st Gelbvieh, Balancer & Red Angus Bull Sale, Pomona, KS Seedstock Plus Arkansas Bull & Female Sale Hope, AR Warner Beef Genetics “Genetic Investment “Bull Sale, Arapahoe, NE Genetic Power Bull Sale, Springfield, MO Seedstock Plus Red Reward Bull & Female Sale Humansville, MO Bar Arrow Cattle Company 29th Annual Production Sale, Phillipsburg, KS Kicking Horse Ranch Annual Production Sale, Great Falls, MT Seedstock Plus South Missouri Bull Sale Carghage, MO Cranview Gelbvieh 14th Annual Genetic Progress Sale, Rugby, ND

Visit the online version of Places to Be at www.gelbvieh. org for additional dates on upcoming sales and more information on each event.

HTFG Chisolm D622 Final Answer Y307 GGGE Big Star 487B JKGF Cimarron C373 OZZ Reno 76B DCH Hille C123

GW ad index 3 G Ranch.........................................75

Gustin’s Diamond D Gelbvieh.......83

Post Rock Cattle Company........7, 88

ABCS Gelbvieh................................82

Hampton Cattle Company.......32, 90

Adkins Gelbvieh..............................59

Harriman Santa Fe..........................88

Prairie Hills Gelbvieh................15, 83

AGA...................... IFC, 33, 40, 41, 76

Hart Farm Gelbvieh........................88

B/F Cattle Company........................88

Hilltop Farms...................................88

Bar Arrow Cattle Company.....88, 95

Hodges Ranch..................................79

Bar JR Gelbvieh................... 20, 30, 82

Hojer Gelbvieh Ranch...............59, 83

Rogers Valley Farm Gelbvieh.........89

Bar T Bar Ranch, Inc.......................82

Holle Gelbvieh...........................57, 88

Rumfelt Gelbvieh.............................65

Beastrom Gelbvieh Ranch..............83

J&K Farm....................................35, 75

Sandy Knoll Farm..............................9

Bluegrass Invitational......................29

J Bar M Gelbvieh.............................88

Boehler Gelbvieh.............................89

Judd Ranch, Inc...........................1, 88

Sawtooth Gelbvieh Cattle & Hay.....82

Bolton Cattle Ranch........................82

Kenyon Cattle LLC....................31, 58

Bow K Ranch...................................82

Kicking Horse Ranch......... 20, 51, 82

Brandywine Farm............................83

Kittle Gelbvieh Farms.... 21, 67, 79, 91

Bull Barn Genetics.....................16, 85

KK Seedstock Consultants.............17

SEGA Gelbvieh................................26

Canadian GV Assn..........................85

Knoll Crest Farm.............................90

Severtson Land & Cattle.................23

Cattlemen’s Connection..............3, 85

Koehn Cattle Co..............................79

Slaughter Sale Management...........29

C-Cross Cattle Company...............90

Land of Oz/ John C Oswald.....88, 93

Cedar Top Ranch..................... 89, BC

Lambert, Doak.................................85

Spring Flood Ranch........................89

Chimney Butte Ranch.....................83

Ledgerwood Gelbvieh...............71, 82

C.H. Morris & Sons, LLC...............90

Lemke Cattle....................................89

Circle S Ranch..................................88

Linquist Farms.................................82

CJ&L Livestock............................9, 83

Little Windy Hill Farms............23, 90

Swanson Cattle Company........89, 96

Clinch Mountain Gelbvieh.............90

Lone Oak Cattle...............................82

Swenson Gelbvieh.....................59, 83

Coles Bend Cattle Company....63, 90

Lost River Livestock........................69

Covington Gelbvieh........................71

M&P Gelbvieh.................................89

Taubenheim Gelbvieh.....................89

Cranview Gelbvieh....................37, 83

Markes Family Farms......... 32, 47, 79

Cunningham, Ronn........................85

Martens Gelbvieh......................58, 82

Danell Diamond Six Ranch............82

Martin Cattle Company............32, 79

Diamond L Farms...........................79

McCarty Cattle Company..............53

TJB Gelbvieh & Balancer..................5

Diamond V Gelbvieh......................88

McCarty, Dan...................................85

Triple H Farms.................................82

Dobson Ranch.................................30

McIntosh Bros..................................28

Triple K Gelbvieh.......................39, 88

Dromgoole’s Heaven.......................79

Miller Gelbvieh................................79

Eagle Pass Ranch.............................83

Mitchell Marketing Service......73, 85

Volek Ranch...............................59, 83

Flying H Genetics............................89

MLM Gelbvieh...........................20, 89


Mulroy Farms...................................88

Gelbvieh World/Profit Picture.......62

Nowack Cattle Company................88

Green Hills Gelbvieh.......... 48, 49, 90

Overmiller Gelbvieh.......................55

Wilkinson Gelbvieh........................82

GS Ridge Top Ranch.................58, 82

Plateau Gelbvieh................. 20, 27, 82

Yoder’s Prairie Acres.......................60

94 | JULY 2018

Raile Gelbvieh..................................20 Rippe Gelbvieh.................................20 Rocking GV Gelbvieh.....................89

Schafer Farms, Inc...........................83 Seedstock Plus Genetics.................85 Seedstock Plus............................77, 85

Squeakin’ By-LK Farms..................89 S&S Gelbvieh....................................28 Sullivan Supply.................................43

The 88 Ranch....................................89 Thorstenson Gelbvieh...............25, 83 Thull Gelbvieh Farm.......................83

Warner Beef Genetics .................IBC White Oak Farms............................89 Wildwood Acres..............................75

Bar arrow Genetics...increasinG success at the Feedlots

increasinG MarBlinG

increasinG riBeye

increasinG FPi

PerForMance Maternal aBility carcass PuttinG the whole PackaGe toGether


March 12, 2019 • At the Ranch

Stuart Jarvis 26 E. Limestone Rd. Phillipsburg, KS 67661 e-mail: bararrow@ruraltel.net 785/543-5177

Making the cowman kind... It’s the tradition

32nd Annual Production Sale February 23, 2019 At the Ranch

Our tradition is breeding balanced cattle that WORK for our customers. • Bulls that are SOUND on their feet and legs with PERFORMANCE • Productive females that BREED back and wean BIG calves year after year • Feedlot cattle that GAIN, GRADE, and CONVERT


95.5% Choice or better • 46% CAB • 3.41 ADG • 5.90 Dry Mater Conversion

Ranch visitors always welcome! Jeff Swanson

308/337-2235 • 308/991-0727 (C) 10908 724 Rd. • Oxford, NE 68967 swansoncattleco@yahoo.com www.swansoncattleco.com

Your continued source



Offering commercially focused genetics from elite sires, in large contemporary groups, with extensive DNA and data provided and unmatched customer service. Take advantage of our Sight Unseen Selection Service and Nationwide Delivery.

Save the Date..

“Genetic Opportunities” Female Sale: Saturday, October 27,2018 at the ranch “Red River Bull Sale”: Saturday, November 17,2018 in Wichita Falls, TX “Genetic Investment” Bull Sale: Tuesday, March 5,2019 at the ranch WARNER BEEF GENETICS Dan and Kate Warner 42198 Road 721, Arapahoe, NE 68922 Dan Warner: 308.962.6511 Monte Warner: 308.962.6136 Darren Warner: 308.824.2950

Quality lies within our Brand Mark your calendars for:

2nd Annual Red River Bull Sale November 17, 2018 • Wichita Falls, TX 41st Annual Maternal Empire Bull Sale February 19, 2019 • Burwell, NE Cedar Top Ranch

Scott & Raberta Starr 212 Starr Drive • Stapleton, NE 69163 308-587-2293 • 308-530-3900 (C) email: cedartopranch@yahoo.com

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