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Rules and Bylaws
RULES AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, December 4, 2020 11:00-12:00 noon CST Virtual Meeting
Committee Members: Dennis Gustin, Dustin Kittle, Vaughn Thorstenson, Mark Crane, Brandon McEndaffer, Mark Goes, L D Witt, Gary Garlisle
AGJA Representative: Karley Rumfelt
Staff Liaisons: Megan Slater, Taylor Buckley
11:00 a.m. Call meeting to order
1.Approval of minutes from December 2019 meeting 2.Review 2020 rules changes 3.AGA policy book 4.Unfinished Business 5.New Business
12:00 noon Adjourn
Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting Wednesday, December 4, 2019 4:00 p.m. MST Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Billings | Billings, MT MINUTES
Committee Chair: Leland Clark Co-Chair: Jeff Loveless
Committee Members Present: Dan McCarty and Mark Covington
Staff Liaisons: Megan Slater and Taylor Buckley
Committee Chair Leland Clark called the meeting to order at 4:29 p.m.
Motion: Approve the minutes from the October 2019 meeting. Moved: Al Knapp Seconded: Trent Jones
Motion passed.
Megan Slater announced that the 2019 bylaws changes would be reviewed and voted on at the Annual Meeting.
Slater then reviewed the changes to the AGA Gelbvieh rules. Slater commended the committee for all of the hard work required with the rules and bylaws changes. The rules and bylaws changes were collaboration between AGA legal counsel, rules and bylaws committee, and the AGA board of directors.
As Slater presented the rules changes, Clark pointed out the addition of parent verification should be added to the rule regarding defect free by pedigree.
Slater then commented on changes made to the AGA Hybrid Rules. There is a clause entered into the hybrid rules to clarify that the hybrid rules follow all AGA Gelbvieh Rules unless stated in the AGA Hybrid Rules.
Motion: Approve the 2019 AGA rules changes as corrected. Moved: Mark Covington Seconded: Walter Teeter
Motion passed.
There was no new business.
Motion: Adjourn meeting Moved: Al Knapp
Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 4:46 p.m. Seconded: Trent Jones