blade golf irons

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What are blade golf irons? Produced By “”

Written By blade golf irons

© 2010

What are blade golf irons? Blade golf irons, also called tour irons or muscle backs, are golfing irons that aim to suit a particular playing style and player capability on the range. The iron head and more importantly its shape give them their name. Blade golf irons have been around for a long time and little has been changed in its design because of its simplicity. This characteristic has earned it the recognition of being the most traditional and classy style of golf club for most golfers. Blade irons are made of a relatively soft material called mild carbon steel and are chrome plated . The softness of the material allows for greater flexibility given a wider range, making it possible to alter loft and lie angles. What differentiates it from another set of golf irons called cavity backs is its solid design meaning the iron head has no hollow cavity behind the club face. The blade is also thinner with the weight being evenly distributed.

Š 2010

A full set of blade irons includes 7 to 11 clubs, which then are classified by the length of the shafts; in turn each of these are known as simply – the longs irons, mid irons, and short irons. The long irons, clubs one to four, are typically used for low straight distance shots from the tee, fairway, or trough. They are also the hardest to use because they have a smaller sweet spot and some people find the longer shafts more awkward (they allow for more mistakes). Fairly easy to use are the mid irons, which are comprised of clubs 5 to 7. They are great for good distance and are also quite accurate. For the short game, irons 8 and the wedges, also known as the short irons are very useful. They have a large sweet spot which makes a precise landing possible and also allows for a lot of creativity in terms of shot making. The height of the popularity of the blade irons was is the 1940s to 1970s when they were considered as the golf standard. However, as technology progressed, advances in club design and technology have slowly caught up with the popularity of blade irons. Yet, if you want to master the game, you should seriously

consider using these over any others. © 2010

Blade Golf Irons

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© 2010

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