Dd Regalo Artist Portfolio // June 2017

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Dd Regalo (born 1984 in Calgary, Canada) is a contemporary Canadian artist currently based in London (UK). Working primarily in painting and mixed media such as collage, Regalo’s art is known for its expressive gestural marks, texture and powerful compositions. Since moving to London, UK from Canada in late 2014, his work can be divided into 2 major motives: Internal Landscapes and Abstracts. R e g a l o p a i n t s i n d e c i s i v e m a n n e r, b o t h f a s t a n d d e l i b e r a t e . H e l a y e r s mediums over each other creating textures that form new compositions while leaving the under layers peeking through. This is a technique he e m p l o y s o f t e n , s h o w i n g e a c h s t a g e o f p r o c e s s , m u c h l i k e a s t o r y, f r o m beginning to end. The following artworks were all produced in London, UK over the last two y e a r s . A l l w o r k s a r e f o r s a l e a n d s u b j e c t t o a v a i l a b i l i t y. P l e a s e s e e t h e contact information at the end of this catalogue for more details including sales enquiries. DD REGALO ONLINE WEB INSTAGRAM TWITTER

www.ddregalo.com @ddregalo @ddregalo

Internal Landscapes Developed over his first 2 years working in London (2015-17), Regalo's Internal Landscapes are introspective explorations into both individual and collective identity and purpose. Both minimal and complex at the same time, the large solid blocks of colour reference natural landscapes while also giving way to intricate abstract textures giving the painting a surreal and almost photographic effect. In his Oceans paintings, Regalo uses a single pigment over layered textures creating the effect of rippling waves, folding over each other across the canvas. Reaching further than a representational landscape, the waves of colour represent a person’s inner landscape, (emotional, spiritual, social or intellectual) as a ’sea’ of complexities and nuances whereas the contrasting flat white border refers to our calculated outward expression of these complexities. The Horizons body of work uses a similar textural language, this time introducing multiple colours in stripes across the canvas. With a clear allusion to a landscape horizon, Regalo places the contrasting textures and colours in a way that highlights their unique qualities and characteristics while successfully balancing each work as a whole. The idea behind the collection is that people often look to the future and some distant horizon for salvation while Regalo attempts to suggest that real salvation lies in the appreciation and understanding of the present moment.

Oc eans (Storm) // A cry li c and pl aster on c anvas, 100 x 100 c m

Oceans VI I // A cryl ic and pl aster on c a nvas, 100 x 100 c m

Bu rn For You For Ever // A cryl ic a nd pl a ster o n c a nva s, 100 x 100 cm

Imagine Tha t Pl ace an d You ’l l Be There III Acryl i c and pl aster on ca nvas, 101.6 x 76.2 c m

Imagine Tha t Pl ace an d You ’l l Be There II Acryl i c and pl aster on ca nvas, 101.6 x 76.2 c m

I ma gi ne That Pl a ce and You’l l Be T here I Acryl i c and pl aster on ca nvas, 101.6 x 76.2 c m

Oceans installation view at The Hari, Belgravia, London.

Abstracts “I like it messy. Raw. A little loose around the edges. I like my art to say something with the texture and the way it works with the colours and composition of a piece.” - Dd Regalo

Regalo’s abstract paintings take on a Neo-Expressionist feel with their instinctive gestural marks and free-flowing composition of forms, scrapes, colours, drips and slabs. Using a range of different mediums and techniques, Regalo’s paintings capture the emotion and feeling of his subjects. With both abstract and representational forms, he works in the balance between restraint and wild expression, harnessing colour, bold composition and layered textures.

S ummer Fl ow (In My Minds Garde n) Mi xed medi a a nd col lage on c a nva s, 106 x 131 cm

Moo nl i ght Son ata // Mix ed medi a on ca nvas, 91.5 x 122 c m

Written // Mixed m edi a and c ol l age on c anva s, 122 x 91.5 c m

The Pond / / Mi xed med i a a nd col l age on c anva s, 100 x 100 c m

Magic Garden Mixed media and collage on canvas, 92 x 105 cm

Through the Ni ght // Acryli c a nd pl aster on canva s, 70 x 60 c m

Contact For more information about Dd Regalo or specific artworks including pricing and sales, artwork loans and other enquiries, please email: info@ddregalo.com Visit www.ddregalo.com for more artwork and news including events and exhibitions. Dd Regalo //

Web: www.ddregalo.com Instagram: @ddregalo Twitter: @ddregalo Facebook: Dd Regalo (Page)


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