Camino Global Case for Support 2015

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Match your gifts to your passion As a faithful steward, you should give generously where God leåads and in a way that will bring you joy. Camino staff can help match your passions to opportunities for investment in God’s work around the world. Talk to one of Camino’s stewardship specialists today. They want to serve you!

U.S. Board of Directors: Roger Raymer, Chairman; Juan Baldor, Louis Cole, Gary Coppinger, Sharon Geiger, Aaron Farmer, Oscar López, Julie Thomas, Andy Voelker


CASE FOR SUPPORT Pursuing a Bold Vision

Camino Global exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ, serving among and with Spanish speakers globally.

Yes! Camino Global’s Vision Statement

God has given Camino Global a legacy that inspires us to build for a future of even greater outcomes! Your partnership is an important part of building on the legacy that now extends 125 years. That is why we have launched the GIVE125 initiative. We are seeking partners who will commit to give $125 — monthly, quarterly or even just once this year — to the Camino Vision Fund (060110). Would you consider becoming a part of this initiative? You can provide the building blocks on which the next generation of global disciple-makers will stand.

I want to partner with Camino Global in their bold vision for the future. Please contact me about the following opportunities: Prayer Partner Telling Camino’s story Volunteering Ongoing gifts Major gifts Estate planning Visiting a field

Thank you. Your careful attention to these matters is greatly appreciated, and it reflects your heart to see the kingdom of God advance among Spanish speakers around the world. God is at work in the world today. Thank you for taking time to consider partnering with Camino Global in this endeavor. If you would like to discuss further any of the opportunities listed here, please contact Jeremy Wiley, Director of Stewardship:

Values that Shape Vision Christlikeness | Community | Collaboration Compassion | Creativity

2 214.239.9724 Or explore the work of Camino Global at

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God is accomplishing great things in the Spanish-speaking world — and the opportunities for kingdom advancement are vast! A partnership with Camino Global also involves an opportunity for you to grow personally as a disciple of Jesus Christ as you engage in the mission of God. Not only can you experience the joy of giving, but you can also have the satisfaction of knowing that you are connected to the global advancement of the gospel among and with Spanish speakers.

Join us on the journey.

Prayer Partner

Major gifts

For any effort to succeed, we must first ask God to move and direct us. Become a regular prayer partner with Camino.

Make a significant investment in a specific major initiative or to help build the capacity of the organization for the future.

Tell Camino’s story

Estate planning

Tell others the story of how your partnership with Camino Global has impacted the world, and invite them to get to know Camino.

Make a significant impact on the future through planned legacy gifts to Camino. There are a variety of options for legacy gifts and for structuring your estate to give current and/or future gifts.

Volunteer Use your time and unique gifts to partner with Camino in one of the many opportunities available — either in your home or at the home office in Dallas, TX.

Ongoing gifts As God allows, make regularly scheduled gifts to facilitate the global reach of Camino.


Visit a ministry field Join a Camino missionary on location to see the exciting things God is doing.

Investing for the Long Term Any sound financial advisor will counsel clients to invest with an eye on the future. Short-term gains are good, but the overall goal should be long-term, stable growth. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told his followers something very similar — only his advice was to look beyond this life to where investments have true, lasting security. The Bible shows us again and again that God rejoices in the generosity of his children. He invites us to give with freedom and joy, as a faith-filled response to his abundant gifts to us.



Many Ways to Partner

By listening to the leading of the Spirit and investing in what God is doing in the world, we live as faithful stewards of his resources, seeking lasting gains. As you read through these pages, you will see how your investment in Camino Global can help you direct your treasure — and your heart — toward heaven.

“But accumulate for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:20-21)



Camino Global exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ, serving among and with Spanish speakers globally. This one passion has driven the mission since its inception in 1890. Over the past 125 years, the gospel has been preached, churches have been planted, and leaders have been trained. Missionaries are going forth from these churches to places of need all across the world, some of them to least-reached people groups. Camino stands on the cusp of unprecedented growth as we partner with them. God is opening many doors for the next decade of ministry. Spanish speakers continue to move throughout the world, living in communities where church leadership needs training and congregations still need to be catalyzed into mission.

God is using Spanish speakers to reach the world for Christ in a profound way, and Camino Global is wellpositioned to facilitate and accelerate this unique movement in world missions. In this lies a sense of urgency. Preparation to send missionaries to the least-reached must begin now, by equipping future missionaries with the tools and resources they will need. In order to support this effort, it is imperative that Camino grows its overall missionary team and support staff to prepare for global expansion. Your partnership with Camino is vital for seeing these goals realized. And Camino stands ready to connect you with this growing movement in world missions.

In 2015, our first expansion effort will be to mobilize a multinational team from the U.S. and Central America to the Philippines in order to serve alongside the Filipino church to reach people who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.


his project has been named Longitude 125, a reference not only to our 125th anniversary, but also to the fact that the work will be

focused at 125 degrees East longitude on the map. July 5-21 will be an historic time as the PCEC (Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches) will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary on July 8-10 during their National Assembly this year. Expected to attend are the President and Chief Justice of the Philippines. At this event, Camino Global will be recognized as a formal partner of the PCEC. After the event, Camino will meet with business leaders, educators, government officials, and ministry leaders throughout the Philippines.


These are important steps in launching our efforts in this new field. Just as importantly, Camino is seeking partners who will invest in this effort to further expand the impact of the Spanish-speaking church in the world. We are seeking $50,000 for the work in 2015. This investment will allow us to not only to coordinate the effort, but also provide matching funds for missionaries from Latin America who will be raising funds for their ministry costs.

You can be a part of growing Camino’s legacy and impact in the world!




A Reliable Investment Partner


Your Link to the Movement

An investment in Camino Global is sound, and you can be confident that every dollar given will be used to accomplish the vision. A gift to Camino’s annual fund, used to support operations, will make possible the bold steps needed to meet the goals set for the next three years of ministry.

This new wave of Spanish-speaking missionaries is reaching into even the most difficultaccess places in a unique way, blending well with other cultures and finding success where typical Western missionaries have found great challenge.

What’s more, when you invest, you join others committed to the vision and provide the final push needed to fund groundbreaking ministry.

Camino leadership believes that God is strategically using Spanish speakers to reach the world for Christ, and that Camino Global is a key partner in this mission. Combining a legacy of 125 years of effective ministry among Spanish speakers, with a global vision led by a multi-cultural leadership team, Camino Global is well-positioned to facilitate and accelerate this movement in world missions. God is indeed at work.

Vision Fund

Project 060110

Serving the Church, Camino Global will journey with Spanish speakers everywhere to transform communities, equip believers, and reach the world.

Transform communities 2015 Budget: $4.5M Investment Needed: $150,000 These opportunities include a combination of traditional church-planting ministries and newer, integral ministry approaches such as community centers, water projects and training in business-as-ministry ideas. These ministries have high, immediate impact.

Equip believers 2015 Budget: $5.1M Investment Needed: $240,000 Preparing Spanish speakers for effective ministry through theological education, spiritual formation, and other ministry training is one of Camino’s distinct competencies. These ministries will continue to strengthen an effective global reach. Investments in this area help Camino forge and bolster partnerships with groups like Manarah, the Muslim evangelism-training program, and the Honduran Bible Seminary, to prepare believers to serve in a variety of ministries.

Reach the world 2015 Budget: $1M Investment Needed: $100,000 Camino seeks to expand its global reach significantly in the coming years by partnering intentionally in the Latin missions movement. This portion of the budget is the area that needs to grow the most. A relatively small investment now can have tremendous impact in the future by allowing Camino to come alongside Latin-American organizations that mobilize and send missionaries around the world to provide pastoral care, missionary training, and affinity networks that foster sharing of resources and knowledge.



Accelerating Vision

Ruben’s Journey

Ruben and Ingrid* are a young married couple from Honduras, where Camino has worked for over a century planting churches across the country. Ruben and Ingrid came to know Christ as a direct result of the ministry of Camino in their community. Ruben and Ingrid heard the call to missions. Where did they turn to find the support and training they would need?

In collaboration with the Honduran Bible Seminary and the Muslim evangelismtraining program Manarah, Camino missionaries helped to prepare Ruben and Ingrid. They are now a part of the growing wave of Latin-American missionaries going out into the world. This young couple is soon leaving their home country to serve in southeast Asia as missionaries to Muslims. “Thanks to Camino Global missionaries,” Ruben said, “we had the opportunity to know the Lord and be taught God’s Word.

We have been motivated and encouraged to follow God to discover opportunities to work as part of a team made up of people from different cultures and countries.” Your partnership with Camino make stories like this possible.

* actual names protected for security considerations.


Work begins in Spain.

Evangelism and church planting began in Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.

The Central American Mission founded by Dr. C.I. Scofield



Became 1 of 7 charter members of what is now MissioNexus


Est. Central American Theological Seminary (SETECA)


Evangelism and church planting work begins in Panama

Established a Bible Seminary in Puebla, Mexico and began church planting



Opened a publishing house in Puebla, Mexico


Work begins in the U.S., starting in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas

1971 1976


Current Reach

Transferred leadership of the Evangelical Hospital and Nursing school (founded 1949) Honduras to national leaders

Camino missionaries serve on-site in 10 countries. The online reach of Camino through spans to Spanish speakers in over 150 countries.

Facilitated the founding of FAM International, for Latin-American missionaries

Became CAM International to reflect expansion beyond Central America


1999 1996

Work expands to Albania

Became Camino Global to reflect the broader scope of ministry

2012 2009

Work expands to Uruguay

Looking Ahead: Camino’s on-site presence

Camino’s online presence

Testimonials “Life in Christ is a journey, and Camino Global’s name exemplifies that. I was very glad to see the inclusion of the word “with” in their mission statement. The call of all believers is to journey ‘with’ Christ to make Him known. Camino specifically sees their mission is to journey ‘with’ Spanish speakers to accomplish this. I am thankful for their history, have great respect for their leaders, and believe strongly that God will establish their future.” Tom Hayes Pastor of Missions and Community Impact Stonebriar Church


“Camino Global, while rooted in lengthy commitment to ministry among Spanish speakers, is a forward-looking mission family, concerned to make an impact with the gospel both among and alongside Spanish speakers who are part of the amazing Hispanic diaspora in our world today.” Michael Pocock Senior Professor and Chairman Emeritus Dept. of World Missions and Intercultural Studies Dallas Theological Seminary.

Camino aims to accomplish great things in the next five years. • Open a missions training center for Central America in Guatemala, training hundreds from the region who currently have no option nearby for preparation for crosscultural service to the least-reached • Deploy ministry teams to serve in Europe, north of Spain, where millions of Spanish speakers live and work • Grow the online ministry of Obrerofiel with an online school of discipleship and leadership training • Recruit 300 new online missionaries to disciple new believers through our partnership with Global Media Outreach • Launch a ministry effort with the church in Central America and Mexico to reach Muslims in the Philippines • Grow the Buscad Primero Holistic Spiritual Formation program globally to support healthy spiritual and emotional growth of leaders who reproduce other healthy leaders in their congregations.

November 14 marks 125 years of ministry to Spanish speakers

2015 2013

Team deployed to Colombia


Shaped by our past. Driven by our future.

training center

serve in Europe online school online missionaries reach Muslims home office spiritual formation 7

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