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If you walk up to a group of people and mention the word, “Ouija,” you will be met with a variety of reactions. These responses will run the gamut from negative comments to utter dismissal, including any number of expressions found in between. Hands down, the Ouija Board is probably the most controversial device or game on the market ever sold! In 1890 when attorney Elijah J. Bond had this contraption patented and trademarked, consisting of a board with letters and numbers and a paddle-type indicator, it was patented under the category of a toy or game. Fast forward 130 years and the toy company Hasbro, which now owns the moniker “Ouija,” continues to market it under the category of toys and games just like all of its predecessors that once owned the production rights to this name. People continually argue whether or not this device should even be sold as a toy to ages eight years and up. They go as far as to suggest that if it is sold to the public it should only be sold in the alternative, occult stores. No matter how it was patented, marketed, and sold over the years, one of the main reasons this device causes such extreme reactions and responses is because of its mysterious nature. It is this mystifying quality that invites the onlooker to assign meaning based on personal biases and quite possibly, limited perceptions. An individual’s worldview is inevitably projected upon this simple device. It is from this very personal perspective that the experiences and superstitions ensue. We can’t help it as humans; our philosophies or views on life precedes us in every aspect of our living experiences. We experience life through these personal filters we have developed and to which we have become accustomed.
By Karen A. Dahlman
Is the glass empty or half full?
If a person’s beliefs are shrouded in fears and expectant negative experiences as the rule rather than the exception, then that person discovers encounters that match such expectations. On the other end of the spectrum, a person whose beliefs are nestled in curiosity, exploration and the probability of positive outcomes, this person tends to find life more full of delight and wonder rather than a representation of any negative engagements. How the individual views and proceeds in the world directly shape that individual’s outcomes along the way. This same manner of approaching life, directly influences how we view and approach this enigmatic tool, the Ouija Board. We then beg to ask the question, “how can two people obtain such opposite experiences while using the Board?” Quite simply put, the answer is that since there are no two people alike, they are bound to obtain different experiences, especially if their perspectives and beliefs about life or the Board are directly opposed. I am from the camp that the Ouija Board is an entirely neutral tool and what we get when we employ such a device is ultimately a reflection of our expectations—conscious and subconscious—based upon our beliefs. We ultimately project our beliefs upon this tool and immediately we are positioned for a specific type of experience even before it happens! Whether we have fears or adoration for this device, we’ll end up with like experiences that match. It is never the Board that creates any sort of experience; rather, it is always the person who uses the tool that creates every bit of one’s experience with it. Wood, cardboard, particleboard, or Masonite from which many Boards these days are made, are never attractors of negativity or positivity. Rather, the person is the sole reason for and the initiator of all allures. So, instead of seeing yourself as a pawn to a piece of wood or cardboard, begin to understand that an inanimate object, such as a talking board, has no power over you. You, as the operator of this tool, have all the responsibility for how you choose to view it and thus, use it. Your belief about it and about yourself in relationship to exploring the mystifying nature of the Ouija Board is the most important factor in the type of experiences you foster while using it. No matter how focused your intentions are when it comes to using a Board, always check your beliefs first to see if they are aligned with what you truly and honestly desire to obtain while using one. Know that you are the reason why these talking boards work, as they merely serve as tools, unlocking your intrinsic faculties and responding to your projections. They become your authorizing talisman, reminding you of the possibilities for exploration that are only limited by your mind.
Happy Boarding!
Karen A. Dahlman x
Karen A. Dahlman is a published author, licensed professional counsellor, and Ouija practitioner. She serves as an officer and director of the Talking Board Historical Society. Karen has been using the Ouija Board for 47 years and communicates with sentient beings in the unseen dimensions. She appears at international events, shows and on radio sharing her work and research using this tool. Her work’s mission is to push the boundaries of consciousness and her message is to assist humanity in awakening to its greatest potential.
Learn more at:
https://www.creativevisionspublications. com & https://www.tbhs.org