Mid-June Archive: Showcase Two Heller Levinson

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Mid-June continues with showcase 2 and the unfolding revelations of The Fecundating Trespass Rotational Cluster|Heller Levinson

Heller Levinson lives in NYC where he studies animal behavior. He has published in over a hundred journals and magazines including Sulfur, Jacket, Hunger, Talisman, First Intensity, Laurel Review, Omega, The Wandering Hermit, Fire (U.K), Tears in the Fence (U.K.), Alligatorzine, Counterexample Poetics, The Jivin' Ladybug, Moria, Woodcoin, Mad Hatter Review, etc. His publication, Smelling Mary (Howling Dog Press, 2008), was nominated for both the Pulitzer Prize and the Griffin Prize. Black Widow Press will be publishing his from stone this running in 2011. Additionally, he is the originator of Hinge Theory. Please visit www.hellerlevinson.com for more information.

The Fecundating Rotational Cluster is a Hinge Theory Kinetic devoted to densifying (expanding/emboldening/enlarging) the ‘particle’ (the particle in this case is ‘trespass’). Submitting ‘trespass’ to alternative linguistic ethers, enables additional entry ports, polysemous outpourings/magnifications/ -surrenderings.

*For those seeking an understanding of Hinge Theory, The book, Smelling Mary (Howling Dog Press, 2008) is recommended.

Additionally, the links below are invaluable. http://tinyurl.com/heller-levinson http://issuu.com/howlingdogpress/docs/the_hinge_manual___related_criticism

The Fecundating Trespass Rotational Cluster

trespass in obdurate credulity






-- caulk -saw-scat triplet jabberwocky plasticity is a form of persuasion submariners gauge oxygen deliberate horological witchcraft

craft often misconceived as attendance bears

scrutiny normally sanctioned by parsimony shimmy grab a hold in desperate ways the planks are tumbling

the veto carries the format undertow

venture wound



lungfulls t o r integumental rip plunge to deep bedding to the ruin that collapses (de-lic-ious-ly obliterating vesicular clot ventricular absenteeism mute colors eloping to the hides of albino crocodile

all is let wound bled unto wound pools of blood theme upcharges amplitudinously de-curtaining throbbing

spooling thrones of immaculate enquiry

trespass like lolling liquidity

undercurrents locks-void exposure expose exposition wound wound-ing

wind winding venturing wound windings comb -

- ing

[[trespass ventures the wound]]

the breakdown effloresces gratuitously & with dispatch

sea urchins squealing for signature the uprisings more frequent more fervid

pastries laden with grumblings greater than commotion command the outposts, the earthenware creaks

how to judge a trajectory void of destination

dispositions dissimilarly aroused spell odd contractions

the leftovers no longer consumable

trespass in cumulative bruise


chaw rust gardens

barbed wracking skin raking paw batter flounces comeuppances come quizzical with lamentation distillate with wet wolves come with eyes the fang in the hind mobility

Border broaching Trespass

B: Why? T: Why what? B: What makes you do it? Why take the risk? T: It makes me tingle. Makes me feel alive. B: And if you get caught? T: I’m caught uncatching.


trespass, ...


deviate delinquency ... ..... delve de-liverance


lamentation, ... dearth




straits preamble out of step corn-swollen conditional




sinkage over-coming

bridge the interloper groundswell anchoring cohabitation in forms of dice

in wandering this lust



a tail a quirk a


feathering utterance throes

jangly juncture posses positioning puncture drills aboriginal & holding

lamentation lollipop moan the stone low in its shadow showers overcast vigilance bruising

snelling cornerstone fragrance modules

quizzical with lamentation distillate with wet

burrowing probe: Query, in its disposition to forage integrally, weds trespass for profitable sinkage Sinkage: the veer bypassing appearance Lamentation: the dirge of trespass wailing to excel the appearing Kiki Rheeet Rheeet, ... Rheeet Kiki! diabalo doppelganger dungeon-dagger Rheeet! alumni reapproved by council congress for orderly matters elderly are alderly otherly plum suckle crimson rose along the sickle steam sliding the wildly restless perturbative adopts evaluation as a mannerism -- tremors along the wrist -- worry lines in the canvas the prayer meetin’ says it won’t be long

Copyright 2012 Dead Man Publishing, LLC All poems in this archive are Copyright 2012 Heller Levinson.

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