d a n i e l a b e r t o l w o r l d m a k i n g
Rivers is a series of video installations and digital prints about rivers in their natural, geographical and social complexity. A river as body of water crossing land encompasses several establishes many different patterns and can be interpreted and perceived from many different perspectives, where the physical and human geography intersect. The water flow inspires thoughts about the transient nature of life itself and the presence of cycles in many aspects of reality.
So far, Rivers has included the Hudson, Saint Lawrence, Tiber and Ganges. For more information: http://spaceink.net/hudsonartswalk2010/
The Ganges: Death and Life in Varanasi | 1996 9 minutes | Edition of 8
R S | 1996 - present
The Hudson| 2010-2011 HD Video, 2hours 15 minutes | edition of 8
| 1996 - present
This ongoing project comprises of a series of video and digital print installations (HD videos and photographs), recording the observation and documentation of the intangible ever-changing nature of reality. Video and photographic sequences are generated from still cameras, recording the sun rising and setting in different geographical locations in the world to capture the light of the sun at the times when the sun is most visible by the human eye.
The visual stillness is almost imperceptible, as it is transformed in the change of light, inducing a meditative state in the observer.
Sun Setting on the Central Park Lake, New York | 110104 25 minutes | Edition of 8
Sun Rising on the Ocean | St Petersburg, Florida | 110420, HD Video, 15 minutes 13 seconds | edition of 3
Sun Rising on the Ocean | St Petersburg, Florida | 110420, HD Video, 15 minutes 13 seconds | edition of 3
A meta-disciplinary project and experiential garden in the Hudson Valley, which can be defined as "art in nature" and "bio-art": art is a vehicle to interpret celestial events in a place designed to make us “aware of where we are in space and time”. Sun Farm encompasses several thought processes, theories, disciplines as well as "practices" of making. Drawn from cosmology, observational astronomy and philosophy, Sun Farm consists of excavated earthworks, large scale environments and above ground constructions: the Sun's daily path is represented, literally and metaphorically, by two spirals connected by a ¾ mile long axis. The two intersecting spirals make a cosmography inscribed in the land: different fabrications are both metaphors and literal expressions of celestial
phenomena and place becomes a "topology of being". Several narratives are involved: ideation concepts are expressed in writings + diagrams, representations and digital models, images, and computer generated animations. Astronomical diagrams, charts, time lapse photographs and videos are not only documentation and presentation tools, but also enhance the perception of the landscape itself. At Sun Farm the light based transformation of the landscape are recorded with contemporary art media —video and time lapse photographic sequences— in a post-romantic ecological interpretation of nature. For more information: http://sky-spirals.org/sunfarm/
Sun Farm | Maps of Thoughts and Actions | 2011 Detaol of Digital Print: 108"x72" , edition of 8
M | 1999 present
Time Helix| 2006 Timber, 32"x32"x90"
Solstice Monument| 2007 Timber, 8ftx8ftx8ft
M | 1999 present
T I M E T A T T O O S | 2003 - present
Part of The Greatest Ritual on Earth, but sited only at specific locations of Sun Farm. Based on the observation and documentation of the intangible ever-changing nature of reality. Video and photographic sequences are generated from cameras at fixed observation stations, which comprise of built structures framing the light of the sun at the times when the sun is most visible by the human eye: sunrise and sunset. The built structures (some permanent and others movable) are designed in alignment with sun rising and setting during the equinox and winter / summer solstices. The transition from light to darkness and darkness
Noon Columns Four Season | 2006 Archival Pigment Print, 48"x16" | Edition of 3
to light is also celebrated in the recorded sounds from nature. In these series of works, scientific observations converge with the romantic idea of landscape, in the freezing of the flow of time. The visual stillness is almost imperceptible, as it is transformed by the change of light, inducing a meditative state in the observer. For more information: http://www.sky-spirals.org/TimeTattoos/
T I M E T A T T O O S | 2003 - present
Noon Columns Four Season | 2007 Archival Pigment Print, 48"x48" | Edition of 3
Digitally generated geometries can be associated to Immanuel Kant's mathematical sublime: shapes turn inside out and outside in, while threedimensional patterns twist and bend in topological spaces ---almost leading us to Alice's "rabbit hole" in the creation of illusionary perceptions of a kaleidoscopic imaginary space. I have been involved with digitally generated forms for over two decades and have created several virtual worlds based on
complex geometries. Different outputs are produced: series of two-dimensional prints, single channel video and video installations. For more information: http://sky-spirals.org/axesmundipress/ mathematicalsublime/ Spiraling World | 2010 Archival Pigment Print, 30"x40" | Edition of 8
SUBLIME | 1997 present
Dwelling Geometries, 2008 | HD Video, 3 minutes 54 seconds | edition of 5 Cosmic Disorder, 2009| HD Video, 3 minutes 54 seconds | edition of 5
| 1997 present
il C O R P O
A series of performative acts explores the relationship between human body, geometry and space. Body geometries are created from a vocabulary of movements inscribed in twodimensioal and three-dimensional shapes, following a post modern and dynamic interpretation of the human proportions as in Vitruvius and Leonardo’s “Vitruvian Man.”
and video; the final video and digital prints integrate — with the use post production effects— the conceptual framework with the recorded material.
The performances are recorded by photography
e lo S P A Z I O | 2008 - present
Findind the Center, 2009 HD Video, 4 minutes 30 seconds | Edition of 8
IL CORPO E LO SPAZIO | 2008 present
Rolling, 2008 HD Video, 15 minutes 13 seconds | edition of 3
B E I N G in the W O R L D | 2008
Inspired by Martin Heidegger’s terminology (subject, object, consciousness, and world) this project expresses one of the many artists interpretations of these philosophical concepts. The title was inspired by Martin Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit (Being and Time) in the discussion of Dasein (Being There). It includes a series of video art works and single channel video or multiple channel video installations. Trans-disciplinary by nature it and developing in multiple media, Being in the World crosses the
boundaries between physical and virtual, where representations become integrated with the object of perception. The video art series comprises: Spirals + Galaxies, Graphemes, Cosmography, East, South, West, North The video was coauthored with Enrico Cocuccioni and part of the proposed exhibition Il Tempo attraverso lo Spazio, scheduled to be presented in Rome at Palazzo Poli, March 2010. For more information: http://spaceink.net/tempospazio/ Being in the World,2008 Stills from HD Video, 35 minutes | Edition of 8
B E I N G in the W O R L D | 2008
Being in the World,2008 Proposed Installation View, Palazzo Poli, Rome
ARCHITECTURE of G E O M E T R Y | 1986-1991
A series of wall installations investigating threedimensional space as a concept belonging to both geometry and architecture where algorithmic collages recreate topological spaces. Walls are the final medium: the existing real wall, where the art work is presented, is integrated with the wall represented in the computer generated collages in a trompe l'oeil effect. The real wall seems to loose its rigidity becoming a bending twisting fabric. Often unusual geometry
and visual ambiguity are generated, surfaces turn inside out and background planes seem to belong to the foreground. Corners are fragmented following cubic grids, achieving spatial complexity and ambiguity between concave and convex forms. For more information: http://www.sky-spirals.org/danielabertol/arcgeometries.htm
Twisted Walls, 1987 collage of digital prints, walls 60"x30"
ARCHITECTURE of G E O M E T R Y | 1986-1991
Knots 2A, 1987 collage of digital prints, walls 60"x40"
Circular Frames, 1986 collage of digital prints, walls 60"x30"
ARCHITECTURE of I M A G E S | 1987-1991
A series of video/light installations transforming an existing space into a virtual environment which presents a visually illusionary perception. Our visual perception is greatly defined by the presence of light and by depth. Perspective is used to represent depth, and, associated with the use of light create illusion of three-dimensionality. The viewer experiences illusionary perceptions of a space where ephemeral and two-dimensional elements become visually
Light Week Arcade, Bostom 1990 Projection
predominant on its three-dimensional and solid-void physical properties. For more information:
Room of the Four Elements, Bostom, 1988 Lighting, Video Monitor,Trompe l'Oeil Collage
Light Week Arcade, Bostom 1990 Lighting, Scaffolding, Projections
Reflecting Symmetries, Bostom, 1989 Lighting, Video Monitor,Trompe l'Oeil Collage
ARCHITECTURE of I M A G E S | 1987-1991
Civilization Grid, New York, 1991 Lighting, Trompe l'Oeil Collage
The series of sculptures explores the relationship between video as image and video as objects. A vocabulary of architectural/structural elements — pyramids, columns, ramps, beams— frames a digital video monitor. The video content displayed reflects the architectural element as archetypical form. For instance, the pyramid structure is associate to images of fire, from Plato writings and ancient iconography.
S C U L P T U R E S | 2011
Pyramid and Fire, 2011 Plywood, aluminum. digital video frame 12"x12"x96" SD Video, 3 minutes loop
AXESMUNDI includes thoughts and visual perceptions of places and events in the natural and urban landscape, presented as photographs , text, and video clips. Anything I find interesting and important —from a personal to a collective experience— is presented and documented: moon eclipses, solstice celebrationa, neuroscience symposia and mathematics festivals mingle with travel journals, hikes, art performances and exhibitions.
intersection of space and time in the natural and cultural landscape
AXESMUNDI began as a blog in 2007 and evolved in a conceptual multimedia project: “Axes Mundi: Perceptions and Understanding of Places as Intersections of Space, Time and Culture" I use the word "axes" — plural of the latin "axis"— instead of “axis” because "axes" is more appropriate for the plurality of the concept, beyond "antropocentric". The axis mundi is not a unique concept: in ancient cultures the axis mundis is the ritualization of the link between the perceiving self and the perceived universe, which makes a place sacred. It can be unique for each perceiving self at that time of that perception and ritualization.
U D I | 2006 present
My work lies at the intersection of perception, space, time and movement. Disciplines and media often considered disconnected come to a convergence in my current projects where video and digital design are integrated with nature in bioart. Yoga taught me to connect with the environment to experience my body, breathing and movement as an ever-evolving organism in synergy with the environment. http://www.lacritica.net/bertol.htm