dive 2015
Photo: Perrin James
p u b l i ca t i o n s
SEptEmbER - OctObER 2014 • ISSUE 12
cano n 5d 16-35 f/2.8 mar k 2, cano n L ii Lens , 1/500 f/11 iso 400
to the atlantic current
015 has been ushered in and
look at ThE bITE with local fishing
not only are we in a New Year, we are in a new chapter
legend Tom Greene as he updates you on Sailfish season and dishes out
of The Atlantic Current. First, we need to say a big thank you for our
advice on how and where to keep lines tight in the new year. Our rhYThm
supporters, sponsors and readers for a great 2014. You make this, a
section features one of the newest and most definitely unique live music
free local magazine highlighting our culture, possible. Our progress
venues, The Vintage Tap, located on the fringe of Atlantic Ave. This place
couldn’t happen without you. Now, a little on Issue 14—you’ll quickly see
offers live tunes 7 nights a week and of course features a full bar with a wide
a different look at how we present the coastal culture of South Florida.
variety of craft beers. As they say, a photo says a thousand words. What it
Our ace graphic artists have been busy introducing some new design
doesn’t say is how the photographer got the shot. In a new addition
elements in our magazine as well as on our website. Our content
to the ArTS section, we let local photographers show our readers just
will be fresh and interchanging with each issue, and delivered in a
how they scored the shot, and what it meant to them. Our features include
more readable, eye pleasing format. We hope you like it. We DIVE IN
local artist Amanda Valdes along with an article telling an intense tale thats
fish being caught in No-
to 2015 with a look behind the
all too common for avid freedivers.
due to sea conditions,
cover. We follow that up with some newsworthy happenings including the impact tourism will have on us
We follow that up with mUNCh, our food section, that brings a Chef bio on Smoke’s bryan Tyrell and an unreal
weather changes, and
in the coming months as well as the
Dish from 13 American Table. Next is
can normally predict
excellent work being done in Florida and across the U.S. by the Surfrider
the SCENE, which includes a bar bio on honey, Atlantic Ave’s newest hot
what’s going to happen in
Foundation—this is an organization with a grassroots approach you need
spot, along with a cocktail from bill binder at rebel house. Last in this
a period of 30-50 days we
to get to know. Next we launch into our CUrrENTS section featuring a
section comes a few SNApS from the very set in stone how this 2014 movember party at Dubliner and impacts fishing. We get
Q&A with UFC fighter ryan LaFlare, a major player on the move who trains alongside some of the best fighters in the world, right here in
The BiTe
Kapow. To wrap things up, we have the location of the Issue 15 release
party. Thanks for being in the current in this, our 14th edition.
South Florida. Following ryan we
Photo: Jason Arnold
Use a squid or Bonita belly, and put it on the bottom using an electric or hand-crank reel and you have a good chance of landing a swordfish from 80-300 pounds
fter the summer doldrums and a relative lack of
vember and December
weather patterns the playing field levels out and we
periods of southeast winds, temps are up, everything’s good and the cold fronts come through,
and the sailfish start to
Guide PY HOU P A
Subculture’s New
Sweet Spot
R f OURites st O O A li Al fAv Chef lOc
Bryan Tyrell
AMANDA Climate,
March - april 2015 • ISSUE 15
Tides VALDES & Sea Level Rise
on, dolphin show up again
everything else in the surf,
belly, and put it on the
naments. Some of these
for some reason and fishing
lots of fish on the reef, and
bottom using an electric
tournaments pay half-a-
is very good. With the
in 60-90 feet of water we
or hand-crank reel and
million dollars for 1st place Calcutta-wise.
southeast winds, they will
can catch yellowtail snap-
you have a good chance
blow for 5-7 days at 8-12
per and mutton snapper at
of landing a swordfish
knots and everything is
anytime, day or night—
from 80-300 pounds.
fine, but when you start to
just watch the conditions. The meat of the action—
front is approaching or
sailfish season. They
comes through and the
the year for swordfish—we
come through sailfish
wind is blowing in from
coming from the north or
are already seeing a good
alley which is an area
the west, across land.
the west and for 3-4 days
swordfish bite this year
along our coast in 90-150
People will say “the ocean
feet of water. We have
is rough”, and it is offshore
from West Palm Beach to
because it’s blowing
caught nighttime drifting,
Miami Beach and the
against the gulf stream,
Fishing-wise, along the
15 miles offshore in 1200-
Keys over 150 tourna-
but the beach is calm, and
beaches the bait fish is
1500 feet of water.
ments in the January-
good for fishing.
and it’s going to continue. A lot of these fish are
gone but we still have
Pedro Delfino
March timeframe strictly
plenty of Spanish mack-
There’s a daytime bite in
for sailfish and on any
erel, bluefish, jacks and
1500-1800 feet of water
given weekend you can go
using squid or bonita
out a participate in tour-
Tom’s Picks
The Inversion of
ARTIKaL Sound System
Into The Wild at
s I pack my bags to
swell. Many of the hur-
typical elements of Deer-
travel to Puerto Rico
ricane swells never pan
field Beach mixed with a
out, and you only have one
massive swell. I framed it
bachelor trip, especially
this way to show the entire
when the wedding is the
scene at that moment to
with 10 guys for a
bachelor party, the phone buzzes with texts about the swell to hit the next day.
next weekend. I rose
better tell the story of what
The Groom, Matt Oberman,
super early that next
was unfolding that morn-
a good friend of mine and
morning as our flight
ing. We all met at the air-
avid surfer had friends from
was at 10:30 am and headed
port and contemplated
all over town ready to all
to the beach and shot as
what to do. In the end we
leave to go to Puerto Rico.
much as I could of this
decided to go. Waves were
It was a tough call; cancel
now epic swell that was
also massive in PR but it’s
a bachelor trip and disap-
unfolding upon us. This
always is a bummer to
point a lot of people to po-
shot was taken a bit back
miss a 100 year swell in
tentially score a hurricane
from the beach to see the
your backyard.”
28 theatlanticcurrent.com
It’s important that you get the right rig, right line, and right gear in your tackle box. Visit Custom Rod and Reel and get expert, local advice. Call, email, or stop by. 954-781-5600 1835 ne 25th St., lighthouse Point anreels@bellsouth.net www.antiquereels.com
happens when a cold
And with the southeast winds it’s the best time of
approaching cold front
we are going to be impacted
GettinG ready to buy a rod and reel?
Finally, another thing
see winds get up to 20-25 knots it means you have an
as the front moves through.
wItH ben HIcks
“ About tHe PHotoGrAPHer:
migrate, the kingfish turn
March - april2015 2015 •• ISSUE ISSUE14 15 January - February
the shot South-Florida based photographer Ben Hicks has journeyed across the Americas and ventured to exotic locales spanning the globe to compose a profoundly diverse collection of fine-art photography that truly captures the majestic beauty of the natural world. This self-proclaimed “adventure-boy” not only strives to portray the familiar in extraordinarily original ways, but also takes big risks to capture the most complex, often dangerous situations including big waves and precarious animal encounters all to share his admiration for Mother Nature’s creations. Ben’s distinctive vision and inimitable approach to photography renders intricately detailed images that captivate viewers and serve as a testament to his enjoyment and reverence of nature.
get 3-5 cold fronts and it’s
push cold air down and
theatlanticcurrent.com 7
How I Got
January and February. In
we drop to the 40’s-60’s
Gravel KinGs eduardo Mendieta Zion WriGht
Deerfie lD Pier shot dur ing hur rica ne san dy, octobe r 2012
Tight lines and good fishing!
by tom Greene
Dead bait or live bait troll with ballyhoos or goggle eyes, slow troll or kite fish.
Yellowtail and mutton snapper on the reefs, with sardines or squid
Live bait trolling or drifting with sardines in 60-90’
24 theatlanticcurrent.com
Gumbo Limbo
PaiNTiNg BeTweeN FaNTaSy aNd RealiTy
The Silhouettes
Pedro Delfino
Wings For Life Upcoming Events
A taste of our local food culture
Jupiterto to Fort Fort Lauderdale Lauderdale Jupiter theatlanticcurrent.com theatlanticcurrent.com
The Inversion of
ARTIKaL Sound System
&Tides Sea Level
Chef Profile ❘❘ dish
Into The Wild at
Gumbo Limbo
Wings For Life Upcoming Events
T H E AT L A N T I C C U R R E N T ◗R edesign and development of local coastal lifestyle publication
Jupiter to Fort Lauderdale theatlanticcurrent.com
[ Bryan Tyrell [
aint Blowin’ Smoke
sandwich and the B Man
had in South Florida.”
Sandwich, which pays
“finest, hand selected,
Much of the restaurant’s
Kansas City. The sandwich
all natural” meats are
early success can be cred-
is based on the famous Z
purchased and then
ited to Tyrell’s extensive
Man sandwich which is
rubbed with Executive
and impressive experi-
slow smoked beef brisket
explains that only the
Chef’s Bryan Tyrell’s “se-
ence. “My background
on a toasted Kaiser bun
began as a member of a
complete with provolone
addition, almost a day’s
competition BBQ team
cheese, two crispy onion
worth of time and care is
named Slaughterhouse
rings and BBQ sauce.
allotted to certain dishes,
Five, which won the
such as a 20 hour smoke
American Royal World
for Burnt Ends or a couple
BBQ Championship twice,”
of hours for the Applewood
he explained. “From there,
tion with Chef Tyrell was some of the popular BBQ
the Head Chef of the team,
and Anthony Bourdain
have passion or you don’t.
sauces by region. “Kansas
Jeff Stehney, opened Okla-
named it ‘one of the 13
I grew up in the Midwest
City sauce is more of a
paid off, because the res-
homa Joe’s BBQ in Kansas
restaurants in the world to
and BBQ is very important
tomato based sweet sauce
taurant has received a
City. I was hired by Jeff as
eat at before you die.’
around there”. Tyrell
while Texas sauce is a little
series of accolades and
the Smokehouse Manager
brought his talents to
hotter. In North Carolina
Won Amer Cham ican Roya lW pions hip 2 orld BB Q times ed 5 BB Q restau Twice rant s in Tonig nomina Lond ht Be ted fo on and r the one st Amer Tio of his ican Pepe Sand Re wich sandwich stauran London in Lo t ndon es was na in London ” by The Capit med “Bes Daily al Ra t dio “The Meal sa ys Sm Best BBQ ok in Flo e has rida” Open
and our fellow neighbors
praise from media outlets,
and he taught me how to
Think this guy knows his
Smoke BBQ this past July
you’ll find more vinegar
and friends within the
such as “Best BBQ in Flori-
produce World Champion-
BBQ? There are a couple
to signature dishes such
based and some mustard
community,” he said. “We
da” from The Daily Meal,
ship BBQ in a restaurant.
of keys according to
as the meaty St. Louis cut
based sauces”. We also
hear day in and day out
“Best Ribs on the Planet”
Within three years, Okla-
Tyrell. “One is patience.
pork spare rib that is sea-
learned that BBQ competi-
that folks were craving
from Boca Raton/Delray
homa Joe’s was named one
To do BBQ well you must
soned with house spices
tion can be more complex
something new and differ-
magazine and a statement
of the best BBQ restau-
have the discipline to do
and slow smoked with oak
than one would think.
ent on the Avenue. We
from Sun-Sentinel’s John
rants in the world by Za-
it, and you also have to
wood for four hours, the
“Consistency is critical.
believe in three things at
Tanasychuk stating Smoke
gat’s Guide to Restaurants,
have passion. Either you
Carolina Pulled Pork
For competitions we
Smoke BBQ: Provide value,
Only the finest, hand selected, all natural meats are purchased and then rubbed with Executive Chef’s Bryan Tyrell’s secret proprietary rub.
would keep log books on
be consistent, and treat
everything from the tem-
people with respect. The
perature of the smoker to
rest of the business will
the temperature of the
take care of itself....espe-
weather. Was the wind
cially once you try Bryan’s
blowing? Towards or away
ribs.” And those are values
from the smoker? Humid-
we believe in as well.
ity. You dial everything in based on those variables,” explained Tyrell.
Lunch is now served daily with $10 specials available. Happy Hour is from noon
here’s authentic BBQ, and then there’s
Although the food sounds
until 7pm every day in-
complex, the atmosphere
cluding 3-4-1 wine and
at Smoke is quite simple.
well drinks along with
“It’s like the backyard at
2-4-1 canned beers. Last
your buddy’s place,” ex-
but certainly not least,
plains Kennedy. “We want
Sunday boasts an all day
people to feel welcome
happy hour on cocktail
and comfortable, whether
specials only.
they just came from the
“authentic” BBQ.
beach or the board room.”
Fortunately, Smoke BBQ
Kennedy also states that
former of the two and
Smoke BBQ has gotten
the only authentic Kansas
nothing but love from
City BBQ joint in South
Delray. “We have received
Florida, according to
outstanding support from
owner Scott Kennedy.
theatlanticcurrent.com 41
Another topic of conversa-
Smoked Chicken Wings. All the hard work must have
in Delray Beach is the
Photos: Ben Hicks
homage to Tyrell’s roots in
cret proprietary rub”. In
By Natalya Jones
Chef Profile
BBQ has the “Best ribs I’ve
BBQ stand out? Kennedy
at south florida’s Newest BBQ haven
Try the Food for Some Slow Roast Lovin’
Chef Profile
So what makes Smoke
Ryan LaFlare Spearfishing
the City of Delray Beach
42 theatlanticcurrent.com
Visit www.eatbbqnow. com for more on Smoke BBQ. Follow them on Twitter and Instagram at @smokebbqfl and like them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ SmokeBBQFL.
theatlanticcurrent.com 43
The Choices of
pro Nathan Behl After months of surFing in Indonesia, South Florida’s of publicity is Finally home. He brought back with him a barrage surf industry, and an in the surf media, an inspiring perspective on the trip ingrained work ethic that will pay for his next surf
Nathan Behl By Cash W. Lambert Photos by ISLANDEYE Photography
The wave was empty. No
nesian barrel just to see
sleeve shirt. His light hair
time above the wave than
one wanted a piece of it.
if it would work - which it
is messy, and you can see
on it. Since then, he’s add-
Not even Nathan Behl,
would, in terms of size - I
in his eyes that he’s tired
ed contests from Hawaii
it seemed, who was sit-
wouldn’t recommend us-
- a combination of work
to Florida to his resume.
ting in a perfect take-off
ing Nathan’s truck. Chanc-
and car trouble, perhaps.
He traveled, scored, trav-
spot. As the blue wave
es are he wouldn’t either.
He looks up, and I do the
eled, scored…But in early
flawlessly peeled towards
An hour and half past the
same: there sits his quiver,
2014, the Behl camp was
him, he didn’t move. He
time when we planned to
lying in wood holsters,
quiet. Rumor was that he
just watched. Moments
meet at his family’s house,
hanging from the ceiling.
moved to Indonesia, tired
before the clean section
his white 2003 Toyota Tun-
He pulls out a 5’9” Webster
of Florida’s lackluster surf
clamped shut, Nathan
dra finally and surprisingly
shape, and the first thing
season. But then a flurry of
swung around and gator
roars back from the dead.
I notice is the Billabong
film edits began dropping,
crawled his way into the
At least enough to get
sponsor sticker on the
and he was ripping. Nearly
wave, standing up and
him home.
free falling, but remaining
board’s nose. “This is one
every surf media outlet
I rode in Indonesia,” he
picked up on it. Nathan
centered on the board,
It’s 9:30 p.m., Friday night.
says, while examining it
Behl was back, and better
like a crashing elevator
We’re standing in the Behl
for any wear or tear. “Well,
than ever.
somehow under control.
family garage in Tequesta,
one of the few that I didn’t
For a split second, his
surrounded by a beauti-
break. I snapped so many
entire 5’10” figure stood
ful neighborhood. The air
boards there.”
below sea level. Less than
is damp from the night
“I remember that wave in particular,” he says, “because everyone was just
a second later, he pumped
rain, and Nathan’s wear-
This isn’t surprising, I think
and pulled back into a
ing black boardshorts
to myself, considering
blue Indonesian barrel
and a gray and black long
that looked so big that
screaming at me to get it.”
his elevator drop wave,
“How big was your
seen on a released video
board?” I ask, expecting
you could drive a truck
entitled 2 Hours, which
him to say something
through it.
features his exploits. The
above a 6’0”.
Figuratively, that is. But
overhead, and broke over
wave stacked double “My 5’9”, he replies,
if you were thinking of
a reef of knives. The drop,
nonchalantly. “Catching
literally attempting to fit
the stance, everything
it on a shortboard isn’t
a truck through an Indo-
was second nature to
a problem. The waves
Nathan. The 20-year-old
in Indo are so perfect,
Floridian first surfed on
so catchable. They have
the nose of his father’s
power, but they hold back
surfboard as a child, and
for you. Most of the drops
it’s been muscle memory
are pretty manageable.”
ever since. I watched him compete in regional East-
I’m surprised that the
ern Surf Association (ESA)
screams of the locals
contests years ago, where
pushed him to go on that
he seemed to spend more
wave, albeit late.
32 theatlanticcurrent.com
theatlanticcurrent.com 33
I used to think that I had to be pro. But now I know I’m going to surf no matter what, and I’m going to have fun no matter what, even if it’s pushing a kid into a wave. It’s a win win.
He doesn’t seem fazed by
made mac and cheese.
decades of surfing
nationally known
any pressure. Nathan walks
The rain continues to pour
meshed in with his per-
Surfing Magazine posted
tall and confident, speaks
outside in the darkness.
sonality - he’s full of warm
on Nathan, which included
slowly and makes every word count - all manner-
Nathan’s quietly eating
smiles. “We didn’t have
a photo and about 75
beside me, so I ask his
a choice. We couldn’t
words, mentioning his
isms that look entirely de-
parents, facing me, first.
say no.”
endeavors in Indo.
cided by him, not adapted
“How did you let your
from others. Whether that’s
son live in Indonesia?”
I look at Nathan. He grins.
“He raised all the money
“Did you see the short
because of his family’s faith, or his innate nature, it’s noticeable.
“I did actually,” I say, enamored to speak on my personal passion:
by himself,” Greg Behl
article Surfing Magazine
surf magazines. Since
answers. It seems like
did on Nate?” Greg asks.
first impressions can
Dinner consistes of chick-
the sun that turned
He’s referencing a weekly
last for hours though, I
en, salad, fruit, and home-
his skin dark through
photo blog that the inter-
decide to play it cool.
“I follow the magazine somewhat closely.”
I hear Nate’s fork hit the
was even asked to be
plate. His turn for an ex-
a surf guide.”
planation on the Indo trip: “Did you look at the com-
“A close friend, Justice St.
ments under the article?
John, has a filming com-
airports. Instead of school-
more and more to live in
books, roadmaps have
the moment but not be
been his lesson guides;
completely blind about
He spends the next few
safety has counted as his
what’s going to happen in
minutes animated. He
pass or fail grade. I want
the future. So many things
Someone mentioned
pany called FTR Films, and
talks about the waves
to know more.
something like ‘well mom
he’s been helping out the
(perfect), the food (don’t
used to matter to me: type of car, nice clothes.
and dad must have paid for
Kandui Resort, promoting
try fast food upon return-
He’s now leaning back in
My view of what people
it’. I jumped on there quick,
it. He told me if I came we
ing to America after being
the chair, full and content.
thought of me, along with
defending him against
could make some videos,
out of the country) and the
He pauses. Then begins:
that materialistic view,
those guys. Because he
surf the best waves in the
waves again (perfect).
“We’re always so worried
left. I used to worry about
saved all the money him-
world. So I worked and
But it’s not just the trip to
about material things, like
that, but now it’s all good.
self. He lives with us of
saved and went for it. It
Indo that I came to talk
what if I had no money, or
Seeing other cultures, ap-
course, but he pays for a
was a 20 day trip, but I
about. He’s spent his teen-
if I could do this or that.
preciating them, that made
lot of his own things.”
kept extending it, and
age years on the road, in
By traveling, I’ve learned
me happy.”
34 theatlanticcurrent.com
life, an attitude. And I wanted to
your little brat cousin who thinks
create food and an atmosphere
he has a gluten allergy. Better
to celebrate that culture.”
theatlanticcurrent.com 35
yet, they will feel like they got their South Florida’s worth with
But let’s get down to what
the nautical vibes and legit
makes a bar a great bar, the
outdoor seating.
spice of life that Longboards does oh so well. First thing’s
The ocean inducing interior
first, happy hour is banging
wasn’t an accident, it serves
out of control. Every day of
as an inspiration. Walk into
the week from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.,
Longboards and feel the daily
of age patrons can lap up half
B y rst , ro?
Thir By Dana Krangel
PhoTos By Ben hicKs
There is someThing to be said about a
chameleon restaurant. The
off every libation behind the bar
type of establishment that
and soak it all up with $6 bar bites, including arguably Clematis Street’s best calamari. Oh sorry, did we not mention the $1 oysters? But back to the booze. Longboards boasts a solid beer bottle collection and a small selection of rotating taps. But
The surfer vibe and solid seafood selection make Longboards not just quintessentially South Florida, but it evokes a chilled out, throwback vibe and it’s all on purpose. weight on your shoulders momentarily lifted. It’s impossible not to relax in this space and the staff wouldn’t have it any other way. Friendly to tourist and locals alike, it’s really the stellar staff that keep people coming back for repeat visits. The environment,
Longboards brings surf culture to Clematis Street
the people, the food and the drinks. Is there anything else the cocktail menu is where
that matters?
the booze really stars, with signature, hand-crafted drinks
An incredible amount of
Longboards in downtown West
Opening their doors in July of
Florida, but it evokes a chilled
and the much buzzed about
restaurants open their doors
Palm Beach has succeeded in
2011, Longboards quickly
out, throwback vibe and it’s all
Scorpion Bowl.
and then shut them for good
a goal that most restaurants
emerged as a Clematis favorite.
Oh, you can’t drink tonight
Street. The ones that stand up
have: satisfying every palette.
doesn’t simply appeal to one
It’s the spot for happy hour
target audience but instead
hunters, family dinners and
makes various groups of people
celebrations, a perfect place
feel right at home. The ability
for a post-surf chill out and an
to make a space belong to
afterhours live music joint. The
everyone, no matter how many
only friend of yours that might
people feel comfortable there, it’s
not fit in at Longboards is your
the cocktail menu is where the booze really stars, with signature, handcrafted drinks and the much buzzed about Scorpion Bowl.
a true gift. The big box restaurants
imaginary friend and that
The surfer vibe and solid seafood
of the world don’t stand a chance
mostly has to do with the
selection make Longboards not
against a chameleon restaurant.
fact that he doesn’t exist.
just quintessentially South
on purpose. Owner Rodney Mayo
remarkably quickly on Clematis
says he was inspired to open the concept by simply “hanging out
because your family is in town?
tall from the beginning snag the
with some of my longboard
Let’s be real, you live in South
necessary following and you will
surfing buddies.” And woah if
Florida. When is a member of
be hard pressed to find a West
that vision hasn’t come to life
your family not visiting? Bring the
Palmer who doesn’t list
The bacKwaTer by with a surfboard shaped bar and bogaerT boards surfing videos of gnarly waves A great all-around board with a rounded nose, the Backwater’s classic mid-century longboard template is stylish, stable and massive projection screen. “It’s a incredibly versatile. A great glider and throwback to the 60’s surf wave catcher as well. Price: $1,450 available at bogaert boards
constantly playing on the
culture” says Mayo. “It’s a way of
30 theatlanticcurrent.com
whole gang to Longboards, picky
Longboards as a favorite. Now
eaters and seafood cravers alike.
past the three year mark, Mayo’s
The menu is coastal enough to sParK by sea-doo satisfy your aunt that wants her
Say hello to the new SPARK, the latest breaktaste buds through watercraft from Sea-Doo. This easy to to also take a ride craft boasts the most fuel-efficient engine but can even please vacation, available and is light enough for most compact sedans to tow. With several color options and an exceptional starting price, you can’t go wrong. Price: $4,999 available at riva Motorsports
vision was “a casual environment with great fresh seafood to match” and it’s safe to say that mission has been accomplished.
necKlace by liMey loves
theatlanticcurrent.com 31
Looking to get that one of a kind lady a one of a kind piece of jewelry? Look no further than the beautiful handmade necklaces by Limey Loves. Price: $50 available at Mora surf boutique
igrill2 Ok, your friends are over to cook up some tasty steaks on the grill. Wanna’ cook everything just right, right? The iGrill2 has 4 probes so you can monitor cooking temps for 4 different meats and it will alert you when each is at the perfect temperature. No more over or under cooked meats! Just pair the free app (Bluetooth) with the iGrill2 and you’re all set. Price: $99.99 available at www.idevicesinc.com
honda crF 450r
The Tash by bogaerT boards The Tash’s extra-wide, ultrastable platform is designed for fitness enthusiasts interested in taking their yoga workout routines to the water. Surprisingly light given its width and volume, the Tash is designed to be easy to get to the water, and easy to get out after a workout. Price: $1,350 available at bogaert boards
This model features new intake and exhaust ports, a new Dual-Timing PGM-FI fuel injection setup, and redesigned muffler internals to boost torque and increase throttle response. The mass of the bike is also concentrated towards the center, making whipping much easier. There is no second place with this beast, unless the guy or girl next to you has one. Price: $8,699 available at riva Motorsports
20 theatlanticcurrent.com
What was once a dream for skateboarders and surfers alike, has become a reality thanks to Fiik Electric Skateboards. The Street Surfer is engineered with high clearances for both on and offroad riding. A shorter wheelbase gets you in and out of tight turns, over tricky terrain, and back to a hard-surface to ride to your next destination. The wireless control has regenerative ABS braking, speeds up to 25 mph and has up to a 15 mile range. It also comes with LED head and tail lights for nighttime cruising. Price: lead acid: $830, lithium: $1430 available at Fiik.com
Tusa blacK series MasK and snorKel & Tusa sPorT rF-20 Fins The UM-31 Visio Tri-Ex mask is a revolutionary 3-window design that offers an ultra-wide 168° panoramic view. This amazingly wide viewing angle increases the field of vision dramatically over traditional masks. The USP-250 dry snorkel features TUSA Hyperdry Elite dry top technology (pat p) that stops water from entering into the snorkel, a drain chamber and purge valve for easy clearing, and hypoallergenic crystal silicone swivel and mouthpiece. The RF-20 fins are super thin with a lightweight design making it ideal for snorkeling and travel, yet it generates maximum performance and comfort. Price: $49.99 (Mask & snorkel) $29.99 (Fins) available at Force-e scuba
If you do not already own a jar of Florida Salt Scrubs, it’s simply because you haven’t tried it. It feels great to use on hands and feet, leaves them smooth and replenished, and smells amazing. This flavor is made with 100% real Key Lime, with many other options available. Looking for a gift someone will use daily? This is it. Stocking stuffer? You got it. To top it off, Florida Salt Scrubs is based right here in South Florida. Price: starting at $5.95 available at locals surf shop, nomad surf shop, 2nd st surf shop, blueline surf, and boca surf and sail.
theatlanticcurrent.com 21
here’s a 20-acre plot in
striding towards me on the Board-
Boca Raton where nature’s
walk Trail so I swivel my head the
happenings aren’t stopped
other direction to search for the
by man. And because of that,
skunk and the smell hits me again.
its name and its creatures
Thick trees and weeds surround
are guaranteed to bring you
the Boardwalk Trail, like a fence.
back to your childhood.
I’m boxed in. Trapped. While wearing my favorite Hawaiian shirt.
Experience is quickly reminding
aT Gumbo Limbo
Key liMe salT scrub by Florida salT scrubs
The Kid by bogaerT boards The perfect Kid SUP for riders up to 150 pounds that are looking to catch small rollers or big waves. The Kid Surfer Model offers a stable platform but maneuvers easily, for beginners and advanced riders alike. This board is great in the waves but also performs well in flat waters. At only 11 pounds, the kids will be carrying their own board to the water. Price: $899 available at bogaert boards
sTreeT surFer by FiiK elecTric sKaTeboards
Then rings out the sentence that
tions when you smell a skunk in
saves my Hawaiian shirt, spoken
the wild. Either pull a white flag
by the man leading the group.
out of a backpack, which should
“Should you smell a skunk, which
consist of hydrogen peroxide,
is highly likely, it’s not a skunk.
soap and baking soda and be
It’s actually called a Stopper tree,”
prepared to scrub, or run the
he says. His words echo into the
other direction with the agility
forest. Suddenly I’m calm and col-
of a fireman.
lected, but twitching with adrena-
Because the latter fits best now,
stubborn rock, the tour group flows
I take two steps in the opposite
around me, stops, peers over the
direction, expecting safety, and
side of the wooden walkway and
that’s when I see at least 15 people
begin sniffing. I peek over too and
line. Like a river gushing around a
By Cash W. Lambert Photos: Ben Hicks
32 theatlanticcurrent.com
me that you only have two op-
theatlanticcurrent.com 33
St ck A Fork In US!
iT B
Number of CheeseCake faCtory restauraNts NatioNwide
million pounds The amounT of sugar The CheeseCake faCTory uses in a year
eAtING OUr WAY tHrOUGH The CheeseCake FaCTory, ONe decAdeNt SLIce At A tIMe
WrItteN bY Linda Haase ANd FeLicia s. Levine ❙ PHOtOGrAPHY bY MicHaeL Price
three people. three hoUrS. three zIllIon cAlorIeS.
p u b l i ca t i o n s
the task: Sample all 34 sinful flavors on the cheesecake Factory’s cheesecake menu and pick our favorites. ¶ Wow, tough gig (friends and colleagues didn’t know whether to feel envious—or appalled). but we were willing to take one, er, 34, for the team. ¶ First, though, we needed a game plan. Food writer Linda Haase was on board as a taster, as was Boca Raton Observer editor/chocolate blogger Felicia S. Levine. A third adventurous soul, culinary expert and executive chef todd billeci, head of catering at Florida Atlantic University, was also willing to engage in our gastronomic CH
cindy Saravia would prove invaluable in helping us navigate through the myriad ingredients, flavors… occasional bouts of sugar fatigue… but we digress. ¶ before continuing, allow us to point out a few things to avoid redundancy later. First,
ChoColAte tuxedo CreAm CheeseCAke: This beautiful cake would fit in perfectly served at a black-tie event. It features layers of fudge cake, chocolate cheesecake, chocolate, and vanilla mascarpone mousse, and is served over ribbons of marshmallow and chocolate syrups.
graham cracker crust. We all reached for seconds, which says a lot, considering it was our seventh piece. Great with a big steam-
ChoColAte mousse CheeseCAke: Similar in appearance to the Godiva Cheesecake, this smooth flavor is a bit denser in consistency and features a tasty chocolate cookie crust. A top layer of Belgian chocolate mousse sends it over the top.
The RunneR-up: Wild BlueBerry White ChoColate CheeseCake: We weren’t sure what to expect here, but found this combination of blueberry swirls and white chocolate chips mixed into a classic cheesecake a wonderful surprise. A light white chocolate mousse topping added yet another layer of deliciousness. “It’s gotta be healthy with all the wild blueberries,” Linda rationalized, indulging in her third bite.
ChoColAte rAspberry truffle CheeseCAke: This is extremely dense, very sweet, resembles a giant candy truffle in texture (hence the name) and is heavily threaded with ribbons of raspberry. Some of us found it a bit too sweet, wishing the raspberry flavor wasn’t so intense.
when we refer to “dollops” of icing, these are no dainty spoonfuls—more like fist-sized mounds. Second, we’d be remiss not to mention the artistry of all the cheesecakes’ presentations. One slice was lovelier than the next, with sugary swirls, ribbons of syrup and mountains of whipped cream as tall and wide as a juice glass. Finally, we’d like to send a shout out to the folks at the Web site “Serious eats,” the first brave souls to endeavor such a feat and live to tell about it. ¶ but now it was our turn and we were giddy with anticipation. Perhaps our knowledgeable—and extremely patient— server, tina, summed it up best: “People come into the restaurant, look at the cheesecake menu and say, ‘I want to try a slice of all of them.’ And you get to do it. You’re living everybody’s dream!” ¶ If we’re dreaming, we don’t want to wake up. OctOber 2011
Chocolate Coconut Cream Cheesecake InseT: 30th Anniversary Chocolate Cheesecake
The BesT:
DutCh apple Caramel streusel CheeseCake This is your grandmother’s winning apple pie—on steroids. A twist on a traditional treat, this ridiculously delicious cake features a
This is a decadent coconut cheesecake packed with chocolate chunks and moist coconut, and topped with a fluffy layer of co-
generous helping of brown sugar cinnamon walnut streusel crumbles atop smooth original cheesecake layers packed with baked
conut cream custard. The whole heavenly creation sits on a layer of yet more chewy coconut and a scrumptious chocolate maca-
apples and caramel. The pièce de résistance: a buttery, perfect
The RunneR-up: 30th AnniversAry ChoColAte CheeseCAke:
Added Felicia: “It’s like a party in your mouth!” AZINE AS
The BesT:
ChoColate CoConut Cream CheeseCake While this flavor—the fifth we tasted—wasn’t one of the denser chocolate concoctions, it was our hands-down category favorite.
roon crust. Not too dense, not too light—this is just right. Chef Todd likened it to a combination Mounds Bar/Samoa Girl Scout cookie. “I don’t even like coconut, but I absolutely loved this,” said Linda. AG
SWEET INTERLUDE: After sampling six pieces, other diners are starting to point and stare. And while we agreed to pace ourselves, some From of us (Felicia) have found it Che LeFt: Lind f todd a Felicia Billec Haase, difficult to forego second and S. Levin i and e third bites and Linda has already requested a to-go box. We're proud of how we're holding up-a bit full, perhaps, but nothing a glass of water and a quick stretch won’t cure.
dutch Apple Caramel streusel Cheesecake InseT: Wild blueberry White Chocolate Cheesecake
Had we died and gone to chocolate cheesecake heaven? We flipped for this flavor, featuring two original cheesecake layers sandwiching two decadent layers of rich fudge chocolate cake. The slice is swirled with tiny chocolate crunchies and its side is blanked in chocolate shavings for added taste and texture. The crowning touch: A luscious dollop of chocolate truffle cream.
Five Adventures To Nurture Your Masculine Side
how ofteN New flavors are iNtroduced
Fresh Banana Cream CheeseCake: An ode to classic banana pudding, this flavor came in a close third, with a smooth and creamy cheesecake, Bavarian cream topping and generous helping of sliced bananas. Not a fan of bananas, even Felicia was impressed. lemon raspBerry Cream CheeseCake: “One of the sweetest cakes I’ve ever had,” pointed out Chef Todd. Features layers of raspberry lemon cake, creamy lemon cheesecake, raspberry Lady Fingers and lemon mousse, and topped with a tart raspberry coulis.
Pineapple-flavored cheesecake sandwiched between layers of super-moist Pineapple Upside Down Cake with a pineapple glaze, and topped with mounds of whipped cream (naturally) and a cherry. Chef Todd liked the texture.
pineapple upside doWn CheeseCake:
Cherry CheeseCake: This is the restaurant’s original cheesecake topped with sweet cherry preserves. The cake is lighter and fluffier than your typical New York-style offering. mango key lime CheeseCake: Tart, sweet and tangy, this scrumptious cheesecake served with a mango glaze will have you pursing your lips—in a good way. “This is some good mango flavor!” exclaimed Chef Todd.
White Chocolate Caramel macadamia nut Cheesecake InseT: ultimate red Velvet Cheesecake
Number of calories iN a spooNful of cheesecake
key lime CheeseCake: Just like Key Lime Pie—but in a cheesecake. The creamy filling is the perfect balance of tart and sweet, and the vanilla crumb crust provides a nice complement. Topped off with whipped cream and a lime wedge. piña Colada CheeseCake: Delectable layers of moist white cake and original cheesecake, with flecks of coconut and a base soaked in pineapple and rum…the only thing missing is a little umbrella. This is a special flavor not on the menu, so order it by name.
SWEET INTERLUDE: Fourteen slices in, and the table is blanketed with plates, napkins and forks. Our water inü take has increased substantially, we re eating a bit slower and the sugar has begun to have an effect. Linda admits to feeling slightly ÒdazedÓ and Feü licia s forehead is glistening. ÒMy jacket fit when I got here,Ó remarked Chef Todd. A ü passerby lets us know there s a forklift service nearby, should we need a ride after ü the tasting. Everyone s a comedian.
GodivA ChoColAte CheeseCAke: This has a surprisingly silky texture and is served on a flourless dark chocolate Godiva cake base, with layers of chocolate cheesecake, mousse and ganache, then dusted with cocoa powder and topped with a Godiva chocolate square.
Twice a year
ing mug of hot coffee, we highly recommend serving this comfort dessert at your next thanksgiving dinner.
newest flavor
around the restaurant between tastings? ¶ Have a paramedic on standby? ¶ choosing the location was simple: the cheesecake Factory in boca raton was wonderfully accommodating in our crazy quest and Senior General Manager
to divide each piece into three sections for sampling, and stick to just cheesecake one forkful each per slice (that was the plan, anyway). ¶ And there were other concerns: How would all the sugar affect us? Should we drink lots of water? Walk laps
ourselves. After all, these were no wimpy portions: each cheesecakechocolaTe slice weighs about Bar half a pound. We decided
fruit, decadent, candy/cookie/brownie and classic/low-carb). For critiquing, we’d choose a favorite and a runner-up in each category, and rate the rest with a scale of forks ranging from one to five. ¶ We wondered how best to pace
experiment. ¶ Next, we strategized. to keep things manageable, we broke flavors down into categories (chocolate,
The BesT:
White ChoColate Caramel maCadamia Nut CheeseCake Out of all 34 flavors, this was our absolute favorite. this granddaddy of desserts features an indulgent white chocolate chunk cheesecake packed with caramel-drenched macadamia nuts and nestled on a delightful blondie crust. And let us not forget the hill of freshly whipped cream, dripping with a cascade of more caramel. “Nice adult flavors,” observed chef todd. “every bite tastes different and better,” Linda added. We all went macadamia-nuts for this cake. The RunneR-up: ultimate red VelVet CheeseCake: Chef Todd described this perpetual favorite as “like Christmas in a cheesecake.” One of the taller slices, it presents beautifully with thick, interchangeable layers of white chocolate cheesecake and red velvet layer cake. The whole slice is slathered in delicious cream cheese icing and finished off with white chocolate shavings.
T h e B o C A R AT o N o B S e R v e R
White ChoColate raspBerry truFFle CheeseCake: Featuring original
cheesecake swirled with white chocolate and raspberry, it’s covered in white chocolate shavings and sits on a tasty chocolate crust. Has a pleasant flavor that’s milder than its raspberry counterparts. dulCe de leChe Caramel CheeseCake: Fans of the Latin Ameri-
can dessert dulce de leche will flip over this caramel cheesecake, OctOber 2011
AROUND THE WORLD IN 40 BEERS Drinking Our Way Through Brewski Heaven
A SWINGING VACATION Conquering The World’s Best Golf Courses
MEN’S SILENT KILLER When It Comes To Gender, Breast Cancer Does Not Discriminate
Life Is A Swell Of Success For Champion Surfer Kelly Slater
MAY 2012
Stylist Calyann Barnett Sets Men’s Trends (Just Ask Dwyane Wade)
by Felicia s. levine
THEY WILL SURVIVE Meet Five Local Preppers
Get Up To Speed With Race Car Driver Helio Castroneves
MAY 2013
Outdoor Trips To Satisfy Your Inner Adventurer
HAIR APPARENT Cutting-Edge Treatments For Baldness
T H E B OCA R ATON O B S E RV E R ◗L o c a l l i fes ty l e p ub l i c a ti o n
who lyn, N.Y., t of Brook s, “I wasn’ Bo nney 2004, say r: Grace es magazin Founde r blog in the ula in pop ed her ign I lik started f.” Her new type of des it mysel , seeing the decided to cover by Ar tisan Bo oks I e me” I read, so nge at Ho cover a wid sign*Spo og: “We d book, “De l. The bl m ho me tours an this fal vie , fro mo ics ng top is due out replicati lifestyle me jects to range of After ho rself pro : Before & s, ion ipe aT ir rec Do-It-You , her insp en living e style, gre y guides.” a markets, vintag d s and cit blogs an re—in fle makeover d on the everywhe an it the d ows “I fin ign sh ers across dent des design lov “We’re seeing shops, stu sites of 11: 20 Web d r an al Fo person e gold ends sign Tr tallics lik /salvaged globe.” de d rich me nd m purple an seeing a lot of fou a lot of in the for still it’s er I’m d) eth copper, (an g up in ho mes, wh rtops.” pin d counte wo od pop inetry an cab or e ur of fur nit
Five Colorful Decor Blogs Feed Your Inner Designer Thanks to the Internet, decor voyeurs are no longer relegated to touring model homes and waiting for their monthly design magazine subscriptions to get a decorating fix. Now those obsessed with paint colors, fabric swatches and chic furnishings can simply turn to their computers, tablets or smart phones, 24 hours a day. Consequently, there’s been a proliferation of shelter blogs, published by true followers of design: some are interior decorators, some are artists, and some just love to decorate. All present superb eye candy they've gathered from around the world in the form of house tours, trendy products, room renovations, DIY projects, celebrity home previews and much more—most feature their own home projects as well. Check out five inspiring decor blogs that are capturing international attention. The women behind them may operate from around the world, but after previewing their blogs, they’ll feel as familiar as friendly, design-savvy neighbors.
Design * Sponge
Photo by Johnny Miller
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Talks Florida Politics And The Presidential Race
These crafty shadow boxes were made from wine crates
Design*Sponge features more than 400 DIY projects with step-by-step instructions. Here, founder Grace Bonney (with her cat, Turk) sits in front of the upholstered Otomi headboard she created from foam and fabric.
This blog features hundreds of inspiring “sneak peeks” into homes. Here’s the living room of Alissa and Ryan, owners of Horne, an online boutique.
The living room of Studio Bon textile designer Bonnee Sharp— check out the rest of her creative home on the blog.
A DIY project uses pressed botanicals to make pretty pictures 76
T h e B o c a R aT o n o B s e R v e R
MaRch 2011
Weihenstephaner White hoplosion
thirsty for knowledge (and some Cold ones) we drink our way through Brewski heaven
eer is the everyman’s affordable luxury, with the world’s best cost-
dave Crisafi, founder of southfloridabeerblog.com, has traveled the globe sampling beers and now focuses his attention on the South Florida scene, where he covers microbrews, celebrated bars and stores that carry hard-to-find beers. “Locals seemed to respond instantly and that made me want to learn everything there was to know. It’s just my nature.”
and why we decided to critique 40 beers in a single sitting. The
things we do for our readers…
all for you, and the love of brew, we
tapped into three experts—well, two respected beer bloggers and one regular guy who fervently loves the stuff—and sent them to South Florida’s beer nirvana, World of Beer in Coconut Creek (wobusa.com), which is part of a national brand that focuses solely on suds (we’re talking hundreds of types from around the globe, from Dogfish Head’s Ta Henket, the beer the ancient Egyptians drank, to a beer from Weihenstephaner, the world’s oldest active brewery at 1,000 years old).
and then we let them have at
est, because we didn’t want to ruin our taste buds with a super hoppy/ bitter beer at the beginning of the tasting or when we got to the light, crisp lager, it would taste like water,” explained aficionado Dave Crisafi of southfloridabeerblog.com, who led the charge. He was joined by beer expert and blogger Chalie Beatty, founder of mugofsaintarnold.com, and
NUMBER OF BEERS AT WORLD OF BEER COCONUT CREEK: 40 rotating drafts and more than 500 bottles.
thusiast, art director Scott Deal, and they all rated each beer from one to 10. “We jumped around a bit within the categories, as some were a little lighter than others, and rated the beer on how interesting we thought it was, and if we could see Think
drinking 40 brews in a single sitting was smooth aleing? Of Coors not. Still, our three tasters had a stein time. Duff said!
Brooklyn lager
This is another beer that has a slightly more roasted character than other lagers. The sweet malty characteristics round it out and make it a nice balanced beer. “This is good for putting a few back during a baseball game,” Chalie said.
ine why. We found it tasked like skunky dirty water. “Why would anyone pair this with pizza?” Chalie wondered. Scott found it bitter. Surmised David: “This may be one of my least favorite beers in the world.”
THE RUNNER-UP BlanChe de Bruxelles
With one of the most distinctive tap handles out there (the famous Brussels symbol, Manneken Pis, a statue of a small boy
peeing) this beer should be remembered for more than its logo. The fluffy head and smell of fresh lemon beckons you to taste a sip, and lemon flavors move away slightly for a hint of coriander that slides forward to finish this beer off. “This would pair nicely with a piece of baked fish,” Dave observed.
CarlsBerg: A pretty bland beer with slightly grassy notes and not much different than what the macro breweries turn out. “Grassy, skunky with a slight hop in the finish,” Dave said. Added Chalie: “I would probably avoid this.” Peroni: This beer is carried in Italian restaurants, though we couldn’t imag-
WHEAT: Wheat is used as part of the grain when making this beer. Usually this is lighter in color and can be hazy. Most have citrus and other light fruit flavors. Everyday examples would be Blue Moon or Shock Top. PALE ALE/IPA: Pale ales have a good balance between malt and hops. IPAs are a bitterer version of pale ale. The most popular version of a pale ale would be Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.
2:31 PM
this beer has a clean, crisp corn flavor, though Chalie called it “a little boring” and Scott said it was “too light and thin.” Drinking this with sushi would not be out of the question, Dave pointed out.
about 10 percent of it. What they have discovered is stunning: More than 70 varieties of hard coral grow in the crystal blue waters that are home to more than 500 species of fish. Charles Darwin called it “the most remarkable reef in the West Indies” when he visited nearly 170 years ago, and the more
radeBerger Pilsner:
“This is a great example of what a real pilsner should taste like—crisp and light with a nice grassy-smooth
Page 56
Rodney Yee
2:31 PM
meaning “to join,” is a vehicle for self-realization, and for the attainment of balance and harmony
eternal pursuit — there is always more to learn, more to discover. Still, few know more about this ancient art form than Rodney Yee. The
with two books and over 30 video titles on the subject to his name, Yee is one of the most respected yoga instructors in the world, as well as the most recognized, having been featured on
A BALANCED LIFE: “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, “CNN” and “PBS”. If modern-day yoga has a face, it is indeed his.
YOGA ICON RODNEY YEE By Robin Gelfand Photography By Michal Venera
shOw’s premise and lOcalized it—inquiring what (and where) natiOnally celebrated chefs, restaurateurs and cOOkbOOk authOrs lOve tO Order when dining in sOuth flOrida. warning: while reading, yOu may experience
go down and dirty, no fussiness. I love La Camaronera’s killer fried seafood, like their specialty, Pan con Minuta—‘bread with snapper’— sandwich. It’s in a strip mall on Calle Ocho/Little Havana. They also just launched a food truck— The Fish Box, a great Miami bite.”
where to get it:
Steak 954 at the W Hotel, 401 North Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd., Fort Lauderdale; 954-414-8333, steak954.com.
and Fish Market, 1952 West Flagler Street, Miami; 305-642-3322, garciabrothersseafood.com.
OctOber 2011
ingrid hoffMann
tiMon Balloo Chef at Sugarcane Raw Bar Grill in Miami hiS favorite South
clay conley Chef and Owner of Buccan in Palm Beach
florida diSh: “I love the head-on Shrimp Criolla at Garcia’s Seafood Grille & Fish Market. The place is very simple, but a beautiful depiction of what it is to live in Miami. you sit on the water overlooking the Miami River, all while savoring the spices of our beautiful Latin culture. I’m assuming (the shrimp) is seared then basted in a rich sauce of garlic, spices and herbs. So good that if I knew how, I would make it every day!”
where to get theM: Cây Đa Vietnamese Restau-
rant, 7400 North Federal Hwy., #C5, Boca Raton; 561-998-0278, caydavietnameseatboca.com.
Their Summer Rolls, made with shrimp, peanuts and lots of cilantro are some of the best I’ve ever had. They can be bland at some places, but here they are sharp and bright and use the right amount of fish sauce in the dipping sauce. – clay conley
t h e b O c a r at O n O b s e r v e r
where to get it:
Garcia’s Seafood Grill & Fish Market, 398 N.W. North River Drive, Miami; 305-375-0765, garciasmiami.com.
Host of “Delicioso” on Galavision and “Simply Delicioso” on the Cooking Channel; author of “Simply Delicioso” her favorite South florida diSheS: “The thing I keep going back for is the Sancocho at Monserrate Restaurant on Coral Way and Aguadito at Salmon & Salmon Restaurant. Both are soup/stews that are real peasant food and at notfancy restaurants. Sancocho is a typical Colombian soup made either of meat or chicken with potato, corn, yucca, plantain, etc. Aguadito is a typical Peruvian soup/ stew made of either chicken or seafood. I love the seafood one and the base is a cilantro broth.”
where to get theM:
Monserrate Restaurant, 2093 Coral Way, Miami, 305-856-8525, mimonserrate.com; Salmon & Salmon, 2907 N.W. Seventh St., Miami, 305-649-5924.
Michael reidt executive Chef at Area 31 in Miami; Food & Wine magazine’s Best new Chef 2001 hiS favorite South florida diSheS: The Dried Kawahagi (Trigger Fish Jerky) and the Kimchi Ramen at Hiro’s Yakko-San in North Miami Beach. The Dried Kawahagi has incredible crispiness and sweetness with a great pungent pop from the aioli. The Kimchi is full flavored and very well balanced which I appreciate. not too much heat, which is never good—and they nail it. For Kimchi fans, it’s hands down the best in South Florida.”
where to get theM:
Hiro’s Yakko-San, 3881 N.E.163rd St., North Miami; 305-947-0064, yakko-san.com.
real PeaSant food: Sancocho at Monserrate Restaurant
Michelle BernStein Chef and Owner of Michy’s in Miami and Michelle Bernstein’s at The Omphoy in Palm Beach; James Beard Award Winner – Best Chef in the Southern United States 2008 her favorite South florida diSh: “The Pork Rolling Cakes at Hy Vong in Miami hits all sides of the palate. The layers of flavors and textures are unbeatable. I always get a second order; I can’t help myself.” where to get it:
Hy Vong, 3458 S.W. Eighth St., Miami; 305-446-3674, hyvong.com.
92 OctOber 2011
LaID-BaCK pLaCENCIa Down south in Placencia, a 35-minute flight from Belize City, fewer than 200 Americans live year-round. The village sits at the tip of a long, narrow peninsula that separates the Caribbean Sea and the mangrove-lined Placencia Lagoon. In Placencia, oversized trucks and SUVs, the machinery of sportsmen are common. Many of the roads are dusty washboards that are poorly mapped, making even short trips bone-rattling adventures. Solitude is easy to find here, however, and so are some of the world’s most highly regarded fishing guides, who are attractions in themselves for the stories they tell at local thatched-roof watering holes. Placencia is often called the “Permit Capital of the World,” and each year hundreds of anglers travel thousands of miles just to stalk this prized game fish. There are also plenty of wahoo, sailfish, marlin and kingfish. It’s a favorite spot for fly fishermen who go after the elusive bonefish, the “gray ghosts of the sea.” February 2013
When his alarm sounds during a late afternoon nap, busy Miami Beach resident DJ Irie admits that when he awakes, he doesn’t always know where he is. As the official Miami Heat spinmaster and owner of two companies—Irie Music Corp., which handles his local and international DJ services, and Artist Related, a talent-management firm that plac-
es other artists—Irie regularly travels to Singapore, Germany, France, the Bahamas and other parts of the world, entertaining huge crowds at games, parties, events and film festivals. And when not trekking the globe, he’s hosting charity gigs at home to benefit his Irie Foundation, which annually holds the signature Irie Weekend Celebrity Golf and Bowling Tournaments to benefit underprivileged children. His life is a mad whirlwind of spin, song, socializing and celebrity. No wonder he’s sometimes a bit discombobulated. “I need to take a nap before I perform, but I never complain,” says the energetic Irie, 37. “When that alarm goes off, I want to go back to sleep, but another part of me says, ‘You idiot, you’re about to take the stage at a venue, play your favorite music, drink, meet beautiful women and get paid. Are you frickin’ kidding me? And you feel like you don’t want to get out of bed?!’” And so, the omnipresent performer averages about three hours of sleep per night, mostly because he just can’t seem to stop going.
to order the Prime Aged New York Strip at Steak 954, cooked medium rare and definitely finished with sea salt on top.”
hiS favorite South florida diSheS: “Two of my favorite things to eat are at Cây Đa Vietnamese Restaurant in Boca Raton. It’s an unassuming storefront restaurant in a strip shopping center, but that’s usually where some of the best places are. Their Summer Rolls, made with shrimp, peanuts and lots of cilantro are some of the best I’ve ever had. They can be bland at some places, but here they are sharp and bright and use the right amount of fish sauce in the dipping sauce. And I really like their Whole Fried Fish—it’s vibrant, acidic and perfectly balanced, versus sticky and sweet.”
florida diSh: “I like
where to get it: La Camaronera Restaurant michael schwartz
hiS favorite South
Photo by Michael Pisarri
hiS favorite South florida diSh: “Let’s
Let’s go down and dirty, no fussiness. I love La Camaronera’s killer fried seafood… It’s in a strip mall on Calle Ocho/Little – michael Havana. schwartz
Clay Conley photo by Pamela Jones; Timon Balloo photo by Marcel Varela; Ingrid Hoffmann photo by Andrew Meade; Michael Reidt photo by Michael Turkell
Chef and Owner of Michael’s Genuine Food & Drink in Miami; James Beard Award Winner 2010
Steve Martorano Chef and Owner of Cafe Martorano in Fort Lauderdale; Host of the Web Series, “yo Cuz! The ItalianAmerican Cook” and author of “yo Cuz! My Life, My Food, My Way”
the sudden urge tO make new dinner plans. by lori laWrence
Michael Schwartz
Pedro itself was named after the apostle Peter, the patron saint of fishermen who settled it in the mid-1800s. Around the start of the 20th century, Englishman James Hume Blake bought the entire 25-mile-long island at a bankruptcy auction for the whopping sum of $625 and turned it into a coconut plantation. Today, that $625 is about enough to buy you a square foot of beachfront property. Visitors will have no problem finding a place that fits their daydreams whether it’s an upscale condo, a boutique inn or atmospheric fishing lodge. Victoria House is a distinguished luxury inn that often attracts families that return year after year. The inn was featured on several TV series including “Temptation Island,” “The Bachelor” and “Gene Simmons Family Jewels.” For a truly Belizean experience, you would want to stay in the thatch-roof cabanas of Ramon’s Village Resort. The rooms have luxury amenities, and French doors open up to terraces and the sea. Gorgeous condo/hotels on the beach include Villas at Banyan Bay, the Mayan Princess and the Belizean Reef Suites. Fishermen and divers will love Captain Morgan’s Retreat, which is reached by a short boat ride north of San Pedro. The resort has thatched casitas, as well as luxury condos.
He’s been nominated for a BET Award, spun tunes at three consecutive Orange Bowl half-time shows, appeared on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” MTV’s “Total Request Live,” and Nickelodeon’s “Teen Choice Awards,” (now called “Kids’ Choice Awards”) and he’s the official DJ to actor Jamie Foxx. Irie is having a blast. He never tires of mixing hip-hop, electric
Irie got his experience spinning at South Beach nightspots, like the former Opium Garden and Prive, as well as Mansion, Hotel Astor and The Forge restaurant. He grew more influential courtesy of his infectious personality, mélange of fine sound and obvious interest in his fans. “I’m a people person, always open and willing to help others,” says Irie, who has product endorsement deals with Heineken and Verizon Wireless. “This translates to my DJ style. I need to do more than play records. I like to get the crowd involved. I want to give and get energy, and have the total experience for everyone in the crowd. People
scores. We like to see such progress.” The Irie Foundation’s mission is to improve the lives of South Florida kids through educational and extracurricular opportunities, with an emphasis on the arts. The nonprofit organization’s ultimate goal is to improve the graduation rate among the young people it serves, with middle school students being mentored and encouraged to remain in the program through high school, ultimately receiving scholarship money toward college or trade school tuition. His proudest moments derive from the successful Irie Weekend event, which this past June celebrated
Spin D { ct r{
preeminent authority on this age-old discipline,
Out the success Of fOOd netwOrk’s highly rated prOgram “the best thing i
Ambergris Caye is easy to get to: just 35 miles east of the main airport in Belize City, a quick 15-minute flight or a scenic 75-minute ferry ride. The tiny one-room terminal at the island’s airport is within walking distance of many hotels, but most people rent golf carts. In San Pedro, people zip around the cobblestone streets on golf carts because local law prohibits cars and trucks. For centuries, Ambergris Caye was itself a sleepy fishing village and export center for coconuts and chicle, a tropical evergreen used to make chewing gum. The tourist boom has grown during the last three decades, and more recently San Pedro has emerged as one of the most popular retire-
ment destinations in the Caribbean. It’s virtually impossible to walk more than a block in the busy downtown without bumping into an American, or at least a Canadian. Many tell the same story: They came for a long weekend and ended up buying property and staying for the long haul. One of the reasons Belize attracts so many North Americans is because English is its national language, thanks to the British. Spanish, Kriol (a Belizean Creole) and Indian dialects are also spoken, but English predominates and is the language of government and business. San Pedro also has become a favorite destination for weddings and honeymoons, and many luxury hotel suites are set aside to accommodate them. Couples often reserve entire luxury inns for their wedding guests. Much of Ambergris’ colorful past was written by the Maya, Mexicans, sailors, whalers and buccaneers who lived and died here centuries before the golf cart was invented. More than 10,000 Mayans are believed to have called the island home, and their ruins are still being uncovered. The whalers came several centuries ago and named the caye Ambergris after the waxy cholesterol substance taken from the intestines of sperm whales—hardly fitting imagery for a place so lovely. San
By Emily Hall
Photo by Ben Fink
among one’s mind, body, and spirit. It is an
ever ate.” as a service tO Our culinarily curiOus readers, we bOrrOwed the
San pedro itself was named after the apostle peter, the patron saint of fishermen who F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 3 87 settled it in the mid-1800s.
Photo by Jeremiah Lazo
The practice of yoga began
fOr superb meals On their Own dime—the public listens. fOr prOOf, check
GREaT BaRRIER REEF From the shores of San Pedro and Placencia, it’s actually possible to see the foamy crest of water breaking over the reef, about a half-mile to a mile from shore. Snorkelers often strap on their fins on shore and swim out. The reef stretches 185 miles along the coastline and links the two Belizean towns. Covering more than 370 square miles, it is the second-largest coral system in the world after the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Like the country itself, it is largely unexplored. Scientists have researched only
T h e b o c a r aT o n o b s e r v e r
Page 57
mastered by now, nothing could be further from
celebrated chef? because when famOus fOOdies divulge where they turn
scientists have learned about it throughout the decades, the more remarkable it seems. Each year, 200,000 divers and snorkelers take to the Belizean waters to see firsthand what Darwin was talking about. The reef is the environmental and spiritual bond that links the two very different towns and their very different lifestyles. There is total agreement in both places, however, when it comes to the reef: It is a national treasure.
The reef is the environmental and spiritual bond that links the two very different towns and their very different lifestyles. There is total agreement in both places, however, when it comes to the reef: It is a national treasure.
the truth. Yoga, from the Sanskrit root “yuj”
What dining establishment Wouldn’t covet an endorsement from a
Town of San Pedro in Ambergris Caye
T h e b o c a r aT o n o b s e r v e r
The Belize Barrier Reef
that a discipline so long studied would be
Famous Foodies Reveal What—And Where— They Order When Dining Out In South Florida
happy aNNIVERSaRy This year is the 40th anniversary of the renaming of what was British Honduras to Belize, although the country didn’t gain full independence from Great Britain until September, 1981. This helps explain why Belize, a country with a long-running identity crisis, has stayed so unspoiled and undiscovered, though it’s just a couple of hours by air from the United States. Roughly the area of New Jersey and with about 350,000 inhabitants, Belize has the lowest population density in Central America, which means it also has a remarkably high density of pristine land including beachfront property where Americans are building extravagant vacation homes. Eco tourists, too, flock to
Belize from all continents to explore the natural beauty of undeveloped beaches. About a quarter-million tourists find their way to Belize each year, and about 80 percent of them are Americans. They come to explore verdant jungles, but mostly to play on 200 miles of white beaches and enjoy some of the finest diving and sport fishing on the planet. To the north of Belize is Mexico, to the west is Guatemala, to the east is the sparkling Caribbean Sea—and the reef.
PORTERS/STOUTS: Porters/ Stouts are very similar. They each have a roasty, sometimes chocolate or coffee taste to them. Guinness is the most popular style of stout.
many centuries ago and while one might imagine
THe BeST THInG THey eveR ATe } }
Film director Francis Ford Coppola’s Turtle Inn
BELGIAN STYLES: These usually have sweeter, fruitier (some darker, some lighter) notes to them. The most popular version is probably Chimay.
M ay 2 0 1 2
a Tropical Oasis Framed By Two Great Beach Towns—and Linked By One Dazzling Barrier Reef
beer and rum, backpacks and disdain for keeping track of the time. People who fancy Hilton Head will love San Pedro, where the social game is often to see and be seen; those who want to lose their cellphones and escape to a place off the tourist map will love Placencia, where film stars and corporate magnates travel incognito.
– Dave Crisafi
T H E B O C a R aT O n O B S E R v E R
Rodney Yee
By Cheryl BlaCkerBy
saPPoro: We all agreed
sCott deal, beer lover and art director for The Boca Raton Observer, tasted his first beer at age 10 while living in the Bahamas. His tastes grew more adventurous in college, but admits that “sitting with Dave and Chalie was a serious eye opener. It was amazing to learn how many beers there really are out there and the differences between them... and we had clearly only scratched the surface.”
The Boca Raton Observer’s own resident beer en-
ourselves drinking it again,” Crisafi added.
Chalie Beatty, founder of mugofsaintarnold.com, named his blog after St. Arnold, the patron saint of brewers, and his quest for the ultimate beer experience includes writing about bars, beer recipes, breweries, home brewing and many different kinds of beer locally and around the United States.
it: “We started from the lightest beers and worked our way up to the bold-
ing no more than about $20 a pop. It can be light and refreshing,
heavy and sweet—and everything in between. This is why we love it so much.
BEST BREW This was one of the last lagers we tried and it really kicked things up a notch. It’s a black lager, which means that while it has the light body of a lager it’s darker in color, with a more pronounced roasted malt flavor than the light crisp flavor of most lagers. “I was expecting it to have a bitter bite like Guinness, but it was smooth and surprising,” Scott said. added Dave: “This is a beer to show that not all dark beers are created equal.”
By dave Crisafi, WITH Chalie Beatty anD sCott deal
e z i l e B It
wo coastal towns serve Belize as tropical poles that frame the country to the north and south. Though they both overlook the world-renowned Belize Barrier Reef and share the Caribbean Sea, they are polar opposites. At the north end is San Pedro, population 12,000, the only town on Ambergris Caye, the largest island in Belize and its No. 1 tourist destination. Million-dollar homes have sprouted along the island’s dazzling white-sand coast in the last decade as foreign buyers from all over the world, including lots of American expats and retirees, have come to transform a sleepy fishing village into a bustling upscale island resort. At the southern end of the country is Placencia, which at least for the time being still retains the character of a sleepy fishing village with a population of barely 1,000, many of whom live in colorful stilt cottages, earn their livings from fishing or diving and have family histories that go back to colonial days. It’s still possible to buy a small stilt house across the dirt road from the beach for $100,000. While San Pedro is chardonnay and Champagne, Gucci and Rolex, Placencia is
Photos courtesy of the Belize Tourism Board
This is a new beer from the world’s oldest brewery. Unlike Blue Point’s White IPa, which is an IPa with wheat characteristics, this is a wheat beer with hoppy characteristics. The hops are quite pleasant and sit nicely on top of the aroma of citrus and lemon from the strong wheat backbone. “I wasn’t sure what to expect, but what I came to find was one of my new favorite wheat beers,” Dave said. Chalie called it “well-balanced between poppy herbal hops and the sweetness of malt and lemon flavors.” Scott called it “clean with no aftertaste.”
LAGER: Usually lighter in body with a crisp, clean finish (though, as with most things, there are always exceptions). Everyday examples would be any macro-brewed beer like Budweiser, Miller, Corona or Heineken.
Photo courtesy of Turtle Inn
orange Blossom Pilsner: “With a name
PHOTOS By miChael PriCe
like this you pretty much get what you expect… a big burst of honey upfront with that sweetness sticking well after the beer is finished,” Dave said. This beer reminded Scott of Shock Top. Said Chalie: “I’m not sure if I would return to it.”
Ca B ’T H fro n’t E H W he ere’s m a tell O OR lp a r a PP R yo q oa lig Y u uic sty ht Y , fo k s la llo pr to g w im ut? er al er on to g.
finish,” Dave said. “If you want to know what Budweiser wishes it could be, then check this beer out.” Chalie agreed it was a “solid pilsner.”
T h e B o c a R aT o n o B s e R v e R
DJ IrIe BrIngs On The MIaMI heaT In The naMe Of CharITy
dance music, Brazilian funky and R&B classics. “I take people on a musical journey when I work,” says the goodnatured entertainer. “I go back to when I was 17. I love that.” Coming from a music-loving family, it’s natural that the eligible bachelor would be obsessed with his tunes. Born Ian Grocher in St. Croix, raised in Miami, and educated at a Jamaican boarding school (where his roommate was Grammywinning reggae artist Sean Paul), Irie collected records as a young boy because he liked the feel of vinyl. He learned to spin records and honed his craft via a homemade beat machine created from a Walkman and speakers, and his talent grew from there. He became a DJ at Florida International University’s radio station, and in 1987 graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communications. And soon, his DJ Irie persona (Irie is the Jamaican word for “good”) was born.
must leave my gigs saying, ‘Wow!’” He recalls a female Miami club patron telling him that his spinning helps her escape her problems. That her personal issues go away, if only for a few hours. “That makes it all worthwhile for me,” says Irie. “The need to help others is how I started my charity work,” says Irie, who worked with Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Make-a-Wish Foundation before starting his own foundation. “We help schools in need and recently saw kids improve their reading
“Earning EnougH monEy to BE aBlE to givE Back is to mE tHE joy of living.”
its eighth year, and annually attracts A-listers like Nick Cannon, Joey Fatone, Luke Wilson, his buddy Foxx, and Miami Heat stars LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. The Miami Beach-based event raises between $20,000 and $30,000 annually. Irie also is active in the Special Olympics and his Miami Heat pals’ charities, including the Alonzo Mourning Charities and the Udonis Haslem Foundation. “To enjoy what I do is the most important thing to me,” he says. “I tell people not to let life pass them by. I would DJ for free I love it so much, but I need money to support my charities.” He knows he’s lucky to have turned his beloved hobby into a thriving career. “Earning enough money to be able to give back is to me the joy of living,” he says. And that’s no spin. O
novemBeR 2012
Lean & Mean
the cure
sistent factor in this unprecedented situation is this: everyone seems to have very strong, differing opinions. Fox explained in the interview with Zeigler: “I’m technically, legally, physically, and mentally female. Everything about me is female… I happen to fall into the transgender category, but I rather describe myself as a woman first, transsexual woman second.” After this statement was made, some major figures in the sport made disparaging comments about the fighter, most notably Matt Mitrione and Joe Rogan. At the time of Mitrione’s statements, UFC officials suspended
p u b l i ca t i o n s
In the now
sion of the issue should be allowed.” While his notion to use the situation as an educational opportunity for all those involved in the sport is admirable, Mitrione was suspended for only two weeks and fined an undisclosed amount following his distasteful comments. Male fighters are not the only ones having a negative reaction to the Fox interview. Ronda Rousey, the current UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion, feels that Fox has an unfair physical advantage. She also would agree to fighting Fox, but only if the UFC wanted her to. On Mitrione’s comments, Rousey said: “I understand the UFC doesn’t want to be associated with views like that… I’m also glad they didn’t straight cut him.”
The Queen of Swords
As a fighter her skill is undeniable but recently Fallon Fox dominates the media
“ ”
I’m technically, legally, physically, and mentally female. Everything about me is female…
or the past couple of months, Fallon Fox has been the most widely talked about MMA fighter, dominating the media and overshadowing all other news regarding the sport. However, the talk is not of her 2-0 record, both by TKO, in CFA matches, but instead on her interview with OutSports writer Cyd Zeigler, where she publicly came out as transgender. The only con-
him and made the following statement: “The UFC is a friend and ally of the LGBT community, and expects and requires all 450 of its athletes to treat others with dignity and respect.” Lorenzo Fertitta, chairman and CEO of Zuffa, LLC, the parent company of the UFC, said, “Obviously, this is not the easiest issue and a lot of people are questioning both sides of this thing. A fair debate and discus-
M ay 2 013
Gear uP
Gear UP
Lean & Mean
ShoCk DoCtor’S veloCity MMA 6-pAD Short With ultrA CArBon Cup
randy CouTure
MMA’s Renaissance Man Passes on the Torch
anTonio “BigfooT” silva
zero resisTanCe has climbed mma’s ladder with
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Boxing Legend Howard Davis Jr. Eliminate Weakness & Strengthen Your Guard Female fight machine Ediane “India” Gomes
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Born To
fight Somebody deServeS Their equal opporTuniTy in The ocTagon
ATT’s Mike Brown Cannot Imagine A Life Without Mixed Martial Arts
BrAziLiAn Bruiser
Those Who Can, Do; Those Who Can’t, Teach. Not The Case With Edson Barboza
the econoMy of Motion
Parkour Phenom Blake Barrett Makes Defying The Laws Of Physics Look Easy
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The Hayabusa Convertible Backpack/ Duffel Bag is a truly original gear bag that will change your training experience. Perfect for any occasion, it can be worn as a backpack when on the go, allowing you to be hands-free. But if you need that extra space, it conveniently converts into a Duffel Bag, allowing you to store even more gear. Just unclip the shoulder straps, stow them in the pocket, unzip the bottom, extend and attach the carry strap and you now have a large Duffel bag. Great for any athlete that requires that extra space for their equipment. Available at hayabusafight.com
FIGhter 411
professional athletes. While homophobia in the world of athletics is still a pressing issue, several organizations, such as the You Can Play Project, are working toward changing these attitudes. Their mission statement says they work, “to guarantee that athletes are given a fair opportunity to compete, judged by other athletes and fans alike, only by what they contribute to
Commission has reviewed Fox’s application for a license in the state, and deemed that this was not in violation of their rules and regulations. She will next be fighting at CFA 11 on May 24th, which will be presented live on AXS TV. The fighter will face off against Allanna Jones in the co-main event in the women’s 145-pound championship semifinals. Jorge de
No matter what your opinion is of Fallon Fox, as a fighter her skill is undeniable. There have been varying thoughts throughout this debate from members of the MMA community, but this can be a situation that is both educational and empowering.
the sport…” This is a perfect opportunity for the UFC and other MMA organizations to educate their fighters and fans about this issue. The Florida State Boxing
la Noval, owner of CFA, told MMA weekly, “This is going to be an exciting fight between two incredible fighters and that is what this sport, and this night, is all about.” No matter what your opinion is of Fallon Fox, as a fighter her skill is undeniable. There have been varying thoughts throughout this debate from members of the MMA community, but this can be a situation that is both educational and empowering. The focus that Fox has brought to the world of women’s MMA can only be a positive thing, and will serve to make female fighters train harder and, one day, in the not too distant future, rival their male counterparts in garnering respect in the cage and enthusiasm from fans.
FIGhter 411
34 As of today, the number of Amateur MMA events the state of Florida has had in 2013 (so far).
423 There are so far
Florida amateur
mma Fighters who have foughT in The 34 AMATeur
MMA evenTs ThroughouT The
enTire sTaTe
have foughT
tWiCe or more
JordAn PruiTT The Florida Amateur Fighter who has fought more times then the other 422 fighters! Out of Ocala Florida, he has fought 5 times with a record of 2-3 and plans to fight on more shows before the year is over! M ay 2 013
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Lean & Mean
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lon based upon skill . . . If I have to fight her, so what? I am going to go in there and give it my best shot and do everything that I can to prepare for that person as much as I can and I’m going to win that fight.” Mitrione has since issued an apology for his comments, and has agreed to work toward making amends. The UFC is working with GLAAD (the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) to help decide how Mitrione can repair his relationship with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Mitrione stated: “I want to apologize for my hurtful comments about Fallon Fox and a group within our society, which, in truth, I know nothing about… I now know there’s an important line between expressing an opinion on a subject and being hurtful and insensitive. I crossed that line by expressing my views in an ugly, rude, and inappropriate manner... I know there are people who look up to UFC athletes and I let them and myself down by setting a very poor example.” He further stated, “I am embarrassed I chose to express myself in such a fashion and am looking forward to living up to this apology through my future actions, words, and conduct.” For people in the LGBT community, coming out can be a very difficult, yet important, event in their lives. This is especially true in the case of
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The Python Striker maximizes the benefit of your workout by providing resistance to your hands and feet. Its integrated straps keep the resistance at the ideal position, and will stretch three times their resting length. Simply wear while performing normal training exercises, such as boxing, takedowns, or other grappling skills, and the Python Striker will help improve the speed and strength of your strikes. Available at stroopsmma.net.
The Blackzilian Featherweight Sean Soriano is Ready to Take on the World
Jessica Eye, fighting for Bellator in the Women’s Flyweight division, sees a chance to get into the cage with Fox as a challenge, one that she is up to. She told Fight Hype: “I think that it’s a great possibility that a female fighter . . . could beat Fal-
the cure
MarketInG Madness
StroopS python Belt
Pushing Through
Fallon Fox, that’s a strong person. Despite what the person has been through in their life, that’s a strong person. I’m a fan of that person because of what they’ve gone through and what they’re willing to go through.”
I think Fallon Fox, that’s a strong person. Despite what the person has been through in their life, that’s a strong person. I’m a fan of that person because of what they’ve gone through and what they’re willing to go through. Jon Jones
For all the fighters who have negative opinions of Fox, there are those who are equally supportive of the fighter. Jon Jones, the current UFC Lightweight Champion, called Mitrione a “scumbag” while Fox, to him, is a “strong” role model. Jones said: “I think
In the now
Lean & Mean
oF them
Gear uP
In the now
J a n U a r y 2 01 3
s MMA Fighters and Fans, you know that it would be ideal to win by KO early in the first round of a fight. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Some matches can go on for round after round and, no matter what moves have in your arsenal, stamina and endurance will be your keys to coming out the victor. While many professional athletes train at high altitudes to improve their performance, many athletes in South Florida do not have this luxury due to issues of travel and convenience. So what can we here in South Florida do to train in a comparable fashion? You may be familiar with Hypoxic training, but for those who are not, it involves training in an environment that simulates these high altitudes. The Elevation Training Mask will allow you to train like you were in the mountains while remaining here in Sunny Florida. Some may be hesitant to try this product, wondering if it really works. Read on to find out how this mask can improve your endurance while training and fighting. The Elevation Training Mask simulates higher altitudes by reducing the partial pressure of oxygen taken in by our bodies. Our bodies experience a physiological change as a result in this drop in oxygen, due to survival adaptation processes. This will cause improved oxygen transport and the utilization by skeletal muscles. This product will also improve your lung stamina, increase lung capacity, oxygen efficiency, and overall mental focus. When using the mask, you can get the same intensity of workout in less than half the time. Surely these are all benefits for not only MMA Fighters, but also anyone who wishes to increase their stamina and endurance.
FIGhter 411
Win your oWn While we could list numerous graphs, charts, and studies that have proven this product effective, we would instead like to give you the chance to try the product for yourself. Simply enter our “Lights Out” photo contest and you could win an Elevation Training Mask of your very own (See p.96). Additionally, you can purchase or learn more about this product at trainingmask.com.
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he lifeblood of every sport comes from the amount of unfettered excitement it is able to generate through each contest that gets respectively played out. The entertainment value of whichever sport you want to plug into this next sentence hinges upon the unpredictable outcomes generated by their athletically superior participants: the competitors that define themselves by a micro-analyzed performance, taking place in a comparatively small amount of time. It is here that they are granted their moment to separate themselves from their competitors, opponents, even their own teammates. Whether it is the savage athleticism presented on the football field, the explosive grace on the basketball court, the controlled fury on the hockey rink, or the coordinated actions on the baseball field, athletes are judged by their fans and each other, based on how they perform
components that allow the athlete to realize their fullest potential. Their fully customizable cycles, high quality cycling apparel, and accessories let you bike like the pros without draining your bank account! No matter what your cycling needs, Stradalli has the one for you. carbonroadbikebicyclecycling.coM
on that big stage.
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Fighter 411
M ay 2 01 3
ana White is the undisputed boss of the biggest MMA fighting organization in the world. Whether you view him as the all-powerful ruler of the world of mixed martial arts or just another high profile entertainment mogul and business man who has paved his way to the top of his niche with big brains, a big ego, and an even bigger mouth, is pretty much irrelevant. Irrelevant, of course, considering he is the absolute man when it comes to all-things UFC: what he says goes.
in case you’ve been living deep beneath a pile of bricks for the past year, Nick Newell happens to be the pro-fighter that has amassed his unblemished 9-0 record with only one arm.
Nick “Notorious” Newell, undefeated MMA sensation, recently signed to the World Series of Fighting after a stint with Xtreme Fighting Championships. Being undefeated in any combat sport after nine fights is no easy task. But in case you’ve been living deep beneath a pile of bricks for the past year, Nick Newell happens to be the pro-fighter that was born with a condition called congenital amputation. Thus, not only is he a 9-0 undefeated war-
Move of the Month
Fighting Championship. With his recent signing with the WSOF, that dream appears more and more attainable, with one leading factor positioned firmly at the forefront. But it wasn’t always this close for the Notorious One. Dana White used to talk about women’s MMA like it would never take place under the UFC umbrella. Just two years ago, MMA-Core showed a TMZ.com video of Dana White being “street interviewed.” They asked: “When
Photo by Rene Pimentel
Somebody deServeS Their equal opporTuniTy in The ocTagon
Written by Tommy Glover Photos by Andre rowe
rior in mixed martial arts, he’s a 9-0 undefeated fighter that has amassed his unblemished record with only one arm. Like all MMA fighters that are serious about their profession, Newell not only wants to be a champion, he wants to be a champion on the world’s biggest stage: a titleholder in the Ultimate
are we going to see women in the UFC?” White’s rapid response: “Never.” Prior to that brief yet telling opinion, White went back and forth between the opinions that “women aren’t talented enough” to “the current talent pool is too thin to support a women’s division in the UFC.” This isn’t an effort to show that things A p r i l 2 013
Signature Move
the takedown
DuTCh KiCKboxing LegenD Henri Hooft brings his ParTiCuLar sTyLe of CoaChing To The bLaCKziLians By SHeenA Cupid;pHoToS By RyAn LoCo
Born To
Shooting Star
The CoaCh’s Corner:
SeriouS Stand-up
“I always try to be better than my opponent and well prepared… People train for their opponents, but I don’t do that. I make myself so good, so perfect, that the other guy needs to train for me.”
Fighter 411
ince its establishment in 2011, the Blackzilian “super-camp” has boasted an impressive entourage of big name successors in the octagon, including Rashad Evans, Vitor Belfort, and Alistair Overeem, to scratch the surface. Behind the scenes, the Blackzilian coaches work tirelessly to make their fighters as well rounded as possible. However, every MMA fight starts on its feet. That’s where the striking coach comes in. Henri Hooft is the accomplished head striking coach for the Blackzilians at Jaco Hybrid Training Center in Boca Raton, Florida, and the genius behind striking talents like Abel Trujillo, Michael Johnson, and Tyrone Spong. Hooft started his kickboxing career in the Netherlands in 1985, having been influenced by his younger brother to leave soccer. The transition was easy for Hooft, having had an on again,
off again relationship with Karate for the previous two years. His first sensei was famed UFC Dutch mixed martial artist Gerard Gordeau. By eighteen, Hooft was a professional kick boxer, continuing on to become a world champion by winning
what are Strength & they thinking Conditioning
a stunning one hundred and eleven bouts during his four-year reign. His losses amount to a dismissible eight in number. His kickboxing style incorporates technical, mental, and physical aspects that Hooft carries over into his coaching. “I always try to be better than my opponent and well prepared . . . People train for their opponents, but I don’t do that. I make myself so good, so perfect, that the other guy needs to train for me.” It’s a tactic he feels is seldom used in MMA today: “Everyone has a game plan until you get punched in the face . . . You can train for a guy in the morning, [then something happens to him] and the fight is off and you fight some other guy. If someone has a dangerous right hand, be aware, but still do your own technical stuff. Can you imagine that you have weapons that you cannot use because [you are wary] the other guy has weapons?” Hooft’s coaching contributions came long before his migration to America. He met and trained with kickboxing legend of Rob Kaman in Move 1988 at Mejiro the Month Gym in Amsterdam. The gym, Hooft describes with reverence, is “a gym of champions.” Indeed, by the latter part of the eighties, Mejiro Gym had its own style of fighting, combinBy Sheena Cupid ing its technique with fearsome photoS By Ryan LoCo
Stand-Up GUy
Henri Hooft Head Striking Coach For The Blackzilians At Jaco Hybrid Training Center
J u n e / J u ly 2 01 3
3 Hooft’s straight left is immediately followed by a sharp right hand, pushing off of his right leg. The purpose is to force his opposition to focus attention to protecting the head, drawing attention away from the rest of the body. From head to toe, his entire body torques in a power assist.
World Champion KiCKboxer Henri Hooft ShareS a Go-To CombinaTion for The fiGhTer on Their feeT
efore becoming head striking coach for the Blackzilians, Henry Hooft was a champion kickboxer. Hailing from the Netherlands, Hooft can claim an impressive number of fights behind him to match the equally impressive list of fighters he has trained with over the years. Names like Bonjasky, Aerts, and Mannaart litter the not so distant past of Hooft, with rising stars like Tyrone Spong paving his future. A fan of throwing low kicks, Hooft shares a quick technique with Fighter411 that also incorporates a barrage of head-centered hands.
4 A left hook further solidifies the cover. Although Hooft assumes the position of the aggressor, notice how his guard is constantly in place. He shifts his weight onto his lead leg in preparation for the finale.
1 Hooft begins squared off with his opponent, guard up in a basic or fight stance. Already, he has primed his footing to maximize power and distance. The genesis of the entire sequence is calculated here.
5 2 Here, Hooft fires off a straight left to the head, a term he differentiates from a boxer’s jab due to the power generated from a subtle twist of the hips. Here, the jab does not simply “snap” as he maintains pressure to open the door for the following strike. Notice how he rises to the ball of his left foot to accomplish this.
The final punch follows to punctuate his assault on the head. With the entire cover geared toward the head, Hooft throws a devastating low kick into the leg of his opened opponent. He steps in to bridge the gap in a powerful finish, striking with the shin in full contact as his body rotates 180 degrees in devotion to the kick.
PORTFOLIO identities
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12:47 PM
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DISTRIBUTION We have the most efficient distribution system of any tourist publication on the island giving 160,000 copies annually with an estimated readership of over 480,000.
Island Magazine is exclusively onboard major cruise ships such as Discovery, Carnival’s Fantasy, medit kit inserts 5/4/05 12:47 PM Page 1
Dolphin IV, The Topaz and The Contessa. We have a full time dedicated distribution company con-
stantly restocking our current edition at more than 200 on-island depots, including hotels, tour desks, ADVERTISEMENT SIZES (Keep all live copy, vital information and graphics at least 1/2” from gutter and side trims) the airport, local merchants, time shares, car rental agencies, and other high traffic tourist locations.
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In addition, Island Magazine’s “Miles of Smiles” award program to recognize excellent service among taxi drivers makes it the natural visitor-welcome magazine to be distributed to local taxi cab drivers. The program gives visitors the opportunity to return reply cards found in the magazine,
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winning one for everyone on the island. All hi-res images must be 300 DPI at final size Line art scans must be 1200 DPI at final size Photo/image documents in eps or tiff All eps files and images linked to ad NO embedded or EPS final files All screen and printer fonts used in ad Colour hard copy of file/matchprint Disk directory accompanying all disks
MATERIALS ADDRESS VIA FEDEX/UPS/AIR COURIER TO: Grand Bahama ISLAND Magazine, c/o Freeport Advertising & Printing, Peach Tree Street, Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. Telephone: 242-352-7322. Attn: Paula Boyd Farrington QUESTIONS
PROFILE Island Magazine is a local, Grand Bahama-produced Visitor/Welcome magazine that is published twice a year. With its premier issue in the summer of 1996, Island magazine began to showcase stories that celebrate life in The Bahamas, with a special emphasis on the news, developments, artists, activities, businesses, history and cultural events that make up Grand Bahama’s unique island character and ongoing visitor appeal.
Web Offset Direct-to-Press T H E
and recommending a publication with a decidedly Grand Bahama point of view.
telling on us about quality MAC-format high resolution digital files supplied CD-ROM or care and exceptional service they received from local drivers. Each month, one driver is selected Zip Disks in QuarkXPress (preferred), Adobe Photoshop, Adobe from the nominations to receive a cash award publicity as a member of an Illustrator or Freehand. elite force of “Ambassadors on Wheels” that make the overall Grand Bahama experience a
up and enjoyed as a favourite among both visitors and locals alike, who take great pride in reading
Attached is an international control list that documents the sites where Island Magazine is picked
12:47 PM
medit kit inserts
Island magazine’s editorial philosophy can best be illustrated by the local flavour and the decidedly A W A I T S
Grand Bahama point of view have made it a favourite among both visitors and local residents. The magazine has grown to an annual circulation of 160,000 copies, with an estimated readership of over 480,000 per year. Island magazine is available island-wide at area hotels,
242-352-7322; islandmag@batelnet.bs
restaurants, resorts, shops, tour desks, and on board cruise ships calling on Freeport/Lucaya. The Publisher of Island Magazine is an experienced Bahama businessman, Greg Farrington, who
owns and operates Freeport Advertising & Printing — a full service graphic design and printing company that celebrates its 27th anniversary in business this year.
M E DI A KI T ◗ Pocket fo l der cover & i nserts
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The AuThoriTy on BocA & Beyond The Boca Raton Observer is the essential lifestyle magazine, acting as the local authority on topics such as luxury retail, dining hot spots, design trends, nationally relevant topics and south Palm Beach county’s top personalities. as one of Florida’s most award-winning publications which has also been chosen as the city’s favorite publication, The Boca Raton Observer is able to deliver international travel features, revealing celebrity profiles and cutting-edge trends, ensuring its
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content consistently engages the well-traveled, affluent and cultured reader. Thanks to a renowned team, digital brand extensions and unrivaled charity presence, The Boca Raton Observer magazine excels in capturing the community lifestyle, making it a valuable partner for companies wishing to reach the most affluent consumers in Boca Raton and Delray Beach.
one restaurant for every 236 residents
950 Peninsula coRPoRaTe ciRcle
suiTe 1020
Boca RaTon, Fl 33487
T h e B o c a R aT o n o B s e R v e R
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The Boca Raton area is a leading market of affluence in the U.S.
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ThRee aaa Five diaMond hoTelS The MarkeT: palM Beach coUnTy
The Boca Raton Observer reaches the quintessential luxury market.
Tennis coUrTs
America’s first resort Destination established in 1894
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AdT, BlueGreen, cAreers usA, lxr, ncci And office dePoT
T h e B o c a R aT o n o B s e R v e R
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hoMe To
neArly 150 communiTies served
of The Forbes according to Forbes, Boca
EaSt Boca Raton
Raton has three of the 10 most expensive gated communities in the U.S.
Palm Beach county’s cultural scene is booming with the
kravis center for the Performing Arts, norton museum of Art, Boca museum of Art, The wick Theatre and mizner Park Ampitheater
T h e B o c a R aT o n o B s e R v e R
Jog RD
congRESS aVE
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yaMato RD
MilitaRy tRail
linton BlVD lyonS RD
PalMEtto PaRK RD
SW 18tH St
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lArGer diGiTAl reAch ThAn Any oTher BocA rATon AreA PuBlicATion
Addison Park Lane Bel Marra Boca Bay colony Boca harbour Boca harbour island Boca Keys Blue inlet Blue Water Boca east estates Boca Marina yacht club Boca raton Por La Mar Boca raton riviera caribbean Keys Golden harbour harbour east harbour Point Lake rogers isle Lake Wyman estates Lago Mar Marchand Mizner Lake estates Morningside old Floresta Palm Beach Farms royal Palm yacht & country club Sun & Surf club Spanish river Land company (the estates) the Sanctuary tropic isle tunison Palms Walker’s cay Walker’s isle
cEntRal Boca Raton Azura Banyans at Broken Sound
Boca Alta Boca Bath & tennis Boca country club* Boca Grove Plantation* Boca hamlet Boca Lake Boca Pointe country club* Boca raton Sailing & racquet club Boca South Boca West country club* Boniello Acres Broken Sound country club* Brookhaven captiva carriage homes at Woodfield colonnade colony Point encantada estancia estancia South estancia West Fieldbrook estates Fox Landing Golf Vista La Joya Le Lac Les Jardins Marina Del Mar estates Mediterranea Millpond Mizner Forest Montoya estates east Montoya estates West new Floresta newport Bay club Palacios at Boca Del Mar Parkside rio del Mar
DigiTal MeDia:
The Boca Raton Observer enjoys a tradition of digital innovation.
ouR ReaDeRs sTaY connecTeD FoR The laTesT neWs anD uPDaTes on evenTs anD haPPenings in ouR aRea. ouR DigiTal eDiTions can Be ReaD on The WeB, on TaBleTs anD on smaRTPhones.
firsT reGionAl mAGAzine To hAve AAm-AudiTed diGiTAl suBscriBers
one of The firsT To deliver free conTenT on APPle’s APP sTore
coMpliMenTaRy digiTal SUBScRipTionS we emBrAce The diGiTAl PlATform To exPAnd our AudiTed disTriBuTion. T h e B o c a R aT o n o B s e R v e R
[ 12 ]
13,000+ 6,800+ diGiTAl suBscriBers
fAceBook fAns
Santa Barbara Seasons St. Andrews country club Strathmore the cloisters the colony the Greens the Preserve thornhill estates thornhill Green thornhill Mews timbercreek Waterside Woodfield country club Woodfield hunt club
Grande orchid Mizner country club Mizner’s Preserve Polo club* rio Poco Saturnia isles Stone creek ranch tierra Del rey tierra Del rey estates South
conciERgE DiStRiBUtion
WESt Boca Raton Avalon at Boca raton Boca Falls Boca Grande Boca isles north Boca isles South horseshoe Acres island Lakes at Logger’s run Le rivage Lexington estates Long Lake estates Mission Bay – cordova estates Mission Bay – the isle Saturnia Stonebridge country club the estates at Palma Vista the oaks at Boca raton the Shores at Boca raton the Vineyards
DElRay BEacH Addison reserve Bristol Pointe crystal Bay at Polo club
200 east Addison Aragon Boca Grande chalfonte north chalfonte South cloister Beach towers cloister Del Mar Luxuria Meridian Mizner Grand Mizner Park Palmetto Place at Mizner Presidential Place royal Palm Place Sabal Point Sabal ridge Sabal Shores the Beresford the excelsior the Marbella toscana north toscana South toscana West townsend Place Whitehall Whitehall South
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T h e B o c a R aT o n o B s e R v e R
M E D I A K I T ◗ B o c a Ra ton O b ser ver 2 0 1 5 M ed ia Kit
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P R I N T A DV E RT I SE M E NT ◗ A d files p laced in local, n ation al & in ter n a ti o nal publ i cati o ns
SI G NAG E â—— Billb oar d s, p oster s, trad e sh ow b o o ths, po p-ups and backl i t si gns
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o l l R ? a n
An Ashby Company
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dise ng u t i t t a H verythi E
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P R OD U C T CATA L OG S ◗S c ub a , hi gh - en d fur ni tur e an d lu xu r y i te m c a talogs
Born and raised in the Bahamas, I spent my formative years in and around both my Grandfather’s and Uncle’s printing plants. Deciding to take more creative path, I left the islands to study Graphic Design and Photography at Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, FL. Having more than 15 years experience as an Art Director, with a strong focus on publication design, my credentials include Boca Magazine, the Boca Raton Observer, Grand Bahama Island Magazine, The Atlantic Current, and Life
Extension Magazine. This diverse body of work has garnered
me several creative awards from the Florida Magazine
and 2 sons, coaching soccer and fishing in the islands.
Association and The American Advertising Federation. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my wife Thank you for taking the time to review my work.