Dean Pankhurst Viva Voce Summary Booklet
2 9 61 23 83
euga lP hTl a e W e hT WoleB m orF g nihcTaW yc n e g a e P a c S e - o r c i m e h T hTa e D D aol n Wo D S m e T S yS o c e n a B r u
The WealTh Plague WaTching From BeloW The micro-eScaPe agency DoWnloaD DeaTh urBan ecoSySTemS
2 9 16 32 38
The WealTh Plague
euga lP hTl a e W ehT
The year began with the wealth plague. We crafted a vast, detailed narrative that spanned hundreds of years, with tales of cultures, practices and politics, elaborating on the contemporary wealth divide which is beginning to separate neighbourhoods today. in our narrative, the wealthy are deemed so threatening to the satellite communities of central london, that a living barrier is established to contain the plague. over a period of decades the resistance to gentrification reaches radical levels.
hcihw srepsihw dnuorgrednu dna ,daerps eht fo ecnallievrus tnednepedni htiw gninnigeB demeed ,senil rlD eht gnireves egreme scitcat tneloiV .live ffo draw ot sligis otni poleved yllacisyhp taht ’llaw gnivil‘ a sehsilbatse gnittauqs emertxe .yhtlaew eht fo seiretra eht eb ot .nodnol lartnec dnuora gnir a sehsilbatse
secitcarp ,serutluc fo selat htiw ,sraey fo sderdnuh dennaps taht evitarran deliated ,tsav a detfarc eW .eugalp htlaew eht htiw nageb raey ehT .yadot sdoohruobhgien etarapes ot gninnigeb si hcihw edivid htlaew yraropmetnoc eht no gnitarobale ,scitilop dna ot dehsilbatse si reirrab gnivil a taht ,nodnol lartnec fo seitinummoc etilletas eht ot gninetaerht os demeed era yhtlaew eht ,evitarran ruo ni .slevel lacidar sehcaer noitacifirtneg ot ecnatsiser eht sedaced fo doirep a revo .eugalp eht niatnoc
Beginning with independent surveillance of the spread, and underground whispers which develop into sigils to ward off evil. Violent tactics emerge severing the Dlr lines, deemed to be the arteries of the wealthy. extreme squatting establishes a ‘living wall’ that physically establishes a ring around central london.
,ecnatsiser eht fo sredael detnioppa fles ,ecroF ecnefeD htlaeW eht yb decilop gnihtyreve .ecilop yeht ytic eht sa xelpmoc sa era hcihw fo scitilop lanretni eht tneisnart ,llaw gnivil eht fo stnediser ,erifssorc eht ni thguac esoht fo sevil eht fo dlot era seirotS ,troper a ni detnemucod si doirep elohw ehT .edisni eht no delaes esoht dna ,’srovivruS‘ .5712 raey eht ni gnikrow eettimmoc hcraeser a yb nettirw
Sealed inside, life adapts to their quarantine; obsolete tourist attractions are retrofitted with high frequency trading dishes to sustain global markets, ‘self destructive self improvement’ practices drive cut-throat ambition.
everything policed by the Wealth Defence Force, self appointed leaders of the resistance, the internal politics of which are as complex as the city they police. Stories are told of the lives of those caught in the crossfire, residents of the living wall, transient ‘Survivors’, and those sealed on the inside. The whole period is documented in a report, written by a research committee working in the year 2175.
rieht ot stpada efil ,edisni delaeS era snoitcartta tsiruot etelosbo ;enitnarauq sehsid gnidart ycneuqerf hgih htiw dettiforter evitcurtsed fles‘ ,stekram labolg niatsus ot evird secitcarp ’tnemevorpmi fles .noitibma taorht-tuc
sevlesmeht rof ekops taht smetsys dna stcejbo tcurtsnoc ot dna ,ytilaer ot resolc gnivom fo laog eht htiW lanigiro eht fo noitaunitnoc eht no dekrabme flesym dna eloplaW ,esoprup dna txetnoc rieht ot eud ylpmis :evitarran
siht sa .tnorf a tub ,pag a fo hcum os ton si pag siht taht si ,revewoh ylgnibrutsid tsom .gniworg si roop eht dna hcir eht neewteb edivid ehT‘ .dercassam gnieb era noisnapxe eht morf yrotirret rieht gnidnefed esoht ,ertnec eht morf sdrawtuo ,nodnol ssorca speews tnorf ,eye gniees lla na tsac ot hcihw htiw sloot eht ssessop rewop fo noitisop a ni yllanoitidart esohT .egdelwonk no seiler tnemevom ecnatsiser ehT ,snoitaroproc yb depoleved ,secivreS .rewop fo traeh krad eht otni ,kcab kool ot nigeb won ytinummoc ehT .ecalupop eht nopu dnah mrif dna ni tsurt esool ot nageb dna ,tcudorp eht erew yeht taht desilaer elpoep ehT .laitrapmi dna eerf deraeppa ecno cilbup eht ot pu dereffo dna sessam yhtlaew-nu ehT .snoisiv derucsbo dna shturt-flah erew ytilaer fo snoitatneserp sti ,ecivres hcus eno saw spam elgoog .smetsys eseht .aera rieht otni eugalp eht fo daerps eht kcart ot redro ni ,yks eht ni eye nwo rieht dedeen .snoitaroproc eht sdrawot noitatiolpxe denrut taht tnemevom lacidar a ni ,roop eht tiolpxe ohw sniahc yb nur ,serots dnuop ot denrut yehT meht tcurtsnoced dna stcudorp paehc yub ot nageb seitinummoc ,sexobrettel hguorht detsop dna bew peed eht no derahs stnirpeulb gniwolloF ralos gnihpargotohp ,daehrevo raos senord ecnallievrus lairea .ecnatsiser eht fo sloot otni strap esoht gnitcurtsnocer ;strap tnenopmoc otni eht fo stnega rehto ro ecilop ,stnemnrevog desilartnec yb detolip ton era yehT .skcolb ytic noitareneger-erp denmednoc dna sfoor dellenap .seitinummoc lacol yb tub ,yhtlaew ’.sdoohruobhgien rieht kcab gnikat dna lortnoc kcab gnikat era yehT
We made various images to illustrate these altered realities, from the mundane to the absurd. although expansive and detailed. The designed elements in this project were mere embellishments, serving as illustrations for our stories. and as such the initial presentation, delivered as a fictional lecture to accompany the report, was not as compelling as the narrative in full.
With the goal of moving closer to reality, and to construct objects and systems that spoke for themselves simply due to their context and purpose, Walpole and myself embarked on the continuation of the original narrative:
‘The divide between the rich and the poor is growing. most disturbingly however, is that this gap is not so much of a gap, but a front. as this front sweeps across london, outwards from the centre, those defending their territory from the expansion are being massacred. The resistance movement relies on knowledge. Those traditionally in a position of power possess the tools with which to cast an all seeing eye, and firm hand upon the populace. The community now begin to look back, into the dark heart of power. Services, developed by corporations, and offered up to the public once appeared free and impartial. The people realised that they were the product, and began to loose trust in these systems. google maps was one such service, its presentations of reality were half-truths and obscured visions. The un-wealthy masses needed their own eye in the sky, in order to track the spread of the plague into their area. They turned to pound stores, run by chains who exploit the poor, in a radical movement that turned exploitation towards the corporations. Following blueprints shared on the deep web and posted through letterboxes, communities began to buy cheap products and deconstruct them into component parts; reconstructing those parts into tools of the resistance. aerial surveillance drones soar overhead, photographing solar panelled roofs and condemned pre-regeneration city blocks. They are not piloted by centralised governments, police or other agents of the wealthy, but by local communities. They are taking back control and taking back their neighbourhoods.’
hguohtla .drusba eht ot enadnum eht morf ,seitilaer deretla eseht etartsulli ot segami suoirav edam eW sa gnivres ,stnemhsillebme erem erew tcejorp siht ni stnemele dengised ehT .deliated dna evisnapxe ynapmocca ot erutcel lanoitcif a sa dereviled ,noitatneserp laitini eht hcus sa dna .seirots ruo rof snoitartsulli .lluf ni evitarran eht sa gnillepmoc sa ton saw ,troper eht
a symbol of value of the high street, pound stores are emblematic of the apex of consumer culture. With a huge variety of products and seemingly impossibly low prices. Their stock is virtually identical up and down the country. Fortunately for us they have everything that is required to construct a fully working remotely controlled analog camera, film developer, and kite. The objects range from the ordinary to the unusual, establishing an inherent visual language.
.ti no ecaf s’nosnittaP trebor htiw draobdrac fo secils dna erawrepput ,nit gnikab a morf edam si aremac ehT .sessalg gnidaer fo sriap owt morf edam snel elgna ediw a dna .sdnab citsale sesu rettuhs enalp lacof gnidils ,dereggirt yletomer a .redwop gnihsaw dna eeffoc ,stelbat c nimativ dehsurc fo erutxim a htiw depoleved si mlif mm53 .sesillert nedrag dna retlehs gnipmac ycnegreme na gnisu yb elbissop edam si etik a yllaniF
a htiW .erutluc remusnoc fo xepa eht fo citamelbme era serots dnuop ,teerts hgih eht fo eulav fo lobmys a nwod dna pu lacitnedi yllautriv si kcots riehT .secirp wol ylbissopmi ylgnimees dna stcudorp fo yteirav eguh .yrtnuoc eht dellortnoc yletomer gnikrow ylluf a tcurtsnoc ot deriuqer si taht gnihtyreve evah yeht su rof yletanutroF na gnihsilbatse ,lausunu eht ot yranidro eht morf egnar stcejbo ehT .etik dna ,repoleved mlif ,aremac golana .egaugnal lausiv tnerehni
The camera is made from a baking tin, tupperware and slices of cardboard with robert Pattinson’s face on it. a remotely triggered, sliding focal plane shutter uses elastic bands. and a wide angle lens made from two pairs of reading glasses. 35mm film is developed with a mixture of crushed vitamin c tablets, coffee and washing powder. Finally a kite is made possible by using an emergency camping shelter and garden trellises.
eritne eht fo hpargotohp a si sihT aivataB revo thgilf ni metsys ,ssorc wen ,stnemtrapa gnirb lliw taht etis tnempoleved a gnisuoh elbadroffanu wen dnarb .aera eht ot
although a huge amount of calculations and prototyping have made this possible. The entire construction process can be followed in a simplified instructional leaflet, designed to be easily copied and distributed.
This is a photograph of the entire system in flight over Batavia apartments, new cross, a development site that will bring brand new unaffordable housing to the area.
ehT .elbissop siht edam evah gnipytotorp dna snoitaluclac fo tnuoma eguh a hguohtla dengised ,telfael lanoitcurtsni deifilpmis a ni dewollof eb nac ssecorp noitcurtsnoc eritne .detubirtsid dna deipoc ylisae eb ot
We are truly proud of the way that we were able to bring such a large fiction back to the present by focusing on establishing a rigorous process and a fully functioning proof of concept. This is an ongoing project which is not fully resloved yet, but has a rigorous process that will be continued immediately. each process works in isolation, but we have not yet had an opportunity to string the stages into a complete action that works from beginning to end. This project is grounded in issues affecting people right now and its ability to situate itself in a complex narrative allows design to act as a method of commentary, critique and immediate action.
suorogir a gnihsilbatse no gnisucof yb tneserp eht ot kcab noitcif egral a hcus gnirb ot elba erew ew taht yaw eht fo duorp ylurt era eW taht ssecorp suorogir a sah tub ,tey devolser ylluf ton si hcihw tcejorp gniogno na si sihT .tpecnoc fo foorp gninoitcnuf ylluf a dna ssecorp etelpmoc a otni segats eht gnirts ot ytinutroppo na dah tey ton evah ew tub ,noitalosi ni skrow ssecorp hcae .yletaidemmi deunitnoc eb lliw .dne ot gninnigeb morf skrow taht noitca a sa tca ot ngised swolla evitarran xelpmoc a ni flesti etautis ot ytiliba sti dna won thgir elpoep gnitceffa seussi ni dednuorg si tcejorp sihT .noitca etaidemmi dna euqitirc ,yratnemmoc fo dohtem
The micro-eScaPe agency
yc n e g a e P a c S e - o r c i m e h T
dna tresni ,egnarraer ,praw ohw ,’srotide ytilaer‘ fo evitcelloc a ,ycnega epacse orcim ehT dehsilbatse i ,tcejorp eht fo txetnoc eht nihtiW eht morf yawa tpews eb ot srehto rof ytinutroppo eht etaerc ot redro ni ,stcejbo dna serutcetihcra ,secaps ,sdworc fo steppins evomer ,tcejorp siht fo epocs eht nihtiw yliramirp ,tca eW .’pilS ytilaer‘ eht fo ecaps-dnim suoluben dna detrevni eht otni ,senituor rieht fo ytilanab dengised ro ,snoitnevretni dehpargoerohc ylluferac .’eno rof ertaehT‘ a sa enifed i tahw fo secnatsni etaerc ot ytic eht nihtiw sremrofrep sa eht yb dellortnoc eb tonnac taht snel a hguorht nosrep elgnis a yb demusnoc dna deredner era ,lausiv ro lacisyhp ti eb ,secneirepxe .detiolpxe dna ,deppam ,dootsrednu ylluferac ,revoerom tub ,remrofrep
For very brief moments one is able to escape reality, and just as quickly as they left, return, with nothing to act as a placeholder for the moment of escape other than the uneasy feeling of being removed from the ordinary. The subject is not required to physically move anywhere at all, but their sense of being is shifted measurably, as a brief but intense spike of abnormality. a micro escape. one might feel a sense of hallucination or a gut wrenching lurch, akin to the sensation of falling, or abruptly waking from sleep. The ‘call of the void’, the double take, deja vu, presque vu, or ‘tip of the tongue’. everyday life, is for a brief and fleeting moment, grasped and violently shaken, then placed back, exactly where it was before. The subject has broken free from their expected reality, but is ultimately destined to fall back into the hole that was left behind when they departed. unless of course, the shake is so violent that they do not recover, in which case it becomes something else entirely.
Within the context of the project, i established The micro escape agency, a collective of ‘reality editors’, who warp, rearrange, insert and remove snippets of crowds, spaces, architectures and objects, in order to create the opportunity for others to be swept away from the banality of their routines, into the inverted and nebulous mind-space of the ‘reality Slip’. We act, primarily within the scope of this project, as performers within the city to create instances of what i define as a ‘Theatre for one’. carefully choreographed interventions, or designed experiences, be it physical or visual, are rendered and consumed by a single person through a lens that cannot be controlled by the performer, but moreover, carefully understood, mapped, and exploited.
rof redlohecalp a sa tca ot gnihton htiw ,nruter ,tfel yeht sa ylkciuq sa tsuj dna ,ytilaer epacse ot elba si eno stnemom feirb yrev roF evom yllacisyhp ot deriuqer ton si tcejbus ehT .yranidro eht morf devomer gnieb fo gnileef ysaenu eht naht rehto epacse fo tnemom eht .ytilamronba fo ekips esnetni tub feirb a sa ,ylbarusaem detfihs si gnieb fo esnes rieht tub ,lla ta erehwyna .epacse orcim a llac‘ ehT .peels morf gnikaw yltpurba ro ,gnillaf fo noitasnes eht ot nika ,hcrul gnihcnerw tug a ro noitanicullah fo esnes a leef thgim eno dna depsarg ,tnemom gniteelf dna feirb a rof si ,efil yadyreve .’eugnot eht fo pit‘ ro ,uv euqserp ,uv ajed ,ekat elbuod eht ,’diov eht fo yletamitlu si tub ,ytilaer detcepxe rieht morf eerf nekorb sah tcejbus ehT .erofeb saw ti erehw yltcaxe ,kcab decalp neht ,nekahs yltneloiv ton od yeht taht tneloiv os si ekahs eht ,esruoc fo sselnu .detraped yeht nehw dniheb tfel saw taht eloh eht otni kcab llaf ot denitsed .yleritne esle gnihtemos semoceb ti esac hcihw ni ,revocer
niarT liar lanoitan a rof mroferp ot deniart dna delbmessa erew stnega epacse orcim fo maet a ,seiroeht eseht fo tset ylrae na ni saw etis eht ,srotinom dna saremac ’ecafretni niarT mroftalP‘ s’noitats eht gnisilitu .nodnol tsae-htuoS ni noitatS daehnun ta revird hcihw nihtiw etis eht otni detresni segats emaceb neht secaps esehT .detalugnairt dna dekram gnieb tsac aremac hcae htiw ,deppam .mroferp dluoc tnega laudividni hcae nehw taht ,rettel detniap egral a dleh hcae maet eht fo srebmem evif ,mroftalp eht dehcaorppa niart eht sa :elpmis saw nalp ehT eht daer ot elba saw ,enola revird eht dna ,revird eht ,srotinom iTP eht yb dehsilbatse si taht draobyrots-oduesp eht hguorht deweiv maet eht dna yawa llup ot sah niart eht ,emit fo doirep trohs a retfa .mroftalp eht ta pots s’niart eht fo noitarud eht rof ’olleh‘ drow .esrepsid nac fo erutan detpircs eht epacse ot elba erew yeht hcus sa dna ,enituor s’revird eht ni deneppah lausunu gnihtemos tnemom feirb a ni taht tpecnoc fo foorp a sa sevres dna ycnega eht rof tnemetats noissim a si ereh ertaeht eht ,edurc tahwemos hguohtla .yad rieht .secnamrofrep eseht fo snoitareti rehtruf ni derolpxe eb ot era taht serudecorp dna ,smetsys ,seulav eht fo ynam setaroprocni
ccTV, in turn, is one of these scrutinising lenses. its boundaries mediate and restrict action to create metaphysical stages and ‘curtains’, storyboards and frames that slice reality into abstract arrangements. collapsing a space into two dimensional narratives, each of which acting as a container for four dimensional activity. “much like my earlier analogy of a ‘micro-escape’ being a fleeting variation of the ‘reality Slip’, ‘Theatre for one’ becomes participatory theatre rebuilt by the architect of reality television.”
in an early test of these theories, a team of micro escape agents were assembled and trained to preform for a national rail Train driver at nunhead Station in South-east london. utilising the station’s ‘Platform Train interface’ cameras and monitors, the site was mapped, with each camera cast being marked and triangulated. These spaces then became stages inserted into the site within which each individual agent could preform. The plan was simple: as the train approached the platform, five members of the team each held a large painted letter, that when viewed through the pseudo-storyboard that is established by the PTi monitors, the driver, and the driver alone, was able to read the word ‘hello’ for the duration of the train’s stop at the platform. after a short period of time, the train has to pull away and the team can disperse. in a brief moment something unusual happened in the driver’s routine, and as such they were able to escape the scripted nature of their day. although somewhat crude, the theatre here is a mission statement for the agency and serves as a proof of concept that incorporates many of the values, systems, and procedures that are to be explored in further iterations of these performances.
dna segats lacisyhpatem etaerc ot noitca tcirtser dna etaidem seiradnuob sti .sesnel gnisiniturcs eseht fo eno si ,nrut ni ,VTcc ,sevitarran lanoisnemid owt otni ecaps a gnispalloc .stnemegnarra tcartsba otni ytilaer ecils taht semarf dna sdraobyrots ,’sniatruc‘ .ytivitca lanoisnemid ruof rof reniatnoc a sa gnitca hcihw fo hcae semoceb ’eno rof ertaehT‘ ,’pilS ytilaer‘ eht fo noitairav gniteelf a gnieb ’epacse-orcim‘ a fo ygolana reilrae ym ekil hcum“ ”.noisivelet ytilaer fo tcetihcra eht yb tliuber ertaeht yrotapicitrap
in 2014 media reported on a website that catalogued unsecured iP address webcam streams from consumer devices, which were accessible to any viewer. although disturbing, it provided an opportunity to use these particular holes in private networks to look inwards on the observer. i chose a site called “� which randomises these feeds, clicking a few times until i found a good candidate. i then searched for the cameras iP address and triangulated its location using a reverse server search which revealed its longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates. once i was aware of the site i could determine the exact location of the webcam based on its view of the environment and proceed to map the camera cast of the feed onto a diagram, indicating opportunities for intervention. The goal was to record myself sending a visual message to the owner of the webcam, through their own surveillance device, establishing a dialogue where there was never intended for there to be one, subverting their assumed, one way lens.
elbissecca erew hcihw ,secived remusnoc morf smaerts macbew sserdda Pi derucesnu deugolatac taht etisbew a no detroper aidem 4102 ni eht no sdrawni kool ot skrowten etavirp ni seloh ralucitrap eseht esu ot ytinutroppo na dedivorp ti ,gnibrutsid hguohtla .reweiv yna ot neht i .etadidnac doog a dnuof i litnu semit wef a gnikcilc ,sdeef eseht sesimodnar hcihw �moc.rotalumisaSn“ dellac etis a esohc i .revresbo lanidutital dna lanidutignol sti delaever hcihw hcraes revres esrever a gnisu noitacol sti detalugnairt dna sserdda Pi saremac eht rof dehcraes dna tnemnorivne eht fo weiv sti no desab macbew eht fo noitacol tcaxe eht enimreted dluoc i etis eht fo erawa saw i ecno .setanidrooc .noitnevretni rof seitinutroppo gnitacidni ,margaid a otno deef eht fo tsac aremac eht pam ot deecorp a gnihsilbatse ,ecived ecnallievrus nwo rieht hguorht ,macbew eht fo renwo eht ot egassem lausiv a gnidnes flesym drocer ot saw laog ehT .snel yaw eno ,demussa rieht gnitrevbus ,eno eb ot ereht rof dednetni reven saw ereht erehw eugolaid
ot sevlesmeht fo ni ertaeht a sa ,stneve gnitrops fo elcatceps eht si tcurtsnoced ot emac i tahW eseht ot ecnallievrus fo snel gnitaidem evitcirtser eht gniylppa yB .demusnoc dna detca htob eb sah taht ecaps a otni tcejorp eht fo tcepsa evitamrofrep eht gnilennahc ylpmis ma i ,soiranecs .tsniaga hsup nac i hcihw serudecorp dna selur hcihw aremac a si nwohs ;nodnol ,teertS tneger otno deppam si kcart tnirps m001 a ereh .hsinif otohp eht sa desopruper ereh ,ti ni teliot cilbup a htiw yawyella na sdrocer
Simultaneously i was playing with the idea of combining the mundane and the sublime. reimagining grandiose public spaces into sites of play. Taking familiar, and even nostalgic activities and scaling them up to ridiculous proportions, or simply shifting their context, begins to establish a dialogue between the two.
What i came to deconstruct is the spectacle of sporting events, as a theatre in of themselves to be both acted and consumed. By applying the restrictive mediating lens of surveillance to these scenarios, i am simply channeling the performative aspect of the project into a space that has rules and procedures which i can push against. here a 100m sprint track is mapped onto regent Street, london; shown is a camera which records an alleyway with a public toilet in it, here repurposed as the photo finish.
.emilbus eht dna enadnum eht gninibmoc fo aedi eht htiw gniyalp saw i ylsuoenatlumiS neve dna ,railimaf gnikaT .yalp fo setis otni secaps cilbup esoidnarg gninigamier rieht gnitfihs ylpmis ro ,snoitroporp suolucidir ot pu meht gnilacs dna seitivitca ciglatson .owt eht neewteb eugolaid a hsilbatse ot snigeb ,txetnoc
london’s Southbank is an interesting mix of public space that also happens to be privatised, and has a vast amount of rules of what you can and can’t do there, particularly filming. The irony is that there are cameras everywhere and this site under Waterloo Bridge has two that point in opposite directions onto the bank-side beneath.
a nwod gniyal rof erudecorp denilmaerts a dna sloot fo seires a dengised i ,ecaps eht fo selur eht yb gniyalp yllaitnesse yb ,os dna sllab krad eht ni wolg dna sten kcap talf htiw ,gab dengised yllaiceps a ni semoc tik elohw ehT .xob gnidnuob siht nihtiw truoc sinnet deeps saw siht ot yek ehT .epor fo shtgnel delebal dna derusaem-erp gnisu ,epat reffag etihw ni dial era senil .thgin ta gniyalp rof .ruof yllaedi tub ,owt tsuj fo maet a fo seiler dna ,ytilibatrop dna
and so, by essentially playing by the rules of the space, i designed a series of tools and a streamlined procedure for laying down a tennis court within this bounding box. The whole kit comes in a specially designed bag, with flat pack nets and glow in the dark balls for playing at night. lines are laid in white gaffer tape, using pre-measured and labeled lengths of rope. The key to this was speed and portability, and relies of a team of just two, but ideally four.
gnitseretni na si knabhtuoS s’nodnol sneppah osla taht ecaps cilbup fo xim tsav a sah dna ,desitavirp eb ot dna nac uoy tahw fo selur fo tnuoma .gnimlif ylralucitrap ,ereht od t’nac saremac era ereht taht si ynori ehT rednu etis siht dna erehwyreve ni tniop taht owt sah egdirB oolretaW edis-knab eht otno snoitcerid etisoppo .htaeneb
The final performance was never recorded, apart from of course, the ccTV cameras above. The only documentation that exists is held by the owners of the site. and by using a Freedom of information act footage request i was able to ask for documentation of the event to view and present myself. The request is however still pending and remains, for now, as a memory held by the viewer and the participants. importantly, somewhere that game of tennis appeared on a screen that has never seen something of that nature, just like the sole consumer of the footage. it was never meant to be seen by you or i, and that targeted yet blind aspect of the performance was always important to the core concept of the project.
,ecitcarp ym ni devorpmi eb dluoc taht sgniht yfitnedi ot redro ni enola krow ot noisiced suoicsnoc a koot i feirb eht fo gninnigeb eht ta dnelb ot gniyrt fo suoicsnoc eb ot deen i dna krow siht fo tnempoleved eht ni stnegnat raelc era erehT .lufsseccus saw i eveileb i dna lautxetnoc eht dna snoitnevretni eht fo noitasilanoitar -tsop fo tol a neeb sah erehT .krow fo ydob dilos a otni semoctuo tcnitsid ylraelc ,semoctuo eht edisgnola ti gnitirw ton terger i .erew seitivitca eseht fo gninaem eht tahw yltcaxe gnidnatsrednu rof citsatnaf saw troper .ecitcarp ym ot si gnitirw cimedaca tnatropmi woh decrofnier ti yllaicurc .sucof dna ytiralc em nevig evah dluow ti
eht ,esruoc fo morf trapa ,dedrocer reven saw ecnamrofrep lanif ehT .evoba saremac VTcc eht fo srenwo eht yb dleh si stsixe taht noitatnemucod ylno ehT i tseuqer egatoof tca noitamrofni fo modeerF a gnisu yb dna .etis tneserp dna weiv ot tneve eht fo noitatnemucod rof ksa ot elba saw sa ,won rof ,sniamer dna gnidnep llits revewoh si tseuqer ehT .flesym .stnapicitrap eht dna reweiv eht yb dleh yromem a taht neercs a no deraeppa sinnet fo emag taht erehwemos ,yltnatropmi remusnoc elos eht ekil tsuj ,erutan taht fo gnihtemos nees reven sah taht dna ,i ro uoy yb nees eb ot tnaem reven saw ti .egatoof eht fo ot tnatropmi syawla saw ecnamrofrep eht fo tcepsa dnilb tey detegrat .tcejorp eht fo tpecnoc eroc eht
at the beginning of the brief i took a conscious decision to work alone in order to identify things that could be improved in my practice, and i believe i was successful. There are clear tangents in the development of this work and i need to be conscious of trying to blend clearly distinct outcomes into a solid body of work. There has been a lot of post- rationalisation of the interventions and the contextual report was fantastic for understanding exactly what the meaning of these activities were. i regret not writing it alongside the outcomes, it would have given me clarity and focus. crucially it reinforced how important academic writing is to my practice.
i also really value the first week as an opportunity to enjoy myself, the balance between solo work and explorative stages with others is something that worked really well for all of us and should continue next year. largely this project has been one of many opportunities, and all of those required a lot time and support to do them justice, i’m very grateful to have peers that are as exited to challenge themselves and the possibilities of design, as myself.
si srehto htiw segats evitarolpxe dna krow olos neewteb ecnalab eht ,flesym yojne ot ytinutroppo na sa keew tsrif eht eulav yllaer osla i ,seitinutroppo ynam fo eno neeb sah tcejorp siht ylegral .raey txen eunitnoc dluohs dna su fo lla rof llew yllaer dekrow taht gnihtemos egnellahc ot detixe sa era taht sreep evah ot lufetarg yrev m’i ,ecitsuj meht od ot troppus dna emit tol a deriuqer esoht fo lla dna .flesym sa ,ngised fo seitilibissop eht dna sevlesmeht
DoWnloaD DeaTh
hTa eD D aol n WoD
,ssecorp noitasilausiv dna noitareneg aedi dilos yllaer a htiw tcejorp trohs siht nageb eW larecsiv dna evitacovorp a otni ,feirb eht ni nevig erew ew ksat egalloc drow eht gnidnapxe thguoht evitaroballoc a sa a sa rehtegot siht gnioD .evitarran lanoitcif ruo derolpxe taht eniz draobyrots eht otni depoleved yllautneve erew taht saedi eht ot ytilibignat a thguorb ssecorp eseht esilairetam ot syaw tcartsba fo gnikniht dna stes gnitcurtsnoc nrut ni .mlif lanif eht rof .gniyfitarg dna gnitalumits saw senecs
a loophole in a government mandated “assisted suicide� law, facilitates a boom in privatised death experiences. We explored the wonder and horror of a generation who choose exactly how they wish to die. our film visualises the experience of an ultra budget death which could be downloaded from your computer.
We began this short project with a really solid idea generation and visualisation process, expanding the word collage task we were given in the brief, into a provocative and visceral zine that explored our fictional narrative. Doing this together as a as a collaborative thought process brought a tangibility to the ideas that were eventually developed into the storyboard for the final film. in turn constructing sets and thinking of abstract ways to materialise these scenes was stimulating and gratifying.
ni moob a setatilicaf ,wal �edicius detsissa“ detadnam tnemnrevog a ni elohpool a ohw noitareneg a fo rorroh dna rednow eht derolpxe eW .secneirepxe htaed desitavirp .eid ot hsiw yeht woh yltcaxe esoohc dedaolnwod eb dluoc hcihw htaed tegdub artlu na fo ecneirepxe eht sesilausiv mlif ruo .retupmoc ruoy morf
This final film overlays the eventual outcome with some behind the scenes methods of production, highlighting the experimental techniques we used to materialise the concept.
dna sevitarran gnillepmoc yrev ecudorp nac ,siht ekil eno trohs a neve ,tcejorp a tuohguorht ,gniod dna gnikam dipar fo ssecorp ehT eW .eveihca tonnac dapeton a fo tnorf ni gnikniht dna gnittis taht yaw a ni saedi setareneg dna Di tuo sehself ti .ylkciuq ,stpecnoc xelpmoc .suoires dna yllis strap lauqe saw taht noitasrevnoc fo cipot gnitseretni yleniuneg a ni dnal ot llew did raey driht a sa neve ,drawrof devom eb ot laitnetop etinifed a sah dna seussi yraropmetnoc ni dednuorg saw noitcif ngised erutuf raen sihT htiw gniunitnoc ni tseretni desserpxe sah puorg ehT .krow lanosrep ym ni tnedive erom si hcihw ruomuh krad fo stnemele sniatnoc ti .tcejorp .emeht gnihcrarevo eht
latnemirepxe eht gnithgilhgih ,noitcudorp fo sdohtem senecs eht dniheb emos htiw emoctuo lautneve eht syalrevo mlif lanif sihT .tpecnoc eht esilairetam ot desu ew seuqinhcet
The process of rapid making and doing, throughout a project, even a short one like this, can produce very compelling narratives and complex concepts, quickly. it fleshes out iD and generates ideas in a way that sitting and thinking in front of a notepad cannot achieve. We did well to land in a genuinely interesting topic of conversation that was equal parts silly and serious. This near future design fiction was grounded in contemporary issues and has a definite potential to be moved forward, even as a third year project. it contains elements of dark humour which is more evident in my personal work. The group has expressed interest in continuing with the overarching theme.
urBan ecoSySTemS
S m e T S yS o c e n a B r u
i .noisiv enihcam fo ytiugibma eht ecarbme ot nageb ew ,snamuh rof edam dlrow a terpretni senihcam woh ot noitnetta ruo gninruT .seitilaer namuh semarfer yltnerehni taht ,yaw ralucitrap a ni ti tuptuo dna atad rehtag taht smhtirogla lareves dedoc der eht nehW .tnemnorivne sti fo euh egareva eht sa ti syalpsid dna emarf aremac hcae morf atad eht sekat decudorp ew mhtirogla na .tcerroc syawla t’nsi siht tub ,sub a ta gnikool sti taht esoppus lliw margorp eht ,dlohserht niatrec a sehcaer lennahc yeht ,rehtar ro .noitcif dna ytilaer neewteb etaitnereffid tonnac yeht semitemos ,atad fo stes detimil otni dellitsid era stnemnorivne nehW .ti fo noisrev tcartsba na esylana
in the live brief we were working with Future cities catapult on exploring the notion of the connected city and new forms of networked street furniture. We began by looking at the ways in which machines and the data they obtain can be gathered, understood, and utilised differently. To ‘see’ as a machine requires an abstract approach, and from the beginning we wanted to explore using an experimental, experiential approach to research; reinterpreting our surroundings and sensing the city in abstract ways. We began by using a sensory approach, creating an urban texture library, mapping and inverting volumes of spaces, and creating tools to experience the perspective of city-wide objects.
Turning our attention to how machines interpret a world made for humans, we began to embrace the ambiguity of machine vision. i coded several algorithms that gather data and output it in a particular way, that inherently reframes human realities. an algorithm we produced takes the data from each camera frame and displays it as the average hue of its environment. When the red channel reaches a certain threshold, the program will suppose that its looking at a bus, but this isn’t always correct. When environments are distilled into limited sets of data, sometimes they cannot differentiate between reality and fiction. or rather, they analyse an abstract version of it.
dekrowten fo smrof wen dna ytic detcennoc eht fo noiton eht gnirolpxe no tlupatac seitic erutuF htiw gnikrow erew ew feirb evil eht ni desilitu dna ,dootsrednu ,derehtag eb nac niatbo yeht atad eht dna senihcam hcihw ni syaw eht ta gnikool yb nageb eW .erutinruf teerts .yltnereffid laitneirepxe ,latnemirepxe na gnisu erolpxe ot detnaw ew gninnigeb eht morf dna ,hcaorppa tcartsba na seriuqer enihcam a sa ’ees‘ oT .syaw tcartsba ni ytic eht gnisnes dna sgnidnuorrus ruo gniterpretnier ;hcraeser ot hcaorppa ot sloot gnitaerc dna ,secaps fo semulov gnitrevni dna gnippam ,yrarbil erutxet nabru na gnitaerc ,hcaorppa yrosnes a gnisu yb nageb eW .stcejbo ediw-ytic fo evitcepsrep eht ecneirepxe
:tlupatac seitic erutuF ot lasoporp ruo rof noitadnuof eht demrof siht dna ,ecnegilletni laicifitra no eceip drow nekops a etorw i tcejorp edis a sa
.”?kniht senihcam nac“ noitseuq eht sesoporp eh ti ni ,ecnegilletni dna yrenihcam gnitupmoc dellac repap a dehsilbup gniruT nala 0591 ni‘ tsom eht fo sraef dna sepoh eht ydobme tsum ygolonhcet ,tnegilletni ylurt eb ot tahT .enihcam dna nam fo ecnegrevnoc eht htiw noitanicsaf ruo nageb emag noitatimi ehT dna cigol elbillafni .tsul dna egar ,noissapmoc dna evol htiw senihcam fo snoisiv rehto hcae dewohs ew tneserp eht litnu neht morf dna .sevlesruo ,wenk ew gniht tnegilletni dna ,rood taht hguorht deppets ydaerla evah ew tub .rewop rof erised ruo ytiroirepus ruo :ytinamuh fo seitilauq tsrow eht poleved lliw yeht taht raef eW .nosaer elbavommi .dlrow ruo ni seiceps tnanimod eht eb regnol on yam nam erehw tniop gnippit eht sdrawot seltruh ygolonhcet .su ekil tsuj eb ot enihcam a tnaw dluow ew taht ro .nam a emoceb ot tnaw neve dluow enihcam a taht esoppus llits erutuf eht fo snoisiv eseht tuB tcartsba ,atad fo smaerts suounitnoc ,erom hcum os ees yeht ,od ew sa ees ton od yeht ,sruo ot tnereffid si gnidnatsrednu rieht tub .dlrow namuh a dnatsrednu ot meht tliub eW gnisufnoc si ti .noitaerc nwo ruo ot dna rof gnitalsnart era eW .su rof esnes sekam tahw meht llet ew fi si rehtegot ti eceip nac ew taht yaw ylno eht ,ti wonk ew sa efil fo selat ton od ew taht snoisulcnoc ot emoc yeht ,egdelwonk dna gnidnatsrednu kees yeht fi .ton era yeht tub ,diarfa eb yam yeht raef gnileef fo elbapac erew yeht fi .gnimlehwrevo dna ees t’ndluow ti ,thgil ciffart a ees ot erew enihcam tneitnes a fi .htap tnereffid a otnu thgisni na sa tub ,spetssim sa gnidnatsrednu rieht ni sekatsim eht ees ton dluohs eW .erahs .thgil fo nocaeb a ro ygrene fo niard a ,krowten tsav a ni edon a ees thgim ti ,daor eht ssorc ot ytinutroppo na .flesti gnisnes ,ytic trams a fo suomonotua era yehT .sdneirf ,stsep ,snoinapmoc ,secaps ruo ni stnatibahni-oc .yleritne esle gnihtemos tub ,ytilatrom nwo ruo fo sedahs htiw ton gnivil sevlesruo dnif ew os dna .sevil ruo no tcapmi na evah llits yeht tub ,su evres ton od dna ,su ew tslihW .esnes tonnac ew taht sgniht gnisnes ,evitcepsrep yreve morf ees ot elba ,eb ylbissop nac ew naht ecno ta secalp erom ni .od ew naht ytic yeht tuoba erom wonk yeht .ni reep dna egral mool senihcam detcennoc eht ,sdrawtuo kool dna llams era a tub ,atad fo eceip a ton si ti .niar lliw ti fi llet ot dleif a ni swoc gnittis gnihctaw ekil .dloh yeht taht noitamrofni siht rehtag ot elba era snamuh ,sruoivaheb rieht gnivresbo yB .esuac eht ,erofereht dna ,tceffe eht fo noitatsefinam lacisyhp a ,noitca elbadaer na fo trap si ti swonk ti .peels ot nehw dna ekaw ot nehw swonk ti ,gninrom eht ni esir nus eht si leef seod ti tahw ,yoj ro niap ro ,ylenol leef ton seod tsop pmal a .serised nwo sti dna skriuq nwo sti no desab si taht eno ,sdnim ruo stsixe ylno taht eno si ti tub ,ytilanosrep a sah ti .dediugsim si snoitome ti evig ot tub ,dirg detcennocretni ’.su ekil yltcaxe sgniht erom tey sdeen dlrow ruo fo erutuf eht taht emussa ton dluohs eW
as a side project i wrote a spoken word piece on artificial intelligence, and this formed the foundation for our proposal to Future cities catapult:
‘in 1950 alan Turing published a paper called computing machinery and intelligence, in it he proposes the question “can machines think?”. The imitation game began our fascination with the convergence of man and machine. That to be truly intelligent, technology must embody the hopes and fears of the most intelligent thing we knew, ourselves. and from then until the present we showed each other visions of machines with love and compassion, rage and lust. infallible logic and immovable reason. We fear that they will develop the worst qualities of humanity: our superiority our desire for power. but we have already stepped through that door, and technology hurtles towards the tipping point where man may no longer be the dominant species in our world. But these visions of the future still suppose that a machine would even want to become a man. or that we would want a machine to be just like us. We built them to understand a human world. but their understanding is different to ours, they do not see as we do, they see so much more, continuous streams of data, abstract tales of life as we know it, the only way that we can piece it together is if we tell them what makes sense for us. We are translating for and to our own creation. it is confusing and overwhelming. if they were capable of feeling fear they may be afraid, but they are not. if they seek understanding and knowledge, they come to conclusions that we do not share. We should not see the mistakes in their understanding as missteps, but as an insight unto a different path. if a sentient machine were to see a traffic light, it wouldn’t see an opportunity to cross the road, it might see a node in a vast network, a drain of energy or a beacon of light. a smart city, sensing itself. and so we find ourselves living not with shades of our own mortality, but something else entirely. co-inhabitants in our spaces, companions, pests, friends. They are autonomous of us, and do not serve us, but they still have an impact on our lives. they know more about they city than we do. in more places at once than we can possibly be, able to see from every perspective, sensing things that we cannot sense. Whilst we are small and look outwards, the connected machines loom large and peer in. By observing their behaviours, humans are able to gather this information that they hold. like watching sitting cows in a field to tell if it will rain. it is not a piece of data, but a readable action, a physical manifestation of the effect, and therefore, the cause. a lamp post does not feel lonely, or pain or joy, what it does feel is the sun rise in the morning, it knows when to wake and when to sleep. it knows it is part of an interconnected grid, but to give it emotions is misguided. it has a personality, but it is one that only exists our minds, one that is based on its own quirks and its own desires. We should not assume that the future of our world needs yet more things exactly like us.’
currently the infrastructure that keeps urban environments in motion are concealed in grey boxes throughout the city. hidden underground and held within the confines of centralised systems. The message is translated for humans, by using graphic interfaces on screens, and messages that tell us how to behave. instead, we propose that by observing legible, sentient, machine behaviours, humans are able to gather this information that they hold. like the earlier analogy of watching sitting cows in a field to tell if it will rain.
dna stsep ,step ,srotalsnart atad ,srotacidni lacimehc morf ,smrof suoirav ekat stcejbo esehT .smetsys tnemnrevog desilartnec
ni delaecnoc era noitom ni stnemnorivne nabru speek taht erutcurtsarfni eht yltnerruc fo senifnoc eht nihtiw dleh dna dnuorgrednu neddih .ytic eht tuohguorht sexob yerg secafretni cihparg gnisu yb ,snamuh rof detalsnart si egassem ehT .smetsys desilartnec .evaheb ot woh su llet taht segassem dna ,sneercs no era snamuh ,sruoivaheb enihcam ,tneitnes ,elbigel gnivresbo yb taht esoporp ew ,daetsni gnittis gnihctaw fo ygolana reilrae eht ekil .dloh yeht taht noitamrofni siht rehtag ot elba .niar lliw ti fi llet ot dleif a ni swoc
These objects take various forms, from chemical indicators, data translators, pets, pests and centralised government systems.
We spent a lot of time sketching and prototyping several iterations of these sensing machines, using a variety of mediums and techniques, eventually producing a final prototype which we call ‘The Forager’.
ruoloc eht gnibrosba yb os seod dna ,noitullop sesnes ti edam si atad sihT .ytic eht dnuora stops evitcaer hP fo dnuora dettod ,sedon lartnec ot deirrac si dna elbisiv gnitropsnart ,gnitcelloc fo dohtem sihT .sdoohruobhgien htob emoceb ot metsys eht rof swolla atad gniyalpsid dna gnikaerb ;cilbup eht fo srebmem ot evitiutni dna tnerapsnart .elbignat dna elbadaer era taht seno otni smetsys desolc trapa ytimixorp dna rosnes Bgr na sesu epytotorp gnikrow ehT dluow enihcam eht woh fo aedi na su evig ot rotceted revo dehcterts ,niks cirbaf a gnisu detcurtsnoc si ti .noitcnuf htiw tinu gnitupmoc a sesuoh hcihw noteleks cilyrca na .edoc motsuc evom dluow regarof eht woh wohs ot mlif trohs a edam eW rof erehpsomta na tes ot dna tnemnorivne nabru eht hguorht moob a no epytotorp eht gnignah yb evitarran detcejorp eht .etatse yaW yelwor hguorht ti gnivom dna
,seuqinhcet dna smuidem fo yteirav a gnisu ,senihcam gnisnes eseht fo snoitareti lareves gnipytotorp dna gnihcteks emit fo tol a tneps eW .’regaroF ehT‘ llac ew hcihw epytotorp lanif a gnicudorp yllautneve
it senses pollution, and does so by absorbing the colour of Ph reactive spots around the city. This data is made visible and is carried to central nodes, dotted around neighbourhoods. This method of collecting, transporting and displaying data allows for the system to become both transparent and intuitive to members of the public; breaking apart closed systems into ones that are readable and tangible. The working prototype uses an rgB sensor and proximity detector to give us an idea of how the machine would function. it is constructed using a fabric skin, stretched over an acrylic skeleton which houses a computing unit with custom code. We made a short film to show how the forager would move through the urban environment and to set an atmosphere for the projected narrative by hanging the prototype on a boom and moving it through rowley Way estate.
These varying levels of investment of time and knowledge allow people to casually observe the machines, more similar to an urban fox then your iPhone. Subcultures of communities would begin to build machine colonies: TechnoPigeon Fanciers, enthusiast carers who maintain the machines. council run localised systems that work with and for local communities. government city-wide centralised systems that appear similar to current infrastructure and private companies who will aim to cultivate their own fleets of sensing machines for their own gains.
ekat ot elpoep segaruocne sucof ni tfihs sihT .noitapicitrap resu segaruocne smetsys elbadaer fo gnidnatsrednu dna ytilibigel-atad gnisaercni era snezitic erehw stcejorp ytinummoc gnihsilbatse .meht fo erac sekat ti woh ees nac elpoep esuaceb tnemnorivne rieht fo erac retaerg nekot llams a .ti evorpmi ot osla dna snoitca ’senihcam eht morf tifeneb ot ytinutroppo eht meht sevig ,metsys noitamrofni eht nioj ot detivni gnitubirtnoc yb ssenlufesu rieht evorpmi ot dna ,dloh yeht noitamrofni eht daer ot ,senihcam eht htiw tcatnoc rof egnahcxe ni nevig si erac fo .metsys eht fo tupni eht ot snoitaroproc egral morf yawa scimanyd rewop tfihs ot tnemegagne dna noitamrofni hguone dliub ot elba era slaudividni dna sdoohruobhgien .su gnoma evil ohw senihcam eht sa llew sa ,elpoep eht ot kcab ytic eht fo pihsrenwo dna ytilibisnopser gnivig suht ,stnemnrevog dna
fo tnemtsevni fo slevel gniyrav esehT ot elpoep wolla egdelwonk dna emit erom ,senihcam eht evresbo yllausac ruoy neht xof nabru na ot ralimis .enohPi nigeb dluow seitinummoc fo serutlucbuS -onhceT :seinoloc enihcam dliub ot srerac tsaisuhtne ,sreicnaF noegiP licnuoc .senihcam eht niatniam ohw htiw krow taht smetsys desilacol nur tnemnrevog .seitinummoc lacol rof dna taht smetsys desilartnec ediw-ytic erutcurtsarfni tnerruc ot ralimis raeppa mia lliw ohw seinapmoc etavirp dna gnisnes fo steelf nwo rieht etavitluc ot .sniag nwo rieht rof senihcam
increasing data-legibility and understanding of readable systems encourages user participation. This shift in focus encourages people to take greater care of their environment because people can see how it takes care of them. establishing community projects where citizens are invited to join the information system, gives them the opportunity to benefit from the machines’ actions and also to improve it. a small token of care is given in exchange for contact with the machines, to read the information they hold, and to improve their usefulness by contributing to the input of the system. neighbourhoods and individuals are able to build enough information and engagement to shift power dynamics away from large corporations and governments, thus giving responsibility and ownership of the city back to the people, as well as the machines who live among us.
What is striking in the live brief, is how far i have come in the last year, and being able to confidently navigate such a challenging subject matter and working with the team to come to a resolved, ambitious outcome is incredibly rewarding. There wasn’t a single argument or stumbling block over the course of the brief which is a testament to our professional attitude, and i believe it shows in the body of work; the feedback from Dan hill in the presentation; and most importantly, all of the things we have learnt along the way. all of which bode well for future professional practice.
a sa gnirutam ylkciuq ma i eveileb i si rettam tcejbus siht dna rengised ecitcarp lanosrep nwo ym htiw gningila noiton ehT .sfeirb ytisrevinu fo edistuo noitcaretni eht gnoma euqitirc fo si yteicos dna ygolonhcet neewteb tpoda ot gninnigeb ma i taht gnihtemos raen gnidliuB .ytitnedi lanosrep a sa krad fo stnemele htiw snoitcif erutuf fo selat rof liated denifer dna ruomuh evitanretla na sa ;rorroh dna rednow .smgidarap laicos yraropmetnoc ot lanif siht no tnrael evah i gnihtyreve morf srehto eht dna llew sa tcejorp ecitcarp ym ni deilppa eb lliw raey siht gnitcurtsnoc fo mia eht htiw ,raey txen dna gnidrawer sa tsuj noitatressid a sah raey siht taht elbayojne yleniuneg .neeb
i believe i am quickly maturing as a designer and this subject matter is aligning with my own personal practice outside of university briefs. The notion of critique among the interaction between technology and society is something that i am beginning to adopt as a personal identity. Building near future fictions with elements of dark humour and refined detail for tales of wonder and horror; as an alternative to contemporary social paradigms. everything i have learnt on this final project as well and the others from this year will be applied in my practice next year, with the aim of constructing a dissertation just as rewarding and genuinely enjoyable that this year has been.
gnignellahc a hcus etagivan yltnedifnoc ot elba gnieb dna ,raey tsal eht ni emoc evah i raf woh si ,feirb evil eht ni gnikirts si tahW elgnis a t’nsaw erehT .gnidrawer ylbidercni si emoctuo suoitibma ,devloser a ot emoc ot maet eht htiw gnikrow dna rettam tcejbus eht ni swohs ti eveileb i dna ,edutitta lanoisseforp ruo ot tnematset a si hcihw feirb eht fo esruoc eht revo kcolb gnilbmuts ro tnemugra lla .yaw eht gnola tnrael evah ew sgniht eht fo lla ,yltnatropmi tsom dna ;noitatneserp eht ni llih naD morf kcabdeef eht ;krow fo ydob .ecitcarp lanoisseforp erutuf rof llew edob hcihw fo