4 minute read
Spaceship Crash!
Year 2 got the academic year off to a flying start with a topic all about space.They came into school and discovered that a spaceship had crash landed on the Pre-Prep playground! They studied the pieces of rubble carefully and enjoyed creating stories about who was on the spaceship and why it had crashed! The children enjoyed developing their research,writing and presentation skills through creating a fact file all about the planets.As part of this topic,we also enjoyed a visit from a Planetarium as well as undertaking activities in the Science lab.
In the run-up to Christmas we enjoyed learning about festivals celebrated in different countries and also how Christmas is celebrated around the world.

Gloucester Waterways Museum
The Lent term began with a wonderful visit to Gloucester Waterways museum and a visit from the Canal Safety staff. We enjoyed creating our own water cycle experiment and finding out about how we use water at home and school and how we could save water.
Meeting Bubble and Squeak
We were invited to the Prep School science labs for some hands on fun and met Bubble and Squeak the school tortoises.
During Lockdown we continued our learning with great enthusiasm and enjoyed ‘Fancy Dress Friday’ each week to celebrate the end of each fabulous week of learning!
We were so pleased to be able to come back to school for the last two weeks of term where we enjoyed creating and filming videos to celebrate our time in Pre-Prep.

The Great Pre-Prep Chocolate Bake Off!

Despite Lockdown,the Pre-Prep children and families were up for a challenge. Our first Lockdown topic was Chocolate so of course we had to have a baking competition. The Pre-Prep children and their families made some amazing videos and cakes and had a brilliant time doing it.

Pyjama Party
Everyone likes getting to wear their pyjamas at school, even the teachers! Pre-Prep love our pyjama party where we get to share books and have a hot chocolate and a cookie.
Bethlehem's Buzzing
The Pre-Prep was ‘buzzing’too during November and December with all the Christmas production excitement and rehearsals. The audience found some confused animals who had been sent out into a chilly, starry night because the innkeeper’s wife had a bee in her bonnet and declared the stable ‘out-of-bounds’ . The show was received with loud laughter, cheering and clapping by the enthusiastic audience. The children were all amazing and who could ever forget the ‘grumpy camels’who brought the house down with their funny journey across the stage.

Forest School
The benefits of Forest School are many and varied and especially during these difficult times it is important to include it in the curriculum. It helps build confidence, resilience, risk management and independence, it promotes empathy for nature, each other and the world at large, it helps with physical fitness and is such a great learning experience with hands on activities.

Book Day

World Book Day is always great fun for the children and staff. Everyone gets to dress up as their favourite character.

The whole of Pre-Prep enjoyed a wonderful trip to Bristol Aquarium where the children were able to feed fish,take part in workshops and look at all the exhibits. Back in the classroom we worked on the topic seaside which included geographical features of the seaside, historical facts about seaside holidays from the past and scientific features like life cycles and food chains.