OUIL603 Extended Practice Briefs completed/in progress so far with descriptions.
Studio Brief 9:
Main Brief ‘Big Kahuna’
This brief will be focussed on India. Specifically relying on my research visit there but also other inspirations from other artists, photographers and historical and literary sources. I intend on experimenting with media and colour palettes to produce a large range of various work on this subject. I will then separate prints into one book. Line drawings into another. And then keep all of my originals and more experimental work like sewn work in a big ‘fine art’ style book. This will be a self led project and will go towards creating a colourful and vibrant variation of work that I can use for my portfolio. It will focus on people, colour and pattern while trying to convey the spirit of India.
Brief 1:
Uganda Maternal Healthcare Project
This project was an illustrated chapter for a Ugandan book for tribal and illiterate women in the area. It was focussed on the topic of maternal healthcare and was a team effort of quite a few members including researchers, writers and illustrators. I had the first chapter which was based on before the child was born. They wanted a mixture of analogue and digital and they specified the woman to be in a red/orange dress and traditional style. They also wanted the illustration in pencil. I liked doing this project and the pencil illustrations. I also found the combination of this with Photoshop quite interesting and challenging. I am happy that I managed to complete the illustrations and convey the message/scene and tell the story of the piece without a specific reference image. I am not 100% happy with the final visual outcomes as I think they may have looked much nicer with more texture with the colours as those parts look a bit flat. I have a few changes to make that they have asked for such as altering the colour of the grass in one image, so I may be able to adjust the colours for more texture. This should be finished within the next week.
Brief 3:
Q&A Saturday This brief focussed on collaborating with someone else by interviewing them for my Tumblr under a page ‘Q&A Saturday’. This post goes out every Saturday (minus the time that I was working on my dissertation) alongside an illustration of them. This gives me a really quick portrait to do weekly that lacks any serious pressure for an extraneous client. The main focus is on young people, but those specifically in the creative sector will be targeted more in future. So far I have interviewed: Fashion Communication student Robyn Shaw. Lone Rascal business woman Isabelle Harvey. Henley Town Counciller and UCL student Helen Chandler-Wilde. Graphic Design student Liam Bailey.
Studio Brief 4:
SunD.I.Y This brief is a weekly self set brief. It focusses on pushing my boundaries with materials and 3D artworks. I think this is really important to help me think out of the box and it gives me a weekly unpressured task to focus on for a short amount of time. However even though the making process isn’t time consuming, it is essential to plan and organise for it because it uses more experimental materials that I usually have to think about before. So far they have been really small scale and usually used recycled objects. This took a back seat during my dissertation but it will be resuming now that it is completed. This work is uploaded every Sunday to my Tumblr blog under the page SunD.I.Y.
Brief 6:
Vagina Dentata Magazine Illustrations This is a collaboration with a UCA Fashion Promotion and Imaging student. She has founded a magazine; Vagina Dentata. The illustrations requested are four digital portraits on inspirational feminist sci-fi characters. These characters are: Wonderwoman. Barbarella. Ellen Ripley. Princess Leia. I am really enjoying these illustrations and they will hopefully be finished in the next week.
Brief 7:
Houlder Portraits This brief was set with a deadline of Christmas as it was for a clients husbands present. The portraits were directly referenced from the clients chosen photographs and they were done in the same acrylic and fine liner style that they had seen a previous one of my portraits in. I really enjoyed doing these although there was not as much creative freedom in this brief as there are in my others because I was intent on producing illustrations that pleased the client. These are A3 landscape paintings. It was also quite a lot of pressure to do them alongside all of my other work before Christmas but I managed to dedicate a lot of time aside for them and I was able to deliver!
Studio Brief 12:
Guardian Editorial Brief This brief was set by the Guardian to capture the spirit of LCA. I decided to give it a go and although I didn’t win, I am glad I tried because I really enjoyed doing these quick and colourful Crayola illustrations. I used this media because I wanted to use a colourful and creative tool to show these elements of the college.