Library matters volume 2 issue 3

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Volume 2, Issue 3

November—December 2009

Library Matters

The official newsletter of the Dearborn Public Library

M a j o r l i b r a r y i m p r o v e m e n t s c o m p l e t e d a n d u n d e r w a y

THIS ISSUE’S QUOTE To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations such is a pleasure beyond compare. ~Kenko


I N S I D E TH I S I S S U E :

Computer workshops


New book club kits


November—December children’s programs


Movies we Love


Classics Revisited


Staff Adventures


The Favorites Project


Parent’s Web resource


The dust is flying at Henry Ford Centennial Library as major improvement projects wrap up and also get underway. The two children’s restrooms in Youth Services are being converted into one large familyfriendly, accessible restroom. The construction area itself encroaches slightly into the patron area, resulting in plastic covering over some internet stations, catalog computers and the printing station. This project should be completed by the end of November. HFCL auditorium improvements have also recently been completed. Projector and speaker upgrades have been installed along with a self-service rack that will allow easier access and control for groups that use the room. The audio and visual improvements should provide an even better experience for patrons attending films or live performances in the auditorium.

Construction underway in Youth Services area.

F r o m As we begin the rapid slide of time through the crazy season of November and December and on towards the end of the year, it is a good time for we here at Library Matters to pause and thank you, our

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readers, for spending your time with us over the past year. We have moved from quarterly to bi-monthly publication and we hope to continue providing you with a publication that is informative,

fun and interesting to read. We wish you the very best for the coming holiday season and on into the new year. — J.L.

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c o m p u t e r w o r k s h o p s c o n t i n u e a t h f c l

Basic computer workshops continue through the end of November at the Henry Ford Centennial Library! The schedule of workshops is included below. All meetings take place in the newly-renovated computer training room on HFCL’s first floor. The workshops are free of charge unless otherwise indicated. Registration for each class begins one week prior to the scheduled meeting date. Non-residents will be placed on a waitlist and notified two days before the class if there is space available. Interested patrons should contact the Adult Reference Desk at (313) 943-2330 to register for the workshops. If you have any questions about this program, please call the Reference Desk at (313) 943-2330.

N e w The following book club kits are now available for participating groups. Please contact Robert Rea at (313) 943-2806 for availability. The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer In January 1946 London is emerging from the Second World War and writer Juliet Ashton is searching for her next book subject when she comes across a letter from a male stranger from the island of Guernsey; she is drawn into the wonderfully eccentric world of The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Society. Tortilla Curtain by T. C. Boyle A compelling story of misunderstanding and mutual disaster. Boyle combines comic and tragic

BASIC COMPUTERS (No charge) Monday, November 2 4:30-7 Registration begins Oct. 26 Monday, November 16 4:30-7 Registration begins Nov. 9 INTERNET BASICS (No charge) Wednesday, November 4 4:30-7 Registration begins Oct. 28 Wednesday, November 18 4:30-7 Registration begins Nov. 12

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F o l d b o o k s a l e s o n g o i n g

The regular monthly book sales sponsored by the Friends of the Library Dearborn (FOLD) continue through the fall. The sales will continue to take place in the lobby of the Henry Ford Centennial Library from 9:30-6 on the following dates: Wednesday, November 4 Wednesday, December 2

E-MAIL ESSENTIALS (No charge) Monday, November 9 4:30-7 Registration begins Nov. 2 Monday, November 30 4:30-7 Registration begins Nov. 23

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prose to weave a tale of the extravagant haves and the misfortunate have-nots. Lemon City by Elaine Brown A sly, inspiring and witty mystery of the 1970’s set in a tightly knit isolated rural black community. The Soloist by Steve Lopez The true story of Nathaniel Ayers, a once promising African-American student at Julliard now living on the streets of L.A. who is rediscovered by Steve Lopez, a columnist for the L. A. Times. Stealing Buddha’s Dinner by Bich Nguyen A memoir of a courageous young woman that begins with her family’s harrowing migration out of

k i t s Saigon in 1975 and her coming of age in the Midwest. A valiant account of Bich’s struggle to become a “real” American. Breakfast With Buddha by Roland Merullo A humorous and witty novel with wonderful heartfelt surprises following the road trip adventure of three mismatched travelers. The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb A compelling and richly textured story that spans the Civil War to the present and seesaws between hope and despair. Many consider this the best novel by this noted author. A New York Times bestseller.

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N o v e m b e r — d e c e m b e r C h i l d r e n ’ s p r o g r a m m i n g

STORYTIMES One adult per child is recommended for this hands-on fun. Registration required. Registration begins two weeks prior to event.

Mother Goose Storytime / Ages 6-24 Months Fridays, Nov. 6-Nov. 20 10:30am Henry Ford Centennial Fridays, Dec. 11-Dec. 18 10:30am Henry Ford Centennial Tuesday, November 10 6:00pm Snow Branch Library Tuesday, December 15 6:00pm Snow Branch Library Preschool Storytime / Ages 2-5 Tuesdays, Nov. 10—Dec. 15 11:00am Henry Ford Centennial Preschool Storytime / Ages 3-5 Wednesdays, Nov. 4-Dec. 16 11:00am Esper Branch Library (No program November 11 — Library closed.) Holiday Storytime / Ages 2-6 Tuesday, December 22 11:00am Henry Ford Centennial PJ Storytime / All Ages Put on your pajamas and your fuzzy slippers, grab your favorite stuffed animal and join us for Storytime— at night. Monday, November 16 7:00pm Snow Branch Library Tuesday, December 8 7:00pm Snow Branch Library

Holiday Family Storytime / Ages 2 and up This is a 4-week session of stories, songs and crafts. (The Winter 2010 session of PreSchool stories will begin January 5 & 6, 2010.) Tuesdays, Nov. 24-Dec. 15 2:00pm Bryant Branch Library Wednesdays, Nov. 25-Dec. 16 10:45am Bryant Branch Library The Grinch and other Holiday Favorites / All Ages Families can come and enjoy favorite holiday stories and other tales told by a local Dearborn storyteller! Tuesday, December 15 7:00pm Bryant Branch Library Where the Wild Things Family Storytime / All Ages


Let the wild rumpus start! We’ll read Maurice Sendak’s classic story, play some games, and make a simple craft. Tuesday, November 3 6:00pm Henry Ford Centennial

CRAFTS Young children will need adult assistance. Registration required. Registration begins two weeks prior to event.

Think Outside the Box / Grades K8 Stop in at Snow Branch Library and pick up a box November 1630. Take it home and create a diorama based on your favorite book. Return your creation to the library by December 5. All dioramas will be on display

thru December and participants will receive a certificate and a small prize. November 16—December 5 Snow Branch Library Tween/Teen Craft — Artist Trading Cards / Ages 10-18 An artist trading card is a miniature work of art. It is the size of a baseball card. We’ll have lots of different art supplies available for you to create cool cards. Artists usually trade cards…You’ll have an opportunity to trade your cards with teens from a library in Grand Rapids, MI! Tuesday, November 17 6:00pm Henry Ford Centennial Saturday, November 21 2:00pm Henry Ford Centennial Gingerbread University / Ages 312 Join us for this Snow Branch Library tradition to decorate a graham cracker house with frosting and goodies. (Parents: Please let us know when registering if you are able to donate time or materials to help make this program a success.) Monday, November 23 4pm OR 7pm Snow Branch Library Tween Candy House Craft / Ages 8-10 Decorate a gingerbread type house with festive seasonal candies. Patrons arriving more than 10 minutes late for the craft will forfeit their place. Saturday, December 5 3:00pm Henry Ford Centennial

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N o v e m b e r — d e c e m b e r C h i l d r e n ’ s p r o g r a m m i n g , c o n t ’ d Third Thursday Crafts / All Ages / Craft is available while supplies last. Celebrate the autumn season. Make a scarecrow decoration. Thursday, November 19 11:00am-7:00pm Henry Ford Centennial Make a holiday gift for Mom and for Dad. Thursday, December 17 11:00am-7:00pm Henry Ford Centennial Snowflake Craft / All Ages Monday, December 28 2:00-4:00pm Henry Ford Centennial Scrap Craft Day / All Ages Tuesday, December 29 2:00-4:00pm Henry Ford Centennial Holiday Themed Craft / All Ages Thursday, November 19 4:00-5:00pm Esper Branch Library Thursday, December 17 4:00-5:00pm Esper Branch Library

EVENTS Registration required. Registration begins two weeks prior to event. Game On @ the Library —Wii Games Come in for friendly competition on our Wii console, featuring Mario Kart, Dance Dance Revolution and more. No registration, but space is limited. Ages 7-12 Monday, November 16 2:30-4:00pm Esper Branch Library Ages 6-9 Monday, December 21 1:00-2:00pm Henry Ford Centennial

Ages 10-12 Monday, December 21 3:00-4:00pm Henry Ford Centennial Caught in the Middle Club / Ages 6-7 Too young for Storytime but not old enough for tween crafts? Join us for a special program just for you. The November program will feature Nate the Great, while the December program will showcase Mercy Watson. Tuesday, November 3 3:00-4:00pm Henry Ford Centennial Wednesday, December 2 4:30-5:15pm Henry Ford Centennial Comix Crew / Ages 9-13 Interested in comics, manga, shonen, shojen, whatever you call it? Wanna talk about it? Wanna try making your own? Maybe even share your work? Hang with us! We’ll talk comics. We’ll try some stuff out together. Claim you can’t draw? We don’t expect you to be a master. You just need to be creative and want to have fun. Saturday, November 21 4:00pm Henry Ford Centennial Saturday, December 19 2:00pm Henry Ford Centennial Book Swap / All Ages Bring in some of your “old” favorites (IN GOOD CONDITION) to swap for some “new” favorites. Paperback, hardcover, and board books or magazines are welcome. Limit of 15, please. Monday-Saturday, Nov. 30–Dec. 5 Snow Branch Library Frosty’s Birthday Party Puppet Show This is a fun-filled comedy/puppet show for families that includes a visit from Frosty the Snowman. This show is best for smaller children, up to age 8, but all are welcome.

Doors will close after show begins, and latecomers will not be admitted to the program. Tuesday, December 15 6:00pm Esper Branch Library Games Day / All Ages Wednesday, December 30 11am-7pm Henry Ford Centennial Reindeer Game / All Ages Come to Esper Library for a chance to play a fun reindeer game. Details available at desk. Small prize will be awarded upon completion of the game. November — December Esper Branch Library Reference Book of the Month Program / All Ages Come to Esper Library to enjoy a fun new game each month that deals with different Reference books that we have. Details available at desk. Small prize will be awarded upon completion of a handout. November — December Esper Branch Library

Please Note: Program registration may be made by phone or in person. Participants arriving more than 10 minutes after the scheduled program time may not be admitted. Children must be the required age on or before the first date of the program. Residents and cardholders are given preference. Individuals with disabilities who require special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services to attend or participate in these programs should contact their local library or TDD 313-9432193. Reasonable advance notice is required.

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call it the “hang out” factor—do you enjoy “hanging out” with these people for two hours? A film like the great Rio Bravo comes to mind. And certainly, the characters in Meet Me in St. Louis are tremendously likeable and fun to spend time with.

Meet Me in St. Louis (1944, 113 min.) I will admit this right now in the spirit of full disclosure: I am not a fan of musicals. Never have been. So why, you might ask, am I choosing a musical, of all things, as my selection for this issue’s “Movies We Love?” Two reasons, really: one, if I had to choose a favorite old-school Hollywood musical it would probably be this. And second, for me this is one of those indispensable holiday traditions that I must revisit if the season is to feel complete. As is the case with most musicals, the plot is fairly simple: the film is basically a year in the life of the Smith family of St. Louis as the 1903 World’s Fair approaches: Judy Garland pines for the boy next door, little sister Margaret O’Brien gets into trouble, and father thinks about taking a promotion and moving everyone to New York. The success or failure of minimally-plotted movies like this is whether or not the audience enjoys spending time with the characters on screen; I’ll K r o g e r

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Patrons are encouraged to sign up their Kroger reward card to benefit the Dearborn Library Foundation. Simply pick up a Library Foundation

The film is famous for several of its songs and musical numbers, including “The Boy Next Door,” the infectious “Trolley Song” and the title tune. However, the reason this film gets the essential holiday tradition treatment from me is the portion of the film set at Christmas, where Judy Garland sings the most heart-rending version of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” you’ve ever heard. In fact, the whole Christmas section of the film gets me every time; there is a moment late Christmas Eve night where the father announces an important decision regarding the family’s move to New York, and the mother, played by Mary Astor, turns away from the family and towards the camera in a private, tearful moment of heartfelt joy and relief; it’s a beautiful, moving little touch in a film full of them. So as part of your annual holiday movie watching tradition, spend some time with the Smith family of St. Louis. You’ll be glad you did. — Jeff Lelek Meet Me in St. Louis will screen on Monday, November 30 at 7 PM in the HFCL auditorium as part of the free Blockbusters movie series. r e w a r d s

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E s s a y : t h e M i c h i g a n s t a t e f a i r I had the good fortune to attend the Michigan State Fair twice this year, once with a friend and once with my family. My most memorable new experience (of choice, would you believe) was going on the Tilt-aWhirl with my beloved nephew, Brandon, in place of his slightly ailing father. I learned from this that sometimes the wisest thing is to put your head back and close your eyes. Thankfully the exit stairs were stationary… The animals are my favorite part of any fair. Did you know the worldfamous Clydesdale draft horses originated in Lanarkshire, Scotland? I also learned that new quail chicks are about the size of a golf ball— very small! The “Miracle of Life” e x h i b i t wa s a l w a y s u n d e r observation: cows licking newborn calves; multitudinous piglets milling around their large mothers; and ewes in a pen, keeping restful watch over sweet, wrinkled, curious lambs, unsteady on very long legs. One ewe had twins! Though tucked away in a corner of the fairgrounds, the textile arts building was well and pleasantly furnished. There were paintings and quilts of great variety, as well as examples of sculpture, stitching and home furnishings. At the end of one of those visits, in the barn containing sheep and pigs and milking cows, I added my name to a petition to bring the Michigan State Fair back again next year. - Stephanie Herm

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bookmark from any Dearborn Public Library building and submit it to the customer service desk at your local Kroger store. Patrons can also

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register their card for this purpose online at:

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C l a s s i c s r e v i s i t e d r u n s t h r o u g h e n d o f y e a r The free book discussion group “Classics Revisited” will be offered through the end of the year and into the winter at Dearborn’s Henry Ford Centennial Library. All sessions are open to the public and no registration is required. Sessions take place on the third Wednesday of each month from September through December, from 6-7:30 p.m. in the third floor training room of the library (16301 Michigan Avenue). Multiple copies of each work are available for checkout at all four library branches. If you're interested, reserve your copy today!

M o n d a y n i g h t b l o c k b u s t e r f i l m s o n g o i n g The Blockbusters Monday evening free movie program continues at Henry Ford Centennial Library. Both old classics and new favorites are shown every Monday night (excluding holidays) in the HFCL auditorium. There is no charge for admittance. Films begin at 7 PM. Schedules are available at the Reference Desk of any Dearborn public library.

The schedule of readings for the rest of the year is as follows: Nov. 18 – Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Dec. 16 – The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath To maximize the experience of the discussion group, it is recommended that those who want to participate complete the book to be discussed before the group’s meeting on that book. Classics Revisited will continue into the winter and spring of 2010 with the following selections scheduled in the new year: January 20— The Aeneid by Virgil February 17— Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston March 17— Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut April 21— The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran May 19— Mansfield Park by Jane Austen To learn more about a book or its author, visit the Literature Resource Center available at For more information about the book discussion group series, call library staff members Henry Fischer at 313.943.4091 or Jeff Lelek 313.943.2017.

G r e e n b a g d r a w i n g w i n n e r s The following are the winners of the monthly Green Bag drawing at each library branch for August and September. Congrats to all! HFCL


Linda B.

Leandra S.

Todd B.

Carol W.



Khadije S.

Joan M.

Angela B.

Stacey R.

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East coast cruise—New York to Quebec City. Submitted by: Don & Laura Litterio

Our latest travel adventure began in New York harbor, home to the USS Intrepid and the Statue of Liberty. After leaving New York, we made stops in Newport, Boston and Bar Harbor, soaking up the history and scenery all along the way!

We then left U.S. waters and sailed into Canada with our first stop in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where we encountered a colorful guard at the Citadel and a talented bagpiper amidst the beauty of Peggy’s Cove.

We next visited seals in Prince Edward Island and Don took a turn as captain of our vessel.

We cruised past towering 1500 foot high cliffs in the fjords of Saganeuy.

Our cruise ended in beautiful Quebec City where we ventured out into the countryside to view the majestic waterfalls of Canyon St. Anne and then strolled along the Dufferin Terrace at dusk, catching site of our ship in the harbor. What a wonderful, relaxing trip!

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f a v o r i t e s

“The Favorites Project” appears bi-monthly in each issue of Library Matters, celebrating recommendations by library staff of some of their favorite things, along with some honorable mentions. This month’s topic is “Favorite books”; a new topic will appear in each issue.


My favorite book is William Shakespeare's Complete Works. It is a universe unto itself. His characters-including Hamlet, Ophelia, Rosalind, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Falstaff, Romeo and Juliet--are unforgettable and have become as familiar as household words. And he brought a number of historical figures to life, such as Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, and a line of English kings and queens. Ben Jonson, a contemporary of Shakespeare, once wrote of his fellow playwright: "He was not for an age but for all time." The library has many of Shakespeare's individual plays and an edition of his Complete Works under the title of The Norton Shakespeare. We also have a complete set of his dramatic works on DVD and you can even listen to some classic recordings of the plays in our Digital Catalog & Download Center. - Henry Fischer Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed: the story of the village of Le Chambon and how goodness happened there by Philip Hallie. In this miraculous story, villagers from a small Protestant town in Southern France, called Le Chambon, quietly organized to save thousands of Jewish children and adults from certain death right in front of the Vichy government and a nearby division of the Nazi SS. Honorable Mentions: Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, March by Geraldine Brooks and Everyday Grace: having hope, finding forgiveness and making miracles by Marianne Williamson. - Jennifer Erard

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Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry. McMurtry really is very good at bringing his characters to life. For me, rereading this story is like catching up with old friends. A runner-up is The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks. My grandfather gave me this book when I was 10. It was the first fantasy fiction I ever read and it got me hooked for life. The original edition had fantastic illustrations by the Brothers Hildebrandt. It's not the best title in the series, but it brings back a lot of good memories for me. - Mark Hancock

Of Mice and Men followed by The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. Both stories make me so sad but ultimately inspire me. Both are great stories of the American Dream and remind me that everyone has to have dreams. It's our dreams that keep us going. Runners Up: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I love getting lost in this romantic gothic novel, and love that the heroine is intelligent, independent and high minded. Forrest Gump by Winston Groom. As a baby boomer the book chronicles the events in American history and pop culture that I have experienced. I totally enjoy the humor. Again it's about the American Dream - yes even an idiot can attain it! - Mary Orrin

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30 years or so! All three are long, involved stories and the reader definitely can get lost in them. Always a plus to have a strong female character in there like Scarlett O'Hara, as well! - Julie Schaefer Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi. In this exhaustive work of non-fiction (over 1600 pages!), the man who put Charles Manson behind bars completely and irrevocably eviscerates every aspect of every JFK conspiracy theory and upholds the findings of the Warren Commission. More than that, he illuminates why it is morally wrong and intellectually inexcusable to believe otherwise. - Tom Russell Favorite modern novel: The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I have a bit of a thing for time travel stories, being a historyobsessed person and all. I know this isn't really a historical book, not like the Outlander Series by Diana Gabeldon. But that's what prompted me to pick it up. I absolutely love this book. It completely engaged me the entire way through and I was heartbroken when it ended. This was a book I was terribly afraid to hear was being turned into a movie. I liked the movie too. But not as much as I love the book. Favorite "classic literature" book: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I have to admit I saw the movie, several times, long before I read the book. The movie made me cry. So did the book. It fleshed out the characters and fueled the frustration and sense of futility I had found in the movie. - Rebecca Hermen

My favorites are different for each generation/phase of life: Gone with the Wind, Lonesome Dove, and Time Traveler's Wife cover the past

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f a v o r i t e b o o k s (continued from page 8) I recently started reading Dewey, by Vicki Myron, the book about the library cat in Iowa. It is one of my favorite recent readings. The author is a librarian, and her writing style is so good and attractive that you feel you can't put the book from your hands. The story is so heartwarming and touching. It also gives credit to one of the best friends to humans: the Cat. - Malak Fawaz I’m only halfway through its six volumes and 4,000 plus pages, but I can say without hesitation that In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust is the best thing I’ve ever read. I never fail to find something perceptive and beautifully written every time I pick it up. I don’t think I have ever read anything that I could identify with so completely and that presented life in all its joy and heartbreak with such beauty and clarity. It is something I can see myself reading and re-reading for many years to come. For my honorable mention I must include the wicked satire of Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, the breathless storytelling of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, the challenging philosophy of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, the tragedy of Shakespeare’s King Lear and the exhilarating adventure of Watership Down by Richard Adams. - Jeff Lelek

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Successful parenting is a real challenge in today's world. To help parents and caregivers get the information they may need, Children's Services has added a new webpage called Parent's Web. Parent's Web supplies links to information about parenting from conception through college years. Check it out at; Children's Services is in the blue left hand column. Information at Parent's Web is divided into the following categories: Education links to Dearborn Public Schools (DPS), DPS Parents Students and Teachers Association, Information and practice for standardized school tests such as MEAP, GED, ACT, SAT. Other links include: Home work helpers, Saving for your children's college education, Financial aid for college, Scholarships for college and How to avoid scholarship scams. Childcare links to Childcare facilities in the Dearborn area and State of Michigan licensing of childcare facilities. Health links to information on the physical, mental and social health of infants through young adults, the Poison Control center and information and a link to Child Protective Services. Helping Children to Read and to Learn links to aid in the following: Developing early literacy skills, Raising a lifelong reader, Reading tips in many languages, Good books for family reading and a link to Dearborn Public Library Booklinks. Movies, Television and Video Games Reviews links to information and reviews on movies and programs that your children might see and video games they may play, along with suggestions for movies and programs appropriate for the entire family to view. Parenting links to information on child developmental stages from conception through teen years; talking to kids about tough topics; talking to kids about current events and links to family fun, games and activities. Parenting Teens links dealing with issues unique to parenting teens such as social networking, dating, driving, peer pressure, and more. Safety links on Bullying, Fire safety, Internet safety, recall information , Stranger Safety and Youth violence prevention.

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L i b r a r y s t a f f a n d i n f o r m a t i o n

DIRECTOR Maryanne Bartles DEPUTY DIRECTOR Julie Schaefer

H o l i d a y b u i l d i n g h o u r s The Dearborn Public Libraries will be open during regular hours through November and December with the exception of the following holiday observances when all buildings will be closed: Wednesday, November 11 (Veteran’s Day) Thursday and Friday, November 26-27 (Thanksgiving holiday)


Thursday—Sunday, December 24-27


(Christmas holiday)

Marcel Pultorak

Thursday—Friday, December 31 and January 1, 2010


(New Year holiday)

Nancy Zakar

All libraries will be open on Saturday, January 2 and the Henry Ford Centennial Library will be open Sunday, January 3


Jihan Ajami Jawad Candyce Abbatt Rachel Fawaz David L. Schlaff Sally Smith Antonia Straley Robert Taub

VISION STATEMENT “The Dearborn Public Library fosters the spirit of exploration, the joy of reading, and the pursuit of knowledge for all ages and cultures starting with the very young.”

One of the New York Public Library lions, celebrating the season.

MISSION STATEMENT “The Dearborn Public Library provides a broad range of effective, courteous, quality services and a balanced collection of materials for the educational, informational and recreational

needs of the community.”

Library Matters November—December 2009 Layout, writing and editing by Jeff Lelek with staff contributions as credited

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