September-October 2010
Library Matters The official newsletter of the Dearborn Public Library
H a u n t e d l i b r a r y e v e n t h f c l O c t o b e r 2 9
THIS ISSUE’S QUOTE I've traveled the world twice over, Met the famous; saints and sinners, Poets and artists, kings and queens, Old stars and hopeful beginners, I've been where no-one's been before, Learned secrets from writers and cooks All with one library ticket To the wonderful world of books. ~ Anonymous
I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :
Classics Revisited
Children’s / Teen Programming
Movies We Love
New Language Resource
Fall Computer Workshops
Staff Adventures
Join us Friday, October 29 as the Henry Ford Centennial Library transforms into a terrifying haunted house! Monsters, beasts and ghouls lurk in every shadow of the library’s spooky corridors. The haunted library will be open from 6-8 PM and is open to all ages; patrons can enter from the parking lot D e a r b o r n
entrance. Parents should be aware that this program could be
dearbornpubliclibrary and receive updates and announcements of library programs and events, check out pictures from library activities, search our catalog, comment and connect with other friends of the library!
scary for some young children.
p u b l i c l i b r a r y f a c e b o o k
The Dearborn Public Library is now on Facebook!
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C l a s s i c s
L i b r a r y
r e v i s i t e d
The free book discussion group “Classics Revisited” will be offered this fall at Dearborn’s Henry Ford Centennial Library. All sessions are open to the public and no registration is required. Sessions take place on the third Wednesday of each month from September through December, from 6:15-7:30 p.m. in the third floor training room of the library (16301 Michigan Avenue). Multiple copies of each work are available for checkout at all four library branches. If you're interested, reserve your copy today!
r e t u r n s
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when they head to California for work during the Great Depression.
Oct. 20—To To Kill a Mockingbird (1960) by (Nelle) Harper Lee — A girl confronts evil as her father defends an innocent black man accused of raping a white woman.
The schedule of readings is as follows:
Sept. 15—The The Grapes of Wrath (1939) by John Steinbeck - See what the Joad family goes through
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Dec. 15—The The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1961) by Muriel Spark A teacher at a girls' school in Edinburgh during the 1930s comes into conflict with school authorities because of her unorthodox teaching methods. To learn more about a book or its author, visit the Literature Resource Center available at For more information about “Classics Revisited,” call library staff members Henry Fischer or Jeff Lelek at 313.943.2017.
Nov. 17—The The Death of Ivan Ilyitch (1886) by Leo Tolstoy—Tells the story of the life and death, at the age of 45, of a high-court judge in nin et ee nt h century Russia .
M o n d a y n i g h t b l o c k b u s t e r f i l m s o n g o i n g The Blockbusters Monday evening free movie program continues at Henry Ford Centennial Library. Classics and new favorites are shown every Monday night in the HFCL auditorium. Films begin at 7 PM. Schedules are available at the Reference Desk of any Dearborn public library.
Volume 3, issue 5
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S e p t e m b e r - o c t o b e r c h i l d r e n ’ s p r o g r a m m i n g
Please note: All Children’s and Teen programming listed below will take place at the Henry Ford Centennial Library
STORYTIMES Mother Goose Storytime / Ages 6-
24 Months Babies and toddlers are invited to their first literature experiences along with songs, fingerplays, and movement. Please note the time change to 10:00am. One caregiver per child is recommended. Admission tickets will be passed out 15 minutes prior to the start of this program. Fridays, September 17 & October 8, 15, 22 10:00am Tuesdays, September 21 & October 26 6:00pm Storytime / Ages 2-5 Join us for stories, fingerplays, music and a craft. Children with a caregiver are invited for stories, songs and fun. Space is limited. Admission tickets will be passed out 15 minutes prior to the start of this program. Tuesdays, September 14—October 26 11:00am Halloween Storytime / Ages 2-6 Join us for some mildly scary stories, a craft and costume parade. Program is repeated—please pick one date to attend. Space is limited. Admission tickets will be passed out 15 minutes prior to the start of this program. Tuesday, October 26 October 30
Saturday, 11:00am
CRAFTS Third Thursday Crafts / All Ages / Craft is available while supplies last. The family fantasy adventure movie, “Legends of the Guardians: the Owls of Ga’Hoole”, is coming out soon. Get in on the excitement and make a paper bag owl puppet. Thursday, September 16 11:00am7:00pm Turn a paper bag into a scary Halloween puppet. Thursday, October 21
EVENTS Yoga Time / Ages 3-5 Join registered yoga instructor Beth Vessels of Dearborn’s Sweet Pea Yoga for a 30 minute yoga session. Social play time will immediately follow. One adult per child is recommended. Admission tickets will be passed out 15 minutes prior to the start of the program. Tuesday, October 5
Scotland Yard Reference Mystery /
Ages 6-12 September 27 —October 1 Muffin the Moose has gone missing! Scotland Yard and Sherlock Holmes need your help hunting down the clues to his disappearance. Collect a detective’s notebook paper from the Children’s Help Desk and start searching our Reference books to find out where he has gone. Curiosity Day — Our Favorite Monkey is turning 70 years old! Join us in a celebration! Saturday, September 25 Storytime / Ages 3-6 11:00am Join us for monkey songs and fingerplays as well as some favorite Curious George stories. Space is limited. Admission tickets will be passed out 15 minutes prior to the start of the program. Drop In Craft / All Ages 11:30am— 11:30am— 3:00pm
A fun monkey craft, while supplies last.
Tween Halloween Creep Out /
Ages 8-12 Do you dare to crunch on some fingers? Pop down a few eyeballs? Are you willing to try a bloody ghoul drink? Only the brave will stay to watch some of R.L. Stine’s chilly tales. Admission tickets will be passed out 15 minutes prior to the start of the program. Saturday, October 2
Haunted Library / All Ages (This program will be scary. Parental discretion is advised.) Near all Hallows Eve, ghosts, ghouls, vampires and monsters rise up from the library’s books and movies and haunt inner passage ways. If you dare, come in and tour the library after hours when it’s dark.
The screams you hear may be your own. Enter through the parking lot entrance. Friday, October 29
PLAY-DOH DESIGN CELEBRATION / All Ages. Entries Accepted: September 7 - 18 Voting: September 20-30 Pick-Up by October 16 Limit One Entry Per Person. National Play-Doh Day is September 18th. Bring in your Play-Doh creations for display. A People’s Choice winner and an entrant chosen at random will both receive a Play-Doh related prize pack. Show us your creativity. Entry forms are available at the Children’s Help Desk and online. Teen Programs next page —>
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L i b r a r y
S e p t e m b e r - o c t o b e r p r o g r a m m i n g
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K r o g e r r e w a r d s o n g o i n g
SCAREFEST Tuesday, October 19 6:00pm Henry Ford Centennial Library
Saturday, October 16, 11:00am, Henry Ford Centennial Library Get some testing tips from the experts at Kaplan. Join us for a one hour 10 Question Challenge Activity. Call us to register for this program at 943-2345
HALLOWEEN FANGORIA Saturday, October 30, 3:00pm, Henry Ford Centennial Library
Learn theatrical and gory make-up techniques from the professionals! Staff from Henry Ford Community College (HFCC) Theater Department will be here to lead you through the transformation process. Costumes are encouraged. Registration is required and if you get a friend to sign up and come, both of you get a bonus prize.
Call us to register for this program at 943-2345, beginning October 16th.
TEEN READ WEEK & WRESTLEMANIA CHALLENGE Visit your local Dearborn Public Library in October for more information about Teen Read Week and the Wrestlemania
Don’t miss out on tricks or treats during Teen Read Week by eating some creepy candy and listening to scary stories.
Attention Gamers and Otaku Help build the library collection by deciding what video games, graphic novels, and teen books should be in the library. Join us for discussions on manga, game systems, anime, cheat codes and more. We will meet once a month in the library or online, depending on your schedules. You must have a Dearborn Library Card so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. Email the teen l i b r a r i a n , S u s a n , a t
Comix Crew
We are pleased to announce that Kroger has renewed the program for another year; however, beginning April 2010, all new participants must enroll online. New participants must also re-enroll online. All participants must have an e-mail address. You can no longer enroll or re-enroll at store registers or the service desk. Check out the website or grab a bookmark from any Dearborn library for further information about how to enroll or re-enroll in this important program!
M a c y ’ s s h o p f o r a c a u s e
Interested in comics, manga, shonen, shojen? Hang with us! We’ll talk comics. We’ll try some stuff out together. Claim you can’t draw? We don’t expect you to be a master. You just need to be creative and want to have fun. Saturday, Sept. 25 Saturday, Oct. 16
Many of you have signed up for the Kroger Community Rewards program to support the Dearborn Public Library Foundation. In just nine months, the Foundation has received over $2,000 from Kroger. Thank you!
2:00pm 2:00pm
Patrons can purchase a $5 shopping pass from any Dearborn library to be used on Saturday, October 16 at any Macy’s store as part of the 5th annual Shop for a Cause benefit. Shoppers will receive 10-25% off their purchases (some restrictions apply). The Friends of the Library will receive 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the shopping passes.
Volume 3, issue 5
M o v i e s E s s a y s
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f a v o r i t e
“Man, this is from 1979, it’s ancient,” I moaned. “It better be scary.” Alien, set aboard a distant s p ac e s h ip , s t ar t s ou t ve r y deliberately, setting up the situation and characters slowly through it’s first 30-40 minutes or so. At our age, patience was not a virtue: “This is so slow,” we whined. “Nothing’s happening.” Then the alien creature emerged from its egg, attacking John Hurt and attaching itself to his face. We looked at each other uneasily.
Alien R, 1979 Aliens R, 1986 I was around eleven years old with a couple friends staying the night at my house. Anxious to watch something scary, we begged my dad to rent something for us. “Get something scary, not something lame,” we suggested as he left for the video store, hoping to sway him away from getting something too old or, heaven forbid, in black and white. We should have known we were in trouble when my dad left the house with a devilish grin on his face; knowing my mom was not at home that evening, he knew he could go all-out with his selection. The film he came home with was Alien, which we had heard of but didn’t really know anything about. I noticed the label on the videotape;
N e w Mango
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Then we reached The Scene: at a fairly normal meal between the members of the spaceship’s crew, this crazy little alien creature decides to punch its way out of John Hurt’s chest. The scene was handled with such realism, both in terms of how it was shot and acted, that I can still vividly remember that first time I saw it. I also remember the reactions of myself and my friends, which ranged from shocked silence, a stream of expletives, and several appeals to the Almighty. What had we gotten ourselves into? My dad only sat and smiled. Of course the rest of the film is absolutely merciless in its suspense
l a n g u a g e
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and by the time it was over, we were done, scarred for life by what we had seen. The lights stayed on that night. Equally memorable was my experience seeing the film’s sequel Aliens a year of two later. I was only about twelve or so, and my dad had agreed to take me, a big deal as the film was rated R and I had never seen an R-rated film in a theatre before. I remember going with my dad and a friend of his to the theatres at Fairlane Mall, and it was a packed house. The audience was into it from the beginning, screaming, yelling and rooting for Sigou r ne y We ave r ’s Rip le y character and the Colonial Marines to blast as many sticky aliens as possible. But at the end, when Ripley emerges from hiding driving a massive industrial loader in order to take on the alien queen, the entire theatre rose to its feet and went absolutely insane. I have never had a theatre experience before or since quite like that one. Both these films will always serve as fond memories of my early movie-watching experience. Alien will screen as part of the Blockbusters Monday night movie series on October 25, just in time for Halloween.
r e s o u r c e
a v a i l a b l e
learn anywhere you have an internet
at all, you’ll be able to navigate all
learning system that teaches real
connection. As you listen to and
sorts of everyday situations — get
repeat after native speakers, you’ll
directions, order a meal, make new
communication. Through fun and
learn more than just words and
friends — the possibilities are
engaging interactive lessons, Mango
phrases. You’ll learn how those
makes learning a new language
pieces can be rearranged and
Contact the HFCL Reference Desk
fast, easy and incredibly effective.
combined to make new thoughts,
at 943-2330 if you have any ques-
The system is completely web-based
new conversations, and even more
tions about this new resource!
and remotely accessible, so you can
practical communication! In no time
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Library matters
S u b m i t y o u r f a v o r i t e s t o
l i b r a r y
F o l d
m a t t e r s
Future issues of Library Matters would like to feature a library patron’s favorite book. This feature would consist of the person’s name or picture (if desired), the name of the book and a short description written by the patron about the book’s personal meaning to them. If interested in participating, please e-mail the editor of Library Matters, Jeff Lelek, at
b o o k s a l e s o n g o i n g
The regular monthly book sales sponsored by the Friends of the Library Dearborn (FOLD) will be held on the following dates: Wednesday, October 6 Wednesday, November 3 Wednesday, December 1 The sales will continue to take place in the lobby of the Henry Ford Centennial Library from 9:30 AM to 6 PM.
C o m p u t e r
w o r k s h o p s
Basic computer workshops will return this fall to the Henry Ford Centennial Library! See the full schedule of workshops below. All meetings take place in the computer training room on HFCL’s first floor. The workshops are free of charge unless otherwise indicated. Registration for each session begins one week prior to the scheduled meeting date. Non-residents will be placed on a waitlist and notified two days before the class if there is space available. Interested patrons should contact the Adult Reference Desk at (313) 943-2330 to register for the workshops. BASIC COMPUTERS (No charge) Tuesday, Sept. 14 1:15-3:45 PM Registration begins Sept. 7 Thursday, Sept. 23 1:15-3:45 PM Registration begins Sept. 16
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Thursday, Sept. 30 1:15-3:45 PM Registration begins Sept. 23 Tuesday, Oct. 26 1:15-3:45 PM Registration begins Oct. 19 INTERNET BASICS (No charge) Thursday, Sept. 16 1:15-3:45 PM Registration begins Sept. 9 Tuesday, Sept. 28 1:15-3:45 PM Registration begins Sept. 21 Tuesday, Nov. 9 1:15-3:45 PM Registration begins Nov. 2 E-MAIL ESSENTIALS (No charge) Tuesday, Sept. 21 1:15-3:45 PM Registration begins Sept. 14 Thursday, Nov. 4 1:15-3:45 PM Registration begins Oct. 28 INTRO TO MICROSOFT WORD ($25 charge) Basic computer skills required. Tuesday, Oct. 5 and Thursday, Oct. 7 1:15-3:45 PM (both days) Registration begins Sept. 28
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Tuesday, Nov. 16 and Thursday, Nov. 18 1:15-3:45 PM (both days) Registration begins November 9 INTRO TO MICROSOFT EXCEL ($25 charge) Basic computer skills required. Tuesday, Oct. 12 and Thursday, Oct. 14 1:15-3:45 PM (both days) Registration begins Oct. 5 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY BASICS
($25 charge) Tuesday, Oct. 19 and Thursday, Oct. 21 1:15-3:45 PM (both days) Registration begins Oct. 12
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Volume 3, issue 5
S t a f f I m a g e s
a d v e n t u r e s f r o m
s t a f f
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Submitted by: Veronica Susalla July brought a surprise trip to Las Vegas. Temperatures at 105 degrees every day didn’t stop us from enjoying this trip. Fabulous meals at Wolfgang Puck’s Lupo, Rick Moonen’s Seafood, Emeril Lagasse’s Delmonico Steakhouse and an absolutely wonderful dining experience at Hubert Keller’s Fleur de Lys—something I will remember for a long time to come. Dining at Fleur de Lys is an absolutely incredible experience, attentive and knowledgeable wait staff and the food cannot be described—it is just that good. Being avid pinball fans, we had to stop at the Pinball Hall of Fame and spent one afternoon playing tables we hadn’t seen in a long time; it was good to see some of those games in such good condition. A show I would highly recommend seeing is Penn & Teller—they describe themselves as “eccentric magicians with a psychotic twist”. The show was highly entertaining and they do a meet and greet afterward. For all his silence, Teller really does talk and is quite charming. L i b r a r y f o u n d a t i o n s e e k s d o n a t i o n s The Dearborn Library Foundation is seeking donations to help with current and future projects to continue its support of Dearborn Libraries. A mail campaign was recently launched seeking support from Dearborn residents. A brochure regarding donations is available at all library locations, or visit and click on “Make a Gift.”
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Library matters
L i b r a r y s t a f f a n d i n f o r m a t i o n
b u i l d i n g
h o u r s
The libraries are now open regular hours according to the schedule below.
Maryanne Bartles
Henry Ford Centennial Library
16301 Michigan Ave. (313) 943-2330 Mon-Thurs
Julie Schaefer
9:30-8:30 9:30-5:30
SECRETARY-TREASURER Jihan Ajami Jawad Candyce Abbatt
Branch Libraries Bryant
(313) 943-4091
(313) 943-4096
(313) 274-1780
Nancy Zakar
12:30-8:30 10:30-5:30
Thursday 12:30-5:30
Friday CLOSED Saturday Sunday
12:30-5:30 CLOSED
Rachel Fawaz David L. Schlaff Sally Smith Antonia Straley Robert Taub
VISION STATEMENT “The Dearborn Public Library fosters the spirit of exploration, the joy of reading, and the pursuit of knowledge for all ages and cultures starting with the very young.” MISSION STATEMENT “The Dearborn Public Library provides a broad range of effective, courteous, quality services and a balanced collection of materials for the educational, informational and recreational needs of the community.”
Library Matters September-October 2010 Layout, writing and editing by Jeff Lelek with staff contributions as credited