Calce d'Autore 2013

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Calce d’Autore

from the charm of the past to the taste for contemporary design

CreaEffects | BARKODE


Calce d’Autore

from the charm of the past to the taste for contemporary design: the essence of Lime interpreted in a Classic and Modern style

CeboArt Stucco

CeboGlam on CeboArt Marmorino

CeboArt Pozzolano


CeboArt Pintura

travertino effect

CeboArt Stucco

the ageless elegance of lime based polished plasters, give charm and value to every type of room.

CeboArt Stucco | CALCE D’AUTORE


In FASHION colour collection soft and subtle colours lay side by side with deep and daring colours, to satisfy every demand with classic suggestions or innovative combinations.

CeboArt Stucco | CALCE D’AUTORE


CeboArt Stucco | CALCE D’AUTORE


CeboArt Stucco | CALCE D’AUTORE 11

CeboArt Stucco | CALCE D’AUTORE 13

CeboArt Stucco CreaEffects | CALCE |D’AUTORE BARKODE 15

26.011 C2

25.011 C2

20.002 C2

21.004 C2

21.006 C2

303 C8

304 C8

26.010 C7

25.010 C6

301 C6

21.003 C6

21.005 C6

302 C8

27.010 C7

27.011 C3

26.012 C6

25.012 C3

24.010 C6

23.007 C6

243 XF

243 M

243 T

225 XF

225 M

225 T

226 XF

226 M

226 T

256 XF

256 M

256 T

250 XF

250 M

250 T

249 XF

249 M

249 T

237 XF

237 M

237 T

227 XF

227 M

227 T

232 XF

232 M

232 T

245 XF

245 M

245 T

238 XF

238 M

238 T

228 XF

228 M

228 T

246 XF

246 M

246 T

108 XF

108 M

108 T

105 XF

105 M

105 T

104 XF

104 M

104 T

242 XF

242 M

242 T

252 XF

252 M

252 T

230 XF

230 M

230 T

253 XF

253 M

253 T

251 XF

251 M

251 T

221 XF

221 M

221 T

247 XF

247 M

247 T

233 XF

233 M

233 T

231 XF

231 M

231 T

254 XF

254 M

254 T

229 XF

229 M

229 T

255 XF

255 M

255 T

234 XF

234 M

234 T

116 XF

116 M

116 T

241 XF

241 M

241 T

106 XF

106 M

106 T

121 M

114 M

122 M

115 M

120 M

107 M

102 M

CeboArt Stucco Refined polished plaster for interiors, based on aged and filtered lime putty that grants natural characteristics of high breathability and resistance to moulds and bacteria. CeboArt Stucco is very soft and pleasant to work with and it is therefore easy to reach the true and real effect of ancient Stucco Veneziano, creating elegant and timeless decorations.

product use dilution (water) approx. coverage tool drying time

Surface treatment It is possible to apply CeboArt Stucco on smooth and levelled surfaces, as long as suitably prepared. In case of uneven supports, apply CeboFondo base coat.

CeboFix R: water based, acrylic, pigmented fixative, containing fine quartz sands. Carefully clean the substrate and apply one coat of product, with a short hair woollen roller. Apply CeboArt Stucco when CeboFix R is completely dry. Application cycle Apply CeboArt Stucco in three coats with a stainless steel trowel. 1st coat: on the prepared and dry surface apply a sufficient quantity of product to attain a uniform and smooth layer. 2nd coat: when the first coat is completely dry (after about 6-8 hours) apply the second coat with a stainless steel trowel or blade to create the desired decoration, then smooth perfectly the surface. 3rd coat: apply a small quantity of product, slightly softened, and remove the excess; before the product dries completely, polish the entire surface with the same trowel. EcoCera: water based natural wax based on white beeswax and Marseille soap that are hot emulsified. It is used to increase and uniform the natural brightness of CeboArt Stucco; it has a velvety touch, it is water repellent and non-yellowing. Carefully mix the product. Should it appear too dense, dilute 5% with warm water. Apply Ecocera only when CeboArt Stucco is completely dry. Use a synthetic sponge avoiding excess of product; polish the surface with a woollen cloth within 30-40 minutes.

prodotto italiano

base coat

CeboFix R


finish coat

CeboArt Stucco


protective coat





10-12 m /L

ready to use 5% max

Preparation of the colours of CeboArt Stucco Container Colours 20 kg 10 kg



2 m /kg min. 24 h

CeboKit and CCS

2 30 m /L 4-6 h


Preparation of the colours of CeboArt Marmorino 5 kg

1 kg


1x100 ml

2x25 ml

1x25 ml

5 ml


2x100 ml

1x100 ml

2x25 ml

10 ml


6x100 ml

3x100 ml

6x25 ml

30 ml

301 302 303 304

4x300 ml

2x300 ml

1x300 ml

60 ml

min. 24 h


The colours on this colour card can also be reproduced in CeboArt Marmorino with the same colour formulas; keep in mind that the difference in composition between the products can slightly modify the tone of the same colour.

CeboArt Stucco | CALCE D’AUTORE 17

N.B.: these colours are lithographic prints and must therefore be considered as indicative only, and not binding.

CeboArt Stucco

CeboGlam on

CeboArt Marmorino glamour and tradition are presented in this precious effect which enriches, with a shiny and modern glaze, the most traditional finish among the lime base decorations.

CeboGlam on Marmorino | CALCE D’AUTORE 19

Technical qualities combine with aesthetic value to preserve in time the preciousness of the achieved work.

CeboGlam on Marmorino | CALCE D’AUTORE 21

CeboGlam on Marmorino | CALCE D’AUTORE 23

CeboGlam on Marmorino CreaEffects | CALCE |D’AUTORE BARKODE 25

CeboGlam on Marmorino | CALCE D’AUTORE 27

CeboGlam Argento on CeboArt Marmorino

CeboGlam Oro Rosso on CeboArt Marmorino 226 M

CeboGlam Rame on CeboArt Marmorino 227 M

CeboGlam Argento 233 on CeboArt Marmorino 233 M


CeboGlamArgento114 onCeboArtMarmorino114M


CeboGlam Argento 105 on CeboArt Marmorino 105 M

CeboGlam Argento 223 on CeboArt Marmorino 223 M

CeboGlam Argento 122 on CeboArt Marmorino 122 M

CeboGlam Argento 229 on CeboArt Marmorino 229 M

CeboGlam Argento 103 on CeboArt Marmorino 103 M

CeboGlam Oro on CeboArt Marmorino 229 M

CeboGlam Argento 221 on CeboArt Marmorino 221 M

CeboGlam Argento 116 on CeboArt Marmorino 116 M

CeboGlam Argento 243 on CeboArt Marmorino 243 M

CeboGlam Argento 121 on CeboArt Marmorino 121 M

CeboGlam Argento 228 on CeboArt Marmorino 228 M

CeboGlam Argento 104 on CeboArt Marmorino 104 M

CeboGlam Argento on CeboArt Marmorino bianco

CeboGlam Argento 254 on CeboArt Marmorino 254 M

CeboGlam Argento 115 on CeboArt Marmorino 115 M

CeboGlam Argento 226 on CeboArt Marmorino 226 M

CeboGlam Argento 120 on CeboArt Marmorino 120 M

CeboGlam Argento 255 on CeboArt Marmorino 255 M

CeboGlam Argento 106 on CeboArt Marmorino 106 M


Decorative finish for interiors, based on mineral waxes and precious metallic pigments. CeboGlam is used to enrich classic and modern decorations creating a shiny and metallic glaze for refined and luxury surfaces. In addition to the aesthetic features, the product is water-repellent and highly washable in order to protect and preserve the glamour of the decorations for a long time. CeboGlam is available in four ready bases: Argento, Oro, Oro Rosso and Rame.

2 base coat CeboFix R interior 20%-30% 10-12 m /L min. 24 h

CeboArt Marmorino Mineral wall coating for interiors and exteriors, based on lime putty and selected marble sands. It is formulated to achieve highly valuable decorations, attaining the smooth and satin surfaces of the classic marmorino finishes.


finish coat


dilution (water)

approx. coverage


drying time

CeboArt 2 interior ready to use 1 m /kg min. 24 h Marmorino

2 finish coat CeboGlam interior ready to use 10 m /L 4-6 h

N.B.: these colours are lithographic prints and must therefore be considered as indicative only, and not binding.

CeboGlam on CeboArt Marmorino

colour white

CeboKit and CCS

CeboKit and CCS

Surface treatment CeboFix R: water based, acrylic, pigmented fixative containing fine quartz sands. Carefully clean the substrate and apply one coat of product, with a short hair woollen roller. Apply CeboArt Marmorino when CeboFix R is completely dry. Preparation of the colours: Application cycle Apply one coat of CeboArt Marmorino with a stainless steel trowel, to the suitably prepared substrate, in crossed movements, bearing in mind that the final design is created in this first step. Before the product is completely dry smooth the surface to remove all imperfections. On the perfectly dry and free of dust CeboArt Marmorino apply a first coat of CeboGlam with a stainless steel trowel, in crossed movements and following the pattern previously created with CeboArt Marmorino. Wait until the first coat is dry (4-6 hours) and apply the second coat in the same way. After about 2 hours, and however before the surface is touch dry, polish the coating going over the surface repeatedly by pressing with the clean stainless steel trowel.

prodotto italiano

CeboArt CeboKit Marmorino colours M

CeboGlam CeboKit Argento

20 kg 5 kg

2,5 L 1 L

2x100 ml 2x25 ml

1x25 ml 10 ml

CeboGlam on Marmorino | CALCE D’AUTORE 29

CeboArt Pozzolano

travertino effect

the effect and veining of the famous roman stone are rebuilt with lime naturalness, to attain refined surfaces which revive with a modern look.

CeboArt Pozzolano | CALCE D’AUTORE 31

Unique solutions with a captivating stone appearance to create exclusive interior decorations or to enhance exterior architectural details.

CeboArt Pozzolano | CALCE D’AUTORE 33

CeboArt Pozzolano | CALCE D’AUTORE 35

CeboArt Pozzolano | CALCE D’AUTORE 37

CeboArt Pozzolano | CALCE D’AUTORE 39

CeboArt Pozzolano bianco + CeboTech 106 + CeboTech 116

The samples herein presented have been created with CeboArt Pozzolano white and coloured CeboTech.

* Colours for interiors only

* CeboTech 221 + CeboTech 254

* CeboTech 252 + CeboTech 254

CeboTech 248 + CeboTech 116

CeboTech 255 + CeboTech 116

CeboTech 254 + CeboTech 254

* CeboTech 253 + CeboTech 254

CeboTech 228 + CeboTech 116

CeboTech 108 + CeboTech 116

CeboTech 116 + CeboTech 254

CeboTech 233 + CeboTech 116

CeboTech 104 + CeboTech 116

* CeboTech 240 + CeboTech 116

CeboTech 115 + CeboTech 116

CeboTech 105 + CeboTech 116

CeboTech 103 + CeboTech 116

CeboTech 234 + CeboTech 116

CeboArt Pozzolano travertino effect

Mineral wall coating for interiors and exteriors, based on lime putty and selected marble sands; it is highly breathable and resistant to moulds and bacteria. CeboArt Pozzolano can be applied on all types of support as long as suitably prepared, it allows to obtain prestigious surfaces with a typical spotted effect to repropose the antique marble finishes. CeboArt Pozzolano is also the ideal product to recreate the texture and veins of the famous stone of ancient Rome. Surface treatment CeboFix R: water based, acrylic, pigmented fixative containing fine quartz sands. Carefully clean the substrate and apply one coat of product, with a short hair woollen roller. Apply CeboArt Pozzolano when CeboFix R is completely dry. Application cycle for the travertino effect Apply one coat of CeboArt Pozzolano with a stainless steel trowel in a homogeneous thickness of 1-2 mm. When the product is still humid decorate the surface with the specific tool CeboSign (cod. A/35) to recreate the typical veins of travertino stone. To obtain an even more natural look, the pattern must be irregular and discontinuous. If you want to reproduce the marble slab effect, carve the surface with a punch. Before the product is completely dry, smooth the surface with the trowel, slightly pressing the areas in relief. Should the product be too dry, wet the trowel with clean water. CeboTech: water based, acrylic, colourless, protective coating, resistant to atmospheric agents. It can be tinted to obtain a dichromatic and natural effect. Colour CeboTech in the two tones indicated on the Colour Card for each one of the samples presented, then dilute the product in a ratio of 1:4 with water. When CeboArt Pozzolano is perfectly dry, apply the first colour of CeboTech with a synthetic sponge. The second colour must be applied when the first is completely dry, in the same way. It is possible to go over the surface with a damp sponge in order to remove all excess of coloured product.

prodotto italiano



dilution (water)

approx. coverage


drying time

2 base coat CeboFix R 20%-30% 10-12 m /L min. 24 h int/est finish coat


2 ready to use 0,6-0,7 m /kg min. 24 h int/est Pozzolano

2 protective coat CeboTech 1:4 10 m /L 4-6 h int/est

colour white


CeboKit and CCS

Preparation of the colours: CeboTech CeboKit 2,5 L 1 L

1x25 ml 10 ml

CeboArt Pozzolano | CALCE D’AUTORE 41

N.B.: these colours are lithographic prints and must therefore be considered as indicative only, and not binding.

CeboArt Pozzolano travertino effect

CeboRustik strength and nature are the characteristics of this high build lime based coating which frees creativity in an unlimited number of shapes and colours.

CeboRustik | CALCE D’AUTORE 43

craquelĂŠ effect cracked surfaces reveal coloured paths leading to a sense of depth and a fascinating chromatic contrast creating strong impacting atmospheres.

CeboRustik | CALCE D’AUTORE 45

CeboRustik | CALCE D’AUTORE 47

CeboRustik | CALCE D’AUTORE 49

CeboRustik | CALCE D’AUTORE 51

CeboRustik | CALCE D’AUTORE 53


CeboFlos 247* on CeboRustik white applied and decorated with a stainless steel trowel































CeboFlos 105 on CeboRustik white applied on CeboBreak CeboBreak is applied by brush on CeboFix R 105/4

CeboFlos 253 on CeboRustik white applied on CeboBreak CeboBreak is applied by brush on CeboFix R 253/4

CeboRustik High build decorative coating, based on slaked lime, with excellent characteristics of breathability and resistance to moulds and bacteria. It can be applied in low, medium and high thickness without crack formation and it has remarkable filling properties. CeboRustik may be used on all types of substrate, as long as suitably prepared, and it lends itself to many effects; on the inside, combined with the natural coloured wax CeboFlos, it consents to obtain rustic decorative finish in imitation of ancient plasters. When used on the outside, CeboRustik must be coated with a layer of CeboTech, acrylic colourable protective finish. Surface treatment CeboFix R: water based, acrylic, pigmented fixative, containing fine quartz sands. Carefully clean the substrate and apply one coat of product, with a short hair woollen roller. Application of CeboRustik When CeboFix R is completely dry, apply CeboRustik with a stainless steel trowel in a uniform layer on the entire surface; create the desired aesthetic finish with the same trowel or with another suitable tool (spatula, brush, or hard fibre paintbrush). It is possibile to go over the product while it’s withering, in order to lightly smoothen the areas in relief. Wait until the CeboRustik is completely dry (minimum 24 hours) and proceed with the application of the chosen finish. Interior finish CeboFlos: natural water based wax, based on beeswax. CeboFlos is water-repellent and velvety to the touch. When CeboRustik is completely dry apply CeboFlos in the chosen colour, with a synthetic sponge or another tool; when CeboFlos is dry go over the surface with a soft cloth or with a glove to fix the finish and remove the excess of product. Interior and exterior finish CeboTech: water based, acrylic, colourless, protective coating. It does not modify the superficial structure of the products on which it is applied and it does not alter sensibly the permeability of the surface while forming a protective layer against atmospheric agents. When CeboRustik is completely dry apply with a synthetic sponge or glove, two coats of CeboTech, in the chosen colour and diluted 1:4 with water. If applied on the outside, use only the colours marked with the star *.

prodotto italiano

CeboFlos 223 on CeboRustik white applied with a stainless steel trowel and decorated with a notched trowel.

Craquelé effect for interiors Prepare the substrate by applying CeboFix R, tinted in the colour chosen for the inside of the cracks. Use then CeboBreak, transparent, acrylic, intermediate breaking agent. Apply CeboBreak by paintbrush in one coat until the surface is completely soaked. After minimum 4 hours and within maximum 24 hours, apply CeboRustik with a stainless steel trowel, spreading the product in a uniform layer of the requested thickness. Be careful not to go over the parts already laid to avoid endangering the final effect. Wait until CeboRustik is completely dry and complete the decoration with CeboFlos in the chosen colour.



dilution (water)



drying time


2 under coat CeboFix R 20-30% 10-12 m /L min. 24 h int/est

white or coloured

2 base coat CeboRustik ready to use 0,6-1,7 m /kg min. 24 h int/est


2 finish coat CeboFlos interior ready to use 20 m /L min. 24 h

CeboKit and CCS

2 finish coat CeboTech 1:4 10 m /L 4-6 h int/est

CeboKit and CCS

2 intermediate coat CeboBreak interior ready to use 10-12 m /L


Preparation of the colours: CeboFlos CeboKit 2 L 1x25 ml 800 ml 10 ml

CeboTech CeboKit 2,5 L 1x25 ml 1 L 10 ml

CeboFix R 5 L 1 L

min. 4 h max 24 h

CeboKit /4 1x100 ml 20 ml

CeboRustik | CALCE D’AUTORE 55

N.B.: these colours are lithographic prints and must therefore be considered as indicative only, and not binding.

CeboFlos 227* on CeboRustik white applied and decorated with a stainless steel trowel

* colours suitable for exteriors

CeboArt Pintura artistic lime that grants natural breathability and long duration, ideal for use in modern Green Architecture as well as in Historical Restoration.

CeboArt Pintura | CALCE D’AUTORE 57

It is offered in a carefully selected colour collection to achieve, on interior and exterior walls, matt finishes with delicate subdued shades that give warmth and harmony as traditional ancient lime tinges.

CeboArt Pintura | CALCE D’AUTORE 59

CeboArt Pintura | CALCE D’AUTORE 61

CeboArt Pintura | CALCE D’AUTORE 63

CeboArt Pintura | CALCE D’AUTORE 65

only by CCS

Colours only for interiors and exterior

11.001 C4

11.005 C4

11.009 C4

11.017 C4

11.013 C4

12.013 C4

12.017 C4

12.001 C4

12.005 C4

12.009 C4

13.001 C4

13.005 C4

13.009 C4

13.013 C4

14.001 C4

11.002 C3

11.006 C3

11.010 C3

11.018 C3

11.014 C3

12.014 C3

12.018 C3

12.002 C3

12.006 C3

12.010 C3

13.002 C3

13.006 C3

13.010 C3

13.014 C3

14.002 C3

11.003 C2

11.007 C2

11.011 C2

11.019 C2

11.015 C2

12.015 C2

12.019 C2

12.003 C2

12.007 C2

12.011 C2

13.003 C2

13.007 C2

13.011 C2

13.015 C2

14.003 C2

11.004 C1

11.008 C1

11.012 C1

11.020 C1

11.016 C1

12.016 C1

12.020 C1

12.004 C1

12.008 C1

12.012 C1

13.004 C1

13.008 C1

13.012 C1

13.016 C1

14.004 C1

10.009 C4

10.013 C4

10.001 C4

10.005 C4

10.017 C4

16.001 C4

16.005 C4

15.009 C4

15.005 C4

15.001 C4

14.013 C4

14.009 C4

14.005 C4

14.017 C4

14.021 C4

10.010 C3

10.014 C3

10.002 C3

10.006 C3

10.018 C3

16.002 C3

16.006 C3

15.010 C3

15.006 C3

15.002 C3

14.014 C3

14.010 C3

14.006 C3

14.018 C3

14.022 C3

10.011 C2

10.015 C2

10.003 C2

10.007 C2

10.019 C2

16.003 C2

16.007 C2

15.011 C2

15.007 C2

15.003 C2

14.015 C2

14.011 C2

14.007 C2

14.019 C2

14.023 C2

10.012 C1

10.016 C1

10.004 C1

10.008 C1

10.020 C1

16.004 C1

16.008 C1

15.012 C1

15.008 C1

15.004 C1

14.016 C1

14.012 C1

14.008 C1

14.020 C1

14.024 C1

CeboArt Pintura

Decorative paint for interiors and exteriors, based on aged and filtered lime putty that grants natural adhesion to the substrates. It has excellent characteristics of high breathability, resistance to moulds and bacteria, stability and long duration in time. CeboArt Pintura allows to create matt finishes with delicate subdued shades of the traditional lime tinges, thus resulting the perfect solution in modern Green Architecture as well as in Historical Restoration. CeboArt Pintura can be applied on all types of support, as long as suitably prepared, by brush in two coats; allow drying (about 4-6 hours) between coats. Surface treatment It is possible to apply CeboArt Pintura on all substrates based on gypsum, lime, fine render, as long as suitably prepared. In case of uneven supports, apply CeboFondo base coat.



dilution (water)

approx. coverage


drying time


2 base coat CeboFix R int/ext 20-30% 10-12 m /L min. 24 h


2 finish coat CeboArt Pintura int/ext 15-20% 6-7 m /L min. 24 h

CeboKit and CCS

2 protective coat CeboFlow int/ext ready to use 10 m /L 4-6 h


CeboFix R: water based, acrylic, pigmented fixative, containing fine quartz sands. Carefully clean the substrate and apply one coat of product, with a short hair woollen roller. Apply CeboArt Pintura when CeboFix R is completely dry. CeboFlow: water based, transparent, protective product based on special and newly developed fluoridated polymers. Ideal for interior application, it is however recommended for exterior use thanks to its high resistance to rainwater and air pollution. CeboFlow must be applied by brush in one coat, to reach complete saturation of the surface. It is advisable to apply the product from bottom to top to avoid dripping.

Preparation of the colours Colours presented on this Colour Card can only be reproduced with CCS (CeboColorStation) system.

prodotto italiano

CeboArt Pintura | CALCE D’AUTORE 67

N.B.: these colours are lithographic prints and must therefore be considered as indicative only, and not binding.

CeboArt Pintura

Cebos Color srl - Sistemi decorativi murali -

Ed. 2013 - UK - photographic and indicative colours

prodotto italiano A.d. & Concept Cristina Locatelli - stampa Lito Press (BG)

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