2 minute read


Let’s get active

After two years of isolation due to Covid, many of us are slow to get back to the physical activities and social connection, that is so good for us.

At Long Jetty Over 50’s, we offer a wide range of activities to promote increased physical activity for fall prevention, improvement of life, social balance and better mental health.

So, let’s get active, come and join us!

Some of our activities –

ƒ Table Tennis

ƒ Indoor Bowls

ƒ Gentle Exercise

ƒ Walking

ƒ Pilates

ƒ Tai–chi

ƒ Line Dancing

ƒ Yoga

ƒ Ballroom Dancing

ƒ Chair Yoga

ƒ Zumba Gold

ƒ Rock & Roll

ƒ Wellbeing

5 Benefits of Exercise for Seniors

1. Prevent disease

Regular physical activity can help prevent many common diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

2. Improved mental health

The mental health benefits of exercise are nearly endless. Exercise acts as a stress reliever and leaves you feeling happy and satisfied.

3. Decreased risks of falls

Exercise improves strength and flexibility which also help improve balance and

coordination, reducing the risk of falls.

4. Social engagement

The key is to find a form of exercise you love and it will never feel like a chore again.

5. Improved cognitive function

Regular physical activity and fine tuned motor skills benefit cognitive function. Studies suggest a lower risk of dementia for physically active individuals.

Article by Long Jetty Over 50’s Club For Leisure & Learning

Long Jetty Over 50’s Club For Leisure & Learning

Phone 4332 5522 / www.longjettyover50s.com.au / secretary@longjettyover50s.com.au

Our Centre is open Monday – Friday 9am – 3pm / 6 Thompson Street, Long Jetty (between the lights and the lake)

There is plenty of parking in Thompson St and Toowoon Bay Rd, as our Club fronts both.

Long Jetty Over 50's Club / Call in for a cuppa and say hi!

Age is no barrier. It's a limitation you put on your mind.

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