Confidence Book

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in confidence ‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’

Life Skills Education for Children 5 to 9 years

‘Curriculum Linked’

A program by..... Developed and written by Kathy Whines and Debbie Hogg

Mind Magic A Life Skills Education Series (Ages 5 to 9)

Additional titles available in this series: Confidence – ‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’ Responsibility – ‘Sink or Swim’ Communication – ‘Yakety Yak’ Honesty – ‘Rocks in your Socks’ Respect – ‘Connecting Rainbows’ Love – ‘A Spoon Full of Sugar’ Creativity – ‘Hidden Treasures’ Personal Growth – ‘Reach for a Star’

Acknowledgements Many thanks and appreciation to those who contributed their service, expertise and talents in creating this transformational program. We are deeply grateful for your assistance and support of our mission to enrich the lives of children all over the world. Thank you to Skeeto Design - Graphic Design Ujustimagine - Graphic Design Joanne Brown - Graphic Design Bree Noonan - Marketing Consultant Sharon Styman - Business Coach

Teachers Forum Ann Dick - Consultant Therese Mullins Julie Owen Glenn Maddock

Published by Life Skills Programs Pty Ltd. Copyright © Kathy Whines and Debbie Hogg ISBN 978-0-9806317-0-8

Copyright Notice This master may only be reproduced by the original purchaser for use with their class(es). The publisher prohibits the loaning or onselling of this master for the purposes of reproduction. Blackline masters or copy masters are published and sold with a limited copyright. The copyright allows publishers to provide teachers and schools with a wide range of learning activities without copyright being breached. This limited copyright allows the purchaser to make sufficient copies for use within their own education institution. The copyright is not transferable, nor can it be onsold. Following these instructions will ensure that you, as the purchaser, have evidence of legal ownership to the copyright if inspection occurs.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Preface The value of coaching for enhancing learning in schools is increasingly being recognised. Coaching is currently used as a means of facilitating effective learning in a variety of educational sectors and there is a rapidly accelerating trend in schools to re-define the role of the teacher from that of instructor to one of facilitator and ‘coach’. This corresponds with the onset of the information technology age, which demands that teachers become more than a means of information transfer and adopt the behaviour of a coach. Although outcomes of coaching can be wide and varied, a range of qualitative and quantitative studies appear to demonstrate some universal outcomes. These outcomes include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

eightened self-awareness, self-acceptance, and a sense of well-being; h improved goal-setting and goal attainment; enhanced quality of life, life balance, and lower stress levels; increased self-discovery, self-confidence, and self-expression; better communication and problem-solving skills; changed and broader perspectives and insight; improved reception and use of feedback; improved understanding of consequences of actions; practical application of theory; more effective thinking strategies; positive changes in behaviour; a deeper sense of self, increased awareness of wants, and present-focus; the ability to identify challenges and blocks; and generally functioning as a better person.

Outcomes like this have led to the widening recognition of coaching as a vehicle for facilitating and supporting lifelong and self-directed learning. This reflects the changing nature of learning in our society, as learning is no longer seen as preparation for life, but rather as an integral part of it. Learning and teaching are now moving beyond mere information transfer towards building in learners the skills they need to continually direct and determine their own learning and ultimately their lives. Thus, coaching programs, like Mind Magic, that are based on coaching processes and encourage common outcomes of coaching are an important milestone in educational transformation for both schools and learners. Dr Kerryn Griffiths PhD (Coaching Education) Professional Coach and Educator The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recognized the importance of teaching life skills such as:

Decision making

• • • •

reative thinking C Communications Self-awareness Coping with emotions

• • • • •

roblem solving P Critical thinking Relationship skills Empathy Coping with stress

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Introduction iii

Contents Introduction

THE CALL FOR LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION.................................................................. vi PROGRAM OVERVIEW AND AIMS............................................................................... vii Confidence Manual Framework..................................................................................... viii Building Confidence in Children – A note for Teachers.......................................... ix Teachers Notes - Using the Manual................................................................................. x Teachers Notes – How to Deliver the Lessons.......................................................... xii Teachers Notes - Using the Resources.......................................................................xvi Linking Mind Magic to the Curriculum......................................................................xviii

Module 1 - What is Confidence What is Confidence?.............................................................................................................4 Why is Confidence Important? ....................................................................................... 6 Green Thoughts ..................................................................................................................... 8 Boosting Your Confidence................................................................................................ 10 Looking and Feeling Confident.......................................................................................12 Shining Your Confidence................................................................................................... 14

Module 2 - Who Am I Who Am I?............................................................................................................................. 20 What do I Like?.....................................................................................................................22 Make Friends with Your Body..........................................................................................24 My Strengths..........................................................................................................................26 Doing the Best I Can...........................................................................................................28 Courage to Be Me............................................................................................................... 30

Module 3 - Self Esteem What Is Self-Esteem?......................................................................................................... 36 Nice Words.............................................................................................................................38 Praising Others..................................................................................................................... 40 Positive Messages................................................................................................................42 Believing in Myself............................................................................................................... 44 Nurture Your Confidence................................................................................................. 46

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Module 4 - Let Your Light Shine Let Your Light Shine............................................................................................................52 Your Special Gifts................................................................................................................ 54 Ace Achievements.............................................................................................................. 56 Shining Star............................................................................................................................58 Each One of Us is Beautiful............................................................................................. 60 I Think I Can............................................................................................................................62

Module 5 - Choose Your Attitude What is an Attitude?.......................................................................................................... 68 Attitudes are Contagious!................................................................................................ 70 Glass Half Full........................................................................................................................72 Your World is a Mirror.........................................................................................................74 Sending a Message..............................................................................................................76 Choosing Green Words......................................................................................................78

Resources Section One Minute Calming Exercise – Confidence Star....................................................82 One Minute Calming Exercise – Shine Your Light....................................................83 Centering – Tall as a Tree................................................................................................. 84 Confidence Song – Im a Walking Talking Miracle....................................................85 Bank of words....................................................................................................................... 86 Word Templates ..................................................................................................................87 Confidence Poster.............................................................................................................. 90 Poem – Each One of Us is Beautiful...............................................................................91 Story – The House of 1000 Mirrors...............................................................................92 5 Minute Gap Fillers.............................................................................................................93

Assessment Tools Student Assessments........................................................................................................ 96 References........................................................................................................................... 100

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THE CALL FOR LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION The call for life skills and values is currently echoing throughout the world, as educators, parents and even children are increasingly concerned about and affected by violence, growing social problems and the lack of values throughout the world. Research has shown that social and emotional learning is fundamental to children’s academic learning, moral development and motivation to cooperate and achieve. Children who have social and emotional competencies and skills find it easier to manage themselves, relate to others, resolve conflict, and feel positive about themselves and the world around them. Life Skills Programs acknowledges the critical role that schools can play to enhance these factors that promote children’s resilience and personal development and we recognize that teachers can and do make a significant difference in the lives of children. Whilst teachers cannot and should not be expected to take on the role of a health professional, school is the most significant developmental context, after family, and since almost all children attend school, schools are ideally placed to promote the social and emotional development of children. We encourage teachers and educators to look at education as providing students with a philosophy of living, thereby facilitating their overall growth, development, and choices so that they may grow into responsible and fulfilled members of the community. Teachers shouldn’t have to make a choice between their students’ academic learning and nurturing their character. Teaching life skills helps create the kind of classroom environment essential for academic success and for social and emotional well-being. Today, schools need new ideas to help create a positive learning environment. How do you teach young children tolerance, self-awareness and responsibility? How can you help them to deal with fear, mistrust and aggression? The answer is simple – make it Fun! Games, activities, songs, discussions and stories are all ideal ways for children to develop social and emotional skills while being creative and having fun. Through the Mind Magic program, we are supporting teachers in integrating life skills education into classroom teaching and learning. Teachers will note an increase in respect, caring, cooperation, motivation, self-esteem and resilience. Mind Magic incorporates all of the above life skills and is the key to nurturing and leading our children today so they can become the loving, confident, healthy adults we all desire in the future.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



PROGRAM OVERVIEW AND AIMS A child says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.” The Mind Magic series is a life skills education program about ‘seeing and doing’ – a series of 8 modules that gives teachers, facilitators and parents the ability to teach the powerful principles of:-

♥ Confidence ♥ Responsibility ♥ Communication ♥ Honesty ♥ Respect ♥ Love ♥ Creativity ♥ Personal Growth Children will discover the objectives themselves as they actively participate in the fun games and activities that will have a lasting impact on them and their future. With questions, visual stimulation and play, we encourage the child to draw on their own conclusions. Each Manual contains a series of 5 Modules containing 6 lesson plans that are simple, fun and interactive. The manuals are designed for easy delivery with all resources provided. There is very little preparation required and all modules are flexible and user friendly. In each Manual the life skills principles are explored using 7 simple teaching techniques:• Centering/Visualization - Calming and imagining activities that encourage students to access their own creativity and inner peace. •

Discussion - Communication activities teach students to implement peaceful social skills.

Bank of Words – Understanding the meaning of words and how to promote discussion.

Positive Statement - A small ‘saying’ that creates a positive thought for the children to memorise.

Storytelling - Listening to a story is a dynamic process that delights children while allowing them to imagine themselves in a variety of situations.

Song - Artistic activities, songs and movement inspire students to express themselves while experiencing the value of focus.

Game-like activities are thought -provoking and fun and the discussion time that follows these activities helps students explore effects of different attitudes and behaviours.

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Confidence Manual Framework CONFIDENCE MANUAL ‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’ 5 KEY MODULES 1 What is Confidence

2 Who Am I

3 Self-Esteem

4 Let Your Light Shine

5 Choose Your Attitude

6 x LESSON PLANS IN EACH MODULE 1. What is Confidence

1. Who Am I

1. What is Self-Esteem

1. Let Your Light Shine

1. What is an Attitude

2. Why is Confidence Important

2. What Do I Like 3. Make Friends with Your Body

2. Nice Words 3. Praising Others

2. Your Special Gifts

2. Attitudes are Contagious

4. My Strengths

4. Positive Messages

3. Ace Achievements

3. Glass Half Full

3. Green Thoughts 4. Boosting Your Confidence 5. Looking and Feeling Confidence

5. Doing the Best I Can 6. Courage to Be Me

5. Believing in Myself 6. Nurture Your Confidence

4. Shining Star

4. Your World is a Mirror

5. Each One of Us is Beautiful

5. Sending a Message

6. I Can

5. Choosing Green Words

6. Shining your Confidence

As outlined above, the Confidence Manual is divided into 5 Key Modules that lead to becoming a more confident person. Each Module explores and supports the life skill ‘Confidence’. Within each Module are 6 lesson plans that use activities such as imagining, discussion, song, dance, drama, fun games and storytelling to help children to develop social and emotional skills while being creative and having fun.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Building Confidence in Children – A note for Teachers If children have a healthy level of self-esteem and feel good about themselves, they are more likely to make friends and succeed at school. A child’s confidence influences their social behaviour and learning and those with low self-esteem are less likely to step out of their comfort zones to extend themselves and try new experiences. Having confidence refers to the image or picture of ourselves that each of us carries around in our heads. This image or picture is constructed through our experiences and is strongly influenced by the messages that others send. The way we as adults interact with children on a daily basis influences the positive picture that they construct of themselves. Let them know through our language and our behaviour that they are capable and worthwhile and they will begin to believe it. The messages we send to children influences the way they see themselves as well as our relationship with them. Children with a healthy level of self-esteem and confidence generally: Feel worthwhile (and lovable) Believe they are capable Extend themselves as learners.

Benefits to Teacher 1. Transforms classroom behaviour 2. Curriculum linked 3. Reduces teacher stress levels 4. Promotes positive teacher/student relationships 5. Resources provided – no prep required.

Features 1. Fun and interactive activities 2. Caters to learning preferences 3. 7 teaching techniques 4. Curriculum linked 5. 5 Minute gap fillers. 6. Lesson & Resources provide. 7. Colour coordinated reference. 8. Simple and easy to use.

Benefits to Children Increases Self-Resilience and Self-Responsibility Increases Self-Confidence Encourages tolerance and cooperation Improves Communication Skills Promotes Healthy Relationships Encourages Positive Thinking Enhances Creativity Encourages Enthusiasm for Learning

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Teachers Notes - Using the Manual Symbols Used Throughout the Lessons You will see a series of symbols throughout the modules that are used as a reference for you to quickly determine what is required.

Approximate timeframe for each activity.

Teachers instructions.

Instruction for the teacher to use the script or talk.

Use PIP the panda puppet in the activity

Timing Each lesson plan is designed to run between 30 to 40 minutes in length and is made up of several smaller activities which can be used alone or grouped together to meet your own time requirements. Parts of the lesson plan can be grouped together for a shorter lesson; however, it is our recommendation that if time permits, the whole lesson plan should be followed to have maximum effect. Each activity has a clock symbol indicating the length of time of the activity.

Colours Each manual is represented by a colour. That colour is dominant throughout the module and is a constant reminder to teacher and children of what particular life skill they are learning. This module ‘Confidence’ is represented by the colour ‘red’. All lessons, templates and resources will have some reference to the colour ‘red’.

Recommended Order It is important for each teacher, school or school system to look at the needs of the children and develop this program tailored to their particular setting. However, it is our recommendation that the lessons be delivered at least once a week in the recommended order of the manual. The lessons in this manual may be – • Incorporated into a weekly program, • Used incidentally as required in the classroom, • Incorporated into an existing program, or • Used in conjunction with special events.

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Gap Fillers At the back of each manual in the Resources Section is a list of 5 Minute Gap Fillers. These short activities are designed as fill-ins for those times that the teacher has a short gap to fill. Each short activity is based on the life skills taught in this manual and can be incorporated throughout the day as a reminder of the life skills lesson.

Teacher Therapy The Teachers Treasure Chest is a pocket-sized ‘pep-talk’ with encouraging advice and wise words that will remind the teacher, to take care of yourself and renew your spirit and enthusiasm for teaching! Take a few minutes before each Mind Magic lesson to read these ‘Little Jewels’ and recognise the power you have to change lives. Ponder the question and answer it as honestly as you can.

Adapting Language to Different Ages The Mind Magic program has been written for children aged 5 to 9 years, however, the degree of adapting depends on the age and language level of your students. As the teacher, you know your students best and what they are capable of achieving. To simplify the lessons for younger children – see the suggestions below: • Size and Time – you may need to adapt the number and time of activities for the shorter attention spans of younger children. • Level of Support – some of the activities may require a higher level of support either from the teacher or volunteer helpers. • Input – you may need to adapt the way instruction is delivered to the children using simplified wording and language. • Output – Adapt how the student can respond to the instruction eg. Instead of writing, allow a verbal response or drawing. • Difficulty – Adapt the skill level on how the student may approach the work. Eg. Simplify task directions and change rules to accommodate the student’s needs.

7 Simple Teaching Techniques Each lesson in the Confidence module is made up of several shorter activities using 7 simple teaching techniques: Centering/visualisation, Discussion, Bank of Words, Positive Statement, Storytelling, song and group activities.

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Teachers Notes – How to Deliver the Lessons Mind Magic – Identified Theoretical Framework Mind Magic is a social and emotional learning program based on the principles of Coaching and Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). The Solution Focused Model is a goal oriented, future oriented, competency-based therapeutic approach that draws its origins from the work of Milton Erickson as well as the team from the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California. It was further developed for classroom solutions by Insoo Kim Berg and Steve deShazer at the Brief Family Therapy Centre in Wisconsin, USA. This model of therapy has been very successful with school-based problems such as classroom management, behavioural problems, academic issues, bullying and with at-risk youth. The solution focused approach to education is designed to enhance the quality of education in the classroom and respond to the needs of teachers and students to find workable solutions that are based on respectful and collaborative approaches. The program also offers much promise for those who seek practical skills and tools to help solve everyday problems in the classroom. Many studies show that when students have a positive relationship with their teachers, they tend to be more motivated to do better. The solution focused approach encourages teachers to collaborate with the student to set goals, solicit their ideas for solutions and look for small successes to build on.

Mind Magic Culture The lessons in this manual are designed to be fun, interactive with an emphasis on creativity and allowing children to express themselves. These lessons and activities incorporate a variety of ways to explore life skills and values. Learning new concepts, sharing and thinking, creating and listening are combined with playing, art, singing, movement and imagining. This program has been written from a ‘coaching philosophy’ which suggests that everyone has their own ‘map’ of the world and we as coaches, teachers, facilitators or parents learn to accept, acknowledge and validate others beliefs and responses. This may pose a challenge to those teachers who are accustomed to having only “right” or “wrong” answers in the classroom. While there are “right” and “wrong” answers in maths and science, a student’s emotional feeling about a concept is simply his or her own. We ask that you simply consider the response and acknowledge the student’s answer and restate the content of his or her message in a more effective way. The adults who deliver these lessons are integral to the success of the program, for children learn best by example and are most receptive when what is shared is experienced. Patience, love and seeing the beauty of every child are important and invaluable aspects. These will be your gifts to the children as you do these activities. Your behaviour will enable the children to experience these skills as their own and to use them in their interactions with others. Our experience has been that children of this age are especially receptive to cooperative ways of interacting and a values-based atmosphere. Children function at their best in a

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nurturing environment of respect, patience and clear rules rather than of blame, shame and anger. They enjoy expressing their thoughts and feelings and being acknowledged. When they begin to integrate these life skills into their day, their vocabulary, ability to think constructively and critical thinking skills develop along with social skills, emotional growth and self-esteem.

One Minute Calming Exercise Each lesson begins with a one minute calming exercise to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. The calming exercises are provided on the CD and the word scripts are in the Resources Section.

Lesson Introductions The purpose of the Lesson Introduction is for the teacher to introduce the concept of the life skill being taught, give an explanation of its meaning and create a discussion with the children on their knowledge and thoughts about the subject.

Questions/Discussions A very useful technique is for the children to have a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to and can tell each other their answers. This frees up the teacher for a few minutes and alters the focus whilst engaging the children and keeping interest. The teacher can then listen to a few answers while everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Thoughtful, reflective discussions are essential to getting the most out of these life skills lessons. A classroom discussion helps children develop critical thinking. Talking in a group helps students learn to organize their thoughts and present them coherently. Students also learn to be active listeners, holding other peoples’ ideas up to critical analysis. They come to see that there are always alternative ways of looking at a difficult problem or situation.

Song The Mind Magic program has a collection of inspirational songs that inspire selfconfidence and build character in young children. Singing and dancing is a fun-filled way to help children meet the challenges of growing up. A CD with a song and song words is included with this manual and the song words are in the Resources Section.

Positive Statement Each module contains a ‘Positive Statement’ as part of the lesson plan. This is a small ‘saying’ that creates a positive thought for the children to memorise. Whilst saying the statement the children stomp up and down, can sing it, dance or get louder and softer which all helps to make it fun and memorable.

Centering Very often children do not like having to be quiet in school. They seem to experience it as having to curtail their fun and repress their energy and enjoyment. The centering has been introduced for the children to practice enjoying being silent and peaceful. This exercise helps the children to learn to visualise, quieten down, be more content and help in concentration and listening. Each centering is related to the life skill being taught and it is recommended to do the ‘Centering’ exercise before reading a story, after coming in from play or anytime that the teacher requires the students to calm down and listen. The Centering is provided on the CD and the word script is in the Resources Section.

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Stories Listening to a story is a dynamic process that delights children while allowing them to imagine themselves in a variety of situations. Stories are non-instructive teaching tools. A story heard is not an explanation, but an experience that is enduring and enriching. Each child personally integrates the story, embodying the characters and experiencing the events. The stories in these modules are about PIP (Positive Inspiring Panda) and their references to the difficulties that Pip endures; connect with real life events and the life skills required to overcome them. Because genuine listening takes place during storytelling, children may be able to find the environment necessary to voice their own fears and concerns. (It is recommended that the Centering take place before reading the story).

Bank of Words Included in each module is a template bank of 12 words that are supplied for use in the classroom. These words can be used in discussion and are accompanied by several questions to promote discussion. The words can also be used in teachers planning across other key learning areas such as spelling and journal writing.

Activities/Worksheets/Workbooks Each activity will enable the children to experience these skills as their own and to use them in their interactions with others. The teacher has two options for children to complete the worksheets. A copy of the confidence Workbook is included and is available for purchase on the website. The advantage of the children having the workbook is that they can look back on their thoughts and ideas; they can revisit the skills and tools they were taught and take the Workbook home to share with their family. Alternatively, the worksheets can be copied and pasted into an exercise or scrap book.

Learnings It is an essential component of this program that the teacher feels certain that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the objective of the lesson. This is determined through the simple asking at the end of the lesson what they have learnt from the lesson. As noted previously, there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers, only the emotional feeling about a concept that is simply his or her own. This allows the children to revisit what has been taught and find clarity and meaning.

Home Play The family is central to children’s emotional and social wellbeing and the ‘Homeplay’ has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learn with their family to create an effective parent-child relationship. Homeplay provides an opportunity for parents to get together with their children and have quality time whilst learning about each other and improving their relationship skills.

Tool Kit The Tool Kit provides a variety of simple tools to assist children to have the ‘confidence’ to deal with certain problem situations and enhance positive interaction with others. Each tool uses a thought process and visualisation which gives them strategies and skills to turn negative situations into positive ones. The ‘Tool Kit’ is displayed on the worksheets for the children to read and it is recommended that the teacher reinforce it within the lesson or as a Gap Filler.

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Top Tip

Just like the ‘Teacher Treasure Chest’, the ‘Top Tip’ is a pocket-sized ‘pep-talk’ for the children with encouraging advice and wise words that will remind the children to take care of themselves and renew their enthusiasm for positive thinking and action. The Top Tip is displayed in the children’s workbook and it is recommended that the teacher reinforce it within the lesson or as a Gap Filler.

Did You Know

Throughout the program a range of fascinating facts about famous people who have triumphed over adversity to live happy, successful lives. These small stories inspire and motivate the children to believe they can achieve also. ‘Did You Know’ is displayed on the worksheets for the children to read and it is recommended that the teacher reinforce it within the lesson or as a Gap Filler.

Green Thoughts / Red Thoughts

Green thoughts/words and red thoughts/words are terms used throughout the manual to replace the words positive and negative. ‘Green’ replaces ‘positive’ and ‘Red’ replaces ‘negative’. These are words that are much easier for the children to understand and identify with and can be used in any classroom lesson or playground activity. The children will begin to become aware of their self-talk and communication with others and will begin to replace the ‘Red’ thoughts/words (negative) with the Green thoughts/ words (positive).

'To Teach is to Touch a Life Forever'

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Introduction xv

Teachers Notes - Using the Resources Pip the Panda Puppet Teaching with puppets is one of the easiest and most fun ways to introduce difficult concepts, correct behaviour without being negative and bring warmth and humour to the classroom. Puppets are inherently interesting, often humorous, and first-rate story tellers. They bring focus and interest to subject matter, they teach without the students recognizing they are being taught. Puppetry in the classroom can be more than story telling and fun. Today, teachers are facing the challenge of instructing children with diverse needs and abilities. Teachers have to communicate and educate children of varying abilities and achievement levels. You don’t have to be a ventriloquist. You can move your lips when using puppets. Children, and adults for that matter, find themselves looking and talking to the puppet, not the puppeteer. You also don’t need to use a lot of different voices either. Somehow when the puppet is speaking the children don’t notice that the voice is the same as your voice.

Ideas for Using the Puppet in Mind Magic Lessons Use the puppet to • Greet children as they enter the room. •

Announce that you are going to start doing a Mind Magic Lesson.

In discussion time.

Lead the song.

Role-play or dramatise problem behaviours.

Join in the Positive Statement whilst doing the actions.

Help tell the story.

Teach behaviour rules.

Poster A confidence poster is provided in the pack to be displayed in the classroom and used for activities, discussion and referral throughout the lessons.

‘Whole School Approach’ Poster The Whole School Approach Poster is provided to ensure a consistent delivery across the school and to reinforce the Life skills and strategies within the program.

Worksheets All worksheets are designed to provide a fun, interactive and educational experience for the student. Each activity will enable the children to experience the skills they are learning as their own and to use them in their interactions with others. Whether using the Confidence workbook or copied worksheets – the children can use them to refer to and to take home and share with their families.

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Games Games are an ideal way for children to develop social and emotional skills while being creative and having fun. Each game in the program lists specific skills targeted and gives step-by-step instructions for play. Games are also an ideal way to help children deal with group conflict, problem solving and accept the differences in others.

Stickers Stickers are included to use as rewards and to motivate students to believe in themselves. They can be placed in workbooks or on the children themselves.

Certificates Once the Confidence manual has been completed each child receives their own Certificate to show they have achieved ‘Confidence’. 4 certificates are provided for the teacher to hand out to the children. Additional certificates can be ordered on the website. We also recommend that the children get to showcase their Certificates at Assembly or school function.

Student Assessment Incorporated in the Mind Magic program is a range of assessment opportunities to enable teachers to effectively assess the quality of student learning of the social and emotional concepts, skills and processes within the program. Provided at the back of the manual are a variety of assessment sheets for both students and teachers to complete with the purpose of providing feedback on the student’s progress and achievements across the Mind Magic core competencies.

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      

      

      

Studies of Society and it’s environment

      

Evidence of effectiveness

      

Based on theory

      

Student assessment

Links to Essential Learnings

Parents program

Healthy choices (HPE)

      

Self management and resilience (HPE)

      

Relationships and communicating (HPE) Professional development

Other factors

      

Identify and personal development (SOSE)

CURRICULUM MATRIX Linking Mind Magic CURRICULM MATRIX Linkingto Mindthe MagicCurriculum to the Curriculum

      

Personal Development Health & physical ed.

Curriculum Links

      

Relationship skills

Social & Emotional learning Core Competencies (QLD guidelines)

      

Responsible decision making


      

Self management

      

Social awareness

Linked to Queensland Essential Learnings: *Queensland state schools provide a curriculum that maximizes the capacity of all students to achieve the Essential Learnings and *Queensland state schools provide a curriculum that maximizes the capacity of all students to achieve the Essential Learnings and Standards of the Queensland Standards of the Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting (QCAR) Framework. As well as providing teachers clarity about Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting (QCAR) Framework. As well as providing teachers clarity about what to teach, the Essential Learnings also describe the knowledge, what to teach, the Essential Learnings also describe the knowledge, understanding and ways of working that students need for ongoing understanding and ways of working that students need for ongoing learning, social and personal competence and participation in a democratic society. learning, social and personal competence and participation in a democratic society. Linked to the Queensland curriculum, the Mind Magic program delivers social and emotional learning aligning with the context of the QLD curriculum and providing key links to the Essential Learnings of SOSE & KPE. Mind Magic is an effective social and emotional learning program that delivers this critical link, it is evidence based

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.

Program/ Resource


Self awareness

Linked to Queensland Essential Learnings:

Sequenced structure

Linked to the Queensland curriculum, the Mind Magic program delivers social and emotional aligning with the contextsuch of as the and has a recognized theoretical framework. Mind Magic is developed to ensure a consistent whole school approachlearning by reinforcing various social strategies QLD curriculum andand providing keywhich linksare toallthe Essential &our KPE. Mind Magic is an effective social and emotional communication techniques cultural skills essential needs Learnings and skills for of the SOSE future of children. learning program that delivers this critical link, it is evidence based and has a recognized theoretical framework. Mind Magic is developed We focus on key skills for children such as posing questions, planning and conducting investigations, analyzing and evaluating information, communicating their thinking, to reflecting ensure aonconsistent whole school reinforcing strategies such as communication cultural and their learning. Mind Magic alsoapproach supports theby KLA’s syllabuses tovarious provide asocial successful foundation for children’s learning in the techniques middle years ofand schooling. skills which are all essential needs and skills for the future of our children. We focus on key skills for children such as posing questions, planning and conducting investigations, analyzing and evaluating information, communicating their thinking, and reflecting on their learning. Mind Magic also supports the KLA’s syllabuses to provide a successful foundation for children’s learning in the middle years of schooling.



Year Level P‐4

Confidenc e ? Le s so n s 1- 6

Module 1 - What is Confidence 1

What is Confidence?

What is

What is Confidence? 2

Goal: To increase children’s self-confidence Objectives: To - • Understand the meaning of Confidence • Understand why Confidence is important • Experience what Confidence feels and looks like • Learn how to Boost their own Confidence


Module 1 - What is Confidence

Module 1 - What is Confidence 3

What is Confidence?

Teachers Treasure Chest

Lesson 1

What is Confidence? 1


Calming Exercise

What is Confidence?

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise. Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


What is Confidence? Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. This is also the time to introduce ‘PIP’ the puppet (Positive Inspiring Panda) to the class explaining that Pip will be helping out with the Mind Magic lessons and joining in the fun. You can’t touch it, but it affects how you feel. You can’t see it, but it’s there when you look at yourself in the mirror. You can’t hear it, but it’s there every time you talk about yourself. What is this important and mysterious thing? It’s your Confidence! The word Confidence means – * How you feel about yourself as a person. * It’s how much you value yourself * It’s how you see yourself and how you feel about your achievements. Confidence is like good nutrition. The more we have it the healthier and stronger we become. Being Confident isn’t bragging about how great you are. It’s more like quietly knowing that you’re worth a lot (priceless, in fact!). It’s knowing that you’re worthy of being loved and accepted. We are all ‘Unique’ which means that you are ‘one of a kind’, that you are an individual. It also means that there is no-one else just like you.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. • Why is Confidence important? • How would you feel and look if you had Confidence?

‘You are a Walking Talking Miracle’ © 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script


Read the story to the children and then create a discussion using the questions below. Story in Resource Section. This story has a very special message in it – so you need to be listening very carefully. We were given 2 ears and one mouth, so we can listen twice as much as we speak! After I have finished reading the story, I am going to ask you some questions and we will have a discussion.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Who can tell me what the message was in the story? What would you have done in Pip’s situation? Who has done something they feel very proud of and it boosted their confidence? Who can tell me what the problem and the solutions was in the story?



ACTIVITY Draw a picture.

Ask the children to draw a picture about the story. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about Confidence? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 1 - What is Confidence 5

What is Confidence?


Lesson 1



Lesson 2

Why is Confidence Important?

What is Confidence?




The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Why is Confidence Important? Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Do you remember in the last lesson you learnt that confidence is like good nutrition? The more we have it the healthier and stronger we become. When you have confidence you can try new things, you can cope better when things go wrong and also make better choices. Confidence helps you to believe in yourself and you will be able to say “I can really do that!” Now close your eyes and imagine you have a very bright red cape. This cape has magic powers and gives you confidence whenever you put it on. Now put on your ‘confidence cape’ and feel yourself growing stronger and more confident by the minute. Say to yourself ‘I am strong and confident’. Say it 3 times! Now, open your eyes – how do you feel? You can imagine you have your Confidence Cape on anytime you feel that you need it.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. When is a time you would put on your confidence cape? What are some healthy thoughts?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script


A CD is provided with the song ‘I’m A Walking Talking Miracle’. The song is intended to inspire self-confidence and build character in the children. Allow the children to sing, dance, jump about and have some fun whilst singing the song. The song words are included in the Resource Section.

10 MIN


Confidence Poster

Pick one point from the Poster provided and discuss with the children. Now ask the children to write or draw about the point of discussion. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. • What was the one thing you learnt today about Confidence being important? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 1 - What is Confidence 7

What is Confidence?


Lesson 2



Lesson 3

Green Thoughts 1



What is Confidence?

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion.

In the last lesson we learnt that when you have confidence you can try new things and can cope better when things go wrong. We also learnt that confidence helps you to believe in yourself so that you can say “I can do that”! Everything you say and do affects your confidence. Did you know that you all have little ‘voices’ or ‘chatter’ going on inside your mind? When you have a negative thought like ‘I can’t run fast’ it’s called a ‘red’ thought and when you have a positive thought such as ‘I’m getting faster at running everyday’ it’s called a ‘green’ thought. Red and green thoughts are in our minds all day, so next time you have a red thought, flip it over to a ‘green’ and see how much happier you will feel. If you can fill your days with ‘green thoughts’ your confidence will soar as high as the sky!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class.


What is a green thought? How can you change a red thought to a green thought?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Whilst saying the positive statement, children stomp up and down - getting louder and faster, then softer and quieter, then louder again. At the end, everyone gives themselves a big hug. Now you are going to learn a Positive Statement. A Positive Statement is a saying that puts positive thoughts into your mind and if you keep repeating it, then your mind records it and remembers it just like your IPod. How cool is that! So, here we go. The Positive Statement for Confidence is - can you say this?

‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’ Great, now we are going to repeat this statement and whilst we are saying it I want you to stomp up and down and get louder and then softer

10 MIN


Confidence Character

Ask the children to choose their favourite cartoon character and write or draw why they think the character is confident. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about Green thoughts? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 1 - What is Confidence 9

What is Confidence?


Lesson 3



Lesson 4

Boosting Your Confidence

What is Confidence?




The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Boosting Your Confidence?

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Here is some great news! Even if you feel as though you aren’t very confident right now – it’s easy to change. You just need to find ways to boost your confidence. What are some ways you could boost your confidence? Do you know any? It could be as easy as making an agreement with a friend that you give each other one compliment every day! That’s 5 compliments a week!!! When you need to boost your body’s energy, you fill your body with good nutritious food and water. So, to boost your confidence just fill your mind with good, nutritious and positive Green thoughts about yourself! Say “I Can’ instead of “I Can’t” or “I Will” instead of “I Should”. You will soon find yourself looking and feeling a lot more confident.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class.

I will

Turn to the person next to you now and give them a compliment. How did that make you feel?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Boosting Your Confidence Ask the children to colour in Pip and then draw or write what they believe they are good at. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about how to boost your Confidence? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

“Confidence is like good nutrition. The more we have it the healthier and stronger we become.”

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 1 - What is Confidence 11

What is Confidence?


Lesson 4



Lesson 5

Looking and Feeling Confident

What is Confidence?




The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Looking and Feeling Confident Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Looking and acting confident can certainly make you ‘feel’ confident. Let’s try it now. First of all stand up and change your facial expression/body language and act as though you have no confidence. Sag your shoulders down and look down at the floor. Now, in an instant change it to someone who is super confident. Look straight ahead, shoulders back, stand tall and smile. Now, what does that feel like? Does it feel better? How amazing is that? All you did was change the way you held your body and facial expression. How easy was that to do? You know, there is a saying that goes – ‘It is very hard to feel sad when you are looking up’. Let’s try it – look up at the ceiling and put a sad look on your face. It’s very hard to feel sad when you are looking up isn’t it? It’s the same with confidence – if you use confident body language it’s very easy to feel confident!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Now, imagine you are a book character, like ‘Little Miss Confidence’ or ‘Mr Confidence’ - what would you look like, how would you feel and how would you act with others?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

A centering allows the children to use their imaginations and become quiet, calm and peaceful in preparation for a story or any other activity that requires them to be centered. Use the CD provided or alternatively read the centering to the children using the text from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

ACTIVITY Confident Tree

Ask the children to draw themselves as a tree - just like in the centering. Ask them to think about how strong, confident and beautiful they are as a tree. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about how to look and feel confident? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 1 - What is Confidence 13

What is Confidence?


Lesson 5



Lesson 6

Shining Your Confidence

What is Confidence?




The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Shining Your Confidence

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Think about a time when you would need to shine your confidence. What about when it is your turn to stand up in front of the class and give a speech or read out loud? What could you say to yourself before standing up in front of the class to help you gain confidence? How could you change your body language, tone of voice and facial expression to look confident? Let’s think of some other situations when you would want to feel confident.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. How could you prepare yourself for those situations to create the confidence you need to succeed?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

‘I’m A Walking Talking Miracle’

A CD is provided with the song ‘I’m A Walking Talking Miracle’. The song is intended to inspire self-confidence and build character in the children. Allow the children to sing, dance, jump about and have some fun whilst singing the song. The song words are included in the Resource Section.

10 MIN


Confidence Poster

Ask the children to design a poster listing 3 things they are good at, then decorate it. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about using your Confidence? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

“You are a Shining Confidence Star.”

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 1 - What is Confidence 15

What is Confidence?


Lesson 6



Š 2009 Life Skills Programs.


M I?

Le s so n s

1- 6

Module 2 - Who Am I 17

Who Am I?


Goal: To create self-awareness

Who Am I? 18

Objectives: To - • Develop an understanding of their uniqueness • Discover personal likes and strengths • Learn to appreciate and be grateful for their bodies


Module 2 - Who Am I

Who Am I?

Teachers Treasure Chest

Module 2 - Who Am I 19

Lesson 1

Who Am I? 1


Calming exercise

Who Am I?

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided. Encourage the children to ask questions and create discussion. ‘Unique’ means that you are ‘one of a kind’, that you are an individual. It also means that there is no-one else just like you. When you were created, you were given a special combination of gifts. You were made for a purpose and no-one else can take your place. If you want to feel happy and confident, it’s important to understand and know all about yourself! You need to know what things will make you feel happy and what things will make you feel proud of yourself. If you know yourself, then you can begin to set goals and think about who you want to be and what you want to achieve in your life. Who you are isn’t just what you do; it’s also what you believe in, how you feel, your personality, what you love and what makes you happy. Everyone is different from each other. Some people are noisy and talkative, others are soft and shy. People come in many different colours, shapes and sizes and have different talents and skills.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Think about what is unique and different about you and your friends? What about your family members – how are you different from them?

‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’ © 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Pip’s First Day

Read the story to the children and then create a discussion using the questions below. This story has a very special message in it – so you need to be listening carefully. We were given 2 ears and one mouth, so we can listen twice as much as we speak! After I have finished reading the story, I am going to ask you some questions and we will have a discussion.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Who can tell me what the message was in the story? What would you have done in Pip’s situation? Who can tell me what the problem and the solutions was in the story?




Ask the children to draw a picture about something from the story. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about you? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 2 - Who Am I 21

Who Am I?


Lesson 1



Lesson 2

What do I Like? 1


Calming exercise

Who Am I?

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. There is only one way to find out if you are good at something or if you like it - and that is to have a go and try it. You might think that joining the cross-country running team is a great idea – after all, your friend loves it! If you discover that you don’t like it or don’t have a talent for it, it doesn’t mean that you are a failure or that you don’t fit in. It simply means that a particular activity was not for you. We are all good at different things and your skills and talents are different from your friends. It’s hard to be brilliant at everything we do however it’s worth trying things more than once to see if we like them. Give it your best shot. You may not realise it now, however your hobbies, interests and favourite subjects are already leading you towards your future. The things that you enjoy and are interested in will help you to decide what you want to do when you are older. The world is full of lots of wonderful opportunities just waiting for you!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Think about something that you like to do and that you would like to do even better? What would it take for you to improve? Would it take lessons, practice, belief in yourself or encouragement from others?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script


Who Am I?






Lesson 2

A CD is provided with the song ‘I’m A Walking Talking Miracle’. The song is intended to inspire self-confidence and build character in the children. Allow the children to sing, dance, jump about and have some fun whilst singing the song.

Activity My Favourite

Begin by explaining to the children that we all have our own favourite things in life. This is what makes us all different. Wouldn’t the world be strange if we all liked the same things? Do you know what your favourite things are? Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about your favourite things? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

Go For It! © 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 2 - Who Am I 23

Lesson 3

Make Friends with Your Body

Who Am I?



Calming exercise

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise. Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Make Friends with your Body

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Your body is made up of many different parts and each part contributes to making you special. Some of us have strong legs and can run fast, while others have talented fingers to create beautiful art or play a musical instrument. Each person contributes to the world with his/her own special talents and unique abilities. Instead of looking at qualities like size, shape, colour, beauty or age, you can learn to look for people’s inner strength, their goodness and their personalities. Your body is a miracle made up of many different parts that all work together to make up you. Did you know that your body helps you to enjoy life? Your legs help you to run, jump, skip, dance and ride your bike. Your arms help you to swim, play an instrument, eat healthy food and draw wonderful pictures. Your eyes, ears and nose all help you to make sense of your world. Make Friends with your Body by exercising, having fun and eating healthy food! Your body is your home and it needs to be looked after. Feeling good about your body and its shape helps you to be positive and happy and it helps you to feel good about who you are!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. What other parts of the body can you think of that were given to us for a reason and to use to our best ability? What parts of your body were given specifically to you for your unique talents? Is it hard for you to say nice things about yourself? If so, what makes it hard? © 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Whilst saying the positive statement, children stomp up and down - getting louder and faster, then softer and quieter, then louder again. At the end, everyone gives a big hug to themselves. Now you are going to learn a Positive Statement. A Positive Statement is a saying that puts positive thoughts into your mind and if you keep repeating it, then your mind records it and remembers it just like your IPod. How cool is that! So, here we go. The Positive Statement for Confidence is -

‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’

Great, now we are going to repeat this statement and whilst we are saying it I want you to stomp up and down and get louder and then softer 1


Activity Body Beautiful

Begin by explaining to the class that we all have 2 eyes, 1 nose and 1 mouth however no-one looks exactly the same. All of our body parts were given to us for a reason and for us to use to our best ability. Ask the children to think about why they have certain parts of their body and what they can be used for – ask for some examples. Ask the children to write in each of the body parts all of the positive things they can do with that part of their body. Use the children’s workbook. Examples: On the arm – ‘Gives hugs’ On the mouth – ‘Good singer’ On the ear – ‘Great listener’ On the leg – ‘Fast runner’ On the foot – ‘Good football kicker’ Allow time at the end for each person to share with the class.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about making friends with your body? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 2 - Who Am I 25

Who Am I?


Lesson 3



Lesson 4

My Strengths 1


Calming exercise

Who Am I?

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. If I were to ask you what your strengths are – would you know? Even all the animals in the world have their own special talents and strengths! What about a kangaroo – what is a kangaroo good at? What about eagles – what are their strengths? What about a snake – what can they do? It seems as though all the animals of the world already know what their strengths are because that’s what they use all the time to live and survive. What if a dog tried to meow instead of bark? What if a koala tried to fly instead of sit in a eucalyptus tree? What if a rabbit tried to swim under the ocean? Of course they don’t even try because they know who they are and what they are meant to do. We all have our own special talents and strengths. It’s important to know what they are so that you can use them in your life and be the best that you can be!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. What are some other animal’s strengths? What are your special talents and strengths? 5



A centering allows the children to use their imaginations and become quiet, calm and peaceful in preparation for a story or any other activity that requires them to be centered. Use the CD provided or alternatively read the centering to the children using the text from the Resources Section. © 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

My Strengths Paper Chain

Begin by asking the children “Who has something that they do really well? After a brief discussion about some of those talents, they can write them into the 3 boxes on their worksheets. Then pass out 3 different coloured strips of paper and ask the children to write down 3 things that they do well – one talent on each strip of paper. Demonstrate how to create a paper chain with their strips, linking their 3 talents together. As the children begin to complete their mini chains, use extra strips of paper to link the mini chains together to create one long class chain. Have children stand and hold the ever-growing chain as you link it together. Once the entire chain is constructed and linked together, ask the class what this demonstrates (The fact that all children have talents that they do well). Hang the chain up in the room as a reminder that they are all good at something. Refer to it as needed throughout the day and year.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about your strengths? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 2 - Who Am I 27

Who Am I?


Lesson 4



Lesson 5

Doing the Best I Can 1


Calming exercise

Who Am I?

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Doing the Best I Can

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Did you know that it’s okay to make mistakes? This may surprise you because we live in a world where everyone seems to want us to be perfect at everything. There is no such thing as perfect! You can only do the best that you can do at the time you are doing it. Everybody makes mistakes – that’s what being human is. Robots can be perfect but not humans. Sometimes you may find yourself not trying things because you are afraid you might do it wrong or make a mistake. However, it’s far better to have a go and try it – even if you do make a mistake, you can learn from it and ask yourself – What did I learn? Or, what would I do different next time? When we are trying to be perfect at something, sometimes we might be doing it to get praise or approval from someone else like our parents or friends. You can get praise or approval from yourself instead! You can say this ‘green’ thought to yourself. Say it out loud now! ‘I am doing the best I can today’.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Have you ever tried to be perfect for someone else? How did it make you feel?

10 MIN


Choose one of the words from the Bank of Words template provided in the Resource Section and create a discussion using one or more of the questions provided.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

My Name is Me!

Each child will print their name vertically down the left-hand side of their work page, writing each letter separately. The children will think of a positive selfdescriptive word or phrase that matches each letter of their name. They can then colour in the pictures. Use the children’s workbook.

Examples:Excellent Magnificent Marvellous Achiever



Clever Rapid Ace Impressive Great


Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about trying to be perfect? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.


© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 2 - Who Am I 29

Who Am I?


Lesson 5

10 MIN

Lesson 6

Courage to Be Me 1


Calming exercise

Who Am I?

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion.

Did you know it takes real courage to stand up to people and say ‘no’? If other kids are trying to get you to do something that you know is wrong– or its dangerous, and they are calling you names, then it takes real courage to say ‘No’. So, courage means doing the right thing when it’s hard and even if it means being called names. It’s having the courage to say ‘no’ to something that you know is wrong. Courage doesn’t mean that you won’t feel afraid. It’s about taking action or doing the thing that you are afraid of doing. Like taking part in the running race even if you are afraid of competition, it’s telling someone that they hurt your feelings when they were unkind and its saying hello and helping a child who has no friends. When we think of courageous people, we often think of soldiers, police officers, fire fighters, and astronauts. These people are courageous, however it also takes courage to be a good friend, a good brother or sister and it takes courage to be yourself. If you have the courage to be true to who you really are and to be yourself, even under strong peer pressure, then you will have the confidence to be and do whatever you want in life.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. When was a time you had the courage to say ‘no’ to something you knew was wrong? What happened when you said ‘no’?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Whilst saying the positive statement, children stomp up and down - getting louder and faster, then softer and quieter, then louder again. At the end, everyone gives themselves a big hug. Now you are going to learn a Positive Statement. A Positive Statement is a saying that puts positive thoughts into your mind and if you keep repeating it, then your mind records it and remembers it just like your IPod. How cool is that! So, here we go. The Positive Statement for Confidence is -

‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’ Great, now we are going to repeat this statement and whilst we are saying it I want you to stomp up and down and get louder and then softer 1



Courage Certificate

Ask the children to design a ‘Courage Certificate’. The certificate could be for something brave they have done themselves, it could be for someone they know, a character from TV or a book they have read. Use the children’s workbook. The Certificate will include: The person’s name who is receiving the award Who or what the person helped (this could be a person, animal or the environment) Describe what the act of bravery was and how it helped Decorate the award

“What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right” 5



Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about Courage? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 2 - Who Am I 31

Who Am I?


Lesson 6



Š 2009 Life Skills Programs.


Le s so n s

1- 6

Module 3 - Self Esteem 33

Self Esteem

self esteem

Goal: To increase self-esteem

Self Esteem 34

Objectives: To - • Understand the meaning of self-esteem • Understand how others can affect self-esteem • Learn how positive self-talk impacts self-esteem


Module 3 - Self Esteem

Self Esteem

Teachers Treasure Chest

Module 3 - Self Esteem 35

Lesson 1

What Is Self-Esteem? 1


Calming exercise

Self Esteem

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION What is Self-Esteem

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Self-Esteem is how you feel about yourself as a person. When we are babies and very small children, it is the people around us that help us to have good self-esteem. When we learn to walk, people say “Well done” and “You are so clever”! When parents praise their baby and take good care of it, this helps the baby feel loved and valued. As we get older, we can help ourselves have high self-esteem. Achievements like getting a good grade on a test or scoring a goal in soccer are things that make us feel proud of ourselves and boost our self-esteem. If we get positive messages about ourselves as small children, chances are we have high self-esteem. You can compare self-esteem to a bucket of water. It starts out full when you are born and then whenever you develop negative thoughts about yourself, it’s like poking little holes in that bucket and our self-esteem drips right out through the holes. Everything you say and do affects your self-esteem. Remember how we talked about that little ‘voice’ or chatter in our minds and how it’s important for you to keep having ‘green’ thoughts instead of ‘red’ thoughts? Well, it’s the same with our self-esteem – plug up those holes in the bucket with ‘green’ thoughts! If your self-esteem is high, then you have the confidence to try anything!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. What are some things that you say to yourselves that poke holes in your bucket? What could you say to yourself to plug up the holes? © 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

A centering allows the children to use their imaginations and become quiet, calm and peaceful in preparation for a story or any other activity that requires them to be centered. Use the CD provided or alternatively read the centering to the children using the text from the Resources Section. 15



Holes in My Bucket

Ask the children to write in what they say to themselves to make holes in their bucket (red thoughts). Then on the opposite side of the bucket ask them to turn it around to a positive thought (green thoughts). Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about self-esteem? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 3 - Self Esteem 37

Self Esteem


Lesson 1



Lesson 2

Nice Words 1


Calming exercise

Self Esteem

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. If someone gives you a compliment or is kind to you it can really help to boost your self-esteem. Can you think of a time when someone said something good about you? Did it make you feel special? However, if others put you down or say unkind things about you – you can start to believe it. This can make you feel sad and make your self-esteem low. To protect yourself from unkind words, you can create an imaginary bubble around your body and the unkind words will just bounce off the bubble and stay outside! Let’s all stand up and do it. Imagine there is a great big bubble around you. Nothing can get through it – especially unkind words. Now imagine someone is saying something that is unkind or makes you feel sad – watch the words just bounce off the bubble and float away. How did that feel? Do you think you could practice using the bubble in the playground? Where else would you practice using your bubble?


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. What can happen when you compare yourself with others? Have you ever made yourself feel bad by comparing yourself with others? What could you say to make yourself feel good?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script


A CD is provided with the song ‘I’m A Walking Talking Miracle’. The song is intended to inspire self-confidence and build character in the children. Allow the children to sing, dance, jump about and have some fun whilst singing the song.



Activity Nice Words

Ask the children to break up into groups. Have them turn to the person on their right and say one nice thing about them. Have a classroom discussion and ask them what their compliments were and how it makes them feel. They can then write what their compliment was in their worksheet/ workbook. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about how others affect our self-esteem? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 3 - Self Esteem 39

Self Esteem


Lesson 2



Lesson 3

Praising Others 1


Calming exercise

Self Esteem

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section. 10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Praising Others

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’. Who has heard that saying before? Do you think it’s true? Nasty words can hurt people and they can do a lot of harm. Being unkind to others affects their self-esteem and it also makes you feel bad too. Everything we do or say is affecting our self-esteem and also our friends. Remember to praise your friends when they do something good – it will really help to boost their self-esteem!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Have you ever hurt someone’s feelings and felt bad about it? Did it affect your self-esteem too? When was a time you made someone feel really good about themselves? How did it make them and you feel? 2



Whilst saying the positive statement, children stomp up and down - getting louder and faster, then softer and quieter, then louder again. At the end, everyone gives themselves a big hug. Now you are going to learn a Positive Statement. A Positive Statement is a saying that puts positive thoughts into your mind and if you keep repeating it, then your mind records it and remembers it just like your IPod. How cool is that! So, here we go. The Positive Statement for Confidence is -

‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’ Great, now we are going to repeat this statement and whilst we are saying it I want you to stomp up and down and get louder and then softer.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Two Circles

Ask the children to get into small groups or break the class in half. Then they make two even circles – one inside the other and facing each other. The child on the inside circle gives a compliment to the person they are facing, then moves on to the next person and gives them a compliment and so on until they come back to the beginning. They then swap over and do the same again. Ask the children to write two compliments that were given to them in their workbooks. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about praise? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 3 - Self Esteem 41

Self Esteem


Lesson 3



Lesson 4

Positive Messages 1


Calming exercise

Self Esteem

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Positive Messages

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Did you know that we all carry around a picture in our minds of how confident we are? This picture is created from our experiences in life from the time we were babies up until now. Babies don’t see themselves in a good or bad way. It’s the people around them that help them to develop their self-esteem. When a baby learns to crawl, walk or talk, everyone says “Well done” whilst smiling and clapping. When the baby gets praise from its parents this helps the baby feel loved and valued. As children get older, they have a bigger role in developing their own self-esteem. Achievements like getting a good grade on a test or scoring a goal in soccer are things that make them feel proud and believe in themselves. So, if we get positive messages and praise from family members, friends and even strangers – it all adds to the picture we have of ourselves and chances are we will have high self-esteem. Even if you didn’t receive green (positive) messages from others, you can start believing in yourself today by giving yourself green (positive) messages and create your own high self-esteem!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Do you know someone who has high self-esteem? How can you tell they have? Do you know someone who has low self-esteem? How can you tell they have low self-esteem? Why do you think some people have high self-esteem and others have low self-esteem?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

A centering allows the children to use their imaginations and become quiet, calm and peaceful in preparation for a story or any other activity that requires them to be centered. Use the CD provided or alternatively read the centering to the children using the text from the Resources Section.




Affirmation Pencil Flags

Supply the students with small strips of coloured paper. Ask them to write an ‘affirmation’ for themselves on the strip and decorate it. Example: I believe I can……….. The small flags are then taped around the end of their pencil as a constant reminder of what they can do. The Affirmation can then be copied into their worksheet provided or the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about positive messages? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

‘Positive and Negative are Directions. Which Direction Do You Choose?’

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 3 - Self Esteem 43

Self Esteem


Lesson 4



Lesson 5

Believing in Myself 1


Calming exercise

Self Esteem

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Believing in Myself

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Did you know that every goal that has ever been reached began with just one step... and the belief that it could be achieved? Think of a person you admire who has achieved their dreams and goals – it could be a famous athlete, president, teacher, parent, singer or friend. How do you think they achieved their goals? Dreams really can come true however they are also combined with doing the work, determination and a strong belief that you can do it. Special dreams lie inside each of us and whatever your dream is you can achieve it. If you believe that you ‘can’, you truly do have the power to make your dreams come true. Look deep inside your heart and you will find the strength you never knew you had!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. What are your dreams and goals? What do you need to believe about yourself to achieve them?

10 MIN


Choose one of the words from the Bank of Words template provided and create a discussion using one or more of the questions provided.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script


Self Esteem




10 MIN

Lesson 5

A CD is provided with the song ‘I’m A Walking Talking Miracle’. The song is intended to inspire self-confidence and build character in the children. Allow the children to sing, dance, jump about and have some fun whilst singing the song.


My Dreams and Goals

Ask the children to draw or write about their dreams and goals. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about you? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

‘Believe in Miracles’ © 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 3 - Self Esteem 45

Lesson 6

Nurture Your Confidence 1

Self Esteem


Calming exercise

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Nurture Your Confidence

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Our self-esteem is just like a stone inside a piece of fruit. The stronger and healthier it is then the better the fruit is on the outside. The more we look after and nurture ourselves on the inside the stronger we will become. Imagine if a peach or plum stone was all dry and shrivelled up on the inside, what do you think the outside of the peach or plum will look like? If you are having ‘red’ thoughts and feel sad on the inside how will it be making you feel on the outside? However, if you are choosing ‘green’ thoughts and being happy and comfortable on the inside, how will you be feeling on the outside? When you are feeling great on both the inside and the outside think of how much more you could do? You will feel much stronger, more confident and your personality will shout out confidence. When your confidence is strong, you can achieve much more for yourself and it will help make your dreams come true. It really is a very simple choice – choose ‘green’ thoughts to nurture and boost your confidence!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Which choice will you make? What makes you want to make this choice? When you nurture your self-esteem what exactly does it give to you? What strengths help make up your self-esteem?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Whilst saying the positive statement, children stomp up and down - getting louder and faster, then softer and quieter, then louder again. At the end, everyone gives themselves a big hug. Now you are going to learn a Positive Statement. A Positive Statement is a saying that puts positive thoughts into your mind and if you keep repeating it, then your mind records it and remembers it just like your IPod. How cool is that! So, here we go. The Positive Statement for Confidence is -

‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’ Great, now we are going to repeat this statement and whilst we are saying it I want you to stomp up and down and get louder and then softer

10 MIN


Nurture Your Confidence

Just like the peach with its strong stone inside draw or write about your self-esteem (strengths inside). Use the children’s workbook. 5



Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about how to nurture your confidence? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 3 - Self Esteem 47

Self Esteem


Lesson 6



Š 2009 Life Skills Programs.


Light Shine Le s so n s

1- 6

Module 4 - Let Your Light Shine 49

Let Your Light Shine

Let your

Let Your Light Shine

Goal: To allow special gifts and talents to shine through Objectives: To - • Discover their special gifts, talents and achievements • Create the confidence to allow their light to shine • Inspire others to shine their light

50 Module 4 - Let Your Light Shine


Module 4 - Let Your Light Shine 51

Let Your Light Shine

Teachers Treasure Chest

Lesson 1

Let Your Light Shine 1


Calming exercise

Let Your Light Shine

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Let Your Light Shine

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Each of us has a little spark of magic light within us that is given to us for a special reason. This spark of light is our special gift and ability and it’s important for us to have the courage to show others what they are! If you are proud of who you are and what you can do then you show other people that it’s okay for them to shine their light too! What good are our gifts if they don’t get used? Imagine a flower being afraid to bloom, rain being afraid to fall or the sun being afraid to shine!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Who is someone you really admire? It could be your favourite singer, mum, dad, football player or actor. Think about how they let their light shine and how that has helped you. Can you think of some examples?

10 MIN


Choose one of the words from the Bank of Words template provided in the Resource Section and create a discussion using one or more of the questions provided.


Who can tell me what the message was in the story? What would you have done in Pip’s situation?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Ask the children to break into pairs and talk about a time when they did let their light shine. What were they doing? How did it feel? How did others react? Then ask them to write about it on their worksheet provided or children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about your shining light? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 4 - Let Your Light Shine 53

Let Your Light Shine


Lesson 1

10 MIN

Lesson 2

Your Special Gifts 1


Calming exercise

Let Your Light Shine

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Your Special Gifts

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Sometimes when we talk about our ‘good points’, we can be afraid that other people will think we are showing off or boasting. Sometimes we might even think other people will make fun of us. However, there is a big difference between sharing our gifts with the world and showing off. We have a responsibility to share our special gifts, not in a way that says we are better than anyone else, in a way that helps and inspires others. Remember, when you shine your light you give others permission to do the same!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. What is your shining light? Are you hiding it? How could you let it shine?





A CD is provided with the song ‘I’m A Walking Talking Miracle’. The song is intended to inspire self-confidence and build character in the children. Allow the children to sing, dance, jump about and have some fun whilst singing the song.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Let Your Light Shine


Shining Light Mind Map

Ask the children to think about all their gifts, talents, skills, traits and character. Ask the children to fill in the Mind Map showing all the ways in which they let their Light Shine. Ask them to be as creative as possible. (Examples provided). Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about your specials gifts? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

‘When you shine your light – You give others Permission to do the same’

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 4 - Let Your Light Shine 55

Lesson 2



Lesson 3

Ace Achievements 1


Calming exercise

Let Your Light Shine

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section. 10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Ace Achievements

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. If someone were to ask you; could you tell them what your best achievements are or what makes you most proud about being you? It could be anything, like you’ve finally managed to climb the tallest tree in your garden, you’ve mastered your six times tables or that you were the one who found a neighbour’s lost puppy. Be proud of who you are and all the things that you can do! Don’t forget to give yourself a big pat on the back from time to time, it’s very important to acknowledge your achievements. There are so many new experiences and challenges whizzing in and out of your world that you might forget just how well you are doing or how much you have grown in the past few months or years. In fact, let’s all do it now – stand up and pat yourself on the back and say ‘well done’!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. How did it make you feel when you achieved something that you thought was hard? What types of thoughts do you need to use to achieve what you want? How do you congratulate your friends for things they have achieved? 2



Whilst saying the positive statement, children stomp up and down - getting louder and faster, then softer and quieter, then louder again. At the end, everyone gives themselves a big hug. Now you are going to learn a Positive Statement. A Positive Statement is a saying that puts positive thoughts into your mind and if you keep repeating it, then your mind records it and remembers it just like your IPod. How cool is that! So, here we go. The Positive Statement for Confidence is -

‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’ Great, now we are going to repeat this statement and whilst we are saying it I want you to stomp up and down and get louder and then softer

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Ace Achievement

In a soft voice, encourage children to really go into their imagination. Read the visualisation below to them. Then ask the children to write ONE word that was important to them. Write that one word inside the balloon using the worksheet provided or children’s workbook. Real balloon optional. I want you to think of one thing that you want to achieve, what is something that you haven’t quite achieved yet? You know that one thing that you have been practicing or preparing for. Let’s try this exercise. Close your eyes and in your imagination make a picture of yourself doing what you want to achieve, imagine that you are succeeding right now! Get a feeling of how it makes you feel after you have done it. Feel it in your tummy, your head, your chest or somewhere else in your body. Your picture in your imagination might be you scoring a goal in your next netball or football game. Close your eyes and picture yourself playing to the best of your ability, the ball is passed to you, you aim at the goal, throw or kick the ball and it’s a goal! Yah, all your team mates congratulate you and say “well done” you feel on top of the world! Or instead of playing sports, it might be playing a musical instrument in your first performance in front of people, hear the clapping at the end and feel how it makes you feel, you did it, well done! You could be riding your BMX bike over the jumps, wow you did it! You will feel on top of the world. Now, hear all the sounds going on around you with everyone congratulating you and cheering you on, it all makes you feel really great! Fantastic and well done! Lower your voice here and say…… Now I want you to think of one word that describes how you are feeling right now. Remember that word, take a long slow breath in and out. Now, slowly open up your eyes. (Optional) Have the children write that one word on a balloon and take home to share with their family. Congratulations.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about your Achievements? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 4 - Let Your Light Shine 57

Let Your Light Shine


Lesson 3



Lesson 4

Shining Star 1


Calming exercise

Let Your Light Shine

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Have you been thinking about your special gifts and abilities? Have you been practicing talking about them and sharing them with other people? Did you know that you can think of your special gifts and abilities when you are feeling sad and it will instantly make you feel better? You are a shining star and we all have different special gifts and abilities. Yours may be different to your friends and you may find that some of them are similar. It is good that we all have different gifts and talents. Imagine what the world would be like if we all had the same talents and abilities, imagine what it would be like if we all had the same colour hair, eyes and skin. The same height, shape and even personalities and we all liked the same things?


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. What would it be like to live in a world where we were all the same? What is so important about us all being different? What is different about you and your friends?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

A centering allows the children to use their imaginations and become quiet, calm and peaceful in preparation for a story or any other activity that requires them to be centered. Use the CD provided or alternatively read the centering to the children using the text from the Resources Section.




Your Shining Star

Ask the children to draw a picture about themselves ‘Shining their own light’. What does it look like and what is inside it? They can also write about it if time permits. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about your shining star? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

Share your Dreams with Others © 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 4 - Let Your Light Shine 59

Let Your Light Shine


Lesson 4



Lesson 5

Each One of Us is Beautiful

Let Your Light Shine



Calming exercise

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Each one of us is Beautiful

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. As a suggestion, cut a real apple in half horizontally to use as a demonstration. I want you to think about an apple. Apples can be different in size, colour, skin and taste. One apple could even be old and shrivelled or badly bruised. However, if you cut an apple in half – all apples have a similar 5-pointed star inside that holds the seeds. Regardless of the outside, all apples have the same perfect star of seeds inside. People are like the apples. We all differ in our outward appearance – we come in all different shapes, sizes, colours and ages. Inside each of us we have the same seeds of potential of who we are and what we can become. The ‘Star’ inside each person is what makes him or her special. Like the seeds inside the apple that can grow and become a blossoming fruit tree, each person has unique gifts and talents waiting to be developed that will make them extraordinary in some way.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. What does it take to nourish your star? What do you want to blossom into?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Let Your Light Shine

10 MIN


Using the template provided teach the poem to the children.

Each One of Us is Beautiful

Lesson 5

Each one of us is beautiful, As beautiful as can be If you can see my beauty You know how to look at me I’m full of love and laughter I have a smile for you I’m smart and friendly You’re smart and friendly too Each one of us is beautiful Like a little star I’m so happy we can see How beautiful we are -Author Unknown




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt about the star inside you? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 4 - Let Your Light Shine 61

Lesson 6

I Think I Can 1


Calming exercise

Let Your Light Shine

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. There are 2 choices you have when deciding if you can do something or not. The first is a Green thought ‘I Can’ and the second is a Red thought ‘I Can’t’! Which thought do you think is going to help you the most? There are only 2 choices so you would be best to make the choice that is going to help you do whatever it is you want to achieve. Think about all the things you can do – such as riding a bike, dancing, writing, singing, painting – there must be hundreds of things you can do? What do you say to yourself when you are doing them? Do you remember the story called ‘The Little Engine That Could’? In the tale, a long train must be pulled over a high mountain. All the larger engines, are asked to pull the train and for various reasons they refuse. Then they ask the little engine, who agrees to try. Everyone laughs and thinks that he won’t be able to do it, however the little engine succeeds in pulling the train over the mountain while repeating “I-thinkI-can”, “I-think-I-can”, “I-think-I-can”. By saying these words to himself he created the strength to pull the long train over the mountain! Next time you want to try something new – say to yourself, “I think I can”, “I think I can”.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. When was a time you did something that you thought was really hard and you tried your best? Think of all the things you can already do and share one or two with us. Now think of all the new things you would like to try, what would they be?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

I Can

Ask the children to think about all the different activities they can do and then complete the ‘I Can’ exercise. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What is the one new thing you have decided to try? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

If you think you can,

You Can! © 2009 Life Skills Programs.

Module 4 - Let Your Light Shine 63

Let Your Light Shine


Lesson 6

10 MIN

Š 2009 Life Skills Programs.


your attitu de Le s so n s

1- 6

Module 5 - Choose Your Attitude 65

Choose Your Attitude


Choose Your Attitude

Goal: To create and maintain a positive attitude Objectives: To - • Be aware they can choose their attitude • Learn how to change the way they think • Learn how they can choose to be positive • Discover that attitudes are contagious

66 Module5-ChooseYourAttitude


Module 5 - Choose Your Attitude 67

Choose Your Attitude

Teachers Treasure Chest

Lesson 1

What is an Attitude? 1


Calming exercise

Choose Your Attitude

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION What is an Attitude?

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. An attitude is your response to a particular situation. It’s what you think, do and feel about a situation. No matter what happens, you always have certain thoughts about it. Whatever reaction you have, depends upon your attitude and how you ‘choose’ to react. Lots of people might say, ‘the weather is bad’ or ‘Jack was horrible to me’ – and it may be true, you can’t change those things from happening however you can change the way you think and feel about them. You can shrug them off and decide to be happy anyway! Your attitude is under your control and can be changed by simply changing your thoughts. You aren’t responsible for everything that happens to you in your life, however you are responsible for how you choose to react. Your attitude is your choice, you can have either a ‘green’ (positive) or ‘red’ (negative) one - so you may as well choose the best one you can!


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. What attitude are you choosing today? If you had a positive attitude – what would you be doing, saying and feeling?

Attitudes are Contagious – Is Yours Worth Catching!

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

A centering allows the children to use their imaginations and become quiet, calm and peaceful in preparation for a story or any other activity that requires them to be centered. Use the CD provided or alternatively read the centering to the children using the text from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

Activity Your Attitude

Ask the children to draw or write about themselves with a ‘Green’ (positive) attitude and then alternatively with a ‘Red’ (negative) attitude and how each makes them feel. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about your attitude? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 5 - Choose Your Attitude 69

Choose Your Attitude


Lesson 1



Lesson 2

Attitudes are Contagious!

Choose Your Attitude



Calming exercise

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Attitudes are Contagious!

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Did you know that attitudes are contagious! Is yours worth catching? If you choose to have a positive and happy attitude then other people will catch it too and your confidence will shine! When you get out of bed in the morning you can make a choice to have a ‘great’ attitude! Try it and see how it changes your day! How will you be aware of your ‘morning attitude’?


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Who do you know that has a positive attitude most of the time? Do you catch it from them? How can you tell they have a positive attitude?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

‘I’M A WALKING TALKING MIRACLE’ A CD is provided with the song ‘I’m A Walking Talking Miracle’. The song is intended to inspire self-confidence and build character in the children. Allow the children to sing, dance, jump about and have some fun whilst singing the song.

10 MIN


Attitudes are Contagious Ask the children to write in the beach ball what attitude they are passing on to their friend. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about passing on your attitude? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 5 - Choose Your Attitude 71

Choose Your Attitude


Lesson 2



Lesson 3

Glass Half Full 1


Calming exercise

Choose Your Attitude

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN


Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Fill a clear drinking glass or bottle half full with water. Ask the children whether they think the glass is half full or half empty. After they respond, compare this to the way in which people look at the world around them.

Some people have a positive attitude about life, always looking for the good side of things, and are grateful for all they have in their life. They are the ones who usually see the glass as being half full. Other people, who may have a more negative attitude, focusing on what they don’t have in life, tend to see the glass as half empty. Which of these two types of people do you think would generally be happier?


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. What kind of attitude do you have most of the time? Are you a complainer or a complimenter? How can you change your attitude if you decide you want to?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Whilst saying the positive statement, children stomp up and down - getting louder and faster, then softer and quieter, then louder again. At the end, everyone gives themselves a big hug. Now you are going to learn a Positive Statement. A Positive Statement is a saying that puts positive thoughts into your mind and if you keep repeating it, then your mind records it and remembers it just like your IPod. How cool is that! So, here we go. The Positive Statement for Confidence is -

‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’ Great, now we are going to repeat this statement and whilst we are saying it I want you to stomp up and down and get louder and then softer

10 MIN

Activity Glass Half Full

Ask the children to fill in thoughts that would make the glass half full and thoughts that would make the glass half empty. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about choosing your attitude? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 5 - Choose Your Attitude 73

Choose Your Attitude


Lesson 3



Lesson 4

Your World is a Mirror 1


Calming exercise

Choose Your Attitude

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Your World is a Mirror

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. Have you ever smiled at someone and they immediately smiled back! What about when you start to laugh and your friend starts to laugh too. What do you think is happening then? Did you know that your world (that means everything you do, say and think) is like a mirror? Your attitude reflects back to you. It’s like you looking in a mirror that reflects back. That’s why when you smile at someone they smile back – they are reflecting back to you the attitude that you send out. It can work the opposite way too – what if you were feeling angry and you spoke to your friend in an angry tone – how do you think your friend would respond?


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. When you look in the mirror what do you see? Can you remember a time when your mirror reflected happiness and joy?

10 MIN


Choose one of the words from the Bank of Words template provided and create a discussion using one or more of the questions provided in the resource section.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Read ‘1000 Mirrors’ poem from the Resources Section. Ask the children to draw inside the mirror what they see looking back at them. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about reflecting your attitude? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 5 - Choose Your Attitude 75

Choose Your Attitude


Lesson 4

10 MIN

Lesson 5

Sending a Message 1


Calming exercise

Choose Your Attitude

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Sending a Message

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. We all have different feelings and emotions – they are part of everyone. Everyone reacts differently to things that happen to us. You will notice that you feel different things all day long as different things happen to you. Sometimes we feel happy, excited, sad, scared, angry or lonely. It is important to be aware of your feelings and what they are doing to you and not to be ashamed of having these feelings. Everybody has them – good feelings and bad feelings. What really matters is what we do with our feelings, how we react towards other people and how we show them. We can all learn to show our feelings in ways that are helpful to us and to others, instead of ways that are hurtful. If you are feeling positive, friendly or happy, then that is the message you will send out. This is the way it will be received and you will attract other positive people. If you feel negative or angry and want to hurt people, then you will find that you attract other people who are negative and angry or you may simply find yourself all alone.

Positive (Green) Feelings = Positive (Green) Attitude Negative (Red) Feelings = Negative (Red) Attitude


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class. Which words can you think of that describe positive (Green) feelings? Which words can you think of that describe negative (Red) feelings? Which feelings do you like best – Green or Red?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script


A CD is provided with the song ‘I’m A Walking Talking Miracle’. The song is intended to inspire self-confidence and build character in the children. Allow the children to sing, dance, jump about and have some fun whilst singing the song. 10 MIN

Activity On a Role

Have some fun doing a role play that illustrates the differences an attitude can make. Ask for 2 volunteers to come up and have them act out the following scene twice. The first time, one person acts as someone who is negative and annoyed with a Red negative feeling attitude. The second time the character is happy, understanding and supportive with a Green feeling attitude. The children will get to see how these experiences and outcomes are shaped by our attitudes.

Role Play Scenario

Player A and Player B are 2 friends playing with each other in the school playground. Player A decides he/she doesn’t like the game they are playing and wants to play something else. Player B gets very upset and irritated. In the second round, Player B is understanding and supportive. After both rounds are completed ask the children to share what they noticed about the two scenes. What difference did their attitudes make to the outcome? Has anyone had a similar experience? Ask the children to write or draw what they saw happen with the Green Attitude and the Red Attitude. Use the children’s workbook.




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today choosing a Green Attitude? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 5 - Choose Your Attitude 77

Choose Your Attitude


Lesson 5



Lesson 6

Choosing Green Words

Choose Your Attitude



Calming exercise

The one minute calming exercise is to introduce the children to the practice of enjoying being silent and peaceful. This can be used at the beginning of every day or before any class activity to create peace, harmony and concentration in the classroom. 1 Minute Calming Exercise – Choose an exercise from the Resources Section.

10 MIN

INTRODUCTION Choosing Green Words

Deliver the lesson below to the class by using the script provided and encouraging the children to ask questions and create discussion. There are thousands of words we can choose to use when we are talking to other people. Did you know that words are much more than just a bunch of letters joined together – some words can create feelings within a person? When we are talking to our friends, family or teacher, it is important to be aware that the words we are choosing are making them feel a certain way. When we use Green words that are positive and kind we are helping the other person to feel good about themselves. When we use Red words that are negative and unkind we could be hurting the other person’s feelings and making them feel sad. The same applies to when we talk to ourselves – Green words make us feel happy and confident and Red words make us feel sad and unhappy.


Ask the children to pair up with a ‘Mind Magic Buddy’ that they sit next to. Ask them to discuss and share with each other the answers to the questions below. Listen to a few answers whilst everyone is in discussion and then select one or two to explore further with the whole class.



What are some words you can think of that create good feelings inside you? What are some words that can create bad feelings inside you?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Include Puppet

10 MIN

Delivery Time

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Script


A centering allows the children to use their imaginations and become quiet, calm and peaceful in preparation for a story or any other activity that requires them to be centered. Use the CD provided or alternatively read the centering to the

10 MIN

Lesson 6

children using the text from the Resources Section.

Activity Green Words

Ask the children to fill in the leaves with green words and colour in the tree. Use the children’s workbook.



Choose Your Attitude




Bring the children to the floor to signal the end of the lesson. Ask the question below to ensure the objectives have been met and that the children have understood and ‘experienced’ the lesson. What was the one thing you learnt today about choosing Green words? Choose a child who has participated and give them the honour of saying goodbye to PIP and put him away in his special place.


Home play has been developed with the intention of children sharing what they learnt with their families. Ask the children to teach a member of their family what they have learnt in the Confidence lesson.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Module 5 - Choose Your Attitude 79

Š 2009 Life Skills Programs.



Resources Section 81

Resources Section

Resource s

Resources Section

CONFIDENCE ONE MINUTE CALMING EXERCISES Confidence Star Exercise For a few moments, be very still, close your eyes if you want to...relax your toes and legs.... relax your stomach... and your shoulders.... relax your arms and your face. Take a deep breath in and out.....and think of the bright shining stars in the sky at night and imagine yourself to be just like them... quiet and peaceful. You are a Confidence Star bringing your own special qualities to the world. You are a beautiful bright star.... enjoy the feeling of confidence inside you that shines a light of peace and courage. Whenever you want to feel confident, you can become very still and quiet inside and remember that you are a Confidence Star.

Š 2009 Life Skills Programs.


Shine your Light Exercise I want you to get nice and comfortable, breathing nice and deep, now. Keep breathing nice and slowly and close your eyes now. Imagine you are surrounded by a really beautiful light; it can be any colour you choose, it’s all yours and it’s very special to you. What colour will it be? And now I am going to ask you to think about one special thing that you are really good at. Just keep breathing, nice and slowly, nice and deeply, that’s right, in and out. Well done, good work. Now bring that picture into your mind, you know, the one that you are really good at, that’s right, make it nice and bright in your mind, now take a deep breath and enjoy the picture, notice how it makes you feel, where do you feel it? Keep taking deep breaths, that’s right, deep breaths and feel yourself relax even more. Enjoy the picture! Now as you let that picture go, you can slowly open your eyes and come back into the room. Well done!

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Resources Section 83

Resources Section


Resources Section

CONFIDENCE Centering – ‘Tall as a Tree’ Close your eyes gently. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose and let the balloon inside your tummy slowly fill up. Now breathe out as slowly as you can and let the balloon become smaller and smaller until there is no air left in your tummy at all. Imagine you’re the tallest, strongest tree in the world. Think about your long sturdy roots that grow deep into the ground. These roots keep you upright, steady and firm. Imagine your trunk divides high above the ground into branches that seem to reach for the sky. Birds flutter in and out of your branches and the sun glimmers through your bright leaves. With your head high in the air and as your branches sway gently in the wind, strength and courage flow through you and you know that you are the tallest strongest tree in the world. Now slowly open your eyes and have a big stretch. Who feels all warm and fuzzy?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.


Walking Talking Miracle When I walk down the street I’m a tower of strength, Filled to the brim with confidence, Filled to the top with self esteem, Courage to shine, yeah you know what I mean. Cause I’m a walking, I’m a talking, A walking, talking miracle. Yeah, I’m a walking, talking miracle A walk, walk, talk, talk, miracle. If I feel sad, angry or scared, I fill my tank with courage to spare, Lashings of love that shine like a light, A pinch of power hey I’m alright. Cause I’m a walking, I’m a talking, A walking, talking miracle. Yeah, I’m a walking, talking miracle A walk, walk, talk, talk, miracle. A walk, walk, talk, talk, miracle. A walk, walk, talk, talk, miracle.

© 2009 Life Skills Programs. Resources Section 85

Resources Section

Confidence Song


1. Discuss with the class - If you had ‘Confidence’ what would you be doing,

1. D iscuss with class - If you had ‘Confidence’ what would you be saying and the feeling? doing, saying and feeling? 2. Write down the name of a book or TV character that has ‘Confidence’.

2. Write down the name of a book or TV character that has ‘ConfiHow do you know they are confident? dence’. How do you know they are confident? Draw a pictureof of you you having ‘Confidence’. 3. D3. raw a picture having ‘Confidence’. Discuss withthe the class class - -Why is ‘Confidence’ important? 4. D 4. iscuss with Why is ‘Confidence’ important?

5. I f5.‘Confidence’ was what ingredients go into it? If ‘Confidence’ wasaa milkshake, milkshake, what ingredients would would go into it? Either write it itorordraw it. Either write draw it. 6. E 6. ach member classis is out in loud one word thing Each memberof of the the class to to saysay out loud one in word one thing one that gives thatyou gives you ‘Confidence’. ‘Confidence’.













© 2009 Life Skills Programs.


3 - Circus of Dreams

Lesson 1

Choose word and use the questions and activities below in 5 BANKone OF WORDS relation to that word. There is a section in the Workbook for the A bankto of words supplied to their be displayed in theAclassroom. Choose one of the children writeisand draw answers. template is provided cardsnext provided and hold up to the class. Use more ofand the enlarged activities on the page for theit bank of words toone be or copied below which are also written on the back of the cards. All of the questions and or alternatively you can write the word on the board. The first activities can be used in relation to each of the bank of words, however we have word ‘Confidence’ has been used as an example below. used the first word ‘Confidence’ as an example below. These words can also be These can journal also be usedand fordiscussion. spelling,The journal and on usedwords for spelling, writing card iswriting then displayed the classroom can beup referred to throughout the week. You can match discussion. Youwall canand match one word with one activity of your up one word with one activity of your choosing for each lesson choice for each lesson.

Circus of Dreams

Resources Section


Resources Section





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Resources Section





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Resources Section





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Resources Section Š 2009 Life Skills Programs.


Resources Section

Let Your Light Shine - POEM Each One of Us is Beautiful Each one of us is beautiful, As beautiful as can be If you can see my beauty You know how to look at me I’m full of love and laughter I have a smile for you I’m smart and friendly You’re smart and friendly too Each one of us is beautiful Like a little star I’m so happy we can see How beautiful we are

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Resources Section

Choose Your Attitude The House of 1000 Mirrors Long ago in a small, far away village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors.

A small, happy little dog

learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the house, he thought to himself, “This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often.” In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, “That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again”. All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?

© 2009 Life Skills Programs.


These 5 minute gap fillers are short activities designed as fillins for those times that the teacher has a short gap to fill. Each activity is based on Confidence and can be incorporated throughout the day as a reminder of the life skills lesson. 1. Write down 4 positive words that describe you? 2. Write down 3 things that you are really good at. 3. Draw a picture of ‘Confidence’. 4. List as many words associated with ‘Confidence’ as you can. 5. Think of a time you felt ‘Confident’. Write it down and describe how it felt. 6. Write or draw someone you know who is ‘confident’ and why you think they are. 7. Discuss with the class what you could do to become more confident? 8. Name the one thing that is unique about you. What makes you different to your friends? 9. Write down a compliment for someone and give it to them. 10. When do you feel most ‘Confident’? What are you doing when you feel that way? 11. If ‘Confidence’ was a milkshake, what ingredients would go into it? 12. Close your eyes and picture yourself being ‘Confident’. Write/draw how it makes you feel. 13. ‘Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission’ – Discuss what that means. 14. If ‘Confidence’ were stars in the midnight sky, how would you keep them sparkling? 15. Make up a ‘Positive Statement’ about ‘Confidence’. 16. Sing the ‘Confidence’ song. 17. Do the ‘Tall as a Tree’ centering. 18. Design/draw a ‘Confidence’ Fridge magnet on paper. 19. What would Little Miss Confidence (the book character) look like? Draw her. 20. Write down the top 3 things that make you most proud of being you.

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5 Minute Gap Fillers

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Resources Section 95

Assessment Tools

Assessmen t

Assessment Tools

CONFIDENCE – STUDENT ASSESSMENT Student Assessment Name: _________________________________ Class: _____________________________________ (Student highlights the statement that is true for them according to the star rating)

I feel Confident most of the time

I feel Confident most of the time

I feel Confident most of the time

I like to use ‘green’ words and be positive

I like to use ‘green’ words and be positive

I like to use ‘green’ words and be positive

I know my special strengths and talents

I know my special strengths and talents

I know my special strengths and talents

I know what I like and what makes me happy

I know what I like and what makes me happy

I know what I like and what makes me happy

I am positive towards others I am positive towards others I am positive towards others


I know my special strengths and talents

I know my special strengths and talents

I know my special strengths and talents

I know how to boost my self-esteem

I know how to boost my self-esteem

I know how to boost my self-esteem

I believe I can ‘choose’ my attitude

I believe I can ‘choose’ my attitude

I believe I can ‘choose’ my attitude

I use my imagination

I use my imagination

I use my imagination

Resources Section

Assessment Tools

CONFIDENCE – STUDENT ASSESSMENT Student Assessment Name: _________________________________ Class: _____________________________________




Key Learnings


**Teacher ticks appropriate box.

Confidence Demonstrates a healthy level of Confidence Who Am I Shows and uses unique talents and strengths Self-Esteem Displays a positive attitude towards self and others Let Your Light Shine Allows special gifts and talents to shine through Choose Your Attitude Understands the difference between Positive (green) and Negative (red) attitudes

Teachers Comments: _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Signed: ______________________________

Date: _________________

Resources Section 97

Assessment Tools

CONFIDENCE – STUDENT ASSESSMENT Student Name: __________________________ Class: _________________ A = Always U = Usually S = Sometimes R = Rarely KEY LEARNINGS A



**Teacher ticks appropriate rating for student


Confidence Demonstrates confidence physically, verbally, interactions A




Who Am I Ability to discover and understand own unique qualities A




Self-Esteem Demonstrates a positive and co-operative approach to self and others A




Let Your Light Shines Shows confidence to allow special gifts to shine through. A




Choose Your Attitude Demonstrates knowledge of differences between positive and negative attitude. Teachers Comments: _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Signed: ______________________________


Resources Section

Date: _________________

Student Name: __________________________ Class: _________________ RATING SCALE 1 2 3 4

Rarely Sometimes Usually Always

**Student assesses themselves first putting in the rating score next to each statement. **Teacher then does the same according to their observations.

Student Assessment

Teacher Assessment

Demonstrates a healthy level of Confidence Displays a Positive attitude and uses ‘green’ words Shows and uses strengths and talents Understands what makes them happy Working towards boosting self-esteem Participates positively with friends and groups Shows tolerance and respect for others Allows special gifts and abilities to shine through Chooses a ‘green’ Attitude’ most of the time Knows how to express feelings Uses imagination and visualisation

Signed: ____________________________ Date: _________________________

Resources Section 99

Assessment Tools


Assessment Tools

REFERENCE Books 10 Minute Life Lessons for Kids - Jamie Miller Mind Maps for Kids - Tony Buzan Elf Help books - Teacher Therapy Life Skills Games for Children - Bernie Badegruber Living Values Activities for Children 3-7 - Diane Tillman and Diana Hsu 104 Activities That Build - Alanna Jones Websites

Life Skills Programs Pty Ltd PO Box 19 Bilambil NSW 2486 Email:


Resources Section

Š 2009 Life Skills Programs.


Mind Magic Series Confidence – ‘I’m a Walking Talking Miracle’ Responsibility – ‘Sink or Swim’ Communication – ‘Yakety Yak’ Honesty – ‘Rocks in your Socks’ Respect – ‘Connecting Rainbows’ Love – ‘A Spoon Full of Sugar’ Creativity – ‘Hidden Treasures’ Personal Growth – ‘Reach for a Star’

Creators of Life Skills Programs, Kathy & Debbie are both spirited passionate life coaches who help people get what they want through the power of clarity and connection. Their core value of being of service to make a difference in a simple way shines through as their work and programs deliver essential elements necessary for life in today’s ever-changing dynamic world. Kathy Whines is an LCA qualified Life Coach & Training Director, Cert IV Trainer, Presenter, Facilitator, successful Business Owner and Mother. Debbie Hogg is a Master Practitioner in NLP/Neuro-Semantics, an International Coach Federation Credentialed Life Coach (ACC)(LCA), Cert IV Trainer, Presenter, Facilitator, successful Business Owner and Mother. Kathy & Debbie’s guidance and approach will help light the way.

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