Comma Rules

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Comma Rules can be found on pages 626-629 in The Longman Writer. Study your errors; the midterm exam will be over the comma rules! ______________________________________________________ History will ultimately judge the merits of John F. Kennedy’s presidency. One measure, however, must certainly

Comment [DB1]: Rule #7

be the lasting impact of his death. Even today, the events surrounding his assassination are quite fresh in many

Comment [DB2]: Rule# 5

ordinary citizens’ minds.

Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was popular. He loved to mingle with crowds. He had a

Comment [DB3]: Rule# 2

sense of humor, a winning smile, and a friendly nature that endeared him to most Americans. Even those who

Comment [DB4]: Rule #2

did not agree with the man’s political views usually appreciated his intelligence and charm. However, riding

Comment [DB5]: Rule #5

through Dallas on November 22, 1963, president Kennedy became the target for a killer.

Comment [DB6]: Rule # 10

To enjoy the pleasant weather and the Dallas scenery, the president and Mrs. Kennedy chose to ride in an

Comment [DB7]: Rule # 5

open convertible. Three shots rang out when the president’s limousine approached an underpass. Two bullets

hit Kennedy, but for some time, no one seemed to notice. Finally realizing what had happened, Secret Service

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men ordered the car to speed to Parkland Hospital. Doctors worked feverishly, but Kennedy, who had

Comment [DB11]: Rule # 1 Comment [DB12]: Rule # 4

sustained a fatal head wound, died at 1:00 p.m.

Comment [DB13]: Rule # 4

Safely aboard Air Force One at 2:39 p.m., Vice–president Lyndon Baines Johnson took the oath of office and

Comment [DB14]: Rule # 5

was sworn in as the 36th president. Standing beside him was Jacqueline Kennedy. Still clothed in blood-

spattered stockings and a bloody wool suit, she was a stark reminder of the tragedy that had just taken place.

Comment [DB15]: Rule # 1

Even today, almost all who lived through those sad, shocking events can remember exactly where they were

Comment [DB16]: Rule # 5 Comment [DB17]: Rule # 3

and what they were doing when they heard the tragic news.

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