Debi Rae Photography Wedding Pricing 2014

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We d d i n gP a c k a g e s : Bronze Weddi ngPackage:$1 , 550 4hoursofweddi ngdaycoverage I ncl udesengagementsessi onor bri dal /f ormalphot osessi on 1 6by20canvasgal l erywrap

Si l ver

Weddi ngPackage:$2, 250 6hoursofweddi ngdaycoverage I ncl udesengagementsessi onand bri dal /f ormalphot osessi on 20by24canvasgal l erywrap

GOLD Weddi ngPackage:$3, 250 Al ldayofweddi ngdaycoverage I ncl udesengagementsessi on andbri dal /f ormalphot osessi on 20x24 canvasgal l erywrapor ( 2)1 6x20canvasgal l erywraps 1 0x1 0f l ushmountl eat herweddi ngbook

Pl easebri ngcl ot hi ngandaccessori esasneeded.Ext rapi eces can great l yaddt oasessi on.I ti sal sowi set obri nghai rspray,makeup andanyt hi ngel seyoumayneedf ort ouch ups.I ti sal sof un t obri nga f ri end( orparent )t ot hebri dalsessi on t omakesureyourdressl aysri ght andyourhai ri spl ace.I fyouneedhel ppl anni ngaccessori esandext ras Ial wayssuggestbri ngi ngext raandIcan hel pyoupi ckt hebestones!

Wewi lhavef un!Thesesessi onsarecapt uri ngmemori est hat youwi l lt reasureyourent i rel i f e.Beyoursel f ,f l i rt ,gi veski ssesand myf avori t et el leach ot hersomegreatonel i ners.I twi l lgetyou REAL,adorabl e,gorgeousi magest hatyouwi l lbeexci t edt ohangon yourwal l s.Icust omi zei n creat i ngArt .Icapt ureal lt hespeci al moment s,al lt hebi gevent s,andt hen weal sogett hosepi ecesof Artt hatyouwi l lwantasaHUGEcanvasi nt hecent erofyourhome. I ti ssuch af un t i mei n yourl i f e.Sogetreadyandgoon adat e!Then when youcomeoutf oryoursessi on t heonl yj obIgi veyouhavei st o rel ax& enj oyi t !Iwi l ldoal lt hehardwork!Iwi l lgi veal otofdi rect i on andhel pyoubeabl et ohaveaBLAST! ! !

www. debi raephot ography. com


T r a v e lF e e s

TRAVELFEES-from Sai ntGeor ge,Ut ah

Sal tLakeCi t y:$300 Logan,Ut ah:$350 LasVegas,Nevada:$1 25 Sout hernCal i f orni a:$450 Nort hernWyomi ng:$650 Denver ,Col orado:$450 Ihavel oveddoi ngal lsort sofl ocat i onsandDest i nat i onWeddi ngs. I nqui reaboutanywhere!( t ravelf eescovercostofphot ographer’ st i me,gas,f oodandl odgi ng)

E x t r a s

Iam al wayswi l l i ngt ocust omi zeapackagef or eachi ndi vi dualweddi ng. Wi t heachpackagef rom meyouwi l l recei veal lt hei magesf rom yourweddi ng daydi gi t al l yandonaf l ashdri ve. Thepri ntri ght sarei ncl udedi nal lpackages.

Wi t heachweddi ngpackage,expectat40t o60 edi t edi magesperhour . Att het i meofbooki ng50% oft het ot al packagei sdue.I tsecuresyourweddi ngdat e andmyt i me.Al lpackagesare subj ectt oUt ahSt at eSal esTax. Pl easeal l ow 6t o8weeksf oredi t i ng af t ert heweddi ngday And2t o3weeksf orenagagement s. Rushedi t sareavai l abl e.

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