Holistic Heartburn Remedies That Were Scientifically Tried and Tested The need for heartburn remedies is a message from your body telling you something is wrong inside. Your body sends you messages all the time. Most of us ignore the majority of them. Heartburn is after all a desperate message from your body telling you something is wrong inside. The only way you can ever cure your heartburn is from within, using heartburn remedies, by listening to what your body is trying to tell you, work with it and free yourself.
Drugs and Antacids Are the Worst Heartburn Remedies The vast majority of prescription drugs, not just those aimed at being heartburn remedies, can severely damage your delicate natural internal balance, interfere with liver function, build up toxins in your body, slow down your metabolism and lead to serious side effects. British medical scientists have recently linked PPI drugs to Osteoporosis (bone loss). Additionally, taking more than one medication in many cases results in serious reactions between the different drugs as one drug can change or even worse, enhance the effect of the other drug. This can lead to harmful consequences.
It is well known that heartburn remedies like Prilosec, Prevacid or Nexium aimed at treating acid reflux are to be taken for a period of no more than 8 weeks. The reason for that is that these drugs if taken for longer periods can actually stimulate your stomach to produce extra amounts of acid. This occurs because of a hormone called Gastrin, which is produced by the body when these drugs are taken. Over production of Gastrin can often lead to cancer in the esophagus or pancreas as cells in these areas grow too large as a reaction to the over production of Gastrin. Not only do Antacid heartburn remedies such as Tums, Pepcid, Zantac, and Rolaids deal with the symptoms of acid reflux and not with the underlying cause, antacids can also lead to high blood pressure, Alzheimer's Disease and even cancer. Moreover, breaking up the acid in the stomach can eventually make your heartburn worse, since stomach acid helps us absorb nutrients and is the first line of defense against candida (which can lead to acid reflux and heartburn).
Don’t Trust Pharmaceutical Companies for Heartburn Remedies Each year, Americans spent nearly $1 billion use over-thecounter heartburn remedies, such as antacids and products aimed at treating acid reflux, according to Feedback Research Services, a health-care research firm. The antiacid reflux industry reaches billions in sales each and every year. There are hundreds of different manufacturers that produce thousands different products, which are consumed by nearly 37 million people in the United States who have acid reflux!
With billions at stake, these anti-acid reflux companies will tell you anything to get you to buy their worthless heartburn remedies. They'll even lie right to your face! For more than 11 years I've researched and experimented with all these 'very promising' heartburn remedies only to find the true secret to lasting acid reflux freedom just like you're doing now, so I understand how it feels to be exploited like that and throw your hard earned money on the next useless pill, and over the counter and end up with nothing. I wasted thousands of dollars and was frustrated and discouraged just like you before I finally discovered what heartburn remedies really worked.
What Makes Breakthrough Heartburn Remedies So Unique? Permanent heartburn remedies. It's a fact 95% of the people who use conventional acid reflux treatments are able to control their acid reflux temporarily and often they end up worse than when they started. Now you can learn how to be in the successful 5% group that keeps it off forever. Note that conventional heartburn remedies such as drugs, PPI's and antacids, mostly address the symptoms of acid reflux and thus work short-term. Don't believe those web sites that offer a fast remedy to acid reflux. No magic pill or fix-it-all product exists. The solution I now offer is an intelligent, scientific approach that gets acid reflux under control and eliminates its related symptoms within a few short weeks (depending on the severity). My program also teaches you how to prevent acid reflux recurrence, not just the heartburn remedies. Holistic heartburn remedies. It's a fact- curing acid reflux can never be achieved by tackling one of the many factors responsible for acid reflux. If you've ever tried to cure your acid reflux using a one-dimensional treatment like drugs, apple cider vinegar, antacids or even detox diets and failed it's probably because you have tackled only one aspect of the disease. Not only will this system teach you the only way to prevent your acid reflux from being formed, you will also learn the only heartburn remedies to really cure acid reflux for good - the holistic way.
No-Chemical heartburn remedies. Drugs, creams and typical acid reflux treatments sometimes work in a partial way and temporarily and the side effects are nasty. The tiny handful acid reflux sufferers who have learned how to treat their acid reflux from within and without ever using drugs or over the counters are the only people in the world who keep their system clear of acid reflux permanently. Now you can learn these acid reflux heartburn remedies secrets from a nutritionist and a former sufferer who knows from real-world experience exactly how it's done. Heartburn No More promotes a healthy and balanced internal environment while eliminating your acid reflux and preventing its recurrence naturally and safely within 8 weeks. If you're frustrated and confused by information overload and bad/conflicting advice on heartburn remedies, then Heartburn No More is THE SYSTEM that will finally make everything clear for you. When you finish reading the book, you'll say to yourself, "NOW I GET IT!" All the pieces of the acid reflux puzzle will finally fall into place. You'll finally understand the truth behind your acid reflux, the real deep rooted causes and everything else you need to do to eliminate acid reflux from your life forever and feel better than you ever felt before with heartburn remedies.
Put an End To The Confusion Once and For All Cure Acid Reflux With A Safe, Effective and Clear Heartburn Remedies – CLICK HERE.