Porfolio Debora Strenge (09.2022)

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1 DEBORA STRENGE Architecture2022Portfolio



Certification Theme: Registered yoga teacher organized by weom/ yoga alliance hatha Duration:yoga500hours

Task: Design and construction



Archichad Vray, Lumion, Enscape Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign After effects, Adobe Premier Spanish native, English advanced, German intermediate Bachelor of science in mathematics and physics

I define myself as an architect with a multicultural perspective, because of my educational and professional background. I believe that as architects, we have a responsibility to society, that is why in my design process I prioritize the user and how they are influenced by the project. Along my journey, I learned to appreciate sustainability, demonstrating how architecture can be significant while having a lower impact on the environment. For me architecture must be conscious, resilient, and practical, it must create a safe space that allows the user to engage and explore.

Important collaborations: Alaire commercial place, private airport in guayaquil, mall del sol renovation and positano restaurant renovation Arch. DeboraArchitectStrenge

Place/Date of Birth

Dallas FP Collaboration: Wasmiya wellness resort, AnantaraResort. Hochschule Wismar Research Assistant Task: Research assistance Important Collaboration: Wood and Timber researchEducationin Supersupply Berlin Freelance architectural designer Task: Assist in design projects

LanguagesAnimationImageRender2D/3DOfficeLinkedinIssuuInstagramMailAddressTelephoneNationality Guayaquil. 24 Sept, 1994 Ecuadorian, German +49 157 850 Grossbeerenstrasse93586 10963 Berlin, Germany


Ibea s.a Architectural designer and project assistant Task: Design industrial kitchens Important collaborations: Oro verde hotel kitchens, Guayaquil yacht club kitchen A.w arquitectura Architectural designer and project assistant Task: Collaboration in design, administrative functions and construction supervision



Theme: The necessary architecture, the necessary city organized by architecturecollege in pichincha Duration:ecuador 40 hours of conference Theme: From the house to the city, from the city to the house organized by architecture college in pichincha Duration:ecuador 40 hours of conference

Habitat III ONU Theme: The new urban agenda organized by the united nations conference on housing and sustainable urban development Duration: 40 hours Theme:

Studies Info


2022Portfolio DEBORA ArchitecturalSTRENGEDesigner



Important Collaborations: Interior renovation Keytel S.A, Interior renovation Tikilimbo, Interior renovation Bendito Chef and Interior Renovation Naurpharma S.A Perkins Eastman ArchitecturalGuayaquilDesigner Task: Design Collaboration Important Collaboration: NYC PE Collaboration: Difare projects; Tornero Residential, Plaza celeste commercial, Naciones Unidas Residential, Gran Manzana Commercial.

32022Portfolio INDEX 604842281848325662646668707201. Bibliotheque Bahia of Caraquez - Resilience and permeability 02. Kita Kroepelin - Interiors shape us 03. Mixed use Berlin - A tale through transitions 04. Pedernales Block - Integration in the midst of vulnerability 05. Forest School - A space merge with nature 06. Panamerican Village - Alteration through time 07. Women’s House - The weaving tradition 08. Tornero Housing - The phenomenology of a community 09. The covid prototype - Cohabiting in distance 10. Flea market - Adaptability 11. Pannonia 12. Tiny House Anconcito 13. Naturpharma 14. Bendito Chef 15. Tikilimbo Academic ProfessionalCompetitionsprojectsprojectsSketchesInteriordesignInteriordesign AcademicDuration:projects1week Design and constructionDesign

4projectAcademic-2022Portfolio ConceptMassing program diagram 01. Resilience and permeability


The concept of the project focuses on the relationship between spaces and the boundaries created between them. The zoning diagram informs the arrangement and flow of areas in the theatre. The distribution gives the user a more fluid experience, connecting the outdoors with the indoors.

The main objective is to motivate the community in the aftermath of this terrible natural disaster, giving them a safe place of knowledge and entertainment. An additional aim was to provide a space of integration and recreation involving the environment and the cultural aspects of the people.


This project emerges from the necessity of a new building for the people of Bahía de Caráquez, due to the destruction caused by the 6.0 (Richter scale) earthquake that struck the coast of Ecuador.

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio N+0.00 N+0.36 N+0.36N+0.00 21 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 10 9 14 11 12 19 15 181716 20 N+5.00 N+5.00N+4.00 N+4.00 22 25 26 24 27 23 30 28 29 31 33 32 34 36 35 37 38 39 4041 43 44 42 6 Ground floor plan Sections Second floor plan 20m

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio20m 7 Third floor plan Section


The town of Kroepelin requires a redevelopment plan for its school campus. The project focuses on designing the master plan to be developed in phases and the detailed architectural design of the Kita building. The design needs to consider existing buildings and integrate them harmoniously. The building has to respond to modern standards for the sustainable conditions of education facilities and allow for the possibility of expansion.

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio8 02. Interiors shape us

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio9ESC1:250000 Kropelin School Existing WaterGreenGardens,Amenitiesbuildingwoodsareasbodies Train rail Train Hauptstraßerail B 105 Nebenstraßen Secondary streets Secondary streets

10projectAcademic-2022Portfolio Urban proposal Master plan N

11 GMiddKindergartenleschool1stbuilding:946sqGFA:2454sqmFA:4464sqmElementary school 2nd 1508building:sq1stbuilding:1130sqGFA:2642Commonsqm area GbuildingFA:430 sqm Gym building GFA: 1635 sqm Integration building GFA 89815122ndsqmbuilding:sq

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio 1 2 3456 8 9 12 10 11 713 30J BA C’ D HI N+640mmN+100mm 12 Ground floor Solar orientation Section B-B’ Service areas Open areas Wet GroundfloorVerticalMainareasareascirculationEnhancingAddingSubstractingZoning

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio29 1721 14 15 16 20192218 23 24 28 27262531 32 353433 36 37 38 39 4140 4342 44 45 47 4846 49 5051525453 55 4321 8765 K L M N O P Q R B’A’ D’ ABCDEFG 10m 13 B B’ 1. Group room A 2. Adjoining room A 3. Sanitary room A 4.Wardrobe A 5.Closet Material 6. Sleepin room A 7. HLT + ELTS 8. Group room B 9. Adjoining room B 10. Closet material B 11. Wardrobe B 12. Sanitary room B 13. Equipment room 14. Adjoining room C 15. Group room C 16. Sleeping room C 17. General Bathrooms 18. Closet material C 19. Wardrobe C 20. Sanitary room C 21. Stroller Storage 22. Closet material D 23. Wardrobe D 24. Sanitary room D 25. Server room 26. Adjoining room D 27. Group room D 28. Sleeping room D 29. Lobby 30. Integrative room E 31. Therapy room E 32. Sanitary room E 33. Adjoining room E 34. Wardrobe E 35. Closet material E 36. General bathrooms 37. Santary room F 38. Group room F 39. Adjoining room F 40. Closet material F 41 Wardrobe F 42. Group room G 43. Adjoining room G 44. Closet material G 45. Sanitary room G 46 Sanitary room H 47. Wardrobe G 48. Wardrobe H 49. Group room H Closet material 50. Wardrobe H 51. Staffchangingroomroom 52. Cleaning room 53. Laundry room 54. Dirty clothes room 55. Lobby

14 ExplodedFacades axonometry 01. Roof: Metal corrugated roofing 02. Roof structure: Glued laminated timber structure 04. Exterior walls: Self Stabilizedsupportedrammed earth wall 03. Main structure: Glued laminated timber for columns and beams 05. Foundation: Slab structure 06. Internal divisions: Timber partitions wall 07. WindowTimberframes:clad


Facade detail section Scale 1:25 16

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio17N+320mmN+00m Timber beams 90x140mm Laminated timber Self adhering membrane Timber beams 90x140mm Soffit section Metal batten structure Main timber beam 140x360mm Light hemp insulation 120mm Square profile gutter Timber gutter support Clay plaster finish 10mm Clay undercoat 30mm Stabilized rammed earth wall 150mm Stabilized rammed earth wall 200mm External window frame Furring structure L profile 200x20mm with thermal separation L profile 200x20mm with thermal separation ThermalWindowseparationframe Glulam column Typical timber floor Laminated timberScreedfloor Recylcled rubber sound absortion layer 12mm Flooring wood fiber insulation 50mm Breathable floor protection membrane Secondary beams 90x140mm Mineral wool insulation 200mm CLT panel 60mm Fire protection board Typical concrete floor Concrete floor Concretefinishslab WaterproofBituminousSandMembraneBindinglayer Concrete Base Concrete footing Slope to Draindrainpipe Cavity celullose insulation 70mm Corrugated metal roof

2. Mixed-use: The building will work with different programs according to each floor, leaving the upper floors for housing, the first floor as offices and co-working spaces, and the ground floor as a market store.


03. A tale through transitions


3. Entrepreneur creativity and culture: The open space will allow different activities to promote the culture, the users’ imagination, and specific areas to encourage entrepreneurship.

This project uses Berlin strategies as a guideline:

Linear public space: Lanes for bikes and pedestrians. Integrating vegetation. Enhancing neighbors to use the different amenities of the quarter.

1. Dynamism and adaptability: An open and dynamic ground floor layout created by internal pathways connecting different quarter programs and inspiring meeting points. Internal ground floor pathways to connect the different programs of the quarter.

4. Green buffer: As one of the main strategies along the quarter, there will be a public green space that will work as a buffer between the building and the railway tracks.

The green buffer creates the boundary for the public space separating it from the railway tracks. Internal paths to connect the different programs of the quarter.

19 Green VerticalCommonareasareascirculation

Grocery store experience: The marketplace will work in two different sectors. One that will satisfy the basic needs of the local people, and the other sector that will work as a zero waste organic market.

Mixed use Green bufferAdaptabilityDynamism CultureCreativityEntrepreneur

Activation area 1: Multipurpose space, which will work for co-working, and can hold activities like parties, lectures, workshops, and meetings.

Connecting Multipurposearea:space, creating a lively synergy between indoors and outdoors. Creative sector galleries, and exhibitions.

Activation area 3: Multipurpose space focuses on the element of education. Workshops with foodies, dietitians, and urban farmers. Complementing the grocery store program

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio Checkouts Interactive areas Exhibition areas Service areas Storage and service area LoadingandHealthdockbeautyCheckouts Checkouts goodsandCanneddry Refrigerators goodsandCanneddry Canned and dry goods Meat fishcheeseRestaurants suppliesWineanddrinkscleaninghouseholdPetsupplies SS.HH marketGreenBakery Coworking spaces Exhibition areas Educational areas Service areas Areas for the artisans artisansStands Private office Private office areasOpen coworkingfor Event hall art gallery SS.HHEducationalarea Residential area Office area Service areas SS.HH Private office Private officeofficePrivate SS.HHSS.HH ApartmentmentApart1Apart-ment42Apartment3 1Apartment Apart 2ment ColivingSenior SS.HH ApartmentmentApart1Apartment42Apartment3 20 Ground floorSecondFirstZoningfloor& Third floor Fourth & Fifth floor 20m

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio21Site Plan

22projectAcademic-2022Portfolio Ground floor Section First floor

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio10m10m 23 Second floor

24projectAcademic-2022Portfolio Views



projectAcademic-2022Portfolio Parapet Metal 26 Facade detail section Scale 1:50






This project emerges from the necessity of a new urban approach; the urban block focuses on planning and designing commercial and residential spaces where people could start a new business and have earthquake-proof housing. The block contains four principal elements: multi-purpose spaces, multi-family buildings, amenities, and public spaces. The project’s main objective is to bring solutions to the people who lost their homes and places of work and provide different methods for their economicrecovery. Affected areas Mediumdamagesdamages

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio job recontructionemergencyurbanelsourcesectricitylandmarkssewagewasterainwaterdrinkingwaterroadsplanplanfamily 28 04. Integration in the midst of vulnerability


Risk areas Actions

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio VERTIBLE carrillopezlo gonzalessuarez church gatheredinfodesign of new building and the central plaza nuclaverageearfamilywholesale commerceinformal cnts upermarket roomwakeibarralascove streetmanabi lepedernasstreet streettachina auxiliadoramaria cedenoslocar street1ats 29 Neighborhoods Land use Expansion area Green HousingRetailHotelsareasRisk Expansionareas area Expansion area Las LaMariaBuenasTorremolinosBrisaspalmitasdelmarperasLuisageronima

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio Site plan AO 1 4 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1312 14 20mA"O Section 30 Multi family building Multi purpose space Amenity building 1. Multifamily lobby 2. Multifamily SS.HH 3. Multifamily storage 4. Single space workshop 5. Double workshop spaces 6. Individual tiny house workshop 7. Conference room 8. Cafeteria 9.

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio31Model Section

32 05.

The forest school is a pilot project in Olón, Ecuador, promoting an alternative education system involving nature. The project aims for a holistic design that can enhance the community identity, the building circularity, and a system that responds to an adaptable program. The data was collected through interviews, observation, surveys, and an existing database to understand better the place, the community, and the strategies implemented. The result is the development of a pilot project that advocates minimizing the impact on the natural environment through carefully understanding the context’s qualities and needs, promoting children to learn from nature. The discussion relies on how sustainable a building could be while creating dynamic and exciting spaces for the students and adaptable spaces so the whole community can be involved encouraging a sense of belonging.

Forest Community Identity Education Construction

Circularity Systems A space merge with nature




projectAcademic-2022Portfolio HarvestOrientate Elevate Regulate Stabilize AssembleAugment 34

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio AMPM OpenEnfold CirculateInclude 35

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio Section B-B’ workshopmultipurposespace2 stage 1 vegetablegarden 1 2 3 9 4 8 N + 0.50m N + 3.50m N + 8.06m 5 6 7 A B A’ B’ 36 Stage 1: Mountain space Stage 2: Mountain space Workshop: Hands-on space M. purpose 1: Cave space Vegetable garden: Watering hole stage 1 stage 2 stage 2 workshop WC multipurpose space 1 grey water filtervegetable garden areaservice Guadua Guadua

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio 6mSection A-A’ spacemultipurposeWC2 spacemultipurpose3 spacemultipurpose1workshop N + 0.86m N + 3.50m N + 7.06 1. Guadua gutter 2. Gray water plant filter and cells 3. Cross ventilation 4. Underground water tank polyethylene 5. Stack ventilation 6. Guadua cane: Sun and rain protection 7. Waterproof membrane layer 8. Recycled fishing nets 9. Photovoltaic solar panel A B A’ B’ M. purpose 2-3: Campfire space 10m 37 multipurpose space 2 multipurpose space 3

projectAcademic-2022Portfolio classroom 1 closeworkshopclosestage1+workshop stage 1 + multipurpose space 1 stage 2 + multipurpose space 1 all openspaces 38





Wood teak planks 10x2cm Secondary teak beams 6x12cm Coconut insulated membrane 12mm Lattice bamboo ceiling layer 12mm Double bamboo beam 12cm beams 12cm GuaduaBolt beams 12cm Metal anchor Metal Tensioninganchorsupport handrail 8cm Spaced guadua lattice panel frame 4x12cm Framing wooden batten 4x2cm Weaved bamboo lattice Mosquito net Wood teak planks 10x2cm Secondary teak beams 6x12cm Breather space Double bamboo beam 12cm corrugated roofing Coconut insulated membrane 12mm bamboo ceiling layer


12mm Bamboo trusses Typical roof Joint type 1 N+0.86N+3.50 2m Typical floor GF Typical floor



projectAcademic-2022Portfolio41Black steel plate 0.05cm Anticorrosive paint Guadua columns 12cm Guadua columns 12cm Guadua beams 12cm Guadua beams 12cm Metallic clamps Metallic Waterproof,baseinsulating breather Foundation rebar Concrete 250kg/cm2 Bolt and nut Bolt and nut Joint type Foundation2 Facade detail

42 Competitions-2022Porfolio

Competition-2022Portfolio High traffic lanes Low traffic lanes Main public park amenities accessPedestrian parkPublicBuildings High traffic lanes Low traffic lanes Main public park amenities accessPedestrian parkPublicBuildings 43 06. Alteration through time

The project focuses on developing housing units and infrastructure for the athletes of the Panamerican games. the games, the residential units will be able to rent and purchased by the local community. project will focus on four key strategies. model. units. communities. with context.

1. Create a new residential

2. Flexible/adaptable housing

3. Sustainable design and healthy


4. Strong relationship

Program massingHeightUrbanCirculationLocationconceptand Team: David Peralta, Cesar Villavicencio





As a way to organize, rearrange and create more flexible spaces, we proposed an initial unit with two permanent brick walls and two drywalls which allows the family, to modify the Pan American villas according to their own needs.

Types of units Post Panamerican useuse


Panamerican areas Post Panamerican use

We considered that the bedroom configurations for the athletes need more space for all the delegates so, we use the entire 3.5x7m unit for them.

The bedrooms could fit in half the area of the entire unit, allowing the people to have more bedrooms or a different use such as a stair with a home garden.


46Competition-2022Portfolio 1 Floor configuration 2 Bedroom configuration MultifunctionalBathroomopenspace Single Bed room Vertical circulation

This configuration is the simpler one and would be located on the first floor. It is de signed for Paralympic athletes and could also be used by an elderly couple that are unable to climb stairs in the other configurations. Configuration designed for a 4-5 member family. It is a two-floor apartment that could have a bigger room or two smaller ones. It also has a multi-functional space, in this case, used as a home garden


Kitchen area + dining area + living area



Kitchen area + dining area + living area Kitchen area + dining area + living area

Single bedroom Expansion area Big bedroom with two bunk beds

Big bedroom with two queen size beds

The configuration designed for the Pan American athletes. It is a two-floor apartment with three larger bedrooms and a smaller one. After the end of the Pan American Games, it could be transformed into a huge apartment with many rooms or different areas because of its flexible walls.

3 Bedroom configuration

Two small bedrooms that could be merged in a bigger one

Small bedroom with a bunkBathroombed

Big bedroom with two queen size beds

Multifunctional open space/ ladder area

Open and close boundaries through brick spacingReduce CO2 emission by using Up-cycling solutions; Use old plastic bottles and bags to weave the panels, use abandoned tires to build a strong foundationThe

Embrace the local traditions and welcome people to sit underneath the tree and partake in the activities of the Women’s house Space organization from private to public Use of local materials and environmentally friendly structures

Competition-2022Portfolio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 48 Concept diagram Celebrate vernacular architectureThe

The circular shape allows participants to cohere better, reflect together, and develop trust among themselves.

Thatched roof straw Main structure: Rosewood trunk Self-supporting wall: Clay brick

roof, the walls, and the floor have been designed with independent construction systems, to facilitate its construction and allow the community to build it by themselves

Honor traditional weaving techniques to construct flexible panels and bring color, joy, harmony, and environmental consciousness to the women’s house. The weaved panels work as a means of expression, allowing everyone to participate in its assembly; weaving together not only panels but a strong and equal community

“Hut” provides a sense of belonging and invites the change towards an equal community to begin at home

Generating flexible and adaptable spaces.

‘‘HUT’’ recognizes Senegalese women as the pillars of their community, the epitome of strength and resilience, and essential contributors to build a healthy, strong, and equal Thesociety.design proposes a safe, playful, and flexible space that invites dialogue and empowers women. The traditional hut has been taken as a source of inspiration and as a celebration of vernacular architecture. At the same time, the ‘Hut’ provides a sense of belonging and inspires the change towards an equal community to begin at home. In this way, the project encourages women of all ages to participate.

07. The

49Competition-2022PortfolioTHE WOVEN HOUSE “HUT”

‘‘HUT’’ walls have been designed with different levels of transparency. From private to public, from solid to open. The management office is characterized by its solid clay brick walls with few openings that provide plenty of light and ventilation. The flexible space, where workshops and education seminars will be held, distinguishes from the other spaces by the use of semi-open brick walls. The dialogue space shares walls with the other spaces and opens up to the tree, using nature as its own wall. The three spaces are divided by flexible panels that can be removed or rotated to create one big space and/or adapt to other programs. The project honors the weaving techniques from Senegal and promotes the use of recycled plastic to weave these flexible panels, bringing color, joy, harmony, and environmental consciousness to the house. The woven panels work as a means of expression, allowing everyone to participate in its assembly; weaving together not only panels but a strong and equal community. weaving tradition Team: Janice Lobo, Maria Antonia

1 2 3 4 5 6 50 Ground floor 1. Stage 2. Multipurpose room 3. Exhibit room 4. Administrative area

10m 51 ThatchedRoofGroundfloorFloorFoundationstructurestructureroof

Module 1 Modu e 2 Modu e 3 Module 4 Modu e 1 Modu e 2 Modu e 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 1 Section A Section B Section C Ramp 1st


Foundation: 3 gravel bags Foundation: 3 double brick rows Single brick walls spaced in different ways

triangular modules 200x50mm Wood brackets Glue and triangularpintop and bottom. detail Stairsaccess: 2nd Stairsaccess: in




Foundation: 3 gravel bags Foundation: 3 double brick rows Single brick walls spaced in different ways in Rosoilsewood 70x110mm Concrete filled 2 Recycled detail RebarRosewood modules 200x50mm Wood brackets Glue and triangularpintop and bottom. detail Stairsaccess:Stairsaccess: in the soil

Dig 45cm


the soil

Module 1 Modu e 2 Modu e 3 Module 4 Modu e 1 Modu e 2 Modu e 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 1 Section A Section B Section C Ramp 1st

54321 54321Dig 45cm

Dig 45cm

Construction manual Floor Walls

52Competition-2022Portfolio 54321 54321Dig 45cm in theRosoilsewood column 70x110mm Concrete filled 2 Recycled tires Joint detail RebarRosewood

tires Joint




53Competition-2022Portfolio 321 76 54 Dig 45cm in the soil321 76 54 Dig 45cm in the soil Roof

1. Thatch Roof Overhang 2. Cross Ventilation 3. Trench to collect and drain water 4. Under-floor Ventilation 5. Stack Ventilation A. Single Brick Wall on Gravel Bag Foundation B. Floor Support on Concrete filled Tires with Rebar C. Flexible Wall Panels with Woven Recycled Plastic D. Sand filled Tire Column Foundation E. Bamboo Roof Gutter F. Bamboo Structure Underground Water Tank encased in Concrete + 0.45 m + 5.92 m 54Competition-2022Portfolio EscSection1:75


projectProfessional-2022Portfolio Main SamboTerciarySecondaryroad/Busroadroadtrolley RetailEducationCulturalMixedResidentialuse 56 Transportation Green areas Land use 08. The phenomenology of a community

Engage with the surroundings to encourage renewal and development. Understand the vernacular architecture of the area to be able to improve the quality and effectiveness of the design.


This project is derived from the site analysis to determine the perfect program for this area. Gated communities and institutional hubs surround the site. Due to the presence of a university and two elementary schools, it is a student zone. Several private open spaces belong to gated communities, and the main road has the potential to become an available space network. Nearby schools and universities are less than 10 minutes away, several retail spaces along the main avenue, and a bikeway is incorporated into the main road. The best program concluded for this site is university housing, a technological community celebrating Guayaquil’s nature and river. Walking range Surrounding engagement Education amenity

Implement an education facility to integrate the other gated communities that are within the surroundings, and create the interrelations of users and educational areas.


58projectProfessional-2022Portfolio ActivitiesZoningConcept Pathway GuayasRiver WatchPlayJoin Restore Live LiveStudyTalk LearnExercise WorkGather Exchange EscapeShare ExperimentPlayInviteProtectRememberCreate Wetland Park The community Student villa

projectProfessional-2022Portfolio40m 59 Site Pathwayplan view

Ecuador has high temperatures, approximately 30 degrees, and a UV index of 12, which causes discomfort. It also has high annual precipitation, exposing people to rain. One of the problems identified when the pandemic started was that social distancing was often disrespected because of impatience, terrible weather conditions, and long waiting lines.

The B. Safe prototype is an immediate solution to encourage the users to respect social distancing while having fun and providing shelter. The user’s queue scans the QR code, leading them to an app that will entertain and activate a GPS tracker that will make them respect social distancing while activating a GPS that will make them appreciate the social distancing.

Steps for disassembly 09. Cohabiting in distance

projectsAcademic-2022Portfolio 6412357 60


your points 75% scan your code your75%pointsHELLO! menu MY LIMITS minutes left for your appointment my entertainmentprofileMYLIMITSMYAWARDS 00:00 minutes left for your appointment 00:00 SOCIALDISRESPECTINGDISTANCINGKEEPYOURSAFE DISTANCE IN THE WAITING LINE 61 3DAppPerspectiveinterfaceScan the code



The stand is a module in the configuration of a market. The concept was based on a prototype that could be easily disassembled, transported, reassembled, and repurposed. It works with a thick fabric that can be configured for functions such as a seat with a roof, a shelter, a vegetable patch, a tall table, and a regular table. The tension of the fabric allows the structure to be stable.

Timber 50x100mmstructure Organic fabricwaterproofhemp Fabric detail for joint Metal bracket Mortise and tenon type of Timberjoint d:50cmstructurecircular Construction details 10. Adaptability

63 Flexible configurations Market view


In Guayaquil, the specialty coffee industry is growing, with the city’s demand for specialty coffee shops. The interior design of this project focuses on bread as well as coffee. The main area of the coffee shop is the brew bar which holds the grinders, the coffee machines, the v60, and every necessary equipment for a barista to be comfortable. It also displays the different types of bread that the owners will offer.

The design focuses on creating a pleasant and comfortable space for people to work, read, and gather with friends while enabling a takeaway dynamic. It allows artists to turn the area into an exhibit for artists to showcase their art.



65designInterior-2022PortfolioAxonometryPlan 1 2 3 4 1. Service area 2. Counter, brad display and brew bar 3. SS.HH 4. Kitchen 3m

66designInterior-2022Portfolio 1. Kitchen 2. Living room 1 3. Living room 4. SS.HH 5. Bedroom 6. Exterior area 5m 21 3 4 5 6 12


TINY AnconcitoHOUSE-Ecuador

This project is part of a residential master plan. The main concept was to create a loft that could integrate several areas into one space. The kitchen and the exterior area can work as one if you open the glass panels. Since it is located in a gated community, security is not an issue, so there are many windows and open spaces. The primary construction material is timber and concrete for the walls.

designInterior-2022Portfolio 5m 1 3 4 2 5 68 SamborondonNATURPHARMA-Ecuador 1. Service area 2. Doctors office 3. Waiting area 4. Coffee area 5. SS.HH Naturpharma is a retail design of a pharmacy. It needed two divided areas but unified aesthetically, one area for commercial use and the other for medical practices. The main focus is the porous boundary made of concrete blocks, allowing visual but not physical communication. 13 Design and construction


BENDITO CHEF Guayaquil - Ecuador


The project’s main requirement was to provide a design for high customer rotation. This means it focuses on functionality rather than comfort, maintaining the industrial style of the restaurant. (Capacity of 30 people). Design and construction


designInterior-2022Portfolio 1 2 4 3 5 1. Administrative area 2. Service area 3. Exterior area 4. Kitchen 5. SS.HH 5m 71

15 Design

This project needed an extension, focusing on the new bakery shop. For this space to function correctly, the restaurant required a redesign of the central kitchen and the waitress area. As well as the design of new areas, like the cellar. The project is designed in a bohemian and beach style.


designInterior-2022Portfolio 1 2 3 456 5m 1. Service area 2. Counter 3. Cellar 4. Bakery kitchen 5. Main kitchen 6. Administrative area 72



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