MOUNTAINCoachellaGOLFVISTACLUBValleyGem Tiger’s Trophies Disappear Water Created Out of Thin Air Toes In or Out? Pogey. Emacity. Jiffle. Taniwha. What Do They Mean? A GOOD READ GOLFNEWSMAG.COM TM Country Club Living REAL ESTATE Finest Realtors Representing Finest Properties WHERE TO DESERTPLAYGOLFCOURSES Map and Guide

Visit Us Online: www.GolfNewsMag.com2 Golf News Magazine | June, July, August, September 2022

Course Details Designer: Billy Casper | 36 Holes Santa Rosa Course 18 Holes | Par 72 6,720 Yards from Back Tees San Gorgonio Course 18 Holes | Par 72 6,669 Yards from Back Tees Practice Facility Full Length Driving Range Chipping Green Two Large Putting Greens Property Amenities Two Fully Stocked Proshops PGA Instructors Onsite Meetings and Weddings Catering Restaurant/Dining Boulevards Bar and Grill Open to the Public 38180 Del Webb Blvd Palm Desert, CA 92211 760-200-2200 If you are looking for a top-rated golf course in Southern California’s Coachella Valley, look no further than Moun tain Vista Golf Club in the community of Sun City, Palm Desert. Nestled in the Coachella Valley against the dramat ic backdrop of the Indio Hills, Mountain Vista Golf Club is a golfer’s oasis in the desert. This year-round facility features 36 holes of championship golf designed by World Golf Hall of Famer and two-time PGA Player of The Year Billy Casper. The San Gorgonio course re cently redesigned in 2021 by Casey O’Callaghan Golf Course Region: Palm Desert / Course Type: Semi-Private Design offers Mini Verde Bermuda putting greens that pro vide optimal putting surfaces year-round. Strategically placed bunkers put accuracy to the test. The Santa Rosa Course will tend to take your concentration away with beautiful views of the San Jacinto Mountains above Palm Springs. Mountain Vista Golf Club also offers elegant and versatile facil ities for your next social or business function. From weddings and stage performances to business meetings and banquets, Mountain Vista Golf Club at Sun City Palm Desert will accom modate your needs and impress your guests and clients. Fred Waring Dr gStnotnihsaW yevAeretnoMpDreoHboB Stnosre ff eJ DrmlaPeaD 50th Ave Country Club Dr Dinah Shore Dr Gerald Ford Dr E. Ramon Rd. Ramon Rd. SPRINGSPALM CATHEDRALCITYRANCHOMIRAGE DESEPALMRTTHOUSANDINDIANWELLSPALMS LA QUINTA COACHELLA BERMUDADUNES INDIO 10 10 111 111 111 2 1 3 GOLFNEWS CIMARRONPUBLICGOLF RESORT 67-603 30th Ave., Cathedral City (760) 770-6060 18 Regulation, Par 71; SL 123 18 Exec. Par 56; SL 83 (760) 251-5370 18 Regulation, Par 72; SL142 ESCENA GOLF CLUB 1100 Clubhouse View, Palm Springs (760) 778-2737 18 Regulation, Par 72; SL 130 (760) 200-8988 18 Regulation, Par 72; SL 127 THE GOLF CENTER AT PALM DESERT 74945 Sheryl Ave., Palm Desert 9-Hole,(760)779-1877Par3 See ad page 11 THE LIGHTS AT INDIO GC 83-040 Avenue 42 (760) 391-4049 See ad page 11 SUN CITY SHADOW HILLS 80-875 Ave. 40, Indio (760) 200-3375 18 Regulation, Par 71 CATHEDRAL CANYON GOLF & TENNIS 68311 Paseo Real., Cathedral City. (760) 328-6571 27 Regulation, Par 72; SL 125-140 DESERT PRINCESS 28555 Landau, Cathedral City (760) 322-2280 27 Regulation, Par 72; SL 121-126 MISSION LAKES CC 8484 Clubhouse Bl., Desert Hot Springs (760) 329-8061 18 Regulation, Par 71; SL 124 MOUNTAIN VISTA GOLF CLUB 38180 Del Webb Blvd. Palm Desert (760) 200-2200 36 Reg., Par 72; SL 125 See ad page 3 (760) 345-2791 18 Regulation, Par 72; SL 117 See ad page 13 PGA WEST RESORT Nicklaus Course 56-150 PGA Boulevard, La Quinta (760) 564-5729 18 Regulation, Par 72; SL 139 PGA WEST RESORT Norman Course 81-405 Kingston Heath, La 18(760)Quinta564-5729Regulation,Par 72; SL 139 PGA WEST RESORT Stadium Course 56-150 PGA Boulevard, La 18(760)Quinta564-5729Regulation,Par 72; SL 150 RESORTS available to the public EAGLE FALLS GC, FANTASY SPRINGS 84-245 Indio Springs Pkwy, (760)Indio 238-5633 18 Regulation, Par 72; SL 133 (760) 346-4653 36 Regulation, Par 72; SL 120-/122 LA QUINTA RESORT (DUNES) 50-200 Ave. Vista Bonita, La 18(760)Quinta564-5729Regulation,Par 72; SL 137 LA QUINTA RESORT (MT) 50-200 Ave. Vista Bonita, La 18(760)Quinta564-5729Regulation,Par 72; SL 140 MARRIOTT’S SHADOWRIDGE RESORT 9002 Shadow Ridge Rd, Palm Desert (760) 674-2700 18 Regulation, Par 71; SL 132 SILVERROCK RESORT (TALLUS) 79179 Ahmanson Ln, La Quinta (888) 600-7272 18 Regulation, Par 72 See ad page 7 WOODHAVEN CC 41-555 Woodhaven Dr. Palm Desert (760) 345-7636 18 Regulation, Par 70; SL 118 DESERT WILLOW GOLF RESORT 38-995 Desert Willow Drive Palm Desert, California 92260 36 Holes of Championship Golf Firecliff Course, 7,056 yrds Mountain View Course, 6,913 yrds (760) 346-0015 1 2 3 4 5 5 Celebrating 38 years of publishing Golf News Magazine Enjoy interacting with people and enjoy creating new relationships selling. Join the Golf News Magazine team! Advertising Sales Executive Wanted! Excellent commissions and bonuses. Over 100 sale leads given to you immediately when you start. Email publisher Dan Poppers at and/or call him at (760) 321–8800

WATER FROM THIN AIR BOON FOR GOLF COURSES Water – the lifeblood for us humans and for our beloved golf courses. Water usage on golf courses is a huge issue. If SOURCE Global Senior Director Colid Goddard is able to propel his company’s technology on a grand scale, golf courses will have a never before tapped new source of water . “The air we breathe is full of water,” reports Brian Oaster in Men’s Journal (Feb/Mar’22). “But the air we breathe is full of wa ter. There’s more water in the air than in all of the earth’s rivers combined. If we only could stick a straw in it. One tech start-up has found a way to do that. Sort of.
“In 1999, King was hit by a van, which he later purchased for $1,500 in order to destroy it with a sledgehammer, “ reports PARADE (May 8, ‘22)
By Dan Poppers
A glass of water out of thin air – it’s now a reality. (Manu Schwendener/unsplash photo)
Beyond The Course
Water – the lifeblood for us belovedandhumansforourgolfcourses.
Anger is part of golf. Golf allows us to explore this fundamental emotion in a variety of ways. Three-putt from 10 feet – anger! Tee off on a wide fairway and hit the ball O.B. – anger! Miss a 2-foot put for birdie – more anger!
GOLFNEWS senses this is just the beginning of a technology that will become more and more sophisticated. Whether or not it will become a revolutionary breakthrough on a grand scale where golf courses and society as a whole will significantly benefit remains to be seen. Those of us at GOLFNEWS are hopefully optimistic that the proliferation will take place.
Visit Us Online: 5June, July, August, September 2022 | Golf News Magazine BEYOND THE COURSE TM
But one of golf’s great characteristics is learning to deal with one’s anger. Golf gives us a variety of opportunities to “mellow out” – to take a negative situation and deal with it in a construc tive way. Easier said than done.
Borrowing from the benefits of primal therapy, if your golf game has abandoned you, here’s some advice. If you’ve been playing long enough, the abandonment is temporary. However, the anxiety of exactly when your golf game will return can be overwhelming. So, take an old set of clubs (keep your regular set for future use), take a sledgehammer, and beat the shit out of the old set. Vent all that anger. Find joy in the catharsis, as did Stephen King did when he killed his van!
SOURCE Global’s innovative hydopanels suck up water from the air in Saudi Arabia, Western Australia, Warm Springs Reservation in arid central Oregon, and hopefully someday on or near your favorite Coachella Valley golf course. Each 4 X 8 foot panel weighs about 340 pounds dry, but gain weight as they slowly fill with water absorbed from the atmo sphere. A row of fans draw air into each panel, where it is moved through hygroscopic mesh material that separates the water from the oxygen. Solar energy drives the panels’ internal elec tronics; remarkably, sunlight is creating the water. Each panel generates about a gallon and half of water per day, depending on climate conditions. Doesn’t sound like much but if thousands of panels were to be put in place and operative, we’re talking thousands of gallons per day of water being created out of thin air! Millions of panels, then millions of gallons of water. A phe nomenal “new source” of water! Vent your golf anger – do to your clubs what Stephen King did to his van.
Every golfer that has played the game long enough has expe rienced rage on the course. Enough rage where throwing one’s full bag of clubs into the nearby lake was seriously considered. But instead of throwing them in deep blue, you might consider beating the hell out of them. In essence, kill them, as did famed author Stephen King did to his van.

Visit Us Online: www.GolfNewsMag.com6 Golf News Magazine | June, July, August, September 2022 GOLFNEWSMAG.COM GOLFNEWS A GOOD READ TM Southern California’s Premier Golf Magazine Editor-In-Chief DAN POPPERS DistributionPublisher DENNY KOVACS Contributing SUSIE BERNING Writers JOHN COOK D.M. FREDDANIELSELLIOTTBOBFAGANALGEIBERGERBRYANGEIBERGERJACKGIBSONJOHNMARSHALLTYNELSON GOLF NEWS Magazine is published 9 times per year. Contents of this publication cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. All correspondence should be addressed to GOLF NEWS, P.O. Box 1040, Rancho Mirage CA 92270 or The contents of GOLF NEWS Magazine are fully protected under copyright law. Opinions of contributing writers are not neces sarily the views of GOLF NEWS Magazine. P.O. Box 1040 Rancho Mirage CA 92270 Corrections:poppersdan10@gmail.com760-321-8800www.GolfNewsMag.comWecorrecterrorspromptly. If you have corrections or clarifications, please contact Editor-in-Chief Dan Poppers at (760) 321-8800 or at MOUNTAINCoachellaGOLFVISTACLUBValleyGem Tiger’s Trophies Disappear Water Created Out of Thin Air Toes In or Out? Pogey. Emacity. Jiffle. Taniwha. What Do They Mean? A GOOD READ GOLFNEWSMAG.COM Country Club Living REAL ESTATE Finest Realtors Representing Finest Properties WHERE TO DESERTPLAYGOLFCOURSES Map and Guide ON THE COVER Majestic view of Mountain Vista Golf Club in Palm Desert, California. Mountain Vista Golf Club is a prime example why golfers call golf courses cathe drals – the place where golfers worship the sport they love in an environment of beauty. WHO WINS THE FIGHT? GOLFERS VS. DAY CARE CENTER Who would ever think that a day care center and golfers would go at it in court? But it’s true. “A woman is suing the city of Lakeway, Texas, claiming officials closed her home day-care center be cause it annoyed nearby golfers,” stated THE WEEK “Bianca King started taking care of kids at her home, with the full approval of state officials, after being laid off during the pandemic. City officials later shut her down, however, after golfers reportedly complained about ‘noise’ and ‘toys’ in King’s yard. business permit, Bain strolled up to the podium in opposition…. Bain’s principle complaints against the home daycare were that the toys in Bianca’s backyard were visible from the golf course and that golfers could see and hear children Oneplaying.”might guess that writer Andrew Wimer, while being excellent with words either is a high handicapper or doesn’t play golf at all. Loud noise and the en joyment of golf do not jell. On the other hand, children equipment in a person’s yard being a distraction to golfers, that’s a Yet,stretch.Wimer’s concluding words deserve consideration: “Bianca owns her home and the service she provides is important to families in her community and critical to her supporting her own children. It’s sad that her retired, golf-obsessed neighbors felt the urge to shut her down, prioritizing their hobby over someone else’s livelihood. Here’s an idea though: maybe when someone is teeing off on the eighth hole, just give them a mulligan if their backswing is disrupted by the de lightful squeal of a child playing nearby. It won’t be the end of the world.”
Should children playing in a private home daycare backyard not be allowed because of noise-distraction complaints by golfers?
(Patricia Prudente/unsplash photo)
Bianca’s backyard is near the tee box for the eighth hole of a local country club. There’s nothing really exceptional about the course, which winds its way through the neighborhood and adjoins hundreds of homes,” reported Andrew Wimer in Forbes “But one of the course’s patrons is for mer Mayor Joe Bain. At the meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission to consider Bianca’s application for a home “A woman is suing the city of Lakeway, Texas, claiming officials closed her home day-care center because it annoyed nearby golfers,” stated THE WEEK. "It won’t be the end of the world".
Utilizing an outhouse isn’t all that difficult, however, we’ve never heard of a person, golfer or otherwise, fall into an outhouse… until now. (continued on page 10)
WOMAN RESCUED AFTER FALLING IN OUTHOUSE Bathrooms – essential edifices on all golf courses. Rarely do you see an outhouse on an established golf course, but they are often available when renovations are being made to the golf course or clubhouse voiding the use of normal bathroom facilities. Utilizing an outhouse isn’t all that difficult, however, we’ve never heard of a person, golfer or other wise, fall into an outhouse… until now. “I’ve been doing this for 40 years, and that was a first,” said Tim Manly, fire

Call Today for Tee Times 760.777.8884 | | Special Events | Weddings | SilverRock Grill Architecture by Nature. SilverRock Resort’s Arnold Palmer Classic Course is a challenging 7,239 yards sprawling over 200 acres of natural beauty. SilverRock is a former home course of the PGA Tour’s Bob Hope Classic from 2008-2011. Are you up to the CHALLENGE? CHALLENGE THE ROCK Managed by

“One of the most important things to know in golf is how you are when you are great. How does it feel? How is your focus?
“Play the shot you can play best, not the shot that would look the best if you could pull it off.”
–Lynn Marriott & Pia Nilsson, golf psychology experts, in their book written with Ron Sirak: THE GAME BEFORE THE GAME.
What are you aware of? By understanding your state, you make it easier to return to that state.… How can you gain that under standing? Pay attention to yourself. After a round, go back to your best shots and note what the experience was like for you.”
“Cussing is not a good thing. And spitting. And if they had to go pee, some would literally just turn around and pee next to a tree. It’s not like I’d make a bogey because I’m so irritat ed, but thinking of my kids. I would tell them this is not what you do.”
Visit Us Online: www.GolfNewsMag.com8 Golf News Magazine | June, July, August, September 2022 FORE—NOTABLE QUOTES
–Harvey Penick, legendary golf instructor, in THE GAME FOR A LIFETIME written by Harvey Penick with Bud Shrake.
–Annika Sorenstam, member of World Golf Hall of Fame and winner of 90 professional tournaments, answering the question in Women’s Golf Journal, ‘Most annoying thing men did with you in a pro-am?’
–Frank Beard, 14 combined PGA and Champions Tour wins including the Tournament of Champions twice, in his book co-authored with John Garr ity: MAKING THE TURN: A YEAR INSIDE THE PGA SENIOR TOUR, (c) 1992.
“There’s something about Phil Mickelson, the Arizona State University lefthander, that turns me off. He has this smirk and he turns his collar up–it makes him look a little smug. But then I reflect on what he’s done at the age of twenty-one–two NCAA titles, winner of U.S. Amateur, win ner of a dozen or so college tournaments, Walker Cupper, winner of the PGA Tour’s Phoenix Open– and I guess he can afford to be smug. The guy’s obnoxious and shoots 80, you can hate him. The guy’s obnoxious and shoots 60, you gotta love him.”
–Scottie Scheffler, 2022 Masters Champion and World #1, in GolfDigest, May ‘22.
“I break a putt into thirds and read each segment separately, paying most atten tion to the segment closest to the hole. Why the last third? When the ball slows down, it reacts the most to slope. Also, by reading the green this way, I can see the full picture of the route the ball will take to the hole. I find it’s much more re liable than just picking out a spot on the green where the putt will break. When do that, you often unconsciously cheat your body toward the hole and then your alignment won’t match your read.”
Annika Sorenstam says nix on cussing, spitting, peeing.

Visit Us Online: 9June, July, August, September 2022 | Golf News Magazine THE WORLD LEADER IN GOLF INSTRUCTION Now Available at our Indio Location - See store for details INDIO / LA QUINTA SUPERSTORE 80555 HIGHWAY 111 • (760) 775-1414 Visit us online at STEALTH FAMILY DRIVER $57999EA FAIRWAY $32999EA RESCUE $27999EA IRONS $999997PC STL HOT GEAR FOR SUMMER! ROGUE ST MAX FAMILY DRIVER $54999EA FAIRWAY $34999EA HYBRID $27999EA IRONS $999997PC STL $IRONSi5251314$1399997PC GRA TOUR SPEED GOLF BALLS $3999 TOUR SOFT GOLF BALLS $3499 C-130 CART $BAG26999EA SHOESARTICULATEIGNITE AVAILABLE 6/8/22 TOUR 3GLOVEXFOR$21 Jason Day - Fixates on his swing morning, noon and night in his comeback quest. “When putting, on the matter of body movement, I leave no room for individual tastes. To avoid movement you must concentrate your weight on your left heel. You don’t have to exaggerate to a point where you look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but your weight must be there–predominantly on the left heel.… There are other important con siderations in setting up to putt. Here again I am unequivocal. The ball must be played somewhere between your heels. You can have it off the left heel, or farther back to ward the middle of your feet if that suits you. Never should the ball be forward off your left heel.… No matter how you stand–open, closed, crouched, upright, or whatever–your eyes must be directly over the ball.” –George Low, considered one of the great est putters of all time, in THE MASTER OF PUTTING: CLASSIC SECRETS OF A PUTTING LEGEND by George Low with Al Barkow. “I think about the golf swing in the morning, I think about the golf swing during the day and I think about the golf swing at night,’ Day said. ‘There’s been conversations at 12 at night with [coach] Chris [Como] just because I have an idea in my head and a certain sensation and a feel.” –Jason Day, former World #1 and winner of 17 professional tournaments including the PGA Championship, commenting on honing his swing since injuring his back and going win-less on Tour for the past four years.

Visit Us Online: www.GolfNewsMag.com10 Golf News Magazine | June, July, August, September 2022 BEYOND THE COURSE TM department chief in Brinnon, Washington, in TIME (May 9/May 16 ‘22), “after rescuing a woman who had fallen into the hole of a public outhouse while trying to retrieve her phone.” In inadvertently dropping your cell phone in a toilet is bad enough (most of us have done that, at least, once in our life time), but in an outhouse hole! Treat this incident as a valuable lesson, don’t use your phone in a situation, if dropped, that could be both very embarrassing and difficult to retrieve.
“All Tiger has talked about his whole career is winning majors, right?,” says McIlroy in a recent interview in GOLF. “That’s all that matters. Then you go to his house and you see trophies for [just] the majors, and he said to me, ‘Yeah, I don’t really know where the rest of them are.’ He’s not bull----ing. That was au thentic. That is literally [the truth of it].” Tiger has won 15 major championships. That means there are, at least, 95 additional Tiger victory-trophies that have disap peared. With Tiger’s current injuries, anyone visiting Tiger’s home in the future will predictably see 15 trophies and no more – the chances of Tiger adding to his majors trophy case are close to nil.
Tiger has won 15 major championships. That means there are, at least, 95 additional Tiger victory-trophies that have disappeared.
(continued from page 6)
Researching the official betting odds for Tiger to win his 16th major, we couldn’t find any odds makers to take a stand. Howev er, there are odds that his teenage son Charlie will win a major! When Charlie was 11, SportsBettingDime posted Charlie Woods with a 825-1 chance to win a major by the age of 25, and a 1500-1 to win a major before turning 22. Now that Charlie is 13, his stature on the betting circuit has increased. “On the question of whether [Charlie] Woods will win a Major by the age of 30, the odds are 19/2…and claiming The Masters by age 30, the odds are 60/1,” states Mike Hall in Golf Monthly
Tiger finds joy in his 15 major championship trophies but could care less for the other 95 winning trophies he’s amassed. beware – hold tight on cell phone, you don’t want and phone winding up in here. Ungaro/unsplash
Rory McIlroy visited Tiger Woods at his home and noticed there were only a few trophies displayed. Tiger has amassed 82 PGA Tour wins plus 18 more worldwide (110 professional wins in all). So, where did Tiger put all those other trophies?

Visit Us Online: 11June, July, August, September 2022 | Golf News Magazine PLAY THE LIGHTS COACHELLA VALLEY’S ONLY NIGHT-LIGHTED GOLF COURSE at Indio GC Lowest Green Fee Rates in the Desert! Green Fee Rate Starting at $20 Per Round 18 Holes / Driving Range / Practice Areas • Golf Cart Rentals Available Call: 760.391.4049 or visit: 83-040 Avenue 42, Indio CA 92203 Managed by Landmark Golf Home of the American FootGolf League of the Desert Call 760.391.4049 for Details NO SECRET NOW - AMAZON RETAIL STORE TO OPEN IN RANCHO MIRAGE Demographics show that golfers, as a whole, are the best shoppers in the world. Golfers, statistically, are good sports when it comes to spending money and have plenty of money to spend. That’s why we proudly uncover the se cret of the large, modern building under construction in the Rancho Las Palmas Shopping Center near the corner of Hwy 111 and Bob Hope, Rancho Mirage, RestCalifornia.assured GOLFNEWS did not get the confirmation from the City of Rancho Mirage. The City is abiding by a Ama zon-generated non-disclosure agreement to not divulge what specific business will be opening. For going on 40 years of publishing, GOLFNEWS has obtained reliable sources of information, that’s why we are convinced that our source is accurate that an Amazon Fresh retail store is under construction and will open in Rancho Mirage. Great news for golfers who enjoy high-quality shopping. ONLYYOU CAN PREVENT www.smokeybear.comWILDFIRES. Themost don’tanimalsinThemostdon’tanimalsindangeroustheforestlivethere.dangeroustheforestlivethere. 569132V1

Is it equivalent to hitting two aces in one round? Probably not. However, the odds in hitting two home runs in your first major league game are astronomical. It’s only been done once… ever! Of all those thousands that have played in major league base ball, there’s less than 130 players who’ve hit one homerun in their first major league appearance. Fast forward to Brian Serven’s recent amazing accomplishment. Serven, 27, starred at Palm Desert High School and then Arizona State before he was drafted by the Rockies in the fifth round in “More2016 than 22,000 players have appeared in a Major League Baseball game. There are very few men living who can say they accomplished something that no other player in MLB histo ry has,” writes’s Manny Randhawa. “Brian Serven launched a pair of two-run homers for his first two career hits to help the Rockies beat the Mets, 11-3.… The Rockies catcher is the only player in history to have multi-run HRs in the same game for his first two career hits. “’He was ready for this,” said manager Bud Black. ‘He played really well at Triple-A. And I think that’s the thing that stands out for me, is that the last couple of years, you could see him surging. And this year, it came together for him.’ “It all came together for Serven Saturday night, too,” Randhawa writes. “With the game tied at 2 in the second inning, Serven dropped the bat head on a hanging slider from Mets starter golfers can afford life’s two loves – their pet and golf. Here junior golfer Dylan Lundqvist-Poppers cuddles up to his dog Rusty. Of all those thousands that have played in major league baseball, there’s less than 130 players who’ve hit one homerun in their first major league appearance.
(GOLFNEWS Photo) The American Pet Products Association tells us in 2020, pet owners spent $42 billion on pet food. For that amount of money, you could buy (at $5 million per course) 8,440 golf courses or (at $1000 per set) 42 million sets of golf clubs.
Visit Us Online: www.GolfNewsMag.com12 Golf News Magazine | June, July, August, September 2022 BEYOND THE COURSE TM YOU COULD BUY 42,000,000 SETS OF CLUBS Golfers tend to be pet lovers. It is not unusual to see a dog in a golf cart accompanying his owner playing a round of golf. Amer ica, in general, is a pet loving nation; Americans open up their pocket books to prove it. The American Pet Products Association tells us in 2020, pet owners spent $42 billion on pet food. For that amount of money, you could buy (at $5 million per course) 8,440 golf courses or (at $1000 per set) 42 million sets of golf clubs. Fortunately, golfers are affluent enough pay for their pet’s wellbeing and fulfill their passion for the game they love.

Trevor Williams, sending it into the leftfield seats for a two-run homer. Then in the Rockies’ seven-run sixth, he broke the game open by lining another slider, this one from reliever Adonis Medi na, into the front row of the left-field bleachers for another two-run shot.”
Moving is the best medicine. Keeping active and losing weight are just two of the ways that you can fight osteoarthritis pain. In fact, for every pound you lose, that’s four pounds less pressure on each knee. For information on managing pain, go to With improvement,continualthere’s a confidence in what you do and what you believe in.
‘I’m really confident in my ability,’ Serven said. “I have been for years. That’s why I went to Arizona State. That’s why I got drafted. That’s why I’ve continued to get better. With continual improvement, there’s a confidence in what you do and what you believe in. There’s that constant need and want to improve that helps me stay driven for more.’ Serven’s commitment to improvement and emphasis on confidence applies to all golfers who want to maximize their game. “Constant need and want to improve” – watchwords for golfers to live by.
Visit Us Online: 13June, July, August, September 2022 | Golf News Magazine

Primary Sensation Is Swinging Arms And Club Through The Ball With the left side stretched, the left arm pulling and the right side coming naturally into play, your primary sensation becomes swinging your arms and the club through the ball and out down the target line. If you do that, your hands will finish high, your belt buckle (or the equivalent) will wind up facing the target, and your weight will be properly distributed on the outside of your left foot and your right toe.
I know when I want to make a hard swing, I make sure that I remain firm with the left hand and arm. If that breaks down, my tempo and timing are destroyed. The same thought will work for you. If nothing is moving faster than the force that is controlling your swing–your left arm–your tempo and timing will fall nicely into place.
Visit Us Online: www.GolfNewsMag.com14 Golf News Magazine | June, July, August, September 2022 GOLF WITH GEIBERGER
Start Swing With Left Hand, Left Arm, Left Shoulder In Unison
If nothing is moving faster than the force that is controlling your swing–your left arm–your tempo and timing will fall nicely into place.
Al Geiberger, the first player to shoot 59 in an official PGA Tour tournament, compiled 21 PGA and Champions Tour wins. TEMPO, written by Al Geiberger with Larry Dennis, is available from your favorite book outlet.
You are controlling the club with the last three fingers of your left hand; and because you are doing this, your hands will begin to cock naturally as you swing past waist-high.
Pulling Action of Left Side Always In Control
At the same time, the left side is feeling stretched and ex tended. Once you lose that feeling, you have broken down somewhere and immediately will lose power and direction in your swing.
Hands Will Uncock Naturally As you start the forward swing, your hands remain cocked. They will uncock naturally, without your thinking about it, as your arms swing through the shot.
Swinging Success
Swing the club back as far as you can with your left arm and shoulder, but don’t try to get it back any farther by grabbing with the right hand or forcing the right shoulder farther back. At the top of the swing your left hand should feel firm and in control of the club.
Left Side Should Continue To Feel Stretched And Extended
Let me take you through the swing, describing the sequence in which things happen and what you should feel as they happen.
FORWARD SWING Swing Left Arm Straight Down On Path Which It Came
Left Leg Pulls Back; Right Leg Remains Firm
The club is started back with the left hand, left arm, left shoul der (all instructions are for a right-handed golfer) moving in unison, swinging the clubhead straight back and up. Make no independent manipulation with your hands.
Swing Clubhead Far Back; Left Hand Firm In Control
During the forward swing I have the sensation that my right side is working underneath my left, pushing out on the left side and producing the bowing action of the body. I feel my legs working and the pulling action of my left side, which is always in control. But I do feel that my right side, although relaxed, is pretty active.
Prevent Right-Hand Takeover At The Top Controlling with the left arm from start to finish maintains the unity, the completeness of your swing. It prevents the break downs that cause your swing to speed up, the most common being the takeover of the right hand at the top. When you grab with the right hand, it is going to move faster and cause everything else to do the same.
Control The Swing With Your Left Arm
Your left arm can move only so fast. If you are right-handed, your left hand and arm can’t move as fast as your right hand and arm because it isn’t as strong. Therefore, a conscious effort to control the swing with your left arm will automatically slow your swing down. And the correct use of your legs on the forward swing gives you a much better chance of maintaining control with your left arm.
As your arms swing and your shoulders turn, your left leg is being pulled back and around, and your left heel is lifted off the ground. Your right leg remains firm but flexed, your weight never going to the outside of your right foot.
To start the forward swing, replant the left heel in the same position it was at address. Then, with no feeling of anxiety or hurry, swing the left arm straight down on the path on which it came, keeping your head and upper body in place behind the ball while your legs work underneath you.
Hands And Fingers On Club All The Way Through A good drill to help you finish your swing is to make sure you hang onto the club with your hands all the way through to the end. Don’t let your fingers, especially on the left hand, slip off the club. Just hang on and let your body be pulled around into the correct finish position.
By Al Geiberger

By John Cook How To Break Out of Your COMFORT ZONE You’re out of your comfort zone because now you’ve placed an end result on something that’s not ended yet. GOLFNEWS MAGAZINE: “Comfort zone” is a powerful concept in golf. The goal of amateur golfers is to break out of their comfort zones so they move on to the next level. Does “comfort zone” also apply to PGA and Champions Tour players? JOHN COOK: Oh, absolutely. There are a lot of comfort zones, so to speak, such as are you comfortable in the lead, are you com fortable being in the lead for three rounds, are you comfortable playing different golf courses, are you comfortable being 8 or 9 under par during a round? Each level of golf has a comfort zone; to get better you have to get out of that comfort zone and see how you do on the next zone. GNM: Share a little bit of your sequence of moving from one com fort zone to another. COOK: A tour player knows the different scores he needs to shoot in tournaments to break barriers. When you get to our lev el of play, you don’t start out each round thinking you’re going to shoot 59. You don’t have an exact score in mind. I see a lot of amateurs that have a score set in their minds be fore they tee it up, then after they start playing problems arise. I’ve seen a 12 handicap who all of a sudden has a chance to break par for the first time in his life crumble toward the end of the round. He shot 37 on the front side and makes a birdie on the back side, makes a bunch of pars. He’s on number 15 ready to tee it up and he’s even-par for the day. Now, he’s getting a little anxious. He’s 12 strokes below his handicap. He’s starting to think about what kind of score he’s going to shoot. At that moment, you’re out of your comfort zone because now you’ve placed an end result on something that’s not ended yet. You’re getting ahead of yourself and unnecessarily putting pressure on yourself. At the tour level, it’s the same way. You don’t start out thinking what score to shoot because by doing so, you’ve put an end to a process that hasn’t finalized. GNM: So you virtually never think of a score to shoot? COOK: No, not before I tee off. And even when I’m out on the golf course, you don’t get out there going now I’m 7-under-par, that means I’m going to shoot 65. Seven-under during a round doesn’t mean anything in regards to a guarantee of how you’re going to finish that round. You might shoot 62; you might shoot 70. GNM: So that old golf adage, ‘One shot at a time” is tried and true. COOK: Absolutely. John Cook is the winner of 11 PGA Tour events, including the ’92 & ’97 Bob Hope Classic, and 10 Champions Tour events. His career earnings top $24 million. Cook is on-air analyst for Golf Channel.
Visit Us Online: 15June, July, August, September 2022 | Golf News Magazine GOLF AS I SEE IT

There are several approaches to fixing wayward slices and hooks. Some involve fixing the way our body parts work in the swing. Another exaggerates the opposite: in other words, a slicer should do everything to promote a hook and then fine tune to a draw. Constant tweaking using a launch monitor can also work. All of these have merit and may fit different personality and physical make-ups to solve the problem. “Different strokes for different folks.”
This approach does several things: If the club and arms are in the right path, the feedback you receive on balance is invalu able. From a side hill lie it is almost impossible to finish in balance if you are too steep or too shallow. As far as face con tact and squareness, it is virtually impossible to create a proper divot if the face is overly open or closed. Just the feedback from balance and divots lets you feel proper path and face athletically. There are certainly instances where something such as a faulty grip could be the cause of shots that curve excessively; but using the side hills to reshape your swing can be the “feel” approach to improvement. One extra benefit is the experience with side hill lies will help one’s game during normal play. Take advantage of these tilted lies to create a lot of long straight shots this coming season.
Use Side Hills to Correct Slicing and Hooking Feel Approach To Golf Swing Improvement
Take advantage of these tilted lies to create a lot of long straight shots this coming season.
By Fred Elliott
There is one way that is purely athletic and does not seem to have any downsides. This approach is to hit shots from side-hill lies. Using more of your longer clubs (do at times throw in some short iron shots) practice hitting shots where the ball is above your feet to get rid of a slice and, conversely, hit shots with the ball below your feet to eliminate a hook.
Fred Elliott is the PGA Teaching Professional at Hidden Valley CC, Reno, NV. His email address is:
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Thanks to the wonderful tech of launch monitors and swing sen sors, we now can have a pretty good picture of the face/path relationship that causes our shots to curve. APPROACHES TAKE YOUR PICK

David Ruvolo, Head Golf Professional at The Lights at Indio GC, Managed by Landmark Golf. David can be reached at
Golf News
Multiple Benefits of Short Game Practice
Not only are you improving your chip shots and putting by practicing your short game (more than you think you should) but you’re also making the foundation stronger for your full swing. You’re achieving two goals at once, a better short game and a stronger more accurate full swing. This will prove to be benefi cial especially when playing on the golf course.
NAMED AFTER A SPACE AGENCY, 23-YR OLD ROCKETS TO LPGA STARDOM There’s a first for everything. Parents have given their offsprings strange names such as Lucifer (24 boys), Riot (46 boys, 16 girls), Capone (6 boys), I-am (21 boys), Paw (16 girls), God (8 boys), Abcde (6 girls) and the list goes on and on [source: HUFFPOST - “The Outrageous Baby Names Picked By Parents in 2017”] . What were these parents thinking when they created these names, God only knows! Meantime, a more sane creative name identifies one of the LPGA Tour’s brightest stars, Nasa Hataoka. The 23 yr-old has launched women’s golf higher and higher. Her future professional greatness was foretold in 2016 when, at age of 17, she won the Japan Women’s Open Championship becoming the first amateur and (continued on page 19) Denny “KOKO” Kovacs proudly displays his hole-in-one ball – his first ace after playing 53,880 holes over 50 years. Makers
“KOKO” KOVACS FINALLY GETS OFF HIS ACE For over 51 years, Denny “Koko” Kovacs played 53,880 holes (he’s kept written track of every hole he’s ever played) and never made a hole-in-one – a void that has haunted him for six decades. His nightmare is over. “I finally got my hole-in-one on our [Big Rock ] par-3 17th hole of 146 yards with a faded 7-iron, witnessed by my daughter and son-in-law and two members of ours who live on the 17th hole,” stated an excited Kovacs. Cynics could say: “It’s about time!” Those less cynical would say: “Congratulations, Denny. You did it! Way to go, bro” One thing you can say for sure: “Denny finally got off his ace!”
Dan Poppers
When you practice your short chip shots and your putting stroke, you’re practicing the base or the foundation of your full swing. The short game swings or strokes are just a smaller scale of your full swing. When you hit a chip shot or stroke the putter, the blade of the golf club is square (or straight) to the hole. The same is true when you make a full swing, the blade of the golf club or the face of the club (like a driver) should be square at impact.
By David Ruvolo Want to shave off strokes off your score. Here are three main reasons why you should practice your short game more than you think you should:
Visit Us Online: 17June, July, August, September 2022 | Golf News Magazine LANDMARK PRO INSIGHTS
There will be days on the golf course when we don’t hit the ball very well, whether it’s an iron, driver or hybrid. Not even the Tour pros hit the ball perfect every time. On those days, that’s where your short game can save you and allow you to shoot a good score. It helps you to compensate or equalize your round of Forgolf.example, on those days when your timing is off and you’re not hitting the ball very well, as long as you can get it close to the green on your approach shot (or tee shot on a Par 3) you can rely on your chipping and putting to get it up and down and still save par, and perhaps on occasion chip one in for a birdie! Bottom line, if you want to improve your “score” spend more time than you think you need on the chipping and putting greens. A good short game can save your score when you’re just not hitting it well and a great short game can help you take it low!

TURN YOUR TOES OUT FOR BETTER TURN Key Fundamental That Will Improve Your Game
By Ken Venturi
18 Golf News Magazine
REMINDER: TOES-IN RESTRICTS TOES-OUT FREEDOM So remember: Toes-in restricts your swing, toes-out gives you the freedom to turn–and to turn on the power! I recommend turning your left toe our at 20 degrees and your right toe 10 to 15 degrees. Ken Venturi, winner of 14 PGA Tour tour naments including the 1964 U.S. Open, is the author (with Don Wade): STROKE SAVERS, available from your favorite bookstore outlet. GOLFNEWS proudly continues to publish Mr. Venturi’s golf insights in his honor.
ToesINCORRECT.squared (a.k.a. toed-in) restricts body movement.
Toes-outCORRECT.allows for greater body movement and provides a solid foundation. The result: more distance! Toes-in restricts your swing, toes-out gives you the freedom to turn–and to turn on the power!
TURN BETTER Many players, particularly when they get older and less limber, have a tough time making a proper turn, and as a result they lose distance. SOLUTION: TOE-OUT One simple solution is to turn or toe-out your feet, with your left foot toed-out slightly more than your right. Too often people confuse the term “square stance” with turning their toes in, so that their feet are a right angles to the target line. This toed-in stance restricts body movement.
SOLID BASE BETTER BALANCE Another benefit to toeing-out your feet is that it gives you a solid base to swing from and will help you keep in balance throughout your swing.

How about some commentary I think in terms of any kind of assets, you have a risk tolerance. So you would not go to Vegas and put all your money on red and spin the wheel. That’s gam bling. You should always be prudent in For the very, very tip of every investor, what they need to do is invest one to three percent in highly volatile assets. GNM: You have strong beliefs about the danger of government when it comes to financial and economic factors. What is the reasoning for your fears, if ‘fears’ is the right word?
A Schmidt-Curley, Inc. design, seamlessly and elegantly flows into the valley from the mountains. The purples and browns from the shadows of the desertscape harmoniously mix with the deep greens. You will see where the names comes from!
Visit Us Online: 19June, July, August, September 2022 | Golf News Magazine stocks and can be applied to Bitcoin, yet Bitcoin over the years has quite an impressive track record.
DR. GEOFF RICCHIO (GF): Bitcoin on the average for the past four years has been giving over a thousand percent return every year. GNM: this can be scary for a lot of people. GF: PUT
The expansive practice facility has two tee levels, a short-game practice area with a true-to-speed green and a private practice area. Groups and one-on-one lessons.
Invest One to Three Percent in Highly Volatile Assets
(continued on page 21)
on the Japan
36 Holes of Championship Golf • 1 Regulation 18 • 1 Par 3 (Rated #8 in Top U.S. Par 3 Courses)
By Dr. Geoff Ricchio
MICKELSON’S GAMBLING LOSSES $10 MILLION PER YEAR FOR 4 YEARS You’d think with worldwide notoriety, with the press and public having con stant watchful eyes on you, you would be careful what you say and do. Yet, Phil Mickelson recently said some outrageous things about Saudi Arabia and the PGA Tour that predictably would cause ex treme negative reaction and it did. Now, it turns out that Mickelson has lost a bookoo of bucks gambling. Mickelson has been known to be a gambler but losing $40 million in 4 years, that’s extreme! “Federal auditors investigating Phil Mick elson role in an insider trading scheme found his gambling losses totaled more than $40 from 2010 to 2014, accord ing to an excerpt from Alan Shipnuck’s forthcoming biography,” reported the LA Times. An argument supporting Mick elson’s gambling spree is he’s made from Nasa Hataoka – LPGA superstar named after the U.S. space agency.
Shadow Hills Golf Club is truly beautiful.
So come play Shadow Hills Golf Club and experience some of the most beautiful landscapes the California desert has to offer. COURSE $40 COURSE – $35 Call 7 Days in Advance (760) 200–3375 ex tournament LPGA (JLPGA). Fast forward to today, her 2022 LA Open victory is her 6th LPGA win, with career earnings of $5.66 million. Nasa? Nasa Hataoka’s parents named her after the U.S. space agency so she would “reach for the stars.” And so she has. If a name can produce a self-ful filling prophecy, Nasa Hataoka is living proof. Not only has she reached for the stars, she has achieved stardom.
page 17)
(continued on page 22)
7 80-815 Ave 40 Indio, CA • 92203 the youngest champion to win a major

As you gaze at the beautiful fauna on your favorite golf course, remember the plants’ and trees’ “brothers” and “sis ters–vegetables, fruits,whole grains–of fer you the path to healthy eating and a longer life
• Generally, higher-impact activities have a more pronounced effect on bone rather than lower-impact exer cises. Tennis, volleyball, or running build bone faster than walking or low-impact aerobics.
The bones in your lower body are par ticularly important in maximizing your golf swing. By regularly exercising as noted above, your strong bones in your lower body gives you the foundation for a stronger swing. The plethora of health benefits of a plant-based diet are undeniable.
You’ve heard it time and time again and it’s true, a key benefit of golf is you can play it deep into old age. So, for those of us that love the game and want to play in our 70s, 80s, 90s or longer, it behooves us to realize: What we put in our body increases or decreases are golf lifespan. Plant-based diets has reached optimum status for healthy eating. No longer a fad, no longer only for the few; it’s a fact and proven that plant-based diets improve your health and increases longevity. “Plant-based diets reduce mortality from heart disease, cancer, and all causes, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, states GOOD MEDICINE (Spring 2022), a publication of The Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine. “Researchers compared diet records with mortality rates for 22,421 participants [45–73 years old] from the Malmo Diet and Cancer cohort. Those with particu larly high intakes of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains and reduced intakes of animal products and saturat ed fats lowered their mortality rates for cancer, heart disease, and all causes by 25% when compared with those who did not closely follow a healthy diet.”
“As we age, bone density tends to de crease. But there are multiple ways to help maintain bone density and decrease fracture risk,” Harvard Health Letter reports. “The best way to protect bone health is with regular exercise. When you put force on your bones, it prompts your body to build new bone.
Consistent with the theme we love to play golf, our health and longevity are of utmost importance. Regular exercise (playing golf utilizing a golf cart doesn’t count) has many health advantages, but did you know its positive relationship to bone health and growth?
Visit Us Online: www.GolfNewsMag.com20 Golf News Magazine | June, July, August, September 2022 HEALTH • FITNESS • WELLBEING INCREASE YOUR GOLF LIFE WITH A PLANT-BASED DIET
• Velocity is also important. Jogging or fast-paced aerobics will do more to strengthen bone than leisurely movement.
• Only those bones that bear the load of the exercise will benefit. For ex ample, walking or running protects only the bones in your lower body.
A power nap can recharge your energy tank. (Jamie-street/unsplash photo)
“Types of exercise in which your carry your own weight, like walking, hiking, or aerobics, are good for keeping the bones in your legs and hips strong. But there are a couple of rules of thumb to remember if you’re aiming for maximum effect on bone and you are able to work out vigorously.”

GNM: Why would the government do this? GR: Because their goals are more short term than long term. Government needs to get re-elected every four years or so; they’ll even do something like I built this and I did that and it doesn’t matter that they actually invented the dollars to do it. And those dollars they invented are going to have ramifications down the road. They don’t care about that. They are very short-termed vision. They are not long-term vision.
Dr. Geoff Ricchio is a licensed health-care provider in California for the past 45 years and a licensed financial-services provid er. He is a Bitcoin expert and miner, and has mining rigs all over the world. He is available to answer questions; email him at YOUR ENERGY TANK professional athlete talks about the of having energy perform at their best. The same emphasis play golf or any other sport. WAYS TO FIRE UP YOUR ENERGY” Put pep in your step. Regular, moderate exercise may help boost your strength and stamina. It may also help lower your stress level–a big energy drain. Aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate-inten sity aerobic exercise per week. Add muscle-strengthening exercises on two or more days per week. 2. Take a power nap. It can help refresh you. But don’t sleep too long or too late in the day because it may be hard to fall asleep later when you want to. 3. Go easy on caffeine. Yes, it makes you feel alert, however, consuming too much too late in the day may keep you up at night. 4. Eat for energy. Choose a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat or fat-free dairy products.
6. Stress less. Too much stress is exhausting. Find time to slow down; enjoy activities that help you recharge. 7. If you smoke, pledge to stop. Smoking steals your breath away and your energy. It’s never too late to quit. 8. Stay social. From volunteer work to group hob bies, exploring your passions in life–with like-minded others–may help keep you energized and engaged. By Dan Poppers Information in the HEALTH•FIT NESS•WELLBEING Section and all other articles in GOLFNEWS is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice. Contact your health care provider for medical advice.
applies to amateurs who
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5. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration is an energy drainer.
because I understand what they’re trying to accomplish. The people in government are there primarily to get re-elected. And by getting re-elected they are going to try to get people things that the people don’t necessarily work for and they are doing that by inflation of money. Increas ing money supply is causing inflation.
We are now at approximately 15% inflation and it’s going to 20 to 25%. And for those that are wealthy enough like myself and yourself and other people, it probably wouldn’t matter a whole lot if gas is six or seven dollars a gallon but it will kill the poor and people in the middle class. So, what the government is doing is se cretly stealing from the American people by printing money and causing inflation.
Strive Newsletter (Winter ‘22) OFFERS, “8
Too much caffeine at the wrong time of day can be detrimental. (Attila-lisinszky/unsplash photo) Take time to slow down and relax.
BITCOIN IS NOT INFLATIONARY Anyone in the financial realm under stands when you dramatically increase the money supply, it causes massive inflation, eventually collapse of countries and governments. Look at Valenzuela, a collapsed country. Brazil is real close to it. China is fifty trillion in debt; they are having a lot of problems. The inflation of the money supply is very dangerous and that is what is wonderful about Bitcoin because it is not inflationary. There is only 21 million Bitcoin and 18.5 million have already been mined. There are only about 3 million left [to be mined].

Visit Us Online: www.GolfNewsMag.comJune, July, August, September 2022 ? ? ? THE CITRUS $945,000 • 2BD/3BA, 1680 SF 49605 Avenida Obregon Jon Levin & Lynne Mangan 760.832.1011 & 760.399.2616 $975,000 • 2BD/3BA, 1674 SF 49460 Avenida Obregon Steven760.861.2132Litwack LA QUINTA RESORT SPA VILLAS THE ONLY ON-SITE REALTY PGA WEST & LA QUINTA RESORT 760-564-1200 LA QUINTA RESORT SPA VILLAS LQCC LAGOLQCC ESTATES Finest RepresentingRealtorsFinestProperties 79180 CITRUS , LA QUINTA , CA 92253 • Extra large patio and pool fully fenced for • This home design celebrates indoor/outdoor • Call me to see this home today! CALBRE#: 01337376 $778,800 This is not intended to be a solicitation if your property is already listed with another brokerage. DRE#02063359 79180 CITRUS , LA QUINTA , CA 92253 • Extra large patio and pool fully fenced for • This home design celebrates indoor/outdoor • Call me to see this home today! CALBRE#: 01337376 $778,800 This is not intended to be a solicitation if your property is already listed with another brokerage. DRE#02063359 79180 CITRUS , LA QUINTA , CA 92253 CALBRE#:Features: 01337376 $778,800 This is not intended to be a solicitation if your property is already listed with another brokerage. DRE#02063359 OPPORTUNITY THE CITRUS 79180 CITRUS , LA QUINTA , CA 92253 Features: • Three bed and three and one half • Extra large patio and pool fully fenced • This home design celebrates indoor/outdoor CALBRE#: 01337376 $778,800 This is not intended to be a solicitation if your property is already listed with another brokerage. DRE#02063359 79180 CITRUS , LA QUINTA , CA 92253 • Extra large patio and pool fully fenced • This home design celebrates indoor/outdoor • Call me to see this home today! 760 421 5232 DIRECT CALBRE#:PALMDESERTTRISH@AOL.COM01337376 $778,800 This is not intended to be a solicitation if your property is already listed with another brokerage. DRE#02063359 79180 CITRUS , LA QUINTA , CA 92253 • Extra large patio and pool fully fenced for • This home design celebrates indoor/outdoor • Easy to view and easy to show • Call me to see this home today! CALBRE#:PALMDESERTTRISH@AOL.COM01337376 $778,800 This is not intended to be a solicitation if your property is already listed with another brokerage. DRE#02063359 JOE VETRANO “Your PGA WEST Specialist” COMPASS Realty (760) “YOUR OWN HOME. SANCTUARY FOR PRIVACY. VENUE FOR SOCIAL INTERACTION. SPIRITUAL CENTER TO EXPAND THE SOUL.” ~Dan Poppers Sandi Phillip & AS S OCIATE estatesSpecializingfrom 4 Bed | 4.5 Bath | 4,370 Sq Ft | $1,395,000 PGA West - Entertainer’s dream home 4 Bed | 4.5 Bath | 4,200 Sq Ft | $1,695,000 PGA West - Gorgeous South facing Mtn views Compass is a real estate broker licensed by the State of California and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity reliable but has not been verified. Changes in price, condition, sale or withdrawal may be made without notice. 3 Bed | 4 Bath | 3,222 Sq Ft | $1,099,000 PGA West - Stunning Norman Course home SANDI Sandi@SandiPhillips.comCountry“YourPHILLIPSDesertClubSpecialist”COMPASSRealty(760) Quiz Answers (from Quiz on page 23) 1.jiffle 2.pyknic 3.supputation 4.taniwha 5.lacustrine 6.fremescence 7.pogey 8.moutonenrage 9.aprosexia 10. CorrectRatingemacityYourScoreNumberofAnswers 10=Hole-In-One 7-9=Birdie 6=Par 5=Bogey 0-4=DQ creations you “Strategic Design and Website Solutions” logo to get your business or product started, a website marketing concepts to promote it, Creations 4 You can help. Got a website? solutions are available... DO YOU STAND OUT hundreds of millions of dollars, what he does with his money is his business. On the other hand, critics validly could argue: $40 million would go a long way to enhance Mickelson’s Charitable Foun dation to get that money in the hands of those in need. Phil Mickelson – Pulls $40 million out of his wallet wasting it on (GOLFNEWSgambling.Photo) (continued from page 19) CALL 501- 513www.creations4youonline.com9717WebsitesSocialMediaBrandingLogosMarketingAdvertisingPROFESSIONALDESIGNERTHATCANGETYOUNOTICED!

Visit Us Online: 23June, July, August, September 2022 | Golf News Magazine ? ? ? ? ? GOLFNEWS QUIZ GolfNews’ Quiz Quiz Word List taniwhasupputationpyknicpogeymoutonlacustrinejifflefremescenceemacityaprosexiaenrage This Front Cover photo is an example of a golf course that’s (supputation) or (lacustrine) or (emacity)? One of the words in parenthesis is correct. Sam shown here is (taniwha) or (lacustrine) or (mouton enrage); which in parenthesis is correct? John Daly’s body type can be described as (pyknic) or (pogey) or (jiffle). One of the words in parenthesis is correct. Improve Your Vocabulary Instructions: This is an opportunity for you to learn new, unusual words and apply them to golf. For each sentence, fill the blank with the most logical word from the Word List. Feel free to look up the words on the Word List in a dictionary or online to assist in achieving the correct answer. 1 When your foursome is on the green and your playing partner has taken his/her stance to putt, it is rude and lacks etiquette for you to _______________________. 2 John Daly is an example of a__________________ golfer. 3 A scorecard without___________________________is like a glass that’s empty. 4 The chances are you will not see a ________________ in a golf course lake. 5 Your vertical game better be at its best when you play on a________________________golf course. 6 Continual_______________________from the gallery is unacceptable. 7 A person on______________________probably cannot afford to play golf. 8 Sam, usually calm, made a triple bogey and became__________________. 9 A person afflicted with_____________________would most likely find it impossible to play golf. 10 When you go in your favorite golf shop, the chances are you’ll find a lot of people with__________________________.

Joe Vetrano DREjoevetrano@yahoo.com760.963.0587Principal01056877 Compass is a real estate broker licensed by the State of California and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. License Number 01991628. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only and is compiled from sources deemed reliable but has not been verified. Changes in price, condition, sale or withdrawal may be made without notice. No statement is made as to accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. *2020 and 2021 individual sales volume. Excludes agents in teams. Data based on 2020 & 2021 Flex MLS analysis of individual agents sales volume. #1 Top 2020PGAProducingAgent*and2021 Top 1% All 2020AgentsDesert*and2021 $30M+ Sales2021 Volume $970K Average2021 Sale 54175 Southern Hills | PGA WEST | Furnished 4 Bed | 4.5 Bath | 3,880 Sq Ft | $1,975,000 Your PGA WEST Real Estate and Lifestyle Specialist