February 2020 Morris njkidsonline.comEdition WINTER THINGS TO DO | PROGRAMS | ACTIVITIES | SUMMER CAMPS FCAMPAIRSFeb., 8, 9, & 22see page 10 SUCCESS BEGINS ATWINDOWWESTMONTTOTHE FUTURE See Spotlight on page 9 and Ad on pg 6

Programs Insurance Approved • In-Network with Anthem An Innovative Mental Health C.A.M.P. for Children & Young Adults PLAY AND LEARN WITH US THIS SUMMER 1:3 STAFF RATIO Our clients conquer fears, build confidence and self-esteem,and develop an enthusiasm for life while learning social and emotional skills. Our clients improve in areas of : C.A.M.P. - Clinically Advanced Multi-Modality Program. Modalities used are Behavior Modification, Token Economy. CBT, Social Skills, ABA and Emotional Skill Training. Group and Individual therapy. Data-driven evidence-based treatment. • Home Behavior • Academic Competence • Anger Control • Problem-Solving Skills • Self-Esteem • Social Behavior • Rule Following • Friendship Skills • Classroom Behavior 26 Main Street, Chatham, NJ, 07928 973.635.6550 www.SteppingForwardCounselingCenter.com Join us for a summer of sun, fun, & friends at our Summer C.A.M.P. Stepping For ward Counseling Center LLC We teach the mind to think the hands to work the heart to love © SFCC_THERASUMMERCAMPNJ_4.7Wx7.7H.pdf 1 1/9/20 11:22 AM 2 • FEBRUARY 2020 • NJKIDSONLINE.COM

A summer day camp for 3-14 year olds in Warren, NJ campriverbend.com RSVP for our next open houses: Call to RSVP: (908) 580-CAMP Transportation and Lunch included February 29 March 22 ADVERTISE@NJKIDSONLINE.COM • 3

4 • FEBRUARY 2020 • NJKIDSONLINE.COM ELLIS ISLAND IS OPEN! Statue Cruises is the concessioner authorized by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, to serve the public at the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island. ©2013 Statue Cruises. All Rights Reserved. statuecruises.com 201.604.2800 STATUE OF LIBERTY & ELLIS ISLAND Au th orized Concessioner Frequent Departures From New York and New Jersey Connect with us: StatueCruises@

MORRIS & NORTHWEST Includes Bernards Township, Basking Ridge and surrounding towns) Table of Contents 9 | Featured Cover Spotlight on Westmont Montessori 10 | Summer Camps Fairs 12-13 | Celebrate President’s Day 18-19 | Calendar 20 | Camp Listings 22 | Valentine’s Day Crafts 26 | Celebrate Black History Month From Hearts to Presidents!
Why not take some time to honor our presidents by bringing history to life and discovering the past at a historical sight that played a role in the birth and growth of our nation. Visit the Morristown National Historical Park in Morristown, Washington’s 1779 winter encampment; or the Princeton Battlefield, site of a revolutionary war battle. Go to Newark Museum to honor the legacy of Black icons on 2/9. Or splurge on the long weekend and take a family trip to D.C. to get close to the monuments. Other events include a Chocolate Festival, Dog Show, Dance Festival, Lazer Shows, Tea Parties, and workshops for craft making fun. There’s so many special ways to celebrate with our sweethearts! Sending many valentine hearts from our team to yours! this PO Box 542, NJ 07068.
The NJ KIDS TEAM NJ Published by NJ Kids Media Group, Inc. We assume no responsibility for errors, changes or omissions, nor do we recommend programs, nor do we warrant the accuracy or reliatbility of any of the information contained in
February may be the shortest month of the year, but it has a long list of celebrations and special events. From Ground Hog’s Day on 2/2, Valentines Day, Presidents Day 2/17, NJ Summer Camp Fairs 2/8,9,& 22, to Black History Month, our calendars are full. For many, President’s Day weekend means school and work days off, sleeping in, and of course another round of super holiday sales.
book. Nothing herein contained may be reproduced in any manner without written permission of NJ Kids Media Group, Inc. Copyright 2020.
Layout and Design By: Creations 4 You. Next FEBRUARYDeadline:10, 2020 Upcoming MARCH Issues: Spring Enrichment Programs, Summer Camps, Parties, Spring Things To Do

Success Begins at westmontmontessori.orgWestmontAn Accredited School • Mendham Educating Children ages 18 mos. - 6 yrs. 908-879-6355 WindowtoTheFuture #MyGymFun Glen Rock • (201) 444-4644 glenrock@mygym.commygym.com/glenrock Visit our other locations: Westfield (908) 317-0888 New Providence (908) 665-2122 FunFunFamilyNightFamilyFunNightFamilyFunNightFamilyFunNightFamilyFunNightFamilyFunNightFamilyNight Valentine’s Enroll Now! Bring your children for a fun evening and let’s celebrate Valentines Day. Games, relays, adventures, puppets and more. Pizza and dessert will be served. Sign up today! FEBRUARY 15TH • 5:30-7 PM 6 • FEBRUARY 2020 • NJKIDSONLINE.COM

njkidsonline.com WIN! njkidsonline.com click on the WIN - Enter2Win NJ KIDS Fun Giveaways WIN! follow up @ njkidsonline njkidsonline.comWIN!Enter2Win WIN! njkidsonline.com click on the WIN - Enter2Win NJ KIDS Fun Giveaways follow up @ njkidsonline PIANO • GUITAR • FLUTE • SAX • DRUM RECITALS • MUSIC THEORY Professional Music Lessons In Your merryfield04.wixsite.com/trmmusicHome.973-960-9797Merryfield04@aol.comMusicLessons ADVERTISE@NJKIDSONLINE.COM • 7 Dentistry & Orthodontics for Infants, Children, Adolescents & The Handicapped 230 Route 206 South, Bldg. 3, Flanders 973-927-2260 • fpdonline.net Pediatric Dentists: Edward M. Sonnenberg, DDS, FADH Kimberly Hollywood, DMD Daniel R. Dinowitz, DMD Diana Rosenbaum, DMD Orthodontists: Joseph Arvay, DMD Michael J. Goldkind, DMD DentistShouldChildrenBeSeenbyaPediatricbytheirFirstBirthday! www.surfandturfcamp.com An adventure camp for kids ages 9-15. A new adventure every day! Pick up and drop off at Edgemont Memorial Park, Montclair, NJ from JuneAugust. Certified Teachers, Lifeguards, and EMT Staff. Summer 2020 Sea%le/ San Juan Islands/White Mountains in New Hampshire/ Lake George NY Cape May- Paintball- Great Adventure- Hudson Yards ObservaGon Deck- Jones Beach- Manasquan Biking Statue of Liberty- Speedboat- Dolphin SighGngs Telephone: 201-785-7873 or 973-306-9505


Educating children ages 1½ – 6 years, West mont has grown from a tiny seed in a rented church basement in 1964 to a beautiful campus in the heart of Morris County. Accredited by the American Montessori Society and the Middle States Association on Elementary and Second ary Schools, Westmont boasts a faculty with a combined 100-plus years of experience. Enroll and you will quickly experience what thousands of families have felt over the course of more than five decades: a community brimming with happy, curious, engaged students who are leaders and peers, individuals and team players and remark able innovators in the making.
A Montessori education - an opportunity to be come one of tomorrow’s remarkable innovators, such as the Google co-founders and the creator of TheAmazon.com.WestmontMontessori
School, proud to be celebrating 55 years, is a unique learning environment, alive with an atmosphere that embraces and nurtures children, along with a strong community of parents, students, faculty, staff and board members dedicated to one com mon goal: providing life-long academic, social, and emotional skills supporting each child in this ever-changing world.
Westmont’s commitment to early childhood education remains steadfast and it is our privilege to continue providing a foundation that fosters independence, self-esteem, integrity, personal responsibility and a love of learning. We welcome you to schedule a visit: Join us for a Tuesday morning Drop-in Open House, attend our FAMILY OPEN HOUSE ON FEB 29, 10AM, or take a personal tour! The Westmont Montessori School 577 Rt. 24, Mendham, NJ 07945

10 • FEBRUARY 2020 • NJKIDSONLINE.COM Summer Camp Fairs FEBRUARY 2020 THE AREA’S BIGGEST FAIRS ... don’t miss! ...CONNECTING GREAT KIDS WITH GREAT CAMPS find a great variety of camps, meet camp directors... pick up materials...ask questions...pickup giveaways & raffles...bring the kids Open to families! EXPLORE ALL SORTS OF SUMMER CAMPS FROM DAY, SLEEPAWAY, ART, ACADEMIC, STEM, SPORTS, ADVENTURE ...For kids ages 3 - 17 RSVP @ www.njcampfairs.com and get a free gift at the fair SAT, FEBRUARY 8 VILLAGE OF RIDGEWOOD, ridgewood SUN, FEBRUARY 9 MONTCLAIR ART MUSEUM, montclair SAT, FEBRUARY 22 MENLO PARK MALL, edison admission!FREE12-3PM VisitcampsDifferentateachfairthenall!

ADVERTISE@NJKIDSONLINE.COM • 11 Register for CAMP 2020! Equestrian Summer Camp | Year-Round FlexCamp Riding Lessons – Clinics and Training | Petite Equestrian Program 3y0-6yo | Trail Rides | IEA Team Equisharing – Leasing – Boarding | Volunteer-For-Barn-Bucks Program Book Your Party Now: Corporate Events and Team-Building | Birthday Parties | Pony, Mini Cart and Wagon Rides 440 South St., Morristown, NJ 07960 • (973) 644-3355 Between Ginty Pool and Loantaka Park. HACKNEYSEATON—STABLES— Who loves horses? Watch this inspiring video and see what you too could achieve: www.seatonhackney.com SUMMER REGISTRATIONCAMPNOW OPEN: Register before March 15th for a 10% Early Bird Discount and a Free Riding Lesson

Rushmore? *Answer:
2020 This year
IPLAY AMERICA - GET INSIDE THE FUN Daily, DiscoverMon-SunourWOW factor. The Jersey Shore comes indoors. Eat, ride & play at iPlay. Never boring because there are so many activities to choose from: laser tag, bumper cars, 4D theater, mini bowling, ropes courses, carousel, arcade games, and more! 110 Schanck Road, Freehold,NJ, 732.577.8200, iplayamerica.com
CRAYOLA The Crayola creative interactive play. Over 25 hands on attractions. Learn how crayons are made, name and wrap your own crayon, star in your own coloring page, and so much more! Preschoolers ages 3 & 4 get in FREE on non-holiday weekdays during the month of Feb 2020 (proof of age required). Through Feb 28th, kids ages 3-12 can create and enter a board design in the “Color Your Wings” design competition. Easton, PA, 610.515.8000, crayolaexperience.com/easton
Lincoln and Roosevelt. They will answer visitor questions. Voting booth activity. Participate in annual kids Presidential Costume Contest. 525 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA, 215.409.6600, constitutioncenter.org
story corner and more. Kids will learn about the role of the
PRESIDENTS DAY WEEKEND Sat-Mon, Feb 15-17, 2020 (FREE Admission Mon Feb Wonderful17th) museum for the whole family! Family friendly programs and activities: craft stations, games, trivia, story corner and more. Kids will learn about the role of the president and what the job involves. Visit Kids Town Hall on Mon. Feb 17th and meet Presidents Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt. They will answer visitor questions. Voting booth activity. Participate in annual kids Presidential Costume Contest. 525 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA, 215.409.6600, constitutioncenter.org
Rushmore? *Answer: George Washington,
the job involves. Visit Kids
mini bowling, ropes courses, carousel, arcade games,
EXPERIENCE Ongoing (Special Feb 2020 Activities) Nice day trip to PA from NJ.
IPLAY AMERICA - GET INSIDE THE FUN Daily, DiscoverMon-SunourWOW factor. The Jersey Shore comes indoors. Eat, ride play at Never boring because there are so many activities to choose from: laser tag, bumper theater, and more! 110 Schanck Road, 732.577.8200,
cars, 4D
Mon. Feb 17th and meet Presidents
Experience is a favorite family destination filled with
family friendly attractions or enjoy outdoor winter fun. President trivia:
attractions or
CELEBRATE PRESIDENT’S DAY President’s Day falls on Monday February 17, 2020 and it honors all current presidents. Time to explore NJ’s museums and their special exhibits, experience family friendly enjoy President trivia: Name the four presidents on the face of Mount George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.
CRAYOLA EXPERIENCE Ongoing (Special Feb 2020 Activities) Nice day trip to PA from NJ. The Crayola Experience is a favorite family destination filled with creative interactive play. Over 25 hands on attractions. Learn how crayons are made, name and wrap your own crayon, star in your own coloring page, and so much more! Preschoolers ages 3 & 4 get in FREE on non-holiday weekdays during the month of Feb 2020 (proof of age required). Through Feb 28th, kids ages 3-12 can create and enter a board design in the “Color Your Wings” design competition. Easton, PA, 610.515.8000, crayolaexperience.com/easton
Got Kids? WHAT TO DO... For family FUN THINGS TO DO, check out our complete listings on www.njkidsonline.com ............................Sign
outdoor winter fun.
Got Kids? WHAT TO DO... For family FUN THINGS TO DO, check out our complete listings on www.njkidsonline.com ............................Sign NATIONAL CONSTITUTION CENTER PRESIDENTS DAY WEEKEND Sat-Mon, Feb 15-17, 2020 (FREE Admission Mon Feb Wonderful17th) museum for the whole family! Family friendly programs and activities: craft stations, games,
This year President’s Day falls on Monday February 17, 2020 and it honors all past and current U.S. presidents. Time to explore NJ’s museums and their special exhibits, experience Name the four presidents on the face of Mount Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. trivia, president what Town Hall on Washington,
past and

Join us
Australian koalas, become
MADAME TUSSAUDS NEW YORK Daily Mon-Sun Check out wax figures of U.S. Presidents: Washington, Lincoln, Obama, and Trump. 234 West 42nd St, New York, NY, madametussauds. to stay “in the know”! There’s so much to share!!!
hundreds of pieces of plastic waste.
Opening Feb 1, 2020 New adventure for young learners. Make your way through a tropical rainforest, learn about Australian koalas, become an Antarctic penguin, go eye-to-eye with beetles, birds and more!
Sat-Mon, Feb 15-17, 2020, 12PM-4PM Free with Museum Admission. All ages welcome. Meet some of our earliest presidents, such as George Washington and James Madison, throughout President’s Day Weekend. Discover how each president left his mark on the highest office of the land. Visit the new exhibition Meet the Presidents to learn more! 170 Central Park West, New York, nyhistory.org/childrens-museum
Sky Zone Allendade, 201.574.1800 Sky Zone Mount Olive, 973.527.7000 Sky Zone Ocean Township, 732.200.4344 Sky Zone Pine Brook, 973.396.4001 Sky Zone Springfield, 973.671.5100
FROST BIG BOULDER SKI RESORT Sun, Feb 16, 2020, 8:30PM-10PM Join us for a Firework show and a Torchlight Parade down the Trail! Ski or snowboard daily this winter season. Buy tickets at store.jfbb.com/ MONTCLAIR ART MUSEUM - FEDERICO URIBE:
Celebrate President’s Day with a day of fun family programs. Learn about Aerosol: Graffiti & Street Art. Visit exhibits: Dinosaur Den, Mega Model Train and Railroad, American Indian, and Rocks and Minerals. 6 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown, morrismuseum.org
Starting Feb 8, 2020 the artist features 3 South Mountain Avenue, Montclair NJ, 973.746.5555,
Discover animals and wildlife in a natural setting. Home to 6,000 animals, 700 species on over 265 acres. Family friendly zoo, see Sea Lion and Penguin Feedings, Congo Gorilla Forest, Jungle World and more! Don’t forget to ride the Bug Carousel. 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx NY, 718.220.5100,
SKY ZONE PRESIDENT’S DAY Daily, Mon-Sun (Presidents Day Park Hours Mon Feb Jumping17th)fun with Freestyle Jump, Ultimate Dodgeball, Foam Zone, Skyslam, Ninja Warrior Trainer, Battle Beam and more! skyzone.com Sky Zone Allendade, 201.574.1800 Sky Zone Mount Olive, 973.527.7000 Sky Zone Ocean Township, 732.200.4344 Sky Zone Pine Brook, 973.396.4001 Sky Zone Springfield, 973.671.5100
............................Sign up for our enewsletters
Opening way through a about an with and Martin Kratt and a cast of heroes and villains to 222 Jersey City Boulevard Jersey City, NJ, 201.200.1000, lsc.org
Parade down the Trail! Ski
THE STATUE CRUISES EXPERIENCE Daily, Mon-Sun Even though it’s cold outside, you can still visit two of the world’s most famous landmarks in February. Statue Cruises is the only authorized official provider of tickets and tours to the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island. 877.523.9849, statuecruises.com
SKI PA Daily Mon-Sun, Winter Season
Starting Feb 8, 2020 Uribe the artist creates
Antarctic penguin, go eye-to-eye
SKI PA Daily Mon-Sun, Winter Season
For some outdoor family fun, go skiing, snowboarding, tubing, and cross country skiing in Pennsylvania. Over 20 family friendly mountains to choose from. Learn to ski and snowboard programs, 4th/5th grade snow pass, coupons and more! Visit website www.skipa.com for details.
SKY ZONE PRESIDENT’S DAY Daily, Mon-Sun (Presidents Day Park Hours Mon Feb Jumping17th)fun with Freestyle Jump, Ultimate Dodgeball, Foam Zone, Skyslam, Ninja Warrior Trainer, Battle Beam and more! skyzone.com
brightly colored landscapes and life-sized animal sculptures. Fashioned from colored pencils, shoes and shoelaces, plastic waste and recycled bullet shells. 60 pieces on exhibition. Plastic Coral Reef features hundreds of pieces of plastic waste. 3 South Mountain Avenue, Montclair NJ, 973.746.5555, montclairartmuseum.org
CHILDREN’S HISTORY MUSEUM Feb 15-17, 2020, 12PM-4PM Free with Museum Admission. All ages welcome. Meet some of our earliest presidents, such as George Washington and James Madison, throughout President’s Day Weekend. Discover how each president left his mark on the highest office of the land. Visit the new exhibition Meet the Presidents to learn more! 170 Central Park West, New York, nyhistory.org/childrens-museum
JACK FROST BIG BOULDER SKI RESORT Feb 16, 2020, 8:30PM-10PM for a Firework show and a Torchlight or tickets at store.jfbb.com/ ART MUSEUM - FEDERICO URIBE: ANIMALIA EXHIBIT
creates brightly colored landscapes and life-sized animal sculptures. Fashioned from colored pencils, shoes and shoelaces, plastic waste and recycled bullet shells. 60 pieces on exhibition. Plastic Coral Reef
beetles, birds and more! Exhibit features animal experts Chris
Exhibit features animal experts Chris and Martin Kratt and a cast of heroes and villains familiar to fans. 222 Jersey City Boulevard Jersey City, NJ, 201.200.1000, lsc.org
Feb 1, 2020 New adventure for young learners. Make your
PRESIDENTS DAY VACATION WORKSHOP AT THE MORRIS MUSEUM Mon, Feb 17, 2020, 11AM-1PM Celebrate President’s Day with a day of fun family programs. Learn about Aerosol: Graffiti & Street Art. Visit exhibits: Dinosaur Den, Mega Model Train and Railroad, American Indian, and Rocks and Minerals. 6 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown, morrismuseum.org
THE STATUE CRUISES EXPERIENCE Daily, Mon-Sun Even though it’s cold outside, you can still visit two of the world’s most famous landmarks in February. Statue Cruises is the only authorized official provider of tickets and tours to the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island. 877.523.9849, statuecruises.com
For some outdoor family fun, go skiing, snowboarding, tubing, and cross country skiing in Pennsylvania. Over 20 family friendly mountains to choose from. Learn to ski and snowboard programs, 4th/5th grade snow pass, coupons and more! Visit website www.skipa.com for details.
ADVERTISE@NJKIDSONLINE.COM • 13 ............................Sign up for our enewsletters to stay “in the know”! There’s so much to share!!! .............
THE BRONX ZOO Daily Mon-Sun, Winter Season Discover animals and wildlife in a natural setting. Home to 6,000 animals, 700 species on over 265 acres. Family friendly zoo, see Sea Lion and Penguin Feedings, Congo Gorilla Forest, Jungle World and more! Don’t forget to ride the Bug Carousel. 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx NY, 718.220.5100, bronxzoo.com
Check out wax figures of U.S. Presidents: Washington, Lincoln, Obama, and Trump. 234 West 42nd St, New York, NY, madametussauds.
Mon, Feb 17, 2020, 11AM-1PM
THE BRONX ZOO Daily Mon-Sun, Winter Season
tropical rainforest, learn
snowboard daily this winter season. Buy
14 • FEBRUARY 2020 • NJKIDSONLINE.COM Weekly Sessions June 29 to August 14, 2020 Sign up today! View our complete camp offerings and enroll online at summer.mbs.net or call 973-532-7569 Morrisotwn-Beard School • 70 Whippany Road • Morristown, NJ 07960 • www.mbs.net performingsummer2020programsarts acting • dance • hip hop jazz • musical theater Register njpac.org/summertoday! or 973.353.7058 4.6x 3.6_color NJKidsontheGo_jan_FINAL_rev.indd 1 12/19/19 2:40 PM

ROBOT Where Kids Command Technology REVOLUTION The best STEM program in NJ. Located in Summit and Edison. Build and program robots. Fun and exploration. 3rd-12th grade. Learn more at www.robotrevolution.net. @robotguys • 908-608-8896 info@robotrevolution.net ADVERTISE@NJKIDSONLINE.COM • 15 Peace. Health. Happiness. A gift that lasts a lifetime. Ask us about our Holiday Gift Package! DENVILLE | 973.957.7400 goldfishswimschool.com | • SMALL CLASS SIZES • SHIVER-FREE, 90-DEGREE POOL • KID-FRIENDLY AMENITIES • FREE MAKE-UP LESSONS

www.danieltigerlive.com Sun, May 3 @ 2 & 5:30PM A live, interactive musical adventure based on the PBS series. Sat, Feb 8 @ 3 & 7:30PM The power percussionists of DRUM TAO blend athleticism with artistry, modernizing the ancient art of Japanese drumming. drumtao JoshuainAcademyatupcomingnjpac...ofStMartintheFieldsBell, conductor/violinist Fri, Feb 21 @ 8PM Michael featuringFeinsteinStormLarge Shaken & Stirred Sat, Mar 14 @ 3PM The Chieftains The Irish Goodbye Tour Sun, Mar 15 @ 7PM Johnny Mathis with special guest Gary Mule Deer Fri, Mar 20 @ 8PM The Beach Boys with special guest Felix Cavaliere’s Rascals Fri, Apr 3 @ 8PM Rob Reiner Live & This Is Spinal Tap Fri, Apr 17 @ 8PM masterchefjuniorlive! mar@NJPAC10 • 1.888.GO.NJPAC • njpac.org Groups of 9 or more call 1.888.696.5722 • One Center Street, Newark, NJ Sat, May 30 @ 7:30PM Experience the film with the full score performed live by New Jersey Symphony Orchestra! NJPAC_ad_nj_kotg_full_feb.indd 1 1/2/20 1:25 PM

ADVERTISE@NJKIDSONLINE.COM • 17 SWIM SPORTS ARTS ADVENTURE A Day Camp with the Look of an Overnight Camp 234 Conklintown Road, Ringwood, N ew Jersey Voted 5BESTyears in a row! WW W.SLDC.COM 973-831-9000 OPEN HOUSE DATES: Sun. 2/2 10am-1pm Sun. 2/9 President’s10am-1pmWeek:2/17-2/21 11am-3pm Sat. 2/22 10-1pm All By Appointment Only

8 Chocolate Family Fun Day at the Morris Museum. 11AM-4PM. Join us for a sweet adventure by participating in chocolate inspired activities, Touch the Music with Claudia Lemmerz, and a special performance of Mystery and History of Magic in the Bickford Theatre.
6 Normandy Heights Rd, Morristown. 973-971-3700.
8 Mystery and History of Magic at the Bickford Theatre at the Morris Museum. 11AM-2PM. Performances at 11:00AM and 1:30PM. This fast-paced and fun magic show introduces heroes of the world of magic and demonstrates their famous illusions. 6 Normandy Heights Rd, Morristown. 973.971.3706.
8 Early Morning Opening & Sensory-Friendly at Intrepid Museum. Pier 86, W 46th St, NYC. intrepidmuseum.
7 Moon Mouse at RVCC Theatre. 10-11AM. Epic glowin-the-dark adventure about celebrating differences. 118 Lamington Road, Branchburg. 908-725-3420. rvccarts.org
9 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi in Concert Featuring New Jersey Symphony Orchestra. State Theatre New Jersey, Livingston Ave, New Brunswick. 732-2467469.
February Calendar Log onto www.njkidsonline.com for a full calendar listing. Got fun events? Submit them to web@njkidsonline.com. 18 • FEBRUARY 2020 • NJKIDSONLINE.COM 1, 8, 15, 22 Laser Magic at RVCC Planetarium. 4PM. Laser Magic Features songs by a variety of artists including songs like We Are All Made of Stars by Moby, We Will Rock You by Queen, Best Day Of My Life by American Authors, and Let It Go by Idina Menzel.(ages 6-12) Reservations recommended. 118 Lamington Rd, Branchburg. 908-231-8805. raritanval.
9 The Joy of Backyard Bird Feeding. 1-3PM. Attracting birds is a great way to bring nature up close and into your backyard. Up to 32 different species of native birds to a backyard, bird feeding will provide hours of entertainment for everyone in the family. ReevesReed Arboretum, 165 Hobart Ave, Summit.
2,edu/planetarium9,22SpringLake Day Camp of Ringwood -Open House. 10-1PM. Please call to RSVP. Swim, Sports, Arts, Adventure! Celebrating 32 years in business, Spring Lake Day Camp has been providing a wellrounded program, including daily swim instruction, general swim, catered hot lunches, professional sports, arts, and adventure programs for more than two decades. Age-appropriate program focuses on campers’ individual needs and helps them form life-long friendships, skills and memories. It’s a day camp with the look of an overnight camp. All tours are by Appointment only 973-831-9000 , 973-831-9000. 4,springlakedaycamp.8Read&Explore:Animal
8 Full Moon Hike at Reeves-Reed Arboretum. 6-7PM. Join us for a walk in the woods under the moonlight. On our easy stroll through the woodland trails, we will talk about how our senses work differently at night. Afterwards, we’ll warm up with hot chocolate! Please note that cost is per person. Registration is required.
6 Info Session at HudsonWay Immersion School. 9-10AM. We invite anyone interested to come spend time getting to know our school to better understand what makes HWIS unique. All students learn the core curriculum in either Spanish or Mandarin, apart from becoming proficient in English. Starts at the age of 2 - middle school.mRSVP here: hwis.org/apps/form/ tour-stirling. 249 Bebout Ave, Stirling. hwis.org
Member Price: FREE Non-Member Price: $5.00 Reeves-Reed Arboretum, 165 Hobart Ave, Summit. 908-273-8787. reeves-reedarboretum.org
DRUM TAO s pulse-pounding performances blend highly physical, large-scale drumming with precision choreography, beautiful costuming, and dramatic, innovative stage design. 2nd performance at 7:30. 1 Center St, Newark.
7 Super Pet Expo at the New Jersey Convention Center, Edison. 3-8PM. At the fun three day event kids and their dogs can participate in dog features, hold some of hundreds of reptiles and amphibians, watch cats demonstrate how trainable they can be. Pets welcome; leashed pets admitted free. [No retractable leashes]. 97 Sunfield Ave, Edison. 301-564-4050.
9 NJ CAMP FAIRS - held at Montclair Art Museum. 123PM. NJ Camp Fair 2020 is back! Meet sleep away camps, traditional day camps, to specialty camps ranging from sports, adventure, travel, academic, art, robotics, performing arts, foreign language and more.
RSVP @ njcampfairs.com for free gift at the fair. Free to the community. njcampfairs.com.
Tracks at Terhune Or chards. 10-11AM. Fun, informative programs include educational activities and stories followed by hands-on crafts and exploration. Registration requested. 609924-2310. Terhune Orchards, Cold Soil Rd, Princeton. 609-924-2310. terhuneorchards.com
8 Drum Tao: 2020 at njpac. 3-5PM. The power percussionists of DRUM TAO combine athleticism and artistry, lending a contemporary flair to ancient Japanese drumming, backed by the mesmerizing accompaniment of Japanese flutes and harps.
9 Second Sundays - Black History X Black Future @ Newark Museum, 11am-3pm. FREE with museum admission. Honor the legacy of Black icons and build creative visions for the future. Take part in activities and witness great performances from contemporary talent. www.newarkmuseumart.org
10 - 11 Greenberg’s Train & Toy Show at New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center. 10AM-4PM. All aboard! Kids 11 and under free. 97 Sunfield Ave, Edison. trainshow.com
10-11 144th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. 7-9PM. Madison Square Garden, NYC. msg. 12 Open House at JCC in Bridgewater, 5:30-7pm. Come learn about our programs and receive special savings on Camp, Early Childhood Center and Afterschool Programs. ssbjcc.org. 775 Talamini Road, Bridgewater 14 - 17, 20-23 Sesame Street Live at the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden.
18 Family Woodland Hike at New Jersey Botanical Garden. 1-2PM. \Free. New Jersey Botanical Garden, Morris Rd, Ringwood. 973962-9534. njbg.org
17908-722-3700.HarlemGlobetrotters- featuring larger than life enter tainers, will bring their ALL-NEW show. 4 Pennsylvania Plaza, NYC. msg.com
NJ Kids is not responsible for any misprints. Please check for times and dates as they may change.
15 - 22 Kids Week at Intrepid Museum. Join us all week long for live animal shows, pop-up planetarium shows, maker spaces, live performances and so much more! Children of all ages and interests will learn more about STEAM through activities and demonstrations designed to educate and inspire. Pier 86, W 46th St, NYC. intrepidmuseum.org
7, 14, 21, 28 Lunch with the Librarian at Mac culloch Hall Historical Museum. Pre-school children and their caregivers are invited to bring lunch and enjoy stories.FREE. 45 Mac culloch Ave, Morristown. 973-538-2404.
14 - 16 Family Gallery Programs at the New ark Museum - Our Cultural Community!. 10-11AM. Three- to five-year-olds and their caregivers enjoy a special time before the Mu seum opens to the public. 1-4PM. Come and discover the different aspects of our commu nity! From our families to the beauty and the structures that surround us! 49 Washington Ave, Newark. 973.596.6672.
• 19 9 THE ADDAMS FAMILY at the JCC in Bridgwater. 5-8PM, open to the community and will be held at the JCC, 775 Talamini Rd, Bridgewater. 908-443-9003. ssbjcc.org
15 Sugar Maple Celebration at Duke Farms. 10AM3PM. Activities focused on tree identification, climate change, the history of maple sugaring, and learn about the entire maple sugaring process Register. 1112 Dukes Parkway West, Hillsborough Township.
7 - 9 Creative Play at the Newark Museum. 10-11AM. 3-5 year-olds and their caregiv ers enjoy a special time before the Museum opens to the public. Family Gallery Programs at the Newark Museum - Multiples and Monoprints, Printmaking. 1PM-4PM. Theme: Printmaking bridges across time and culture. 973.596.6672 49 Washington Ave, Newark. 8,newarkmuseum.org15,22Rockin’Rocket Ride-Planetarium/ RVCC. 2-3PM. Put on your space suit and blast-off into outer space to visit the Moon, Sun, and planets. (ages 3-8)Reservations rec ommended. 118 Lamington Rd, Branchburg. 908-231-8805. raritanval.edu/planetarium 9 Music & Movies in the Park. 7-10PM. FREE Turkey Brook Park. 30 Flanders Rd, Budd Lake. 973-426-7262. 9, 23 Summer Concerts at New Jersey Botani cal Garden. Bring a lawn chair; no alcohol permitted on state property. $5 donation requested. 2 Morris Rd, Ringwood. njbg.org
of Events
17 - 21 Spring Lake Day Camp of Ringwood OPEN HOUSE -President’s Week. 10AM-3PM. Swim, Sports, Arts, Adventure! Celebrating 32 years in business, Spring Lake Day Camp has been providing a wellrounded program, including daily swim instruction, general swim, catered hot lunches, professional sports, arts, and adventure programs for more than two decades. It’s a day camp with the look of an overnight camp. All tours are by appointment only. www.sldc.com. 973-831-9000. 234 Conklintown Road, 17Ringwood.President’s Day Camp at My Gym New Providence. 12-3PM. 1330 Springfield Ave, New Providence. 17908-665-2122.PhyllisChen Workshop at the Morris Museum. 1-2PM. Participants will draw on scrolls that composer and keyboardist Phyllis Chen will expertly punch into miniature compositions. Register. 6 Normandy Heights Rd, Morristown. 973.971.3706. 20 Access-ABILITY Art Exhibition Opening Reception at the Morris Museum. 6-8PM. Please join us for an opening reception of a visual art exhibition that showcases the talents of children and adults in our community who live and thrive with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities. FREE. Light refreshments are included. 6 Normandy Heights Rd, Morristown. 973.971.3700. morrismuseum.org/access22ability-programs/Who’sBeenHere? at Reeves-Reed Arboretum. 1011AM. Join one of our environmental educators and take to the trails in search of animal signs! Investigate and track the animals that visit the Arboretum in the winter. Register. Reeves-Reed Arboretum, 165 Hobart Ave, Summit. 908-273-8787. reeves-reedarboretum. 22 Oak Knoll Summer Programs Open House. 1-3PM. Enjoy face painting and crafts while you meet our summer staff and learn about our programs for pre schoolers all the way through high school. Free and open to the public. 44 Blackburn Road, Summit. info. 292923oakknoll.org/summer-programs-open-houseInternationalPolarBearDayFestivalatAmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory.200CentralParkW,NYC.CampRiverbendOPENHOUSE.ASummerDayCampfor3-14yearolds!ComesampleCampRiverbend’sawesomesummeractivitiesthiswinter!FunRiverbendactivitiesforkidsandparents,runbyouramazingcounselors.Takeatourofthecampsitewithourdirectors.Free!RSVP@campriverbend.comor908-580-CAMP.WestmontMontessoriFamilyOpenHouse.Choosingacampforthissummer?Wewelcomeyoutoscheduleavisitat10am,oratakeapersonaltour.577Route24,Mendham.westmontmontessori.orgadmissions@westmontmontessori.org
10 Chester Music Festival FREE. 11am-5pm. Featuring English Rock Band of the 70’s, 80’s (250 State Rte 24, Chester, NJ) Bring your lawn chairs and shades! Downtown Chester. 10 - 11 Totally Tomatoes Weekend at New York Botanical Garden. Bronx, NY. nybg.org
6 National Night Out at Mennen Sports Arena. FREE food, FREE entertainment, FREE ice skating, and giveaways! 161 Hanover Ave, Morristown. 973-326-7654.
6 Baby and Me Hike. 9-11AM. Baby and Me Hike. Cost: $2 per adult. Preregistration re quired. 973.635.6629. Jockey Hollow National Park, Harding. 973.635.6629. morrisparks.net
18 Storytime at 2 at Macculloch Hall Historical Museum. Celebrate American Artist Apprecia tion Month with a story and art project. FREE with museum admission. Pre-register (973) 538-2404, x16 or cwinslow@maccullochhall. org. 45 Macculloch Ave, Morristown.
15 Dinosaur World Live at State Theatre New Jersey. Dare to experience the dangers and delights of Dino saur World Live in this roarsome interactive show for all the family! Grab your compass and join our intrepid explorer across unchartered territories to discover a prehistoric world of astonishing (and remarkably life like) dinosaurs. 15 Livingston Ave, New Brunswick.
19 Sky Zone Sensory Hours in Mount Olive NJ. 4-6PM. 61 International Drive South, Budd Lake. 973-527-7000. skyzone.com/mountolive 21, 28 Science Wednesdays: BASF’s Kids Lab at the Morris Museum. 1-2PM. 6 Normandy Heights Rd, Morristown. 973.971.3700. rismuseum.org/special-programs-familiesmor 22 Peach Muffin Making. 11AM-2PM. 908-8795463. Cooper Gristmill. 66 State Route 24, 24Chester.Morristown Food and Truck Festival. 11AM7PM. Gintny Field. 49 Woodland Ave 31 Labor Day Lobsterfest. Free event! 6 bands and emcee/DJ playing requests. Over 180 craft and specialty vendors. Great oceanfront location. Children’s activities including water slide, rides, face painters and sand art. 500 Ocean Ave, Bradley Beach. bblobsterfest.com
12 Sensory Hours at Sky Zone in Pine Brook. 4-6PM. 60 Chapin Rd, Pine Brook. 973-396144001.NMBFF Film Festival at the Newark Museum. 1-3PM. Youth Film Festival Series, WednesdaysAdmission: FREE. Annie 49 Wash ington Ave, Newark. Newark 973.596.6672.

CAMP RIVERBEND 116 Hillcrest Rd., Wherecampriverbend.comWarren•908.580.CAMPtraditionmeetstomorrow,!AtCamp
ROBOT REVOLUTION 34 Maple St., 4-12robotrevolution.netSummit•908.608.8896grades
RIZZO’S WILDLIFE WORLD: RIZZO’S RANGERS 1 Gold Mine Road, Roxbury Township 973.586.0444 • rizzoswildlifeworld.com
Dedicated to providing fun and intellectually-stimulating experiences to fuel young people’s interests and creativity. Summer is a great time to explore. We design our classes to be creative and hands-on. Kids design video games, build robots, tinker with the engineering of gadgets, conduct experiments and make films. Over sixty classes to choose from and explore in STEAMScience, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. At International Ivy, we are open to all students and thrive on their joy and laughter.
INTERNATIONAL IVY SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Locations: Oakland, Paramus, Chatham, Livingston, Scotch Plains, Short Hills, Summit, Burlington, Somerset, , 3-15 years
ROBOT REVOLUTION 34 Maple St., 4-12robotrevolution.netSummit•908.608.8896grades
Riverbend child can experience the most memorable sum mer in a safe, caring environment dedicated to growth, friendship and fun! Sports, crafts, daily swimming lessons, nature and more! Lunch included. Three quarter day option for 3 and 4 year olds, day trip travel for rising middle schoolers. Run by the Breene family since 1963, 100% devoted to families. For boys and girls ages 3-14. Door to door transportation from parts of Essex, Morris, Somerset and Union Counties and bus stop service in Hudson County. Accredited by ACA & State of NJ ART 14 Kings Rd. • 908.604.0773 child’s creativity will be sparked by different weekly project themes. We offer an art camp experi ence where children are encouraged to explore their individual creative artistic expression while learning new techniques and skill in a small group setting. Art camps explore a variety of mediums, including draw ing, painting, sculpture and pottery wheel. Camps run in one-week sessions in the morning or afternoon as well as full day weekly classes. Creative Hands has been teaching children the joys and satisfaction of creating art in Madison for over 25 years.
MORRISTOWN BEARD DAY CAMP 70 Whippany Road, Morristown summer.mbs.net • 973.532.7569 Morristown-Beard Day Camp, a state-licensed facility and ACA accredited camp program, is designed to help children develop skills in sports, arts and crafts, dance, swimming and science. Our counselors work to promote good sportsmanship and self-confidence. Our daily schedule is comprised of structured periods, with a flexible schedule on special events days.
CREATIVE HANDS ART STUDIO 14 Kings Rd. creativehandsartstudio.comMadison • 908.604.0773
MORRISTOWN BEARD DAY CAMP 70 Whippany Road, Morristown summer.mbs.net • 973.532.7569 Morristown-Beard Day Camp, a state-licensed facility and ACA accredited camp program, is designed to help children develop skills in sports, arts and crafts, dance, swimming and science. Our counselors work to promote good sportsmanship and self-confidence. Our daily schedule is comprised of structured periods, with a flexible schedule on special events days.
Scientist Academy: 2nd - 6th graders will become vets, herpetologists, ornithologists, entomologists, and mam malogists. Creatures of the Night: 2nd-6th graders will study nocturnal animals when they’re most active.
Scientist Academy: 2nd - 6th graders will become vets, herpetologists, ornithologists, entomologists, and mam malogists. Creatures of the Night: 2nd-6th graders will study nocturnal animals when they’re most active.
NJ Hillcrest Rd.,
RIZZO’S WILDLIFE WORLD: RIZZO’S RANGERS 1 Gold Mine Road, Roxbury Township 973.586.0444 • rizzoswildlifeworld.com
Rizzo’s Rainforest Rangers: 1st - 4th graders will focus on rainforest diversity and the importance of water through hands-on interaction with rainforest animals.
INTERNATIONAL IVY SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Locations: Oakland, Paramus, Chatham, Livingston, Scotch Plains, Short Hills, Summit, Burlington, Somerset, iisummer.comPrinceton•908.899.1338 , 3-15 years
Riverbend your child can experience the most memorable sum mer in a safe, caring environment dedicated to growth, friendship and fun! Sports, crafts, daily swimming lessons, nature and more! Lunch included. Three quarter day option for 3 and 4 year olds, day trip travel for rising middle schoolers. Run by the Breene family since 1963, 100% devoted to families. For boys and girls ages 3-14. Door to door transportation from parts of Essex, Morris, Somerset and Union Counties and bus stop service in Hudson County. Accredited by ACA & State of NJ
Your child’s creativity will be sparked by different weekly project themes. We offer an art camp experi ence where children are encouraged to explore their individual creative artistic expression while learning new techniques and skill in a small group setting. Art camps explore a variety of mediums, including draw ing, painting, sculpture and pottery wheel. Camps run in one-week sessions in the morning or afternoon as well as full day weekly classes. Creative Hands has been teaching children the joys and satisfaction of creating art in Madison for over 25 years.
Dedicated to providing fun and intellectually-stimulating experiences to fuel young people’s interests and creativity. Summer is a great time to explore. We design our classes to be creative and hands-on. Kids design video games, build robots, tinker with the engineering of gadgets, conduct experiments and make films. Over sixty classes to choose from and explore in STEAMScience, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. At International Ivy, we are open to all students and thrive on their joy and laughter.
Rizzo’s Rainforest Rangers: 1st - 4th graders will focus on rainforest diversity and the importance of water through hands-on interaction with rainforest animals.

SUMMER PLUS Morris School District Community School Frelinghuysen Middle School, Morris Township 973.292.2063 • msdcommunityschool.org
Ages: 3-18 years SOR Chatham provides interactive, performancebased music education for kids of all ages! Come get a taste of rock this summer with our 4- or 5-day sessions for every level. Sign up for one or do a few, every week is Dates from late June-August. Call or email us for current promotions! 6/29-8/28
adjacent to Loantaka Park. SCHOOL OF ROCK CHATHAM SUMMER MUSIC CAMPS 60 Main St, locations.schoolofrock.com/chathamChatham • 973.635.2100 Ages: 3-18 years SOR Chatham provides interactive, performancebased music education for kids of all ages! Come get a taste of rock this summer with our 4- or 5-day sessions for every level. Sign up for one or do
SCHOOL OF ROCK CHATHAM MUSIC CAMPS 60 Main St, locations.schoolofrock.com/chathamChatham
LAKE DAY CAMP Conklintown Rd, Ringwood sldc.com • 973.831.9000 Swim, Sports, Arts, Adventure! Celebrating 32 years in business, Spring Lake Day Camp of Ringwood has been providing a well-rounded program, including daily swim instruction, general swim, catered hot lunches, professional sports, arts, and adventure programs for more than two decades. Its age-appropriate program focuses on campers’ indi vidual needs and helps them form life-long friendships, skills and memories.
Offering a summer equestrian camp with small groups, from beginner to advanced, ages 5-17 years. Learn basic safety, grooming, tacking and barn management skills, ride 2-3x daily, in lessons, trails, lungeing and equisthenics sessions. Swimming hour at adjacent Ginty Pool. Daily Lunch. Staff to camper ratio of 4:1. Train for our IEA Show Team. Flexible, early drop off and late pickup available. Beautiful 25+ acres county facility a few,
Award winning robotics program for grades 4-12. Build, program, and even compete in exciting games with robots of your design. Bring math, science, and engineering together to solve problems. Robotics brings STEM to life.
STEPPING FORWARD COUNSELING CTR CAMP Chatham and 973.635.6550,NutleyAges
An enriching Summer environment for students in grades K through 7,
HORSEBACK RIDING CAMP AT SEATON HACKNEY STABLES 440 South St, Morristown 973.644.3355 • seatonhackney.com
Morristown 973.644.3355 • seatonhackney.com The
The perfect place for young equestrians!
Sign up for one or do a few, every week is different! Dates from late June-August. Call or email us for current promotions! 6/29-8/28 SPRING LAKE DAY CAMP Conklintown Rd, Ringwood sldc.com • 973.831.9000 Swim, Sports, Arts, Adventure! Celebrating 32 years in business, Spring Lake Day Camp of Ringwood has been providing a well-rounded program, including daily swim instruction, general swim, catered hot lunches, professional sports, arts, and adventure programs for more than two decades. Its age-appropriate program focuses on campers’ indi vidual needs and helps them form life-long friendships, skills and memories. STEPPING FORWARD COUNSELING CTR CAMP Chatham and 973.635.6550,NutleyAges toforprogram,SFCCsteppingforwardcounselingcenter.com0-21C.A.M.P-Clinicallyadvancedmulti-modalityTherapeuticSportsandSocialSkillschildrenandyoungadultsages0-21withmildmoderatelearning,emotional,andbehavioral difficulties. Enjoy activities:
SUMMER PLUS Morris School District Community School Frelinghuysen Middle School, Morris Township 973.292.2063 • msdcommunityschool.org
featuring courses in the arts, reading and writing, math, technology, drama, music,cooking, swimming, sports, photography and more! Full time student enjoy an 8-period day follow ing a schedule based on their preferences! Shorter sessions are available and before and after care hours! SURF AND TURF ADVENTURE CAMP & SURF AND TURF JR. Edgemont Park, “Wesurfandturfcamp.comMontclair•973.306.9505areadaycampaswellasovernight. Our day camp is based in Edgemont Park, Montclair, for boys and girls ages 9-15. Kids aged 9-11 may join as Surf and Turf Juniors with extra care and supervision! Our overnight camp tours a couple of far away places each year. This year we will go to Seattle/ San Juan Islands and The White Mountains of New WESTMONTHampshire.”MONTESSORI SUMMER CAMP 577 Rt. 24, westmontmontessori.orgMendham • 908.879.6355 Explore Westmont this summer and continue the wonders of learning with a Montessori individualized curriculum and exciting themed activities. For children ages 1 ½ to 6 years.
An enriching Summer environment for students in grades K through 7, featuring courses in the arts, reading and writing, math, technology, drama, music,cooking, swimming, sports, photography and more! Full time student enjoy an 8-period day email us for current promotions! 6/29-8/28 St, perfect place for young equestrians!
follow ing a schedule based on their preferences! Shorter sessions are available and before and after care hours! SURF AND TURF ADVENTURE CAMP & SURF AND TURF JR. Edgemont Park, “Wesurfandturfcamp.comMontclair•973.306.9505areadaycampaswellasovernight. Our day camp is based in Edgemont Park, Montclair, for boys and girls ages 9-15. Kids aged 9-11 may join as Surf and Turf Juniors with extra care and supervision! Our overnight camp tours a couple of far away places each year. This year we will go to Seattle/ San Juan Islands and The White Mountains of New WESTMONTHampshire.”MONTESSORI SUMMER CAMP 577 Rt. 24, westmontmontessori.orgMendham • 908.879.6355 Explore Westmont this summer and continue the wonders of learning with a Montessori individualized curriculum and exciting themed activities. For children ages 1 ½ to 6 years. NJ SUMMER CAMPS 2020 Award winning robotics program for grades 4-12. Build, program, and even compete in exciting games with robots of your design. Bring math, science, and engineering together to solve problems. Robotics brings STEM to life. SCHOOL OF ROCK CHATHAM MUSIC CAMPS 60 Main St, locations.schoolofrock.com/chathamChatham • 973.635.2100 Ages: 3-18 years SOR Chatham provides interactive, performancebased music education for kids all ages! Come get a taste of rock this summer with our 4- or 5-day sessions for every level. Sign up for one or do a few, every week is different! Dates from late June-August. Call or
every week is different! Dates from late June-August. Call or email us for current promotions! 6/29-8/28
Offering a summer equestrian camp with small groups, from beginner to advanced, ages 5-17 years. Learn basic safety, grooming, tacking and barn management skills, ride 2-3x daily, in lessons, trails, lungeing and equisthenics sessions. Swimming hour at adjacent Ginty Pool. Daily Lunch. Staff camper ratio of 4:1. Train for our IEA Show Team. Flexible, early drop off and late pickup available. Beautiful 25+ acres county facility adjacent to Loantaka Park. OF ROCK CHATHAM 3-18 years Chatham provides interactive, performancebased music education for kids all ages! Come get a taste of rock this summer with our 4- or 5-day sessions for every level. Therapeutic Horseback Riding, Swimming, Yoga, Drama, Academic Programs, Arts & Crafts, Camp Out, Color War, Field Trips, Kayaking/Sailing, Rock Climbing, all while learn skills and making friends that will last a life time. 3-1 ratio, led by Ph.D., LCSWs, teaching and other licensed professionals. Day & sleep away.
difficulties. Enjoy activities: Therapeutic Horseback Riding, Swimming, Yoga, Drama, Academic Programs, Arts & Crafts, Camp Out, Color War, Field Trips, Kayaking/Sailing, Rock Climbing, all while learn skills and making friends that will last a life time. 3-1 ratio, led by Ph.D., LCSWs, teaching and other licensed professionals. Day & sleep away.
• 973.635.2100
SUMMER MUSIC CAMPS 60 Main St, locations.schoolofrock.com/chathamChatham • 973.635.2100 Ages:
OfferingOngoing creative glass fusing fun for children ages 3+ to adults. No experience necessary. Use colored pieces of glass to create your own unique design. Glass dishes, flat tiles, picture frames, mounted boxes and more! Walk-ins welcome: ev ery day (except Wed) 12PM-6PM; also first Friday of every month open late to 9PM. Reservations recommended during the holidays. 151 South St, Morristown, 973.656.0800, umakeglass.com
BookOngoingyour "Design Your Own Jewelry Workshop". Create jewelry that is uniquely your own! Create a special necklace or bracelet using a wide selection of different beads. Upgrades available for gemstones, Swarovski crystals, and metal beads. Expect to spend 1 to 1 1/2 hours. 113 Central Ave, Westfield, 908.232.3411, justbeadyourself.com
Drop-inOngoingsessions available. Register online. Aimed at children ages 1.5 to 13 years old. Students can create works of art. Choose classes from Messy Artists, Cartooning, Drawing, Arty Explorers, Art Elements, Sculpture and more! 356 Route 10 West, East Hanover, 973.378.2425, themessy artist.com
Need a little something special handmade for that little love one in your life? Beaded necklaces, glass dishes, pottery mugs, painted pictures.....it's time to get creative and make arts and crafts gifts for Valentine's Day. Here are some family friendly art places to craft your special keepsake.
Walk-inOngoingart activities. Kids and adults. Paint your own pottery, painting on canvas, painting on wood, tote bag painting, kiln clay building and more! 290 Mounts Corner Drive, Freehold, 732.508.3092, aroundthecornerartcenter.com FROM
Walk-inOngoingclasses for children and adults. Come in and start creating that special art piece. Design, paint and decorate pottery, select from mugs, plates, frames, figurines and more. With glass fusing, make your own unique jewelry, nightlights, platters using bits and pieces of glass. For canvas painting, select from our library of canvas designs to paint your very own masterpiece. 117 N. Union Ave. Cranford, 908.272.2600, firemeupstudio.com


*$119 STARTING RATE IS FOR WINTER MIDWEEKS, INCLUDES MEALS AND ACTIVITIES RATES ARE PER ADULT PER NIGHT AND SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. Woodloch provides unrivaled hospitality, engaging activities, countless amenities and entertainment. Here, it's about families coming closer together, reconnecting, and having an experience you won't soon forget - you just have to see it for yourself. WOODLOCH.COM | 800.WOODLOCH | IN THE NORTHERN POCONO MOUNTAINS *$119 STARTING RATE IS FOR WINTER MIDWEEKS, INCLUDES MEALS AND ACTIVITIES RATES ARE PER ADULT PER NIGHT AND SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. STARTWINTERRATESAT$119 *

ADVERTISE@NJKIDSONLINE.COM • 25 AREAS OF EXPERTISE: • Parenting Skills • Behavioral Issues • ADHD & Neuropsychological Assessments • IEP Planning, School based Interventions and Advisement, as well as In-School Observations • Art & Play Therapy • Pet Therapy with miniature horses • LGBTQ issues • Trauma with EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing for Trauma) • EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) • Substance Abuse Therapy • DBT (Dialectic Behavior Therapy) We accept most insurance plans We work with children of all ages, adults, couples and families Convenient day, after school, evening and Saturday hours Trained & licensed therapists with a variety of specializations 26 Madison Avenue, Morristown • www.discoverypsychcenter.com 862-242-3500 • 973-796-3760 • info@discoverypsychcenter.com

Introduce and teach your children about Black History and its importance in our society. It is dedicated to the heritage and achievements of African Americans and people of African descent. The ASALH Black History theme for 2020 is “African Americans and the Vote”, which explores the ongoing struggle on the part of both black men and black women for the right to vote. Check dates and times for inspirational New Jersey area exhibits below.
FREE with Admission. Registration required. Honor the legacy of Black icons and build creative visions for the future. Take part in activities and witness great performances from contemporary talent. Hand-on family fun. 49 Washington St, Newark, NJ, 973.596.6550, newarkmuseumart
For children in grades 3-12. Bright Star Theatre portrays events and heroes of the Civil Rights Movement. Students will learn about American milestones between the years 1955-1968. The Montgomery Bus Boycott, Brown v. Board of Education, Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. come to life through stories and song. 50 South Fullerton Ave, Montclair, montclairlibrary.org
Newark Museum
Legends of Motown: Celebrating The Supremeson display through Sun, Apr. 26, 2020, the exhibit features rare photographs from the personal collection of Mary Wilson; concert posters; tour books, fan memorabilia; and an assortment of performance gowns. Ongoing exhibit - experience touch-screen interactivity and one-of-a-kind film footage for Wyclef Jean, a 3 time Grammy Award winning artist and member of NJ trio, The Fugees. 165 Mulberry Street, Newark, grammymuseumexp.org
Sun, Feb 9, 2020, 11AM-3PM
Got Kids? WHAT
RADICAL WOMEN EXHIBITION AT THE NEWARK PUBLIC LIBRARY Through Dec 31, 2020 This exhibition commemorates the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which legally granted American women the right to vote. Learn about courageous New Jersey women who decided to challenge the restrictions and fought for their rights. 5 Washington Street, Newark, npl TO DO...
Sat, Feb 29, 2020, 2PM-3PM

ADVERTISE@NJKIDSONLINE.COM • 27 GOT KIDS? WHAT TO DO go to www.njkidsonline.com click on the to JUMP to PARTY GUIDE... DJ Flo & Disco the ClownCOSTUMEwww.discotheclown.com(973)Entertainment538-0100CLOWNS“DJFLO”CHARACTERSFacepainting-BalloonsGames-Music-Dancing BabySTORKS:Showers, Gender Reveals Birth Announcements BUNNY: Egg Hunts & Photos Birthdays, Communions & All Events! *NOT VALID ON PREVIOUS PURCHASES. CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. EXPIRES 3/29/20. ALL AMERICAN FORD SPEEDWAY GO-KARTS • LASER TAG • RIDES ROPES COURSE • BAR & GRILL • 250 + ARCADE GAMES • 4-D THEATER TOPGOLF SWING SUITE • EVENTS • CONCERTS AND MORE! iPlayAmerica.com | Freehold, NJ | 732.577.8200 x383

1/2 OFF Kids Magic + 3platinum.comDJ@thisparty1.800.596.477214 Kings Rd, Madison • 908.604.0773 Birthday Parties & Summer Camps! 1665 Oak Tree Road, Suite 400, Edison, NJ 732-243-9793 • info@gostemacademy.comwww.igostem.comMonday-Friday7am-7pm Near Metro Park & Metuchen Train Stations CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY AT STEM ACADEMY We organize. We set-up. We clean up. You relax! Enjoy a party full of STEM, Art, Dance and Music Activities! $25 off your next party! 28 • FEBRUARY 2020 • NJKIDSONLINE.COM www.thepartymaniacs.com @ njkidsonline Follow us on Instagram @ FollownjkidsonlineusonInstagram @ njkidsonline Follow us on Instagram @ FollownjkidsonlineusonInstagram

27 ATTRACTIONS!HANDS-ON Doodle, scrub, repeat with SCRIBBLE SCRuBBIES NEW NEW SILLY SELFIES come alive on the big screen! Buy tickets online & save $4 ADMISSIONOFF EnterTickets.CrayolaExperience.comCode:NJKids1930 Centre Square Easton, PA 18042 | 610-515-8000 Jam Cats is a children’s music program that comes to your school or childcare to add an exciting music class to the weeklyInstrumentMusicDanceSingcurriculum.AlongMovementFundamentalsDiscoveryCalltobook:&bimonthlyclasses,oraonetimeshow!Birthdayparties,summercamps,andprivatelessonstoo! Discover the Magic of Music! TheJamCatsMusic.com • 201-838-5126 • DJ@TheJamCatsMusic.com ADVERTISE@NJKIDSONLINE.COM • 29

K i d s l o v e a e x p e r i e n c e umakeglass.com | 973-656-0800 | info@umakeglass.com Walk In Studio | Kids Birthday Parties | Field Trips 30 • FEBRUARY 2020 • NJKIDSONLINE.COM FULL SERVICE PARTY + FOOD & DESSERT

ADVERTISE@NJKIDSONLINE.COM • 31 SAVE UP TO 20% ON UseFebruaryTICKETS!*14-23msg.com/famsslCode:FAMSSL Valid on select seats and performances. 8 ticket limit. Offer not valid on previously purchased tickets and cannot be combined with any other offer. Discount is calculated off of the original box office price. Offer may be revoked or modified at any time without notice and is subject to availability. Other restrictions may apply. Offer expires 2/23/20. Service charges apply to telephone, internet and box office pick-up orders. All sales are final – no refunds or exchanges. All prices, dates, and times are subject to change. Accessible and companion seats are available via the Disabled Services Department at 888-609-7599. ©2019 MSG Sports & Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved. *Offer valid on select seats and performances.

SAVE UP TO 20% ON TICKETS! * FEB 10 & 11 COME. SIT. STAY. USE CODE: MSG.COM/FAMWKCFAMWKC *Valid on select seats. 8 ticket limit. Offer not valid on previously purchased tickets and cannot be combined with any other offer. Discount is calculated off of the original box office price. Offer may be revoked or modified at any time without notice and is subject to availability. Other restrictions may apply. Offer expires 2/11/20. Service charges apply to telephone, internet and box office pick-up orders. All sales are final – no refunds or exchanges. All prices, dates, and times are subject to change. Accessible and companion seats are available via the Disabled Services Department at 888-609-7599. ©2020 MSG Sports & Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.