1 minute read
It is important to have goals in life. Once you know what you are working towards, you can take practical steps to reach your goals.
So, think about all the progress you have already made in paying off your debt and focus on what it is going to be like when you finally get out of debt.
Even if you do have bad days where you don’t feel particularly motivated or where setbacks make things tough, please exercise selfcontrol and stick with the process.
Continue to chip away at your goal of becoming debt free and you will make progress one step at a time. Having no debt is almost like being the richest person in the room these days.
Be determined to pay down your debts each month and continue making progress towards whatever other goals you set for yourself, it will be worth it!

In an important step towards balancing the needs and rights of Namibians with the needs and somewhat overwhelming resources of credit providers, a new consumer education and rights’ association has been born.

The association is called NCFA.

The National Consumer Finance Association of Namibia (NCFA) is a debt and credit counselling association that aims to inspire financial well-being and provide credit counselling, low cost debt management solutions, and financial education to all Namibians regardless of background.
As we all know, there are many Namibians who do not have extensive financial education or access to counselling services when dealing with debt stress. Many consumers are becoming overwhelmed in dealing with their debt stress and need access to responsible options for dealing with their situation.
The National Consumer Finance Association of Namibia is the first (and only) credit counselling Association in Namibia.