1 minute read
Month 3 is tough…
You speak to your Debt Counsellor less, you speak to your Attorney less. You have now been shopping with cash (or your debit card) for a long time and you start to see adverts for things you just can’t afford or can’t simply buy with credit any more. Your friends are inviting you to go to places you are not sure your budget can cover.
The reality of your changed circumstances can come crashing in, as you realise you are now going to be paying off your debt and living frugally for many years. Eeek.
Even though the truth is you already had big debts that would have taken years to pay off anyway it can feel different. Once you get your court order and see things in the harsh light of day, you may have some “buyer’s remorse”.
And if along the way you see your balances go up (maybe because the banks have not adjusted their systems nicely yet, or simply because you have paid the Debt Counsellors fee in month one and Attorneys’ fees month two) it can be stressful. You worry.
It is at this point that you need to really dig deep and push through the doubt. Make that third payment and keep your momentum.