the first issue.
table of contents green
4 sustainable sophomore fashion 6 how to be green at.. 8 DIY with Clara 7 green products.. 9 Inspired by Bloggers 10 features 12 travel Zap & Co, 18 Next Door: 16 Guy 19 Sean Duetsch 20
Runway the Thrifty Way
Betty & Melissa cover story
300 block of Lancaster
Kelly Clayton, Editor Chelsea Decker. Editor March 2011, Issue #1
South Africa by Jon Gabriel
letter from the editors
[the inspiration board]
“The heights by great men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden f light, But, they, while their companions slept,Were toiling upward in the night.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Wow, our first issue. Finally! It is done. This idea came about in
early October because we wanted to do something that encompassed all of our interests- fashion, going green, travel and thrifting. It all started with a lengthy conversation about future career aspirations and our mutual passion for the magazine industry. We came up with Tru(4)ia, to mean true euphoria, because we wanted to show young women that living a truly happy life was more than possible! This issue we featured a number of truly amazing and talented students. Cover girls Betty & Melissa were tons of fun and provided us with great photos (check out our Facebook page for more) and helped us define what being the Tru(4)ia girl means. Special thanks to our charming and funny friend--Guy Next Door Sean and DIY girl/”intern” Clara for supporting and contributing your stunning pages! Sophomore students Mike Cheung and Jon Gabriel took us to another part of the world and told once-in-a-lifetime stories. Special thanks to Glenn Knight for beautiful photos, Kendra Linton for rocking silk shorts and western fringe, and Zee for putting her own spin on a story about the notorious 300 block. This issue wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our friends and families for listening to us rant, brainstorm, rave and just give support and ideas for the past 5 months! We’ve put our hearts and souls into this publication-- investing time, energy, money and passion into this project. It’s been a long wait for these 28 pages, but well worth it, we hope you all enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed making it! Stay happy, stay true, stay Tru(4)ia!
Chelsea & Kelly
Sustainable Sophomore “I
College student works in New Mexico & learns “green” perspective
Mike Cheung
am an overachiever.” says, Sophomore triple major Mike Cheung. Cheung who started his college career at Elizabethtown College as an Actuarial Science Major is now majoring in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science while taking his Spring 2011 semester to work at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico (LANL). This 19-year-old, guitar playing, environmentally conscious student is going out of the typical E-town box. Since the 21st Century began, the concept of “Going Green” is picking up steam. Promoting environmentalism are popular faced celebrities such as teen idol and vegetarian Miley Cyrus along with Academy Award Winner, hybrid car driver Leonardo DiCaprio and E-town student Mike Cheung. But, why do we as a society in the last ten years, all of a sudden care about the Earth? What has changed that is making the college students as well as celebrities take action? The Earth has changed. In simple terms the Earth is heating up or “globally warming.” The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proves that we as a world and as the United States are warming, because, the eight warmest years of the Earth since 1880 have all occurred since 2001, the warmest year ever being 2005. Eco-conscious student, Mike Cheung is taking his effort to fight global warming to a new level. He is not only dedicating a semester to the sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2) with the hopes of reducing greenhouse gases but also getting a first hand look at the much anticipated “real world.”Before Cheung became an E-town super genius and employee of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, home of the atomic bomb, he struggled in High School and came to E-town because, ”I was rejected from the other schools I applied to,” says Cheung. In the fall of 2010, he tacted on three majors, tutoring for pay (sometimes), and maintaining a social life with E-town best friends, James Hughes and Alan Dyson, Mike has even figured out what his career path is. “My advisor Dr. McDevitt has really inspired me to triple major and to teach others. I really enjoyed tutoring last Fall Semester, so I am going to get a PhD and become a professor,” says Cheung. It was also Elizabethtown College professors, Dr. Tim McDevitt and Dr. Mark Stuckey who got Mike involved with his current job at LANL. Cheung says, “Dr. Stuckey recommended me to work at this lab over any junior or senior because he thought I could handle the work, as well as being away for a semester”. Cheung soon goes into grave detail about how he spent his last summer traveling Europe thanks to E-town guest speaker, Doug Lansky, who gave Cheung a free EuroRail pass after winning a contest. When asked about his solo back packing trip through Europe his only response is, “amazing”. First Mike started off in London, and then popped on over to Paris, France where he saw the Mona Lisa and says, “Yeah, it is a pretty good painting,” in a nonchalant tone. After seeing the Eiffel
Tower, he went to Barcelona and Madrid, which “was cool for me because that is the foreign language I studied.” After Spain, he stopped at Brussels, which Cheung says, “was the least interesting.” Next up was Amsterdam where Cheung’s hostel was located conveniently next to the infamous Red Light District where girls of all kinds would try to attract his attention in order for a good night of service, but of course Cheung denied their pleas kindly. While Mike was in Europe the South Africa World Cup was happening, and while he was in Berlin, which, “was the best place I went to,” Berlin beat Argentina 4-0 and Cheung recounts the night as “completely wild, there were beer bottles everywhere, and every corner people were waving flags and beeping their horns.” Although Cheung isn’t sightseeing around New Mexico the work that he is doing is incomparable. “My typical day consists of using this really fast computer where I write programs and use software to model what happens when CO2 is taken out of the air and injected into the ground,” says Cheung. The LANL has over 10,000 employees work and research almost every type of science. Cheung proudly admits LANL is home to the weapons department that worked on the atomic bomb. “I have to walk by the weapons department everyday en route to my cubicle, they have a big fence so I can’t see anything,” says Cheung. Of the thousands of LANL employees, Cheung is the youngest of a team of 40 people evaluating potential sites for the sequestration of carbon dioxide. The sequestration of CO2 is mportant in the reduction of greenhouse gases because it is giving a new home to the CO2, which is detrimental to our atmosphere. Essentially, the United States needs to stop producing so much CO2, which is why Leonardo DiCaprio bought that Hybrid car, to produce less greenhouse gases. Cheung says, “On a global scale we are polluting the atmosphere, and the work my team is doing is searching for a solution to the increase in temperature. Also, if we release too many
greenhouse gases the trees won’t absorb the CO2.” Cheung says, “We want to put the CO2 in the ground to help the atmosphere, but this is a temporary solution. We hope that the atmosphere, but this is a temporary solution. We hope that renewable energy will soon replace ‘old‘ energy to make it a permanent solution.” Dr. Stauffer who is Scientist IV Hydro geologist at LANL is also on the team with Cheung and raves about the potential Mike has saying, “Mike has a natural curiosity that is vital to doing cutting edge science.” Not only is Cheung curious about the work he is doing at LANL but he is curious to learn more too. Currently he is taking an online class while working full time in New Mexico. Also, during his first two weeks at the lab his computer wasn’t set up so he took the initiative to read and learn about the geology of rocks. Since his high-powered computer has been installed he has learned a new programming language called, FORTRAN, which stands for Formula Translation, and he hopes to learn JAVA graphics, so he can put graphics in 3D. With the hopes of attending MIT or CalTech after graduation, Cheung sees his semester at the lab as a great resume piece as well as learning moment. Since Cheung is living in New Mexico he lives in an apartment that is part of University of New Mexico housing, where he is taking an online class. His hours at the lab are 8am-4pm, Monday through Friday, he takes the bus to and from work and plays the guitar, giving himself “mini concerts” every night, and catches up with friends from home. Cheung’s former roommate, Alan Dyson says, “Of course I miss having Mike around, but on a brighter note, my ego is recovering. He sets the standard so high that his presence can be an indirect self-esteem killer, yet an incredible motivator.” Dyson who befriended Mike in a Calculus 3 class says that back then Mike had no idea what his potential was, and that he can easily manage his job in New Mexico. Another E-town friend of Mike’s is James Hughes who says that “Honestly, I'm beginning to doubt the college can ever give him a workload that he can't handle. He's in the honors program, and has taken about 18 credits every semester so far. Yet, he still has time to play halo, drink, etc. while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. He wants to take 28 credits next semester, but I don't know if the Office of Registration and Records will let him. Could he do it though? Of course.” Cheung has all intentions on graduating in 2013 as a triple major, with comrades Hughes and Dyson. He will have to test out of some classes to receive full credits for them, but with his assertive mind-power it should be no problem. This upcoming summer, Cheung will be working at LANL until June and then will spend the rest of his time with family, friends and traveling to Hong Kong.
Above: Mike at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France during Summer 2010
Below: Mike making a wish at the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy
How to be Green: at your internship� You’re new and naturalLy realLy nervous. Don’t come in preaching about how un-environmentalLy friendly the company is right away, but show you felLow interns and employeEs how comMitTed you are to saving the environment. While you may have a smalL space to do your work, or may be runNing around doing that “clerical work” everyday and getTing cofFeEs for everyone in the ofFice, these tips wilL hope you live your 9-5 intern life with a greEn thumb!
1.�Use instead of Google for all that research. As long as you aren’t looking for images or maps, works exactly the same as Google but uses less energy. Blackle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. In January 2007 a blog post titled Black Google Would Save 750 Megawatthours a Year proposed the theory that a black version of the Google search engine would save a fair bit of energy due to the popularity of the search engine. So better yet, set as your home page for your everyday search engine!
2.�Use eco-friendly lighting to brighten up your workspace by changing the light bulb in your current old desklamp from the original f lourescent light bulb to an LED light bulb, you can save over 80% of energy and the bulb will last 25 times longer. If you are feeling really ambitious and want to spice up the cubicle then go for the IKEA JANSJO clamp light that uses LED lights for only $29.99.
3.�Bring your lunch. Just imagine how much money you will save by eating your lunch in the office, also, it gives you time in the breakroom to get to know more employees, contacts, or gives you time to relax and read that book you haven’t had time all year to.
Rebel Green Lunch tote, 100% certified organic cotton canvas, $24.00
4. Not only get coffee but get your own with a reusable thermal cup. Show your co-workers that you would be happy to refill their coffee if they were in reusable containers. According to, Americans throw away 25 billion Styrofoam coffee cups every year. Also, 3 billion Starbucks logo ridden paper cups are thrown into dumps each year in America.
5.�Body lotion, especially during the winter months, is an essential and with Burt’s Bees, this will moisturize your skin whether your skin is dry or sensitive. Bring it in to work with you because you don’t want to have dry hands when you are meeting and greeting the executives. Burt’s Bees Milk and Honey body lotion, $10.00.
Green�Products (for your internship) For that mid morning touch up or that before work natural look, use this allorganic powder to cover any unwanted blemishes. Physicians Formula Organic Wear Powder Collection $12.39, Target Of course a tote bag is necessary, and this all handmade bag is perfect for Spring & Summer. The print is perfect for that chic meets vintage look!
Bright Peacock bird Spring Handmade Bag $47.00, For your organic make up and brushes, a re-used tire bag is the perfect accessory. It is unique and extremely durable. Be sure to leave it outside for a day to get that tire smell out!
When you have your staff meeting or have to take notes for your boss this is the perfect tool, it will also grab employee’s attention, can someone say network?
PooPaper Notebook $12.00, Ron Jon Surf Shop Although the weather is warm outside, you don’t want to be shivering because of the blasting AC. This silk scarf it is light enough to look trendy with all your summer dresses!
Silk chiffon hand dyed shawl $32.00, This quintessential item for every student to own is extremely important for your internship so you can keep all that stellar internship work! For a really great price this is a must have!
4GB Bamboo USB Flash Drive Tire cosmetic bag $18.00 $19.99, Staples
DIYclara deangelo featuring
How To: Make the Ultimate Spring Tote Materials Needed:
finished product!
-measuring tape -scissors -sewing kit or needle & thread - at least 1 sq yd of fabric - buttons - fabric for strap or old tie
Get Started
Step 1: Cut the Fabric to your desired size, 20� or so. Make sure you leave at least 2� extra all around.
Step 2: Fold the fabric over in half. Sew
Clara added an inside pocket to the bag as well as toggle buttons to the bag closed and secure
up the sides with a simple stitch.
Step 3: Turn the bag inside out and cuff the top of the bag over twice to hide those pesky ragged edges. Now, it should resemble a pillow case.
Step 4: Fold over the ends of the strap and sew both strap ends onto the sides of the bag, or wherever you want them (get creative and use an old tie for your strap)
Like what you see? Check out clara's Facebook Page!
printed dresses inspired by bloggers!
classic with a twist.
quirky vintage.
pop of color.
Karla Deras, the creator behind the blog Karla’s Closet, takes a classic floral print dress with a full skirt and boatneck neckline and pairs it with black opaque tights, a grey oversized menswear blazer and black ankle boots to give it a fresh new update.
Elsie Flannigan is a blogger and owner of Red Velvet Art -- a vintage boutique in Springfield, Mo. She takes a high-waisted pink floral print gem with plum tights, vintage cowboy boots and a simple grey cardigan for a unique take on a girly piece.
Twenty-seven year old Parisienne Valentine paired a graphic A-line dress with tights, over the knee boots and a romantic coat.
For more fashionable blogs, check out sites like for instantaneous updates!
y a w y t f i r h runway the t PHOTOS BY GLENN KNIGHT
inspired by J.Crew
Our fabulous volunteer Clara DeAngelo picked a look from the Spring 2011 showcase from J.Crew, which included a light chambray button down with rolled sleeves, a full skirt with gold brocade detail, a woven brown belt, warm brown socks and strappy sandals. After hours of scouring the racks at Community Aid Thrift, Clara was able to achieve a runway-inspired look for less than 20 dollars! The Cost Breakdown: Chambray button-down-- $2.99 Tan full skirt-- $5.99 Leather belt-- $1.99 Leather belt-- $1.99 Strappy Sandals-- $5.99 GRAND TOTAL: $18.95 Clara’s Tips for Successful Thrifting: -Ask yourself if you really need it. -Take its quality into consideration:are there holes, rips or stains? Can it be tailored? -Don’t judge a store by its cover; there are great labels at thrift and consignment stores.
inspired by Dsquared2
Kendra Linton chose a look from the Spring 2011 Dsquared2 runway to emulate-- a silky aqua slipdress topped with a grey twill blazer, a straw fedora, an orange tote and oxford shoes. Kendra made some changes to the look in order to make it her own, including swapping the orange tote for a yellow leather suitcase and sporting her own aqua pendant necklace. The Cost Breakdown: Nightie set- $3.99 Grey blazer- $5.99 Yellow suitcase- $7.99 Vintage loafers- $4.99 GRAND TOTAL: $22.96
adD us on faceboOk for more behind the scenes video and photos.
behind the scenes
Check out local thrift shops to find uniq ue pieces while also reusing fashion and saving the environment! Thrif ted finds add visual interest and charm to an outfit-- oftentimes donated items are vintage! Check out thrift, consignment and f lea markets!
cCoheck it out: mMunity Aid Thri
4833 Carlisle Pike Mechanicsburg, PA
meet our first cover girls.
tyle, edge, energy and funk are just a few words to describe this month’s cover girls. Twenty-one-year old, Kit (Betty) Yan Lai and 19 year old Melissa Ann Mandia are both Communications Majors at Elizabethtown College. And while Melissa is pursuing Mass Communications, Kit “Betty” is pursuing Corporate Communications. As friends, they always look to each other for fashion, style and a good time. During our photo shoot Melissa and Betty were rocking out to Pink’s “If God was a DJ” and unveiling what their thoughts about fashion. “You need to be comfortable before being fashionable”, says, Betty, who showed up to the shoot wearing a purple H&M strapless dress with Stacco distressed boots, with an array of rings from the Hong Kong, and the King Tut exhibit in Dallas, Texas. “I never really follow the trend, I don’t like to be too dressy but I like to be myself and classy. I hate to dress exactly like someone else,” Betty tells us. Melissa came to the shoot wearing a dress from Free People, Rocketdog boots with jeggings and a collection of rings from the King of Prussia Mall store, Shades of Africa. Melissa describes her style as, “It’s kind if random, I shop mostly at Free People and Urban , and I tend to look different or have like a braid in my hair. I love accessories and suede and lace. I always get dressed up, and it is pretty rare when I wear sweatpants. I have all these clothes and I want to wear them.” While Betty’s style at first glance preppy, Melissa favors darker colors, especially purple, with an bohemian edge. Melissa has even experimented with her hair, dying the tips of her brunette locks a vivid magenta. Betty is originally a Hong Kong native and loves to compare the differences in fashion between America and Hong Kong. “Shopping is a really big thing in Hong Kong for tourists and natives. Everone is so intense! In the summer people will even wear boots!” Betty soon enough dives into her history about her coming to America. When she was 8 years old, everyone in her class picked an American name for themselves and Betty obviously picked Betty and every
one in Hong Kong started calling her that. Shes never liked the education system in Hong Kong because,“Everyone in Hong Kong is a study robot and you are just memorizing what is in the book and then forget about it, and here I feel like I am actually learning a lot and can apply it.” She says that it was much easier for her to pick up English and write in English than Chinese. When Betty was 13 years old, her Uncle got a green card for her and she left Hong Kong to attend the Hockaday Boarding School in Texas, near her Uncle’s house. After five years at boarding school, Betty began looking for schools on the East Coast with a strong Japanese and International program, which led her to Elizabethtown. Worcester, Pennsylvania native Melissa Mandia chose Elizabethtown for its location close to home and stellar communications department. The girls, who are both sophomores within Communications, got to know each other in audio class, where they produced a radio show on WWEC 88.3FM. When not on the air or in class, they enjoy hanging out with friends and shopping for new clothes. With spring starting to bloom, the girls gave us an idea about their favorite fashion pieces and what they’re dying to wear in the warmer months. “I am really looking forward to wearing cute spring dresses and just not wearing my fat winter coat around! I will definitely over-wear my floral dresses! You can always have a lot of different styles with them, either be really cute and wear a cardigan or be a rock star and wear a jean jacket!” Betty says. In agreement, Melissa exclaims that she is looking forward to “SUNSHINE!” “I just got these five inch strappy wedges that I am absolutely in love with. They look good with maxi dresses, skirts, and even skinny jeans. I also recently dip-dyed the ends of my hair purple, which is a permanent accessory. Luckily, all of my clothes are colorful and most contain some shade of purple!” With summer just around the corner, the girls are already looking forward to their plans and activities.
Melissa is planning on spending her days on the open road with her best friend, saying, “Who knows where we'll end up going, but it'll be awesome”. Betty has applied for an internship in New York City, at The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) and also to study abroad in Florence, Italy. “I am really excited for both and I will be happy to do either one if I get accepted. Both of them will be a great experience! ” Both girls are stylish, fun-loving and ambitious: they must have guys lined up at the door. When we asked what they look for in the opposite sex, both girls giggled and blushed before Melissa responded with, “They have to be funny, have good taste in music. Oh, I am into brown hair too!” Melissa has pride in her independence and is embracing being single, “I embrace it by just doing whatever I want, whenever I want. I was recently in a relationship and now I feel independent and more in touch with myself.” Betty is a heartless romantic and says, “I have to fall in love with their personality, I want to see him cute in his own way, he has to be intelligent; if he only talks about sports, then that is not going to work. Yeah I am rough.” Like Melissa, Betty loves her single life because it gives her the freedom she needs to be busy and involved without any strings attached. “Every girl needs time to be single, be selfish to just love herself and to find out what kind of boy she wants! I enjoy being free like a cat, and not having to worry about spending time with someone. However, when it comes to the time when I meet my Mr. Right, I will definitely make time for him!” she says. Betty Lai and Melissa Mandia are eclectic, fashionable and outgoing girls who are always up for an adventure and good time. They’re proof that it’s important to embrace life, have fun with clothes, friends, boys and classes and most importantly, to love yourself.
“I always get dressed up, and it is pretty rare when I wear sweatpants. I have all these clothes and I want to wear them.�- Melissa
“I never really follow the trend, I don’t like to be too dressy but I like to be myself and classy.”-Betty
Guy NEXT Door Sean Duetsch “Im impressed,” says our guy next door Sean Duetsch, with a smirk on his face and a Coke in hand, as he walked into the preview room on the second floor of Steinman, which had been converted into pseudo-photo shoot, complete with background music and lighting. We sit down with Duetsch to talk pop culture, careers, girls and of course, all things indie. Naming Katy Perry, The Gaslight Anthem, The Decemberists, and Radiohead as some of his favorite musicians, Duetsch often gets dubbed “indie” by his closest friends because of his love of artistic films and independent bands. The film aficionado loves “The Shawshank Redemption,” “Miracle” and “500 Days of Summer. The mention of the latter gets Duetsch talking about his obsession with brown-haired, blue-eyed beauty Zooey Deschannel, who stars in the film,
So if he could take Zooey on his dream date, what would he do? ”A day in a city, just taking the train in and exploring, maybe a city you haven’t been too, get reservations, we eat, then come back to my place, take a nice stroll, talking, stare into each other eyes, a nice movie, go for ice cream, and then kiss on the cheek, I keep it classy.” “They say we are attracted to people who have similar features as ourselves but I have yet to find that lucky lady who is 6'4, glasses, and facial hair...but I can dream,” he says with charismatic charm.
Funny. humble and charming, Duetsch makes his classic and professional style work for every day. The Corporate Communications major, Business Administration minor describes his personal style as “ looking good without looking too
The Marlton, New Jersey native held a coveted internship position at a film production company in Phildadelphia last summer. He has high hopes of landing a job in a city, either Boston, LA, NY or Philly after his graduation in May 2012. While he isn’t sure what he wants to do with his Communication degree,
more money, I am the outlet J.Crew shopper, perfect balance between not looking too fancy but still looking presentable,” he says. While Duetsch is all about “looking good”, he isn’t about sweatpants. He gives a quick grunt when the topic of sweatpants comes up and says, “I’ll say what I am not- sweatpants, I just can’t do it, I just can’t get stuff done, I feel that I can’t be productive if I am not dressed. At E-town guys wear sweatpants, a lot of guys wear sweatpants, its cool if that works for you, but it is just
if he could have his dream job, it would be a stand up comedian. He often attends stand up shows in Philadelphia and lists Daniel Tosh and Steve Martin as some of his personal heroes. At Elizabethtown, he’s given musical comedy-- Flight of the Conchords style-- a try with his friend Chris Tjaden, performing at various campus events and Folklore Coffee. He’s written original spoofs like “My College Roommate,” which is a knock on the quirks of living with his best friend Tjaden. While he doesn’t want to pursue comedy professionally, he enjoys hobbies like sports-- mainly hockey-
good.” “I love J.Crew, J.Crew is an awesome store, and I wish I had
a convenience for them, give me some corduroys or khakis, those are my sweatpants.”
especially the New Jersey Devils. “Ever since I was kid I played hockey and loved it- my dad taught me how to skate. I also played soccer and baseball and then stopped and played golf, but I love all sports because my Dad loves all sports too. Everyone can becomes one, it can unite an entire city, like New Orleans, that game (referring to the SuperBowl of 2010) gave me chills.” Our GND is looking forward to spring so he can get his arms swinging, “I love to play tennis and golf. They are the perfect spring sports,” says Deutsch. Although he is sad to say goodbye to his winter wardrobe, because he loves his winter fashion pieces (Maybe he can work a cardigan with shorts?!), he is looking forward to wearing “thin collared shirts.”
Be sure to catch this GND on Twitter--he calls himself an addict and gets all of his news updates from the twitter feeds, including news about the tsunami in Japan. As for Facebook, he loves the social networking site because, “It is such a great way to stay close with friends and even closer with your enemies.”
“They say we are attracted to people who have similar features as ourselves but I have yet to find that lucky lady who is 6'4, glasses, and facial hair... but I can dream.”
Sean’s Playlist: Last Friday Night- Katy Perry The Cave- Mumford and Sons Down by the Water- The Decemberists I'm so excited- The Pointer Sisters Erase Me- Kid Cudi Triple Double- Girl Talk 17
Priceless Vintage:
Hilda, the infamous mannequin that stood outside Zap &Co., was saved by local shop owner Debbie Serdy and a fireman. She is currently being restored.
The 300 Block Loses Zap & Co. To A Fire
The enchanting sounds of 60s French music plays over the loudspeakers enticing you to peruse through racks of delicious crinoline 50s prom dresses, classic herringbone blazers and charming silk shirts reminiscent of a time gone by. The glass cases up front showcase stunning rhinestone necklaces, layers of candy-colored plastic beads and Lucite bangles like your mother used to wear. This is what Zap & Co. used to be—a one-of-a-kind vintage treasure trove that once stood at 315 N. Queen St. in Lancaster, PA. Today all that stands is the brick façade of a condemned building. Hilda—the famous fashionable mannequin that once stood outside the storefront—is now burnt to a dark black. Owner Steve Murray, “the grandfather of downtown retail,” is now in a medically induced coma as a result of thirddegree burns that cover 30 percent of his body. The landmark boutique of Lancaster’s 300 block shopping district is now mere remnants of a devastating fire. Around 9 p.m. on Thursday, January 27th, the building that housed Zap & Co. and two other apartments went up in flames due to unknown causes. Owner Steve Murray, who resides in the basement apartment, was immediately flown out of the burning building to Crozer Hospital in Chester for treatment of severe burns. Rachel Adams, owner of Rachel’s Creperie, which neighbors Zap & Co., vividly recalls the horrific night saying, “We had just closed up for the night and gone home. Right after I got home and was putting my daughter to bed my phone started lighting up with calls and texts. Since I had just left the restaurant I was confused since we didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary as we are leaving, but it must have started at that point.” Fellow neighbor Marty Hulse, owner of Building Character, a warehouse of 30+ shops ranging from architectural salvage to recycled clothing, located at 342 N. Queen St., had a similar experience. “A friend of mine called and said there was a fire on the block. At the time, nobody knew what store it was. I was immediately concerned. I came down and it was completely gone by the time I got here,” he said. Hulse and Adams both arrived on the scene the same time and saw the fire in full force. Adams, who is a longtime friend of Murray’s, accounts, “It was terrifying to watch. The flames were huge and thinking about all the fabulous inventory he had collected over the years was so sad.” Murray first opened Zap & Co. in 1973 and has since collected more than 30 years of “true wearable vintage” including barware, books, furniture, fashion and costume jewelry from the 1930s through the 1990s. Murray’s impressive
collection of antique wares from the Victorian and Edwardian eras even gained him celebrity fame, helping outfit television shows, network appearances, indie films and music videos. The retro department store helped costume the casts of James Cameron’s “Titanic,” Robert Redford’s “The Natural,” television sitcom “That 70’s Show” and comedy show “Saturday Night Live,” among many others. In addition to Murray’s priceless vintage merchandise, fellow business owners say they miss his invaluable expertise the most. “It’s going to be a huge loss in terms of what he offered and what he brought to the 300 block, which was experience,” Hulse comments. Before opening Zap & Co., Murray owned a record store, as well as an army surplus store. “There have been economic downturns and he’s weathered all those storms,” Hulse adds. The 300 block, which is arguably the most tight-knit district in downtown Lancaster, is home to many eateries, galleries, vintage and antique stores and fine art. Many of the owners are close friends of Murray’s and have been working with the James Street Improvement District to help raise money for Steve’s medical bills, including hosting various events around the city and promotions. At Rachel’s Creperie, Adams has been promoting the “Steve Murray Special,” which includes a black coffee and crepe.. Adams adds, “Steve Murray makes you feel cool-by -association just by knowing him! He’s always been such a wonderful neighbor to me! He supported me and my crazy crepe idea from day one when most people were skeptical. Steve is just a wonderful man and things just aren’t the same without him here!” Despite such a tragedy, 300 block business owners are doing their best to carry on Steve’s spirit by providing a personal and meaningful experience for their customers. “What the 300 block offers is an opportunity to see small business in action. Nine times out of ten you meet the owner. That’s the kind of shopping experience we offer. This is an experience you’re not going to get anywhere else,” Hulse adds. Adams reflects, saying, “As for the future… well, that remains to be seen. As a block we’re doing what we can to raise money and support for our friend Steve and we’ll continue doing that until we’re told to stop. As for the future of Zap? That’s for Steve to decide. Of course I want my neighbor back, it’s not the same without him; but I also understand if he chooses not to rebuild. My biggest concern is just that he gets himself healthy again.”
Block 300 by Zakiya Fulton Anderson Building character
Mommalicious & My Aunt Debbie
Rachel's Creperie
Lancaster, PA
The happiest season of the year is near- sell recycled and shabby chic furniture. Smilin’ spring! But what is there to do this spring Gal, a particular favorite, offers a variety of for those of us trying to save our bucks for vintage fashions from the 1940s to 1970s, and that major cruise or vacation planned for White Elephant, which specializes in electric the summer? Downtown Lancaster, PA art and antiques from around the world. To offers a wide variety of activities to add to all of this excitement, a few new shops to keep visitors entertained, from have been added to Building Character. phenomenal eateries, vintage and Lackluster Co., which offers industrial antiques antique shops, lounges, clubs, galleries and collectibles, Travis Markel Photography, and more. So, where should one begin on offering framed prints of original photography, their hunt for merriment and incredible and Styleguy, a new vintage shop offering experiences? gently used and brand name clothing and A great place to begin is on the 300 accessories. block of N. Queen St. An entire block of The last hotspot on the 300 block of shops seem like a lot, so here are a few downtown Lancaster is Mommalicious & My hotspots to get you guys going: Aunt Debbie, at 310 N. Queen St. Co-owned Mommalicious & My Aunt Debbie, by artists Alicia Byler and Debbie Serdy, Rachel’s Café and Creperie and Mommalicious & My Aunt Debbie are two Building Character. There are plenty shops under one roof, offering delightful more shops to choose from, but these vintage clothing and handmade jewelry. This are the “people’s choices” for where to go hip shop also offers eye catching art created and what to do in downtown Lancaster. and inspired by recycled items and fashion! If you’re a coffee lover and enjoy This is definitely the place to be if you love to crepes, delicious Mediterranean and Thai shop and collect unique items. Most items here treats, unique smoothies, and did I say are easy on the wallet, so don’t be afraid to crepes? Then you’ll love Rachel’s Café and get in there and shop, shop, shop! Creperie, located at 309 N. Queen St. There are a cornucopia of other shops Although the dining are is small, it’s and eateries to visit is downtown Lancaster. If always a ball, offering guests the option of a night person, why not come check things out building your own crepe, meeting new on First Friday, an exciting event where all people, some of the best customer service shops stay open just a little later. around and being in a totally stress free atmosphere. After a long day of work or classes, or if you just happen to be in the downtown Lancaster area, Rachel’s Café and Creperie is the place to just sit down and relax with friends while sipping on a delicious Parisian Sunset smoothie, all without breaking the bank. Bottoms up! Another place one might enjoy spending a little dough and time in is Building Character, located at 342 N. Queen St. Building Character houses 30 shops under one roof. Shoppers can spend hours browsing through art, metalcraft and handmade jewelry, items made by local craftspeople, antiques and gently used fashionable clothing. A few of the popular shops at Building Character include B.B. Bellezza, which specializes in handcrafted jewels, Blissful Domain and Once Upon A Time, who both
Global Guide:
South Africa by Jon Gabriel Day 1: Leave from Philly & arrive in Johannesburg My family loves to travel. I’ve seen the corners of the world in my very short 20-year-old lifetime. The plane ride to South Africa was around 18 hours and understandably boring. I entertained myself by reading Long Walk to Freedom, an autobiography of Nelson Mandela. There was one layover in Senegal en-route to Johannesburg. Prior to the layover an unexpected panic arose from the plane. The intercom sounded asking for a doctor to come to the area. I looked to my Dad, who is a doctor, and he went to the scene. Apparently a man had suffered a stroke while riding the plane so my Dad did as much as he could to help. As we flew into Senegal to refuel, paramedics came and wheeled the man off the plane. We got into Johannesburg past seven o’clock and jet lag was already setting in. Before I got to go to sleep we had a dinner with people whom we would tour with for the next couple weeks. Tomorrow we would drive to Soweto.
Day 2: Trip to Soweto I woke up around four o’clock South Africa time and had a traditional morning meal at our hotel. The meal consisted of a large variety of meat; the diet I would soon figure out revolves around meat. We left the hotel and went through Johannesburg en-route to Soweto. My parents, prior to getting to Soweto, explained the recent history (1970’s) of the area, elaborating on the Apartheid time. Soweto is dramatically different than Johannesburg in that; Johannesburg was predominantly white while Soweto was almost all black. After passing through Soweto, we journeyed toward the Apartheid Museum. If you don’t know what Apartheid here is my brief description: Apartheid was the time in South Africa where segregation was at its conflict point. The Apartheid Museum was incredibly informative and moving. I ended the day by in excitement because we were on the move to the southern coast of South Africa.
Day 3-4: Kruger National Park and long road trip I woke up the next morning, to find myself in more transit and travel. We trekked onward through the Drakensburg Mountain Range, Blyde River Canyon and the Bourke’s Luck Potholes in Kruger. The most dramatic of these was the Blyde River Canyon. The canyon was topped off with three unique mountaintops. I did the cliché picturing with my parents, and it was breathe taking. The canyons were surrounded by various colors of green, yellow and brown within the landscape. The Bourke’s Luck Potholes were stunning because it seemed like someone hand carved rocks to make the scenery perfect. The next day was one that I looked forward to months ago. Tomorrow we were off to the Safari! We arrived in Kruger National Park before the sunrise. Kruger National Park, if you’ve seen, is YouTube video “Battle at Kruger” happened, look it up, trust me, it’s worth it. I started my day by entering an open-air vehicle, lead by a great South African man with a seemingly
Australian accent. We started the drive by running into hyenas suckling on a mother and then ran into a large giraffe. In the distance was a herd of elephants. The South African beauty was absolutely marveling. The sun rose in pink and blue poetry and set in a dramatic purple sky. My safari trip was incredible because shared it with my parents and saw animals in their natural habitats.
Day 5 - 6: Port Elizabeth and Knysna
In Port Elizabeth we ate delicious fish and chips and did some sightseeing. We drove around until we came across a beautiful hotel by the sea. We had another meal outside the hotel by the sea and in the distance; whales arose blasting their water from their blowholes. With our downtime in Port Elizabeth my parents and I took the opportunity to gamble in the local casinos. The next day brought something a bit more heartwarming. We went to Knysna, which was a small town that had many underprivileged families. When we got there we went to a daycare that housed kids who had lost their family to HIV/AIDS. The kids were smiling, full of energy, and had curiosity for everything. All the kids started to play and do what kids do. I joined in the fun because I love being with kids wanted to make them happy. We went to another daycare after the first where it was the same scenario; kids were running everywhere. The kids all sang little folk songs they had learned and I joined in with the fun, making up words, but they just played along with me as if there was no difference in age or color. This day made me question my own values, my material habits, and my own ambition to help others.
Day 7 – 13: Cape Town We drove into Cape Town, a large and beautiful town, and went to an ostrich farm. Here we saw the herding and care of these huge birds. On numerous occasions, the birds would peck at my camera and my head when I wasn’t looking. I ended up getting an opportunity to ride one of the Ostriches. The bird was pretty fast and, it might have been one of the most epic pictures I’ve had taken of myself. Shortly after my ride, we drove into Cape Town. Our first day in Cape Town, we ended up going atop of the incredible Table Mountain. Table Mountain overlooks all of Cape Town. We took a cable car to the top of the mountain and as we got higher, the sights took my breath away. I put on my iPod and listened to some tunes as I walked around the top of the mountain. The sight overlooking Cape Town was the most beautiful thing I have seen on the trip. Clouds seeped into the city from the top of near by mountains, and I simply enjoyed the sight. A specific memory from atop the mountain was found on a bench. On a particular bench, the saying “Time is our most precious gift”, was engraved. I looked around and contemplated this. I looked at my parents, and then I looked at myself, and then I looked at this precious gift of traveling around the world. The beauty I have seen in the world was culminated on this trip as I took in this moment. If you ever end up going there someday, you will know exactly how I felt. As the trip ended I examined all the pictures I took and knew how blessed I was. As I continue to see more of the world, I always find beauty and privilege from my own life. My advice to all of you is to try and see the world, see as much of the world as you can see. South Africa was one amazing trip, and I am off to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands in May but I will be sure to keep all these memories with me forever.
John Butler trio
The�Spring�2011 Collection.
Dave Matthews Band Summer 2011
June 24th-26th
July 8th-10th
Building Character 342 N. Queen St. Lancaster, PA 17603
florence+ the machine
Shout It out
& Mumford Sons Sigh No more Out Now
Mommalicious 310 N. Queen St. Lancaster, PA 17603 MyAunt Debbie 310 N. Queen St. Lancaster, PA 17603 (717)-299-0827
e u s s I
s i v a D y m e m g Sa inta V t x e N
coming out in May!