Dedar Postcards 2018

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Photography by ANDREA FERRARI

Divano - Nouvelles Vagues, manto da tigre su velluto pregiato, col. 5 Malachite Cuscino - Microgramma, ignifughi sartoriali a intreccio finissimo, col. 2 Green Lizard Paravento - Mirabilis Palma, folgorante, sulla via del damasco, col. 7 Rose de Ronsard Sofa - Nouvelles Vagues, tiger coat on precious velvet, col. 5 Malachite Cushion - Microgramma, finely woven sartorial fire-retardant fabrics, col. 2 Green Lizard Screen - Mirabilis Palma, stunning, along the lines of damask, col. 7 Rose de Ronsard

Photography by ANDREA FERRARI

Poltrona Alumnus, ignifugo sartoriale a intreccio finissimo, col. 10 Bordeaux Armchair Alumnus, finely woven sartorial fire-retardant fabric, col. 10 Bordeaux

Photography by ANDREA FERRARI

Tenda Butterfly Revival, lampasso spolinato policromo, col. 2 Lunaire Curtain Butterfly Revival, polychrome shed lampas, col. 2 Lunaire

Photography by ANDREA FERRARI

Poltrona - Say Goodbye Flora, neolampasso naturalistico, col. 1 Pomponette, Poltrona - Microgramma, ignifugo sartoriale a intreccio finissimo, col. 4 Dark Crystal Armchair - Say Goodbye Flora, naturalist neo lampas, col. 1 Pomponette, Armchair - Microgramma, finely woven sartorial fire - retardant fabric, col. 4 Dark Crystal

Photography by ANDREA FERRARI

Tenda Tiger Silk, disegno d’ispirazione tibetana su seta, col. 3 Electric Orange Curtain Tiger Silk, tibetan-inspired design on silk, col.3 Electric Orange

Photography by ANDREA FERRARI

Panel Rosetta, enigmi grafici sul raso, col. 4 Crystal Blue Panel Rosetta, enigma graphics on satin, col. 4 Crystal Blue

Photography by ANDREA FERRARI

Paravento Mirabilis Palma, folgorante, sulla via del damasco, col. 3 Tour Nesol Screen Mirabilis Palma, stunning, along the lines of damask, col. 3 Tour Nesol

Photography by ANDREA FERRARI

Tenda Into the Forest, stampa su seta, col. 1 Indigo Curtain Into the Forest, print on silk, col. 1 Indigo

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