11 minute read

site analysis

Blang Mangat itself is a sub-district which is the largest agricultural place in Lhokseumawe. In addition, the site is also adjacent to government offices, namely the Blang Mangat sub-district office and the Blang Mangat police chief.

The front area of the site is a village settlement from Gampoeng Keude Penteut. With there are also educational facilities SMPN 11 Lhoksumawe not far from the site. So that the site is aligned with the aim of improving education, agriculture, agricultural processing businesses, plantations and restaurants.



A place of empowerment of human resources and natural resources of gold village, golden village itself means that it is an independent village.With the same goal of advancing the village. Developing the potential of natural resources other than rice in Blang Mangat village agriculture with superior products that can be sold in the market and even internationally.Improve the quality of the community and farmers because they always innovate with village patriots (young people in the village) who aim to develop the village.

Geometric Transformation

1. Security Post

2. Parking/Motorcycle

3. Maze

4. Timoh Building

5. Indoor Garden

6. Bike Path

7. Pedestrian

8. Rooftop

9. Outdoor Garden

10. Garden

11. Security Post


Bumi Raflesia

Location View Tower Kota Bengkulu

Sayembara Design Tanggap Bencana 2023 site analysis

The project assigned is to design shelters in the event of natural disasters for refugees by considering sources of clean water, food, health and comfort. Shelters are multifunctional so that their use is not only when they are safe but can also be used when they are safe This competition requires materials that are easy to find and practical so that the material chosen is bamboo, positive impacts that can be taken explore the form of shelters and the potential and active role for the environment and society.shelters can be used as public spaces, rest areas, or places to wash hands etc. This building uses a biophilic approach, using the composition of wind water and plants around the building, there is hydroponics with good plant selection, Bengkulu has high bamboo production and there are many bamboo craftsmen who can contribute to this project.

Bengkulu Province is an earthquake-prone zone. Based on the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Kepahiang Climatology Station, in November 2022 alone there have been 57 tectonic earthquakes in Bengkulu Province.In addition, Bengkulu is an area prone to flooding, according to BPDB 50% of the area is prone to flooding.so a comfortable place is needed for refugees to stay, health, food sources, clean water and mental health. Shelter must be able to maintain privacy.the main thing is comfort, security, and health

Form Transformation

1. Without sides, it symbolizes the continuous function of infinite space. the view tower.

2. Half volume reduction in response to flat site conditions.

3. Center as a rainwater reservoir and clean water tank filter.

4. Petals as an icon of prosperity as solar panels provide electricity at night.


5. Semi-permanent roof as protection for heat radiation and rainwater.

6. Divide by 4 shelters area 13m2

Pocket Park

Pocket Park is a green park located around the University Lanncang Kuning campus.called pocket because it stores many functions in it, namely as a performance venue, as a place to rest for tired studying, a place of hunger and thirst, and a place to exercise.pocket park is expected to be a place to relieve fatigue and seek tranquility.nature is one of the answers, so that 60 percent land use functions as green open space Pocket Park uses a solar panel system and also maximizes water recharge on site. Architectural approach is progmatic t he location is Jl. y os s udarso n o.K m . 8, u mban s ari, r umbai d istrict, p e K anbaru c ity, r iau 28266. i t is a campus area, so the ma J ority of users are students and are around the library. issue

University is a place to seek knowledge, students spend hours in studying. According to research in the journal Menara Medika, Pekanbaru students experienced a moderate stress level of 63.2%. Green open space is not only used for catchment areas but a place for healing and looking for a moment of calm, releasing seriousness for a moment.there are many ways in one of them by exercising, enjoying music or just enjoying nature.

Green open space can be used as a catchment area or multifunctional public space, but students do not do that because of the high air temperature. According to Weather Spark, temperatures in Pekanbaru tend to be hot throughout the year, with average temperatures ranging from 23°C to 33°C

The open space at Lancang Kuning University consists of grass and several trees, so it seems empty, barren and not functioned properly consept

The concept is how to make the environment a quiet, healthy, pleasant place and can make its users comfortable and feel healing for a while from busy studying, working, etc.

Nature is important in improving air quality and temperature in a place so that land use for catchment areas and addition of vegetation is 60% proggraming

The architectural approach used in green open spaces is namely the preparation of public space design comes from the needs of its users, the main users are students and teachers.

Inspired by Japanese rock gardens (lik, karesansul) or “dry landscape” gardens, often called zen gardens, they create miniature-style landscapes through carefully arranged arrangements of rocks, water features, moss, pruned trees, and bushes, and use swept pebbles or sand to represent ripples in the water.

So it combines both tranquility, serenity and tranquility.










Semarang,Central Java

Semester Year 5th

Instructor: Burhan Arif M,T.

This project is assigned to design a redesign for the Great Mosque of Central Java area to be able to respond to issues on the site and develop its potential. There are several main buildings in the mosque area, namely hotels, convention halls, libraries, museums, market accessories with the main building is a mosque, There are 3 main zoning based on the function of the building, namely economic, religious and education.so that the concept of the area is programming.while the concept of a mosque with a geometric approach.Islam is famous for its complicated but beautiful geometric shapes so that there is a geometry game in the mosque inspired by the shape of the shape of buildings around the site, one of which is Borobudur Temple

Site Analysis

-The land in the Great Mosque of Central Java is flat

-The direction of noise coming from the convention hall

-There are 4 zoning areas

-Enterence bearada in the east of the building

-There are several green areas on the site

-Having a unique building concept

-has museum facilities History of Islamic Development in Java

-lack of accessibility of many-arid open area

-plaza mosque can not absorb heat

-The distance between the mosque and the city center is close to about 4km consept

There is traffic jam during holidays such as Eid al-Fitr etc.

Oasis has the meaning of a place that has a source of water and vegetation

In the desert in which there is food for the travelers who want to move from one region to another.

Oasis on the theme of the building is used as a place for Muslims to stop by and communicate with Allah Almighty, from the thirst of the world. This building became

A place for Muslims who thirst for knowledge because it provides historical sources

Islam. There is a place to eat for hungry visitors and there is a place Stay for both local and international visitors.

G Eometric Transformations

manasi K ha JJ plaza mosque mosque convention hall p ar K ing hotel library m ar K et a l h usna t ower m useum thank you for viewing up this page warm regards

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