Music Experience Magazine September 2014

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Dedr yJones’

Musi cExper i ence MAGAZI NE

I nt r oduci ng Er i cRober son Tr eySongz

JRW Pi ct or i al

Jacki eRobi nsonWest

phot osbyRaymondBoyd

TheMusi cI ndust r y Ar t i f i ci al l yNat ur al Thr owbackAr t i cl e byJosephHar di ng

Sept ember201 4

©2014E.RémyMar t i n&Co. ,I mpor t edbyRémyCoi nt r eauUSA,I nc. ,New Yor k,NY. Al lr i ght sr eser ved,t r ademar ksownedbyE.RémyMar t i n&Co. PLEASEDRI NKRESPONSI BLY

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