Olympic Special 2019

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Langestraat 95/3 • 2240 Zandhoven Belgium • Tel. (0032) (0)3 216 46 15 • Fax. (0032) (0)3 216 96 90

www.deduif.be • deduif@deduif.be

Start S tta JJunior un u Champion Ch C Superstar S u up Mutine Mu M Gerry Ge G


Young Birds

The Versele-Laga Plus Immunity Concept+ mixtures are grain mixtures enriched with ĞdžƚƌƵĚĞĚ ƉĞůůĞƚƐ ĐŽŶƚĂŝŶŝŶŐ͗ ǀŝƚĂŵŝŶƐ͕ amino acids, trace elements ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ůĂƚĞƐƚ ŶƵƚƌĂĐĞƵƟĐĂůƐ͘

The Plus I.C.+ Black Label mixtures contain the special black maize, which is ĞdžƚƌĂŽƌĚŝŶĂƌŝůLJ ƌŝĐŚ ŝŶ ĂŶƟŽdžŝĚĂŶƚƐ͘ dŚĞƐĞ ĂŶƟŽdžŝĚĂŶƚƐ ĂƌĞ ƌĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďůĞ ĨŽƌ ŐŽŽĚ ŵƵƐĐůĞ ƉƌŽƚĞĐƟŽŶ͕ less muscle cell damage ĂŶĚ ƚŚƵƐ ƚŚĞ ƉŽƐƐŝďŝůŝƚLJ ƚŽ ŇLJ ůŽŶŐĞƌ͘ /Ŷ ĂĚĚŝƟŽŶ͕ ƚŚĞ ĂŶƟŽdžŝĚĂŶƚƐ ĂůƐŽ ŚĂǀĞ ĂŶ ĂŶƟŵŝĐƌŽďŝĂů ĞīĞĐƚ ǁŚŝĐŚ ŝŶĐƌĞĂƐĞƐ the resistance of the pigeons and protects them against diseases.



All Seasons



8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 52 54 56 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94


96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110

RESPONSIBLE PUBLISHER Uitgeverij De Duif NV Langestraat 95/3 2240 Zandhoven Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)3 216 4615 Fax: (0032) (0)3 216 9690 deduif@deduif.be www.deduif.be PHOTOGRAPHY Dominique Velghe Pigeon Pixels Pigeon Photography Yellow Pigeons IPP Henk Kuylaars Peter Bal Henk Storm Christian van de Wetering Louis van Zuijlen CS Pigeon Photography Foto Franky Richard v.d. Bos René Van Echelpoel


Voorwoord POLEN – Poznan OLYMPIADE 2019 De 36e Duivenolympiade zal van 25 januari t/m 27 januari 2019 plaatsvinden in de historische Poolse stad Poznan. Het is voor de vierde keer dat de Olympiade doorgaat in Polen en de tweede keer in acht jaar dat de keuze op Poznan is gevallen. Voor de 11e keer brengt Sportblad “De Duif ” ter gelegenheid van de Olympiade een Olympic Special uit. Een fraai en handzaam boekwerk dat een schat aan kampioenduiven bevat uit diverse landen. De volledige inhoud wordt ook gepubliceerd op onze website. We zijn ervan overtuigd dat ook deze uitgave positief onthaald zal worden en zijn weg in de duivensport zal vinden. Jan Hermans, uitgever

POLOGNE – Poznan OLYMPIADE 2019 La 36ième Olympiade Colombophile aura lieu du 25 jusqu’au 27 janvier 2019 dans la ville historique polonaise de Poznan. Déjà pour la quatrième fois l’Olympiade sera organisée en Pologne et pour la deuxième fois dans huit ans on a choisi Poznan. A l’occasion de cette olympiade le journal colombophile ‘De Duif ’ éditera pour la 11ième fois un Olympic special. Une oeuvre impeccable qui vous introduit des champions des different pays. Tout le continu se trouvera aussi en entier sur notre site. Nous sommes convaincus qu’aussi cette édition sera reçue positive et trouvera sa voie dans la colombophilie. Jan Hermans, éditeur

POLAND – Poznan OLYMPIAD 2019 The 36th Pigeon Olympiad takes place from the 25th to the 27th of January in the historic Polish city of Poznan. This is the fourth time that the Olympiad has been held in Poland and the second time in eight years the venue of choice is Poznan. For the 11th time to coincide with the Olympiad, the pigeon sport magazine “De Duif ” is producing an Olympic Special. A colourful and handy reference book containing a treasure trove of champion pigeons from various countries. The full content is also published on our website. We are convinced that this edition will also receive a positive reception and will find its place as a reference point for the pigeon sport. Jan Hermans, publisher


Preface POLEN – Poznan (Posen) OLYMPIADE 2019 Die 36. Taubenolympiade wird vom 25. Januar bis einschließlich 27. Januar 2019 in der historischen polnischen Stadt Poznan (Posen) stattfinden. Damit wird zum vierten Mal eine Olympiade in Polen veranstaltet, und zum zweiten Mal innerhalb von acht Jahren ist die Wahl auf Poznan als Veranstaltungsort gefallen. Zum 11. Mal gibt Sportblad „De Duif“ anlässlich der Olympiade ein Olympic Special heraus. Ein schönes und übersichtliches Nachschlagewerk, das Informationen über eine Fülle von Supertauben aus vielen Ländern enthält. Der gesamte Inhalt wird auch auf unserer Website veröffentlicht. Wir sind überzeugt, dass auch diese Ausgabe von Olympic Special positiv aufgenommen werden und ihren Weg in den Taubensport finden wird. Jan Hermans, Herausgeber

POLSKA – Poznan OLIMPIADA 2019 XXXVI Olimpiada Gołębi Pocztowych będzie się w dniach 25 – 27 stycznia 2019 po raz czwarty w Polsce, a drugi raz w historycznym mieście Poznań. Magazyn sportowy „De Duif ” już jedenasty raz wydaje książkę o najlepszych hodowcach z całego świata. Zawartość książki będzie również dostępna na naszej stronie internetowej. Mamy ogromną nadzieję, iż wydanie będzie cieszyło się Państwa zainteresowaniem i będzie ciekawą lekturą dla wszystkich pasjonatów sportu gołębiarskiego. Jan Hermans, wydawca

POLONIA – Poznan OLIMPIADA 2019 La trigésima sexta Olimpiada Colombófila se llevará a cabo del 25 al 27 de enero en la histórica ciudad polaca de Poznan. Esta es la cuarta ocasión en que la Olimpiada se lleva a cabo en Polonia y la segunda vez en ocho años en que la sede es la ciudad de Poznan. Y para conmemorar esto y por onceava ocasión, De Duif publica su Olympic Special, un colorido libro de referencia con palomas campeonas de varias partes del mundo. El contenido completo es publicado también, en su totalidad en nuestro sitio web de De Duif. Estamos convencidos de que esta nueva edición, tendrá una buena acogida y se convertirá en un futura referencia para los amantes de la Colombófilia. Jan Hermans, editor


сЧО тЮи сЕЗргЖрвкргЩргергнрвЬргЬргергЖрвФргорв╗рбАраК сЦ║у╕псн╢ скера┐рб╜ скербЯра┐рбЕрбЪргПрго ргЫргерв╗рбвс╣Фр╛Рра╢рб┐уТФсХ╖ргПрв╢рв╝ргербЯскКра╕рбЪуЫдр┤жрбЙрвАрб▓рбНраЛ ргПргоргЫргерв╗рбЫрвЬргЬргергЖрвФргорв╗рбАуЫдр┤жрбЙрвАрб┐рбврбгу╕▓сЕЗтФараКрбСрбЛрбЪргПрв╢рв╝ргербЯскКра╕ рбЪрбграКу╕╢сЦ║рбкрб╛у╕░сЕЗтФарбвуЫдр┤жрбЫрбНраЛ рвлргПргорв╢тгмрв╗ргнрв▓рвХргЗрбАраКрвЬргЬргергЖрвФргорв╗рбЯуЫ╡уРГрбЛрбЪраКрвЬргЬргергЖрв╡рвбргнрвлргМрвй ргХргЭрвЖтУОт╛ЬрбНрб┐рбврб╢ сЕЗтФарбЬрбЮрб╛рб▓рбНраЛрбЗрвАрбгсКирбГрбвсЕЬраОра┐рб╜рбвуЙ╕уЦнумАуРйрвЖтдВрпУ рбНрб┐тг▓смХрб╜рбЛра╕р╜зткГуИисй▒р╖ЧтФ┐уЮЯрбЫрбНраЛр╢▓рбЪрбврвергерв╕ргерв╢рбграКсШвтЩлрбврвШрвЩргИрвзрвЦрв║ рбЯрб╢тдВрпУрбЙрвАрбЪра╕рб▓рбНраЛтЪ╛рбЭрб╢рбграКрбЗрбврвЬргЬргергЖрв╡рвбргнрвлргМрвйргХргЭрбАраКтУЩрбЙрб▓рбЯ с╕╝уПДрбЙрвАраКргЖрвкргЩргергнрвлрв╡ргПргорв╢рбвс╣ЗрбЛра╕уРис╢ЖрбЬрбЮрб┐рбЬтШЬр▓ЩрбЛрбЪра╛рб╛рб▓рбНраЛ



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FIRST for pigeons Expert in shipping & handling birds worldwide, for more than 30 years FIRST has its own quarantine facilities and guarantees professional service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

BVBA First Slangenbos 20 | 2243 Pulle | Belgium ÀUVW#WHOHQHW EH _ WHO 5

Poland – Poznan OLYMPIAD 2019 Composition team N.P.O. The Netherlands SPEED (category A) 1. K. en K. Meijers 2. Embregts-Theunis 3. J. vd Pasch & dochter


Ootmarsum Hoeven Grubbenvorst

2016-1176076 2017-3714984 2017-1458029

21,754 22,538 22,703

MIDDLE DISTANCE (category B) 1. Peter Janssen Kleve 2. Gerard van den Berg IJsselmuiden 3. Comb. Huisman IJsselmuiden

2015-1451934 2016-1098418 2015-1256873

23,553 29,447 37,407

LONG DISTANCE (category C) 1. Peter Janssen Kleve 2. John van Dongen Roosendaal 3. Geerlings-Van Duin Noordwijkerhout

0147-14-237 2015-3519616 2016-1465911

18,684 22,880 27,590

ALLROUND (category D) 1. Comb. Moes 2. W.B. De Kruijf 3. Derksen- v.d. Keuken

Zaandam Woerden Almelo

2016-1410040 2016-1375388 2015-1286915

36,082 44,788 51,573

MARATHON (category E) 1. R. van Beers 2. Fr. Belleter 3. C. & G. Koopman

Zevenbergschenhoek Nispen Ermerveen

2014-3430963 2015-3530826 2015-1230917

7,380 12,400 15,366

YOUNG BIRDS (category F) 1. Reitze Schotanus 2. A. van Daalen & Zn. 3. W. Oostra

Sloten St. Jansteen Gerkesklooster

2018-1411956 2018-1145896 2018-1395684

1,158 1,400 1,737

YEARLINGS (category G) 1. Comb. Lin 2. Gerard van den Berg 3. M.J. de Jong

Rijnsaterwoude IJsselmuiden Oosterwolde

2017-1310250 2017-1669415 2017-1614671

4,263 4,463 4,237

OLD BIRDS (category H) 1. G. & S. Verkerk 2. Th. Onderwater 3. Raymond Moleveld

Reeuwijk Lisse Hilversum

2016-1526026 2016-1844111 2016-4430031

10,860 14,829 17,452

Poland – Poznan OLYMPIAD 2019 Composition team K.B.D.B. Belgium SPEED (category A) 1. Sapin Denis 2. Hensen-Mentior 3. Vanmeert Roger & Koen

Incourt Aubel Zelem

4094982/2015 1146670/2016 2172288/2016

22,380 27,624 37,402

MIDDLE DISTANCE (category B) 1. Palm Jean-Pierre & Yvette Braine-L’Alleud 2. Vandenheede F. & J. Zingem 3. Marien Dirk Kapellen

1109229/2016 4130412/2015 6101419/2015

13,170 27,032 28,663

LONG DISTANCE (category C) 1. Verschoot Joel Ingelmunster 2. Vandenheede F. & J. Zingem 3. Sioen Luc & Hilde Moorslede

3004610/2014 4130410/2015 3034076/2014

12,602 26,044 42,505

ALLROUND (category D) 1. Herbots Jo & Raf 2. Derwa-Luxem 3. Van Oystaeyen-Pickeur

Halle-Booienhoven Herent Boechout

3122016/2016 2060047/2016 6100108/2017

40,235 43,818 56,587

MARATHON (category E) 1. Meirlaen Etienne 2. Limbourg Erik 3. Limbourg Erik

St-Martens-Latem Brussegem Brussegem

4077031/2016 2151083/2014 2015725/2015

50,545 55,630 59,164

YOUNG BIRDS (category F) 1. Van Den Berghe Emiel 2. Vrancken-Berden 3. Rondags Gert

Londerzeel Kuringen Grote-Spouwen

2052744/2018 5081113/2018 5117610/2018

1,512 1,619 1,792

YEARLINGS (category G) 1. Mercier Jules 2. Vandeputte-Kubica 3. Maris Frans

Auvelais Cuesmes Itegem

1143822/2017 6209002/2017 6052627/2017

6,109 6,349 7,117

OLD BIRDS (category H) 1. Gevaert-Lannoo 2. Janssens Eddy 3. Derwa-Luxem

Deinze Zandhoven Herent

4070112/2016 6076059/2016 2060093/2016

23,055 33,039 40,735


Atema Combination Veldmansweg 28 9257 VS Noardburgum The Netherlands Tel.: (0031) (0)511 474 149 atema008@planet.nl

NL13-1632465 ƃ


1. Prov. Acepigeon short distance 2014 3. Nat. Acepigeon WHZB/TBOTB 1. Vervins 1. Zutphen 3. 4. Tongeren 9. Tongeren 10. Gennep 12. Quievrain 13. Sittard 18. Gennep

2.402 bs. 231 bs. 1.228 bs. 929 bs. 2.217 bs. 5.010 bs. 1.111 bs. 2.498 bs. 2.346 bs.

Father of a.o. NL15-1208171: 1. Zandvliet 2.181 bs. 1. Weert 198 bs. 3. 1.168 bs. 1. Wijchen 198 bs. 7. 2.169 bs. 3. Chimay 1.103 bs. 5. Sittard 2.302 bs.

Son of “Edelman” Grandson of “De Super 53”

NL07-1183312 ƃ

EDELMAN 1. Hasselt 10. 14. Heteren 28. Vilvoorde 31. Maaseik 33. Pommeroeul

439 bs. 3.210 bs. 3.155 bs. 1.349 bs. 1.748 bs. 1.828 bs.

Father of a.o. “Primus”: 1. Prov. Acepigeon short distance 2014 3. Nat. Acepigeon WHZB/TBOTB Grandfather of a.o.: 1. Acepigeon young birds The Netherlands on 6 races Pipa Ranking 2016 1./ 2.602 bs. 1./ 2.188 bs. 1./ 2.181 bs. 1./ 1.569 bs. 1./ 1.504 bs. 1./ 1.047 bs. 1./ 374 bs. 1./ 361 bs. 1./ 293 bs. 1./ 198 bs. 1./ 118 bs.


Son of “De Super 53”

GOEDE BLAUWE NL11-1162017 ƃ


1. Wijchen 1. Gennep 1. Gennep 2. St.Truiden 13. Weert 15. St.Truiden 16. Boxtel 19. St.Quentin

1. St.Quentin 1. Pommeroeul 1. Achene 2. Den Bosch 4. Pommeroeul 6. Isnes 7. St.Quentin 8. Hasselt 9. Wijchen 10. Wijchen 16. Isnes 18. Maaseik 19. Tongeren 21. St. Truiden 24. St.Quentin 25. Boxtel 25. Hasselt

15.422 bs. 4.373 bs. 291 bs. 2.350 bs. 2.596 bs. 871 bs. 1.798 bs. 1.047 bs.

NL08-2023543 ƃ 2.410 bs. 2.085 bs. 293 bs. 2.802 bs. 1.216 bs. 1.422 bs. 1.071 bs. 1.690 bs. 2.787 bs. 1.801 bs. 2.111 bs. 1.603 bs. 940 bs. 950 bs. 887 bs. 2.629 bs. 1.578 bs.

Grandson of “De Super 53”


B14-6307048 ƃ

Direct Danny van Dyck

Grandson of “De Super 53”


NL14-1439367 Ƃ

Son of “Kanon” x “Fiona”

“ZOON KANON” X “EENOOGJE” Parents of a.o.: 1./ 3.697 bs. 1./ 2.302 bs. 1./ 1.233 bs. 1./ 380 bs. (2./ 1.732 bs.) 1./ 255 bs. (2./ 1.606 bs.) 1./ 130 bs. 2./ 1.892 bs. 3./ 818 bs. 4./ 1.431 bs. 8./ 1.159 bs. And grandparents of a.o.: 1./ 7.769 bs. 1./ 3.272 bs. 2./ 1.627 bs. 2./ 1.159 bs. 3./ 1.732 bs. 4./ 1.732 bs. 5./ 1.408 bs. 5./ 1.272 bs. 7./ 2.685 bs. 7./ 1.272 bs.

Daughter of “De Super 53” x “Daughter Di Caprio” 9

Bosmans - Leekens Vijverstraat 5 3581 Beverlo Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)478 239 195 (Marc) bosmansleekens@telenet.be Tel.: (0032) (0)476 297 171 (Dirk) leekens@telenet.be

LUCKY LUKE B97-5201920 ƃ Father, grandfather of 6+ generations of winners on provincial and national level

National & Provincial winners and championships 2014-2018 with Lucky Luke Family 1. Nat. Chateauroux fastest 1. Nat. Argenton 2014 1. Prov. Gien 1. Prov. Chateauroux 1. Prov. La Souterraine 2015 1. Prov. Gueret 2016 1. Prov. Chalon 1. Prov. Chateauroux 1. Prov. Sezanne 2017 1. Prov. Chevrainvilliers fastest 1. Prov. Chevrainvilliers 1. Prov. Argenton fastest

5.884 bs. 10.200 bs. 7.843 bs.

5100049-13 Miss Limburg old birds + yearlings 2090097-14 Chalon

2014 2017

6.579 bs. 981 bs. 2.000 bs.

5100119-13 Speedy Wonder 5100049-13 Miss Limburg 2090113-14 Lucky 13

420 km 540 km 605 km

1.210 bs.

5100060-13 Sixty

600 km

1.369 bs. 2.630 bs. 2.956 bs.

2090097-14 Chalon 2213180-15 Chatty 2213207-15 Suzanne

475 km 540 km 320 km

4.955 bs. 8.308 bs. 3.353 bs. 2.554 bs. 4.312 bs.

2090026-14 Maite

380 km

2188789-16 Betty 2188720-16 Vanessa

380 km 570 km

1. Prov. Chateauroux fastest 1. Prov. Argenton fastest 1. Prov. Libourne 2018 1. Prov. Limoges 1. Nat. Zone 1. Prov. Brive fastest 1. Nat. Zone 1. Prov. Gueret 1. Prov. Limoges 1. Prov. Bergerac

2.039 bs. 3.495 bs. 1.015 bs. 2.345 bs. 464 bs. 1.431 bs. 2.945 bs. 301 bs. 1.084 bs. 744 bs. 362 bs. 355 bs. 189 bs.

2188764-16 Lesbi

540 km

2090097-14 Chalon

570 km

2188 923-16 Luna

800 km

2213179-15 Harryet

683 km

5082120-17 Layla

715 km

5082149-17 Baby 5082028-17 Lolita 5082215-17 Victoria

601 km 683 km 777 km

1-1-2-2-2-2-2-3-3-3-3-3-5 Provincial Acepigeons KBDB 1-1-1-2-2-2-3-4-4-5-6-7-8 Provincial titles KBDB 2-7-8-9-10-11 National Champion KBDB 1-2-2 National Acepigeon “Gouden Veer” 2-7-7-7-7-8-9 Belgian Olympiad Pigeon Budapest ’15, Brussels ’17 and Poznan ’19


B13-5100049 Ƃ

7. Belgian Olympiad Pigeon allround Budapest 2015 9. Belgian Olympiad Pigeon yearlings Budapest 2015 1. National Chateauroux KBDB 5.884 yearlings (540 km) fastest of 10.200 old birds + yearlings 1. Nat. Chateauroux ’14 5.884 bs. 1. Prov. 981 bs. 1. Nat. Zone 1.713 bs. 2. S-Prov. Marne ’13 2.100 bs. 2. S-Prov. Melun ’13 1.291 bs. 5. S-Prov. Sourdun ’14 1.812 bs. 8. S-Prov. Sourdun ’14 1.295 bs. 16. S-Prov. Reims ’14 1.821 bs. 15. S-Prov. Reims ’14 1.701 bs. 18. S-Prov. Reims ’14 1.500 bs. 37. S-Prov. Chimay 1.756 bs. 47. S-Prov. Marne 1.962 bs. 51. Prov. Gien ’14 2.841 bs. 88. Prov. Gien ’14 2.615 bs. 180. Nat. La Souterraine ’13 13.089 bs. 56. Nat. Zone 1.856 bs.

(1-165) (1-213) (1-176) (1-123) (1-147) (1-197) (2-156) (4-186) (5-172) (10-150) (3-109) (7-166)

Grandchild “Lucky Luke”


Won 20 prizes on 130-600 km-races


B14-2090027 Ƃ

101 bs. 1.406 bs. 40 bs. 721 bs. 123 bs. 1.016 bs. 107 bs. 863 bs. 3.068 bs. 230 bs. 4.718 bs. 116 bs. 1.137 bs. 58 bs. 1.016 bs. 191 bs. 1.811 bs.

B14-2090097 Ƃ

2. Prov. Acepigeon long middle distance KBDB 2016

2. Belgian Olympiad Pigeon allround Brussels 2017 1. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance KBDB 2015 2. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance KBDB 2016 2. Nat. Acepigeon “Gouden Veer” yearlings 2015 1. Sourdun 2. S-Prov. 1. Sourdun 2. S-Prov. 1. Montargis 5. S-Prov. 1. Gien 2. S-Prov. 13. Prov. 1. Gien 11. Prov. 2. Sezanne 3. S-Prov. 2. Montargis g 5. S-Prov. 2. Chimay 18. S-Prov. + many more !!


Daughter “Olympic Triple Ace” x “Black Mama 953”

1. Nat. Argenton ’17 8.006 bs. 1. Prov. 1.015 bs. fastest 2.365 bs. 1. Prov. Chalon ’16 1.369 bs. 2. S-Nat. 6.746 bs. 2. Prov. Chateauroux 2.749 bs. 3. Zone 5.939 bs. 11. Prov. Chateauroux ’17 2.463 bs. 24. Interprov. 3.973 bs. 12. Prov. Montlucon 1.074 bs. 31. Interprov. 2.750 bs. 46. Zone 2.924 bs. 195. Nat. 9.462 bs. 24. S-Prov. Laon 2.767 bs. 24. S-Nat. Nevers 2.145 bs. 12. Interprov. 1.097 bs. 29. S-Prov. Sourdun 1.832 bs. 36. Prov. Bourges 2.047 bs. 3.797 bs. 30. Interprov. 110. Nat. 14.496 bs.

(1-188) (1-179) (1-229) (2-242)

Lucky Luke / Kannibaal / Freddy family



Brugemann Brothers Noorderweg 6 1566 NW Assendelft The Netherlands Tel.: (0031) (0)75 687 1445 Mob.: (0031) (0)6 5115 2843 brugemann@brugemann.nl www.brugemann.nl



3. Prov. Bordeaux ’18 886 bs. t. S2 19. Nat. 3.521 bs.

NL14-1821976 “76 van Myloe”

NL13-1093869 “Linkse van Miela 41”


NL08-5810019 “Pashmar” 123. Nat. Perpignan 5.608 bs. 247. Nat. Narbonne 3.580 bs. 447. Nat. Barcelona 6.392 bs. 860. Nat. Barcelona 6.909 bs. 1510. Nat. Barcelona 7.010 bs. Son “Bonte Roelofs” ( Jan Roelofs and topbreeder) x “Daughter Witstaart” (daughter “Father Latoya” Brugemann x “Witstaart” Jan Roelofs)

LAEYLA NL17-1148648 48648

5. Prov. Bordeaux deaux ’18 886 bs. 28. Nat. S2 3.521 bs.

NL14-1821901 “01 van Einar” Halfbrother “Yara” (6. Nat. Cahors and 43. Nat. Bordeaux)

NL08-5810021 “Myloe” 17. Nat. Barcelona 6.909 bs. ’13 (1. Prov. 583 bs.) 113. Nat. Pau 2.706 bs. 374. Nat. Perpignan 5.409 bs. 776. Nat. Narbonne 4.303 bs. Daughter 01-414 ( “Zoon Orhan x Myra” x “Dochter Chiba”, brother “Latoya”) x 07-222 ( Jan Roelofs from “Zoon Don Juan 2” x 00-446 Nico Volkens) NL05-1218325 “Zoon Avanti” Son “Kleine Orhan” (25. Prov. Cahors and 30. Nat. Perpignan and son “Zoon Tycha” x “Dochter Orhan x Myra”) x “Avanti” (8. Nat. Dax, 10. Nat. Bergerac, 62. Nat. Barcelona and 79. Nat. Bordeaux and daughter “Zoon Orhan x Myra” x “Marilla”) NL08-5810041 “Miela 41” 2. Prov. Bordeaux 749 bs. 372. Nat. Barcelona 7.046 bs. Nestsister “Miela 42” (1. Prov. Marseille 251 bs. and 2. Bordeaux 582 bs.) Daughter of “Halfbrother Marilla” x “Marilla” (6. Nat. Marseille and mother of “Avanti”)


NL14-1821905 “05 van Myloe” Nestsister “06 van Myloe” (mother “Yara”)

NL08-1375008 “Einar” 79. Nat. Barcelona 6.909 bs. 2013 392. Nat. Marseille 3.248 bs. 2010 1179. Nat. Barcelona 6.392 bs. 2012 239. Nat. Tarbes 2.823 bs. 2011 Father of “Yara” and “Yuna” (253. Nat. Agen 5.935 bs. 2017) Son of “Zoon Don Juan 3” ( Jan Roelofs) x “Luana” (40-320-740. Nat. Barcelona) NL11-1587724 “Moeder Thiago” 7. Prov. Cahors 1.358 bs. 562. Nat. Barcelona 5.183 bs. 640. Nat. Barcelona 5.423 bs. Mother of “Thiago” (64. Nat. Barcelona 5.239 bs., 442. Nat. Barcelona 5.183 bs., 290. Nat. Cahors 7.557 bs.) NL08-5810019 “Pashmar” 123. Nat. Perpignan 5.608 bs. 247. Nat. Narbonne 3.580 bs. 447. Nat. Barcelona 6.392 bs. 860. Nat. Barcelona 6.909 bs. 1510. Nat. Barcelona 7.010 bs. Son “Bonte Roelofs” ( Jan Roelofs and topbreeder) x “Daughter Witstaart” (daughter “Father Latoya” Brugemann x “Witstaart” Jan Roelofs) NL08-5810021 “Myloe” 17. Nat. Barcelona 6.909 bs. ’13 (1. Prov. 583 bs.) 113. Nat. Pau 2.706 bs. 374. Nat. Perpignan 5.409 bs. 776. Nat. Narbonne 4.303 bs. Daughter 01-414 ( “Zoon Orhan x Myra” x “Dochter Chiba”, brother “Latoya”) x 07-222 ( Jan Roelofs from “Zoon Don Juan 2” x 00-446 Nico Volkens)

NL13-1093875 “75 van Antara” Son 05-445 (father 2. Prov. Bordeaux and son of “Kleine Orhan” x “Avanti”) x “Antara” (21. Nat. Barcelona and 256. Nat. Perpignan) NL13-1093869 “Linkse van Miela 41” Daughter 05-325 (son “Kleine Orhan” x “Avanti”) x “Miela 41” (2. Prov. Bordeaux) NL10-1501630 “Zoon Marseille” Mike Peereboom Son 05-715 (good racer) x “Marseille Duivin” (4. and 12. Nat. Marseille, 100% John Hardebol)



NL14-1821915 “Moeder Jopeke” 57. Nat. S2 Cahors 211. Nat. Carcassonne

NL13-1093881 “Dochter Miela 41” Daughter “Zoon Avanti” (son “Kleine Orhan” x “Avanti”) x “Miela 41” (2. Prov. Bordeaux)

JOPEKE NL17-1148635

NL14-1821961 “Vader Jopeke” 572. Nat. S2 Cahors 622. Nat. Carcassonne


1. Nat. Bergerac ’18 16.336 bs. 128. Nat. S2 Bordeaux ’18 3.172 bs.

NL06-5617163 “Zoon Don Juan 3” Jan Roelofs Son “Don Juan 3” (3. Nat. Mont de Marsan and son “Montarkoppel”) x 04-730 (granddaughter “Montarkoppel”) NL01-1679902 “Luana” 40. Nat. Barcelona 2004 320. Nat. Barcelona 2005 740. Nat. Barcelona 2006 Sister “Tarkan” (47. Nat. Barcelona and 104. Nat. Perpignan) Daughter of “Son Orhan” (from “Orhan” x “Myra”) x “De Heijde Duivin” (Cor de Heijde from “Broer Perpignan” x “Barcelona Duivin”) NL08-5810019 “Pashmar” 123. Nat. Perpignan 5.608 bs. 247. Nat. Narbonne 3.580 bs. 447. Nat. Barcelona 6.392 bs. 860. Nat. Barcelona 6.909 bs. 1510. Nat. Barcelona 7.010 bs. Son “Bonte Roelofs” ( Jan Roelofs and topbreeder) x “Daughter Witstaart” (daughter “Father Latoya” Brugemann x “Witstaart” Jan Roelofs)

NL08-1375008 “Einar” 79. Nat. Barcelona 6.909 bs. 2013 392. Nat. Marseille 3.248 bs. 2010 1179. Nat. Barcelona 6.392 bs. 2012 239. Nat. Tarbes 2.823 bs. 2011 Father of “Yara” and “Yuna” (253. Nat. Agen 5.935 bs. 2017)

YARA NL16-1406493


6. Nat. S2 Cahors ’17 43. Nat. S2 Bordeaux ’17 336. Nat. St. Vincent ’18 376. Nat. Perpignan ’18

3.264 bs. 3.264 bs. 2.570 bs. 3.778 bs.

NL14-1821906 “06 van Myloe”

NL08-5810021 “Myloe” 17. Nat. Barcelona 6.909 bs. (1. Prov. 583 bs.) 113. Nat. Pau 2.706 bs. 374. Nat. Perpignan 5.409 bs. 776. Nat. Narbonne 4.303 bs. Daughter 01-414 ( “Zoon Orhan x Myra” x “Dochter Chiba”, brother “Latoya”) x 07-222 ( Jan Roelofs from “Zoon Don Juan 2” x 00-446 Nico Volkens)


Cools Rik Pannemeersstraat 13 8755 Ruiselede Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)51 68 87 93 Mob.: (0032) (0)473 371 993 rikcools@outlook.com


B15-3109577 Ƃ

1. Interprov. Chateauroux ’18 2.714 bs. 30. Nat. Chateauroux ’16 29.591 bs. 74. Nat. Chateauroux ’17 20.473 bs. 1. Clermont ’18 1. Clermont ’17 4. Arras ’15 5. Fontenay ’18 7. Fontenay ’16 76. Tours ’15

162 bs. 94 bs. 391 bs. 359 bs. 828 bs. 6.083 bs.

References Gaby Vandenabeele Basic pigeon “Rudy” (50% Cools) Benny Steveninck 1. Nat. Acepigeon long distance young birds KBDB 2013 Leo & Gerry Dockx 1. Nat. Acepigeon long distance young birds KBDB 2014 Team Freddy De Jaeger 1. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance old birds KBDB 2014 2. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2014 4. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2014 Marnick De Neve 3. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance young birds KBDB 2015 5. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance young birds KBDB 2015 5. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance old birds KBDB 2014 Rudi De Saer 1. Nat. Limoges 8.301 bs. 2015 2. Nat. Acepigeon long distance KBDB 2015 Filip & Nicolas Norman 4. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2015 Chris Debacker 1. Nat. Gueret 8.493 bs. 2018 (direct Cools) 4. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance 2014 1. Prov. Tours 6.083 bs. and 1. Prov. Tours 5.313 bs. 2015 with “Amigo” (direct Cools) Ronny Menten 1. Nat. Bourges 10.111 yearlings 2016 Patrick Houfflyn 8. Nat. Acepigeon long distance KBDB 2017 Gino Clicque 1. Nat. Chateauroux 12.942 bs. 2018 Gevaert-Lannoo 1. Olympiad Pigeon old birds Poznan 2019

B11-3123397 “Pipo Junior” Topbreeder ! Brother “Bolleke” (1. Prov. Acepigeon KBDB 2011 with 5-67-24-27-37-41. Prov.) Brother 10-225 (6. Prov. Acepigeon KBDB and 1. Prov. Argenton)

B09-3040107 “Pipo” Son “Wittepenne Maurice” (Vandenabeele, halfbrother 1. Nat. Argenton 7.390 bs.) x “Dannae” (old lines Rik Cools) B08-3037549 “Molleke” 3. Prov. Acepigeon KBDB 2010 1. Prov. Argenton 1.398 bs. (4. Nat. 10.549 bs.) 2. Prov. Blois 1.503 bs. Daughter “Kapoen” (son superbreeder “Schone Bliksem” x “Emma”, inbreed “Picanol”) x “Tonia” (A. Van Landuyt) B10-3179445 “Magic Junior” Father of a.o. 12-520 (10. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance KBDB 2013) Direct Gaby Vandenabeele, son “Mr. Magic” (son “Schone Bliksem”) x “Luna”

B12-3113589 “Daughter Marieke”

B08-3037512 “Marieke” Foundation hen 1. Prov. Acepigeon KBDB 2008 1. Nat. Zone Gueret 5.166 bs. Mother “Lady Messi” (2. Prov. Acepigeon KBDB with 1. Prov. Bourges 1.427 bs. and 8. Nat. Argenton 19.757 bs.) Daughter of “Zoon Bliksem” (Gaby Vandenabeele) x “Flicka” (Rik Cools, sister “Darling”, 1. Nat. Bourges hens 2004)

BREEDER 1. NAT. GUERET 2018 B05-3006583 “Royal Blue” 1. Argenton 242 bs. 46. Argenton 4.479 bs. 6. Souillac 1.291 bs. Father “Gloria”, 2. Nat. Acepigeon long distance KBDB

B94-3237367 “Pipo Wittenbuik” Son “Wittenbuik” x “Moriska” B99-4393724 “Patsy” Daughter “Laten Limoges” x “Angelique” B98-3158062 “Bliksem” Foundation cock Gaby Vandenabeele Father of a.o. “Rudy” Son “Kolonel” x “Rita”

B12-3088046 ƃ

Father 1. Nat. Gueret 8.493 bs. Direct Gaby Vandenabeele Full brother “Gloria” (2. Nat. Acepigeon long distance KBDB 2013 with 1. Nat. Zone Limoges 5.742 bs. and mother of 1. Nat. Gueret 9.754 bs. at Bert Vandenberghe)

B04-3069721 “Mona” Mother “Gloria”, 2. Nat. Acepigeon long distance KBDB Sister “Schone Bliksem”

B99-3103770 “Fryda” Rik Cools Daughter basic pair “Frans” x “Alfoncine”



B17-3048323 Ƃ

Racer: Chris Debacker, Beveren-Leie Breeder: Rik Cools 1. Nat. Gueret 8.493 bs. 2. Prov. Fontenay 5.521 bs. 39. Prov. Fontenay 6.755 bs. 429. Nat. Argenton 19.864 bs.


B11-3172352 Ƃ

Mother 1. Nat. Gueret 8.493 bs. B98-3158062 “Bliksem” 1. Prov. Poitiers 1.488 bs. 2. Prov. Chateauroux 4.662 bs. 4. Prov. Ruffec 1.778 bs. 5. Prov. Perigueux 1.119 bs. 8. Prov. Poitiers 2.975 bs. Father of a.o. “Rudy” Son “Kolonel” x “Rita”

B05-3224565 “GPS Bliksem” Gaby Vandenabeele

B03-3241900 “Tina” Rik Cools Daughter “Aagje” (from basic pair “Frans” x “Alfoncine”) B00-3195100 “Den 100” Brother “Kaatje” (mother “Rudy”) Son basic pair “Gaby” x “Francoise” B00-3195018 “Aske” 1. Prov. Acepigeon KBDB 2000 Basic hen Daughter basic pair “Frans” x “Alfoncine”

B04-3069688 “Feelke” 7. Prov. Poitiers 1.655 bs. 9. Poitiers 2.957 bs. 23. Prov. Tours 3.320 bs. 45. Prov. Chateauroux 5.712 bs. Sister “Darling” (1. Nat. Bourges)

INTERPROV. CHATEAUROUX (16 June 2018) 2.329 old birds: 1-2-17-43-45-46-47 (32/35)


De Bisschop Gustaaf & Jan Huinegem 88 1730 Asse Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)2 452 60 92 Mob.: (0032) (0)472 406 367 debisschopjan@gmail.com

TOP RESULTS PROVINCIAL 2018 1. Prov. Bourges 1. Prov. Gueret 1. Prov. Chateauroux 2. Prov. Gueret 2. Prov. Fay-Au-Loges 3. Prov. Argenton 3. Prov. Blois

1.103 yl. 497 yl. 1.068 yl. 497 yl. 541 yl. 1.412 yl. 1.408 yl.


3. Prov. Fay-Au-Loges 4. Prov. Blois 4. Prov. Bourges 4. Prov. Gueret 5. Prov. Blois 5. Prov. Chateauroux

541 yl. 1.408 yl. 1.103 yl. 497 yl. 1.408 yl. 1.068 yl.

B14-2151299 ƃ

Original Erik Limbourg


B14-2273253 Ƃ Sister of “New Bliksem”, 1. Nat. Zone Montlucon 3.721 bs. 9. Nat. Zone Argenton 8.624 bs.

Full brother 2. Nat. Acepigeon long distance KBDB 2016 Grandson “Joost”, 1. Internat. Perpignan De Smeyter-Restiaen Grandson “Gaston”, Olympiad Pigeon (raced by Uwe Berg, bred by Gaston Van de Wouwer)

PARENTS OF “Bliksy Argenton” B16-2031091 1. Nat. Argenton 22.712 bs. (519 km) fastest 35.844 bs. “Bliks 92” B16-2031092 7. Nat. Bourges 12.447 bs. 9. Interprov. Souppes 2.267 bs. 11. Interprov. Chevrain 2.869 bs. 66. Nat. Zone Bourges 8.989 bs. 166. Nat. Argenton 19.592 bs.


B16-3107582 ƃ

(444 km) (318 km) (318 km) (444 km) (519 km)


2. Prov. Blois

Direct Gino Clicque Father: B14-3028072 “Prince Rudy” 1. Nat. Limoges 6.272 bs. fastest 14.575 bs. Mother: B13-3031784 “Argentina” 6. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance KBDB 2014 2. Prov. Tours 2.964 bs. 7. Nat. Montlucon 19.298 bs. 7. Prov. Tours 2.948 bs.

B14-2273048 Ƃ

PARENTS OF B17-2033143 1. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance yearlings (6 races) 2018 2. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance yearlings (7 races) 2018 2. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance yearlings (5 races) 2018 8. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance yearlings KBDB 2018 2. Interprov. Chevrainvilliers 1.411 bs. 2. Nat. Zone Gueret 2.775 bs. 6. Nat. Zone Argenton 6.640 bs. 8. Prov. Blois 1.408 bs. 15. Interprov. Chevrainvilliers 2.655 bs. 21. Nat. Zone Bourges 2.836 bs. 37. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 3.737 bs. 41. Nat. Zone Bourges 6.920 bs. 312. Nat. Chateauroux 27.081 bs.

1.500 bs.

Sister of B13-2069066 “Hanna”, 3. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance yearlings KBDB 2013 3. Interprov. Angerville 2.025 bs. 22. Nat. Zone Nevers 1.785 bs. 22. Nat. Zone Argenton 2.903 bs. 31. Nat. La Souterraine 13.089 bs. 32. Nat. Zone Issoudun 2.655 bs.

BASIC BREEDING LINES ON THE LOFT: De Rauw Sablon – Florizoone – Gaby Vandenabeele | Old base (Janssens x J. & J. Engels) – Gino Clicque

ACEPIGEONS & CHAMPION TITLES 2017-2018 5 x 1. Provincial long middle distance races 1. Nat. Champion long middle distance yearlings KBDB 2018 1. Best Belgian yearling long middle distance (6 KBDB races) 2018 1. Acepigeon Brabant Union (Prov.) long middle distance yearlings 2018 1. Nat. Argenton 22.712 yl. + fastest 35.844 bs. 2017


2. Best Belgian yearling long middle distance (7 KBDB races) 2018 2. Best Belgian yearling long middle distance (5 KBDB races) 2018 2. Champion Brabant Union (Prov.) long middle distance yearlings 2018 3. Acepigeon Brabant Union (Prov.) long middle distance yearlings 2018 7. Nat. Acepigeon long distance yearlings KBDB 2017 8. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance yearlings KBDB 2018

B14-2273299 ƃ

B14-4473078 Ƃ


Co-breeding Erik Limbourg

1. Prov. Acepigeon long middle distance yearlings KBDB 2015 7. Best Belgian yearling long middle distance (7 races) 2015 11. Best Belgian yearling long middle distance (6 races) 2015 14. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance yearlings KBDB 2015

Father: 13-042 “De Jan” 1. Nat. Zone Argenton 2.903 bs. 3. Nat. Zone La Souterraine 1.993 bs. Father of co-winner 1. Nat. Champion overall KBDB 2014 Father of “Snelle Jan”, 1. Souppes 3.457 bs. and 1. Souppes 243 bs. Son basic breeder “Supersprint” x “Basic Breeding Hen”

2. Interprov. Blois 3. Interprov. Blois 9. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 28. Nat. 27. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 133. Nat. 52. Nat. Zone Montlucon 118. Nat. 95. Nat. Zone Bourges 136. Nat. Zone Argenton

Mother: 13-315 “Mannequin Gilbert” Erik Limbourg Sister “Gilbert Junior”, 1. Internat. Bordeaux 10.622 bs. 2012 Daughter “Gilbert” (1. Internat. Bordeaux 6.686 bs. 2010) x 04-829 (2. Prov. Acepigeon, Marcel Aelbrecht)

1.925 bs. 1.929 bs. 7.277 bs. 25.710 bs. 5.700 bs. 18.658 bs. 5.478 bs. 16.982 bs. 7.739 bs. 6.099 bs.

(425 km) (425 km) (490 km) (490 km)

(521 km) (444 km) (519 km)

PARENTS OF “Black Limoges” B16-2031177 7. Nat. Acepigeon long distance yearlings KBDB 2017 1. Nat. Zone Limoges 3.197 bs. 11. Nat. 10.554 bs. 3. Prov. Tulle 469 bs. 55. Nat. 9.578 bs.

B12-2018059 ƃ BLIKSEM BLACKY I 3.721 bs.

NEW BLIKSEM 1. Nat. Zone Montlucon 241. Nat. 1. Angerville 1. Argenton 3. Bourges 36. Argenton

21.827 bs. 764 bs. 313 bs. 775 bs. 519 bs.

B14-4473142 Ƃ

1. Best Belgian yearling long middle distance (7 KBDB races) 2015 1. Best Belgian yearling long middle distance (6 KBDB races) 2015 8. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance yearlings KBDB 2015 9. Nat. Zone Bourges 28. Nat. 23. Nat. Zone Argenton 101. Nat. 26. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 131. Nat. 46. Nat. Zone Montlucon 106. Nat. 68. Nat. Zone Bourges 102. Nat. Zone Gueret

4.284 bs. 14.496 bs. 6.099 bs. 19.925 bs. 5.700 bs. 18.658 bs. 5.478 bs. 16.982 bs. 7.739 bs. 5.821 bs.

(444 km) (519 km) (490 km) (521 km) (444 km) (555 km)

Mother of B16-2031044 “Jewel Bliksem” 1. Interprov. Souppes 2.437 bs. (318 km) Mother of B16-2031043 “Queeny Bliksem” 15. Interprov. Chevrainvilliers 2.869 bs. (318 km) 17. Prov. Chateauroux 4.067 bs. (490 km) 61. Nat. Chateauroux 4.389 bs. (490 km)


De Bruijn Willem Oud O d Reeuwijkseweg Ree ijkse eg 15 2811 KB Reeuwijk The Netherlands Tel.: (0031) (0)6 5387 9576 info@willemdebruijn.com www.willemdebruijn.com

Over 30 years of high quality and super genes ! OLYMPIC HURRICANE NL10-1688185 ƃ 3. Dutch Olympiad Pigeon young g birds Poland 2011 1. Pommeroeul 1. Ablis 3. Mantes la Jolie 7. Duffel 30. Duffel

2.753 bs. 2.132 bs. 519 bs. 5.535 bs. 5.031 bs.

Father of a.o.: * “Olympic Froome”, 1. Dutch Olympiad pigeon yearlings Nitra 2013 (C. & M. Everling) * 18-022, 9. Nat. Acepigeon young birds Pipa Ranking 2018 8 * “Prima Donna”, mother of “Aleksej”, 1. Nat. Acepigeon short/middle distance Pipa Ranking 2017 017 * “Marianne”, mother of “Tatiana”, 2. Nat Acepigeon Pipa Ranking * “Ilse”, grandmother of 3. Nat. Acepigeon young birds WHZB/TBOTB 2015 Grandfather of a.o.: * “Gaia”, 9. Nat. Acepigeon young birds NPO * “Anastasia”, 10. Nat. Acepigeon WHZB 2017 * “Tramontane”, 13. Nat. Acepigeon long distance WHZB/TBOTB 2015 * “Eros”, 10. Nat. Acepigeon young birds NPO 2016 * “ Tatiana”, 14. Nat. Acepigeon WHZB 2017, 2. Nat. Acepigeon yearlings Pipa Ranking 2017 * “Aleksej”, 1. Nat. Acepigeon short/middle distance Pipa Ranking 2018 * 14-029, 11. Nat. Acepigeon young birds WHZB/TBOTB * “De 273”, 8. Nat. Acepigeon yearlings Pipa Ranking 2018, 9. Nat. Acepigeon Pipa-ranking 2018 * “Olympic Hans”, 1. Dutch Olympiad Pigeon allround Brussels 2017 (Hans Boenders), 3. Nat. Acepigeon long distance NPO 2015 * 17-029, candidate Olympiad Pigeon short distance Poznan 2019 ( J. & L. van de Pasch) * 17-050, 1. Nat. Acepigeon young birds WHZB 2017


The Hurricane Legacy... Descendants “Hurricane” won a.o.: 1. Prov. Reims 15.605 bs. 1. NPO Lorris 5.537 bs. 1. NPO Chateauroux 3.120 bs. 1. NPO Fontenay 2.732 bs. 1. Peronne 13.892 bs. 1. Peronne 10.763 bs. 1. Nijvel 5.616 bs. 1. Nijvel 4.974 bs. 1. Duffel 4.770 bs. fastest Prov. 42.889 bs. 1. Arras 4.405 bs. 1. Troyes 4.147 bs. 1. Pommeroeul 4.092 bs. fastest 8.979 bs.

1. Peronne 1. Morlincourt 1. Asse-Zellik 1. Arras 1. Roye 1. Pont St. Max 1. Pont St. Max 1. Lorris 1. Mons 1. Sezanne 1. Peronne 1. Charleville 1. Argenton 1. Morlincourt 1. Morlincourt

3.307 bs. 3.696 bs. 2.794 bs. 2.794 bs. 2.560 bs. 2.381 bs. 1.969 bs. 1.883 bs. 1.847 bs. 1.705 bs. 1.689 bs. 1.449 bs. 1.263 bs. 1.083 bs. 1.063 bs.

ALEKSEJ NL16-1525472 ƃ 1. Nat. Acepigeon short-middle distance Pipa Ranking 2017 Candidate Dutch Olympiad Pigeon short distance Poznan 2019

MURPHY’S LAW NL17-1279282 ƃ 1. Nat. Acepigeon short-middle distance Pipa Ranking 2018 1. Nat. Acepigeon yearlings FCI-rating 2018

OLGA NL16-1525361 Ƃ 1. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance FCI-rating 2018


B E L G I A N F I N E S T AT 1° National Champion KBDB Middle Distance Young birds 2017 6°-9°-10° National Ace KBDB Middle Distance Young birds 2017


GEERT DE CLERCQ g.i.declercq@telenet.be

+32 475 75 21 75




5° NAT ACE KBDB FOND YL 2016 1° ACE of BELGIUM “LCB” 2016 1° PROV ACE KBDB FOND YL 2016 1° ACE “Brabantse Unie” FOND 2018 2° PROV ACE KBDB FOND 2017 SON 2° NAT ACE FOND YL 2014 GRSON “EAGLE EYE” 106/07 FATHER: BE15-2015548 “NUMBER ONE” 5° NAT ACE KBDB FOND YL 2016 3° Nat Z Brive 2810b 9° Nat Z Limoges 3380b 4° Souppes 2281b 326km 9° Souppes 2418b 326km 36° Souppes 3069b 326km MOTHER: BE14-2151077 “DARK BLUE 077” 1° ACE DERBY HAINAUT FOND SISTER 2° NAT ACE KBDB FOND OLD 2016 1° Nat Z Jarnac 2216b 15 4° Nat Jarnac 4559b 15


DAUGHTER 2° Nat Ace KBDB GMD Old 2015 DAUGHTER BEST RACER 5 & 6 NAT GMD-RACES 2015 Original Hugo Vlaeminck FATHER BE11-4049957 “RONALDO” Super racer & breeder - 6 x 1° prize winner 2° Nat Ace KBDB GMD Old 2015 Best Belgium 5 and 6 Nat races GMD 2015 Best Belgium Bourges racer 2013-2015 (4 prizes) 1° Prov Argenton 3.161b 1° Prov Gueret 2.829b 1° Prov Bourges 1.150b - 2° Nat Bourges 8.005b 3° Prov Chateauroux 2.202b 4° Prov Montlucon 3.550b 5° Prov Bourges 2.473b Father to 1° Prov Montlucon 4.817b Father to 1° Prov Gueret 1.101b Father 1° Souppes sur Loing 635b Father 1° Souppes sur Loing 309b Father to 1° Gueret 341b - 6° Prov 4.432b Father to 1° Argenton 336b - 76° Nat 12.592b Father to 13° Prov Blois 4.406b


HALFBROTHER “BLAUWE MUSTANG” 1° Olympiade Allround Cat A Dortmund 2009 HALFBROTHER “DE SCHICHT” 5° Nat Ace GMD KBDB 2012 FATHER: 08-6160456 SUPER RACER - BREEDER MOTHER: 04-6067283 MOTHER “BLAUWE MUSTANG” Original Roger Engelen


PARENTS OF: BE18-6170249: 1° MOMIGNIES 1056b 120km 1° SOISSONS 404b 230km 7° CHEVRAINV 645b 365km 8° MOMIGNIES 1950b 120km 14° SOISSONS 563b 230km 22° SOISSONS 1144b 230km 24° MOMIGNIES 1740b 120km Raced at Vermeerbergen-Wilms BE18-4099350: 2° ORLEANS 694b 375km 8° PROV ORLEANS 3498b 4° TOURY 513b 350km 5° TOURY 210b 350km



2° Momignies 1.203b 150km 2° Soissons 916b 250km

MOTHER BE11-4049941 “TESS” Super breeding hen – Mother 3 x 1° provincial Mother 1° Nat Z Gueret 1.719b Mother 1° Prov La Souterraine 1.873b Mother 1° Prov Chateauroux 5.865b


SISTER “NATIONAL WONDER” 5° Nat Ace KBDB GMD YB 2014 Best Young bird on 5 and 6 National races YB 2014 FATHER: BE12-6319030 SUPERBREEDER SON “KANON” r 1DW $FH .%'% 0' 'DQQ\ 9DQ 'ó FN MOTHER: BE11-6176568 BASIC BREEDING HEN Original Vermeerbergen-Wilms PARENTS “DE TANK” BE17-4202119 1° Fontenay 808 Yb 341km 1° Fontenay 289 Yb 4° Fontenay 726 Yb 4° Fontenay 348 Yb

5° Fontenay 295 Yb 7° Clermont 1.260 Yb 213km 13° Clermont 1.455 Yb 16° Fontenay 806 Yb 20° Fontenay 834 Yb 6° Nat Ace KBDB MD YB 2017 PARENTS “NESTSISTER TANK” BE17-4202118 3° Fontenay 348 Yb 341km (after 2 loftmates) 7° Fontenay 289 Yb 10° Clermont 1.260 Yb 213km 12° Clermont 1.455 Yb 17° Fontenay 295 Yb

B E L G I A N F I N E S T AT G D C - T R A D I N G G E E R T D E C L E R C Q



GEERT DE CLERCQ g.i.declercq@telenet.be

+32 475 75 21 75





BROTHER “PLAYBOY GILBERT” 1° W-European Ace YB MD 2015 - 2° Nat Ace KBDB YB MD 2015 BROTHER “POWER 003” 1° Ace “Brabantse Unie” Fond - 1° Nat Ranking Fond Yl 2015 FATHER: BE13-2022077 ‘NEW GILBERT’ Original Erik Limbourg MOTHER: BE12-4048821 ‘SISTER CHIPO’ Original Benny Steveninck Original GDC-Trading

HALFSISTER “NATALIA” 1° Nat Bourges 10.141b 2014 INBRED “DI CAPRIO” Leo Heremans FATHER: BE10-6297205 “BLUE WHITEFLIGHT” DI CAPRIO MOTHER: BE14-6241318 “DAUGHTER OLYMPIC NIELS” 2ULJLQDO 'LUN 9DQ 'ó FN PARENTS “ADONIS BOY” BE17-4202105 1° Fontenay 295 Yb 341km





1° Nat Z 4° Nat Chateauroux 6.850b 2016 FATHER: BE10-4106960 BREEDING LINE BASIC BREEDER “STIJVEN” 397/86 MOTHER: BE11-4239038 SISTER 3 SUPER HENS “ISAH” – “YANAH” – “ANNAH” Original Guido Van Caneghem

1° Fontenay 348 Yb 6° Fontenay 808 Yb 10° Fontenay 834 Yb 11° Clermont 1.260 Yb 9° Nat Ace KBDB MD YB 2017 PARENTS: “ADONIS GIRL” BE17-4202106 2° Fontenay 806 Yb 341km (after loftmate) 9° Clermont 1.260 Yb 213km 11° Fontenay 834 Yb 17° Arras 275 Yb 110km

SISTER 4° Nat Tulle 6.972b – 4° Nat Z Limoges 2.174b HALFSISTER “MAGIC 092” 2° Nat Ace KBDB Fond Yl 2014 GRANDDAUGHTER “LUCKY 848” Superbreeder De Rauw-Sablon GRANDDAUGHTER “MARSEILLE x FIJN BLAUW” Marcel Aelbrecht FATHER: BE09-2119430 ‘SUPERBREEDER 430’ MOTHER: BE03-4452299 “BEAUTY MARSEILLE”

DAUGHTER “MARSEILLE x FIJN BLAUW” Original Erik Limbourg PARENTS “THE BOSS” BE17-4202111 1° Clermont 1.260 Yb 213km 1° Fontenay 726 Yb 341km 2° Fontenay 348 Yb (after loftmate) 4° Fontenay 295 Yb 5° Fontenay 806 Yb (after 4 loftmates) 14° Fontenay 834 Yb 10° Nat Ace KBDB YB MD 2017 Gr Mtr 1° Souppes 2.085 Yb 330km ‘16

B E L G I A N F I N E S T AT G D C - T R A D I N G G E E R T D E C L E R C Q


De Heijde Cor Fresiastraat 28 4921 HC Made The Netherlands Mob.: (0031) (0)651 335 871 Tel.: (0031) (0)162 683 215 cjdeheijde@xs4all.nl

BARCELONA 2018 Nat. 3.912 bs.: 4-12-135-247-361-551... 6/9 Internat. 15.700 bs.: 9-35-378-672-1015-1640-3817... 7/9 Internat. hens 4.787 bs.: 18-133-321-497... 5/6

REFERENCES 2018 All won with the “Klamper”-bloodlines of Cor de Heijde 2. Nat. St. Vincent 2.758 bs. 7. Internat. St. Vincent 9.548 bs. 2. Nat. Narbonne yearlings 3.017 bs. 2. Internat. Narbonne yearlings 6.423 bs. 5. Nat. Acepigeon Agen-Narbonne 2. Internat. Acepigeon Agen-Narbonne hens 9. Internat. Narbonne 15.501 bs. 1. Agen afd. 6 Noord-Holland 1.082 bs. 6. Nat. Agen 4.776 bs. 112. Nat. Narbonne yearlings 3.017 bs. 36. Agen ZLU yearlings 4.776 bs. 1. NU Bergerac 2.482 bs. 3. Nat. S3 Bergerac 5.231 bs. 11. Nat. Bergerac 16.336 bs. 7. Nat. S3 Bergerac 5.231 bs. 22. Nat. Bergerac 16.336 bs. 11. Nat. S3 Bergerac 5.231 bs. 31. Nat. Bergerac 16.336 bs. 46. Nat. Barcelona 3.912 bs.

BLUE DREAM 1. Prov. Barcelona 1. Nat. Barcelona hens 2. Nat. Barcelona 2. Internat.. Barcelona hens 4. Internat.. Barcelona 155. Nat. Marseille

E. Meirlaen (B) E. Meirlaen (B) Inne Balleux (B) Inne Balleux (B) Inne Balleux (B) Inne Balleux (B) Inne Balleux (B) Leo Pronk (NL) Frank Zwiers (NL) De Smeyter-Restiaen (B) Martin de Poorter (NL) Jan Hooymans (NL) Jan Hooymans (NL) Jan Hooymans (NL) Jan Hooymans (NL) Jan Hooymans (NL) Jan Hooymans (NL) Jan Hooymans (NL) Bas Weijers (NL)

NL12-3220448 Ƃ 354 bs. (964 mpm) 1.742 bs. 5.183 bs. 5.244 bs. 19.089 bs. 4.899 bs.


NL08-3818593 ƃ

1. Nat. Acepigeon cepigeon ZLU Barcelona 2011-2013 1. Prov. Barcelona arcelona 1. Prov. Perpignan erpignan 94. Nat. Barcelona 100. Nat. Barcelona 17. Nat. Perpignan 74. Nat. Perpignan P

566 bs. 381 bs. 7.046 bs. 6.392 bs. 4.978 bs. 5.608 bs.

Father of : “Blue Dream”, eam”, 2. Nat. Barcelona “Diamantje”, tje”, 4. Nat. Barcelona “Smaragd”, d”, 10. Nat. Perigueux

5.183 bs. 3.912 bs. 4.921 bs.


NL14-3423376 Ƃ

1. Prov. Barcelona 4. Nat. Barcelona 5. Internat. Barcelona hens 9. Internat. Barcelona rcelona 33. Bordeaux 136. Nat. Narbonne bonne 148. Bergerac

Daughter of “Jonge Don Michel”. Daughter g off “Jonge JJonge g Don Michel”.


332 bs. 3.912 bs. 4.820 bs. 15.700 bs. (872 mpm) 2.772 bs. 5.042 bs. 3.42 3.425 25 bs.

NL12-3220480 Ƃ

MARIANNE 1. Nat. St. Vincent 210. NPO Limoges

9.672 bs. (983 mpm) 2.762 bs.

KLEINE BLAUWE NL13-1330942 ƃ 1. Nat. St. Vincent 105. NPO Bergerac

15.918 bs. 3.854 bs.

Grandmother of : 10. Nat. Bordeaux 9.852 bs. Great-grandmother of : 6. Nat. ZLU Bordeaux 4.776 bs.


NL11-3025010 ƃ

1. Nat. Acepigeon ZLU Perpignan 2014-2017 5. Nat. Acepigeon 2014-2016 27. Nat. Perpignan 55. Nat. Perpignan 178. Nat. Perpignan 140. Nat. Barcelona 999. Nat. Barcelona

1. Nat. S2 Agen

NL16-3621456 ƃ 6.379 bs.

NL10-3054650 Ƃ

1. Internat. Acepigeon Barcelona 2013-2014 1. Prov. Barcelona 385 bs. 6. Nat. Barcelona 5.423 bs. 6. Internat. Barcelona 20.669 bs. 4. Nat. Barcelona hens 1.809 bs. 4. Internat. Barcelona hens 5.534 bs. 1. Prov. Barcelona 566 bs. (872 mpm) 11. Nat. Barcelona hens 2.181 bs. 20. Internat. Barcelona hens 6.642 bs. 29. Nat. Barcelona 6.909 bs. 72. Internat. Barcelona 25.292 bs. 107. Nat. Perpignan 5.616 bs.

6.414 bs. 4.789 bs. 4.027 bs. 5.183 bs. 5.423 bs.



DE COR 1. Nat. Bergerac 30. Nat. Bordeaux 124. NPO Bordeaux 179. NPO Bergerac 343. NPO Bergerac

NL14-3430896 ƃ 8.389 bs. 9.696 bs. 3.371 bs. 2.366 bs. 3.425 bs.

2 23

H k t t 186 Hoekestraat 9910 Knesselare Belgium Mob.: (0032) (0)491 50 79 79 info@teamdejaeger.be www.teamdejaeger.be Team De Jaeger wins 3x the highly regarded, prestigious and most prominent Championship “Belgische Verstandhouding-Entente Belge” in 4 years time (2015, 2016 and 2018). This is a historical, unique and exceptional performance!


B12-4159122 Ƃ

1. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance old birds KBDB 2014 2. Nat. Zone Bourges I ’14 2. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’13 3. Nat. Zone La Souterraine ’14 27. Prov. Bourges ’14 34. Prov. Bourges ’13 54. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’13 91. Nat. Zone Gueret ’13 95. Prov. Vierzon ’14 98. Nat. Chateauroux ’14 117. Nat. Montlucon ’14

3.085 bs. 935 bs. 1.098 bs. 1.364 bs. 2.675 bs. 4.107 bs. 2.222 bs. 8.394 bs. 17.984 bs. 14.230 bs.


B11-4096909 ƃ

1. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2015 3. Nat Jarnac ’15 7. Nat Libourne ’15 8. Nat Montauban ’15


3.879 bs. 5.024 bs. 3.990 bs.

LOFT OF WINNERS B15-4014328 ƃ


1. Nat. Barcelona ’18 7.429 bs. 1. Internat. Barcelona ’18 15.707 bs. Golden Wing winner Barcelona 2018 Euro Diamond winner Barcelona 2018 Barcelona Masters winner 2018

Father: original Etienne Meirlaen Grandson “Marseille” dynasty Grandson “Old 7 x Barca”

One of the heaviest Barcelona editions ever Head winds, sunny and hot weather Velocity of 952 meters/minute

Mother: “Eenwitpen Tsunami” Direct daughter “Tsunami” Basic breeding hen Team Freddy De Jaeger Original Vandenabeele, daughter “Bliksem”

199. Nat. Narbonne ’16 3.187 bs. 487. Internat. 7.811 bs. 215. Nat. Bourges ’17 23.028 bs. 496. Nat. Agen ’16 2.932 bs. 1268. Internat. 9.043 bs. 964. Nat. Bourges ’18 20.280 bs.

B15-4014080 ƃ


9.106 bs.

3. Nat. Chateauroux ’16 1. Club 26. Interprov. Vierzon ’17 44. Nat. Zone Argenton ’16 1. Club 46. Prov. Limoges II ’17 63. Prov. Limoges II ’16 85. Nat. Chateauroux ’16

29.591 bs. 1.512 bs. 7.056 bs. 6.694 bs. 449 bs. 2.270 bs. 2.015 bs. 6.540 bs.

BLEKE BOURGES 1. Prov. Bourges ’17 2. Nat Zone 2. Nat. 3. Prov. Argenton ’18 7. Nat. Zone 9. Nat. 54. Prov. Bourges ’18

3.691 bs. 5.890 bs. 20.674 bs. 2.400 bs. 3.606 bs. 11.838 bs. 3.385 bs.

B16-4135296 ƃ

B16-4135275 ƃ

PHANTOM 1. Prov. ov. Agen ’17 3. Nat. 3. Internat. at. Bourges ’18 55. Nat.

1.048 bs. 5.335 bs. 13.030 bs. 20.280 bs.


BISCAYA B12-4159344 ƃ

FURY B14-4214432 ƃ

4. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2014

2. Nat. Acepigeon extreme long distance yearlings KBDB 2015

Winner 5x top 100 National

2. Nat. Agen ’15 2. Internat. 7. Nat. Libourne ’15

15. Nat. Libourne ’16 18. Nat. Limoges ’14 24. Nat. Brive ’14 25. Nat. Tulle ’14 66. Nat. Brive ’13 13

5.195 bs. 7.221 bs. 5.286 bs. 5.976 bs. 6.842 bs.

2.767 bs. 4.524 bs. 5.890 bs.

EENWITPEN TORNADO B12-4159374 ƃ 8. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2016 Winner 6x top 100 National 16. Nat. Limoges ’15 1. Club 22. Nat. Montauban ’14 39. Nat. Libourne ’14 1. Club 39. Nat. Cahors ’16 45. Nat. Jarnac ’16 93. Nat. Limoges ’16

15.012 bs. 759 bs. 5.935 bs. 4.589 bs. 196 bs. 6.164 bs. 4.167 bs. 13.493 bs.

Highlights 2014-2018 2018: (Provisional) 1. INTERNATIONAL Barcelona 1 x 1. National Barcelona 2 x 1. Prov. (Orleans – Barcelona) 26 x Top 100 National 21 x 1. Prize 15 x 2. Prize 18 x 3. Prize 1. General Champion Belgische Verstandhouding-Entente Belge (3 x in 4 years time) 12. Nat. Champion long middle distance old birds KBDB 13. Nat. Champion long distance old birds KBDB 5. Brugse Kampioenschappen long m.d. and l.d. old birds 9. Pieter De Koninck Trophy yearlings 10. Brugse Kampioenschappen long m.d. and l.d. yearlings 12. Jan Breydel Trophy old birds 2017: 27 x 1. Prize 1. Nat. Brive 2. Nat. Bourges 3. Nat. and Internat. Agen 3 x 1. Prov. (Brive-Bourges-Agen) 9. Nat. Champion long & extreme long distance yearlings KBDB 9. Nat. Acepigeon sprint yearlings KBDB 11. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2016: 1.General Champion Belgische Verstandhouding-Entente Belge 8. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 8. Nat. Acepigeon extreme long distance old birds KBDB 10. Nat. Acepigeon extreme long distance yearlings KBDB 12. Nat. Acepigeon long distance KBDB 16 x 1. Prize

2015: 1. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2. Nat. Acepigeon extreme long distance yearlings KBDB 1. General Champion Belgische Verstandhouding-Entente Belge 7. Nat. Champion extreme long distance yearlings KBDB 11. Nat. Champion extreme long distance old birds KBDB 12. Nat. Champion long middle distance old birds KBDB 17 x 1. Prize 2014: 1. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance old birds KBDB 4. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 10. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 4. Nat. Champion long distance old birds KBD 5. Nat. Champion long middle distance old birds KBDB 20 x 1. Prize 1. Prov. Brive 3 x 1. Nat. Zone A (Bourges old birds – Bourges yearlings – Bourges youngsters)



8. Nat. Acepigeon extreme long distance old birds KBDB 2016 15. Nat. Pau ’16 59. Internat. 55. Nat. Perpignan ’16 102. Internat. 93. Nat. Pau ’15

1.661 bs. 9.908 bs. 4.191 bs. 12.689 bs. 1.980 bs.

B16-4135386 Ƃ


9. Nat. Acepigeon short distance old birds KBDB 2017 Winner of 5x 1. Prize 1. Clermont 1. Arras 1. Pontoise 1. Pontoise 1. Clermont

232 bs. 227 bs. 149 bs. 137 bs. 314 bs.

DARK GALACTICA B12-4159195 ƃ


10. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2014

10. Nat Acepigeon extreme long distance yearlings KBDB 2016

23. Nat. Limoges I ’14 18.390 bs. 50. Nat. Tulle ’14 5.976 bs. 64. Nat. Brive ’14 5.286 bs. 65. Nat. Limoges ’15 8.305 bs. 75. Nat. Zone Brive ‘13 2.906 bs.

18. Nat. Agen ’16 74. Internat. 187. Nat. Narbonne ’16

B13-4163897 ƃ


B15-4014034 ƃ

2.932 bs. 9.043 bs. 3.187 bs.

B14-4214394 ƃ


11. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2017

12. Nat. Acepigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2016

13. Nat. Brive ’17 22. Nat. Jarnac ’16 31. Nat. Limoges II ’17 36. Nat. Limoges II ’16 43. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’15 53. Prov. Limoges I ’17 54. Nat. Zone Poitiers ’14 89. Nat. Zone Bourges ’14

36. Nat. Cahors ’16 84. Nat. Jarnac ’16 90. Nat. Limoges ’16

9.106 bs. 3.879 bs. 9.149 bs. 9.106 bs. 5.418 bs. 2.825 bs. 4.023 bs. 3.461 bs.

6.164 bs. 4.167 bs. 13.493 bs.



De Kruijf Buck & Martijn Willem Tholenstraat 19 3443 HA Woerden The Netherlands Mob.: (0031) (0)655 943 720 (Buck) Mob.: (0031) (0)646 714 732 (Martijn) martijndekruijf1981@gmail.com



NL16-1375388 Ƃ



1. Nat. Acepigeon short distance TBOTB 2013 1. Nat. Acepigeon yearlings TBOTB 2013 Flew 12 first prizes

28. NPO O Bourges Afd. 5 10.321 bs. O La Souterraine Afd. 5 4.783 bs. 23. NPO

1. Meaux 1. Pommeroeul 1. Nanteuil 2. Afd. 5 1. Mantes 1. Nanteuil 1. Peronne 1. Peronne 1. Zellik 1. Nijvel 2. Nanteuil 3. Peronne

3.393 bs. 1.814 bs. 1.500 bs. 17.506 bs. 1.278 bs. 1.152 bs. 749 bs. 374 bs. 331 bs. 303 bs. 8.986 bs. 4.030 bs.

DE 102

6. Olympiad Pigeon yearlings Brussels 2017 1. Quievrain 1. Quievrain 2. Asse Zellik 2. Asse Zellik 3. Pont St. Maxence


NL15-1886102 ƃ 1.422 bs. 775 bs. 1.772 bs. 1.046 bs. 1.396 bs.


NL16-1559814 ƃ

1. Nat. Acepigeon epigeon speed Allerbeste 2017 1. Nat. Acepigeon epigeon yearlings Allerbeste 2017 Flew 14 first st prizes 1. Peronne ZHO 3. Peronne Afd. 5 Oost 18. Nat. Fontenay ntenay

THEO-DORA 10. Nat. Fontenay tenay Sec. 2 10. NPO Fontenay ntenay

NL18-1133424 Ƃ 14.516 bs. 12.440 bs.

2.529 bs. 12.304 bs. 12.727 bs.


NL16-1559842 Ƃ

1. NPO Fontenay ontenay 1. Nat. Fontenay ntenay Sect 2

10.814 bs. 12.727 bs.

MISS BLOIS 6. NPO Blois is

NL14-1096758 Ƃ 15.528 bs.

DEN ARGENTON NL14-1096675 ƃ

DE 681

10. NPO Argenton

10. Nat. Acepigeon epigeon allround Allerbeste 2017 1. Gen. Acepigeon epigeon ZHO 2017

7.374 bs.

25. NPO Vierzon ierzon 45. NPO Chateauroux hateauroux 65. Nat. Chateauroux ateauroux

NL14-1096681 Ƃ

11.506 bs. 10.029 bs. 47.453 bs.


Joost De Smeyter -Restiaen Hevelweg 26 9700 Melden Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)477 812 483 joostdesmeyter@hotmail.com


B13-4285904 ƃ

1. Best Belgian pigeon 3 international races KBDB 2015 2. Nat. Acepigeon extreme long distance KBDB 2015 3. European Acepigeon long distance 2015 8. Nat. Perpignan 9. Nat. Pau 49. Nat. St. Vincent

5.254 bs. 1.980 bs. 3.037 bs.

OUTSTANDING 2018 1. Internat. Barcelona hens 1. Internat. Narbonne 2-9-12-21-22. Nat. Barcelona 7.438 bs. 3-16-52-64-72. Nat. Perpignan 3.966 bs. 6. Nat. Champion extreme long distance KBDB 4. + 8. Nat. Acepigeon extreme long distance KBDB



1. Nat. Champion long distance KBDB 2017 1. Best Belgian pigeon on 3 international races 2017 1. West-Europese Super Marathon 2015 2. Nat. Acepigeon extreme long distance KBDB 2015 1. Internat. Pau 2015 3-4-5. Nat. Acepigeon extreme long distance old birds KBDB 2015 1. Nat. Acepigeon extreme long distance old birds KBDB 2013

1. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB ex. long distance 2011 “Peggy” 1. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB ex. long distance 2012 “Witpen Rivaldo” 1. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB ex. long distance 2013 “Elsie” 1. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB ex. long distance 2014 “Pierre Mistral” 1. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB ex. long distance yl. 2014 “Nico” 1. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB ex. long distance 2016 “Red Ace” 1. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB ex. long distance 2018 “Françoise”


B16-4139838 Ƃ

1. Internat. Barcelona hens 2018 4.820 20 bs. 2. Internat. Barcelona

15.700 700 bs.


B14-4178447 ƃ

1. Internat. Narbonne 2018 9.154 bs. fastest 15.577 bs. 75. Nat. Agen


4.405 bs.

B10-4281712 ƃ

1. Internat. Pau 2015 9.052 bs. + winner Euro Diamond 1. Nat. Pau 1.980 bs. (only bird home on day of release) 40. Nat. St. Vincent 175. Nat. Libourne 178. Nat. Montauban 237. Nat. Perpignan 207. Nat. St. Vincent

3.272 bs. 8.269 bs. 6.822 bs. 5.613 bs. 3.738 bs.


Dr. De Weerd Pigeons Postbus 4607 4803 EP Breda The Netherlands Tel.: (0031) (0) 765 600 222 sales@drdeweerdpigeons.com www.belgicadeweerd.com www.drdeweerdpigeons.com

NL07-1459525 ƃ

ACE BUFFEL 5. NU Perigueux 9. NPO Bergerac 14. NPO Orange 15. NPO Bergerac 20. NPO Cahors

7.306 bs. 3.470 bs. 2.110 bs. 4.187 bs. 6.542 bs.

OLYMPIC NL08-3828610 Ƃ MARATHON QUEEN Olympic Acepigeon marathon Poznan 2011


NL05-1491476 ƃ

Father of winners: 1. Internat. Acepigeon Barcelona 2013-2015 9. Nat. Acepigeon Barcelona 2013-2017 29. Nat. Soustons 11.030 bs. 32. Nat. Barcelona 7.791 bs. 34. Nat. Soustons 11.030 bs. 41. Nat. Narbonne 13.092 bs. 47. Nat. Narbonne 11.448 bs.

Super Breeder


7. Nat. Bordeaux 7. Nat. Cahors 22. Nat. Bordeaux 45. Nat. Montauban

18.023 bs. 13.185 bs. 13.242 bs. 18.668 bs.

Grandmother of winners: 4. Nat. Barcelona 3.912 bs. 9. Nat. Bergerac 6.219 bs.

Super Racer & Breeder

NL14-3418674 Ƃ

GOUDEN CRACKSKE 1. NPO Orleans 5. NPO Nanteuil 1. St. Quentin

4.535 bs. 7.620 bs. 833 bs.

Mother of winner: 10. NPO Orleans

5.090 bs.

1. Prov. Chevrainvilliers 2. Melun 4. Melun 5. Noyon 6. Ecouen 7. Chevrainvilliers 8. Chevrainvilliers

cer a R r e p Su er & Breed


NL16-1663943 ƃ

B17-6077444 ƃ


Father of winner: 20. Nat. Argenton


3.043 bs. 327 bs. 417 bs. 812 bs. 758 bs. 625 bs. 678 bs.

16.496 bs.

B16-6064131 ƃ

Original Jan Hooymans

Original Willy Daniels

Direct son of super racer/breeder “New Harry”, 1. Niergnies 14.747 bs. 12.894 bs. 1. Pont St Max 1. Melun 1.046 bs.

Direct son of “Sara”, 1. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance 1. Nat. Zone Issoudun 3.582 bs. 5. Nat. Issoudun 11.984 bs. 2. Nat. Argenton 11.780 bs. 28. Nat. Montlucun 19.889 bs. 45. Nat. Chateauroux 18.167 bs.

“Sir Harry” is (half ) brother of winners: 6.025 bs. 13. NPO Melun 6.025 bs. 14. NPO Melun 6.025 bs. 21. NPO Melun 41. Nat. Nanteuil 14.422 bs. 14.422 51 Nat. 51. Nat Nanteuil 14.4 bs.

Just like his father Piet, Henk is not only a great aficionado, but also collector of top pigeons. The collection made its mark on the Dr. de Weerd Pigeons Breeding Centre (formerly Interpalomas Lofts) where pigeons bred by the best fanciers and from the best pigeons of the world are assembled. The goal is to create a strain which combines all the good qualities of these super bloodlines. Youngsters of these pairings are tested on the lofts of Jan van Wanrooij, assistant of Henk de Weerd, and Nicole de Weerd proving

that the vision of Henk is the correct one. Results on the lofts Jan van Wanrooij and Nicole de Weerd, who exclusively race with pigeons from Dr. de Weerd breeding pigeons: 2. National Champion middle distance 2016 6. National Champion middle distance 2018 8. National Champion youngsters 2017 13. National Champion youngsters 2017 2. Provincial Champion middle distance 2018


Den abt-Cleirbaut Witte Gracht 63 2222 Wiekevorst Belgium Mob.: (0032) (0)479 291 485 (Gerry) gerry@firstqualitypigeons.be Mob.: (0032) (0)476 308 700 (Kris) kris@firstqualitypigeons.be www.firstqualitypigeons.be

ACE PIGEON COUPLE Children: 16-815, 6x 1. prize Noyon 16-816, 5x 1. prize Noyon 18-203, 10x top 10% Quievrain

ACE COUPLE COCK B12-6174890 ƃ

ACE COUPLE HEN B14-6307383 Ƃ Direct Danny Van Dyck Daughter of “Witte Ad” x “Sister Kanon”


LADY DI CAPRIO B14-6058512 Ƃ


Direct Danny Van Dyck Daughter “New Son Di Caprio” x “Sister Kanon”

1. Quievrain 1. Quievrain 2. Quievrain

Mother of: * 18-361 “Schone”, 27. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance young birds KBDB 24. Nat. Argenton 16.496 96 bs. 125. Nat. Chateauroux 12.855 bs. 456. Nat. Chateauroux 17.281 bs. 2. Melun 1.529 bs. 8. Noyon 290 bs. 120. Blois 2.928 bs. * 17-887, 1. Noyon 708 bs. 1. Noyon 277 bs. 2. Noyon 1.106 bs. 2. Noyon 574 bs. 4. Noyon 357 bs. 4. Noyon 201 bs. 5. Noyon 417 bs.


B11-6267344 Ƃ 1.436 bs. 997 bs. 441 bs.

Mother of: * 16-837, 44. Nat. Acepigeon short hort distance KBDB 2017 44x Acepigeon 11. Noyon 651 bs. 11. Noyon 585 bs. 11. Noyon 399 bs. 11. Quievrain 385 bs. 11. Noyon 276 bs. 11. Noyon 201 bs. 33. Noyon 776 bs. 44. Noyon 287 bs. 77. Quievrain 957 bs. 116. Noyon 1.050 bs.



BEAUTY B14-6307353 Ƃ

Direct Danny Van Dyck Son of “Den 11” (nestbrother “Kanon”) x “Sister Minerva” (Rik Hermans)

Direct Danny Van Dyck Daughter of “De Late” (from “Son Di Caprio”) x “Halfsister Kogeltje”

X NEW TOP COUPLE Parents Super Twins

B18-6206367 ƃ


4. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance young birds KBDB 2018 1. Nat. Chateauroux fastest 31. Nat. Chateauroux 72. Nat. Argenton

(519 km) 12.855 bs. 14.645 bs. (519 km) 17.281 bs. (547 km) 16.496 bs.

3. Noyon y 11. Noyon 94. Melun

(200 km) (200 km) (305 km)

420 bs. 447 bs. 1.529 bs.

B18-6206366 Ƃ


29. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance young birds KBDB 2018 18. Nat. Argenton 19. Nat. Chateauroux 617. Nat. Chateauroux

(547 km) (519 km) (519 km)

16.496 bs. 12.855 bs. 17.281 bs.

1. Melun 120. Blois 18. Noyon 23. Noyon

(305 km) (450 km) (200 km) (200 km)

1.529 bs. 2.928 bs. 382 bs. 391 bs.



Derwa Albert Wijgmaalsesteenweg 258 3020 Herent Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)16 23 60 15 Mob.: (0032) (0)495 206 116 albert.derwa@telenet.be



B13-2110100 ƃ


1. Nat. Issoudun ’13 fastest

16.615 bs. 22.285 bs.

1. Nat. Argenton ’18 3.322 bs.

1. Issoudun 1. Prov. Issoudun 1. B.U. Issoudun 1. Zone B2 Issoudun 1. Nat. Issoudun 2. Nanteuil 4. Nanteuil 6. Pithiviers 16. Prov. Pithiviers 25. Pithiviers 48. Prov. Pithiviers

592 bs. 2.224 bs. 2.410 bs. 3.340 bs. 16.615 bs. 157 bs. 1.535 bs. 177 bs. 739 bs. 220 bs. 1.210 bs.

Grandson “Paulien” 36

B17-2065111 Ƃ

2018: 1. Nat. Argenton 1. Prov. B.U. Blois 2. Chateauroux 7. Soissons 11. Soissons 15. Argenton

3.322 bs. 2.953 bs. 1.286 bs. 1.156 bs. 1.421 bs. 3.879 bs.

2017: 4. Soissons 8. Soissons

2.008 bs. 1.497 bs.

Daughter “Invictus”

B16-2060047 Ƃ


2. Belgian Olympiad Pigeon allround Poznan 2019 1. Chevrainvilliers 1. Soissons 1. Melun 1. Prov. Blois 1. Argenton 8. Nat. Argenton 2. Blois 4. Chevrainvilliers 4. Blois 9. Prov. Vierzon

867 bs. 496 bs. 628 bs. 380 bs. 133 bs. 3.917 bs. 295 bs. 595 bs. 356 bs. 2.258 bs.

9. Blois 11. Chateauroux 11. Bourges 13. Argenton 14. Chateauroux 16. Prov. Chateauroux 16. Momignies 17. Chevrainvilliers 18. Momignies 21. Nat. Argenton

657 bs. 923 bs. 498 bs. 558 bs. 322 bs. 3.449 bs. 737 bs. 2.104 bs. 921 bs. 5.828 bs.

3. Belgian Olympiad Pigeon allround Nitra 2013 1. Internat. Acepigeon allround Europacup 2011 2. Momignies 1. Bourges 8. Bourges 68. Nat. Bourges 1. Soissons 1. Soissons 1. Nanteuil 1. Pithiviers 2. Momignies 3. Argenton 131. Nat. Argenton 4. Pithiviers 5. Interprov. Chateauroux ux

Granddaughter “Tiara” Great-granddaughter “Harry”

B15-2093096 Ƃ

IZAURA 1. Soissons 1. Soissons 1. Soissons 1. Melun 1. Melun 1. Lorris 1. La Souterraine 29. Nat. La Souterraine 1. Chateauroux 5. Nat. Chateauroux 1. Prov. Bourges 1. Interprov. Bourges 2. Blois 2. Soissons 4. Soissons 4. Chevrainvilliers 11. Melun 16. Prov. Blois 17. Soissons 37. Prov. Argenton

496 bs. 117 bs. 633 bs. 113 bs. 521 bs. 573 bs. 105 bs. 2.939 bs. 444 bs. 2.108 bs. 288 bs. 498 bs. 551 bs. 196 bs. 1.065 bs. 867 bs. 755 bs. 991 bs. 959 bs. 3.917 bs.

Granddaughter “Invictus”

B10-2007030 ƃ


455 bs. 460 bs. 2.752 bs. 20.544 bs. 212 bs. 577 bs. 615 bs. 1.200 bs. 111 bs. 407 bs. 19.782 bs. 1.273 bs. 8.092 bs.

9. Pithiviers 2. Prov. Blois 4. Momignies 6. Pithiviers 11. Soissons 11. Prov. Blois 12. Blois 12. Prov. Argenton 12. Interprov. Blois 79. Nat. Zone Bourges 94. Nat. Argenton 218. Nat. Bourges

1.263 bs. 991 bs. 352 bs. 295 bs. 835 bs. 2.413 bs. 2.572 bs. 3.395 bs. 2.472 bs. 11.739 bs. 22.442 bs. 30.748 bs.

Son “Paulien”

B16-2060093 Ƃ


3. Olympiad Pigeon old birds Poznan 2019 1. Lorris 1. Soissons 1. Blois 1. Chevrainvilliers 2. Chevrainvilliers 3. Bourges 5. Argenton 6. Chateauroux 8. Vierzon 8. Blois 11. Chevrainvilliers 112. Nat. Argenton

834 bs. 1.065 bs. 324 bs. 642 bs. 1.666 bs. 498 bs. 973 bs. 1.014 bs. 2.258 bs. 657 bs. 867 bs. 22.712 bs.

Granddaughter “De Zoon” x “Portia”


Ebben Will & Falco Zonnewoud 44 6657 DH Boven-Leeuwen The Netherlands Mob.: (0031) (0)616 454 294 falcoebben@me.com www.ebbenpigeons.com

The racing loft of Will & Falco Ebben has room for only twelve pairs of old birds that they race on the total widowhood system. They take this team to the battlefield and compete against fanciers with many times the number of pigeons they enter themselves. The foundation bloodlines are Schaerlaeckens, the best from Ad Schaerlaeckens have been introduced since 1998. Ad Schaerlaeckens about Will and Falco Ebben: “The best representative loft for my birds is without

NL08-1241483 ƃ

DIABLO 1. NPO Morlincourt 2. Moeskroen 3. St. Job in ‘t Goor 16. Châteaudun 17. Arras 19. Epehy

16.971 bs. 1.767 bs. 6.324 bs. 3.789 bs. 1.784 bs. 5.501 bs.

Great breeder, he is (grand)father of a.o.: 1. Nat. Chateaudun 12.511 bs. 1. Peronne 10.372 bs. 1. Epernay 4.695 bs. 1. Soissons 1.658 bs. 1. St. Quentin 1.053 bs. 1. Châteaudun 807 bs. 1. Argenton 724 bs. 1. Niergnies 425 bs. 1. Duffel 386 bs. 1. Niergnies 348 bs. 1. Nanteuil 289 bs. 1. Asse Zellik 285 bs.

Grandson “Roosje” 38

doubt Falco Ebben. He is pretty young, very ambitious and extremely successful. Especially pigeons like his ‘Roosje’ and ‘Indy’ (directly from my loft) are birds that performed unbelievably good.”

NL13-1921958 Ƃ

INDY Original Ad Schaerlaeckens 1. Soissons 1. Bourges 4. NPO 1. Meaux 3. NPO 1. Salbris 2. NPO 1. Chateauroux 14. NPO 1. Asse Zellik 8. Lessines 9. Soissons 22. Reims

2.538 bs. 1.583 bs. 6.187 bs. + TT 1.473 bs. 3.044 bs. + TT 279 bs. 4.026 bs. + TT 302 bs. 2.304 bs. 213 bs. 2.608 bs. 3.147 bs. 4.226 bs.

Super racre!r & breede


LINUS Son “Diablo” x “Indy” 1. National S3 Châteaudun 3. Quievrain 3. Niergnies 4. fastest 5. Niergnies 6. fastest 14. Duffel 15. Vervins 15. Moeskroen 23. NPO Châteaudun 24. Asse Zellik 37. Chimay

12.511 bs. 366 bs. 5.524 bs. (1-425) 25) 12.624 bs. 4.549 bs. (1-348) 48) 10.693 bs. 4.870 bs. (1-386) 86) 4.955 bs. 1.743 bs. 3.543 bs. 2.480 bs. 5.394 bs.

Fastest long distance racer of the Netherlands, National Sector races June 23rd 2018, 44.690 bs. s. !

NL07-1513778 “Cyrus” A-gen genotype Father/grandfather a.o. 1. NPO Morlincourt 16.971 bs. 1. Nat. Chateaudun 12.511 bs. 1. NPO Troyes 6.440 bs. 1. NPO Orleans 4.000 bs. Son “Zlatan” (2. Best Cock WHZB The Netherlands at Nico Jan Koenders) x “Roosje” (6x 1. incl. 1. NPO La Ferte 5.503 bs. and 1. Duffel 2.450 bs. at W&F Ebben)

NL08-1241483 “Diablo” AA-gen genotype 1. NPO Morlincourt 16.971 bs.

NL02-1282791 “Cynthia” A-gen genotype 1. Ace young birds Federation (3. Ace Provincial) 2. NPO La Ferte 5.503 bs. Daughter “Nestbrother Super 27” x “Bontje” (mother 6 different 1. prize winners) NL10-1769880 “Head and Tail” 2. Creil 5.704 bs. 6. St. Quentin 772 bs. 7. Argenton 2.126 bs. (1-127) Grandson “Home Alone” NL11-1024375 “Josua” Jos Goessen Daughter “Argenton” (3x top 10 NPO and superbreeder) x “Sophie” (75% Vandenabeele)

NL13-1921958 “Indy” A-gen genotype Ad Schaerlaeckens 6x 1. prize

Highlights of their Career 2. National Champion young birds NPO 2016 7. National Champion young birds NPO 2017 2. Best fancier Nat. Comp. “Fondspiegel” young birds ’14 - ’16 6. Best fancier Nat. Comp. “Fondspiegel” young birds ’16 - ’18 1. Nat. S3 Chateaudun 1. & 2. NPO La Ferte Bernard ’04 1. NPO Freiburg ’07 1. & 2. NPO Morlincourt ’08 1. NPO Chateaudun ’09 1. NPO Blois ’09 1. NPO Blois ’12 1. NPO Orleans ’13 1-2-3. NPO Laon ’16 1. & 2. NPO Melun ’18

12.511 bs. 5.503 bs. 3.790 bs. 16.971 bs. 9.959 bs. 7.917 bs. 3.581 bs. 4.000 bs. 5.836 bs. 1.295 bs.

Results 2018 (only prize cards 1:10 mentioned) 15/09 NPO Melun 01/09 Nanteuil 24/08 Peronne 11/08 Niergnies 04/08 Bierges 21/07 Duffel 30/06 Nanteuil le Haudouin 23/06 NPO Chateaudun 26/05 NPO Pithiviers 20/05 Niergnies

419 km 362 km 283 km 252 km 142 km 112 km 362 km 517 km 475 km 250 km

1.295 bs.: 1.490 bs.: 1.556 bs.: 2.594 bs.: 3.094 bs.: 1.397 bs.: 1.928 bs.: 2.878 bs.: 3.508 bs.: 348 bs.:

1-2-10-14-17-19-33-34-92... 4-5-8-9-40-67-73... 1-9-77-84... 1-2-3-4-8-9-82-88-91-119-223-225-227-239... 7-19-21-25-59-62-73-75-77-80-81... 17-18-19-32-35-38-40-95... 3-61-68... 1-21-43-64-82-83-95-190... 4-7... 1-3-4-5-6-9-10-18-19-25-38-33...

20/14 10/9 10/7 25/18 20/15 21/16 9/7 16/13 9/5 21/18

Eijerkamp greenfield stud

Where Stars Are Born

Amazing results at the 2018 season for the Eijerkamp lofts!

Luca Modrić 1. 1. 1. 1.

Nat. Ace pigeon Youngsters NPO 2018 Nat. Ace pigeon Youngsters PIPA 2018 Nat. Ace pigeon Youngsters Fondspiegel 2018 Nat. Ace pigeon Youngsters De Allerbeste 2018

1. Niergnies 1. Bierges 3. NPO Peronne 8. NPO Troyes 24. NPO Nanteuil ** = behind loftmates


| NL18-1627863

2.748 p. 833 p. 5.900 p.** 3.836 p.** 5.215 p.

299 km 187 km 332 km 449 km 408 km

Olympic Hans

| NL12-1204759

1. Dutch Olympiade bird All-round Brussels 2017 3. Nat. Ace pigeon Long Distance WHZB 2015 1. NPO Chateauroux 1. Mons 1. Peronne 2. NPO Nanteuil 9. NPO Bourges

3,120 p. 1,847 p. 783 p. 2,880 p. 3,825 p.

706 km 281 km 372 km 448 km 659 km

‘Olympic Hans’ is father to 2. Nat. Ace Long Distance WHZB 2018

Joy Boy

Nieuwe Olympiade New Ché B10-6146101


1. Nat Ace Long Distance PIPA 2017 Winner 3x Top 5 in NPO races as yearling

2. Olympiade pigeon Belgium YB Poznan 2011 Bought in total auction Leo Heremans at EUR 210,000

Winner 2x 1. NPO in Long Distance Great successor of the famous ‘Ché’

2. NPO Bourges 3. NPO La Souterainne 5. NPO Argenton

624 km 736 km 698 km

1. Quievrain 2,460 p. / 2. Quievrain 2,790 p. 3. Quievrain 2,073 p.

314 km 332 km

Descendants are winning 1. Nat. Ace Middle Distance Portugal 2016 1. Nat. Fontenay 12,727 p. 1. NPO Nanteuil 4,457 p. 1. Open Tullamore 20,315 p.


‘Joy Boy’ is father to 1. NPO Peronne 11. NPO Peronne

5,324 p. 2,875 p. 4,138 p.

7,096 p. 5,900 p.

1. 1. 31. 81. 92.

NPO Chateauroux NPO Argenton Prov. Sens Prov. Sens Prov. Gien

1,767 p. 4,121 p. 17,032 p. 11,527 p. 3,759 p.

613 km 641 km 420 km 420 km 480 km


Top results 2018 season Turbo T b R Rossi

| NL13-1829067

Olympic Ol l Leo L

| B10-6146241

Winner 5x 1st prize in great competition New super Heremans-Ceusters top breeder

1. Nat. Olympiade pigeon (DE) All-round Nitra 2013 2. Nat. Ace cock Germany 2012

1. La Louviere 1. Gennep 1. Zandvliet 1. Tongeren 1. Tongeren

1. Kalisz 1. Neubrandenburg 1. Neubrandenburg 2. Lubieszyn 2. Schönberg 3. Kalisz

4,483 p. 1,953 p. 1,832 p. 1,191 p. 811 p.

‘Turbo Rossi’ is (grand)father to 7. Nat. Ace Youngsters MD PIPA 2018 1. Chimay 11,156 p. 1. Tienen 3,977 p.

3,756 p. 3,517 p. 1,050 p. 2,219 p. 1,021 p. 5,183 p.

‘Olympic Leo’ is father to 1. Geel 6,739 p.

Cortenoeverseweg 82 | 6971 JK Brummen T +31 575 538555 | E: info@eijerkamp.com

429 km 234 km 234 km 313 km 85 km 429 km

23x pure first prizes in great competition (average 3,255 pigeons) 4x 1st NPO 2x 1st Provincial 1x 1st Interprovincial National Ace pigeons in the 2018 season 1. Interprov. Ace pigeon LD N.U. 1. Nat. Ace pigeon Young NPO 1. Nat. Ace pigeon Young De Allerbeste 1. Nat. Ace pigeon Young PIPA 1. Nat. Ace pigeon Young Fondspiegel 2. Nat. Ace pigeon Young SD WHZB 2. Nat. Ace pigeon LD WHZB 2. Nat. Ace pigeon Young Fondspiegel 3. Nat. Ace pigeon Young MD PIPA 5. Nat. Ace pigeon Young MD WHZB 5. Nat. Ace pigeon Young De Allerbeste 5. Nat. Fancier of the Netherlands WHZB 6. Nat. Ace pigeon Yearlings PIPA 7. Nat. Ace pigeon Young MD PIPA 8. Nat. Ace pigeon LD WHZB

Visit our website: www.eijerkamp.com 41

Geerinckx Luc, Bart & Jurgen Sportstraat 29 2160 Wommelgem Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)33 530 131 bartgeerinckx@hotmail.com


B03-6460062 ƃ

2. Belgian Olympiad Pigeon speed Porto 2005 3. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance KBDB 2004 1. Dourdan 1. Toury 1. Noyon 2. Dourdan 2. Melun 2. Dourdan 2. Noyon 3. Noyon 3. Melun 4. Noyon 5. Noyon 7. Toury

562 bs. 837 bs. 149 bs. 1.241 bs. 997 bs. 455 bs. 249 bs. 644 bs. 394 bs. 545 bs. 498 bs. 1.031 bs.

k c o c c i s a B MISS MAGIC

B10-6143162 Ƃ

1. Belgian Olympiad Pigeon allround Nitra 2013 5. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance KBDB 2011 1. Interprov. Montrichard ’11 4.049 bs. 1. Interprov. rov. Montrichard ’12 2.478 bs. 1. Noyon 509 bs. 2. Interprov. rov. Blois 1.357 bs. 2. Prov. Montlucon 887 bs. 8. Interprov. rov. Blois 1.169 bs. 12. Interprov. prov. Blois 2.144 bs. 17. Prov. Bourges Bourges 3.184 3 184 b bs. 45. Nat. t. Zone 7.898 bs. 125. Nat. 20.589 bs. 18. Nat. Zone Argenton 6.803 bs. 41. Nat. t. 19.782 bs. 7. Noyon 526 bs. 37. Dourdan dan 2.974 bs.



B12-6042459 Ƃ

1. Belgian Olympiad Pigeon long distance (+500 km) Budapest 2015 2. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB long middle distance 2013 1. Nat. Zone Bourges 8. Nat. t. 1. Nat. Zone onee Chateauroux Chaateauroux Ch 11. Nat. at at. 2. Nat. Zone Montlucon con n 274. Nat. 3. Nat. Zone Argenton Argen gen enton 92. Nat. at. 3. Nat. Zone Tu T Tulle ulle 9. Nat. t. 3. Nat. Zone Zo Argenton 110. Nat. 4. Nat. Zone Montlucon Mont Mo 52. Nat. at.

3.750 bs. 22.663 bs. 865 8 5 bs. 6.005 bs. 3.721 bs. 21.827 bs. 3.519 9 bs. s. 22.463 22 2.463 4 bs bs. 1.817 bs. 5.976 976 bs. s 832 32 bs bs. 6.801 6 8 bs. 2.162 bs. 14.230 bs.


B10-6143302 ƃ

1. Nat. Zone one Montlucon ’13 13 2.545 bs. 1. Interprov. ov. Blois 762 bs. 2. Prov. Argenton rgenton 459 bs. 4. Nat.. Zone 1.495 1 495 bs. bs 23. Nat. 4.782 bs. at. 4. Prov. Montlucon ’12 887 bs. 7. Prov. Montlucon ’12 2.071 bs. 15. Nat. 17.865 bs. at. 32. Interprov. prov. Blois 1.169 bs. 70. Nat. Zone Argenton 4.232 bs. 180. Nat. 12.390 bs. Father of “Little Star”

LUC 1. NAT. ARGENTON RGENTON 69. Nat. Montlucon ontlucon 139. Nat. Argenton rgenton 232. Nat. Bourges ourges 179. Nat. Zone one Argenton 258. Nat. Bourges ourges 5. Quievrain n 64. Dourdan n

B09-6326192 ƃ 12.390 bs. 17.865 bs. 11.001 bs. 17.138 17 138 bs. bs 7.132 bs. 5.139 bs. 185 bs. 2.231 bs.

B14-6174075 Ƃ


1. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB long middle distance yearlings 2015 1. Nat. Zone Argenton 5. Nat. 10. Nat. Zone Montlucon 30. Nat. 14. Nat. Zone Bourges 39. Nat. 15. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 66. Nat. 66. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 198. Nat. 7. Souppes

6.099 bs. 19.925 bs. 5.478 bs. 16.982 bs. 4.284 bs. 14.496 bs. 5.700 bs. 18.658 bs. 7.877 bs. 25.710 bs. 908 bs.

B11-6226277 Ƃ

JUST WAIT 1. NAT. ARGENTON 2. Nat. Zone ne Montlucon 2. Dourdan n 4. Interprov. ov Blois ov. 12. Prov. Montlucon 26. Nat. Zone one Bourges 110. Nat. at.

16.325 bs. 2.545 bs. 615 bs. 1.108 1 108 bs. bs 1.322 bs. 5.333 bs. 14.598 bs.

Mother of “Queen James” Father of “Queen Queen James”

ner National win


B12-6042332 Ƃ

2. Belgian Olympiad Pigeon middle distance Budapest 2015 9. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB long middle distance 2013 2. Dourdan 1.389 9b bs. s. 2. Nat. Zone Argenton 832 bs. 83 63. Nat. 6.801 6 bs. 4. Nat. Zone Bourges 1.842 bs. 28. Nat. 11.883 11 883 3 bs. bs 4. Nat. Zone Argenton 3.519 51 bs. 115. Nat. 22.463 2 .4 3 bs. 7. Nat. Zone Bourges 3.750 750 bs. bs 120. Nat. 22.663 22.663 663 bs. bs b 8. Nat. Zone Bourges 1.193 1 193 bs. 102. Nat. 8.005 bs. 9. Nat. Zone Chateaurouxx 865 bs. 91. Nat. 6.005 bs. 38. Nat. Zone Gueret 2.593 593 bs. 317. Nat. 15.007 .007 bs. 49. Interprov. Vierzon 10.480 .480 bs.


ne National win


B15-6020007 Ƃ

1. Prov. Acepigeon long distance 2017 5. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB long distance 2017 5. Nat. Libourne 40. 0. Nat. Tulle 59. 9. Nat. Jarnac 100. 00. Nat. Montlucon

3.927 bs. 7.447 bs. 5.134 bs. 10.753 bs.


TEAM GPS BUILDS HIS OWN PIGEONS STRAINS LEX DE JONGH & YPE HEMSTRA For years this combination get pigeons from all top fanciers in the Netherlands and abroad. Here they bred and played with and only the best were allowed to stay. According to them, selecting heavily

is the only way to the top. They now have their own “strain” that leads to many successes. Both in their own lofts and also by other fanciers, they make great results with pigeons of Team GPS.

The basic pigeons come from the following fanciers: GUST JANSEN - LEO HEREMANS - JAN HOOYMANS – TJ. & J. ELZINGA - ARIE DIJKSTRA Top references with “Team GPS” pigeons: 1. National Ace Pigeon WHZB-TBOTB 2018 M. & M. Kramer, Wormer (gr. son of “Inbred Harry”, Team GPS)

1. + 2. NPO at the lofts of Comb. Hoffman-Regtop, Den Helder (out direct pigeon Team GPS)

Some examples from fanciers they have also success with offspring of Team GPS are: - Christiaan v.d. Wetering - Jan Hooymans - Comb. P.T.T. - G.J. Beute - G-J. Kroes - Leo Heesakkers - Paul Beaumont (Eng) - Bernard v. Oerle - Jos Dircks





COCK TOP COUPLE ♂ BE10-6224335

HEN TOP COUPLE ♀ BE10-6224274

“Miss Heusden” won: 1. NPO Heusden-Zolder - 12.532 b. 1. Tilburg - 489 b. 1. Duffel - 290 b. 2. Tilburg - 1036 b. 6. Weert - 435 b.

“Olympic Failure” won: 1. Gennep - 4878 b. 1. Sittard - 931 b. 1. Heino - 868 b. 1. Laon - 462 b. 1. Weert - 421 b.

7. Peronne - 297 b. 9. Zandvliet - 800 b. 10. Quievrain - 494 b. 23. Heusden – Zolder - 1735 b.

1. Tongeren - 279 b. 2. Gennep - 2456 b. 2. Weert - 1101 b. 3. Sittard - 2381 b. 17. Weert 2511 b.

23. Laon - 2297 b. 29. Sittard - 4670 b. 39. Moeskroen 1549 b. 51. NPO Gennep - 22.063 b. 90. NPO Sittard - 21.523 b.

THE PATTAYA PAIR Parents 3rd Final OLR Pattaya 2018 “Young Benjamin” is halfbrother: “Fantom” sire “Purdey” 1. Ace Grand Averages SAMDPR 2013 Gr. Sire to: Sire to: 1. Quievrain - 3.356 b. 3. Final OLR PAttaya ‘18 10. Bierges - 17.137 b. 2. Quievrain - 3.346 b. 8. Bierges - 17.137 b. 46. Quievrain - 2.447 b. ORI GIN AL TJ. & J. ELZ ING A






“La Louviere” is dam to: 2. Quievrain - 3.346 b. 3. Final OLR PAttaya 2018 Winner of: 11. NPO La Louviere - 8.004 b. 28. NPO Morlincourt - 6.663 b.

PARENTS 1. NAT. GIEN 2018 “Father Mr. Ype”: Son “Jonge Lichte” Gust Jansen x D. “Platschijter” / “Sister Jan” Leo Heremans

“Janne”: Granddaughter “Rossi” - “Spinneke” x “Olympiade 003” Leo Heremans





PARENTS 3. NAT. GIEN 2018 “Mister Beaumont”: Winner of 3x 1. prize 3. Gold Ring Race (by P. Beaumont, Eng) Son “Mister Beautmont” GB17x-21576: 1. - 606 b. / 1. - 202 b. / 1. - 64 b. / 3. - 2.523 b. 4. - 924 b. / 9. - 9.964 b. / 9. - 3.375 b. / 9. 698 b. “Mister Beaumont” x “Young Bond” parents: 3. Nat. Gien Sector I - 8.527 b. (480 km) 1. Quievrain - 3.346 b. 10. Biergies - 17.137 b.

“Young Bond”:





Team GPS-South - Lex de Jongh v. Schagenstraat 11 - 5154 PE Elshout (NL) +31 (0)6 - 23 91 60 26 - lex@gps-auctions.com

Team GPS-North - Ype Hemstra Oost 5 - 9285 XK Buitenpost (NL) +31 (0)6 - 12 27 48 45 - yhemstra@gmail.com

Halfsister: 3. Final Race OLR Pattaya 2018 2. Quievrain - 3.346 b. 8. Biergies - 17.137 b.

Visit our auction website



1st OLYMPIC ACE ALLROUND (D) 2019 1 Prov. Ace KBDB Allround old 2018 1 Prov. Ace KBDB > ½ Fond yearling 2017 4 Nat. Ace KBDB < ½ Fond old 2018 CHANTAL B 3122016-16

1 Prov. Ace KBDB >1/2 Fond Old 2018 4 Prov. Ace KBDB Allround Old 2018 5 OLYMPIC ACE PIGEON (H) 2019 (6 races + 300 km in 2018) 1 1 1 2 4 5 5 7 9 11 126 322

I Prov. I Prov.

I Prov. I Prov. I Prov. Nat. Nat.

Bourges Bourges Chevrainvilliers Vierzon Soissons Chateauroux Sourdun Bourges Vierzon Chateauroux Chateauroux Bourges

1,517b. 339b. 101b. 283b. 340b. 835b. 740b. 1,397b. 2,394b. 2,044b. 18,799b. 12,449b.

458 km 458 km 338 km 457 km 208 km 509 km 282 km 458 km 457 km 509 km 509 km 458 km

2018 8 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2017 2018 2018 2018 2017

HET SUPERKE B 2146765-16

W W W.H H E R B OT S . B E 46

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 171 661 745 835 1023

I Prov. Nevers Sourdun Vierzon Momignies I Prov. Bourges Momignies Sourdun Sourdun I Prov. Bourges I Prov. Bourges Laon I Prov. Chateauroux Nat. Bourges Nat. Argenton Nat. Chateauroux Nat. Chateauroux Nat. Argenton

774b. 740b. 595b. 278b. 3,799b. 468b. 449b. 275b. 2,620b. 2,083b. 319b. 1,460b. 12,449b. 19,592b. 14,955b. 4,389b. 22,712b.

448 km 2017 282 km 2018 2018 108 km 2017 458 km 2017 108 km 2018 282 km 2018 282 km 2018 458 km 2018 458 km 2017 167 km 2018 509 km 2017 458 km 2017 538 km 2016 509 km 2017 509 km 2017 538 km 2017

SOFIA B 2052744-18

1st OLYMPIC ACE YOUNGSTERS OUNGSTERS (F) 2019 on > S.D. Y. YY.B. B. KBDB 2018 1st Provincial Ace Pigeon 1 1 2 4 10 43

Noyon Noyon Noyon Noyon Noyon Noyon

1.896 p. 2.515 p. 3.405 p. 2.132 p. 2.992 p. 2.714 p.

185 km 185 km 185 km 185 km 185 km 1 km 185

01/0 01/07/18 / 7/ 7 18 15/ 5/07/ 7 18 15/07/18 05/ 5/08/ 8 18 05/08/18 19/ 9/08/ 8 18 19/08/18 22/ 2/07/ 7 18 22/07/18 12/ 2/08/ 8 18 12/08/18


2nd OLYMPIC ACE YOUNGSTERS (F) 2019 1 Chimay 1 Laon 1 Chimay

1st OLYMPIC ACE YEARLING (G) 2019 1st Nat. Ace Pigeon KBDB Short Distance YL 2018

2.939 p. 2.928 p. 1.067 p.

120 km 190 km 120 km

2018 2018 2018

JULES B 1143822-17

The best sprint pigeon in Belgium over 5 years KBDB competition (‘13-’18) 8) RECORD HOLDER!

1 Sezanne 1.468 p. 203 km 25/05/2018 1 Sezanne 858 p. 203 km 23/06/2018 1 Trelou 803 p. 170 km 15/07/2018 1 Sezanne 530 p. 203 km 21/07/2018 2 Trelou 1.718 p. 170 km 19/05/2018 (1 – 885 p.) 2 Trelou 1.001 p. 170 km 21/04/2018 3 Reims 310 p. 140 km 07/07/2018 (1 – 61 p.) 7 Trelou 1.131 p. 170 km 16/06/2018 0.81 coëff over 6 races 2018 6 full brothers winning 4 x 1st, 3 x 1st, 2 x 1st,...

Jo Herb bots: jo@ @herbo ots.b be Miet Herbots: mie ett@ @he erbots.be Dungelstraat 37, 3440 Halle-B Booienhoven, Belgium T l.(32) 11/7 Te 78.91.90 0 Fax (3 32)) 11/78..07.38


Hermans Rik & Jan Kloosterstraat 9 2243 Pulle Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)498 505 737 rik@deduif.be

1. NAT. BOURGES 24.676 old birds 2011 1. NAT. CHATEAUROUX 25.710 yearlings 2015 1. NAT. BOURGES 28.078 young birds 2016


B06-6212441 ƃ

Descendants won a.o.: 1-1-2-4-4-4-5-5-5-5-6-7-7-7-8-8. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB 1-1-2-2-2-3-4-4-4-5-6-6-7-7-8-9-10. National (KBDB long middle distance) 1. Olympiad Pigeon old birds Brussels 2017 2. Olympiad Pigeon old birds Poznan 2019 Father: “Schone van de Jaarling” (from basic pair “Jaarling” x “Janssen”) Mother: “Blauw Colafleske” (Eddy Janssens from “Grandson Kannibaal” x “Lore”)


B10-6284987 Ƃ

12. NAT. LA SOUTERRAINE RAINE ’10 12. NAT. GUERET ’10 18. NAT. ARGENTON ’11 11 33. NAT. LA CHATRE ’11 11 1. Dourdan ’11 fastest

17.017 bs. (1-681) 13.885 bs. 19.782 bs. (1-400) 21.180 bs. (1-479) 2.974 bs. 5.205 bs.

Mother of “Nike” Grandmother of “Rode As”” and “Chucky” teen” Father: “Jaarling Dondersteen” (foundation cock and grandson dson “Kannibaal” Dirk Van Dyck) k) Mother: “Daughter Bubbles” es” (G. & S. Verkerk)



B09-6323201 Ƃ

1. BELGIAN OLYMPIAD PIGEON YEARLINGS POZNAN 2011 2. BELGIAN ACEPIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE EUROPACUP 2010 1. NAT. BOURGES ’11 8. NAT. ARGENTON ’10 1. Prov. 2. Nat. Zone 68. NAT. BOURGES ’10 4. Melun ’10 4. Dourdan ’10 7. Dourdan ’10

pigeon d a i p m y l O 1. Belgian nan 2011 z o P s g n i l r yea

24.676 bs. 7.358 bs. 990 bs. 2.567 bs. 17.138 bs. 2.265 bs. 2.369 bs. 2.356 bs.

0” Father: “Mystery Wouters” (bred from “Son Fieneke 5000” Flor Vervoort/Luc Sioen x “Sister Leeuw” Marcel Wouters) rs) lor 600” Mother: “Sister El Teide” (William Luyten, bred from “Flor n middle line “Fieneke 5000” x “Daughter Orlies”, 5. Nat. Acepigeon distance KBDB)

1. NATIONAL BOURGES pigeon d a i p m y l O 1. Belgian els 2017 s s u r B s d r i old b


B13-6215886 Ƃ

1. BELGIAN OLYMPIAD PIGEON OLD BIRDS BRUSSELS 2017 2. NAT. ACEPIGEON LONG MIDDLE DISTANCE OLD BIRDS KBDB 2016 18 NAT. ARGENTON ’16 18. 13.629 bs. 28. NAT. BOURGES ’16 28 7.479 bs. 31. NAT. MONTLUCON ’14 31 19.298 bs. 35. NAT. LA SOUTERRAINE ’14 9.136 bs. 35 56. NAT. ARGENTON ’16 56 9.228 bs. 59. NAT. BOURGES ’15 59 9.256 bs. 63. NAT. MONTLUCON ’16 63 9.462 bs. 69. Nat. Zone Bourges ’15 69 5.691 bs. 79. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’16 6.692 bs. 79 3. Souppes ’15 2.686 bs. 3. Souppes ’14 1.478 bs. 5. Dourdan ’13 2.374 bs. 9. Noyon ’16 813 bs. 14. Dourdan ’13 2.580 bs. 14 Father: Brother “El Teide” (1. FCI World Champion 2007) Fa + “Sister El Teide” (mother of “Cow Girl”) Mother: “Daughter Den 11” (Danny Van Dyck M fro from “Den 11” (grandson “Propere”) x “Blauwke”)






B15-6063326 ƃ



1. Melun ’18 1. Chateauroux ’18 45. Nat. 2. Blois ’18 3. Chevrain ’18 12. Melun ’18 14. Melun ’18 39. Melun ’18

8. NAT. BOURGES ’16 18. NAT. CHATEAUROUX ’17 58. NAT. CHATEAUROUX ’15 61. Nat. Zone Bourges ’17 74. Nat. Zone Argenton ’15

1.561 bs. 291 bs. 12.855 bs. 315 bs. 1.727 bs. 1.784 bs. 1.529 bs. 1.341 bs.

19.889 bs. 10.454 bs. 10.442 bs. (1-118) 6.869 bs. 3.130 bs.

Won 13 prizes on 14 races 9x in top 10% 6x in top 1%

Brother of: - 15-379, 1. Melun 825 bs. 67. Nat. Argenton 18.363 bs. - 16-551, 50. Nat. La Souterraine 16.613 bs. - 17-206, 1. Chateauroux 389 bs. 16. Nat. 12.149 bs.

Father: “Son Super Pair” (Kees Bosua) Mother: “Princess Proper” (daughter “Propere” x “Athena”)

Father: “Son Guus” (Comb. van Wanrooij) Mother: “Red Athena” (daughter “Rosten” x “Athena”)


B12-6184004 Ƃ

1. BELGIAN ACEPIGEON ALLROUND EUROPACUP 2013 6. NAT. ACEPIGEON LONG MIDDLE DISTANCE OLD BIRDS KBDB 2014 7. NAT. BOURGES ’14 28. NAT. GUERET ’12 29. NAT. BOURGES ’13 78. NAT. LA SOUTERRAINE ’14 85. NAT. LA SOUTERRAINE ’13 145. Nat. Argenton ’13 180. Nat. Bourges ’14 5. Prov. Chateauroux ’14 1. Dourdan ’13 2. fastest Prov.

22.645 bs. 16.988 bs. 11.883 bs. (1-353) 7.176 bs. 11.236 bs. (1-329) 6.801 bs. 8.005 bs. 1.958 bs. (1-310) 654 bs. 10.599 bs.

Father: “Brother Kanon” (Danny Van Dyck) Mother: “Tinkerbell” (inbred “Kannibaal”, granddaughter “Dondersteen” and “Jaarling x Janssen”)



B15-6063341 Ƃ

15. NAT. ACEPIGEON LONG MIDDLE DISTANCE YEARLINGS KBDB 2016 17. NAT. ACEPIGEON LONG MIDDLE DISTANCE YOUNG BIRDS KBDB 2015 32. NAT. BOURGES ’16 73. NAT. ARGENTON ’16 84. NAT. CHATEAUROUX ’18 110. Nat. Chateauroux ’18 127. Nat. Argenton ’15 139. Nat. Chateauroux ’17 90. Nat. Zone Bourges ’15 95. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’17 99. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’16

10.173 bs. 12.449 bs. 18.799 bs. 2.858 bs. 11.223 bs. 10.454 bs. 10.308 bs. 5.801 bs. 8.663 bs.

Father: “Brother Kanon” (Danny Van Dyck) Mother: “Isis” (37-48-54-56. National)



28.078 bs.

Father: “Kleine Koopman” (Gerard Koopman) Mother: “Athena” Nestsister “Nike” is mother of “James’s Legend”, 1. Acepigeon Pioneer Club 2018 ( James Huang)



B14-6058777 Ƃ

1. NAT. CHATEAUROUX ’15 25.710 bs. fastest 1. Souppes ’15 fastest vs. 5. Noyon ’15 8. Souppes ’14

44.314 bs. 1.987 bs. 6.134 bs. 1.799 bs. 2.127 bs.

Father: Son “Harry” ( Jan Hooymans) x “Last One” (Rik Hermans) Mother: “Daughter Olympic Niels” (Dirk Van Dyck)



Pioneer Club China

1. Acepigeon ( James Huang)

50% Rik Hermans

from “Nestsister Nike”


Hoosier Classic OLR U.S.A.

1. Acepigeon (Mike Ganus)

50% Rik Hermans

from daughter “Son Propere” x “Minerva”


Golden Algarve OLR Portugal

1. Acepigeon (Peter Fox)

50% Rik Hermans

from granddaughter “Athena” 51

The “Harry� dynasty is one of the best ever in pigeon history. From a legendary racer, “Harry� has developed into a truly exceptional super breeder. Unfortunately Harry died in August 2018. He gave his golden DNA to his successors “New Harry� and “Harry Junior�, and their offspring have shown already to be true winners at all kind of distances and races both at home and abroad. This has given rise to an entire pigeon dynasty, capable of dominating the pigeon sport for years.

2໤VSULQJ ³+DUU\´ ZRQ 1. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance NPO 1. Nat. Acepigeon Dagfond WHZB-TBOTB 2018 1. Nat. Acepigeon long distance Japan 1. Nat. Acepigeon young birds The Netherlands Pipa Ranking 1. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance Afdeling 7 1. Prov. Acepigeon long distance Afdeling 4 1. Prov. Acepigeon young birds Afdeling 6 1. Prov. Acepigeon long distance 500-700 km. Afdeling 1 1. Acepigeon young birds Rayon 2 Brabant 2000 1. Nat. Chateauroux, fastest 44.314 bs. grandchild 1. Nijvel, fastest 28.297 bs. gr.grandchild 1. Prov. Wolvertem 1. NPO Fontenay 1. Melun 1. Niergnies 1. Pont. St. Max 1. Nat. S1 Gien 1. Quievrain, fastest 1. Nat. S1 Bergerac 1. Heusden-Zolder 1. NPO Montlucon 1. Nat. Agen ZLU yearlings


1. NPO Quievrain 1. Niergnies 1. NPO Bourges 1. Prov. Asse Zellik


19.099 bs. 17.409 bs. 14.316 bs. 14.737 bs. 12.894 bs. 11.848 bs. 11.337 bs. 8.389 bs. 7.582 bs. 6.787 bs. 5.930 bs.

gr.grandchild gr.grandchild gr.grandchild grandchild grandchild gr.grandchild grandchild gr.grandchild gr.grandchild grandchild gr.grandchild

5.841 bs. 5.079 bs. 4.814 bs. 4.544 bs.

gr.grandchild grandchild grandchild child

Rik Hermans A. Ros (W.A. de Bruijn) L Hoffman W.A. de Bruijn Erik Janssen C. v.d. Wetering C. v.d. Wetering Mr. Marijnissen C. v.d. Wetering Leen Pruijsen S. Wierstra Peter Netten BatenburgVan de Merwe Kramer Tj. & J. Elzinga Jan Hooymans Jan Hooymans

1. National Acepigeon long distance 500-750 km. 1. Nat. Sect.4 Sens 8.762 bs. 1. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 5.379 bs. 1. Nat. Ancenis (710 km) UK 5.160 bs. 1. Prov. Limoges (22 min. lead) 1.422 bs. 2. Nat. Limoges 15.789 bs. 1. NPO Prov. Morlincourt Afd. 11 8.939 bs. 1. Prov. Limoges Afd. 4 2.712 bs. 1. Interprov. Guilianova 926 bs. 1. Hullavington 5.633 bs. 2. Nat. Bourges 16.658 bs. 2. Nat. Agen yearlings 4.086 bs. 2. NPO Issoudun 5.233 bs. 2. NPO La Souterraine 3.087 bs. 2. Asse Zellik Afd. 7 8.257 bs. 2. Asse Zellik 4.944 bs. 2. Prov. Limoges Afd. 4 2.712 bs. 3. NPO Pont St. Max 5.669 bs. 4. NPO Orleans 5.228 bs. 4. NPO Sens 4.012 bs. 4. NPO Fontenay 2.265 bs.

grandchild gr.grandchild grandchild grandchild grandchild grandchild gr.grandchild gr.grandchild gr.grandchild

Poelstra & Znn. M. & M. Kramer Yoshikasu Higurashi Team GPS Poelstra & Znn. J. Hendriks & Zn. M. & M. Kramer Beekman & Zn. Embregts-Theunis

1. Prov. Argenton 1. Sezanne 1. Nat. zone Bourges 1. NPO Souppes 1. Quievrain 1. Final Derby Arona OLR ’18 1. Golden Algarve 118 km ’15 1. Prov. Pont St. Max 1. NPO La Souterraine 1. Section Burbure UK 1. Prov. Sens Afd. 3 1. NPO La Souterraine

4.470 bs. 4.025 bs. 3.788 bs. 3.609 bs. 3.513 bs. 408 bs. 3.520 bs. 3.252 bs. 2.875 bs. 2.476 bs. 2.865 bs. 2.740 bs.

1. Tewkesbury 1. Oudenaarde 1. Meer 1. Tewkesbury

2.726 bs. 2.399 bs. 2.172 bs. 2.121 bs.

1. NPO Noord Chateaudun 1.845 bs.

gr.grandson Harry grandson Harry gr.grandchild Harry grandson Stamkoppel grandchild Harry “ “ grandson Harry gr.grandchild Sunny Boy grandchild New Harry grandchild Cees + Alexia grandson James Bond grandchild Stamkoppel gr.grandchild Harry grandson Beauty Harry sister New Harry grandchild New Harry gr.grandchild Sunny Boy grandchild Harry grandchild New Harry grandchild Harry gr.grandchild Harry

grandchild Bosmans-Leekens grandchild Team GPS gr.grandchild G. Vandenabeele grandchild Gerard Koopman grandchild C. v.d. Wetering gr.grandchild Team P K Lofts grandchild Jos Reilly gr.grandchild Gebr. Scheele gr.grandchild M & M Kramer gr.grandchild Terry Marshall gr.grandchild H&P&G De Lau gr.gr.grandchild Gebr. Scheele grandchild John Crehan gr.grandchild R. v. Oss & Zn. gr.grandchild M. & M. Kramer grandchild Crehan & O’connor gr.grandchild Hoffman-Regtop

M & M Kramer Tj. & J. Elzinga Khalid Safeh John Crehan Bosmans-Leekens “ “ Tj. & J. Elzinga Thijs Vluggen Padov-Correggiari John Crehan Diny van Oss Bert Vandenberghe J. Hendriks & Zn. G.J. de Hoogh & Zn. C. v.d. Wetering C. v.d. Wetering Thijs Vluggen Fam. Bambacht Poelstra & Znn J. & F. Hendriks M. & M. Kramer

683(5,25 68&&(66256 2) ³+$55<´ +$55< -81,25 NL16-1663140

Direct son “Harry” Halfbrother “New Harry” Halfbrother “Beauty Harry”

Direct children of “Harry Junior” won in 2017-2018: 1. Prov. Asse Zellik Afd. 7 8.257 bs. 2. Asse Zellik 2.091 bs. 4. Nat. Bourges 16.658 bs. 4. Prov. Niergnies Afd. 7 6.938 bs. 7. NPO Niergnies 4.849 bs. 7. Niergnies 2.942 bs. 7. Yeovil 2.438 bs. 8. Pont St. Max 800 bs. 9. NPO Melun 6.025 bs. 9. NPO Roye 8.755 bs. 9. NPO Melun 3.882 bs. 10. Lessines 2.628 bs. 16. NPO Niergnies 4.849 bs. 32. NPO Pont St. Max 7.536 bs. 49. Nat. Nanteuil 14.422 bs.

Offspring “New Harry” only in 2017-2018:

1(: +$55< NL14-1219811

1. Prov. Niergnies g Afd. 7 1. Prov. Pont St. Max Afd. 7 1. Melun Andrezel 9. NPO Troyes Afd. 7 Direct son “Beauty Harry” Halfbrother “Harry Junior” Grandson “Harry”

14.838 bs. 12.894 bs. 1.046 bs. 6.390 bs.

1. Nat. Nanteuil 14.226 bs. grandchild C. v.d. Wetering 1. Asse Zellik 4.944 bs. child C. v.d. Wetering 1. Training 21-11 PIPR 2.187 bs. grandchild J. Hooymans 1. Charleville 1.071 bs. grandchild J. Hendriks & Zn. 1. Interprov. Guilianova 926 bs. grandchild Padov-Correggiari 1. Worcester 797 bs. grandchild Crehan & O’connor 1. Asse Zellik 651 bs. grandchild C. v.d. Wetering 1. Peronne 579 bs. from halfbrother C. v.d. Wetering 1. Chimay 409 bs. grandchild Team GPS 2. Asse Zellik Prov. 8.257 bs. sister C. v.d. Wetering 2. Asse Zellik 4.944 bs. grandchild C. v.d. Wetering 3. Asse Zellik 2.091 bs. grandson C. v.d. Wetering 3. Asse Zellik 2.220 bs. child J. Hooymans 4. NPO Orleans 5.228 bs. granddaughter Poelstra & Znn 4. Nat. Melun 8.389 bs. grandchild Diny van Oss 4. Niergnies 4.187 bs. halfbrother C. v.d. Wetering 4. Asse-Zellik 2.220 bs. grandchild Jan Hooymans 5. NPO Sens 4.012 bs. grandchild J. & F. Hendriks 5. Asse-Zellik 2.220 bs. grandchild Jan Hooymans 6. NPO Roye 5.996 bs. grandchild C. v.d. Wetering 6.Nanteuil 3.607 bs. child C. v.d. Wetering 6.Tewkesbury 1.000 bs. grandchild Crehan & O’Connor 7. NPO Roye 5.996 bs. child C. v.d. Wetering 7. Niergnies 2.965 bs. from halfbrother C. v.d. Wetering 7. NPO Chateaudun 1.974 bs. grandchild J. Poelstra & Znn. 7. Pont St Max 1.153 bs. grandchild Poelstra & Znn. 8. Nat. Nanteuil 14.422 bs. grandchild C. v.d. Wetering 8. NPO Roye 5.996 bs. grandchild C. v.d. Wetering 8. NPO Orleans 1.277 bs. grandchild J & F Hendriks 8. Interprov. Falconara 984 bs. grandchild Padov-Correggiari 9. Nat. Nanteuil 14.422 bs. grandchild C. v.d. Wetering 9. Prov. Lessines 10.082 bs. child C. v.d. Wetering 9. NPO Niergnies 4.849 bs. child E. Steenis 10. Asse-Zellik 4.944 bs. gr.grandchild Janssens-IJpelaar 10. NPO Chateaudun 3.505 bs. daughter J. Hooymans 10. NPO Melun 3.882 bs. grandchild A. van Zomeren 10. Asse Zellik 4.944 bs. gr.grandchild Janssens-IJpelaar 13. NPO Melun 6.025 bs. child J. Hooymans 14. NPO Melun 6.025 bs. child J. Hooymans 16. NPO Pont St. Max 7.536 bs. grandchild C. v.d. Wetering 4. Prov. Acepigeon y.b. Afd. 4 Limburg grandchild J. & F. Hendriks No doubles!

Best results 2018 at own lofts: 1. Nat. Nanteuil Sect. 3 14.422 bs. * grandchild New Harry 1. NPO Gien 4.607 bs. grandson Stamkoppel 1. NPO Chateaudun 1.974 bs. son Cees 1. Prov. Niergnies 12.644 bs. * gr.daughter Harry & Alexia 1. Prov. Asse Zellik Afd. 7 8.257 bs. son Harry Junior 1. Nat. N.U. Bergerac Zone 1 2.482 bs. gr.grandchild Stamkoppel 1. Asse Zellik 4.944 bs. * child New Harry 1. Nanteuil 3.607 bs. * grandchild Stamkoppel Also 4-5-5-6-6-7-7-8-8-8-9-9-9-10-10. in NPO races (* = at satellite loft of C. v.d. Wetering)


Janssen Peter Hammscher Kerkweg 8 47533 Kleve Germany Tel.: (0049) (0)282 179 777 info@maler-janssen.eu

63x TELETEXT / TOP 10 NPO IN 6 YEARS TIME (2013-2018) NL15-1875402 Ć‚


9. Nat. Acepigeon Eendaagse agse Fondspiegel (long distance) 2016-2017-2018 017-2018 2. NPO Chateauroux 3. Nat. Chateauroux S3 3. NPO Chateauroux 4. NPO Chateaudun 14. NPO Bourges 6. Nanteuil

(645 km) (645 km) (540 km) (600 km) (400 km)

2.339 bs. 8.623 bs. 1.475 bs. 1.764 bs. 1.555 bs. 2.263 bs.

16x raced on long distance ce (+500 km), 16 prizes

SEASON 2017 2. Nat. Champion long distance not nominated NPO 3. Nat. Champion long distance nominated NPO


1. Prov. Champion long distance nominated and not nominated 1-2-5. Prov. Acepigeon long distance 2. Prov. Champion middle distance not nominated 3. Prov. Champion middle distance nominated 2. Prov. Champion short distance

OLYMPIC CHAMPION LOFT 1. Dutch Olympiad Pigeon long distance Poznan 2019 1. Dutch Olympiad Pigeon middle distance Poznan 2019 2. Dutch Olympiad Pigeon long distance Budapest 2015


D DV0147-14-23 DV0147-14-237 -14-237 ƃ

1. Olympiad pigeon long distance Poznan 20 2019 1. Mons 1. NPO Issoudun 1. NPO Issoudun 1. NPO Bourges 1. NPO Chateaudun fastest 3. NPO Blois (beaten by 2 loft mates) 2. NPO Chateauroux 2. Quievrain 3. NPO Bourges


(280 km) (28 (615 kkm)) ((615 km) (600 (6 6 km) (540 (5 5540 40 km) (585 85 km)

7.138 bs. 1.234 bs. 1. 934 bs. 1.240 bs. 1.764 bs. 5.012 bs. 5.967 bs. 5.9

(645 km) (230 km) (600 km)

247 bs. 8.470 bs. 1.555 bs.

NL15-1451934 Ƃ

1. Olympiad pigeon middle distance nce Poznan 2019 1. Nat. Acepigeon Eendaagse Fondspiegel ndspiegel (long distance) 2016-2017-2018 2017 017-2018 2018 2018 1. Nat. Acepigeon Eendaagse Fondspiegel ndspiegel long distance istance ance 2017-2018 20177 2 2. Nat. Acepigeon Eendaagse Fondspiegel ndspiegel piegel el (long distance) di 2018 2. NPO Bourges 6. NPO Chateaudun 9. NPO Gien 10. NPO Chateaudun 10. NPO Gien 12. NPO Pithiviers 13. NPO Bourges 2. Chalon 2. Laon

(600 km) m) (540 km) m) (535 km) m) (540 km) m) (535 km) m)) m) (485 km) (600 km) m) (344 km) m) (300 km) m)

1.240 bs. 1.534 bs. 1.631 bs. 638 bs. 22.073 073 bs. 2.123 bs. 1.555 bs. 1.570 bs. 960 bs.

km), 16 prizes 16x raced on long distance (+500 km)


Janssens Eddy Hallebaan 82 2240 Zandhoven Belgium Mob.: (0032) (0)494 184 009 eddypit@skynet.be

2017: 6. National Champion young birds short middle distance 13. National Acepigeon young birds short middle distance 2018: 2. National Champion yearlings long middle distance 2. National Champion young birds short middle distance 14. National Acepigeon yearlings short middle distance


“Olympic Schoon Madammeke”

B09-6041710 ƃ


Direct Hermans-Van den Branden Son of “Propere” x “Klein Martien”

B13-1632624 Ƃ Direct Comb. Atema Daughter of “Super 53” x “Dochter Di Caprio”


THELMA 16-105 Ƃ 21. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB


LOUISE 16-106 Ƃ 12. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB

NEW LOUISE 17-031 Ƃ 1. Chevrain 747 bs. 2. Chevrain 866 bs. 10. Chevrain 1.232 bs. 12. Gien 525 bs. 13. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance young birds

KARAAT 024-15 ƃ 7. Souppes 893 bs. 14. Melun 1.495 bs. Father 006-18, 1. Noyon 498 bs.

SNOOKER B15-6092147 ƃ

NANCE B15-6059382 Ƃ

Son “Propere Emile” x “Dochter Super 53”

Direct Bart & Nance Van Oeckel Daughter “Gaston Junior” x “Witty”

NEW TOP COUPLE parents of:


GIJS 16-033 1. Bourges 8. Nat. 96. Nat. Chateauroux 2. Noyon

B16-6076059 Ƃ

2. Olympiad Pigeon old birds Poznan 2019 1. Melun 1. Vierzon 4. Chevrain 6. Nat. Argenton 6. Chevrain 7. Chevrain 7. Melun 7. Chevrain 9. Prov. Bourges 15. Chevrain 24. Ecouen 52. Nat. Chateauroux 69. Zone Argenton


347 bs. 38.456 bs. 18.499 bs. 489 bs.



9. Chevrain 866 bs. 61. Nat. Bourges 38.456 bs. Father of 18-066: 3. Melun 601 bs., 10. Chevrain 794 bs., 12. Melun 612 bs., 35. Chevrain 851 bs.

1.225 bs. 643 bs. 622 bs. 3.322 bs. (1-159)) 604 bs. 1.482 bs. 750 bs. 744 bs. 3.621 bs. 1.513 bs. 2.516 bs. 4.389 bs. 7.332 bs.

VUIL MADAMMEKE 18-030 1. Melun 7. Melun 11. Melun 116. Prov. Bourges

601 bs. 851 bs. 612 bs. 4.478 bs.

KLEIN MADAMMEKE 18-109 9. Noyon 25. Nat. Chateauroux



521 bs. 17.269 bs.

LOUIS B12-6133662 12-6133662 ƃ

CAPRIATI NL14-1735617 Ƃ

Direct Bart Gillis

Direct Comb. van Panhuis

Son “Genopte Geerinckx” x “Rihanna”

Daughter of grandson x granddaughter “Di Caprio”

parents of:

ƃ VICTOR 16-203 1. Chevrain 3. Noyon

942 bs. 608 bs.

Ƃ VICTORIA 16-023 1. Gien 1.813 bs. 4. Prov. Gien 5.470 bs. 1. Noyon 688 bs. 19. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB

Ƃ COCA 17-189 1. Chevrain 678 bs. 2. Melun 713 bs. 2. Chevrain 1.285 bs. 14. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance yearlings KBDB

Ƃ COLA 17-190 As yearling 12x in top 10% with a.o. 38. Nat. Argenton 3.322 bs.


ALIBABA B14-6239376 ƃ

MORGIANA B13-6215692 Ƃ

Son “Witpen Alberto” x “Luna”

Direct Danny Van Dyck Daughter “Nieuwe Zoon” x “Dochter 11”

POWER COUPLE parents of:


B17-6148085 ƃ

As young bird 4 prizes on 4 National races with a.o. 31. Nat. Chateauroux 18.499 bs. 1. Acepigeon young birds Fond Sint Job As a yearling again 12 prizes in top 10% with a.o. 29. Nat. Argenton 8.818 bs. 27. Zone Bourges 2.836 bs. 50. Prov. Bourges 3.201 bs. 93. Zone Chateauroux 8.486 bs.

B17-6148008 Ƃ

POWER GIRL 22 prizes in top 10% in 2 years 1. Noyon 3. Chevrain 5. Argenton couen 7. Ecouen 23. Nat. Chateauroux 24. Nat. Argenton 1.. 80. Nat. Bourges

489 bs. 866 bs. 393 bs. 2.516 bs. 4.641 bs. 8.818 bs. 224 bs. 38.456 bs.

Power Boy and Power Girl are co-winners 2. Nat. Champion long middle distance yearlings KBDB 2018

POWER WITPEN PEN As young bird 8x in top 5% with a.o. 5. Noyon 583 bs. 8. Melun 612 bs. 10. Quievrain 513 bs. 14. Chevrain 1.179 bs.

B18-6085008 ƃ

NEW LUNA 16-159 As yearling 10x in top 10% with a.o. Ƃ 1. Chevrain 2.359 bs. 4. Chevrain 750 bs. 63. Zone Chateauroux 8.584 bs. 195. Nat. Argenton 22.712 bs.

JAMES 16-007 2. Chevrain 2.293 bs. 2. Noyon 339 bs. ƃ 3. Noyon 3. Melun

753 bs. 590 bs.

THE BOSS 16-219 4. Chevrain 1.482 bs. 5. Chevrain 780 bs. ƃ 9. Noyon 12. Chevrain


845 bs. 1.434 bs.

B14-6239033 ƃ

DEN BLOEDNEUS 1. Souppes uppes uppes 3. Souppes 4. Melun lun ouppes 13. Souppes


393 bs. 849 bs. 887 bs. 1.381 bs.

Direct Dirk Van Dyck Daughter “Zoon Gladiator” x “Superke”

Son “Kleinzoon Kleinzoon Kannibaal” x “Dochter Leeuw”

parents of:

B17-6148088 ƃ

WITPEN BLOEDNEUS 6. Chevrain 16. Melun 51. Nat. Chateauroux

1. Chevrain ain rain 1. Quievrain 3. Melun n

20. Nat. t. Acepigeon and father of: 17-064 : 3. Chevrain 1.232 bs., 10. Chevrain 820 bs. 18-031 : 1. Noyon 341 bs. 18-032 : 4. Melun 855 bs., 154. Nat. Chateauroux 17.269 bs. 18-112 : 1. Chevrain 1.668 bs.

1.285 bs. 1.671 bs. 12.150 bs.

B18-6085085 ƃ

REMUS 1.179 bs. 513 bs. 851 bs.

B16-6076126 ƃ


B18-6085143 ƃ

ROMULUS 3. Noyon on vrain 3. Chevrain 3. Melun un 8. Pont St. Max (young bird 3rd round)

498 bs. 1.179 bs. 646 bs. 1.310 bs.

Remus and Romulus are co-winners 2. Nat. Champion middle distance young birds KBDB 2018


Koopman Gerard Ermerveen 17 7814 VB Emmen The Netherlands Tel.: (0031) (0)591 552 713 Fax: (0031) (0)591 554 993 gkoop17@xs4all.nl www.gerardkoopman.com

3. Dutch Olympiad Pigeon marathon Poznan 2019 AMADI

NL16-1072675 Ƃ

4. Nat. Acepigeon long distance WHZB-TBOTB 2018 8 3. Nat. S4 Sens 11. NPO Troyes 14. NPO Gien 31. Nat. S4 Chateauroux 23. NPO Bourges 22. NPO Chateaudun

8.780 bs. 2.485 bs. 4.911 bs. 5.877 bs. 2.216 bs. 918 bs.

Sister of “Manu” and “Paco”.

PACO 2. Nat. S4 Bourges 20. Nat. S4 Chateauroux ux 37. NPO Chateaurouxx 1. club 2. Rethel 3. Duffel 25. Reims

NL16-4783976 ƃ 5.877 bs. (behind “Manu”) 3.647 bs. 2.943 bs. 205 bs. 475 bs. 1.498 bs. 8.183 bs.

Brother of “Manu” andd “Amadi”.


THE 2018 MIRACLE HEN FROM HOLLAND! B03-6113116 Son “Den 120” (Marc Nuyts, strain Nelles Van de Pol) x 01-534 (daughter “As” x “Vivian” Wal Zoontjens) B03-6133334 Daughter “220” (Leon Engels) x 01-510 (daughter “006” x “066” Wal Zoontjens) NL02-2373002 “Cassius” Father of “Daydream” (1. NPO Ablis 8.519 bs.) Also father of “Top Girl”, “Fien”, “Vakir”, “Goudband”, “Dagalia”, “Calivia” etc. Grandfather of “Jerson” (Olympiad pigeon long distance Nitra 2013) and “James’s Legend”, 1. Acepigeon Pioneer Club 2018 ( James Huang) Son “Kleine Dirk” x “Annelies” NL07-4736465 “Gicara” 1. Boxtel 9.525 bs. 1. Ravenstein 510 bs. 3. La Ferte 1.407 bs. 4. NPO Ablis 10.725 bs. e” x Daughter “Gersom” (“Noble Blue” “Annelies”) x “Hebberecht 941” (Chris Hebberecht)

B05-6394218 “Supercrack Rik” Herman Van Sande 1. Prov. Chateauroux 2.024 bs. 1. Prov. Le Mans 493 bs. Father of “Manu”, “Amadi” and “Paco” Also father of “Sapieha”, car winner Million Dollar Race 2010


NL16-4784182 Ƃ

1. Nat. S4 Bourges 2018

5.877 bs.

(703 km. - 1138 m/m h7 m/m or 3.5 minutes ahead)

1. Nat. S4 Chateauroux 2018

3.647 bs.

(754 km. - 1289 m/m h37 m/m or 18 minutes ahead)

1. Sens 2017

1.069 bs.

(563 km. - 1299 m/m)

16. NPO NL10-1109882 “Goudband” Mother of “Manu”, “Amadi” and “Paco” Also mother of “Reinier” (top racer Million Dollar Race 2015)

4.313 bs.

Sister of “Amadi” and “Paco”.

FANTASTIC RACING SEASON 2018 The racing season 2018 was the toughest season of the last decade. The Koopman racing team performed outstanding:

2. NAT. CHAMPION LONG DISTANCE (nominated) NPO 2018 Nat. S4 Bourges

(703 km) 5.877 bs.: 1-2-3-4-5-7-10-11-12-15-17-18 etc.

Nat. S4 Chateauroux

(754 km) 3.647 bs.: 1-3-4-5-8-9-10-12-14-15-17-19-20.

Nat. S4 Sens

(566 km) 8.780 bs.: 3-4-5-8-27-28-50.

“JAMES’S LEGEND” 1. ACEPIGEON PIONEER CLUB 2018, JAMES HUANG Most expensive pigeon ever (2.778.000 euro) 50% Koopman Grandson “Zus Royal Dream” (from “Cassius” x “Lady Promise”) and “Kleine Koopman” (from “Jardel” x “Razinda”)

Lambrechts Stefaan Smidstraat 258 2590 Berlaar Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)478 917 843 info@stefaanlambrechts.be www.stefaanlambrechts.be

B18-6156231 Ƃ


1. Nat. Acepigeon short middle distance young birds KBDB 2018 21-7-18 2. Chevrain (359 km) 6. fastest 15-7-18 3. Chevrain (359 km) 10. Prov. 7-7-18 4. Melun (315 km) 14. fastest 23-6-18 5. Melun (315 km)

1.645 bs. 5.584 bs. 1.303 bs. 5.197 bs. 1.563 bs. 5.489 bs. 902 bs.

(1209 m/m) (1178 m/m) (1241 m/m) (1209 m/m)

Only raced 4x 23-6-18 Melun 7-7-18 Melun 30-6-18 not raced 15-7-18 Chevrain 21-7-18 Chevrain

RACED ONLY 4 X !! B14-6091860 “Vader Venus” Father of 15-170, 14. Prov. Gien 7.128 bs. 72. Souppes 1.619 bs. 74. Noyon 1.327 bs. 162. Nat. Bourges 36.307 bs.

B09-6294000 “Olympic 4000” Dirk Van den Bulck Won 32 prizes from Noyon Superbreeder Grandfather of: “Henkie J”, 10. Nat. Acepigeon short middle distance KBDB 2018 “Vroom”, 9. Nat. Ace TBOTB 2012 (Willem de Bruijn) “Porsche” “Kawasaki” Son basic pair Dirk Van den Bulck (“Blauwe Leo” x 02-637)

B08-6373646 “Daughter Montlucon” Dirk Van den Bulck / Jef Keirsmakers Daughter 03-112 (1. Prov. Montlucon 1.800 bs. / 2. Nat. 11.568 bs. Louis Keirsmakers) x 04-558 (Louis Keirsmakers, sister 1. Prov. Souillac / 5. Nat. 6.600 bs.)

B16-6081795 “Moeder Venus”

B14-6091891 Dirk Van den Bulck Father “Aure”, 4. Prov. / 14. Nat. Acepigeon short middle distance young birds KBDB Son “Blauwe Beer” (1-1-2. Acepigeon Quievrain from “Broer Rode” x “40000 Duivin”) x 13-983 “Halfsister Kittel” (from “Goede Rode” x 02-637 basic hen)

B15-6108197 “Ynthe” 3. Prov. / 9. Nat. Acepigeon short middle distance young birds KBDB 50. Nat. Bourges 36.307 bs., 5. Melun 1.779 bs., 9. Souppes 2.031 bs., 18. Souppes 2.391 bs., 28. Souppes 3.342 bs. Daughter 14-857 “Broer Blauwe Beer” (Dirk Van den Bulck from “Goede Rode” x 02-637) x 06-510 (Bart Henderickx)

B15-6108145 Ƃ


1. Nat. Acepigeon short middle distance young birds KBDB 2015 1. Souppes 1. Souppes 1. Souppes 2. Souppes 3. Souppes 5. Quievrain

(353 km) (353 km) (353 km) (353 km) (353 km) (102 km)

1.243 bs. 958 bs. 720 bs. 401 bs. 1.348 bs. 893 bs. b

B13-6304248 “Broer Stefaan” llem de Bruijn), Bruijn) Brother “Stefaan” (Willem father “Aleksej”, 1. Nat. Acepigeon short/middle distance The Netherlands 2017 with 1. Asse Zellik 2.794 bs., 1. Roye 2.606 bs. and 1. Morlincourt 1.083 bs.

B03-6106302 “Broer Goed Blauw” Grandfather of: “Olympic Bolt”, 1. Olympiad pigeon Nitra 10-346, 1. Acepigeon Noyon 2010 11-165, 1-5229, 2-4212, 5-4289 12-469, 2-1313, 30-2196 Son “Den Boebel” x “Stammoeder”


B16-6173259 Jelle Roziers Grandmother Olympic Bolt”, 11-165 and 12-469 Daughter “Pootje” (from “Herbie” x “Selma”) x “Daughter Alex” (from “Alex” x “Rinia”)

B11-6167138 “Mother Lincia” Mother “Esther” (H. & E.J. Eijerkamp), 2. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance 2014

B09-6293898 “Olympic Poot” Father of: “Blauwe Stefaan” (1. Nat. Ace Sect. 3 and 10th Nat. Ace NPO 2015) 18-245 (1. Nat. Zone Bourges 7.514 bs., 15. Nat. Chateauroux 17.281 bs. and best young bird on 2 national races 2018) Son of 08-205 “Son Olympiade 003” (Leo Heremans) x 08-647 (Louis Keirsmakers)

B10-6342498 Dirk Van den Bulck Grandmother of “Power”, (3. NPO Pommeroeul 5.182 bs.) 14-259, (1. S-Prov. Ace young birds 2014) 13-192 (6. Acepigeon Union Antwerp 2013) and 1-3887, 1-2412, 1-1324 Son of super pair “Broer Rode” x “40000 Duivin”



Leideman Brothers Polendwarsweg 2 7796 HD Hardenberg The Netherlands Tel.: (0031) (0)6 4188 6492 andreleideman@hotmail.com

2. GOUDEN DUIF THE NETHERLANDS 2018 1. Superstar of the month June/July speed 2018 1. Superstar of the month June/July speed 2017


NL15-1234061 Ƃ

Candidate Olympiad Pigeon short distance Poznan 2019 1. Duffel 2. Quievrain 3. Niergnies 5. Heusden-Zolder 3. Heusden-Zolder


1. Acepigeon middle distance Region 7 2016 4. Soissons 5. Morlincourt 6. Sens 6. Lorris 11. Hapert

4.613 bs. 10.570 bs. 9.897 bs. 11.336 bs. 5.927 bs.

NL14-1466919 ƃ 6.403 bs. 5.943 bs. 4.237 bs. 1.769 bs. 5.572 bs.

Grandfather of 2. NPO Chateauroux 3.647 bs.

Races started with 1. prize, season 2017 (no results on club level, no doubles) 1. Asse Zelik (247 km) 1-3-4-5. Vervins (359 km) 1-5-7-9-10. Gien (612 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6. Laon (387 km) 1-2. Duffel (218 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6. Heusden-Zolder (192 km) 1-12-17-19. Quievrain (314 km) 1-2-3-5-6-7-10. Rethel (373 km) 1-2. Duffel (218 km) 64

11.343 bs. 8.753 bs. 7.768 bs. 6.371 bs. 4.962 bs. 2.775 bs. 2.480 bs. 1.867 bs. 1.182 bs.

1-2-3-5-6-7-10. Wijchen (101 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. Laon (387 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. Budel (162 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. Quievrain (314 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. Heusden-Zolder (192 km) 1-3-4. Sens (540 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6-9-10. Sens (540 km) 16 x 1. prize against average 3.316 bs.

1.105 bs. 1.052 bs. 1.016 bs. 986 bs. 656 bs. 414 bs. 323 bs.

NL15-1234091 Ƃ

JET 1. Asse Zellik 1. Gien fastest Interprov. N.U. 1. Rethel 6. Laon 10. Duffel

ACE 820

11.343 bs. 4.911 bs. 7.768 bs. 4.692 bs. 6.371 bs. 5.821 bs.

NL16-1075820 ƃ

1. Interprov. Acepigeon allround distance 2018 1. Interprov. Acepigeon middle distance 2018 1. Weert 2. Boxtel 3. Quievrain 3. Laon 6. Rethel


5.552 bs. 1.961 bs. 10.570 bs. 6.371 bs. 7.115 bs.

B15-6106415 Ƃ

Bred by Gebr. Van den Brande Raced by Gebr. Leideman

1. Laon 1. Duffel 2. Heusden-Zolder 2. Heusden-Zolder 2. Wijchen

6.371 bs. 5.821 bs. 11.336 bs. 5.927 bs. 3.617 bs.

Mother of 1/5447

Races started with 1. prize, season 2018 (no results on club level, no doubles) 1. Gennep (107 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6-8-9-10-11-12-13. Quievrain (314 km) 1-2-4-5-6-7-8-9. Weert (161 km) 1. Hannut (235 km) 1-2-4-5-6-10. Rethel (374 km) 1. Chalons en Champagne (433 km) 1-2-3-4-7-8. Tongeren (212 km) 1-2-3. Rethel (374 km) 1-3-9-10. Tongeren (212 km) 1-2-5-6. Gennep (107 km) 1-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16. Morlincourt (417 km)

11.041 bs. 10.570 bs. 5.230 bs. 5.225 bs. 4.692 bs. 2.315 bs. 1.580 bs. 1.133 bs. 1.131 bs. 1.047 bs. 927 bs.

1-2. Tongeren (212 km) 1-5-8. Quievrain (314 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. Reims (412 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15. Chimay (322 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6. Gennep (107 km) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13. Rethel (374 km) 1-3-5-8-10. Troyes (509 km) 1-2-3-5-6-9-10. Sens (543 km) 1-2-3-4-7-8-9. Bourges (680 km) 20 x 1. prize against average 2.479 bs.

770 bs. 706 bs. 843 bs. 600 bs. 523 bs. 468 bs. 371 bs. 285 bs. 119 bs. 65

Limbourg Erik Eeckhoutveldweg 10 1785 Brussegem Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)2 460 29 53 erik.limbourg@skynet.be www.erik-limbourg.com



B14-2151083 ƃ

2. Belgian Olympiad Pigeon marathon Poznan 2019 2. Nat. Acepigeon extreme long distance KBDB 2018 3. Internat. Acepigeon extreme long distance (2 prizes) 2018 Bronze Wing winner 2017 Silver Wing winner 2018 Best Barcelona bird 2017-2018 5. Nat. Barcelona ’17 5. Nat. Barcelona ’18 17. Nat. Perpignan ’18 16. Internat. Barcelona ’18 37. Internat. Perpignan ’18 21. Internat. Barcelona ’17 30. Nat. Valence ’17 69. Souppes 238. Nat. Perpignan ’17 270. Nat. Brive 393. Nat. Gueret

7.874 bs. 7.441 bs. 3.966 bs. 15.700 bs. 12.339 bs. 17.026 bs. 6.843 bs. 3.133 bs. 4.620 bs. (arrived with injury) 9.049 bs. 16.619 bs.

Best extremcee long distan bird ever !!

“Barcelona Triple 5” arrived home from Perpignan National at 10:48:32 am (in time to take 5th National). Due to an error with clocking the necessary control rubber, he was not officially recorded arriving until 11:24:14 which resulted in him being awarded 17th National. As a consequence “Barcelona Triple 5” missed out on a number of 1st Acepigeon titles.


Most important pigeons: “Alibaba”, “Grote Barcelona”, “Motta”, “Kleine Barcelona”, “Lucky 77”, “Lucky 85”, “Blue Ace 095”, “Eagle Eye”, “Gilbert”, “Black Magic”, “Magic 092”

RECENT TOP BIRDS MISS BEAUTIFUL 13. Nat. Chateauroux 49. Nat. Bourges 67. Nat. Bourges 17. Nat. Zone Gueret 20. S-Nat. Vierzon 35. Nat. Zone Tulle 12. S-Nat. Blois 8. Prov. Blois


B16-2024195 Ƃ (496 km) (449 km) (550 km) (445 km) (630 km) (430 km)

18.973 bs. 20.759 bs. 20.284 bs. 862 bs. 1.942 bs. 2.627 bs. 1.743 bs. 551 bs.


riz x 1. p


B15-2015548 ƃ

1. Prov. Acepigeon long distance KBDB 2018 1. S-Nat. Acepigeon long distance DH 2018 1. S-Nat. Acepigeon long distance BU 2018 2. Prov. Acepigeon long distance KBDB 2017 3. Nat. Acepigeon LCB 2017 5. Nat. Acepigeon long distance KBDB 2016 1. Prov. Acepigeon long distance KBDB 2016 1. Nat. Acepigeon of Belgium LCB 2016 1. Nat. Acepigeon yearlings LCB 2016 3. Prov. Brive ’16 1. Souppes ’16 3. Nat. Zone Brive 4. Souppes Pajot 4. Prov. Limoges ’18 9. Nat. Zone Limoges ’16 9. Souppes Pajot ’16 16. Vierzon ’18 18. Limoges ’18 20. Nat. Brive

(677 km) (325 km) (677 km) (325 km) (644 km) (644 km) (325 km)

573 bs. 282 bs. 2.810 bs. 2.281 bs. 370 bs. 3.380 bs. 2.418 bs. 415 bs. (630 km) 511 bs. (677 km) 5.929 bs.

22. Nat. Zone Brive ’17 23. Chateauroux ’16 29. Angouleme ’18 35. Nat. Zone Libourne ’18 36. Souppes Pajot ’15 39. Nat. Zone Limoges ’17 42. Chevrainvilliers ’18 43. Nat. Zone Tulle ’17 68. Nat. Limoges 106. Nat. Zone Brive ’18

(670 km) (496 km) (685 km) (750 km) (325 km) (630 km) (325 km) (632 km) (630 km) (675 km)

2.438 bs. 1.016 bs. 1.082 bs. 930 bs. 3.069 bs. 2.625 bs. 2.867 bs. 1.913 bs. 6.946 bs. 2.640 bs.

Father: B09-2230737 “Super breeder Eagle Eye” Mother: B13-2022092 “Magic 092” 2. Nat. Acepigeon long distance yearlings KBDB 2014


Lin Combination Woudsedijk-Noord 2 2465 BT Rijnsaterwoude The Netherlands Mob.: (0031) (0)6 505 067 28 Mob.: (0031) (0)6 131 059 20 y.lin02@hotmail.com

OLYMPIC ERROR 404 NL14-1094404 Ƃ OLYMPIAD PIGEON ALLROUND BRUSSELS 2017 6. Nat. Ace Hen WHZB/TBOTB 2016 6. Nat. Ace Hen WHZB/TBOTB 2015 7. Nat. Acepigeon long distance NPO 2015 1. Peronne 3. Chateauroux 4. Roye 4. Pont St. Maxence 8. Asse Zellik 9. Nanteuil 12. Vierzon

1.150 bs. 2.095 bs. 1.906 bs. 1.833 bs. 4.489 bs. 5.363 bs. 3.616 bs.

NL07-1180406 ROLEX P. Veenstra NL08-5818418 SISSY P. Veenstra

19. Bourges 21. Bourges 26. Nanteuil 28. Quievrain 34. Mantes la Jolie 35. Nanteuil 64. Blois

3.657 bs. 3.209 bs. 6.856 bs. 4.884 bs. 5.438 bs. 7.203 bs. 4.909 bs.

NL10-1083006 FATHER OLYMPIC ERROR 404 P. Veenstra NL11-1737012 MOTHER OLYMPIC ERROR 404 G. & S. Verkerk Halfsister of “Olympic Solange”

NL07-1817846 SVEN G. & S. Verkerk NL06-4720774 MAGIC AMORE C. & G. Koopman


NL09-1214695 ƃ

12. Nat. Acepigeon long distance WHZB 2010 1. Argenton 5. Nivelles 6. Orleans 9. Strombeek

1.483 bs. 6.684 bs. 3.365 bs. 2.372 bs.

10. Tours 15. Strombeek 22. Vierzon 24. Orleans 45. Orleans

4.591 bs. 5.621 bs. 6.967 bs. 3.484 bs. 2.716 bs.

Original J. Ouwerkerk BE02-3025837 KLEINE FIGO A. & H. Reynaert B03-6192766 DAUGHTER OLYMPIADE Heremans-Ceusters NL03-1168484 SUPER 484 J. Ouwerkerk NL07-1818077 DAUGHTER BULLDOZER G. & S. Verkerk


NL07-1847800 COCK GOLDEN PAIR K. Bosua

NL08-1569301 HEN GOLDEN PAIR J. Ouwerkerk

NL17-1310250 Ƃ

THE 250

1. OLYMPIAD PIGEON YEARLINGS NG GS POZNAN 2019 4. Nat. Acepigeon yearlings PIPA ranking kin ng 2018 1. Quievrain 1. Arras 1. Pont St. Maxence 2. Peronne 3. Duffel 3. Peronne 3. Melun 5. Fontenay 9. Fontenay 70. Pontoise

3.277 bs. 2.346 bs. 1.190 bs. 1.040 bs. 3.905 bs. 2.798 bs. 760 bs. 3.964 bs. 1.940 bs. 7.570 bs.

Daughter “Golden Dragon” x “Olympic Error 404”

N NL18-5171178 NL18 5171178 Ƃ

THE 178

9. Nat. Acepigen young birds NPO 2018 9. Nat. Acepigeon young birds middle distance s stance Pipa Ranking 2018 1. Melun 10. Pont St. Maxence 19. Pontoise 43. Pont St. Maxence 99. Fontenay

1.195 bs. 5.119 bs. 4.320 bs. 2.601 bs. 3.558 bs.

Daughter “Golden Dragon” x “Olympic Error 404”


Ronny Menten Pigeons Bi Biesemstraat t t 84a 84 3454 Rummen Belgium Mob. : (0032) (0)475 290 839 info@mentenpigeons.be www.mentenpigeons.be

Ronny Menten has been part of the absolute best of Belgian pigeon sport for many years! His breeding loft is based on his “Golden Arrow” (2. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB) completed with the best of Albert Derwa (Paulien family), and 50% of his pigeons are direct Gino Clicque!


B16-2115167 Ƃ

1. Best Belgian Argenton ton bird over 2 years (PIPA ranking 2016-2017) 017) 8. Nat. Argenton (yl.) 21. Nat. Argenton (y.b.)) 46. Nat. Chateauroux 201. Nat. La Soutteraine ne 383. Nat. Bourges 20. Prov. Blois 9. Melun

22.712 12 bs. 115.592 bs. 14.955 bs. 16.613 bs. 28.078 bs. 3.122 bs. 1.138 bs.

2016 - 2017 - 2018: Absolute Class ! 2016:



1. Nat. Bourges 10.173 yl. fastest of all birds 45.730 bs.

1. Nat. Tulle 9.586 yl. fastest of all birds 17.035 bs.

Best loft of Belgium with 8-1416-18 etc. Nat. Bourges 23.854 y.b.


B15-3050843 50843 Ƃ

1. Nat. Bourges (yl.) 10.111 bs. fastest of all birds 45.507 bs. 1. Interprov. Brouges (yl.) 3.111 bs. 1. Prov. Bourges (yl.) 1.455 bs. 16. Nat. La Souterraine (yl.) yl.) 9.580 bs. Breeder: Gino Clicque

GOLDEN TULLE 1. Nat. Tulle (yl.) fastest of all birds

B16-2115081 ƃ 9.586 bs. 17.035 bs.

2016-2017-2018 10 x 1. Provincial!


Peeters - Van Crombruggen The “Bobby”-Loft

ROSIE BE 6230755/2017 2 Prov


1 Nat(z)


6 Nat 5 Prov

4.222p 531KM 27.081p


1.722p 560KM

12 Nat(z)


30 Nat


52 IProv


5.462p 480KM



4 Nat(z)


26 Nat 2 Prov 7 Nat(z) 17 Nat

671p 789KM 6.356p


386p 789KM 933p 3.176p

Bouwelsesteenweg 258 A 2560 Nijlen - BELGIUM 72

Mobile Phone : +32 472 74 70 93 e-mail : paul.peeters9@telenet.be


1 Prov Champion Long Distance 2018 1 Ace Union Antwerp GMD YLS 2018 1 NAT(z) Chateauroux Old Birds 5075p 1 NAT(z) Chateauroux Yearlings 8486p

2 Magic Sisters WHITE DREAM BE 6206672/2016 1 Prov


1 Nat(z)


2 Nat


7 Nat(z) Argenton 33 Nat

3.677p 560KM 11.506p

44 Nat(z) Bourges 172 Nat

2.373p 531KM

8.989p 483KM 28.078p



6 Nat(z)


18 Nat 3 Prov

1.722p 560KM 8.818p


1.044p 593KM

16 Nat(z)


72 Nat


61 Nat


4.631p 531KM

Peeters - Van Crombruggen 73

Kurt & Raf

Platteeuw “MR ALL ROUND” 10 x KBDB National Ace Pigeons 2018 124 x top 100 National prizes 2018 16 x top 10 National prizes 2018


1 & 2nd National Tulle 5,323 birds 2018 2nd National Bourges 20,284 birds 2018 2nd National Angouleme 4,525 birds 2018

KBDB National Ace Pigeon All Round 2018 Pos


Ring number



Platteeuw Kurt & Raf


Ace 038 Adele


Platteeuw Kurt & Raf


Lady Ozo


Platteeuw Kurt & Raf


Sea Surfer


Platteeuw Kurt & Raf




Platteeuw Kurt & Raf


Money Maker


Platteeuw Kurt & Raf


New Frits


Platteeuw Kurt & Raf


Julia’s Lover

KBDB National Ace Pigeon Long Distance 2018 Pos



Ring number



Platteeuw Kurt & Raf




Platteeuw Kurt & Raf


Notting Hill


Platteeuw Kurt & Raf




JULIA Ƃ BELG:17/3117153 1st National Tulle 5,323 birds 4th KBDB National Ace Pigeon Long Distance 2018 1st ACE PIGEON PIPA RANKING 4 NAT RESULTS 2nd ACE PIGEON PIPA RANKING 5 NAT RESULTS 2nd ACE PIGEON PIPA RANKING 3 NAT RESULTS 1 16 25 37 108

Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat

TULLE 5,323 JARNAC 4,940 BRIVE 4,384 LIMOGES 7,236 CHATEAUROUX18,499

b b b b b

607 627 651 615 470

km km km km km



Nat Nat Nat Nat


4,940 5,088 5,323 7,236

b b b b

627 638 607 615

km km km km

KURT & RAF PLATTEEUW, Ommeslagestraat 1, 9690 Zulzeke, Belgium E-mail: kurt.pigeons@hotmail.com or jayne.mitchell@hotmail.com Tel/WhatsApp/Wechat: Kurt + 32 (0) 485 058 321 or Jayne + 44 (0) 7342 640 716



Roodhooft Andre Bessenlaan 36 2242 Pulderbos Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)34 640 375 Mob.: (0032) (0)477 556 832 andreroodhooft@hotmail.com


B13-6165019 Ƃ

1. National Acepigeon long middle distance old birds KBDB 2015 12. Nat. Zone Bourges ’15 45. Nat. Montlucon ’15 67. Nat. Argenton ’15 2. Prov. 85. Nat. Chateauroux ’15 15. Nat. Zone 9. Prov. Chateauroux ’14 84. Nat. Gueret ’14 237. Nat. Bourges ’14 463. Nat. Montlucon ’14 591. Nat. Bourges ’14

5.691 bs. 11.056 bs. 12.187 bs. 1.273 bs. 18.604 bs. 5.070 bs. 2.664 bs. 2.429 bs. 10.141 bs. 19.298 bs. 24.019 bs.

A SELECTION OF 2018 RESULTS Limoges - Fond 2001 - 307 o.b.: 6, 13, 20 (3/3) Chateauroux - Fond 2001 - 516 yl: 1, 3, 7, 23, 24, 43, 50, 53, 55, 79, 83, 124, 129, 134, 143, 148 (29/16) Argenton - Nat. Zone B1 - 6.640 yl: 13, 61, 69, 188, 199, 235, 271, 284, 356, 477, 578, 621, 640, 841, 887, 904, 1012, 1092, 1101, 1114 (25/20) Gueret - Prov. - 529 o.b.: 1, 2, 12, 97 (5/4) Chateauroux - Prov. - 2.394 yl: 11, 21, 40, 43, 86, 186, 217, 253, 273, 342, 427, 450, 554, 566, 659, 755 (22/16) Chateauroux - Nat. Zone B1 - 2.157 o.b.: 11, 34, 241, 297, 324, 358, 395, 468, 536 (10/9) Chateauroux - Nat. - 4.641 yl.: 19, 28, 83, 85, 120, 158, 161, 286, 472, 527, 530, 587, 762, 1028, 1055 (22/15) Argenton - Nat. - 3.322 o.b.: 18, 21, 26, 31, 36, 70, 80, 85, 106, 142, 163, 237, 277, 292, 338, 374, 381, 445, 488, 501, 543, 544, 572, 597, 605, 715 (34/26) Chateauroux - Nat. - 12.855 yo.: 2, 31, 47, 50, 123, 142, 495, 500, 562, 570, 661, 662, 704, 706, 936, 1019, 1089, 1094, 1098, 1170, 1213, 1273, 1333, 1480, 1675, 1838, 1841, 1846, 1897, 1996, 2387, 2631, 2725, 3166 (55/34)

EMPEROR UNION ANTWERP: 2007-2008-2009-2010-2011 2012-2013-2014-2015 KING UNION ANTWERP: 1983-1988-1992-2000-2002 2005-2006-2007-2008-2009 2010-2011-2012-2013-2014-2015 1. NAT. CHAMPION LONG MIDDLE DISTANCE OLD BIRDS KBDB 2015

B04-6250335 ƃ


1. Acepigeon Union Antwerp 2006 2. Acepigeon Union Antwerp 2005 1. Dourdan 1. Marne 5. Melun 6. Melun 7. Melun 10. Dourdan 13. Dourdan 14. Prov. Orleans 14. Melun 26. Marne

665 bs. 321 bs. 356 bs. 491 bs. 391 bs. 758 bs. 341 bs. 3.631 bs. 657 bs. 2.555 bs.

Father of “Gueretje” Father of “Belgium’s Best”

r Basic breede

B16-6236011 Ƃ

B13-6165132 Ƃ

1. Olympiad Pigeon yearlings Budapest 2015 4. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance KBDB 2014 1. Belgian yearling on 4, 5, 6 and 7 National races Pipa ranking 2014 1. Prov. Gueret 1. Nat. Zone 2. Nat. 1. Montlucon 2. Prov. 27. Nat. 1. Argenton 6. Prov. 28. Nat. 3. Dourdan 4. Sourdun 21. Nat. Zone Bourges 118. Nat. 56. Prov. Chateauroux 793. Nat. 18. Dourdan 30. Dourdan 97. Nat. Argenton 108. Nat. La Souterraine

Won 34 x prize



357 bs. 504 bs. 2.431 bs. 471 bs. 2.366 bs. 19.298 bs. 217 bs. 1.178 bs. 9.970 bs. 2.433 bs. 705 bs. 5.666 bs. 24.019 bs. 2.664 bs. 21.515 bs. 1.964 bs. 2.040 bs. 22.384 bs. 16.665 bs.

B16-6236130 Ƃ

ACE 130

3. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB 2016 4. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance yearlings KBDB 2017

1. Chevrainvilliers 1.660 bs. 2. Melun 1.684 bs. 2. Nat. Bourges 12.449 bs. 14. Nat. Chateauroux 14.762 bs. Full sister “Ace 130”, 3. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB 2016 4. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance yearlings KBDB 2017

B15-6175349 Ƃ


1. Souppes 1.605 bs. 6. Nat. Argenton 22.712 bs. 10. Souppes 1.050 bs. 11. Melun 1.408 bs. 15. Souppes 2.248 bs. 28. Nat. Bourges 12.449 bs. 34. Nat. Zone Argenton 3.677 bs. 152. Nat. Chateauroux 14.955 bs.

B11-6025013 Ƃ


1. NATIONAL BOURGES 8.129 old birds

1. NATIONAL GUERET 3.415 old birds

3. Souppes 3. Chevrainvilliers 4. Gien 176. Nat. Chateauroux

1. Melun 2. Dourdan 2. Quievrain 4. Dourdan 8. Dourdan 18. Dourdan 30. Dourdan 97. Nat. Argenton 108. Nat. La Souterraine

816 772 323 20.442

bs. bs. bs. bs.

750 bs. 496 bs. 356 bs. 1.051 bs. 826 bs. 1.964 bs. 2.040 bs. 22.384 bs. 16.665 bs.


Roziers Family Jelle Roziers Molenlei 2 2222 Itegem Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)479 524 957 roziers.jelle@telenet.be

Chinese partner: Xiang Jixiang (Mr. Green) Tel.: (0086) 13316809999


B04 B04-6277729 6277729 Ƃ

1. Nat. La Souterraine ’04 04 (595 km) 19.200 bs.

Descendants “Queen L” 2006-2017 1. Nat. Bourges 1. Nat. Orleans (Derby Juniors NL) 1. Nat. Zone Bourges 1. Nat. Zone Bourges 1. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 1. Nat. Zone Gueret 1. S-Nat. Issoudun 1. fastest Marne la Vallée 1. fastest Blois 2. Nat. Bourges

59.243 bs. 56.613 bs. 13.049 bs. 12.400 bs. 4.949 bs. 2.290 bs. 5.815 bs. 13.016 bs. 6.355 bs. 28.078 bs.

Descendants “Queen L” 2013-2017 Nat. Acepigeons 1. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB long middle distance 2017 2. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB long middle distance 2016 4. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB long middle distance 2014 7. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB long middle distance 2016 11. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB long middle distance 2017 13. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB long middle distance 2016 14. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB long middle distance 2013 8. Nat. Acepigeon Pipa Ranking 2012 (3 Nat. Races) 10. Nat. Acepigeon Pipa Ranking 2012 (3 Nat. Races)

“New Queen L” “Seven Junior” “Oklahoma Jr.” “Tampa” “Helen” “Evita” “Oklahoma” “Alena” “Ace Fons”


B16-6060648 ƃ

2. Nat. Bourges ’16 (480 km) 28.078 bs. (beaten by 13 sec.)


B13-6053068 ƃ

2. Best young bird Belgium on 7 national races 2013


B17-6037540 ƃ

1. Nat. Bourges ’17 (480 km) 38.456 bs. 1. fastest vs. 59.243 bs.


B17-6037517 Ƃ

1. Nat. Acepigeon young birds KBDB 2017

Father of 4. Nat. Acepigeon young birds KBDB 2014


B13-6053078 ƃ

1. Best young bird Belgium on 7 national races 2013


B16-6060650 ƃ

2. Nat. Acepigeon young birds KBDB 2016

Father of “Seven Junior”, 2. Nat. Acepigeon young birds KBDB 2016

7 79

Scheele Brothers Ferlemanstraat 11 4535 JB Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel.: (0031) (0)115 620 069 jascheele@zeelandnet.nl www.gebrscheele.nl


NL02-0274336 ƃ

Father of “Magic Boy” (son “Superboy” x “Shakira” M. Vink) 1. Nat. Acepigeon long distance NPO 2011 Father of “Ace Girl” (daughter “Superboy” x “Daughter 666”) 2. Nat. Acepigeon long distance WHZB 2012 1. NPO Poitiers 2.183 bs. Grandfather ther of “Ablis Boy” y (son “Armand” mand” x Lieke”, daughter g “Superboy” x “Daughter 666”) 3. Nat. Acepigeon pg longg distance 2012 1. Prov. Ablis 7.889 bs. Grandfather ther of “Ace Boy” y (grandson g “Superboy” p x “Daughter 666”) 4. Nat. Acepigeon long distance NPO 2011 1. Prov. Sezanne 8.785 bs.

Also:: Father off “Blauwe Orleans” (son “Superboy” x “Daughter 666”) 1. NPO Orleans 5.000 bs. Father off “Kim” (daughter “Superboy” x “Daughter 666”) 1. Prov. Orleans 5.149 bs. Father off “Amy” (daughter “Superboy” x “Daughter 666”) 1. Prov. Peronne 6.792 bs. Grandfather ther of “Fast Boy” y (son “Boy Junior 700” x “Marijke” M. Vink) 1. NPO Argenton 4.009 bs. 1. Prov. Peronne 7.007 bs. Grandfather ther of “Mariah” (daughterr “Boy Junior 700” x “Shakira” M. Vink) 1. NPO La Souterraine 3.469 bs. Mother of “Joy”, 1. NPO Bourges 4.278 bs. Grandfather ther of “Akira” (daughter “771 van Lea” x “Aira”) 1. NPO Orleans 6.842 bs. Grandfather ther of “De 800” (son “Lichte Dirk” x “Super 02”) 1. Prov. Orleans 4.927 bs. Father off “Hero”, 1. Nat. S1 Chateauroux 16.847 bs. Grandfather ther of “Sonny Boy” (son “Sonny” x “Cher”) 1. NPO Limoges 1.698 bs.


One of the best breeders in modern pigeon sport !

NL07-1897806 ƃ


NL09-3951653 Ƃ


Son “Superboy” x “Shakira” Marijke Vink

Daughter “Superboy” x “Daughter 666”



2. NPO Tours 3. NPO Argenton 2. Breuil le Vert 4. Niergnies 9. Arras 10. Peronne 17. NPO Ruffec 18. Sens 19. NPO La Souterraine 38. NPO La Souterraine 52. NPO Blois

5.334 bs. 3.937 bs. 1.242 bs. 1.137 bs. 7.478 bs. 8.582 bs. 2.312 bs. 6.007 bs. 2.899 bs. 3.469 bs. 5.223 bs.

2.183 bs. 3.846 bs. 2.751 bs. 4.847 bs.

2011 2012 2012 2012

3. Prov. Acepigeon long distance 2012 2. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance youngsters 2009

NL08-3856813 ƃ


1. NPO Poitiers 2. NPO Chateauroux 2. NPO La Souterraine 10. NPO Bourges

NL07-3761969 ƃ


Grandson “Superboy” x “Daughter 666”

Grandson “Superboy” x “Daughter 666”



1. Prov. Acepigeon long distance 2012 1. Prov. Acepigeon (after old bird races) 2011 1. Gouden Crack long distance 2012 FZN

1. Prov. Acepigeon long distance 2011 1. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance 6/6 races 2009 1. Acepigeon middle distance Samenspel 2 2008

1. Ablis 1. Morlincourt 1. Bourges 7. NPO 3. Orleans 5. Peronne 5. Chateauroux 6. Breuil le Vert 17. NPO Chateauroux 20. NPO Chateauroux 26. Nat. S1 Argenton 31. Orleans 34. Peronne 36. NPO Argenton 40. NPO La Souterraine

1. Sezanne 7. Nat. S.1 Argenton 1. Peronne 3. Orleans 6. Pithiviers 6. Pommeroeul 8. Peronne 8. Peronne 23. NPO Ruffec 24. NPO Chateauroux 28. NPO La Souterraine 50. NPO Blois

7.889 bs. 1.307 bs. 874 bs. 4.847 bs. 5.149 bs. (after 2 loftmates) 1.297 bs. 846 bs. 1.242 bs. 3.238 bs. 3.846 bs. 23.597 bs. 3.490 bs. 7.007 bs. 3.372 bs. 3.469 bs.


NL11-3056877 ƃ

8.785 bs. 23.597 bs. 1.297 bs. 4.927 bs. (after 2 loftmates) 6.701 bs. 9.338 bs. 5.022 bs. 9.247 bs. 2.312 bs. 3.279 bs. 3.469 bs. 5.223 bs.


NL11-3056911 ƃ

Son “Fighter” Verkerk x “Janny” Hooymans

Great-grandson “Superboy” x “Daughter 666”



1. NPO Argenton 2. NPO Bourges 4. NPO La Souterraine 4. NPO Argenton 4. NPO Orleans 11. NPO Ruffec 30. NPO Vierzon 3. Prov. Peronne 4. Niergnies 45. Prov. Pithiviers

1. Nat. Chateauroux 16.847 bs. 1. Pithiviers 1.131 bs. 3. Prov. 6.340 bs. 8. NPO Chateauroux 2.227 bs. 21. Prov. Lorris 5.095 bs. 23. NPO Orleans 4.308 bs. 34. NPO La Souterraine 3.077 bs. 37. NPO Argenton 3.372 bs.

3.372 bs. 4.520 bs. (after loftmate) 3.077 bs. 2.984 bs. 4.308 bs. 2.084 bs. 3.028 bs. 7.007 bs. 2.064 bs. 6.340 bs.


Sioen Luc & Hilde Roeselaarsestraat 181 8890 Moorslede Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)51 77 70 43 luc.sioen@telenet.be

B14-3034076 Ƃ


3. Olympiad Pigeon long distance Poznan 2019 3. Best old bird Belgium long distance 2017 (4 races) 4. Best old bird Belgium long distance 2018 (4 races) 11. Nat. Acepigeon long distance KBDB 2018 14. Nat. Acepigeon long distance KBDB 2017 1. Nat. Zone Limoges ’18 27. Nat. 2. Nat. Zone Limoges ’17 33. Nat. 35. Nat. Brive ’18 44. Nat. Limoges ’15 48. Nat. Tulle ’18 85. Nat. Limoges ’17 164. Nat. Limoges ’16 127. Nat. Limoges ’18 183. Nat. Brive ’17 199. Nat. Tulle ’17 55. Prov. Tours ’16

1.410 bs. 15.789 bs. 3.017 bs. 14.922 bs. 9.278 bs. 6.372 bs. 4.169 bs. 9.149 bs. 13.493 bs. 7.274 bs. 9.106 bs. 7.447 bs. 4.939 bs.

Father: 187/13 Gaby Vandenabeele from “Jason” (son “Bliksem”) x daughter “Cees” (nestbrother “Harry” Jan Hooymans) Mother: 995/12 Georges Bolle (daughter “Zumba”, 3. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB x sister “Kolonel”)

B15-3058435 Ƃ

LEONNE 1. (fastest) Clermont ’18 16.. Nat. Gueret ’18 24.. Nat. Chateauroux ’16 40.. Nat. Bourges ’18 93.. Nat. Argenton ’16 21.. Prov. Clermont ’17 24.. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’17 4. Nat. Chateauroux ’17 244. 289. 9. Nat. Limoges ’17

6.144 bs. 5.331 bs. 29.591 bs. 20.284 bs. 12.449 bs. 12.117 bs. 1.663 bs. 20.036 bs. 9.149 bs.

Father: ather: 231/14 “Inteelt nteelt Froome”, Willem de Bruijn other: 824/11 Mother: Mother other “Anouk”



B16-3103852 Ƃ

7. Best old bird Belgium long middle distance 2018 (3 prizes) 2. Best Bourges-racer Belgium 2017-2018 (2 prizes) 5. Nat. Bourges ’18 8. Nat. Gueret ’18 4. (fastest) Clermont ’18 3. Prov. A. Fontenay ’17 32. Nat. Bourges ’17 34. Nat. Chateauroux ’18 53. Interprov. Chateauroux ’18 11. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’17

20.284 bs. 5.331 bs. 6.144 bs. 3.210 bs. 20.397 bs. 8.640 bs. 5.904 bs. 1.010 bs.

Father: 218/15 From “Inteelt Froome” x mother “Anouk” Mother: 203/15 From father “Anouk” x foundation hen “Gipsy”


B16-3103780 Ƃ

B16-3103792 Ƃ


5. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance old birds KBDB 2018 1. Best old bird Belgium long middle distance (7 prizes) 2018 1. Best old bird Belgium long middle distance (6 prizes) 2018 2. Best old bird Belgium long middle distance (5 prizes) 2018

8. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance old birds KBDB 2018 1. Best old bird Belgium long middle distance (3 prizes) 2018 4. Best old bird Belgium long middle distance (6 prizes) 2018 5. Best old bird Belgium long middle distance (5 prizes) 2018

1. Nat. Zone Argenton ’18 48. Nat. 2. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’18 59. Nat. 40. Nat. Chateauroux ’18 63. Nat. Gueret ’18 3. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’17 2. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’16 10. Nat. Zone Argenton ’17 16. Prov. Clermont ’17 45. Prov. Clermont ’17 63. Prov. Brionne ’16 83. (fastest) Clermont ’18

1. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’18 58. Nat. 1. Nat. Zone Argenton ’18 4. Nat. 21. Nat. Chateauroux ’18 61. Nat. Bourges ’17 15. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’17 5. Prov. Brionne ’16 10. Prov. Clermont ’17 28. Prov. Clermont ’17 30. (fastest) Clermont ’18 18. (fastest) Clermont ’18

430 bs. 5.782 bs. 1.856 bs. 18.799 bs. 8.640 bs. 5.331 bs. 1.010 bs. 880 bs. 1.195 bs. 9.439 bs. 12.117 bs. 6.428 bs. 13.358 bs.

Father: 337/15 “Nairo” 1. Nat. La Souterraine ’15 9.760 bs. + fastest 12.308 bs. Mother: 054/12 “Anouk” Foundation hen

Father: 026/14 Son basic pair “Titan” x “Gipsy” Mother: 350/15 “Aline” Daughter “Anouk”


1.856 bs. 18.799 bs. 804 bs. 11.823 bs. 8.640 bs. 20.397 bs. 1.010 bs. 6.428 bs. 7.364 bs. 9.824 bs. 13.358 bs. 6.144 bs.

B16-3103758 Ƃ


B16-3103741 Ƃ

9. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance old birds KBDB 2018 4. Best old bird Belgium long middle distance (5 prizes) 2018

2. Best yearling Belgium long middle distance 2017 (after 3 races) 18. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance old birds KBDB 2018

1. Nat. Zone Tulle ’17 37. Nat. 1. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’18 25. Nat. Bourges ’18 45. Interprov. Chateauroux ’18 52. Nat. Chateauroux ’18 82. Nat. Argenton ’18 92. Nat. Gueret ’18 4. Nat. Zone Argenton ’17 8. (fastest) Clermont ’18

1. Nat. Zone Chateauroux ’17 2. (fastest) Clermont ’18 25. Nat. Argenton ’18 44. Nat. Bourges ’18 68. Nat. Gueret ’18 73. Nat. Bourges ’17 76. Interprov. Chateauroux ’18 58. Prov. Clermont ’17

610 bs. 9.573 bs. 119 bs. 20.284 bs. 5.904 bs. 8.640 bs. 11.823 bs. 5.331 bs. 1.195 bs. 6.144 bs.

1.010 bs. 6.144 bs. 11.823 bs. 20.284 bs. 5.331 bs. 20.397 bs. 5.904 bs. 9.439 bs.

Sister “Willemina”, 1. Nat. Poitiers 14.109 bs. ’14 + fastest 26.486 bs.

Father: 484/11 Father “Nomi”, 1. Nat. Poitiers ’13 13.135 bs. Mother: 622/11 Mother “Alexia”, 2. Nat. La Souterraine and 9. Nat. Poitiers


Steenbergen Stefan Rummenweg 159 159-1 1 3540 Herk-de-Stad Belgium Mob.: (0032) (0)475 971 983 stefan@sspigeons.net www.sspigeons.net



B09-5043111 ƃ


Old strain in Steenbergen Father off 1. Orléans 3.720 bs. Father off 8 different 1. prize winners

LENA B16-2182420 Ƃ 1. Bourges 697 bs. 13. Prov. 2.705 bs. 43. Nat. Zone 7.858 bs. 57. Nat. 28.078 bs. 1. Argenton 316 bs. 46. Prov. 2.575 bs. 167. Nat. 22.712 bs. 1. Châteauroux 459 bs. 3. Prov. 2.943 bs. 23. Nat. Zone 6.297 bs. 229. Nat. 26.695 bs. 102 bs. 1. Bourges 7. Prov. 992 bs. 8.. C CFW 1.995 bs. 133. 13. 3. N Nat. Nat 5.831 bs. rov. ov. v. Châteauroux Chât C hâteauroux 2.454 bs. 68. Prov Prov.

DV2730-14-1225 Ƃ

Direct Franz-Werner Rever Revermann Veenstra Janssen Bros x Line Mr Blue Ve

Golden Pair EDEN B16-2182419 ƃ

MAXIE B17-5056873 Ƃ

1. Prov. Gien fastest 1. Soissons 2. Chimay 51. Prov. Bourges 65. Prov. Châteauroux 59. Prov. Bourges

1. Prov. Châteauroux 6. Nat. Zone 12. Nat. 2. Sourdun 5. Sourdun 7. Sourdun

1.811 bs. 4.817 bs. 397 bs. 307 bs. 2.705 bs. 2.943 bs. 5.416 bs.

589 bs. 1.748 bs. 4.641 bs. 1.888 bs. 1.053 bs. 667 bs.


1. Sourdun 1. Soissons

492 bs. 257 bs.

1. Momignies 3. Sourdun

212 bs. 671 bs. etc.




B16-2182438 Ƃ

B14-1115852 ƃ

B17-5055890 ƃ

1. Nat. Narbonne 3. Internat.

3.424 bs. 8.481 bs.

2. Nat. Narbonne 3. Internat.

4.258 bs. 10.421 bs.

1. Prov. Chevrainvilliers 5.627 bs.




B12-5023325 ƃ

B15-2206643 Ƃ

B14-2064737 Ƃ

1. Prov. Limoges 8. Prov. Limoges

538 bs. 1.723 bs.

Brother of “Iron Man”, 1. Nat. Zone Montauban 4. Prov. Brive 5. Prov. Brive

2.179 bs. 2.338 bs. 2.177 bs.

2. Prov. Châteauroux 2.630 bs. 52. Nat. 10.454 bs. 3. Prov. Bourges 2.966 bs. 6. Prov. Argenton 1.166 bs. 9. Prov. Chevrainvilliers 6.430 bs. 13. Prov. Châteauroux 1.425 bs. 14. Prov. Argenton 1.778 bs. 35. Nat. 13.730 bs. 16. Prov. Châteauroux 1.065 bs. 61. Nat. Châteauroux 10.442 bs. 22. Prov. Bourges 2.071 bs.

1. Prov. Acepigeon KBDB 1. Prov. Chateauroux 9. Nat. Argenton 9. Prov. Montlucon 39. Nat. Chateauroux 41. Nat. Bourges 54. Nat. Chateauroux

2.749 bs. 2.418 bs. 1.074 bs. 5.868 bs. 21.522 bs. 25.710 bs.


1. Nat. Argenton

4.093 bs. Kim

550 km


1. Nat. La Souterraine

4.331 bs. Linda

587 km


1. Nat. Bourges

21.522 bs. Zhao Quiang

470 km


2. Nat. Bourges

21.522 bs. Nunjo

470 km


1. Nat. / 3. Internat. Narbonne

3.424 bs. / 8.481 bs. Iron Narbonne

880 km


3. Nat. Châteauroux

20.517 bs. Blue Power

530 km


3. Nat. Guéret

16.262 bs. Hilly

586 km


4. Nat. La Souterraine

13.918 bs. Stefanie

587 km


6. Nat. Montauban


6. Nat. Châteauroux


6.654 bs. Iron Man

840 km

10.442 bs. Tommy

530 km

7. Nat. Guéret

2.636 bs. Raketje

586 km


8. Nat. Argenton

5.763 bs. Joske

550 km


9. Nat. Bourges

21.522 bs. Henrica

470 km

War Drum Middle Distance nce Clas Classic ssic Winning Bloodline... Sold as a late bred youngster ster in autumn n ip of Price P 2011 to the top partnership rport and a now w Brothers and Son of Stourport g loft... back in our own breeding ons di rect In just four breeding seasons direct our different diff fferent h ens children when paired to four hens st Federation... Fede eration.... win 28 x 1st Club....13 x 1st Classsic and Multiple very early prizes in Classic 0 miles! National racing from 100 to 350 Direct Children Win... *1st Frome 1.268 birds ds *1st Wincanton 1.369 birds ds *1st Portland 1.192 birds ds *1st Wincanton 1.462 birds ds *1st Portland 1.292 birds ds *1st Yeovil 1.219 birds ds *1st Wincanton 1.162 birds ds *1st Frome 3.700 birds ds *1st Frome 4.516 birds ds *1st Wincanton 1.087 birds ds *1st Portland 1.296 birds ds *1st Swainswick 1.192 birds ds *1st Frome 3.550 birds ds At Classic Level up to 350 miles just jusst one daughter ‘Steve’s Champion n Pied’ wins... *2nd Open M.C.C.C. Carentan an 1.203 1.20 03 birds *6th Open Teurlings Gold Ring Classic Cla assic Carentan 720 birds *11th Open M.N.F.C. Fourgeres 8.359 birds *12th Open M.C.C.C. Messac 593 birds All Results With No Duplications! Plus countless other top 10 prizes! NL96-9669302 ‘Rocket’ M.Van Gastel ~ Owned by GFL 1st Dutch National Ace Old Bird WHZB 1999

“War Drum” GB11L36203

Original Syndicate Lofts As for ‘War Drum’s origin it is Exceptional! One Grandfather is the World renowned ‘Rocket’ owned by G.F.L. And his other Grandfather is the legendry breeder ‘Drum’...

*1st Reims *1st Criel *1st Criel *1st Chantilly *2nd Etampes

NL89 8919918 ‘Bl NL89.8919918 ‘Blue J Janssen H Hen’ ’ Lamers/vd Linden Original Janssen Bloodline

NL02-1616136 ‘Drum’ Marijke Vink ~ Owned by Syndicate Lofts 1st Chantilly 700 birds The Direct children of ‘Drum’ wins:-

1.671 b 2.485 b 2.581 b 2.366 b 1.255 b

* 2nd Criel *2nd St.Ghislain *3rd St.Quentin *3rd St.Quentin *3rd St Quentin

2.633 b 2.535 b 2.414 b 2.590 b 3.072 b

GFL00-457 ‘Granger’ Ganus Family Loft Top Class Breeder for Syndicate Lofts at all levels

Base B breeding b di hen h off L Lamers / vd d Li Linden d A Golden breeding hen through the generations. One son bred 1st Provincial against 55.000 birds. *1st Cheltenham *1st Mangotsfield *1st Portland *1st Cheltenham *1st Strombeek *1st Orleans

GB06L27711 ‘Seven Eleven’ Syndicate Lofts Daughter Super Breeding Hen ‘Agent Starling’ Inbred ‘Kannibaal’ Van Dyck

4316 b *2nd Kempsey 3801 b *3rd Portland 3501 b *3rd Portland 1558 b *3rd Frome 1098 b *6th Frome 1244 b *6th Portland

1305 b 2467b 2055b 3312b 3300b 4157b

GB10L40803 ‘Daughter Drum 03’ Syndicate Lofts Direct daughter of the legendry ‘Drum’ Now a top breeding hen for Cock Crow Lofts, Ireland

Dam of ‘Crielman’ winner of: *1st National NPO Criel 7.415 birds G.Dam of: *3rd Nat.NPO Morlincourt 25.852 birds

Syndicate Lofts

Syndicate Lofts Limited, PO Box 81, Bangor, LL57 3ZP, United Kingdom 86


(+44) 01248 355 183

Foxy Lady

One of the best racing g hens of Europe in recent years!

Bred and raced by: by y: Price Brothers others ers and Son n

Now breeding breed ding at Syndicate S Lofts! Unraced ass a youngs youngster ster due to being hawked, she only had three hannel rac es in her short career... all in unfavourable winds and National channel races lassic 300 -400 mile distance winning... all at the classic 1st South West Section 897 birds bi d 2nd Open Midlands National Flying Club Countances 8,984 1st South West Section 745 birds 2nd Open Midlands National Flying Club Club Ancensis 5,612 birds Bloodline Original 1st South West Section 1,125 birds rd 3 Open Midlands National Flying Club Fourgeres 8,359 birds Syndicate Lofts

“Foxy Lady” GB 14A46975

GFL 00-457 Granger Ganus Family Lofts Direct son of ‘Rocket’ 1st Dutch National Ace WHZB 1999

*1st Creil *1st Creil *1st Chantilly *1st Reims *2nd St.Ghislain

2581b 2485b 2366b 1671b 2535b

*2nd Creil *2nd Etampes *3rd St.Quentin *3rd St.Quentin *3rd St.Quentin

2633b 1255b 3072b 2590b 2414b

GFL 06-1024 Mary Kate Ganus Family Loft Base Breeding Hen

Daughter of Casanova 1st Dutch National Ace Midfond WHZB 2005 coupled with a direct daughter of Topo 1st Dutch National Ace Midfond WHZB 1995

GB10L40748 Bandit Syndicate Lofts

Direct son of Outlaw super breeder coupled with Rowen a direct daughter of The Young Couple

GB10L40617 Moonglow Syndicate Lofts

Direct daughter of Drum coupled with Joy a daughter of Kannibaal 1st Belgian National Ace KBDB Midfond 1996

GB13V28558 Apollo 8 Syndicate Lofts

GB13A10639 Moonshine Syndicate Lofts

Syndicate Lofts

Syndicate Lofts Limited, PO Box 81, Bangor, LL57 3ZP, United Kingdom info@syndicatelofts.com

(+44) 01248 355 183


Davy Tournelle Racing Pigeons Grote Baan 12 3454 Rummen Belgium Mob.: (0032) (0) 475 564 284 davy.tournelle@skynet.be


B10-2167360 Ƃ

Super breeding daughter of top breeder “Tiesto” and (grand)mother of: 1. Interprov. Argenton 1. S-Nat. Limoges 1. Chimay 1. Chimay 2. Sourdun 4. Nat. Argenton 4. Sourdun 5. Nat. Limoges 6. Soissons 7. Prov. Blois 9. Soissons 38. Nat. Bourges 42. Nat. Bourges 47. Nat. Chateauroux 58. Prov. Blois 95. Nat. Bourges 112. Nat. Bourges 115. Nat. La Souterraine 158. Nat. Chateauroux

4.614 bs. 3.599 bs. 885 bs. 292 bs. 766 bs. 22.319 bs. 488 bs. 14.872 bs. 639 bs. 1.482 bs. 1.194 bs. 21.522 bs. 21.522 bs. 25.710 bs. 3.122 bs. 5.831 bs. 10.173 bs. 9.580 bs. 10.454 bs.


B16-2114261 Ƃ

Original Davy Tournelle 1. Prov. Argenton 1. Interprov. Argenton 4. Nat. Argenton 58. Prov. Blois 186. Prov. Vierzon 7. Prov. Blois 95. Nat. Bourges Daughter “Tiesto’s White”


3.254 bs. 4.614 bs. 22.319 bs. 3.122 bs. 1.942 bs. 1.482 bs. 5.831 bs.

B14-2188863 Ƃ

TESS Original Davy Tournelle

Original Davy Tournelle

1. Nat. Acepigeon Pipa Ranking Best Bourges bird 2015-2016 3. Nat. Acepigeon Pipa Ranking national races – 6 prizes 2015

1. Prov. Blois 1. Prov. Blois 1. Club Soissons 1. Club Vervins 3. Club Vervins 4. Club Chimay 4. Interprov. Chateauroux 30. 0. Nat. Chateauroux

13. Nat. Bourges II ’16 45. Nat. Bourges II ’15 84. Nat. Chateauroux ’15 141. Nat. Argenton ’16 150.. Nat. Bourges I ’16 16 232.. Nat. Chateauroux 235.. Nat. Montlucon 255.. Nat. Bourges I ’15

7.479 bs. 14.496 bs. 5.868 bs. 3.110 bs. 19.736 bs. 18.658 bs. 16.982 bs. 21.522 bs.

Great-grandchild eat-grandchild basic breeder “Tiesto”

B15-2039276 Ƃ


Grandchild randchild “Torres” Torres

B15-2039101 Ƃ

TIESTO’S WITJE Original Davy Tournelle

15. Nat. Acepigeon 4 National races Pipa Ranking 2016

1. S-Nat. Limoges 5. Nat. Limoges 112. Nat. Bourges 115. Nat. La Souterraine 158. Nat. Chateauroux

2.362 bs. 10.454 bs. 10.179 bs. 8.348 bs. 4.582 bs. 10.753 bs. 6.001 bs. 6.573 bs.

4.227 bs. 1.536 bs. 609 bs. 312 bs. 1.042 bs. 885 bs. 2.362 bs. 10.454 bs.

After fter 1 year on the breeding loft already mother other of 3 excellent young birds 2018!

Original Davy Tournelle

1. S-Nat. Chateauroux 8. Nat. Chateauroux 30. Nat. Bourges 35. Nat. Bourges 40. 0. Nat. Argenton 64. 4. Nat. Montlucon 156. 56. Nat. Bourges 156. 56. Nat. Chateauroux

B15-2039051 Ƃ


3.599 bs. 14.872 bs. 10.173 bs. 9.580 bs. 10.454 bs.

Granddaughter “Tiesto’s White”

Full sister of “Mila”, 1.. Nat. Chateauroux 3.933 bs.


Van Dyck Danny Kloosterstraat 11 2243 Pulle Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)34 64 20 34 Mob.: (0032) (0)494 204 240 danny.van.dyck-coulier@telenet.be

1. Prov. Champion long middle distance old & yearlings KBDB 2017 1. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB 2013 1. Prov. Champion middle distance young birds KBDB 2009 3. Prov. Champion long middle distance young birds KBDB 2014 4-5-7-8. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB 2009 5. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB 2011 7. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB 2013 1. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB 2013 1. Nat. Champion middle distance young birds KBDB 2011 2. Nat. Champion middle distance young birds KBDB 2008 3. Nat. Champion middle distance young birds KBDB 2009 4. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance yearlings KBDB 2016 7. Nat. Champion middle distance young birds KBDB 2015 7. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance yearlings KBDB 2017 8. Nat. Champion middle distance old + yearlings KBDB 2015


B08-6298348 ƃ

Father of a.o. “Kanon” and “Den 11”


B09-6323112 ƃ

1. BELGIAN ACEPIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE EUROPACUP 2009 4. NAT. AT. ACEPIGEON YOUNG BIRDS MIDDLE IDDLE DISTANCE KBDB 2009 1. Dourdan urdan urdan 1. Dourdan 1. Marne rne 6. Dourdan urdan


1.245 bs. (9 min. ahead) 1.938 bs. (2,5 min. ahead) 3.040 bs. 1.962 bs.

B09-6323111 ƃ

DEN 11

5. NAT. ACEPIGEON YOUNG BIRDS MIDDLE DISTANCE KBDB 2009 1. Dourdan 3. Dourdan 7. Dourdan

1.962 bs. 1.747 bs. 1.478 bs.



1. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB 2013 1. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance young birds KBDB 2013 1. Dourdan fastest Prov. 1. Noyon 4. Dourdan 16. Dourdan 26. Prov. Orleans 31. Quievrain

1.487 bs. (5 min. ahead) 5.591 bs. 1.449 bs. (2 min. ahead) 2.433 bs. 2.374 bs. 4.262 bs. 2.443 bs.

Daughter “Kanon”

Mother of: 18-302, 1. Acepigeon young birds KFC (national races)

Mother of: * 15-140 “Blauwe As” * 16-291, 14. Nat. Argenton 22.645 bs. * 13-695 super breeder Eddy Janssens (father of 1. Noyon 1.092 bs., 19-48-50. National) Grandmother of: * 17-736, 1. Bourges 804 bs. / 25. Nat. Bourges g 38.357 bs. * “National Wonder” (Vermeerbergen-Wilms), rmeerbergen-Wilms), 5. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance KBDB 2014 and best young bird Belgium on 5 and 6 national races * 15-034 (Vermeerbergen-Wilms), n-Wilms), 2. Nat. Chateauroux 10.442 .442 bs. * 18-367 “Achiel” (Kris Cleirbaut), 1. Nat. Chateauroux 12.855 .855 bs. and 4. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance KBDB 2018 * 18-366 “Superwoman” (Kris Cleirbaut), 1. Melun 1.572 bs., 18. Nat. Argenton 16.496 96 bs. and 19. Nat. Chateauroux ux 12.855 bs.

Super breeding hen

B13-6215784 Ƃ


1. Acepigeon old birds Union Antwerp (east) 2016 1. Acepigeon old birds Union Antwerp (east) 2015 1. Gueret 100. Nat. 2. Souppes 5. Melun 8. Chateauroux 12. Souppes 12. Souppes 18. Souppes 18. Souppes 23. Orleans 27. Souppes


277 bs. 9.815 bs. 1.478 bs. 1.706 bs. 453 bs. 1.252 bs. 1.167 bs. 3.403 bs. 3.223 bs. 1.474 bs. 3.350 bs.


B15-6063140 ƃ

1. Acepigeon old birds ds Union Antwerp (east) 2017 1. Acepigeon young birds irds Union Antwerp (east) 2015 1. Souppes 1. Melun 2. 4. Chevrain 6. Prov. Gien 9. Noyon 11. Noyon 14. Melun 16. Melun

Won 36/38 (25x 1:10) in 2014-2015-2016

815 5 bs. 0 bs. 490 1.6588 bs. 8633 bs. 1.4666 bs. 2.6200 bs. 1.7822 bs. 1.7799 bs. 1.4866 bs.

Son “Kanon” Granddaughter “Den 11”


B16-6128313 Ƃ

7. Nat. Acepigeon middle dle distance KBDB 2017 1. Melun 4. Melun 8. Gien 9. Chevrain 9. Chevrain 10. Chevrain 11. Chevrain 12. Chevrain 17. Chevrain 19. Melun

703 bs. 1.684 bs. 919 bs. 2.046 bs. 1.681 bs. 942 bs. 3.934 bs. 3.466 bs. 1.649 bs. 1.312 bs.

3. Melun 5. Pont St. Max 10. Melun 11. Melun 13. Souppes 16. Souppes 20. Souppes

490 bs. 2.695 bs. 714 bs. 1.327 bs. 384 bs. 658 bs. 3.223 bs.

Grandson “Den 11”

Daughter “Sister Kogeltje”

Kris Cleirbaut * 18-367 “Achiel” 1. Nat. Chateauroux 12.855 bs. 31. Nat. Chateauroux 17.281 bs. 72. Nat. Argenton 16.496 bs. 4. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance KBDB 2018

B15-6063167 ƃ

4. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance KBDB 2016

Prizes won in 2017 and 2018.



* 18-366 “Alicia” 1. Melun 1.572 bs. 18. Nat. Argenton 16.496 bs. 19. Nat. Chateauroux 12.855 bs. Both 100% Danny Van Dyck Father: Son “Den 11” x “Zus Minerva” Mother: Lines “Broer Kanon”, “Moeder Kogeltje” and “Zoon Di Caprio”

Father of 18-302, 1. Acepigeon young birds KFC (national races)

1. King Union Antwerp 2016 1. King Union Antwerp 2017 2. King Union Antwerp 2018


Van Dyck Dirk Driehoekstraat 76 B 2240 Zandhoven Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)3 48 45 816 dirkvandyck59@hotmail.com


B08-6338005 ƃ

3. BELGIAN OLYMPIAD PIGEON SPEED NITRA 2013 1. Dourdan 3. Etampes 3. Dourdan 4. Quievrain 4. Dourdan 4. Dourdan 5. Melun 6. Orleans 7. Quievrain 8. Melun 8. Quievrain 10. Quievrain 11. Noyon 13. Dourdan

793 bs. 1.717 bs. 808 bs. 490 bs. 1.258 bs. 385 bs. 629 bs. 918 bs. 1.088 bs. 1.693 bs. 475 bs. 463 bs. 1.193 bs. 2.231 bs.

Winner of 53 prizes – 31x 1:10 – 11x 1:100 Father: 05-015 “Di Caprio” Topracer Heremans-Ceusters Topbreeder Dirk Van Dyck Also grandfather of “Natalia” (1. Nat. Bourges 10.141 bs. 2014) and “Kyana” (Olympiad pigeon middle distance Budapest 2015 at Gerard Koopman) Mother: 06-110 “Inteelt Bourges” Daughter of “Grandson Bourges” x “Granddaughter Bourges”

B13-6122092 Ƃ


1. NAT. ACEPIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE OLD BIRDS KBDB 2015 1. Souppes 1. Souppes 1. Sourdun 2. Souppes 5. Souppes 5. Melun 9. Souppes 9. Souppes 18. Prov. Gien

1.210 bs. 842 bs. 770 bs. 1.916 bs. 1.879 bs. 1.250 bs. 744 bs. 1.101 bs. 2.231 bs.

Father: 10-379 Son of “Son Kannibaal” x “Granddaughter Jan” (Leo Heremans) Mother: 08-059 Paul Huls x Dirk Van Dyck x Eddy Janssens x Willy Joris-Andriessen


B13-6122204 Ƃ

NATALIA 1. Nat. Bourges ’14

10.141 bs.

1. Nat. Zone 1. Prov.

2.244 bs. 1.318 bs.

Father: 10-205 Son of “Di Caprio” x “Daughter Kannibaal” Mother: 10-111 L-B-J Geerinckx, sister to “Fast Boy” (father “Acy”)


B11-6240027 ƃ

1. Prov. Montlucon ’12 (562 km) 1. Prov. Salbris ’12 (462 km) fastest of all Antwerp vs.

1.322 bs. (1707 m/m) 1.100 bs. (1235 m/m) 2.687 bs. (10 m/m ahead)

Father: 08-800 Son of “Ivo” (son “Kannibaal”) x “Granddaughter Kannibaal” Mother: 05-989 Daughter of “Inbreed Kannibaal” x “Granddaughter Kannibaal”

B13-6122233 ƃ

KLEINE JAN 3. Nat. Gueret ’14 1. Nat. Zone 1. Prov.

9.815 bs. 2.247 bs. 1.562 bs.

Father: 06-256 Son of “Kannibaal” x “Halfsister Rambo” Mother: 11-575 Jan Hooymans, daughter of “Sister Harry”


B14-6091403 ƃ



B14-6241188 Ƃ

3. NAT. ACEPIGEON MIDDLE DISTANCE YEARLINGS KBDB 2015 1. Melun 1.706 bs. fastest Prov. app. 13.000 bs. 1. Souppes 1.916 bs. 1. Souppes 622 bs. 5. Souppes 2.216 bs. 10. Souppes 1.879 bs. 12. Souppes 3.403 bs.

1. Noyon 1. Noyon 2. Noyon 2. Noyon 2. Noyon 3. Noyon 3. Noyon 4. Quievrain 4. Noyon 5. Noyon 13. Noyon

302 bs. 262 bs. 398 bs. 368 bs. 256 bs. 1.863 bs. 1.472 bs. 834 bs. 674 bs. 1.221 bs. 1.764 bs.

Bred & raced by Staf Boeckmans

Father: 11-752 Emiel Dillen Mother: 12-236 Leon Jacobs, daughter 1. Prov. Gueret 1.661 bs.


Results Top 10 National 2017 – 2018 1 1 3 5 6 8 9 9 10

4x 1 st National 28x Top 10 National BE09-6107016

National La Souterraine Fastest of 20,124b ! 5 National Bourges 10 National La Souterraine

10,554 b 4,641b 18,799b 4,275 b 2,858b 3,950 b 2,858b 1,712b 5,134b

One of the best pigeons in history!



Limoges Chateauroux III Chateauroux I Narbonne Chateauroux III Libourne Chateauroux III Chateauroux Jarnac



24,676b 4,778b

510km 620km

1 Ace bird Confidential Cup FCD Budapest 2012 2 European Ace bird Cat. C 2011 4 Olympiad bird Belgium Cat. C Nitra 2012



Zwarte Diamant

Super Kleintje

Original L,B,J Geerinckx

Original Jef De Houwer



F-Rainbow BE17-6057014

1 Provincial Le Mans 2018 5 Provincial Argenton - 12 National Argenton 2018




6 National Chateauroux III 2018 7 Provincial Blois 2017 14 Chevrainvillers 2017 34 National Argenton 2018 122 National Chateauroux I 2018

2017 2018 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2017

½ Brother ‘F16

Gaston Jr BE08-6031121

Results ‘Gaston Jr’ 1 Provincial Salbris 14 Provincial Argenton 17 Provincial Chateauroux 25 Provincial La Souterraine




Super Kleintje

Original Gaston Van De Wouwer

Jef De Houwer


Lady Gaston Jr BE17-6057266

1 National Chateauroux III 2018 Fastest against 24,780b 2 Local Bourges 2018 6 Local Melun 2017 8 Local Blois 2017 19 National Z Argenton 2018

Sunny Chateauroux


Baby Gaston Jr



12 Best Pigeon Middle Distance PIPA Ranking over 3 races 2018

3 National Chateauroux I 2018 21 National Z Tulle 2017 36 Provincial Vierzon 2017 6 6 7 9

National Z Argenton 2018 Provincial Jarnac 2017 National Z Chateauroux II 2018 National Chateauroux III 2018

Bart & Nance Van Oeckel 2360 Oud-Turnhout GSM: +32 496 60 98 97 bart.van.oeckel@skynet.be www.diamondloft.be


Van Oystaeyen-Pickeur Lispersteenweg 110 2530 Boechout Belgium Mob.: (0032) (0)475 984 620 h.vanoystaeyen@gmail.com


B16-6024158 Ƃ

7. Best Belgian old birds 7 national races 2018 11. Best Belgian old birds 5 national races 2018 5. Prov. Chateauroux 133. Nat. 28. Nat. Argenton 71. Nat. Zone Chateauroux 273. Nat. 46. Nat. Chateauroux 14. Prov. Gueret 286. Nat. 463. Nat. Argenton 126. Bourges

1.067 bs. 8.640 bs. 5.782 bs. 5.075 bs. 18.799 bs. 8.640 bs. 529 bs. 5.331 bs. 22.712 bs. 1.561 bs.

B12-6064372 “Fabian” 2. Nat. Montlucon 11.056 bs. 19. Nat. Bourges 11.883 bs. 29. Nat. Bourges 22.663 bs. 38. Nat. Poitiers 12.379 bs. 38. Nat. Tulle 5.976 bs. Brother “Kelly”, 1. Angerville 2.689 bs. Son “Rebel” x “Krista” (daughter “Ichibaen” 1. Prov. Bourges x 06-094 Geerinckx) B14-6076153 “Sister Nadal” “Nadal” won 1. Prov. Poitiers 1.575 bs. 9. Nat. 12.379 bs. 1. Prov. Tulle 608 bs. 8. Nat. 5.976 bs. Son “Jelle” (Deno-Herbots from “Jonge Neptunus” x “Dochter Lord”) x “Moeder Nadal” (from “Father Ichibaen” x 98-326 Van HoveUytterhoeven) B12-6064399 “Brother Fabian” Grandfather of “Zoë” Brother “Fabian” and “Kelly” Son “Rebel” x “Krista” (daughter “Ichibaen” 1. Prov. Bourges x 06-094 Geerinckx) B13-6179901 “Granddaughter Ad” Marcel Wouters Grandmother of “Zoë” Daughter to “Son Ad” (1. Nat. Ace and 1. Olympiad pigeon middle distance) x “Granddaughter Extreem”


B15-6283371 “Son Fabian”

B15-6239924 “Sister Erik” “Erik” is father of “Zoë”

B17-6100108 Ƃ


3. Belgian Olympiad Pigeon Allround Poznan 2019 6. Nat. Acepigeon long middle distance KBDB 2018 1. Best Belgian Chateauroux pigeon 2017-2018 (3+4 prizes) 9. Nat. Chateauroux 16. Nat. Chateauroux 48. Nat. Argenton 154. Nat. Chateauroux 4. Prov. Chateauroux 103. Nat. 1. Noyon 3. Noyon 5. Quievrain 8. Ecouen 10. Chevrainvilliers 42. Melun

4.641 bs. 18.499 bs. 8.818 bs. 27.081 bs. 2.394 bs. 13.098 bs. 662 bs. 324 bs. 725 bs. 1.393 bs. 1.351 bs. 4.812 bs.

B12-6064399 “Brother Fabian” “Fabian” won 2. Nat. Montlucon 11.056 bs. 19. Nat. Bourges 11.883 bs. 29. Nat. Bourges 22.663 bs. 38. Nat. Poitiers 12.379 bs. 38. Nat. Tulle 5.976 bs. Son “Rebel” x “Krista” (daughter “Ichibaen” 1. Prov. Bourges x 06-094 Geerinckx)

B15-6239859 “Eric” 21. Prov. Bourges 2.710 bs. 49. Prov. Chateauroux 1.206 bs. 65. Prov. Vierzon 2.363 bs.

B13-6179901 “Granddaughter Ad” Marcel Wouters Daughter to “Son Ad” (1. Nat. Ace and 1. Olympiad pigeon middle distance) x “Granddaughter Extreem” B11-6043363 “Jos” J-L-N Houben Son “Paolo” x “Astina” B16-6024014 “Bianca”

B11-6043382 “Nadia” Daughter “Bono” (from “Ichibaen” x 06-864 Houben) x “Daughter Poncho” (Houben)

NATIONAL TOP 2007-2018 2. Nat. Montlucon 4. Nat. Argenton 5. Nat. Montlucon 6. Nat. Argenton 6. Nat. Chateauroux 8. Nat. Tulle 9. Nat. La Souterraine 9. Nat. Poitiers 9. Nat. Bourges 9. Nat. Chateauroux 11. Nat. Chateauroux 11. Nat. Tulle 12. Nat. Argenton 12. Nat. Bourges 16. Nat. Bourges 16. Nat. Irun 16. Nat. Chateauroux 17. Nat. Tulle 17. Nat. Tulle 17. Nat. Argenton 19. Nat. Bourges 20. Nat. Argenton 20. Nat. Chateauroux 22. Nat. Argenton

11.056 bs. 6.177 bs. 22.672 bs. 5.001 bs. 18.604 bs. 5.976 bs. 18.588 bs. 12.379 bs. 16.023 bs. 4.641 bs. 9.540 bs. 7.447 bs. 12.449 bs. 8.348 bs. 16.023 bs. 8.967 bs. 18.449 bs. 6.229 bs. 8.621 bs. 4.582 bs. 11.883 bs. 3.110 bs. 18.799 bs. 4.091 bs.

23. Nat. La Souterraine 23. S-Nat. Vierzon 25. Nat. Montlucon 27. Nat. Bourges 27. Nat. Argenton 28. Nat. Chateauroux 28. Nat. Argenton 29. Nat. Bourges 30. Nat. Bourges 32. Nat. Tulle 32. Nat. Montlucon 33. Nat. Argenton 38. Nat. Poitiers 38. Nat. Tulle 42. Nat. La Chatre 42. Nat. Montlucon 46. Nat. Gueret 46. Nat. Chateauroux 47. Nat. Tulle 48. Nat. Argenton 49. Nat. Chateauroux 49. Nat. Limoges 51. Nat. Argenton 51. Nat. Chateauroux

4.659 bs. 10.616 bs. 11.056 bs. 20.544 bs. 11.009 bs. 17.109 bs. 5.782 bs. 22.663 bs. 20.544 bs. 6.229 bs. 10.753 bs. 19.782 bs. 12.379 bs. 5.976 bs. 15.780 bs. 10.753 bs. 15.007 bs. 2.858 bs. 5.976 bs. 8.818 bs. 6.005 bs. 16.012 bs. 25.583 bs. 4.641 bs.

53. Nat. Montlucon 57. Nat. Argenton 59. Nat. Montlucon 62. Internat. Narbonne 66. Nat. Argenton 67. Nat. Argenton 67. Nat. Chateauroux 70. Nat. La Chatre 74. Nat. Bourges 74. Nat. Limoges 75. Nat. Bourges 75. Nat. Chateauroux 79. Nat. Gueret 79. Nat. Argenton 83. Nat. Argenton 85. Nat. Tulle 86. Nat. La Souterraine 87. Nat. Argenton 88. Nat. Bourges 90. Nat. Montlucon 91. Nat. St. Vincent 93. Nat. Montlucon 93. Nat. Chateauroux 100. Nat. Poitiers

22.672 bs. 5.208 bs. 10.753 bs. 11.000 bs. 13.629 bs. 25.583 bs. 27.081 bs. 15.780 bs. 20.544 bs. 15.507 bs. 9.893 bs. 14.955 bs. 15.007 bs. 7.353 bs. 19.859 bs. 6.101 bs. 9.580 bs. 5.208 bs. 15.859 bs. 22.672 bs. 8.393 bs. 9.462 bs. 2.780 bs. 13.135 bs.


Van Roy Koen Snassersweg 8 1730 Asse Belgium Tel. : (0032) (0)2 452 63 66 info@koenvanroy.be www.koenvanroy.be

B13-2068089 Ƃ


OLYMPIAD PIGEON BRUSSELS 2017 1. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance KBDB 2015 6. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance KBDB 2015 1. Souppes-sur-Loing 1. Souppes-sur-Loing 1. Souppes-sur-Loing 1. Noyon 1. Souppes-sur-Loing

2.732 bs. 1.572 bs. 1.181 bs. 972 bs. 930 bs.

“Linda” is mother of 442-17, 1. Chevrainvilliers 2.975 bs.

st RIZE 27x 1 P

Results lts 2018 05/05/18 05/05/18 12/05/18 12/05/18 19/05/18 19/05/18 19/05/18 20/05/18 20/05/18 26/05/18 26/05/18 27/05/18 23/06/18 23/06/18 07/07/18 15/07/18 15/07/18 18/08/18 18/08/18 25/08/18 01/09/18 01/09/18 98

Chevrainvilliers Chevrainvilliers Chevrainvilliers Chevrainvilliers Vierzon Chevrainvilliers Chevrainvilliers Noyon Noyon Chevrainvilliers Chevrainvilliers Noyon Argenton Chevrainvilliers Chateauroux Chevrainvilliers Chevrainvilliers Orleans Chevrainvilliers Issoudun Argenton Chevrainvilliers

(320 km) (320 km) (320 km) (320 km) (411 km) (320 km) (320 km) (172 km) (172 km) (320 km) (320 km) (172 km) (520 km) (320 km) (492 km) (320 km) (320 km) (371 km) (320 km) (470 km) (520 km) (320 km)

130 177 165 276 151 116 180 1.007 974 106 1.304 227 96 189 136 261 527 1.096 145 2.570 644 153

old birds: yearlings: old birds: yearlings: yearlings: old birds: yearlings: old birds: yearlings: old birds: old birds: old birds: yearlings: yearlings: yearlings: young birds: old birds: young birds: young birds: young birds: young birds: young birds:

1-2-3-4-5-7-10-13-16-17-18-19 1-2-3-4-5-7-8-10-11-12-16-19 1-2-10-11-12-17-18-19-24-25-25-27 1-2-5-6-12-15-19-20-21-23-25-27 1-2-4-5-6-9-10-13-16-19-20-23 1-2-3-8-9-10-11-15-16-22-25-26 1-2-10-11-14-15-36-55-58 11-16-18-49-50-61-73-105 7-11-35-48-68-75-106 1-2-3-5-6-7-8-10-11-14-18-21 1-3-23-89-129-131-140-168-169-188-237-252 1-2-21-26-28-30-39-47-48-59-60-61 1-3-4-6-7-8-9-11-22-26 1-14-33-34-40-44-64-76 2-7-9-10-12-15-17-31-34-39 3-4-7-11-12-20-26-30-33-50-51-52 7-21-61-63-66-84-86-88-91-149 3-21-22-45-72-74-81-92-99-132-170-194 1-4-12-15-16-21-24-29-30-32-34-42 2-10-12-13-19-20-28-36-39-128-143-146 2-4-8-11-13-23-36-50-53-57-60-61 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-11-12-18-24-30

(16/21, 38% 1/10) (24/27, 41% 1/10) (20/28, 18% 1/10) (22/27, 44% 1/10) (14/17, 47% 1/10) (18/22, 32% 1/10) (9/10, 60% 1/10) (8/9, 78% 1/10) (7/7, 86% 1/10) (16/22, 36% 1/10) (15/22, 23% 1/10) (12/13, 23% 1/10) (10/14, 50% 1/10) (8/9, 22% 1/10) (10/12, 42% 1/10) (18/41, 17% 1/10) (10/15, 13% 1/10) (26/32, 28% 1/10) (18/31, 10% 1/10) (16/38, 39% 1/10) (24/33, 36% 1/10) (18/24, 38% 1/10)

1. GENERAL CHAMPION KBDB PROVINCE BRABANT 2017 (+3000 MEMBERS) 2015: 52 x 1. prize | 2016: 32 x 1. prize | 2017: 36 x 1. prize | 2018: 37 x 1. prize Olympiad pigeon Brussels with “Linda” 1. Prov. Acepigeon allrround young birds KBDB ’18 1. Prov. Champion long middle distance young birds KBDB ‘18 1. Prov. Champion middle distance old birds KBDB ’15 1-2. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance old birds KBDB ’15

2. Prov. Champion middle distance yearlings KBDB ’15 2. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance old birds KBDB ’17 3. Prov. Champion middle distance youngsters KBDB ‘18 3. Prov. Acepigeon allround ’17 4. Nat. Champion middle distance old birds & yearlings ’15 6-7. Nat. Acepigeon old birds KBDB ’15

SON B11-2051010 ƃ OLYMPIADE 003 Father of: 119/14, 11x 1. Reserve Olympiad pigeon Brussels 2017 002/13, 4x 1. 504/16, 2x 1. 505/16, 2x 1. 489/17, 1x 1.

Super Breeder

B16-4230453 ƃ

SON KITTEL S Son “Kittel” (Dirk Van Den Bulck) S


NL10-1864822 ƃ

Direct Jan Hooymans “Harry” x “Laatje 56”


NL14-1209902 Ƃ

Direct Jan Hooymans “Harry” x “Beauty Davinci”


Van Wanrooij Combination Elst 9 5386 KB Geffen The Netherlands Tel.: (0031) (0)73 532 1787 comb.van.wanrooij@gmail.com

NL15-3542007 ƃ


3. Prov. Acepigeon long distance Afd. 3 Oost-Brabant 3. S-Nat. Acepigeon long distance FZN 2016-2018 3. NPO Montlucon 1. 4. NPO Argenton 5. NPO Limoges 11. NPO La Souterraine 36. NPO La Souterraine 2. Laon 9. Sezanne 23. Quievrain

2.731 bs. 385 bs. 3.680 bs. 2.412 bs. 2.861 bs. 2.468 bs. 2.510 bs. 935 bs. 2.300 bs.

TINA NL11-3047702 Ƃ 1. Prov. Sezanne 3. Reims 3. Sens 10. Ephey 12. Laon 12. Sens

Mother of a.o.: 1. Quievrain 1. Vervins 1. Morlincourt 1. Vervins 1. Laon 1. Gien 5. NPO

14.951 bs. 1.540 bs. 1.016 bs. 2.479 bs. 1.857 bs. 1.279 bs.

3.045 bs. 2.528 bs. 1.978 bs. 1.791 bs. 1.132 bs. 479 bs. 2.637 bs.

2. Nanteuil 8. Prov. 2. Chimay 2. Chevrainvilliers 3. Chimay 4. Laon 7. Quievrain 8. Asse-Zellik

2.382 bs. 8.069 bs. 2.035 bs. 826 bs. 2.081 bs. 1.449 bs. 2.300 bs. 2.264 bs.

NATIONAL GLORY 1. Nat. Chateauroux 1. Nat. Orleans 1. Nat. Orleans 2. Nat. Chateauroux 2. Nat. Gien 2. Nat. Orleans 3. Nat. Gien 3. Nat. Chateauroux 3. Nat. Chateauroux

11.243 bs. 15.684 bs. 10.853 bs. 37.216 bs. 17.698 bs. 15.684 bs. 17.698 bs. 11.922 bs. 11.243 bs.

1. Prov. Sezanne 1. Prov. Creil 1. NPO Bourges 1. NPO Chateauroux 1. NPO Orleans 1. Prov. Epernay 1. NPO La Souterraine 1. NPO Gien 1. NPO Chateauroux 1. NPO Argenton 1. NPO Chateauroux 1. NPO Orleans 1. NPO Orleans 1. NPO Limoges 1. NPO Gien 1. NPO La Souterraine 1. NPO Gien

14.951 bs. 12.490 bs. 9.602 bs. 7.360 bs. 6.589 bs. 5.889 bs. 4.239 bs. 4.224 bs. 3.867 bs. 3.817 bs. 3.115 bs. 3.052 bs. 2.842 bs. 2.549 bs. 2.485 bs. 2.468 bs. 1.959 bs.

NL12-3241499 Ƃ


1. Acepigeon long distance CC Oss 1. Nat. S1 Chateauroux 2. Nat. 15. NPO Montlucon 22. NPO La Souterraine 39. NPO Argenton 40. NPO Montlucon 40. NPO Gien 46. NPO Chateauroux 50. NPO La Souterraine 54. NPO La Souterraine

11.047 bs. 37.216 bs. 5.143 bs. 2.861 bs. 4.419 bs. 6.908 bs. 4.152 bs. 3.867 bs. 5.281 bs. 3.086 bs.


NL17-3736911 ƃ

1. Prov. Acepigeon long distance Afd. 3 Oost-Brabant 2018 1. S-Nat. Acepigeon long distance FZN 2018 1. Acepigeon long distance Kring Oss 2018 6. Nat. Acepigeon long distance NPO 2018 1. NPO La Souterraine 1. Nat. S1B 3. NPO Chateauroux 13. Nat. 8. NPO Argenton 55. NPO Montlucon 3. Morlincourt

2.468 bs. 3.667 bs. 1.984 bs. 8.235 bs. 3.584 bs. 2.731 bs. 1.978 bs.

Mother of “Fellaini”

NL11-3047971 ƃ

EL DORADO Father of a.o.: 1. Nat. S1 Orleans 1. NPO Gien 2. Nat. 1. Vervins 1. Laon 1. Morlincourt 1. Vervins 7. NPO La Souterraine 8. NPO Chateauroux

10.853 bs. 4.224 bs. 17.698 bs. 2.528 bs. 2.510 bs. 1.978 bs. 1.791 bs. 3.095 bs. 3.115 bs.

MAX 1. Nat. Orleans 2. Nanteuil 14. Prov. 5. Vervins

NL18-5181941 ƃ 10.853 bs. 277 bs. 3.217 bs. 1.141 bs.

Father of “Max”





Verbree Combination Parklaan 6 3881 CT Putten The Netherlands Tel. & Fax.: (0031) (0)341 353 288 info@combverbree.nl | co@combverbree.nl www.combverbree.nl

B10-6297675 Ƃ

CAPRINA Direct Dirk Van Dyck

One of the best children for breeding out of “DI CAPRIO” ever! Super breeding hen and one of the best new basic pigeons on the Verbree Loft! Mother of: NL13-1852715 “FANATA” 4. Feluy 2.978 bs. (1-454 bs.) 9. Niergnies 3.825 bs. (1-233 bs.) 12. Quievrain 7004 bs. NL13-1852716 “GRACIA” 1. Noyon 3.182 bs. 2. Pont. St. Max 1.127 bs. (1-130 bs.) 3. Feluy 2.598 bs. NL14-1651260 “SAMANTA” 2. Dutch Olympiad Pigeon middle distance Brussels 2017 1. Nat. Ace Hen WHZB-TBOTB 2015 1. Prov. Pont St. Max 4.331 bs. 1. Feluy 1.279 bs. NL17-1810188 1. Pont St. Max

254 bs.

NL16-1243305 At Fam. Vredeveld father of: 1. Deurne 1.693 bs. 9-21. NPO Quievrain 10.103 bs. 18-20. NPO Vervins 8.753 bs. Grandmother of: 14-242 “Denise”, 1. Prov. Acepigeon young birds and mother 2. NPO Quievrain 5.841 bs. (M&M Kramer) 14-244 “Denton”, 7. Nat. Chateauroux 44.332 bs. (M&M Kramer) 15-080, 4. NPO Quievrain 5.841 bs. (M&M Kramer) 17-752 “Fast Gold”, 7. NPO Niergnies 11.595 bs. and 14. NPO Morlincourt 7.574 bs. (Embregts-TheunisTimmermans) 17-932, 3. NPO La Souterraine 3.087 bs. and 9. Golden Crack FZN (Embregts-Theunis) 18-584, 1. Laon 3.889 bs. / 2. NPO 7.648 bs. (Derksen-Van de Keuken)

a fairytale...

UNIQUE CHAMPIONSHIPS 1. Gouden Duif winner 2017 1. Gouden Duif winner 2016 1. Nat. Champion autumn races NPO 2015 UNIQUE RESULTS 2010 1. NPO Breteuil 2011 1. NPO Salbris 2012 1. NPO Blois 2013 1. NPO Sens 2014 1. NPO Troyes 2015 1. NPO Bourges 2017 1-2-3. NPO Pont St. Max 2014 1. NU Zone 2 Salbris 2015 1. NU Zone 2 Argenton

5.888 bs. 8.890 bs. 5.330 bs. 5.989 bs. 6.390 bs. 5.181 bs. 8.347 bs. 9.986 bs. 531 bs.

UNIQUE ACEPIGEONS 1. Best Hen The Netherlands WHZB 2011 1. Best Cock The Netherlands WHZB 2011 1. Best Hen The Netherlands WHZB 2015

(375 km) (596 km) (604 km) (482 km) (455 km) (620 km) (393 km) (596 km) (697 km)

“Anita” “Marchino” “Samanta”

UNIQUE OLYMPIAD PIGEONS Olympiad Pigeon middle distance Brussels 2017 Olympiad Pigeon middle distance Oostende Belgium 2007 Olympiad Pigeon short distance Lievin 2003 Olympiad Pigeon allround Kaapstad 1999 (best of the world) Olympiad Pigeon middle distance Kaapstad 1999 Reserve Olympiad Pigeon long distance Poznan 2019 Reserve Olympiad Pigeon old birds Nitra 2013


“Samanta” “Osuga” “Shinya” “Orlando” “Olympic Zigo” “Ayana” “Utopia”

B05-6045015 “Di Caprio” Leo Heremans/ Dirk Van Dyck 1. – 1.928 bs. 1. – 1.580 bs. 1. – 1.278 bs. 3. – 1.267 bs.

B02-6256226 “Daughter Kannibaal” Dirk Van Dyck

B03-6192777 “Jackpot” Heremans-Ceusters Son “Olympiade 003”, Olympiad pigeon speed Liévin 2003 2. Nat. Acepigeon speed KBDB 2002 B00-6141499 “Sister 404-00” Heremans-Ceusters Sister of: 404-00 : 7 x 1. 142-99 : 4 x 1. 202-99 : 3 x 1. B95-6246005 “De Kannibaal” Dirk Van Dyck 1. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance KBDB 1996 B00-6272397 “Daughter Den 31” Flor Engels & Zn.


NL14-1651354 Ƃ


“VALITA” won: 3 x a Teletext mention on the NPO races 11-07-15: 10. Melun (452 km) 8.062 bs. 24-06-16: 3. Issoudun (646 km) 3.498 bs. 04-06-17: 1. Pont St. Max. (393 km) 8.486 bs. 8x the 1. prize: 1. NPO Pont St. Max. 8.486 bs. 1. Quievrain 1.561 bs. 1. Issoudun 1.122 bs. 3. NPO 3.498 bs. 1. Fuluy 1.035 bs. 1. Niergnies 433 bs. 2. 5.743 bs. 1. Tienen 174 bs. 2. 1.407 bs. 1. St. Quentin 155 bs. 8. 2.530 bs. 1. Melun 144 bs. 10. NPO 8.062 bs. But she also won 1:100 (no doubles): 7. Feluy 2.584 bs. 14. Vierzon 5.053 bs.

605 bs. 2.819 bs. 1.363 bs. 7.366 bs. 1.175 bs. 5.966 bs. 5.580 bs.

In 3 years she won 40 prizes 1:4 Special on the Autumn races (5 races) she won: In 2016: 1. Combine Champion 2. Regional Champion 3. Provincial Champion In 2017: 1. Combine Champion 2. Regional Champion 4. Provincial Champion

Father: 13-139 “Ruco” R.A. Bakker & Son Son “Valitas” Mother: 10-486 “Utopia” 1. Reserve Olympiad Nitra 2013

NL14-1651340 Ƃ


13. Acepigeon North Union (Distr. 7-8-9-10-11) 11. Best Acepigeon of Holland 12 prizes Pipa Ranking

Top racing hen on the one day long distance races. In 3 years she won 45 prizes (no doubles). In 2018 to the breeding loft. 7. NPO Vierzon (616 km) 5.053 bs. 1. 131 bs. 11. Bourges (620 km) 6.639 bs. 5. St. Quentin 2.641 bs. 1. 403 bs. 7. NPO Chateauroux (668 km) 5.559 bs. 1. 114 bs. 8. NU Issoudun (646 km) 4.492 bs. 1. 106 bs. 2. Duffel 542 bs. 8. Niergnies 1.742 bs. 9. NPO Chateauroux 3.587 bs. 9. Bourges 31. Chateauroux 42. Niergnies 23. Minderhout 76. Minderhout 16. Chateauroux 21. Pont St. Max.

2. St. Kat. Waver 10. Isnes 9. Duffel 52. Duffel 12. Morlincourt 12. Minderhout 41. Asse Zellik

1.314 bs. 4.453 bs. 5.743 bs. 2.466 bs. 5.966 bs. 1.181 bs. 1.442 bs.

In 2016: 1. Acepigeon Combine 2. Acepigeon Regional 6. Acepigeon Provincial 3. Acepigeon long distance club “Gooi & Eemland” 8. Acepigeon all races Provincial

In 2017: 1. Acepigeon Combine 1. Acepigeon Regional 4. Acepigeon Provincial 2. Acepigeon Provincial all races 2. Acepigeon long distance club “Gooi & Eemland” 14. Acepigeon Nat. Championship One day long distance NPO Pipa Ranking: 10. Acepigeon old birds 12 prizes Nat. Competition “NP Orgaan”: 17. Acepigeon long distance 5. Acepigeon old birds 18. Acepigeon middle distance Nat. Comp. “Eendaagse Fondspiegel”: 5. Nat. Acepigeon “Fondspiegel” old birds 2017 3. Nat. Acepigeon “Fondspiegel” old birds 2016/2017 Father: 09-505 “Fortuno” Son “Olympic Fortuna” Mother: 08-442 “Fyra” super breeding hen daughter “Pronto”

NL15-1409143 Ƃ

AYANA 1. Internat. Acepigeon Northern Union long distance 2017 4. Olympiad Pigeon long distance Poznan 2019 (1. reserve) 1. NU Issoudun 1. NPO Issoudun 1. NPO Bourges 6. NPO Chateauroux 5. NPO Chateaudun 8. NPO Chateauroux 12. NPO Bourges

3.760 bs. 1.047 bs. 1.648 bs. 1.159 bs. 618 bs. 740 bs. 1.031 bs.

Father: 06-904 “Salino” 1. Blois 3.044 bs. 8. NPO 5.186 bs. 6. NPO Bourges 4.342 bs. Mother: 13-991 Hok Verhestraeten Daughter 1. Nat. Zone Gueret 2.328 bs. / 2. Nat. 12.602 bs.


Hok Jos Vercammen Grotehoeveweg G t h 28 2531 Vremde Belgium Tel.: (0032) (0)34 856 150 info@hokjosvercammen.com www.hokjosvercammen.com


B14-6175237 ƃ

1. (fastest) Nat. Chateauroux (526 km) 33.018 bs. 1. Nat. Chateauroux (526 km) 22.818 bs. 1. Nat. Zone Chateauroux (526 km) 4.935 bs. 1. Prov. Chateauroux (526 km) 3.652 bs. Father of “Lilly” B15-6026002 Ƃ 1. Nat. Zone Argenton (555 km) 3. Nat. Argenton (555 km)

3.961 bs. 13.730 bs.

Father of “Miss Mustang” B17-6025108 Ƃ 2. Nat. Zone Chateauroux (526 km) 1.563 bs. (after loftmate) 3. Nat. Chateauroux (526 km) 5.641 bs. Grandfather of “Ilke” B17-6025255 Ƃ 1. Nat. Zone Chateauroux (526 km) 2. Nat. Chateauroux (526 km) Grandfather of B18-6020078 Ƃ 3. Nat. Chateauroux (526 km)

1.563 bs. (after loftmate) 5.641 bs.

17.281 bs.

Grandfather of “Stella” B16-6032172 Ƃ 1. (fastest) Prov. Brive (704 km) 2. (fastest) Prov. Jarnac (697 km)

1.166 bs. 762 bs.

Grandfather of “Sherry” B16-6032171 Ƃ 2. Prov. Tulle (657 km)

1.058 bs.

Son of “Tristo” B09-6248087 x “Letra” B12-6196107

ELEKTRO JUNIOR B16-6032012 ƃ


1. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance yearlings Antwerp KBDB 2017 2. Prov. Acepigeon middle distance Antwerp KBDB 2017 5. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance KBDB 2017 1. Chevrain 1. Chevrain 1. Noyon 1. Chevrain 1. Noyon 2. Quievrain 3. Chevrain 3. Chevrain 3. Chevrain 5. Melun 6. Chevrain 7. Melun 7. Chevrain 9. Chevrain 12. Chevrain

(354 km) (354 km) (208 km) (354 km) (208 km) (104 km) (354 km) (354 km) (354 km) (310 km) (354 km) (310 km) (354 km) (354 km) (354 km)

480 bs. 418 bs. 393 bs. 278 bs. 278 bs. 534 bs. 736 bs. 688 bs. 519 bs. 461 bs. 358 bs. 713 bs. 553 bs. 1.108 bs. 1.844 bs.

Father of B18-6020213 ƃ 1. (fastest) Melun (310 km) 2.855 bs.

106 06

Son of “Elektro” B08-6174630 x “Delphine” B11-6282004


PL0264-13-400 ƃ

Best middle distance bird of the world Olympiad Brussels 2017 1. Olympic Acepigeon Cat. B middle distance (300-600 km) Brussels 2017 1. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance Poland 2016 2. Nat. Acepigeon middle distance Poland 2015 1. prize 1. prize 1. prize 1. prize 1. prize 2. prize 4. prize 4. prize 4. prize 4. prize 5. prize 7. prize 7. prize

(145 km) (320 km) (320 km) (320 km) (320 km) (320 km) (185 km) (343 km) (332 km) (337 km) (345 km) (260 km) (556 km)

6.305 bs. (5 minutes ahead) 3.601 bs. 2.078 bs. (13 minutes ahead) 1.892 bs. (9 minutes ahead) 1.623 bs. 5.117 bs. 6.131 bs. (after 3 loftmates) 4.664 bs. 3.834 bs. 3.234 bs. 3.719 bs. 5.832 bs. 5.184 bs.

B15-6026082 ƃ

SAMSUNG 1. (fastest) Souppes 1. Souppes 1. Souppes 2. Souppes 20. Nat. Argenton 70. Nat. Zone Bourges 6. Melun 7. Noyon 11. Quievrain 13. Melun 14. Melun 17. Quievrain

(357 km) (357 km) (357 km) (357 km) (555 km) (479 km) (310 km) (208 km) (103 km) (310 km) (310 km) (103 km)

9.294 bs. 1.595 bs. 133 bs. 211 bs. 4.582 bs. 3.024 bs. 505 bs. 733 bs. 385 bs. 811 bs. 496 bs. 495 bs.

Son of “Elektro” B08-6174630 x “Delphine” B11-6282004


Son of “Gold Medal” PL0264-06-9085 x “Daughter Elektro” B12-6196536 Grandson of “Elektro”(B08-6174630)



B15-6026285 ƃ

Father of “Ilke” B17-6025255 Ƃ 1. Nat. Zone Chateauroux (526 km) 1.563 bs. (after loftmate) 2. Nat. Chateauroux (526 km) 5.641 bs. Father of B17-6025112 ƃ 6. Prov. Chateauroux (526 km) 2.394 bs. 20. Nat. Zone Chateauroux (526 km) 3.737 bs. Grandfather of B18-6020162 Ƃ 1. Acepigeon middle distance young birds South Antwerp Federation Grandfather of B18-6020291 Ƃ 1. Chevrain (354 km) Son of “Mustang” B14-6175237 x “Miss Universe” B07-6221587

ARMANI ELEKTRO 1. (fastest) Melun 1. Melun 1. Melun 1. (fastest) Melun 1. Melun 2. Melun 2. Melun 3. Noyon 9. Chevrain 10. Chevrain 12. Chevrain 14. Chevrain 15. Chevrain

B17-6025202 ƃ (310 km) 1.274 bs. (310 km) 301 bs. (9 minutes ahead) (310 km) 441 bs. (310 km) 1.149 bs. (310 km) 710 bs. (310 km) 616 bs. (after loftmate) (310 km) 424 bs. (208 km) 503 bs. (354 km) 172 bs. (354 km) 396 bs. (354 km) 253 bs. (354 km) 735 bs. (354 km) 536 bs.

848 bs. Son of “Elektro” B08-6174630 x “Dolly” B14-6175134





O LY M PI C E N C H A N T E D NL16-1526026 1st Old Birds Olympiad Poland 2019 1st National Ace pigeon Long Distance NPO 2018 1st National Ace pigeon Middle/Long Distance Pipa 2018 2nd Melun 12.729 p. 2nd Chateauroux NPO 3.769 p. (beaten by loftmate with 1 second) 8th Argenton Nat.S2 8.702 p. 16th Chateauroux Nat.S2 7.151 p. 19th Gien NPO 12.689 p. 19th Fontenay 11.526 p. 22nd Bourges NPO 10.321 p. 23rd Laon 8.578 p. 30th Pontoise 27.237 p. 41st Pontoise 6.521 p.


F LY I NG WON DE R NL17-1277355 1st National Ace pigeon Allround Pipa 2018 1st National Ace pigeon Yearling Pipa 2018 5th Yearlings Olympiad Poland 2019 Beaten by 14 loftmates on 4 races; otherwise she would have DFKLHYHG D FRH൶FLHQW RI IRU 2O\PSLDG $FH SLJHRQ \HDUOLQJ 1st Sezanne NPO 13.628 p. 4th Laon 8.578 p. 5th Quievrain 3.312 p. (equal fastest 6.900 p.) 6th Pont St.Maxence 21.069 p. 8th Peronne 2.946 p. (10th fastest 7.238 p.) 11th Melun 12.729p. 15th Chateauroux NPO 3.769 p. 26th Peronne 2.307 p. 26th Peronne 2.149 p. (equal fastest 13.649 p.) 37th Argenton Nat.S2 8.702 p.

2018: TOP 10: (SEMI)PROVINCIAL/NPO-RACES (280-650KM) 1st Sezanne 13.628 p. with Flying Wonder, daughter of Bradley x Hot Shot 1st Fontenay 11.526 p. with Superman, son of Captain Hook x Snip 1st Laon 8.578 p. with Olcay, daughter of Olympic Fire Eyes x Olympic Valerie 1st Chateauroux 3.769 p. with daughter of New Sensation x Jessie 2nd Sezanne 13.628 p. with daughter Hawk Attack x Gretl 2nd Pontoise 9.705 p. with daughter of “son Bulldozer” x Ace Isabelle (2nd Fastest 27.237 p) 2nd Melun 4.511 p. with Enchanted, daughter of “son Lieke” x Fantasy (2nd Fastest 12.729 p.) 2nd Chateauroux 3.769 p. with Enchanted, daughter of “son Lieke” x Fantasy 3rd Sezanne 13.628 p. with daughter “son Dedication” x “daughter Solo Star” 3rd Laon 8.578 p. with daughter “son Anouk” x “daughter Olivia” 3rd Melun 4.511 p with daughter “son Anouk” x “daughter Olivia” (3rd Fastest 12.729 p) 3rd Chateauroux 3.769 p. with daughter Bradley x Eye Catcher 4th Fontenay 11.526 p. with daughter of

Invictus x Eye Catcher 4th Laon 8.578 p. with Flying Wonder, daughter of Bradley x Hot Shot 4th Pont St. Maxence 7.507 p. with son RI -XVWLQ [ 6R¿H WK )DVWHVW S

4th Melun 4.511 p. with daughter of Solo Star x Alexis (4th Fastest 12.729 p.) 5th Fontenay 11.526 p. with daughter of Prince x Eyelar 5th Chateauroux 8.444p. with son of Dirty Harry x Snip (7th Nat.S2 12.511 p.) 5th Pont St. Maxence 7.507 p.with Flying Wonder,daughter of Bradley x Hot Shot(6th Fastest 21.069p) 5th Melun 4.511 p. with daughter of Ton x Ivory Lady (5th Fastest 12.729 p) 6th Fontenay 11.526 p. with daughter of Rembrandt x Fantasy 6th Laon 8.578 p. with son of Justin x Karly 6th Pont St. Maxence 7.507 p.with son of Justin x Karly (7th Fastest 21.069 p.) 6th Melun 4.511 p. with son Stranger x Leila (6th Fastest 12.729 p.) 6th Chateauroux 3.769 p. with daughter of Donald x Magic Adora 7th Pontoise 9.705 p. with daughter of Hunter x Replica (8th Fastest 27.237 p.)

7th Laon 8.578 p. with Tess, daughter of Captain Hook x Wonder Woman 7th Argenton 5.849 p. with Enchanted, daughter of “son Lieke” x Fantasy (8th Nat.S2 8.702p) 8th Melun 4.511 p. with son of GPS x Utopia (8th Fastest 12.729 p) 9th Sezanne 13.628 p. with daughter Solo Star x Olympic Valerie 9th Chateauroux 8.444 p. with son of -XVWLQ [ 6R¿H WK 1DW 6 S

9th Argenton 5.849 p. with son of Gavin x Expectation (10th Nat.S2 8.702 p.) 9th Melun 4.511 p. with daughter of Bradley x Eye Catcher (9th Fastest 12.729 p) 10th Sezanne 13.628 p. with daughter “son Anouk” x “daughter Olivia” 10th Pont St. Maxence 7.507 p.with son “son Gretl” x Jelka (13th Fastest 21.069 p) 10th Chateauroux 8.444 p. with daughter of Solo Star x grd. DiCaprio (14th Nat.S2 12.511p.) 10th Melun 4.511 p. with daughter of Hunter x Replica (10th Fastest 12.729 p.) 10th Chateauroux 3.769 p. with son of Invictus x Magic Amore 109

Zoon Japanner: Siroe of the Loft

De Kilometervreter (Son ‘Zoon Japanner’): European Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2009 – 2015 1st International Ace Pigeon PIPA Ranking 2009 – 4 pr. 1st National Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2009 – 2014 1st National Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2009 - 2015

De Baksteen 1st International Ace Pigeon 2017 1st National Ace Pigeon ZLU 2017

De Manuel

Vale Barca

De Kaasbek

4th National Barcelona 13th International Barcelona

13th National Barcelona

2nd Ace Pigeon Afd. 12 ‘De Kuststrook’ 2014 2nd Ace Pigeon Fondclub ‘De Glazen Stad’ 2013 3rd Ace Pigeon Afd. 12 ‘De Kuststrook’ 2013

Team Vollebregt - Dr. Doelmanlaan 21 - Wassenaar - Phone mob. (0031) 6 38222713 - louis.v@ziggo.nl 110


De Nieuwe Tarzan

Marseille Star

1st Asduif NIC 1542 1st Kampioensduif 2016 NIC 1542 1st Asduif Samenspel Leiden e.o.

1st National Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2012 – 2016 1 st National Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2012 – 2015 1st Barcelona Masters 2014

2nd National Ace Pigeon Perpignan 2013 – 2016 2nd Ace Pigeon Marathon Noord 2013 – 2015 3rd Ace Pigeon Marathon Noord 2014 – 2016 3rd National Ace Pigeon Marseille 2012 – 2014

Witneus 006

De Barcelona 2

De Wijnands duivin

1st National Marseille 2017

12th National Barcelona 2015 21st International Barcelona 2015

Mother 1st Nat. & 4th Int.nat Marseille 2017

Championships 1st European Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2009 – 2015 1st International Ace Pigeon 2017 – International Ranking Francocolomb.com 1st International Ace Pigeon PIPA Ranking 2009 – 4 pr. 1st National Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2009 – 2014 1st National Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2009 - 2015 1st National Ace Pigeon Z.L.U. International Races 2017 1st National Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2012 - 2015 1st National Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2012 – 2016 1st National Ace Pigeon Toppigeons Z.L.U. Fondspiegel 2014 – 2016 1st National Ace Pigeon Toppigeons Z.L.U. Fondspiegel 2014 – 2015 1st National Ace Pigeon Toppigeons Z.L.U. Fondspiegel 2013 – 2015 1st National Ace Pigeon Toppigeons Z.L.U. Fondspiegel 2012 – 2015 1st Barcelona Masters 2014 1st Ace Pigeon Stichting Marathon Noord (SMN) 2013 – 2015 1st Ace Pigeon Z.L.U. Afdeling 12 ‘De Kuststrook’ 2014 1st Emperor Champion Z.L.U. Cup Samenspel Noord + Zuid-Holland 2014 - 2015 1st Emperor Champion Super Fond Rayon West Afdeling 5 Zuid Holland 2016

1st Nominated Champion Samenspel Noord + Zuid-Holland 2014 1st Not nominated Champion Z.L.U. Afdeling 12 ‘De Kuststrook’ 2013-2014-2015 1st Nominated Champion Z.L.U. Afdeling 12 ‘De Kuststrook’ 2014 1st Not nominated Champion Super Fond Rayon West Afdeling 5 Zuid Holland 2016 2nd European Marathon 2012 2nd Ace Pigeon Marathon Noord 2013 – 2015 2nd National Marathon long distance 2014 2nd International Bony Barcelona Cup 2016 2nd 5 nominated birds European Cup 2012 2nd International Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2012 - 2016 2nd National Ace Pigeons Perpignan 2013 – 2016 3rd Ace Pigeon Barcelona International Pipa Ranking 2012 – 2015 3rd National Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2013 – 2016 3rd Bony Barcelona Champions League 2016 3rd Ace Pigeon Marathon Noord 2014 – 2016 3rd National Ace Pigeon Marseille 2012 – 2014 3rd National Ace Pigeon Agen 2015 – 2017

W W W.T E A M V O L L E B R E G T. N L 111


Dr. Henk de Weerd has been working as a veterinarian specialized in the medical and sport technical guidance of racing pigeons. Because of his background, knowledge and experience he has become one of the leading veterinarians Ƥ ǡ around the world to share his knowledge. Henk de Weerd is not only a pioneer as veterinarian, but also Ƥ specialized medication and supplements for pigeons, which are commercialized under the brand name Belgica de Weerd. All these products are developed after private research and extensive practical testing and are produced in accordance with GMP standards. Of course all products are free of doping. The Belgica de Weerd range is used by pigeon fanciers around the world and this to full satisfaction. The list of references of Ƥ and it still remains beautiful to see how many fanciers show their gratitude to Henk and his team for their advice and the added value of the Belgica de Weerd products.

High quality protein preparation, ideal for a quick recovery after the race and to prevent protein shortages during the racing season, the moult and the breeding period. Belga Recharge is not only rich in protein, but also in fats, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and tannins. Due to the high protein content in combination with the presence of a broad spectrum of vitamins, amino acids and minerals, in particular magnesium (2%) and calcium (2%), the recovery of your pigeons is ơ Ǥ Belga Recharge also contains Excential Energy Plus to maximize the conversion of fats from the feed and thus optimize recovery and build-up to the next race.

BELGA CARBO ENERGY NEW High quality energy supplement from singular and complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In addition, Belga Carbo Energy contains both L-Carnitine (14%) and Excential Energy Plus, which ensure that the fats from the feed are optimally converted into energy. In short, the perfect energy boost for your pigeons in the preparation of a race.


Good intestinal health is of great importance for the welfare of your pigeons. In order to support intestinal health, the regular provision of probiotics is therefore recommended. With the new, improved formula for BelgaBac, we can even better provide for this need. Thanks to the combination of high-dosed probiotics and prebiotics and a broad spectrum of vitamins including biotin and choline, the intestinal system ơ supported. Throughout the year twice a week BelgaBac promotes ƪ Ǥ in stress situations, such as races and vaccinations and after antibiotic treatment.

PO Box 4607 | 4803 EP | Breda | Tel: (+31) (0) 76 5600222 | info@belgicadeweerd.com | www.belgicadeweerd.com | 112

BELGASOL® Belgasol® is a unique combination of electrolytes, vitamins and trace elements on an energy carrying base and improves rehydration in the body im at high speed. This is important during the racing season at higher du ƥ ra races! Belgasol® is the best cure during the breeding season in du case of sudden watery droppings ca w when switching from crop milk to o hard corn, experiencing more d dr r drinking, excessive grit and mineral picking as well as loss of m Ǥ ơ fa faster than with conventional electrolytes.



Ƥ ǡ lecithin, carnitine and creatine to increase endurance. The added herbal extracts also have ơ ƪ Ǥ quality and complete oil that also has a positive ơ moult and the perfect growth of the youngsters during breeding.

B Belga Bion® is a high quality, ea easy dissolving, balanced m multivitamin preparation (13 vi vitamins) based on energy ca carriers. It contains minerals and trace elements including an ir iron and iodine. Belga Bion® is administered for a rapid and ơ ơ ơ Ƥ before and after the races. Can b e aalso l be used after therapeutic tr treatments.



Hig quality garlic oil with garlic extract High ct and essential fatty acids including an ng a high level of vitamin E, improving ng the overall resistance after infectious us dis ul diseases, and to help in stressful situations. For optimal breeding; sit g; positive results regarding fertility po ty problems; stimulation of the digestive pro ve Ǣ Ƥ Ƥ aact acting as an antioxidant. Belgarlic + Vit. E to be combined with Belga Super Fit ffor improvement of the condition and ffor an optimal moult.

Vitamin pills based on the vitamin B complex, which stimulate speed and endurance, can also Ƥ ơ older breeders.


@ I 20181688

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