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PROSPECTUS 2009/2010

Altogether We’re Better

Altogether We’re Better Whatever stage of learning you are at, choosing the place to learn that is right for you, let alone the course, is a major decision. Naturally you’ll seek the advice of those who are close to you; family and friends, people whose opinion you value. Because doing things together is so much better. And this is the essence of Carnegie College. We provide the right learning environment, the best support structure through lecturers and students alike – all these things, because we firmly believe that Altogether We’re Better. We’d like to thank all the students who provided case studies for this prospectus and provided an invaluable insight into their time at Carnegie. Doing it together has made it so much better.

Contents Page 02-03 Principal’s Welcome Student President

Page 08-15 The College Page 16-31 Altogether We’re Better

Page 04-07 The City

Page 32 Page 34 Learning that’s Page 33 Qualifications Relevant and Fun Learning to Suit Guide your Lifestyle Page 35 The Application Process

Page 36-46 Course Directory

Page 47-131 Courses Page 132-142 Advice and Info

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 01

A New Journey Together Bill McIntosh Principal As Principal of Carnegie College it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to the new prospectus for the year ahead. I invite you to browse through the comprehensive course listings to inspire you to join with us on your learning journey. Together we will work hard to ensure your success.

to business needs, developing both academic and vocational courses which enhance skills and therefore give our students the edge when entering employment or advancing their career. We work closely with our local schools and universities to make sure our courses are relevant and useful to you, the student.

You will see from the wide range of learning opportunities we provide that no matter what stage of life you are at, Carnegie College will have qualifications and related services to suit your needs and will provide the support and guidance required to achieve your goals. Our aim continues to be the same in that we want to help you achieve your potential and even go beyond your expectations.

Here at Carnegie we have the facilities and the latest learning technology to create a vibrant college environment for you to study in and I am delighted that you are considering joining us.

By working together with employers we ensure that we are continuously responding

Prof. Bill McIntosh Principal

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I look forward to welcoming you to the College.

ᖂೃ​ೃ९ऱᦟ०ဲ ߪ੡ Carnegie College(्‫؍‬౿ᖂೃ)ऱೃ९Δ‫ء‬Գტࠩॺൄዊࢉ‫אױ‬੡ᎹՀտฯ‫ء‬ ᖂೃᄅᖂ‫ڣ‬ऱᓰ࿓១տΖᓮᙟრ៬ᔹຍ‫ץء‬ᢅᆄ‫ڶ‬ऱᓰ࿓១տΔ،౨ജᖿᚐ‫ף܃‬ Ե‫ݺ‬ଚऱᖂೃΔᔏՂ‫܃‬ऱᖂ฾ሁ࿓Ζ‫ݺ‬ଚലፖ‫܃‬٥‫ٵ‬໎ԺΔᒔঅ‫࠷܃‬൓‫ګ‬༉Ζ լጥ‫܃‬๠ߪ‫ڇ‬Գ‫س‬ऱୌԫଡၸ੄Δ‫ݺ‬ଚ‫אױ‬ൕ‫֏ݙڍ‬ऱᓰ࿓ߓ٨խ੡‫ࠎ༼܃‬ᖂ฾ ऱᖲᄎΖCarnegie College(्‫؍‬౿ᖂೃ)ᖑ‫ڍڶ‬ႈᇷ௑֗ઌᣂऱࣚ೭ࠐ०‫܃ٽ‬ऱᏁ ‫ޣ‬Δ༉‫܃‬૞ሒࠩऱ‫ؾ‬ᑑۖ༼ࠎᔞᅝऱ֭਍֗ਐ֧Ζԫ‫࢓אڕ‬ऱ‫ؾ‬ᑑΔ‫ݺ‬ଚ‫ݦ‬ඨᚥ ‫܃ܗ‬࿇ཀ‫܃‬ऱᑨ౨Δ੷۟࠷൓რუլࠩऱ‫ګ‬༉Ζ

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02 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Better Altogether Craig Walker Student President On behalf of the Carnegie College Students Association I would like to offer you a warm welcome to our college. There are so many things about studying at Carnegie that makes it an altogether better experience – and a great way to begin your path to a future career. The college offers an excellent and diverse range of subjects with great facilities available to enable you to excel on your chosen course. The Student Representative Council (or SRC) will be on hand to help you and offer support on any issue, whether academic or social throughout your time here. There are opportunities for you to volunteer to become part of the Council and the experience of working as part of the SRC can enhance your CV and the skills you learn will be invaluable for your future.

I found my time here as a student immensely enjoyable and a greatly rewarding experience, and I’m sure if you choose Carnegie College you will too. I hope to see you here soon.

Craig Walker Student President

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For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 03

A vibrant, fun and dynamic city in which to study and work. Dunfermline Dunfermline comes from Gaelic “Dùn Fearam Linn” which translates as “the fort in the bend of the stream”. Dunfermline has a population of over 40,000 and is currently undergoing rapid expansion, which includes housing and employment as well as a new library and leisure facility, two new schools, shops, parks and community open spaces. It’s in close proximity to the site of the important waterfront development in Rosyth, and Babcock Marine’s crucial role in the construction of two of the world’s largest air craft carriers (CVFs). This is where Carnegie College’s School of Engineering and Technology is located.

Dunfermline, the ancient capital of Scotland, is situated just over the famous Forth Rail and Road Bridges and less than one hour’s drive from Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Perth or Stirling. It is the birthplace of entrepreneur and father of philanthropy Andrew Carnegie and you can visit his birthplace cottage, museum and shop in the city centre. Pittencrieff Glen – a gift from the Carnegie family – is a 60-acre public park in the centre of town that sits alongside Dunfermline Abbey, the burial place of King Robert the Bruce. Dunfermline’s Carnegie Library is the first of thousands around the world and this year will be celebrating its 125th anniversary. Plans to extend the building further, creating a Dunfermline Heritage and Cultural Centre, are now underway, combining the Library with a Museum.

04 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

City Life Dunfermline is a unique city where sites of ancient history sit easily amongst busy everyday life, with plenty to entertain you when you’re having a break from your studies. If you’re a music or theatre lover, the Alhambra venue is a magnificent 1,000-seat theatre in the centre of Dunfermline. After 40 years of use as a bingo hall, it has recently been renovated and reopened for use as a theatre once again. Carnegie Hall is also close-by, a beautiful 1930s theatre which hosts regular music and drama events with a licensed restaurant and bar.

For those keen on sport there is a large private gym and golf courses nearby and the local professional football team ‘The Pars’ is just minutes from the campus. For the more adventurous Knockhill racing circuit provides great karting or driving days out and is host to some of the top racing events in the UK. And for those students who love to shop, the recent £50m investment to the Kingsgate shopping centre containing a flagship Debenhams store will be a welcome sight. With good local transport links it’s easy to spend a day shopping in Edinburgh or the surrounding towns.

Aside from the numerous bars and restaurants in the town centre, there is also a large leisure park just a few minutes from the college which includes a cinema, bowling complex and a number of restaurants.

Although not far from Edinburgh’s International Festival in the summer, Dunfermline now has its very own event in the form of the Carnegie Festival covering subjects such as film, politics and innovation and enterprise.

Carnegie College is only a few minutes from the UK’s largest outdoor music festival, T in the Park.

To find out more about the city, please visit

05 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

06 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Carnegie College Altogether We’re Better

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 07

Carnegie College makes learning relevant for your future career.

08 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

At Carnegie College we offer more than qualifications – we help people to take the first step towards a different lifestyle and a new future. Altogether we’re better. Carnegie College stands at the forefront of post-school education, highly regarded as a major educational player. Each year over 15,000 students choose to study with us and over our 100 years existence, we’ve helped thousands of people make positive changes to their lives, gaining the skills and knowledge to achieve their personal and career goals. We are always at the forefront with new courses and services for our customers, but always with an eye to our heritage and the quality this brings. Together with our other business units we consistently demonstrate lead-edge practice in social inclusion, workforce development, e-learning, services to businesses and the local community. 09 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

We offer a wide range of qualifications, all nationally recognised. Most are awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and are designed to help develop workforce skills and professionalism. The College also offers executive training and development courses in partnership with our commercial company Carnegie Enterprise. Many of these are delivered on site at our modern, purpose built training and conference venue Carnegie Conference Centre. Through innovative further and higher education, Carnegie College meets the changing demands of industry and business in Fife, elsewhere in Scotland and beyond. It is a dynamic organisation that stands in a pivotal position in supporting the Scottish Government strategy Skills for Scotland.

Our Mission

To enable learning and enthuse learners.

Our Vision

To be universally recognised for excellence in the development of people, organisations and communities.

Our Values

To realise our vision we recognise the importance of colleagues, customers, partners and communities with whom we share these values.

10 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

The College Come Together

Why choose Carnegie? ■■ Our door is always open for young and more

mature adults; anyone who realises they need skills and continued learning. ■■ We offer a source of theory and practical training for those who are to become the technicians of the future. ■■ We work in partnership with businesses and industry to provide courses specifically designed for their employees. ■■ We provide modern and attractive pathways to degree education. ■■ Our support is always here if you are looking for a new job, a new career or re-skilling for those whose previous jobs have disappeared. ■■ We provide the stepping stones back to work for many people who may not have worked for some time.

You are the rising stars of tomorrow’s economy and you deserve the best environments in which to become skilled. That’s why we have invested so heavily in our campus developments – to ensure that we provide you with learning environments that are equipped for the workplace of the future. We have invested over £8 million in 5 years in our campus facilities: ■■ A £1 million state-of-the-art centre for computing and IT. ■■ Over £1 million in the Engineering facilities at our School of Engineering and Technology in Rosyth and now own a Bulldog aircraft for students to gain practical experience in their Aeronautical Engineering course. ■■ A brand new Complementary Therapy Suite.

■■ Our ‘green’ building, ECOSpace, has been built

at Halbeath, constructed using sustainable materials and processes showcasing the best use of Scottish products.

Recently, Carnegie was reviewed by HMIe – we passed with flying colours and here are just a few of the comments: ■■ “It is a vibrant place to learn” ■■ “The ethos/culture is student-centred and very supportive” ■■ “The college is flexible and responsive to employers’ needs” ■■ “It is a well-managed organisation”

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 11

Carnegie Enterprise Creating Futures

Linda Greig Managing Director Carnegie Enterprise has three complementary business areas which provide a unique and comprehensive portfolio of products and services for clients. ■■ Carnegie Business Training and Development

– committed to the delivery of high quality ‘off-the-shelf’ and bespoke training solutions at every level. ■■ Carnegie Conference Centre – excellent conference and training facilities offering free parking. ■■ Carnegie Business Consultants – business solutions for your organisation, including TNA and training package design, Psychometric Testing, Lean Management/ Kaizen interventions. We also deliver the Business Gateway Services contract for the South of Scotland for Scottish Borders Council and Dumfries and Galloway Council. Carnegie Enterprise – Business Training and Development Innovative and leading edge training, benefits realisation and customer focus are at the core of what we do.

At Carnegie Enterprise, we deliver training solutions at all levels: from Senior Management and Executive groups to Team Leaders and their teams. Scheduled training courses and bespoke programmes are delivered at our modern, purpose-built training and conferencing facility Carnegie Conference Centre in Dunfermline and at venues throughout the UK, Europe and internationally.

Carnegie Enterprise has been delivering its diverse portfolio of training courses and bespoke programmes for a decade and continues to diversify in response to client and market demands. We can provide management qualifications such as Chartered Management Institute and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development programmes delivered in association with the Andrew Carnegie Business School. We are the premier training organisation for PRINCE2, MSP, MoR and DPPM in Scotland and have a significant client list for public and private sector clients. Complete Training solutions in Scotland, throughout the UK and internationally Carnegie Enterprise delivers a diverse portfolio of ‘off-the-shelf’ training solutions. With a decade of experience in the delivery of commercial training programmes, our courses include: ■■ Project, Programme and Risk Management ■■ Management and Leadership Development ■■ Information Technology and Computing ■■ Continuing Professional Development ■■ Health and Safety and Quality Systems ■■ Workforce Development ■■ Sector Specific and Technical Courses We employ an expert team, each member highly experienced in the delivery of high quality training and development solutions and the creation of bespoke training courses – custom built to meet with the requirements of our clients.

12 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

As experts in their fields, our team is dedicated to helping individuals and organisations succeed. Business consultancy in Scotland Carnegie Enterprise – Business Consultants offers business consultancy for private and public sector organisations. Whatever your needs, we will work closely with your organisation to give you innovative, tailored solutions that will meet your requirements. Our portfolio of services includes: ■■ Business Gateway and Business Start-Up ■■ Internet Incubators ■■ Programme, Project and Risk Management ■■ Training Needs Analysis ■■ Customised Training and Development Programmes ■■ Lean Management, Kaizen and Six Sigma ■■ Quality Management Systems ■■ Events Management ■■ Psychometric Testing What our clients say about us “Carnegie Enterprise’s knowledge base is second to none. This combined with their understanding of ‘how we work’ has defined and evolved to a current position of copartnership where Carnegie Enterprise are always our first choice as a training provider.” Controller, Training and Development (EAME).

Carnegie Conference Centre More Than a Venue

Joyce Gordon Conference Manager Carnegie Conference Centre is a modern, purpose-built, training and event venue which has the advantage of being only 20 minutes from Scotland’s capital, without the disadvantages of city traffic congestion and parking problems. Free parking is available on-site and there are excellent public transport links for bus and rail travellers. Location alone makes Carnegie an ideal choice for all types of events as it is easily accessible for delegates travelling from all over Scotland. Our main hall at Carnegie comfortably accommodates up to 250 delegates with a further twenty-two conference/breakout rooms of various sizes including a Video Conference and two PC Training Suites. All of our rooms have natural daylight and provide delegates with a relaxing environment with easy access to phones, email and the internet. Lifts are available to all floors for delegates with specific access requirements and an induction loop is fitted for our clients with hearing impairments. Day Delegate and 24 Hour Packages are available. Whether you’re planning a conference for 300 or a staff meeting for ten, we guarantee to live up to our customer promise – “consistent quality in a relaxed, professional environment”. As an accredited Hospitality Assured venue, we take quality seriously. HA is the quality standard for business excellence in the hospitality industry and demonstrates that customer satisfaction is our core focus. As part of our consultancy business, our dedicated team of professionals can manage the event on your behalf or simply serve as an extension to

your core team to assist with specific elements or tasks such as: ■■ Venue sourcing and selection ■■ On-site event management and organisation ■■ Guest invitations and response handling ■■ Sourcing of additional suppliers and event products ■■ Speaker procurement ■■ Logistics and accommodation ■■ Delegate registration ■■ Technical and AV support ■■ Preparation of delegate packs

On an annual basis, we professionally manage, administer and deliver over 1500 separate events including seminars, training, networking, social events and weddings. Call now to discuss how we can assist with your next meeting or event on 0844 248 0138 or email your requirements to Carnegie Conference Centre, Halbeath, Dunfermline, Fife KY11 8DY.

Our positive commitment to all our clients and “can do” approach allows us to deliver superb results. We will provide the level of expertise you require to ensure your event is a resounding success. Carnegie also offers outside catering packages for corporate and private events. Our dedicated team provides a professional, flexible service with bespoke menus accommodating most special dietary requirements. We use only the freshest of ingredients and local produce where possible and strict practices are followed in the preparation and transportation of all food. With meticulous attention to detail, we will professionally manage your event making sure the whole experience is one to remember. Carnegie Conference Centre is also available to hire for private parties, social events and weddings and throughout the year we host a variety of fantastic theme nights and tribute shows. Full details can be found by logging on to our website For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 13

Andrew Carnegie Business School

School of Access & Communities

School of Built Environment

Head of School Rosemary Allford

Head of School Martin Laidlaw

Head of School Alan Huey

When Vartan Gregorian, holder of America’s highest civil honour dedicated Andrew Carnegie Business School in October 2005, the president of the Carnegie Corporation of New York challenged the new school to justify the Carnegie legacy and vision. Three years on, the school not only delivers qualifications from entry level through to MBA, but has also embedded enterprise and entrepreneurship within its curriculum and has been cited by the HMIE as deliverers of sector-leading innovative practice.

A key part of the College’s mission is to be recognised as a Community College and at the frontline of that interface is the School of Access & Communities. The School operates no fewer than 16 outreach centres, mainly located in town centre or community locations but also includes prison learning centres.

To help meet employer skills shortages, the School of Built Environment is boosting its specialist portfolio by moving into the professional and technical arena to offer students an alternative to the traditional trade and craft route. The school responds to sector change and through our excellent relationships with local employers, the school can help students secure his or her first job in the industry.

The Andrew Carnegie Business School has everything you need to place you on the ladder to success. The traditional college perception of people having come from school or attending evening classes with some sort of academic history is not what Andrew Carnegie Business School is about. It’s about being able to offer something that is of value to everyone at their own level, with the opportunity to progress. Each person can reach the same end points but it might be by different routes. Meanwhile, individuals can gain skills which enable them to grow in confidence to go forward, take up new or enhanced job roles and to fulfil their potential. We are a dynamic business school with access to business, management, hospitality, tourism and humanities programmes at all levels, for all ages and stages. Our qualifications are extensive – professional development awards such as CIPD, cmi and Institute of Sales and Marketing Management (ISMM), sit alongside degrees, Higher National programmes, Highers and other awards. They are career-focused and will equip our customers with the skills and knowledge to perform to the highest standard – giving a very positive advantage in the jobs market.

The training and support we provide is wide and varied: from giving individuals more confidence and self esteem through developing their employability skills for work: to equipping professions with the knowledge and skills to support and encourage learning; and working with learners who have additional support needs. We also have the skills and expertise to train professionals working in the employability, community development and additional support for learning fields. For many of our students, it’s about taking that first step into learning or the first step back into gaining the skills needed to move into employment. Some of the programmes we offer enable people to take that first step back into either employment or learning. They help people with their confidence and whose self-esteem may be low because they have been made redundant or they have been out of the labour market for some time. Our whole ethos is to offer a range of access and provision to enable people to progress. We offer qualifications to those who are returning to work or routes for people who are in work and seeking to enhance their career progression. The School of Access & Communities will offer you your first step back into learning, and we’d love to hear from you. The School has excellent relationships with local employers and can help secure employment of your choice.

14 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

We now offer Higher National Certificates (HNC) courses in architectural technology, building and quantity surveying to complement our HNC in construction. Our school also specialises in furniture production and restoration courses and we can offer apprenticeships in this area. Employability is the driver in equipping students with the skills and qualifications that meet employers needs in today’s environment of skills shortages. We are market leaders in the gas industry in developing new qualifications to meet the demands of the industry. We are now the only UK centre to offer, as a Modern Apprenticeship, a new NVQ level 3 course in industrial/ commercial gas installation and maintenance. There are as many qualifications as there are career pathways from the awards themselves. If anyone is interested in professional occupations in the construction industry, we are happy to talk through their options and choices and guide them down the appropriate learning route.

School of Computing School of Engineering School of Health, & Creative Arts & Technology Childcare & Science

Head of School Ann Brown

Head of School Sandy Murray

Head of School Marion Scott

Computing & Creative Arts is seeing a massive growth in employment opportunities. Creative talent can be your passport to accessing these opportunities. The only limit is your imagination and your commitment.

The School of Engineering & Technology has long been acknowledged as a premier training ground for the engineers of the future. With the future looking brighter than it has for many a year, there has never been a better time to consider a career in Engineering. The feeling amongst many industry leaders is that the demand created by such projects as Babcock Marine’s imminent super-carriers contract in Rosyth, the new Forth crossing and the burgeoning renewable sector will lead to the creation of hundreds of new jobs in the coming years. The jobs will be in such areas as fabrication and welding, electrical, mechanical maintenance and CNC machining.

We encompass healthcare, childcare, social care, complementary and beauty therapies, counselling and a range of sciences. We develop the skills to support the future labour market needs for the sector with which we work, by helping create knowledgeable and skilled people and teams.

We offer excellent specialist training for a wide variety of job roles and ambitions. Whether you are aiming for a change of career, new skills or wanting to get into the job market, the school can help you develop your potential. The school is well-resourced with state-of-theart computing labs, design and photographic studios and arts and drama suite – complete with its own theatre in Media Space. Media Space is a vibrant area for all of the arts, digital media, mulit-media, photography, art and design and drama. It has a real buzz about it and the students absolutely love it. For those keen to enhance their computing and IT skills, we have a purpose-built, well-resourced facility with over eighty PCs suitable for courses at all levels, including ECDL courses right through to degree level courses. We offer Microsoft Certified qualifications which are globally recognised standards in this field. We offer a range of diverse subject areas from Multimedia, Graphic Design and Digital Media through to Jewellery, Art and Design and Performing Arts. We aim to harness your enthusiasm and energy for your subject area and give you the skills and support you need to succeed. The investments we have made in our learning environments such as the Media Space facility reflect our dedication to our students’ success. We make sure our workspaces are fun and vibrant, designed in such a way as to make your time here both inspiring and productive.

We believe that our students deserve the very best of environments in which to develop their skills, that is why we have just invested over one million pounds in new training equipment and facilities at our Rosyth campus making it one of the largest centres of its kind in Scotland. You will benefit from modern, well-equipped classrooms and workshops that reflect the many new advances currently taking place in the engineering sector that will ensure you have the competitive edge in the job market. Our new NC in Aeronautical Engineering is designed to meet the needs of a worldwide shortage of skilled aeronautical engineers. To ensure you get a hands-on approach we even purchased an ex-RAF fixed-wing Bulldog aircraft for you. As well as the more traditional skills there are an increasing number of opportunities for specially skilled engineers, including design and structural engineering. To support you in these career paths the School now boasts a new course encompassing rapid prototyping and design engineering. There really has never been a better time to develop a career in engineering. We have a growing portfolio that is limited only by how high you want to go.

Employees in health and social care are in great demand with the NHS expecting a nursing shortage by 2015. There are also opportunities for employment in residential homes, local councils and other support services for those with appropriate qualifications. Implementation of the Regulation of Care Act (2001) has meant that for people working in social work, social care and early education and childcare, employees must be registered with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) to ensure that there is a skilled and qualified workforce. In response to this, Carnegie College delivers full and part-time courses making sure that education and training meets the needs of this sector for now and for the future. We have a brand new Beauty Therapy Suite at Carnegie for the delivery of the prestigious, internationally recognised beauty specialist course to complement the existing range of ITEC diplomas available in Holistic Therapies, including new courses in Stone Therapy and Indian Head Massage. ITEC diplomas can even form part of the degree course BA (Hons) Complementary Healthcare in association with Napier University. We have a variety of courses designed for students with standard grades such as the new NC science course, or the HNC Applied Science (Biomedical) for those with Highers. For mature students with little or no science qualifications but lots of life experience, we have a 1 year Access to Health and Life Sciences course. This is designed to give you the qualifications to do a degree in a whole range of subjects, from occupational therapy and radiography to biomedicine and zoology.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 15

The Graduate Kate Somervail BSc Multimedia Technology

16 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Altogether We’re Better

After I had my children I worked part-time in voluntary roles whilst studying Multimedia Technology as it was an area I was really interested in. I wanted to increase my chances of getting a job I really enjoyed when I finished my course. I began at NQ level, then did an HNC, then HND and finally the degree level course with Napier University. Carnegie College has been an excellent place to study and I would not have completed my degree if I had been required to travel further to do so.

I drive to college and I received help with my travel expenses and financial help through the SAAS and a bursary. Effect on Career I chose to return to college to give me more choice in my career and better job prospects and am currently looking for work in this area.

The support given was excellent and the flexibility allowed me to complete my course whilst maintaining family life.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 19

The Altogether Apprentice We’re Better Samantha Quinn Mechanical Engineering Modern Apprentice

17 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

I decided to do Mechanical Engineering because I enjoyed maths and physics at school. I managed to get a technical apprenticeship with Babcock Design and Technology and had some classes at the School of Engineering and Technology in Rosyth.

Effect on Career The SVQ Level 2 allowed me to finish the first part of my apprenticeship. From there I gained a position in the office and a pay rise. The SVQ Level 3 is ongoing and I am gaining experience through work and have great guidance from my assessor.

I enjoyed my time at college and now my studies are completely work-based with the assessor coming to visit me regularly. It was interesting to get an insight into the different disciplines (mechanical, electrical, fabricating & welding). The lecturers were fantastic. They gave me the confidence to do certain handskills like welding, cutting and forming, things that I never thought I’d be able to do. They helped me gain experience and confidence that I can use in my engineering career.

18 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

The Returner James Davidson Furniture Modern Apprentice

20 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Altogether We’re Better

Proskills Apprenticeship Awards 2008, shortlisted as Apprenticeship of the Year. I always enjoyed working with my hands and started college as a Training for Work student on a one-year Carpentry and Joinery course, followed by the Making and Installing Furniture courses. I was fortunate enough, despite being a more ‘mature’ student, to have been given a placement with Havelock Europa plc and was soon signed up to undertake the Furniture Apprenticeship. This fulfilled my ambition of becoming a fully qualified tradesman. The company also benefited by using our experience when considering their future development plans. During my training I had the chance to design and make a showcase for the Normandy

Veterans Association’s Standard, now on permanent display in Dunfermline City Chambers. At a time when my confidence and future prospects were low the Modern Apprenticeship offered me a fantastic opportunity to start again and build something positive. Effect on career Now I am getting the opportunity to pass on my skills, knowledge and experience to apprentices who are beginning their careers in the Furniture Industry. I’m glad I can now support younger people who are getting the chance to develop themselves. Thanks to Havelock Europa plc and Carnegie College everything has been turned around and I feel now that I am living my dream working as a craftsman with a recognised industry qualification.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 23

The Altogether Executive We’re Better Michael Sharp cmi Diploma in Management

21 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

I was in a recently promoted job role which had a requirement for people management skills, and my employer was putting all managers through a development framework that included a formal management qualification. For me this was the cmi Diploma in Management, which provided me with a good understanding of management principles. I completed this in June this year, and I’ve now moved onto the cmi Executive Diploma being run by the college. Effect on Career The course has reinforced my understanding of management principles, and will allow me to develop into other roles that may present themselves to me in future.

22 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

The Altogether Postgraduate We’re Better Jennifer Abbot cmi Executive Diploma in Management

24 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

After working as a Team Manager in a sales and service department of a financial organisation for a number of years, I became involved in specialised project work. The experience I gained in this area enabled me to take the leap into consultancy and become self-employed, offering and delivering business analysis to a number of major financial service organisations.

based with submission dates spread through the academic year to give enough time to get the work done. Learning aids and lectures were good sources of information and understanding and also an excellent way of getting to know my classmates and sharing best practice and experiences, which added real value to my learning and personal development.

After obtaining a Diploma in Management, I decided enhancing this qualification with the Executive Diploma would gave me a sound knowledge and understanding of business practice, and help me to develop my own business and attract and secure new clients.

Effect on Career As a result of obtaining my Executive Diploma I have gained a sound understanding and competence in all aspects of management and enhanced my suite of tools on offer to current and potential clients. My confidence has increased and my business has benefited as a result.

The College tutors and support were excellent in helping me manage, through careful planning and organisation. The course was assignment

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 27

The Career Changer

Altogether We’re Better

Graham McGregor HND Interactive Multimedia and Design

25 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Before starting college I worked at a local electronics manufacturing company as a technician for 14 years. When the company closed, I decided to enrol in the Interactive Multimedia Design course as I had previously worked on websites as a hobby and wanted to learn more. I initially found it tough as I started in the HNC class. However the tutors gave fantastic support and I soon got to grips with the course and started to enjoy it. Effect on Career Upon completing the degree level course I hope to find employment in the area of Multimedia.

26 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

The School Leaver Ashley Emslie Applied Science: Biomedical HNC

28 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Altogether We’re Better

When I left school I had an interest in nursing so decided to study the Preparation for Care course. I really enjoyed the course but found the Biology part of the course most interesting, so then studied the Access to Health and Life Sciences course which I loved. I am now studying Biomedical Science which is what I want to do at university. College is a really enjoyable experience with excellent and very supportive tutors and I also get on well with my classmates. I have lived in Lochgelly all my life so it’s only a short journey into college and easily accessible by bus. Effect on Career Thanks to my course I got a part-time job as a nursing auxiliary which I enjoy. After doing the Applied Science: Biomedical course, I would like to pursue a science related career.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 31

The Altogether Local We’re Learner Better Bradley Stewart Self-Employment and Advice Training

29 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

I was unemployed before starting at Carnegie College. I was studying Training for Work – Self-Employment at Thomson House in Methil so I could start up my own mobile disco business. I really enjoyed my time at college. The tutors were friendly and very knowledgeable and the facilities are good. Effect on Career Thanks to the skills I gained at college I now run my own successful mobile disco business.

30 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Learning That’s Relevant and Fun

One of the important features of learning at Carnegie College is our emphasis on making learning relevant for your future career if work is your goal; or for studies if you are thinking of going on to higher level education. This can take many shapes, and means that each year the curriculum might offer new opportunities and challenges. For 2009/10 we are planning a number of features that might interest you. Outward Bound Days Some programmes offer the opportunity for groups of learners to join the Army, the Navy, or the Marines on a very special once in a lifetime experience. In the past this has included helicopter trips, a sail out on the Forth on the Ark Royal and other similar experiences.

European or UK Visits For a number of years we have had students visit Disneyland Paris on a business studies experience, shadowing and learning for the excellent standards delivered by the Disney Corporation. Festival Fun The college’s role in co-ordinating the Carnegie Festival provides groups of students with opportunities to secure paid employment and get involved in events management and delivery.

Work Placements Many of our programmes are linked to employment opportunities in Fife, or beyond. This means that lots of our students have the opportunity to go into structured real life work placements in which they join company staff and support in delivering the business objectives. University Experiences By working with partner universities we can provide access to master classes, here or in the universities. We can arrange visits, tours or classes that add value to your learning experience and give you an edge in your career path.

32 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Learning to Suit Your Lifestyle

Qualifications National Qualifications (NQ) SQA National Qualifications are non-advanced qualifications that are available at five levels: Access, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, Higher and Advanced Higher, giving you the opportunity to study at the level that is right for you. National Qualifications provide a valuable pathway to higher level qualifications such as HNCs and HNDs, or degrees. Higher National Certificates/Diploma (HNC/HND) The HNC and HND qualifications offer huge opportunities if you are serious about your career prospects and your future. Not only are they recognised by employers for their vocational value, many offer the opportunity for you to progress directly into 2nd or 3rd year university as they are equivalent to the first and second year of a degree. Furthermore, they are highly regarded by many professional bodies. So whether you want to go straight into a job, or continue your studies, getting a Higher National qualification is a good place to start. Degrees You can now choose to study at degree level right here at Carnegie College. All our degrees are accredited by our partner, Napier University. Professional Development Awards (PDAs) PDAs are customised qualifications designed to meet the needs of individuals and employers who wish to develop their professional skills in a specific area. Carnegie College offers PDAs at certificate, advanced certificate and diploma level.

Modern Apprenticeships (MAs) Work-based qualifications are now popular with employers, with a whole host of career opportunities available including, Accounting, Administration, Construction trades, Hospitality, Customer Service, Engineering, Tourism and Information Technology. An MA is ideal for ambitious people starting out on their career. All of the MA courses are developed by industry to include the skills required for success in that profession. If you want to combine study with work and earn a regular wage then this might be the route for you. If you don’t yet have that job and are looking for a good way forward then studying on a full-time basis for a while can often provide you with that interview opportunity and great experiences to put on your CV. We’ll also help with your interview preparation. Leisure Classes If you have some free time and you do not know what to do with it, why not come along to Carnegie and learn new skills? You’ll have some fun and you’ll get the chance to meet new people. Learning doesn’t have to be about gaining qualifications. To find out about leisure courses currently available contact our Customer Services Team.

Ways of learning We have a number of different ways to learn here at Carnegie College other than full-time study: Community Learning For some the thought of coming into College can seem a little daunting. Carnegie College works in partnership with Fife Council to deliver courses via a network of learning centres through West and Central Fife, providing you with the opportunity to take those first steps back into learning in small, friendly classes in your own local community. Further details and contact numbers can be found on p140. Part-Time Learning We offer a variety of part-time study options to suit your needs such as: part-time day release, part-time evenings, part-time open learning or part-time distance learning. Carnegie24 is our virtual learning environment where you can have control of when and where you study. The amount of funding support available to part-time learners varies greatly depending upon your own personal circumstances. Please contact our Customer Services Team to discuss further. Professional Qualifications Professional qualifications generally lead to membership of professional bodies. Increasingly employers are looking for such qualifications and they can give you a competitive advantage when seeking that career move or promotion. Our Customer Service Team can set you off in the right direction.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 33

What to Study? A Qualifications Guide SQA Qualifications in the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF)



Honours Degree


Ordinary Degree


Higher National Diploma


Advanced Higher




Intermediate 2/ Credit Standard Grade


Intermediate 1/ General Standard Grade


Access 3/ Foundation Standard Grade


Access 2


Access 1

 National Progression Awards

National Certificates

 

SCQF Level

34 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Higher National Certificate

Professional Development Awards


 SVQ 4






The Application Process Do you know which course to apply for?


There is so much to choose from and you may still have many questions. Call us on 0844 248 0115 to arrange an informal chat with a relevant course advisor.

Complete an application form and return it to us.


You may be required to meet with an advisor to discuss the details of your application.

We will offer you a place on the agreed course.

Complete all necessary funding forms where applicable.

We are here to help you understand your funding options. See page 134 for details. Enrol at the start of your course. Time to create your future at Carnegie.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 35

Course Directory Degrees

Choosing to study for a degree is a big step but you’ll see how simple it is to achieve this right here in Fife with us. Over recent years Carnegie College has supported thousands of learners in fulfilling their ambitions to gain a degree. There isn’t a university in West Fife but thanks to our university partnerships many of our learners, regardless of age or circumstance, can now opt to undertake a degree right here at Carnegie. For several years now we have delivered entire degrees here on campus on behalf of our university partner Napier. Year on year the degrees we can offer you have grown, with a wider range of Higher Education opportunities available again this year. In order to accommodate these higher level programmes we have spent several years investing in our campus facilities. We ensure that we have teams of staff able to deliver purposeful degree opportunities, here in Fife, or part delivery in Fife with completion of the degree on campus at Napier University.

Napier University are developing new opportunities for HNC and HND graduates, who can now study for a further two years of degree level study on-campus here at Carnegie. Napier University Degrees offered at Carnegie: BA Business Management BA Complementary Health BEng Engineering (under development) BSc Multimedia Technology BSc Network Computing BA Social Science MBA* Please see course pages and our Higher Education Guide for more information on degree opportunities. *The MBA programme is at postgraduate level and is a qualification requiring evidence of management experience and an Executive Diploma in Management or equivalent in a management related discipline.

36 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Course Directory Highers Programme

Highers Programme Highers can be the ideal pathway to Higher Education. At Carnegie College we offer Highers on a full-time and part-time basis. If you have missed out on the chance to study Highers or would like to add to your existing group of Highers, we can help. Highers are really valuable qualifications for adult returners too. Because of the range and flexibility of the Carnegie Highers Programme, they are a great entry point for professional development and career changes. So if you need Highers as part of your career or personal development, perhaps to progress to Higher Education or for university entrance, talk to us. As a Carnegie student, you can be timetabled to attend during the daytime or evening, use our learner bases and receive specialist study support as you need it. You can even keep in touch with your tutor by e-mail or phone. For us, flexibility is the key to your success.

Highers Facts

■■ Everyone has heard of Highers ■■ Employers recognise them ■■ They provide sound building blocks on a

route to degree Higher National Certificate (HNC) or Higher National Diploma (HND) ■■ Universities recognise them as main entry qualifications Highers

■■ Accounting ■■ Art & Design ■■ Biology ■■ Business Management ■■ Care ■■ Chemistry ■■ Drama ■■ Early Education & Childcare ■■ Economics ■■ English ■■ French ■■ Graphical Communication ■■ History ■■ Human Biology ■■ Mathematics ■■ Mechatronics ■■ Media Studies ■■ Modern Studies ■■ Professional Cookery ■■ Psychology ■■ Sociology

Advanced Highers

■■ English ■■ Mathematics

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 37

Course Directory

Work-Based Learning Courses The following list shows Carnegie College’s Modern Apprenticeship (MA)/Scottish Vocational Qualification provision.To undertake these part-time work-based courses you should already be in employment in a related occupation or field. For more information, contact our Customer Services Team on 0844 248 0115. Business and Management

Electrical Engineering MA

Business and Administration SVQ 2

Electrical Installation SVQ 3

Business and Administration SVQ 3/MA

Fabrication & Welding Engineering MA

Customer Service SVQ 3/MA

Mechanical Engineering SVQ/MA

Management SVQ 3/MA

Motor Vehicle Engineering (Heavy Vehicle) SVQ 3/MA

Management SVQ 4/MA

Motor Vehicle Engineering (Light Vehicle) SVQ 3/MA

Childcare and Education

Performing Manufacturing Operations (PEO) SVQ 2

Children’s Care Learning and Development SVQ 2

Gas and Plumbing

Children’s Care Learning and Development SVQ 3/MA

Commercial Catering Gas Installation and Maintenance MA

Playwork SVQ 2

Domestic Gas Installation and Maintenance MA

Playwork SVQ 3

Industrial and Commercial Gas Installation and Maintenance MA

Playwork SVQ 4

Plumbing SVQ 3/MA


Health and Social Care

IT Professional MA

Health and Social Care SVQ 2

PC Passport MA

Health and Social Care SVQ 3

Construction Built Environment Technicians MA

Health and Social Care SVQ 4 Leadership and Management in Care Services

Brickwork SVQ 3/MA

Hospitality and Tourism

Carpentry and Joinery SVQ 3/MA

Catering SVQ 2

Furniture Industry SVQ 3/MA

Hospitality Supervision

Wood Machining SVQ 3/MA

Professional Cookery SVQ 2

Painting and Decorating SVQ 3/MA Roof Slating and Tiling SVQ 3/MA Wall and Floor Tiling SVQ 3/MA Engineering and Technology Computer Aided Draughting Mode Distribution & Warehousing SVQ 2 38 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Learning and Development Learning and Development SVQ 3 Learning and Development SVQ 4

Course Directory

Professional Development Courses Carnegie College offers a range of short courses designed to ensure that you keep up-to-date with the latest skills and legislative changes in the workplace. For further details, including start dates and prices contact our Customer Services Team on 0844 248 0115. Business and Management


1 day

Professional Development Courses Delivered by Carnegie Enterprise Limited

Web Design and Publishing

1 day

Effective Time Management with MS Outlook

1 day

Assertiveness Effective Minute Taking

1 day ½ day

Making Powerful Presentations with Powerpoint

2 days

Investment in Excellence

5 days

Steps into Excellence

3 days

Developing Leaders of the Future

2 days

Developing the Strategic Manager

2 days

Effective Sales and Managing

2 days

Introduction to Project Management

2 days

Exceeding the Needs of your Customer

1 day

Handling Conflict

1 day

Handling Meetings with Style

1 day

Making Effective Presentations

1 day

Managing Financial Resources

2 day

Managing the Performance of Staff

1 day

Negotiation Skills

1 day


Report Writing

1 day

Introduction to CAD for Construction


Stress Management

1 day

National Progression Award in Conservation


Telephone & Reception Skills

1 day

Time Management

1 day

Train the Trainer

2½ days

Gas and Plumbing Core Domestic Natural Gas Safety – Re-assessment

3½ days 1½ days

Lotus Notes

½ day

Central Heating Boilers, Fire and Wall Heaters, Domestic Cookers and Water Heaters

Visual Basic for Applications

3 days

Changeover from Natural Gas to LPG

1 day

Microsoft Excel

1 day

Core Commercial Natural Gas Safety

½ day

Microsoft Excel – Charts and Graphs

1 day

Changeover from Core Domestic to Core Commercial

½ day

Microsoft Outlook

1 day

First Fix Commercial Pipework and Appliances/Equipment

½ day

Microsoft Powerpoint

1 day

CIGA1, CORT1, CDGA1: Indirect Fire Heating Appliance, Overhead Radiant Appliances, Direct Fire Heating Appliances

5 days 3 days

Microsoft Project

2 days

Microsoft Publisher (2000)

1 day

TPCP1: Test/Purge to IGEUP1 – 2nd Edition

Microsoft Word

1 day

TPCP1A: Test/Purge to IGEUP1A <1m3

PRINCE2, ITIL, MSP, M_o_R, Managing Change, Train the Trainer, Six Sigma, Managing People

2 days

Managing Change

2 days

1 day

Changeover from COCN1 – CCN1 including COMCAT 1,2,3 3 days Commercial Catering Natural Gas Safety

1 day

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 39

Course Directory

Professional Development Courses Essential Electrics Route 1: Essential Electrics, Electrical Wiring of Heating Systems and Fault Diagnostics, Basic Combi Training, Advanced Combi Training, Commissioning, Basic and Advanced Fault Finding 3 day Essential Electrics Route 2: Essential Electrics, Basic Combi Training, Advanced Combi Training, Commissioning, Basic and Advanced Fault Finding Electrical Part P Unvented Hot Water Storage Systems

½ day 1 day ½ day

Water Bye-laws – SFT


Gas Safety Management


Energy Efficiency


Landlords and Gas Safety Management

½ day

CPA1 Combustion Performance Analyser

½ day

Courses Available for Emergency Service Providers

1 day

Pipe Installer/Commissioner Natural Gas only (Limited scope)

1 day

½ day

Fire Marshall Training Fire Prevention


Fire Prevention Refresher


Fire Risk Management


Forklift Training

½ day

Hand Tool Safety

½ day

Health & Safety Awareness

1 day

Health & Safety for Employers (office)

1 day

Health & Safety for Employers (workshop)

1 day

Health & Safety for Managers & Supervisors

3 days

Health & Safety for Senior Managers & Directors

3 days

Health and Safety Induction

1 day

Hot Working Permit to Work

½ day

IOSH Safety Courses

4/5 days

Installation First Fix Commercial Appliances/Equipment (Limited scope)

Kinetic Handling

1 day

3 days

Ladder Inspection

1 day

LPG Caravan Appliances

3 days

Lead Awareness

1 day

Lifting Tackle Inspection

1 day

Engineering and Technology Abrasive Wheels

1 day

Accident Investigating & Reporting

½ day

Asbestos Awareness & Management

½ day

Bandsaw Safety

½ day

Centre Lathe Turning

up to 5 days

Control of Contractors

1 day


1 day

COSHH Assessor Training

3 days

Display Screen Equipment Assessor Training

½ day

Emergency Escape

1 day

40 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Manual Handling & Lifting (Objects)

½ day

Manual Handling Assessor Training

1 day

Mobile Elevated Working Platform Safety

1-2 days

Moving Loads by Slinging

3 days

Oil & Chemical Spillage

½ day

Portable Appliance Testing C & G Certificate Reach Truck Conversion Risk Assessment

distance learning 2 days 1 day

Safe Use and Handling of Lead-Acid Batteries

½ day

Safe Use of Hand and Power Tools

½ day

Safety Induction Confined Spaces

½ day


Safety Passport

2 days

Conversational French

1 evening over 10 weeks

Supervisor Forklift Appreciation

1 day

Conversational German

1 evening over 10 weeks

Supervisor Forklift Safety Awareness

1 day

Conversational Spanish

1 evening over 10 weeks

The Use and Mounting of Abrasive Wheels – SFT

1 day

Tower Scaffolding

1 day

Welder Coding

2 days

Working At Height

½ day

Working in Confined Spaces

½ day

Working with Lead & Risk Assessment

Core Skills (Numeracy/Communications/IT) We offer a range of core skill courses ranging from basic through to HN units. Whatever your starting point, we have a course suitable for you and can provide opportunities for progression for most learners, please contact our Customer Services Team on 0844 248 0115 for a copy of our Core Skills Directory.

1 day

Health and Social Care Administration of Medicines Emergency First Aid First Aid for Appointed Persons Health and Safety Awareness HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Loss and Bereavement Mental Health First Aid Moving and Handling People Prevention and Basic Pressure Area Care Prevention of Infection Hospitality and Tourism 100K Welcomes – Leadership

2 days/4½ days

100K Welcomes – Operational

1 day/2½ days

REHIS Elementary Food Hygiene

1 day/2 evenings

REHIS Elementary Food Hygiene

distance learning

REHIS Intermediate Food Hygiene

8 evenings

Servewise Certificate for Scottish Personal Licence Holders (Off Licence) 1 evening over 10 weeks Servewise Certificate for Scottish Personal Licence Holders (On Licence) 1 evening over 10 weeks Servewise Standard Staff Qualification 1 evening over 10 weeks

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 41

Course Directory

Full-time and Part-time Courses The list below highlights Carnegie College’s full-time and part-time courses starting August/September 2009. Further detail is also available online at or call our Customer Services Team on 0844 248 0115. Access and Employability Academic Qualifications

Business HNC


Human Resource Management HNC


Business (with management options) HND


Business Management BA (Napier University) Degree


College Connections


LEAP (Leaving Education Alternative Programme)


Self-Employment and Advice Training


English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)


Working with Communities NC


Focus on Work NQ


Introduction to Aspire NQ


Beauty Therapy ITEC


Positive Steps to Study NQ


Beauty Specialists ITEC


Skillextra Plus NQ


Holistic Therapies ITEC


Holistic Massage ITEC


Indian Head Massage ITEC


Reflexology ITEC


Aromatherapy ITEC


Accounting and Finance Management Academic Qualifications Accounting HNC


Accounting HND


Professional Qualifications

Beauty and Holistic Therapies Academic Qualifications


Stone Therapy Massage ITEC


Intermediate Stage AAT


Complementary Healthcare BA (Hons) (Napier University) Degree


Technician Stage AAT Book-keeping Certificate AAT


Business Specialisms

Administration and Business Academic Qualifications

Academic Qualifications Contracting Management HNC

63 63

Introduction to Business NQ


Wastes Management HNC

Business NQ


Carnegie Enterprise Limited

Administration and Information Technology HNC


42 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Developing Leaders of the Future ILM


Developing the Strategic Manager ILM


Professional Qualifications

Introduction to Project Management ILM


European Computer Driving Licence ECDL


Managing Change ILM


European Computer Driving Licence – Advanced ECDL


Investment in Excellence Pacific Institute


Internet and Computing Core Certification IC3


Steps to Excellence for Personal Success Pacific Institute


Microsoft Office Specialist Certificate (MOS) Microsoft


Train the Trainer ILM


Desktop Support Technician (Microsoft Certified PDA)


Six Sigma Six Sigma


Systems Administrator (Microsoft Certified PDA)


Prince2 Project Management APMG


Construction, Gas and Plumbing

Managing Successful Programmes APMG


Management of Risk APMG


ITIL Foundation Course APMG


Diploma in Programme and Project Management APMG/cmi


Computing and Digital Media Academic Qualifications

Academic Qualifications Skills for Work: Construction, Skills for Work: Energy Please visit for more information Construction Advantage City and Guilds


Built Environment NC


Domestic Natural Gas City and Guilds


Industrial/Commercial Natural Gas City and Guilds


IT and Creative Arts NQ


Furniture Production and Restoration VRQ 2 and 3 City and Guilds


Gateway to Information and Communication Technology NQ


Carpentry and Joinery Advanced Certificate


Computing Studies NQ


Architectural Technology HNC


Digital Media Computing NC


Building Surveying HNC


Administration and Information Technology HNC


Civil Engineering HNC


Applied IT in Business HNC


Construction HNC


Computing HNC


Quantity Surveying HNC


Interactive Multimedia Creation HNC/HND


Creative Arts

Computing Software Development HND


Computing Technical Support HND


Multimedia Technology BSc (Napier University) Degree


Network Computing BSc (Napier University) Degree


Academic Qualifications Access to Photography NQ


Photography NQ


Photography HNC/HND


Graphic Design and New Media NQ


Visual Communication HNC/HND


For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 43

Course Directory

Full-time and Part-time Courses Access to Drama NQ


Performing Arts NC


Acting and Performance HNC/HND


Art and Design NQ


Producing a Professional Art Portfolio NQ


Jewellery NQ


Art and Design HNC


Jewellery HNC/HND


Early Education and Childcare Academic Qualifications

Engineering and Technology Academic Qualifications Automotive Vehicle Servicing and Repair – Light Vehicle VRQ 1 City and Guilds


Automotive Vehicle Servicing and Repair – Light Vehicle VRQ 2 City and Guilds


Engineering Multi-Skills NC


Engineering Advantage NC


Aeronautical Engineering NC


Electrical Engineering NC


Electrical Installation NC


Fabrication & Welding Engineering NC


Early Education and Childcare NQ


Mechanical Engineering NC


Early Education and Childcare NC


Aircraft Engineering HNC


Access to HN Early Education and Childcare Access


Electrical Engineering HNC


Access to Primary Education SWAP Access


Electronic Engineering HNC


Early Education and Childcare HNC


Fabrication and Welding HNC


Supporting Learning Needs HNC


Mechanical Engineering HNC


Rapid Prototyping and Design Engineering (incorporating CAD) HNC

97 98

Professional Qualifications Classroom Assistant PDA


Engineering Systems HNC

Early Education and Childcare PDA


Support for Learning Assistants PDA


Engineering Systems incorporating Renewable and Sustainable Engineering HND Professional Qualifications 17th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations (C&G 2381) City and Guilds

44 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit



Inspection, Testing and Certification of Electrical Installations (C&G 2391) City and Guilds Portable Appliance Testing (C&G 2377) City and Guilds

99 99

Learning and Development Academic Qualifications Assessor/Verifier Awards SQA Certificate

111 111

NEBOSH Construction Certificate NEBOSH


Additional Support Needs HNC

NEBOSH Fire Safety and Risk Management Certificate NEBOSH


Professional Qualifications

NEBOSH General Certificate NEBOSH


Delivering Training in the Workplace PDA


Learning Centre Operations PDA

112 112

Health & Social Care Introduction to Health & Childcare Access


Supporting Individuals with Dyslexia in Learning and Workplace Settings PDA


Supporting Learning in the Workplace PDA


Preparation for Care NQ

E-Learning PDA


Academic Qualifications

Health & Social Care (Higher) Incorporating Access to Nursing 102 NC 103

Advanced Diploma – Teaching in Further Education: an Introduction PDA


Professional Access to HNC Social Care Access Social Care HNC


Advanced Diploma – Teaching in Further Education PDA


Quality Improvement PDA


Teaching Children and Young People PDA


Professional Qualifications Counselling Skills COSCA


Introduction to Counselling NQ Unit


Management and Leadership Professional Qualifications

Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Academic Qualifications

Certificate in Team Leading SVQ Level 2 cmi


Introduction to Hospitality, Travel and Tourism NQ


Management SVQ Level 3 cmi


Hospitality, Travel and Tourism NQ


Introductory Certificate in Management cmi


Hospitality HNC


Certificate in Management cmi


Travel and Tourism HNC


Diploma in Management cmi


Diploma in Public Service Leadership cmi


Languages and Communication Academic Qualifications 109

Executive Diploma in Management cmi


English NQ


Level 2 Team Leading/Level 3 First Line Management ILM


Media Studies NQ


Certificate in Personnel Practice CIPD


Practical Journalism HNC/HND

Certificate in Training Practice CIPD


For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 45

Course Directory

Full-time and Part-time Courses Postgraduate Diploma in Personnel and Development CIPD


Master of Business Administration (Napier University) MBA


Sales and Marketing Management Academic Qualifications Marketing HNC


Professional Qualifications

Science and Mathematics Academic Qualifications Science NQ


Access to Health and Life Sciences SWAP Access


Biology NQ


Chemistry NQ


Level 1 Foundation Award in Basic Sales Skills ISMM


Mathematics NQ


Level 2 Award/Certificate in Sales and Marketing ISMM


Human Biology NQ


Level 3 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Advanced Sales and Marketing ISMM


Applied Science: Biomedical HNC


Level 4 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Operational Sales and Marketing Management ISMM


Level 5 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Sales Management ISMM


Level 5 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Account Management 123 ISMM

Social Sciences Academic Qualifications Access to Social Science Access


Social Science HNC


Level 5 Diploma in Sales and Account Management ISMM


Social Science HND


Level 6 Executive Award/Certficate/Diploma in Strategic Sales and Account Management ISMM


Social Science BA (Napier University) Degree


Customer Services VQ 2/VQ 3



National Certificate National Qualification Higher National Certificate Higher National Diploma Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Master of Business Administration Scottish Vocational Qualification Modern Apprenticeship Professional Development Award

46 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

C&G City and Guilds AAT Association of Accounting Technicians ILM Institute of Leadership and Management CIPD Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development cmi Chartered Management Institute NEBOSH National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health ISMM Institute of Sales and Marketing Management FT Full-time PT Part-time * Subject to Approval

Access and Employability

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 47

Access and Employability

College Connections

National Unit Part-time SCQF Level 1-3 Overview This course offers a gradual transition for pupils attending departments of special education/ learning support centres who wish to progress to college on leaving school. It aims to allow independent travel, encourage students to participate in new social experiences in an adult environment and provide new and continuing challenges. It also offers a relevant Scottish Qualifications Authority unit where possible. This course is delivered one day a week over 36 weeks and assessment is carried out internally following SQA criteria. What’s Involved The course comprises nine-week taster sessions in a variety of practical areas including: Catering, Art and Design, Multimedia and Leisure Activities. A Scottish Qualifications Unit “Participating in Community Activity” at Access level 2 enhances the school curriculum. Moving On This course is designed to be a link to college and may lead to a full-time course on leaving school. Entry Requirements There are no formal entry requirements.

LEAP (Leaving Education Alternative Programme)

Self-Employment and Advice Training



Overview This course is for 16-19 year olds and develops self-confidence, self awareness and self-esteem. It develops an adult role within the family and the community, increases awareness of a healthy lifestyle and develops independent living skills. It provides guidance and support to further training, employment or community activity.

Overview This programme provides participants with the knowledge to enable them to start and run their own business. On completion of the programme, participants will be aware of their legal obligations, have an awareness and knowledge of sales, marketing, costing, pricing, business forecasting, VAT, tax, national insurance, advertising and promotion, as well as internet based selling. Other subjects may be introduced depending on the requirements of the individual. The self employment courses are available throughout the year and run initially for 6 months but can last up to 1 year.

What’s Involved Programme duration is 12 weeks, 18 hours per week; the programme is delivered in our Access Centres. Students have the opportunity to obtain SQA qualifications in access 3, Intermediate 1 & 2 in Communication, Numeracy and Information Technology. Each course has one programme tutor who will work with small groups of learners, using a variety of methods determined by the needs of the student. The employability units are: CV Preparation, Application Forms, Letter Writing Techniques, Interview Techniques and Telephone Techniques. All students are registered with Learndirect online learning to enable the student to access and undertake online courses on a variety of subjects. The course content is developed and tailored to the individual needs of the students. Moving On Get Ready for Work programme, NC, NQ, and SVQ Level 1 courses. Entry Requirements Individuals between the age of 16-19 not in employment, education or training.

48 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved The main elements of the course are: Induction, Health & Safety, General Introduction to Self-Employment, Market Research, Marketing, Costing, Pricing, Sales Forecasting, Business Forecasting, VAT, Taxation and National Insurance, Business Insurances, Selling online, Basic Financial Record Keeping. Moving On The course is designed to get the business to a position where the client is able to go fully self-employed at the end of the training period. Entry Requirements There are no formal qualifications required, however an in-depth knowledge of business product or service being offered is essential.

ESOL (English for speakers of other languages)

Working with Communities

Focus on Work


NC Full-time SCQF Level 4/5

NQ Part-time SCQF Level 1-3

Overview If you want to improve your English so that you can live, work or study in an English speaking country, Carnegie College is offering Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) qualifications at all levels from Access 2 through to Higher.

Overview This course is designed to offer candidates the skills and qualifications to enable them to progress to further training and education or to seek employment within community based practice.

What’s Involved Each Qualification covers Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading and will help you: ■■ Gain an English language qualification at a level suitable for you ■■ Communicate more easily in your everyday life ■■ Progress into work ■■ Progress to College or University ■■ Prepare for study in other subjects ■■ Apply for UK citizenship

What’s Involved This programme will provide students with the knowledge and practical skills relating to how community groups work and how to encourage community capacity building.

Overview This course is suitable for young people and adults with additional support needs who have a particular interest in gaining work skills by participating in practical, experiential placements and activities. The course aims to prepare students for work in a choice of vocational areas through college based training to basic qualification level. The course will also prepare students for real work environments with additional support for employer liaison and placement experience.

Moving On Students will have the opportunity to progress to Higher Education. Entry Requirements Entry to Access 2 is based on an initial assessment. For entry to higher levels candidates would be expected to have attained the qualification for the previous level or equivalent plus an interview.

Units Include:

What’s Involved The course is delivered two days a week for 36 weeks with assessment undertaken internally following Scottish Qualification Authority criteria. Work experience is offered during the course. The course comprises six Scottish Qualification Authority units in core skills, vocational skills and life skills, and an internally devised SVQ 1 level qualification in laundry skills.

Moving On Successful students may apply to HNC Working with Communities/Social Care.

Career Pathways On completion of this course there is the opportunity to progress to part-time supported employment. As successful completion leads on to employment, there is no educational progression route.

■■ Principles and Practice ■■ Social Issues ■■ Promoting Equal Opportunities ■■ Learning Approaches ■■ Working Practice ■■ Preparing to Work with Community Groups ■■ Working with Young People ■■ Core Skills

Entry Requirements Successful candidates will undergo an Enhanced Disclosure check. Applicants should have five standard grades at level 3 or above, one of which must be English. Candidates will be interviewed as part of a selection process and can provide evidence of other qualifications.

Entry Requirements There are no formal entry qualifications required. Prospective students should have an interest in progressing to supported employment.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 49

Access and Employability

Introduction to ASPIRE

Positive Steps to Study

Skillextra Plus

NQ Full-time SCQF Level 1-3

NQ Part-time SCQF Level 1-6

NQ Full-time SCQF Level 2

Overview This course is aimed at school-leavers with moderate to complex additional support needs and provides the opportunity to continue to develop personal, social and vocational skills in the adult environment of college. The course extends the education of the young person; develops self-confidence, self-awareness and self-advocacy; as well as developing personal autonomy and independent living skills. It can act as a link between school and a work-based Get Ready for Work placement or a supported work course.

Overview This course allows individuals to take their first steps back into learning in the company of other adults. As a group learners cover core skills like computing, communication and maths so it’s ideal for people returning to education or the workplace. It’s enjoyable too! Learners work towards SQA units in a supportive group environment. The Positive Steps to Study course also gives learners an opportunity to explore the whole range of learning opportunities at Carnegie College.

Overview This is a supported college course aimed at young people with additional support needs. The course gives young people the opportunity to develop social skills appropriate to an employment setting. It provides an integrated personal life skills package within the curriculum context and enables young people to make informed choices about the best vocational opportunities available to them.

What’s Involved The course can be up to 2 years in duration, delivered 4.5 days a week over 36 weeks a year. Subject areas covered include: Independent Living Skills, Catering, Personal and Social Education, Video Production, Enterprise, Drama and Communication; as well as – Information Technology, Numeracy, Gardening, Working with Others and Problem Solving; supplemented by work experience and additional non-certificated life skills. SQA units at access 1 and 2 are offered dependent on the individual targets of the student. Moving On Supported work placements are offered when appropriate and students can also progress to further full-time or part-time study within the Access & Communities School and/or other community placements. Entry Requirements There are no formal entry requirements.

What’s Involved There are SQA units in the following areas: Communications and Writing Skills, Numeracy and Mathematics Skills and Information Technology. These are provided at a level appropriate for each individual. The course is offered twice a year and the timetable is arranged over 2 short days a week and will run for 18 weeks. Moving On It is an ideal start for students who may be thinking of moving to a full-time or part-time course in an area of their choice. Career Pathways The course is designed to offer a number of key skills to improve confidence and perhaps act as the first stage in a change of career. Entry Requirements There are no formal entry requirements for this course.

50 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved The programme award comprises four mandatory units: Communication, Numeracy, Information Technology and Employability Skills. It also covers Practical Skills in Catering (incorporating SQA unit in Customer Care), Office Practice, Engineering and Enterprise, Self Management, Independent Living and Job Seeking Skills. During the course internal/ external work placements will be offered for up to 3 hours per week, if appropriate. Moving On There is the opportunity to progress on to other college courses, based on appropriate individual targets and the specific needs of the student. Entry Requirements There are no formal entry qualification requirements.

Accounting and Finance Management

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 51

Accounting and Finance Management



AAT Intermediate

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HND Full-time SCQF Level 8

Association of Accounting Technicians Part-time

Overview This is a stimulating course of study aimed at developing employment skills and enhancing employment prospects within an accountancy or business field. This award is designed for those who wish to take up a career in accounting or financial administration within a range of business organisations.

Overview This is a stimulating course of study aimed at enhancing employment prospects within an accountancy or business field. Learners will gain the ability to integrate financial and costing data using manual and computerised methods; develop an awareness of current accounting professional issues and gain study and research skills.

Overview To provide knowledge and understanding of accounting tools and techniques. The course is aimed at those working in an accounting environment and wishing to gain an internationally recognised qualification.

What’s Involved Students study on a full-time or part-time day release basis mandatory subjects such as Recording Financial Information, Preparing Final Accounts, Using Financial Accounting Software, Management Accounting using Information Technology, Cost Accounting and Accounting: group award graded unit. There are also optional credits in Business Law, Economics, Information Technology, Office Management and Personal Development Planning. Moving On This course of study contains relevant technical and transferable skills to enable immediate entry to employment or to move on to HND Accounting at Carnegie and on to University. Career Pathways Successful completion of this course could lead to roles such as an accounts assistant, trainee accountant or financial administrator. Preferred Entry Requirements Two Highers. Mature students with evidence of work experience in a business or accounting environment but without formal qualification are encouraged to apply.

What’s Involved This is a full-time course which is made up of core and optional units measured in credits and assessed on a continuous basis. The following subject areas will be studied: Mandatory Units: Recording Financial Information, Preparing Final Accounts, Using Financial Accounting Software, Management Accounting using Information Technology, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting for Planning and Control, Management Accounting for Decision Making, Financial Reporting and Analysis, Accounting for Specialised Transactions, Business Taxation, Accounting Graded Units. There are also optional credits covering subjects such as: Law, Corporate Information Systems, Office Management and Information Technology. Moving On This course of study contains relevant technical and transferable skills to enable immediate entry to employment. Progression can also be to professional study courses such as AAT Technician, available at the Andrew Carnegie Business School, ICAS, ACCA, CIMA, CIPFA, Institute of Chartered Secretaries. Career Pathways Successful completion of this course could lead to roles such as accounts assistant, trainee accountant or financial administrator. Entry Requirements Two Highers for year 1 entry or HNC Accounting for entry into year 2. Mature students with evidence of work experience in a business/ accountancy environment but without formal qualifications are encouraged to apply.

52 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved This is a part-time course attended in the evening. This level is appropriate to students with some prior knowledge or experience of accounting. Students with existing qualifications or experience including the AAT Bookkeeping Certificate may be able to begin at Intermediate Stage. The qualification contains a mix of college based assessment and AAT central examinations taken in June. The AAT is the awarding body. The course covers the following areas: Maintaining Financial Records and Preparing Accounts, Recording and Evaluating Costs and Revenues, Preparing Reports and Returns, Health and Safety and IT Skills. Moving On After completion of the AAT Intermediate, graduates may consider moving on to the Technician level. Once Technician level has been achieved, candidates may apply for full membership of the AAT and also apply for student membership of one of the sponsoring bodies: ACCA, CIMA, CIPFA, ICAS and ICAEW. Career Pathways Successful completion of this course provides a professional qualification in accounting. An array of career opportunities exist, such as career development with an accounting firm, self-employment or assisting small businesses. Entry Requirements Placement on the various AAT courses is dependent upon experience and/or qualifications. Some experience and/or a qualification in Accounting such as the AAT Book-keeping Certificate are required to commence at Intermediate level.

AAT Technician

AAT Book-keeping Certificate

Association of Accounting Technicians Part-time

Association of Accounting Technicians Part-time

Overview This course provides knowledge and understanding of accounting tools and techniques and is aimed at those working in an accounting environment and wishing to gain an internationally recognised qualification.

Overview This access course is designed to help learners to gain competence in book-keeping and elementary accounting tools and techniques. It is aimed at those who possess little or no experience or understanding in accounting but who aspire to gain that competence and perhaps wish to follow a career in this field. The course is also suitable for those who perform a book-keeping role and would like to gain a recognised qualification in this field.

What’s Involved This is a part-time course attended in the evening. This level is appropriate to students with some prior knowledge or experience of accounting. Students with existing qualifications or experience including the AAT Intermediate level will continue to Technician which normally takes two years to achieve. The qualification contains a mix of college based assessment and AAT central examinations. The AAT is the awarding body. The course covers the following areas: Contributing to the Management of Performance and the Enhancement of Value, Contributing to the Planning and Control of Resources, Operating a Cash Management and Credit Control System, Implementing Auditing Procedures, Drafting Financial Statements, Managing Systems and People in the Accounting Environment. Moving On Once Technician level has been achieved, candidates may apply for full membership of the AAT and also apply for student membership of one of the sponsoring bodies: ACCA, CIMA, CIPFA, ICAS and ICAEW. Career Pathways Successful completion of this course provides a professional qualification in accounting. An array of career opportunities exist, such as career development with an accounting firm, self-employment or assisting small businesses. Continuing professional development onto a more advanced education level with one of the Chartered Accounting Bodies is also an option.

What’s Involved This is a 12 week course with the option to access the computer based study package using the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) outwith the College. The course covers subject areas such as Types of Business, Accounting Documentation, Books of Account Recording of Transactions and Double Entry System of Accounting. Assessment is undertaken online at the College on behalf of the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT). Moving On Upon achievement of this access course, individuals may apply for a more advanced course in accounting in order to progress a career in book-keeping or accounting. Career Pathways Achievement of this access course could provide opportunities as an accounts assistant or ledger clerk. Entry Requirements There are no formal academic entry requirements, however an interest in a career in book-keeping or accounting would be preferred.

Entry Requirements Placement on the various AAT courses is dependent upon experience and/or qualifications. To commence at this level, applicants must have achieved AAT Intermediate or a UK Degree in Accountancy.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 53

Administration and Business

54 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Introduction to Business


Administration and Information Technology

NQ Intermediate 1 Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 4

NQ Intermediate 2/Higher Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 5/6

HNC Part-time SCQF Level 7

Overview This course offers an interactive learning experience, designed to give students a broad introduction to Administration, Business Management and Accounting. It is designed to engage students in business activities from the outset using a realistic work environment as a live case study. Learning is by student-centred activities, local research, guest speakers and educational visits. There is also an option for study visits to consolidate your understanding of business.

Overview This course offers an interactive learning experience, designed to give students a broad grounding in Administration, Business Management and Accounting. It is designed to engage students in business activities from the outset using a realistic work environment as a live case study. Learning is by student-centred activities, local research, guest speakers and educational visits. There is also an option for study visits to consolidate your understanding of business.

Overview This course will equip learners with up-to-date skills in information technology and office administration and a wide range of knowledge in business related subjects such as finance, communications and team working.

What’s Involved The course starts with an introduction to the world of business as you undertake the Scottish Progression Award in Enterprise and Employability. This includes subjects such as Enterprise Activity, Administration Support and Customer Skills for the Entrepreneur. The second part of the course includes subjects such as Marketing, Personal Financial Skills and Administrative Services.

What’s Involved The course starts with an introduction to finance and customer services. Subjects include Building Positive Relationships with Customers and Colleagues and Personal Financial Awareness. The second part of the course covers subjects such as Marketing and Operations as well as Finance and HRM. The Higher Programme includes specialist units including Business Enterprise, IT, Financial and Management Accounting.

Moving On On successful completion of this learners will be able to progress to an Intermediate 2 level course in Business, which will extend learning further in Administration, Business Management and Accounting. Those entering employment after completion of the course may be able to progress their studies through a Modern Apprenticeship.

Moving On On successful completion of this group of courses, learners will be able to progress to a higher level course in Business, Administration or Accounting at SQA Higher or HNC level. Those entering employment after completion of the course may be able to progress their studies through a Modern Apprenticeship.

Career Pathways At the end of the course, students will have developed their skills and techniques for a career in today’s highly competitive business world. This course typically provides career pathways to entry level administration or clerical posts or a Skill seeker programme.

Career Pathways At the end of the course, students will have developed their skills and techniques for a career in today’s highly competitive business world. This course typically provides access to career opportunities in junior administration or clerical posts.

Entry Requirements This is an entry level qualification designed to enable you to gain a qualification in Business. Please contact us and discuss your application to ensure that this is the right level of qualification for you.

Entry Requirements For entry to Intermediate Business (Intermediate 2) you should have 3 Standard grades at level 3 or above. For entry to Higher programmes you should have 5 Standard Grades at level 3 or above. Mature candidates with relevant experience but without formal qualifications are also encouraged to apply.

Mature candidates with relevant experience but without formal qualifications are encouraged to apply.

What’s Involved Studies include IT in Business, Office Administration, Office Technologies, and Recording Financial Transactions, Developing Skills for Personal Effectiveness and Communication. Optional units include Introduction to Human Resource Management and Using Financial Accounting Software (SAGE). Moving On There is the opportunity to progress to HND Administration and Information Technology or year two of a related degree course. Career Pathways There are a wide range of career opportunities available including progress through a secretarial or administration route into supervisory management in a range of occupations. Entry Requirements The options are: NQ Intermediate 2, Higher Business Management, SVQ 2 or 3 in Administration, two Highers (one of which should be English) or evidence of study to Higher level plus three Standard Grade passes (at 3 or above). Mature students with relevant experience are encouraged to apply.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 55

Administration and Business


Human Resource Management

Business (with management options)

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HND Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 8

Overview This HNC provides a broad understanding of business management, covering the specialist areas that meet the requirements of both students and employers. Learners will develop a full understanding of the function, purpose and operation of organisations through a combination of theoretical studies and practical skills assessments.

Overview This innovative Human Resource Management course develops an awareness of the contribution of HR to an organisation and offers an overview of the ways in which people are managed within organisations. This programme is suitable for people wishing to move into HR, as well as employers who require a professional, academic qualification for staff or themselves.

Overview This programme provides the opportunity to obtain current management knowledge required by employers, this course focuses on providing an array of practical tools, which can be applied immediately within the workplace. Our experienced lecturers offer an in-depth and relevant view into the world of business.

What’s Involved Subject areas covered in the Mandatory Units include: ■■ Business Accounting ■■ Economic Issues ■■ Marketing ■■ Managing People and Organisations ■■ Using Software Applications Packages ■■ Information Technology Applications Software ■■ Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication ■■ Business graded unit

What’s Involved An exploration of the theory and practice of Human Resource Management in organisations through group work and practical projects, which enable learners to assess, evaluate and discuss strategic HR management issues.

There are also optional units in: ■■ Economics ■■ Business Law ■■ Human Resource Management ■■ Finance Career Pathways Career opportunities are extensive and include employment in general management as well as within specific professions such as marketing, accountancy and human resources. Businesses within commercial, industrial and public sector seek employees who have the broad background of business managerial and specialist knowledge that is provided by this qualification. Moving On Successful completion of this course can lead to entry into year two of a Business HND, and progression on to a university degree. Graduates may also be eligible for membership of professional bodies such as cmi (Chartered Institute of Management). Entry Requirements Applicants are required to have one or more of the following: ■■ Two Highers (preferably in English or Business Management) ■■ Evidence of studying to a Higher level.

Studies include: Interviewing, Recruitment, Selection and Induction, Learning and Development, Employment Relations, Employment Law and Information Technology in Business. Moving On Graduates can progress to part-time or full-time study at HND level at Carnegie College and degree courses in Human Resource Management or Business Management. Studies continue with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development or through the cmi (Chartered Management Institute). Career Pathways Successful completion of this course enhances graduate prospects of employment in a variety of positions such as junior management, HR, administration or supervisory posts. On successful completion, graduates will automatically become an Associate member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Entry Requirements Applicants will be required to have one or more of the following: ■■ Two Highers (preferably in English or Business Management) ■■ Evidence of studying to a Higher level ■■ Three Standard Grade passes (at 3 or above) will be considered ■■ Mature students with relevant work experience but without qualifications are encouraged to apply.

56 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved Using a wide range of teaching methods, our approaches to study include practical exercises, projects and guest speakers, all of which are designed to ensure insight into real life business situations. Course topics include: Marketing, Business Culture, Managing People and Organisations, Business Law, Human Resource Management and Finance. Moving On This course enables progress to the third year of the BA in Business Management (Napier University) at Carnegie College. Graduates may also gain entry to the second year of other university degrees in business related subjects including Management, Business Studies, Economics and Accountancy. Some Professional Institutes recognise the HND as an entry qualification and exemptions to professional courses may be available. Career Pathways Successful completion of this course can provide opportunities for employment in a range of occupations including Human Resources, Marketing, Accounts and Finance, Administration and Management at trainee management level or above, in both the public and private sectors. Entry Requirements Applicants are required to have one or more of the following: ■■ Two Highers (one preferably in English or Business Management) ■■ Evidence of having studied to Higher level ■■ Mature students with relevant experience but without qualifications are encouraged to apply.

Business Management BA

Degree Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 9/10 Overview This course is offered through Napier University and taught at the Andrew Carnegie Business School. The course offers people who currently hold an HND, or equivalent, in a business related discipline the opportunity to continue their studies to a degree level locally while enjoying all the benefits of being a Napier University student. What’s Involved The degree in year 3 is awarded to candidates who have completed three mandatory modules and a work based report based upon a six month work placement. Year 4 involves further study in a specialised area of management. These programmes are delivered full-time or part-time, through a blended range of learning methods to suit the needs of the individual. It will take 10 months to complete year 3 of the of the course, with another 10 months of study required for year 4 of the course. By completing the year 3 programme candidates will learn about HR- Organisational Change, International Marketing and Strategic Management. In year 4, there is the opportunity to enhance learning these areas or alternatively to study areas of particular interest to the candidate selected from an extensive list of options. Moving On On successful completion of year 3, candidates may apply for an appropriate Honours degree offered through Napier University at the Andrew Carnegie Business School. With an honours degree, there are opportunities for progression onto the cmi Executive Diploma in Management and MBA, both delivered at the Andrew Carnegie Business School. Career Pathways This course is designed to meet the continuing personal and professional development needs of those aspiring to a senior career in business management. It will build on past knowledge and experience, provide them with new skills and improve their career opportunities for the future. Entry Requirements Candidates for entry to the year 3 programme must hold an HND, or equivalent, in a business related discipline. For entry to year 4, candidate must have a degree or equivalent in a business related discipline.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 57

Beauty and Holistic Therapies

58 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Beauty Therapy

Beauty Specialists

Holistic Therapies

ITEC Diploma Full-time

ITEC Diploma Part-time

ITEC Diploma Full-time

Overview In this programme candidates will study a wide range of subjects, in both beauty and body therapy. It is ideal for both school-leavers and those looking for career change. ITEC is an internationally recognised beauty qualification, which can lead to a highly successful career in the beauty industry.

Overview This ITEC Diploma for Beauty Specialists provides a thorough understanding and skills in Facial treatments (with the omission of electricals) manicure/pedicure and waxing for a Beauty Specialist requiring a high level qualification in beauty.

Overview The programme will give international employability skills in the field of complementary therapies. It will comprise of ITEC Diplomas to include Anatomy & Physiology, Massage, Reflexology, and Aromatherapy. Core skills will also be included in this programme. The programme is applicable to those who have an interest in the field of holistic therapies.

What’s Involved This full-time programme will be studied over two academic years in our modern purpose built beauty suites. Candidates will be study the following areas; Skin & Eye Treatments, Make Up, Manicure, Pedicure & Nail Technology, Waxing, Facial Electrical Treatments and Body treatments including Swedish Massage. Assessment, both theory and practical will be carried out externally by ITEC examiners. Moving On Candidates will be able to study additional ITEC Diplomas which include Reflexology, Holistic Massage, Indian Head Massage, Stone Therapy Massage and Aromatherapy. Career Pathways Employment Opportunities include working in Beauty Salons, Health Clubs, Spas and Cruise Liners. This award will qualify you to operate your own salon or home visiting practice. Professional indemnity and public liability insurance can be obtained via Embody or other Industry Associations who recognise ITEC qualifications. Entry Requirements It is recommended that candidates have a minimum of five standard grades or equivalent at general level or above.

What’s Involved This part-time programme will be studied two evenings per week over two academic years, (72 weeks). Students will be taught in our modern purpose built beauty suite. ITEC is an internationally recognised examining body. Assessment, both theory and practical, will be carried out externally by ITEC examiners. External awards are graded from pass level to distinction. Candidates will study the following ITEC units:

■■ Skincare & Eye Treatments ■■ Make up ■■ Manicure & Pedicure ■■ Waxing ■■ Professional Conduct and Business


Candidates will study the theory of all treatments as well as the anatomy of the skin, hair and nails. Contra-indications and recognition of skin diseases and disorders are also a vital part of their training as well as the underpinning knowledge and skills required to successfully perform the treatments: Skincare and Eye Treatments, Manicure/Pedicure, Make-up, and Waxing. Moving On Once candidates have achieved the ITEC Level 2 Diploma for Beauty Specialists they may progress on to other ITEC or equivalent awards at level 3, for example: ■■ Body Treatments ■■ Facial Electrical Treatments ■■ Holistic Massage Career Pathways Ideal for those seeking employment in Salons, Health Farms, Spas and Cruise Liners.

What’s Involved This full-time programme will be delivered over one academic year, (36 weeks). Students will be taught in our modern, purpose built complementary therapy suite. ITEC is an internationally recognised examining body. Assessment, both theory and practical, will be carried out externally by ITEC examiners. External awards are graded from pass level to distinction. Candidates will study the following ITEC units:

■■ Anatomy & Physiology ■■ Holistic Massage ■■ Professional Conduct & Business Awareness ■■ Reflexology ■■ Aromatherapy

Candidates will also be expected to achieve the following core skills: ■■ Numeracy ■■ IT Moving On Successful candidates can apply to the second year of the BA Hons degree in Complementary Health Care in association with Napier University. CPD opportunities include Indian Head Massage, Stone Therapy. Career Opportunities Employment including self-employment in the field of holistic therapy. As this is an internationally recognised qualification, candidates may have the opportunity to seek employment overseas. Entry Requirements 5 standard grades at general level or above. Possible articulation from current care courses.

Entry Requirements It is recommended that candidates have a minimum of 5 standard grades or equivalent at general level or above.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 59

Beauty and Holistic Therapies

Holistic Massage

Indian Head Massage


ITEC Diploma Part-time

ITEC Diploma Part-time

ITEC Diploma Part-time

Overview This is the main foundation course for complementary therapy. The course provides candidates with a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology of the body to provide a complete working knowledge of the structure and functions of each area of study.

Overview The main aim of the Diploma is to enable candidates to provide treatments for the purpose of the relaxation and stress release. Indian head massage is based on the ayurvedic system of healing, which has been practiced in India for over a thousand years. The aim of Indian head massage is to release the stress that has accumulated in the tissues, muscles and joints of the head, face, neck and shoulders.

Overview This diploma is designed to provide the knowledge and skills required to work in the field of reflexology. The course provides a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology of the body to ensure complete working knowledge of the structure and functions of each area of study.

What’s Involved The course includes Holistic Massage incorporating the classical movements treating the body. Also inbuilt into this course is a Professional Conduct and Business Awareness unit that will prepare candidates for employment. The three units undertaken to achieve this diploma are: ■■ Anatomy and Physiology ■■ Holistic Massage ■■ Professional Conduct and Business Awareness Within the holistic massage unit candidates will study: ■■ The therapeutic effects of massage on the body ■■ The massage techniques ■■ The consultation process ■■ Client confidentiality ■■ Professional ethics ■■ Appropriate legislation applicable to massage treatments Moving On The college offers a number of other ITEC diplomas including Reflexology and Aromatherapy, which can also be studied on a part-time basis. Several of the units such as Anatomy & Physiology are common to all these diplomas. CPD opportunities include Indian Head Massage and Stone Therapy. Career Pathways Employment including self-employment in the field of holistic massage. As this is an internationally recognised qualification, candidates may have the opportunity to seek employment overseas. ITEC qualifications are recognised by Embody for candidate insurance purposes. Entry Requirements It is essential that candidates have a standard grade or equivalent in science at general level or above. Candidates who do not meet this entry requirement will be required to do the unit Animal Physiology, before they will be considered for entry to the Holistic Massage Diploma.

Candidates will be required to achieve the following two ITEC units in order to achieve the Diploma: Indian Head Massage and Professional Conduct & Business Awareness. What’s Involved The Indian Head Massage Unit will be studied one evening per week for 18 weeks. Candidates who do not already have the Professional Conduct & Business Awareness unit will be required to study for this at the same time, therefore attendance at college will rise to two evenings per week for 18 weeks. There will be an additional fee for this unit. Students will be taught in our modern purpose-built complementary therapy suite. RITEC is an internationally recognised examining body. Assessment, both theory and practical, will be carried out externally by ITEC examiners. External awards are graded from pass level to distinction. Moving On Employment opportunities include working in Beauty Salons, Health Club, Health Farms, Spas and Cruise Liners. This award will qualify learners to operate your own clinic or home visiting practice. Professional indemnity and public liability insurance can be obtained via Embody or other Industry Associations who recognise the ITEC Diploma. Entry Requirements It is essential that candidates have a standard grade or equivalent in science at general level or above. Candidates who do not meet this entry requirement will be required to do the unit Animal Physiology, before they will be considered for entry to the Indian Head Massage Diploma.

60 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved This part-time programme will be studied two evenings per week over one academic year (36 weeks). The three units undertaken to achieve this diploma are: ■■ Anatomy and Physiology ■■ Reflexology ■■ Professional Conduct and Business Awareness Within the reflexology unit candidates will study:

■■ The history and pioneers of reflexology ■■ The therapeutic effects on the body ■■ Reflex points and zone therapy ■■ Anatomy & physiology of the limbs ■■ The application and techniques used in

reflexology treatments

■■ The effects of stress on the body systems

and the ways in which reflexology can help

Moving On The college offers a number of other ITEC diplomas including Holistic Massage and Aromatherapy, which can also be studies on a part-time basis. Several of the units such as Anatomy & Physiology are common to all these diplomas. Entry Requirements It is essential that candidates have a standard grade or equivalent in science at general level or above. Candidates who do not meet this entry requirement will be required to do the unit Animal Physiology, before they will be considered for entry to the Reflexology Diploma.


Stone Therapy Massage

BA Complementary Healthcare (Hons)

ITEC Diploma Part-time

ITEC Diploma Part-time

Degree Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 9

Overview To undertake this specialist diploma it is necessary to have successfully completed the ITEC Diploma in Holistic Massage or equivalent. The diploma is designed to deliver the knowledge and skills required to work in the field of aromatherapy. The course provides a thorough understanding of the various properties and methods of application of essential oils.

Overview The main aim of the Diploma is to enable candidates to provide treatments for the purposes of relaxation and stress release. Stone therapy is one of the fastest growing treatments giving a truly holistic experience. As well as enabling physical stimulation of the circulation and metabolism, it provides deep mental relaxation within minutes.

Overview This course will give international employability skills in the field of complementary therapies. It will comprise of ITEC Diplomas to include Holistic Massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy.

What’s Involved This part-time programme will be studied over one academic year (36 weeks) attending college one evening per week. Students will be taught in our modern purpose built complementary suite. Assessment, both theory and practical, will be carried out externally by ITEC examiners. External awards are graded from pass level to distinction.

What’s Involved The Diploma in Stone Therapy Massage is comprised of one ITEC unit and will be taught on a part-time basis one evening per week for 18 weeks. Students will be taught in our modern purpose built complementary therapy suite. ITEC are an internationally recognised examining body. Assessment, both theory and practical, will be carried out externally by ITEC examiners. External awards are graded from pass level to distinction.

Within the Aromatherapy unit you will be studying: ■■ The holistic effects of aromatherapy ■■ The uses and methods of application ■■ The botanical names of the essential oils ■■ The chemical composition of the essential oils ■■ Their properties and effects ■■ The practical techniques used in aromatherapy massage

Moving On Employment opportunities include working in Beauty Salons, Health Club, Health Farms, Spas and Cruise Liners. This award will qualify you to operate your own clinic or home visiting practice. Professional indemnity and public liability insurance can be obtained via Embody or other Industry Associations who recognise the ITEC Diploma.

Moving On ITEC is an internationally recognised awarding body. ITEC qualifications are recognised by Embody for candidate insurance purposes. CPD opportunities include Stone Massage and Indian Head Massage.

Entry Requirements Candidates must hold the ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Holistic Massage or the ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Body Treatments or equivalent.

Entry requirements It is essential that candidates have successfully achieved the ITEC Diploma in Holistic Massage or equivalent.

What’s Involved The degree has two routes: BA (Hons) Complementary Healthcare – Aromatherapy route or BA (Hons) Complementary Healthcare – Reflexology route. The first year of the course is generic and covers the ITEC Diplomas of Massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy. In years 2-4, you will specialise in your chosen discipline. Year 1 – Holistic Massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy. Year 2 – An Introduction to Sociology, Health Promotion, Concepts and Principles of Reflexology or Aromatherapy, Clinical and Therapeutic practice and physiology. Year 3 – Energetic Perspectives on Practice, Principles of Research, Extending Professional Practice in Complementary Therapies, Advancing Clinical Practice, Concepts and Principles of Complementary, Starting a New Business and Intensive Aromatic Interventions or Evaluating Meridian-based Approaches to Reflexology. Year 4 – Perspectives on Integrated Healthcare, Sociology of Illness and the Body, Health and Media, Concepts and Principles of Homeopathy, Practice Placement for Complementary Therapies. Moving On The Honours degree will enable access to post graduate study at Masters level and beyond. Career Pathways The BA (Hons) Complementary Healthcare degree will enhance your chances of employability by enabling candidates to understand the philosophies and principles of several different therapeutic disciplines which will promote the ability to network with a wide variety of complementary therapists and healthcare professionals and act as informed referral agents for clients to promote holistic care. Entry Requirements In order to articulate to the Honours programme, students must successfully complete the ITEC Diplomas to equate 120 SCQF points at Level 7.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 61

Business Specialisms

62 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Contracting Management

Wastes Management

HNC Part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Part-time SCQF Level 7

Overview The course is designed to provide a strong professional and academic study programme for individuals seeking career progression in the industry. The course is designed to meet the needs of middle managers.

Overview The course has been designed by the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management and provides an excellent qualification for staff within the wastes industry, developing the competencies required to perform effectively at junior/middle management and enhance specialist skills in technical, operational and managerial requirements.

What’s Involved Study in a number of areas relevant to management including: - Managing and Working with People - Leadership at Work Developing Self Management Skills - Lead and Implement Change - Financial Studies for the Construction Industry - Contracting Industry Strategic Management - Contracting Procedures - Contracting Industry Project Management Practical Issues - Contracting Industry Investigative Report (Graded Unit). Moving On Facilities management and project management. Candidates will also have the opportunity to use this qualification as a progression route to the cmi Executive Diploma in Management at the Andrew Carnegie Business School and thereafter into the MBA course or MSc courses offered by Napier University. Career Pathways The course is recommended by the Employers Associations for individuals progressing to management positions within contracting management, facilities management and project management. Entry Requirements Applicants will preferably be in a supervisory first line management position within the organisation and should also have experience in managing people as well as other supervisory experience.

What’s Involved The course covers Management Techniques and Issues in Relation to Environmental Science, Legal Issues and Facilities in the Wastes Industry, Environmental Legislation, Handling and Disposal of Wastes, Managing Activities in the Wastes Industry, HR, Financial Resources as well as Research, Analysis and Reporting Techniques and Considerations. Moving On This qualification prepares candidates for promotion opportunities, and demonstrates a strong commitment to continuing professional development within the environmental and wastes industry sector. Graduates can progress to study the cmi Executive Diploma in Management at the Andrew Carnegie Business School, which allows direct access to the final year of an MBA. Opportunities also exist to progress to MSc courses in Environmental Studies. Entry Requirements Applicants should preferably have experience of managing people or have had responsibility for organising the delivery of services/products.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 63

Carnegie Enterprise

64 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Developing Leaders of the Future

Developing the Strategic Manager Management Development

Introduction to Project Management Management Development

PDA 2 Day Programme

PDA 2 Day Programme

PDA 2 Day Programme

Overview This course will analyse candidates leadership style and identify the leadership behaviours essential for the success of the organisation. The course explores different models of leadership and identifies developmental requirements, investigates models of change management, recognises the importance of emotional intelligence in leaders.

Overview This course consists of 4 key sessions over 2 days employing a range of diagnostic and self-assessment tools, analytical models and tools, discussion forums, case studies, role-play and post-course activities.

Overview This two day project management course will provide an understanding of project management techniques to support candidates in managing projects. The course is accredited by The Institute of Leadership and Management as a Professional Development Award.

Good leadership is crucial to this area of management. This 2-day course provides managers with the opportunity to gain insight into current leadership models while developing the desired leadership behaviours. What’s Involved Learning objectives include: the identification of the eclectic nature of leadership theories and models, the identification of the leadership behaviours and competencies essential for leaders today and analysis of your current leadership style. Candidates will also review the intertwined relationship between leadership behaviours and business success; investigate the field of emotional intelligence and its fit within leadership competencies, as well as the development of inspirational leadership skills essential for business success. The Developing Leaders of the Future course will: ■■ Explore different models of leadership: Transformational/Visionary/Inspirational leadership ■■ Examine ‘Emotional Intelligence’ and its links with leadership ■■ Develop your Emotional Intelligence and adopt the desired language and behaviours to achieve people and business success ■■ Investigate models of change management. ■■ Identify the language and behaviours associated with leadership ■■ Assess and review personal performance as a leader and develop action plans for improvement Moving On Those keen to expand knowledge and skills book on to the following related courses: ■■ MSP Managing Successful Programmes ■■ cmi Management Qualifications ■■ DPPM Diploma in Programme and Project Management

What’s Involved Session 1 The first session identifies the current corporate strategic position and the tools that can be used to gather data for analysis from the external and internal environments. The results are then analysed and the participants identify the steps required to meet the current and future needs of the business. Session 2 Identify the key stages within the strategic planning process, including setting strategic objectives, timescales and required resources. Session 3 The session focuses on the production of Strategic Plan and how this should be presented and its impact on the stakeholders, both internal and external to the organisation. Session 4. Develop management competencies around communication, developing alliances, involving people and gaining support. Develop competency to deal with the required changes to strategic implementation in the light of changing internal and external environment. Moving On Those keen to expand knowledge and skills book on to the following related courses: ■■ PRINCE2™ Project Management ■■ MSP Managing Successful Programmes ■■ M_o_R Management of Risk ■■ DPPM Diploma in Programme and Project Management

What’s Involved Introduction to Project Management will: ■■ Explain the scope and boundaries of project management ■■ Provide techniques to enable you to develop a project strategy ■■ Look at the development of a set of success criteria for a project ■■ Describe the fundamentals of a business case for a project ■■ Investigate Project Strategy and lifecycle ■■ Investigate Project methodologies ■■ Look at The business case Moving On Expand your knowledge and skills and book on to the following related courses: ■■ PRINCE2™ Project Management ■■ MSP Managing Successful Programmes ■■ M_o_R Management of Risk ■■ Interpersonal Skills for Project Manager ■■ Financial Management for Project Manager Entry Requirements This two day workshop is aimed at all staff who work within a project environment either in a supporting or leading role.

Entry Requirements There are no specific entry requirements. The programme is targeted at Middle and Senior Management and those who need to develop their competencies to contribute at a strategic level within the organisation. It is intended for the manager or director who has the authority and personal skills to develop and implement organisational strategy.

Entry Requirements The desire to be both a good manager and leader within the organisation. Experience of managing staff would be beneficial although not essential.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 65

Carnegie Enterprise

Managing Change

PDA 2 Day Programme

Overview The programme is aimed at managers or individuals involved or intending to be involved in a change programme who are looking to support and facilitate project based activities. This programme will help participants to understand and apply a structured approach to problem solving and change projects, including supporting tools and techniques. What’s Involved Learning objectives include: Introducing and applying a structured approach to group based problem solving or change projects, demonstrating the stages involved using an appropriate case study, introducing and applying supporting tools and techniques, introducing and gaining an understanding of the role of a change agent in this process and within organisations, and reviewing personal strengths and weaknesses for the role. Moving On Participants will gain valuable tools and techniques to help you succeed in driving forward a change programme. Entry Requirements This course is aimed at experienced middle to senior management.

Investment in Excellence

STEPS to Excellence for Personal Success

5 Day Programme

3 Day Programme

Overview The Investment in Excellence programme is a powerful development experience that enables individuals and organisations to achieve much more of their true potential by changing their perception of what is possible, and then providing the tools to cause a step change in what they actually accomplish. Investment in Excellence engages individuals on both a professional and a personal level. The programme inspires a new perspective, and helps people see both their jobs and their lives in a fresh light. It is both rigorous and challenging, and concentrates on re-shaping the unproductive habits, attitudes, beliefs and expectations that adversely affect performance.

Overview This course has earned a reputation as a powerful tool for individual and organisational advancement. For individuals, it is an opportunity to take a fresh look at their lives. The course helps them to see how much they are truly capable of achieving and offers the tools to make it happen. In organisations, STEPS increases participation and ownership of company objectives, provides a common language for articulating a vision of a better future and offers a proven approach to making the vision a reality.

What’s Involved Investment in Excellence is a distillation of scientifically tested principles from the world of cognitive psychology, particularly the psychology of high-performing individuals and teams. The programme makes those principles easily accessible and immediately relevant to the challenges people face in their daily lives. Once the groundwork has been laid in the area of personal effectiveness (first 3 days), other areas – such as leadership effectiveness, management of change, building customer relationships and innovation – can be transformed as well. People will have greater expectations of success, more self-belief and more self-esteem; they will be more willing to challenge the status quo, and to provide inspiring and inclusive leadership. As part of an integrated solution, Investment in Excellence will transform your workforce, your way of doing business, and your results. Moving On Participants will gain valuable tools and techniques to help you succeed in your role as manager. Entry Requirements The Investment in Excellence course has been designed by the Pacific Institute and is targeted at managers, professionals and leaders at every level within an organisation.

66 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved STEPS offers a simple set of tools to move individuals through a self reinforcing spiral of building a positive identity and producing positive results. STEPS confronts the beliefs that limit achievement, aiding participants to build a stronger sense of self and an expanded sense of potential and possibility. Moving On Participants will gain valuable tools and techniques to help you succeed in your role. Entry Requirements This course is suitable for any individuals within a company or individuals who want to develop on a personal level.

Train the Trainer

Six Sigma

PRINCE2™ Project Management

PDA 2½ Day Programme

Green Belt 10 days Black Belt 20 days (conversion 10 days)

Professional Qualification 5 Day Programme

Overview This programme is designed to allow delegates to understand the training function and its role in the business, describe the training cycle and recognise the key stages, identify training needs and make recommendations on the best training solution, practise presentation and coaching techniques, investigate a range of assessment tools and understand the use and application of evaluation techniques.

Overview Carnegie Enterprise provides the best in Six Sigma and Business Improvement training and consultancy. Six Sigma is a methodology developed to power outstanding business performance by improving processes in order to reduce defects. The term Six Sigma refers to a statistical standard of excellence for processes. For businesses striving to excel in an increasingly competitive world, Six Sigma methodology offers a way to cut costs, maximise results and dramatically improve performance.

Overview PRINCE2™(Projects In Controlled Environments) is a process based project management method designed to provide a framework covering the wide variety of disciplines and activities required within a project.

What’s Involved The programme is delivered using a range of delivery techniques, including Presentations, Case Studies, Discussion Forums, Role-Plays and Practical Activities. It will investigate the following areas within the Training Function: The Training Process –Training Cycle, Learning Styles, Identification of Training Needs, Training Methodologies, Providing Feedback to Learners, Presentation Skills, The Coaching Process, Assessment Tools, The Evaluation Process. This programme will enable you to: ■■ Understand the training function and its role in the business ■■ Describe the Training Cycle and recognise the key stages ■■ Identify training needs and make recommendations on the best training solution ■■ Practise presentation and coaching techniques ■■ Investigate a range of assessment tools. ■■ Understand the use and application of evaluation techniques Moving On Participants will gain valuable tools and techniques to help you succeed in your role as trainer. Entry Requirements This course is aimed at experienced people who are involved in training staff.

The benefits to the organisation are:

■■ Dramatically reduced defect rate, cycle

time and cost

■■ Reduced reliance on inspection for quality ■■ Greatly improved customer satisfaction ■■ Elimination of non value-adding work ■■ Meet and exceed customer expectations ■■ Dramatically improve quality, reduce defects

and drive out waste

■■ Improve cost, cycle time and time to market ■■ Develop a cadre of people whose skills and

knowledge will generate continual value

■■ Achieve your strategic goals faster than you

thought possible by mobilising your own people to meet them

What’s Involved To achieve Six Sigma performance, a business must employ a systematic process-based methodology and project framework. A typical programme involves: Development of a Strategic Context, Rationale and Drivers, Executive Development, Project Champion Development, Training of Specialist Six Sigma Practitioners, Training of Local Facilitators, Systematic Project Selection, Management and Review. Moving On Successful completion of the green belt programme will enable you to progress to the 10 day black belt conversion course. Entry Requirements Candidates should be highly motivated and confident in working with complex numbers.

The continued international development of PRINCE2 examinations, training and course material is contributing significantly to the recognition of PRINCE2 as a truly international standard. Over the last 12 months, over 10,000 people have taken either the PRINCE2 Foundation or Practitioner examinations, making PRINCE2 the de facto standard for project management in the UK and worldwide. Whenever we decide we want to do something, go somewhere, build something or achieve something, we need to know the answer to some questions. ■■ What are we trying to do? ■■ When will we start? ■■ What do we need? ■■ Can we do it alone or do we need help? ■■ How long will it take? ■■ How much will it cost?

These are typical questions asked at the start of any project, and the answers are the building blocks of project management – defining what we want to do and working out the best way we can do it. What’s Involved There are two levels of PRINCE2 – Foundation and Practitioner. We deliver a 3-day Foundation course, followed by the 2-day Practitioner course. Delegates MUST sit the Foundation examination and the Practitioner examination in that order. The Foundation examination is a closed book, 1-hour multiple choice exam. The Practitioner examination is a 3-hour open book examination with 9 questions worth 40 marks each. Moving On Successful completion of the PRINCE2™ Practitioner’s examination will entitle you to an exemption in the Programme and Project Management Diploma. Entry Requirements This course is ideal for project managers and anyone involved in project management.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 67

Carnegie Enterprise

Managing Successful Programmes (MSP™)

Management of Risk (M_o_R®)

ITIL® Foundation Course

Professional Qualification 5 Day Programme

Professional Qualification 5 Day Programme

Professional Qualification 3 Day Programme

Overview Programme Management brings together related projects to manage their interdependencies. It aims to provide and maintain a strategic view over the set of projects, aligning and co-ordinating them within a programme of business change in support of specific business strategies. It is ideal for any organisation or individual who needs a controlled approach to managing its programmes.

Overview Published by the Office of Government Commerce, (OGC) Management of Risk (M_o_R) is a guide which defines best practice in the implementation of risk management processes. M_o_R takes a corporate governance focused approach to the development of an organisation’s framework for managing risk from strategic level through to operational level. It is suitable for senior managers developing risk strategies and risk management policies as well as managers involved in business change, strategic planners, auditors, risk managers, programme and project managers.

Overview ITIL is the only consistent and comprehensive documentation of best practice for IT Service Management. Used by many hundreds of organisations around the world, a whole ITIL philosophy has grown up and provides guidance on the provision of quality IT services and on the accommodation and environmental facilities needed to support IT. ITIL has been developed in recognition of organisations´ growing dependency on IT and embodies best practices for IT Service Management.

MSP has been used and adopted within many organisations, within both public and private sectors. The experiences of those who have adopted programme management have provided invaluable inputs into the latest edition of the guide, which was published in 2007. Today’s organisations exist in a climate of constant and increasing change. Organisations that have learned how to transform themselves through effective leadership and strategic control are more likely to survive and prosper. Programme management is increasingly recognised as key in enabling organisations to manage that transformation. What’s Involved The MSP™ method is flexible and adaptable for any type and size of programme where a business “vision” is the required outcome. The course is a mixture of input and practical sessions, delivered by an APM Group approved trainer with practical experience of programme and project management. Practical sessions are on an individual and team basis focusing on the Practitioner Examination on the final day. You will also receive an OGC’s “Managing Successful Programmes” manual. Moving On Successful completion of the MSP™ Practitioner’s examination will enable you to proceed to Advanced Practitioner. Entry Requirements The event is suitable for programme or project managers, programme support team members and senior managers.

A major factor influencing the drive towards more formalised approaches to risk management has been the increased focus given to corporate governance in both the UK and the US, following high-profile collapses of companies such as Bank of Credit and Commerce International, the Maxwell Communication Corporation plc, Enron and WorldCom. Carnegie Enterprise works with a team of APM Group accredited trainers with an in-depth knowledge of programme, project and risk management and years of experience across a range of industries. What’s Involved M_o_R is a classroom-based course delivered over 5 days. During the course you will learn the importance of managing risk, identify the benefits and key principals of M_o_R, find out about the M_o_R framework, types of risk at different levels and risk management culture. The course is accredited by the APM Group and links with the other OGC best practice methods MSP™ and PRINCE2™ for programme and project management. Scheduled open courses run on a regular basis at the Carnegie Conference Centre in Dunfermline. In addition, closed courses tailored specifically for teams, can be delivered on-site at client premises or at the Carnegie Conference Centre. Moving On Successful completion of the M_o_R Practitioner’s examination will entitle you to an exemption in the Diploma in Programme and Project Management. Entry Requirements Experience in leading or managing major change, programmes or projects.

68 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved The ITIL qualification scheme is the only training and qualification scheme leading to official ITIL qualifications in IT Service Management. Carnegie Business Training and Development delivers a full schedule of ITIL courses throughout the year. ITIL provides a systematic and professional approach to the management of IT service provision. Adopting its guidance can provide such benefits as: ■■ Reduced costs ■■ Improved IT services through the use of proven best practice processes ■■ Improved customer satisfaction through a more professional approach to service delivery ■■ Specific standards and guidance ■■ Improved productivity ■■ Improved use of skills and experience ■■ Improved delivery of third party services through the specification of ITIL or BS15000 as the standard for service delivery in services procurements The Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management is designed to provide a basic level of knowledge in IT Service Management. The Foundation Certificate in particular enables people to understand the terminology used within ITIL. Moving On Successful completion of the ITIL Foundation examination will allow you to undertake the Manager’s and/or Practitioner Certificate in IT Service Management. Entry Requirements Applicants should have at least some experience with the specification, development, installation and/or management of information technology. This course benefits people who are responsible for the delivery of IT services such as system and network administrators, IT managers and business analysts.

Diploma in Programme and Project Management (PPM) Professional Qualification Part-time

Overview The PPM Diploma has been designed and developed for Project and Programme Managers who wish to extend their skills and knowledge to embrace a number of projects and programme management techniques, achieving a complete professional qualification that is their first step towards Chartered Manager status. The PPM Diploma was developed by the Chartered Management Institute in collaboration with the APM Group and consists of seven core units plus an integrative assessment, supported by two additional units selected from Project Management or Programme Management Units. It is based on extensive research into existing bodies of knowledge on programme and project management and other qualifications, and offers a unique qualification for any individual serious about developing their ability as a Programme and Project Manager. The PPM Diploma concentrates on the development of a clear understanding of the range of disciplines and techniques which underpin successful Programme and Project Management and of their practical application, ideally in a candidate’s workplace. It also provides a foundation for Continuing Professional and Personal Development and the opportunity for successful candidates to go on and become Chartered Managers.

Moving On All individuals who succeed in gaining the Diploma will have achieved the academic requirements necessary to go on and become a Chartered Manager. It also provides a foundation for Continuing Professional and Personal Development. Entry Requirements It is possible to obtain an exemption to Individual Units. Contact Carnegie Enterprise for further details.

Disclaimers PRINCE2™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce. The PRINCE2 Cityscape logo™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries. ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark and a Registered Community Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce, and is Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. M_o_R® is a Registered Trade Mark and a Registered Community Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce. MSP™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce. MSP™ is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce. Further information on all of these courses and many more can be found on Carnegie Business Training and Development is an Accredited Training Organisation for PRINCE2™, M_o_R®, MSP™ and the PPM Diploma. Carnegie Business Training and Development also offers ITIL training under license through the Grey Matters who are an Accredited Training Organisation.

What’s Involved The Diploma is delivered flexibly, with the candidate being given their own individual learning plan following discussion with their allocated tutor. For some candidates, it takes between 1 year and 18 months to complete the qualification, depending on the time put into completing assignments, the suitability of the chosen programme or project and the timescale of the elected programme or project. The approach that is taken is primarily distance or self-directed learning through our on-line learning site, with support from a nominated tutor for the duration of the qualification. Candidates may choose to undertake the PRINCE2 or MSP, and M_o_R Qualifications, therefore achieving Unit 2 and 3. The Diploma is currently being delivered to candidates based in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

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Computing and Digital Media

70 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

IT and Creative Arts

Gateway to Information and Communication Technology

Computing Studies

NQ Intermediate 1 Full-time SCQF Level 4

NQ Full-time SCQF Level 4/5

NQ Intermediate 2 Full-time SCQF Level 5

Overview This course consists of NQ units which provide basic knowledge and skills in the area of information technology and creative arts.

Overview This course is an entry point to further and higher education. In addition, it is ideal for those who wish to have a better grasp of basic concepts in Computing and IT. As it is an introductory level course it contains units across a range of IT related areas and embeds employability skills, communication skills, personal and citizenship skills. These transferable skills can be used in a range of environments.

Overview This is an introductory NQ course focusing on computing and the information systems that support business. It covers topics such as Computer Systems, Software Development and Emerging Multimedia Technologies; creating a course geared towards future career interests.

What’s Involved Learners will study NQ units which cover the creative uses of IT (for example, Video Production) as well as units which cover a range of basic computing (for example computing operating procedures) and office software packages, for example, word processing and the internet). The core skills of numeracy, communication, IT and working with others will also be addressed throughout the course. Moving On Successful completion of the units provides entry qualifications for further study at Intermediate 2 level – for example NQ Creative Technology.

What’s Involved The general areas of Computing, Multimedia and core skills including IT are covered in the following units: Using a Keyboard, Introduction to Computer Application Packages, Using a Computer in Business Core Skills (IT), Numeracy and Communications, Computer Operating Procedures, Internet Basics, Web Blogs, Information Systems, Multimedia Applications and Media Production.

Career Pathways This course will equip learners with the basic IT skills and other core skills for junior posts in an organisation and with further study could provide entry to a career in creative technologies.

Moving On Students have the opportunity to progress to a wide range of areas including Computing, Digital Media and Graphic Design at Intermediate 2.

Entry Requirements There are no formal entry requirements for this course.

Entry Requirements Applicants should have an interest in using computers, a desire to learn, and the commitment to enhance their knowledge and skills.

What’s Involved The course is made up of Computing and Information Systems, plus core skills and five optional units. Learners will study Computer Systems, Software Development, Computer Application Software, Computer Applications Packages in Word Processing and Spreadsheets. Also covered are Communications, the Internet, Database Systems, Computer Networks and Numeracy. The units within the course are continually assessed with a final examination. Moving On From NQ Intermediate 2 it is possible to progress to further studies in a range of different computing courses available at Carnegie College, including Digital Media Computing, or even HNC. Entry Requirements Applicants would normally be expected to have attained one of the following, or equivalent: NQ Intermediate 1 Computing Studies or a Standard Grade Computing Studies (General level). Relevant work experience can also be taken into consideration.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 71

Computing and Digital Media

Digital Media Computing

Administration and Information Technology

Applied IT in Business

NC Full-time SCQF Level 5/6

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Full-time SCQF Level 7

Overview This is an introductory NC programme in Digital Media Computing at Intermediate 2 or Higher level. The programme builds knowledge and skills in the disciplines of both Computing and Multimedia, and offers the opportunity of achieving additional National Progression Awards including PC Passport.

Overview This course is designed for those who wish to gain up-to-date IT skills and a range of general business qualifications.

Overview This course will update your Information Technology (IT) knowledge and skills. This is a flexible qualification containing units across a range of IT related areas and embeds employability skills, communication skills, personal and citizenship skills.

What’s Involved The National Certificate in Digital Media Computing is studied full-time over one year (intermediate 2 level) or two years (Higher level) and is officially recognised by the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA). The programme is made up of National Progression awards, individual units focusing on digital media and ensures the core skills of IT, Communications, Numeracy, Problem Solving and Working with Others are all covered up to the level necessary for the award. The units within the course are continually assessed and there are no formal examinations. The following subjects will be covered: Recording and Editing of Audio and Video; Computing Hardware and Software; IT including working with the Internet; Multimedia Applications and all core skills. Moving On This course provides the skills necessary to undertake a position as a Modern Apprentice IT professional, or to progress to HNC/D Interactive Media Creation.

What’s Involved Candidates will study to an advanced level, Word processing, spreadsheets, databases and presentations using Microsoft Office software. Office Administration and Office technologies (including up-to-date office communication software), Business communication, bookkeeping and a range of other business related subjects are also offered. Moving On Successful students may go on to study for an HND or may go on to 2nd year of University study. Career Pathways Successful completion of the course can lead to a wide range of career opportunities – these may include employment as trainee managers, departmental managers or administration assistants. Entry Requirements NQ Business (intermediate 2), SVQ 2 or 3, 2 Highers or evidence of study to a Higher level plus 3 Standard Grade passes at 3 or above. Mature adults with relevant experience are encouraged to apply.

Entry requirements Candidates would normally be expected to have attained one of the following, or equivalent: Intermediate 1 Computing Studies Standard Grade Computing Studies (General level). However, relevant work experience would be taken into consideration.

72 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved This is an SQA certification of HNC in Information Technology. The general areas of Computing and IT are covered in the following units: IT in Business (Introduction), Spreadsheets and Databases, Software Development: Applications Development, Database Design Fundamentals, PC: First Line Support, Working within a Project Team, Personal Development Planning, IT: Information Systems and Services, SQL: Introduction and IT: Group Award Graded Unit 1 (examination). Moving On Progression to an HND in IT, or even to technical support or software development (with additional further study). The British Computer Society has stated that graduates holding an HNC Information Technology are eligible to apply for BCS Associate Membership. Career Pathways This course provides a link between business, administration and computing and could lead to a range of careers in IT including Help Desk support. Entry Requirements Applicants should have a Higher in Information Systems or Computing, or an NQ Group Award in Business, Administration or Computing.


Interactive Multimedia Creation

Computing Software Development

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC/HND Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7/8

HND Full-time SCQF Level 8

Overview This course provides a broad education in many aspects of computing providing knowledge, skills, and an understanding of computer systems.

Overview The course covers the fundamentals of multimedia design and creation. It develops a range of skills needed to work in this area, broadly covering software applications for digital graphics, audio, video and publishing, along with some aspects of design and working within the industry.

Overview The course provides essential knowledge and understanding of computer systems. Analysis and programming skills in major languages are developed to a high level of proficiency and are studied throughout the course.

What’s Involved Subject areas covered include Computer Architecture, Information Technology Application Software, Program Planning and Computer Operating Systems. Learners will also study Computer Hardware and optional units in Programming and Network Technology. As part of the full-time course Microsoft Professional units provide the opportunity of becoming a Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician. Moving On Graduates can use this qualification to progress onto the second year of an HND in Software Development or Technical Support; which could lead on to a computing related degree at a number of universities. Career Pathways Typical employment opportunities could be Network Technician or Computer Support Technician at trainee level. Entry Requirements Applicants should have at least two Highers, including a minimum level of Mathematics and English at Standard Grade (Credit), or equivalent SQA modules. Alternatively an SQA National Certificate/GSVQ in a computing or technical subject will be considered. Acceptable alternative qualifications, particularly from mature applicants, with relevant work experience, will also be considered.

What’s Involved This course consists of SQA units and is studied full-time for 1 year (HND) with the option of studying individual units on a part-time basis. In the first year for HNC students will study Multimedia Fundamentals, Audio-visual Techniques, Developing Multimedia Applications and researching them for practical re-delivery. Other subjects covered include User Interface Development, Graphics for Creative Multimedia Design and Interactive Multimedia Creation and Communication. In the second year for the HND subjects include: modules such as Multimedia Fundamentals, Audio-visual Techniques, User Interface Development and Video Production. Moving On There is the opportunity to progress on to a number of degree courses, including BSc Multimedia Technology delivered at Carnegie College. Career Pathways Graduates can go on to work within the creative industries in such areas as graphic design, multimedia design and development or in the audio visual field.

What’s Involved This is a 2 year course, the first year of which is HNC computing. This includes Abstract Data Structures, an Introduction to Systems Development, and structured Design Methods. You will also study Object Oriented Programming, Project Management and Relational Databases, before developing a comprehensive software project for the final graded unit. Moving On Graduates can progress to the second or third year of a degree in Computing. 95% of computing students go on to gain work or progress to degree level courses. Career Pathways On successfully completing the course you could typically find employment as a computer programmer or database administrator. Entry Requirements Good Standard Grades in Mathematics, English and three other subjects and two Highers; or one Higher and a cluster of SQA modules. Alternatively an NC or SVQ in computing or technical subjects, and/or relevant work experience will be considered.

Entry Requirements Applicants need a minimum of two Highers (one in a computing related subject or equivalent) or an NC in Digital Media Computing or an equivalent qualification. Mature students with relevant experience in multimedia, information technology or computing will be considered. Applicants also need excellent IT skills.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 73

Computing and Digital Media

Computing Technical Support Multimedia Technology

Network Computing

HND Full-time SCQF Level 8

BSc Degree Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 9

BSc Degree Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 9

Overview This course will equip candidates with the essential skills to develop a career in computing. The course provides a knowledge and understanding of computer systems and information technology; with an emphasis on how they can contribute to the effective use of these resources within commerce and industry.

Overview The course will enhance the learner’s existing skills in multimedia technology with a range of tools and will illustrate how these tools are used in the development of industrial, business, education and entertainment multimedia applications. It will be delivered in our custom built digital media learner base.

Overview The Networking Computing degree has been designed to develop candidate skills in networking, user support and multi-media technology to degree level.

What’s Involved This is a 2 year course, the first year of which is HNC Computing. The second year covers areas such as Computer Networks – Network server and client operating systems and Network infrastructure. Candidates will also study Relational Databases and Project Management before developing a comprehensive networking project for the final graded unit.

What’s Involved Learners will study a range of modules including Professional Studies and Applications Programming, Sound Theory and Web Design and Developing including programming.

Moving On Graduates can progress directly to the 3rd year of a related degree at a number of universities including BSc Network Computing delivered at Carnegie College. On average 95% of our learners go on to degree courses. Entry Requirements Good Standard Grades in Mathematics, English and three other subjects together with two Highers, or one Higher and a cluster or SQA modules. Alternatively an NC or SVQ in computing or technical subjects, and/or relevant work experience will be considered.

Moving On On successful completion of the degree, it is possible to progress to Honours level study at Napier University. The demand for multimedia applications and support for multimedia technology is growing. Career Pathways Career opportunities are good for multimedia graduates in Scotland and further afield, working in diverse areas such as marketing or training in large companies or in smaller digital media production companies. Potential posts include multimedia authors, programmers or interaction designers/engineers. Entry Requirements The basic entry requirement is an HND in Multimedia (or equivalent) but further evidence of achievement is needed, for example a positive reference letter from the College. Relevant working experience will also be taken into account. Entry is at the discretion of Napier University and so you must also apply to them for a place on this course – either though UCAS (www. for full-time or directly to Napier ( for part-time.

74 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved The following subjects will be covered: Professional Studies and Applications Programming, Computer Networks, Networks Systems and Systems Services. Moving On This BSc is validated by Napier University and so you will officially become a Napier University student, with the opportunity to articulate on to an Honours Degree course delivered at Napier University. Career Pathways This qualification gives the opportunity to pursue a career as a Network Administrator or Support Technician on the technical side. Alternatively graduates can follow a multimedia or web design route. Entry Requirements HND in a computing subject or an HNC in a computing subject with other technical knowledge or study at HN level. Entry is at the discretion of Napier University and so you must also apply to them for a place on this course – either though UCAS (www. for full-time or directly to Napier ( for part-time.

European Computer Driving Licence®

European Computer Driving Licence Advanced®

Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3)

Professional Qualification Part-time

Professional Qualification Part-time

Professional Qualification Part-time

Overview ECDL is an internationally recognised IT qualification which enables individuals to use computers and a range of common software packages. ECDL also offers benefits to employers seeking to increase the IT competencies of their staff.

Overview The ECDL Advanced qualification is designed to advance the computer skills gained from the European Computer Driving Licence® (ECDL). It tests an individual’s competence at a much higher level with particular Microsoft Office applications.

What’s Involved The course consists of 7 modules: Basic Concepts of Information Technology, Using the Computer and Managing files, Word processing, Spreadsheets, Databases, Presentation and Information and Communication.

What’s Involved ECDL Advanced consists of 4 modules – Word processing, Spreadsheets, Databases and Presentation. When you successfully complete a module you will be certified as an Advanced user in that application.

Overview The Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3) course is a Microsoft approved course. IC3 is the ideal certification for anyone who wants to demonstrate basic computer and Internet skills valued in today’s academic and professional environments. Because digital literacy is vital to the success in both of these areas, IC3 is an excellent qualification to have. Each unit takes approximately 36 hours to complete and there is an online exam for each unit.

Moving On ECDL will equip learners with essential IT skills required for a wide range of posts. It is rapidly becoming the most widely recognised IT qualification and demonstrates to employers that an individual who has successfully passed the qualification possesses up-to-date IT skills. There is an opportunity for learners to progress to ECDL Advanced certification in Word processing, Spreadsheets, Presentation and Databases. Entry Requirements No formal qualifications are necessary but basic knowledge of using a computer is recommended.

Moving On On successful completion of all four advanced modules you can apply to become an ECDL expert which will provide you with a route to Associate Membership of the British Computer Society (AMBCS). Entry Requirements It is recommended that you have passed ECDL Foundation before undertaking any of the advanced modules.

What’s Involved The course consists of 3 units: ■■ Computing Fundamentals ■■ Living Online ■■ Key Applications Moving On IC3 is a globally recognised certification for digital literacy that validates the basic computer skills and Internet knowledge required to be successful in school, work, and life. Learners may choose to continue your studies with Microsoft Office Specialist units. Entry Requirements Although no formal entry qualifications are necessary, it is recommended that you hold very basic computer skills.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 75

Computing and Digital Media

Microsoft Office Specialist Certificate (MOS)

Desktop Support Technician (Microsoft Certified)

Systems Administrator (Microsoft Certified)

Professional Qualification Part-time

PDA Part-time SCQF Level 7

PDA Part-time SCQF Level 8

Overview The Microsoft Office Specialist qualification is aimed at those wanting to become more expert in the software packages that come with Microsoft Office.

Overview This course will provide the knowledge and skills to support users running the Windows XP operating system. It is open to anyone who works, or hopes to work in a desktop support environment such as an IT department or call centre. The course prepares learners for both Microsoft Desktop Support Technician exams (70-271 and 70-272).

Overview The PDA covers the syllabus for the core exams of the Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (Windows 2003). On successfully passing the vendor exams associated with this course and the exams associated with any pre-requisites, successful candidates will obtain Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA).

What’s Involved There are three grades on offer: Specialist, Expert and Master. To gain Specialist certification candidates must successfully complete any one of the following specialist examinations: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access or Outlook. To gain Expert certification, candidates must successfully complete Word 2003 Expert and Excel 2003 Expert. To gain Master certification candidates must pass three mandatory examinations in Word 2003 Expert, Excel 2003 Expert and PowerPoint 2003. For Master certification candidates also need to pass one of the following: Access 2003, and Outlook 2003. Moving On MOS certification is a globally recognised standard for demonstrating desktop skills. Entry Requirements A basic knowledge of Microsoft Office would be beneficial.

What’s Involved The course is delivered using Microsoft Official Academic Curriculum course materials and contains all topics covered by these courses. Some of these topics are: Installation of XP (including unattended), Supporting the XP Desktop, Users and Groups, User Profiles, File and Folder Access, Supporting Hardware Devices, Printing, Network Connectivity and Supporting Applications such as Outlook, Word etc. Moving On While this course touches on computer networking it concentrates on desktop support. It is a pre-requisite for Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator, which will allow learners to install, configure, and maintain Windows Server 2003 based networks. Entry Requirements Basic computer literacy including, previous use of a Windows desktop, control panel icons, familiarity with ‘technical’ terminology such as partition, device driver, IRQ etc.

What’s Involved The course is delivered using Microsoft Official Academic Curriculum course materials. Some of these topics are: Server Disk Configuration, Access to Server-based Resources, Analysing Server Performance including Remote Administration, Recovering from Hardware Failures, and Configuration of both DHCP and DNS. Moving On It also gives you the qualifications to progress to an HN course or undertake an MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) which is held in high esteem by the major players in the IT market. Career Pathways This course will equip candidates with the skills to work in an IT support role where the individual would have to maintain, configure and troubleshoot a Windows Server 2003 based network. Entry Requirements Applicants should have core skills and a reasonable level of manual dexterity. Completion of the MCDST certification or evidence of equivalent experience is also acceptable.

Courses coming soon Adobe Certified Associate

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Construction, Gas and Plumbing

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 77

Construction, Gas and Plumbing

Construction Advantage

Built Environment

Domestic Natural Gas: Installation and Maintenance

City & Guilds Full-time SCQF Level 4/5

NC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 6

City & Guilds Full-time NVQ Level 3

Overview The City & Guilds Certificate in Basic Construction Skills is a pre-apprenticeship programme that develops the underpinning knowledge for work in the building trade.

Overview This programme is an introduction to the professional and technical side of the industry. It is the first step on the way to qualifying as a building or quantity surveyor or as an architectural technologist.

Overview This is a one year full-time course which has been developed for mature students who have practical skills and require a change in career. There are major opportunities in the job market for qualified gas engineers. Carnegie College have been providing gas training for the past 50 years to British Gas and other major gas companies and local authorities in Scotland.

What’s Involved The following skills will be undertaken: Bricklaying, Woodworking, Painting and Decorating, Plumbing and Electrical; as well as continuing development of Maths, Communication and IT skills. Moving On Those choosing to progress to employment with a Modern Apprenticeship will continue their education at Carnegie College and complete an SVQ Level 3 in their chosen career. This process usually takes four years, most of which involves learning in the workplace. Career Pathways On successful completion of the course, learners could go onto gain employment as a Modern Apprentice in the Construction Industry. Entry Requirements Applicants must have a pass in Maths, English and preferably Craft and Design or Graphic Communication at Standard Grade. It is a highly practical course and applicants must comply with all current Health and Safety requirements.

What’s Involved This programme is full-time and will involve Computer Aided Design (CAD), Site Surveying, Building Design, Sustainability and Modern Methods of Construction. There will be guest speakers from industry and site visits to underpin the teaching. Assessment is on a unit basis and is based on course/project work. Some of the units studied include: Technical Communication Skills, Construction materials, Sustainability and Building Performance, Architectural and Building Project, Construction Site Surveying, Introduction to building materials, Drawing for Construction and Health and Safety. Moving on Successful students may progress to the Higher National Certificate in Construction, Architectural Technology, Building Surveying, Quantity Surveying or a modern apprenticeship for Built Environment Technicians. If going on to complete an HNC, there is an articulation route in place with our partner Napier University into second year of a degree programme. Entry Requirements Applicants should have a good grasp of Maths and be able to understand drawings. However, the most important attribute is a keen interest in the Built Environment. All candidates will attend an interview and undergo a construction assessment.

78 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved The following topics will be covered: Health and Safety, Gas Safety, Installation Pipework, Combustion, Flues and Ventilation, Basic Electricity, Installation, Commissioning, Servicing and Repairing Cookers, Tumble Dryers, Instantaneous and Storage Water Heaters, Space Heaters, Built in Gas Appliances and Central Heating Installations and Warm Air. The course incorporates pipe manipulation, fault diagnostic skills, electrical installation and fault finding skills. Students will gain workplace experience with an employer during their training at the college and they will be assessed in both theory and practical. Moving on Students will be registered with Capita as a gas engineer and can seek employment in the Gas Industry. Entry Requirements Applicants should have considerable experience in a related area that includes mechanical/ electrical skills. They should also have good communication and numeracy skills and can work effectively in a team. The selection process will involve an interview and a theory test.

Industrial/Commercial Natural Gas: Installation and Maintenance City & Guilds Full-time NVQ Level 3 Overview This is a one year full-time course which has been developed for mature students who have practical skills and require a change in career. There are major opportunities in the job market for qualified gas engineers. Carnegie College has been providing gas training for the past 50 years to British Gas and other major gas companies and local authorities in Scotland. What’s Involved The following topics will be covered: Health and Safety, Gas Safety, Installation Pipework, Combustion, Flues and Ventilation, Basic Electricity, Installation, Commissioning, Servicing and Repairing of Industrial/ Commercial Appliances, Soundness Testing and Purging. The course incorporates pipe manipulation, fault diagnostic skills, electrical installation and fault finding skills. Students will gain workplace experience with an employer during their training at the college and they will be assessed in both theory and practical. Moving on Students will be registered with Capita as a gas engineer and can seek employment. Entry Requirements Applicants should have considerable experience in a related area that includes mechanical/ electrical skills. They should also have good communication and numeracy skills and can work effectively in a team. The selection process will involve an interview and a theory test.

Furniture Production and Restoration Antiques City & Guilds VRQ Level 2 and VRQ Level 3 available Full-time SCQF Level 6 Overview The City & Guilds Furniture Production and Restoration course at VRQ Level 2 is taught by craftsmen who will train students in the skills and techniques of the cabinet maker, upholsterer and finisher. The course will develop the candidate’s knowledge and ability by using a whole range of specialist tools and equipment in our dedicated furniture workshops; thereby providing you with the practical skills for the workplace. What’s Involved The following subject areas will be covered: Craft Skills, Hand Manufacture, Basic Wood, Machining, Finishing, Introduction to Restoration and Repair and Upholstery. Moving On Successful candidates can also consider taking further study in this field and progress to the City & Guilds Furniture and Restoration VRQ Level 3 at Carnegie College. Career Pathways On successfully completing this course, candidates will be equipped with the skills to work with furniture manufacturing companies. Entry Requirements Applicants should have Standard Grade Maths and English at General Level or equivalent. Mature entrants with no formal qualifications will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to cope with the academic demands of the course.

Carpentry and Joinery

Advanced Certificate Part-time SCQF Level 7 Overview This is an ideal course for students who wish to broaden and develop the skills gained at SVQ Level 3 in Carpentry and Joinery. It expands on previous knowledge gained by carpentry and joinery trainees and apprentices and offers specialist training in complex manufacturing processes. What’s Involved This is a day release course which will take one year to complete. It consists of six Higher National units covering advanced practical topics. Assessment of these topics is continuous throughout the course. Areas of study will include: Specialist Doors, Windows and Screens, High Class Finishing, Complex Pitched Roof Construction, Timber Stairs and Tapered Steps, Constructing and Erecting Timber. Moving On Successful candidates can progress onto the HNC Construction, or choose to follow a degree course at Napier University. Career Pathways Supervisory positions within the construction industry may be obtained following successful completion of this course. Entry Requirements SVQ Level 3 Carpentry and Joinery or City & Guilds Craft Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 79

Construction, Gas and Plumbing

Architectural Technology

Building Surveying

Civil Engineering

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

Overview The Architectural Technology HNC is designed to assist and develop students into positions as architectural technicians, an important part of any construction team. Architectural procedures and design, CAD, construction technology, communication skills and the use of building materials are some of the key skills you will obtain on this course.

Overview The Building Surveying HNC is designed to provide an in-depth insight into the roles, responsibilities and duties performed by Building Surveyors. Completion of this course will give you a high level of knowledge in the design, function, construction and statutory requirements for buildings. This will assist graduates to enter employment within the Construction Industry at technician/ management level.

Overview The Civil Engineering HNC is a nationally recognised qualification and is aimed at preparing students for a role as a Technician within the Civil Engineering sector of the Construction Industry. Computer Aided Design, Contract/Project Management, and Communication are some of the key skills which can be obtained on this course.

What’s Involved The following subject areas will be covered: - Architectural Design Sketching and Drawing - Architectural Procedures and Design - CAD: 2D I - Construction Materials and Specification - Construction Technology: Industrial/ Commercial Superstructure - Construction Technology: Substructure - Design of Building Structures - Construction Technology: Domestic Construction - Building Measurement and Cost Studies - Building Services: An Introduction - Construction Technical Communication Skills - Construction: Graded Unit 1. Moving On On successful completion of this HNC graduates will be able to progress onto an HND or a full and part-time degree. This course is an excellent way to pursue professional development within or into the Construction and Building Industry. The HNC is recognised by Professional Bodies such as RIBA (Royal Institute of Building Architects). Career Pathways Architectural Technicians can work independently or provide technical assistance to architects and civil design engineers. Successful students of this HNC could access a range of career opportunities at managerial level. A wide variety of possible employers include architectural practices, town planners, local authorities, building developers and construction companies, and building material and component manufacturers. Entry Requirements Applicants will be required to have one or more of the following: ■■ Advanced Certificate in a trade discipline or building studies ■■ National Certificate ■■ Minimum of one Higher ■■ Relevant trade experience within the Building or Construction Industry.

What’s Involved The following subject areas will be covered: - Building Maintenance Technology - Building Services in Large Buildings - Construction Materials and Specification - Construction Technology: Industrial/Commercial Superstructure - Construction Technology: Substructure - Quantitative Building Studies: Substructures and Drainage - Building Services: An Introduction - Construction Site Surveying A - Construction Technology: Domestic Construction - CAD: 2D I Construction Technical Communication Skills - Construction: Graded Unit 1. Moving On On successful completion of this HNC graduates will be able to progress onto an HND or a full and part-time degree. This course is an excellent way to pursue professional development within or into the Construction and Building Industry. The HNC is recognised by Professional Bodies such as RIBA (Royal Institute of Building Architects). Career Pathways This HNC will develop skills for a career in building surveys, repairs, conversions and extensions. Successful completion of this course could lead to management positions with employers such as professional surveyors, local authorities and private contractors. This course is designed to enable those with trade experience to build on their skills and improve career prospects. Entry Requirements Applicants will be required to have one or more of the following: ■■ Advanced Certificate in a trade discipline or building studies ■■ National Certificate ■■ Minimum of one Higher ■■ Relevant trade experience within the Building or Construction Industry.

80 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved The following subject areas will be covered: - CAD: 2D I - Civil Engineering Contract and Project Management A - Civil Engineering Materials and Testing - Civil Engineering Specialisms - Construction Site Surveying A - Construction Technology: Substructure Mathematics for Construction - Structural Mechanics - Civil Engineering: Graded Unit 1 - Construction Materials and Specification - Construction Technical Communication Skills - Computer Applications for Civil Engineering. Moving On Successful completion of this HNC enables progress onto HNDs or full and part-time degrees, such as a BSc (Hons) Degree in Civil Engineering. This course is an excellent way to pursue professional development within or into the Civil Engineering sector. This HNC is recognised by Professional Bodies like ICE (Institute of Civil Engineers). Career Pathways Civil Engineering employment opportunities arise within a broad spectrum of employers such as local authorities, construction companies, consultants and even research companies. Successful completion of this course could lead to management positions within these Industries. This course is designed to enable those with trade experience to build on their skills and improve career prospects. Entry Requirements Applicants will be required to have one or more of the following: ■■ Advanced Certificate in a trade discipline or building studies ■■ National Certificate ■■ Minimum of one Higher ■■ Relevant trade experience within the Building or Construction Industry.


Quantity Surveying

Courses coming soon

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Civil Engineering HNC Furniture Production and Design Domestic Energy Assessors Wall and Floor Tiling Installation of Solar Panels

Overview This course is for students who want to gain a career in technology, building surveying, building control, quantity surveying, or construction. It will also be of interest to those involved with the design, production or management of buildings. Carefully designed to meet the needs of the Construction Industry, students will consider building design, construction services and environmental issues associated with construction projects.

Overview The Quantity Surveying HNC is designed to provide in-depth knowledge and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a Quantity Surveyor. Students will develop key skills required to manage and control costs within construction projects, from initial build and design stages through to completion, ensuring projects meet legal and quality standards.

What’s Involved The course content provides a range of skills required for various construction disciplines. It equips students with the knowledge and technical expertise in areas that are essential to meeting the demanding requirements of the construction Industry. The following subject areas will be covered: - Architectural Design & Sketching - Building Measurement & Costs - Building Science - An Introduction to Building Services - CAD 2DI - An introduction to the Construction Industry - Construction Materials & Specs - Surveying a Construction Site Construction Technical Communication Skills - Construction Technology: Domestic Construction Technology: Substructure Construction Graded Unit 1 - Health and Safety in Construction. Moving On On completion students can progress to the HND Construction Management or a related degree course at Napier University. Students may also wish to proceed to degree level study by progressing onto a BSc Construction Management programme. Career Pathways Successful completion of this course could lead to management positions within the Construction Industry. Career opportunities could include planners, site managers, advisors or administrative and technical roles within construction companies, private practice, or central and local government. Entry Requirements Applicants will be required to have one or more of the following: ■■ Advanced Certificate in a trade discipline or building studies ■■ National Certificate ■■ Relevant experience in the Built Environment or Construction Industry.

What’s Involved The following subject areas will be covered: - Standard Forms of Construction Contracts Construction Materials and Specification - Construction Technology: Industrial/Commercial Superstructure - Construction Technology: Substructure - Quantitative Building Studies: Substructures and Drainage - Quantitative Building Studies: Floors and Roofs - Estimating - Building Services: An Introduction - Construction Technology: Domestic Construction - CAD: 2D I - Construction Technical Communication Skills - Construction: Graded Unit 1. Moving On Successful completion of this HNC enables progress onto HNDs or full and part-time degrees. This course is an excellent way to pursue professional development within or into the Construction Industry. The course is recognised by Professional Bodies such as RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors). Career Pathways Successful completion of this HNC would assist graduates in seeking employment with employers such as local authority and government departments, professional surveyors, property developers and construction companies, and civil engineering firms. With experience and continued professional development, progress to project management, consultancy or self-employment, and overseas work is possible. Entry Requirements Applicants will be required to have one or more of the following: ■■ Advanced Certificate in a trade discipline or building studies ■■ National Certificate ■■ Minimum of one Higher ■■ Relevant trade experience within the Building or Construction Industry.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 81

Creative Arts

82 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Access to Photography



NQ Intermediate 1 Full-time SCQF Level 4

NQ Intermediate 2/Higher Full-time SCQF Level 5/6

HNC/HND Full-time SCQF Level 8

Overview This is an entry-level programme designed for developing knowledge and skills to make a start in this sector. This course consists of both SQA units and City & Guilds Certificates and is studied over 1 year full-time with the option of studying individual units on a part-time basis. It will be delivered in our custom-built photography suite in the Media Space Building on the main campus.

Overview This course will provide a broad education in photography enabling learners to meet the technical and aesthetic requirements of professional photography. Students will learn the techniques of the professional photographer in our fully equipped photographic studio which houses digital imaging facilities, gantry lighting and electronic flash systems, a dark room and specialist printing facilities.

Overview The course is industry focused with the aim of enhancing the required creative process, practical knowledge and technical skills for researching, planning, capturing and presenting a wide range of photographs enabling learners to build a portfolio of work to a professional standard.

What’s Involved City & Guilds Level 1 Certification in Basic Photo/Digital Imaging include: Basic Photography, Digital Imaging, Mounting and Presenting. You will produce and organise a portfolio of images and workbooks, making use of digital and film, PC and Mac. The five core skills of IT, Communications, Numeracy, Problem Solving and Working with Others will all be enhanced in this course. Moving On Learners have the opportunity to progress to NQ Photography or NC Digital Media Computing. Career opportunities from this course include photographer’s assistant or self-employment as a photographer after further study. Entry Requirements No specialised prior knowledge is required, but an enthusiasm for this area. Applicants need basic IT skills, and have will achieved the core skills of Communications and Numeracy at Level 3.

What’s Involved The course is studied over 1 year full-time with the option of studying individual units on a part-time basis. Areas covered include: Basic Studio Photography and Camera Techniques (film and digital), Product Photography, Reportage, Portraiture, Advertising, Colour Theory and all core skills. Moving On Successful completion of this course could lead to the HNC/D in Photography. A range of career opportunities is available in the Photography, Media and Creative Industries. Students could go on to employment as a freelance or self-employed photographer. Entry Requirements Applicants should have a minimum of 3 Standard Grades or SQA modules are required and should include English, Mathematics, Computing and Science. A sound interest in photography is required, which could be developed in the Access to Photography course at Carnegie College. Mature candidates with relevant work experience will also be considered.

What’s Involved This course consists of SQA units and is studied full-time for 1 year HNC, 2 years HND, with the option of studying individual units on a part-time basis. Learners are assessed by means of project briefs and written and practical exercises. The course is studio based with lecturers providing practical and tutorial support at each stage. The first year of this programme is the HNC in Photography, which includes: Portraiture, Applied Techniques, Theory, Still Life Studios, Digital Imaging, Creative Industries and a range of specialist areas including Social and Environmental. In the second year subjects include Exhibition, Photojournalism and Advertising and learners are given the opportunity to gain extremely advanced skills within a Photographic specialism. Both Apple Mac and PC platforms are used. Moving On Degree in Photography or related areas such as Film and Media, or a Professional Development Award at degree level in Photography. Career Pathways Press and journalism, advertising agencies, multimedia companies or self employment. Entry Requirements Applicants would normally be expected to have attained one of the following, or equivalent: ■■ Successful completion of the NQ Photography programme ■■ Two Higher Grade passes in Photography and English plus a portfolio demonstrating a good standard in a range of photographic techniques ■■ Alternatively, relevant work experience will be taken into consideration.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 83

Creative Arts

Graphic Design and New Media

Visual Communication

Access to Drama

NQ Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 5

HNC/HND Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7/8

Intermediate 1 Part-time SCQF Level 4

Overview This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of graphic design. It focuses on developing the creative skills required for the design and presentation of visual information in areas such as corporate identity, advertising, web pages and brochures.

Overview The course is industry focused with the aim of enhancing the required creative abilities, practical knowledge and technical skills for the design, management and presentation of visual information enabling the learners to respond to the challenges of a rapidly changing profession.

What’s Involved Learners will study a wide range of illustration techniques and work within a variety of media as well as honing design skills using state of the art digital packages such as Photoshop, InDesign and QuarkXpress.

What’s Involved This course consists of SQA units and is studied full-time for 1 year HNC, 2 years HND, with the option of studying individual units on a part-time basis. Learners are assessed by means of project briefs and written and practical exercises. The course is studio based with lecturers providing practical and tutorial support at each stage.

Overview The aim is to build on any existing experience to extend the range of drama and communication skills, enthuse students about the role of drama to communicate messages, improve self esteem, confidence levels and team working skills, develop an understanding of the role of the theatre and the written and spoken word.

Moving On This course could be used to gain entry to a number of HN or degree courses, including HNC/D Visual Communication. It offers grounding in the art of visual communication and transferable skills, which can be used to gain employment in a number of areas such as marketing and the media. Entry Requirements Applicants will need a minimum of three Standard Grades (or equivalent) and one must be in Art or Graphic Communication. We will also ask to see a portfolio of artwork or a sketchbook. Mature entry is encouraged and will be assessed on an individual basis.

The first year of this programme is the HNC in Visual Communication, which includes: Visual Communication, Design in Context, Photography, Typography, Packaging, Digital Imaging, New Media Design. The subjects studied in the second year include: Design Production, Working in Creative Industries and Creative and Digital Imaging Projects using industry standard software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXpress and Flash across both platforms, PC and Apple Mac. Moving On Degree in Graphic Design/Multimedia. Career Pathways Graphic Designer, New Media Designer, Advertising Agencies, Design Consultants, Multimedia Companies, Private Practice. Entry Requirements Two Higher grade passes in Art and English OR an appropriate National Certificate in Art and Design, Graphic Design or other related discipline.

84 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved The programme will offer 18 hours per week SQA core skills and drama unit, primarily at intermediate 1 level. Delivery will be based in the Fletcher studio and Act Two to give learners a simulated theatre experience. Assessment will be carried out throughout the programme based on the observation and completion of units. There is no examination but participation in the end of term production is required. Moving On Upon successful completion candidates will be able to progress to the Performance Arts National Certificate Course or many other intermediate 2 or higher programmes available at college. Career Pathways This is an introductory level programme which will help to build confidence and motivation. The skills developed are beneficial for a broad range of areas of employment since they focus on clear communication, teamwork and presentation. Entry Requirements There are no specified entry requirements but a genuine interest in and experience of the drama process would clearly be useful.

Performing Arts

Acting and Performance

Art and Design

Intermediate 2/Higher Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 5/6

HNC/HND Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7/8

NQ Full-time SCQF Level 5/6

Overview The programme develops skills in acting and performance as well as experience in voice, movement, and acting, production for performance and preparation for audition. It also develops workshop facilitation skills and confidence. It provides an invaluable skill base for people who want to make a career in this area by providing an appropriate qualification to apply to Higher National study or extending skills for employment.

Overview The programme develops skills in acting and performance, experience in technical theatre, lighting, stage management, writing, directing, workshop facilitation skills and confidence. It provides an invaluable skill base for people wanting to make a career in this area by providing an appropriate qualification to apply to degree-level study or employment. Candidates undertake the HNC acting and Performance in year 1 of the programme and proceed to the HND in year 2 though some will wish to undertake HNC year only.

Overview This course aims to build on your own creative and expressive ability by encouraging you to develop a portfolio incorporating a diverse range of work such as drawing, painting, design, 3-dimensional work, ceramics, textiles and multi-media.

What’s Involved Delivery of the programme is by experienced, professional actors qualified to degree level. It is highly participative and fun, lasts for 36 weeks and requires attendance for 18 hours per week. Successful students will be awarded a Scottish Qualification Authority at National Certificate level. Assessments are on-going throughout the session and will be a blend of practical performances, presentations and written assignments. Moving On Students can apply for the HNC or HND Acting and Performance programme and should prepare an audition piece. Some will wish to apply to a number of institutions which offer degrees in Acting, Dramatic and Theatre Arts but need to be aware of the highly competitive nature of applications. Career Pathways Candidates may gain employment in the theatre, museums, heritage sites and historical re-enactment experiences. The skills developed are beneficial for a broad range of other areas of employment since they focus on clear communication, teamwork and presentation. Some candidates will have the opportunity to perform and offer technical support in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August. Entry Requirements Applicants should demonstrate their talent and skills by completing an appropriate programme such as Access to Drama or through appropriate school qualifications or through relevant experience such as Youth Theatre.

What’s Involved The Diploma runs for two years as a full-time programme and candidates may also study on a part-time basis. Delivery is by experienced, professional actors qualified to degree level. It is highly participative and fun, lasts for 36 weeks and requires attendance for 16 hours per week. The SQA qualification leads to a Diploma after two years of study. Assessments are on-going throughout the session and will be a blend of practical performances, presentations and written assignments. Moving On Candidates can apply to a number of institutions which offer degrees in Acting, Dramatic and Theatre Arts but need to be aware of the highly competitive nature of applications.

What’s Involved Students will study a range of subjects including Painting Techniques, Analytical Drawing, and Design using Mixed Media Applications, Graphic Design and Figure Drawing. There is an opportunity to complete Higher Art as part of this programme. Moving On On successful completion of this course you can progress to the HNC Art and Design, available at Carnegie College, or directly to a degree at Art College. Carnegie has links with many art colleges and universities including Duncan of Jordanstone College, Edinburgh College of Art and Grays College of Art and Design in Aberdeen. Entry Requirements For school leavers a minimum of three Standard Grades (one must be in art or an art related subject) is required. Mature entry is encouraged and will be assessed on an individual basis.

Career Pathways Many candidates gain employment in the theatre, museums, heritage sites and historical re-enactment experiences. Skills developed are beneficial for a broad range and presentation. Professional Equity cards can be gained entitling candidates to an agent and professional work. Entry Requirements Applicants should have two Highers, NQ Dramatic Arts or equivalent. Mature students with relevant experience in Acting and Performance may also be considered. Candidates should have completed the HNC Acting and Performance by achieving 15 credits to proceed to the HND.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 85

Creative Arts

Producing a Professional Art Portfolio


Art and Design

NQ Part-time SCQF Level 5/6

NQ (Intermediate/Higher) Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 5

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

Overview The Portfolio Building NQ is a key part of the National Qualification in Art and Design. It will build on your creative and expressive ability by encouraging you to concentrate your efforts on developing your portfolio.

Overview This course covers Jewellery skills at both NQ Intermediate and NQ Higher levels. The Intermediate course provides an introduction to a range to jewellery techniques and is designed to provide basic skills in the use of jewellery tools and equipment. Basic Design is covered, as are the Core Skills of Communication, Numeracy, IT, Working with Others and Problem Solving. This course has been developed to provide essential training and experience in jewellery and manufacture. Students can use this to gain the basics for a successful design career or to enhance and expand your hobby creating jewellery.

Overview For those eager to pursue a career in an art and design field then this course is just right. It will not only develop creative talents and skills; it will provide the opportunity to develop expertise in a range of disciplines.

What’s Involved Students will study a range of primarily art and design based SQA units covering Painting Techniques, Analytical Drawing and Design, Using Mixed Media Applications, Graphic Design, Figure Drawing, Textiles and Ceramics. Moving On On successful completion of this course learners will have the opportunity to progress onto the HNC in Art and Design at Carnegie College or directly to a degree at Art College. Carnegie College has links with many art colleges and universities including Duncan of Jordanstone College, Edinburgh College of Art and Grays College of Art and Design in Aberdeen. This course enables you to develop a portfolio and work towards achieving an art college entry level. Entry Requirements There are no formal entry qualifications however; if you intend to use this course to progress to Art College you must satisfy the minimum entry requirements for the HE Institution.

What’s Involved Each level can be studied over one year full-time or 2 years part-time. Assessment is on a continuous basis throughout the duration of the course. The course is delivered in our well-equipped jewellery workshop. Units studied are at NQ Intermediate and NQ Higher levels; 3D Art and Design, Texture & Surface Decoration, Design Process, Basic Enamelling. Etching, Stone Setting and in subject areas such as Repairs, Piercing and Inlay, Gemology, Silversmithing, Wire Twisting, Line and Tone and Mixed Media. Courses at both levels also include a Group Enterprise Project and Core Skills (Communication, Numeracy and IT). Moving On From the NQ Intermediate course, you can progress on to the Jewellery NQ Higher course. On successfully completing the Higher course you have the option of progressing to the HNC in Jewellery, at Carnegie College or to an art related degree course at Art College. Career Pathways The NQ Intermediate and NQ Higher courses provide the basis for a career in jewellery design and can also offer access to varied opportunities in art and design related fields. Entry Requirements Minimum of three Standard Grades (or equivalent) of which one must be in Art or an Art related subject. You will also need to submit a portfolio of your artwork for consideration. If you have no formal qualification in this area, a portfolio that illustrates your talent and ability will be favourably considered. Mature entry is encouraged and will be assessed on an individual basis.

86 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved Students will work in a multi-functional arts base and have access to a wide range of art and design tools and equipment. Subjects covered include Producing Drawings, Paintings and Artwork using a variety of media. Also included are units in Analysing Historical Developments in Art and Design, Producing Prints, Communications, Textiles, Graphic Design, Pictorial Illustration, Ceramics and Sculpture. Moving On On successful completion graduates have the opportunity to articulate to a range of Higher National or degree courses at a number of Further and Higher Education colleges and Art colleges. Entry Requirements For school leavers a minimum of two Highers is required (ideally an art discipline). For those with no formal qualification in this area a portfolio that illustrates talent and ability will be favourably considered.


HNC/HND Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7/8 Overview This course will develop and enhance skills to design and fabricate jewellery to a commercial standard by developing and understanding of the qualities and uses of the materials together with current and experimental construction and production process. This 2 year full-time programme comprises a series of SQA Higher National Units devised to reflect the needs of a diverse and varied Jewellery industry. Year 1 leads to an award at HNC and Year 2 HND. The emphasis in both qualifications is on gaining practical skills. What’s Involved These qualifications provide options to study units covering current and experimental techniques for designing and making jewellery. There is a degree of flexibility and choice built into the course and opportunities to explore specialisms in areas such as Rub-over, Claw, Pave, Channel and Flush setting techniques, Lost Wax Casting, CAD 3D Modelling, Gemology, Silversmithing, Rapid Prototyping and Hand Engraving. Students will have the opportunity to design and make jewellery to specific design briefs and experience organising and participating in exhibitions. The majority of classes will take place within a modern, purpose designed and well resourced professional jewellery workshop. Moving On From the HNC course graduates can progress directly onto the HND course. While the main purpose of these courses is to provide the basis for vocational employment, successful completion of either the HNC or HND course may also allow students to articulate into relevant Degree level courses in a number of art schools in Scotland and England. Entry Requirements Candidates should possess an NQ Jewellery qualification at SCQF level 5 or 6 or have equivalent suitable experience or skills in jewellery making and design.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 87

Early Education and Childcare

88 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Early Education and Childcare

Early Education and Childcare

Access to HN Early Education and Childcare

NQ Intermediate 1/2 Full-time SCQF Level 5

NC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 6

Access Programme Part-time SCQF Level 5/6

Overview This course will provide a basic understanding of childcare and the development of young children.

Overview This course is designed to provide an understanding of the total care and all round development of children from birth to 12 years.

Overview This course is an abridged version of the NC Early Education and Childcare. The course will provide successful students with the childcare skills and qualifications required for entry to HNC Early Education and Childcare.

What’s Involved The course contains the core skill areas of Numeracy, IT, and Communication. Students will also study: Child Development: Birth to Young Adulthood, Promoting Play and Positive Behaviour, Child Protection, Children and Young People with Special Needs, Accident and Emergency Procedures, Basic Needs of Children and develop an understanding of working with young children. All students will also spend two days per week on placement in local nurseries and primary schools. Moving On On successful completion of the course you will have achieved the Scottish Progression Award: Accessing Playwork. This will enable registration with the Scottish Social Services Council, (SSSC), as an Early Years Worker at Support Worker level. Most students progress on to the NC Early Education and Childcare and then the HNC Early Education and Childcare. Career Pathways Learners can gain employment as an Assistant Early Years Worker. Successful completion of the HNC Early Education & Childcare would enable you to register as an Early Years Worker with the SSSC and seek employment as an Early Years Worker.

What’s Involved Students will study the following areas: Child Development, Developmental Theory in Early Education and Childcare, Holistic Approaches to Child Health, Supporting Children’s Rights and Entitlements, Supporting Children’s Behaviour, Play in Practice, Developing an Understanding of Working with Children. There is also the opportunity to sit Higher Early Education and Childcare. Two days per week will also be spent on placement in local primary schools and nurseries. Moving On Most students progress on to the HNC Early Education and Childcare course. Career Pathways On successful completion of the course, students will be able to register with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), as an Early Years Worker at support worker level. Entry Requirements Applicants should be 16 years of age or above and have at least five Standard Grades passes at general level 3 or above, including English.

What’s Involved The course is comprised of the following units: Child Development – Birth to 12 years, Developmental Theory in Early Education and Child Care, Holistic Approaches to Child Health, Play in Early Education and Child Care, Play in Practice, HIV Infection, Related Illnesses and Hepatitis and Supporting Children’s Behaviour. One workplace unit will be achieved through working in a childcare setting and a minimum of 30 days placement in an early years setting is required. Moving On Following successful completion of the HNC Early Education and Childcare, students will be able to register with the Scottish Social Services Council as an Early Years Worker at Practitioner level and seek employment as an Early Years Worker. Entry Requirements Applicants should have relevant childcare experience and a minimum of four Standard Grades at general level or above including English, or equivalent.

Entry Requirements Applicants must be 16 years of age or above and have at least four standard grades at general level or above, including English.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 89

Early Education and Childcare

Access to Primary Education

Early Education and Childcare

Supporting Learning Needs

SWAP Access Full-time SCQF Level 6

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Part-time SCQF Level 7

Overview This course aims to prepare students for study at degree and diploma level in Arts and Social Science subjects, including Primary and Secondary Teacher Education and Humanities subjects. It is ideal for those who wish to study for a diploma or degree at university or college but do not have the necessary entry qualifications.

Overview This course combines the theory and practice required to enable students to work effectively in the field of early education and childcare.

Overview To provide an in-depth overview of the principles and practice in education and training for children and adults with learning disabilities; and through practice gain knowledge and understanding of the values of supporting people with learning disabilities in modern educational learning environments.

What’s Involved The range of subjects studied may include English Language and Literary Study, Mathematics, Information Technology, Biology, Sociology, Psychology and a foreign language. Studies will be tailored where possible to suit individual degree entry requirements. Moving On Students can apply to the Universities of Edinburgh, Dundee, St. Andrews, Stirling, Napier or Queen Margaret University College to enhance their qualifications and career prospects. Career Pathways Entry to a range of degree courses means you can consider a number of career options. Entry Requirements There are no formal entry qualifications. Candidates will be selected on the basis of interest and appropriate experience.

What’s Involved The course is comprised of the following units: Working in an Early Education and Childcare Setting, Children and Young People’s Rights, Putting Policy into Practice, Theoretical Approaches to Development and Learning and Curriculum and Assessment in an Early Education and Childcare Setting. Other areas covered include: Understanding and Supporting Children’s Behaviour, Team Working in Childcare, Contemporary Issues for Families and Children and Working with Children 3-5/5-8 years. Moving On Following successful completion of the HNC Early Education and Childcare graduates will be able to register with the Scottish Social Services Council as an early years worker at practitioner level and seek employment as an early years worker. You could also go on to study the PDA in Childcare and Education. Entry Requirements Applicants must have successfully achieved one of the following: NC Early Education & Childcare, Access to HN Early Education, SVQ2 Early Years Care & Education or SVQ2 Children’s Care Learning and Development.

90 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved The following subject areas are covered: Principles and Practice in Education and Training for People with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities, Learning Processes and The Effects on Human Development, Practical Communication Skills for the Workplace, Care and Safety Practices, Child Protection and Approaches to Dealing with Challenging Behaviour. Moving On Progression to related HND courses or degree level courses at university. Career Pathways Successful completion of this course could lead to opportunities working in a community or educational environment, supporting children and adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Entry Requirements Applicants must be working in paid or voluntary employment with children, young people and/or adults with learning difficulties/ disabilities for a minimum of 6 hours per week. Previous achievement of a PDA in Support for Learning Assistants or Classroom Assistants would be beneficial.

Classroom Assistants

Early Education and Childcare

Support for Learning Assistants

PDA Part-time SCQF Level 5

PDA Part-time SCQF Level 7

PDA Part-time SCQF Level 5

Overview This PDA has been designed specifically for Primary and Secondary School Classroom Assistants. It aims to assist in developing skills and provides an understanding of working with children and young adults in modern educational learning environments.

Overview This PDA course has been designed for qualified childcare professionals to update or extend their knowledge of current trends in early years care and education. It may also assist in gaining a senior position in a childcare setting. The course will provide insights and understanding in the practice of childcare and education.

Overview This PDA is aimed for people who already hold the PDA Classroom Assistant and who wish to progress to further study.

What’s Involved The course includes six credits – four are core units and two are optional. The core units include: Child Development, Birth to Young Adulthood, The Effective Organisation and Use of Resources, Support the Well-Being of Pupils and Supporting the Class Teacher. Optional units include: Children and Young People with Special Needs, Promoting Positive Behaviour in Children, Accident and Emergency Procedures, Child Protection and Using Computers. Students will spend one day in college and one day in a placement per week. Moving On On successfully completing this course graduates can go on to work in an educational environment to support pupils and teachers and gain employment as a Classroom Assistant. A variety of further training is possible to support professional and career development in Childcare and Education such as the Support for Learning Assistants Certificate. Entry Requirements There are no formal entry qualifications for this course however applicants should have basic numeracy and communication skills.

What’s Involved The five units of the course include: Effective Leadership and Management in Care Settings, Managing Quality in Early Education and Childcare Settings, Integrated Services for Children and Families, Early Education and Childcare: Graded Unit 2 and Manage a Quality Curriculum. Moving On The PDA also leads to educational progression into the BEd degree in Early Childhood Studies. Career Pathways Completion of this course could lead to possible career progression into positions such as a nursery manager.

What’s Involved This PDA is similar to the PDA Classroom Assistants. Many of the units are common to both. In order to achieve the PDA Support for Learning PDA, candidates will require the following additional three units. – Assisting with Support for Learning: The Role of the Support for Learning Assistant, Supporting Children with Additional Support Needs. Moving On Successful completion of this course will enable you to seek employment as a Learning Assistant. Entry Requirements Candidates should hold the PDA Classroom Assistant and be able to spend one day per week in either a primary or secondary school.

Entry Requirements The preferred entry requirements are one of the following: SNNEB, an HNC Childcare and Education, SVQ 3 Childcare and Education or SVQ 3 Early Years Care and Education. Students should already be working in a responsible position in a childcare setting.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 91

Engineering and Technology

92 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Automotive Vehicle

Automotive Vehicle

Servicing and Repair City and Guilds Level VRQ 1 Full-time

Servicing and Repair City and Guilds Level VRQ 2 Full-time

Overview This course is designed to provide a first level knowledge and understanding for a career in Automotive Engineering. It is appropriate for anyone interested in developing introductory skills in motor vehicle engineering, and covers a broad range of topics essential as a foundation for progress to higher-level studies.

Overview The Level 2 qualification is designed to follow on from the VRQ Level 1 and provides increased knowledge and understanding for a career in Automotive Engineering. It is also an appropriate entry-level qualification for those with some prior knowledge or skills in engineering or motor vehicle engineering.

What’s Involved Workplace Good Housekeeping, Health and Safety, Vehicle Technology, Workshop Methods and Processes, Removing and Replacing Engine Units and Components and Removing and Replacing Chassis Units and Components.

What’s Involved Workplace Good Housekeeping, Health and Safety, Maintaining Positive Working Relationships, Routine Vehicle Maintenance, Removing and Replacing Engine Units and Components, Removing and Replacing Auxiliary Electrical Units and Components, Removing and Replacing Chassis Units and Components and Pre and Post-Work Vehicle Inspection.

Moving On The qualification assists the student gain employment in the fast fit motor vehicle industry. Alternatively, it may be used to help successful entry to a Modern Apprenticeship, to a City & Guilds VRQ Level 2 Award or undertake further study. Career Pathways Candidates who achieve the qualification will find it helps them to find employment in the motor industry. With over 32 million vehicles on the road, the demand for highly skilled technicians to repair, maintain and keep them roadworthy will always be present. If you are technically minded this could be just the job for you. The motor industry needs highly trained, highly motivated technicians with a healthy academic and practical balance. Entry Requirements Applicants are expected to have achieved Core Skills at Intermediate 1 in Numeracy and Communication as well as one other Core Skill at Intermediate 1 or equivalent. Mature students will be considered on their individual merits.

Moving On Progression to the City & Guilds VRQ Level 3 Award or undertake further study. Career Pathways Completion of the programme can lead to employment in the motor vehicle industry or alternatively, it may be used to secure employment and train within the Modern Apprenticeship programme in Automotive Engineering. Entry Requirements Applicants would normally progress to the Level 2 Award once completing the VRQ Level 1 Award in Vehicle Servicing and Repair. Consideration will be given to those who may have similar qualifications or demonstrated experience.

Engineering Multi-Skills

NC Full-time SCQF Level 4 Overview This course is designed for those who have an interest in pursuing a technical career in engineering. It aims to provide a basic understanding of some of the practical skills and tasks involved in fabrication and welding, mechanical and electrical engineering in preparation for a Modern Apprenticeship or employment. What’s Involved General Fabrication (Assembly), Thermal Joining Skills, Introduction to Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Marking Out Procedures, An Introduction to Workshop Skills, Dimensional Control (Measuring and Testing) and Electrical and Wiring Hand Skills. Other units include Materials and Jointing Methods (Electrical), an introduction to Engineering Materials, Non-Thermal Joining Skills, Numeracy and Communications. Moving On During the course individuals may choose to pursue an Electrical, Mechanical or Fabrication and Welding Engineering option. Successful completion of this course could lead to further study on the Engineering Advantage course, which offers clear progression towards a Modern Apprenticeship; alternatively you can join the NC Mechanical, Electrical, Aeronautical & Fabrication & Welding courses. Entry Requirements A general interest in Engineering and a Standard Grade (General) level in Mathematics, English and Information Technology would be beneficial.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 93

Engineering and Technology

Engineering Advantage

Aeronautical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

NC Full-time SCQF Level 5/6

NC Full-time SCQF Level 5/6

NC Full-time SCQF Level 5/6

Overview Engineering Advantage is a pre-apprentice programme designed to enable successful learners to progress through to Modern Apprentice opportunities in Engineering Production, Engineering Maintenance or Technical Service.

Overview This entry-level course provides students with a solid foundation in aeronautical engineering. As a result of studying this course you will also gain a valuable insight into fundamental mechanical and electrical engineering principles, together with introductory specialist aeronautical subjects covering the main aspects of aircraft systems. Practical applications of principles and skills development are provided in a realistic working environment in the college engineering centre.

Overview This course has been designed to equip individuals with the fundamental knowledge, skills and understanding required by the electronic and microelectronic industries in the manufacturing, maintenance and service sectors. On completion of the course the individuals will be awarded an NC in Electrical Engineering or an NC in Electronic Engineering.

What’s Involved Candidates will undertake the units which make up the NC in one of three Engineering areas, Electrical, Mechanical or Fabrication and Welding; the course will also cover the following core areas: Mathematics, Communications, Information Technology as well as an assignment. The course promotes employability skills through project work, visits or industrial placements. Moving On The NC equips learners with the skills to progress into a Modern Apprenticeship with the option of further training to gain an SVQ 2 and SVQ 3 in the relevant discipline. Learners will be actively supported to gain the employment necessary for this progression. Progress onto HN level studies is also an option for those looking for an academic route. Career Pathways This course is designed specifically to enable learners to progress into a Modern Apprenticeship in Electrical, Mechanical or Fabrication and Welding Engineering. Alternatively learners may seek employment directly. Entry Requirements A minimum of Standard Grade 3 in Maths and English is required. Standard Grades and/or Highers in Physics, Graphic Communication, Technological Studies, Mechatronics or Craft and Design are also a distinct advantage. For those who have studied SQA units, Core Maths 3 and a Communications unit will satisfy the entry criteria.

What’s Involved Students will undertake the following units Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Principles, Aeronautical, Fundamentals Theory of Flight, Aircraft Propulsion, and Aircraft Structures. The course will also cover the following core areas: Mathematics, Engineering, Computing, Communications, CAD and project work. Moving On Successful students may progress onto HNC/D Level study at Carnegie College. Career Pathways There are excellent career opportunities in the field of aeronautical engineering, with openings at aeronautical engineering technician level. Entry Requirements A minimum of Standard Grade 3 in Maths and English is required. Standard Grades and/or Highers in Physics, Graphic Communication, Technological Studies, Mechatronics or Craft and Design are also a distinct advantage. For those who have studied SQA units, Core Maths 3 and a Communications unit will satisfy the entry criteria.

94 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved Students will use our well equipped Electronic Student Base to study: Electrical and Electronic Principles, Analogue and Digital Techniques and Devices, Applied Mathematics, Communications and Presentation Techniques, Component Recognition and Assembly Skills and Sequential and Combinational Logic. Moving On The qualification can be used to help students secure an apprenticeship in industry. Successful completion of the NC in Electrical/ Electronic Engineering guarantees a place on the HNC/D in Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Mechatronics programme at Carnegie College. Career Pathways On successful completion students will have gained a recognised NC in Engineering which can be used to gain employment in a wide range of industrial sectors including the Electrical/Electronic/Microelectronic and Control/Instrumentation Industries. Entry Requirements A minimum of Standard Grade 3 in Maths and English is required. Standard Grades and/or Highers in Physics, Graphic Communication, Technological Studies, Mechatronics or Craft and Design are also a distinct advantage. For those who have studied SQA units, Core Maths 3 and a Communications unit will satisfy the entry criteria.

Electrical Installation

Fabrication and Welding Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

NC Full-time SCQF Level 5/6

NC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 5/6

NC Full-time SCQF Level 5/6

Overview This course is designed to give students a good foundation in the principles and practice of electrical installation. Although college-based, it follows very closely the work carried out by practicing electrical apprentices on our successful SVQ Level 3 Electrical Installation course.

Overview The NC in Fabrication and Welding Engineering is designed to give learners the basic skills and technical knowledge required in the fabrication and welding market.

Overview This course has been designed to equip individuals with the fundamental knowledge, skills and understanding required by the mechanical industries. On completion of the course individuals will be awarded an NC in Mechanical Engineering.

What’s Involved The course develops skills which are required for a career in the electrical industry, by developing the following: Student communication skills and Health & Safety knowledge. Through practical work learners develop an understanding of layout and fixings of lighting and power circuits, develop practical hand skills in forming electrical trunking systems and understanding electrical principles involved. Moving On This qualification can be used to help learners to move on to the HNC in an Electrical Engineering related discipline. Career Pathways Employment in the electrical installation sector. Entry Requirements Entry requirements to the course are 3 Standard Grades at Level 3 or above, however applicants who do not meet this criteria, but have relevant experience or alternative qualifications will be considered on their individual merits.

What’s Involved Basic Welding Theory covering a range of welding processes (Oxy-Acetylene, Soldering, Brazing, Braze Welding, Manual Metal Arc, Tungsten Arc Gas Shielded, Metal Arc Gas Shielded), Technical Drawing, Sheet Metal Draughting and Engineering Science and Engineering Materials. Moving On The qualification can be used to help students secure an apprenticeship in industry. Successful students can also progress to the HNC in Fabrication, Welding and NDT (Non-Destructive Testing); then onto an HND or degree in an Engineering related subject area. Career Pathways This course is recognised as the first level of qualification in the fabrication and welding field and can allow progression into a Modern Apprenticeship or directly into employment in areas including: - Welding - Light Engineering - Pipeline Engineering - General Fabrication Engineering - Sheet Metal Work. Following further studies successful students can progress their career in fabrication and welding at technician or supervisor level. Entry Requirements A minimum of Standard Grade 3 in Maths and English is required. Standard Grades and/or Highers in Physics, Graphic Communication, Technological Studies, Mechatronics or Craft and Design are also a distinct advantage. For those who have studied SQA units, Core Maths 3 and a Communications unit will satisfy the entry criteria.

What’s Involved Students will undertake studies in the following units: Statics, Dynamics, Pneumatics & Hydraulics, Information Technology, Dimension Control, Combination Logic, Strength of Materials, Engineering Design and Drawing. Moving On Successful completion of the NC in Mechanical Engineering guarantees a place on the HNC/D in Engineering Systems, Mechanical Engineering programme at Carnegie College. Career Pathways Success on this course could lead to work in the Mechanical Engineering Industry or lead to a modern apprenticeship in this area. Entry Requirements A minimum of Standard Grade 3 in Maths and English is required. Standard Grades and/or Highers in Physics, Graphic Communication, Technological Studies, Mechatronics or Craft and Design are also a distinct advantage. For those who have studied SQA units, Core Maths 3 and a Communications unit will satisfy the entry criteria.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 95

Engineering and Technology

Aircraft Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

HNC Full-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Full-time SCQF Level 7

Overview This course provides students with a solid foundation in Aeronautical engineering and explains theories in flight, how aircraft are designed, constructed, powered and their operating systems. This award is based on EASA Part 66 the aircraft maintenance licence requirements and focuses on preparing learners for a career in the aviation industry or as the foundation for further advanced study. Practical aircraft skills are also developed in a realistic college-working environment.

Overview This course is designed to provide the skills and knowledge to enable students to gain employment in the Electronic, Microelectronic and related industries as well as access to a variety of degree courses in Engineering.

Overview This course has been designed to provide individuals with the knowledge, skills and understanding to enable them to gain employment in the electronic, microelectronic and related industries.

What’s Involved The programme of studies will cover the following areas: Single and Three Phase Systems, Power Transformers and Induction Motors, Programmable Logic Controllers, Supply Systems Composite Loads and Tariffs, Combinational Logic and IT Applications, Quality and Communications.

What’s Involved Students will access our well equipped Electronic Student Base to study the following units: Electrical and Electronic Principles, Analogue and Digital Techniques and Devices, Sequential and Combinational Logic, Electronic Test Instruments, Information Technology Quality, Applied Mathematics for Engineering and Communications and Presentation Skills.

What’s Involved This course is ideal for those wishing to start a career in aircraft maintenance engineering. The course covers practical mechanical and avionic engineering and maintenance. The HNC is closely matched to the EASA IR (European Aviation Safety Agency, Instructions and Regulations) Part 66 syllabus. Practical content of the course is carried out at our Rosyth campus with classroom-based activity focusing on aircraft propulsion systems; aircraft structures; maths and physics for aviation and aerodynamics. Moving On The HNC can allow graduates to continue their studies on to the HND Aircraft Engineering Course (available 2010/11) or on to degree programmes at a variety of Universities. Career Pathways This qualification can provide you with the possibility of finding work as a technician within the commercial airline industry.

Moving On Graduates can progress to the 2nd or 3rd year of a related degree course at university. Career Pathways Excellent prospects exist for successful students in areas such as the electrical supply industry, oil and gas industries and the electrical and electronic manufacturing sector in technician roles such as maintenance, quality, planning or design. Entry Requirements Good Standard Grades in Mathematics, English and a Science or a Technical subject together with 2 Highers or 1 Higher and a cluster of SQA modules; or an NC/GSVQ in a computing or technical subject. Acceptable alternative qualifications together with relevant work experience will be considered favourably.

Entry Requirements Preferred entry requirements for the course are a Higher in Mathematics, English or Science. Automatic eligibility for this course is by progression from the NC Aeronautical Engineering course. Those not able to meet entry requirements, but have previous experience in this area may still qualify for this course. Please arrange an appointment with a member of College staff to discuss eligibility.

96 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Moving On Graduates can progress onto the 1st or 2nd year of a degree course in most Electrical or Electronic disciplines at a number of universities. Career Pathways Qualified students will be ideally suited for employment at technician level across the range of electronic industries working with companies such as Retronix, HM Forces, Motorola, Solectron and Agilent Technologies. Entry Requirements Good Standard Grades in Mathematics, English and a Science or Technical subject together with 2 Highers, or 1 Higher and a cluster of SQA modules. Or an SQA NC/GSVQ in a computing or technical subject. Acceptable alternative qualifications particularly mature applicants with relevant work experience will be considered favourably.

Fabrication and Welding

Mechanical Engineering

Rapid Prototyping and Design Engineering (incorporating CAD)

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

Overview This qualification combines the study of Fabrication and Welding Theory and principles for those seeking to achieve technician status in this field of Engineering.

Overview This course has been designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to gain employment in the Mechanical Engineering sector. It can also be used as entry qualification to Higher Education. (Successful candidates will gain access to a variety of degree courses in Engineering).

Overview Rapid Prototyping & Design Engineering is not only used in manufacturing but is also used extensively in areas such as multimedia, computer games, mapping, architectural engineering, jewellery and many other disciplines. With new releases of software packages such as CAD 2008 there is a growing demand for knowledge workers in the field of engineering and multi-media. Carnegie College proposes to meet some of the needs of industry by providing education and continuing professional development through the delivery of the HNC in Rapid Prototyping & Design.

What’s Involved The full-time course will take one year to complete starting in September and finishing in June. The course is also offered on a day release basis over two years, there is also an option for students to undertake this course flexibly. Delivery takes place in a modern well-equipped facility utilising industrial standard hardware. Students will access our well-equipped Fabrication Department to study the following subject areas Inspection Systems, Welding Principles, Fabrication Principles & C.A.D. Moving On Students can progress on to the first or second year of a degree course in Engineering or related subject. Career Pathways Qualified students will be ideally suited for employment at technician level across the range of Constructive Engineering. There are many local fabrication companies that would recruit from this qualification. Entry Requirements Good Standard Grades in Mathematics, English and a Science or Technical subject together with 2 Highers, or 1 Higher and a cluster of SQA modules. Or an SQA NC/GSVQ in a computing or technical Subject. Acceptable alternative qualifications particularly mature applicants with relevant work experience will be considered favourably.

What’s Involved The course is offered on a day release or full-time basis. Day release is normally one day a week over a two-year period. The full-time course is for 1 year normally commencing in September. Delivery takes place in a modern well-equipped facility utilising industrial standard hardware and software. The content has been selected to ensure students acquire the knowledge and understanding required by the engineering industry and includes Mechanical Principles, Transducers, Control Fundamentals & Mathematics. Moving On Students may then gain entry to the second or third year of a related degree course at a number of universities. Career Pathways Excellent prospects exist for successful students in areas such as the Oil and Gas Industries and the Engineering Manufacturing sector. Individuals can gain employment as Technicians in areas such as maintenance, Quality, Planning or Design. Entry Requirements Good Standard Grades in Mathematics, English and a Science or Technical subject together with 2 Highers, or 1 Higher and a cluster of SQA modules. Or an SQA NC/GSVQ in a computing or technical subject. Acceptable alternative qualifications, particularly mature applicants with relevant work experience will be considered favourably.

What’s Involved The following units will be covered: Computer Aided Draughting, Computerised 3D Modelling, Operating Systems for CAD Users, CAD Systems Management, CAD and Databases, Communications, Solid Modelling and Customised Programming for CAD. Moving On Graduates may extend their studies to HND or degree level. Career Pathways Graduates may go on to find employment as an electrical draughts person, mechanical design engineer, CAD highway technician, CAD operator, CAD architects, retail space planner, Street lighting engineer/ technician, structural engineer, CAD engineer or perhaps a CAD technician. Entry Requirements Good Standard Grades in Mathematics, English and a Science or a Technical subject together with 2 Highers or 1 Higher and a cluster of SQA modules; or an NC/GSVQ in a computing or technical subject. Acceptable alternative qualifications together with relevant work experience will be considered favourably. CAD qualifications at introductory level. Direct entry is possible for students who have extensive hands-on experience.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 97

Engineering and Technology

Engineering Systems

Engineering Systems incorporating Renewable and Sustainable Engineering

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HND Full-time SCQF Level 8

Overview The aim of this course is to provide advanced level study in new technologies and services for the generation, collection or transmission of energy from renewable sources such as biomass, solar, photovoltaic, wind, tidal and geothermal sources. It can be used to improve your career potential and it will allow you to increase the candidate’s technical knowledge in a general or specific renewable & sustainable engineering discipline.

Overview This course is designed for those engineering technicians who wish to develop into the dynamic and ever changing engineering industry. The course will prepare you to study a wide range of engineering systems, from mechanical, electrical and electronic systems preparing you to understand the vast engineering systems you could encounter in your chosen field.

What’s Involved This course comprises some core units in Communication, Engineering Principles, Mathematics and some optional units in various engineering disciplines and an examination. Moving On Students can progress onto HND level or first/ second year of a degree course in Engineering or related subject. Career Pathways An HNC in Engineering Systems can offer increased employment opportunities in a number of Engineering disciplines. Further studies onto HND could offer a potential career progression within the new and developing field of Renewable Engineering. Entry Requirements Good Standard Grades in Mathematics, English and a Science or Technical subject together with 2 Highers, or 1 Higher and a cluster of SQA modules. Or an SQA NC/GSVQ in a computing or technical Subject. Acceptable alternative qualifications particularly mature applicants with relevant work experience will be considered favourably.

What’s Involved The HND follows on from the HNC Engineering Systems and will continue to develop your knowledge of complex engineering systems. You will study general engineering topics, and then move onto a variety of specialised engineering subjects in a number of areas such as mechanical, electrical or develop into the growing energy engineering sector. Subjects covered include: pneumatics and hydraulics; thermo fluids; interfacing electronics; electronic testing skills; application of programmable logic controllers; electrical safety; fundamentals of control systems and transducers. Moving On The HND prepares graduates for a variety of jobs in engineering, including manufacturing, mechanical, electrical and engineering design. Career Paths Further studies can be undertaken to degree level through a number of universities following successful completion of the HND. Entry Requirements Applicants can progress on to the HND upon successful completion of the HNC Engineering Systems Course. Consideration will be made for those learners who have an engineering HNC in another discipline who wish to undertake the HND course.

98 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

17th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations (C&G 2381)

Inspection, Testing and Certification of Electrical Installations (C&G 2391)

Portable Appliance Testing (C&G 2377)

City & Guilds Part-time

City & Guilds Distance Learning

City & Guilds Part-time/Distance Learning

Overview To provide electricians and those involved in electrical contract work with a recognised City & Guilds qualification and an understanding of the main requirements of BS 7671 and current legislation.

Overview This course covers the initial inspection, testing and certification of new or additional electrical installations and the periodic inspection, testing and certification of existing installation. The certificate is recognised by the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) as evidence of competence for inspection and testing of electrical installations. The qualification satisfies the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installations particular requirements that prospective Qualifying Managers and operatives are fully conversant with the requirements of BS 7671 for Inspection, Testing and Certification of Electrical Installations.

Overview This course is designed for students to achieve a recognised qualification, and provide knowledge, skills and understanding to enable both the testing of portable electrical equipment and management of the testing of portable electrical equipment. This course meets the demands of legislation, which requires qualified personnel to administer and carry out the inspection and testing of appliances.

What’s Involved Students are provided with a study pack containing self-assessment questions to monitor progress, tutor assessed assignments and IEE regulations and on-site guide. The course provides the skills to identify and apply regulations relating to safety requirements, assessment of general characteristics, selection and erection of equipment, special locations, inspection and testing and use of appendices. Moving On This course opens new opportunities for Electricians and those involved in electrical contract work that need to be knowledgeable of current legislation as part of their role. It expands the skills of existing Electrical Contractors enabling them to effectively deal with the main requirements of BS 7671 and could provide opportunities for promotion. This course can provide support for any Electrical Engineering HN units referring to Electrical Construction and Design. Entry Requirements This course would only be suitable for qualified Electrical Engineers/Electricians or those with a sound working knowledge of electrical installations and practice.

What’s Involved This course is offered in a distance learning format, with a practical training component facilitated from college premises. Students will also undertake a practical and written assessment. The following subject areas are covered; Providing Underpinning Knowledge and Practical Competence in Preparation for Inspection and Testing, Inspection, Testing & Completion of Documentation. Entry Requirements Candidates should have the City & Guilds Certification 2381 16th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations, an appreciation of the Electricity at Work Regulations, and have extensive experience in electrical installation work.

What’s Involved The course can be offered to individuals on an open learning basis or alternatively in suitable in-house accommodation. The mandatory practical content for open learning will be offered at The School of Engineering and Technology. It is based upon the Code of Practice (COP) for Inservice Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment, including the use of Portable Appliance Tester, Safety Mechanisms used in Portable Appliances and Recommended Portable Appliance Tests. Moving On Successful completion of this course and gaining this City & Guilds qualification is mandatory for those Electricians who wish to carry out formal testing of portable electrical appliances in accordance with the IEE code of practice and is applicable to all who have responsibility for Portable Appliance Maintenance. This course may be undertaken as part of a wider professional development plan in which candidates may undertake a variety of other Health and Safety or Electrical courses. Preferred Entry Requirements This course is suitable for qualified Electricians and Electrical Engineers, or those with a good knowledge of the principles and theory of Electrical or Electronic Engineering.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 99

Engineering and Technology

NEBOSH Construction Certificate

NEBOSH Fire Safety and Risk Management Certificate

NEBOSH General Certificate

National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) Part-time

National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) Part-time

National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) Part-time

Overview This course provides a sound, broad introduction to the fundamentals of occupational health and safety for those working in the construction industry. The certificate is relevant for site managers, planning supervisors, employee representatives and those working within a supervisory or management position within the Construction Industry.

Overview To enable candidates to advise organisations on the steps to be taken to ensure compliance with current fire legislation and business objectives. The course is delivered in partnership with Fife Fire and Rescue by day release, block release or by distance learning mode at the School of Engineering and Technology at our Rosyth Campus.

What’s Involved Candidates will study Health and Safety, Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture, Risk Assessment, Principles of Control, Hazards and Control, Excavation Work and Confined Spaces, Demolition Work, Manual/Mechanical/ Electrical Handling Hazards and Control, Fire Hazards and Control, Chemical and Biological Health Hazards and Control, Physical and Psychological Health Hazards and Control, Incident Investigation, Recording and Reporting and Monitoring, Review and Audit.

What’s Involved The duration is over 15 days including exams and revision sessions. Candidates having achieved a NEBOSH General Certificate within the last 5 years can achieve this award by successful completion of the fire safety units. Assessment is by written examination and a practical assessment involving the completion of a fire risk assessment.

Overview The course has been designed to provide a broad range of underpinning knowledge to enable Health and Safety duties in the workplace to be undertaken more effectively. It is relevant for managers, supervisors and employee representatives with special health and safety responsibilities. This comprehensive course gives an excellent grounding in the fundamentals of occupational Safety and Health Management.

Moving On The award can also provide a base level for those with specific responsibilities in H&S, and may lead to them undertaking higher level, related training. Successful individuals could progress onto the NEBOSH Level 4 Diploma as part of their ongoing development. Entry Requirements Applicants are expected to have had extensive experience of construction methodologies and practices.

Moving On The unitisation of NEBOSH awards allows successful candidates to widen their expertise by completion of NGC2 thus achieving a National General Certificate in Health and Safety. Candidates pursuing a career in health and safety may wish to progress to Diploma level or NVQ4 a prerequisite to IOSH chartered membership. Entry Requirements This award is designed for those that may have responsibility for fire arrangements in the workplace, looking to pursue a career in fire safety or an expanding role within an integrated management system. Experience of the workplace, in management and shop floor H&S issues are advantageous but not essential as full support is available.

100 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved You following units are covered: Hazards and Control – Equipment/Electrical/Fire/Chemical and Biological/Physical and Psychological/Construction Activities/Movement of People/Manual and Mechanical Handling, Incident Investigation and Recording and Reporting – Monitoring/Review/ Audit. Other areas include: Health and Safety Foundations/Policy/Organisation, Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture, Risk Assessment, Principles of Control. Moving On The award can also provide a base level qualification for those with specific responsibilities in health and safety, and may lead to them undertaking higher level, related training. You could progress onto the NEBOSH Diploma, Part 1 as part of your ongoing development. Entry Requirements This course is designed for those with Health and Safety responsibilities in the workplace; therefore individuals should be employed in a role related to Health and Safety.

Health and Social Care

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 101

Health and Social Care

Introduction to Health and Childcare

Full-time SCQF Level 4 Overview The aim of the course is to provide candidates with an introduction to a broad variety of health, social and childcare related units of study. The course is designed to allow candidates to develop their understanding of care related issues and improve or build on their core skills. What’s Involved The course is delivered using a wide variety of teaching methods, research based, group activity, electronic delivery, individual project and lecture style, appropriate method of delivery chosen to meet candidate needs and the needs of the unit of study. The units consist of: ■■ Psychology and Sociology for Care ■■ Values and Principles in Care ■■ Health and Safety in Care ■■ Human Body and Health Technology ■■ Communications ■■ Numeracy ■■ Information Technology ■■ Childcare units of study

Preparation for Care

Health and Social Care (Higher) incorporating Access to Nursing

NQ Intermediate 2 Full-time SCQF Level 5

NC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 6

Overview The aim of this course is to provide students with the academic preparation for a career in the care sector to become knowledgeable practitioners and meet the criteria to progress to further education within Carnegie.

Overview The course enables students to develop specialist knowledge and understanding in relation to caring for others. It provides the skills for entry to related care fields and consists of three Highers: Care; Care Practice; and Biology or Psychology.

What’s Involved Examples of subjects covered include: Psychology for Care, Sociology for Care, Values for Care, Prevention of Infection, Promoting Healthy Eating in a Care Environment, Maintaining Safety in a Care Environment and Understanding the Needs of the Older Person. Moving On Progress could be either to National Certificate Health and Social Care or HNC Social Care for those who seek a career in Social Care. Entry Requirements Applicants should have some Standard Grades at level 3 or above, English and a Science would be beneficial. Relevant Care experience may also be considered.

Moving On Success on this course could lead to progression to Preparation for Care Intermediate 2/NQ Childcare. Career Pathways This course is primarily designed to lead to further education in Health, Social, or Child care. However the course does include an external examination in Care at intermediate one and this will be recognised by employers in the care sector and may lead to employment. Entry Requirements 2 Standard Grade awards at level 3 or above or evidence of core skills achievement at access 3. Suitable experience would also be considered.

102 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved The following units will be covered: Psychology for Care; Sociology for Care, Biology Higher/ Int2 or Psychology, First Aid, HIV. A work placement as an assistant care staff member is included in the course (dependent on a Disclosure Scotland check). Moving On Successful students may progress to the HNC in Health Care or Social Care, then the Diploma/degree for Nursing at university or to HNC Applied Sciences. Career Pathways This course provides the opportunity to progress to a Nursing course or Assistant posts in professions allied to Health Care, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy or Podiatry. Entry Requirements Applicants should have four Credit Standard Grades, including English, or Intermediate 2 in Care group award.

Professional Access to HNC Social Care

Social Care

Counselling Skills (COSCA)

Access Part-time SCQF Level 5

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

Professional Qualification Units 1-4 Part-time SCQF Level 7

Overview The programme offers the learner the opportunity to develop their qualifications to a level that would meet the entry requirements for HNC social care course. The course is primarily designed for people with care experience but not the academic qualification to gain entry to the HNC Social Care Course.

Overview This course is intended to provide students with the knowledge, skills and competencies to work in a variety of social care settings.

Overview The Certificate in Counselling Skills is recognised as the first stage in counselling training. It will not make you a counsellor but the qualification is recognised as a precursor to further training and will develop counselling skills.

What’s Involved The programme is designed to provide a progression route to HNC Social Care. The unit to be studies are Psychology for Care, Sociology for Care, Values and Principles in Care and includes an external exam leading to an award of Care Intermediate 2. Communications 4 is a unit designed to help candidates with their written skills in preparation for HNC level study. Moving On This programme will offer progression to NC in Health and Social Care at Higher or HNC Social Care. Career Pathways Social Care Support Worker. Entry Requirements Entry requirements preferably Standard Grade level education and care experience.

What’s Involved Subject areas covered include: Social Care Theory for Practice, Social Policy, Sociology, Psychology, Health and Safety, Protecting Individuals from Possible Harm, Developing Professional Practice and Promoting Effective Communication, Process of Loss and Grief, People with Learning Disabilities, Mental Health in a social care setting. Moving On Graduates can progress to a Social Work degree or further study a Social Work degree in Social Science or Community Education. Career Pathways It may provide entry to supervisory or first line managerial positions in residential, community care or day care settings. Entry Requirements Applicants should be of mature attitude and hold one of the following entry qualifications: NC in Care (min. “A” pass at Int 2 or equivalent), 2 Highers and 3 Standard Grades or appropriate experience of a Health or Social Care setting with a min. of Level 4 Communication. Mature student with relevant professional experience may also be considered. Applicants also need to submit a detailed reference confirming your suitability to train for employment in a Social Care setting and complete a Disclosure Scotland check.

What’s Involved The course is made up of four units covering Listening, Responding, Self reflection and Integration. Training throughout the four modules is based on Counselling Theory, Self-Awareness and Practice Skills. You will be assessed by observation, recorded practice and written assessments. Moving On Once completed the Certificate students can continue their development by undertaking a Diploma in Counselling. Career Pathways Graduates can use this qualification to pursue a career in counselling and to gain accreditation for employment roles. Entry Requirements Access will be discussed at interview where you will be expected to demonstrate the attributes essential to cope with the demands of the course. Applicants must have achieved the Introduction to Counselling NQ Unit or have experience of the same level.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 103

Health and Social Care

Introduction to Counselling

Courses coming soon HNC Healthcare

NQ Unit Part-time SCQF Level 5 Overview This is a stand-alone part-time SQA National unit (one credit). Students will be assessed on two written pieces and one piece of observed work. It takes forty hours to complete and is delivered one evening a week over 12 weeks. What’s Involved The course covers the following units: Models of Counselling, Where Counselling can take place, Statutory Agencies, Voluntary Agencies, Counselling Techniques/ Theory and What Counselling is and is not. Moving On On successfully completing this unit you can apply for the Counselling Skills (COSCA) course which is an excellent course for those interested in using a counselling approach in the workplace or in the voluntary sector. Entry Requirements Although there are no specific academic requirements for this course, access will be determined at interview where you will be expected to demonstrate the attributes essential to cope with the demands of the course. Relevant experience would provide an insight into the application of the skills.

104 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Hospitality, Travel and Tourism

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Hospitality, Travel and Tourism

Introduction to Hospitality Introduction to Travel and Tourism NQ Intermediate 1 Full-time SCQF Level 4

Hospitality Intermediate 2/ Higher Travel and Tourism Intermediate 2/Higher Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 5/6

Overview These programmes offer a practical learning experience, designed to give students an introduction to Hospitality or Travel and Tourism, with a view to pursuing a career in the Hospitality, Travel and Tourism industry.

Overview The Hospitality programme aims to provide learners with practical food preparation experience as well as experience of front of house service in our training restaurant eat@carnegie.

These programmes are available on a full-time basis over one year or if you wish, you have the option to take it over two years as a part-time student.

This programme course is available on a full-time basis over one year or over two years as a part-time student.

What’s Involved The Hospitality programme includes practical food preparation and food service in the fully equipped teaching and production kitchen and the eat@carnegie Restaurant training facility within the Halbeath Campus. This course includes, topics such as Working in the Professional Kitchen and Introduction to Events, Food Preparation, Food Hygiene and Working Front of House.

The Travel and Tourism course offers practical learning experiences designed to give an overview of this service industry.

The first part of the Travel and Tourism programme includes such units as Working in the Professional Kitchen and Introduction to Events. In the second part of the programme, topics such as Holiday Planning, Customer Service and Holiday Issues are studied. Moving On On successful completion of these programmes, students can go on to Hospitality Intermediate 2 or the Travel and Tourism Intermediate 2 programme. Successful completion of the Travel and Tourism Intermediate 1 can lead to opportunities as travel agents, tourist information assistants and airport ground staff. Career Pathways Having completed the Hospitality programme, students can gain employment at commis level in either Food Production or Food Service within the Hospitality industry. Entry Requirements Two Standard Grades (Foundation) or equivalent. If in doubt applicants are encouraged to contact us and discuss the application to ensure that this is the right level of qualification. Mature candidates with relevant experience but without formal qualifications are also encouraged to apply.

What’s Involved The Hospitality programme covers Food Preparation, Food Hygiene, Front of House and Business Enterprise. The Travel and Tourism programme looks at a range of aspects of both Travel and Tourism include Tourist Destinations, Resort repping, Working as Cabin Crew Business Practices in Travel and Tourism.


HNC Full-time SCQF Level 7 Overview This HNC aims to develop skills in those aspects of catering, costing and organisation required of a trainee or supervisor in any hospitality business. What’s Involved The course can be studied full-time over one year or two years on a part-time basis. The HNC consists of 12 credits, which includes one graded unit. Assessments are mostly assignment based including practical assessments. The graded unit will be undertaken towards the end of the course. The programme covers such areas as an overview of the Hospitality Industry, Food Hygiene, Hospitality Financial and Control Systems, Food and Beverage Service and Accommodation Servicing. Career Pathways Completion of this course can lead to opportunities such as a Supervisor in a Hotel or Catering Establishment.

Moving On On successful completion of the Hospitality programme, graduates can go on to HNC Hospitality.

Moving On Successful students can go on to other HND level study within Carnegie College, or progress to degree level courses at University.

On successful completion of the Travel and Tourism programme, graduates can go on to HNC Tourism or HNC Travel and Tourism.

■■ Scottish Group Awards in Travel and Tourism

Career Pathways For the Hospitality programme, possible career paths might include working at commis level in either Food Production or Food Service within the Hospitality industry. Possible career steps for the Travel and Tourism programme might be Cabin Crew, Ground staff, Resort Representative, as well as working in Travel retail and Tourist information services. Entry Requirements Three Standard Grades (Foundation) or equivalent, ideally including English, IT and Numeracy. If in doubt applicants are encouraged to contact us and discuss the application to ensure that this is the right level of qualification. Mature candidates with relevant experience but without formal qualifications are also encouraged to apply.

106 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Entry Requirements

at Intermediate 2 or Higher

■■ Any other relevant Scottish Group Award

at Intermediate 2 or Higher

■■ Any 2 National courses at Higher together

with 3 Standard Grade passes at 3 or above

■■ A SVQ at level 2 or 3 in a relevant area ■■ Relevant work experience.

Travel and Tourism

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7 Overview The HNC in Tourism and the HNC in Travel and Tourism are designed to develop skills and knowledge in marketing, customer service as applied to the tourism sector as well as develop an understanding of the travel and tourist industry. What’s Involved The course can be studied full-time over one year or two years on a part-time basis. The HNC consists of 12 credits, which includes one graded unit. Assessments are mostly assignment based including practical assessments. The graded unit will be undertaken towards the end of the course. The programme covers such areas as Structure of the Travel and Tourism industry, International Tourist destinations, Air travel: reservations fares and ticketing as well as creating a culture of customer care. Moving On Successful students can go on to other HND level study within Carnegie College, or progress to degree level courses at University. Career Pathways Completion of this course can lead to opportunities in areas such as visitor servicing, tourism development, marketing, customer service, guiding, conferencing, tourist and information services. Entry Requirements The entry options are: ■■ Scottish Group Awards in Travel and Tourism at Intermediate 2 or Higher ■■ Any other relevant Scottish Group Award at Intermediate 2 or Higher ■■ Any 2 National courses at Higher together with 3 Standard Grade passes at 3 or above ■■ A SVQ at level 2 or 3 in a relevant area ■■ Relevant work experience.

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Languages and Communication

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Media Studies

Practical Journalism

NQ Intermediate 2 Part-time SCQF Level 5

NQ Intermediate 2 Part-time SCQF Level 5

HNC/HND Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7/8

Overview This course is aimed at enabling students to develop the key skills of communicating and understanding. Through the use of both the spoken and written word students will acquire knowledge of language handling for its three main purposes; providing information, expression and imagination.

Overview This course will develop learner knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of Media Studies, the main critical tools in the explanation of media texts and apply these skills to both seen and unseen media texts, fiction and non-fiction.

Overview Journalism remains a vibrant industry, with over 4000 members of the NUJ in Scotland alone and some 32,000 in England and Wales. The effect of new media on radio, television, print and the internet had led to dramatic changes in the world of journalism. This has inevitably led to moves by employers to introduce new working practices covering digital developments as they seek more flexibility from journalists.

What’s Involved All students will study the following two units: English Language Study and English Literary Study. You will also choose either of the following two units: English Personal Study (written response) or English Personal Study (spoken response). Moving On Achievement of a good grade will allow learners to progress from this course to the NQ in Higher English. Entry Requirements Normally applicants will have achieved Standard Grade English at General level or NQ Intermediate 1 English, prior to starting this course. Individuals with specific communication difficulties will have equal opportunity to enter this course. Wherever possible, activities and assessments within units and course assessments will be adapted to allow communication by suitable alternative means.

What’s Involved The course includes the following units: Media Analysis: Fiction, Media Analysis: Non-Fiction and Media Production. The key focus is the study of mass, not inter-personal communication. Analysis of media texts may include newspapers and magazines, television or radio programmes, cinema films, advertisements, music videos and websites so that you gain practice in explaining the reasons underlying messages by the media to their audiences. Students will also develop planning and production skills using media technology to complete a newspaper article or short recorded piece. Moving On Students may wish to progress to Higher Media Studies and would also find the study useful for progression to Higher English. Entry Requirements There are no formal entry requirements although students would find it useful to have achieved Intermediate 1 or Standard grade in English at General or Credit level.

What’s Involved This programme is structured to provide an HNC qualification after one year of successful study and HND on completion of Year 2. The content of this programme is designed to ensure that students will gain ‘technical skills’ which are occupation-specific and are needed to be able to carry out particular jobs and ‘generic skills’ which are the skills needed in a wide range of jobs. Prominent among these, in recent years has been IT skills but several other generic skills have been identified as potentially important such as communication, team working and problem-solving. In all, 12 credits are required for the HNC award and 30 credits are required for the HND award. Moving On These awards are aimed developing employment skills and enhancing prospects of employment, however the awards will also enable you to develop the research and study skills necessary to progress through to degree study. Career Pathways Information from Careers Scotland indicated that creative workers in journalism, publishing, advertising, multimedia, television and radio broadcasting are one of the UK’s fastest growing occupational groups. Entry Requirements It is recommended that candidates possess one of the following for entry to the programme: ■■ 2 Highers, one of which should be English or course component units ■■ Scottish Group Award – Communication and Media (Higher), Arts and Social Sciences (Higher) ■■ Appropriate HNC ■■ Equivalent qualification or relevant work experience Candidates should all hold all core skills at Level 5 or above.

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Learning and Development

110 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Assessor/Verifier Awards

Additional Support Needs

Delivering Training in the Workplace

SQA Certificate Part-time SCQF Level 7

HNC Part-time SCQF Level 7/8

PDA Part-time SCQF Level 7

Overview Assessor/Verifier awards enable people to gain recognition for carrying out work-based assessment and/or internal verification of Scottish Vocational Qualifications or other competence based qualifications. These qualifications must be being delivered and assessed in a real workplace.

Overview To provide an in-depth overview of the principles and practice in education and training for children and adults with learning disabilities; and through practice gain knowledge and understanding of the values of supporting people with learning disabilities in modern educational environments.

Overview The Certificate in Delivering Training in the Workplace offers a qualification to those who train and assess the workplace, and will follow the sequence of the training cycle by involving design, delivery and assessment/review.

What’s Involved Candidates undertaking these awards should aim for completion of each unit within six months, however, the time taken will depend on the candidate’s job role and the progress of their learners. Initial induction will be given for each of the three units followed by individual assessor support to build up a portfolio of evidence. The assessor will visit the workplace for the purpose of observing the candidate’s competent performance. Candidates will be encouraged to create an action plan and set realistic targets for completion of each of the units being undertaken. This course covers the national standards. The three units covered are: ■■ A1 Assess Candidates using a Range of Methods ■■ A2 Assess Candidates’ Performance through Observation ■■ V1 Conduct Internal Quality Assurance of the Assessment Process Moving On Units A1 and A2 are optional for the SVQ Level 3 in Learning and Development. A1, A2 and V1 are all optional units for the SVQ Level 4 in Learning and Development. Career Pathways Completion of these units will enhance an individual’s employability as a work-based assessor and/or internal verifier. Entry Requirements For the A1 and A2 units, Candidates must be in a position to assess candidates in a real workplace and be supported by an Internal Verifier. They must also be able to show their contributions to an internal quality assurance process. For the V1 unit, Candidates must be able to internally verify the assessment process of a work-based qualification, support and monitor assessors’ performance and demonstrate their contributions towards a quality assurance process that meets external requirements.

What’s Involved This programme will provide students with the knowledge and practical skills relating to how community groups work and how to encourage community capacity building. The following subject areas are covered: Principles and Practice in Education and Training for People with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities, Learning Processes and The Effects on Human Development, Practical Communication Skills for the Workplace, Care and Safety Practices, Child Protection and Approaches to Dealing with Challenging Behaviour. Moving On Successful students may apply to HNC Working with Communities/Social Care. Career Pathways Successful completion of this course could lead to opportunities working in a supporting children and adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Entry Requirements Applicants must be working in paid or voluntary employment with children, young people and/or adults with learning difficulties/ disabilities for a minimum of 6 hours per week. Previous achievement of a PDA in Support for Learning Assistants or Classroom Assistants would be beneficial.

What’s Involved Candidates will undertake this qualification in their own workplace following an induction to the course that can be delivered in college or in-house. Candidates will create a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate that they have appropriate knowledge and understanding and that they can carry out their job competently in the workplace. The qualification is delivered as part of a continuous course with access at any time throughout the year. The qualification will comprise four units, one mandatory and three optional units. The selection of the appropriate optional units will depend on the work role of the candidate. Moving On Units undertaken as part of this award can be credited towards the SVQ Level 3 in Learning and Development. Career Pathways Successful completion of the course will facilitate career prospects within learning and development environments. It will improve training skills and enhance the future prospects of those currently in a training and development role. Entry Requirements Although there are no formal entry requirements, individuals must be in this job role or working towards the required job role in a learning and development environment. Prior knowledge and experience is also taken into consideration and may be credited towards the qualification.

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Learning and Development

Learning Centre Operations

Supporting Individuals with Dyslexia in Learning and Workplace Settings

Supporting Learning in the Workplace

PDA SCQF Level 7 Part-time

PDA SCQF Level 7 Part-time

PDA SCQF Level 7 Part-time

Overview The aim of the course is to develop the skills and knowledge of staff working in learning centre environments to enable them to advise and support learners effectively and to enhance the learner experience.

Overview To enable learners to understand the needs of individuals with dyslexia in order to provide support in a variety of professional roles. On completion, the learner should be able to: explain the nature and spectrum of dyslexia and its potential impact on individuals; explain the role of support agencies; prepare a screening test to identify possible dyslexia; devise strategies for supporting individuals with dyslexia.

Overview The Certificate in Supporting Learning in the Workplace offers a qualification to those who work with learners, but do not necessarily train and assess in the workplace. It will cover the work roles of those who mentor, coach and provide initial training needs assessment. It would also offer a qualification route to those such as Learning Assistants in a college and others who work in learning centres supporting learners but who are not subject experts.

What’s Involved The course will be delivered online using the College VLE with tutor support. The units are all practical and are therefore intended for candidates actively involved supporting learners in learning centres/learning environments. Evidence will be generated in the workplace and reflection of candidates’ own practice encouraged. The PDA comprises 3 credits – one mandatory unit - Learning Centre Operations: Working with Learners followed by two optional units. Moving On Achievement of this award would allow progression to SCQF Level 8 qualifications such as the PDA in E-Learning. Career Pathways The award provides an opportunity for the continuing professional development of staff employed in front line learning centre environments with direct learner contact, be it college, library, community centre, private training organisation, employer premises, commercial premises or public sector building. Entry Requirements Access to the qualification is at the discretion of the centre, however, candidates should be in a position that will allow them to generate the necessary workplace evidence to achieve the award, e.g. they should be working in or have access to a learning centre/learning environment, or in a role where the learning process is being managed.

What’s Involved The PDA consists of 2 units. Unit 1 ‘Understanding and Supporting individuals with Dyslexia’ can be delivered as a freestanding unit but entry onto Unit 2 ‘Working with Individuals with Dyslexia’ is dependent on successful completion of Unit 1. Each unit will be delivered as a 40 hour evening class programme over 12 weeks. Teaching and delivery will include a variety of approaches from classroom study, self-directed study, research-based study, group work and practical activities using assistive/ enabling technology. Moving On Unit 1 provides the opportunity for progression to Unit 2. Successful completion of both units, which make up the PDA, provide opportunities to progress to other related HN Programmes. Career Pathways Successful completion of programme qualifies the candidate to support adults with additional needs / dyslexia in a variety of settings. Entry Requirements Unit 1: Good communication skills and some experience, paid or voluntary, working with individuals in a variety of settings such as guidance, information, learning, training, care. Unit 2: Sound theoretical knowledge of dyslexia either by completing HN unit 1 ‘Understanding and Supporting Individuals with Dyslexia’ or prior experiential learning. Good communication and interpersonal skills are essential.

112 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved Candidates will undertake this qualification in their own workplace following an induction to the course that can be delivered in college or in-house. Candidates will create a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate that they have appropriate knowledge and understanding and that they can carry out their job competently in the workplace. The prime sources of evidence must be provided from the candidate’s own workplace. The qualification is delivered as part of a continuous course with access at any time throughout the year. The qualification will comprise four Units, one mandatory and three optional units. The selection of the appropriate optional Units will depend on the work role of the candidate. Moving On Units undertaken as part of this award can be credited towards the SVQ Level 3 in Learning and Development. Career Pathways Successful completion of the course will facilitate career prospects within Learning and Development environments. It will improve skills and enhance the future prospects of those currently in a training and development role. Preferred Entry Requirements Although there are no formal entry requirements, individuals must be in this job role or working towards the required job role in a learning and development environment. Prior knowledge and experience is also taken into consideration and may be credited towards the qualification.


Advanced Diploma – Teaching in Further Education: an Introduction

Advanced Diploma – Teaching in Further Education

PDA SCQF Level 8 Part-time

PDA SCQF Level 9 Part-time

PDA SCQF Level 9 Part-time

Overview The aim of the course is to provide a flexible and relevant qualification for candidates who recognise the development of skill in using online approaches in learning. Candidates will acquire a theoretical understanding of a particular skill set and apply that to their practice, they will become reflective practitioners capable of evaluating and improving their own practice and they should enhance their practice through the understanding and use of new and evolving technologies.

Overview The aim of the course is to provide individuals who are currently working in a Scottish College with an initial qualification which will provide the basic information and skills to teach in Further Education.

Overview The aim of the course is to provide individuals who are currently working in a Scottish College with a qualification that can be credited towards the Teaching Qualification (Further Education).

What’s Involved The course will be delivered on a part-time basis, taking approximately 6 months to complete. The course will be delivered using the College VLE as well as attending monthly workshops and one-to-one support meetings. Observations will be carried out in the candidate’s own workplace. Assessment is through evidence from real work situations.

What’s Involved The course will be delivered on a part-time basis, taking approximately one year to complete. The course will be delivered using the College VLE as well as attending monthly workshops and one-to-one support meetings. Observations will be carried out in the candidate’s own workplace. Assessment is through evidence from real work situations.

Moving On The course consists of the following two units: ■■ Teaching in Further Education – Planning (1 credit) ■■ Teaching in Further Education – Delivery and Assessment (1 credit)

Moving On The course is made up of the following three units: ■■ Plan and Prepare the Learning Experience (2 credits) ■■ Facilitate Learning, Teaching and Assessment (2 credits) ■■ Develop Professional Practice (1 credit)

Structure The course will be delivered online using the College VLE, taking approximately 12 months to complete. Assessment is through evidence from real work situations. The course comprises 3 credits at SCQF Level 8 selected from one mandatory and 7 optional units: ■■ Mandatory unit – E-learning: The Reflective Practitioner (1 credit) ■■ Optional units – Design and Provide Online Induction Activities (1 credit) ■■ E-learning Materials: Specification and Selection (1 credit) ■■ E-Learning Materials: Design and Build (1 credit) ■■ Planning and Delivering Blended Learning (1 credit) ■■ Online Communication: Coaching, Guidance and Support (1 credit) ■■ Online Communication: Discussion (1 credit) ■■ Online Assessment (1 credit) Moving On There is progression from this award to the Diploma: E-Assessment, the Diploma: E-Learning Production, the Diploma: E-Learning Delivery and the Advanced Diploma: E-Learning. Career Pathways The award provides an opportunity for the continuing professional development of staff in education or training who want to develop their skills within a rapidly changing environment where new and varied skill sets are constantly in demand.

Success in the course can lead to the Advanced Diploma: Teaching in Further Education. Career Pathways Successful completion of the course will enable candidates to improve their own techniques in an Education/Training environment therefore enhancing their career opportunities. Entry Requirements Candidates must be working in an educational/ training environment within a Scottish College, with a minimum of 9 hours of class contact each week. They should also have relevant academic qualifications appropriate to the subject they wish to teach, as well as competence in communication skills, numeracy skills and information technology skills at SCQF Level 6.

Career Pathways Successful completion of the course provides evidence that a candidate has improved their own techniques in a Further Education environment, which will in turn enhance their career opportunities. Following completion of this course, candidates may choose to undertake the Teaching Qualification (Further Education). The units can also be credit transferred for elements of the work-based assessments in the Teaching Qualification (Further Education). Entry Requirements It is recommended that candidates undertake the PDA Advanced Diploma Teaching in Further Education: An Introduction. Candidates must be working in a Further Education environment.

Entry Requirements Access to the qualification is at the discretion of the centre. Candidates, however, should have experience in education or training and be in a role that involves development, delivery or support of e-learning. This PDA offers progression to those who have undertaken the Certificate in Learning Centre Operations.

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Learning and Development

Quality Improvement

Teaching Children and Young People

PDA SCQF Level 9 Part-time

PDA SCQF Level 9 Part-time

Overview The aim of the course is to provide continuing professional development for practitioners and managers in Scottish colleges who are responsible for internal auditing, self-evaluation and quality improvement activities within their organisations.

Overview The aim of the course is to provide individuals who are currently working with 14-16 age group in a Scottish College with a qualification that will address the knowledge and skills needed to meet the distinctive pedagogical needs of this age group, while developing an understanding of relevant legislation and Scottish Government policies regarding the schools sector.

What’s Involved The award comprises 2 Higher National Units at SCQF Level 9, each with an SQA credit value of 2 credits, making a total of 4 SQA credits. Delivery will be flexible using the college VLE and with a focus on experiential learning and assessment based on performance evidence from the workplace. The course is made up of the following two units: ■■ Principles and Practice of Self-Evaluation and Internal Quality Audit (2 credits) ■■ Managing Self-Evaluation and Internal Quality Audit (2 credits) Moving On Other awards that will provide continuing professional development for staff in Scottish Colleges are the PDA in Inclusiveness: Facilitating Strategies to Support Learners with Additional Needs and the PDA in Inclusiveness: Promoting Equality and Diversity within the Learning Environment. Career Pathways The award provides an opportunity for the continuing professional development of staff employed in the post-compulsory education sector. The award is a relevant qualification for those who wish to become Associate Assessors (AA). Associate Assessors join HMIE inspection teams in the sector relevant to their professional experience. Entry Requirements Principles and Practice of Self-Evaluation and Internal Quality Audit – it is recommended that candidates should have responsibility for carrying out quality audits and/or selfevaluation. This would usually be staff that are, or aspire to be, first line managers such as programme or team leaders, project managers and other staff with skills, experience and responsibility for quality improvement. Managing Self-Evaluation and Internal Quality Audit – it is recommended that candidates will have completed the above unit before undertaking this unit.

What’s Involved The course will be delivered on a flexible basis, taking approximately 9 – 12 months to complete. The course will be delivered using the College VLE as well as sharing good practice with invited colleagues from schools and experts from outside bodies. Observations will be carried out in the candidate’s own workplace. Assessment is through evidence from real work situations. The course is made up of the following two units: ■■ Working in Partnership with Schools (1 credit) ■■ Teaching Children and Young People (1 credit) Moving On Other awards that will provide continuing professional development for staffs in Scottish Colleges are the PDA in Inclusiveness: Facilitating Strategies to Support Learners with Additional Needs and the PDA in Inclusiveness: Promoting Equality and Diversity within the Learning Environment. Career Pathways The award provides an opportunity for the continuing professional development of staff employed to teach in Scottish Colleges. The award is a relevant qualification for those who work with children and young people. Entry Requirements It is recommended that candidates already have the Advanced Diploma Teaching in Further Education: An Introduction, or the Advanced Diploma Teaching in Further Education, or a recognised teaching qualification, e.g. TQ(FE) or TQ(SE).

114 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Management and Leadership

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Management and Leadership

cmi Certificate in Team Leading

cmi Management

cmi The Introductory Certificate In Management

Chartered Management Institute SVQ 2 Part-time SCQF Level 5

Chartered Management Institute SVQ 3 Part-time SCQF Level 6

Chartered Management Institute

Overview The course, accredited by the Chartered Management Institute and SQA aims to give practising or potential team and cell leaders the foundation to improve their performance in the organisation through strong focus on skills specific to their job role. This course is especially relevant as a closed course to develop teams within an organisation.

Overview This course, jointly accredited by the Chartered Management Institute and SQA is suitable for someone working in or towards a supervisory position within their organisation. It provides the opportunity to gain a qualification encompassing a range of managerial activities in a variety of contexts that are both complex and non-routine. Employer involvement is important as their commitment ensures the best possible chance for the candidate to achieve the award.

Overview This qualification has been developed to give you an introduction to each stage of management within an organisation. This is a recognised qualification in its own right, it may be used as a stepping-stone to the Certificate in Management.

What’s Involved The course is workplace based and can be started at a time, place and pace that are convenient to the candidate and employer. It is therefore possible to achieve this Chartered Management Institute SVQ in a relatively short time period, or to take as long as is deemed necessary to gather the evidence. It offers the candidate the opportunity to develop practical competence in the workplace, and to have the competencies recognised through a national qualification. The candidate is assessed by compiling a portfolio of evidence which will typically include letters, reports, computer printouts, diaries, log books, minutes and action plans. Candidates come from a range of sectors; wherever people and resources are employed, team workers with this qualification ensure that they are employed effectively. The course will cover the following areas:

■■ Manage your own Resources ■■ Provide Leadership for your Team ■■ Develop Productive Working Relationships

with Colleagues

What’s Involved The course is workplace based and can be started at a time, place and pace that are convenient to the candidate and employer. It is therefore possible to achieve this Chartered Management Institute SVQ in a relatively short time period, or to take as long as is deemed necessary to gather the evidence. It offers the candidate the opportunity to develop practical competence in the workplace, and to have the competencies recognised through a national qualification. The SVQ Level 3 is designed for candidates whose area of responsibility encompasses the effective use of resources to achieve specific results, the allocation of workloads, making decisions and allocating budgets, for example a supervisor, team leader or first line manager. The course covers the following areas:

■■ Manage your own Resources and

Professional Development

■■ Ensure your own Actions Reduce Risks

■■ Provide Leadership in your Area of Responsibility ■■ Allocate and Monitor the Progress and

Candidates will also choose two units from a range of options to reflect the work they do in their own job.

■■ Ensure Health and Safety Requirements are

to Health and Safety

Moving On Candidates can progress on to SVQ3 cmi Management. Career Pathways This course is designed to provide those existing team leaders, or those aspiring to lead a team, with skills to better perform. Entry Requirements Although participants will normally be either practising or aspiring team or cell leaders, and have a background that will enable them to benefit from the course, there are no formal academic entry requirements. Sponsored and unsponsored participants are equally eligible.

Quality of Work in your Area of Responsibility met in your Area of Responsibility

Moving On Successful students may wish to further their education by undertaking the Chartered Management Institute SVQ Level 4 in Management or the Chartered Management Institute Diploma in Management at Carnegie College. Career Pathways The Chartered Management Institute SVQ Level 3 offers the opportunity to enhance existing career potential and promotional prospects. Entry Requirements Likely either to hold a Certificate in Team Leading and or have had a few years in employment with some experience of supervisory or first line management.

116 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Part-time SCQF Level 6

What’s Involved By completing this course you will learn how to manage yourself and team members, learn about quality and change management and how to plan and monitor work. Moving On This course is designed to meet the continuing personal and professional development needs of those aspiring to management. Upon completion you have the opportunity to progress to another chartered management institute qualification delivered by the Andrew Carnegie Business School. Membership of the chartered management institute may be applied for upon completion of the Diploma in Management. Entry Requirements There are no specific entry requirements for this qualification. However it is desirable that you have identified supervisory or first line management level as the next step on your career path.

cmi Certificate in Management

cmi Diploma in Management

cmi Diploma in Public Service Leadership

Chartered Management Institute

Chartered Management Institute

Chartered Management Institute

Part-time SCQF Level 7

Part-time SCQF Level 9

Part-time SCQF Level 9

Overview This qualification is designed for supervisors and first line managers who have operational responsibility for a defined area of activity. The course is valuable for the person aspiring to management and aims to enable managers to improve the competitiveness of the area of an organisation for which they are responsible.

Overview This course enables operational managers to improve their effectiveness and efficiency. The course will enable first line managers to acquire the knowledge and skills to enhance their own capability. The course concentrates on the practical application of management theory and principles thus providing a foundation for continuing professional and personal development.

Overview This qualification has been designed with input from public sector organisations. It is aimed at developing professional managers within the public sector and to encourage them to work more collaboratively. Anticipated benefits include development of personal skills in an ever changing environment, developing organisational leadership skills and building individual confidence and professionalism.

What’s Involved The chartered management institute Diploma in Management is awarded to candidates who have completed eight modules listed and a work based report. The course is delivered part-time, through a blended range of learning methods to suit the needs of the individual. It will take 12 months to complete the course. By completing this programme you will learn how to: Develop your Management Knowledge and Skills, Manage Physical and Financial Resources to Meet Organisational Goals, Develop a Focused, Customer Approach to Quality, Marketing and Operations, Enhance Communication and the Use of Information, Improve Team and Individual Performance and Enhance Project Management Competences.

What’s Involved By completing this course you will learn how to enhance your Management of Information Systems and Finance, Meet the Challenges of a Competitive Business World, Manage People, Performance and Organisational Operations, Market your Products/Services more Effectively and Plan and Undertake Management Projects.

Moving On From the Diploma in Management candidates can progress to the cmi Executive Diploma in Management, accredited by the chartered management institute at the Andrew Carnegie Business School. The Chartered Manager qualification may be applied for from the chartered management institute.

Entry Requirements You should have completed the chartered management institute Certificate in Management or equivalent prior to application. It would be advantageous for you to possess some experience of Public Sector management practice.

What’s Involved By completing this course you will learn how to: Self Develop, Manage Resources, Meet Customer Needs and Improve Quality, Manage Information and Communication and How to Develop People for Improved Performance. Moving On This course is designed to meet the continuing personal and professional development needs of managers. It will build on past knowledge and experience, provide them with new skills and improve their career prospects for the future. You can also progress to the cmi Diploma in Management, which meets the requirement for most professional institutions’ continuous professional development and continuous personal development. Entry Requirements It is desirable if you hold a Certificate in Team Leading and/or have a few years experience at supervisory or first line management level.

Moving On This course is designed to meet the continuing personal and professional development needs of managers. It will build on past knowledge and experience, provide new skills and improve career prospects for the future. Upon successful completion you can progress to the cmi Executive Diploma in management

Career Pathways This course is designed to meet the continuing personal and professional development needs of first line managers. It will provide you with new skills and improve your career prospects for the future. Entry Requirements You may have one of the following qualifications: ILM Certificate in Management, Chartered Management Institute Certificate [Introductory Certificate], An N/SVQ in a specialist area at Level 3, Experience in supervising people or in organising delivery of services or products.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 117

Management and Leadership

cmi Executive Diploma in Management Chartered Management Institute

Level 2 in Team Leading and Level 3 in First Line Management

Institute of Leadership and Management

Part-time SCQF Level 11

Part-time SCQF Level 5/6

Overview The course is valuable for the person aspiring to middle-senior management and aims to enable managers to improve the competitiveness of the organisation for which they are responsible. The course will advance the development of the career manager by focusing on tactical issues of managing an organisation, building upon past knowledge and experience.

Overview The Institute of Leadership and Management qualifications are designed for supervisory and practicing first line managers.

What’s Involved The chartered management institute Executive Diploma in Management is awarded to candidates who have completed eight modules and a work based report. The course is delivered part-time, through a blended range of learning methods to suit the needs of the individual. A residential weekend is included in the course. It will take 12 months to complete the course. By completing this programme you will learn how to: Enhance your Management of Information Systems and Finance, Meet the Challenges of a Competitive Business World, Manage People, Performance and Organisational Operations, Market your Products/Services More Effectively, Plan and Undertake Management Projects.

The Level 3 Award provides more formal management development, and will support performance improvement for individuals and job role.

Moving On Upon completion applicants may progress by undertaking an MBA or MSc level studies offered by Napier University. This course meets the requirement for most professional institutions’ continuous professional development and continuous personal development. The Chartered Manager qualification may be applied for from the chartered management institute. Entry Requirements Applicants should have completed the chartered management institute Diploma in Management or equivalent prior to application.

The Level 2 Award in Team Leading has two primary objectives: to assist participants in gaining knowledge required by team leaders and to develop basic team leading skills.

What’s Involved Both programmes are part-time and can be studied in modules, or segments, to suit learner/employer needs. Level 2 – The Role of Team Leader Level 3 – Planning Change, Self Development, Time Management, Leadership, Working with Budgets, and Building a Team and Problem Solving. Moving On The two programmes flow from one to the other with useful exit points at each level. On completion of the Level 2 Award graduates can progress to the Certificate in First Line Management (ILM) with Andrew Carnegie Business School. On completion of level 3 provides the opportunity to progress to the cmi Diploma in management. Successful completion of the awards provides eligibility for affiliate and associate membership, respectively, of the Institute of Leadership and Management.

CIPD Certificate in Personnel Practice Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Part-time SCQF Level 7/8 Overview This is the initial professional qualification of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). The course covers a range of relevant theoretical and practical personnel skills and is appropriate if you aspire to move into personnel or are already employed in a personnel role and wish to acquire a professional qualification. What’s Involved The CIPD Certificate in Personal Practice will develop key knowledge and understanding of the elements required within the personnel function. The subjects to be studied include HR Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Employment Law, Performance Management and Employee Relations. The CIPD Certificate in Personnel Practice is delivered as a part-time course, 2 nights a week, over 25 weeks. Assessment is on a continuous basis through a combination of assignments, project and portfolio building. With continuous feedback on your progression, you will gain the skills and confidence to be more effective at work. You will also be required to undertake and record CPD (Continuous Professional Development) in accordance with CIPD guidelines. Moving On Successful completion of the CIPD Certificate in Personal Practice will allow you to become an Associate member of the CIPD. Progression onto the CIPD Postgraduate Diploma is open to degree holders or equivalent. Other progression routes might be through the CMI Diploma in Management or similar qualifications. Career Pathways Successful completion of this CIPD professional certificate may assist with gaining employment as a Personnel Officer or Assistant with organisations in industry and commerce, as well as public utilities and public sector organisations such as the health service and local and central government. Entry Requirements There are no formal qualifications for entry onto this course. You will be invited attend a course guidance interview to discuss your application. It is a condition of the course that students join the CIPD, which involves a one-off administration and subscription fee.

118 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

CIPD Certificate in Training Practice Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Part-time SCQF Level 7/8 Overview The course aims to provide development opportunities for people already working within training who wish to acquire a range of relevant theoretical and practical training skills, as well as for those who wish to enter the training profession. This CIPD course provides the skills and accreditation needed to train others. What’s Involved Success within training depends on balancing organisational training requirements with the needs of individuals. This programme will enable you to take a structured approach to training design, covering topics such as: ■■ Identifying and prioritising training needs ■■ Designing and assessing training solutions ■■ Delivering and evaluation of training projects The CIPD Certificate in Training Practice is delivered as a part-time course, 2 nights a week, over 25 weeks. Assessment is on a continuous basis through a combination of assignments, project and portfolio building. With continuous feedback on your progression, you will gain the skills and confidence to be more effective at work. You will also be required to undertake and record CPD (Continuous Professional Development) in accordance with CIPD guidelines. Successful completion of the Certificate in Training Practice will allow you to become an Associate member of the CIPD. Moving On Progression on to the CIPD Postgraduate Diploma is open to degree holders or equivalent. Other progression routes might be through the cmi Diploma in Management or similar qualifications. Career Pathways This course is designed to support a move into the training sector and to enhance the skills of those already employed in training, or to progress a career in Training Design and Management. Entry Requirements There are no formal qualifications for entry onto this course. You will be invited attend a course guidance interview to discuss you application.

CIPD Postgraduate Diploma Master of Business in Personnel and Development Administration (Professional Development Scheme) Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Part-time SCQF level 11

Overview The course is aimed at people seeking to advance their management career in personnel and development and will develop their ability to offer a high level of expertise in their professional field. What’s Involved You will learn about managing and leading people, managing in a strategic business context, managing for results, people and management development, employee reward/relations/ resourcing and learning and development. Moving On This qualification facilitates your progression towards a senior position within the personnel and development function. Completion of all four fields of the Postgraduate Diploma leads to Graduate Membership of the CIPD. Completion of one, two or three fields (but not Applied Personnel and Development) leads to Licentiate membership, providing you successfully pass CIPD national examinations. Entry Requirements You should have a degree in a similar subject, the CIPD Certificate in Business Awareness and Advanced Professional Study, cmi Diploma in Management or equivalent. If you do not have these qualifications and have significant people management involvement in a recent work role, you are also encouraged to apply. It is a CIPD condition of joining the course that students become members of the CIPD. This involves a one-off administration and subscription fee.

MBA (Final Year) Flexible learning SCQF Level 11 Overview This Napier University course is taught at the Andrew Carnegie Business School at the Halbeath Campus. This MBA course offers candidates who hold a cmi Executive Diploma in Management, or the equivalent, an opportunity to complete the final year of their studies to a masters degree level at Carnegie College, while enjoying all the benefits of being a Napier University student. What’s involved? This post graduate degree requires the candidate to complete: ■■ One taught module over 4 months, and involves developing skills for Strategic Management in a Global Context including Business Ethics, Entrepreneurship as well as Contemporary Issues in Strategic Management ■■ A work based report of 12,000 words in which a candidate is asked to investigate, under supervision, an issue from their work place and relate relevant theory and contemporary practice ■■ The course is delivered flexibly, through a blended range of learning methods to suit the needs of the individual Moving On Candidates may apply for an appropriate research based degree MSc, DBA or PhD. Alternatively candidates may wish to apply to the Chartered Management Institute to gain accreditation as a Chartered Manager. Career Pathways The MBA builds on existing knowledge and experience, develop new skills, particularly in the management of a business’s strategic management and enhance career progression. This course is designed to meet the continuing personal and professional development needs of those in management positions or aiming to take up senior management roles. Entry Requirements cmi Executive Diploma in Management or equivalent in a management related discipline.

It is a condition of the course that students join the CIPD. This involves a one-off administration and subscription fee.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 119

Sales and Marketing Management

120 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit


HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7 Overview This has been designed to develop the candidate’s knowledge and skills in marketing theory and buyer behaviour and in the main operational areas of marketing research, distribution, selling and promotion. The HNC has been designed to enable the candidate to develop the skills to enter administrative/ managerial levels in a wide variety of private and public organisations. What’s Involved The delivery of this award will be through a blended approach of workshops and distance based study, supported by materials, delivered through the virtual learning environment (VLE), using practical project work and written assessment . Students will study a range of topics related to Marketing such as Marketing Promotion, Marketing Research, Consumer Behaviour, Principles and Practices of Selling and Using Software Application Packages. Moving On Graduates can progress to HND and degree courses in Marketing, Advertising and PR, Events Management or Business. Graduates may also progress and continue your studies with the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Career Pathways The award is designed to equip the candidate to enter employment in a wide range of marketing careers, such as marketing, sales administration, market research, public relations, sales, direct marketing, advertising and events management. Entry Requirements ■■ 12 relevant SQA Units or an appropriate group of NQ units ■■ 1 Higher ■■ Scottish Group Award at Intermediate 2 or equivalent ■■ Other equivalent qualifications or experience ■■ Selection by interview If you have relevant work experience and no formal qualifications you are also encouraged to apply.

ISMM Level 1 Foundation Award in Basic Sales Skills Institute of Sales and Marketing Management Part-time SCQF level 4 Overview The Level 1 Foundation Award in Basic Sales aims to give students a basic understanding of the sales role and sales skills. The course has three primary objectives; for students: 1. To describe the elements of the three stage sales cycle. 2. To be aware of factors influencing customers’ purchasing decisions. 3. To have the knowledge of how to “sell” themselves. What’s Involved The focus is on providing an introduction to the sales process through a review of three stage sales cycle, practical selling skills, marketing and buying behaviour. There is one assessment comprising a number of questions requiring short answers. The unit is externally marked and moderated by the ISMM demonstrating competence in all learning outcomes. Moving On Successful candidates may benefit from career enhancement or may progress to any of the further qualifications listed below, according to their circumstances: ■■ ISMM L2 Award in Sales and Marketing ■■ ISMM L2 Certificate in Sales and Marketing ■■ ISMM L2 Certificate in Sales Administration ■■ Other ISMM qualifications at Levels 3, 4, 5 and/or 6 Career Pathways The qualification is designed as an entry qualification for a career in sales. Entry Requirements There are no formal entry requirements but where intending learners do not have the required level of literacy and numeracy, centres may provide support before the start of the course.

ISMM Level 2 Award/ Certificate in Sales and Marketing

Institute of Sales and Marketing Management Part-time SCQF level 5 Overview The Level 2 Certificate in Sales and Marketing qualification aims to give those in, or entering, sales a basic foundation for their formal development in this role. The course has two primary objectives: 1. to assist entrants in gaining the knowledge required by sales people 2. to develop personal and sales skills What’s Involved There are 2 units within the Certificate in Sales and Marketing: ■■ Unit 1 The Customer-Focused Organisation ■■ Unit 2 Selling in a Customer-Focused Organisation ■■ The Certificate is a full programme based on basic knowledge and skills for the sales role in a customer-focused organisation. ■■ The Level 2 Award can be achieved by completing Unit 2 ■■ The Level 2 Certificate can be achieved by completing Units 1 and 2 Moving On Successful candidates may benefit from career enhancement or may progress to: ■■ ISMM L3 Award, Certificate and/or Diploma in Advanced Sales and Marketing ■■ ISMM L3 Certificate in Sales Administration ■■ Other ISMM qualifications at levels 4, 5 and 6 Career Pathways The qualification is designed as an entry qualification for a career in sales. Entry Requirements Entrants are required to have: ■■ reached 15 years of age and be in full-time education or ■■ reached 16 years of age and are currently employed in a sales or a sales-related job or ■■ hold any level 2 qualification such as GNVQ Intermediate Where intending learners do not have this level of literacy and numeracy, centres may provide support prior to the start of the course.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 121

Sales and Marketing Management

ISMM Level 3 Award/ ISMM Level 4 Award/ Certificate/Diploma in Certificate/Diploma in Advanced Sales and Marketing Operational Sales and Institute of Sales and Marketing Marketing Management

ISMM Level 5 Award/ Certificate/Diploma in Sales Management

Overview The Level 3 Award, Certificate and Diploma in Advanced Sales and Marketing aims to give potential sales people or practising sales executives the theory and practical application required for their formal development in a professional sales role. The course has two primary objectives: to assist entrants in gaining the theoretical knowledge required by sales professionals to succeed in the workplace and to develop practical sales and marketing skills.

Overview The Level 5 Diploma in Sales Management qualification aims to give practising or potential Sales Managers the foundation for their formal development in this role. The course has two primary objectives: 1. Acquisition of the knowledge required by Sales Managers. 2. Development of the management skills required by Sales Managers.

Management Part-time SCQF level 6

What’s Involved The Level 3 qualification is made up of four Units: ■■ Unit 1: Marketing for Sales Executives, which covers the marketing knowledge essential for sales executives ■■ Unit 2: Selling Skills for Sales Executives, which covers the sales cycle and underpinning sales skills ■■ Unit 3: Supporting Skills for Sales Executives, which covers the skills sales executives need to acquire to be effective in their role ■■ Unit 4: Investigative Project Moving On Successful candidates may benefit from career enhancement or may progress to any of the further qualifications listed below, according to their circumstances: ISMM Level 4 Diploma in Operational Sales Management, ISMM Level 5 Diploma in Sales and Account Management or ISMM Level 6 Executive Diploma in Strategic Sales and Account Management. Career Pathways This qualification can help support career development in the areas of sales management or key account management. Entry Requirements Entrants at Level 3 will normally be either aspiring or practising sales professionals. Whilst there are no formal educational requirements, entrants should have a background that will enable them to benefit from the course. This is likely to be Level 2 Key Skills Communication and Level 2 Key Skills Numeracy, or their equivalent, including an ISMM Level 2 qualification.

Institute of Sales and Marketing Management Part-time SCQF level 7 Overview The Level 4 Award, Certificate and Diploma in Operational Sales and Marketing Management qualifications aim to give aspiring practicing sales managers the foundation for their formal development in a professional sales management role.

What’s Involved There are 4 units: ■■ Unit 1: Marketing for Sales Managers, which covers the links between sales and marketing within a marketing-oriented organisation ■■ Unit 2: Sales for Sales Managers, which covers sales roles, the sales cycle, advanced sales skills and negotiation ■■ Unit 3: Management for Sales Managers, which covers sales planning, the human resources process, communication, project planning and budgeting skills ■■ Unit 4: Investigative Project, bringing together learning and understanding from the other three Units Moving On Successful candidates may benefit from career enhancement or may progress to any of the further qualifications listed below, according to their circumstances: ■■ ISMM Level 5 Award, Certificate and/or Diploma in Sales, Account or Sales and Account Management ■■ ISMM Level 6 Award, Certificate and/or Executive Diploma in Strategic Sales and Account Management ■■ MA in Sales Management, MSc in Sales Management any other qualification at a suitable level within or outside the National Qualifications Framework Career Pathways This qualification can help support career development in the areas of sales management or key account management. Entry Requirements Entrants at Level 4 will normally be either aspiring sales managers or practicing sales managers. Whilst there are no formal educational requirements, entrants should have a background that will enable them to benefit from the course. This is likely to be Level 3 Key Skills Communication and Level 3 Key Skills Numeracy, or their equivalent, including a Level 3 ISMM qualification.

122 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Institute of Sales and Marketing Management Part-time SCQF level 8/9

What’s Involved

■■ Unit 1 covers sales management and

leadership for Sales Managers – Leadership styles; quality teams; Performance measurement; motivation and successful selling; selection, recruitment and retention; preparing and presenting proposals and quotations ■■ Unit 2 examines regular sales activities. It examines the links between the salesperson and the customer and investigates the most profitable means of planning and organising sales activities and teams. It further investigates the operation of financial and statistical information in organisations ■■ Unit 3 examines the relationship between sales and marketing and explores sales and marketing strategies – manage continuous personal and professional development; evaluating organisational orientation and the integrated role, function and structure of sales and marketing and identify the challenges facing non-marketing organisations ■■ Unit 4 is designed to assess learning across all previous Units Moving On Successful candidates may choose to progress to: ISMM Level 6 Award, Certificate and/or Executive Diploma in Strategic Sales and Account Management, MA in Sales Management, MSc in Sales Management. Career Pathways This qualification can help support career development in the areas of sales management. Entry Requirements Entrants at Level 5 will normally be sales managers or aspiring sales managers. Whilst there are no formal educational requirements, entrants should have a background that will enable them to benefit from the course. The course is highly recommended for candidates holding the ISMM Level 4 qualification in Sales and Marketing.

ISMM Level 5 Award/ Certificate/Diploma in Account Management

ISMM Level 5 Diploma in Sales and Account Management

ISMM Level 6 Executive Award/ Certificate/Diploma in Strategic Sales and Account Management

Overview The Level 5 Diploma in Account Management qualification aims to give practising or potential Sales Managers the foundation for their formal development in this role. The course has two primary objectives: 1. Acquisition of the knowledge required by Account Managers. 2. Development of the management skills required by Account Managers.

Overview The Level 5 Diploma in Account Management and Diploma in Sales Management qualifications aim to give practising or potential Account Managers and Sales Managers the foundation for their formal development in this role. The course has two primary objectives: 1. Acquisition of the knowledge required by Account Managers and Sales Managers. 2. Development of the management skills required by Account Managers and Sales Managers.

Overview The Level 6 Executive Award, Certificate and Diploma in Strategic Sales and Account Management suite of programmes aim to give practicing and potential senior sales account managers and leaders the opportunity to develop an in-depth study of their chosen career and to extend their knowledge and competence in the formal development of their role. The programme has two primary objectives: 1. To assist entrants in further developing the attitudes, skills and knowledge required by senior sales account managers and leaders. 2. To extend entrants’ complex management and leadership skills.

Institute of Sales and Marketing Management Part-time SCQF level 8/9

What’s Involved

■■ Unit 1 establishes strategies for account

managers and other account managers – identifies account needs; manage activities to meet customer and organisational requirements; prepare proposals/tenders/bids for the supply of products and services and develop strong relationships and increase business with the customer ■■ Unit 2 examines regular sales activities. It examines the links between the salesperson and the customer and investigates the most profitable means of planning and organising sales activities and teams. It further investigates the operation of financial and statistical information in organisations ■■ Unit 3 examines the relationship between sales and marketing and explores sales and marketing strategies – manage continuous personal and professional development; evaluating organisational orientation and the integrated role, function and structure of sales and marketing and identify the challenges facing non-marketing organisations ■■ Unit 4 is designed to assess learning across all previous Units Moving On Successful candidates may choose to progress to: ISMM Level 6 Award, Certificate and/or Executive Diploma in Strategic Sales and Account Management, MA in Sales Management, MSc in Sales Management. Career Pathways This qualification can help support career development in the areas of account management. Entry Requirements Entrants at Level 5 will normally be account managers or aspiring account sales managers. Whilst there are no formal educational requirements, entrants should have a background that will enable them to benefit from the course. The course is highly recommended for candidates holding the ISMM Level 4 qualification in Sales and Marketing.

Institute of Sales and Marketing Management Part-time SCQF level 8/9

What’s Involved The programme reviews strategies for sales managers and account managers, the leadership and management styles in sales and marketing, design and implementation of an account plan, managing change and financial requirements of account management, HR management aspects including team management, recruitment and selection and training and development. Issues such as credit control and debt collection as part of the business process are covered, influential questioning and listening techniques in communication skills and information for sales planning and use information to make sales-related decisions focusing on the use of such information to support planning and decision making. The Investigative project is a 5000 word work based research project. Moving On Successful candidates may choose to progress to: ISMM Level 6 Award, Certificate and/or Executive Diploma in Strategic Sales and Account Management, MA in Sales Management, MSc in Sales Management. Career Pathways This qualification can help support career development in the areas of sales and account management. Entry Requirements Entrants at Level 5 will normally be sales managers or aspiring sales or accounts managers. Whilst there are no formal educational requirements, entrants should have a background that will enable them to benefit from the course. The course is highly recommended for candidates holding the ISMM Level 4 qualification in Sales and Marketing.

Institute of Sales and Marketing Management Part-time SCQF level 10

What’s Involved The programmes review concepts of corporate strategy, issues relating to cross-functional decision making, transformational and transactional leadership, the planning implementation, measurement and control of sales and marketing strategies, creating value through people and value based marketing The Investigative project is a 8000 word work based research project. Moving On Successful candidates may benefit from career enhancement or may progress to MA in Sales Management, MSc in Sales Management. Career Pathways This qualification can help support career development in the areas of senior sales account management. Entry Requirements Entrants will normally be practicing high calibre senior sales account managers and leaders with a minimum of 5 years experience in a sales role and a minimum of 1 year in a senior sales position. There are no formal educational requirements, but entrants should have a background that will enable them to benefit from the programme. Successful completion of the ISMM Level 5 qualification allows entry to this Level 6 qualification.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 123

Sales and Marketing Management

Customer Services

VQ 2 and 3 Part-time

Overview This programme enables those employed in customer services to improve their working practice by developing their skills and knowledge of customer services in the workplace. What’s Involved Candidates undertake these qualifications in their own workplace by reviewing their current practice and discussing with a tutor how this relates to national standards. Candidates create a portfolio of evidence showing that you have the appropriate knowledge and that you can carry out your role competently. The topics covered include delivering reliable customer service, developing customer relationships and resolving customer service problems. Moving On On successful completion, candidates can move on to other vocational qualifications in Customer Service or Business Administration. Other part-time possibilities include Management qualifications within the cmi suite of qualifications or HNC Business. Career Pathways These SVQ programmes provide opportunities to enhance progression within customer services at team leader and managerial level. Entry Requirements Candidates must be working in an appropriate work role. Appropriate National units would usefully help support the underpinning knowledge for this qualification.

124 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Science and Mathematics

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Science and Mathematics


Access to Health and Life Science


NQ Full-time SCQF Level 4/5

SWAP Access Full-time SCQF Level 6

NQ Intermediate 2 Part-time SCQF Level 5

Overview This programme will provide candidates with a route to study science related topics at an entry level with the view to provide a progression to Access to Health and Life Science. It will also contain core skills at a level that will support progression in science. The programme is designed to allow candidates to experience Biology, Chemistry and Health Science. The programme contains units at scqf Level 4 and 5.

Overview This course will provide successful students with the skills and qualifications required for entry to Health and Life Sciences Degrees and professions allied to Medicine.

Overview If you wish to begin the study of Biology this can be a good preparation for NQ Higher Biology or NQ Higher Human Biology. You will study by distance learning with on-line support. It is approximately 160 hours of study; there is an external course assessment (held in May) which must be taken in an educational establishment, three closed book assessments (one for each unit) and a compulsory practical assessment.

What’s Involved The course structure lends itself to a variety of teaching methods and should have a mixture of class room delivery, project work, self directed study, and group work. The programme is a full-time course and will require attendance over 36 weeks. SQA are the awarding body for all of the units within the course and assessment arrangements are as required by them, most of them containing National Assessment Bank assessments. At least 2 of the courses offered within the programme also include an external component. The following will be studied: Int 2 Biology including external exam - Int 2 Chemistry including external exam - Health and Technology int 1 - Cause and Prevention of Disease - Science and Technology - IT - Maths - Numeracy Int 2 - Communications - Health Choices - Local Investigations - PSE. Moving On Where progression is expected within the sciences at Carnegie College the natural progression would be the Access to Health and Life Science course. The programme proposed equips candidates with problem solving skills, high level of core maths, and research skills and progression to further study outwith the sciences would also be relevant. e.g. Beauty, Complementary Therapies, Health Care.

What’s involved The following subject areas will be studied: Biology, Chemistry, Care (option), Mathematics, Physics (option), Communications, Information Technology, as well as Core Skills, Speech, Pathology and combined studies. Moving On This access course leads to a number of degree courses in the Science and Health related sectors. On completion of the degree course students will be qualified to enter a career in these professions. Carnegie College has strong links in these fields with Queen Margaret University, Napier University, Stirling University and Dundee University. The Access to Health and Life Sciences course is an excellent starting point for students wishing to undertake a degree in the following subject areas: animal biology, dietetics, life sciences, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry and radiography. Entry Requirements A good general education with some Mathematics and Communication, ideally to Standard or ‘O’ Grade level is desired. If you have no formal qualifications occupational experience is useful.

Career Pathways The course is designed to encourage progression in education with further study. Career opportunities could be within the Food Industry, Health Care Laboratories, Health and Life Science Careers. Entry Requirements Standard grades at general preference for English and a Science Subject.

126 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved Students will study the following three units: Living Cells, Animal Physiology and Environmental Biology and Genetics. Moving On Successful students can go on to study NQ Higher Human Biology or use this course to access a number of science or health related courses. Career Pathways The study of Biology can lead to a number of career opportunities in science related areas. It will also be beneficial for you if you intend to pursue a career in healthcare, sport and leisure or complementary therapies. Entry Requirements Applicants would generally be expected to have attained: NQ Intermediate 1 in Science, General level Standard Grade in Biology or a suitable equivalent qualification.



Human Biology

NQ Intermediate 2/Higher Part-time SCQF Level 5

NQ Intermediate 2 Part-time SCQF Level 5

Higher Part-time SCQF Level 5

Overview Those who wish to begin their study of Chemistry will find this can be a good preparation for Higher Chemistry. This course will involve approximately 160 hours of study. Study is by open learning tutorials. This course has a compulsory practical component for which attendance at college is mandatory.

Overview As with all mathematics courses, NQ Intermediate 2 Mathematics aims to build upon and extend your existing knowledge of mathematics. This course recognises problem solving as an essential skill and also enables you to integrate your existing knowledge of different aspects of mathematics. The course is designed to build upon and extend your previous mathematical learning in the areas of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and statistics.

Overview The study of Higher in Human Biology focuses upon those aspects of biological science which are of relevance to the human species and the influence of human kind on the biological world. It contributes to the student’s general and vocational education through the acquisition of relevant biological knowledge and skills, and provides a general basis for further study or employment in areas related to biology. It also contributes to the development of the more general attitudes and abilities related to the processes of science.

What’s Involved The following three units are covered: Building Blocks, Carbon Compound and Acids, Bases and Metals. Moving On The study of Chemistry can lead to a number of careers in science related areas. You may choose to continue your studies with the Higher NQ in Chemistry or use this course to access a number of science or health related courses. Entry Requirements Applicants would generally be expected to have attained: NQ Intermediate 1 in Science, General level Standard Grade in Chemistry or a suitable equivalent qualification.

What’s Involved This course is made up of three 40-hour component units and an external examination. To gain the award, you must achieve a pass in all the component units of the course as well as a pass in the external examination. The external examination will test your ability to retain and integrate mathematical knowledge across the component units of the course. This course consists of three mandatory units as follows: ■■ Mathematics 1 ■■ Mathematics 2 ■■ Mathematics 3 Moving On Achievement of a good grade would allow progression from this course to NQ Higher Mathematics. Career Pathways Successful completion of this course may not lead directly into a career however it will provide a good basis for further study towards a chosen career. Entry Requirements Applicants will normally be expected to have attained one of the following: ■■ Standard Grade Mathematics General award ■■ NQ Intermediate 1 Mathematics or its component units including Mathematics 3.

What’s Involved The course covers the following areas: ■■ Behaviour, Population and the Environment ■■ The Continuation of Life ■■ Cell Function and Inheritance ■■ The component units will take 120 hours to complete with 40 additional hours used to bring the whole course together. This NQ Higher Human Biology course can be studied by itself on a part-time basis over one year, by flexible learning with only mandatory attendance for assessments and compulsory practicals or on a full-time basis as part of a group of Highers Moving On This Higher course provides students with a biology qualification necessary for many HNC/HND courses. Combined with other qualifications this may provide the requirements for university entrance. Career Pathways The study of human biology could lead to an interesting career in many sectors including science, healthcare, sport and leisure or complementary and beauty therapies. Entry Requirements Students should have achieved at least one of the following: ■■ Intermediate 2 in Biology ■■ General level Standard Grade in Biology ■■ A suitable equivalent qualification ■■ Mature students with relevant experience but without formal qualifications are encouraged to apply.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 127

Science and Mathematics

Applied Science: Biomedical

HNC Full-time SCQF Level 7 Overview This course provides a broad understanding of biomedical sciences, developing biomedical skills and techniques. The HNC gives opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills required to pursue a career in biomedical sciences or other related fields. What’s Involved The following units will be studied: Introductory Microbiology, Biological Molecules, Basic Biochemical Methods, Chemistry of Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Human Body and Structure and Function. As well as Probability and Statistics, Presentation Skills, and Information Technology. Moving On Graduates can progress to the HND Biomedical Sciences or other related degree courses such as Nutrition, Biomedical, Podiatry, Biochemistry or Forensic Science. Career Pathways Stimulating and challenging career possibilities exist for students who are keen to pursue a career in this field. Job opportunities include becoming a biomedical scientist, forensic scientist, podiatrist, lecturing, laboratory work, and work in other related health fields. Entry Requirements One Higher at C pass or above plus three Standard Grades or equivalent. An appropriate grouping of National or Vocational units, for example Scottish Group Award at Intermediate 2 or SVQ Level 3. Or an equivalent qualification from an awarding body other than the SQA.

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Social Sciences

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Social Sciences

Access to Social Science

Social Science

Social Science

SWAP Access Full-time SCQF Level 6

HNC Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 7

HND Full-time/part-time SCQF Level 8

Overview This course aims to prepare for study at degree and diploma level in Arts and Social Science subjects, including Primary and Secondary Teacher Education and Humanities subjects. It is ideal for those who wish to study for a diploma or degree at university or college but do not have the necessary entry qualifications.

Overview This one year (full-time) course will prepare students for work in a broad range of settings, for example social services, employment initiatives, the voluntary sector and training organisations. Students will gain knowledge, skills and a qualification which may be acceptable for university entrance.

Overview Builds on HNC Social Science with a further year of study (full-time).

What’s Involved The range of subjects studied may include English Language and Literary Study, Mathematics, Information Technology, Biology, Sociology, Psychology and a foreign language. Studies will be tailored where possible to suit individual degree entry requirements.

What’s Involved Students will cover a range of subjects within the social sciences area. These subjects include History, Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Social Science Research and Methodology.

Moving On Successful leavers can apply to the Universities of Edinburgh, Dundee, St. Andrews, Stirling, Napier or Queen Margaret University College to enhance your qualifications and career prospects. Career Pathways Entry to a range of degree courses means you can consider a number of career options within the social sciences area. Entry Requirements There are no formal entry qualifications. Candidates will be selected on the basis of interest and appropriate experience.

Moving On Furthermore, Stirling, Dundee, Glasgow and St Andrews universities will consider the HNC qualification as entry to the first year of a social science related degree course. Career Pathways A wide variety of careers are available in the public sector. Entry Requirements Entry will generally be on the basis of two Higher Grade passes ideally including English and one other relevant subject, e.g. modern studies, history, geography, economics. Possession of an appropriate group of 12 NQ units or the Access to Humanities programme will also be considered.

130 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

What’s Involved Students will study History, Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Social Science. Research and Methodology and Research Issues are core components of this programme, preparing students for degree-level study. Moving On There is the opportunity to go on to Stirling, Dundee, Napier, Queen Margaret or Abertay university who will consider the HND qualification as entry to the second year of certain social science related degree courses. For some subject areas the HND may be considered for progression to year three at Napier and Queen Margaret universities. Career Pathways Completion of this course could lead to a wide range of employment opportunities within the Public Sector, such as social services, employment initiatives, the voluntary sector or training organisations. Entry Requirements Entry will generally be on the basis of two Higher passes ideally including English and one other relevant subject, e.g. Modern Studies, History, Geography, Economics. Possession of an appropriate group of 12 NQ units or the Access to Humanities will also be considered.

Social Science BA

Degree Part-time SCQF Level 9 Overview The overall aim of this year 3 programme is to provide a sound understanding of the principal areas of social science including psychology, sociology, history, geography, politics and criminology. What’s Involved Through your studies, you will develop an understanding of the social forces that affect individual groups, social organisations and society. In addition, your intellectual development is achieved by the investigation and analysis of a range of current social issues. Topic areas include Social Psychology, Personality and Intelligence, Work Psychology, Society and the State as well as Sexuality and Gender. Career Pathways Given the broad nature of this degree, there are a variety of career options available. These include Counselling, Social work, Social Research as well as Education. Entry Requirements An HND qualification or equivalent, preferably within the social sciences topic areas.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 131

Advice & Info Contents

Customer Services Team Guidance and Support Funding The Access Centre Community Learning Advice and Info Dates for Your Diary Where We Are

132 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

133 133 134 136 137 138 139 140

Customer Services/ Guidance and Support

Our Customer Services Team is on hand to give you expert advice and support as and when you need it. There really is no substitute for a one-to-one chat with someone in the know. We can guide you on all aspects of college life, including: ■■ Course advice and availability ■■ Course guidance appointments ■■ Our application process ■■ Funding information and advice ■■ Flexible and short course information So why not contact the team today? Opening Hours Halbeath Campus: Mon to Thurs 8.30am to 9.00pm; Fri 8.30am to 6.00pm. Carnegie Access Centre 7-9 New Row, Dunfermline: Sat 10.00am to 1.00pm. T: 0844 248 0115 E: Chat online at

Guidance and Support At Carnegie College our learners are very important to us. We offer support so that you can concentrate on what’s important to you and enjoy a rich and rewarding learning experience with us. Together we can ensure you have every opportunity to achieve your individual goals. All Carnegie students have access to guidance and support services throughout their programme of study. Full-time students have a weekly guidance session with a named guidance tutor and take part in a structured programme of pre-entry, on-course and progression guidance activities. Part-time and evening class students have access to guidance and support provision through their Programme Tutor and the cross college Central Guidance and Support Services.

Central Guidance and Support Team The Central Guidance and Support Team aims to provide a responsive professional and practical service for students at all stages of their learning journey. The team is on hand to provide a broad range of support which includes: ■■ Guidance and Support Counselling ■■ Progression to Higher Education ■■ Career planning ■■ Course Choice ■■ Transport ■■ Childcare ■■ Housing ■■ General concerns ■■ Careers Advice Our links and networks with Careers Scotland, as well as employers across industry sectors, give us precise and accurate pictures of current skills gaps and where future career opportunities lie. Careers Scotland visit the College regularly to provide additional information and guidance for those who need it. Contact the team on: T: 0844 248 0115 or email

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 133


Money Talk Deciding to enter education is one of the best decisions you will ever make. As a learner you will increase your employability opportunities and your earning capabilities. That said, how to finance your studies is a big consideration for many. The good news is that depending on your personal circumstances there is a wide range of grants and bursaries available. Carnegie College can provide advice on how to financially support your studies; this includes help with tuition fees, childcare, housing expenses and material costs. The support available depends upon what you will be studying with us, how you choose to study, as well as your personal and financial circumstances. It is important for all learners to consider how they can finance their studies when choosing to commit to full-time or part-time study. Given the complicated nature of funding we strongly recommend that you attend one of our regular Funding Workshops. These workshops provide information and support on student bursaries, the Students Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS), student loans, the Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA), Individual Learning Accounts (ILA), fee waivers, support for lone parents, and much more. Unsure if you are eligible for some support? Pop into our Student Finance Office for some advice.

The office is open: Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm, no appointments necessary. To book onto one of our Funding Workshops call our Customer Services Team on 0844 248 0115, or email The table opposite explains the different levels of funding available for you depending on your circumstances.

134 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Funding Type of funding available for application

Full-Time FE

Full-Time HE

Part-Time FE

Part-Time HE



Fees Paid

Complete Bursary/ EMA Application form

Apply to SAAS

Qualifying Benefits if in receipt of a benefit

Qualifying Benefits if in receipt of a benefit

Qualifying Benefits if in receipt of a benefit



Complete Bursary/ EMA Application form – Over 18 years

Young Students Bursary – Applicants must be under 25





EMA (Educational Maintenance Allowance)

Complete Bursary/ EMA Application form – 18 years & Under






Student Loan


Apply to SAAS





Supplementary Grant


Apply to SAAS





Hardship\ Childcare

Complete Additional Complete Additional Funding form Funding form

Complete PT Funding Application form for the following expenses

Complete PT Funding Application form for the following expenses



Travelling Expenses

Complete Bursary/ EMA Application form

Apply to SAAS

Complete PT Funding Application form for travel expenses

Complete PT Funding Application form for travel expenses



Council Tax

Course must be full-time and 24 weeks or more in length

Course must be full-time and 24 weeks or more in length








Contact ILA, (0808 100 1090), for application pack

Contact ILA, (0808 100 1090), for application pack


Contact ILA, (0808 100 1090), for application pack

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 135

The Access Centre

This Centre gives access to support for learning, access to work and self-employment opportunities. You will find that the dedicated team can add value to your learning by supporting your studies and by helping you succeed in college and beyond college life. The Centre and the team are especially useful if you are a bit nervous about your ability to manage your programme independently. If you think a bit of advice or support would help, then they are on hand throughout the college week. The Access Team will provide you with: Support for your studies ■■ Information and diagnosis of your learning needs. For example, if you are returning to learning after a long gap ■■ Support and help with planning and reviewing your progress ■■ Assistive technology and learning tools which can make studying easier Employability Skills ■■ Learning opportunities to help you into work ■■ Work placement management and support ■■ Job search techniques and support ■■ Enterprise Information ■■ Enterprise advice, support and opportunities Citizenship Skills

■■ Partnership with Student Representative Council ■■ Support with voluntary work, charity work

and community placements

Learner Support Carnegie College has a dedicated service to ensure that support is available to all students

who study here. Our Access Centre plays an important role, providing a responsive learning service to support the study and welfare of our students. The Access Team will support you in overcoming any difficulties you may experience with any element of your course. Whatever your concern, even if it’s just simple advice on ways to improve study techniques then we are here to support you.

Support for Student with Disabilities Carnegie is committed to enabling all students to participate fully in both the academic and social life of the college. We ensure that disabled people and those with learning difficulties are treated fairly. If you need support in the form of a communicator, or help with adapting course material into larger print for example, or help with mobility and access, our Access Centre is here to help you. Support available includes: ■■ Help for those with visual impairment ■■ Help for those who are deaf/deafened or hard of hearing ■■ Help for those with dyslexia ■■ Counselling ■■ Permanent and portable induction loops ■■ Readers and scribes for assessments and examinations. ■■ Access to specialist software and equipment All reasonable adjustment to provision will be made to ensure that disabled students and other disabled people are NOT substantially disadvantaged.

136 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Core Skills Whatever you choose to study you’ll find that developing your core skills (maths or numeracy, communication, IT, problem solving and working with others) will be an important feature of any learning journey. We try to make this as easy and as accessible as possible by offering you tailored programmes to meet your own individual needs. And by supporting you to learn in any one of several locations, at times and places that suit your needs. Our Core Skills Learner Base, and our Access Centre will both offer you advice on how to get started. All employers now ask for core skills that match the practical skills of their staff, and we offer an excellent range of qualifications for those in work, and those hoping to progress into work. As well as those who simply want to improve their maths, communication or IT skills.

Aspire Centre For learners who would benefit from an additional support programme, our new Aspire Centre offers an extremely supportive environment, excellent facilities in assistive technology, catering for life and work skills, an area to enhance independent living skills, and a fully equipped care suite with toilet and shower facilities.

ESOL – English for Speakers of Other Languages Carnegie College offers ESOL support for learners whose first language is not English. The support is designed to provide learners with the skills they will require in their programme of study, in the community and in the workplace.

Community Learning

Are you worried about going back to learning? Does the main College seem too big and impersonal? Don’t worry. As a first step you can join small, friendly classes in your local community. Learn in a place and at a time that suits you. Learning in the community is easy. It suits many people to learn in the community rather than coming to the main college campus. The learning environment is small and friendly and this can make it easier to learn in safe and comfortable surroundings. All the centres are small but modern and equipped with the latest technology. You can study many IT-based courses as well as communications, numeracy and courses to build your confidence and skills in working with others. Courses vary from non-accredited absolute beginners to more advanced national certificates. Experienced and friendly tutors work with you at your own pace, to enable you to gain qualifications which will help you with your next step.

A range of other subjects such as short courses in Childcare and a variety of other learning opportunities are also available Most of the courses start off with a noncertificated taster course. If you are keen to learn more we can work with you to progress to SQA modules which will enable you to get a place on a full-time or part-time college course at NQ or HNC / HND level. Many of our learners are eligible for fee-waivers on courses and an ILA can also be used to help you pay for your course. Carnegie College aims to work in partnership with a range of agencies and organisations to offer community learners a wide range of locally based learning opportunities which will help them realise their goals. Many of our learners have successfully moved on from learning in the community to courses in college or employment. To find a learning centre near you, please go to page 140.

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 137

Advice & Info Online Learning – Carnegie24 Carnegie College has integrated many full and part-time courses into our virtual learning environment, giving you more control of when and where you study. Carnegie24 uses web technology to provide you with everything you need to study away from the main campuses – learning and study materials, library resources, and communications tools that give you access to academic and technical experts. As well as the ability to keep in touch with your fellow students. Its convenience and flexibility lets you study while meeting your personal and business lifestyle needs.

Student Intranet, Internet and Email Services Free Internet and Intranet access is available for Carnegie College students at most campus locations. Our website and the Student Intranet also provide valuable sources of information relating to courses, contact information, College events and general information relevant to student life at Carnegie. For students that do not currently have an Internet email account, Library Staff can assist you in setting up a free email account with a web-based provider. The College can also provide a student email service that can be accessed from most College networked PCs.

Library Resources The Library service offers access to a wide range of learning resources in the George Lauder Library at our Halbeath Campus and the Learner Base at our Rosyth Campus. Some resources are also available at our Cowdenbeath Campus.

The Student Representative Council The Student Representative Council (SRC) represents the entire student body of Carnegie College.

The Library service has over 20,000 books, 70 periodicals and 400 audiovisual items. Electronic Resources accessed through the library web page include Emerald EMX111, Health and Social Care Resources, Infotrac Electronic Journal database, Marketline Business Information Centre, SCRAN, Credo reference library. The Library also provides learners with access to various subject gateways and services. Library staff will assist learners to use the services available, and provide support in the development of independent information, research and learning skills. Library services are free and include access to PCs, the Internet and various electronic services. Our web-based catalogue, available on the library web page, provides details of all our resources. Library resources provide support for most subjects taught in college, as well as encouraging learners to think about study techniques, learning styles and how to find information which meets their individual needs. Further information about Library services can be accessed via the library web page or library blog, where you’ll find all our contact details, and loads more besides. We look forward to meeting you when you study at Carnegie College.

Once you are officially enrolled onto a college course you automatically become a member of the Carnegie College Student Association and can stand and hold office on the SRC. You can also apply for your NUS membership card and with this you can take advantage of a range of discount facilities throughout Britain. The SRC plays an important role in making your time at Carnegie both productive and enjoyable. Not only does it represent students on all matters affecting their interests it will liaise with the College Management to express students’ views and suggestions for improvements. It organises social activities such as football tournaments, nights out, charity events and lots, lots more. Nursery If you have young children to support, you may be able to use the childcare facilities available from the fantastic new purpose built nursery on our Halbeath campus. In August 2005 we opened a superb, state-of-the-art nursery, developed with our partners Careshare. The nursery provides a stimulating educational environment for children aged from six weeks to five years. Indoor and outdoor play is arranged within a secure and attractive area in which the children can develop new skills and enjoy playing with their friends. All nursery staff are fully trained in childcare and will ensure that the needs and interests of the children are provided for. For more information call the Careshare Nursery on 01383 844640.

138 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Chaplaincy Service Carnegie College Chaplain offers all students a confidential, spiritual and personal support. The Chaplain is available to people of all faiths and none, to offer a helpful, mature, experienced and sympathetic ear. Faith Room Carnegie College has created a space on each campus for prayer and as a sanctuary for those who choose to use it. This gives students of different faiths the opportunity to practise their religion in private. Equality and Diversity We actively publicise our stance against discrimination on gender, race, nationality, disability, sexuality, religion or faith, gender reassignment, age and other irrelevant grounds. Learners, staff and other users of our services have the right to fair treatment at all stages and must also accept responsibility for adhering to our policies as any breaches may result in disciplinary measures. We also have Bullying and Harassment Policies to ensure that such behaviour from any member of staff or learner is regarded as unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We strive to demonstrate best practice in equality and diversity so offer regular training, updating and information. We are also committed to promoting access to learning from minority community and other under-represented groups and are always keen to consult with or hear from any representative or group who can either help to turn our aims into reality or who wish to make suggestions for improvement in our policies and practices. All of our policies are published on the Student and Staff Intranets and questions about the policies can be addressed to members of the Diversity Forum. For more information or to discuss any related issue please contact our Customer Services Team on 0844 248 0115.

Dates for Your Diary

8 23rd th



3 18 th


Carnegie College has a series of Information Evenings and an Open Day every academic year for interested students to find out more about full or part-time courses. Staff from all curriculum areas are on hand to answer your questions about the courses available. Funding staff will also be available to discuss your finance options when thinking about coming to College. If you like what you see, why not come along to one of our events below: Information Evenings 4-8pm Thursday 8th January 2009 Thursday 23 April 2009 Thursday 21 May 2009 Thursday 18 June 2009 Thursday 3rd September 2009 Open Day 1-7pm Thursday 13th August 2009

For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 139

How to Get Here All of our campuses throughout West Fife are conveniently located regardless of whether you travel by public transport or car. The excellent road, rail and bus systems provide you with plenty of choice in getting here. For further information on travelling to the College by public transport call the Traveline on 0871 200 2233, or view the college website at where you can use one of our maps. Unirider is a bus ticket which is only available to students and is valid on all Stagecoach bus services in Fife. The ticket is valid all day and night on the network of buses that can get you to lectures, shops, pubs, clubs, gyms, libraries... just remember to take it with you. Once you buy your ticket you can use it to travel between the two dates printed on the ticket by showing it to the driver with your student ID card. For more information about this scheme view unirider.html

Main Campus Addresses Halbeath campus (main campus) Halbeath Dunfermline Fife Scotland KY11 8DY 0844 248 0115 Cowdenbeath campus Block 2 Woodend Industrial Estate Cowdenbeath Fife Scotland KY4 8HW 0844 248 0115 School of Engineering and Technology Carnegie College Rosyth Campus Wood Road Rosyth Business Park Rosyth Fife Scotland KY11 2EA 0844 248 0115

Community Learning Centres Contact your local centre for details of courses available or drop in to find out more: Abbeyview Learning Centre Tryst Centre Duncan Crescent Abbeyview Dunfermline KY11 4BZ 01383 602381 Carnegie Access Centre 7 New Row Dunfermline KY12 7EA 0844 875 0174

Cowdenbeath Opportunity Centre 320 High Street Cowdenbeath KY4 9NT 01383 602377 Kirkcaldy Access Centre 441 High Street Kirkcaldy KY1 2SN 01383 559196 Levenmouth Access Centre Thomson House Methil Docks Methil KY8 3RE 0844 875 0168 Lochgelly Learning Centre Lochgelly Centre Bank Street Lochgelly KY5 9RD 01592 583303 Parkgate Learning Centre Parkgate Community Centre Parkgate Rosyth KY11 2JW 01383 411865 West Fife Villages: Valleyfield Learning Centre Valleyfield Community Centre Chapel Street High Valleyfield Dunfermline KY12 8SJ 01383 880277 West Fife Enterprise Forthview Low Valleyfield Dunfermline KY12 8TL 01383 881364 All calls are charged at local rates. Calls from other networks/mobiles may vary according to your provider.

140 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Kelty A92



Kirkcaldy A910


Cowdenbeath A823





Kelty A92







Dunfermline M90




Burntisland Aberdour

8 A8A923






Dalgety Bay





Main Campus



Rosyth Campus

North Queensferry

Cowdenbeath Campus







South Queensferry






Cowdenbeath Campus






8 A9


ADalgety 90 1 Bay




Lochgelly A92





Rosyth Campus




South Queensferry For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit 141


142 For more information call: 0844 248 0115 or visit

Can we help further? We have a range of publications with further information on the courses and services Carnegie has to offer. Please visit our website to download any of our publications or tear out this pre-paid postage slip, indicating your areas of interest. Please tick one or more of the boxes: Carnegie College Publications

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Carnegie College FREEPOST Halbeath Dunfermline Fife KY11 8BR

Contact Us Please contact Carnegie College Customer Services Team on 0844 248 0115 or e-mail Visit our website to chat live and ask our Customer Services Team any questions.

We aim to ensure accuracy in all our published information. However circumstances out-with our control can lead to future change. If this has been your experience, you have our sincere apologies. Carnegie College cannot accept liability for any loss or damage arising in respect of any statement contained in this information. This information does not form part of a formal contract and we reserve the right to refuse admission. 2008 Carnegie College, All Rights Reserved Published October 2008 Designed and produced by

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