Great African American Speeches Full Audiobook Free Online

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Great African American Speeches Full Audiobook Free Online

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Great African American Speeches Full Audiobook Free Online In this collection, African American leaders change history with the power of the spoken word. ​ Martin Luther King, Jr.: I’ve Been to the Mountaintop (1968), Unfulfilled Dreams (1968) ​ US Representative Barbara Jordan: DNC Keynote Address (1976) ​ Malcolm X: Field Negro vs. House Negro (1963) ​ Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: Be Not Afraid (2001) ​ Stokely Carmichael: Black Power (1966) ​ Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: RNC Keynote Address (2012) ​ President Barack Obama: Victory Speech, Inauguration Speech ​ Dr. Benjamin Carson: National Prayer Breakfast (2013) ​ Nelson Mandela: United Nations Address (1990), Joint Session of Congress (1990) ​ Reverend Jesse Jackson: DNC Address (1984), DNC Address (1988) ​ Representative Shirley Chisholm: Greenfield College (1983)

Great African American Speeches Full Audiobook Free Online Written By: Various Authors. Narrated By: Various Publisher: January 2016 Date: Duration: 9 hours 3 minutes

Great African American Speeches Full Audiobook Free Online Download Full Version Great African American Speeches Audio OR Listen Book now

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