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B’nai Mitzvah
Eric Golberg
Happy Spring! I hope you all had a great Passover and had the chance to stop by some of our March programming. April is no different with a full slate of new and exciting programs for all ages! Our USY chapter will continue to have weekly programs. In addition, our spring convention, Kinnus, will be the last week of April. To register for this convention you can go to usy.org/spring2021/. In addition to all of our high school programming, our Kadima aged kids (5th-7th grade) will have their monthly lounge night on Wednesday, April 14th. Our Chaverim students will have another exciting program on Sunday, April 11th from 12:30pm-1:15pm. Our Young Families had a great time at our “Bring the Plagues to Life” Crafternoon program and Parent’s Night Out program: Name That Tune last month! Be on the lookout for this month’s Young Family Programming on the calendar and make sure that you are a part of our Young Family email blasts that go out every week with new and exciting activities! If you are in the mood to sing along to your favorite songs, be sure to check our Young Family page on the website (https://www.bethshalomnb.org/connect/young-families/) for our monthly Shabbat on-demand sing-a-longs and more! I hope you all have a great month and I look forward to seeing all of you at our next Youth and Young Family programs. B’shalom, Eric
Daughter of Janet & Robert Footlik Sister of Elle Footlik Granddaughter of Sunny Robin, Gary Footlik, Aron Mosnaim, Marion Wolf Mosnaim of Blessed Memory
Daughter of Karin & Mitchell Shapiro Sister of Jonathan Shapiro Granddaughter of Judy & Jerry Much, Lorie Shapiro, Howard Shapiro of Blessed Memory
Son of Jonathan & Tracy Williams Brother of Paxton & Madden Williams Grandson of Steve & Chickie Rosen, Mel & Alice Williams
Daughter of Rabbi Aaron Melman & Elisa Rotman Sister of Jordan Melman Granddaughter of Rabbi Bernie & Benita Rotman, Neil & Ellen Melman