15 minute read
Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY
Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of your good ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING
work you have done and the writing of your new book CONTRIBUTIONS:
Linda and Bob Lipschultz Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of the Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund
Misheberach said for my son, Jeffrey. Beverle MillerRabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your
Pouran Ebroon In memory of your sweet, cherished beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Jerry and Estelle Agrest, Judy and
mother and grandmother. You were a wonderful Michael Balter, Ron and Shelly Betman, Randee and Howard
daughter. Fran BrooksteinBlair, Richard and Barbara Bosley, Barb Chotiner and Family,
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gorchow In memory of your Jeff and Hillary Cohen, Michael and Susan Cohen, Rick Elliott
beloved father and grandfather. He was a wonderful man. and Family, Fern and Michael Ellison, Fred Fisher, Monyca and
Fran BrooksteinSteven Flack, Sheldon and Beth Gaffen, Beth and Mike Gilford,
Dr. Joel Greenman In memory of Rabbi Paul Sol Sue Gilford, Marsha and Myron Glassenberg, Ellen and Jeff
Greenman Mark and Sharon TelpnerGluskin, Linda Gold, Maureen Gold, Reva Gomberg, Arlene
Edna Schrank In memory of Mike Mark and Sharon and Ray Handler, Jonathan and Denise Handler, David and
TelpnerMarsha Hochman, Arnie and Janet Hoffman, Maida Hoffman,
Carrie Rosenstein In memory of Herbie Mark and Jim and Judy Hoke, Adrienne and Ira Holtzman, Ilene and
Sharon TelpnerNorm Iglarsh, Carol and Ed Kaplan, Sheryl and Fred
Selwyn and Janice Marcus In memory of Philip and Katzenstein, Sue Lampert, Arlen and Cece and Lasinsky, Jan
Marion Marcus, with our deepest sympathy. May their and David Lasky, Barbara and Jeff Lerch, Herb Lesnoy and
memories forever be a blessing. Adrienne and Ira HoltzmanLoly Farnos, Larry and Barbara Libauer, Linda and Bob
Lynn Stollberg In memory of our beloved Aunt Sarah Lipschultz, Cindy and Bob Marder, Harvey and Sheila Medvin,
Stollberg. We mourn the loss. Christine and Billy Stolberg Dayle and Martin Meliker, Gail and Sherwin Meyers, Ethel
and FamilyObrand, Renee and Barton Osher, Marsha and Irwin
Sandi and Les Lasinsky In memory of Sarah Stollberg Pearlman, Linda and Bernie Petchenik, Iris and Steve Podolsky,
Arlen and Cece LasinskyMitch and Sharyl Portugal, Harvey and Pam Redfern, Scott,
Ellen Lipshutz In memory of Hal A. Lipshutz. We Leslie, Marissa and Sophie Rogoff, The Rokni family, Larry and
mourn the loss. May his memory be blessing to his family Fern Roseman, The Roseman Family, Elliot and Renee Roth,
and friends. Herb and Sherry SiegalTracy and Jeff Safron, Michelle and Mark Schneider, Stacey
For the yahrzeit of my beloved brother, Joaquin and Neal Schneider, Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Edna
A. Farnos. May his memory be for a blessing to all Schrank, Sharon and Joel Schwartz and Family, Barbara Scott,
who knew and loved him. Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy Judy and Jerry Shapiro, Keith and Marci Shapiro, Nancy and Richard Sher, Daniel and Eva Sideman, Jody and Howard Sigal
Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund and Family, Marlene Silverman, Marlene Slavitt, Elyse and
elen and Jeff Smoler n memory of your mother arry Stern, Ari and Staci Studnitzer, Mark and Sharon
Reva GombergTelpner, Dayle and Dennis Teven, Ron and Andy Widen,
In memory of my beloved mother-in-law, Flo Harry and Lily Zoberman
Brookstein, on the occasion of her yahrzeit Fran Ellen and Neil Melman and Family In memory of
Brookstein your beloved mother, Zelda Jonas Judy and Michael Balter, Edna Schrank th
Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Fran and Fred Hakimian In honor of your 60 Anniversary Judy and Michael Balter, Harvey and Sheila
Dr. Roberta and Brian Miller In honor of Hannah and Medvin
Donny's engagement Larry and Fern Roseman Mitchell and Fern King For the birth of Hayden
In appreciation of Mishebeirach prayers by CBS Edward. Mazel Tov to your family with our sincere
Clergy Rita Janowitz wishes for abundant good health and happiness! David and
Naomi Weiss In memory of your brother, Michael Andy Reich
Batler Marshall and Barbara Dickler Ellen Lipshutz In memory of your husband, Hal
Selwyn and Janice Marcus In memory of your aunt Lipshutz Marcy and Mark Saltzman, Alene and Cary
Minnie Marcus, brother, Philip Marcus, and sister-in-law, Wintroub
Marion Marcus. We’re so sorry for your loss. Larry and Marla Zelikow In memory of your brother-in-law, Hal
Fern Roseman Lipshutz Alene and Cary Wintroub
Richard and Ilene Fischman In memory of Carl Naomi Weiss In memory of your brother, Michael
Fischman, may his memory be for a blessing Karen and Batler Arlene and Ray Handler, Sarah and Erick Weingart
Steven Grad Edna Schrank In memory of Michael Schrank Bruce and
Dr. Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of Rabbi Paul Nancy Chudacoff, Mel and Sue Helfand
Sol Greenman, may his memory be for a blessing Karen Francie Dundore In memory of Michael Schrank.
and Steven Grad Sending love to the entire Schrank and Dundore Families
Michael Friedman and Family In memory of Diane during this difficult time. Scott Topal
Friedman, beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend Selwyn and Janice Marcus In memory of your brother
Steve and Judy Masur and sister-in-law, Philip and Marion Marcus Arlene and Ray
For the yahrzeit of Morris Hauser Marlene and Allan Handler, Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos
Goldberg Scott Field In memory of your sister, Sharon. We were so sorry to hear of her passing. We’re sending you our
Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education deepest condolences. May her memory be for a blessing.
Fund Evelyn and Steve Lurie
Linda Petchenik In honor of your 80th Birthday Roz F
Kor the yahrzeits of my beloved cousin, Selig
ahn Lesnoy (z"l), my dear aunt, Ida Simon (z"l), my
Noami Weiss For a speedy recovery Get well soon! beloved father, Max Lesnoy (z"l), my beloved
Steven Topel brother, Selig Lesnoy (z"l), and my paternal
Naomi Weiss In memory of your beloved brother, grandfather, Louis Lesnoy (z"l). May their memo-
Michael. Carol and Ed Kaplan, Sharon and Mark Telpner ries be for a blessing. Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos
The Gilbert Family In memory of your mother and grandmother, Dina Edie Korman The Benjoya Family In memory of your husband, father and grandfather Edie Korman Lynn Stollberg In memory of your mother, Sarah Stollberg Edie Korman Donna Batler In memory of Michael Batler Marty Weiss Edna Schrank In memory of Michael Schrank. Edna, I hope that every time you share a story of Mike, your husband, partner and friend, it will help ease your grief a little. And, I hope that when others hear his name, they’ll remember what he meant to you, your family and the community Kitty Hoffman CBS Youth Endowment Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Maxine Levy Edna Schrank and Family In memory of your beloved husband, Michael. We mourn the loss. May he rest in peace. Scott and Sarit Pogofsky Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas We want to express our most heartfelt sympathy on her death Darlene and Norman Padnos and Family Gold Family Sabbath Fund Selwyn and Janice Marcus In memory of your brother and sister-in-law, Philip and Marion Marcus Suzy and David Hakimian, Maureen Gold, Arlen and Cece and Lasinsky Edna Schrank and Family In memory of your husband, Michael Schrank Ron and Andy Widen Seth and Lani Schrank In memory of your beloved father. Our most sincere condolences on your loss. Cheryl and Kevin Braude Penny Field and Family In memory of Merrill Schiffman, beloved father, grandfather and great g Srandfather usie and Shelly Karlinsky Harold and Shirley Hoffman Adult Education Learning Fund Leann Blue In memory of your beloved aunt, Madalyne Eplan Sue Lampert Dr. Len and Jean Kosova For the birth of your new granddaughter, Hannah Grace Susan and Peter Brown Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Dr. Len and Jean Kosova For the birth of Hannah Grace Lee and Laura Shulman Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Carol Abrahams, Tracey and David Becker and Family, Eileen and Barry Brusso, Lee and Laura Shulman Selwyn Marcus In memory of your brother and sister-in-law, Philip and Marion Marcus. We were very sad to hear of the unexpected passing of your brother and sister-in-law. Sincere condolences to you and your family. Erick Weingart Zahava Ben Ezra and Family In memory of your husband, father and grandfather, Miguel. He was truly one of a kind. Please accept our deepest condolences on your loss. The community has also sustained a huge loss. We know that his memories will be a blessing to all. With love, Eileen and Barry Brusso Edna Schrank In memory of Mike Eileen and Barry Brusso, Lee and Laura Shulman
Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Fern and Mitchell King In honor of your new g Irandson, Hayden lene and Richard Fischman Selwyn Marcus In memory of your brother and sister-in-law, Philip and Marion Marcus Arnie and Janet Hoffman Naomi Weiss In memory of your brother, Michael Janet and Arnie Hoffman
Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your High Holiday Prayer Book and Chumash Fund
beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Ephraim and Gloria KnopoffFor the Purchase of a High Holiday Prayer Book
The Gitles Family In honor of Geoffrey Gitles receiving Lynn Stollberg In memory of your mother, Sarah
the Youth of the Year Award Leslie and Scott Rogoff Stollberg Cindy and Bob Marder Edna Schrank and Family In memory of your husband,
Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund father, and grandfather, Michael Schrank Cindy and Bob
Scott Rogoff In honor of you receiving the Man of the Marder
Year Award Arlen Lasinsky Dr. Andrew and Brandon Wagner In honor of HUGS Fund
Brandon Wagner receiving the Youth of the Year Award Edna Schrank In memory of Mike Harry and Lily
Leslie and Scott Rogoff Zoberman Seth and Lani Schrank In memory of Mike Harry and
Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund Lily Zoberman
For the yahrzeits of Joe Ashman, Hy Kessler Betty Marla and Ron Zelikow In memory of your
Ashman brother-in-law, Hal Lipshutz Paula and Michael Fohrman
For the yahrzeit of Dr. Stuart Bentkover Burton Bentkover Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund
For the yahrzeits of William David Resnick, Anita Bev and David Sugar In honor of your anniversary Beth
Resnick, Irving Dubofsky Carlton and Paula Resnick and Bob Footlik
For the yahrzeit of Howard Appleman David and The Sugar Family In honor of you, Janna Sugar. Such
Melissa Barany beautiful memories for my beautiful niece! Janna, you
For the yahrzeit of Betty Loeb Diane Lebovitz were gone way to soon! I think about you and what your
For the yahrzeit of Francine Elrod Helene Becker future picture would have looked like? I know the painting
For the yahrzeits of my mother, Keni Root, my would have been vibrant colors and lots of energy! You
father, Beryl Root Herbert and Joyce Root were one Auntie Barb
For the yahrzeit of Theodore Leviton Joyce Hammer Bev and David Sugar and Family In memory of Janna on
For the yahrzeits of Sol and Anne Blum, Reuben her Birthday Debbie Brinkworth and Joe Muncer, Jill and
and Florence Brookstone Milton and Joan Blum B
rian Groark, Marty and Helene Hutensky Marcie Weiss, For the yahrzeit of my father, Allen R. Brown Peter
Sheryl Weissman and Susan Brown
The Weil Family In honor of Eva's Bat Mitzvah. I have For the yahrzeits of my father-in-law, David
many fond memories of Eva in my classroom. Eva has G -i -l Roldberg, my sister n aw, Dorothy Melamed ose
much to be proud of her accomplishment. Mazel Tov! Goldberg
Ms. Bev Sugar For the yahrzeit of Herbert Kreiter Sharon Kreiter
The McTague Family In memory of Lillian L. Brandon For the yahrzeit of Esther Simon Stuart and Phyllis
David and Bev Sugar and Family Simon
Jill Roter In honor of Merrick's wonderful For the yahrzeit of my mother, Lillian Brown Cindy
accomplishments. Mazel Tov - I know you are both Marder
beaming. Sheryl Weissman For the yahrzeits of Nathan Barr, June Freeman
Beth and Neil Hirshman In honor of the engagement Diana and David Freeman
of Jason Hirshman. We are so happy for you. May you For the yahrzeit of Bernard J. Steinberg Mitzie and
enjoy this special time. Arlene and Ray Handler Stewart Herman
Marlene and Marshall Hirshman In honor of the In memory of my mother, Miriam Goodman
engagement of Jason Hirshman. We are so happy for you. Charles and Karen Schulman
May you enjoy this special time. Arlene and Ray Handler In memory of Dennis Kessler Doris Kessler
Janis Strom In memory of your father, Charles Karp In memory of Adolph Pawlen Gail Pestine
Becky and Ellis Sostrin In memory of Bella Katz Jerome and Gloria Sperber
The Schrank Family In memory of your beloved In memory of our beloved father, William
husband, father and grandfather. We mourn the loss. Handler Arlene and Ray Handler
Cynthia and Bruce Shankman Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your
Jan Kawer and Family In memory of Aaron Kawer, beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Karen and Chuck Schulman
husband, father and grandfather Sheila Ander and Family Rosengard Museum Fund
Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your Sheryl Zale In memory of your sister, Grace Sheldon and
beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Our thoughts are with you and Beth Gaffen
your family. Sari and Geoff Weil and Family Carrie Rosenstein In memory of Herb Rosenstein
Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Sheldon and Beth Gaffen
In appreciation of the live streaming of Minyan Gail Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund
Winograd Jerry Cohen In honor of your special Birthday Jane and
For the yahrzeit of Peggy Sonenfeld Scott Bosley Lenny Siedband
Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Linda Petchenik In honor of your special Birthday Fern
Adam Berkey and Family In memory of your beloved Netzky
mother The Slotky Family Shari Karp and Family In memory of your beloved husband, Chuck Karp Fern Netzky
Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Ellen Baer In memory of Tom Simons Sam and Becca
Edna Schrank In memory of Mike Schrank Herb and Tatel
Susan Sier Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your
The Karp and Strom Families In memory of Charles beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Debbie and Gary Sylvan, Sam
Karp, loving father, grandfather, and great grandfather. and Becca Tatel
Our thought and prayers are with you. We wish could be with you. We were like one big family always sharing Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund
many occasions together. Bonnie and Rick Meltzer Diana Lewis In honor of being named the Sisterhood
Steven Elisco In appreciation of you, for organizing meal Valued Volunteer. Thank you for bringing happiness to
delivery for Rich and Jeff Kurnick. We appreciate your Sisterhood. Linda Gold
kindness. Thank you to Scott Bosley, Frannie Goldwin, Jim Darlene Padnos In honor of being named the
Hamilton, Neil and Robyn Rosengard, Dan Sher, Kevin Sisterhood Valued Volunteer. Thank you for bringing
Braude, Randy and Hope Samborn ,Leatte Gelfeld, Mike happiness to Sisterhood. Linda Gold
Gilford, Steven Elisco, and Scott Rogoff Kathy Krohn Janet and Burt Krain In honor of your grandson, Charles "Charlie" Remy Michael and Carol Schnitzler Dr. Ira and Laurie B. Davis In honor of your granddaughter, Amora Rose Michael and Carol Schnitzler Dr. Len and Jean Kosova In honor of your granddaughter, Hannah Grace Michael and Carol Schnitzler Cynthia and Bruce Shankman In honor of your grandson, Owen Riley Michael and Carol Schnitzler Dr. Roberta and Brian Miller In honor of your granddaughter, Leora Esther Michael and Carol Schnitzler Katy and Steve Friedman In honor of your grandson, Logan David Michael and Carol Schnitzler Dr. Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of your brother, Rabbi Paul Sol Greenman Michael and Carol Schnitzler Selwyn and Janice In memory of your brother and sister-in-law, Philip and Marion Marcus Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Alan and Ellen Toban Barbara Long In memory of your mother, Ethel Long Michael and Carol Schnitzler Helen and Jeff Smoler In memory of your mother, Frieda Dym Cindy and Bob Marder, Michael and Carol Schnitzler Dr. Elliot and Renee Roth In memory of your mother, Maxine Roth Michael and Carol Schnitzler Richard and Ilene Fischman In memory of your father, Carl Fischman Michael and Carol Schnitzler E Idna Schrank n memory of your husband, Michael Schrank Cheryl and Kevin Braude, Cynthia and Lowell Derdiger, Sue Gilford, Peter and Robin Karney, Marla and Jonathan Kazan, Rabbi Stanley and Fran Kazan, Marsha and Richard Newman, Cary and Pam Schack, Michelle and Mark Schneider, Stuart and Phyllis Simon Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Fred Saruk For a speedy recovery Seymour and Beverly Binstein R Iabbi Aaron Melman and Family n memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Diana and Maury Lewis Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Bobbi Teitelbaum In honor of your 90th Birthday Saly Chendea Bobbi Teitelbaum In memory of your sister, Elaine Lieberman Saly Chendea, Jody H. Hersch Kahn and Family, Maureen and Stuart Senescu Billie Baer In honor of your Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! Lois and Harvey Teitelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Steve Blanner In memory of your beloved Nan Lois and Harvey Teitelbaum Ellen Lipshutz In memory of your beloved husband, Hal A. Lipshutz Marcy Teitelbaum Marla Zelikow In memory of your beloved brother-in-law, Hal Lipshutz The Teitelbaum Family The Levine Family In memory of your husband, Erwin Thelma Blonder Ina and Mike Schneiderman For the birth of Jayden James. Mazel Tov on your grandson! Barbara and David Menn Fern and Mitchell King For the birth of Hayden Edward. Mazel Tov! David and Barbara Menn The Field Family In memory of Sharon Schwartz Barbara and David Menn In memory of Oliver Steiner Charles and Marilyn Arbetter For the yahrzeit of Joseph Arbetter Charles and Marilyn Arbetter For the yahrzeits of Harry Heftman, Victor Lazar, D Rinah Lazar onald and Ronna Heftman Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund For the yahrzeit of Lillian Mangurten Jack Mangurten For the yahrzeits of Harold Horwitz, Baruch Berman, Janice Horwitz Lorraine Horwitz