Synopsis: Pia Arrabo is hiding out in the realm of Caprasecks with his mistress the Magistrate plotting to overthrow the Lumi-Visian Sages. Meanwhile on earth, Moloch’s loyal servant Abaz is seeking to awaken a sleeping Su-Naru giant, a primordial beast that can destroy entire realms. When word of this reaches the Sages, Pia is asked to reassemble his Congregation and go after Abaz. The Cardinal begins having second thoughts about overthrowing his father when he meets beauty pageant contestant Alema and falls in love with her, much to the Magistrate’s demise. Cast: Pia Arrabo – Celestial Cardinal seeking to capture the throne of Invisibase Alema Gindo – Ethiopian model majoring in business and Pia’s love interest Captain Seren – son of Dyno-Might aka The Bomb Sirius Stoutkong – Babodrill Arch Bishop, aka The Primeit Father Dios – Head of the Celestial Authorities Forces, creation of Pia Arrabo Anonymous – Mass Noun Agent, brother of Dios, creation of Pia Arrabo Anonymiss – Wife of Anonymous, created by Anonymous The Magistrate – Jolen’s former Lumi-Visian mistress, mother of Dios and Anonymous Harry Derpsloski – Lord Mot’s human identity and close friend of Pia Dagon – Hæysux overlord, father of Harry/Mot Oliver Norton – CEO of software Company Bright Star Worldwide Frank – Works under Oliver as a internship coordinator for Bright Star Le-Heet Ha'Lek – Su-Naru giant who is the Universal Power of Communication Other Characters: Jolen-Heli – Lumi-Visian Sage of Wisdom Tama-Cider – Lumi-Visian Sage of Knowledge, Jolen’s older brother Muta-Ramah – Lumi-Visian Sage of Understanding, Jolen’s younger sister General Dyno-Might – Leader of the Denzenhut people Agar – Tama-Cider’s oldest son Zelpha – Tama-Cider’s middle son Urias – Tama-Cider’s youngest son Tabita – Muta-Ramah’s daughter Karim Sale-Zaer – Current Arch Bishop of the Holy Father Chruch
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX The Open Cosmos. Still. Vast. Two light projectiles streak toward a bright cluster in the distance. The comet-looking objects come closer to the cluster. The cluster is a realm. The realm is Invisibase. The light projectiles are two Lumi-Visians. Cardinal Pia Arrabo and the Magistrate. They arrive at Invisibase’s capital, the City of Jolen-Heli. They land before the Great Kal-Panyim Temple and go inside. Magistrate looks into the throne room and sees the three seats of the Sages are empty. She joins Cardinal Arrabo just as he exits the Vault of the Sages. He checks the corridors, before he opens the Vault. He puts the glowing orbs into a pouch; they are the Universal Powers of Chaos, Havoc, Peace and Order. MAGISTRATE: You’ve done it. PIA: Yes. MAGISTRATE: You’ll make a great lead Sage, Dindar. PIA: What makes you so sure? MAGISTRATE: Because, I’ll be right by your side upon the throne. PIA: Of course. MAGISTRATE: Now, I have a sentencing hearing I must attend. PIA: Indeed. You’d better get going. Pia moves toward the exit. MAGISTRATE: Dindar Pia stops and turns to her. MAGISTRATE: From this point on there’s no turning back. Once you leave this Temple with those Universal Powers, its treason. Treason against the Sages, the Church and the realm. PIA: I understand. MAGISTRATE: You will create Chaos and Havoc on earth and then purge them with Peace and Order. When your father and his siblings are removed, you will make me a Sage. Pia walks away leaving the Magistrate alone. FADE TO BLACK
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX Opening titles include a retrospective of snippets from the previous installments. The Raunch and the Righteous Lulz-Loaded Prelewd 2 Raunch 2 Righteous Lux Facies Raunch & Righteous Raunch Five The retrospective ends with Pia and his Congregation* walk toward the frame. (*Anonymous, Dios, Magistrate, Pia, Bomb, Primeit, Harry, Anonymiss) TITLE CARD: RIGHTEOUS SEX Invisibase. The CAF spaceship Trireme pulls into dry dock. Father Dios gets off of the ship with members of the Celestial Authorities Forces. Across the way is the Great Kal-Panyim Temple. Jolen-Heli watches from the temple balcony as the CAF approach. Once in Kal-Panyim Hall, Dios meets with the Sages. Jolen takes the documents and shares them with his siblings. JOLEN: Are these accurate? DIOS: We got it straight from our people near Caprasecks. Possible Su-Naru presence on earth. TAMA: The big-headed primordial giants who once ruled the cosmos. MUTA: Many of them are now Universal Powers within our Vault. DIOS: The giant sleeps somewhere in Europe. We’ve gotten word that a rouge Hæysux Legionnaire and loyal follower of Lord Moloch is looking to awaken Toqeph Le-Heet Ha'Lek. JOLEN: The Universal Power of Communication. (gives document to Dios) This is not good. DIOS: We’ve discovered the identity of the Hæysux Legionnaire. Lord Abaz. JOLEN: See what else you can find about this Abaz. DIOS: Yes, My Lord. (Dios leaves) JOLEN: Lord Tama, summon Anonymous. We may need his help. TAMA: You mean “their help”. JOLEN: Whatever. (Tama leaves) Lady Muta, send for the Magistrate. MUTA: She has taken a personal leave. Where you going, my Lord? JOLEN: To see a trouble-maker. Caprasecks. Temple of Dagon - Throne Room Dagon is surrounded by female satyrs. They dance for him. But they suddenly stop. 2
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX DAGON: Did I say cease?! (grabs whip) Move those hooves! (raises whip) JOLEN: Take five. Dagon waves the female satyrs away. Dagon goes over to his throne and sits. DAGON: How did you get in here, light-face? JOLEN: The realm is open like a hooker’s legs. DAGON: Well, you gotta pay to play, Your Lordship. Be gone. JOLEN: There’s a Hæysux Legionnaire seeking to awaken a Su-Naru giant on earth. DAGON: The Su-Naru are extinct. JOLEN: You really should get off of that pagan pipe and pay attention to what’s going on in the universe. Dagon gets up and meets with Jolen. DAGON: Haven’t you insulted me enough? You tricked me into laying that infernal beast! Now my only earthly heir is a half-breed loser! JOLEN: I just assumed you liked screwing red-horned goats. Hæysux Legionnaires enter the throne room. DAGON: You’ve had your fun, Lord Jolen. Be gone from this realm. JOLEN: Lord Abaz seeks to destroy the realm of men. DAGON: Abaz?! JOLEN: He’s somewhere on earth. If he finds this giant and awakens him, you can kiss that halfbreed loser son of yours bye-bye. Or we can just find another celestial goat for you to screw. DAGON: Enough! (pauses) How can Abaz be on earth? I banished him to deep space. JOLEN: He’s free. The giant will destroy Lumi-Visians and Hæysux alike if unchecked. Dagon paces for a moment. DAGON: All right. I’ll have my people look into it. Jolen leaves. Dagon looks to Lord Mot standing with the Hæysux Legionnaires. DAGON: You’re up. Outside the City of Dagon is the countryside with many estates. On one property are Pia Arrabo and his mistress the Magistrate. Pia and Mag are getting busy. Mag falls on top of Pia. MAGISTRATE: You are a god, Dindar. Pia pushes her off and puts on his robe. He goes out to the balcony and looks out at the countryside. MOT: (OS) I could hear you two all the way down by the cistern. PIA: It’s just righteous sex. (turns to Mot) So what brings you all the way out there? MOT: Abaz. PIA: He’s in deep space. Probably a goat-sicle by now. 3
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX MOT: He’s on earth looking for a Su-Naru giant. PIA: So take the Legionnaires down there and bust that ass. MOT: It’s not that simple. Abaz has Moloch’s influence. Legionnaires won’t cut it. PIA: So Dagon sent you here to ask for my help? MOT: Actually, your father asked my father for help. PIA: That’s sounds like him. Mag comes out in a gown. Mot keeps his eyes downward. MAG: You comin’ back to bed? PIA: Bitch, can’t you see I’m busy? Mag scoffs and leaves. MOT: Always the smooth talker. PIA: Better “smooth” than “trash”. Okay. So our fathers are scared of this Abaz prick finding and awaking this giant. And they want us to stop him. MOT: Not just you and I. I’ll wait downstairs. Pia is dressed. Mag is in bed watching him. MAG: Don’t forget the experiment. Pia leaves and meets Mot outside. PIA: I’m not on good terms with my father right now. I’m just going to hear what he has to say and I’m gone. MOT: This is bigger than your squabble with the Sages. The Su-Naru don’t discriminate when it comes to killing other celestial beings. When that giant gets done with the humans, guess who he’s going to come after next? (Mot watches Pia look away) Listen, I know you’re under oath to my father. I’m not trying to interfere with your plans or anything. But right now we have to stop Abaz from finding that creature. I need your help Cardinal. I need your Congregation. Invisibase - Throne of the Sages. Pia stands before Jolen and Dyno-Might at the base of the steps. JOLEN: I’m sending you to the realm of men to help Arch Bishop Karim Sale-Zaer hunt Abaz. PIA: My Lord, I am grateful that you have new confidence in my abilities. JOLEN: You’re not going alone. PIA: I can do this, father. I will bring honor and conviction back to Invisibase. JOLEN: You have allies. I suggest you summon them. PIA: You know how powerful I am. DYNO-MIGHT: (whispers to Jolen) I don’t trust him. PIA: Speak without subterfuge, Exo-Therm. DYNO-MIGHT: I said I don’t trust you, Cardinal. JOLEN: General. 4
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX PIA: Nobody’s forcing you to be here. JOLEN: Dindar. DYNO-MIGHT: Nobody’s forcing you either. I’m here for the sake of the mission. PIA: Then why be clandestine with your words? DYNO-MIGHT: I often think the same about your actions. PIA: (spiteful) Where’s your son, General? Where the Exo-Therm Army captain? Dyno-Might leaves. JOLEN: Was that necessary? PIA: He speaks contemptuous against me. JOLEN: And you seek to alienate our allies even before they join us. PIA: He’s just upset because his son fled from— JOLEN: (thunderous) Refrain from speaking. The room is silent. Jolen goes halfway up the throne steps. JOLEN: My confidence in your abilities is not shaken. (turns) It is your willingness to obey that worries me. Remember your failure with Lord Moloch. There is too much at stake for you to screw up again. We’re not facing the Hæysux. We’re up against a primordial that will vanquish us and our enemies if left unchecked. Now, you will go to earth and seek assistance from Arch Bishop Karim Sale-Zaer. When you have assembled your congregation, you will hunt Abaz and kill him. Do you understand? PIA: (bows) Yes, my Lord. Pia leaves. Jolen looks back at Tama and Muta seated on their thrones. Tama nods. Pia is back in his domain when his cousins enter. TABITA: We should be going with you. ZELPAH: The Sages seek to destroy you. URIAS: Shall our champion be taken from us when we are so close to victory? PIA: We have to play this like the Sages already know what we’re going to do. I need for all of you to stay here, until it is time. Until then, I’ll need to find a suitable vessel for the weapon. Church of Fatherless Time - Fez, Morocco. Pia lands on the front lawn. Inside the Church Sanctuary, Pia walks with a Diocesan Bishop. DIOCESAN BISHOP: It’s an honor to have you here, Your Eminence. PIA: Where is the Arch Bishop? BISHOP: He and the Lord Bishops have spread out over the realm to hunt the Hæysux. Pia enters the Arch Bishop’s chamber, but the Diocesan Bishop doesn’t. DIOCESAN BISHOP: His Grace was heading West when we last heard from… 5
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX PIA: That will be all. DIOCESAN BISHOP: Your Eminence, would you like me to… Pia lifts his hand and the duel steel doors slam shut on the Diocesan Bishop. Pia goes through papers on Karim’s desk. He comes across an article clipped from a French newspaper. PIA: (reads) Software giant Bright Star under investigation for fraud and occult activates. Church Sanctuary. Father Dios enters and sees Anonymous and his wife Anonymiss standing near the first pew. DIOS: How are you, brother? ANONYMOUS: Lurking. ANONYMISS: Greetings, Father. DIOS: Mistress. They turn and see the Primeit approaching. PRIMEIT: Where is he? MAGISTRATE: (OS) Arch Bishop’s Chamber. They turn and see Mag approaching. MAGISTRATE: He’ll be up shortly. Dios, Anon, and Primeit bow. Miss puts her hands on her hips and looks away. DIOS: Mother. ANON: My Lady. Mag dips her head to her sons and looks to Anonymiss. Anonymiss ignores her. PIA: All right. Let’s get down to it. They gather at the Altar of Bastard. PIA: Our boy Karim’s been busy down here. Turns out this Abaz may be disguised as a human working for a software company called Bright Star. DIOS: Hmm. Bright Star. Smells like hooves and horns to me. ANON: They practically own the software market. MISS: And whoever controls the market will control the Library. PRIMEIT: And whoever controls the Library controls the information. PIA: (shows blueprints) When I designed the Universal Library, I made the layout simple for the minds of mortal men to emulate. The humans first used this information network within their military industrial complex. Now, this technology will soon become available to the masses. MOT: (OS) It’s already happening. They look and see Lord Mot approaching in his human guise, Harry Derpsloski. HARRY: The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network was recently decommissioned. That means commercial ISPs out the ass. It’ll open up a new worldwide market and you better believe that Bright Star will be all over it. 6
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX MISS: Who invited the Mullet Demon? DIOS: (to Pia) Please tell me this is a joke. ANON: A very unfunny one. MAG: (raises glowing hand) I’ll handle him. PIA: (grabs Mag’s wrist) He’s here to help. PRIMEIT: But he’s one of them. PIA: Harry here is under orders just like we are. Besides, he’s got his own entire network here. If Abaz is playing human, Harry’s people will find him. HARRY: Already have. Abaz was spotted in the States. Long Island. They all look at each to her. DIOS: Then what are we waiting for? PIA: Stoutkong, you and Mag stay here with Harry in case the Arch Bishop returns. MAG: Wait. We’re going to need fate to sway in our favor. DIOS: She’s right. We should send for General Dyno-Might. PIA: He won’t come. He’s ordered all Exo-Therms not to get involved for face banishment. PRIMEIT: (to Pia) Don’t tell me you’ve pissed him off too. MAG: You’re not making this easy for us, Dindar. PIA: Don’t worry. I know of an Exo-Therm that can help us. Dios, Anon, Mistress, you guys get going. I’ll meet you in Manhattan once I find His Highly Explosiveness. Outside the Church, Dios and Anon fly West while Pia flies south. Atlas Mountains. Pia lands on a glacier near a mountain summit. He finds the side door on the Barga exposed and opens it. Inside the Barga, Pia moves down a dim corridor. He comes to a chamber and finds the Bomb laying on his metal resting table. PIA: Seren. (nudges him) Captain. BOMB: Oh. It’s you. (turns over) Don’t you have a new master to kneel to? PIA: We’ve got bigger problems. A Hæysux seeks to waken a Su-Naru giant. BOMB: I know. PIA: We need your help, Captain. Bomb gets up and faces Pia. BOMB: No. You need to come clean about what you did with the Cipher. PIA: And you need to get up off your ass, stop being a bum and help us out. Bomb gets right in Pia’s face. BOMB: You betrayed the tenets of the treaty with our realms. You’re a traitor. (moves to his work table) What do I care if that giant walks the dog on all of you? 7
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX PIA: Because that giant is going to walk the dog on you too. And all the sweet, unconquered coed poon tang that you have yet to dive into. Wanna risk your third-legged enterprise? Fine. Bomb turns back to Pia with his purple royal cassock. BOMB: Like I said before, always willing to help a fellow celestial. New York City. Manhattan. Times Square. Dios, Anon and Miss chase a man in a business suit through the crowds. They catch up to him near the subway entrance. The man lifts his hand and fires off a ball of flames. People duck and scatter. Dios, Anon and Miss follow the man down into the subway. They go through the turnstile and look around. ANON: (points) There. The man runs toward an outgoing subway train. Dios, Anon and Miss give chase. The man blasts the doors with fire, but he’s tackled by Dios and Anon and knocked down onto the tracks. The man is electrocuted. Dios and Anon jump down and take the man further into the tunnel. Dios and Anon drop the man near the wall. Dios smacks the burn man’s face a few times. DIOS: Hey. Wake up. The man screams with sharp teeth and yellow devious eyes, but his threat display is cut short when he is hit with a right cross by Dios. Anon holds the man against the wall. Dios shows the man his glowing hand. The burnt man turns his head from the pure white light as his Hæysux horns are made manifest on his forehead in the Dios’ aura. Miss shows Dios the man’s ID. DIOS: All right, Frank. We want your boss Abaz. FRANK: You’re too late, filament fools! Lord Abaz has fled your jurisdiction. ANON: Here’s the deal, you pipe-blowing wool wanker. Tell us where he went… (shows glowing fist) …and you get to keep your yarn-producing hide. Frank looks frightened at Anon’s fist and then at Dios. Pia and Bomb meet Dios, Anon and Miss over the ocean. PIA: Give me good news. DIOS: Abaz is in France. PIA: So we just missed him. ANON: The electronics convention is heading to Europe. MISS: Bright Star is among the participants. PIA: Let’s get back to the Church. They all fly east toward Africa. Back at the Church, Pia, Dios, Anon, Miss and Bomb join Primeit, Mag and Harry. PIA: The captain here has been keeping tabs on Abaz. Turns out he has a taste for college girls. 8
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX BOMB: He lures his victims to company-sponsored parties disguised as internship recruitment meetings. Then he drugs them up and sacrifices them. MISS: He can’t get it up without the ruffies. ANON: Well, technically it isn’t rape if they’re dead. DIOS: Wait, he screws them after he fillets them? They look to Harry. HARRY: Hey, I like my prey in stable condition. Mag palms her mask. PIA: Guys! Now Abaz is looking for fresh meat to grill. I say we break up his next barbecue. ANON: Actually, barbecuing is a slow cooking process whereas grilling is more of a… They look at Anon. ANON: (gets the idea) Right. DIOS: If Abaz is working for Bright Star, he’s got to be pretty high on the food chain. HARRY: It’s true. All Hæysux infiltrators obtain positions of authority. But sometimes we can pretend to be on the bottom when we’re really at the top. BOMB: I had my people watching Abaz when he submitted his resume to Bright Star. After he got hired, it’s like he just vanished within the company. PRIMEIT: Sounds like Abaz is playing more than one role over at Bright Star. PIA: Okay. We’re going to Paris to find Abaz at that electronics convention. Then we’re going to beat the info about the giant out of him before he can make it all happen. ANON: Sounds good to me. BOMB: Let’s roll. Paris, France. The city of love is busy. Pia and his congregation set up in a vacation flat. HARRY: Got us a good deal on this place. The landlords worship my father. MAG: For a Hæysux you have good taste in making accommodations. BOMB: You’re all over his sac just because he got us a luxury rental. MAG: You’re just mad because I’m not on yours. BOMB: That’s because you’re currently on the Cardinal’s. But that won’t stop you, will it? DIOS: Hey! That’s my mother, captain. And we’re renting for the space, not comfort. They all join Pia at the table near the balcony door. PIA: All right, listen up. The first half of the electrons convention is tonight. Bright Star has a booth (points on map) here. Dios and Anonymous will be with me here at the food court while Harry and the Bomb stakeout here at the neighboring booth. (shows flyer) There’s a fashion show followed by masquerade party going on next door. Primeit, Magistrate and Anonymiss will be behind the convention center just in case Abaz tries to make a run for it. 9
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX Electronics Convention. Night. It’s packed. Pia, Dios and Anon are seated at the food court. Pia pulls out a walkie-talkie. PIA: Team 1 report in. Across from the Bright Star booth is Harry and Bomb. Harry lifts his walkie-talkie. HARRY: Ready. PIA: Team 2 report in. Outside Mag lifts her walkie-talkie to her mask. MAG: Ready. Back inside… PIA: Let’s do this. The teams wait. And wait. Nothing is happening. DIOS: Your Eminence. Are you really sleeping with…? PIA: Drop it, Father. ANON: Even if he is sleeping with mom, it’s no surprise. DIOS: How can you say that? ANON: Come on, bro. We all know what mom’s like. Even after we were born, she was making her rounds through the Holy Court. Pia lowers his head. DIOS: That’s her business. None of ours. ANON: Then why are you interrogating the Cardinal? DIOS: Because I want to know if we have any other siblings out there. PIA: The answer is no. ANON: No, what? No other siblings or no doggin’ out our moms? PIA: No, period. DIOS: Your Eminence, we can handle the truth. PIA: (exhales) Look, you guys are like my sons. Your mother was willing to help make you both. Now she thinks we’re married or something. DIOS: She can be overbearing, but for good reasons. ANON: Overbearing? She’s a controlling, nagging old wench. She’d probably screw us too. PIA: I wouldn’t put it past her either. To tell you the truth, she isn’t even good in bed. DIOS: So the truth finally comes out. ANON: Better that than the other theory. PIA: What other theory? Dios looks away. ANON: Dios thought that you and Primeit were having some “baboon on bishop” action. Pia looks at Dios. DIOS: No offense. I just didn’t want to picture you banging my mom. 10
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX PIA: Neither did I. But, hey—shit happens. MAG: (static over radio) I can hear everything you dumbasses are saying. Pia quickly goes for this radio and knocks it on the floor. Outside, Mag lowers her walkie-talkie from her mask. MAG: (asks Anonymiss) See what I have to deal with? MISS: You are scandalous. PRIMEIT: What exactly is “baboon on bishop” action? Back inside, a man in a suit approaches the Bright Star booth and talks with the reps. Harry picks up his walkie-talkie. HARRY: Heads up, you guys. ANON: Recognize that fellow? DIOS: Yeah. That’s Frank. The satyr we shook down in New York. PIA: I’ll go around back. You guys move in and flush him toward me. Frank has red patches on his face; his burns are healing. He sees Dios and Anon coming. He makes a run for it. HARRY: (into radio) He’s ferreting! Frank enters a corridor and goes for the exit. Pia comes out off a side door only to be rammed by Frank and knocked to the floor. Dios and Anon enter to find Pia on the floor. DIOS: You gotta be kidding! ANON: Get your punk-ass up! Pia follows Dios and Anon outside. Frank runs down an alley. Nearby, the Magistrate talks with Miss while the Primeit smells his armpits. MAG: …and I thought he gave me cosmic herpes, so I said, “That’s the last time I sleep with an Elder of the Court…” PIA: (yells) Hey! You wanna help us out here?! Mag, Miss and Primeit join in the chase. The Miss Junior Gottabody Pageant ’89 is under way. Frank enters a ballroom. He slows his pace and blends into with the crowd. Dios, Anon and Miss enter and look around. They see dozens of people, but no sign of Frank. Dios points Anon and Miss in one direction and he goes in another. Pia makes his way inside. He sees Dios and Anon on opposite sides of the room. Pia hears music coming from his right. Pia enters a larger room where a fashion show is taking place. He makes his way to the end of the catwalk wear the photographers have gathered. Models in swimsuits make their way down 11
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX the runway, each wearing a sash representing their country. Pia’s attention swings between the girls on stage and the crowd. He loses track of Dios and Anon. He turns back to the stage and has to do a double take. Standing before the photographers is the lovely, curvy Miss Junior Ethiopia. Pia tilts his head side to side as this graceful and elegant young woman smiles for the cameras. MC: From the Tigray Region of the African Horn, Miss Junior Ethiopia. Pia stares at her as she turns and walks away. Dios catches Pia staring and nudges him. DIOS: We lost him. (looks to catwalk) Oh, I see what you’re looking at. PIA: She’s perfect. DIOS: We have to regroup. PIA: Yeah. Dios and Pia leave. Pia and his team are behind the convention center. BOMB: That went well. MISS: Well? It was a friggin’ vacation! ANON: Are you guys being sarcastic right now? Because I have some really cool comments to add to the… MAG: Enough, son. PRIMEIT: This plan was a waste of time, Your Eminence. HARRY: It wasn’t an entire waste. We know that Abaz is in the company. PIA: Yeah, but chasing his underlings around isn’t getting us anywhere. DIOS: He’s right. If Abaz knows we’re after him, he’ll just put out more servants to chase. BOMB: (leaves) I need a drink. ANON: Me too. MISS: We three. DIOS: Hey, wait up. Primeit and Mag leave with them. HARRY: (notes Pia sulking) Don’t be so hard on yourself. Harry watches Pia walk away with his hands in his pockets. Pia walks along while people in tuxedoes and evening gowns pass him. Pia slows down and notices the party-goers. They are all wearing masquerade masks. Pageant contestants pass him by. One of them slows to Pia’s pace. MISS JUNIOR TRINIDAD: Hey, the masquerade ball is this way. Pia follows the pageant contestants 12
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX Masquerade Ball. The place is bustling. Pia fits right in. Pia walks along checking out the pageant contestants in the evening gowns. A group of them notice Pia and giggle. Pia approaches them. PIA: Excuse me. I’m looking for Miss Junior Ethiopia. The pageant contestants look at each other and laugh. Pia is confused. MISS JUNIOR HAITI: You have got to work on your game, honey. MISS JUNIOR CUBA: That opening line of yours is wiggity wack. PIA: What is this ‘wiggity wack’? The contestants burst into laughter again. MISS JUNIOR TRINIDAD: She’s over there. Pia sees Miss Junior Ethiopia talking with Frank! MISS JUNIOR TRINIDAD: Her name is Alema. MISS JUNIOR HAITI: She’s a business major. MISS JUNIOR CUBA: And she loves religious guys. PIA: Thank you. Pia leaves. The pageant contestants all frown. MISS JUNIOR TRINIDAD: I hope he rapes her. MISS JUNIOR HAITI: I hope he gives her AIDS. MISS JUNIOR CUBA: I hope he’s a serial killer. Pia takes his time approaching Alema. After Frank makes a hasty retreat, Pia moves in. Alema moves toward an ice sculpture with her glass in hand. Pia remains a few yards away from her; music plays – “I Just Wanna Be Close To You” by Maxi Priest. Alema looks at the sculpture knowing that it’s a building of some type, but can’t make out the country of origin or the era. She tilts her head and thins her eyes trying to figure it out. PIA: (OS) Sophia. Alema turns and sees Pia approaching in his royal cardinal cassock. ALEMA: Excuse me? PIA: It’s Sophia. ALEMA: You have the wrong person. PIA: The building. Alema looks at the ice sculpture. PIA: Hagia Sophia means “Holy Wisdom”. (points) Those are the spires and that’s the dome of the mosque. It used to be a church, but now it’s a museum. ALEMA: (aside) He reads the encyclopedias. Alema scoffs and moves along. Pia follows her. ALEMA: If you keep this up, I’m going to have you arrested for stalking. Frank watches Alema with Pia. 13
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX PIA: Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention from an individual who means to harass and intimidate a victim by following and monitoring them. ALEMA: (turns to Pia) Like you’re doing right now. PIA: We’re in a public place, my dear. ALEMA: You are seriously buggin’. PIA: What is this “buggin”? ALEMA: Step off. PIA: Step off of what? Alema leaves. Outside, Alema looks down at a fountain. Someone comes up behind her. ALEMA: Look, playa. This isn’t— Oh. It’s you, Frank. FRANK: Was someone bothering you? ALEMA: Yeah. Some freak wearing a mask. FRANK: Everybody in there’s wearing a mask. When Alema turns back to the railing, Frank takes something out of his pocket. FRANK: So, uh…how do you like the internship so far? ALEMA: Fine, I guess. Frank comes up beside Alema and drops a pill into her glass. Alema peaks down just in time to see the pill effervesce and vanish. She turns to Frank with her glass. ALEMA: What exactly do you do at Bright Star, Frank? FRANK: I’m the internship program coordinator. ALEMA: Does that include raping women at company parties? FRANK: Rape? Why would rape someone? ALEMA: (throws drink on Frank) So you just dropped a roofie in my drink for nothing?! Frank’s irises are yellow with black slits. His teeth and nails are sharp; horns protrude from his forehead. FRANK: You’d make a perfect sacrifice for Lord Abaz. Frank lunges for Alema, but he’s knocked away by Pia. Frank snarls and wrestles with Pia. Alema watches the Cardinal take down the growling businessman. Pia puts Frank in a submission hold before he body slams Frank on the ground. Pia holds on to Frank. PIA: Tell me where your boss is and I’ll let you live. FRANK: Piss off, light face! Pia breaks Frank’s neck. Alema gasps as Frank’s limp body falls. Pia takes Alema into his arms and shoots up into the sky with only her distance scream heard.
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX Louvre Museum. Pia lands and lets Alema down. Alema puts her hands to her chest and moves away from him. Then she notices his cassock sleeve ripped and blood on his exposed arm. ALEMA: God, you’re bleeding. She takes his sash and makes a compress. PIA: Thank you, Alema. ALEMA: How do you know my name? PIA: Would you believe me if I said I can read your mind? ALEMA: I’d believe you if you told me the other contestants outed me. PIA: They seemed very nice. ALEMA: So did Frank. Until he turned into—(nods) What is going on? PIA: My name is Dindar. I’m here looking for someone named Abaz. He is an employee at Bright Star. Your pal Frank back there was a servant of Abaz. Frank brings in the college girls for Abaz to slaughter. And from the looks of things, you were next. ALEMA: The occult. I knew it. PIA: Knew what? ALEMA: I’m part of the internship program at Bright Star. Some of the girls who started there with me just disappeared. Frank said the boss sent them overseas, but I never believed it. PIA: Who’s the boss? ALEMA: Oliver P. Norton. He funds all of Bright Stars college outreach programs. PIA: Can you get me into Bright Star’s offices? ALEMA: First thing tomorrow. Then I’m reporting that pig Frank. PIA: No. Don’t go there. Nobody knows I killed Frank. The Hæysux will just write him off as a necessary loss. ALEMA: The He-what? PIA: Is there some place we can go? Alema’s Apartment. Night. Alema drops her jacket sits her purse down and kicks off her heels. ALEMA: Let me get you some disinfectant. Pia sits on the sofa. Alema sits beside him with a first aid kit. She checks his cassock and sees more claw marks on his shirt. ALEMA: Take this off. Pia removes his cloak and shirt. Alema begins to clean his wounds. ALEMA: So, you gonna take off your mask or what? PIA: The mask is for your protection. ALEMA: From what? 15
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX PIA: From me. ALEMA: Seriously. Take it off. PIA: (gets up) I should go. Alema pulls him back down. She turns his metal-plated face toward her. ALEMA: Take it off. PIA: Why? ALEMA: Because I want to see your face. PIA: This is my face. ALELMA: I want to see the man who was bold enough to kick game to me when no one else did. PIA: You must never tell anyone what I’m about to show you. Pia exhales and puts his hands to his face plate. He lifts his mask from his head and turns to her. Alema gasps with her mouth ajar. Whatever she sees is reflected in her widened eyes; her pupils dilate and shimmer. She enters a traces-like state. Pia quickly puts his mask back on. Alema shuts her eyes and nods her head. ALEMA: Oh my God. You’re not human, are you? PIA: Frank and his boss Abaz are enemies of my people. ALEMA: You’re like—what? An alien? Pia gets up and put son his cloak and shirt. PIA: I have to regroup with my congregation. ALEMA: What church do you go to? PIA: I’ll send my court officers to watch over you. Alema walks Pia to the door. PIA: I apologize for all that has happened to you this evening, Alema. ALEMA: You don’t have to apologize. I was rude to you and you saved my life. Alema writes on a notepad. She tears off the bottom portion and gives it to him. PIA: Is this a numeric code of some sort? ALEMA: It’s my phone number, silly. You do know how to use a telephone don’t you? PIA: Of course. It is a device that allows two or more users to communicate over long distances when voices and sounds are converted into electronic signals— Alema grabs Pia by the mask and kisses him. She takes her lips away and lets her hands slowly run down the front of his cassock until they stop at his groin. ALEMA: That’s quite a crosier you have there, Cardinal. Pia turns and opens the door. PIA: Good night, my lady. Alema stands there staring at the door. She smiles, spins around and heads for the back. Standing on the ledge outside of Alema’s apparent window is Magistrate. Her eye guards glow as she floats backward off of the ledge and shoots upward, shaking the window. 16
Back at the vacation flat. Pia walks in. Harry approaches. HARRY: What’s the dilly, home skillet? A bright streak of light knocks Pia backward. Pia starts to get up, but is hit by another blast of bright light. Pia flies into the wall, making a hole. HARRY: No, no, no! Magistrate blasts Pia again, knocking him down. HARRY: Not in here! Take it outside! Magistrate flies in, grabs up Pia and throws him through the glass patio door. On the patio are Dios, Anon and Miss. They watch Magistrate attacking Pia. ANON: Oh yeah, baby! MISS: Here go! Pia blocks Mag’s attacks before he sees an opening and stuns her with a light burst that sends her flying into the stone railing, cracking it. Pia helps her up, but she pulls away. PIA: What is it with you?! MAG: You are unbelievable! PIA: What did I do? Mag fires on Pia again, but he blocks the light burst just in time. MAG: We haven’t even been down here a week and you’re already looking! PIA: Looking at what?! DIOS: Those humans on display at that glamour gawk-fest. ANON: I had my eye guards on Miss Junior Trinidad. I bet she likes rodeo with a side of Tobago. MISS: Knock it off you two. MAG: She gave you her telephone number! I know what that means! Bomb gets between Pia and Mag. BOMB: We didn’t come here for this. If you want your own reality show, go to New York. ANON: Reality shows suck. DIOS: Really? Wait until the mainstream networks start doing it. MAG: (moves around Bomb) Both of you shut up! MISS: Let’s not piss off your mom anymore tonight guys. PIA: My loyalty is to you. MAG: Your father told me the same thing five-hundred years ago. He came here on a mission too, but ended up putting my heart on a roulette-style wheel to throw daggers at it. He denied what he was up to, until I confronted him. He was standing before me just as you are, looking like a blank puzzle and every blank represented a letter of a three word phrase that he could never bring himself to say to me. So you know what I did? 17
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX ANON: You asked to buy a vowel? Mag aims at Anonymous, but only blasts the railing he once stood in front of. She walks away. Anonymous peaks out from behind Anonymiss. ANON: Can I solve the puzzle? Harry and the others join Pia. HARRY: Care to explain? PIA: Frank’s dead. HARRY: How? PIA: He attacked one of the contestants after she discovered he dropped a roffie in her drink. HARRY: Great. Frank was our only lead. PIA: We have a new one. They all look at Pia. Daytime. Pia and Alema get out of a taxi. Alema pays the fare. PIA: (VO) She works for Bright Star. Pia follows Alema into Bright Star LLD. PIA: (VO) She’s junior financial advisor. Alema gestures for Pia to wait near a cubicle. PIA: (VO) She’s our key to finding Abaz within the company. HARRY: (VO) You’re endangering her. BOMB: (VO) That’s blood on our hands that we don’t need. PIA: (VO) The plan will work. Trust me. A group of businessmen exit a boardroom. ALEMA: (taps Pia) That’s him, Cardinal. Third one in on the right. Oliver is a clean cut men’s magazine model type…with horns on his forehead! PIA: Abaz. ALEMA: Why does he have horns on his head? Pia grabs Alema and they head for the nearest exit. Outside, Alema and Pia watch Oliver chat with other businessmen. ALEMA: Please tell me those horns are part of some cruel prank. PIA: You’ve been exposed to them. (Alema looks to Pia) And because you’ve seen my true face, you—in turn—will see some of the things that I see. Alema looks and sees Oliver getting into a limousine. Pia and Alema are at a café on the river, seated away from everybody else. ALEMA: He’s one of them. PIA: Your boss Oliver is Lord Abaz, the Hæysux Legionary we’ve been looking for. 18
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX ALEMA: I don’t think I should go back there. PIA: No. Don’t leave. Abaz will get suspicious. ALEMA: If he’s a demon, I don’t want to be around him. PIA: Alema, your eyes are open now. You’re going to see more of the Hæysux as time goes by. Alema take a sip of her drink. Pia sees she’s tense and says… PIA: So, tell me about your family. You say your parents run a business? ALEMA: Gindo Gardens, it’s a floral arrangement company. My brother Ahmad already has his shares in the company. Daddy won’t give me mine until I finish college. PIA: And you feel like your father is keeping you from your inheritance? ALEMA: It’s not fair. PIA: I know what you mean. I was next in line for the throne. ALEMA: Throne? Pia reaches across the table and grabs up Alema’s hands. She looks down and sees his gloved hands glowing white. PIA: Alema, my true name is Jolen Dindar Sahte Sofu. But you may call me Pia Arrabo. ALEMA: I’ll keep it simple and call you Pia. Pia walks in the city with Alema. ALEMA: So your father won’t give the throne of Invisibase, huh? PIA: He’s lost faith in me. I’m here to prove to him and the Sages that I have what it takes. ALEMA: And you believe when you stop Abaz, you will become the new Sage? PIA: I deserve it. I’ve worked too hard. ALEMA: I hope you and your father can find a middle ground. Pia looks and sees Dios, Anon and Miss outside of the vacation flat waiting. PIA: Alema, there are some people I’d like you to meet. Back in the vacation flat, Alema stares dumbfounded at Pia’s team. PIA: This is Father Dios, Anonymous, Anonymiss, Primeit, Bomb, Harry and Magistrate. ALEMA: (holds out hand to Mag) Pleasure to meet you. Mag walks away without a word. ANON: Uh-oh. Somebody’s mad. Miss elbows Anon. ALEMA: (points at Harry) Pia, isn’t he…? PIA: He’s cool. He’s on our side. HARRY: (to Alema) We’ve gotten this far. Maybe you can help us get further. ALEMA: (looks to Pia) I’ll do whatever I can. BOMB: We need to find out if Abaz has any wayward operations on or off the books. 19
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX ALEMA: I’m a junior financial advisor. I know things no other student worker knows. BOMB: Well lay it on us, sexy. ALEMA: (grins) I was doing a routine audit on some of the lesser company accounts. The bank called and said that there was a suspicious transfer from one of the accounts into a smaller private fund called French Alps, Inc. After I did some digging, I found out that Oliver—or, Abaz—had created this dummy account to throw the other accountants off. HARRY: So when the money looks like it’s going to the fund, it’s actually going to Abaz. DIOS: Abaz is embezzling money from the company. BOMB: Clients write checks to French Alps and never suspect where the money’s really going. PRIMEIT: So what are we going to do? Get Abaz charged with wire fraud? PIA: Why not? Abaz only made it this far by staying below the radar. DIOS: Are you suggesting we report him to the National Police? ALEMA: I already did. DST is investigating him as we speak. BOMB: DST? What’s that? DIOS: The Directorate of Territorial Surveillance. They’re like the French FBI. ALEMA: DST told me not to say anything and to keep working like everything is normal. Pia goes to his work table and comes back with a newspaper clipping he found on Karim’s desk. PIA: (asks Alema) So this is your handiwork? ANON: Dang. Body and brains. DIOS: That is equity I’d trade publicly and privately. MISS: Will you two stop? HARRY: I’ll talk to my people and see if they can’t put the squeeze on Abaz. PIA: Good idea. Dios, Anon and Miss will look into French Alps, Inc. The rest of you stay here. BOMB: Where are you going? PIA: Taking Alema home, then I’m going to secure the perimeter. Pia leaves with Alema. BOMB: Secure the perimeter, my blasting cap. DIOS: He’s going back to her place to open up his own ‘mutual fund’. ANON: He’ll be making a good percentage on her ‘rate of return’. MISS: He’d better make sure he ‘pulls out’ his capital, before his funds get liquidated. Dios, Anon and Miss leave. HARRY: I think the Cardinal’s private fund with Alema will have ‘limited partnership’. BOMB: Yeah. He’s got other investments he has to look into. One evening Pia and Alema have dinner on a restaurant rooftop overlooking the Eiffel Tower. After dinner they walk along the river under boardwalk lights. ALEMA: When this is all over, I’m thinking maybe you can show me your home world. 20
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX PIA: Invisibase? You wouldn’t like it there. ALEMA: The way you describe it, it sounds like heaven. They stop under one of the lights. PIA: Heaven is right here with you. Alema’s eyes get all sparkly and glassy. ALEMA: Are you a god? PIA: I’m a half-glow. Part celestial, part human. ALEMA: So you’re a demigod? PIA: Alema… (deep, profound) I am the Masked your Bastard. ALEMA: (confused) What? Back at Alema’s apartment, Pia and Alema are in her bedroom. She carefully removes Pia’s metal mask and puts it on the night table. She lays down and Pia gets on top. As Pia begins to mount her, she stops him with her hands at his chest. ALEMA: It’s my first time. Pia only bobs his head, which is shrouded in darkness, and gets busy with her. The next morning, Alema wakes up to find Pia fully clothed in his cassock. ALEMA: Where are you going? PIA: I have to check on my congregation. Pia goes over to the bed and sits next to Alema. ALEMA: You were incredible last night. PIA: So were you. ALEAM: You say you’re not a god, but you sure perform like on. They share a brief kiss. PIA: I’ll be back soon. Pia leaves. Alema smiles and lays back down. The vacation flat. Pia enters and sees Magistrate standing with her arms folded. MAG: We have to talk. Pai follows her out on to the patio. MAG: This thing with that girl ends right now. PIA: What are you talking about? MAG: You think I’m stupid, Dindar? You spent the night with her. PIA: I have to keep her safe. MAG: How? By wining and dining her before you pop her little cherry?! 21
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX PIA: Hey, I watched her while she ate. She never consumed any cherries! MAG: Enough! (points) You are never to see her again. If you go back to her, I’m going to tell your father everything. The deal you made with Dagon, the Universal Powers you stole from the Vault, your plan to dethrone the Sages. Everything! Mag moves toward the patio doors. PIA: Make sure you tell the Sages about Father Dios and Anonymous. Mag pauses. MAG: What did you say? Pia comes up behind her. PIA: You helped me create them. You’re just as guilty as I am. MAG: Leave them out of this. PIA: When the Sages find out you assisted me, they’ll banish you to Gavisel and order Dios and Anonymous reduced to the Universal Powers we bred them from. MAG: Your Eminence, please… PIA: You think I’m afraid of excommunication from the Church? I’m counting on it. But you? You can’t imagine being away from the Holy Courts. The shame will be too much to bear. MAG: Please. Dios and Anonymous are my babies. PIA: They’re a means to an end, my dear. And so is Alema. So get yourself together. I told you my loyalty is to you and you alone. When you were off screwing every church officer and Elder, I didn’t turn over on you. I let you do what you needed to do to gain control of the Court. Now let me do what I need to do to keep control of this woman who will carry the ultimate weapon. Pia leaves Mag on the patio alone. Bright Star, Inc. Oliver is at his desk. Across from him are two DST agents. AGENT 1: And you say one of your employees is missing? OLIVER: Yes. My internship program coordinator. AGENT 2: And you think these “masked terrorists” killed him? OLIVER: They look like ordinary black people, but they have metal masks on their faces. AGENT 1: You don’t owe these people any money, do you? OLIVER: Why would you say that? AGENT 2: (shows folder) Here’s a list of charges being brought against you. Oliver looks at the list, dumbfounded. The DST agents gets up. AGENT 1: When you’re ready to cut a deal, come see us. The DST agents walk to the elevator. When the doors open, they see the Magistrate. They look at each other and then go for their guns. But she quickly removes her mask and visage-flashes 22
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX them. She leaves the DST agents in a brief stupor before they come to and enter the elevator like nothing ever happened. Mag enters Oliver’s office and sees him looking out the window at the Paris cityscape. OLIVER: Beautiful, isn’t it? Mag pauses before his desk. OLIVER: They call this place the city of love. (turns to her) But we both know it’s really La VilleLumière. (sits down) What brings you here, light-face? MAG: I have information you might be interested in. OLIVER: Really? MAG: I know who killed your underling Frank and I know who reported you to the DST. Oliver gestures for her to sit down. OLIVER: Humor me. Dios, Anonymous and Anonymiss enter the back of Bright Star, Inc. They head up a stairwell, but put their back to the wall as three security guards come out of the ext door. They slip into the hallway and into the securities division. They sneak into an office and shut the door. Anonymous sits behind the desk while Dios and Miss stand by the door. DIOS: Whatever you’re going to do, brother, do it fast. ANON: The rent-a-cops are on their break. I’ve got an hour. Back in Oliver’s office. Mag prepares to leave. OLIVER: Remember our deal. Mag heads down the hallway. In the office. Anonymous works the keyboard. ANON: Got it. Dios and Miss join him. ANON: We’re in the company database. This is the trading screen. DIOS: They look like margin accounts. MISS: They are. Look at the uniform levels on the end columns. ANON: Okay. Here’s the account that Alema mentioned. DIOS: The margin level is very high on that one. ANON: Right. But the funds are being moved from here… (types) …to here. DIOS: Can you find out what exactly French Alps is funding? Anonymous types quickly. 23
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX ANON: Looks like a mining operation somewhere in the mountains bordering Italy. DIOS: Are there any coordinates? ANON: (typing) Let me see…if I can…find a geo map… (hits ENTER) here we go. The mining site is located in a valley just south of “White Lady”. MISS: What’s White Lady? ANON: I don’t know. But I’m guessing Abaz is digging for the giant there. DIOS: This is the info we need. Can you save it? ANON: I’m on the case, ace. Anonymous finds some floppy discs in a case. Faint chatter is heard. Dios heads back over to the door and cracks it. Security guards enter the area. DIOS: Better work fast. ANON: Already done. The security guards walk by. Dios, Anon and Miss slip out. They wait for more employees to walk by before they leave the security area and slip into the nearest stairwell. Down in the lobby, Dios, Anon and Miss come out of the stairwell just as Magistrate exits the elevator. They come face to face with each other. DIOS: Mother? MAG: Boys? MISS: What is she doing here? Anonymous grabs Miss and pulls her down as a huge fireball streaks past Dios and Mag. Oliver growls and unleashes another sphere of flames before Dios and Anon fire off light bursts. DIOS: Get the females out of here! ANON: Don’t give me that lone wolf routine! MISS: We’re in this together! MAG: Would you shut the hell up and move?! Dios, Anon, Miss and Mag make a run for the back of the lobby. Oliver and his security staff follow. Parking garage. Dios, Anon, Miss and Mag come out of the stairwell. DIOS: We need wheels. ANON: Why don’t we just fly? Miss: In broad daylight, my dear? I don’t think so. They hear glass break. Mag gets into a pick-up truck and starts it. She pulls out leaving Dios, Anon and Miss behind. They stand there and watch the truck skid as it hangs a hard left. ANON: Did she just ditch us? 24
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX MISS: Un-friggin’-believable. Behind them are Oliver and his security team, all with Hæysux horns on their heads. OLIVER: You two have something that belongs to me. (holds out hand) The disc, please. Before Dios can reply, a roaring engine is heard from his right. A pick-up truck speeds in and knocks Oliver and his security down like bowling pins. Mag backs the truck up to them. MAG: You coming or not? Dios, Anon and Miss look at each other before they jump on to the truck bed and take off. Outside of Alema’s apartment. Pia has Alema blindfolded and leads her by the hand down the sidewalk. ALEMA: How much further? PIA: You’re getting close. Pia holds her in place. PIA: Okay. Alema removes the blindfold. She sees a white 1990 BMW. PIA: Happy Birthday. Alema hugs Pia and kisses him. She takes the keys from him and gets in. Pia gets in and buckles up. PIA: Know any nice parks around here? ALEMA: There’s one that’s a 20-minute jaunt from the Eiffel Tower. At the park Pia and Alema are on a blanket before a sparkling pond with swans and other water fowl. They share a kiss. They make love under a tree in a shaded area surrounded by brushes. Pia lies beside Alema while she pants and fans her front. ALEMA: How can you keep going? PIA: We’ve only been doing this for three hours. ALEMA: Three hours?! (sits up) I mouth is dry. Pia reaches into a bag and gives her bottled water. She sips and pauses. ALEMA: (points) Pia, look. Across the pond is a couple, each with binoculars. ALEMA: They’ve been watching us. PIA: Let them watch. Alema smiles and Pia mounts her again. Pia and Alema stand on a bridge over a lake. PIA: How would you like to be immortal? ALEMA: Immortal? 25
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX PIA: Forever young, like me. ALEMA: I’d love that, Cardinal. PIA: I can give it to you. But, I need your help. ALEMA: I’ll do anything you ask. PIA: Anything? ALEMA: (kisses his mask) Anything. PIA: In my lab, there’s a machine called the Anisogimator… Alema listens as Pia continues to talk. Pia and Alema enter the vacation flat to find the team around the table. Mag walks right up to Pia and Alema. Bomb taps Harry and points to Mag approaching the couple. HARRY: Uh-oh. BOMB: It’s about to be on like popcorn. They all watch Mag carefully, thinking she’s going to attack them. MAG: Where have you two been? PIA: We were…(looks to Alema) at the uh… ALEMA: The museum. MAG: The museum? PIA: Yes! The…uh… (snaps figures) The um… ALEMA: The Louvre! PIA: Yeah! We were looking at the sculptures and that famous painting…the uh… ALEMA: Mona Lisa. MAG: Mona Lisa? PIA: Yeah. Mona. (bobs head) I can never tell if she’s smiling or if she’s— MAG: (abruptly asks Alema) He’s great in bed, isn’t he? The suite goes quiet. Alema thins her eyes and looks obliquely at Mag. ALEMA: Excuse me? MAG: I said a Lumi-Visian man is great in bed, isn’t he? Alema looks to Pia, who now has his head down. But Alema holds her head high. ALEMA: Yes. (bobs head) He’s incredible in bed. Mag snickers and strokes Alema’s right cheek. Alema pulls away. MAG: You’re lucky girl. HARRY: (OS) Pia, we’ve got more info on Abaz. Pia and Alema join Mag and the others at the table. HARRY: Dios, Anon and Miss came through. PIA: Good work. Now, we’ve seen and met Abaz. What do we know about him? DIOS: He’s no ordinary legionnaire. He hurls fireballs 2 feet diameter. 26
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX ANON: He’s got his claws in the software market. MISS: And his hooves up the local cops’ asses. MAG: But he’s worried about the DST getting too close. BOMB: He has to appear human to keep his operation going. PRIMEIT: But he can’t resist his Hæysux urges. He needs to sacrifice every month. HARRY: And we know he’s getting close to finding this giant. PIA: We have the location? ANON: Yup. The White Lady. PIA: He’s looking for a Caucasian female? ALEMA: No, silly. “La Dame Blanche”. The White Lady is a mountain. Monte Blanco. PIA: So that’s where the giant is. (bobs head) I’m going to report what I know to the Sages. DIOS: Then what? PIA: Then I’m going confront Abaz and kill the giant. They all jeer. MAG: Are you out of your aura? That’s a Su-Naru giant, a primordial. PIA: In their physical form they can be defeated. MAG: Not by a half-glow like you! I was there at the end of the Great War. I saw those giants can do. This is way beyond your mask, Dindar. Facing down that giant will be suicide. PIA: Why do you care about what happens to me? Mag quickly leaves the table. HARRY: All righty then. ANON: (to Pia) You know what? You, your new lady and my mother need to get a room and do the Three’s Company thing before we go any further. DIOS: You need to zip it. HARRY: Abaz is only a few weeks away from indictment PRIMEIT: And finding the giant. BOMB: I say we watch him until then. PIA: Good idea. Pia leaves with Alema. Dios and Anon stand with Harry. DIOS: You think he’ll stick around and help us finish what we started? HARRY: Of course he will. He’s cocky, bold, arrogant, and obviously in love. Alema’s bedroom. Night. Alema stands before Pia nude, her arms shielding her breast. Pia approaches with his mask off, his back to the frame. Alema closes her eyes before the light if his face shined down on her. They’re in bed together. Alema is in a trans-like state. 27
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX Morning. Alema is hugged up on Pia, who has his mask back on. The phone rings. Pia sits up. Alema grabs the receiver. ALEMA: Hello? (sits up, peaks at Pia) Hey. Pia looks to Alema while she talks. ALEMA: No, no. I’m fine. I’m just…relaxing at my place. Gindo Gardens Estate. Tigray Province, Ethiopia. Ahmad Gindo is behind his desk. AHMAD: I haven’t heard from you in weeks. ALEMA: (on phone) You know how it is. College first. Everything else is secondary. AHMAD: (looks at French newspaper) Did you know your boss in the news? Alema’s apartment. ALEMA: I saw it. AHMAD: (on phone) It may affect your internship. Do you need anything? ALEMA: No. I’m fine. Gindo Gardens. AHMAD: Sister, it’s so unlike you to not call or write. ALEMA: (on phone) I know. It’s just that I’ve been… Alema’s apartment. ALEMA: (looks to Pia) Busy. AHMAD: (on phone) Busy doing what? Fallin’ for some pasty French Catholic hunk? ALEMA: You know I don’t date white men, so don’t even go there. AHMAD: (on phone) The last time you did this you were sneaking over to the Tulu Estate to see that guy was studying to be a minister. Pia tilts his head. Alema shrugs. Gindo Gardens. AHMAD: Let’s keep it real, sis. You love religious men. ALEMA: You’re starting to sound just like daddy. AHMAD: Somebody has to look out for you. Alema’s Apartment ALEMA: Listen, I have to go. 28
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX AHMAD: Make sure you check in next time. All right? ALEMA: All right. Alema hangs up. PIA: Who was that? ALEMA: My brother. PIA: He sounds overbearing. ALEMA: He’s just protective of his little sister. PIA: (pulls her close) That’s my job now. There’s a knock at the door. Alema starts to get up, but Pia stops her. PIA: It’s for me. ALEMA: For you? Pia opens the front door. PIA: Ah. Right on time. Pia enters Alema’s bedroom with his four cousins, all wearing cardinal cassocks. PIA: Alema, these are my cousins. Agar, Zelpha, Urias and Tabita. Alema only flashes her palm to them. They are completely unresponsive. Pia sits next to Alema. ALEMA: (whispers) Why are they here? PIA: Remember what I told you about the Hæysux? ALEMA: Yes. PIA: Well they can control humans as well as celestials. They are now controlling the Sages of Invisibase. We need to create a being powerful enough to defeat the evil Sages. Pia’s cousins come over to the bed. PIA: I need an heir, Alema. ALEMA: A child? PIA: Yes. ALEMA: I don’t know if I want to do that, Pia. PIA: Wrong answer. (to his cousins) Hold her. Pia’s four cousins brace Alema’s arms and legs. ALEMA: Pia?! What are you doing?! Pia removes his mask. PIA: You’re going to learn to do exactly what you’re told and you’re going to learn proper respect for your lord and master. So for the next twelve hours, I’m going screw your brains out. ALEMA: (grins) I like you, Cardinal. You’re so kinky. Pia gets on top of Alema and goes to town. 29
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX Hours later, Alema is fast asleep on her stomach, covered partly by bed sheets. Pia snaps pictures of nude Alema with a disposable camera while she snorts away. They head to the front door. PIA: These are just in case she decides to turn on us. TABITA: (takes camera) I’ll get these developed. ZELPAH: You’re taking an awful risk with this human. URIAS: I say you break her neck and be done with her. PIA: I need her womb, you foolish cleric. TABITA: Why not use the Magistrate? PIA: Because she’s very difficult to control. I see why my father never married her. URIAS: She could tell our entire plan to the Sages. PIA: Not if she wants to risk being banished for helping me make her sons. ZELPAH: I like how you think. TABITA: Everything is in place. We’re awaiting your command. After Pia’s cousins leave, he returns to the bedroom. Alema sits up. ALEMA: Oh, my head. PIA: Want some breakfast? Alema plops back down. ALEMA: I’ll decide when the room stops spinning. Pia pulls Alema toward him and holds her close. She signs and smiles. ALEMA: You are amazing. (passionate groan) I don’t want to go back to that stupid university or do that stupid internship at the stupid software company, adjusting those stupid margin accounts. I don’t even want to inherit those stupid shares in my family’s company. I just want to stay here with you. Forever. PIA: What about your boss? ALEMA: DST told me they’re about to take Oliver down. PIA: There’s still the issue of that primordial giant. ALEMA: Wasn’t your mission to stop Abaz? PIA: Yes. ALEMA: Your mission is complete. So go home and tell your father to release you. PIA: It’s not that simple, Alema. A pact with a Lumi-Visian Sages is not easily broken. ALEMA: Do you love me? PIA: Of course I love you. ALEMA: Then you must be willing to do what’s necessary to be happy. PIA: You’re right. For once, I’m going to do what makes me happy. ALEMA: Good. Now make me happy by making me breakfast. 30
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX Back at the vacation flat. Pia enters holding hands with Alema. Harry approaches with a French newspaper. HARRY: You guys seen this yet? Pi and Alema see a photo of Oliver Norton under the headline EMBEZZLMENT SCANDEL! BOMB: There’s no way around it. Alema has to quit her job at Bright Star. PRIMEIT: She may become a serious liability to our operation. PIA: Okay. Fine. We’re going back to her place, incase Abaz tries to terminate her first. BOMB: You’ve been at her for weeks now. DIOS: We still have a job to do, Your Eminence. PIA: Don’t lecture me about my duty. PRIMEIT: Pia, we need to plan our next move. PIA: I’ll tell what my next move is. I leave this joint and I never look back. HARRY: So you’re just going to leave us? PIA: Abaz is about to go down. We completed our mission. BOMB: What about the giant? PIA: That’s not my problem anymore. BOMB: Not your problem? DIOS: Oh boy. ANON: I sense a cock fight brewing. BOMB: We came here to do a job. Now all you can think about is this girl. ALEMA: This girl has a name. BOMB: Are you purposely trying to blow this mission?! PIA: No! I’m trying to find peace with myself. From the day I was born, I’ve had people telling me what I was going to do and become. I’ve had it. For once, I’m going to be happy. Pia moves away from the others. Harry joins him near the window. PIA: I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to tell my father what I did with the Cipher. HARRY: Pia, if you go before the Sages the way you are now, they’re not going to show you any mercy. They’re going to lock you up in Gavisel for eternity. You’re not coming out. PIA: I feel like I’m being pulled in a thousand different directions. HARRY: You made a pact with my father. PIA: But I made one with my own father first. (bobs head) I was wrong to think I could just jump up to the heights and ascend to greatness. I’m going to confess everything to my father. He’s never severely punished anyone if they told him the truth. HARRY: Are you doing this because you’re truly sorry? Or is it for this girl? PIA: (lowers head) I love her. Pia turns around only to come face-to-face with Dagon, in human guise as Terry Silverstein. TERRY: Steppin’ out on me already? 31
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX HARRY: Father. The team looks at Terry, Pia and Harry near the window. ALEMA: (to Bomb) Let me guess. He’s on our side too. BOMB: Actually, he’s pretty bad. Only he hates Abaz more than we do. ALEMA: Oh. That’s comforting. PIA: We’re through, Dagon. I’m done. TERRY: Do you really think the Sages are going to let you go free and live out your silly fantasy with your new girlfriend? Pia moves around Terry and leaves. Alema joins them. ALEMA: Where’s he going? Terry doesn’t even acknowledge Alema. He walks away from her with Harry. Invisibase. Pia approaches the Great Kal-Panyim Temple. He enters the throne room of the Sages. Jolen is chatting with the other two Sages before he senses Pia there. JOLEN: Dindar, why have you returned? PIA: I have something to tell you, father. Jolen waves Tama and Muta away. JOLEN: Speak, my son. Pia lowers his head. Morning. The team sits around the vacation flat. Harry watches the local news on TV. NEWS ANCHOR: A warrant was issued earlier today by the DST for the arrest of Bright Star CEO Oliver P. Norton. HARRY: Guys. Check this out. The team gathers before the TV. Bright Star, Inc. Oliver is behind his desk watching TV. NEWS ANCHOR: Evidence provided by an anonymous tip shows that Norton’s been siphoning funds from company accounts to pay for personal and private ventures. Among the charges are white collar crimes including bank fraud, wire fraud and money laundering. Oliver looks to his security team. OLIVER: It’s time. His team leaves. Alema enters in her business attire. OLIVER: Ms. Gindo. I’ve been meaning to talk to you. 32
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX ALEMA: I’m here to turn in my letter of resignation. Oliver takes the letter, looks at it for a second and tosses it aside. OLIVER: You were always my favorite student worker. (circles her) Nice bobs. Cute bubble butt. Everything about you screams office bunny. ALEMA: Are you adding sexual harassment to your rap sheet? OLIVER: No. I prefer ritualistic murder. The security team enters; one of the Hæysux guards grabs Alema and holds on to her. Oliver’s Hæysux horns grow and his eyes turn yellow with black slits as a large trident appears in his hand. He tips forked end of the weapon toward her. OLIVER: You ratted me out. It’s going to cost you your soul. Guards her take her away. Invisibase. Pia is seated on the throne steps with Jolen. PIA: I’ve done some terrible things. JOLEN: Speak freely. PIA: I… (exhales) I gave the Cipher to the Hæysux. I was angry, father. Angry that the Lady Bishop I once loved betrayed me. Angry that my beloved mother is gone. Angry that Moloch beat me. Angry at you for not giving me the throne. They didn’t take Cipher from me. JOLEN: I know that. PIA: If you knew, then why did you not punish me? JOLEN: Because until you are truly sorry for the wrong things you’ve done, nothing I do or say will matter. And I told you before, if you tell me the truth, I will go easier on you. (stands up) But I cannot allow this thing you’ve done to go unpunished. Pia kneels before Jolen. PIA: Whatever punishment you render, I agree with one hundred percent. The Blade of Anonymous appears his Jolen’s right hand. JOLEN: Dyno-Might thinks you’re a threat. He says that if you are allowed to live, you will try to overthrow and kill me. Is the Exo-Therm General telling the truth? Pia doesn’t respond. JOLEN: I require an answer, Cardinal. PIA: I don’t know, my Lord. JOLEN: Tell me, my son. What should I do with you? PIA: (looks up) Remove my celestial powers. Render me mortal. Erase all of memories. JOLEN: Is it this college girl you’ve met? PIA: I love her. Jolen lets the blade point touch the floor. 33
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX JOLEN: If you give up your powers, you’ll give up the throne. PIA: I don’t care. JOLEN: (raises hand) Very well. ELDER: My Lord! Jolen and Pia look to the Elder. EDLER: The giant’s been found. Pia stands up. Jolen and Pia leave with the Elder. Pia stands on the edge of the realm with Jolen and the Elders. JOLEN: One Su-Naru giant is enough to destroy an entire realm. If you return to earth without your celestial powers, you will easily be destroyed along with Abaz, Alema and the others. PIA: I understand, father. Jolen holds up the Blade to Pia. JOLEN: Every Su-Raru’s weak point is the cranium. Stay clear of the eye beams. Pia takes it and turns to the realm edge. JOLEN: Dindar. Pia turns to Jolen. JOLEN: Defeat this Su-Naru giant and by the end of the century, the throne will be yours. Pia dives off of the edge. ELDER: Are you really going to step down at the end of this millennium? JOLEN: It’s time for a new Sage to take the throne. These next few months will determine my son’s true intentions. Dindar will either succeed me or he will fail me. Either way, the Will of The Most will be done. Vacation flat. Harry and Dagon are near the front door while the rest of the team is watching TV. DAGON: You really think he’ll repent? HARRY: He seemed serious. DAGON: Let me ask you this. Did your brother Moloch repent? HARRY: Good point. Several hard bangs shake the door. Dagon quickly opens it and sees a Hæysux beating hooves down the sidewalk. He looks down and picks up a VHS cassette. Harry puts the tape into the VCR. On screen is Abaz in some type of temple. ABAZ: If you’re watching this, by now your leader has left you and your all sitting around on your asses waiting for your imminent destruction. And Lord Dagon, if you’re with those losers, you deserve to be destroyed with them. In a few minutes, the Su-Naru giant Le-Heet Ha'Lek 34
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX will awaken and proceed to destroy this entire realm. I will be light-years away on the throne of Caprasecks, ruling over the kingdom that rightfully belonged to my master Lord Moloch. DAGON: That spineless little wether! The view shifts to Abaz’s left. Alema is bound on an altar surrounded by legionnaires. ABAZ: (comes into frame) I’ve killed enough college girls to fill a stadium, but one more won’t hurt. If I sense any of you near this mountain, I’ll fillet this bitch and feed her to the giant. The footage cuts to fuzz. Bomb turns off the TV. BOMB: All right. We’re going to do this without the Cardinal. DAGON: He’s on his way here. BOMB: How do you know? DAGON: He’s not going to let Abaz raise that giant. MAG: Or kill the girl for that matter. HARRY: She’s right. Any other Hæysux would have done it by now. I would’ve. DIOS: So the girl is bait. ANON: For the Cardinal. BOMB: So it’s the Cardinal he wants, not Alema? MISS: If that’s true, then what this is this really about? DAGON: You mean, “What are Abaz’s true motives?” ANON: It would help to know before we go out there. DAGON: Abaz wants to see this world destroyed, its every living inhabitant vanquished. (to Anon, Miss, Dios and Mag) Read your book, naive light-faces. We are the Hæysux. We are still your enemies. The sad thing is we understand your Scared Writ better than you do. HARRY: I get it. What good is a saviour when there is no one left to save? BOMB: Abaz wants to change the course of history. DIOS: He wants to sway power to the Hæysux, even if he’s doing it treacherously. ANON: Sway power by taking control of human communication. MISS: One satyr to rule over all. DAGON: (claps) Very good. Now let me ask you fools another question. What is the difference between what Abaz is doing and what the Cardinal is doing? The group is silent. HARRY: (eyes shift) Nothing? DAGON: Exactly. ANON: So what’s that mean? DIOS: It means, brother, either way this goes we’re all doomed. BOMB: If that’s the case, we’d better go out with a bang. 35
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX ANON: It would be “a boom” for you. PRIMEIT: I’m not afraid to die in battle. HARRY: What about inside the belly of a hungry giant? PRIMEIT: Oh. I hadn’t thought about that. MAG: Let’s do this. (leaves) I have a 30 man orgy planned with some French male escorts. ANON: I wish I had her enthusiasm. The team is outside. BOMB: Okay. We need to get to that mountain range ASAP. DIOS: We can use my ship. PRIMEIT: We could use another. MAG: That’s true. Anonymous, where’s the cruiser? ANON: I like to think of it as a funky interstellar chariot that surfs gravitational curves… MISS: It’s in orbit. (to Anon) Let’s keep the humor to a minimum, darling. BOMB: All right. Anonymous and Anonymiss, go and get your…funky chariot. ANON: On the one, baby. MISS: We are so there. Anonymous and Anonymiss vanish. BOMB: The rest of us are flying with Father Dios. And let’s hope—let’s pray that the Cardinal hasn’t flaked out on us. French Alps. Base of Monte Blanc. Temple of Le-Heet. Abaz stands on a large steel platform overlooking to a huge humanoid creature embedded in the bedrock across a deep chasm. Everything from his head to his pectorals is visible. It has a huge cranium with three swollen humps. Its eyes are pure white, its nose wide and its lips full. ABAZ: I have done what you asked, God-King. Moloch and I have been faithful to you. The giant only grumbles. ABAZ: And in exchange for freedom from your prison and endurance to sustain, you will grant your servant with the Universal Power of Communication. LE-HEET: Where are Freedom and Endurance? ABAZ: On their way. (points to Alema) The one who carries them seek this human female. Le-Heet growls. He inhales deeply. LE-HEET: I sense…(breathes out) Universal Law!!! The temple begins to rumble. LE-HEET: Universal Justice! Over the temple in the mountainous valley Dios’ ship, the Trireme, hovers. On board the Magistrate gasps. Dios looks to his mother and does the same. 36
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX BOMB: What’s wrong? MAG: We have to leave. PRIMEIT: We just got here. MAG: The beast senses our presence. HARRY: How is that possible? DIOS: I’m the embodiment of Universal Law. MAG: I’m Universal Justice. DAGON: The beast thinks we’re here to render sentencing for its crimes. A rumbling sound is heard below. DIOS: You’re right. (works controls) It was a mistake to come here. Trireme moves away from the temple as boulders and glacier ice cascade downward. HARRY: Wait! If the giant can sense other Powers, then what does he need from Abaz? BOMB: How about Freedom and Endurance? PRIMEIT: But the Cardinal carries those Powers. BOMB: Exactly. DIOS: That’s why Abaz took Alema. To lure the Cardinal here so the beast can free himself. MAG: And he’d have the endurance enough to oppose any who fight him. HARRY: Look out! The Trireme is hit by a chunk of glacier ice. BOMB: Maybe it’s a good thing Pia isn’t here. DIOS: Well, according to these read outs, he’s on his way. DAGON: His powers will help free the giant. He’ll kill us all. BOMB: Isn’t that what you want or all of us, smart-ass? DAGON: Well, I was hoping be on the opposite end of the destruction. HARRY: Stop being a punk, father. Back in the temple, the giant begins to break free. LE-HEET: You bring Law and Justice into my presence, pitiful Halfling?! ABAZ: (kneels) Please, God-King! Have mercy! Le-Heet’s white eyes heat up and smash Abaz with a ray of heat similar to the flash of an atomic bomb. There is nothing left of Abaz on the platform but smoldering hooves and horns. Alema sees the temple crumbing around her. Le-Heet suddenly stops moving. LE-HEET: (inhales) Freedom. (inhales) Endurance. Alema hears what sounds like a bomb descending. Back aboard the Trireme, the team hears it too.
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX Le-Heet cracks a brief smile before the falling object smashes through bedrock and lands on the platform. It’s Pia Arrabo with the Blade of Anonymous. PIA: You want me, nipple head? Le-Heet struggles against his mountain bonds. Pia flies over to the altar and frees Alema. She kisses him. PIA: Hold on. Pia shoots up through the hole above he made upon entry. Aboard the Trireme, Bomb goes over to the entry hatch. It opens and Alema is dumped into his arms. Pia hovers with the Blade in hand. PIA: Get clear of the area. BOMB: What about you?! PIA: It’s me he wants. A huge bronze right hand comes up out of the fog below and misses snapping shut around Pia. Dios moves the ship away from the mountain range. The right hand reaches for Pia again. Pia moves around over the fog bed as the hand randomly reaches up and grabs for him. Pia puts his back to the mountain summit and looks for the hand’s next appearance. Behind Pia, three huge humps rise up from the fog. Below it are glowing white eyes and a wide nose. Pia quickly spins, but he’s caught by the left hand of the beast and pulled below the fog blanket. Pia comes face to face with a Su-Naru giant—all 75 feet of the primordial beast. LE-HEET: So… (breathes) you are the one that the Triumvirate spoke about. Pia struggles in the giant’s grasp. LE-HEET: You don’t seem so powerful to me. (eyes heat up) I will end this quickly. Pia watches as the air before him ripple with heat. Then comes an eerie sound. Funk music over a PA. It echoes across the mountain range. Pia covers his head as a huge gray hull swoops over him and smashes into Le-Heet’s head. The giant releases Pia as the Anonymous Mothership strikes like a furious jab. Anonymous Mothership. ANONYMOUS: How do you like that, Triple Tits?! ANONYMISS: Woooo! That’s the P-Funk, baby! Le-Heet recovers and shoots his eye beams at the Anonymous Mothership. Anonymous Mothership. ANONYMOUS: Evasive maneuvers! 38
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX ANONYMISS: What are those?! ANONYMOUS: Unusual attitudes! ANONYMISS: We are not stunt flyers! ANONYMOUS: I never said we were, Miss I-Hate-Aerobatics?! Heat rays streak past the ship on the view screen. Pia watches as Le-Heet fires eye beams at the huge space cruiser. PIA: Anonymous, get out of there! ANONYMOUS: (OS) Don’t worry, Cardinal! We got this! The Anonymous Mothership comes around for another pass. PIA: They’re in attack position! Anonymous Mothership. ANONYMOUS: You ready to do this? ANONYMISS: Ride or die, baby. Anonymous and Anonymiss touch face plates. ANONYMOUS: Let’s boogie! The Anonymous Mothership blasts toward Le-Heet’s upper body. Trireme. The crew watches the Anonymous Mothership on screen. MAG: What is your brother doing? DIOS: I have no idea. Le-Heet grabs for the huge ship, but is clipped in the mouth by the bow of the ship. Anonymous Mothership. ANONYMOUS: How’s my ship taste? ANONYMISS: I say we skull-ream him. ANONYMOUS: I’d love nothing more than to ram the bow of this ship down his throat. ANONYMISS: Let’s put this monster down. ANONYMOUS: Divert all power to the rear thrusters. Anonymous and Anonymiss touch face plates again. Anonymiss goes over to a control panel near the wall. She hits a few switches and looks to her husband. ANONYMISS: Ready. 39
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX Anonymous Mothership turns back toward the giant. But Le-Heet dips back under the fog. The Mothership speeds toward the mountain summit. Le-Heet pops up and fires his eye beams at the starboard bow. The wall near the control panel explodes with a bright flash, knocking Anonymous from his seat and sucking Anonymiss out of the ship. ANONYMOUS: Anonymiss!!! Anonymous instantly multiples into many beings. Outside the breeched hull, Anonymous and his counterparts dive toward Anonymiss. ANONYMOUS: I’m coming for you! Anonymiss vanishes beneath the fog…then shoots upward toward Anonymous. Anonymous holds out his hand. Anonymiss extends her hand to receive his. ANOMYOUS: Take my hand! Anonymiss is seconds from contact with her husband, when a torrent of heated light from the giant’s eyebeams streak in and vaporize her, leaving only her mask in mid air. ANONYMOUS: NOOOOOooooooooooooooo! PIA: (OS) Get out of there! Anonymous dodges the beams trying to get at Anonymiss’ falling metal mask. PIA: (OS) Get back to your ship! Several of Anonymous’ counterparts are extinguished by the beams before he grabs the mask and shoots back up to his ship. Anonymous steers the damaged ship away from the mountain top. Pia enters through the breeched hull and finds Anonymous at the control panel. PIA: Get me as close as you can to it. ANONYMOUS: What are you going to do? PIA: What my father sent me to do? ANONYMOUS: You saw what that thing did to my wife! PIA: That’s why you have to get me over there. He’ll do it to all of us, if I don’t stop him. Pia soars upward out of the hull breech and lands on the bow of the Mothership. PIA: Ready to put this big baby to bed, Funk Master? ANONYMOUS: Let’s way waste to this maggot brain. The Anonymous Mothership flies directly toward Le-Heet’s head. Pia sees his eyes glowing. But the heat rays miss the ship’s haul. PIA: Full stop! Now! Anonymous Mothership slows to a crawl—Pia is thrown from the bow. He soars toward the giant’s exposed middle cranial hump and crashes into it with the Blade of Anonymous plunged deep into the skin. Le-Heet rears back and screams, causing an avalanche. As the giant’s physical body deteriorates, Pia falls from the beast and is caught in the glacial ice. 40
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX Aboard the Trireme, the team watches as Pia tumbles down the mountain valley avalanche. HARRY: He’s not going to make it. (to Dios) Get us low. DIOS: I’m not getting in front of a glacial quake! HARRY: Well lower me down there. DAGON: Are you insane?! BOMB: I’m game. Bomb opens the hatch. HARRY: We can’t leave him. Bomb grabs Harry and descends into the chaos below. As they fall, Bomb flips to invert his body. They fly with the glacier current until they are low enough to see Pia. Pia is overwhelmed by moving ice. Harry fires random fireballs into the glacier flow. When he sees Pia again, Bomb swings low. BOMB: You’ve only got one shot at this! Harry holds out his hand allowing Pia to grab on to his wrist. HARRY: Take us up! Bomb soars upward just before Le-Heet’s body parts smash into the glacier ice and down into the valley chasm below. Not far away, the Anonymous Mothership slows to a stop. The Trireme flies out to join it. Bomb and Harry board the Trireme with Pia. Alema goes over to him and kisses him. Anonymous comes aboard the while the team watches the view screen. Magistrate approaches him. MAG: Where’s Anonymiss? Anonymous says nothing. He holds the Kal-Panyim face plate of his wife. MAG: Oh no. (hugs Anon) I’m so sorry, baby. Dios watches Magistrate hug Anonymous while he’s at the ship’s controls. PRIMEIT: (OS) Father. Dios turns to the rest of the team. PRIMEIT: You may want to see this. Dios joins the rest of the team before the view screen as Le-Heet’s Universal Power manifests in the form of a giant energy pillar that blasts into the sky and takes on a mesh-like form. BOMB: What is that? DIOS: It looks like the Universal Power of Communication has been dispersed throughout the whole earth. DAGON: It’s taken on the form of an open-mesh barrier made of connecting strands. HARRY: Open-mesh barrier. Looks more like a net. PIA: Or a web. (bobs head) A world wide web. 41
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX PRIMEIT: The Universal Library. PIA: It’s going to happen. HARRY: Well, I guess that about wraps it up. DAGON: Let’s get out of this cold weather. The Trireme and the Anonymous Mother ship soar away from the French Alps. Invisibase. Pia stands before the Sages and Dyno-Might. Pia kneels and gives the Blade back to Jolen. JOLEN: You have well, my son. PIA: Thank you, my Lord. JOLEN: You have kept your end of the bargain and for this you will be rewarded. But, in light of your careless actions with the Cipher at the Universal Library, you are hereby ordered to remain guardian of the Vault until further notice. PIA: Father, please. I… JOLEN: Let me finish. The time for a new Lead Sage draws nigh. At the end of this millennium, I will step down. And then, only then, will you occupy the throne of Invisibase. PIA: (stands up) Ten earth years? JOLEN: Yes. Then you will rule over all. PIA: That’s not going to be good enough. (moves toward the Sages) I must ascend sooner. JOLEN: How soon? PIA: As soon as possible. I kept my word to you. I deserve. JOLEN: Dindar, you will sit on the throne at the appointed time. If you seek to do otherwise, you will forfeit your inheritance. PIA: Then release me. Remove my celestial powers. Take away my memories. I don’t want to remember anything. Not my ministry, not the Hæysux, not my mother, not even you. JOLEN: An oath to a Sage is not easily broken. You will remain in service to the Sages until your time to ascend to the throne comes. After that, you can do whatever you want. Pia hangs his head low. PIA: Forgive me. That was disrespectful. And I am grateful for all that you have given to me. Pia approaches Dyno-Might. PIA: General, I said things to you that were inappropriate. For that I apologize. DYNO-MIGHT: Is my son really on earth? PIA: Yes, he is. DYNO-MIGHT: Can you tell him I’m—you know. I’m… PIA: Sorry? Dyno-Might lowers his head. 42
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX DYNO-MIGHT: I miss him so much. PIA: Don’t pursue him. He will come to you. Pia leaves. Tama and Muta leave as well. DYNO-MIGHT: Well, Lord Jolen. Looks like you’ll have your Universal Library on earth after all. Jolen puts his hands behind his back and walks away. Back in Paris, Pia and his team stand on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. PIA: Guess this is it. Bomb shakes Pia’s hand. BOMB: Not bad for a half-glow. I didn’t think you had it in you. PIA: I told my father what did it. He kept his word and didn’t punish me severely. BOMB: I wish my father was like yours. PIA: He cares about, Seren. Don’t let my mistakes come between you and your father. BOMB: I’m not mad at him. I just need time to myself. One day, I will return to him. PIA: Heading back to the Barga? BOMB: Yup. Got some much needed sleep to catch up on. Later fellas. Bomb shoots into the sky with a thunderous boom. Pia looks to the others. PIA: You guys heading back to Invisibase? DIOS: Yes. Brother and I need to get some repairs done. PIA: (to Anon) You going to be okay? ANONYMOUS: There is no “you” here. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. The Anonymous Mothership hovers overhead. ANONYMOUS: We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. Anonymous vanishes and the Mothership lifts off. PIA: What’s his deal? DIOS: He’s taking the death of his spouse pretty hard. He says he’s no longer a single celestial being with many facsimiles, but a hive mind of multiple entities that troll the cosmos for lulz. PIA: He sounds like a leaderless organization with no sense of humor. DIOS: Try to understand. His humor died with his wife. (to Mag) Mother, I’ll give you a lift back to Invisibase. (bows to Pia) Be safe, Your Eminence. Dios is carried up on an energy beam to the Trireme. Magistrate walks up to Pia. MAG: You surprise me yet again, just like your father. PIA: My Lady, I… MAG: You don’t have to explain. (looks to Alema) You love her and she loves you. Be happy. Mag steps back and is carried up on a beam of light. The Trireme takes off. Dagon shakes Pia’s hand. 43
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX DAGON: Don’t forget what we discussed. Dagon vanishes in a pillar of smoke. Pia turns to Harry. PIA: I owe you my aura. HARRY: You don’t owe me anything. You saved me from my brother Moloch. We’re even. PIA: Heading back to Caprasecks? Like me, you’re next in line for the throne. HARRY: Nah. It’s time for me to do my own thing. I’m going to stay down here for a while. PIA: That’s not like you, Harry. HARRY: I know that. But, I’ve got family in the United States. PIA: Family? HARRY: Yes. Maybe I can be the big brother to him that I couldn’t be to Moloch. ALEMA: What are you going to do in America? HARRY: I don’t know. Open an auto body shop. ALEMA: You be careful over there, Harry. PIA: Yeah. I heard they drive like maniacs. Harry walks away. PIA: Harry, wait. Pia catches up to him. He takes out matching cellular telephones and hands one to Harry. PIA: Stay in touch. Pia and Harry hug. After Harry is gone, Pia stands with Alema watching the sun set in the east. ALEMA: I want to be with you forever, Pia. Pia doesn’t respond. He just looks out to sea, eye guards of his mask shimmering. Back at Alema’s apartment, Pia and Alema on sitting on her bed. ALEMA: Now what? PIA: Now we must take our rightful places within Invisibase. You as my chief justice over the Kal-Panyim Court and me as Lead Sage over the entire realm. Alema stands up. ALEMA: I want to be immortal. Pia stands and joins her. PIA: Let’s go. Let’s do it. Right now. Pia and Alema kiss. Before them a portal to Invisibase opens. ALEMA: Does this lead to heaven? Pia takes Alema by the hand and they enter the warp gate, before it contracts and vanishes. FADE TO BLACK. 44
RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS SEX TITLE CARD: (over the city of) CANKERTON A high speed chase is under way. Harry and Gene weave through traffic with Fishmeal and his men close behind. Fishmeal takes out a walkie-talkie. Someone behind the wheel of a semi-truck pulls out of a truck stop. FISHMEAL: (on radio) They’re heading east board on Main Street. The person driving the semi-truck steers the giant wheel with gloved hands. Fishmeal is right behind Gene, firing shots. Porter and Dooley box Gene in. Harry checks his mirrors and sees that Gene is in trouble. Harry slows down and lets the Land Rover, jeeps and Escort pass him. He gets up to their speed and first rams Fishmeal. The semi-truck turns onto Main St and picks up speed. Fishmeal breaks off, spins and rides in reverse facing Harry. Fishmeal aims his gun. Harry spins around and ducks behind a moving truck. Fishmeal spins around and is clipped by a van. The semi-truck runs a red-light and gains momentum. Harry comes up behind Porter and rams his jeep. Porter loses control and runs onto the sidewalk. Harry rear ends Dooley. Dooley’s jeep spins out and hits Gene’s rear fender. The semi-truck blows its horn as it crosses over into the oncoming lane. Harry watches the backend of Gene’s Escort fishtail. Harry speeds and uses a gentle bump with his fender to stop the Escort from fishtailing. Harry checks his mirrors for Fishmeal— Then he hears a loud horn. He sees the high-beams of an oncoming 18-wheeler. The semi-truck smashes into Harry’s Trans-Am, flipping it into the air where it somersaults twice, lands on the hood of the semi and smashes to the ground. Semi-truck’s driver side door opens. Down steps Arch Bishop Karim Sale-Zaer. He sees Harry’s cell phone on the ground near the wreckage and picks it up. He walks away and dials. He waits for someone to pick up. KARIM: Cardinal Arrabo, I know everything you’re about to do. Consider yourself offline. Karim Sale-Zaer throws the cell phone away just as Harry’s car explodes.