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SPOTTING THE LITTLE FOXES Occasions for Stumbling in the Gospel Harvest C. Doug Blair, 2011

Song of Solomon 2: 14O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely. 15Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. A Word on the Species Living in the city I have always been excited by any inroads of the wild things to disturb the ordinary and the urban. Bracing hikes have occurred in


nearby farms, river beds, golf courses and parks. Constantly on the alert for colour and movement, for the exhileration of flight, the romp or the chase. Thankfully this enthusiasm has passed to my children. Many Sunday evenings with family were spent reading together the nature adventures of Ernest Thompson Seton or Charles G. D. Roberts. But when a fox appears on a sidewalk or a lawn, small stand of trees or field‌that is something really different and special! These wily little survivors with the brilliant rouge and alert eyes and mischievous grin seem to give an extra input of the wild. Consider a poem once written about earlier days at my workplace: Zoned Industrial A steelyard By the railroad. A patch of trees between. A recent trend To asphalt. An eastern fringe of green. A creek down At the bottom, Beyond the southern gate. A wood slope At the top end, Where once the grouse would mate. Mid-day the Trucks are hectic, As I-beams cut the air, On waiting tusks Of forklifts, With elephantine care. Or pipes rolled From the flat-beds Like ancient logs of Tyre. Predestined 2

For some project Through blueprint, blade and fire. But on a Wintry morning, The snow might trace the tale Of moonlit Lapin lovers; Of foxes on their trail; Of field mice Plucked mid-scamper By silent aerial claws; Of Nature’s Non-conformance To our industrial cause.

But in the Bible foxes get a different treatment. They are wasters, disturbers, given to petty villainy and self-interest. They rob vines, and henhouses and general peace and security. Consider Jesus’ words about corrupt Herod in Luke 13: 31The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence: for Herod will kill thee. 32And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected. 33Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. 34O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!


Now let us consider some of the things meddling with the vigour of the Church and the prospect of ready harvest of souls: A. Idolatry

M'Cheyne Speaks from 1840

Hosea 14: 8 a. O Ephraim, what more have I to do with idols? Last night I was reading from an old sermon given by Robert Murray M'Cheyne. It was intended as a closing sermon after celebration of communion. The parishioners were reminded of the public confession of the lordship of Jesus which had just been accomplished in the taking of the elements. No other issue was to capture their allegiance. No idol. Not money, or popularity, or unequal pairing in marriage, or public amusements, or inappropriate friends, or illicit pursuits, or fear of man, or business success, or higher education. Many items on the list were obvious. But then he mentioned one which came initially as a surprise - our own sanctification. Oh yes, we can be so impressed with our own change of lifestyle, our holy exercises, our seamless church attendance, our reformed tongues, our list of prohibited worldly activities, that we put our sanctified selves on the throne and see Jesus only as an accommodation party. Pride, is it not? The Lord finds this idol as disappointing as the rest. What happens to the fear of the Lord? Our own sense of shortcoming and need? Our realization that we are still unprofitable servants? Our persistent supplicants' posture for mercy. The change in us represents a step away from the possibility of revival. Oh I hear people in the Church everywhere calling for what they perceive to be


revival. Perhaps they see it as a few more souls at the altar or a more populous prayer meeting or a few notorious sinners cleaned up moderately. But this misses God's idea of revival by a long shot. He is looking for the breaking up of fallow ground in the Church, for heart rending judgment and correction in the Church, for quality decisions never to leave the place of the dependent child in the lap of the Lord Jesus. With such breaking comes power; power noticed by those outside church walls and feeling hints of conviction for the very first time. This will be a supernatural work defying all our holiness formulas and church growth strategies. Bring it on Lord, and soon!

Does He Feel At Home?

Ephesians 3 17That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. In the original language Paul is expressing a hope that Christ would settle, would feel at home, would be at ease in the hearts of the Ephesians. We are to learn the art of hospitality with respect to the most fortuitous of all guests. A listening ear, a willingness to pause, a constant sensitivity to His preferences, a bearing of humility and moderation, a setting aside of other priorities, a valuing of His every word of comfort, guidance or warning.


It is very evident that Jesus had this sense of welcome in the house of Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Consequently He felt at ease to visit in both good and bad times. He valued sincere companionship and good cheer. He had lessons to share with those eager to learn. One wonders if in today's average family Jesus would only be welcome to drop by after the business report was drafted, the school term was finished, the little league soccer season was wrapped up, the back room was redecorated, the Joneses were paid back for their recent hospitality etc.

B. Improper Employment of Suffering

Don’t Waste Your Sorrows

Years ago I was given a copy of a book by this title. The donor, Bob was a friend who taught a class of special needs children. He was aware that Hilary and I were going through difficulties and he wanted to encourage us with honest insight on the purposes of suffering. The author Paul Billheimer had enjoyed a vibrant ministry together with his wife until a serious heart attack put him on his back with little or no chance of returning to his beloved vocation. The Billheimers stayed close to the promises of God regarding healing and submitted to extensive treatment. The sense of hopelessness passed with the increasing realization of God's presence and love. Paul was returned to activity as counsel for the TBN Network (Paul and Jan Crouch). The testing and victory led to the above-mentioned book which is a part of a trilogy of titles (Purposes in prayer; purposes in suffering; priority of love). I strongly recommend this writer. He suggests that the greatest Sufferer of all is God who is so grossly 6

misunderstood and maligned by the greater number of people. He is sovereign however, and His plans will succeed. He desires to partner with faithful children who are learning progressively to understand His nature and to walk in His ways. He wishes to accomplish His will in response to faithful prayer. Indeed, John Wesley went so far as to say that God will do nothing on this planet except in response to prayers and supplications from His children. We have a huge job to do in the way of intercession and we are told repeatedly in the New Testament that we are to PRAY - for friends, ministers, persons in authority, the sick, the deprived, the lonely, the wayward. But how are such prayers to be offered with fervency? The answer is Christlike compassion. How is that compassion to come? Identification with the real facts and issues and challenges behind the case. How is that identification to come? SUFFERING. Therefore one must not "waste" his sorrows, through fretting, self-pity, anger or despondency. Look for the opportunities. Gain the audacity and the resource. Grow in Christ. Allow the greatness of His suffering and ultimate victory to chisel away at the size of your portion of gloom. And whatever the circumstances there is always cause to rejoice in the Lord (Philippians 4:4) and one's inevitable inheritance by faith. Someone needs to hear this today. Someone needs to know that there is a precious currency and partnership in suffering.

C. Christ-less Examples of Happy Living

Are You Far Off?

In Isaiah 57:19 the following is stated:


I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the Lord; and I will heal him. God makes no progress in the one who thinks that peace is at hand in the ways and rewards of the world. Better the one who honestly despairs of the absence of inner, spiritual tranquility. Jesus reminds us that there is blessing to the one who is poor in spirit. His is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:3). Oswald Chambers referred to the "door of destitution". I remember reading a book of revival sermons by Brownlow North (18101875) entitled "The Rich Man and Lazarus" (Banner of Truth Publications). He meditated on the comparative situation of the two men who died in Luke 16. It appeared that the rich man left a large estate, a sumptuous table and a notable reputation among men to enter into torments and thirst at death. The pauper Lazarus was carried away to the exact opposite. I am reminded of the warning in Psalm 49: 16, 17: Be not thou afraid when one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased. For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him. North suggested that this would probably be the greatest source of torment to the rich man; that he had lived to demonstrate to younger brothers, friends, employees and sharecroppers that life could contain bounty, peace and satisfaction without Christ. The man who claimed that peace was near, had none of it. North had experienced this very truth earlier at age forty-four; a child of privilege, carefree from toil. Taken chronically ill he was convinced that he was going to die without elements of redeeming faith or service to his account. Memories of sport, excess and carousing haunted him, but mostly his failure to speak good words of Christ and to explore honestly the religious impressions of youth. He repented and was raised from his bed an awakened man and eventually an evangelist. Do you perceive that you have a peace apart from Christ? Beware, you will find that you are hanging from a cobweb over torments. While you breathe there is yet time.


D. Craving of Recognition

Too Many Chiefs

I have been stewing over how to present this message - that there is an excessive tendency in the Church to promote "chiefs" with official ministry titles, according to their gifting. "Too many chiefs. Not enough Indians." This leads to spiritual pride and a tendency toward "Watch me now, watch me". I am reminded of the little girl getting her legs on the new two-wheeler bicycle, and seeking encouragement and applause from the family audience. I might get into the listing of spiritual gifts contained in Romans 12 and in First Corinthians 12. I might allude to the ministry inventories which I have seen pastors take up with their flock. "Where might you be gifted? How might the church call upon you? How should you develop this inner potential?" But... the whole thing is not about self-actualization. It is about selfless service where needed in the life of the church family. And remember there is tremendous power vested by Christ in His Indians. (See the list for believers in Mark 16. See what humble yet miraculous service Ananias did for Paul in Acts 9.) I will turn the rest over to J. R. Miller. His devotional for today says it much better: "The disciples’ ideas of position and rank were altogether earthly. They wrangled for places in the kingdom Christ was going to set up, very much as a company of modern politicians wrangle over spoils of office. Peter thought he ought to be prime minister, for he was the best speaker. Judas thought he would certainly be secretary of the treasury, which would give him a prominent place. John was Christ’s favourite, and felt sure he would be the greatest. Andrew had been first called, and claimed that this fact ought to give him the precedence. So they bickered. So Christians sometimes do to-day. They want official places in the Church, — want to be elders, deacons, or trustees; or want positions in the Sunday school, as superintendents, teachers, secretaries, or librarians; or want to be 9

presidents or vice-presidents, or something else of missionary societies, or mite societies, or Dorcas societies, or of some other organizations; or want to be pastors of popular city churches. It is the same old spirit, — the idea that the way to be a great Christian is to be prominent in some official position, to have honour and power among men. It is a shame to see such scrambling in the Church of Christ, but sometimes we see it; perhaps we sometimes scramble ourselves." (For August 20th in Come Ye Apart)

E. Low Common Denominator

Solid Food, Really?

The old evangelist had decided to come into town a week before the services to get a feel for the climate at the host church. He entered the sanctuary ten minutes before the official start and took an obscure seat. He saw some limited amount of real engagement between parishioners, and then the praise team wound up. Music was professional. Seasoned hymn book Gospel choruses were noticeably absent. A corporate effort at song was strained. Announcements followed as the clock raced on. "Oh the blessing of last week's get -together. Oh the promise of next week's seminar. Check your schedules. Don't miss it. And there will be food." Next came the offering. A reverent moment. Junior Pastor Terry Bullpen gave a prayer which was largely about blessing that offering. Some names of sick and shut-in were also raised. Jesus was thanked for His marvelous love.


Senior Pastor Ernest Pitcher took the pulpit and checked for his wireless mike and remote prompter. What followed as a sermon was, in the estimation of the old evangelist...pablum. Basic principles of redemption. A sprinkling of personal anecdote and humour. A single foundation text lost sight of very quickly in a lecture of ethics and "should do's". A brief illustrative video on the overhead which was worth a chuckle. Then the noticeable shift into the earnest tone of voice and the altar call for salvation. Older members of the body could be heard chiming in, "Amen to that...Preach it Brother." Three rather embarrassed and confused "twentysomethings" went forward for prayer. Elders raced forward to be at their sides. And then it was over. Greeters were already at the back door. The clock confirmed it. Eighty minutes and done. On the button. Second service to follow. The old evangelist shuffled forward to the pastors and introduced himself. "Gentlemen, does the main body of the assembly take what I just saw as solid food?" Pastor Pitcher responded, "Oh, so you are Brother Fuller! Well sir, we are an evangelical church and we tend to moderate the message for anxious inquirers and new believers in our midst. This we find bears fruit." "My friends if you dared to open up some of the deeper things of God and of His Christ you would continue to equip a viable force of prayer, of wonder, of vigour and of manifestation in your church family. Infant spirits would not be wooed intellectually. Rather they would see of the glory of God, loathe their uncleanness, become desperate and leap into the light...May I have such a liberty in the upcoming meetings?" Both pastors shuffled awkwardly. "Very well, I will make sure to be at home Tuesday evening at eight o'clock for your phone call and decision." With that the old evangelist was gone. Somewhat flushed of face, Terry asked his mentor, "Did you GET any of that?" "Nope", Ernest replied. Fade to black...


Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood

Generations have known of the positive impact of the television personality Fred Rogers upon pre-school children. A mixture of "You are important...Let's go and visit our good (puppet) friend King Friday...We have a special visitor today, boys and girls, with something exciting to show us." Mr. Rogers was a firm believer that children needed comforting and familiar routines, Particularly before they were going to encounter something new. Consequently his show in ways looked very much the same from day to day. The open front door. Changing the shoes. Putting on the sweater. Singing "Won't You Be My Neighbour". Comedians have had a field day at this man's expense, but he was never bothered. He understood little children. Now take this concept to an adult gathering, perhaps at a church. The routines can be there. The sense of little that is new. The comfort of knowing that 'yes I have a handle on all of this'. Perhaps the same songs. The same format in prayer. Men and women engineer this for a reliably satisfying time together. But what if God is eager to do something new, provocative, even unsettling, leading to strength, growth, correction and capability?. Should not the adult crowd be game for this?

F. Failing to Tend Old Growth


For Tender Plants Only

For decades John's Nursery at the outskirts of town had been known to conscientious homeowners and developers. His promising shrubs, conifers, blossoming and fruit trees and reliable maples and ash had adorned many properties. The acreage at his establishment had spread with new and different yields for a successful business. John knew well, and he had trained staff well in plant feeding, cultivation, pest control, grafting and other basics of the business. Orderly rows of species stretched right back to old lines of farm trees bordering the west and north limits of the original farm. John had often marveled at the size, girth and straightness of these old sentinels of the nursery. They had stood the test of time. It had seemed to John that they had needed next to no care. Probably some pruning, fertilizer and topping off would be advisable, but it had not happened. Meanwhile he poured the care upon his many saplings. There had been little warning of the early spring storm which hit the Township. Winds at a tremendous force, driving rain and amazing hailstones. Darker skies than the residents had seen for over a generation. The border trees at John's Nursery had cracked and toppled one by one. The saplings, left exposed to the full force of the westerly attack were decimated. The business was in shambles. The insurance adjustment would prove a nightmare. And all, perhaps, for sake of those old trees left untended.

Word by Revelation

Peter in his First Epistle said something that caught my attention. Look in the first chapter: 13

23Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. 24For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: 25But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. Were not the word and the gospel the same thing? No, it would appear that the gospel includes something about the way the message is rendered and something about the experiences, character and personal illumination of the speaker. By the time of Peter's writing the correspondents knew of his challenges, victories and shortcomings in the Galilean ministry and in the darkening final year leading to Christ's passion. They also knew or would soon know something of the transformation in the Big Fisherman - from impetuous, self assured, quick-fused to humble, longsuffering and persevering. This gave real veracity to the "born-again" message of which he spoke. This was a new man on fire with the revelation given to him from the Lord. And this should be the power of our testimony, a revealed word, and not An apologetic word; An anecdotal word; An allegorical word; An alliterated word; A systematized word; A chain-referenced word; An inductive word; A histrionic word; A contemporary word; A moralizing word. We have all heard teachers use these styles to pleasing effect, but the messages we really remember as impacting our spiritual growth are the ones in which the speaker's heart, struggle and mettle are involved. As we leave the gathering we are heard to say, "He really got into that one didn't he?" No pastor or teacher can have such insight or verve for every message. It should not be expected of him. You will notice the dip in impact, when in 14

the teaching series he comes to the place he has not traversed. Sad that he must forge ahead when perhaps someone else in the room has placed a milestone of life experience on that very passage of God's truth. We expect too much of "Pastor So-and-So", and perhaps miss some of the real gems remaining un-noticed and unheard from the pews. But convention has always required the staff-speaker and lay-audience format. Pity.

G. Lust

Remembering Tammy and Jim

A business call was made to North Carolina and I found myself speaking to a secretary named Tammy Baker. I told her that she had a most distinguished name. She chuckled and said that friends often made jokes about make-up and other things conspicuous in the one-time singing 15

evangelist and co-host of the PTL Television Network. Tammy's husband Jim had been charged with numerous counts of wire fraud over a time-share building project. The project collapsed after the disclosure of a sex scandal involving Jim and a purported church secretary who had been most evidently set up to allure the preacher in a hotel. It was disclosed that for years she had been receiving hush money while the ministry continued with the Gospel and a particular program emphasis on supporting and healing marriages. All that time, while living in Chatham, Hilary and I were regular viewers of the Bakker broadcast. I told this secretary on the phone that there were many nights when I would come home from work, worn out, yet by watching PTL and receiving Tammy's indomitable encouragement and music, would be lifted up. I have a warm place in my heart for her, and for Jim and Uncle Henry; also for BeeBee and CeeCee Wynans ("Lord, Lift Us Up Where We Belong"). This other Tammy affirmed that there were indeed many in her area who chose to remember all the good things about this remarkable woman who ultimately faced with courage her death by cancer. Of course for every one well-wisher there were three detractors who accepted whole-heartedly the media and political smear of the couple - extravagant life-style, tears and crying everywhere, condo investors left in the lurch, "victimized" hotel partner turned pin-up girl. What a mess! Jim Bakker wrote a book on the ordeal and prison stay entitled "I Was Wrong". He wrote of the circumstances surrounding the tryst, the increasingly distorted prosperity/victory message in their ministry, the cover-up while he tried desperately to make amends, the tidal wave of the published scandal, the trial and media circus, the few men behind bars who gave him hope for recovery. Most definitely God accepted that statement and apology. Did we? Or was it socially unacceptable? The churches seemed to run for the bushes in embarrassment. Sometimes our "all is well" posture runs directly counter to the honesty, understanding and compassion of Jesus.

Shamed Woman 16

Here am I condemned to die, Alone in my shame on the sand. The Pharisees have caught me In passion and lust with that man. The law of our land has ruled Adulterers surely must die. In chambers I served myself To his strength, his charm and his lie. I know I have no excuse. It is written, “Let both be stoned”. But where is my man of charm? Sadly, I suffer this alone. Through crowded streets harshly dragged By priests who now lust for my blood; To the temple I am led, And made to stand marked in the crowd. All faces now gaze at me. I am stripped, bared and soiled by sin. Harsh judgment these men demand; But the Teacher-light shines from him! He looks kindly once at me, Then stoops to his knees by the sand; All talk of my stoning hushed… He writes on the ground with his hand. A long and stern look he casts T’ward these men of cold rite and creed; Then of stoning he suggests: “Let him without sin start the deed.” Now much to my great surprise Accusers are shrinking away. Compassion confronts vain pride; They retreat with nothing to say.


Oh Teacher, Jesus, my Lord, I can’t be condemned save by you. Your mercy has won my love. My days in the flesh are all through. ‌Fresh hope you have deemed to restore; I will go and will sin no more!

F. Devil on the Shoulder (Condemnation)

False Guilt

A recent radio broadcast by Charles Stanley was provocative. He was attempting to help listeners who are debilitated by condemnation and guilt which are not from God. The kind of inner message which suggests, "Ah, you will amount to nothing. You are really of no value. Living a sham. Unlikely to attract any real friends. Nasty. Wasting your days." This kind of message is a total put down without specifics. The work of Satan and not of God. Any rebuke from the Father will give you specific ground from which to repent. Weren't the Old Testament prophets always specific? Wasn't Jesus? (Look at Matthew 23) In the case of any such true correction, the proper response is Godly repentance. Take a look at 2 Corinthians 7: 9Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing. 10For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of:


but the sorrow of the world worketh death. 11For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter. But with false guilt there is no hope of recovery short of discerning the Enemy's devices. You will be left feeling unworthy, unsuccessful in prayer, hindered by fear, driven to distracting measures to bury the guilt, restless and never satisfied, motivated by duty and never by honest love. There will be no release, as with true repentance and forgiveness. You will have become the Devil's unwitting "canal horse". Be warned! You must not become the victim of false guilt. A fleeting temptation is not the same as a program of repeated engagement in known sin. Pray for the Spirit's discernment to know the difference. Do not waste another day. Where clearly necessary, repent and be done with it. Jesus has other things in mind for you. He does not expect perfection. Only a heart that intends to move forward with Him.

G. Discourtesy

Wasn’t That a Service? (Older Woman to an acquaintance after service:) Wasn’t that a service? Didn’t praises ring? Couldn’t miss the Spirit. 19

How that choir can sing! Weren’t the children eager, Coming at their time? Marvel how that teacher Keeps those kids in line! Wasn’t that a challenge For the mission field? Have to raise the money For a heathen yield! Wasn’t that a sermon? Could have raised the dead! Have to get a copy. Must know all he said. Wasn’t that a prayer line? Elders all in white. When will Sister Sarah Ever get her sight? Wasn’t that a clear call At the closing hour? Preacher got three sinners ; Fell beneath the power. Really, dear, so quiet; All’s not well with you? Tell me, girl, your problem; Quickly now, we’re through.” (Younger Woman, thinking to herself:) (Oh that I had someone With the heart to show How to keep my husband, When he wants to go. How my son is hurting, 20

Failing at his school. Only needs some guidance. Really, he’s no fool. Landlord gave me notice. Have to leave my flat. Are the foreign missions Only where it’s at? Job is getting tricky. Boss is always right. Can’t betray my problems. Mustn’t seem uptight. Heart and soul are hurting. Is there no relief? But the truth, we’re skirting, As it’s time to leave. Preacher’s at the doorway, Shaking hands good-bye. Couldn’t interrupt him. Couldn’t bear to cry.) (And then speaking to the other:) “Really, there’s no problem. God’s still on His throne. How I praise and thank Him For this fine church home. Yes that was some service. Time just goes so fast . See you Tuesday evening At the ladies class…” 1 JOHN 3: 16, 17 Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoso hath this


world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

H. Self-Actualization

Life-Style or Christ’s Smile?

Much effort from the pulpit is directed toward putting a Biblical slant on issues of everyday life. Relationships and families. Finances. Child rearing. Dealing with conflict. Dealing with low self-esteem. Forgiving oneself for past stumblings. Dealing with satanic attack. Problematic attitudes. Establishing a balanced work ethic. The intention is to make the sermon "now" and relevant and helpful to the life priorities of the audience. Giving them what they want. The epistles of the New Testament come in handy. The how-to lists are drafted with their alliterated sub-headings. The whole thing has the tone of a lecture. BUT IT IS NOT BREAD! Christ is the Living Bread. He must always have the pre-eminence as the preacher delivers his burden. The Four Gospels must be the staple (and perhaps the Letter to the Hebrews). They portray the most compassionate, patient, helpful, authoritative and hope-inspiring of all lives. They put flesh on the concepts of Elder Brother, Rescuer, Shepherd, Rabbi, Priest and Prophet. When the trouble comes I cannot lean upon a lecture of ethics. I must have an overcoming relationship with the Captain of our salvation, the Anchor of our hope, the Firstborn from the dead. I will remember the faithful preacher who depicted such a One for me, and provoked me to yet more redeeming 22

meditations and prayer life in private; more helpful activity in public. Every believer should have for private use a good exposition of the life of Christ drawing from all Gospels and establishing the overview (Farrar, Stalker, Pollock, MacLaren, Campbell Morgan). The imperative of the Gospel is not "learn this" or "learn that"; rather it is "Come." "Learn of me." "Follow me." The one who gives priority to this imperative will always cause the Master to smile. And that smile felt is worth worlds.

Had Meals With You

I was reading the 13th chapter of Luke this morning and noticed something interesting. Jesus is describing the "straight" way of admission to the Kingdom of God and suggesting that many religious practitioners will be surprised at Judgment. They say, 'Did we not eat with you and did you not teach in our streets?' The Master sadly responds, 'Go away, I never knew you.' Where have we seen this? An over-abundance of eating, fellowship and teaching, but no development of an intimacy with Jesus. No hearing of His heart and burdens. Nothing else will suffice. An earnest and loving approach to prayer, praise, meditation and Gospel study which is "Jesus focused" rather than "God or Victorious Church focused" will point the inquirer and the hungry heart in the right direction. He is our Door of access, our Forerunner and truest Friend and Hope. The one who seeks, asks and knocks through Him will be more than satisfied, and bold to represent the Good News Churches, this is the detonator!


It Wasn’t the Meals or the Fellowship

Let us look at the three and a half years of joint ministry of Jesus and His disciples. The initial message, we are told in Mark's Gospel, was "Repent and believe the Gospel"; also, "the Kingdom of heaven is at hand". The ethic for this Kingdom was the Sermon on the Mount, turning upside down men's agendas for dominance, power, acclaim, comfort and provision. The Kingdom would be a training ground for the patient, forgiving, sharing, helping, non-judgmental, worshiping ones. The emissaries were not to linger long in any particular location, but were to move about making the best possible use of a surprisingly short span of time. They were to proclaim that God was reaching out in forgiveness and drawing to Himself a family of meek and teachable children. They were to cast out devils. They were to lay hands on the sick for healing. They were to frustrate the enslaving agenda of the Devil. They were to comfort the hungry and lonely and misunderstood. They were to proclaim unequivocally their devotion to the school of the rabbi Jesus. They busied themselves with this agenda. Their comings together as a group were limited and pivotal. They were so much more occupied in outreach, that the Kingdom might grow. As recorded in Matthew 13 the growth of the Kingdom would be mystical, unstoppable and immeasurable (the mustard seed, the yeast, the fishnet cast to the waves). God was in control and would secure His family. They considered themselves most privileged to have these basic insights, and to be busy about the Lord's affairs. This sounds very unlike the insular, self-congratulatory, constantly fattening practices of the modern church. Our many messages to "self-improve" were not the fare of the original twelve; neither the endless dissection of spiritual gifts; neither the recreations, concerts, pot-lucks, study books or bazaars which clutter the calendar. A serious independent study of the Gospels makes this clear. The Great Commission remains a "going forth" and not a staying inside.


I. Seduced By Supernatural

Not Always of God

I have seen it. Men frozen in trance. A preacher falling down repeatedly while trying to take the microphone. Holy laughter or interminable moaning and grabbing of one's abdomen. People attesting to the appearance of angel dust. Missionaries purportedly receiving manna on their open Bible while celebrating communion. Large assemblies milling about in conversation and "fellowship" even after the preacher has commenced the message. And the warning gets issued: "We must respect the working of the Holy Ghost, even if we do not understand." These are also people who have often grown tired of their Bibles, and of tarrying or breathing in the silent presence of the Lord. In their thirst for something new and fresh they have left behind their yardsticks of scripture and of holy fear to venture into wasteland. A considered rebuke gets labeled as faithless and judgmental. Pity. But I have also seen shining new babes in Christ; invalids with most evident restoration of body strength, vision or hearing; tear-washed faces calling down the mercies of heaven in prayer with unlearned articulation and poignancy; prophecy which touches the heart of a congregation on a difficult issue needing the direction of "the finger of God". Lord Jesus help us to see the difference. Help us to SEE YOU...Doug

J. Seduced by Controversial


Snake Has Many Heads

You have probably experienced the process yourself. You want to remain current with happenings in the Church as discussed or published. Supposed new revelation that jars our orthodoxy. But it also suggests the breaking down of walls and a new level of inclusiveness. The message usually hints that doctrine is largely wicked and divisive. And you so much want to avoid being called judgmental or dated. So…you are curious…you invest…you chuckle at the novelty…you lick the bait… you see some point of fairness in the argument…you are thinking now in the realm of common men…you cast your lot with the apparent heart of the upstart…you are into heresy. This is happening all over the Western Church. Incidents include the enticements of a Spong or Schuller or Bentley or Bell. And all the while dear old Jude stands over in the corner repeating the timely message in his little epistle: “Contend for the faith once delivered to the saints”. TAKE HEED LEST ANY MAN DECEIVE YOU As the time approaches for the bodily return of Jesus to earth, false messengers, messiahs and visionaries will abound. The sensual self-pleasing spirit described in 2 Timothy 3 will also abound. The faith once delivered to the saints will be subjected to idolatrous twists and turns suiting powerful men's fancies and intellects. The children of light, and indeed the very planet, will groan for deliverance. Nevertheless we must not allow our eagerness to press us into the agenda of the false prophets who will delude large numbers. Men will be touting things fresh and new, inferring that the grand old Gospel is no longer satisfactory or certain. God will not delude us. His warnings and promises are entirely trustworthy. The Day of Christ’s return in glory and judgment will be unstoppable. (Acts 1: 11) Let us occupy in love, service and hope.


K. Fear of Man

Whether or Not to Be That Spectacle

...You should have been "living epistles known and read of all men". You know that a lighted lamp is a very small thing, and it burns calmly and without noise; yet "it giveth light to all that are within the house". So if you had day by day the blood of Christ upon your conscience, - walking a forgiven and adopted child of God, - having a calm peace in your bosom and a heavenly hope in your eye, - having the Holy Spirit filling you with a sweet, tender, chaste, compassionate, forgiving love to all the world, - Oh, had you shone thus for two years back, how many of your friends and neighbours that are going down to hell might have been saying this day, "Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God"! (Given by M'Cheyne in a pastoral letter dated March 20, 1839 and 27

reproduced in Memoirs and Remains of Robert Murray M'Cheyne by A. A.Bonar) This zeal for the clean and clear presentation of Christ to the world can also be found in the words of Paul the Apostle in 2 Corinthians 1: 12For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward. 13For we write none other things unto you, than what ye read or acknowledge; and I trust ye shall acknowledge even to the end; 14As also ye have acknowledged us in part, that we are your rejoicing, even as ye also are our's in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Church Militant

You have sensed it before. The stiffening of a group of people as you came forward to enter into their conversation. The glassy looks on the faces as you offered some comment of good will or humour. The unspoken sense that you really had no part in them or in what was happening. The common topics of community, sports, weather, neighbourhood happenings appearing somehow off-limits to you. The expectation that you would move on elsewhere. This is rejection, plain and simple. A putting off of your statement. What statement? Perhaps you have said nothing. But in the past your actions, omissions and expressions of face have spoken volumes to these people. You are a Christian, and a zealous one. The word has gotten around, making others uncomfortable. Old evangelists such as Finney used to talk of how one's presence ought to evoke a sense of "present duty felt".


It wasn't spelled out this way at Church. Supposedly you held the pearl of great price, and by your "loveliness" could charm people into the Kingdom of Heaven. But you now discover the cool response and the rolling eye. Don't be surprised; you are part of the Church Militant and you are still living in an age of the humiliation of Christ. Be encouraged. The word of scripture is full of assurances for you and the spirit of glory rests upon you in your humiliation. The Church Triumphant is still something for the future, when the whole planet will be covered with the knowledge of the Lord and the joy of His administration. Listen to Peter the Apostle: 1 Peter 4: 12Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: 13But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. 14If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. In Luke chapter 14 Jesus spoke of the wisdom of fully counting the cost of entering into His service. He drew the parallel of an army commander preparing for battle and a builder preparing for a construction project. This is what the Church elicits - a battle and a building. Jesus did not say that we had to have the resources within us. He simply admonished that we be sincere and prepared to offer up all that we had. It resembles the story of the little lad offering his lunch of fives loaves and two fishes, and the miraculous picnic resulting for the audience of five thousand and more! Perhaps this posting is stern, but it is honest. We are to be salt and light. We are to 'take with us words' of redeeming effect. I have experienced a portion of rejection today, and am trying my best to regroup, and to think it not strange.


N. Fear of Transparency


Eight-thirty P. M. Automatic garage door closed. Back from Thursday night Men’s Group. Don sat in the darkness, tapping the steering wheel. It was the third time today he had thought of his work-mate, Steve Fornsby. (Steve was obviously having some problems. But bottled up.) Four rings on the cell phone: “Steve, its Don Parks. It seems that you have been coming to mind throughout the day. I suspect there is something you need to talk about. I’m available.” “Well Don, it’s kids. You know that Lorraine and I have had difficulty … Look, I can’t do this now. She is in the next room. It’s very sensitive.” “Buddy, I have been out for the evening. Even now I am sitting in my car. How be you grab a jacket and meet me at Timmy’s on Weber Street in ten minutes?” “Isn’t it kinda late for this? Oh, alright…” That which ensued was something which Don had not even been able to achieve yet with the Men’s Group. Real heart-opening. Real engagement. Real vulnerability. It had been easy to do in the come-and-go anonymity of the coffee shop. Steve Fornsby and Lorraine were childless. Numerous efforts with the OBGYN had led nowhere. Best indication was that the problem lay with Steve. He had become testy. Sex was becoming a chore and a source of despair. Recently jealousy had raised its ugly head. Lorraine was a Principal’s secretary at Central Secondary. Jeff Brant was a Phys-Ed teacher, recently 30

divorced. There were suspicions… And so it went for the next forty minutes. “Steve, I don’t know if you realize it or not. Our second is adopted. Very difficult first pregnancy, and we went this way for a boy. Never regretted it. Like an oasis of happiness. The older sister really rallied with us. Jimmy is truly family. My pastor Keith’ s second is also adopted. Same story. I believe that there are a couple of guys we should meet who could help us on this. I have grown to trust them. They will keep their mouths shut. If money is an issue with adoption, we could kick in. We have some connections locally and with distant agencies. Talk this over with Lorraine. I will be praying. I know that Becky would make herself available for your wife. I would suggest you not go to all the life science considerations being touted in the news. Beautiful kids are out there, waiting. One could be yours…” In the darkness of the parking lot two mature men hugged and wept, shook hands, ‘til next time. Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. (Galatians 6: 2) He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord. (Psalm 113: 9)

O. Joyless Religion

Yeah, But Is He Happy?


This will be said of the pastor, the Christian witness, the parent, the neighbour, the workmate. Does he reflect honestly and realistically the joy, praise, optimism and consistency which such a purportedly good faith should yield? How is he to attain it? By unsullied obedience and a clear conscience. By curiosity and a continuously teachable nature. By a healthy sense of humour. By unending thankfulness, as the blessings truly cannot be numbered. By an honest vision of the sovereignty of God, and that that is as it should be. By a quick willingness to forgive. By a full and personal appropriation of Christ's noble work at the Cross. By an ability to take benefit from seasons of rest and recreation. By trusted friends, intimates and prayer partners. By a refusal to become the slave of advertised fashions and lifestyles of the age. But such a joy is not the manufactured product of the will alone. It takes grace. It takes the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control - Galatians 5). Here I would refer to the exceptional exposition of Mark Guy Pearse on Psalm 103 and its culmination in praise and blessing: "Serve the lord with gladness-that is the perfection of service, when obedience is a delight. It is an art to be learnt, and to be mastered only by exercise; and he who has learnt it has found the very secret of heaven's own blessedness. It is the service set forth by the vestments of the High Priest (Exodus 28) when he went to minister before the Lord. He was to be arrayed in the ephod 'all of blue'; and the golden breastplate, whereon were written the names of Israel, was borne upon the heart. And ever as he moved the music of the golden bells rang from his robes, 'Beneath upon the hem of the robe thou shalt make pomegranates of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, round about the hem thereof; and bells of gold between them round about...and his sound shall be heard when he goeth in unto the holy place before the Lord.' Our gracious God is surely worthy of such service. For His sake let the heart be set with eager longing and resoluteness on this life of praise, and let there be the daily exercise and effort after a fuller thankfulness. And for our neighbour's sake let us seek His blessed life. Gratitude is the sweetest and most successful witness for God." Bells (joyful focus and sacrifice of praise). Pomegranates (gifted fruit of the Spirit, bursting with reproductive seed and adaptable to all of life's 32

conditions). Blue, purple and scarlet (arresting colours of the curtains of the Holy Place, found also on the worshiper, and suggesting a theme of heaven, sovereignty and atoning blood). "Bless the Lord, O my soul."

Run fox run, we are not ignorant of your games! P. Judgment is Not Ours

Now Just Settle Down!

I listen to you as you engage with friends and family. All the things you would like to see my Church doing. All the error you have identified. All the side eddies of teaching topics that miss the major thrust of my Good News. You say that you are weary of dishonest "positive confession", of spiritual pride, of a competitive spirit in the flock, of the lust for "new revelation". You observe "worship sessions" which are ruled by the clock or by an order of service which is man-contrived, and not looking in the least for the 33

Spirit's leading. You chafe at Christ-less sermons. There is much talk of service but the un-churched, needy or broken do not become the focus of your little church family...ever. Do you think that I will use you in this "tizzy" of criticism and restlessness? Where is my peace and unconditional love? Remember my prayer outside the Upper Room for the disciples? How I recognized the victory that would be their's, with the Father's help, even when they had yet to turn from me and run and fail miserably. I am telling you that I wait for the longsuffering to show forth. Abide in me. Meditate on my earth walk. Stop your speaking out against shallowness or controversy. Be eloquent in intercession. That is purposeful. Gain my stride. Watch for surprising opportunities for ministry which I will release. Not one of them will be small in my estimation. Do not go forward in the flesh. I love you too and will see you bear fruit. Be available but do not be in a lather.

Q. In Real Terms, Taking Hold of the Fear of the Lord

Imagine if a congregation gathered to minister unto the Lord rather than to "get" from Him. Teaching and fellowship would take a back seat to waiting upon the Father's initiative. Songs of adoration and thanksgiving rather than performances. Extended periods of silence and expectation in corporate prayer. More straight reading from the sacred text and less teaching from it. Perhaps initially it would lack the flow and momentum of our eighty minute program packages. But I suspect that with a focus upon the Lord's arrival, the "holy hush" would lead to messages, praise, prophecy and manifestation 34

around the room. There would be a quickening adjustment from the traditional lecturn-audience format. The ministry team would have to be prepared to step back and allow something more participatory to occur. The atmosphere would be one of excitement moderated by courtesy and a respectful weighing of input. Services would contain surprises, comforts, reminders, admonitions and encouragements through the Spirit. Pastor would take on the role of conductor in the concert rather than soloist. The command is for us to assemble and bow down and worship. It is not to attend sessions on self-improvement or the exploration of virtues. As we focus on the glorious account of what Jesus has done and what He is like, we find ourselves being changed into His likeness. We crave His "bread". We appropriate Him and find that progressively He lives through us. The outflow will be in love, service and reproduction. I encourage readers of this post to take some private time with concordance and topical Bible in hand to examine "fear of the Lord" and such passages as Isaiah 58, Psalm 36, Psalm 63, Acts 4 and Acts 10.

Look Still

Look still for better yet. However good the way has been, However bright the paths. No crop has failed. Your sun still warms. You wonder, can it last? Look still for better yet. Whatever dark night robs your sleep, 35

Whatever chills the bone. The pains still come. They seem your lot. Unseen, unheard, alone. Look still for better yet. The faith stands true; the promise sure; And Beulah Land is ours. With joy for all; Reversed, the Fall. And thorns replaced with flowers. Look still for better yet.


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