That's The Spirit!

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THAT’S THE SPIRIT! Awesome Considerations of the Helper


We were there in one accord In that humble prayer room, In obedience to our Lord. He had promised to consume All our fears and failures With the Spirit’s power; As we prayed for Father’s Promise In that hour; On the Day of Pentecost. Jesus led us to believe It was best that he should go. Only then could we receive What he promised to bestow In a shower of glory, 1

C. Doug Blair, 2011

Fitting us for preaching; With anointing to conform us To his teaching, On the Day of Pentecost. How the Glory hit that room With the fire and sound of breeze! As the One who cleared the tomb Met us there on bended knees, Speaking languages we knew not, Giving proof. We had found the One to lead us In all truth, On the Day of Pentecost. Fifty days after “First-Fruits” In that ancient Feast of Weeks, We were made the first recruits, By the One whom each soul seeks. Yes the Holy Spirit gave His unction to us, That the Church of Christ might start her Campaign through us, On the Day of Pentecost. If we only looked to him, Our great Spirit, Comfort, Friend, He would keep us true and trim, And sustain us to the end; As the Earnest of our hope Of final glory, And the author of a growing Gospel story, From the Day of Pentecost. We went forth in Jesus’ stead To engage in Holy War As an army Spirit-led, In a way not known before; With his Word to win a wounded 2

World to Jesus, In the power which the Holy Ghost releases, As on the Day of Pentecost. LUKE 24: 49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. ACTS 4: 33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.


Hear what Jesus had to say in order to prepare his friends to meet and to enjoy the Holy Ghost: Holiness - Luke 11: 13 Conviction - John 16: 8-11 Guidance - John 16: 13 Truth - John 15: 26 Comfort - John 14: 16-26 Utterance - Matthew 10: 19,20 Non-Retaliation - Luke 9: 52-56 Peace, Joy, Love - John chapters 14 and 15 Worship - John 4: 23,24


Remembrance/Teaching - John 14: 26 Anointing/Deliverance - Luke 4: 17-21 Regeneration - John 3: 5-8 Inspirer of Scriptures - Mark 12: 36 The Best Gift - Luke 11: 3 The Finger of God - Luke 11: 20 The Victor over Evil Spirits - Luke 11: 22 The Promise of the Father - Acts 1: 4 Power/Testimony - Acts 1: 8 Instruction to Churches - Revelation chapters 2 and 3 Eager for Christ's Second Coming - Revelation 22: 17


Peace, be still, little heart, I am here. Now you hail Christ as LordCease from fear! I am your promised help, Draw from me. My sure wisdom is yours, You will see.


As the mysteries of God Are made known, And the scriptures bring life From his throne. Did I not once inspire Holy men To record the Lord’s will By the pen? Will I not open such Truths to you, In a way just as clear To your view? We will grow in friendship As you pray. Simply ask for my help Each new day. I have kindled my spark Deep within. Please, permit it to burnYou’ll not sin. Once, my task was to claim You from Hell. Now, praise God, you have come. All is well. I will lead, I will check ‘Long the way. Lest you err, I’ll be there. Come what may. Can you see, I am sent As a pledge? Just as deep calls to deep ‘Cross time’s edge.


There are fruits of my love For each day. Please, dear heart, do not grieve Me away. And, of course, you may ask For my best! A baptism of power, You’ll be blessed! Just as Peter emerged From all fear, In a Pentecost blaze Of good cheer. You will witness on fire To God’s Word, With a joy that is strength From your Lord. I will consecrate you For the task. And take charge of your tongue If you ask… As the finger of God I will point. And with ministry gifts Oft’ anoint. Thus equipped, you may serve Much like Paul, Who abandoned all else For Christ’s call. Learning sin had no hold O’er one dead To the flesh, but alive Where I led.


Please, accept me as your Inner guide. Let us witness to Christ Glorified! I will offer help as You allow. Bold adventures in love Begin now!


Jesus said an unsettling thing in the 16th chapter of Luke. He was telling the story of the dishonest steward whose chicanery had been discovered. Knowing that he was about to be dismissed, he went around to his master's customers and cut favourable deals, thereby ensuring their favour and support for himself for the future. Jesus concluded: 8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. Said another way, the time taken to come to understand God is time not dedicated to engineering, stocks and bonds, manufacture, disease research or empire building. We as children of light and as members of the True Vine have been given other priorities and assignments. (That is not to say we should not fulfil some worthy task or vocation. But fruitfulness comes first.) Now consider the image presented in the 15th chapter of Ezekiel. Israel is compared to a vine (see also Isaiah 5 and Hosea 10), and as such, it had better be about the business of fruit-bearing: 2Son of man, what is the vine tree more than any tree, or than a branch which is among the trees of the forest? 3Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work? or will men take a pin of it to 7

hang any vessel thereon? 4Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel; the fire devoureth both the ends of it, and the midst of it is burned. Is it meet for any work? 5Behold, when it was whole, it was meet for no work: how much less shall it be meet yet for any work, when the fire hath devoured it, and it is burned? 6Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; As the vine tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem. The fruits of righteousness are our major contribution to community. Deeds of mercy and comfort; attitudes of equity; words of hope. We are the conscience. We are the foil. Causing others to stop, check their paths, look upward. Light...fruit...salt. Matthew 5: 13Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Not so naive after all.


Over sixty years ago Roy Hession wrote the classic entitled The Calvary Road, examining the things indispensable to revival, of the individual first, and then of the church community. There is much said about brokenness of spirit, relinquishment of personal rights, repenting of all known sin, trusting in the cleansing power of the 8

Blood of Calvary, walking in the ways of the "unprofitable servant" (Luke 17: 7-10), avoiding the critical spirit, demonstrating the change in manner of fellowship with others. A chapter of particular note is entitled "The Dove and the Lamb". Our target and the Church's target is to be increasingly more like Jesus through the input of the Holy Spirit. But the Dove will only come to rest on the Lamb. The author refers here to the image of Jesus being baptized at the River Jordan by John. There is much profit in studying the characteristics of this Lamb: He is a simple Lamb - no guile, scheming or strategy for personal advantage. He is a shorn Lamb - without rights, reputation or personal liberty worthy of striving or retaliation. He is a silent Lamb - never yielding to the temptation to joust for selfdefence or self-vindication. He is a spotless Lamb - holding no grudges, resentment or bitterness. He is the substitute Lamb. Let this fire our sense of loyalty and dedication to the ways of the Lamb. Jesus took upon Himself all of our wickedness at the Cross, releasing us from the weight and consequence of sin. If in reading this you sense that what is being suggested is some sort of milquetoast personality, then consider the One held forth as the prototype! Physically strong; tempered by the elements; capturing the attention of thousands in His addresses; familiar with the everyday of workbench, fishing net, household and tilled field; fearless of wicked, threatening authority. I conclude with the author's words: "The Dove is the emblem of peace, which suggests that if the Blood of Jesus has cleansed us and we are walking with the Lamb in humility, the sign of the Spirit's presence and fullness will be peace. This is indeed to be the test of our walk all the way along. Let the peace of God rule (arbitrate) in your hearts (Colossians 3:15). If the Dove ceases to sing in our hearts at any time, if our peace is broken, then it can only be because of sin. In some manner we 9

have departed from the humility of the Lamb. We must ask God to show us what it is, and be quick to repent of it and bring the sin to the Cross." Individuals and faith communities, responding honestly to these suggestions, will see a resurgence of light, love and liberty, causing others to say, as Ruth said to Naomi: "...whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:" (Ruth 1:16)


Song of Solomon 4: 12A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed. Here is Jehovah looking upon Israel; Christ looking upon His Church, His Bride. There is not a word of censure, even though the Bride has been tardy in response to His approaches,


"A Garden enclosed": A productive place of the Saviour's special tending, feeding, pruning, watering, protecting and study. It is fenced against the trespass and tramplings of an indifferent world. It is sheltered from winds of adversity and fear, capable of scattering precious seed. The time is not yet come for the presentation of ripened produce to a watching world. "My sister": Made siblings by faith in a common household, accountable to a common Father. Sharing a mutual trust in His sovereignty, equity and power. "My spouse": Betrothed and entitled to the everlasting benefits and confidence of covenant. Proclaimed and evidenced before the entire world. Witnessed by the Word of promise and Spirit of comfort. Intimate, safe and adhering. Growing in familiarity. Reproducing with joy and diligent care. Dispensing together the fruits of their partnered venture. "A spring shut up": There are delights and refreshments not yet disclosed. Building up in the secret places of prayer, meditation, intercession and carefully measured suffering. The surface shows little to the passing eye. Until the surge comes. "A fountain sealed": And the surge WILL come. The pressures of love, joy, praise and adoration will find their outlet. Kept pure and unsullied in the depths, these waters will bring streams in the desert and bracing life unprecedented. The landscape will be changed. The Living Water will come.


Believers will manifest more or less of the influence of the Holy Ghost in their demeanour and lives in proportion to their degree of yieldedness in daily communion. Watching and praying. Note the distinction. The former is an exercise of quiet submission, waiting for the input or leading of the Spirit. The latter pertains to verbalized supplication, praise, seeking, thanksgiving and confession. 11

I have often heard believers of the Pentecostal or Charismatic persuasion suggesting that they are "spirit-filled". They link the experience of Holy Ghost baptism and tongues with this assertion. They refer to a portion of Ephesians 5 in this regard: 17Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. 18And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; 19Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; The sense of the 18th verse is that we are to be constantly receiving infillings, not that we shall ever arrive at "topped up" this side of Glory. Flesh stops the flow. Spillage comes with sin, fatigue and unbelief. I fear that many people who have not had a personal Acts 2 experience consider our comments as mere pride and vainglory. They shy away from a second work of grace for this very reason. They might even erroneously conclude that Pentecostals consider Spirit baptism as essential to salvation. I must confess that I have yet to meet an individual who is "filled". I have met some who manifest great sensitivity, patience, meekness, reverence, self-control, courtesy and willingness to give, forgive and serve. They have yielded themselves to a greater measure of the Spirit's influence. They manifest His fruit. (They do not all speak in tongues.) It is a love response which requires some quality choices in the believer. But let there be no muddying of the waters over this term "spirit-filled".



In the great mountain range a curious imaginary line is drawn to show the point of division between waters which run eastward and waters flowing westward. This is a matter of gravity, topography and vapour. It is called the watershed. It is considered in the positioning of communities, livestock and crop acreage. In 1982 when I entered into a personal relationship with Jesus, I had gone through a study of what the Bible had to say about the Holy Spirit. It was as if I had to come to real terms with each person of the Trinity before moving forward. I soon learned that the Spirit would expose my shortcomings, then offer a revelation of the Gospel rescue plan and make me a lover of Jesus. He was certainly on my case. The discovery was wonderful! Soon I was hearing about the possibility of a baptism in the Holy Ghost, a second visitation of grace, which purportedly would assist in intimacy with God, desire for holiness, prayer efficacy and power for testimony and service. Friends directed my attention to the phenomenon experienced in the early church and chronicled in Acts chapters 2, 10, and 19. In each case the event was evidenced by the believers speaking in languages which they had not been taught- tongues. The prospect was both exciting and suspicious. It became apparent to me that "speaking in another tongue as the Spirit gave the utterance" was a significant watershed in the Church. Others suggested that the phenomenon had passed with the apostles. That it had only been allowed to give credence to their spoken word and ministry. That when the full counsel of scripture arrived in written form, the sketchy or childish revelation had passed away. Any manifestation at present, they said, was at best wishful thinking or imitation; at worst confusion or dark influence. For slightly short of a year I appeared to be taking the latter position, but some dear and patient friends (who were very well grounded in the faith) encouraged me to keep an open mind as to what God might desire to give me. A conference featuring a barrel-chested, bearded Mennonite teacher laid another plank. He suggested that tongues need not be an ecstatic utterance. Indeed Paul had said in First Corinthians 14:


14For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful. 15What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. There was the question. Was I willing to relinquish my tongue on occasion for the Spirit's use? Could areas be covered in prayer which were beyond my understanding? Could praise and communion reach a different level in the Spirit? One thing is certain. There are committed, joyful, equipped, heaven-bound believers holding each of the two points of view. We must operate in love toward all who embrace Christ and Him crucified and risen. Perhaps some find themselves right now at the watershed. Lord, grant that these remarks might help them to ascertain Your will for their walk.


(A memorable entry in Come Ye Apart by J. R. Miller) A Beacon-Light “He that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness.� Mark 3:29 Few words in the Bible have caused more anxiety and fear than these. Learned men do not agree in their idea as to what it is to blaspheme against the Holy Ghost. But not matter about the exact meaning of the words; they stand here as a warning against a terrible danger. They are like a red light hung over a perilous rock. While we may not know just what constitutes the 14

sin, it certainly is our duty to keep as far from its edge as possible. And surely all wilful and determined resistance to the influence of the Holy Spirit is a step toward this point of awful peril. This utterance of our Lord should lead us to treat with the utmost reverence every appeal, persuasion, or bidding of the Holy Ghost, never to resist, but always to yield to his every influence. We have no other Friend in this world who can guide us home. If we drive him away from us for ever, we shall be left in the darkness of eternal night. How long we may continue to reject Him and not go beyond the line that marks the limit of hope, we know not; but the very thought that there is such a line somewhere ought to startle us into instant acceptance of the offered guidance. Oh, where is this mysterious line That crosses every path, The hidden boundary between God’s patience and his wrath? How for may we go in sin? How long will God forbear? Where does hope end, and where begin The confines of despair? An answer from the skies is sent: “Ye that from God depart, While it is called Today, repent, And harden not your heart.”


Simon was a prominent wizard in Samaria with numerous miraculous achievements to his credit. His power at this point was all from the dark side. He watched the dramatic changes in people arising from the message and 15

ministry of Philip the evangelist. Acts chapter 8 tells us that Simon also believed and was added to the numbers of the church. But the "old man" still had throttle holds in Simon's life. He still lusted for notoriety and power. (So much for the simplistic suggestion that with salvation problems just evaporate.) Soon Peter and John were in town inviting believers into the subsequent experience of the baptism in the Holy Ghost. Simon must have observed something very arresting, although the text does not specify that candidates for the blessing then spoke in other tongues. He blurted out that he was desperate to receive this great power and prepared to pay money for it. Peter's rebuke was very harsh and comes close to suggesting that Simon had fallen out of grace, or was at least dangling at the precipice. Simon was apparently moved by the threat and pleaded for prayer and help. We know nothing more about him. His stumbling has come to be known as "simony". What can we learn from this? That the falling of the Holy Ghost in power may be an event subsequent to salvation. That a new believer still faces battles with the old sins. Progressively, through faith exercise, they can be overcome. That love and pastoral care may use very harsh words when warranted. That a believer must fear his light because the enemy would like nothing better than to pull him again into darkness. Spirituality is about simply trusting and obeying. It is not about money or study or social advantage. I often wonder whether there is a parallel when Christians spend big bucks for teaching materials or conferences, hoping that they will get the full deal on some aspect of the faith. I constantly hear radio ministers speak in such terms and it is truly grievous. Remember Simon.



Recently Hilary, Lauren and I took a drive to Niagara Falls. One of the truly astounding natural wonders of our province. We are not keen for the customary tourist attractions (Wax Museum, Casino, Marineland, Butterfly Emporium). We just like to people watch and gaze at the thundering light blue of the Falls. It is said that the two most cosmopolitan gathering places on the planet are Niagara and Piccadilly Circus in London, England. A visit to either will yield an encounter with people from all around the world. This proved true again to us. Smiling faces of all colours. Taking photographs. Sharing a sort of relaxation and common bond in the beauty of it. Acknowledging a powerful, talented and artistic Creator. Jesus spoke of rivers of Living Water being made available through the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39). This Spirit gives immediate access to God, an exhileration of the heart and a sense of blessed unity. Much in the same way the cataract did for those assembled on the misty platform that sunny September afternoon. The evangelist Smith Wigglesworth once visited the Falls and after moments of reflection boomed out in his extraordinary voice, such that all around might hear: "Just like that, Father. Give me of your Spirit, just like that!" 17

I must admit that in my early days in some churches there was little talk of the Holy Spirit, of His availability for peace, comfort, guidance, patience, clearer grasp of scripture, power to testify. These are just some of His blessings to the hungry, seeking believer or assembly. I remember reading a worthy book by Catherine Marshall entitled "The Helper". Dear Reader, please be open to the ministrations of this Helper. John 16: 13Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. 14He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.


In the Old Testament the anointing was for the King. It was for the priest and prophet. It was designed to commission and to set apart for holy, Goddirected purpose. It was not earned. It was bestowed. In Psalm 23 we have the image of the shepherd anointing the sheep's head with oil. In a very practical sense, in the hot eastern summer, this act relieved the sheep of the peace-threatening, life-threatening attack of insects upon the eyes and nasal passages. This resulted in calm, comfort and order for the flock. Can not the same be said about the settling influence of the Spirit? Consider Isaiah 61 and the wonderful outworkings of the anointing. In Luke 4 Jesus announced that His ministry was all about the same things: 18The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach 18

the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. 20And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. I would also draw your attention to Peter's sermon to the Gentiles of Cornelius' house at Acts 10:37,38: 37That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached; 38How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. This confirms that the marvelous miracle service of Jesus was the result of the obedient submission of a man to the anointing of God for power, doing good and overcoming the Devil. The same anointing is available to the humble and dedicated believer today. What a promise! What an opportunity! Is it not said in the Revelation that we are made kings and priests unto our God? I often hear reference to a believer or minister who is "much anointed". The context sounds the same to me as if one were referring to a professor who is "much published" or a soldier who is "much decorated" or an actor who is "much celebrated". Certain God-given talents have been enhanced by training, education, experience and single-minded dedication. But the anointing is NOT a commodity to improve self. It is not a spiritual "power drink". It has to do with dying as did the ingredients of the holy anointing oil prescribed to Moses (Exodus 30). The name Christ or Messiah means "anointed one". If we would have this


appointment, this anointing, we must have Christ, and we must have cast away self-reliance and the distractions of the world, the flesh and the devil. Believer, I exhort you to dedicate yourself to Christ, to the "anointed One and His anointing". Who knows what fruit may come?


Once while sitting in a "seen it all before church service", I began to imagine something truly exciting. I had a mental picture of the congregation including a large palette of vivid oil paints. One member brought forward his contribution of sky blue and applied it to a large canvas. His inclination was toward exhortation. Another brought her colour, maroon, representing a fit piece of scripture. A third, a much older man sang a verse of an old hymn. His colour, forest green, and very appropriate for the leading of the morning. A young frail-featured man with a quiver to his jaw released charcoal gray, compassionate intercession for a family going through the knothole of severe illness. A fifth, a mother in her late thirties, bringing harvest orange and chestnut brown, for tongues and interpretation. A mechanic added the gold of prophecy to a challenging situation being faced by the assembly. What was taking place before us, arranged by the Holy Spirit, was a beautiful corporate expression of art and worship and wisdom (involving all of the senses and attitudes of heart). This was the "togetherness" emphasized in the Acts of the Apostles, the "all in one accord". The forming picture on the canvas showed a small village at the base of an extravagant mountain, with crops and pastures and sheep on the slopes and with the suggestion of clean homes and healthy commerce, socializing and worship in the town. If this were to occur in our midst we would cease calling it "meeting or


assembly or Holy Communion or Morning Prayer". We would call it instead "family" in the Lord Jesus. May it come to pass this side of Glory.


In the 16th chapter of John, perhaps more than anywhere else in the Gospels, Jesus explains to His friends what influence the Holy Spirit will soon have in their lives. They can expect much greater intimacy with Jesus and His agenda because 21

of the Spirit's influence. They can expect an increase in the convicting power in their words, actions and demeanour, because of the sway of the Spirit. And they can expect a much greater degree of ostracism and persecution, just as their Lord had seen it. Jesus is honest. He knows what is in the heart of man. He will not spare his friends the news that things are going to get tough. Idols will be shaken. Pass-times and associations will be held up to the light. Hypocrisies will become transparent. Man-made rules will be exposed in all of their futility. Not only the wicked but the self-righteous are going to balk at this, even to the point of violence and murder, whether it be of the person or of the reputation. And when you stumble, which you will, the hounds will be quick to say, "See he blew it. He isn't perfect. This thing doesn't work. Forget about Jesus. Go on with business as usual." That is the spirit of anti-christ. It needs to be prayed down, loved down, served down by the extraordinary Person who dwells within us. (Acts 10:38) And we have been assured that 'greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world'. Some who deal with us start out peeved or fuming, but end up drawn by our indomitable asset..."joy unspeakable and full of glory" (1 Peter 1:8). That too is the working of the Spirit. The fumers may become family. We are not to respond blow for blow, but rather blessing for blow. This takes supernatural love, and the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, etc. (Galatians 5:22,23)


Matthew 10: 16Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. 17But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; 22

18And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. 19But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. 20For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. As Jesus sent out the Twelve in missionary endeavour He knew that it was necessary to be brutally honest about the reception likely to be offered by the rank and file. He assured them that it was possible for their simple words to be filled with the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Translate this to the scenario of a spiritual leader preparing his message to the congregation. Better that he struggle with the progression of topics and themes, than with the actual words and images to be employed. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The message must represent honestly the position of the speaker's heart upon a topic. Too much in the way of art will rob it of its sense of personal sincerity and truth. Jesus is to remembered out of the exercise, and not the speaker's wit or eloquence. A text which has been prepared word for word and then read from the pulpit will seldom get over the hurdle. If the speaker has a clear sense of his destination, has well researched and has noted a couple of necessary citations, has come to the pulpit rested and honestly loving his audience, there will be success and impact. I did not say that his words will be liked by all. There is convicting power to be considered as well. We must not shy away from this part of the duty. I remember reading something by Spurgeon about a young preacher burdened for the souls of men at a workplace not far from the church. One noon hour he approached a group of them with a simple but heartfelt exhortation. The alpha male ridiculed this effort, and the preacher broke down and cried before the group. Quickly he made a couple of further pleading remarks; then hastened to his study, feeling quite foolish.


Not too many months later that alpha workman made an appearance at the church. He was on his way toward conversion and membership in the Family of God: "Preacher, I could not shake that image of you crying like a child for us men..."


In his first letter to the Corinthians Paul gave a listing of spiritual gifts distributed among members of a fellowship as the Holy Spirit might determine (faith, miracles, healing, prophecy, wisdom, knowledge, tongues and interpretation, discernment of spirits}. They were and are God given and cannot be drummed up by simple desire and application, no matter how earnest. In their zeal to have manifestation of God's power in their midst the Corinthians were tripping over themselves in disorder looking for opportunities to serve and to be seen serving in the perceived gift or gifts. Paul admonished them to do things decently and in order. He made a suggestion that for general blessing of the gathering nothing would prove more beneficial than the prophetic. He told them to covet the "best gift". He then went on to stipulate that none of these gifts could surpass the simple blessing of love and compassion of the Godly sort (1 Corinthians 13) It troubles me that we now see gatherings where the intention is to "train" all those attending in prophecy. As if a body of knowledge and technique must be crammed into the cranium. But gifts are GIVEN! They may be refined with ways and means and testimony and example from mentors. BUT THEY ARE GIVEN. At such conferences and seminars teaching is also offered as to how to "position" oneself to receive his/her prophecy. If a matter has been prophesied it will come to pass unless blocked by disobedience or 24

distraction. One must keep clean of known areas of sin; keeping short accounts in prayer and repentance; thanking the Lord in advance for the blessing, challenge or assignment. The rest is left up to God and not technique. I have often questioned whether Christ had to position Himself in order to see the Messianic prophecies fulfilled in His earth walk. There is another related mis-fire in the prophetic experience going by the name of "prophetic evangelism". The intending witness will be given supernaturally certain facts about the person being addressed. He will quietly and confidentially release this information with the intention of causing his listener to be "wowed" into accepting that his message is from God and that the testimony of salvation/ healing/ sanctification is legitimate. In the vernacular it is referred to as "reading his mail". I think that most of such should be left to the traveling carnival. There may be isolated exceptional instances, but I do not see it as a regular practice of ministry. God prepares the heart. The witness simply presents the germinating seed of the Word. New life is begotten not persuaded. The Holy Spirit operates in love, sincerity and truth. So should any believer intending to pass along pearls of edification, exhortation, comfort or rebuke.


I drove by this little unassuming building. Nothing really suggested that it was a church, but it had an orderly, colourful spring garden in the front, a rude cross in the middle of it and a sign over the door which read as follows: Assembly of the Banquet Guests, Holding Nothing in Their Hands, and Desperate for the Generous Host To Arrive That They Might Kiss His Pierced Feet, and Feast and Act Upon His Every Word Sounds like a good place. No presumptuous labels such as Glory, Victorious, World-Wide, Full Gospel, Shekinah or Soaring. Perhaps too they have caught the message that the Host has sent out the invitation to both good and bad (Matthew 22:8-10). They need only come, give thanks and 25

hear. He will accomplish the rest. And He does. Interestingly enough, the sign had thirty-three words. Significant number.


R.W. Schambach is one of my favourite storytellers. At one crusade I heard of a faithful mother who had interrupted the evangelist in mid-message. "Preacher," she said, "I am running out of time and I need your prayers and the prayers of this assembly. My son is in prison and on death row for a murder he did not commit. He has exhausted his appeals. He goes to the chair tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. Man of God, do something for my son and do it quickly!" Brother Schambach led the congregation in desperate prayer and finished by saying, "This young man must not die. The real offender must come forward. Sick 'em, Holy Ghost!". The mother nodded, turned abruptly and marched down the aisle and out of the Gospel tent. What had Schambach done? Laying it all on the line like that. Commanding God, it seemed, in no uncertain terms. It would take the gift of faith for this one. Two mornings after, leaving a breakfast grill, the evangelist saw the newspaper stand and approached it without hesitation. Buying a copy, he was thrilled by the headline: "Eleventh Hour Rescue from the Chair!" Reading it hastily he learned that the District Attorney had gotten a late night phone call. The man on the other end stated, "Sir, you are about to fry the wrong man. I did it and I can prove it. My conscience won't let me do otherwise." The caller then went on to relate features of the murder scene never made public, and offered feasible explanations for some of the details which had always puzzled the police. The prison warden had been called and the 26

execution postponed pending further developments. Schambach said that right there on the sidewalk he had one of those "Pentecostal spasms". Thank God for mothers who refuse to give up. Thank God for believers who ask largely in prayer. God partners with them and does great things.


...You should have been "living epistles known and read of all men". You know that a lighted lamp is a very small thing, and it burns calmly and without noise; yet "it giveth light to all that are within the house". So if you had day by day the blood of Christ upon your conscience, - walking a forgiven and adopted child of God, - having a calm peace in your bosom and a heavenly hope in your eye, - having the Holy Spirit filling you with a sweet, tender, chaste, compassionate, forgiving love to all the world, - Oh, had you shone thus for two years back, how many of your friends and neighbours that are going down to hell might have been saying this day, "Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God"!


(Given by M'Cheyne in a pastoral letter dated March 20, 1839 and reproduced in Memoirs and Remains of Robert Murray M'Cheyne by A. A.Bonar) This zeal for the clean and clear presentation of Christ to the world can also be found in the words of Paul the Apostle in 2 Corinthians 1: 12For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward. 13For we write none other things unto you, than what ye read or acknowledge; and I trust ye shall acknowledge even to the end; 14As also ye have acknowledged us in part, that we are your rejoicing, even as ye also are our's in the day of the Lord Jesus.


"There is nothing more surprising to an attentive reader of the gospel than to notice the little success Christ had in the conversion of sinners. Although he speaks with love such as never man spake with, yet for all that, Christ had to complain, just as we have, "Ye believe not." O brethren! is it to be wondered at, then, that there are so few believers among us, when there were so few converted under Christ? We are always to expect this, then. Observe still further that the more that Christ opened out his mind to them, they seemed to hate him the more. They said, "He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him? They were pulling one another away from hearing him. Brethren, it is the same now; the more that ministers have Christ in their sermons — the more faithfully they preach — the more you will say they are mad, and have a devil. Is the servant greater than his master, or the disciple than his Lord? Still farther, observe, when Christ pressed the truth hard upon them, they could not bear it; verse 31, They were not content with disbelieving what he said, but they stoned him; and he asked this question, "Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of these works do you stone 28

me?" Brethren, the same is true still; the nearer we come to your conscience — the nearer we bring the Word home to you, if you are not converted by it, no doubt you hate us. If it is not the savour of life unto life, it will be the savour of death unto death. "Am I become your enemy, because, I tell you the truth?" And yet, brethren, it is sweet to notice that Christ had his sheep for all that. "My sheep hear my voice and they follow me." Although it is a world of adversaries, yet there is a sheepfold." This is a portion of a sermon by Robert Murray M'Cheyne entitled "The Marks and Blessings of Christ's Sheep". It is taken from the volume entitled "A Basket of Fragments". For years I have enjoyed the fruit of this powerful but short ministry in Dundee, Scotland. M'Cheyne was the less likely of two brothers to enter the ministry. The elder brother, John was stricken with a fatal disease and his final months in prayer for the soul of young Robert bore remarkable fruit. The whole story is told in Andrew Bonar's volume "Memoirs and Remains of Robert Murray M'Cheyne" The brilliant education; the poetry; the early call to a pulpit; the strikingly intense sermons; the warm approach to household visitation; the letters of comfort and admonition; the convicting fencing of the Communion Table; the worsening health; the Mission of Inquiry to the Holy Land; the feverish nights in a desert tent; the prayers for revival for a distant flock and the surprising answers to prayer; the final months and the awesome funeral for the well-loved pastor. Quite a record for twenty-nine years. (1813-1843) "One of these days I'm gonna sit down and talk with Robert."


(The following is from a letter by Robert Murray M'Cheyne,1842 to a concerned soul.) A young woman called upon me tonight in great distress. She said, "I have a wicked heart within me that would sink a world." I said, "I am thankful to hear you complain of your wicked heart, dear friend, it is unsearchably 29

wicked. There is not a sin committed on earth or in hell but has its spring and fountain in your breast and mine. You are all sin-your nature is sin,-your heart is sin,-your past life is sin,-your prayers are all sin. Oh that you would despair of being righteous in yourself! Then take the Lord Jesus for your righteousness. In Him is no sin. And He stood for us, and offers to be your shield,-your way to the Father. You may be righteous in Christ with a perfect righteousness, broad as the law, and pure as the light of heaven. If you had an angel's righteousness, you might well lay it down and put on Jesus. The robe of a blood-washed sinner is far whiter than that of an angel. Do not fear the frown of the world. When a blind man comes against you in the street, you are not angry at him; you say, He is blind, poor man, or he would not have hurt me. So you may say of the poor world; when they speak evil of Christians, they are blind. If they knew their sin and misery, and the love of Jesus, they would cleave to Him also. Fear not them which kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. Keep close to the lord Jesus. He is greater than all that can be against you; He is the shepherd of His sheep; he will defend you from wolves. Pray for the Holy Spirit, dear friend. Ask Him to come into your heart and abide there. It is a mean dwelling for such a guest. Still He will make it clean and holy by dwelling in it. Ask Him to teach you to pray (Romans 8:26,27). He will give you "groanings that cannot be uttered." Ask Him to change your heart, and make it like that of Jesus. Ask Him to write the law upon your heart, and to keep you in every time of need. I fear you are weary of my long sermons. Remember if you are not saved, I will be a witness against you in the judgment day. Come, ye weary, heavy laden Lost and ruined by the fall; If ye tarry till you're better, You will never come at all. Not the righteousSinners Jesus came to call. Farewell! Write me soon all your heart-Ever yours till glory...R.M.M.



I remember attending the display at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto featuring exhibits from the Dead Sea Scrolls. It was a fascinating weaving tour through a special auditorium showing scale models of Qumran and the caves and of the Jerusalem Temple at the time of Jesus. There were ample charts and video windows and finally a series of showcase counters with the assembled scroll portions showing a number of scriptures from our Bible and some apocryphal readings. I have to say that I was impressed with even the apocryphal texts (ones which didn't get included in the 150 Psalms, the Pentateuch, the prophet Isaiah, the prophet Daniel and other books of our Bible canon). They had the same feel of a God who would not look away awkwardly from suffering, but rather had a monumental plan to right oppression, abuse, neglect and gnawing lack or loneliness. Take for example Barkhi Nafshi 4Q434, discovered in cave 4 in 1952. This one leapt out at me: "1. Bless, O my soul, the Lord, all his wonderful deeds forever. And blessed be his name, for he has saved the life of the poor. And 2. the needy he has not despised and he has not overlooked the hardship of the oppressed. He has kept his eyes on the weak, and paid attention to the cry of orphans for help. He has inclined his ears to 3. their cry, and because of his abundant mercies, has shown favour to the meek. He has opened their eyes to see his ways, and inclined their ear[s] 4. to his teaching. he has circumcised their hearts' foreskin, and delivered them for the sake of his kindness and has set their feet firm on the path. In their many hardships he did not forsake them 5. and did not deliver them into the hands of violent men nor did he judge them with the wicked; his anger was not enkindled against them nor did he destroy them." Do we not see the spirit of Psalm 103, Psalm 41, Job 31, Matthew 25 and James 1 in these words? Our God is eager to undertake. His Son and Spirit, the same. There is no contempt for the weakness or the unsightliness, or the 31

mistakes made along the way. Only a big, burning desire to make things right, and to see the agenda furthered by those who name His Name in truth and in loyalty. It takes supernatural grace to get beyond the ugliness, vulnerability and groanings of the unclean, unwell, unfed, unhappy or untaught. There must be no mixed motives, no duplicity of heart. Simply the love call of a loving God urging us to love the unlovely as He would love them in unadulterated compassion. This takes prayers of identification. This takes the Spirit. It will result in fruits meet for repentance (Matthew 3:8). Believers, for too long we have been heard to say, "The government oughta have a program!" It is time for us to fully realize, before Jesus returns, "The Church oughta have a program". Your little bit and mine, rendered in His wonderful name.


Jesus advised His disciples that it was expedient that He return unto the Father in order that the Spirit might be released into the Church. It is my impression that the Church commenced when the disciples saw the resurrected Lord. (At Pentecost spiritual power and boldness was given for the believers to “witness unto Him�.) After that reunion there were treasured sessions on and off over a forty day period until the Ascension. Christ came and went. Unrecorded marvels were taught and shared. He was getting them ready to move away from the tactile and into the fellowship of faith. Thomas well knew the pleasure that the Lord derived from those who could not see the Master but who believed, and resorted to the fellowship of prayer and watching and trusting. It was promised that when the Lord went away He and the Father would send another Comforter, Who would bring to remembrance the teachings of 32

Christ, Who would bring calm in the midst of the storm and Who would inspire love for the Saviour and the kind of unity enjoyed in the Trinity. In my own experience, when conviction of sin reached its critical stage, and the words of Jesus were touching me in an unprecedented way, I knew that I had to discover the Spirit. There was blockage there. So often in the Church in our prayers the naming of the Father made sense as Creator, Law-giver and Protector; the naming of the Son as Forerunner and sacrificial Lamb. But the naming of the Spirit? Who was He? Or it? An emanation perhaps? A collective spiritual response? Had anyone dutifully opened up to me the Fourth Gospel, then the personality of the Spirit would have become abundantly clear. This discovery eventually came, and with it the awesome realization that the help received by Jesus through the Spirit could also come to me. Perhaps these few writings have removed some clouds for you as well.



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