Geography And Drug Addiction

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List of Tables.- List of Figures.- Acknowledgements.- Foreword.- Making Connections: Geography and Drug Addiction.- PART I. INTEGRATING GEOGRAPHY IN DRUG ABUSE RESEACH: 1. Placing substance abuse: geographical perspectives on substance use and addiction.- 2. Integrating geographic information system and social epidemiology in drug abuse research.- PART II. GEO-EPIDEMIOLOGY IN DRUG ABUSE RESEARCH: 3. Integrating GIS into the study of contextual factors affecting injection drug use along the Mexico/U.S. border.- 4. The spatial context of adolescent substance use: assessing the role of neighborhood alcohol availability and disadvantage.- 5. Migration patterns and substance use among young homeless travelers.- 6. Residential mobility and drug use among parolees in San Diego, California: implications for policy.- 7. Social disorganization, alcohol and drug markets, and violence: a space-time model of community structure.- 8. Integrated assessment of addiction epidemiology in Hong Kong 1996 2005.- 9. Residential segregation and the prevalence of injection drug use among black adult residents of U.S. metropolitan areas.- 10. The relationship of ecological containment and heroin practices.- 11. Comparing unintentional opiod poisoning mortality in metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties, United States, 1999 2003.- 12. Spatial patterns of clandestine methamphetamine labs in Colorado Springs, Colorado.- 13. A therapeutic landscape? Contextualizing methamphetamine in North Dakota.- 14. Are spatial variables important? The case of markets for multiple drugs in British Bengal.PART III. GEOGRAPHY OF INJECTION DRUG USERS AND HIV.- 15. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection rates and heroin trafficking: fearful symmetries.- 16. Metropolitan area characteristics, injection drug use and HIV among injectors.- 17. Factors influencing drug use and HIV risk in two Nicaraguan cities.- 18. Drug Use and HIV/AIDS: risk environments in post-soviet Russia.- 19. Substance abuse and HIV in China: the impact of residence and residential mobility.- PART IV. GEOGRAPHIC DIMENSIONS OF DRUG TREATMENT AND PREVENTION.- 20. Placing the dynamics of syringe exchange programs in the United States.- 21. The effect of individual, program, and neighborhood variables on continuity of treatment among dually diagnosed individuals.- 22. Exploring the reciprocal effects of substance abuse treatment provision and area substance abuse.- 23. Using a GIS framework to

assess hurricane recovery needs of substance abuse clients in Katrina- and Rita-affected areas.- 24. Using GIS to identify drug markets and reduce drug-related violence: a data driven strategy to implement a focused deterrence model and understand the elements of drug markets.- V. EMERGING RESEARCH DIRECTIONS.- 25. Modeling the spatial patterns of substance and drug abuse in the U.S.- 26. Reconceptualizing Sociogeographical Context for the Study of Drug Use, Abuse and Addiction.- 27. Spatial analytic approaches to explaining the trends and patterns in two decades of drug overdose deaths in New York City EAN/ISBN : 9781402085093 Publisher(s): Springer Netherlands Discussed keywords: Drogenabhngigkeit, Sozialgeographie Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Thomas, Yonette F. - Richardson, Douglas - Cheung, Ivan


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