Designing Living Systems. LETI – A Retrospective.
Clara Bagenal-George I Associate at Introba & LETI Founder

LETI Founder Associate Introba
Andy Stanton Senior Principal, Head of Sustainability UK & Europe, Introba
Adam McTavish
Global Sustainability Director, Currie + Brown
Sustainability Business Partner, Wates Group
Clara Bagenal George Michela RavagliaTHE STORY OF LETI
Calgary, Edmonton, Kelowna, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria 309 people
Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Miami, New Haven, New York, Oakland, San Diego, Seattle, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Washington DC
Planning, consulting, engineering, and design.
• Lighting & Daylight Design
• Baggage Handling
• District Energy and Smart Grids
• Fire Engineering
• IT and Audio-Visual Consulting
• Medical Equipment Planning
• Net Zero Carbon
• Renewable Energy
• Security & Resilience
• Systems Commissioning
Analytics Strategy
Translating bold ideas into action.
• Policy and Planning
• Masterplan Visioning
• Climate & Sustainability
• Corporate ESG Strategy
• Circular Economy
• Sustainability Certification &
• Assurance
• Building Health & Wellness
• Digital Advisory
• Digital Transformation
• Reality Capture
• Digital Twins
• Immersive Applications
• Automation & AI
• Smart Buildings, Mobility and Infrastructure
• Policy & Infrastructure Analysis
• Building Energy Modelling
• Climate Resilience Assessment
• Life Cycle Analysis
• Whole Life Carbon
• Computational Fluid Dynamics
• Data Analytics & Visualization
• Microclimate Assessment
• Building Envelope
• Indoor Environmental Quality
• Passivhaus ‘classic’ certified
• 81 affordable homes
• Existing trees protected
• 52 new employment opportunities and upskilling workshops for local residents
• 14 apprenticeships and 5 internships paid at London Living Wage
1. Energy Use Disclosure
2. Better Performance Metrics
3. Decarbonising Energy and Heating
4. Delivery Mechanisms
• Working on local policy recommendations
• Focus on the New London Plan
• Specific to London and Energy Policy
1. Energy Use Disclosure
2. Better Performance Metrics
3. Decarbonising Energy and Heating
4. Delivery Mechanisms
39 organisations and 200 individuals signed up to the LETI energy policy proposals
– Be Seen –
– Calculation of unregulated energy consumption
– Referable scheme to calculate whole life-cycle carbon emissions
– The recognition that that Building Regulations use outdated carbon emission factors
– The heating hierarchy – zero emission and secondary source top
– Inclusion of demand management, minimising peaks and avoiding high energy bills for occupants
From this point onwards…. Introba fulfilled its promise to transition leadership of LETI to an independent steering group
LETI to publish technical guidance LETI to publish technical guidance
100% of all built new buildings are Zero Carbon
10% of all Designed new buildings are Zero Carbon
100% of all Designed new buildings are Zero Carbon
To work out how we should do this….. Guess what…
- Feed into UKGBC work
- Guidance on big wins/ idiots guide
- Develop London architypes- Guide to net zero school, resi, office
- Develop a tool for Net zero
- Share knowledge
- Technical guidance, services, refrigerants, decommissioning
- Define data to be monitored
- Guidance on best practice metering
- SPG guidance on monitoring and reporting
- Developing energy use benchmarks
- Developing predicted energy use methodologies
• Energy targets for homes, schools and offices
• Embodied carbon targets (revised in 2021)
• Documents were downloaded over 100,000 times in the first 2 years, from 100 different countries
LETI has become a verb…
• Operational Energy – New build
• Embodied Carbon – New build
• Retrofit (Homes)
Operational energy targets have been met by:
+30,000 homes at masterplan level
+2,500 homes pre-construction
+1,000,000m2 of office space
+250,000m2 of education
Energy Limits (Modelling method)
Fabric and systems limits (Constituent element method)
Does the whole life carbon assessment and comparison of Retrofit vs Rebuild scenarios provide a basis for decision on the carbon part of the retrofit versus rebuild argument?
One year after the release of the CEDG
Embodied Carbon targets have been met by:
+20,000 homes at masterplan level
+3,500 homes pre-construction
+1,000,000m2 of non-domestic space
Guidance - Jan 2020
Information - May 2021
Targets - May 2021
Downloaded over 100,000 times
Note: Embodied carbon targets were superseded in 2021
The UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard will enable our industry to robustly verify that our built assets are Net Zero Carbon in line with our nation’s climate targets.
Task Groups
140+ Task Group members
Carbon budgets + =
Operational energy performance levels
Embodied carbon performance levels
Net Zero Carbon targets and limits
Operational Energy Limits
Upfront Embodied Carbon (A1-A5) limits
Lifecycle embodied carbon emissions (A1-A5, B1-B5, C1-C4) reporting
Fossil fuel free
Refrigerant & Leakage – limits on GWP
Demand management reporting
Onsite renewables reporting with targets for new builds
Renewable procurement & offsetting
Comprises of three main parts:
1. The Future Homes and Buildings Standards : 2023 consultation
2. Home Energy Model : Future Homes Standard consultation
3. Home Energy Model Consultation
1The proposals are not compatible with achieving Net Zero in operation: they do not use EUI as a key metric and do not address the performance gap
Fabric performance should be better than Part L 2021 to reduce energy use and residents' bills
Achieving net zero under these proposals will cost the country more
The consultation is not transparent on decision making and lacks an evidence base
Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery should be incentivised
Smart meters should be compulsory
An energy flexibility metric should be brought in Connection to heat networks that burn fossil fuels should not be encouraged and sleeving should not be supported
More accurate thermal bridging for non-domestic buildings
The new version of CIBSE TM59 should be adopted in Part O
The Written Ministerial Statement is not helpful to industry
1. Engage in the consultation – If you are time poorLETI have identified 18 key questions you can respond to, to have maximum impact
2. Sign up to the collective letter to the secretary of state
3. If you are a local authority - reach out to your Members
4. Submit additional evidence to DLUHC
5. Share the LETI key messages and encourage others to respond!
More… Embodied Carbon Case Studies
Circular economy
Energy from waste opinion piece
Opinion piece: Time of Use - The missing dimension in Operational Carbon
Retrofit mass housing and non-domestic
Embodied Carbon Primer *Update* Operational energy case studies
Our work on the NZCBS
Future Homes Standard consultation
LETI Pioneers Yearbook
Local Authorities – Policy
Local Authorities - Demolition or retrofit
1 member of staff working 1/1.5 days per week (Lynn Urbanik)
We are funded through crowed funding .. But did not make our 25K target
Organisation Donors
dRMM Ltd
Elliott Wood Partnership Ltd
Hawkins Brown
Hopkins Architects
IPUT Real Estate Dublin
KJ Tait
Lamorbey Associates
Max Fordham LLP
Michael Laird Architects Limited
Neilcott Construction Ltd
re:sustain limited RSHP
tp bennett
1. Donate money
2. Donate time – sign up to be involved
3. Use the LETI toolkit to respond to the Future homes consultation
4. Read the LETI guidance and watch the webinars – and promote the resources
Get involved!