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Inspiring Change. Empowering Changemakers.


Get the basics right

Strategic Work

We take a holistic performance-led approach to designing passive and active systems for mixed use & residential led schemes. The focus on compliance and tick boxing is a trend that we are actively working to change and have assisted in updating the Gl A london Plan via our lETI leadership (low Energy Transformation Initiative). We have also provided the industry with research and publications carried out with CIBSE on embodied carbon.

Performance not compliance

Design and programme efficiency

Occupant Comfort

Unlocking infrastructure early Agreeing efficient and modular construction methods

A focus on construction and operational effectiveness

Considering the whole cost lifecycle

You and your operators briefing

Community and social value

Bespoke vs replicate

Bringing our industry leading knowledge

Building a Positive Impact

We combine leading-edge technical knowledge with a sensitivity to architecture, heritage and interior design. We’re experienced in the commercial realities with regard to effective use of space, repetition of design efficiencies and the need to balance efficiency with brand value.


Our Clients say that we are pro-active, reliable and responsive, easy to work with, professional, trustworthy and good value for money. This is provided in conjunction with a very personal level of service.

Our experience design world class hotels has confirmed the value of our collaborative approach. By listening to how a client operates their existing buildings, we are able to learn where systems are currently under-performing and how they impact on operational efficiency.

Practical Innovation

We specialise in the design of simple, elegant, cost-effective systems for high performance building environments. Our engineering is backed up by comprehensive analysis that help prioritise energy saving potential and carbon reduction effect. Driving down energy use reduces operational cost, an approach that can be summarised as ‘practical innovation’.

Building systems need to be robust, economic and easily operated by staff, and guests.

Comfort at the heart

Comfort of both staff and guests is a critical success factor. A concierge that is too hot or too cold, subject to draughts, or with inappropriate lighting cannot offer the quality of service that is demanded and could lead to guests not returning.

Within this context, a holistic approach to the design of building services is essential. We select systems informed by a genuine understanding of the many physical and psychological factors that affect human comfort.

Complex Coordination

Working with confined sites is never without its surprises. Aware of these pitfalls we endeavour to identify potential co-ordination issues early in the design process.

Three dimensional REVIT models are developed in areas of complex coordination so that we can ‘build before we build’.

This will be particularly important when integrating with an existing services infrastructure.

Design for Performance

We employ the latest dynamic thermal simulation and energy modelling tools to test the performance of HVAC systems designs.

This is especially important in historic buildings where natural ventilation, infiltration, thermal mass and limits on fabric performance have a major impact on HVAC systems performance. Equally in modern buildings controlling overheating and extremes of temperature is key. Although the form of the building is set we still see that we need to play an important part in the schemes detailed design development in this area.

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