Objective Writing For A Media and Entertainment Resume
• In this blog from SayTooLoud, we are going to give you resume tips related to Objective writing, for a media and entertainment resume.
WHAT WAS THE COMMON PRACTICE OF WRITING A RESUME OBJECTIVE? Till now, resume objective statements used to comprise of a generic goal you wished to reach in your career or present job search. They happened to be short and concise, in majority cases, around 1 to 2 sentences in length. They portrayed your identity and what you needed to accomplish for that position.
This happened to be the basic resume objective structure in the past. However, resume objectives are no more required and have been taken over by resume summary statements, for the most part since when you prepare a media and entertainment resume objective statement, you are just concentrating on what you need and not what you can offer to the organization.
HOW TO WRITE? A resume summary statement is brief, yet more flexible in terms of length as compared to a resume objective, since you can include two or three more sentences, if necessary.
Today’s media and entertainment resume summary statement gives a general thought of what’s in store in your resume and ought to incorporate how experienced you are and what sort of abilities and knowledge you possess. Additional points that characterize a well-written media and entertainment resume objective statement are as follows:
– First person is not utilized – Extends only up to four to six lines in length – Paragraph format is used – Depicts the most valuable personality traits or soft skills – Focuses on 3 to 4 major skill sets – Makes use of sentence fragments only when needed Other than this, you can also refer some career objective templates, if you wish to.
EXAMPLE An example of a well written resume summary statement: Original Source- www.myperfectresume.com
Expert project manager who transforms the best ideas into quality entertainment. Expert at building relationships and working under pressure of extremely tight deadlines. Very hands-on employee who knows how to handle projects from start to end. Has an experience of working on multimedia projects and working with different departments and crew members. Fluency in languages like Spanish and French and at present learning Japanese for international media and entertainment. This example would give you a better idea. SayTooLoud is a place where you can likewise get to read tips on professional CV.